École Polytechnique’s “Ingénieur” Program

A unique curriculum leading to an advanced Master’s degree in Science and Technology

Table of contents

Introduction ...... 5 Area Map ...... 6 Campus ...... 7 Organization Chart ...... 8 The “Ingénieur Polytechnicien” curriculum ...... 9 Student status and Course evaluation ...... 10 a 4-year program ...... 13 Year 1 ...... 14 Year 2 ...... 15 Year 3 ...... 16 Year 4 ...... 17 International Exchange Program ...... 18 Internship Program for International Students ...... 19

Departments ...... 21 Applied Mathematics ...... 25 Chemistry ...... 37 Economics ...... 43 Informatics ...... 47 Mathematics ...... 53 Mechanics ...... 59 Physics ...... 65 Humanities and Social Sciences ...... 75 Languages, Cultures and Communication ...... 83

The Preparation Term ...... 85 The Tutoring Program ...... 86 Leadership and Sport Training ...... 87 Sport ...... 89 Flowchart Program ...... 91 Year 1 Core Curriculum ...... 95 Year 2 Fall Semester ...... 97 Year 2 Spring Semester ...... 99 Year 3 Scientific Specialization Program ...... 101

Program Prerequisistes ...... 188 Year 3 – Spring Term Advanced Research Internship ...... 193 The fourth year of the “Ingénieur Polytechnicien” Curriculum ...... 197 Introduction

Ecole Polytechnique was founded in 1794 as a state-supported institution for higher education and research. It is the most highly-competitive Graduate Institute of Science and Technology in France and, as such, trains the scientific, industrial and economic leaders of the nation. Famous scientists, many of whom are better known through the fundamental laws and concepts they invented, have walked its halls either as students or as professors (Ampère, Becquerel, Cauchy, Coriolis, Fourier, Fresnel, Lagrange, Monge, Poincaré, Poisson).

Degrees awarded by Ecole Polytechnique are the key to diverse, high-level careers, in Engineering, the corporate world, research and academia. The education program focuses on analysis and synthesis. “Polytechniciens”, the name given to Ecole Polytechnique’s graduates, are particularly apt at managing complex systems. Technological achievements such as the French high-speed train (TGV), Airbus aircraft, the Ariane space rocket or the French electro-nuclear program all attest to the excellence of the Ecole. In France, nearly 30% of multinational companies are headed by Ecole Polytechnique Alumni or Alumnae.

Ecole Polytechnique has four distinct educational programs taught mainly in French.  the “Ingénieur Polytechnicien” curriculum: starting after two to three years of undergraduate studies in Science or in Engineering, this advanced Undergraduate and Graduate program lasts four years and leads to an advanced Master’s degree in Science and Technology.  the Master’s programs: graduate studies in the fields of Science and Technology, Engineering, Economics and Business Management. The courses are open to the best European and International students, who have at the minimum a bachelor’s degree or equivalent.  the Doctoral program: students admitted to this program enter into the preparation of a Ph.D. thesis in one of Polytechnique research laboratories.  the International Exchange Program (IEP): study abroad opportunity for international students to come to Ecole Polytechnique from 3 months up to a full academic year to take courses offered in the “Ingénieur Polytechnicien” curriculum or to do a research internship in a laboratory. http://www.polytechnique.edu – http://www.enseignement.polytechnique.fr

Competitive entrance Entrance on Entrance on examinations qualification qualification


2 to 3 years of undergraduate studies in Science PhD or in Engineering

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Area Map

 Education  Research 2,750 students 1,600 people in the research center “Ingénieur Polytechnicien”: 2,000 students (20% 660 researchers international) 495 PhD Master of Science: 250 students (50% international) 22 laboratories PhD: 550 students (40% international)  International  669 faculty members 179 agreements with foreign universities 12 members of the French Academy of Sciences 12 % international 9 departments (education and research)

6 – “Ingénieur” Program Campus

“Ingénieur” Program ­– 7 Organization Chart • Section technique • Section études et développements Director ­­­­­ ———————— Informations System François de CASTELBAJAC de François CRÉPON année e Information et orientation Premier emploi et contacts 4 entreprises Vice President • Développement international • Recrutement international •  •  Élisabeth ­­­­­ ———————— for External Relations FONTAINE ­­­­­ ———————— Gérard Dean of Admissions of Dean Gilles MERCIER ­­­­­ ———————— Secrétaire général • Ressources humaines • Infrastructure - Entretien • Moyens généraux • Bureau juridique • Budget, Planification Finances • Trésorerie • Prévention, incendie • Achats MICHEL resident P ­­­­­ ———————— Général Xavier OLIVIER Leadership Bureau organisation Promotions  Sports Santé ­­ ­ training Director • • études • • ­­­­­ ———————— Colonel Noël ALQUIER DESCHARD Director, Communications Jean ­­ ———————— ­­­­­ ———————— Philippe President’s office Director of Corporate ROSSO Michel ­­­­­ ———————— Dean of the doctoral school For Research Michel BLANC Vice - President ­­­­­ ————————

––––––––– cs Research Education and Departments of 400 enseignants 1600 chercheurs Applied Mathematics Biology Chemistry Economics Informati Mathematics  Mechanics Physics Humanities and Social Sciences  Languages,  Culture and Communication

          ­­­­­ ———————— LÊ COARD âm FIONI T Yves GNANOU Vice - President ­­­­­ ———————— Director of Graduate Studies for Academic Affairs Head of service of Head Laura Thanh Rachel-Marie Master’s Programs Master’s Dean of Studies and Internship Programs Internship and Jean-Paul ­­­­­ ———————— Education Services ­­­­­ ———————— ­­­­­ ———————— ­­­­­ ———————— Deam • Centre Poly-Média • Bibliothèque PRADEILLES-DUVAL Careers, Academic Advising Academic Careers,

8 – “Ingénieur” Program The “Ingénieur Polytechnicien” curriculum

This program targets students with an excellent  The second admission track (“Voie 2”) is reser- level in Mathematics who have completed two to ved for students who haven’t gone to “Classes three years of undergraduate studies in Science Préparatoires”. They apply after a minimum of or in Engineering. The “Ingénieur Polytechnicien” two to three years of undergraduate studies curriculum focuses on the fundamental Sciences, in Science or in Engineering. Students are first but also includes courses in the Humanities and selected on their application material (Academic Social Sciences, seminars in Communication, records, statement of purpose and letters of Leadership and Management. Scientific courses recommendation), and then through entrance include Pure and Applied Mathematics, Physics, examinations that include oral and written tests Mechanics, Computer Science, Biology, Chemistry, in Mathematics, Physics and General Aptitude. and Economics. They are supplemented by lec- The application deadline is October 1st of each tures and seminars on Philosophy, Literature, year. The duration of studies for international Politics and Arts. An extensive leadership training students varies from two, three to four years encompassing the pratice of sports in competition depending on the admission date and the and of two foreign languages is an important part diploma target. of the curriculum. The full “Ingénieur Polytechnicien” curriculum lasts All students live on campus. There is an active four years and provides: social, scientific and cultural life both on and off  A multidisciplinary scientific education at the campus. highest level  Courses in the Humanities and Social Sciences Admission  Professional know-how acquired through a series International students are selected through com- of internships and based on strong scientific petitive entrance examinations following one of back-ground, leading to a career either in the two mutually-exclusive tracks: corporate world or in academic research  The first admission track (“Voie 1”) is reser- ved for students who have gone to “Classes Préparatoires”. After high school graduation, the best students in Science are selected to spend the first two years, sometimes three, of their undergraduate education in special scien- tific programs, called “Classes Préparatoires“, to prepare for a highly-competitive entrance examination at the National Level. “Classes Préparatoires” are located in France, Morocco and Tunisia.

“Ingénieur” Program ­– 9 Student status and Course evaluation

Student status framework. Each course corresponds to a number The “Ingénieur Polytechnicien” curriculum takes of credits which are mentioned following each four years with possible cross validation for joint or course description. Pre-requisites for each course double degree with a partner institution. are left to the appreciation of each professor and communicated to the students prior to the begin- French students have the status of officer of Ecole ning of the course. Polytechnique for the duration of the academic pro- gram; they are promoted to first-class standing six Attendance to all courses is compulsory and is months after they have joined the Ecole. They are closely monitored. then trained as reserve officers of the French Army.

International students are subject to the same Grades academic rules and regulations as the French At the end of each course, students receive one of students. They wear the dress uniform of Ecole the following grades: Polytechnique for special events and ceremonies. A: very high honors B: high honors C: with honors Evaluating Academic Performance D: passing Ecole Polytechnique has one of the most compre- E: conditional failure hensive systems for evaluating student academic F: fail performance of any university in Science and Technology in Europe.

The evaluation system consists of two major components: the assignment of a final grade in the course and an accompanying evaluation of their performance during the course (continuous assessment); the latter comprises personal work, class attendance, experimental and written work and communication skills.

Evaluation at Ecole Polytechnique is carried out within the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

10 – “Ingénieur” Program “Ingénieur Polytechnicien” curriculum

Undergraduate Studies Graduate Studies Objectives The second phase, or graduate program, of the General education focuses on multidisciplinary, curriculum focuses on research and specialization. in-depth scientific education, leadership training and developing students’ awareness of the social Organization environment.  The third year is centered on scientific specia- lization. During the first two terms, students Organization have to choose a set of courses in a specia-  The first year begins for French students and for lized domain “Programme d’Approfondissement” some international students (French-speaking) complemented by instruction in the Humanities with an eight-month internship in leadership and Social Sciences, two Foreign Languages training and community service. The internship and Sports. The third term is dedicated to a is organized throughout France within the Armed three-to-five-month research internship allowing Forces, NGOs or education programs. For inter- students to develop a scientific project in an national student the length of the internship academic or corporate research environment in leadership training and community service after which a final report is presented before a depends on their previous curriculum. It can panel of professors and professionals. be replaced by a specific academic program enhancing student’s skills in French and in  In the fourth and final year of the Ecole, stu- Mathematics. At the end of april, the whole inco- dents choose an education program provi- ming class follows a three-month program to ding an advanced specialization in Science and enhance their knowledge of Science and widen Technology from among four types of allied or their scientific perspectives. This course is loca- in-house graduate schools. ted on the Palaiseau campus.

 The second year at Polytechnique is equivalent to a final year of undergraduate studies. Scientific instruction is multidisciplinary. Students are required to choose a minimum of six courses from eight proposed fields of study, and to carry out a team-based scientific project. They can also take special experimental courses. Campus activities include sports, lectures, com- munication seminars and entrepreneurial stu- dent organizations which build student skills in Communication and Management.

“Ingénieur” Program ­– 11

a 4-year program Per year enrolment Duration of studies In your home University 400 French students 2, 3 or 4 years for international students, 2 to 3 years of undergra- 100 International students depending on the admission date duate studies in Science Year 1 or in Engineering International October Intensive French courses admission + scientific preparation

International April Core Curriculum admission Year 2 International September admission Multidisciplinary International scientific education Exchange Program (IEP)

Advanced Undergraduate Studies Advanced Undergraduate Internship }Gradué en Ingénierie (Bachelor’s level) Year 3 Degrees awarded At the end of the third year, International students are awarded the Exchange diploma “Ingenieur de l’École Program Scientific specialization Polytechnique” a Master’s (IEP) degree which corresponds to a multidisciplinary scien- Ingénieur de Internship tific education. } l’École Polytechnique

Year 4 Students having completed the full curriculum are awarded the degree “Diplôme de l’École Graduate studies Advanced specialization in Polytechnique”, i.e. a second Science & Technology Master’s degree in a specia- lized domain. Diplôme de Internship l’École Polytechnique


“Ingénieur” Program ­– 13 Year 1

September April/May July

Leadership Training Core Curriculum

Economics ECO 311 – Economic Analysis Field assignment 5 ECTS

Informatics Fire Brigade INF311 - Introduction to Informatics National Police INF321 - Principles of programming Army languages Air Force 5 ECTS Navy … Mathematics 5 ECTS MAT311 – Real and complex analysis 5 ECTS

French students French Applied Mathematics MAP311 - Randomness 5 ECTS Officer training preparation Officer Civil service – Justice Humanitarian Volunteer 5 ECTS Physics PHY311 - Quantum Mechanics 5 ECTS Community Service Education, Police, Languages 2 ECTS Civil service, Humanitarian Volunteer work Humanities rench speaking rench F 5 ECTS 5 ECTS

Communication Welcome term 2 ECTS

Intensive Intensive linguistic and French scientific brush-up language course classes or laboratory

International Students internship Non French speaking Non French

14 – “Ingénieur” Program Year 2

August January February June

Fall semester Spring semester Long courses: 2 per semester BIO 451 – Biology CHI 431 – Chemistry ECO 431 – Economics INF 431 – Informatics MAT 431 – Mathematics MAP 431 – Applied Mathematics MEC 431 – Mechanics PHY 432 – Physics 10 ECTS 10 ECTS

72 hours of instruction and 72 hours of personal work scheduled per course

Short courses: 1 per period

period 1 period 2 period 1 period 2 BIO452 – Biology INF421 – Informatics BIO431 – Biology BIO432 – Biology CHI411 – Chemistry PHY431 – Physics MAT451 – Math MAT452 – Math ECO432 – Economics MAP432 – Probabilities MEC432 – Mechanics MAP411 – App. Math INF421/422 – Informatics MAP433 – Statistics MEC433/434 – Mechanics

MAT432 – Math Experimental course Experimental course Experimental course


36 hours of instruction and 36 hours of personal work scheduled per course

Scientific research team projet 7 ECTS Humanities 6 ECTS Languages 6 ECTS Campus activities 5 ECTS Sports

“Ingénieur” Program ­– 15 Year 3 August & September/December January/March April/July Sept. Fall Term Winter Term Spring Term Scientific specialization Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Applied Mathematics Applied Mathematics Biology Biology BioInformatics BioInformatics Chemistry at frontiers Chemistry at frontiers Design and management of complex Design and management of complex computerized systems (CoMaSIC) computerized systems (CoMaSIC) Economics Economics Ecosciences Ecosciences Electrical engineering Electrical engineering Energies of the 21st century Energies of the 21st century Engineering and innovation technologies Engineering and innovation technologies Informatics Informatics Mathematics Mathematics Mechanics Mechanics Mechanics and physics for environment Mechanics and physics for environment Physics Physics Work placement Work 16 ECTS 16 ECTS

Humanities 4 ECTS internship Advanced research Languages 4 ECTS Campus activities 5 ECTS* 20 ECTS Sports Ingénieur de l’École Polytechnique * Including work placement

16 – “Ingénieur” Program Year 4 September Serving the State (“Corps de l’État”)

Graduate Institutes of Engineering in partnership

Coursework Internship in a Company

“Diplôme d’ingénieur”

Master’s Program

Coursework Internship

Master of Science

Four tracks in France or Abroad Ph.D. Program

Doctoral Coursework Research

“Ingénieur” Program ­– 17 International Exchange Program Non-degree Program

The International Exchange Program offers selec- Courses offered: Either classes of the year 2 or ted international students in Science and in classes of the Year 3 Engineering the opportunity to come to Ecole Students apply to courses for which they have Polytechnique from 3 months up to a full acade- the appropriate preparation and background. mic year to take courses offered in the “Ingenieur Applications are made in the frame of a pre-esta- Polytechnicien” curriculum and to do a research blished proposal/agreement approved by the home internship in a laboratory. institution and the student

This non-degree program is aimed at students Qualification whose universities agree to validate the courses Upon successful completion of the program, taken at Ecole Polytechnique through the ECTS exchange students receive a transcript of records. (European Credit Transfer System) or/and the grades, thus counting towards the students’ further studies and graduation in their home universities.

This program welcomes exchange students from the following networks:  Erasmus E.U. students from European universities that have signed a bilateral agreement with Ecole Polytechnique

 North America Program A program to welcome students from top North American universities in the frame of a study abroad mobility, i.e. with validation of their aca- demic results in their home universities

 The Partner Universities Program It welcomes students from all over the world whose universities have signed a cooperation agreement on exchanges of undergraduate and /or graduate students.

18 – “Ingénieur” Program Internship Program for International Students

The Internship Program for International Students The research internship is carried out in one of the gives undergraduate and graduate students 22 laboratories at Ecole Polytechnique. It takes the opportunity to carry out a 3 to 6-month place at any given time of the year for a minimum internship in one of the 22 laboratories from Ecole duration of 3 months. Polytechnique.

This Program welcomes students from the fol- lowing networks:  Erasmus E.U. students from European universities that have signed a bilateral agreement with Ecole Polytechnique, with validation through the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)

 Partner Institutions It welcomes students from Partner institutions for this Program.

The Program is open to students at the following levels:  Undergraduate: Bachelor’s students in their 3rd or 4th year  Graduate: – Master’s students in their 1st or 2nd year – PhD students

“Ingénieur” Program ­– 19


Table of contents

Departments Applied Mathematics ...... 25 Chemistry ...... 37 Economics ...... 43 Informatics ...... 47 Mathematics ...... 53 Mechanics ...... 59 Physics ...... 65 Humanities and Social Sciences ...... 75 Languages, Cultures and Communication ...... 83

The Preparation Term ...... 85 The Tutoring Program ...... 86 Leadership and Sport Training ...... 87 Sport ...... 89 The description of complex scientific phenomena and problems and the development of coherent theories and solutions require an adequate language, which is provided by mathematics.

Applied mathematics gives one the tools for building models, analyzing their mathema- tical properties, and performing numerical simulations in various scientific and industrial situations. Applications are extremely diverse: applied physics, mechanics of continuous media, scientific computations, control of dynamical systems, signal and image processing, financial mathematics, evolutionary and ecological models, and statistics to mention a few. Applied mathematics is the primary gateway to engineering careers, as well as many thriving economic sectors such as banking or telecommunications.

Applied mathematics is present at all stages of the multidisciplinary training at Ecole Polytechnique. Besides the introduction of new mathematical tools, the courses focus on the modeling of complex problems as well as the use of deterministic or random numerical methods.

In addition, the research teams working at the “Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées” (CMAP) are involved in most subjects that are taught, and the close interaction with teaching offers students many possibilities for a hands-on introduction to research. Applied Mathematics

G. Allaire S. Méléard N. Hurel President Vice-President Assistant Department courses

Undergraduate Studies Applied Mathematics Program This program enables one to thoroughly acquire Basics of Applied Mathematics the techniques used in Applied Mathematics, in First and second year courses include the basic particular the modeling steps, mathematical ana- disciplines of applied mathematics that share lysis, numerical simulation, and physical interpre- the same approach of modeling, mathematical tation of results. analysis, and numerical simulation. There are two main axes: On the one hand, scientific computing, Applications are derived from numerous areas: numerical analysis, and optimization, on the other mechanics, physics, engineering science, signal hand randomness and its components of probabi- and image processing, finance, economy, bio- lity and statistics. logy… Training is closely associated with the considerable career opportunities in a wide range In the first year, course “MAP311–Randomness” is of industrial fields, banking, etc. This program com- accessible to all students and is an introduction bines courses using either a stochastic approach or to the basics of probabilities based on numerical a deterministic one, and sometimes both. simulation.

In the second year, probabilities or statistics are Ecosciences Program studied in detail in the short courses “MAP432– This specialty proposed in collaboration with the Probability”: Random walk or “MAP433–Statistics”; Biology and Economy departments strives to Numerical Analysis and Optimization, which are examine how the rapid evolution of knowledge in fundamental in the modeling of scientific or indus- ecology and economy revolutionizes the natural trial problems are studied in “MAP431–Numerical and human sciences and their interface with the analysis and optimization” and the short course engineering sciences, especially in sustainable “MAP411– Mathematical Modelling”. development, and how this influences decisions in both the public and private sectors.This multidisci- plinary program assembles the major concepts in ecology and economy with mathematical mode- Graduate Studies ling, enabling one to take into account the biologi- cal phenomenon on the scale of populations and 3rd Year Studies anthropo-ecosystems. Currently there is significant The courses offered by the Applied Mathematics development in the field of modeling in ecology, Department in the third year at Ecole Polytechnique especially the interface between models in proba- are based on: bility, ecology, and evolution, to take into account  two specialized scientific programs on organized the different structural scales between communi- and co-organised by the department ties, time, and population size.The aim is to give  participation in specialized programs organised students likely to be confronted with environmental by other departments questions in different fields of activity the ability  a wide range of scientific research for the third to schematize environmental problems within the semester internships framework of a scientific approach.

26 – “Ingénieur” Program Miscellaneous – Mathematics Applied to Biological and Medical Moreover the Applied Mathematics department Science (MATHS-BIO) also participates in diverse other specialized pro- Directors: S. Méléard (X), B. Perthame ( VI) grams, for example in IT (COMASIC program), This specialty aims to train future researchers Innovation Technology, and Electrical Engineering. in the field of Mathematics for Biology and to prepare students for careers in the biotechnology field; proposes training centered on the tools Master’s Programs used in stochastic analysis and deterministic The department participates in the Master’s pro- simulation and modeling for the life sciences. grams at École Polytechnique through the speciali- zation “Applied Mathematics”, which offers 3 course plans. The training during the M2 year is based on  Probability & Random Models the resources of the Centre de Mathématiques Directors: I. Kourkova (Paris VI), S. Méléard (X) 2 Appliquées and is co-organized with partner uni- orientations are proposed: one centered on the versities, mainly l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie theory of stochastic processes, and the other on (Paris VI). applied probability and mathematical statistics - Later leading to a PhD or careers in business, The 4th year at Polytechnique corresponds to the banking, insurance companies, etc. Keywords: 2nd year of the master’s program and offers the Brownian motion and stochastic calculations, following tracks: Markov processes, Monte-Carlo methods, tele- com networks, ergodic theory, Lévy processes, modeling in evolutionary biology.  Mathematical Modeling – PDEs and Numerical Analysis (AN-EDP) Director: G. Allaire (X)  Probability & Finance Trains future engineers and researchers specia- Directors: N. El Karoui and N. Touzi (X), lized in modeling, partial differential equations, G. Pagès (Paris VI) scientific computing, with the aim of preparing Aims to prepare students for quantitative careers them for a PhD or a career in in financial engineering, or to enroll in a PhD project for those who are interested in an aca- – Optimization, Game Theory and Modeling in demic career or a research profile in the financial Economy (OJME) sector. Keywords: stochastic calculus, jump pro- Directors: F. Bonnans (X), S. Sorin (Paris VI) cesses, discrete and continuous-time models in Discrete and continuous optimization, game finance, dynamic risk management, Monte-Carlo theory, and applications in economy. methods in finance.

– Mathematics Vision Learning (MVA) Directors: S. Mallat (X), A. Trouvé (ENS) Modeling, mathematical or computer techniques applicable to vision, perception, and learning in the fields of automatic signal and image analysis, artificial vision, and the emulation of perceptive or adaptive behavior in humans.

Departments ­– 27 Laboratory

Center for Applied Mathematics (CMAP) several GdR (CNRS research groups), ANR projects The research activities of the Applied Mathematics (National Agency of Research), and European Department are carried out at the Center for networks. Applied Mathematics (CMAP), a joint research unit of the CNRS and the École Polytechnique. It is The CMAP also collaborates with many industrial composed of approximately 37 researchers (14 of contacts, such as CEA, CNES, Dassault Electronics, whom are also teachers), 24 PhD students, 7 engi- EADS, EDF, IFP, PSA, Renault,Thalès, Price neers or administrative personnel, and presently of Waterhouse Cooper, COFACE, Société Générale 8 visiting researchers. Asset Management, and Finance Concepts, particu- larly with CIFRE contracts. Aside from the CMAP’s The CMAP has also developed a partnership with many research contracts, several CMAP resear- INRIA-Saclay Ile-de-France, and harbors several chers are also private consultants. INRIA research teams. Further details on the activities of the CMAP, inclu- Research conducted at the CMAP is aimed at the ding its publications and seminars, can be found modeling, mathematical and numerical analysis, on their website: and scientific computation of phenomena appea- ring in the physical, chemical, biological, economic, http://www.cmap.polytechnique.fr financial, and information sciences. This research runs the gamut from theoretical results to effective numerical simulation, and takes into account the true complexity and potential random characteris- tics of various phenomena.

The CMAP has numerous national and international contacts in mathematics and physics: it is part of

28 – “Ingénieur” Program Departments ­– 29 There is no doubt that biology is in the midst of a revolution. The amount of data to exploit and interpret has grown enormously, so that new technologies are needed, which rely on engineering and physical sciences such as Informatics, chemistry or optics.

The students of Polytechnique have the opportunity to take a broad range of biology courses, many of which are interdisciplinary. They will thus be well prepared for this chan- ging field and its many professions.

The courses offered are nourished in part by the research activities of two laboratories on our campus: the Laboratoire de Biochimie and the Laboratoire d’Optique et Biosciences. Through these laboratories, the school is an active participant in current research, inclu- ding interdisciplinary research and partnerships with many of the other departments at Polytechnique. Several courses are organized jointly with other departments. Biology

T. Simonson Y. Gaudin C. Morais President Vice-President Assistant Department courses

Undergraduate Studies These programs involve several departments and give students solid bases for a specialization in The second year courses are meant to give a many domains related to health, agrochemistry, basic knowledge of biology to as many students environmental science, chemistry… as possible, and to allow the future engineer or executive to make decisions that are informed and Two themes are proposed: “Cells, organisms, scientifically sound. Indeed, biological questions genomes, evolution” and “Biology at the inter- are increasingly pervasive in the socio-econo- faces”. mic world, and the biology training received at Polytechnique will be needed by our graduates at Each theme allows students to study the most some point in their careers. The prior training of recent advances in biology, which are revolutioni- the students is uneven. zing life sciences and biotechnology.

Therefore, our second year courses include a basic The last trimester of the third year is devoted to grounding in molecular and cell biology, providing a an internship in a research laboratory (“BIO591: passport for the other biology courses, both in the Biology and Ecology”). 3rd and 4th years. After 2nd year molecular and cell biology, several tracks are possible for those who wish to specialize. Two new short courses are offered, in ecology and in molecular physiology. Fourth Year Finally, an experimental course is offered that introduces them to modern experimental methods Teaching referent: in the life sciences. ➟ Sylvain Blanquet Professor Phone : 01 69 33 48 56 Fax : 01 69 33 49 09 Graduate Studies E-mail : [email protected]

This third year program is for students who want to The department proposes two basic options: explore the properties of living matter at increasing levels of integration: genetics, cloning, cellular  An engineering training with a double degree, architecture and differentiation, cell networks, brain involving one of the following partner schools: development, populations, biodiversity, genomics. The aim is to increase the students basic biological  AgroParis Tech (track « Agronomie » or « Water knowledge in these domains. and Forrests »  Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines Paris Tech For students who seek to a multidisciplinary forma- de Paris (Biotechnology) tion, interface programs are also offered, including:  Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Techniques  biology-physics-chemistry, Avancées Paris Tech (Environment)  biology-informatics,  Ecole Supérieure de Physique et Chimie  biology-modelling. Industrielles Paris Tech (Bioengineering)  Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie Paris Tech

32 – “Ingénieur” Program 2 A research specialization in France or Europe After completing a Ph D, the students will have an advanced specialization in: The department takes part in the school's Masters in Science and Technology. The biology program  structural biology techniques, especially crys- is entitled Molecular and Cellular Biology. The tallography and nuclear magnetic resonance 4th year specialization is entitled “Engineering of spectroscopy; Biomolecules”. The students can also follow a variety  in proteomics, enzymology, biochemistry and of other Masters programs in the general area of protein engineering ; “Biology, medecine, health”, depending on the doc-  this training can also become one half of a dual toral program and the research laboratory chosen formation, with the scientific part being com- (which could belong to any of the main research plemented by another social or economic area, agencies: CNRS, INSERM,INRA,PASTEUR,CEA, etc.). such as: regulatory issues in biotechnology, industrial property rights, funding and manage- ment of innovation, scientific communication.

Master The professions targeted include research and development in the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, Year M2 of the Master's Program in ''Biomolecules: and agronomy industries, as well as research and structure, function and engineering'' teaching in the academic sphere.

Persons in charge: ➟ Thomas Simonson Associated professor E-Mail : [email protected]

➟ Thomas Simonson Associated professor E-Mail : [email protected]

The Master's program offers a broad training at a high level in molecular and structural biology. It includes strong connections with integrative approaches at the cellular and organism level, and with the therapeutic strategies that are emerging thanks to advances in genomics and chemistry. The second year, devoted to "Biomolecules: structure, function and engineering", represents a specialisation in biochemistry and structural biology. This is a multidisciplinary area, which draws on biology, physics, bioinformatics and chemistry. This specialisation is a joint program with the Universities of Paris XI and Paris V, with AgroParisTech, with Chimie ParisTech,with the Atomic Energy Agency's INSTN, and with the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Cachan.

Departments ­– 33 Laboratories

Laboratory of Biochemistry (BIOC) reduces the incidence of several cancers. Yeast www.bioc.polytechnique.fr has been chosen as a model system to unders- tand the toxicity pathways of selenium. The research interests of the laboratory of Biochemistry (BIOC) revolve around four themes: 3 The development of biosensors is a pluridisci- the macromolecular interactions at the origin of plinary project based on an original fabrication the translation of messenger RNAs into proteins, process of silicon nanowires developed by a detoxification systems with an interest in molecular physics laboratory of the Ecole Polytechnique. pumps, the development of nanobiosensors, and structural bioinformatics. 4 Structural bioinformatics is focused on biomo- lecular interactions and on the engineering of these interactions. Targeted interactions include several complexes between enzymes of the translational machinery and their substrates or inhibitors: amino acids, RNAs, antibiotics. Another target is the complex between the HIV protein gp120 and small inhibitory proteins.

