


Greetings Everyone, I hope all is well with you and yours, despite this very challenging and trying time we are liv- ing through.

I just wanted to introduce myself. Some of you will know me as I have worked at Ambleside Parish Centre as the bookings co-ordinator and administrator and have worshipped at St Mary’s Church for the last 5 years.

I live in Kendal and have done so for most of my life. I am married with three grown up children and five grandchildren. Like you I have been feeling the effects of not being able to get together with family. For the past two years I have been studying to be an ordained minis- ter in the Church of . On 26th September I was ordained Dea- con. The service was very special and it was a lovely time, despite Covid restrictions.

I have now started as curate at St Mary’s Church, Ambleside, Holy Trinity Church, Brathay and Langdale Church. My learning continues with Beverley as my mentor. I am very excited about being here. I will also be keeping on my job at the Parish Centre.

You might be asking yourself.. ‘what is a deacon?’ Well…as deacon I can lead services and preach but cannot do the communion part of the service. A lot of my time will be spent out and about getting to know as many folk as I can in Am- bleside and the surrounding com- munities and getting involved in whatever is going on. One of the things I can do is listen and try where I can to there for people in this tough time.

I look forward to getting to know you, Rev Jane Nattrass


Services in November 2020 (for Brathay please see P. 10) To access online services, please contact Rev. Beverley Lock.

St Mary’s Church is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings 10—12 for private prayer Sunday 1st November 9.30am Online service (Zoom) 11am Holy Communion at St Mary’s, Ambleside

Monday 2nd November 9am Mission Community prayers (Zoom) 10am St Mary’s prayers (Zoom) 3.15pm Crumpet Church

Sunday 8th November 9.30am Online service (Zoom) 3pm Act of Remembrance—Ambleside

Monday 9th November 9am Mission Community prayers (Zoom) 10am St Mary’s prayers (Zoom) 3.15pm Crumpet Church

Sunday 15th November 9.30am Online service (Zoom) 11am Holy Communion at St Mary’s, Ambleside

Monday 16th November 9am Mission Community prayers (Zoom) 10am St Mary’s prayers (Zoom) 3.15pm Crumpet Church

Sunday 22nd November 9.30am Online service (Zoom) 11am Walking Church, from St Mary’s, Ambleside 2pm Remembering Service, St Mary’s, Ambleside

Monday 23rd November 9am Mission Community prayers (Zoom) 10am St Mary’s prayers (Zoom) 3.15pm Crumpet Church Sunday 29th November 9.30am Online service (Zoom) 11am Holy Communion—Joint service at St . Mary’s

Monday 30th November 9am Mission Community prayers (Zoom) 10am St Mary’s prayers (Zoom) 3.15pm Crumpet Church


School News

Despite all the re- strictions and new procedures in and around school, we are still able to provide an enriching and broad curriculum for the chil- dren. Our wonderful teachers are so creative and are finding ways round obstacles so that we can still learn lots and have fun. One way for us all to feel connected is through singing in assemblies. At the moment, it’s not possible and so we are now starting to learn how to sign hymns and songs together using Makaton sign language. The children are really enjoying the challenge of this.

We have had a specialist cricket coach in school, working with three classes (of course in a socially distanced way). This has gone down a treat with the children and they are learning lots of new skills. Year 6 have also taken part in our annual ‘Cyclewise’ training, giving them the confidence and skills to more safely navigate the roads on their bikes. These are perfect outdoor activities that fit in brilliantly with our plan of teaching outdoors where we can. Classes are taking part in Forest School activities, Science, Art, Maths, Geography – all sorts – all taking place in the woods, the field, the wildlife garden or any of the many spaces in our grounds.

Sadly, at the time of writing, we have just had to close one of our class bubbles and send the children home to isolate after hearing that someone in the bubble had received a positive result for Covid-19. Hopefully, the way we operate our separate bubbles will mean that everyone else in school can continue to be together and we can get on with school life. Our school vision is encapsulated thus: ‘Learning to be the best we can be together with God’s love’. We continue to strive to help the children towards this and, since the return to school in September, we have been amazed at the attitude of our children and families who are the most supportive community. We are hon- oured and proud to be Ambleside C E Primary School.



