 The Star


20 July 2018 Term 6, Issue 6

Head of School Message—Summer Term 2 Contact Information

In the final newsletter of the school year I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge ‘Thank Shorne Church of Primary School you’ to ALL parents for your support. Cob Drive Shorne I would like to thank ALL the staff and governors Nr who have worked incredibly hard for your children Kent DA12 3DU and the school this year. As you know we had two inspections this year, OFSTED and SIAMS. Both outcomes were GOOD and as a team we are address- ing the areas of improvement and striving to become outstanding. Thank you to Mrs Tunnicliffe for her Fax: 01474 822312 continued support and to Miss Flood for her role as acting deputy head. Telephone: As you know Mr Mallinson will be joining us from 01474 822312 September and I know he will be a huge asset to the team at Shorne. Welcome back to Miss Carter and to Mrs Doerr. Email: [email protected]

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Hiscock for her time and dedication to Shorne School. She has been a dedicated and hard working employee at the school for 19 years. I would like to Year 6 wish her a happy retirement. We say goodbye to our fantastic Year 6 children Thank you to Miss Baker who has led Class three who are moving on to the next chapter in their this year and supported the staff during her time lives. They have been a superb class, showing de- here. I wish her good luck at her new school. termination and support for each other and acted as role models. We wish them well for their ex- Thank you to Ian Craig who is resigning as Chair of citing next step to secondary school. I would also Governors. On behalf of all the staff, children and like to say a big thank you for the support given by myself I would like to thank him for his time and the Year 6 parents, especially to those families expertise that he has given to the school. I would who will be leaving us. like to also thank all of the governing body who give up their time to support and work closely with the Plans for 2018-2019 leadership to bring about rapid improvement. The senior leadership team, governors and myself There will be an election in September for a new will continue to monitor strategically to bring about parent governor. I will send the information out re- improvements. We will monitor teaching and garding the process of this at the start of the new learning, the curriculum and attainment. There will academic year. Thank you to Mrs Khela who was one be a specific focus on well-being and growth mind of our parent governors but is now resigning. set next year. Parent workshops will be held throughout the year. Information regarding dates Thank you to FOSS who work extremely hard and as will be shared with you at the start of the year you know raise a significant amount of money for the and also on the website. We have received fund- school. These events have been a huge success so ing for a new roof and work will start in October. thank you to every member and a special thank you to Vicky Turner. www.shorne.kent.sch.uk 20 July 2018 Term 6, Issue 6

Attainment All staff and governors have worked extremely hard to improve attainment across all year groups and we are all incredibly proud of the children when we report that attainment has indeed improved across all year groups in comparison to last year. More information regarding data will be released next term.

KS1 Reading - 90% expected and above 23% Greater Depth Writing – 70 % expected and above 23.3% Greater Depth Maths – 83.3% expected and above 33.3% Greater Depth

Combined – 70 %

Phonics Year 2 Retakes – 50% (6 children) Year 1 – 83%

KS2 Reading - 80 % expected and above 12% Greater Depth Writing – 88 % expected and above 12% Greater Depth Maths - 88% expected and above 20% Greater Depth

Combined – 76 %

Finally I would like to a say a really big thank you to all of our children. They continue to be hard working, caring, full of surprises and a delight to teach.

School Reports We hope that you enjoyed reading your child’s report. We have enjoyed reading your responses, thank you. There are still a number of slips to be returned so please ensure that these are sent back in September as a confirmation that you have received and read your child’s report.

Uniform Reminder As you know we are very proud of how our children look in their Shorne Church of England Primary School uniform. A polite reminder about uniform as you may be purchasing new clothing over the summer holidays. Please remember that we have limited cloakroom space and children only need a small school bag rather than a huge rucksack and bows to be limited in size and to be school colours. You can visit www.schooltime.co.uk to purchase school uniform.

And Finally… Have a very safe and fun holiday break. We do appreciate how well our parents support us and how lucky we are to have such great teamwork from you. Thank you to our many parent helpers who have helped out in school hearing readers, accompanied us on trips or transported children to sporting events. I would like to end by saying a very big thank you to every member of staff at Shorne Church of England Primary School who make it such a great place to work and such an excellent place for your children to come to school.

Happy Holidays!