Laboratory for Optics and Biosciences (LOB) www.lob.polytechnique.fr

The work we are performing in the domains of fem- tosecond spectroscopy and related technologies has contributed in elucidating ultrafast molecular dynamics in biological molecules playing a role in oxygen transport, bacterial photosynthesis, oxida- tive metabolism as well as primary processes in vision through the studies of bacteriorhodopsin, a  BIOC identifies the components of the large bacterian analog of rhodopsin. macromolecular complexes involved in the translation of the genetic message, in order to To achieve these experiments, we have developed obtain a structural and functional description original techniques (spectral continuum amplifi- of these complexes. The final goal is a global cation, optical rectification in the femtosecond description of proteosynthesis including rela- regime, characterization methods for femtosecond tionships with other complex cellular processes. pulses, femtosecond X-ray diffraction, etc.). In the last few years, an important part of our projects 2 The project on intoxication and detoxification deals with the observation and control of in vivo aims at identifying the metabolic pathways dis- reactions by associating nonlinear microscopy, turbed by several toxic agents, as well as the coherent control and intracellular femtosecond cellular responses involved in detoxification. photoablation. BIOC is mainly focused on selenium. This metal- loid is especially important since its regular Laboratory for Optics and Biosciences (LOB) relies administration to humans, at subtoxic levels, on a project-based rather than team-based organi-

34 – “Ingénieur” Program zation. The research team composition is not per- mulated Raman emission. Two biological projects manent and is rearranged according to the underta- take profit of this methodological development. ken research projects. This method of organization is particularly suited to our laboratory due to the The first one aims to gain insight into the mecha- pluridisciplinary researchs being pursued. nisms whereby hypertensive conditions lead to renal and vascular fibrosis. Our working hypothesis One project in collaboration with the group of H. is that progression and regression of fibrosis is Myllykallio at University Paris XI in Orsay concerns not only a function of production of collagens, but structure-function analyses and the environmental/ that collagen assembly processes are also critical. oxygen regulation of a new class of thymidylate Tissue transglutaminase (TG2) has been shown synthases, ThyX. These enzymes perform the to cross-link collagens and other ECM proteins. conversion of dUMP into dTMP, an essential DNA However, its pathophysiological role has not been precursor. Found in a large number of human bac- demonstrated so far. To address these issues, we terial pathogens, among them Helicobacter pylori are using transgenic mouse strains that express and Campylobacter jejuni, ThyX enzymes represent fluorescent reporters as markers of renal myofi- attractive targets for specifically inhibiting microbial broblastic cell differentiation and collagen I gene growth. As ThyX proteins are present in many anae- activation, and mice that are genetically deficient robic or microaerophilic bacteria, we are currently for TG2. We are using the nonlinear microscopy to exploring the link between nucleotide and oxygen track ex vivo and in vivo transgenic myofibroblastic metabolisms in these organisms by studying the cells and to quantify the density of collagen fibres. effect of O2 on in vivo thymidylate synthesis in Helicobacter pylori. The second project using nonlinear microscopy concerns the interplay between mechanics and A second project concerns the coherent vibrational genetic and molecular activity during embryo deve- control in proteins: Vibrational climbing is a method lopment. More specifically, in collaboration with E. for controlling the vibrational motion of a molecular Farge at Institut Curie, we have demonstrated the bond in the coherent regime and on a timescale use of femtosecond pulses to modulate and ana- shorter than intramolecular vibrational relaxation. lyze morphogenetic movements in vivo. We have Such an approach relies on the use of a resonant shown that femtosecond photablation can modu- infrared pulse with a frequency chirp accounting late 3D cell movements of Drosophila gastrulation for the anharmonicity of the vibrational potential. and shown that the expression of twist, a master We have shown that coherent vibrational climbing regulator gene of embryo morphogenesis, is in could be applied to a molecule as complex as a turn mechanically induced by tissue deformations. protein, here carboxyhemoglobin, by exciting the vibration of the CO ligand using chirped infrared pulses.

The laboratory has undertaken an important research project on in situ functional microscopy aiming both at developing new microscopy tech- niques and at applying them to biological and bio- medical imaging. A major part of this project deals with nonlinear microscopy, a method which makes use of a nonlinear process such as multiphoton excited fluorescence, harmonic generation or sti-

Departments ­– 35 Since the Second World War, the evolution of chemistry has been quite impressive. New theoretical (DFT, ELF...), synthetic (new reactions...), and analytical tools (X rays, NMR, ESR, mass spectrometry...) have been introduced. New fascinating objects such as fullerenes, carbon nanotubes or high temperature supraconducting materials have been constructed by chemists.

Chemistry will be faced with numerous new challenges in the coming years such a high performance materials, human health, energy resources, and environmental issues. It will be necessary, for example, to find more effective new antiviral drugs (AIDS), new antican- cer treatments (epothilone, taxol...), and new antibacterial agents against highly resistant strains. Chemistry

S. Zard N. Doc Chevalin Président Assistant Department courses

Undergraduate Studies The whole of the advanced course in chemistry is designed for those engineering students wishing Introduction to chemistry who have elected to pursue a career in the core Chemistry is initialy present in all human activities: chemical sciences or in their interfaces, either in food, clothing, housing, transport, health, car, industry or in academia. etc…, understanding the language of chemitry is therefore necessary to understand modern society The implication of chemistry in many different and the various moral, social, political and econo- professional activities demands some flexibility mics issues facing it. in the design and structure of the curriculum. It is thus relatively easy to combine the chemistry Two courses are offered to students: courses with courses in other departments, espe- a short initiation course for those not intending cially biology, physics, and economy. It is also to pursue a career in chemistry or related to important to stress that in each term a visit to an chemistry and a longer course for those who are industrial research or production centre is normally specially intersted in chemistry. organised, and that some courses involve the par- ticipation of external speakers hailing from either industry or academia. Graduate Studies

The world of Molecular Chemistry has considerably evolved over the past three decades. The terms Fourth year “molecule” and “molecular architecture” are not exclusive to chemistry anymore and have become Chemical Engineering: double degree with partner part of various other scientific domains such as bio- Graduate Institutes of Engineering. logy, physics, and mathematics, if one considers the development of codes for quantum calculations Examples: and modelling methods allowing the re-creation,  ENSCP and therefore understanding chemical reactions, – Processes and methods of the Chemical “in silico”. Industry – Chemistry of living organisms and biotechno- The development of new techniques for the exa- logy mination of smaller and smaller objects and the – Chemistry and Radiochemistry (electronuclear analysis of more and more complex molecular industry) assemblies, encompassing hence nanosciences,  Process Engineering molecular biology, new therapeutic approaches,  Ecole des Pétroles et des Moteurs the production of essential raw materials on a large  ESCPI ParisTech scale and all the associated problems of sustained  ENSTA ParisTech development and environmental issues, have pus- hed chemistry to the frontiers and interfaces of numerous other domains. It is now almost impos- sible to master many subjects without a basic understanding of molecular chemistry.

38 – “Ingénieur” Program Master

➟ Responsible: Samir Zard Students have opportunity to complete their edu- cation with the multinational Master in “Molecular Chemistry” which received the EEC Label in 1999.

This multinational Master associates pro- fessors and students from the universities of Louvain (Belgium), Lausanne, Bern and Geneva (Switzerland), Saarbrück (Germany), Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon (Portugal) with those from Ecole Polytechnique.

It covers three main areas  Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry  Synthetic Organic Chemistry  Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis

More specialised courses are given on hetero- elements synthesis, molecular electronics, orga- nic polymers, molecular modelling, catalysis, and structural determination.

Departments ­– 39 Laboratories

Laboratory “Hétéroéléments Organic Synthesis Laboratory et coordination” (DCPH) (DCSO)

The “Hétéroéléments et Coordination” laboratory The research undertaken in the Organic Synthesis focuses principally upon the interaction of orga- Laboratory focuses on the discovery of novel nic molecules (“ligands“) with transition metals. reactions and the development of original and Understanding and controlling this interface is of efficient strategies for the total synthesis of natural crucial importance to processes as diverse as cata- products. The synthetic targets are chosen either lysis, making sophisticated molecular materials, for their interesting structures or for their biological small molecule activation, and preparing metallic activities, and hence their potential applications nanoparticles. in human therapeutics: the total synthesis of dolabelide, taxol (an anticancer agent), vinigrol (an The laboratory specialises in the synthesis of hete- anti-hypertensive) and colchicine are in progress; roatom (O, N, S, P)- containing ligands which are the total synthesis of 10-norparvulenone (anti-viral) designed to coordonate and modulate the reacti- has been completed. vity of transition metals and lanthanides, and has acquired a worldwide reputation for innovation in These substances are generally extremely scarce the preparation and use of cyclic molecules contai- in nature. Their total synthesis is therefore neces- ning carbon-phosphorus bonds. sary in order to study their properties and applica- tions, but they also constitute a substantial synthe- This area, which became part of chemical mains- tic challenge due to their structural complexity. tream in the 1970’s, is now at the forefront of industrial catalyst design. This research has stimulated the design of new strategies or reactions to achieve known chemical transformations in a more efficient manner. The elaboration of original reactions, relevant to a wide

40 – “Ingénieur” Program range of chemical fields, is also an important acti- Research areas: vity in our laboratories; in particular in the area of  Analysis of biomolecules with ultra-high resolu- free radicals and the chemistry of sulphur, fluorine, tion mass spectrometry : peptides, proteins and and nitro compounds, as well as isocyanides and their non covalent assemblies hydrazones. One of these novel reactions has  Interactions of metal cations with biological indeed been developed into a radical polymerisa- molecules; modelling of enzyme active sites and tion of unusually wide scope and efficiency. Many of catalytic cycles these achievements have been facilitated through  Reactivity and thermochemistry of organic ions collaborations with the pharmaceutical industry in the gas phase (Aventis, Syngenta) and the speciality chemicals  Development of analytical methods of interest in and polymer industries (Rhodia). toxicology and environmental sciences; model- ling of combustion processes

Laboratory of Reaction Mechanisms (DCMR)

The laboratory uses a combination of experimental mass spectrometric techniques, and of intensive computation, to study molecular processes in chemistry and biochemistry. Mass spectrometry is a powerful analytical tool, applicable to all types of molecules, with a spectacular development in recent years in molecular biology. Besides its ability to detect and quantify the components of a mixture, even at the ultra-trace level, mass spec- trometry is also an ideal means to study the ther- modynamics, kinetics and mechanism of chemical reactions of molecular ions in the gas phase. It is especially powerful when complemented by mole- cular modelling. Our research endeavours cover these various facets, from small organic molecules to biological macromolecules, from fundamental studies to applied issues.

Departments ­– 41 At Ecole Polytechnique, teaching in the field of Economics corresponds to the heteroge- nous expectations of a population of students who have various occupational objectives.

Many students aim at embracing a career as engineers in the industrial world and in such a case they mainly need a broad introduction to the methods of economic analysis as well as courses that focus on corporate issues.

However, a growing proportion of the positions offered to the students who leave Ecole Polytechnique are in economic or financial institutions and, although these students will not fully specialize in economics (at leat at the beginning of their career), they need a strong grounding in the fundamental methods of economics as well as courses that focus on applied economics issues.

Lastly, education is also conceived for those who aim at later specializing in economics, for instance at ENSAE, through a master degree or a PhD in economics.

During the first two years at Ecole Polytechnique, economics courses are devoted to the basic principles of micro and macroeconomics as well as to an introduction to corporate economics. The third year gives an introduction to more advanced issues and it also gives more weight to personal work. It particularly includes an internship with a firm, a state or international institution or an academic research center, in France or abroad. Economics

F. Bloch J.-F. Laslier A.-D. Charlès President Vice-President Assistant Research Department courses

Undergraduate Studies This first year master’s program opens the way to several complimentary curricula, in France (Master Years 1 and 2 2 and Écoles d’application) as well as abroad (Master The courses offered by the Department of of Economics, Management, Finance, Management Economics in years 1 and 2 are devoted to introdu- of Natural Resources and Technology, notably in cing the main issues of micro and macroeconomics the USA or United Kingdom). These curricula lead (one course in each year) as well as presenting to careers with significant economic components some topics in corporate economics (one course in the public and private sectors, both nationally in year 2). and internationally (banks, insurance companies, Complementary courses are offered by other consulting, large businesses, international orga– departments, particulary the HSS Department, with nizations, financial regulation agencies, economic seminars or courses in economic history or about administration, research, etc.). corporate issues.

Fourth year Graduate Studies After completion of the M1, students can be admit- Third year ted in one of the Master 2 offered by the departe- The Department offers third year courses in two ment, in collaboration with other institutions, like: master programs: Economics and Public Policy and  Economics and Public Policy Quantitative Economics and Finance.  Analysis and political economics These courses cover a variety of topics (more than  Economics of sustainable development for twenty courses are offered) in the fields of microe- energy and the environment conomics, macroeconomics, econometrics and  Economics of Markets and Organizations finance. All courses are taught in English.  Project, innovation, design  Mathematical Modeling Students registered in these programs also com- plete a research internship from mid April until mid July at a university, financial or industrial institution, in public administration, in France or abroad.

44 – “Ingénieur” Program Laboratory

Econometrics  University of Leiden (Department of Public Principal activities Administration), The laboratory brings together economists, mathe-  Lincoln Institute of Land Policy (Cambridge, USA), maticians, and organization specialists interested  University of Tokyo (Institute of Social Sciences), in theoric and applied modelization from a micro-  University of Chili in Santiago (Department of economic angle. The laboratory’s members mostly Applied Mathematics), belong to the CNRS or Ecole Polytechnique, but  University of Pennsylvania (Wharton Business some of them also belong to the National Institute School), of Agronomic Research (INRA) and to different uni-  Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Center for versities (by agreement or association). Rationality and Interactive Decision Theory),  University of Tel-Aviv (Department of Mathematics). The main research fields concern: Mathematical methods: optimization, game theory; Economic policy: collective choice, environmental Beyond this scientific recognition, most of the labo- and urban economics, public economics; ratory’s members do expert evaluations with public and private organizations, such as the World Bank, Firms and markets: industrial organisation, risk the OECD, the European Commission, ministries, analysis, and crisis management. firms, and professional associations.

For each one of these research fields, the labora- tory is in contact with the international scientific The Econometrics Laboratory is a combined unit of community, and collaborates with several foreign the National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS) universities: and Ecole Polytechnique. In the CNRS, it is affiliated  University of Louvain-la-Neuve (CORE), to the Department of Human and Social Sciences,  London School of Economics, as well as to the Department of Engineering  Montreal Cirano Sciences.  Leontief Center of St-Petersburg,  University of California in Santa Barbara (Department of Applied Probability and Statistics),  University of New York in Stony Brook (Institute for Decision Sciences, founded by a member of the laboratory),  University of Delaware (Disaster Research Center),  University of Cambridge (Department of Land Economics),  University of Dortmund (Institut für Raumplannung),  Universidad de Grenada (Departamento de Mathematica Aplicada),

Departments ­– 45 Informatics has developed as a science and a technology and has produced concepts and techniques that intervene in all the professional activities that Polytechnicians will go to, whether the firms in which they will work produce Informatics software or hardware or not. From firm management, industrial products development to research project achievement, they will have to use computer systems and software tools and to imagine and produce new ones.

The program animated by the Department of Informatics aims to give the students the knowledge and skills necessary to tackle the technological evolutions in the vast domain of so called STIC (Science and Technology of Information and Communication), which have totally transformed the landscape in which engineers, civil servants and researchers work by now.

In order to understand the true nature of the “Informatics” program, it has to be compared to its three neighboring programs: “Design and Management of Complex Computerized Systems”, “Electrical Engineering” co-organized with the Department of Physics, and “BioInformatics” co-organized with the Department of Biology.

The “Informatics” Program aims at three goals:  give the students the fundamental concepts and techniques while pushing them to the level of the best universities in the world;  initiate a specialization that will be developed in the fourth year either in the direction of engineering or through a PhD thesis;  give the students enough notions of the discipline so that, in combination with other courses in partner disciplines, they will acquire a real double competence allowing to understand the innovation challenges that they will encounter in industry, administration and research.

The principal goal of our teaching is to give a solid grounding in Informatics and Computer programming to all the students at Ecole polytechnique, and also to offer the possibility of specializing in this subject up to research level. The courses cover equally fundamental and essential aspects as well as specialized teaching on the cutting edge of the subject. Informatics

B. Wermer F. Nielsen O. Bournez Ph. Baptiste C. Bensoussan President Vice-President Vice-Président Vice-Président Assistant Education Education Research Department courses

Undergraduate Studies In addition we propose a number of more experi- mental courses in INF441, where students can get The first two years: a strong grounding in concrete experience and knowledge about Web Informatics and Computer programming programming, Networking, Image treatment and The goal of the first two years is to bring a maxi- Efficient programming. mum number of students up to the minimum level in Informatics needed by engineers today. This level requires a basic knowledge of programming, The course titles are: computer systems and organization, networks, INF311 – Introduction to Informatics algorithms, complexity and computability theory; INF321 – Principles of programming languages it also requires a working knowledge of basic tools INF421 – Fundamentals of Programming and such as word processing, computer networks Algorithms usage, and spreadsheets. These courses cover a INF422 – Introduction to Computer architecture wide-ranging spectrum of knowledge which goes and system from Gödel’s incompleteness theorem to web page INF431 – Programs and Algorithms: from sequential design. to distributed

For the first two years, the program is structured around two possible tracks: A fast track for students who come with some Graduate Studies basic knowledge in Informatics (including a working knowledge of programming). This track consists of Third year: upper-level courses courses INF321 followed by INF431. Computers and computing will be included in all future positions of École Polytechnique students, A slower track for beginners. It consists of courses for example: company management, industrial INF311 and INF421, followed by INF431. products development, research projects and so on. In these positions, they will have to use existing In INF321, or INF311 + INF421, (i.e., before taking software and conceive new ones. INF431) students study basic Informatics concepts, including: variables and types, loops, recursion, The courses of the 3rd and 4th years – Master’s basic data structures (arrays, matrices, hash level – of the École polytechnique Informatics tables, lists, queues, priority queues, trees and Department aim at providing students with tools for stacks), some fundamental algorithms such as understanding the technological shifts in the vast sorting (selection, insertion, Shell), and searching domain of information science and technology that (sequential, binary, hashing), divide-and-conquer constitute the environment where engineers, civil (quicksort, merge-sort). servants and researchers evolve.

An introduction to computer architecture and The 3rd year consists of four programs that computer systems is proposed in INF422, which is cover most of the large domains of contem- highly recommended to students of the fast track, porary Informatics: BioInformatics, Design and and which is also proposed to motivated students Management of Complex Computerized Systems, of the other track. Electrical Engineering, Informatics.

48 – “Ingénieur” Program The goal of the year is to bring students to advanced Supélec general knowledge of informatics concepts and to Supaéro start learning for their 4th year specialization.

The program Informatics groups five tracks: Research track: Algorithms and Optimization, Image, Protection of Master co-sponsored by Ecole Polytechnique: Informations, Software Quality, Networks. It leads Parisian master of research in Informatics (MPRI) to a second master year at ENST, ENSIMAG, MPRI Master of BioInformatics and BioStatistics (MBIBS or abroad. with the University Paris-Sud) Other French Masters in Informatics. The program Design and Management of Complex Computerized Systems aims at presenting methods Professionnal Track: and concepts used to design and verify large sys- Master co-sponsored by Ecole Polytechnique: tems based on software. To the Informatics main Master Design and Management of Complex content, this course also adds signal processing Computerized Systems (COMASIC in French) and electronics. These particular courses introduce the M2 specialization and especially the embedded Foreign Education Track: systems. It leads to the COMASIC master second European Masters degrees: at the EPF Lausanne, year or to an engineer education. ETH Zürich, Imperial College London, TU Karlsruhe, UPC Barcelona, Technion. The program Electrical Engineering is shared with USA Masters degrees: at Berkeley, MIT, Stanford, both the Physics Department and the Applied University of Michigan at Ann Harbor, University of Mathematics Department. It consists in introdu- Washington at Seattle, etc. cing ”Electrical Engineering”. The main aspects of semi-conductors are taught: material physics, complex formalisms and structure of Informatics, components (diodes, transistors…) and micropro- Master cessors architecture. Several points highlight the link between advanced technologies and physics.  Parisian Master of Research in Informatics This series of courses also gives basic knowledge (MPRI) for mixed hardware and software system design. The MPRI Master focuses on research topics. This master’s program is open to students of the “Grandes Ecoles” and to the students titular of the level L (bachelor) resulting from French or Fourth Year foreign universities.

The Department of Informatics offers the following The natural continuation of this Master is a doc- main options (others are possible subject to appro- torate degree (although this does not exclude val by the Department). the possibility exercised by a certain number of Engineering Track: students that one stops their schooling after this ENSEEIHT Master) followed by positions as teacher/researcher ENSIMAG or researcher at universities or academic research ENST (Télécom) centers or within industrial research and develop- ENSTA ment centers.

Departments ­– 49 The training provided by this master aims at – transportation industry (aeronautics, automo- offering both fundamental lectures in the general bile, etc.), background of Informatics as well as specialized – industrial equipments (industrial automatisms, lessons introducing research topics. electronics, telecommunications, etc.), – software industry (software integration, These traditional lectures are supplemented by software editors, etc.). one or two research-oriented training courses. In order to accommodate the great diversity of Program organisation background and training of the students in this The master’s program is a two year program (direct Master, each student proposes their own course of entrance in year two is possible). study during the two years program. This course of study depends on both selected classes as well as The first year is a pluri-disciplinary program the internships. (Informatics & applied mathematics).

The student’s selection needs to be validated by The second year is organized around 4 common the commission of studies for the Master, which modules (engineering sciences, modelling and also considers the personal goals of the student simuling, system engineering, project manage- and the courses followed since the baccalaureate. ment) followed by a specialized training track to be chosen among three possible training tracks The year M2 starts in the first semester with a (embedded systems for transportation industries, specialization via advanced courses of level 2. autonomous systems, information systems) and The second semester consists of an introductory by a 6 months internship to be made within an internship in research within a French or foreign industrial environment. laboratory. Industrial partnerships Some possible specializations are: Algorithms – The master’s program is sponsored and accom- Automata and applications – Cryptography, com- panied by several industrial partners, that are in plexity, formal systems – Security – Semantics particular taking charge of an important number – Networks, circuits, and embedded systems – of lectures, that is to say the Thales group (the Verification historical partner of the training program), but also Airbus, PSA Peugeot Citroën, Renault, etc.

 Master Design and Management of Complex Computerized Systems (COMASIC)  Master BioInformatics and BioStatistics (see in the BioInformatics section). Objectives and careers The master’s program CoMaSIC, previously known as “Engineering of Complex Industrial Systems”, is an initial training program – characterized by its triple scientific, technical and managerial dimen- sion – for future technical architects that will work in the context of design and development projects of large industrial systems. The master’s program is directly oriented towards the entry in three main industrial domains:

50 – “Ingénieur” Program Le laboratoire

Laboratory LIX, UMR 7161 X-CNRS The lab is heavily involved in teaching at Ecole Polytechnique and at several Master’s programs Located in the heart of the research center on in the Paris area. LIX has various contractual the Palaiseau campus of Ecole Polytechnique, LIX relationships with public organizations (Ministry (“Laboratoire d’Informatique de l’X”, UMR X-CNRS) of Higher Education and of Research, Directorate has a hundred members of which half are PhD General of Armaments, the French Agency for students and forty are permanent researchers, Innovation, INRIA, etc) and with several internatio- equally distributed between CNRS, INRIA, and Ecole nal organizations. Polytechnique. During the last years, LIX sought to develop col- The activities of LIX are organized into three areas: laborations with the industrial world. In addition algorithmic, networks, and formal methods. to Thales, LIX has also established connections Microsoft Research, Hitachi Labs, and NASA. Among the ten teams housed within the lab, six are INRIA projects that have been with LIX since the creation of PCRI (Common Pole of Research in Informatics) on the Saclay plateau.

A joint team between LIX and LIST at the Atomic Energy Commission has existed prior to the esta- blishment of the RTRA Digiteo that promotes the co-location of its various teams. LIX also hosts the Chair in «Complex Industrial Systems» financed by Thalès. Since LIX collects such a number of pro- jects, the lab has become an essential academic actor in the System@tic Pole of Competitiveness.

LIX has a particular interest in developing compe- tence in the multiple facets of network communi- cations, ranging from the treatment of signals, the coding and routing of communications, the distri- bution and mobility of computation, and the safety and engineering of protocols.

Since mobile networks will be a central component of the future world of embedded systems, lab members have put a particular stress on the deve- lopment of reliable and effective communication systems in mobile networks.

Departments ­– 51 Courses taught in the Department of Mathematics play an important role in the students’ education, either in their own right, because they are linked to very active areas of research, or by virtue of their many links with other scientific disciplines. These interactions, which play an increasingly important role, take place both through applied mathematics, and are linked directly with physics, as well as with Informatics and economics.

The program is flexible, and the relations of students to mathematics can be as varied. Students can choose to study only the mathematics that are essential to twentieth century physics, such as Hilbertian methods and Fourier analysis.

Others will prefer to choose electives which cover algebra (group theory, code theory, Galois theory), analysis (the theory of distributions, partial differential equations), geometry and topology, including dynamic systems and general relativity, and a wide range of appli- cations. Of course, all the intermediate curriculum are possible. Mathematics

C. Viterbo F. Golse D. Renard C. Juppin President Vice-President Vice-President Assistant Department courses

Undergraduate Studies for more sophisticated theories with multiple links to theoretical physics. Core curriculum mathematics course MAT311–Real and complex analysis course is to be taken by all students. This is a general mathema- Second year tical course. Mathematics are at the same time a Each student will select a first-semester mathe- powerful tool used by the other sciences (physics, matics course, either MAT431–Distribution Theory, chemistry, Informatics, economy, biology...) and Fourier Analysis and Dynamical Systems, or one of the most incredible collective creation of MAT432–Fourier analysis and spectral theory, which humanity. An attempt will be made to present both are different in both their scope and their aims. of these aspects by developping a number of theo- ries which are at the very root of mathematics, and However both include an in-depth study of Fourier by giving some applications, within mathematics, analysis, whose role is essential in physics, theo- showing how these theories interact. retical as well as experimental, and in many fields of pure and applied mathematics, such as signal After a brief survey of integration theory and func- theory and probabilities. tional analysis, the course will turn to holomorphic functions. MAT431–Distribution Theory, Fourier Analysis and Dynamical Systems, is more intensive, developing The algebraic part of the course will be devoted to in addition various aspects of calculus, in particular representations of finite groups which is a small the theory of differential equations. extension of linear algebra, but serves as a model The qualitative, geometric and dynamic properties

54 – “Ingénieur” Program of their solutions will be stressed. Moreover, Fourier Fourth year analysis will be studied in the framework of distribu- tion theory. This course is therefore a basis for all Master in Mathematics further study in analysis and geometry. A Master’s degree in Analysis, Arithmetic and Geometry is offered by the Math. Department During the second semester, courses MAT451 and (jointly with Sud). MAT452 will deal with topics with more algebra- oriented topics. MAT451 studies the Galois group During the fourth year in Ecole Polytechnique, the for an algebraic equation, while MAT452 studies the student can prepare the M2 of the Master degree in Poincaré group of a topological space. Mathematics of Ecole Polytechnique and University of Paris Sud. The student has to pass two courses (15 ECTS each), usually during the first semester. During the second semester a research internship Graduate Studies (21 ECTS) is prepared.

Third year: upper-level courses Concerning the Master degree of Ecole Polytechnique The third year organized by the Mathematics lectures can be chosen either among those offered Department offer to students an initiation to some by Ecole Polytechnique - Orsay (University of Paris- very active themes in contemporary Mathematics Sud) or among those offered by another University research, most of them having applications to one after approval by the person in charge of the cur- or several other sciences (Mechanics, Physics, riculum. Chemisty, Informatics, Cryptography). They are fol- lowed by an advanced research Internship. Other Masters in France or abroad are of outstan- ding level. After approval by the person for charge They are aimed to a diversified public: students of the curriculum, the student could apply such a wishing to acquire mathematical background which program. The Master degree will give also the so- will be difficult to obtain later, before their enginee- called ”Diplôme de l’Ecole Polytechnique” for stu- ring studies, or their training in research in another dents of the ”Ingenieur Polytechnicien” Curriculum. field; students wanting for cultural reasons to have had a contact with live Mathematics before turning Master of Mathematics (M2) “Analysis, Arithmetic to other activities; and of course students conside- and Geometry” courses with the University of ring a career in Mathematical research. Paris-Sud

The various courses are taught in coordination with other Department: Applied Mathematics, Physics or Informatics.

