
1. Walmart)GameCenter)Magazine)Media)Kit 5. EGM)Digital)Guarantee)Program)Pricing

2. Walmart)GameCenter)Magazine)Publishing)Schedule 6. EGM)Digital)Guarantee)Program)Reader)Profile

3. Walmart)GameCenter)Magazine)Rate)Card 7. EGMNOW)Added)Value)Support)for)Digital)Guarantee)Programs

4. Accessories)and)Hardware 2018 Walmart GameCenter Magazine Media Information Core Gaming Audience Habits 30,000,000 77% 91.5% TOTAL NUMBER OF WHO AGE 18-35 MALE ENGAGE OUR EGM MEDIA 88% CONTENT ANNUALLY PROVIDE BUYING 8.5 % INFO TO OTHERS FEMALE 70% 80% OWN OVER PURCHASE GAMES 10 CONSOLE 97% 61.6% WOULD RECOMMEND BASED ON WGC SELF-DESCRIBED GAMES CONTENT HARDCORE CONTENT TO FRIENDS GAMERS 12+ CONSOLE GAMES PURCHASED/YEAR 89% 70% 64% OWN A NEW GAME AT LEAST 8+ PRE-ORDER GAMES NEXT-GEN GAME HOURS EACH WEEK SYSTEM Source: Walmart GameCenter readership survey – May 2018 Core Gaming Next-Gen System Ownership


Source: Walmart GameCenter readership survey – May 2018 • Walmart GameCenter Magazine has been continuously published for 6+ years. • Published 9 times per year. • The exclusive content voice for Walmart stores nationwide. • Print gaming readership base in excess of 350K per issue. • Distributed from the video game end-cap at over 3,000 Walmart store locations nationwide. • Digital distribution for mobile, tablet and computer devices. PRESENTS

• Currently has a print readership base in excess of 350K per issue. • Published four times per year. • Distributed from the the video game end-cap at over 3,000 Walmart store locations nationwide. • Digital distribution for mobile, tablet and computer devices. • Bonus distribution at major comic and video game events across the country. • GEEK magazine focuses on movies, PC games, video games, technology, gadgets and the overall GEEK lifestyle. • Distributed from the video game end-cap at over 3,000 Walmart store locations nationwide. • Only video game magazine published in the United States, written exclusively for Mom and Dad. • Contains page after page of information on the latest games and game systems—an important reference designed to assist families in finding products that are both fun and age-appropriate. • Total print circulation is 150K, with an additional digital circulation of 300K. • Digital distribution for mobile, tablet and computer devices. • Release is perfectly timed at the beginning of the holiday shopping season. • Published specifically for parents to help them find the best games that are right for their family. • Inside each issue, parents will also find helpful articles explaining the ins and outs about hundreds of ESRB-approved games, as well as features on peripherals. • EGM Digital Guarantee Program manages multiple channels that use content to lead gaming social readers to click to action (CTA). • EGM produces 500+ pieces of content per month. • EGM delivers 1+ million video views per month. • Content is delivered via vertical social channels with the EGM Social Network. • Branded EGMNOW page on title as part of program. • Purchase CTA included in social post and stories. • Sold on a guarantee only. Never guess how many gamers will be driven to your purchase pages. Social Media Management

Generated 10,000+ story posts on social media Promoted 50+ million Walmart impressions Produced over one million clicks from qualified gamers to purchase pages at Opportunities to extend reach as needed Inside the EGMNOW Website

RECOMMENDED CONTENT Suggestions based on user preferences UPDATES AND NOTIFICATIONS Users are alerted when content is added VERTICAL PRESENTATION Follow content streams by brand USER CUSTOMIZATION Connect to specific pages for updates

PARTNER SITES PRODUCT INFORMATION Quickly follow other brands Box art, purchase links, and other info

PRODUCT INFORMATION CONTENT LISTING Box art, purchase links, and other info All content is organized by brand/user THANK YOU!

For More Information: Jeffrey Eisenberg [email protected] (818) 439-5547 !

! ! ! 2018%Publishing%Schedule%(effective(6*5*18)%

! Issue% Cover%Date% Special%Sections! % Space%Closing% Materials%Due% In=Store%Date%

57% June/July!2018! ! 5/18/18! 5/25/18! 6/26/18!

58% August!2018! ! 6/15/18! 6/22/18! 7/24/18!

