18061 Hon. Peter J. Roskam Hon. Chet Edwards
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September 8, 2008 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 154, Pt. 13 18061 REICHERT was an original cosponsor of the School in the community of Bryan-College After graduating from Texas A&M in 1932, Apollo Energy Independence Act, H.R. 6385, Station, Texas. Earl Rudder was commissioned as a second and was integral to the introduction of this leg- It was a privilege to take part in the dedica- lieutenant in the U.S. Army Reserve. He then islation. Congressman REICHERT was left off of tion ceremony because the Rudder family has chose the noble profession of teaching—first the original cosponsor list due to administra- had a very personal impact on my life. Mrs. as a coach and teacher at Brady High School tive error. Earl Rudder was like a second mother to me, and later at Tarleton State College. In 1941, f although in fairness, I should point out that his country called him to duty, and did he ever she effectively adopted thousands of Aggies answer that call. Rising through the ranks be- HONORING SEAN ROONEY AND over several generations. That did not make cause of his integrity, courage and leadership THE U.S. OLYMPIC MEN’S IN- her any less special to me, and I want to skills, he was chosen to lead the 2nd Ranger DOOR VOLLEYBALL TEAM thank the Rudder children—Ann, Linda, Bud Battalion by one of the most respected gen- and Bob—for sharing for so many years your erals to ever serve in the U.S. Army, GEN HON. PETER J. ROSKAM mother and father with all of us in your ex- Omar Bradley. OF ILLINOIS tended Aggie family. His D-day mission was to lead the best of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I never met General Rudder, because he the best up the 100-foot cliffs of Pointe du Hoc Monday, September 8, 2008 died just months before I enrolled at A&M in to disarm massive German guns that could Mr. ROSKAM. Madam Speaker, I rise today 1970, but like every American and every cit- have killed thousands of American G.I.s and to honor the remarkable accomplishments of izen of the world who benefited from the de- put the Allied invasion of France at risk. Sean Rooney of Wheaton, Illinois, and his feat of Nazi forces in World War II, I am the General Bradley said this about the respon- contributions to the 2008 U.S. Olympic Men’s beneficiary of his indomitable courage on D- sibility given then LTC Earl Rudder: ‘‘No sol- Indoor Volleyball Team’s triumph to win the day, which marked the beginning of the end dier in my command has ever been wished a gold medal in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. for Hitler’s plan of world domination. more difficult task than that which befell the At Wheaton-Warrenville South High School In a more personal way, I paid for my grad- thirty-four-year-old Commander of this Provi- in my district, Sean was a standout player who uate school education with the scholarship I sional Ranger Force.’’ garnered Illinois State Player of the Year hon- received when I was awarded the Earl Rudder Two hundred and twenty-five Rangers ors and led his team to a State championship Award upon my graduation from A&M in 1974. began their mission on that perilous day when in 2001. He then went on to Pepperdine Uni- Nevertheless, receiving that award has always literally the fate of the world was in their versity, where he became one of their top been a source of deep humility to me, be- hands. Only 99 survived, but because of the players and helped lead them to a national cause I know that I could not even walk in the heroism of Earl Rudder and Rudder’s Rangers championship in 2005. After graduating in shadows of this great American’s shoes. that day, our world survived the tyranny of 2005, Sean continued to pursue his love of I want to salute the school board members, Adolf Hitler. Lieutenant Colonel Rudder, this the sport, playing professionally for 2 years. Superintendent Cargill, Principal Piatt, and all great Aggie and American, didn’t stop there. Then, Sean was selected to represent his who made this new school possible. James He went on to lead a unit in the Battle of the country on the international stage as a mem- Earl Rudder High School is far more than Bulge and became one of the most decorated ber of the United States’ Men’s Indoor brick, glass, and mortar, because a school veterans of World War II. Volleyball Team in the Games of the XXIX represents the very best of our values as a Having every right to say his public service Olympiad in Beijing, China. As the competition community. This school represents the com- was completed at the end of World War II, was beginning, though, the team faced a trag- mitment of one generation to the next. It rep- Earl Rudder did what so many of America’s ic setback when Todd Bachman, the father-in- resents this community’s willingness to tax veterans have done throughout our history. He law of the team’s coach, Hugh McCutcheon, itself to ensure that its children have a fair spent the rest of his life in service to others was fatally stabbed and his wife was seriously chance to reach their highest God-given po- and to the country he loved. He moved back injured following an act of random, senseless tential. to Brady, Texas, and became its mayor. He violence. It is in our schools and houses of worship was elected Land Commissioner of Texas, a In the face of this adversity, the team rallied that we witness our best sense of community, position he used to clean up abuses in vet- behind their coach and his family to win three a sense that we truly are our brothers’ keep- erans’ land programs. games. When their coach returned for the re- ers. It is in our schools that we Americans When he became the president of Texas mainder of the tournament, the team won five strive to provide for equality of opportunity for A&M University, his beloved alma mater, Earl more games, including an incredible upset vic- all. Ours is an imperfect, never ending jour- Rudder told his close classmate of ’32 and my tory over the top-ranked team from Brazil to ney, but in that march toward equality for all, mentor, Congressman Olin E. Teague, that he win the Gold Medal. we show our greatness and goodness as a had to make a decision that in some ways The Olympic Games are a time for countries nation. brought more heat on him than German guns to come together in the spirit of competition Thomas Jefferson was the 33-year-old au- at Pointe du Hoc. He decided to allow women and sportsmanship. They are a time to show- thor of our Declaration of Independence. He into A&M and to make the Corps of Cadets case the best our country has to offer. Sean was our third and one of our greatest Presi- voluntary for A&M students. Rooney and the Men’s Volleyball Team dents. Yet, before he died, he made it clear Some Aggies didn’t talk to President Rudder showed outstanding courage, commitment and that he wanted it etched on his gravestone ever again. But, just as he did on D-day, Earl athleticism at the Beijing Olympics and our that he was the founder of a university. In his Rudder showed the courage of his conviction. country couldn’t be more proud. wisdom, Thomas Jefferson understood the im- Just as D-day literally helped save the world Madam Speaker and distinguished col- portance of education to our democracy. as we know it, President Rudder’s decision in leagues, please join me in recognizing Sean Two centuries later, I believe that each of the 1960s saved the future of Texas A&M. It Rooney and the entire Men’s Indoor Volleyball you who played a role in founding James Earl was, perhaps, the most important decision Team for their remarkable performance in the Rudder High School shares the right to be ever made by any president of Texas A&M, 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. proud of your accomplishment. It is my hope and I am not sure if any other person but Earl f that the life and values of Earl Rudder will be Rudder could have made it. In 1967, President HONORING THE DEDICATION OF an inspiration to every student here from this Lyndon Johnson presented Earl Rudder with RUDDER HIGH SCHOOL IN day forward. We should never forget the story the Distinguished Service Medal, our Nation’s BRYAN, TEXAS of Earl Rudder, because his is the story of the highest civilian award. American spirit. It is a story from which we Love of faith, family, and country; courage HON. CHET EDWARDS can all learn. under fire; integrity; and lifelong service to oth- Born in the small town of Eden, Texas, Earl ers—these were the values of Earl Rudder. OF TEXAS Rudder did not inherit material wealth, but his They are the quintessential American values IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES family, faith and education helped mold a true that have made ours the greatest Nation in the Monday, September 8, 2008 leader. Like so many Americans, he dedicated world. Mr. EDWARDS of Texas. Madam Speaker, his life to helping others, to serving his coun- My hope is that the story and values of Earl I rise today to honor James Earl Rudder High try.