Departments ­– 55 List of courses: First semester  Introduction to infinité groups  Theory of Riemann surfaces (A. Erschler) (J. Duval, C. Dupont)  Geometry of Hitchin fibration  Number theory (J.-B. Bost, J. Riou) (P.-H. Chaudouard)  Introduction to dynamical system theory  Introduction to Mumford-Tate curves (F. Beguin, S. Lelievre) (D. Rossler)  Algebraic geometry  Introduction to Nevanlinna theory and complex (D. Harari, P. Lorenzon) hyperbolicity e  Introduction to differential geometry (J.-B. Bost) (C. Viterbo, S. Dumitrescu)  Combinatorics, graph polynomials and Field  Workshop on products of random matrices theory (E. Breuillard) (V. Rivasseau)  Stability vs instability in the Newtonian N(>2) body problem (V. Kaloshin)  Cauchy problem for dispersive and hyperbolic non linear PDE (J.-C. Saut)  Introduction to spectral theory (B. Helffer)

List of courses: Second semester  Introduction to the Index theorem (J.-M. Bismut)  Discrete groups and applications (Y. Benoist)  Complex représentations of GL(2,F) (F a p-adic group). The lectures will be held at Institut Henri Poincaré (G. Henniart)  Filtration of finité group schèmes and applica- tions to modulspaces. The Lectures will be held at Institut Henri Poincaré (L. Fargues)  Analytic theory of p-adic représentations of p-adic groups. The lectures will be held at Institut Henri Poincaré (L. Clozel)

56 – “Ingénieur” Program Laboratory

Center for Mathematics Laurent Schwartz (CMLS) in play require important developments from harmonic analysis, symplectic geometry, com- The Center for Mathematics was founded in 1965 plex analysis, functional analysis and topological by Laurent Schwartz and was one of the first labora- methods for the analysis of critical points of tories of the Ecole polytechnique. It took the name functionals. On the other hand, some works Center for Mathematics Laurent Schwartz (CMLS) are centered on general classes of PDEs, while on January 1st 2004, as a tribute to his founder. others study equations or systems modelising The ambition of the center is to practice research various phenomena from physics or mechanics. at the highest level and to develop teaching of The group organises the PDE seminar (XEDP) mathematics not only at Ecole polytechnique but whose proceedings are published and diffused also in the University. It wishes to attract to this by the Ecole. domain the most gifted young people in the field, In charge of the team: François Golse while also transmitting to as many as possible the idea that mathematics are also – but not only – an  Algebra essential tool for understanding the world. The The themes studied by the Algebra group three teams, Algebra, Analysis and Geometry orga- concern, among others, algebraic and analytic nize a colloquium which is common to the Applied geometry, algebraic topology, groups, arithme- Mathematicians and the Computer Scientists. tics and combinatorics. In charge of the team: Jean Lannes The CMLS takes an active part in instruction through research: XUPS conference organized for  Geometry teachers in preparatory classes for the engineering The main research area of the geometry team school Concours, teaching in Masters Degrees, can be grouped under the following titles: research internship for the students of Ecole poly- geometry of manifolds of negative curvature, technique. Seminars and workshops are organized ergodic geometry and dynamical systems, sym- on a regular basis. The student’s seminar and the plectic geometry, index theorems, diophantian PhD student’s seminar take place once a week, geometry of convex polytopes. The team orga- and a special workshop is organized for students nises the the A. Besse seminar of riemaniann at the beginning of the 3rd year Program, which and complex geometry, the ergodic geometry enables them to discover Mathematics interacting seminar, and the symplectic topology seminar with other sciences. (Symplect’X). In charge of the team: Paul Gauduchon

Research Departments

Sub-sections:  Analysis The analysis group works on various aspects of the theory of partial differential equations. This thematical unity hides in fact a great diver- sity. On the one hand, the methods and tools

Departments ­– 57 The Mechanics program is designed to present the main concepts and methods under- lying the description and understanding of macroscopic phenomena in the Engineering and Natural Sciences. It strives to teach the students how to implement these concepts and methods in order to achieve the optimum design of various mechanical systems or to control their operation. The program involves both theoretical modelling and experimenta- tion and it seeks to make students aware of industrial applications.

Mechanics courses are open to all students: they are organized so as to take into consi- deration the growing diversity of incoming students’ back-grounds and career objectives. Mechanics

C. Basdevant P. Le Tallec C. Dieu President Vice-President Assistant Department courses

Undergraduate Studies Fourth year

Second Year: main concepts in Mechanics Several specialties are offered for the second year The objective of second year courses is to intro- of the Master’s program in Mechanics. Organised in duce the main concepts of the subject, without partnership with other academic institutions, they attempting to be too comprehensive. It seeks to encompass, at a high scientific level, a wide range give students a working knowledge of the most of mechanical topics in fluid mechanics, material general methods. In this second year, a significant and structural mechanics as well as geophysical portion of the program is already devoted to the mechanics and environmental sciences. implementation of concepts and methods, most notably through the use of numerical simulations  Fluid Mechanics, Fundamentals & Applications and experimentation.  Materials and Engineering Sciences

Graduate Studies  Advanced Structural Calculus

Third Year  Materials Science for Sustainable Construction The third year of the “Ingénieur”’s program at Ecole Polytechnique corresponds to the first year M1 of  Oceans, Atmosphere, Climate and Observation the Master’s degree. The Mechanics department from Space then proposes four specialties, all of them built in partnership with other departments.  Engineering and Innovation Technologies

The objectives of this M1 year is to introduce the fundamental concepts and methods which are essential in order to fully benefit from the more advanced Specialty programs offered in the second year M2. Eligible students should have successfully completed an undergraduate degree in science or engineering.

The M1 programs offered by the department are:  The graduate program in Mechanics

 The graduate program in Mechanics and Physics for Environment

 The graduate program in Engineering and Innovation Technologies

 The graduate program in Energies of the 21st Century

60 – “Ingénieur” Program Laboratories

Dynamic Meteorology Laboratory (LMD) the laboratory has developed a method of tracking www.lmd.ens.fr atmospheric CO2).

Ecole Polytechnique – ENS – UPMC – CNRS The LMD is a prime partner for future missions ➟ Director: Vincent Cassé (MEGHA-TROPIQUES, a Franco-Indian space pro- E-mail: [email protected] gram). It has initiated numerous recent cam- paigns (AMMA for studying the African monsoon, The Laboratory of Dynamic Meteorology is located STRATEOLE to study, by means of balloons, the on three sites (at the Ecole Polytechnique, at the vortex which allowed the appearance of the ozone Ecole Normale Supérieure, and at the University of hole above the Antarctic, and VASCO in the Indian Paris 6) and is also a laboratory of the CNRS, the Ocean). It has contributed, in a significant measure, leading French research institute. In addition to to modelling studies, which provided the basis for these four partners, there is the CNES (the French the IPCC report on climate change. space agency), with which the laboratory main- tains privileged links, LMD being one of its spatial This work is not merely experimental, but also laboratories. In total, the LMD employs almost 200 incorporates a conceptual and theoretical approach. researchers, doctoral fellows, engineers, techni- This is the case when it concerns attempts to cians and administrators, of whom over 100 are understand the fundamental processes (such as permanent staff. Despite its complexity, the LMD the role of stratification, the interactions with the is characterised by a strong unity of purpose, since planet’s surface and its topography, or the inte- the studies - as its name indicates - concern the ractions between different scales) or the more dynamics of the atmosphere, and its role in the cli- heterogeneous processes, often organised on a mate system. It is the study of climatic fluctuations larger scale (such as the stratospheric circulation, from year to year, on the continental or global scale the monsoons, tropical perturbations, or the mid- of atmospheric movements, and the role of human latitudes perturbations). activities in this (greenhouse effect, deforestation), which constitute the prime objectives of studies at Finally, the atmosphere is also an efficient means the LMD. of transport, which interacts strongly with the continental and oceanic surfaces, and the study of However, smaller-scale studies, regional and conti- the atmospheric budgets is in many cases the best nental, have become increasingly important in method to constrain, for example, the exchanges the laboratory, as these concern the validation of water, or the emission of trace gases near the of models based on the analysis of elemental surface. The atmosphere plays a particularly active processes, or approaches to new problems and role in the wider climatic system, which com- issues, such as the quality of air. prises the oceans, the cryosphere, the biosphere, demanding interdisciplinary studies. A federation The atmosphere constitutes a complex and interac- of laboratories, the Institute Pierre Simon Laplace tive part of our environment. To study this, the LMD (IPSL) organised within the Ile-de-France and inclu- sets up the methods of observation (by satellite ding LMD, coordinates these studies. An obser- or in situ) or complex numerical models. In recent vation site, SIRTA, is run by the LMD at the Ecole years the laboratory has contributed to important Polytechnique for IPSL. space missions (CALIPSO for the study of clouds, IASI an interferometer for multiple uses for which

Departments ­– 61 Hydrodynamics Laboratory (LadHyX) Matter Physics. In many of these topics, theo- Ecole Polytechnique – CNRS retical, numerical and experimental aspects are www.ladhyx.polytechnique.fr synergistically intertwined so as to benefit from a full range of methodological tools. Although most ➟ Director: Jean-Marc Chomaz of the research programs are clearly fundamental E-mail: [email protected] in nature, they involve flow configurations which Deputy-Director: Christophe Clanet commonly arise in the natural environment and in E-mail: [email protected] industrial applications.

The Hydrodynamics Laboratory of Ecole The laboratory currently comprises 14 researchers, Polytechnique (LadHyX) is engaged in theoretical, 6 support staffs, 10 postdoctoral fellows and 22 numerical and experimental research in funda- doctoral students. LadHyX is a partner in numerous mental fluid dynamics.The research efforts of the contracts and grants from industry in both the pri- laboratory are focussed on the following areas vate sector (Airbus Industries, Arcelor, Bouygues, of fluid mechanics: Instabilities and Flow Control; EADS, Institut Français du Pétrole, etc.) and in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics; Flow-Structure public agencies (Agence Nationale de la Recherche Interactions and Plant Biomechanics; Microfluidics, Scientifique, Centre National de la Recherche Particles and Bubbles; and more recently Soft Scientifique, European Commission, Délégation Générale de l’Armement, INRA, INRIA, ONERA).

The laboratory maintains close collaborations with several international academic establishments in Germany, Canada, China, the USA, Poland, the United Kingdom and Sweden. Its research staff actively participates in the academic programs offered by the department of Mechanics, both at the undergraduate (Ingénieur) and graduate (Masters) levels. The laboratory offers a Master in “Fluid Mechanics, Fundamentals and Applications” in partnership with Université Pierre & Marie Curie. This graduate degree program which is entirely taught in english, attracts highly qualified interna- tional students.

62 – “Ingénieur” Program Mechanics of Solids Laboratory (LMS) level of materials, systems and natural or man- Ecole Polytechnique – ENSMP – CNRS made structures. www.lms.polytechnique.fr These studies have applications in automotive, ➟ Director: Patrick Le Tallec rail transportation, aeronautics, energy (gas, oil, E-mail: [email protected] nuclear), defense, storage of radioactive waste, biological and medical sectors.

The research done at the LMS pertains to the The main research thrusts of the LMS are: mechanics of solids covering all scales in space Dynamics, analysis and identification: experiments (from nanometer to terrestrial) and time (from qua- in the dynamics of materials and structures, iden- sistatic to dynamic). tification of mechanical parameters by inverse methods based on experimental measurements, Researchers at the lab are interested in bridging modeling of problems in nonlinear dynamics and scales from atomistic to micron to study mate- associated instabilities. rial behavior at the structural level. They want to understand and quantify the link between their Fatigue, fracture, contact, interfaces and discon- composition, their texture and their mechanical tinuities: models to predict fatigue and fracture in behavior and the presence of different chemical structures and processes (e.g. welding); thin films, elements. modeling of wear and optimal control.

In addition to these highly coupled problems in Geomechanics and Earth Works: thermo-hydro- the physics of matter, the major part of the lab’s mechanical behavior of rocks, micromechanics and research pertains to studies at the macroscopic local field analyses, methods of change of scale and analysis of relevant mechanisms.

Biomaterials and biomechanics: experimental cha- racterization and modeling of biological tissues, bone and cell mechanics.

With about twenty-five researchers, the LMS contri- butes significantly to the Ecole Polytechnique’s engineering curriculum, its Masters and Doctoral level educational programs. Ten researchers from the LMS are also members of the Ecole’s teaching faculty. The LMS also participates in the activities of the Lafarge Chair and more than forty doctoral students do their thesis here at any given time.

Departments ­– 63 Courses taught in physics have four main objectives:  Provide students with a basic scientific culture in modern physics.  Introduce them to the practice of experimentation in the laboratory and to the practice of scientific research.  Prepare them to their subsequent specialized education either in physics (masters in research) or in technical fields (Engineering institutions).  Make them aware of the many links which relate advanced modern technologies and the progress of basic and applied physics.

The physics courses are taught in two periods: The first one includes the two first years (cf. file PHY300). It is an introduction to the main theories and methods which are the basis of modern physics (quantum and statistical phy- sics, special relativity, variational methods), and to their simplest fields of application. This period also includes an introduction through experiments in the laboratory to a large variety of subjects in physics, materials sciences and modern electronics. Finally, students can also perform, under supervision, a collective project pertaining to physics or electronics.

The third year, organized into two teaching periods and a research training period (cf. file phy 500) includes a more specialized introduction to most major fields of modern physics and of its industrial applications: quantum optics, solid state physics, particle physics, quantum field theory, statistical theory of complex systems, general relativity, astrophysics and planets, geophysics, cross disciplinary subjects (mechanics-physics, biology-physics, chemistry-physics), physics of optical, electronic, and magnetic devices. These courses are a strong basis for further specialized course given in the fourth year (cf. file PHY600): research or professional Masters in France or Abroad, Engineering programs. Physics

P. Grangier President

C. Kopper A. Aspect B. Drévillon G. Petite P. Vovard S. Pottier Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Vice-President Assistant Assistant Education Research Developpement Campus Masters Infrastructures Department courses

Undergraduate Studies of physical interest from a different point of view. First year For those students who have a precise idea on the Teach to students the principles of quantum field of activity they want to study in industry, tech- mechanics which is the theoretical basis of modern nology or research (such as energy, environment, physics and of many recent advanced technologies. theoretical physics, biophysics, electrical engi- Quantum mechanics is the fundamental and com- neering etc.), the physics department proposes plete theory of microscopic structures and pro- courses covering the third and fourth years (Master cesses. All physics is quantum, from elementary 1 and Master 2). They carry the name of “scientific particles to stars and the Big bang. Quantum specialization program” which themselves subdi- mechanics is certainly one of the greatest intel- vide into different tracks. lectual endeavours of mankind. All students follow This will help students to find out the courses, an introductory course on quantum mechanics. research projects and orientation of their fourth This course has strong cross-references with the years studies which are most adapted to their courses on mathematics and on probability theory fields of interest. (If the number of courses recom- (PHY311) mended in the first or second periods of Master 1 is smaller than the minimal number of courses Second year required, the student will be free to choose The second year involves three types of physics courses from other themes related to his field of courses. interest. The four themes of the program “Physics”  First semester: a two-month course on Relativity proposed are described under the website: www. and variational principles (PHY431). catalogue.polytechnique.fr  Second semester: the main course on Quantum and statistical physics (PHY432). Some students could not have completely fixed  Second semester: experimental courses, called their personnel and professional orientation, or Modal (PHY441A/B, PHY442A/B). could have a project which is not fully aligned with Students can also participate in a scientific research any of the existing programs/themes. Others would team project on a subject of their choice related to like to discover the methods of modelling or instru- basic or applied physics. ments of modern physics in order to use them in some other domain which is their principal field of interest. For all those students, the department Graduate Studies of physics makes an offer allowing them to learn Third year what is required for their specialization in the fourth The second part of scientific teaching at Ecole year (Master 2), and to deepen their knowledge of Polytechnique turns from basic to more specia- certain fields of modern physics at the same time. lized subjects: the third year is subdivided in three The physics department has organized its teaching trimesters, Periods 1 and 2 and the subsequent program in such a way that the students can follow research project (Period 3). the courses of the Master 1 program just over one The physics department proposes a catalogue of trimester, or over two trimesters, and such that courses which contains mainly courses in physics they can choose their research project according but also courses on subjects relating physics to to their personal projects. other sciences such as biology, (technical) mecha- nics, informatics, mathematics and applied mathe- Most courses proposed are based on the funda- matics. In addition, there are courses proposed by mental concepts of microscopic physics taught in other departments which give insight into subjects the first and second year courses in physics.

66 – “Ingénieur” Program The teaching program of Period 1 permits to get a research laboratory and to engage in university, acquainted with the great fields of modern physics: public or industrial research centres. quantum optics and lasers, solid state physics, elementary particles, astrophysics and nuclear phy- 3 possible specialities: sics, physics of biological objects, physical origin  Fundamental concepts in Physics of mechanical properties, soft matter. In Period 2, This speciality is intended to provide the students students are prepared more specifically to the spe- with a high qualification in basic physics both from cialization during the fourth year: Master courses the theoretical and experimental standpoints. Four in physics oriented towards research in fundamen- possible standard tracks are proposed, respecti- tal physics, material science, optics, geophysics, vely in theoretical physics (cf. file 601A), Quantum astrophysics, biophysics, introduction to the physi- physics (cf. file 601B), Condensed Matter Physics cal basis of electronics and industrial optics. (cf. file 601C) and Physics of liquids and soft mat- All those tracks comprise also some individual ter (cf. file 601D). After following this speciality, work (in-depth study) on a subject of interest in students will be able to undertake phD’s in a great modern physics. This personal work can be theore- variety of subjects going from very basic physics tical or experimental. In any case it gives rise to a to applied physics. written report and an oral communication.  Optics, Matter and Plasmas This Master speciality enables the students to Fourth year acquire a strong qualification in the fields of optics, Partner Graduate Institutes of Engineering optoelectronics, lasers, intense light sources (syn-  ESPCI chrotrons), particle sources and accelerators, and  ENSTA plasmas. Three standard tracks are proposed  ENST relative to subjects combining optics, plasmas and  Mines – Paristech materials (cf. files PHY 602A, 602B, 602C).  CEA-INSTN  Pétroles et Moteurs  Materials Science and Nano-objects  Supaéro This specialty provides the students with a high  Supélec qualification in the field of the structural and  Institut d'Optique Graduate School electronic properties of condensed matter. It also provides them with a formation on the principles and the methods of growth and characterization Master of various types of materials, either used in basic Masters in Physics and Applications research, or employed in advanced technologies. The field “Physics and Applications” of the Ecole Two standard tracks are proposed. Polytechnique research master is intended to provide the students with a high qualification in Masters or PhDs abroad in basic physics. It offers a wide choice of lectures  Physics covering all the aspects of physics, from funda-  Applied Physics mental theories to material applications, including  Electrical Engineering model calculations and experiments. Together with  Aerospace Engineering the M2 specialities “Basic concepts in Physics”  Mechanical Engineering “Optics, Matter, and Plasmas”, “Materials Sciences and Nano-objects” or “Fusion Science”, it provides (Universities of Stanford, Berkeley, Caltech, Cornell, an initiation to scientific research in physics. Most UCLA, MIT, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Karlsruhe, students are expected to prepare a PhD thesis in Munich, Zurich, London…)

Departments ­– 67 Laboratories

Research in the various fields of physics is strongly Center for Theoretical Physics (CPHT) developed on the Campus of Ecole Polytechnique ! www.cpht.polytechnique.fr

Nearly all the principal domains of research are pre- The Center for Theoretical Physics numbers about sent, those which are at the heart of physics, but 70 researchers (half are permanents) whose acti- also fields which are shared with related sciences vity is devoted to the development of theories in such as biology, chemistry, (technical) mechanics, various domains of physics. Initially founded by informatics and mathematics. Even if the fields specialists of mathematical physics, the CPHT has of activity belonging to fundamental physics are varied his interests, with the successive coming of majority, those directed towards applications are groups of particle physics, of plasmas physics, and also large in number and presently undergo rapid more recently of condensed matter physics. evolution. The main research interests of the nine Indeed, one studies in CPHT fundamental inte- Laboratories which are associated with the depart- ractions, with the help of quantum chromodyna- ment of physics of Ecole Polytechnique are briefly mics or string theory, as well as thermonuclear resumed below. controlled fusion, in the context of the international project ITER, the theory of chaotic systems, the We have to add to research institutions which modelisation of solar flares, the analysis of laser joined the campus recently: L’Institut d’Optique matter interaction with ultra-intense lasers, or the Graduate School (IOGS) and Thalès Research and development of modern theories for the computa- Technology (TRT). More generally, the Saclay plane tion of electronic structures of strongly correlated (plateau de Saclay) comprises a group of research materials, to take only a few exemples. centres - such as CEA-Saclay, the University Paris-Sud (Orsay) and l’ONERA - of exceptional A sheet of paper, a pen, a computer, these are performancce in physics research and of world- the tools of the researchers of the CPHT, in close wide importance. These research activities imply relation with numerous collaborators operating in obviously numerous international collaborations laboratories where the theories are compared with and cooperations. the experimental results.

The physics department wants to strongly encou- rage the students of Ecole Polytechnique and all Leprince-Ringuet Lab (LLR) students on the campus to profit at the maximum polywww.in2p3.fr from this exceptional scientific environment. The Leprince-Ringuet laboratory has two domains They should contact as often as possible the of research which are sharing not only physical research staff in the Laboratories and also their concepts but also technical approaches, very high academic teachers, and not only on subjects rela- energy gamma astronomy and particle physics. ted to their courses. They will discover science at Founded in 1936 at Ecole polytechnique by Louis work, and science on the way to prepare tomor- Leprince-Ringuet, the laboratory was looking at row’s technology ! cosmic rays to understand their nature and mostly to study the particles they are made of. Then after a long period of activity on the sole particle acce- lerators, cosmic rays are again under study at the laboratory, now to understand their sources.

68 – “Ingénieur” Program The gamma astronomy looks at the sky through applied at many other domains. We develop codes photons of energy around the TeV, thousand for simulating the interactions of particle with mat- billions times more energetic than those from ter, or realize beam profilers for the ions accelera- the visible light, a totally new way of observing tors used in cancer therapy. We also prepare the the sky. The quest is twofold: what mechanisms future by looking at new acceleration techniques by generate such photons, what are their sources. We plasma in collaboration with other laboratories from use an observatory, HESS, sited in Namibia which the Ecole Polytechnique. detects these photons through their interaction on the nuclei of the atmosphere, the atmospheric Cerenkov telescopes. About fifty sources have Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière been identified, blazars, supernovae, active galaxy Condensée (LPMC) nuclei, etc. HESS has received the Descartes prize pmc.polytechnique.fr of the european union. A satellite containing a pho- ton detector of calorimetric type (GLAST) has been An original aspect of the condensed matter launched in 2008. research carried out within the PMC laboratory is that both physicists and chemists collaborate clo- We have built the mechanical structure of this calo- sely on subjects ranging from solid state chemistry rimeter. Our activity in particle physics focusses on and soft matter physics to the elaboration, modi- the strong interactions with the study of the quark- fication and properties of different materials. More gluon plasma at Brookhaven (NY, USA), state of the recently, studies at the interface between physics, universe a little after its creation, on the proton chemistry and biology have begun to emerge. structure at DESY, (Hambourg), on the electroweak physics. Our knowledge of the particles and their From a practical viewpoint, scientists at PMC attack interactions is summarised in the so-called «stan- these problems either experimentally, theoretically dard model». This model provides excellent predic- tions but is not really coherent from the theoretical point of view. The most important missing piece is the «Higgs boson» responsible for the mass. It will be actively searched for starting in 2010 by the CERN experiment CMS. in proton-proton collisions, and finely characterised in electron-positron colli- sions (ILC) by the end of the next decade.

These experiments should bring a lot of new physics, may be up to revealing new dimensions of space. We study also with BaBar, close to San Francisco, the particle-antiparticle symmetry. Finally, the oscillations between the three fammi- lies of neutrinos observed since few years, will be studied in an experiment in Japan. Our physics has a world-wide development and the experimental installations are scattered all around the world.

Always at the limit of the existing technologies, our field develops its own technologies which can be

Departments ­– 69 or via numerical simulations. Of particular note is scales, and studies of instabilities at phase transi- the tradition of “in-house scientific instrumentation tions or during electrolytic growth. Further informa- for new science” that has been part of the culture of tion on these and other projects can be found at the laboratory since its creation. A recent and on- pmc.polytechnique.fr . going example of this is the construction of a scan- ning tunnelling microscope capable of producing PMC attracts a significant number of foreign scien- images of surface magnetism. Typically, projects tists either as short-to-medium term visitors, as involve people with diverse scientific backgrounds, post-doctoral scientists or (most commonly) as either from within the laboratory itself, or via Ph.D. students. In total, there are typically about external collaborations. This is best exemplified by twenty Ph.D. students at any one time at PMC, and the fact that while scientific activity within PMC is these graduates go on to find positions both within organised around four research groups, there are the public (research) sector and, most often, in a number of inter-group projects. Fundamental private industry. From a scientific and social view- research remains the primary goal at PMC, but at point, students are the lifeblood of PMC (see their the same time the laboratory maintains a number website, pmc.polytechnique.fr of applied research projects in collaboration with industrial partners. Laboratoire de Physique des Interfaces The principle scientific theme at PMC concerns et des Couches Minces (LPICM) the physics and chemistry of condensed matter www.lpicm.polytechnique.fr at the nanoscale. Examples include the fabrication and characterisation of magnetic nanoparticles or The research activities of the laboratory deal with nanostructures, the study of fluid flow in disordered the synthesis and applications of thin film and or irregular solids and over a large range of length nanomaterials, based on carbon and silicon. These research are devoted both to growth mechanisms and opto-electronical properties. Fundamental aspects of nanomaterial synthesis are investigated. On the other hand, most of the researchs lead to many practical applications, such as large area electronics (solar cells, flat panel displays), molecular electronics and optical instrumentation (ellipsometry…).

More precisely, the research activities of the labo- ratory cover four different topics : – Plasma synthesis of silicon based thin films and nanomaterials : influence of growth processes on the electronic properties. – Applications of silicon thin films to solar cells and flat panel displays (thin film transistors) – Synthesis and applications of carbon nanotubes and silicon nanowires, in particular biological and chemical nanodetection. – Optical instrumention in polarimetry. Applications to semiconductor metrology and bio-medicine.

70 – “Ingénieur” Program Plasma Physics Lab (LPP) reactors, and plasma thrusters are considered to www.lpp.fr be the most promising technology for a manned mission to Mars. Pollution abatement can also be The Laboratory of Plasma Physics (LPP) was created achieved with plasma technologies, along with high in January 2009 by the fusion of the Laboratoire de power micro-wave and X-ray generation. Finally, Physique et Technologie des Plasmas (LPTP, CNRS- plasma physics is essential for the understanding Ecole Polytechnique) with the Centre d’étude des of the different experimental systems implicated in Environnements Terrestre et Planétaires (CETP, thermonuclear fusion research. CNRS, UVSQ, UPMC). We pursue research into all fields of plasma physics, from hot to cold LPP is in position to anticipate, prepare and plasmas and from laboratory to space plasmas, influence the major international projects in plasma combining theoretical, simulation and experimental science. The controlled fusion by magnetic confi- approaches. nement project ITER is based on an international treaty between 7 partners (Europe, USA, Russia, Our objective is to make significant contributions Japan, China, Corea, India). For space exploration to the major contemporary international projects projects, the instruments built by the group have in plasma physics: space plasma research into the been selected on most of the space science sun-earth and other planetary systems, and the missions by the space agencies (CNES, ESA, ITER project where magnetically confined hot plas- NASA, JAXA (Japan), CNSA (China), IKI (Russia)). mas will be harnessed to achieve controlled nuclear The scientists of the group are part of the pro- fusion. LPP is also strongly involved with plasma posing teams of major programs of Solar System technologies such as plasmas for nano-technology, Plasma Physics: they are preparing the mission de-pollution, and plasma sources. BepiColombo toward Mercury, ESA cornerstone mission in collaboration with JAXA (Japan), they will Plasma: the common scientific theme across the build instruments for Solar Orbiter(ESA/NASA) and laboratory for the ESA program Cosmic Vision (2015-2025), Whether we are astrophysicists or laboratory physi- cists, we are all plasmacists. From astrophysics to nanotechnology, our working tool and our research goal is the physics of plasmas. This ionized gas, completely or partially ionized, is the fourth and least known state of matter. At the earth’s surface the plasma state rarely exists naturally (lightning is one exception), but a few hundred kilometers overhead is the ionosphere which is a plasma. On the cosmic scale, 99 % of observed matter is ionized and therefore in the plasma state. However, plasmas are also present in a variety of everyday objects, such as fluorescent and low energy lamps and plasma TVs. One should not forget that plasma physics also plays an essential role upstream of a wide range of technological applications: more than half of the processing operations used to manufacture integrated microelectronic circuits such as memory chips are carried out in plasma

Departments ­– 71 they support the missions Laplace toward Jupiter- (CEA) and the National Center for Scientific Europa and Cross-Scale in the Earth Environment. Research (CNRS). Its activities, both theoretical and experimental, concern the behavior of solid Main Research Topics at the LPP materials under different types of excitation, inclu-  Magnetic fusion plasma and ITER project ding irradiation by energetic particles (electrons,  Space plasma ions), high intensity laser irradiation, or synchrotron  Devise plasmas radiation.  Cold plasmas for environment, energy and nano- technologies The «Material Irradiation» thematic deals with the  Theorical plasma physics understanding of the microstructural evolution of various materials, particularly those involved in Transverses topics: nuclear engineering problems, under irradiation.  Turbulence in magnetised plamas The laboratory operates an electron irradiation  Space engineering facility which is unique world-wide. We also study  Numerical simulation the effects of an intense energy deposition by swift  Research and technology diagnostics heavy ions or accelerated clusters. Other studies concern the radiochemical effects in polymers and radiografting, with various applications to, Laboratoire des Solides Irradiés (LSI) e.g., Polymer Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells or www.lsi.polytechnique.fr biomaterials.

The “Solides Irradiés” laboratory belongs to three Studies on «Laser Solid Interactions» concern the different French research organizations: the Ecole effect of ultrashort high-intensity laser pulses polytechnique, the Atomic Energy Commission on solid materials, and the investigation through pump-probe methods of the ultrafast electronic kinetics (relaxation, trapping, electronic transfer...) induced by such irradiations in materials.

Applications concern the understanding of the laser breakdown of materials and the nanostruc- turation of dielectric materials using femtosecond laser pulses.

