September 19, 2018 Rosemary Chiavetta, Secretary Pennsylvania
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17 North Second Street 12th Floor Harrisburg, PA 17101-1601 717-731-1970 Main ATTORNEYS AT LAW 717-731-1985 Main Fax Lindsay A. Berkstresser [email protected] 717-612-6021 Direct 717-731-1977 Direct Fax File #: 166570 September 19, 2018 VIA ELECTRONIC FILING Rosemary Chiavetta, Secretary Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Commonwealth Keystone Building 400 North Street, 2nd Floor North P.O.Box 3265 Harrisburg, PA 17105-3265 Re: Application of Transource Pennsylvania, LLC for approval of the Siting and Construction of the 230 kV Transmission Line Associated with the Independence Energy Connection - East and West Projects in portions of York and Franklin Counties, Pennsylvania - Docket Nos. A-2017-2640195 & A-2017-2640200 Petition of Transource Pennsylvania, LLC for a Finding that a Building to Shelter Control Equipment at the Rice Substation in Franklin County, Pennsylvania is reasonable necessary for the convenience or welfare of the public Docket No. P-2018-3001878 Petition of Transource Pennsylvania, LLC for a Finding that a Building to Shelter Control Equipment at the Furnace Run Substation in York County, Pennsylvania is reasonable necessary for the convenience or welfare of the public Docket No. P-2018-3001883 Application of Transource Pennsylvania, LLC for approval to acquire a certain portion of the lands of various landowners in York and Franklin Counties, Pennsylvania for the siting and construction of the 230 kV Transmission Line associated with the Independence Energy Connection - East and West Projects as necessary or proper for the service, accommodation, convenience or safety of the public - Docket Nos. A-2018-300188L et al, Dear Secretary Chiavetta: Enclosed for filing are Proofs of Publication indicating that the Notice of Public Input Hearings for the above-referenced proceeding was published as follows: Allentown Harrisburg Lancaster Philadelphia Pittsburgh Princeton Washington, D.C. A Pennsylvania Professional Corporation 1754045lvl Rosemary Chiavetta, Secretary September 19, 2018 Page 2 York Daily Record September 1 & 5, 2018 Chambersburg Public Opinion September 1 & 5, 2018 The Star August 30 & September 6, 2018 The Record Herald August 29 & September 5, 2018 Respectfully submitted, is ) dsay A. Berkstresser Enclosures 17540451vl AFFIDAVIT FOR PROOF OF PUBLICATION Please Fill out information below: (Note; Any line marked with ail asterisk (*) must be filled in completely & accurately) *Name of Publication: PiVph+cU N&a/)' *City, State: 1^ ^ * Advertiser name: fl£p ' TrK'f0'rAA' Insertion Order #: *Date of Insertion: 9 I 11 Please return completed & signed affidavit to any of the following: Caption: E-mail: tearsheets@mansimedia,com *Ad Size: Fax: (717) 703-3022 11 H Mail: MANSI Media - Tearsheet Dept. 3899 N. Front St. H. n “ x Harrisburg, PA 17110 My signature verifies that this ad ran as scheduled according to the above specifications, 91 ? l u Signature Date Name (Please Print) 2A ❚ SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2018 ❚ YORK DAILY RECORD Pennsylvania Wolf: Courts, not Man who shot trooper church fund, better in roadside battle for abuse victims gets up to 110 years ASSOCIATED PRESS erating with police. ASSOCIATED PRESS During the confronta- The jury’s investigation found that tion, the troopers hit HARRISBURG – Pennsylvania’s gov- hundreds of “predator priests” in six EASTON – A man convicted of at- Clary with a stun gun ernor said Friday he was against a pro- dioceses sexually abused at least 1,000 tempted murder for opening fire on two and wrestled him to the posal to compensate victims of child children going back seven decades, Pennsylvania state troopers during a ground, but he managed sexual abuse by priests through a and senior figures in the church hier- traffic stop last fall was sentenced Fri- to break free, retrieve a church-established fund, saying that archy systematically covered up com- day to up to 110 years in prison. Cpl. Seth pistol from his car and lawmakers instead should amend state plaints. Daniel Clary, 22, shot and critically J. Kelly open fire on Kelly and law to let victims sue over decades-old Earlier this week, the top-ranking wounded 13-year veteran Cpl. Seth Kel- Trooper Ryan Seiple. events. Republican in the state Senate, Presi- ly, who was helping another trooper ar- Both troopers returned fire, hitting Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf said dent Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati, floated rest Clary in Northampton County. Clary several times. Clary then fled and changes to the state’s statute of limita- the idea of a church-established vic- Clary had been pulled over for speeding drove himself to a hospital. tions and other proposals in a recent tim fund, and some church officials and failed field sobriety tests. The wild roadside battle, which 1 grand jury report “would deliver what have reacted positively. A judge sentenced Clary to 55 ⁄2 to 110 played out as cars hurtled past, was victims deserve,” but a fund outside the On Friday, Scarnati’s top aide, Drew years in state prison. captured on a police dashcam video court system would not. Crompton, said compensation funds Kelly, who was shot four times and that was released to the public after Wolf said the Legislature should pass have worked effectively in several nearly bled to death, spending 12 days trial. reforms proposed in the jury’s 900-page states and argued a fund in Pennsylva- in a medically-induced coma, con- Clary’s lawyer tried to argue that her report issued earlier this month. The ju- nia, administered by a third party, will fronted his assailant in court. client feared for his life when he shot at rors said the state should eliminate the compensate victims quickly. Cromp- “If you would have cooperated … and the troopers. criminal statute of limitations for child ton called the proposed two-year not taken the law into your own hands, His uncle, David Clary, testified that sexual abuse, give otherwise time- “window” for lawsuits “constitutional- none of this would have happened,” he had brain damage from sports and barred victims a two-year window to file ly questionable.” Kelly told Clary. “I pray you never get re- from being assaulted, calling him a lawsuits, clarify penalties for failing to He said Wolf’s opposition came leased from prison.” “good kid.” properly report abuse and ban agree- even though the details of the fund ments that prohibit victims from coop- have not been determined. Couple ordered to turn over funds raised for homeless man ASSOCIATED PRESS they’re wary of giving Bobbitt large who came to her aid when she ran out of ly denied any wrongdoing or misusing sums because they fear he will buy gas on an Interstate 95 exit ramp late any of the money. D’Amico has said Bob- MOUNT HOLLY, N.J. – A couple who drugs. one night. It raised more than $400,000 bitt spent $25,000 in less than two raised more than $400,000 for a home- The judge ordered the couple to in funds donated by more than 14,000 weeks in December on drugs, in addi- less man after he used his last $20 to fill transfer the money into an escrow ac- people. tion to paying overdue legal bills and up the gas tank of a stranded motorist in count by the end of business Friday and Bobbitt walked a few blocks to buy sending money to his family. Philadelphia must now turn over what’s hire a forensic accountant to review the McClure gas. She didn’t have money to The couple also bought Bobbitt a left of the cash. financial records within 10 days. repay him at the time, but sought him camper with some of the funds and A New Jersey judge issued the order The money will be transferred to an out days later to give him the money, parked it on land McClure’s family owns Thursday during a hearing on the law- account controlled by Bobbitt’s lawyers and visited him a few more times to in Florence. But Bobbitt became home- suit brought by Johnny Bobbitt, who but can’t be used until the judge deter- bring food and water. They later ap- less again after D’Amico told him in June worries Mark D’Amico and Katie Mc- mines how it will be managed. The judge peared on shows like “Good Morning that he had to leave the property. Clure have mismanaged a large part of didn’t appoint a guardian to oversee the America” and were interviewed by the During an appearance Monday on the donations raised for him on Go- fund, but one could be appointed later. BBC. NBC’s “Megyn Kelly Today” show, FundMe. McClure set up the online fundraiser But the relationship has gone sour. D’Amico told Kelly there was well over The couple deny those claims, saying page as a way to give back to Bobbitt, McClure and D’Amico have repeated- $150,000 left of the donations. Year-Round SUNROOMS BEFORETHE PENNSYLVANIA PUBLIC UTILITYCOMMISSION DOCKETNUMBERA-2017-2640195 Notice of Public Hearings Get ready for Transource Pennsylvania LLC Outdoor Living! proposed transmission line Te Pennsylvania Public UtilityCommissionhas scheduled two additional public input hearings to accept public comment on proposals by Transource Pennsylvania LLCfor (1) siting and constructionoftransmissionlines of the FurnaceRun-Conastone 230 kV transmissionline associated with the Independence EnergyConnection-East project in portions of York County, Pennsylvania, (2) constructionofabuilding to shelter control equipment at the FurnaceRun 230 kV substationinLower THREE SEASON PATIO ROOMS ChancefordTownship,YorkCounty, and (3) acquisitionofcertain easements and rights-of-ways across certain parcels of land along YEAR ROUND SUNROOMS the proposed route forthe transmissionlines. Members of the CONSERVATORIES public areinvited to comment forthe public record. Te twohearings at whichthe public cancomment are scheduled for: Our Betterliving Sunrooms are stunning showpieces Tursday, September 20, 2018, thatallowyou to enjoythe 1p.m.