The New Zealand Gazette 879
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t JULY THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 879 :pecial Order Made by Rangitikei County Council A/terinR OTAKAPU RIDING Riding Boundaries ALL that area in the County of Rangitikei bounded by a line commencing at a point in the middle of the Whangaehu >uRSUANT to section 88 of the Counties Act 1956, the River, in Block XII, Ikitara Survey District, in line with ,ecretary for Internal Affairs hereby publishes the following the south-eastern boundary of the land as shown on D.P. pecial order made by the Rangitikei County Council. 7562, the said point being on the boundary of the County Dated at Wellington this 24th day of June 1959. of Rangitikei as described in Gazette, I 957, page 1653; thence J. K. HUNN, Acting Se·cretary for Internal Affairs. south-westerly to and along the said south-eastern boundary to the southernmost corner of that land; thence south-easterly generally along the north-eastern boundary of the Ruatangata SPECIAL ORDER Block and its production to the middle of the T urakina River, [HE Rangitikei County Council hereby resolves, by way of down the middle of that river to a point in line with the .pecial order: south-western boundary of the land as shown on D.P. A / 114; (I) That the boundaries of the Ridings of the Rangitikei thence easterly generally to and along that bo undary, the County be altered in accordance with the descriptions southern boundaries of Lot 4, LT. Plan 10228, Lot 1, D.P. in the Schedule hereto. 9428, and the southern side of Waimutu Road to the (2) That the alterations hereby made shall take effect on and after the 14th day of October 1959. north-eastern corner of Section 54, Turakina District; thence southerly along the eastern boundary of that section to the southern side of the Turakina-Cliff Road via Marton Main SCHEDULE Highway; thence easterly along that southern side to the eastern BULLS TOWN RIDING side of Williamson Road; thence southerly along that eastern '\LL that area in the County of Rangitikci bounded by a line side to the northern side of Makirikiri Road, being a point on :ommencing at the south-western corner of Lot 50, D.P. 402; the boundary of the Rangitoto Riding hereinbefore described; .hence northerly along the western boundary of that lot, the thence south-westerly aiong the north-western boundary of i.butment of a road and the western boundaries of Lots 44, that riding to the sea coast, being a point on the boundary W, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, and 32, D.P. 402, to the south of the County of Rangitikei aforesaid; thence north-westerly :astern boundary of Lot 12, Deeds Plan 463; thence south along that boundary to the point of commencement. ;vesterly along that boundary and the south-eastern boundary Jf Lot 11, Deeds Plan 463, to the southernmost corner of :hat lot; thence north-westerly along the south-weste·rn boun faries of that lot, Lot 9, and part Block II, Rangitikei WHANGAEHU RIDING District, as shown on the said Deeds Plan 463, and Lot I, ALL that area in the County of Rangitikei bounded by a Deeds Plan 328, to the south-eastern side of the Scotts Ferry - line commencing at a point in the middle of the Whangaehu Bulls Main Highway; thence north-easterly along that highway River, in line with the south-eastern boundary of the land to a point in line with the north-eastern boundary of Lot 13, as shown on D.P. 7562, the said point being a point on D.P. 1753; thence north-westerly to and along that boundary the boundary of the County of Rangitikei as described in to the northernmost corner of that lot; thence north-easterly Gazette, 1957, page 1653; thence northerly and north-easterly generally along the north-western boundary of Lot 2, D.P. generally along that boundary to the north-eastern corner 1753, and its production across Johnston Street, along the of Section 6, Block XII, Mangawhero Survey District; thence north-eastern side of that street to and along the north southerly along the eastern boundary of that section to the western and north-eastern boundaries of Lot 1, D.P. 8526, to north-western boundary of Lot I, D .P. 527; thence south and along part of the south-eastern and north-eastern boun easterly generally along that boundary, the north-eastern daries of Lot 1, D .P. 5674, to the southernmost corner of boundaries of that lot and Ohaumoko Block and the pro that part of Block III, Rangitikei District, as shown on duction of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of the D.P. 12006, along the south-eastern boundaries of that land Turakina River; thence south-westerly generally down the to and along the western side of the Wanganui-Levin State middle of that river to a point in line with the western Highway