Video!Game!and!Computer! 59% September!2018! 7/13/18! 7/20/18! 8/21/18! Game!Accessories/Hardware!

Walmart$GameCenter! Fall! Geek%Magazine% 4% New$York$Comic-Con$ 8/17/18! 8/24/18! 9/25/18! Accessories/Hardware$and$PC$ bonus$distribution!$ Gaming$Coverage$

60% October!2018! ! 8/17/18! 8/24/18! 9/25/18!

Video!Game!and!Computer! 61% November!2018! 9/14/18! 9/21/18! 10/23/18! Game!Accessories/Hardware!

Parent’s!Guide!to! Holiday!Buyers!Guide! 7% 9/14/18! 9/21/18! 10/23/18! Video!Games! &!Accessories/Hardware!

Holiday!Buyers!Guide! 62% December!2018! 10/12/18! 10/19/18! 11/20/18! &!Accessories/Hardware!

Walmart$GameCenter! Geek%Magazine% 5% Winter! Holiday!Buyers!Guide$ 11/2/18! 11/9/18! 12/11/18! Accessories/Hardware$and$PC$ Gaming$Coverage! %

For!production!questions,!please!contact!either:! Elizabeth!Scott,!Operations!and!Promotions!Manager,[email protected],!or! Marc!Camron,!Production!Specialist,[email protected].! !

! ! Rate!Card!#6! Effective(September(2017( ! !

Space! 1x! 3x! 6x! 12x! 24x!

Full!Page! $28,600! $27,170! $25,812! $24,521! $23,295!

2/3!Page! $22,880! $21,736! $20,649! $19,616! $18,636!

½!Page! $18,590! $17,661! $16,777! $15,939! $15,142!

1/3!Page! $14,300! $13,585! $12,906! $12,261! $11,648!

Cover!2! $31,460! $29,887! $28,393! $26,973! $25,625!

Cover!3! $31,460! $29,887! $28,393! $26,973! $25,625!

Back!Cover! $34,320! $32,604! $30,974! $29,425! $27,954!

! ! o! All!advertisements!placed!will!appear!in!both!the!print!and!all!digital!editions!of!Walmart!GameCenter!Magazine.!Advertisers!must! provide!creative!for!both!the!print!and!digital!editions.! o! Advertisements!cannot!be!cancelled!once!the!space!closing!date!has!passed.! o! Walmart!has!final!approval!on!all!advertising!creative!appearing!in!the!magazine.! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! For!Advertising!Information:! Jeffrey!Eisenberg! [email protected]! ! For!Production!Information:! Elizabeth!Scott! [email protected]!

! Accessories( and( Hardware ! HOLIDAY(SPECIAL(ACCESSORIES(AND(HARDWARE(( MARKETING(OPPORTUNITIES!( The(Holidays(are(coming(soon!( ( ( REACH! Walmart! Gamers! and! Parents! by! ! advertising! in! Walmart! GameCenter! magazine! All(advertisers(will(receive(2(listings((75K100( (November! and! December)! and! the! Walmart! words,(plus(image)(per(page(booked(in(each( Parents’! Guide! to! Video! Games! (November),! in! issue.( these! three! special! holidays! buyer’s! guides! for! ( your!accessories!and!hardware.!! Special(rates(for(these(three(issues:( ! ( •! November! issue! of! Walmart! GameCenter! Our(normal(rate(is($28,600(net(per(page,( magazine!in!stores!and!digitally!10/23/18.! however,(we(can(extend(you(a(special(rate(of( •! Holiday!Edition!of!the!Walmart!Parents’!Guide! $12,000(net(per(page**,(plus(the(two(product( to! Video! Games! in! stores! and! digitally! listings(in(each(issue,(in(which(you(advertise.( 10/23/18.! ! •! December! issue! of! Walmart! GameCenter! ! magazine!in!stores!and!digitally!11/20/18.!! ! ( Examples:( •! Book!a!page!in!the!November!and! December!issues!of!Walmart! GameCenter!magazine,!and!a!page!in! the!Holiday!edition!of!the!Walmart! Parents’!Guide!to!Video!Games,!and! you!will!receive!2!listings!in!each!of!the! three!issues.! •! Book!a!page!in!the!December!issue!of! Walmart!GameCenter!magazine,!and!a! page!in!the!Holiday!edition!of!the! Walmart!Parents’!Guide!to!Video! Games,!and!you!will!receive!2!listings!in! both!the!December!issue!and!the! Holiday!Parents’!Guide.!! ( Example(of(a(Listing! ( ! ! ! ! For(advertising(questions:( For(creative(questions:( For(listing(questions:( Jeffrey!Eisenberg! Elizabeth!Scott! Marc!Camron! [email protected]! [email protected]! [email protected] (

**All$products$listed$in$the$magazine$must$either$be$available$for$purchase$at$Walmart$stores$or$on$$$ **Special$rates$are$only$available$for$accessory$and$hardware$specific$advertising.$ ! !