The «Supraconductivity and nanomaterials» team studies the effect of a well controlled induced disorder in high Tc and exotic superconductors on their transport properties and on the thermo- dynamics of «vortex matter». The development of original local magnetic measurements (magneto- optics, micro-Hall probes...) is a strong activity of this team. On the other hand, the nanofabrication using the “bottom-up” approach of various nanosystems (magnetic or semiconducting nanowires, carbon nanotubes…) and the study of their transport

72 – “Ingénieur” Program properties, including «nano-spintronics» is a fast in France and the associated experimental infras- growing activity. tructure, and offers access to the international scientific community. Finally, the «Condensed Matter Theory» team applies ab initio calculation methods in a variety of To increase the performances and the compe- problems concerning the ground state (structure of titiveness of its installations, LULI is engaged in transition metal oxydes, of boron-rich materials..) a Research and Development program on high- or the excited states (calculation of, e.g., optical power high-energy laser systems, optics and asso- absorption, electron energy loss, photoelectron ciated technology. spectra, of non linear optical properties, X-ray inelastic scattering, electron-phonon relaxation...) Member of numerous national and international of many materials. This activity combines the deve- collaborations, LULI is a training centre for under- lopment of front-edge theoretical methods and graduate and graduate students in the domains their applications to practical cases, going all the of Laser-Generated Plasmas and Applications and way to industrial problems. Physics and Technology of High-Power Lasers. Atomistic simulation of various structures (grain boudaries) or phenomena (atomic mobility or growth processes) using semi-empirical methods, are also under study.

Laboratoire pour l’Utilisation des Lasers Intenses (LULI) www.luli.polytechnique.fr

Research Centre in Plasma Physics, LULI is specia- lised in the study of laser-generated plasmas and applications. The interaction between high-power laser beams and small targets produces very hot and dense matter, comparable to stars or planet interiors, as well as extremely intense magnetic and electric fields.

Relying on these unique assets, LULI’s scienti- fic teams develop ambitious programs covering different aspects of hot plasma physics: inertial confinement fusion for energy production, studies on specific astrophysical and geophysical media, acceleration of intense beams of relativistic par- ticles and production of ultra high intensity sources of radiation, fromTHz to gamma-rays. As a National and European Large Facility, LULI ope- rates the most energetic civil pulsed laser chains

Departments ­– 73 The Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS), established when École Polytechnique moved to its current location in Palaiseau in 1976, is in fact the product of a long humanist tradition in the education of Polytechnique students.

From the very start of Ecole Polytechnique in the nineteenth century, the founders always wanted there to be a counterbalance to the traditional technical areas of study, so that in addition to scientific knowledge, there would also be art, history, and literature, providing a more intuitive sense of how to live in the human world. Humanities and Social Sciences

E. Godelier H. Loilier Y. Boyer R. Bernard President Vice-President Vice-President Assistant It is therefore in a spirit of dialogue and debate, rather than in a spirit of confrontation or opposition, that the Department’s has built his curriculum. In no sense do the humanistic courses at Polytechnique deny or reject the precision, provability, or power of the exact sciences, but rather they serve as an invitation to put those sciences in the perspective of the fundamental lessons in human history and society, and in particular to connect science with the personalities and unique creativity of the people who master, develop, and transform it.

It is crucial that the education offered at Polytechnique to future engineers, business executives, researchers, managers, and administrators be integrated, along with scientific knowledge and techniques, into the repertoire of ideas that lie beyond quantification and mathematization, starting with the major languages and representational systems used by humanity, not only on the global level of cultures and societies, but also on the more local level of business organizations and individuals. As is obvious, such an ambition is far from trivial, and as a consequence, the programs of study offered by the HSS Department are wide and far-ranging. In order to make our offerings as clear and as attractive as possible to our students, we have established, for each semester, three complementary sets of courses in which students have the right to select among lectures (ranging from 60 to 400 students) and seminars (usually numbering between 15 and 30 students).

These options are as follows:  the study of economic history, law, and political science, and in addition an introduction to the world of business and management science;

 the study of the humanities and the social sciences in the traditional sense of those terms: literature, philosophy, history, sociology, and foreign civilizations, as well as epis- temology, anthropology, ethics, the philosophy of action, and finally cognitive science;

 the study of the arts, including studio courses in drawing, painting, sculpting, and print- making, seminars on the history and philosophy of art, and workshops in architecture and urban design, taking advantage of the most recent developments in CAD and so forth.

These courses and seminars take up roughly half a day per week for the entire duration of a student’s time at Polytechnique (one weekly seminar lasting two hours, and one large lecture course lasting 90 minutes). Most are taught by professors in the HSS Department (see the list of teaching staff), but

76 – “Ingénieur” Program some take advantage of various connections with eminent researchers and faculty mem- bers from foreign or French universities, or of connections with people from the corporate world.

Of course, whenever possible, the HSS Department cosponsors courses with other Departments in the École (most often the Economics Department and the Biology Department), or at times with one or another of the so-called ”Grandes Écoles”, such as HEC (Hautes Études Commerciales).

Much like the other scientific Departments at Polytechnique, the HSS Department offers research programs to students in their fourth and final year of study, which lead a Master’s degree in the following areas:  Management and dynamics of organizations;  Scientific methods of management;  The economics of organizations;  Cognitive science.

To summarize, the HSS Department serves the students of École Polytechnique not only as a launching pad for their study of the humanities but as a way of deepening man’s origins, and as an opportunity to master the spirit of constructive criticism.

It is a hallmark of success whenever the HSS Department’s teachings lead its students to enrich their scientific understandings by infusing into them those special types of intan- gible musings and intuitive shadings centered on values and esthetics that only a huma- nistic approach can bring – and indeed, must bring – to the more hard-edged, objective, and pragmatic worlds of science and technology.

Departments ­– 77 Laboratories

PREG-CRG  Multicultural approaches in Management (Pôle de Recherches en Économie et Gestion - Language sciences, models and management Centre de Recherche en Gestion) tools, created in 2007, focuses on firms ‘s inter- ➟ Director: Christophe Midler nationalization Several theorical frames are used 32, bd Victor - 75739 Paris Cedex 15 to show that: history of the design processes Phone: 01 46 34 34 09 - Fax : 01 46 34 34 44 and instutionalization of management practices, E-Mail: [email protected] among others. (Contact: D. Bayart, M. Berry, and E. Godelier) Associated to the CECO, the CRG (director: C. The CRG welcomes students, either for PHD or for Midler) is part of the Economic and Management Master’s Programs. Research Pole (PREG) (director: PJ Benghozi). The CRG is formed by 65 people (35 teachers or researchers; 23 doctoral students and 7 adminis- Masters trative officers) – Project, Innovation and Conception (PIC) The general purpose of this Master of Science in Over the 37 past years, CRG activities have Project, Innovation and Design Management is expanded in four research areas. to present and implement this new concepts and theories. Research areas  Innovation based competition and design sys- It is open to student from engineering degrees tems dynamics (Polytechnique and Mines cursus) and business This research program aims at developing a schools (Université Marne la Vallée Cursus). general analysis of the current transformations by – Engineering and Innovation Technologies – exploring the variety of form this revolution can Competitive Strategies track (DOCTIS) (Ecole take in different sectors and sizes of industries. Polytechnique, Said , University (Contact: F. Duboc, C. Midler) of Oxford). This master focuses on strategy and market regulations issues.  Business Strategies and Market Structure – Network Industries and Digital Economy (IREN) The research program aims at analyzing business aims to train dynamic students to allow them to strategies in the competitive environment and master the principles driving network industries supply chain market arrangements. The theore- and the digital economy. tical perspective primarily focuses on providing with an understanding of the dynamics of globa- lization and market regulation. PhD Programs: (Contact : H. Dumez, A. Jeunemaître) PhD in Management: the CRG has devoted impor- tant resources to the training of doctoral students.  Telecommunications, Audiovisual Culture and 35 PhD dissertations have been completed. 24 PhD digital technology innovation students are currently affiliated with the Centre. Far This research program is interested in economics from being exclusive to the Ecole Polytechnique, effects. (Intellectual property rights, competi- the PhD Program welcomes students from all engi- tion, public policies) and organizational change neering schools and universities over the world. (business model, networks, knowledge manage- The global recruitment benefits to the research, ment, results) linked to NTIC’s development and strengths the international influence of the (Contact: PJ Benghozi, R. Teulier) Ecole Polytechnique.

78 – “Ingénieur” Program – Institution Economics and laws (internatio- CREA nal PhD): Program is promoted by the Ecole (Research Center for Applied Epistemology) Polytechnique, the Cornell Law School (USA), the ➟ Director: Paul Bourgine Law School and the Centre for Advanced Studies 32, bd Victor - Bât. 28 – F-75015 Paris in Law and Economics at the Ghent University Tél. 01 45 52 61 89 - Fax 01 45 52 64 55 (Belgium), and the University of Turin (Italy). E-Mail: [email protected] Further information at: www.iel-turin.it http://www.crea.polytechnique.fr

Founded in 1982 by Jean-Pierre Dupuy and Jean- CHAIRS Marie Domenach on the initiative of Jean Ullmo, the CREA is the École Polytechnique center of cognitive – Chair on Innovation Management sciences and epistemology. It became a unité This chair consists in a pool of innovative French mixte de recherche (UMR) in 1987. Since its origin, firms (Arcelor, Dassault Systemes, Renault and its dual objectives address both modeling in the Valeo), which combine their experiences on human sciences (self-organization of cognitive as innovation, and promote research and teaching well as economic and social complex systems) and activities on this topic. the philosophy of science. Research at the CREA (Contact: C Midler) is centered on the various aspects of cognitive sciences, be they individual or social, concerning – Multicultural management and corporate perfor- the study of complex systems and the philosophy mance (Renault Polytechnique HEC chair) of science. The RENAULT-Polytechnique-HEC Chair, brain- child of Carlos Ghosn, was created around the  The research is theoretical in the double sense theme of cultural diversity. The chair aims to of mathematical modeling (dynamic models, offer answers to the many problems facing the control theory, logic, category theory and managerial elite in companies directly affected topoi) and epistemological discussion. The ties by globalization, as is the case for the Renault with empirical disciplines (in particular neuros- Nissan Alliance. It is in this context that the ciences, psychophysics, experimental economy Renault Foundation approached the two leading and cognitive linguistics) are nevertheless close institutions, which in turn developed an interna- and formalized via cooperative agreements with tional academic project. other centers. (Contact: E.Godelier, P. Alcquier, S. Lorette, T. Van Rillas )  The research is poly-scientific in the sense that its interdisciplinarity is intrinsic and endogenous. – Innovation and regulation in digital services Chair This is imposed by the very nature of cognitive Ecole Polytechnique, Telecom ParisTech and structures as symbolic abstract structures, des- France Telecom decided to create a Chair on cribable in their own appropriated formal lan- «Innovation and Regulation of digital services». guage, yet emerging from underlying complex This Chair will contribute to the development and physical and bio-chemical processes. the animation of a theoretical work of reference. Together, they intend to develop. The CREA endeavors firstly to technically and epis- (Contact: PJ Benghozi) temologically deepen the transferring of non-trivial dynamic and physical models to the mental and social sphere and to specify their proper cognitive usages.

Departments ­– 79 It also seeks to clarify the particularly difficult pro- On the epistemological side, the principal charac- blem of synthesis, in a computationally unified fra- teristics involve: mework, of these models with the logical models – epistemological and fundamental discussions of mental contents. regarding cognitive sciences themselves and Ultimately, the CREA strives on this basis to – the epistemological implications of cognitive “revise” the fundamental principal problems inheri- sciences for other human sciences and for the ted from modern philosophical disciplines (particu- foundations of science. larly phenomenology). The CREA presents two masters programs: - Cognitive sciences The CREA rests upon four areas of research, grou- http://www.ehess.fr/enseignements/scog/home. ped into two domains: Modeling and Epistemology. html

On the modeling side, the principal characteristics - Institutional economy involve: http://www.uparis10.fr/enseignement/deadess/ – dynamic and logical models of “individual” cogni- man/segmi_dea_ei_man.htm tion (models of mental states, processes and contents linked with neurosciences) and – the complex models of social cognition and adap- tive rationality, even if, with the CREA adopting the principle of methodological individualism for social models, this difference is not a dichotomy.

80 – “Ingénieur” Program LE GRISÉ media, and industrial groups such as Thalès and (Group for Research and Innovation in Science General Motors. and Ethics) ➟ Director: Monique Canto-Sperber The activities of the GRISÉ are presented within Département HSS publications (three journals have been published to 91128 Palaiseau Cedex date, on the principles of prevention, the attacks of Tél. 01 45 87 37 99 September 11th, and bioethics) and fuel gatherings E-Mail: [email protected] organized at irregular intervals at the Palaiseau campus. In 1999, applying a recommendation in the guiding outlines of the École which encourage it to exist The labors of the GRISÉ to organize and gather as a “place dedicated to discussions and debates around common objectives the quite dispersed on the role of science in our society”, a Group for community of researchers whose work pertains Research and Innovation in Science and Ethics to these topics are manifested in weekly research (GRISÉ) was added to the assemblage of the seminars which unite on average thirty researchers Research Center infrastructure. and students, and serve as a meeting place for Under the direction of Monique Canto-Sperber, foreign researchers passing through Paris. professor of the HSS department, the principal mission of the GRISÉ is to allow, via its research activities, demonstrations and publications, both by students and scientific personnel (professors, researchers et administrators), a reflexive return to the learning and application of the science of observation, especially with regards to ethics and moral philosophy.

During the first three years of its existence, the GRISÉ exercised its expert capacities in such varied themes as the implications of global war- ming, the coming social, economic, political, and cultural impacts of developing nanotechnology, the issue of the responsibility of scientists and engineers, the ethical problems posed by preim- plantation genetic diagnosis, the patentability of life, the representation of violence in the media, the detection and prevention of geopolitical crises and corruption.

These activities and innovations are realized at the request of organizations such as the Institute for Durable Development and International Relations, the Conseil Général des Mines, Stanford University, the National Advisory Committee for Ethics in Life Sciences, the INRA committee for ethics and pre- vention, the Kriegel commission on violence in the

Departments ­– 81 Learning about a foreign language implies not only acquiring basic linguistic and com- munication skills but also aspects of culture, history and the ways of life of the countries involved.

Nine languages are taught at Ecole Polytechnique; students are required to study two of them prior to obtaining their final diploma; a proper command of the English is seen as a must for today’s world. The nine languages are the following: Arabic, Chinese, English, French as a foreign language, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish. English is mandatory.

Student willing to start a new language must posses a sound command of English. Those eager to start a third language must be propicient in both their 1st and 2nd langages. Students who start a new language must also follow an intensive language course in the country of the language studied, during the summer vacation, coupled with their work pla- cement as well as having extra hours of class in term time. Langages, Cultures and Communication

F. Gusdorf D. Mc Cavanna A. Picelli President Vice-President Assistant Department courses

Course objectives Assessment There are classes at several levels, depending Continuous assessment as well as course examina- on the language chosen. The level is determined tions are used for student evaluation. Regular work according to performance during the entrance exa- is a must at all levels. Assessment is calculated on mination. The emphasis during the first semester credits for work actually done and for the students’ is almost entirely devoted to a strengthening of the level of language. Students are also assessed on four basic skills, but includes a discovery of culture attendance, quality and quantity of written work, on as well. The other two semesters are thematic in class participation and oral presentations in class. certain languages (English, French as a foreign language, German and Spanish). In the latter case, All students are required to do the language exams although language is obviously still an important in both their languages. These take place at the factor, students are free to select a course suited end of the second year. The form of the exam to their own interests. varies according to the language in question but command of the language itself is the main priority A wide range of topics are available, ranging from as well the capacity to use it to produce a clear, music, history, literature, cinema, drama, commu- accurate, thought out and informative essay in the nications, government. It also includes a debating foreign language. tournament organized between twelve of France’s most prestigious institutions of higher learning, In addition to the TOEFL, the École Polytechnique the grand finale of which takes place at the French offers German exams under the aegis of the Parliament in Paris. In the third semester, a student Goethe Institute. In Japanese, there is an aptitude of an excellent level may wish to do a personal test that takes place once a year in December. In research project under the guidance of a tutor, and those two cases, a contribution towards costs is write a dissertation on it, which he will then defend requested. in the presence of several members of the Modern Languages Department. Languages courses abroad After three semesters of languages, the better The Ecole Polytechnique strongly encourages stu- students should reach a high level of competence dents to go on an intensive language course in all the skills and, in addition, should possess during the summer following the second year. They an in-depth knowledge of several cultural aspects should also be encouraged to do their hands-on of the language in question. They should have no work placement in the country whose language difficulty in communicating in that language and they have been studying. The Modern Languages in following a scientific course abroad. The weaker Department will be able to help the students find students must acquire a very adequate level of the appropriate language school. comprehension and competence in spoken and written communications in their foreign languages.

A minimum score of at least 570 in the TOEFL is a prerequisite for being awarded the final diploma from the Ecole Polytechnique (89 IBT version). For international student level 5 in TCF is necessary to obtain their diplomas.

84 – “Ingénieur” Program The Preparation Term Intensive French courses and scientific preparation

The Preparation Term lasts about ten weeks starting Furthermore there are cultural activities such as end of January and finishing in April. It is intended visits to important monuments and institutions to prepare international students admitted through in Paris which acquaint students with the French the admission track “Voie 2” for the core scientific culture and way of life. Attention is paid to bring curriculum of the 1st Year starting in May. students into contact with their French colleagues. Courses in Sport and the use of the large sporting Upon arrival, students are acquainted with their facilities of Ecole Polytechnique are intended to new surroundings. They meet students, teachers, serve that purpose. professors and staff of Ecole Polytechnique. Thus the objectives of the Preparation Term are for The teaching program includes classes of French students to: as a foreign language for about 20 hours per week  Improve their knowledge of the French language (written, oral, phonetics, grammar). The linguistic and culture part pays particular attention to the language of the  Get acquainted with the working rhythm and Sciences taught at Ecole Polytechnique. Language methods at Ecole Polytechnique laboratories as well as software tools are at their  Be well prepared for the scientific curriculum, in disposal. Students are prepared for the TCF exam particular in Mathematics and Physics taken at the end of the term (Test de Connaissance  To discover and use the sporting facilities du Francais). Level 3 is compulsory from 2006 on.

The program also includes preparatory courses in Pure and Applied Mathematics and in Physics. Besides preparing students for the core scientific curriculum beginning in May, these courses are also intended to help students in adapting themselves to the working rhythm at Ecole Polytechnique.

P. Harinck L. Guével Responsible Assistant The Tutoring Program

Pascale Harinck: Responsible Linda Guével: Assistant

International students: Welcome This part of the program is designed to help international students as soon as they arrive on campus. In particular, students can get help with practical and administrative P. Harinck issues. Responsible

International students: Getting ready before classes After a placement test, a personal program is put in place in order to help students to solve their difficulties in a given field: French, Pure and Applied mathematics, Physics or Sport.

All students: Academic support After the beginning of classes, first year and second year students in difficulty in any L. Guével of the fields of the curriculum can request academic help.They are attributed a tutor, Assistant a student in second year of a Master’s Program, for personal help, typically two hours per week.

86 – “Ingénieur” Program Leadership and Sport Training

The leadership, military and sports training is nisations, municipal and local government admi- taught to the Polytechnique students all along nistraions, schools in difficult areas, humanita- their syllabus. It aims at enhancing their physical rian relief nongovernmental organisation, etc… abilities, building their character and opening their mind. The sought qualities include self-control, The basic operator internship lasts for 4 weeks and self-knowledge, flexibility, teamwork spirit, profes- is scheduled during the summer concluding the sional rigor… while the teaching is focused on their second year.This activity takes place either in France understanding of human nature within different or abroad, and requires the students to undertake population groups, their capacity to communicate basic functions in a genuine working environment and lead, their sense of public interest and ethics. (usually a firm or an NGO) , allowing them to grasp -from the bottom up- the realities of the workplace, The responsibility for this training lies mainly with especially its psychological dimension. the military staff. Three conference series are organised during the Leadership training second and third years, with the aim of opening the The leadership training Quarter is scheduled during students to today’s society issues. the first year. Its purpose is to acquaint the stu-  The “Distinguished Speakers” serie, scheduled dents with command responsibilities. It is organi- during the first semester of the second year. zed in two distinct tracks:  80% of the students will be appointed in a mili-  The “Corporate” serie, programmed in the tary unit, either in France or abroad, between second semester of the second year. december and april.  The “Defense and International Relations” serie,  For the remaining 20%, the posting will be a presented during the first semester of the third civilian field unit, such as police and justice orga- year.

CL N. Olivier S. Keyser Leadership training Director Numerous extra-curriculum activities, whether they The second and third years include several other be of social, cultural or traditional nature, are milestones: encouraged and often partially financed by Ecole  the “armed forces seminar” scheduled in july of Polytechnique. Indeed, they provide the students the second year, improves the students’ knowle- with the necessary opportunities to develop their dge of the various French military forces. entrepreneurship, their sense of responsibility, their creativity, their comprehension of psychology,  the “defense seminar” programmed during the as well as their ability to conduct a team porject. third year, has a dual aim: it delivers some high- level material in the fields of geopolitics and Military training (French students only) security, and informs the students about careers French students only undergo an initial military in the reserve. training Quarter in september of their first year. It takes place in “La Courtine”, which hosts a training  Numerous military ceremonies and parades, center of the French Army mountain troops.This whose climax consists of the Bastille Day mili- first Quarter is then followed by an Officer Course tary parade on July 14th. lasting between three weeks and two months, and which is given within one of the four military acade- mies (Army, Navy, Air Force, Gendarmerie).

88 – “Ingénieur” Program Sport

Sports play an essential role at Ecole Polytechnique. First because sport helps develop more well-rounded students, secondly because the outstanding results achieved by the different teams enhance the reputation of the school.

Teaching sports at Ecole Polytechnique Sports is a prerequisite for every student. They may choose from among sixteen LCL Derongs sporting activities which they practice for six hours a week. Just like any other regular Sport Director course, sports activities are assessed and graded by professional teachers, attentive to the progress of the students.

The school’s teams are made up of its best athletes. They take part in the interuniver- sity competitions which take place every week.

However, there are no sports scholarships at Ecole Polytechnique.

CNE Lailheugue Sixteen sports to choose from Deputy Team sports: Basketball, Handball, Volley-Ball, Football (or soccer), Rugby Outdoor sports: Field and Track events, Orienteering, Climbing, Badminton Water sports: Rowing, Swimming, Sailing Individual sports: Horse-riding, Fencing, Golf, Judo, Tennis

Ecole Polytechnique has numerous sports facilities, indoors and outdoors, as well as two swimming pools and a golf links. M. Henry Deputy

Formation, Projets et Stages – 89­

Program Flowchart

Table of Contents

Year 1 – Core Curriculum ...... 95 Year 2 – Fall Semester ...... 97 Year 2 – Spring Semester ...... 99 Year 3 – Scientific Specialization Program ...... 101 Applied Mathematics ...... 103 Biology ...... 107 Cells, organisms, genomics, evolution ...... 110 Biology at the Interfaces ...... 112 Bioinformatics ...... 115 Chemistry at Frontiers ...... 119 Design and Management of Complex Computerized Systems (CoMaSIC) ...... 123 Embedded systems ...... 124 Information systems ...... 125 Economics ...... 127 Economics and Public Policy ...... 128 Quantitative Economics and Finance ...... 130 Ecosciences ...... 137 Electrical Engineering ...... 141 Energies of the 21st Century ...... 145 Engineering and Innovation technologies ...... 149 Informatics ...... 155 Algorithmic and Optimization ...... 156 Image ...... 157 Protection of Information ...... 158 Networks ...... 159 Sofware Quality ...... 160 Mathematics ...... 163 Mechanics ...... 167 Mechanics and Physics for Environment ...... 171 Physics ...... 175 From particules to the stars ...... 176 Laser, optics, plasmas ...... 178 From atom to material ...... 180 From material to application ...... 182 Physics for optics and nanosciences ...... 184 High energy physics ...... 186 Program Prerequisites ...... 188 Year 3 – Spring Term ...... 193 The fourth year of the “Ingénieur Polytechnicien” Curriculum ...... 197 ECO311





94 – “Ingenieur” Program Year 1 Core Curriculum

ECO311 Introduction to Economic Analysis Pierre Cahuc INF311 Introduction to computer science Frank Nielsen INF321 Principles of programming languages Gilles Dowek MAP311 Randomness Sylvie Méléard MAT311 Real and complex analysis Franck Pacard PHY311 Quantum mechanics Jean Dalibard, Philippe Grangier

Quarter: Spring

Flowchart Program ­– 95 BIO452


ECO432 BIO451 INF421A


ECO431 MAT432

BIO441A MAT431


INF441A MEC431 MAP432





96 – “Ingenieur” Program Year 2 Fall Semester

Long Modules (2 per semester) BIO451 Molecular and cellular biology Yves Gaudin, Arnaud Echard, Sandrine Etienne-Manneville ECO431 Economic analysis: Introduction Pierre Picard, Patrick Artus MAT431 Distribution Theory, Fourier Analysis and Dynamical Systems François Golse, Raphaël Krikorian MEC431 Continuum Mechanics Patrick Le Tallec

Short Modules 1st Quarter (1 per Quarter) BIO452 Molecular Biology Arnaud Echard, Yves Gaudin CHI411 Introduction to molecular chemistry Éric Clot ECO432 Econometrics: An introductory course Denis Fougère, Francis Kramarz INF421A Fundamentals of programming and algorithms Olivier Bournez INF422 Components of a computing system: Introduction to computer architecture and operating systems Albert Cohen MAT432 Fourier analysis, spectral theory and applications to EDP Yvan Martel

2nd Quarter (1 per Quarter) BIO441A Experimental project in Biology Yves Méchulam INF421B Fundamentals of Programming and Algorithms Philippe Baptiste INF441A Experimental project in Computer science Dominique Rossin MAP432 Probability: Random walk Nizar Touzi MEC441A Experimental Project in Mechanics Xavier Boutillon PHY431 Relativity and variational principles Christoph Kopper, David Langlois

PSC Scientific Research Team Project Rachel-Marie Pradeilles-Duval

Prerequisites: www.catalogue.polytechnique.fr

– During the course of the second year, each student must select and complete courses within at least 6 different disciplines. – Choosing an experimental project is mandatory and counts as an independent discipline. Students are limited to one such project

Given that the number of places in an experimental module is limited, a student could potentially request an experimental module during another period or in another subject.

Program Flowchart – 97 BIO431 CHI431 MAP433 BIO441B

CHI441A MAT451 HSS441 INF431 MEC432 INF441B



BIO432 MEC441B MAP431 PHY441A MAP411 PHY442A MAT452

PHY432 MEC433 BIO441C

MEC434 CHI441B







98 – “Ingenieur” Program Year 2 Spring Semester

Longs Modules (2 per semester) CHI431 The foundations of molecular chemistry Philippe Maître, Samir Zard INF431 Programs and Algorithms: from sequential to distributed François Morain, Jean-Marc Steyaert MAP431 Numerical analysis and optimization Grégoire Allaire, François Alouges, Pierre-Louis Lions PHY432 Quantum and Statistical physics Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, Manuel Joffre, Marc Mézard

Short Modules 1st Quarter (1 per Quarter) BIO431 Ecology and biodiversity Denis Couvet BIO441B Experimental project in Biology Yves Méchulam CHI441A Experimental project in Chemistry Fabien Gagosz, Corinne Gosmini HSS441 Experimental project in Humanities Florence Charue-Duboc INF441AB Experimental project in computer science Thomas Clausen, Christophe Dürr Renaud Keriven, Dominique Rossin MAP433 Statistics Marc Hoffmann MAP441A Experimental project in Applied Mathematics Yacine Chitour, Jean-René Chazottes, François Alouges MAT441 Experimental project in Mathematics Romain Dujardin MAT451 Algebra and Galois theory David Hernandez MEC432 Fluid Mechanics Patrick Huerre MEC441B Experimental Project in Mechanics Xavier Boutillon PHY441A Experimental project in Physics Serena Bastiani-Ceccotti, Antonello De Martino PHY442A Experimental project in Electronics Yvan Bonnassieux, Razvigor Ossikovski

2nd Quarter (1 per Quarter) BIO432 Biology and human pathologies: from symptoms to mechanisms Jean-Louis Martin BIO441C Experimental project in Biology Yves Méchulam CHI441B Experimental project in Chemistry Fabien Gagosz, Corinne Gosmini INF441C Experimental project in computer science Thomas Clausen, Christophe Dürr Renaud Keriven, Dominique Rossin MAP411 Mathematical Modelling Pierre-Louis Lions MAP441B Experimental project in Applied Mathematics Yacine Chitour, Jean-René Chazottes, François Alouges MAT441 Experimental project in Mathematics Romain Dujardin MAT452 Fondamental Group, covering spaces and knot theory Jean Lannes MEC433 Atmospheric and oceanic dynamics Hervé Le Treut MEC434 Waves and vibrations Emmanuel de Langre MEC441C Experimental Project in Mechanics Xavier Boutillon PHY441B Experimental project in Physics Serena Bastiani-Ceccotti, Antonello De Martino PHY442B Experimental project in Electronics Yvan Bonnassieux, Razvigor Ossikovski

PSC Scientific Research Team Project Rachel-Marie Pradeilles-Duval – During the course of the second year, each student must select and complete courses within at least 6 different disciplines. – Choosing an experimental project is mandatory and counts as an independent discipline. Students are limited to one such project

Given that the number of places in an experimental module is limited, a student could potentially request an experimental module during another period or in another subject.