to the south-eastern corner of Lot 9, Deeds Plan 57, boundary of section 96, Paraekaretu Block; thence southerly across the aforesaid highway to the westernmost corner of and easterly to and along the western and southern boun the land as shown on S.O. Plan 20754; thence easterly along daries of that section to the northernmost corner of Section 98, the northern boundaries of that land and Lot 1, D.P. 14199, Paraekaretu Block; thence southerly along the eastern the southern and south-western boundaries of Lot 1, D.P. boundary of that section and its production across Omango 11827, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary Valley Road, easterly along the southern side of that road across the Waiouru-Bulls State Highway; thence north to and along the eastern boundaries of Sections 64 and 61, easterly along the south-eastern side of that highway to Paraekaretu Block, the production of the last-mentioned the south-western side of the closed road formerly com boundary across Mangahowhi Road, easterly along the prised in C.T. 190/ 125; thence south-westerly along that side southern side of that road to and along the eastern boundaries of the said closed road and its production to the middle of Sections 60 and 58, Paraekaretu Block, to the Mount Curl of the Rangitikei River; thence south-westerly down the Road; thence south-westerly along the north-western side of middle of that river to a point in line with the western that road to the southern corner of Section 16, Paraekaretu boundary of Lot 50, D.P. 402 aforesaid; thence northerly Block; thence north-westerly along the south-western boundary along a right line to the south-western corner of the said of that section to the eastern corner of Block CCVI, Lot 50, being the point of commencement. Rangitikei District; thence westerly generally along the eastern boundary of that block, the eastern and southern RANGITOTO RIDING boundaries of Block CCV, the southern boundary of Block ALL that area in the County of Rangitikei bounded by a CCIV, the eastern boundaries of Blocks CCLVII, CCIII, line commencing at a point on the sea coast in line with the CCII, CCI, and Lots 2 and 1, D.P. 17644, to the south-eastern north-western boundary of Run 19, in Block V, Koitiata corner of the last-mentioned lot, along the eastern, southern, Survey District, the said point being on the boundary of and again along the eastern boundaries of the land com the County of Rangitikei as described in Gazette, 1957, prised and described in C.T. 334 / 243, the eastern boundaries page 1653 ; thence north-easterly generally along that boun of the land comprised and described in C.T. 679 / 36 to dary to the northern corner of that run; thence south Makuhou Road and southerly along a right line across that easterly along a right line to the westernmost corner of Block road; thence north-westerly along the south-western side of CCCV, Rangitikei District; thence easterly generally along Makuhou Road to the north-eastern corner of the south the north-western and north-eastern boundaries of that block western part of the land comprised and described in C.T. and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the 679/ 36 aforesaid; thence south-easterly generally along the eastern side of Santoft Road; thence north-easterly along north-eastern boundaries of that part to the western side the eastern and south-eastern sides · of Santoft Road to a of Upper Tutaenui Road; thence northerly along that side point in line with the south-eastern boundary of Lot 3, of the said road to the middle of the Tutaenui Stream; thence D.P. 14181 , across that road to and along the said south south-easterly down the middle of that stream to a point in eastern boundary, across Lot 2, D.P. 14181 , to and along line with the southern boundary of Block L VII, Rangitikei the south-eastern boundary of Lot I, D.P. 14181, to the District; thence westerly to and along that boundary to the southern side of the Wanganui-Levin State Highway; thence ea~tern side of Upper Tutaenui Road; thence southerly down easterly along that highway to a point in line with the that side of Upper Tutaenui Road to a point in line with the eastern side of Williamson Road; thence northerly along southern boundary of Lot 23, Deeds Plan 256; thence westerly that road and across Makirikiri Road to its northern side; to and along that boundary, the south-eastern and northern thence easterly along that side of Makirikiri Road and Crofton boundaries of Lot 28, Deeds Plan 256, the northern boundary Road to the eastern side of the Waiouru-Bulls State High of Block LXXVII, Rangitikei District, the eastern and way; thence southerly along that side of the said highway northern boundaries of Block LXXVI, the northern boun to the south-western corner of Lot 5, D.P.