! ! ! 2018%Publishing%Schedule%(effective(6*5*18)%

! Issue% Cover%Date% Special%Sections! % Space%Closing% Materials%Due% In=Store%Date%

57% June/July!2018! ! 5/18/18! 5/25/18! 6/26/18!

58% August!2018! ! 6/15/18! 6/22/18! 7/24/18!

Video%Game%and%Computer% 59% September%2018% 7/13/18% 7/20/18% 8/21/18% Game%Accessories/Hardware%

Walmart(GameCenter% Fall% Geek%Magazine% 4% New(York(Comic*Con( 8/17/18% 8/24/18% 9/25/18% Accessories/Hardware(and(PC( bonus(distribution!( Gaming(Coverage(

60% October!2018! ! 8/17/18! 8/24/18! 9/25/18!

Video%Game%and%Computer% 61% November%2018% 9/14/18% 9/21/18% 10/23/18% Game%Accessories/Hardware%

Parent’s%Guide%to% Holiday%Buyers%Guide% 7% 9/14/18% 9/21/18% 10/23/18% Video%Games% &%Accessories/Hardware%

Holiday%Buyers%Guide% 62% December%2018% 10/12/18% 10/19/18% 11/20/18% &%Accessories/Hardware%

Walmart(GameCenter% Geek%Magazine% 5% Winter% Holiday%Buyers%Guide( 11/2/18% 11/9/18% 12/11/18% Accessories/Hardware(and(PC( Gaming(Coverage% %

For!production!questions,!please!contact!either:! Elizabeth!Scott,!Operations!and!Promotions!Manager,[email protected],!or! Marc!Camron,!Production!Specialist,[email protected].! EGM$Digital$Guarantee$ Program$Pricing Digital'Guarantee'Pricing

PRICING'MENU'U'MONTHLY'EGM'DIGITAL'GUARANTEE'OPPORTUNITIES Start' Total'Cost' Ad'Title Publisher Space'Type Frequency Month Art'Due End'Date VALUE Impressions Billing'Date Date (net) EGM'Digital'Guarantee' Minimum'2,500' Performance'Program' clicks'to' TBA'Option'1'per''and'EGM' Until' purchase'Pages' Upon' NA TBD $3,750.00 $'''''''2,500.00 retail'or'location Social'Newsfeeds Impressions Full'Month TBD Completed at'Determined' Completion 1.'25,000'impressions'linking'to'Purchase'Pages Retailer'or' 2.'Minimum'2,500'ClickUThrus'to'Purchase'Pages location EGM'Digital'Guarantee' Minimum'5,000' Performance'Program' clicks'to' TBA'Option'2'per''and'EGM' Until' purchase'Pages' Upon' NA TBD $7,500.00 $'''''''5,000.00 retail'or'location Social'Newsfeeds Impressions Full'Month TBD Completed at'Determined' Completion 1.'50,000'impressions'linking'to'Purchase'Pages Retailer'or' 2.'Minimum'5,000'ClickUThrus'to'Purchase'Pages location EGM'Digital'Guarantee' Minimum' Performance'Program' 10,000'clicks'to' TBA'Option'3'per''and'EGM' Until' purchase'Pages' Upon' NA TBD $12,000.00 $'''''10,000.00 retailer'or'location Social'Newsfeeds Impressions Full'Month TBD Completed at'Determined' Completion 1.'100,000'impressions'linking'to'Purchase'Pages Retailer'or' 2.'Minimum'10,000'ClickUThrus'to'Purchase'Pages location EGM'Digital'Guarantee' Minimum' Performance'Program' 20,000'clicks'to' TBA'Option'4'per''and'EGM' Until' purchase'Pages' Upon' NA TBD $24,000.00 $'''''20,000.00 retailer'or'location Social'Newsfeeds Impressions Full'Month TBD Completed at'Determined' Completion 1.'200,000'impressions'linking'to'Purchase'Pages Retailer'or' 2.'Minimum'20,000'ClickUThrus'to'Purchase'Pages location EGM'Digital'Guarantee' Minimum' Performance'Program' 25,000'clicks'to' TBA'Option'5'per''and'EGM' Until' purchase'Pages' Upon' NA TBD $30,000.00 $'''''25,000.00 retailer'or'location Social'Newsfeeds Impressions Full'Month TBD Completed at'Determined' Completion 1.'250,000'impressions'linking'to'Purchase'Pages Retailer'or' 2.'Minimum'25,000'ClickUThrus'to'Purchase'Pages location EGM'Digital'Guarantee' Minimum' Performance'Program' 30,000'clicks'to' TBA'Option'6'per''and'EGM' Until' purchase'Pages' Upon' NA TBD $36,000.00 $'''''30,000.00 retailer'or'location Social'Newsfeeds Impressions Full'Month TBD Completed at'Determined' Completion 1.'300,000'impressions'linking'to'Purchase'Pages Retailer'or' 2.'Minimum'30,000'ClickUThrus'to'Purchase'Pages location