Program Flowchart – 99 Scientific specialisation program list

Applied Mathematics

Biology Cells, organisms, genomics, evolution Biology at interfaces


Chemistry at frontiers

Design and management of complex computerized systems Embedded systems Information systems

Economics Economics and public policy Quantitative economics and finance


Electrical Engineering

Energies of the 21st century

Engineering and innovation technologies

Informatics Algorithms and optimization Image Network Software quality Protection of the information



Mechanics and physics for environment

Physics From particules to the stars Laser, optics, plasmas and energy From atom to material From materials to applications Physics for Optics and Nanosciences High energy physics

100 – “Ingenieur” Program Year 3 Scientific Specialization Program

Flowchart Program – 101­

Applied Mathematics

The Applied Mathematics Program is targeted to unifying theme of finance and ecological systems. students motivated by mathematics, stochas- In this framework it exemplifies the method of the tic modelling, and the study and simulation of applied mathematician, notably the steps of model- concrete phenomena. It is advisable to have fol- ling, mathematical analysis, numerical simulation, lowed 2nd year courses in mathematics or applied and interpretation of results. mathematics prerequisite to this program; a certain ease in these fields and in scientific computing are In the 4th year of study, this program gives one also recommended. access to numerous training programs in mathe- matics applied to random models in Finance and in This program is selective and limited to 100 stu- Ecology, in many “grandes écoles” and universities dents. in France and abroad. In this program finance and environment meet risk analysis. Starting from the modelling of random These Master M2 programs can be professional in dynamics and quantitative criteria, the tools of aim or continue on to a PhD level. The opportu- applied mathematics enable a better understan- nities are careers in Finance, Insurance, and Risk ding of phenomena and the simulation of situa- Management, with an expertise in ecology and tions of particular interest, leading to strategies environment, as well as other fields where ran- for action. Contrary to the preconceived notion domness is a factor to be taken into account. claiming that market finance is only interested in immediate profitability, these modern tools can Prerequisites: bring a real contribution to long-term environmen-  MAP411–Mathematical Modelling or MAP431– tal issues. The durability of the financial system Numerical analysis and optimization must come through conjoint reflection and interac- and tion in these fields. The IMFSE program is in line  MAP432–Probability: Random walk or MAP433– with this perspective. It offers a coherent selection Statistics of courses built around random models and their applications in mathematical engineering, with the

G. Allaire F. Bonnans G. Graham Quarter 1






MAP555 Choose three




MEC551 MAP571

MEC552 MAP572 Choose one

Quarter 1 – Fall ECO555 Game Theory Sylvain Sorin INF550 Design and Analysis of Algorithms Gilles Schaeffer MAP552 Stochastic models in finance Nizar Touzi MAP553 Statistical Learning Alexandre Tsybakov MAP554 Communication Networks, Algorithms and Probability Philippe Robert MAP555 Signal Processing Stéphane Mallat MAP556 Introduction to dynamical systems and Markov chains. Applications to ecology Jean-René Chazottes MAP557 Operations Research: Mathematical Aspects and Applications Stéphane Gaubert MAP559 Introduction to Numerical Modeling and Finite Element Method Bertrand Maury MAP571 Personal project in Applied Mathematics Florent Benaych-Georges, Aline Lefebvre-Lepot Stéphane Mallat MAP572 Electromagnetics and acoustics in the automotive and aerospace industry: from modelling to HPC (high-performance computing) Isabelle Terrasse MEC551 Plasticity and Fracture Jean-Jacques Marigo MEC552 Computational fluid dynamics Peter Schmid

104 – “Ingenieur” Program Quarter 2






MAP565 Choose three


MAT561 INF585

MEC564 MAP581 Choose one PHY560A MAP582 Quarter 2 – Winter INF580 Constraint Programming and Combinatorial Optimization Philippe Baptiste INF585 C++ Leo Liberti MAP561 Control: Basic concepts and applications in mechanics Yacine Chitour MAP562 Optimal design of structures Grégoire Allaire MAP563 Random models in Ecology and Evolution Sylvie Méléard MAP564 Stochastic simulation and Monte-Carlo methods Carl Graham, Denis Talay MAP565 Processes and estimation Stéphane Grégoir MAP/MAT567 Transport and diffusion Grégoire Allaire, François Golse MAP581 Personal Project in Applied Mathematics Florent Benaych-Georges Aline Lefebvre-Lepot, Stéphane Mallat MAP582 Creation of Technology Start-Ups Stéphane Mallat, Bruno Martinaud MAT561 Nonlinear Schrodinger equation: from Bose Einstein condensates to supersolids Amandine Aftalion MEC564 Compressible aerodynamics Antoine Sellier PHY560A Complex systems Marc Mézard, Jean-Philippe Bouchaud

Quarter 3 – Spring MAP591 Image and Signal Stéphanie Allassonnière, Antonin Chambolle MAP592 Modelling and scientific computing Grégoire Allaire MAP593 Automatic Control and Operations Research Frédéric Bonnans, Yacine Chitour, Stépane Gaubert MAP594 Probabilistic and statistical modelisation Christophe Giraud MAP595 Financial Mathematics Nizar Touzi, Peter Tankov

Flowchart Program ­– 105


Life sciences in the 21st century have benefited Each theme allows the Engineer’s program and from two major breakthroughs. Master program students to study the most recent breakthroughs in biology, which have key impacts The first one is the evolution of tools for the on life sciences and techniques, definitely including sequencing of numerous genomes, from microbes them among the engineer’s sciences. (bacteria, yeast…), from human, from model ani- mals (mouse, drosophila…) and from plants. These two themes share several courses aimed at extending the second year biology courses. The second one is the setting up of analytical and In this view, the cellular components and their imaging tools at the interface between biology and interactions are presented, in order to show how other disciplines such as informatics, physics and these components co-operate and are organized chemistry. to insure the functioning of a cell. The intra- and inter-cellular networks insuring at a higher level the The breakthroughs are such as it is now possible functions of a whole organism are also illustrated. to integrate the molecular aspects of biology up to The study of the dynamic organization of a cell the study of ecosystemes, via the cellular, organel- is followed by that of the development of living lar and organism levels. The social and economical organisms, with emphasis on the development consequences of biodiversity now involve all the and functions of the brain system in vertebrate. engineer sciences, and more generally the deci- Application and perspectives of genomics are also sions, in the public as well as commercial contexts. presented.

These aspects are: genomics and post geno- IIt will be shown how genomes are mapped and mics (“Cells, organisms and genomics”), interfaces sequenced, how bioinformatics allow to convert between biology and other disciplines (“Biology at these sequences into biologically relevant data, the interfaces”). and how functional genomics allow the discovery of genes involved central physiological functions,

Y. Méchulam in human as well as in other organisms. Genome of new targets for new drugs, and of innovating plasticity is also introduced, using the immune sys- therapeutic strategies. tem as a model. As part of this teaching, students have the opportunity to utilize their knowledge, by During the second half, the two themes diverge doing either an experimental program in genetic with, on one side a focusing on animal transgenosis engineering or a bibliographic study. This aims at and genomics and on a second bringing the engineers face to face with some of the strategies for using and re-programming the properties of living matter and of its constituents. Professional openings: Proposed fourth year studies: In the “Cells, organisms and genomics” and In France: “Biology at the interfaces” themes, the knowle- Engineering track with a double degree, involving dge acquired in molecular and cellular biology will one of the following partner schools: allow to introduce the study of central physiolo-  AgroParis Tech (track “Agronomie” or “Water and gical processes and of their disfunctioning which Forrests” cause diseases deserving much interest: infectious  Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines Paris Tech diseases, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases… de Paris (Biotechnology) Molecular bases of these diseases can now be  Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Techniques characterized, thereby contributing to the definition Avancées Paris Tech (Environment)

108 – “Ingenieur” Program  Ecole Supérieure de Physique et Chimie Please note: many departments in Anglo-Saxon Industrielles Paris Tech (Bioengineering) universities propose only PhD programs, not  Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie Paris Tech Master programs.

Second year of Master: Possible carriers:  In Ecole Polytechnique: « Engineering the struc- Carriers connected to bioengineering, in particular ture and function of biomolecules » in the following activity sectors:  In other universities (for instance: biology, immu-  Research in life sciences nology, pharmacology, genetics, neurosciences,  Bio-medicine bioinformatics, physics of biological systems…)  Pharmacology (treatments, diagnostics, pro- phylaxy) Abroad:  Cosmetology  Master of Science: Bioengineering, Biomedical  Food-processing, agronomy-related chemistry Engineering, Biochemistry, Environmental  Environment Engineering.

Flowchart Program ­– 109 Cells, organisms, genomics, evolution

Objectives: This theme gives the necessary bases for exploiting the data obtained from genome sequencing and for utilizing genetic engineering for cloning or creating transgenic ani- mals. The molecular bases of genetic diversity in the living kingdom are presented. The consequences of genomics are illustrated, not only for therapeutic applications but also for Y. Méchulam agronomy. Plants are indeed valuable models forgenetic engineering. The access of plant biology to the post-genomic era reinforces the academic knowledge and allows to imagine new strategies, unsuspected up to now, for the protection and use of plants.

This theme, corresponding to M1 studies, is appropriate for students interested in funda- mental and applied aspects of genetic engineering (bio-medicine, pharmacology, agroche- mistry, food industry, environment…)

It is also appropriate for students interested in PhD studies.

Requested courses: at least one year 2 Biology course.

Required previous courses: Cell and its environment is compulsory if BIO451–Molecular and cellular biology or BIO452–Molecular biology was not attended during year 2.

110 – “Ingenieur” Program Quarter 1 Quarter 2

BIO551 BIO561

BIO552 BIO562

BIO553 Choose three BIO563

BIO554 BIO581

BIO582 Choose one BIO571

Quarter 1 – Fall BIO551 The cell and its environment René-Marc Mège, Cécile Sykes BIO552 Cellular identity and immunology Nathalie Dostatni, Jean-Pierre Levraud BIO553 Neurobiology and Development Sonia Garel BIO554 Computational biology Thomas Simonson BIO571 Experimental laboratory work in Genetic Engineering Yves Méchulam

Quarter 2 – Winter BIO561 Biological Targets and Therapeutic Strategies Christophe Escudé, Christophe d’Enfert BIO562 Genetics, reproduction, cloning Philippe Monget BIO563 Biodiversity Jérôme Chave BIO581 Genomes: diversity, environment and human health Hannu Myllykallio BIO582 Modeling in evolutionary ecology Emmanuelle Porcher, Tatiana Giraud

Quarter 3 – Spring BIO591 Biology and Ecology Yves Méchulam

Flowchart Program – 111­ Biology at the Interfaces

Objectives: This program illustrates the value of tackling biology with a multidisciplinary point of view. Physics enables us to understand the properties of polymers and biological membranes, to study biological assemblies and processes, to manipulate single molecules, whereas Chemistry allows to study how enzymes work and gets inspiration from life in order to C. Escudé design more specific drugs. Physics and chemistry rely on predictive approaches based on modelling 3D structures and functions of biological macromolecules.

Research conducted at the interface between biology and other fields can have many different applications: concepts from polymers and colloïds physics help to improve drug absorption, microfluidics plays an essential role in the development of new tools for biolo- gical analysis and molecular diagnostics.

This set of advanced multidisciplinary courses, which associates knowledge in biology, chemistry, computer science and physical chemistry, is designed for students interested by the life sciences, and for engineers who plan a Career in the pharmaceutical, veterinary, agro-chemistry or cosmetic industries. Environmental sciences are also a perspective.

Requested courses: at least one year 2 Biology course.

Required previous courses: Cell Biology and its environment is compulsory if BIO451- Molecular and cellular biology or BIO452-Molecular Biology was not attended during year 2.

112 – “Ingenieur” Program Quarter 1 Quarter 2

BIO 551 BIO 561

BIO 552 BIO 562

BIO 553 PHY 565 BIO 554 Choose three

CHI 581 PHY 552B

BIO 571

Quarter 1 – Fall BIO551 The cell and its environment René-Marc Mège, Cécile Sykes BIO552 Cellular identity and immunology Nathalie Dostatni, Jean-Pierre Levraud BIO553 Neurobiology and Development Sonia Garel BIO554 Computational biology Thomas Simonson BIO571 Experimental laboratory work in Genetic Engineering Yves Méchulam PHY552B Biophysics: from nanometers to microns Armand Adjari, Ulrich Bockelmann

Quarter 2 – Winter BIO561 Biological Targets and Therapeutic Strategies Christophe Escudé, Christophe d’Enfert BIO562 Genetics, reproduction, cloning Philippe Monget CHI581 Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Isabelle Artaud PHY565 Physics of Biological Polymers and Membranes Arnaud Echard, Cécile Sykes

Quarter 3 – Spring BIO591 Biology and Ecology Yves Méchulam

Flowchart Program ­– 113


Objectives: due to the fast renewal of experimental tools and of Since 30 years computer science and computer modeling methods: for instance the experimental programs have played an essential role in a number and analysis capacities for genome sequencing of research and engineering domains of Biology. have exploded in the last years paving the way New domains of activity have developed which for new developments in biology, pharmacy and would simply not exist without computer science: medecine. e.g., genome sequencing hence comparative genomics, protein and RNA classifications, struc- Prerequisites: ture prediction and engineering, many aspects of  BIO432–Biology and human pathologies: from metabolomics and pharmacy. symptoms to mechanisms or BIO451–Molecular and cellular biology or BIO452–Molecular biology A new discipline is born which grows in this inter- face:  INF421–Programming and algorithms or INF431– Bioinformatics. It is concerned with the invention Algorithms and Programming: from sequential and development of models, issued from classical to distributed informatics and mathematics, in order to render biological, chemical and physical phenomena which  or any equivalent selection of courses occur in cells or in their specific units, as well as for groups of cells and even organs. Global consistency rule for quarter 1 and quarter 2: At least, three courses in Biology and three This discipline is quite diverse and in rapid evolu- courses in informatics. tion since the scientific puzzle is constantly moving

J.-M Steyaert T. Simonson Informatics Biology Quarter 1




INF550 Choose four INF553


Quarter 1 – Fall BIO551 Biology and Ecology René-Marc Mege, Cécile Sykes BIO554 Computational biology Thomas Simonson BIO571 Experimental laboratory work in Genetic Engineering Yves Méchulam INF550 Design and Analysis of Algorithms Gilles Schaeffer INF553 Databases and information management Michalis Vazirgiannis INF558 Information Theory Jean-Pierre Tillich

116 – “Ingenieur” Program Quarter 2




INF580 Choose four INF582


Quarter 2 – Winter BIO561 Biological Targets and Therapeutic Strategies Christophe Escudé, Christophe d’Enfert BIO563 Biodiversity Jérôme Chave BIO582 Modeling in evolutionary ecology Emmanuelle Porcher, Tatiana Giraud INF580 Constraint Programming and Combinatorial Optimization Philippe Baptiste INF582 Data mining: statistical models and combinatorial search for information Jean-Marc Steyaert INF585 C++ Leo Liberti

Quarter 3 – Spring BIO591 Biology and Ecology Yves Méchulam INF591 Internship in computer science Olivier Bournez, Franck Nielsen, Benjamin Werner

Program Flowchart – 117

Chemistry at Frontiers

The world of Molecular Chemistry has considerably who have elected to pursue a career in the core evolved over the past three decades. The terms chemical sciences or in their interfaces, either in “molecule” and “molecular architecture” are not industry or in academia. exclusive to chemistry anymore and have become part of various other scientific domains such as bio- The implication of chemistry in many different pro- logy, physics, and mathematics, if one considers fessional activities demands some flexibility in the the development of codes for quantum calculations design and structure of the curriculum. It is thus and modelling methods allowing the re-creation, relatively easy to combine the chemistry courses and therefore understanding chemical reactions, with courses in other departments, especially bio- “in silico”. logy, physics, and economy.

The development of new techniques for the exa- It is also important to stress that in each quarter a mination of smaller and smaller objects and the visit to an industrial research or production centre analysis of more and more complex molecular is normally organised, and that some courses assemblies, encompassing hence nanosciences, involve the participation of external speakers hai- molecular biology, new therapeutic approaches, ling from either industry or academia. the production of essential raw materials on a large scale and all the associated problems of sustained development and environmental issues, have pus- Quarter 1 – Molecular Chemistry hed chemistry to the frontiers and interfaces of This course provides the students with an advanced numerous other domains. It is now almost impos- training in organic and organometallic chemistry, sible to master many subjects without a basic allowing them appreciate research synthetic plan- understanding of molecular chemistry. ning and retrosynthetic analysis, biosynthesis, NMR spectroscopy and its most recent refinements, the The whole of the advanced course in chemistry is chemistry of transition metals, catalysis and mate- designed for those engineering students wishing rials chemistry.

S. Zard The optional course CHI572 (experimental project) Among the courses offered, the students can also will be carried out in the research laboratories choose a course on biological and therapeutic and will deal with an actual research project. The chemistry (in association with the Department of students will be individually supervised by the biology) or a course on solid state chemistry (in research chemist directly concerned by the project. association with the department of physics).

Prerequisites: CHI431–The foundations of Molecular Quarter 2 – Chemistry at frontiers Chemistry The program offered in the second quarter is a direct and logical continuation of the one given in the first quarter. It comprises lectures in advanced organic and organometallic chemistry, a course on polymer chemistry, a course on industrial che- mistry describing the various processes and tech- niques used in industry, as well as a course on the principles of molecular modelling, which is gaining widespread popularity in many areas of science. The training is complemented by course on the frontiers of chemistry consisting of either a litera- ture search on a seminal topic under the tutorship of a senior scientist or an experimental research project under the guidance of a confirmed chemist (see the program of the first quarter).

120 – “Ingenieur” Program Quarter 1 Quarter 2

CHI551 CHI561

CHI552 CHI562


CHI563 Choose three

CHI571 CHI564

CHI572 Choose one CHI581

CHI582 Choose one CHI583

Quarter 1 – Fall CHI551 Structure, Symmetry and Spectroscopy Christophe Copéret CHI552 Organic Synthesis and Biosynthesis Samir Zard CHI553 Organometallic chemistry and catalysis Nicolas Mézailles CHI571 Chemistry of condensed matter Jean-Pierre Boilot CHI572 Experimental project Fabien Gagosz, Corinne Gosmini

Quarter 2 – Winter CHI561 Advanced organic and organometallic chemistry Samir Zard CHI562 Polymer chemistry Laurent Bouteiller CHI563 Modeling in molecular sciences Gilles Ohanessian CHI564 Industrial Chemistry Élisabeth Crépon CHI581 Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Isabelle Artaud CHI582 Chemistry of soldis Jean-Pierre Boilot CHI583 Frontiers in chemistry Samir Zard

Quarter 3 – Spring CHI591 New reactions and natural products synthesis Samir Zard CHI592 Organometallic chemistry and catalysis François Nief CHI593 Chemistry/biology interface, mass spectrometry and quantum chemistry Gilles Ohanessian CHI594 Solid state and material chemistry Jean-Pierre Boilot

Flowchart Program – 121­

Design and Management of Complex Computerized Systems (CoMaSIC)

This program aims at preparing students to the “Embedded Systems” track: design and architecture of some of the large indus- This part of the program allows for specializing later trial systems which currently play a major role in on, with courses in M2 on design and architecture industry: embedded systems for the automotive of embedded systems. industry, for avionics, supervision systems, enter- It necessitates to follow seven compulsory courses, prise information systems etc. and an optional course.

These complex systems – those obtained by integration of many different systems – need, by “Information Systems” track: nature, to master some major aspects of computer This part of the program allows to specialize later science, applied mathematics (simulation, signal on (in M2) in design and architecture of enterprise processing and control theory), electronics and information systems. management. It necessitates to follow three compulsory courses The Program is coordonated by the Ecole and three other optional courses. Polytechnique-Thalès chair “Engineering of Complex Industrial Systems”. Prerequisites: Two tracks have been defined up to now in the MAP411 – Mathematical Modelling program: or 1. one towards embedded systems INF421 – Fundamentals of Programming and 2. the other, toward information systems Algorithms or INF431 – Programs and Algorithms: from sequential to distrubuted

E. Goubault Embedded systems

Quarter 1 Quarter 2

INF556 INF560

INF559 INF565

MAP555 MAP561

INF572 INF564

PHY573A Choose one INF568

INF580 Choose one


Quarter 1 – Fall INF556 Software modelling and engineering Daniel Krob, Leo Liberti INF559 Computer architecture Olivier Temam INF572 Operations research: modelling and software Leo Liberti MAP555 Signal processing Stéphane Mallat PHY573A Electronics: experimental conception Yvan Bonnassieux, Yannick Geerebaert, Alain Louis-Joseph, Franck Wajsburt

Quarter 2 – Winter INF560 Distributed and Parallel Computing Eric Goubault INF565 Computer-checked proofs Benjamin Werner INF564 Compilation François Pottier INF568 Cryptology Andreas Enge, Francois Morain INF580 Constraint Programming and Combinatorial Optimization Philippe Baptiste INF583 Operating systems principles and programming Albert Cohen MAP561 Control: Basic concepts and applications in mechanics Yacine Chitour

Quarter 3 – Spring INF591 Internship in computer science Olivier Bournez, Éric Goubault, Frank Nielsen, Benjamin Werner

124 – “Ingenieur” Program Information systems

Quarter 1 Quarter 2

INF553 INF560

INF556 INF569

INF557 INF583


INF572 INF564 Choose one MAP555 INF568 Choose one

Quarter 1 – Fall INF551 Logic and computability theory Gilles Dowek INF553 Databases and information management Michalis Vazirgiannis INF556 Software modelling and engineering Daniel Krob, Leo Liberti INF557 Introduction to networks Thomas Clausen INF572 Operations research: modelling and software Leo Liberti MAP555 Signal processing Stéphane Mallat

Quarter 2 – Winter INF560 Distributed and Parallel Computing Eric Goubault INF564 Compilation François Pottier INF568 Cryptology Andreas Enge, Francois Morain INF569 Theory and Practice of Information Systems Yves Caseau INF583 Operating systems principles and programming Albert Cohen

Quarter 3 – Spring INF591 Internship in computer science Olivier Bournez, Éric Goubault, Frank Nielsen, Benjamin Werner

Flowchart Program – 125­


The École Polytechnique Economics Department In France: offers the following level 1 master’s programs: Grandes Écoles: ENSAE ParisTech, Mines ParisTech  Master 1 Quantitative Economics and Finance, (industrial economics), École des Ponts ParisTech in cooperation with the applied mathematics (economics, management, finance), HEC department and HEC. M2 programs co-authorized by X:  Master 1 Economics and Public Policy, in coope- – Analysis and Political Economics (with EHESS, ration with Sciences Po and ENSAE. HEC, Ponts, ENS, ENSAE) – Economics of durable development for energy and This first year master’s program opens the way to the environment (with Paris X, EHESS, AgroParisTech, several complimentary curricula, in France (Master Mines ParisTech, INSTN, ENSPM, Ponts) 2 and Écoles d’application) as well as abroad (Master – Project, innovation, design (MIXT, with HEC, Mines of Economics, Management, Finance, Management ParisTech, Paris Dauphine beginning in 2010) of Natural Resources and Technology, notably in – Economics and Public Policy (with Sciences Po the USA or United Kingdom). These curricula lead and ENSAE) to careers with significant economic components – Economics of Markets and Organizations (with in the public and private sectors, both nationally Toulouse 1, EHESS) and internationally (banks, insurance companies, – Mathematical Modeling (through OMJE) and consulting, large businesses, international orga- Probability and Finance (with Paris 6) nizations, financial regulation agencies, economic – Other M2 programs in economics administration, research, etc.). Abroad: Two Master 1 programs “Economics and Public – Master (of Science) Finance and Economics, Politics” (EPP) and “Quantitative Economics and Economy, Master of Public Administration, Master Finance” (QEF) allow entry to the Écoles d’appli- of International Affairs, type “Technology and Policy” cation of the École Polytechnique. They establish a natural route (and are, in fact, strongly recom- Please note: in the majority of US and British univer- mended) to continue with the subsequent 2nd sities, the economics departments only offer PhD year master’s programs, offered by the École programs with integrated master’s degrees. Polytechnique in co-authorization with other higher education institutions:

P. Cahuc Economics and Public Policy

The Master 1 Economics and Public Policy (EPP) program is specifically designed for students interested in the application and evaluation of public actions in the economic domain. The recipients of this Master’s degree may pursue further research or careers in administration and international organizations.

P. Cahuc This Master 1 EPP program is intended for students wishing to obtain the «Public Policy» master’s degree, co-authorized with Science Po and ENSAE.

This Master 1 program also leads to other economics master’s degrees which are co-autho- rized by the École Polytechnique (APE, EDDEE). It additionally provides the opportunity to spend a fourth year in an engineering school or partner technical university, particularly ENSAE, École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées and École des Mines.

Outside of language courses, humanities and social sciences courses and sports, École Polytechnique students must complete 4 courses in each trimester to complete the aca- demic year. They must complete 5 courses in each trimester to be eligible for admission to a second year economics master’s program authorized by the École Polytechnique. Third trimester: Internship within public administration, consulting offices, or research centers (CREST, CECO, IFS, OFCE…).

Prerequisites: Eco431–Economic analysis Introduction

128 – “Ingenieur” Program Quarter 1 Quarter 2

ECO551 ECO561

ECO552 ECO562

ECO553 ECO563



ECO571 ECO565

ECO581 Choose two

ECO572 Choose one


Quarter 1 – Fall ECO551 Public and Private Law Emmanuel Breene ECO552 Econometrics Denis Fougère, Francis Kramarz ECO553 Economic Growth Pierre Cahuc, Jean-Olivier Hairault ECO554 Microeconomics for public policy Francis Bloch ECO571 Quantitative Sociology Louis Chauvel ECO572 International Economics Agnès Benassy-Quéré, Isabelle Méjean

Quarter 2 – Winter ECO560 Economics of information, incentives and contracts Bernard Caillaud ECO561 Business Cycles Yann Algan, Jean-Olivier Hairault ECO562 Econometrics and evaluation of public policy Christian Belzil ECO563 Public Economics, welfare and institutions Jean-François Laslier ECO565 Sustainable development and environment Patricia Crifo ECO581 Economic Policy Agnès Benassy Quéré, Benoît Coeuré ECO582 Economics and competition policy Philippe Choné, David Sevy

Quarter 3 – Spring ECO591 Microeconomics and Business Strategies Jean-Pierre Ponssard ECO592 The macroeconomic and Political Economy Patrick Artus ECO593 Bank, Finance Antoine Frachot

Flowchart Program ­– 129 Quantitative Economics and Finance

Ecole Polytechnique and HEC-Paris are offering a Master Program in Quantitative Economics and Finance ope n to graduates in economics and related fields (3-year Bachelor degree or equivalent).

The first year (M1) is jointly operated by Ecole Polytechnique and HEC-Paris and is based at their campuses. The second year (M2) can be completed in one of four programs in M.-L. Allain economics and finance offered through the Ecole Polytechnique and HEC-Paris (the valida- tion of this first year gives access to the second year of Analyse et Politique Economique, APE. It also leads to Economics of Markets and Organizations, EMO, and Economie du Développement Durable de l’Energie et de l’Environnement, EDDEE).

The M1 is housed within the Department of Applied Mathematics and the Department of Economics at the Ecole Polytechnique, and the Department of Economics and Finance at HEC-Paris.

The M1 covers subjects and topics fundamental to students who want to enroll in these M2 programs and yet do not have the required background. The objective of the program is two-fold:  to provide students with a fundamental understanding of the concepts and methods underlying economics and finance,  to give students an opportunity to carry out advanced research projects in both their first and second year.

It is the overall main goal of the M1 to prepare students to a career in quantitative or research- oriented jobs, namely academic jobs. The program is geared toward students who want to continue their studies through the M2 onto a PhD program. All courses are offered in English. A solid background in mathematics is a prerequisite.

The programme is composed by two quarters of courses and one quarter of internship.

130 – “Ingenieur” Program Quarter 1





ECO584 Or MAP551 ECO550A

ECO559 Choose one

Quarter 1 – Fall ECO550A Economics of uncertainty and finance Alfred Galichon ECO556 Microeconomics Marie-Laure Allain, Eduardo Perez ECO557 Econometrics Bruno Crépon, Philippe Février ECO558 Macroeconomics Édouard Challe, Jean-Baptiste Michau ECO574 Game theory and economic analysis Yukio Koriyama Rida Laraki, Jorgen Weilbull ECO559 Business strategy Jean-Pierre Ponssard ECO584 Financial markets Alfred Galichon, Philippe Tibi MAP551 Probability theory Mathieu Rosenbaum

ECO550A: prerequisites for “Finance Research” and “Economics Research” tracks

ECO584: Students of Ecole Polytechnique’s “Ingénieur Program” MAP581: Students entering the Ecole through the Master’s program

Flowchart Program ­– 131 Quarter 2 – “Quantitative Economics” track






ECO566B Choose three ECO567B




132 – “Ingenieur” Program Quarter 2 – Winter: “Quantitative Economics” track ECO560 Economics of information, incentives and contracts Bernard Caillaud ECO563 Public Economics, welfare and institutions Jean-François Laslier ECO564 Economy of the Energy Sector: Introduction Jean-Pierre Hansen ECO565 Sustainable development and environment Patricia Crifo ECO566A Industrial organization Patrick Rey ECO566B Organizational economics and corporate finance Laurent Linnemer ECO567B Behavioral economics Francis Bloch ECO568 Applied microeconometrics Bruno Crépon, Philippe Février ECO582 Economics and competition policy Philippe Choné, David Sevy MAP565 Processes and estimation Stéphane Gregoir

Quarter 3 – Spring ECO591 Microeconomics and Business Strategies Jean-Pierre Ponssard ECO592 The macroeconomic and Political Economy Patrick Artus ECO593 Bank, Finance Antoine Frachot

Flowchart Program ­– 133 Quarter 2 – “Economics Research” track


ECO585 ECO560



ECO567B Choose two



Quarter 2 – Winter: “Economics Research” track ECO560 Economics of information, incentives and contracts Bernard Caillaud ECO563 Public Economics, welfare and institutions Jean-François Laslier ECO566A Industrial organization Patrick Rey ECO567B Behavioral economics Francis Bloch ECO568 Applied microeconometrics Bruno Crépon, Philippe Février ECO583 Advanced macroeconomics theory Jacques Olivier, Eric Strobl ECO585 Advanced microeconomics theory Nicolas Vieille, Mohammed Abdellaoui MAP565 Processes and estimation Stéphane Gregoir

Quarter 3 – Spring ECO591 Microeconomics and Business Strategies Jean-Pierre Ponssard ECO592 The macroeconomic and Political Economy Patrick Artus ECO593 Bank, Finance Antoine Frachot

134 – “Ingenieur” Program Quarter 2 – “Finance Research” track





Quarter 2 – Winter: “Finance Research” track ECO588A Asset Pricing Thierry Foucault, Christophe Pérignon ECO588B Corporate finance Uli Hege ECO588C Financial Econometrics Laurent Calvet MAP568 Asset Pricing in the derivates market Peter Tankov

Quarter 3 – Spring ECO591 Microeconomics and Business Strategies Jean-Pierre Ponssard ECO592 The macroeconomic and Political Economy Patrick Artus ECO593 Bank, Finance Antoine Frachot

Flowchart Program ­– 135


This program is recommended to the students This multi-field program gathers, around mathema- eager to be initiated with the scientific and techni- tical modelling, the major ecological and economic cal context of environmental questions concerning concepts necessary to integrate biological pheno- the biosphere and its relationship with human mena in socio-ecosystems. There is indeed cur- activities. rently a very significant development of modelling in ecology, in particular with the interface between As a matter of fact, the needs for expertise and probabilistic models, ecology and evolution, to scientific research on sustainable development are take into account the various scales of structure considerable today, and imply multiple disciplines between communities, time, and populations. which must be able to dialogue, as the work of the three groups of the GIECC illustrates it, for The objective is to give to the student, who is likely example. These subjects also become strategic to be confronted with environmental questions in for the companies, in particular for their policies of many branches of industry, the capacity to for- innovation, which thus need engineers and resear- malize environmental questions, within a scientific chers trained with these disciplines, in particular framework. modelling. Prerequisites: None The program attempts to examine how the rapid Recommended courses: BIO551 – Cell Biology ; evolution of knowledge in ecology and economy MAP 556 – Introduction to Mathematics for Ecology revolutionizes natural sciences and humanities, Recommended courses: BIO563 – Biodiversity ; and their interfaces with engineering, particularly ECO565 – Ecological Economics in a sustainable development prospective, and influences the decision, whether it is public or private.

