West Riding Yorkshire. Saddleworth
983 WEST RIDING YORKSHIRE. SADDLEWORTH. of Trinity College, Dublin. The Congregationalists and 198 miles from London, and has a station on the North Wesleyan Methodists have chapels here. Fairs are held Western railway. The ecclesiastical parish of Christ here on Whit Wednesday and the first Wednesday in Octo Church, Friezland, formed in IB49, embraces Royal George, ber. A large hall 75 feeL by 40 feet, has been erected in Shaw Hall, Friezlaml, Frenches, Gra~scroft and Wharmton. connection with the Literary Institution, which has a library Christ Church, erected in 1850, is a handsome stone edific~ of 3,000 volumes ; here the petty sessions and the county in the Early Decorated style, consisting of chancel, nave, court are held. The /rincipal landowner11 of the township north aisle and baptistery, south transept, and a square tow~r are Messrs. J. & • Lees, Messrs. Bottomley, Jame:~ with spire containing 6 bells, and has been twice enlarged Buckley esq. Richard Buckley esq. Mrs. Brideoake, Mr. at tb.e cost of the late R. R. Whitehead esq. and his Schofield, Mrs. Whitehead, Sir Edmund Buckley bart. brothers : the church hM several stainell windows : ia the George Newton Wrigley esq. Messrs. J. Hirst and Sons, chancel is a. mural tablet to R. R. Whitehead esq. erecteci Messrs. J. W. Bradbury and Sons, Messrs. E. Butterworth by his widow in 1871; and another to Joseph Lawton esq. and Sons, Mr. W. D. Hall, Mrs. Broadbent and Mr. John of Delph, and his 3 infant children, erected by his willow Buckley. 'l'he population in I871 was I,250.
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