Miss Hewett Head of School

Sports Week www.shorne.kent.sch.uk 20 July 2018 Term 6, Issue 6 The week beginning Monday 25th June began this year’s Sports Week. Over the course of the week the children took part in many different sports and sporting activities. On Monday we had a variety of sports coaches come into school and the children had the opportunity to experience sports including table tennis, football, cricket, dance, golf, athletics and basketball. On Tuesday the children all took part in a mini World Cup, representing their houses in competition! We received a visit from Welsh international hockey player, Jo Westwood, on the Wednesday and she ran some hockey sessions for the children. Classes 4, 5 and 6 also took part in a Power Wave taster session. Sports Day for both KS1 and KS2 was held on the Thursday which were both very enjoyable and the children performed brilliantly! Finally on the Friday the whole school came to school dressed in sportswear for the day!

This year we are also very pleased to announce that the Robert Garraway shield was awarded to Tallu- lah Barham for her sporting endeavour. Congratu- lations Tallulah!

FOSS news!

FOSS are absolutely delighted to everyone who volunteers to help huge thank you to Mrs Wood who announce that, despite the clash them. Not only do they provide a has done an outstanding job as with the football, last minute time fun treat for the children on a treasurer for the past two years change and incredible heat, this Friday but they also raise extra and also to Mrs Rumsey who year’s fete made a fantastic pennies for FOSS at the same stepped in as Deputy Treasurer £5500! Thank you to everyone time. Finally we’d like to thank for the past 6 months giving Mrs who helped in any way and to eve- the talented bakers and ladies Wood and the rest of the team ryone who came along and spent who organise the cake sales during invaluable support at a really busy their money. We hope you en- the year. Fortunately Mrs Gay- time! Vice Chair for the past joyed it! mer has another year at the year, Mrs Reason, has also school but we are very sorry to stepped down and we thank them We are also incredibly grateful to lose Mrs Thomas who, as well as for all their hard work and for a grandfather of a child at the the cakes, has always helped with giving up so much of their time. school who has made an incredibly a lot of unseen tasks for FOSS in generous donation of £1000 to the background. This has included Finally, as we reach the end of the FOSS! This means we will start folding and counting thousands of year we’d like to make sure every- September with a healthy balance raffle tickets and wrapping hun- one knows where the money raised to pay for any worthy funding re- dreds of selection boxes at last year has been spent! The full quests that may come in! Christmas! Thank you for every- breakdown is set out below but we thing. We will miss you! are very excited to announce that Prior to the fete we also had the FOSS and the school have split Father’s Day sale which raised Due to the late timing of the fete the cost of purchasing 32 IPads £222.95 and we’re pleased to this year, we have been unable to which will be ready to use at the have made £48.50 selling drinks hold our AGM which will now take start of the new term! Our other on Sports Day! The school uni- place on 10 September. We will major expense has been to re- form shop has also been very pop- be approving accounts, discussing place 2 of the Interactive white- ular this year and we’d like to say funding requests and future boards in the classrooms. We a special thank you to Mrs Wilson events and formally appointing hope you’ll agree that these are who runs it on behalf of FOSS. posts for the year, so we would worthwhile purchases that the We’d also like to say a huge thank like to see as many parents and children will definitely benefit you to the Tuck Shop ladies Mrs staff there as possible. We want from. South and Mrs Amos as well as to take this opportunity to say a Class 3 French Day www.shorne.kent.sch.uk 20 July 2018 On Friday 22nd June Class 3 dressed up in stripes or as a famous French person. They practised Term 6, Issue 6 speaking French by ordering food from a café and sampled a range of typical French food. The day finished with singing French songs and a game of cha- rades. Class 2 Trip to Dover Castle

Class 3 Greek Day This term the Cornerstones topic in Class 2 was Tunnels and Turrets. As part of this On Wednesday 4th July Class 3 came to school topic the class visited Dover Castle on Mon- dressed in costumes that they had designed for day 2nd July. They had an amazing day vis- Gods and Goddesses, for example the God of iting and naming all the different parts of Fortnite and the Goddess of Hearts and Unicorns. the castle and even climbed to the top of They looked at Greek myths during the day and the towers to look through the battlements. they made a Greek feast of homemade humous and tzatzi- Thank you to all the parent helpers who ac- ki, which they ate with pitta bread and stuffed vine leaves, companied Class 2 on the day. pomegranates and dates for their desert.