D. Couvert Quarter 1




ECO554 Choose three


MAP556 BIO571

PHY550 ECO574


MAP572 Choose one


Quarter 1 – Fall BIO551 The cell and its environment René-Marc Mege, Cécile Sykes BIO554 Computational biology Thomas Simonson BIO571 Experimental laboratory work in Genetic Engineering Yves Méchulam ECO552 Econometrics Denis Fougère, Francis Kramarz ECO554 Microeconomics for Public policy Francis Bloch ECO574 Game Theory and Economic Analysis Jörgen Weibull, Rida Laraki, Yukio Koriyama HSS571 Microthesis on sustainable development Guillaume Sainteny MAP553 Statistical Learning Alexandre Tysbakov, Christophe Giraud MAP556 Introduction to dynamical systems and Markov chains. Applications to ecology Michel Benaïm MAP572 Electromagnetics and Acoustics in the automotive and aerospace industry: from modelling to HPC (high-performance computing) Isabelle Terrasse MEC571 Climate dynamics Hervé Le Treut PHY550 Radiative exchanges in the atmosphere and climate Jean-François Roussel

138 – “Ingenieur” Program Quarter 2



MAP563 Choose three




HSS581 Choose one


Quarter 2 – Winter BIO563 Biodiversity Jérôme Chave ECO565 Sustainable development and environment Patricia Crifo MAP563 Random models in Ecology and Evolution Sylvie Méléard MAP564 Stochastic Simulation and Monte-Carlo methods Carl Graham, Denis Talay BIO581 Genomes: diversity, environment and human health Hannu Myllykallio BIO582 Modeling in evolutionary ecology Emmanuelle Porcher, Tatiana Giraud HSS581 Microthesis on sustainable development Guillaume Sainteny MAP581 Personal project in Applied Mathematics Vincent Bensaye

Quarter 3 – Spring BIO591 Biology and Ecology yves méchulam ECO591 Microeconomics and Business Strategies Jean-Pierre Ponssard ECO592 The macroeconomic and Political Economy Patrick Artus MAP591 Interdepartmental program: Eco-Sciences Stéphanie Allassonnière, Antonin Chambolle MAP592 Modelling and scientific computing Grégoire Allaire MAP594 Probabilistic and statistical modelisation Philippe Robert MEC/PHY596 Geophysics and planetary environment Hervé Le Treut, Jean-François Roussel

Flowchart Program – 139­

Electrical Engineering

This master program is an introduction to the These concepts will be illustrated by an important Electrical Engineering field. experimental teaching, dedicated to particular applications chosen by the student. It presents the main aspects of the semiconductor area, from material physical properties to compu- ting systems, as well as the signal processing foun- Prerequisites: C or C++ languages for the dations ans the design and programming of such INF583 – Operating systems principales and pro- systems. It also introduces the area of embedded gramming course. system design.

Recent scientific and technologic developments will be emphasized in the fields of nanomaterials and nanostructures, of circuit design, of signal processing, of embedded, general – purpose and high-performanence computing.

Y. Bonnassieux F. Bonnas A. Cohen H.-J. Drouhin Physics Applied Informatics Physics Mathematics Quarter 1




MAP555 Choose three INF572 MAP557 MAP571 PHY559 Choose one PHY573A


Quarter 1 – Fall INF558 Information Theory Jean-Pierre Tillich INF559 Computer architecture Olivier Temam INF572 Operations research: modelling and software Leo Liberti MAP554 Communication Networks, Algorithms and Probability Philippe Robert MAP555 Signal processing Stéphane Mallat MAP557 Operations Research: Mathematical Aspects and Applications Frédéric Bonnans, Stéphane Gaubert MAP571 Personal Project in Applied Mathematics Florent Benaych-Georges, Aline Lefebvre-Lepot, Stéphane Mallat PHY559 Microelectronic devices Yvan Bonnassieux, Gérard Fontaine, Alain Greiner PHY573A Microelectronics experimental conception Yvan Bonnassieux, Yannick Geerebaert Alain Louis-Joseph, Franck Wajsburt PHY573B Flat panel displays Yvan Bonnassieux

142 – “Ingenieur” Program Quarter 2





PHY564A Choose three INF583 PHY564B MAP582 PHY564C PHY581B Choose one PHY567 PHY581C

Quarter 2 – Winter INF566 Networks, Protocoles Walid Dabbous INF580 Constraint Programming and Combinatorial Optimization Philippe Baptiste INF583 Operating systems principles and programming Albert Cohen INF584 Computer Ggraphics: Theory and Practice Xavier Décoret MAP561 Control: Basic concepts and applications in mechanics Yacine Chitour MAP582 Creation of Technology Start-Ups Stéphane Mallat PHY564A Integrated systems Alain Greiner PHY564B Nanomaterials and electronic applications Bernard Drévillon, Razvigor Ossikovski PHY564C Optoelectronics Emmanuel Rosencher PHY567 Semiconductors and devices Henri-Jean Drouhin, Emmanuel Rosencher PHY581B Spintronics Henri-Jean Drouhin PHY581C Experimental project Yvan Bonnassieux, Yannick Geerebaert, Alain Louis-Joseph, Costel Cojucaru

PHY564B and PHY564C: courses taught in english

Quarter 3 – Spring INF591 Internship in computer science Olivier Bournez, Franck Nielsen, Benjamin Werner MAP591 Image and Signal Stéphanie Allassonnière, Antonin Chambolle MAP593 Automatic Control and Operations Research Frédéric Bonnans, Yacine Chitour, Stéphane Gaubert MAP594 Probabilistic and statistical modelisation Christophe Giraud PHY593 Advanced technology physics Henri-Jean Drouhin

Program Flowchart – 143

Energies of the 21st Century

The Program ”Energies of the 21st century” is jointly organised by the Mechanics and Physics Departments.

Its aim is to give the fundamental scientific concepts needed for the developments of non fos- sile energies such as nuclear energies or renewable energies. This a multi-disciplinary program with courses in physics, mechanics, computer science, applied maths, economy and social sciences

Prerequisites: are those of each course

E. de Langre M. Gonin Mechanics Physics Quarter 1



PHY556 Choose three PHY558A




MEC573 Choose one


Quarter 1 – Fall MEC551 Plasticity and Fracture Jean-Jacques Marigo MEC571 Climate dynamics Hervé Le Treut MEC573 Wind, solar and hydraulic potential: cases studies Alexandre Stegner HSS572 Microthesis on sustainable development Guillaume Sainteny PHY555 Energy and Environment Michel Gonin PHY556 Physical bases of the mechanical behaviour of solids Yann Le Bouar PHY558A Nuclear reactor types and reactor physics Sylvain David PHY558B Photovoltaïc solar energy Bernard Drévillon, Jean-François Guillemoles, Razvigor Ossikovski PHY579 Direct energy conversion and storage Jean-Marcel Rax

146 – “Ingenieur” Program Quarter 2



MEC561 Choose three MEC562


MEC569 HSS582

PHY569A MEC569

PHY586 Choose one PHY588


Quarter 2 – Winter ECO564 Economy of the Energy Sector: Introduction Jean-Pierre Hansen HSS582 Microthesis on sustainable development Guillaume Sainteny MAP/MAT567 Transport and diffusion Grégoire Allaire, François Golse MEC561 Fluid-structure interactions Emmanuel de Langre MEC562 Inelastic analysis of structures Habibou Maitournam MEC566 Heat transfer and fluid flow Hervé Lemonnier MEC569 Laboratory research project Jean-Marc Chomaz PHY569A Thermonuclear fusion Patrick Mora, Jean-Marcel Rax PHY586 Nuclear reactor technology and fuel cycle Frank Carré PHY588 Material sciences for energy Jean-François Guillemoles PHY589 Laboratory course on Photovoltaics Pere Roca i Cabarrocas

Quarter 3 – Spring MEC/PHY597 Energies Frank Carré, Patrick Le Tallec

Program Flowchart – 147

Engineering and Innovation technologies

The aim of this multidisciplinary Program is to train The fields concerned by this program are: future R&D engineers and project leaders which will  Advanced Technologies in Materials and Structures be a part of highly innovative teams. Such specia- (TAMS) lists, with their resourcefulness and expertise are  Micro-Nano-Opto-electronics (MNO) very valuable for international companies in different  Simulation, Observation and Control (SOC) sectors. Any company that is aiming at creating  Organizational Dynamics, Technological Change, innovative technology should rely on specialists with Innovations and Strategies (DOCTIS) strong scientific and technical background intertwi- ning several disciplines. The ability to manage and in At the end of the program, all the graduates will the same time participate in a concrete international have: project which is developed by a number of people  a comprehensive knowledge in at least two of the with different backgrounds, are qualities which are above fields useful and esteemed.  ability to participate in multi-field teams, working on innovative projects in a company The Program is jointly run by the department of  completed a theoretical and practical experiment Mechanics, Economics and Physics, with the help of on the management of an international project Applied Mathematics and Social Sciences. Organisation The scientific and technical training is based on Three scientific courses and an in-depth course for the teaching teams of professors of the Ecole each term P1 and P2. Among these eight courses, Polytechnique and ENSTA and on the expertise on three to four must be selected within the depart- the laboratories present on the campus of Palaiseau. ment of economics. The third term is devoted to an Moreover it profits from the network of the European internship in industry. academic partners of these institutions, in particular Said Business School of the University of Oxford Prerequisites: and their network of partners, among whom one  MEC431 – Continuum Mechanics can quote Arcelor, Dassault Systems, EDF, Samsung or PHY431 – Relativity and Variational principles Renault, Valeo, Thales, Lafarge, PSA, and others.  ECO431 – Economic analysis: Introduction

H. Maitournam J.-P. Ponssard Mechanics Economics Quarter 1





MEC557 Choose three MEC574

PHY552A MEC575

PHY555 MEC577

PHY556 MEC579 Choose one PHY557 PHY570


PHY559 PHY573B

150 – “Ingenieur” Program Quarter 1 – Fall ECO550B Economics of Innovation Francisco Ruiz Aliseda ECO559 Business Strategy Jean-Pierre Ponssard MEC551 Plasticity and Fracture Jean-Jacques Marigo MEC554 Microhydrodynamics and complex fluids Dominique Barthès-Biesel MEC557 The Finite Element Method for Solid Mechanics Attilio Frangi MEC574 Inverse problems Andreï Constantinescu MEC575 Smart materials in Robotics and Microtechnology Moustapha Hafez MEC577 Complex Materials Elisabeth Guazzelli MEC579 Microfluidic Charles Baroud PHY552A Quantum physics of electrons in solids Antoine Georges PHY555 Energy and environment Michel Gonin PHY556 Physical bases of the mechanical behaviour of solids Yann Le Bouar PHY557 Soft surfaces David Quéré PHY558B Photovoltaïc solar energy Bernard Drévillon, Jean-François Guillemoles, Razvigor Ossikovski PHY559 Microelectronic devices Yvan Bonnassieux, Gérard Fontaine, Alain Greiner PHY570 Materials design Silke Biermann, Thierry Gacoin PHY573A Electronics: experimental conception Yvan Bonnassieux, Yannick Geerebaert, Franck Wajsburt, Alain Louis-Joseph PHY573B Flat panel displays Yvan Bonnassieux

PHY552A and PHY570: courses taught in english

Program Flowchart – 151 Quarter 2

ECO 564

ECO 565

MAP 561

MEC 561

MEC 562

MEC 568

Choose three ECO 582 PHY 564A HSS 583 PHY 564B MAP 582

PHY 564C MEC 581 Choose one

PHY 565 MEC 589

PHY 567 PHY 581C

152 – “Ingenieur” Program Quarter 2 – Winter ECO564 Economy of the Energy Sector: Introduction Jean-Pierre Hansen ECO565 Sustainable development and the environment Patricia Crifo ECO582 Economics and Competition Policy Philippe Choné, David Sévy HSS583 Managment of innovation Florence Charue-Duboc MAP561 Control: Basic concepts and applications in mechanics Yacine Chitour MAP582 Creation of Technology Start-Ups Stéphane Mallat MEC561 Fluid-structure interactions Emmanuel de Langre MEC562 Inelastic analysis of structures Habibou Maitournam MEC568 Structural dynamics Didier Clouteau MEC581 Projects in structural and fluids mechanics Andrei Constantinescu MEC589 Smart materials: multiscale modelling and applications Habibou Maitournam, Lev Truskinovski PHY564A Integrated systems Alain Greiner PHY564B Nanomaterials and electronic: applications Bernard Drévillon PHY564C Optoelectronics Emmanuel Rosencher PHY565 Physics of biological polymers and membranes Arnaud Echard, Cécile Sykes PHY567 Semiconductors and devices Henri-Jean Drouhin, Emmanuel Rosencher PHY581C Experimental project Yvan Bonnassieux, Yannick Geerebaert, Alain Louis-Joseph, Costel Cojucaru

PHY564B and PHY564C: courses taught in english

Quarter 3 – Spring ECO591 Microeconomics and Business Strategies Jean-Pierre Ponssard HSS591A Economic systems and sustainable development Jean-Yves Grenier, Guillaume Sainteny HSS591B Strategic approach and competitive intelligence within the firm Dominique Rincé HSS591C A study of the world of the firm Marie-Anne Dujarier, Eric Godelier MEC592 Mechanics of materials and structures Habibou Maitournam, Nicolas Triantafyllidis MEC593 Soft matter, complex fluids, biomechanics & MEMS Dominique Barthès-Biesel, David Quéré MEC594 Aerodynamics & Hydrodynamics Antoine Sellier, Carlo Cossu MEC595 Civil engineering and petroleum engineering Andreï Constantinescu, Michel Bornert PHY593 Advanced technology physics Henri-Jean Drouhin

Program Flowchart – 153


Computer Science has developed as a science “Electrical Engineering” co-organized with the and a technology and has produced concepts and Department of Physics, and “BioInformatics” co- techniques that intervene in all the professional organized with the Department of Biology. activities that Polytechnicians will go to, whether the firms in which they will work produce computer science software or hardware or not. From firm The Informatics Program aims at three goals: management, industrial products development to  give the students the fundamental concepts and research project achievement, they will have to techniques while pushing them to the level of use computer systems and software tools and to the best universities in the world; imagine and produce new ones.  initiate a specialization that will be developed in the fourth year either in the direction of enginee- The program animated by the Computer Science ring or through a PhD thesis; Department aims to give the students the knowle-  give the students enough notions of the disci- dge and skills necessary to tackle the technolo- pline so that, in combination with other courses gical evolutions in the vast domain of so called in partner disciplines, they will acquire a real STIC (Science and Technology of Information and double competence allowing to understand the Communication), which have totally transformed innovation challenges that they will encounter in the landscape in which engineers, civil servants industry, administration and research. and researchers work by now. Prerequisites: In order to understand the true nature of the INF431–Programs and Algorithms: from sequential “Informatics” program, it has to be compared to distributed to its three neighboring programs: “Design and Management of Complex Computerized Systems”,

O. Bournez Algorithmic and Optimization

G. Schaeffer

Quarter 1 Quarter 2

INF550 INF561

INF572 INF580

INF555 INF562 INF557 INF581 INF559

Choose two INF582 Choose two INF571 or CoMasic Programs) or CoMasic Programs)

(two courses in Informatics INF583 (two courses in Informatics MAP557 Quarter 1 – Fall INF550 Design and analysis of algorithms Gilles Schaeffer INF555 Fundamentals of 3D processing Frank Nielsen INF557 Introduction to networks Thomas Clausen INF559 Computer architecture Olivier Temam INF571 Internet and automated translation Jean Senellart INF572 Operations research: modelling and software Leo Liberti MAP557 Operations Research: mathematical aspects and applications Frédéric Bonnans, Stéphane Gaubert

Quarter 2 – Winter INF561 Algorithms and complexity Olivier Bournez INF580 Constraint Programming and Combinatorial Optimization Philippe Baptiste INF562 Computational geometry: from theory to applications Luca Castelli Aleardi, Steve Oudot INF581 From randomized to quantum computing Frédéric Magniez INF582 Data mining: statistical models and combinatorial search for information Jean-Marc Steyaert INF583 Operating systems principles and programming Albert Cohen

Quarter 3 – Spring INF591 Internship in computer science Olivier Bournez, Frank Nielsen, Benjamin Werner

156 – “Ingenieur” Program Image

F. Nielsen

Quarter 1 Quarter 2

INF550 INF562

INF552 INF584

INF555 2 courses

1 course

Quarter 1 – Fall INF550 Design and Analysis of Algorithms Gilles Schaeffer INF552 Computer Vision and Augmented Reality Renaud Keriven INF555 Fundamentals of 3D Processing Frank Nielsen 1 elective course in Informatics or in CoMaSic Programs

Quarter 2 – Winter INF562 Computational geometry: from theory to applications Luca Castelli Aleardi, Steve Oudot INF584 Computer Ggraphics: Theory and Practice Xavier Décoret 2 elective courses in Informatics or in CoMaSic Programs

Quarter 3 – Spring INF591 Internship in computer science Olivier Bournez, Frank Nielsen, Benjamin Werner

Flowchart Program ­– 157 Protection of Information

A. Enge

Quarter 1 Quarter 2

INF557 INF568

INF558 INF581

MAT552 INF586

1 course 1 course

Quarter 1 – Fall INF557 Introduction to networks Thomas Clausen INF558 Information Theory Jean-Pierre Tillich MAT552 Algebra, Arithmetic and Codes Jean-François Mestre 1 elective course in Informatics or in CoMaSic Programs

Quarter 2 – Winter INF568 Cryptology Andreas Enge, François Morain INF581 From randomized to quantum computing Frédéric Magniez INF586 Network security Julien Cervelle 1 elective course in Informatics or in CoMaSic Programs

Quarter 3 – Spring INF591 Internship in computer science Olivier Bournez, Frank Nielsen, Benjamin Werner

158 – “Ingenieur” Program Networks

G. Dowek Quarter 1 Quarter 2

INF551 INF563

INF554 INF564

2 courses INF565

1 course

Quarter 1 – Fall INF551 Logic and computability theory Gilles Dowek INF554 Introduction to the theory of programming languages David Monniaux 2 elective courses in Informatics or in CoMaSic Programs

Quarter 2 – Winter INF563 Static Analysis of Programs Laurent Mauborgne INF564 Compilation François Pottier INF565 Computer-checked proofs Benjamin Werner 1 elective course in Informatics or in CoMaSic Programs

Quarter 3 – Spring INF591 Internship in computer science Olivier Bournez, Frank Nielsen, Benjamin Werner

Flowchart Program ­– 159 Sofware Quality

Th. Clausen

Quarter 1 - Fall Quarter 2 - Winter

INF 557 INF 566

INF 558 INF 567

INF 570 INF 568

MAP 554 INF 586

160 – “Ingenieur” Program Quarter 1 – Fall INF557 Introduction to networks Thomas Clausen INF558 Information Theory Jean-Pierre Tillich INF570 Peer-to-Peer Networks Fabrice Le Fessant MAP554 Communication Networks, Algorithms and Probability Philippe Robert

Quarter 2 – Winter INF566 Networks, Protocoles Walid Dabbous INF567 Mobile and wireless networks Philippe Jacquet INF568 Cryptology Andreas Enge, François Morain INF586 Network security Julien Cervelle

Quarter 3 – Spring INF591 Internship in computer science Olivier Bournez, Frank Nielsen, Benjamin Werner

Flowchart Program – 161­


Quarter 1 Each student, or in some cases, pair of students, The scope of the courses offered in the Mathematics will select one of these topics, prepare a written covers various areas of geometry, analysis and essay and defend it in an oral presentation at algebra. the end of the course. The instructor will provide guidance and bibliography, and sometimes a few Each student will take courses (one of which can hours of instruction to individual students or small be selected from the courses offered by the groups at the beginning of the coursework. Department of Applied Mathematics) and an in- depth research project, consisting of the indepen- Prerequisites: A good knowledge of advanced cal- dent study of a topic related to one of the courses culus and linear algebra is required. he/she has selected.

Each of these courses is designed to include Quarter 2 both theory and applications, such as cryptogra- Each student will take 3 courses chosen among the phy in Algebra, Arithmetic and Codes, robotics in following 6 courses offered listed below. Dynamical Systems, Nonlinear Analysis In addition, each student must choose an ”in-depth Mechanics and particle physics in Groups and work project” consisting of the independent study Representations. of a topic related to one of the courses he/she has selected. In-depth research project The only prerequisite is to master the content An «in-depth research project» is the independent of the of the second year ”mathematics course study of a topic related to one of the courses of the Distribution Theory, Fourier Analysis and Dynamical third year chosen by the student. Systems” (MAT431).

At the beginning of the course, the instructor will Prerequisites: MAT431–Distribution Theory, Fourier hand out a list of topics related to his/her course. Analysis and Dynamical Systems

D. Renard Quarter 1



MAT553 Choose three

MAT554 MAT571

MAT556 MAT572


MAT574 Choose one



Quarter 1 – Fall MAT551 Dynamical Systems Jérôme Buzzi MAT552 Algebra, Arithmetic and Codes Jean-François Mestre MAT553 Differential topology-1 Andreï Moroïanu MAT554 Nonlinear Analysis Raphaël Danchin, Pierre Raphaël MAT556 Groups and Representations David Renard

MAT571 Dynamical Systems: In-depht study Jérôme Buzzi MAT572 Algebra, Arithmetic and Codes: In-depth study Jean-François Mestre MAT573 Differential topology-1: In-depth study Andreï Moroïanu MAT574 Nonlinear Analysis: In-depth study Raphaël Danchin, Pierre Raphaël MAT575 Symmetry groups in subatomic physics: In-depth study Denis Bernard, Yves Laszlo, David Renard MAT576 Groups and Representations: In-depth study David Renard

164 – “Ingenieur” Program Quarter 2



MAT564 Choose three


MAP/MAT567 MAT581 Choose one MAT568 MAT583




MAT588 Quarter 2 – Winter MAT561 Nonlinear Schrodinger equation: from Bose Einstein condensates to supersolids Amandine Aftalion MAT563 Differential topology-2 Jean Lannes MAT564 Schrödinger Equation and Spectral Theory Frédéric Klopp MAT565 Fermat Last Theorem, Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms Jacques Tilouine MAT567 Transport and diffusion François Golse, Grégoire Allaire MAT568 General Relativity Jean-Pierre Bourguignon

MAT581 Nonlinear Schrodinger equation: from Bose Einstein condensates to supersolids Amandine Aftalion MAT583 Differential topology-2: In-depth study Jean Lannes MAT584 Schrödinger Equation and Spectral Theory: In-depth study Frédéric Klopp MAT585 Fermat Last Theorem, Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms: In-depth study Jacques Tilouine MAT587 Transport and diffusion : In-depth study François Golse, Grégoire Allaire MAT588 Selected topics in General Relativity: In-depth study Jean-Pierre Bourguignon Quarter 3 – Spring MAT591 Algebra and combinatorics David Renard MAT592 Analyis and applications François Golse MAT593 Geometry Christophe Margerin MAT595 Dynamical systems Charles Favre MAT596 Number theory and Algebraic geometry Gaëtan Chenevier MAT597 Algebraic topology Jean Lannes

Flowchart Program ­– 165


The Mechanics Program is organized jointly by the Mechanics and the Physics Departments.  conferences and visits of industrial companies and research centers It consists of distinct but complementary courses that present the relations between different scien-  a final research project in an academic or indus- tific domains, between science and technology, trial center in France or abroad. between theory and applications. Prerequisites: MEC431–Continuum Mechanics Different types of courses are offered:  fundamental courses in material science, fluid mechanics and structure mechanics

 advanced courses on non linear behaviour of fluids or structures under complex stresses together with numerical modeling.

 In-depth courses on different aspects of mecha- nics. In these courses a large part is devoted to a personalized project.

J.-J. Marigo D. Barthès-Biesel Quarter 1



MEC553 MEC559

MEC554 MEC572

MEC555 MEC574

MEC556 MEC575 Choose three

MEC557 MEC576 Choose one

MEC559 MEC577

PHY556 MEC578

PHY557 MEC579

Quarter 1 – Fall MEC551 Plasticity and Fracture Jean-Jacques Marigo MEC552 Computational fluid dynamics Peter Schmid MEC553 Modelling of slender structures Patrick Ballard MEC554 Microhydrodynamics and complex fluids Dominique Barthès-Biesel MEC555 Turbulence and vortex dynamics Pierre Sagaut MEC556 Earth dynamics: from magnetism to seismology Emmanuel Dormy, Jean-François Semblat MEC557 The Finite element method for solid mechanics Attilio Frangi MEC559 Laboratory research project Jean-Marc Chomaz MEC572 Acoustics and sound environment Xavier Boutillon MEC574 Inverse problems Andreï Constantinescu MEC575 Smart materials in robotics and microtechnology Moustapha Hafez MEC576 Biomechanics and vascular disease Abdul Barakat MEC577 Complex Materials Elizabeth Guazzelli MEC578 Aerodynamics Denis Sipp MEC579 Microfluidic Charles Baroud PHY556 Physical bases of the mechanical behaviour of solids Yann Le Bouar PHY557 Soft surfaces David Quéré

168 – “Ingenieur” Program Quarter 2







Choose three MEC566 MEC569

MEC567 MEC581

MEC568 MEC584 Choose one MEC569 MEC585

PHY565 MEC589 Quarter 2 – Winter MAP561 Control: Basic concepts and applications in mechanics Yacine Chitour MAP562 Optimal design of structures Grégoire Allaire MEC561 Fluid-structure interactions Emmanuel de Langre MEC562 Inelastic analysis of structures Habibou Maitournam MEC563 Stability of solids: from structures to materials Nicolas Triantafyllidis MEC564 Compressible aerodynamics Antoine Sellier MEC566 Heat transfer and fluid flow Hervé Lemonnier MEC567 Water sciences and environment Olivier Thual MEC568 Structural Dynamics Didier Clouteau, Jean-François Semblat MEC569 Laboratory research project Jean-Marc Chomaz MEC581 Projects in structural and fluids mechanics Andreï Constantinescu MEC584 Hydrodynamics and elasticity Christophe Clanet MEC585 Turbulent flows: dynamics and numerical simulations Pierre Sagaut MEC589 New materials models in mechanics and biology Lev Truskinovsky, Habibou Maitournam PHY565 Physics of biological polymers and membranes Arnaud Echard, Cécile Sykes Quarter 3 – Spring MEC592 Mechanics of materials and structures Habibou Maitournam, Nicolas Triantafyllidis MEC593 Soft matter, complex fluids, biomechanics & MEMS Dominique Barthès-Biesel, David Quéré MEC594 Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics Antoine Sellier, Carlo Cossu MEC595 Civil engineering and petroleum engineering Andreï Constantinescu, Michel Bornert

Flowchart Program ­– 169

Mechanics and Physics for Environment

Presentation and objectives and modeling fields. They will be applied to several The ever increasing spectrum of environmental cases: energy sector, climate change, water mana- problems, which appear in a context ranging from gement… local scales (air pollution, land use) to global ones (green house effect, desertification), subsequently A double extension is also offered: impacts a large number of economy sectors:  To more fundamental fields, towards universe transportation, energy production, infrastructure science and astrophysics where many objects development… can be found (solar or extra solar planets) whose analysis leads to a better understanding of the As a consequence environmental professions are mechanisms at work on Earth developing quickly. They require a general knowle- dge in physics and mechanics. They also need a  To more applied topics, in the framework of the deeper knowledge of the physical mechanisms Sustainable Development Chair, by proposing ruling our planet. The fields of knowledge involved two courses belonging to EcoSciences program are very diverse: atmosphere and ocean dynamics, (economy, biodiversity) solid Earth roles both as a source of risks (seismo-

logy) and as a storing place (wastes, CO2), physics of radiative exchanges with space, which influence Prerequisites: the climate system energetics and provide analy- MEC431–Continuum Mechanics or MEC432–Fluid sis tools for the planet through space detection. Mechanics or MEC433–Atmospheric and Oceanic Expertise or decisions, in the public or private Dynamics are advisable spheres, often take place at the interface between several of these fields.