Thank'you'for'the'consideration EGM Digital Guarantee Program delivers results guaranteed, versus standard CPM buys

EGM4Digital4 Average Clicks4from4 EGM4Digital4 Guarantee4Delivers4 Spend CPM Impressions Gaming4Site4 Banners4at a4 Guarantee4Clicks More4Clicks… CTR CPM4Cost Without4the4Guess

$2,500.00 $5.00 500,000 .23 1,150 2,500 +*1,350

$5,000.00 $5.00 1,000,000 .23 2,300 5,000 +*2,700

$7,500.00 $5.00 1,500,000 .23 3,450 7,500 +*4,050

$10,000.00 $5.00 2,000,000 .23 4,600 10,000 +*5,400

Your campaign with ad banner buys would need to maintain a .50% CTR or greater to meet or exceed what the EGM Digital Guarantee delivers, with no guessing….. EGM$Digital$Guarantee$ Reader$Profile Survey January 2018

1. What is your gender? Answer Choices Responses Male 90.50% Female 9.50%

2. What is your age? Answer Choices Responses Younger than 13 1.50% 13-17 17.50% 18-24 26.00% 25-34 23.50% 35-44 21.00% 45-54 7.50% 55-64 2.00% 65+ 1.00%

3. Describe what kind of you are. Answer Choices Responses I am a hardcore gamer and play all types of games. 55.00% I play all types of games but am not hardcore. 19.50% I am a hardcore gamer but only play certain kinds of games. 15.50% I play only certain kinds of games but am not hardcore. 10.00%

4. What devices do you currently use to play games? (Check all that apply) Answer Choices Responses Sony PlayStation 4 50.00% Sony PlayStation 4 Pro 9.50% Xbox One 38.50% Microsoft Xbox One S 23.00% Microsoft Xbox One X 7.00% Microsoft Xbox 360 35.00% Sony PlayStation 3 29.50% Nintendo Wii 30.00% Nintendo Wii U 13.50% Nintendo Switch 35.00% Machine (or console-style PC) 5.50% Nintendo DS/3DS (all versions) 34.00% Sony PSP (all versions) 18.50% Sony PS Vita 10.00% PC/Mac 32.50% VR Hardware (Any) 5.50% Tablet (iPad) 13.00% Tablet (Kindle/Kindle Fire) 9.50% Tablet (Other) 19.50% Mobile Phone (iPhone) 15.00% Mobile Phone (Android) 43.50% Mobile Phone (Other) 4.00% Past generation system (PS2, Xbox, GameCube, etc.) 40.00%

Page%1%of%5 Survey January 2018

5. Which of the following do you plan to buy in the next 12 months? (Check all that apply) Answer Choices Responses Sony PlayStation 4 7.50% PlayStation 4 Pro 13.50% Microsoft Xbox One S 7.50% Microsoft Xbox One X 25.00% Microsoft Xbox 360 0.50% Sony PlayStation 3 1.50% Nintendo Wii/Wii U 2.00% Nintendo Switch 29.50% Steam Machine (or Console-style PC) 2.50% VR Accessory (any) 11.00% Nintendo 2DS/3DS 3.50% Sony PS Vita 3.50% PC/Mac 10.50% Xbox Kinect accessory 2.50% Sony PS Move accessory 2.50% Apple iPad 1.50% Other Tablet 1.00% Apple iPhone 3.00% Android Phone 5.50% Other Phone 3.00% I Don't Intend to Buy Any 29.00%