Remembrance services 2020 Sunday 8th November

 9.30 am Holy Trinity, Brathay

 10.55am Holy Trinity, Langdale

 3pm St Mary’s , Ambleside

All services will follow social distanc- ing guidelines.

Ambleside Rushbearing There will be an AGM for Rushbearing on Tuesday 24th November at 7pm at St. Mary's church.

Remembering Service

Sunday 1st November 2020, 2pm - Holy Trinity, Langdale 22nd November 2020, 2pm - St Mary’s Church, Ambleside At this time of year we invite those who have lost a loved one to a special ‘Remembering Service’. The service has a simple format with some prayers, readings, recorded music and a short address. If you would like to come, please let Rev. Beverley Lock know in ad- vance. Thank you.


Crumpet Church Come and join the fun! Families welcome for crafts, music and prayer

On Mondays at 3.15pm Contact Rev. Jane Nattrass for details: [email protected] Mid-week meeting STUDY, PRAY, REFUEL 11th November 25th November

Our Wednesday evenings Zoom meetings will run fortnightly at 7.30pm. If you would like to join us, please contact Graham Sut- ton for the Zoom link.

All Welcome!









GENTLE EXERCISE ZOOM CLASS Every Friday at 11am led by Ursula Brendling, Personal Trainer FREE or donations to Age UK If you are interested in this class, please email Ursula at [email protected] and she will send you the link to the class. Check out our website: https://stmarysambleside.org.uk/

You will find weekly updates on all our activities . We add pictures and links to on-line ser- vices, prayer meetings and much more. Please send pictures or posts that we can share to [email protected]

You would be most welcome to join St Mary’s Church at a Virtual Coffee Morning at 10.30am each Thursday to catch up with friends and neighbours. Contact Rev. Beverley Lock for more details



PARISH OF BRATHAY Holy Trinity Church, Bog Lane, Brathay, Nr. Ambleside LA22 0HS


2nd Sunday of the month - 9:30am Matins

4th Sunday of the month - 9:30am Holy Communion 1662 BCP

Online services are available at other times—see page 4 for details.


Thoughts over Brathay Bridge It is nearly my birthday, and perhaps one should not look forward to something that brings one nearer to November when the nights are drawing in. It is getting colder, and the leaves are just dropping off the trees. In addition, none of us have had an easy time in the last months with the problems that have been caused by corona- virus. However, our creator has still looked after our natural world and we must look forward to the future, and hope that things come good for us all.

The weather is not bad for the time of year and although many of the visitors have now gone, there are still a number here enjoying the Lakes and all it has to offer. The river is at an acceptable level and yesterday the canoers were out on the river, being watched by a number of walkers and visitors.

It is nice to see the swans back in the river and also the ducks. Last month I said that the buzzards were back over Brathay. Well there are two over Loughrigg again today, being enjoyed by a couple in the lane. As I said last month there are not many people up and down in the lane, but today there are more taking the opportunity of the fine weather and the colours of the trees. These two have a lovely sheepdog with them —very friendly and quiet. They said they come from Wales and although they like their own country, being here was their first time in the Lakes and they were very im- pressed and look forward to coming again. How visitors vary. An- other couple have two children, only young and very lively, but ob- viously wanting to tell their parents what they had seen, as if they had only just landed on the planet.

We all have worries but I find it very calming to come to the bridge for a while and watch the world go by. Having said that, as I started to go home a deer put its head over the wall as if to say, “Goodbye, see you tomorrow.” Lovely.

To be continued...


POET’S CORNER Kerry Darbishire, writer, songwriter and poet grew up in Bridge near Ambleside and continues to live in a remote area of .

A Winter’s Night afterThe Song of Wandering Aengus - WB Yeats

Geese safe inside, I shut the door and turn into the frosty night, left settling chatter, rustling straw for still fight wings tucked warm and tight.