Class 5 French Day at St George’s

On Tuesday 3rd July Class 5 had an exciting morning at Saint George's Church of England Secondary School, where the class were intro- duced to some of the pupils and taken on a tour around parts of the school. They had the opportunity to Class 3 Trip join a Year 8 French lesson and then were given their own French and Spanish lessons. to the Gurdwara

On Thursday 12th July Class 3 went Choir Festival on a trip to visit the Gurdwara in Gravesend. One of the biggest Gurd- On Wednesday 20th June Mrs Forbes waras in Europe it hosts took a group of girls from Classes 3, 4 and fantastic facilities for 5 to St George’s Church in Gravesend to Sikhs and the wider com- take part in a choir festival as part of munity. The Thameside Schools Music Association (TSMA). The purpose of the TSMA festi- They learnt interesting vals is to bring local young people from facts about the building, many different backgrounds together to had a delicious free curry with roti enjoy singing and playing in large ensem- bread and tasted ‘Prasad’ which is holy bles and to enable them to experience food. They also learnt how to show performing in large music venues. The respect to Guru Granth Sahib which is girls spent the day in rehearsals together with students the religious scripture of Sikhism. from Higham and primary schools and then performed in the evening to family and friends. Mrs Forbes commented on the fact that the behaviour from all the pupils at Shorne School was absolutely impeccable and how proud she was of each and every one of them.

www.shorne.kent.sch.uk Class 6 Residential Trip to Avon Tyrrell 20 July 2018 Term 6, Issue 6

During the week beginning Monday 18th June Class 6 went on a resi- dential school trip to Avon Tyrrell Outdoor Activity Centre which is located in 65 acres of beautiful grounds in the idyllic setting of the New Forest.

The class began their adventure to Avon Tyrrell during a blissfully hot week. The children stayed in an old manor house in the glorious backdrop of the New Forest. They experienced kayaking, raft build- ing, archery and high ropes to name a few. The long walk to Burley through the beautiful forest surprised them all with a brief encoun- ter from a herd of wild horses – a sight they will never forget. The week was completed with a disco on their final evening where they had lots of fun dancing the night away. KS2 Production of Olivia! Class 6 visit to

Rochester Cathedral After much hard work during rehearsals, Class 6 supported

On Thursday 14th June Class 6 took by Classes 3, 4 and 5, have part in the Trust and Rural Cluster’s successfully staged a school first Leavers’ Ceremony at Roches- production of Olivia! This brilliant and ter Cathedral. The children worked with other innovative show, set in Victorian times, schools in the local area on various activities and traced the steps of Olivia, from down- were part of the final ceremony at the end. The sing- trodden orphan to star of the stage.

ing from Shorne School really stood out and was ac- companied by the magnificent cathedral’s organ. For those of you who have seen the show

we are sure you will agree that the per- formances, as always, were to a very high Class 6 visit to St George’s standard with wonderful acting and singing for a drama day which received standing ovations!

Our huge thanks go to everyone involved in On Tuesday 5th June Class 6 visited St this production, to all the children and George’s Secondary school for a drama day. staff with special thanks to Mrs Taylor and Mrs Forbes. They were fortunate enough to experience the talents of the drama department at St Georges to assist them with their stage directions for Olivia! Pupils from St George’s made a surprise visit on the Monday’s opening per- formance to watch the incredible progress they have made.

Class 6 Confirmation Service Class 6 Safety in Action On Sunday 1st July Mrs Taylor was extremely proud of four of our On a more serious note, Class 6 recently Class 6 children as they were con- made their annual visit to Cobham Hall firmed by the Archbishop of Roch- to take part in ‘Safety in Action’ – a cru- ester at St Peter and St Paul’s cial training programme for children who church. One of the children read are about to begin their young adult journey in with confidence to the congrega- life. A range of professionals provided invalua- tion and they all received their ble advice including water safety at the beach, first Holy Communion, they even electrical safety, drugs, alcohol abuse and food had dinner with the Archbishop hygiene. himself!

www.shorne.kent.sch.uk Cornerstones Curriculum

20 July 2018 Each class would like to tell you about this term’s topics and Term 6, Issue 6 what they have been learning about and also we would like to share with you the new topics for next term.