6. When looking to buy a New Game Console, what influences your buying decision? (Check all that apply) Answer Choices Responses Software Bundle 66.00% Gift Card 22.50% Dollars Off 55.50% Gift With Purchase 43.50% None of the Above 19.50%

7. How many console games do you currently own? Answer Choices Responses 5 or fewer 13.00% 6-10 15.50% 11-15 10.50% 16-20 5.50% 21-25 3.50% 26-30 7.50% 31-35 2.00% 36-40 4.00% 41-45 0.50% 46-50 3.50% More than 50 33.50% I do not play console games 1.00%

Page%2%of%5 Survey January 2018

8. How many PC/Mac games do you currently own? Answer Choices Responses 5 or fewer 31.00% 6-10 12.50% 11-15 4.00% 16-20 4.00% 21-25 1.50% 26-30 2.50% 31-35 1.50% 36-40 1.00% 41-45 0.50% 46-50 0.00% More than 50 9.00% I do not play PC/Mac games 32.50%

9. How many mobile games do you currently own? Answer Choices Responses 5 or fewer 43.00% 6-10 21.00% 11-15 8.00% 16-20 2.50% 21-25 1.50% 26-30 0.50% 31-35 1.50% 36-40 0.00% 41-45 0.50% 46-50 1.00% More than 50 3.50% I do not play Mobile games 17.00%

10. Do you pre-order games? Answer Choices Responses Yes 57.29% No 42.71%

11. On average, how many games do you buy per month? Answer Choices Responses None, I only rent, trade, or borrow games: 2.51% 1 47.74% 2 25.63% 3 13.07% 4 3.52% 5 5.53% 6 0.50% 7 0.00% 8 1.01% 9 0.00% 10 0.00% More than 10 0.50%

Page%3%of%5 Survey January 2018

12. Approximately how much time do you spend gaming each week? Answer Choices Responses Less than 1 hour 1.01% 1-2 hours 3.02% 2-3 hours 6.03% 3-5 hours 9.55% 6-8 hours 12.06% 8-10 hours 13.07% 10-15 hours 9.05% 15-20 hours 13.07% More than 20 hours 33.17%

13. What types of games do you play? (Check all that apply) Answer Choices Responses Action 94.33% Adventure 95.36% Driving 47.94% Fantasy 81.44% Fighting 69.59% First-Person Shooters 82.99% Learning 10.31% Music 19.59% Other Shooters 60.82% Platformer 51.03% Party 21.65% Puzzle 42.78% RPGs 78.35% Simulation 47.94% Sports 32.47% Squad-Based Combat 43.81% Extreme Sports 16.49% Strategy 58.76% MMO (Subscription Based - e.g. ) 22.68% MMO (Free-to-play) 55.15% Other Free-to-play Games 50.52% Other (please specify) 1.55%

14. How do you get your games? (Check all that apply) Answer Choices Responses Purchase at retail stores 96.88% Purchase online 65.10% Rent at retail stores 10.42% Rent online 5.21% Trade-in 25.52% Download 72.92% Other (please specify) 2.60%

Page%4%of%5 Survey January 2018

15. Where do you get your games? (Check all that apply) Answer Choices Responses Walmart 94.27% 33.33% 48.44% Best Buy 30.21% Gamestop 80.21% Target 26.56% Toys R Us 14.06% PlayStation Network 40.10% Xbox Live 47.40% Wii Shop Channel 8.85%

16. How frequently do you offer, or get asked for advice on which video games to purchase? Answer Choices Responses Very frequently 35.00% Somewhat frequently 43.75% Somewhat infrequently 9.79% Never 11.46%

17. What is your average household income? (Optional) Answer Choices Responses Less than $30,000 per year 41.01% Between $30,001 and $50,000 per year 23.49% Between $50,001 and $100,000 per year 33.49% Between $100,001 and $250,000 per year 2.01% Over $250,000 per year 0.00%

Page%5%of%5 EGMNOW'Added'Value' Support'for'Digital' Guarantee'Programs Madden 19 Cyberpower Xbox One Vampyr Sega Genesis Classics Microsoft/Mondelez Chips Ahoy