The objective of this program is to supply basic tools and knowledge in theoretical, experimental

H. Le Treut J.-F. Roussel Mechanics Physics Quarter 1



MEC559 Choose three MEC559

PHY550 MEC571

PHY553 MEC572 Choose one PHY555 MEC573



Quarter 1 – Fall MEC555 Turbulence and vortex dynamics Pierre Sagaut MEC556 Earth dynamics: from magnetism to seismology Emmanuel Dormy, Jean-François Semblat MEC559 Laboratory research project Jean-Marc Chomaz MEC571 Climate dynamics Hervé Le Treut MEC572 Acoustics and sound environment Xavier Boutillon MEC573 Wind, solar and hydraulic potential: cases studies Alexandre Stegner MEC577 Complex Materials Elizabeth Guazzelli PHY550 Radiative exchanges in the atmosphere and climate Jean-François Roussel PHY553 Nuclear physics and astrophysics Martin Lemoine, Caroline Terquem PHY555 Energy and environment Michel Gonin PHY583 Extrasolar planets: detection and formation Caroline Terquem

172 – “Ingenieur” Program Quarter 2


ECO565 MEC569

MEC565 Choose three MEC582

MEC567 MEC583 Choose one MEC569 MEC585

PHY566 PHY585

Quarter 2 – Winter BIO563 Biodiversity Jérôme Chave ECO565 Sustainable development and environment Patricia Crifo MEC565 Meteorology and Environment Philippe Drobinski MEC567 Water Sciences and Environment Olivier Thual MEC569 Laboratory research project Jean-Marc Chomaz MEC582 Observing the Earth by Satellite: Passive and Active Remote-sensing Hervé Le Treut, Hélène Chepfer MEC583 Models, observations and predictability Thomas Dubos MEC585 Turbulent flows: dynamics and numerical simulations Pierre Sagaut PHY566 Solid earth and environment Marc Chaussidon PHY585 Experimental work Serena Bastiani-Ceccotti

Quarter 3 – Spring MEC/PHY596 Geophysics and planetary environment Hervé Le Treut, Jean-François Roussel PHY592 Astrophysics and Cosmology Caroline Terquem, David Langlois, Martin Lemoine

Program Flowchart – 173 The purpose of this Program is to present an over- The Physics Program gives the unique opportunity view of the concepts in physics both experimentally to discover and understand concepts from the and theoretically, and to provide more specialized smallest to the largest scales of our universe. The courses in connection with new research domains student will get acquainted with many different in physics. The students will receive training which fields of modern physics such. will give access to many professional activities. The courses area in particular devoted to elemen- The first category involves careers in the domain tary particle physics, general relativity, nuclear of fundamental and/or applied research in phy- physics, condensed matter physics, quantum sics such as tenure positions in universities and optics, nanomaterials, electronics, plasma physics, national laboratories or researcher and manager materials science, earth science, astrophysics and positions in R&D divisions in the private sector. The cosmology. second category concerns careers related to indus- trial areas disconnected from physics but using the methods and the tools of this field such as for example financial markets, computer science, risk management or consulting. Physics

The Physics Program features four tracks where  M1 “High energy physics” more details on the program will be found. ➟ Responsibles: Ignatios Antoniadis and Michel Gonin  From particles to the stars: fundamental interac- tions and elementary constituents ➟ Responsibles: For each Quarter 1 or 2, the student will select at Pierre Fayet and Christoph Kopper least three courses and one in-depth course. Note that one out of the three courses can be chosen  Laser, Optics and Plasmas from a different program. This is not the case of the ➟ Responsibles: in-depth course which has to be selected among François Hache and Patrick Mora the propositions of the “Physics” program.

 From atom to material: the physics of conden- The research project (Quarter 3) will last, at least, sed matter, soft matter, bio- and nano-objects three months and can be achieved in France or ➟ Responsibles: abroad. Antoine Georges and Bertrand Reulet Prerequisites: PHY432–Quantum and statistical  From materials to applications: materials science physics and active surfaces ➟ Responsibles: Silke Biermann and Thierry Gacoin

 M1 “Physics for optics and nanosciences” ➟ Responsible: François Hache

M. Gonin G. Montambaux From particules to the stars: Fundamental interactions and elementary constituents

This track adresses itself to students interested in fundamental physics and its role in the understanding of the origin of the smallest and the largest scales in the universe, from the experimental as well as from the theoretical point of view.

In following these courses the students will be able to continue on their way of understan- P. Fayet ding the great intellectual revolutions in the physics of the twentieth century, starting from quantum mechanics and going to quantum field theory and particle physics, or leading from special to general relativity, astrophysics and cosmology.

They will also make their first acquaintance with experiments, conceived and performed in worldwide cooperation in order to enlarge our knowledge and understanding of the uni- verse and its elementary constituents.

C. Kopper Prerequisites: PHY431–Relativity and variational principles, PHY432–Quantum and statistical physics

Recommended course of another tracks: PHY552A–Quantum physics of electrons in solids PHY562–Quantum optics 2: Photons

176 – “Ingenieur” Program Quarter 1 Quarter 2

PHY553 PHY561

PHY554 PHY568

1 course in 1 course in Physics Program Physics Program

PHY571 MAT568

PHY575 PHY574 Choose one Choose one PHY583 PHY584

Quarter 1 – Fall PHY553 Nuclear physics and astrophysics Martin Lemoine, Caroline Terquem, Roland Lehoucq PHY554 Elementary particle physics Michel Gonin PHY571 Experimental approach to physics Serena Bastiani-Ceccotti, Antonello De Martino PHY575 Symmetry Groups in high energy physics Denis Bernard, Yves Laszlo, David Renard PHY583 Extrasolar planets: detection and formation Caroline Terquem

Quarter 2 – Winter PHY561 Introduction to relativistic field theory Pierre Fayet, Christoph Kopper PHY568 General relativity David Langlois, Marios Petropoulos PHY574 Cosmology Martin Lemoine PHY584 Experimental aspects of subatomic physics and astrophysics Vincent Boudry, Berrie Giebels MAT568 General relativity Jean-Pierre Bourguignon

Quarter 3 – Spring PHY591 Fields, Particles and Matter Denis Bernard, Pierre Fayet, Arnd Specka PHY592 Astrophysics & Cosmology Caroline Terquem, David Langlois, Martin Lemoine

Flowchart Program ­– 177 Laser, optics, plasmas

This track is intended for students interested in optics, laser physics, quantum physics, atomic and molecular physics, plasma physics and physics of the energy production sys- tems. The students will get acquainted with many different media, from ultracold atoms to relativistic plasmas.

F. Hache These systems whose description involves quantum mechanics as well as classical or relativistic electrodynamics are the source of many present or future applications.

Prerequisites: PHY432 – Quantum and statistical physics

P. Mora

178 – “Ingenieur” Program Quarter 1 Quarter 2

PHY 551A PHY 562

PHY 553 PHY 564C

PHY 555 PHY 569A

PHY 571 PHY 587

PHY 572 PHY 588 Choose one Choose one PHY 578

Quarter 1 –Fall PHY551A Quantum optics 1: lasers Alain Aspect PHY553 Nuclear physics and astrophysics Martin Lemoine, Caroline Terquem, Roland Lehoucq PHY555 Energy and environment Michel Gonin PHY571 Experimental approach to physics Serena Bastiani-Ceccotti, Antonello De Martino PHY572 Lasers and applications Antonello de Martino, Manuel Joffre PHY578 Laser produced plasmas Serena Bastiani-Ceccotti, Victor Malka, Patrick Mora

PHY551A: course taught in english

Quarter 2 – Winter PHY562 Quantum optics 2: Photons Alain Aspect, Philippe Grangier PHY564C Optoelectronics Emmanuel Rosencher PHY569A Thermonuclear fusion Patrick Mora, Jean-Marcel Rax PHY587 Experimental quantum optics Serena Bastiani-Ceccotti, Antonello De Martino PHY588 Material sciences for energy Jean-François Guillemoles

PHY564C: course taught in english

Quarter 3 – Spring PHY594 Lasers, quantum optics, plasma physics François Hache

Flowchart Program – 179­ From atom to material: the physics of condensed matter, soft matter,bio- and nano-objects

This track is an introduction to modern solid state physics, soft matter physics, and their interfaces with adjacent areas like biophysics, nano-sciences or materials science. These are very active subjects of fundamental research that lead to numerous technological advances.

A. Georges Thanks to the diversity of materials, the complexity of artificial structures one can make and the extreme conditions one creates to probe them, solid state physics is among the widest and the most diverse branches of physics, evolving very fast and always intimately related to state-of-the-art technology. With this cursus, the student will discover how the properties of a material can be dictated by its characteristics at the atomic level, and how diverse they can be.

Prerequisites: PHY432–Quantum and statistical physics B. Reulet

Quarter 1 PHY552A and PHY570: courses taught in english

Quarter 2 PHY564B and PHY582: courses taught in english

180 – “Ingenieur” Program Quarter 1 Quarter 2


PHY552B PHY560B Choose three

PHY556 PHY564B Choose three

PHY557 PHY565 MEC579

PHY570 PHY567 CHI582 PHY571 PHY581B

PHY576 Choose one

PHY582 Choose one

PHY577 PHY588 Quarter 1 – Fall MEC579 Microfluidic Charles Baroud PHY552A Quantum physics of electrons in solids Antoine Georges PHY552B Biophysics: from nanometers to microns Armand Ajdari, Ulrich Bockelmann PHY556 Physical bases of the mechanical behaviour of solids Yann Le Bouar PHY557 Soft surfaces David Quéré PHY570 Materials design Silke Biermann, Thierry Gacoin PHY571 Experimental approach to physics Serena Bastiani-Ceccotti, Antonello De Martino PHY576 Theoretical approaches to quantum properties of materials Silke Biermann, Silvana Botti PHY577 Superconductivity and magnetism Kees van der Beek

Quarter 2 – Winter CHI582 Chemistry of soldis Jean-Pierre Boilot PHY560A Complex systems Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, Marc Mézard PHY560B Quantum transport and mesoscopic physics Gilles Montambaux PHY564B Nanomaterials and electronic: applications Bernard Drévillon, Razvigor Ossikovski PHY565 Physics of biological polymers and membranes Cécile Sykes, Arnaud Echard PHY567 Semiconductors and Devices Henri-Jean Drouhin, Emmanuel Rosencher PHY581B Spintronics Henri-Jean Drouhin PHY582 Functional thin films and active surfaces: research and innovation Silke Biermann, Thierry Gacoin PHY588 Material sciences for energy Jean-François Guillemoles

Quarter 3 – Spring MEC593 Soft matter, complex fluids, biomechanics & MEMS Dominique Barthès-Biesel, David Quéré PHY593 Advanced technology physics Henri-Jean Drouhin PHY595 Solid state physics Bertrand Reulet

Flowchart Program ­– 181 From material to application: Materials Science and Active Surface

The development of innovative industrial products relies nowadays on the elaboration of materials with new and original properties.

The “Materials Science and Active Surfaces” track consists of a series of courses aimed at understanding problems in research and innovation in materials science for high tech- S. Biermann nology applications. This highly multidisciplinary theme is part of the “Materials Science and Active Surfaces” program of the Ecole Polytechnique in collaboration with ESPCI and Saint-Gobain.

Prerequisites: PHY432–Quantum and statistical physics

Quarter 1 T. Gacoin PHY552A and PHY570: courses taught in english

Quarter 2 PHY564B and PHY582: courses taught in english

182 – “Ingenieur” Program Quarter 1 Quarter 2

MEC554 CHI562

MEC559 MEC569

PHY552A CHI571 PHY560A

PHY552B Choose three MEC575 PHY560B

Choose three CHI582 PHY556 MEC577 PHY564B PHY581C PHY557 PHY565

PHY570 Choose one PHY582 Choose one PHY558 PHY571 PHY567 PHY588 PHY576 Quarter 1 – Fall CHI571 Chemistry of condensed matter Jean-Pierre Boilot MEC554 Microhydrodynamics and complex fluids Dominique Barthès-Biesel MEC559 Laboratory research project Jean-Marc Chomaz MEC575 Smart materials in Robotics and Microtechnology Moustapha Hafez MEC577 Complex Materials Elisabeth Guazzelli PHY552A Quantum physics of electrons in solids Antoine Georges PHY552B Biophysics: from nanometers to microns Armand Ajdari, Ulrich Bockelmann PHY556 Physical bases of the mechanical behaviour of solids Yann Le Bouar PHY557 Soft surfaces David Quéré PHY558B Photovoltaïc solar energy Bernard Drévillon, Jean-François Guillemoles, Razvigor Ossikovski PHY570 Materials design Silke Biermann, Thierry Gacoin PHY571 Experimental approach to physics Serena Bastiani-Ceccotti, Antonello de Martino PHY576 Theoretical approaches to quantum properties of materials Silke Biermann, Silvana Botti Quarter 2 – Winter CHI562 Polymer chemistry Laurent Bouteiller CHI582 Chemistry of soldis Jean-Pierre Boilot MEC569 Laboratory research project Jean-Marc Chomaz PHY560A Complex systems Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, Marc Mézard PHY560B Quantum transport and mesoscopic physics Gilles Montambaux PHY564B Nanomaterials and electronic applications Bernard Drévillon, Razvigor Ossikovski PHY565 Physics of biological polymers and membranes Cécile Sykes, Arnaud Echard PHY567 Semiconductors and Devices Henri-Jean Drouhin, Emmanuel Rosencher PHY581C Experimental project Yvan Bonnassieux, Yannick Geerebaert, Alain Louis-Joseph, Costel Cojucaru PHY582 Functional thin films and active surfaces : research and innovation Silke Biermann, Thierry Gacoin PHY588 Material sciences for energy Jean-François Guillemoles Quarter 3 – Spring MEC593 Soft matter, complex fluids, biomechanics & MEMS Dominique Barthes-Biesel, David Quéré PHY593 Advanced technology physics Henri-Jean Drouhin PHY595 Solid state physics Bertrand Reulet

Flowchart Program ­– 183 Physics for Optics and Nanosciences

Presentation and objectives The objective of this first-year M1 program (60 ECTS) of the Masters’ programs ”Physics for Optics and Nanosciences” is to provide students with general basic knowledge in physics, with orientation towards optics or nanosciences.

F. Hache Most of the courses are taught in english by internationally-renowned scholars.

The academic year is subdivided in three periods.  In the first period, students must take four courses covering fundamentals of optics, atomic and molecular physics, condensed matter. These courses are detailed below. Students must also perfom practical training and carry out an experimental project.

 During the second period, students study electromagnetism and statistical physics and can choose a few courses among a list.

 The third period is a 10-12 week internship in an academic or industrial research labo- ratory.

4th year program M2 “Optics, material, plasma” M2 “Nanosciences”

Prerequisites: PHY432–Quantum and statistical physics

Rules of options: Quarters 1 and 2: Three courses and one EA in each quarter Quarter P3: Research project in France or abroad

184 – “Ingenieur” Program Quarter 1 Quarter 2

PHY551A PHY562

PHY551B PHY564B Choose three PHY552A PHY564C Choose three

PHY567 PHY570 PHY582 PHY572 Choose one

PHY587 Choose one

Quarter 1 – Fall PHY551A Quantum optics 1: lasers Alain Aspect PHY551B Atomic and molecular physics Nouari Kebaïli PHY552A Quantum physics of electrons in solids Antoine Georges PHY570 Materials design Silke Biermann, Thierry Gacoin PHY572 Lasers and applications Antonello de Martino, Manuel Joffre

PHY551A and PHY570: courses taught in english

Quarter 2 – Winter PHY562 Quantum optics 2: Photons Alain Aspect, Philippe Grangier PHY564B Nanomaterials and electronics Bernard Drévillon, Razvigor Ossikovski PHY564C Optoelectronics* Emmanuel Rosencher PHY567 Semiconductors and devices Henri-Jean Drouhin, Emmanuel Rosencher PHY582 Functional thin films and active surfaces Silke Biermann, Thierry Gacoin PHY587 Experimental quantum optics Serena Bastiani-Ceccotti

*PHY564C or another course in Physics Program

PHY564B, PHY564C and PHY582: courses taught in english

Quarter 3 – Spring PHY594 Lasers, quantum optics, plasma physics François Hache

Flowchart Program – 185­ High energy physics

General description and objectives High Energy Physics studies the constituents of matter and their mutual fundamental interac- tions. The experimental tools for such a study are particle accelerators at very high energy which allow proving the laws of Nature at very short distances; the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), started operating in september 2008 at CERN, is in fact the most powerfull such M. Gonin machine nowadays. On the other hand, the theoretical description makes use of mathe- matical theories, characterized by internal simplicity and predictive power, encoding the symmetries of physical phenomena. The aim of the `High Energy Physics’ Master is to offer a coherent training, both theorical and experimental, on high energy physics, covering a large spectrum of topics and applications: particle physics, astroparticles, Standard Model of elec- troweak and strong interactions and its supersymmetric extensions, strong interactions and Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), nuclear physics, general relativity and quantum gravity, theoretical and observational cosmology.

The 2-years combination M1 at Ecole Polytechnique and M2 at ETH-Zurich leads to a joint Master degree awarded from both institutes, providing complementary training; ETH-Zurich covers more experimental aspects of particle physics, while Ecole Polytechnique contributes more on theoretical aspects, but also in the teaching of nuclear physics.

4th year program Path allowing to obtain the joint Master X-ETHZ: Doctoral studies: research specialization on particle physics (theory and experiment), astroparticles and cosmology (theoretical and observational).

Career pespectives Academic research or research in industry, public and private companies. Moreover the acquired training, rich in methodologies, thinking and data analysis, can also lead to a large variety of non-physics jobs (computer science, finance, etc).

Prerequisites: PHY432–Quantum mechanics and statistical physics; PHY431–Relativity and variational principles.

Rules of options: Quarters 1 and 2: Three courses and one EA in each quarter Quarter P3: Research project in France or abroad in parallel with preparation for M2 at ETHZ

186 – “Ingenieur” Program Quarter 1 Quarter 2

PHY553 PHY561

PHY554 PHY568 Choose three Choose three

1 course in 1 course in Physics Program Physics Program

PHY575 PHY574

PHY584 Choose one

Quarter 1 – Fall PHY553 Nuclear physics and astrophysics Martin Lemoine, Caroline Terquem, Roland Lehoucq PHY554 Elementary particle physics Michel Gonin PHY575 Symmetry groups in high energy’s physics Denis Bernard, Yves Laszlo, David Renard

Quarter 2 – Winter PHY561 Introduction to relativistic field theory Pierre Fayet, Christoph Kopper PHY568 General relativity David Langlois, Marios Petropoulos PHY574 Cosmology Martin Lemoine PHY584 Experimental aspects of subatomic physics and astrophysics Vincent Boudry, Berrie Giebels

Quarter 3 – Spring PHY591 Fields, particles and matter Denis Bernard, Pierre Fayet, Arnd Specka

Flowchart Program – 187­ Program Prerequisites

Applied Mathematics  MAP411–Mathematical Modelling or MAP431 – Numerical analysis and optimization  MAP432 Probability: Random walk or MAP433 Statistics are advisable

Biology At least one year 2 Biology course: or  BIO431–Ecology and biodiversity or  BIO432–Biology and human pathologies or  BIO441–Experimental project in Biology or  BIO451–Molecular and cellular biology or  BIO452–Molecular biology

Bioinformatics  BIO451–Molecular and cellular biology or BIO432 – Biology and humain pathologies And  INF421–Programming and algorithms or INF431 – Algorithms and Programming: from sequential to distributed

Chemistry at frontiers  CHI431–The foundations of Molecular Chemistry

Design and  INF431–Algorithms and Programming: from sequential to distributed management of complex computerized systems (COMASIC)

Economics  Economics and public policy: ECO431–Economic analysis: Introduction  Quantitative economics and finance: a solid background in mathematics

Ecosciences  None

Electrical engineering  None

Energies of the 21st  Prerequisites are those of each course century

188 – “Ingenieur” Program Engineering and  MEC431–Continuum Mechanics or PHY431–Relativity and Variational principles innovation And technologies  ECO431–Economic analysis: Introduction.

Informatics  INF431–Programs and Algorithms: from sequential to distributed

Mathematics  Quarter 1: A good knowledge of advanced calculus and linear algebra is required.  Quarter 2: MAT431 – Distribution Theory, Fourier analysis and Dynamical sys- tems

Mechanics  MEC431–Continuum Mechanics

Mechanics and  MEC431–Continuum Mechanics or MEC432 – Fluid Mechanics or physics for MEC433–Atmospheric and Oceanic Dynamics are advisable environment

 PHY432–Quantum and Statistical Physics for each track Physics  PHY431–Relativity and variational principales for “From particules to the stars” and M1 “High energy physics”

Program Flowchart – 189 Correspondence Specialization programs and Master 2

List of specialization Programs and abbreviations: BII Bioinformatics BIO Biology CHI Chemistry CoMaSIC Design and Management of Complex Computerized Systems ECS Eco-Sciences ELE Electrical Engineering ENE Energy of the 21st Century EPP Economy and Public Policy IT Engineering and Innovation Technologies INF Informatics MAP Applied Mathematics MAT Mathematics MEC Mechanics MPE Environmental Mechanics and Physics PHY Physics QEF Quantitative Economy and Finance N.B.: M1 Programs in “Management, Innovation, Conception in Science and Technology” et “Cognition and Complex Systems” are open solely to students who join Ecole Polytechnique at the beginning of the master’s program.

List of M2 specialties and abbreviations (in italics: due to start in 2010 pending state accreditation): AAG Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry APE Economic Analysis and Policy BIBS Bioinformatics and Biostatistics BIO Structural and Functional Engineering of Biomolecules CFP Fundamental Concepts in Physics CHI Molecular Chemistry CoMaSIC Design and Management of Complex Computerized Systems DQ Quantum Devices EDDEE Economics of Energy, Environment, Sustainable Development EMO Economics of Markets and Organisations EPP Economics and Public Policy FUS Fusion Sciences IIT Engineering and Innovation Technologies – from Laboratories to Markets MFL Fluid Mechanics – Fundamentals and Applications MIXT Management, Innovation, Conception in Science and Technology ( Project, Innovation, Conception track; Network Industries and Digital Economy track) MMS Materials Science and Structural Mechanics MOD Mathematics and Modelling MPRI (Fundamental) Computer Science NAN Nanosciences OACOS Oceans, Atmosphere, Climate, Space Observations OMP Optics, Matter, Plasmas PHE High Energy Physics (M2 at ETH Zürich) PIC Project, Innovation, Conception – cf. MIXT PRA Probability Theory and Aleatory Models PRF Probability Theory and Finance SCC Cognition and Complex Systems SMCD Materials Science for Sustainable Construction SMNO Materials Science and Nano-Objects

190 – “Ingenieur” Program BII BIO CHI CMS ECS ELE ENE EPP INF IT MAP MAT MEC MPE PHY (appl) PHY (fond) QEF AAG x X APE x o X BIBS X x x BIO x X o x CFP o X o CHI X CoMaSIC X o x o DQ x X EDDEE X x x EMO o X EPP X o FUS x o X x IIT o x o X x x x MFL X o MIXT                  MMS x o X o MOD x o X x x MPRI x x o X o NAN o o X x OACOS o o x X x o OMP x o x X x PHE o x X PRA x X PRF X o SCC o o x o x x SMCD x X o x SMNO x o o X x Nuclear X o x

X : Logical PA/M1 program leading to a given M2 program x : Other natural coupling o : Non unsual coupling, but still possible

N.B. : For the Mixt M2 program, the PIC track can be accessed after any PA; the IRENIX track is more casily followed after one of the following PA/M1 programs: CMS, EPP, IT, INF.

Program Flowchart – 191

Year 3 – Spring Term Advanced Research Internship

The research internship concludes the third year of the “Ingenieur Polytechnicien” Program. It can take place in an academic or corporate research team. Trainees are required to carry out a fully- fledged project, consisting of a theoretical and/or experimental study. Subjects are selected by the Departments of Ecole Polytechnique.

During the course of this internship, the trainee’s work is supervised by two scientific advisers: one from the faculty of Ecole Polytechnique and one on location in the host university/company. Students who intend to follow a year of specialization in another Graduate Institute of Engineering in France have an adviser from that institute.

At the end of that Quarter, each student presents the results of his/her project in both a written report and an oral presentation to a jury of professors. No student can be granted the degree of “Ingenieur de l’Ecole Polytechnique” and admitted into the 4th and final year of the curriculum with an internship grade lower than C. The very best internship works are rewarded with a “Prix d’Option”.

Educational objectives  To give students the opportunity to apply their scientific knowledge to the analysis of a new subject, to master the different approaches to a problem and to deepen their learning in the given subject.  To further students’ experience in the implementation of a scientific process through personal research, either fundamental or applied.  To give students an immersion experience in an industrial or university research team, to make them interact with a professional environment.  For students carrying out an internship abroad, to be immersed in the cultural and linguistic features of the host country.

Nature of the work Students are required to carry out their research work by attaching equal importance to the following aspects:  Bibliographic research on the given subject.  Precise definition of the objectives to be reached, description of the most appropriate solutions and the means to reach them.  Study of the subject itself.  Description, defence and discussion of the results obtained.

Flowchart Program ­– 193 Applied Mathematics MAP591 Signal and Image MAP592 Modelling and scientific computing MAP593 Automatic Control and Operations Research MAP594 Probabilistic and statistical modelisation MAP595 Financial Mathematics

Biology BIO591 Biology and Ecology

Chemistry CHI591 New reactions and natural products synthesis CHI592 Organometallic Chemistry CHI593 Chemistry/biology interface: mass spectrometry and quantum chemistry CHI594 Solid state and material chemistry

Economics ECO591 Microeconomics and Business Strategies ECO592 The macroeconomic and Political Economy ECO593 Bank, Finance

Humanities and Social Sciences HSS591A Economic systems and sustainable development HSS591B Strategic approach to communication within the firm HSS591C1 A study of the world of the firm HSS591C2 Master Management Innovation, Conception, Sciences & technologies/PIC HSS591C3 Master IIT/DOCTIS HSS591C4 Chaire Renault HSS591D The French civil service HSS592A Social and cognitive sciences HSS592B Philosophy and ethics HSS592C Epistemology and History of science HSS592D History and international policies HSS592E Sociology and ethnology, demography HSS593A Urban planning, architecture and construction

194 – “Ingenieur” Program Informatics INF591 Computer Science

Mathematics MAT591 Algebra and combinatorics MAT592 Analysis and applications MAT593 Geometry MAT595 Dynamical systems MAT596 Number theory and Algebraic Geometry MAT597 Algebraic topology

Mechanics MEC592 Mechanics of materials and structures MEC593 Soft matter, complex fluids, biomechanics & MEMS MEC594 Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics MEC595 Civil engineering and petroleum engineering MEC596 Geophysics and planetary environment MEC597 Energies

Physics PHY591 Fields, particles and matter PHY592 Astrophysics and cosmology PHY593 Advanced technology physics PHY594 Lasers, quantum optics, plasma physics PHY595 Solid state physics PHY596 Geophysics and planetary environment PHY597 Energies

Program Flowchart – 195

The fourth year of the “Ingénieur Polytechnicien” Curriculum

The final Advanced Master’s degree, «Diplôme de tion between Ecole Polytechnique and the partner l’École Polytechnique», is granted after completion Institute. of the fourth year to all students who have obtai- ned both the «Ingénieur de l’École Polytechnique» The standard organization of the fourth year is as diploma and a specialized Master degree. The follows: «Ingénieur de l’École Polytechnique» diploma is a the first part of the academic year is devoted to Master degree granted at the end of the first three coursework while the latter consists of an internship years and corresponding to an intensive, multidis- within a company or a laboratory. Admission to this ciplinary scientific education. The fourth and final track is made through the regular application pro- year leads to a second Master degree in a specia- cedures; the students’ applications are reviewed lized domain. by the juries of the respective Institutes. Students receive individual notification of the results. Specialization can be achieved along one of the following tracks: The partner Institute grants a diploma “Diplôme  The elite technical professions that serve the d’Ingénieur” once the program has been comple- State (also called “Corps de l’État”). ted. This track is exclusively reserved for French and The program is offered by the following Institutes, european students willing to serve the State. some of which are members of Paristech (Paris Institute of Technology), while others are located in the South of France (Toulouse) or the Southeast  Graduate Institutes of Engineering in France (Grenoble, Sophia-Antipolis). (“Ecole d’Ingénieur”) This track allows the students to acquire more Graduate Institute Specialized Graduate Program technical and specialized knowledge in a spe- ISAE – Supaéro Aerospace industry (aircraft, cific industrial domain. This graduate program, space program, energy and offered by a partner Graduate Institute of propulsion, control & onboard Engineering (“Grande Ecole”), allows students to systems) discover yet another intellectual and educational ENSCP Chemistry, Biotechnology culture. Supélec Information Technology, Energy The third-year research internship can be integra- ISIA Aeronautics Computer Science, ted within the program and organized in coopera- Automation, Robotics

Flowchart Program ­– 197 ENSMP Industry d’ingénieur” (3rd year of “Grandes Ecoles”). The ENSPM Non renewable energy (petro- Masters diplomas are internationally recognized leum, gas, automobile) degrees, allowing the student to follow with docto- ENPC Civil Engineering, Industrial rate-level education or to enter the workplace at a Engineering, Economics, senior level. Urban Planning, Computer Science, Applied Mathematics The different programs offer a variety of specia- Télécom (Bretagne) Telecommunications and lized courses which are built upon three comple- Systems mentary elements: ENSTA Mechanical Engineering, – High-level scientific training, focused on a given Systems Engineering, field, with strong emphasis on modelling, simula- Information Systems, tion and experimental validation. Mathematic Engineering – Familiarity with technical tools related to a given Télécom (Paris) Information Technology, field, thereby allowing an application of the acqui- Telecommunications red knowledge directly at the workplace or in a IOGS Optics Engineering and New research environment. Technologies – Insight into the workplace as well as the ENSEEIHT Computer Science, Humanities and Social Sciences. Telecommunications, Networks, Electronics, What Ecole Polytechnique offers is unique in seve- Fluid Mechanics, Electrical ral ways: Engineering – On-site equipment of a high standard, as well ENSIMAG Information Processing and as an internationally known multidisciplinary Modeling research centre covering all the fields taught in ENSAE Economics and Statistics the Masters programs. INAPG Life Sciences (Agriculture), – Very strong partnerships with other higher edu- Food, Biology, Environment cation institutes and universities all over France CEA-INSTN Nuclear Engineering, Nuclear and Europe. Power – A strong tradition of excellence in Science, as well ENGREF 2-year program in Ecology and as in the Humanities and Social Sciences, with in Environmental Engineering an emphasis on foreign languages and cultural exchange.