The Plough above the sycamore and Seven Sisters clear to see, the green and red lights in the north like sailors’ lanterns on the sea.

Then in a breeze a lifted through November branches high and bare, bones needle-thin and shining new my feathers glided brimmed with air.

The moon a scythe upon my back and frozen scent of Earth below, my cattle shrunk to mice and rats as I flew silently as snow.

Though now it seems I’m almost blind to trodden pathways long ago in hope I’ll search until I find tracks in a land I used to know.

(Published in This Place I Know – 2018 Cumbrian anthology, Handstand Press)

Kerry’s first poetry collection: ‘A Lift of Wings’ published in 2014 by Indigo Dreams Publishing, her second: ‘Distance Sweet on my Tongue’ 2018 can be obtained from: www.indigodreams.co.uk or contact: [email protected] 13

North Lakes Adventure It was late October, maybe 1955 and the Friday of a long weekend. We had managed an early start and were scrambling out of two an- cient cars on the Newlands road near Rigg Beck. Sun- shine; some cloudy spells and a light breeze had been promised. Initially, our aim had been to reach the summit of Sail from the Rigg Beck path via a steep grass slope, up which had been positioned an old Boundary marked by iron posts. It looked an impossi- bility, but though we had lost our rhythmical plod and discovered the slope to be almost vertical, we had persevered. Besides, there were views to be viewed; FRESH air to be breathed instead of the usual mix of toxins for respiration in Leeds, London and Reading and last but not least the brilliant patches of autumn colours to delight in, in the surrounding valleys. It was good to be alive and … we had reached Sail summit, where we reminded each other of the names of the local fells; Causey Pike close by, and fur- ther east, massive Skiddaw and Blencathra to start with, then Grise- dale Pike and Hopegill Head to the north and Robinson almost due south. Meanwhile the clouds and sunshine continued to share the role of stage-management with ever-changing lighting /dimming of the fell summits. Reminded by a glimpse of Hobcarton Crag on Hopegill Head, the thought of another long weekend in June/July the following year crept into my mind ,that it might be interesting to see(but not to touch) the rare Alpine Catchfly plant growing on Hobcarton Crag - its only site in England, where it seemingly enjoys the taste of the crag’s Serpentine rock! To be continued… M.



Looking for space to reflect? Accompanied by others… …on a gentle stroll? You are warmly invited to join us on our next

Guided Meditative Walk Sunday 22nd November 11am start from St Mary’s Church Ambleside

For more information please contact Helen Minton on 07795035483 or email on [email protected]

Finger puppets to tell the Christmas Story Telling the Christmas story will be different this year, instead of full sized dramatisations, we will be using finger puppets on Zoom. If you would be willing and able to help us make finger puppets, please con- tact Rev. Beverley Lock.


Evergreens: Ambleside Parish Centre

During recent months the Evergreen Group, for seniors in the Ambleside and surrounding district, have been un- able to meet but contact has been retained through reg- ular weekly calls and visits as well as monthly News- letters. As the autumn and winter approach, we have created small Ever- green Bubbles which will have designated times to meet up at the Centre, to help reduce social isolation and provide opportunity for some light hearted fun ... and don’t we all need that!! We are working with the latest Government guidelines and ensuring COvid safety measures are adhered to. If you or anyone you know in senior years, would like to know more please do contact Teresa Onions, Evergreen Coordinator, (works Wednesdays) Tel: 015394 34172 Email: [email protected]


GOD IS ALL GIVING, ALL LOVING. HIS SON FREELY LAID DOWN HIS LIFE FOR US AND WE GIVE BE- CAUSE HE HAS FIRST GIVEN TO US. Click on the link to find our leaflet: Living Generously If you would like to support the mission of St Mary’s Ambleside by making a donation by Standing Order or 1-off donation, please click here. or for Holy Trinity Church Brathay a cheque to 'Holy Trinity Church Brathay', Brathay Church Hall, Bog Lane, Ambleside LA22 0HS


I've just had my hours cut at work. I'd like to take on a second job, but there's nothing around. I have children and I am worried about the cost of Christmas. How can I make less go further, without going into debt?