Class R Class 1 Class 2 For their final topic in Class 1 Class 2’s topic this term was This term in Rabbit Towers, Tunnels and Turrets. Class the Cornerstones they have been looking at dino- saurs. They As part of this topic the topic has been ‘Why do class looked into lots of dif- Zebras have stripes?’ have been learning lots of ferent time periods. They started the topic by enjoying listening to different facts about a range They enjoyed history lessons a variety of stories where they learnt about dif- about Elmer the patch- of dinosaurs such as tyrannosaurus rexes ferent castles and designed work elephant. They even made their own. They enjoyed their own Elmer elephants from and stegosaurs. They have been looking at what the world was reading the twisted tradi- paper mâché. They then went on to tional story “The three little look at other animals you may find like when dinosaurs roamed the planets and how dinosaurs be- wolves and the big bad pig” in Africa and made writing their own version of their very own zoo came extinct. They received a letter from this story in much detail. from cardboard boxes! The class learnt about palaeontologist Dr Bones and They also had an amazing Me- the different animals dieval day where they en- looking at non fiction went digging for real dino- joyed dressing up as differ- books and did some ent characters and had a information writing saur bones on the field. wonderful banquet where about the different they ate some wonderful ap- animals. Their story Handa’s Sur- They closely inspected the bones and tried ple pies and jelly. prise allowed them to investigate what it might be like to live in an to identify what type of bones African village. They designed and they were and which dinosaurs they might have come from. made their own African pasta and paper plate jewellery. They also learnt about a famous palaeontologist Mary Anning Class 3 The children were who found an ichthyosaurs keen to find other which is now in the Natural His- During this term Class 3 have stories involving ani- tory Museum in . During been studying Gods and Mor- mals and they discov- Art they have created their tals and ancient Greece. They ered ‘The tiger who own dinosaurs using plates and have made contact with Emi- came to tea’. They en- paper and they made their own ly’s grandparents who live in joyed retelling the dinosaur bones with clay. At Greece, studied the geography story, sewing their forest schools they designed of Greece and looked at men- own fabric puppets and made a den for a dinosaur us. They have also researched and making their own jam sandwich- using sticks and leaves. the Olympics and studied the es and biscuits for a tea party. history of the Olympics to- gether with mythology includ- ing the minotaur and Icarus Class 4 and Pandora’s Box. All of this This term in Class 4 they have been working work culminated in the Greek on the topic “Potions”! They have made their Day which you can find out own potions using food colouring, vinegar and more about on page 4 of the bicarbonate of soda! They have also written newsletter . their own potion poem based on the play "Macbeth" written by William Shakespeare. They have been reading the story of "Alice in Wonderland" and answering questions about her potion drinking experience! In Science they have been investigating changes of state including solids, liquids and gases. www.shorne.kent.sch.uk

Class 5 Class 6 20 July 2018 During Class 5’s topic this term This term has been a Term 6, Issue 6 ‘Off with her head’ they re- different term in searched, designed and made Class 6 as the children Tudor houses, drew portraits of have been preparing King Henry VIII and acted out to make the move to New topics next term Anne Boleyn’s trial and execu- their secondary tion. schools. They have been visiting their new For your information the They visited Leeds Castle to see schools and have also new topics for each class the magnificent royal place Hen- met representatives next term in the Corner- ry VIII created and they also from the new schools stones Curriculum are:

had a look at the room where his here at Shorne ready first wife, Catherine of Aragon, for a smooth transi- stayed in comfort. tion in September. They have also been Class Topic enjoying many exciting activities throughout Class R Why are carrots orange? Class 1 Moon Zoom their final term which you can read about on Class 2 Towers, Tunnels & Turrets page 5 of the newslet- Class 3 Tribal Tales ter. Class 4 I am warrior Class 5 Star gazers Class 6 A child’s war

Forthcoming Events Breakfast Club

Please be aware that from Monday 3 July September the school Breakfast 20th—Last day of term, school closes 1.30pm Club will be open even earlier from 7.45am. In line with this the cost of September Breakfast Club has increased to £3.25 per 3rd—First day back to school child and £5.50 for two or more siblings. 13th—Muddy Madness 17th & 18th—Class 6 Bike Ability 24th & 25th— Class 6 Bike Ability Save the date! Muddy Madness Shorne ECO news Please make a note in your diaries for the afternoon of Thursday 13th Sep- Thank you to everyone who supported the Eco Stall tember where we will be holding Muddy at the Summer Fete this year. We sold all of the Madness on the school field. Class 1 potatoes grown in the ECO garden during Garden- through to Class 6 will have the oppor- ing Club. The lavender bags and plant your own sun- tunity to take part. There will be water slides, a flower pots were also a great success. The 'Guess crawl tunnel, climbing walls and lots of mud. More the Weight of the Potatoes' competition was won information will follow at the start of September. by Emelia Fennel. The weight, to the nearest 100g, However, for now all parents/carers are invited to was 8kg 600g. In total we raised £60; this money come along and watch the fun! will be used to buy resources needed for the Gar- dening Club next year. First Aid

Please ensure that you take home any medication which is held in the class at the end of term. Can you also make sure it is returned, in date, on the first day back at school in September. Also, on returning in September, if your child's medical needs have changed, please inform Mrs Peeke as soon as possible and she will inform the relevant staff.