 Masters in France The Masters courses extend over 4 semesters 3a. Masters of Ecole Polytechnique (2 years and 120 ECTS). The 1st year (M1, 60 The Masters programs offered by Ecole ECTS) is built upon the 3rd year of the “Ingénieur Polytechnique are graduate studies in the fields of Polytechnicien” curriculum. The 2nd year (M2, also Science and Technology, Engineering, Economics 60 ECTS) is jointly organized with partner Graduate and Business Management, as well as Sustainable Institutes or Universities. Development. Students from the “Ingénieur Polytechnicien” curri- The courses are open to the best European culum complete the first year (M1) through their 3rd and international students, who have at least a year of the “Ingénieur Polytechnicien” curriculum Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent. They are also and join the second year (M2) during their final open to French students completing a “Diplôme year of study.

198 – “Ingenieur” Program Ecole Polytechnique presently offers 13 Masters M2 Specialty: Economics of Markets and Programs with 28 specialties: Organizations  Advanced Technologies M2 Specialty: Engineering and Innovation  Environmental Mechanics and Physics Technologies - from Laboratories to Markets M2 Specialty: Oceans, Atmosphere, Climate, Observations from space  Applied Mathematics M2 Specialty: Mathematics and Modelling  Mathematics – PDE and Numerical Analysis M2 Specialty: Analysis, Arithmetic, Geometry – Optimization, Game Theory & Modelling in Economics  Mechanics – Mathematics, Vision, Learning M2 Specialty: Fluids Mechanics, Fundamentals & – Mathematics: Applications to Biology and Applications (This M2 program is taught entirely Medical Science in English)

M2 Specialty: Probability Theory and Aleatory M2 Specialty: Materials Science and Structural Models Mechanics (M1 and M2 to be opened in 2009 – Materials and Engineering Sciences M2 Specialty: Probability Theory and Finance – Advanced Structural Calculus

 Chemistry M2 Specialty: Materials Science for Sustainable M2 Specialty: Molecular Chemistry (This M2 pro- Construction gram can be followed entirely in English)  Molecular and Cellular Biology  Complex Software Systems M2 Specialty: Structural and Functional M2 Specialty: Conception and Management of Engineering of Biomolecules Complex Software Systems M2 Specialty: Bioinformatics and Biostatistics  Computer Science M2 Specialty: Fundamental Computer Science  Physics and Applications M2 Specialty: Fundamental Concepts in Physics M2 Specialty: Bioinformatics and Biostatistics – Theoretical Physics – Quantum Physics  Economics and Public Policy – Solid State Physics M2 Specialty: Economics and Public Policy – Liquid and Soft Matter Physics

 Economics: Quantitative Economics and Finance M2 Specialty: Fusion Sciences (This M2 program M2 Specialty: Economics Analysis and Policy is taught entirely in English) (This M2 program can be followed entirely in – Inertial Confinement Fusion English) – Magnetic Confinement Fusion – Fusion Physics and Technology M2 Specialty: Economics of Energy, Environment, Sustainable Development M2 Specialty: Materials Science and Nano-Objects – Nanostructures & Interfaces

Program Flowchart – 199 – New Materials for Research & Applications 3b. Masters in coordination with HEC – Thin Layers and Activated Surfaces The X-HEC specialized program is organized jointly – Quantum Electronics & Photonics by Ecole Polytechnique and France’s top Business School, HEC (“Hautes Etudes Commerciales”). M2 Specialty: Optics, Matter and Plasmas Within this program there are 3 tracks: Strategic – Laser/Matter Management, Finance and entrepreneurship. Here – Optics from Science to Technology again, the program is offered only to a limited num- – Plasma Physics ber of students; students must choose one of the – Light, Atom, Measure 3 tracks they wish to apply to. – International Track (This M2 program is taught entirely in English) 3c. Master of research Students may apply for second year of French M2 Specialty: High Energy Physics. Joint with scientific Master of research. This specialization in ETHZ (This M2 program is taught entirely in a pre-requisite for a PhD in France. English)

M2 Specialty: Nanosciences – Incl. International  International specializations Track 4a. MSc Master of Science with thesis curriculum type in M2 Specialty: Quantum Devices best international universities. (à compléter par la DRE au besoin)  Science, Technologies, Society M2 Specialty: Cognition and Complex Systems 4b. PhD – Cognition Science This program combines academic training and – Science of Complex Systems professional experience in a specific sector at the cutting edge of research either within the Ecole M2 Specialty: Management, Innovation, Polytechnique’s Doctoral Program or in a program Conception in Science and Technology abroad. It leads to the writing of a dissertation – Project, Innovation, Conception which is defended in front of a jury. The degree of – Network Industries and Digital Economy Doctor is then conferred, subject to approval by the jury after oral defense. Ecole Polytechnique also takes part in the fol- lowing: The Ecole Polytechnique’s final degree “Diplôme – ParisTech Masters de l’Ecole Polytechnique” will be awarded as soon M2 Specialty: “Transportation and Sustainable as the student qualifies to enter the doctoral pro- Development” (Master ParisTech – Fondation gram (after a master’s degree or after some qua- Renault) lifying exams or equivalent). The goal of doctoral coursework is to acquire further knowledge on a M2 Specialty: Nuclear Energy particular topic. The second year of the Master’s program (M2) must help in defining and refining the research subject. Scholarships (from the French Ministries of Defense and of Research) can be awarded.

200 – “Ingenieur” Program Index

Applied Mathematics MAP311 Randomness MAP411 Mathematical Modelling MAP431 Numerical analysis and optimization MAP432 Probability: Random walk MAP433 Statistics MAP441 Experimental project in Applied Mathematics MAP551 Probability Theory MAP552 Stochastic models in finance MAP553 Statistical Learning MAP554 Communication Networks, Algorithms and Probability MAP555 Signal Processing MAP556 Introduction to dynamical systems and Markov chains. Applications to ecology MAP557 Operations Research: Mathematical Aspects and Applications MAP559 Introduction to Numerical Modeling and Finite Element Method MAP561 Control: Basic concepts and applications in mechanics MAP562 Optimal design of structures MAP563 Random models in Ecology and Evolution MAP564 Stochastic Simulation and Monte-Carlo methods MAP565 Processes and estimation MAP/MAT567 Transport and diffusion MAP568 Asset Pricing in the Derivatives Market MAP571 Personal Project in Applied Mathematics MAP572 Electromagnetics and acoustics in the automotive aerospace industry: from modelling to HPC (high-performance computing) MAP581 Personal Project in Applied Mathematics MAP582 Creation of Technology Start-Ups MAP591 Image and Signal MAP592 Modelling and scientific computing MAP593 Automatic Control and Operations Research MAP594 Probabilistic and statistical modelisation MAP595 Financial Mathematics

Flowchart Program – 201­ Biology BIO431 Ecology and biodiversity BIO432 Biology and human pathologies: from symptoms to mechanisms BIO441 Experimental project in Biology BIO451 Molecular and cellular biology BIO452 Molecular biology BIO551 The cell and its environment BIO552 Cellular identity and immunology BIO553 Neurobiology and Development BIO554 Computational biology BIO561 Biological Targets and Therapeutic Strategies BIO562 Genetics, reproduction, cloning BIO563 Biodiversity BIO571 Experimental laboratory work in Genetic Engineering BIO581 Genomes: diversity, environment and human health BIO582 Modeling in evolutionary ecology BIO591 Biology and Ecology

Chemistry CHI411 Introduction to molecular chemistry CHI431 The foundations of molecular chemistry CHI441 Experimental project in Chemistry CHI551 Structure, Symmetry and Spectroscopy CHI552 Organic Synthesis and Biosynthesis CHI553 Organometallic chemistry and catalysis CHI561 Advanced organic and organometallic chemistry CHI562 Polymer chemistry CHI563 Modeling in molecular sciences CHI564 Industrial Chemistry CHI571 Chemistry of condensed matter CHI572 Experimental project CHI581 Biological and Medicinal Chemistry CHI582 Chemistry of soldis CHI583 Frontiers in chemistry CHI591 New reactions and natural products synthesis CHI592 Organometallic chemistry and catalysis CHI593 Chemistry/biology interface, mass spectrometry and quantum chemistry CHI594 Solid state and material chemistry

Economics ECO311 Introduction to Economic Analysis ECO431 Economic analysis : Introduction ECO432 Econometrics : An Introductory Course

202 – “Ingenieur” Program ECO550A Economics of Uncertainty and Finance ECO550B Economics of Innovation ECO551 Public and Private Law ECO552 Econometrics ECO553 Economic Growth ECO554 Microeconomics for Public Policy ECO555 Game Theory ECO556 Microeconomics ECO557 Econometrics ECO558 Macroeconomics ECO559 Business Strategy ECO560 Economics of Information, Incentives and Contracts ECO561 Business cycles ECO562 Econometrics and Evaluation of Public Policy ECO563 Public Economics, Welfare, and Institutions ECO564 Economy of the Energy Sector : Introduction ECO565 Sustainable Development and Environment ECO566A Industrial organization ECO566B Organizational Economics and Corporate Finance ECO567B Behavioral Economics ECO568 Applied microeconometrics ECO571 Quantitative sociology ECO572 International Economics ECO574 Game Theory and Economic Analysis ECO581 Economic Policy ECO582 Economics and competition policy ECO583 Advanced Macroeconomic Theory ECO584 Financial Markets ECO585 Advanced Microeconomic Theory ECO588A Asset Pricing ECO588B Corporate Finance ECO588C Financial Econometrics ECO591 Microeconomics and Business Strategies ECO592 The macroeconomic and Political Economy ECO593 Bank, Finance

Humanities and Social Sciences HSS311 Social studies and representations HSS411A International Institutions, Governments and Economics HSS411B An Introduction to economic and financial problems HSS411C Understanding the Firm HSS411D Corporate Law HSS411E Communication and the media HSS411G French Government, Institutions and Economics

Program Flowchart – 203 HSS412A French modern Literature: analysis and criticism HSS412B Introduction to Moral and Political Philosophy HSS412C French political history of the 19th century: heritage and modernity (1815–1870) HSS412D History and international problems (XX°Century) HSS412E Business intelligence & information warfare HSS412F A history of religions HSS412G General Sociology HSS413A Art History HSS413B Architecture HSS413C Drawing HSS413D From baroque to rock’n roll HSS413E Infography HSS414A French Governments, Institutions and Economics HSS414B An introduction to economic and financial problems HSS414C International Governments, Institutions and Economics HSS414D Corporate Law HSS414E Analysis and strategic marketing HSS414F Geopolitics: International relations and the place and role of armed forces in conflict HSS414G Working as an Ingeneer in firms HSS414H Politics and Political culture HSS415A Linguistics HSS415B Psychology HSS415C Social Anthropology HSS415D History of Paris. Paris capital. Urban history and cultural building HSS415E Philosophy HSS415F Introduction to the History of Science and Technology HSS415G Introduction to economic HSS416A Architecture HSS416B Computer graphics and modelisation 3D applied to architecture HSS416C Painting HSS416D Drawing HSS416E Sculpture HSS416F Engraving HSS416G Music HSS416H Design HSS421 Corporate stakeholders: an introduction HSS422 Economic history HSS423 Urban planning and architecture HSS424 History HSS425 Art History HSS431 Philosophy and modern times HSS511A Public Affairs HSS511C Multicultural management and company perfomences HSS511D Public law, private law HSS511E Project management

204 – “Ingenieur” Program HSS511F Corporation and Digital Economy: Organization and Business Models HSS511G Creation and first developments of an innovation company HSS511H Geopolitics: Contemporary world challenges: the case of Eurasia HSS511J Corporate and information strategies HSS511K Sustainable development HSS512A Philosophy HSS512C Ethnology HSS512D Greek ans latin civilizations HSS512E History and epistemology of mathematical sciences HSS512F Brain and cognition HSS512G History of revolutions of the xxth century HSS513B Architecture and urbanism HSS513C Painting HSS513D Drawing HSS513E Sculpture HSS513F Engraving HSS513G Infography HSS513H Music HSS513I Discovering Paris National Opera HSS513J Interaction Design HSS522 The “living together” HSS523 Ethics and science HSS524 Strategies and geopolitics HSS525 Innovation-based strategies and design systems HSS526 Introduction to Cognitive sciences HSS571/581 Microthesis on sustainable development HSS572/582 Microthesis on sustainable development HSS583 Management of innovation HSS584 Multicultural management HSS591A Economic systems and sustainable development HSS591B Strategic approach and competitive intelligence within the firm HSS591C1 A study of the world of the firm HSS591C2 Master Management Innovation, Conception, Sciences & technologies/PIC HSS591C3 Master IIT/DOCTIS HSS591C4 Renault chair HSS591D The french civil service HSS592A Social and political philosophy, epistemology and cognitive sciences HSS592B Philosophy and ethics HSS592C Science Studies HSS592D History and international policies HSS592E Sociology and ethnology, demography HSS593A Urban planning, architecture and construction

Program Flowchart – 205 Informatics INF311 Introduction to computer science INF321 Principles of programming languages INF421 Fundamentals of Programming and Algorithms INF422 Components of a computing system: Introduction to computer architecture and operating systems INF431 Programs and Algorithms: from sequential to distributed INF441 Experimental project in computer science INF550 Design and Analysis of Algorithms INF551 Logic and computability theory INF552 Computer Vision and Augmented Reality INF553 Databases and information management INF554 Introduction to the theory of programming languages INF555 Fundamentals of 3D Processing INF556 Software modelling & engineering INF557 Introduction to networks INF558 Information Theory INF559 Computer architecture INF560 Distributed and Parallel Computing INF561 Algorithms and complexity INF562 Computational geometry: from theory to applications INF563 Static Analysis of Programs INF564 Compilation INF565 Computer-checked proofs INF566 Networks, Protocoles INF567 Mobile and wireless networks INF568 Cryptology INF569 Theory and Practice of Information Systems INF570 Peer-to-Peer Networks INF571 Internet and automated translation INF572 Operations research: modelling and software INF573 Safety of computerized systems INF580 Constraint Programming and Combinatorial Optimization INF581 From randomized to quantum computing INF582 Data mining: statistical models and combinatorial search for information INF583 Operating systems principles and programming INF584 Computer Ggraphics: Theory and Practice INF585 C++ INF586 Network security INF591 Internship in computer science

206 – “Ingenieur” Program Languages, Cultures and Communication Arabic LAN411ARA Beginner 1 LAN421ARA Beginner 2 LAN471ARA Advanced 1: Occident et Orient, entre Savoir et Pouvoir LAN481ARA Advanced 2: Occident et Orient, entre Savoir et Pouvoir LAN511ARA Beginner 3 LAN571ARA Advanced 3

Chinese LAN411CHN Beginner 1 LAN421CHN Beginner 2 LAN511CHN Beginner 3 LAN551CHN Intermediate 3 LAN571CHN Advanced

English LAN411ANG Speak Easy 1 LAN421ANG Speak Easy 2 LAN431ANG Beginner 1 LAN441ANG Beginner 2 LAN443cANG An Introduction to American Government LAN451ANG Intermediate LAN461ANG Perfecting Your English LAN462aANG British literature across the ages LAN462bANG Rock’n Roll music LAN462cANG Anglophon theatre LAN462dANG The American Theater: Aspects of Modern American Drama LAN462eANG Literature of the Fantastic LAN462fANG Ghosts Over The Bayou LAN462gANG Contemporary crime fiction and its origins LAN463aANG X-Pression LAN463bANG Ireland LAN463cANG An Introduction to American Government LAN463gANG Cool Britannia LAN463hANG British Humour LAN463kANG Australia LAN463mANG They Made America LAN464aANG Language and Sport LAN464bANG The art of advertising LAN464cANG Cultura LAN464eANG The Art of Advertising LAN465aANG Business Communication LAN465bANG Business strategy LAN471ANG Advanced

Program Flowchart – 207 LAN482aANG American Theater: reading, watching, improvising LAN482cANG Anglophone theatre LAN482dANG The Empire of ice cream LAN482eANG Literature of the fantastic LAN482fANG Ghosts Over The Bayou LAN482gANG ANG Rock’n Roll music LAN483cANG South African Writing and Society LAN483dANG Of me I sing LAN483eANG British Humour LAN483gANG When Harry Met Sally, Coltrane, and Krushchev LAN483hANG American dreams, American experience LAN483lANG Australia LAN484aANG The art of advertising LAN485aANG Business English LAN531ANG Lower Intermediate Level 3 LAN532aANG Lower Intermediate Level 3: Theatre Group LAN534aANG Speak Easy 3 LAN552aANG British Cinema LAN552bANG Art made in USA 1900-1960 LAN552cANG American theater: reading, watching, improvising LAN552fANG Antipode cinema LAN553aANG History goes to the movies LAN553cANG British Humour LAN553dANG The World seen through British newspapers LAN553fANG Crossroads LAN554aANG Debating LAN554bANG Speaking out on Economic Issues LAN554dANG Playing Around with Communication LAN554eANG Speak business LAN554gANG Convince LAN572aANG Art made in USA 1900-1960 LAN572cANG American theater: reading, watching, improvising LAN572dANG Photography LAN572eANG Theatre in English LAN572fANG Antipode cinema LAN572gANG Mean streets across the continents: contemporary crime fiction LAN573bANG Of me i sing LAN573dANG The world seen through british newspapers LAN573gANG France and Britain LAN574aANG Debating LAN574cANG Creative writing: exploring the imagination LAN574dANG Playing Around with communication LAN574fANG Leadership and teamwork LAN574gANG Convince

208 – “Ingenieur” Program French as a Foreign Language LAN472aFLÉ Le cinéma français LAN472bFLÉ L’humour Français LAN472cFLÉ Atelier Théâtre 1 LAN472dFLE Littérature: le récit court LAN472iFLE Histoire et Chansons LAN473bFLÉ Politique française: partis et institutions LAN473cFLÉ La Francophonie dans tous ses États LAN482aFLÉ Littérature: le récit court LAN482bFLÉ Paris vu par… la Littérature, la Peinture, la Photographie, la Chanson et le Cinéma LAN482cFLÉ L’humour Français LAN482dFLE Le cinéma français LAN482eFLE Panorama de la littétature française LAN482fFLE Atelier Théâtre 2 LAN483aFLÉ Le Mythe Antique dans la Culture Française LAN483bFLÉ Histoire de la Langue Française LAN483cFLE Langue et société LAN571FLE Français écrit avancé LAN572aFLÉ Panorama de la Littérature Française LAN572bFLÉ Paris vu par… la Littérature, la Peinture, la Photographie, la Chanson et le Cinéma LAN572cFLÉ La Pensée en Mouvement chez les Auteurs Français: entre Littérature et Philosophie LAN572eFLE Atelier Théâtre 3 LAN572fFLE L’humour Français LAN572gFLE Le cinéma français LAN572hFLE Littérature: le récit court LAN572iFLE Histoire et Chansons LAN572jFLE Théâtre français du xxe siècle LAN573aFLÉ Politique française : partis et institutions LAN573cFLE La Francophonie dans tous ses États LAN573dFLE Le Mythe Antique dans la Culture Française LAN573eFLE Histoire de la langue française LAN574aFLE Le français des Affaires

German LAN411ALL Beginner 1 LAN421ALL Beginner 2 LAN431ALL Advanced beginner 1 LAN441ALL Advanced beginner 2 LAN451ALL Intermediate 1 LAN462aALL Streifzug durch deutsche Literatur und Musik LAN462cALL Kreatives Schreiben - Beispiel Krimi LAN463aALL Deutschlandbilder LAN463cALL Berlin ist immer eine Reise wert… LAN463dALL Deutsche Geschichte - Deutsche Frauen LAN471aALL Advanced

Program Flowchart – 209 LAN471bALL Cours préparatoire au ‘’Zentrale Oberstufenprüfung’’ ZOP - C2 LAN482aALL Die Deutsche Gegenwartsliteratur nach 1989 LAN482bALL Bewegte Geschichte(n) in bewegten Bildern LAN483aALL Berlin ist immer eine Reise wert… LAN511ALL Beginner 3 LAN531ALL Advanced beginner 3 LAN552aALL Von Bach zu Berg LAN552bALL Theaterworkshop LAN552cALL „Kreatives Schreiben“ am Beispiel einer Kriminalgeschichte LAN552dALL Journalismus LAN555aALL Wir heben ab ins all : Raumfahrt in Europa. LAN572bALL Von Bach zu Berg LAN573cALL Aktuelles aus Deutshland LAN574aALL Debatte

Italian LAN411ITA Beginner 1 LAN421ITA Beginner 2 LAN451ITA Intermediate 1 LAN461ITA Intermediate 2 LAN471ITA Advanced 1 LAN481ITA Advanced 2 LAN511ITA Beginner 3 LAN551ITA Intermediate 3 LAN571ITA Advanced 3

Japonese LAN411JAP Beginner 1 LAN421JAP Beginner 2 LAN461JAP Intermediate 1 LAN511JAP Beginner 3 LAN531JAP Advanced beginner LAN551JAP Intermediate 2

Russian LAN411RUS Beginner 1 LAN421RUS Beginner 2 LAN451RUS Intermediate 1 LAN461RUS Intermediate 2 LAN471RUS Advanced 1 LAN481RUS Advanced 2 LAN511RUS Beginner 3 LAN551RUS Intermediate 3 LAN571RUS Advanced 3

210 – “Ingenieur” Program Spanish LAN411ESP Beginner 1 LAN421ESP Beginner 2 LAN442aESP «El que canta sus males espanta» LAN443cESP El cuento fantastico LAN451ESP Intermediate LAN462cESP Un director : Pedro Almodóvar LAN463bESP España desde 1975 hasta nuestros dias LAN471ESP Advanced 1 LAN482bESP Pintura Española LAN482cESP Un director : Pedro Almodóvar LAN482dESP El cine y el humor en español LAN483bESP Civilización española : España desde 1975 hasta nuestros días LAN483cESP España Contemporanea : Politica, Sociedad, Cultura LAN511ESP Advanced 2 LAN512ESP Hablando y comprendiendo LAN532aESP Clase temática LAN532bESP Cine Latinoamericano LAN552aESP Clase temática LAN552cESP Analizar películas y disfrutar del cine LAN552dESP Cine Latinoamericano LAN552eESP Analyse filmique en Espagnol - cinéma espagnol LAN552fESP Pintura Española LAN552gESP Analyse filmique en Espagnol -cinéma latinoaméricain LAN572bESP Analyse filmique en Espagnol - cinéma espagnol LAN572cESP Analizar películas y disfrutar del cine LAN572dESP Théâtre LAN572fESP Pintura Española LAN572gESP Analyse Filmique en Espagnol -cinéma latinoaméricain LAN573aESP España Contemporanea : Política, Sociedad, Cultura

Mathematics MAT311 Real and complex analysis MAT431 Distribution Theory, Fourier Analysis and Dynamical Systems MAT432 Fourier analysis, spectral theory and applications to EDP MAT441 Experimental project in Mathematics MAT451 Algebra and Galois Theory MAT452 Fondamental Group, Covering Spaces and Knot Theory MAT551 Dynamical Systems MAT552 Algebra, Arithmetic and Codes MAT553 Differential topology-1 MAT554 Nonlinear Analysis MAT556 Groups and Representations MAT561 Nonlinear Schrodinger equation: from Bose Einstein condensates to supersolids

Program Flowchart – 211 MAT563 Differential topology-2 MAT564 Schrödinger Equation and Spectral Theory MAT565 Fermat Last Theorem, Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms MAT567 Transport and diffusion MAT568 General Relativity MAT571 Dynamical Systems: In-depht study MAT572 Algebra, Arithmetic and Codes: In-depth study MAT573 Differential topology-1: In-depth study MAT574 Nonlinear Analysis: In-depth study MAT575 Symmetry groups in subatomic physics: In-depth study MAT576 Groups and Representations: In-depth study MAT581 Nonlinear Schrodinger equation: from Bose Einstein condensates to supersolids: In-depth study MAT583 Differential topology-2: In-depth study MAT584 Schrödinger Equation and Spectral Theory: In-depth study MAT585 Fermat Last Theorem, Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms: In-depth study MAT587 Transport and diffusion: In-depth study MAT588 General Relativity: In-depth study MAT591 Algebra and combinatorics MAT592 Analyis and applications MAT593 Geometry MAT595 Dynamical systems MAT596 Number theory and Algebraic Geometry MAT597 Algebraic topology

Mechanics MEC431 Continuum Mechanics MEC432 Fluid Mechanics MEC433 Atmospheric and Oceanic Dynamics MEC434 Waves and vibrations MEC441 Experimental Project in Mechanics MEC551 Plasticity and Fracture MEC552 Computational fluid dynamics MEC553 Modelling of slender structures MEC554 Microhydrodynamics and complex fluids MEC555 Turbulence and vortex dynamics MEC556 Earth dynamics: from magnetism to seismology MEC557 The Finite Element Method for Solid Mechanics MEC559 Laboratory research project MEC561 Fluid-structure interactions MEC562 Inelastic analysis of structures MEC563 Stability of Solids: from Structures to Materials MEC564 Compressible aerodynamics MEC565 Meteorology and Environment MEC565A Climate and continental surfaces

212 – “Ingenieur” Program MEC566 Heat transfer and fluid flow MEC567 Water Sciences and Environment MEC568 Structural Dynamics MEC569 Laboratory research project MEC571 Climate dynamics MEC572 Acoustics and sound environment MEC573 Wind, solar and hydraulic potential: cases studies MEC574 Inverse problems MEC575 Smart materials in Robotics and Microtechnology MEC576 Biomechanics and vascular disease MEC577 Complex Materials MEC578 Aerodynamics MEC579 Microfluidic MEC581 Projects in structural and fluids mechanics MEC582 Observing the Earth by Satellite: Passive and Active Remote-sensing MEC583 Models, observations and predictability MEC584 Hydrodynamics and Elasticity MEC585 Turbulent flows: dynamics and numerical simulations MEC589 Smart materials: multiscale modelling and applications MEC592 Mechanics of materials and structures MEC593 Soft matter, complex fluids, biomechanics & MEMS MEC594 Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics MEC595 Civil engineering and petroleum engineering MEC596 Geophysics and planetary environment MEC597 Energies

Physics PHY311 Quantum mechanics PHY431 Relativity and variational principles PHY432 Quantum and statistical physics PHY441 Experimental project in physics PHY442 Experimental project in Electronics PHY550 Radiative exchanges in the atmosphere and climate PHY551A Quantum optics 1: lasers PHY551B Atomic and molecular physics PHY552A Quantum physics of electrons in solids PHY552B Biophysics: from nanometers to microns PHY553 Nuclear physics and astrophysics PHY554 Elementary particle physics PHY555 Energy and environment PHY556 Physical bases of the mechanical behaviour of solids PHY557 Soft surfaces PHY558A Nuclear reactor types and reactor physics PHY558B Photovoltaïc solar energy

Program Flowchart – 213 PHY559 Microelectronic devices PHY560A Complex systems PHY560B Quantum transport and mesoscopic physics PHY561 Introduction to relativistic field theory PHY562 Quantum optics 2: Photons PHY564A Integrated systems PHY564B Nanomaterials and electronic applications PHY564C Optoelectronics PHY565 Physics of biological polymers and membranes PHY566 Solid earth and environment PHY567 Semiconductors and devices PHY568 General relativity PHY569A Thermonuclear fusion PHY570 Materials design PHY571 Experimental approach to physics PHY572 Lasers and applications PHY573A Electronics experimental conception PHY573B Flat panel displays PHY574 Cosmology PHY575 Symmetry groups in high energy’s physics PHY576 Theoretical approaches to quantum properties of materials PHY577 Superconductivity and magnetism PHY578 Laser produced plasmas PHY579 Direct energy conversion and storage PHY581B Spintronics PHY581C Experimental project PHY582 Functional thin films and active surfaces: research and innovation PHY583 Extrasolar planets: detection and formation PHY584 Experimental aspects of subatomic physics and astrophysics PHY585 Experimental work PHY586 Nuclear reactor technology and fuel cycle PHY587 Experimental quantum optics PHY588 Material sciences for energy PHY589 Laboratory course on photovoltaics PHY591 Fields, particles and matter PHY592 Astrophysics and cosmology PHY593 Advanced technology physics PHY594 Lasers, quantum optics, plasma physics PHY595 Solid state physics PHY596 Geophysics and planetary environment PHY597 Energies

214 – “Ingenieur” Program Sport Badminton Basket Ball Counselling course Climbing Fencing Football (or soccer) Golf Handball Horseriding Judo Rowing Rugby Swimming Volleyball

Program Flowchart – 215 www.polytechnique.edu www.catalogue.polytechnique.fr