One way to stretch household finances is to shop around for the best deals on your mobile phone and broadband, and on utilities, such as electricity. Installing a water meter can also sometimes bring savings. Check your insurances and subscriptions - cancel any you don’t need and shop around for the others. It’s normally cheap- er if you don’t leave it until just before the renewal date. If your children are school age there may be help available with uni- forms, technology and free school meals. Our website has more de- tails. You may be eligible for benefits - The Turn 2 Us benefits checker is very useful.

Pay your rent or mortgage and council tax bills first as there can be serious consequences for missing payments. Try to negotiate lower repayments on your mortgage or credit cards. Keep track of your regular expenditure, such as housekeeping and essential travel, be- cause it’s easy to slip into overdraft, or miss a payment, and it can then become more and more expensive - and stressful - to get on the right track and out of debt. Likewise, think carefully about any ‘buy now pay later’ deals - they’re not always the best option long term.

If you are worried about debt, here at Citizens Advice we have specially trained advisors available to help, so please do get in touch. Free, confidential advice and help is available from South Lakes Citizens Advice on any aspect of debt, consumer problems, benefits, housing, employment or any other problems.

Call 015394 46464 - this is being staffed from 9:30 – 2pm Adviceline: 03444 111 444 email advice on our website www.southlakescab.org.uk Help to Claim (Universal Support): 0800 144 8 444



Our local WI is very active in spite of the various social restrictions. Members are keeping safe - but staying socially close as always.

Ever since the Coronavirus be- came part of daily life, Rydal WI have had a fortnightly meeting using Zoom, have met in the park to swap books and jigsaws and generally kept in touch via our own What's App group. Now as winter approaches we are continuing to meet :

1. Using the Internet communication app Zoom every 2 weeks on al- ternative Tuesdays. 1. In the park for a Walk & Talk - every 2 weeks at 2.00pm on a Tuesday - 10th & 24th Nov. 2. Drop in at the Kelsick Centre on the last Thursday each month (29th Oct & 26 Nov 2pm-3pm) to catch up with WI news & to again exchange books and jigsaws etc. 3. Plus busy covering shoe boxes for the annual Christmas box collec- tion for Rumanian children. 4. Our AGM is to be held via Zoom on Tuesday November 17th at 10.30am. We have welcomed several new members and plan to have a full meeting when safe to do so. All the special events, anniversaries, decade busting birthdays will be celebrated eventually. Information is available on the RYDAL WI website www.rydalwi.btck.co.uk


Confirmation In the Church of England adults who have been baptised as ba- bies have the opportunity to de- clare their faith once they are able to speak on their own be- half. We have a special service of this confirming of faith – known as a ‘Confirmation’ – planned for next year. If you would like to join us to consider the basics of the Christian faith please ring Rev. Beverley Lock 33205 for further details.

Local Musician, Writer & Singer Nick Marshall New Albums available including Locked Down 2020

All profits from this album go to the Amble- side Parish Centre Community Fund.

CDs are available from

 Fred’s Ambleside Bookshop  The Post Office, Ambleside  Ambleside Parish Centre  The Unicorn Inn. Or contact Nick www.nickjmarshall.co.uk [email protected] facebook NickMarshallmusicUK


From the Registers Renewal of wedding vows: 14th October - Gavin and Rachael Hitchcock

Good News for Ambleside

Your church in Ambleside is committed to praying for its area. We have been doing this by praying for you, street by street, month by month. Now we would like to invite you to join us! Please tell us what we can pray for or give praise to God for on your behalf.

Lake Road, Blue Hill Road, Stone Croft, Fisherbeck Park, Fisherbeck Lane, Badgers Rake, Skelghyll Lane, McIver Lane, Waterhead Close, Borrans Road and The Borrans. Do contact us and let us know what can we pray for you during November.


Please could all articles be emailed to Judith Dixon at stmarysam- [email protected] by 11th November.

Could they please be in Microsoft word format or similar? No PDFs please. Larger articles should not be more than 250 words.

Thank you!