KFG Working Paper Series • No. 7 • March 2017 Georg Nolte The International Law Commission and Community Interests 2 | KFG Working Paper No. 7 | March 2017 KFG Working Paper Series Edited by Heike Krieger, Georg Nolte and Andreas Zimmermann All KFG Working Papers are available on the KFG website at www.kfg-intlaw.de. Copyright remains with the author. Nolte, Georg, The International Law Commission and Community Interests, KFG Working Paper Series, No. 7, Berlin Potsdam Research Group “The International Rule of Law – Rise or Decline?”, Berlin, March 2017. ISSN 2509-3770 (Internet) ISSN 2509-3762 (Print) This publication has been funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) Product of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Commercial use is not permitted Berlin Potsdam Research Group International Law – Rise or Decline? Unter den Linden 9 10099 Berlin, Germany
[email protected] +49 (0)30 2093-3322 www.kfg-intlaw.de The International Rule of Law – Rise or Decline? | 3 The International Law Commission and Community Interests* Georg Nolte1 Abstract: The paper looks at community interests in international law from the perspective of the International Law Commission. As the topics of the Commission are diverse, the outcome of its work is often seen as providing a sense of direction regarding general aspects of international law. After defining what he understands by “community interests”, the author looks at both secondary and primary rules of international law, as they have been articulated by the Commission, as well as their relevance for the recognition and implementation of community interests. The picture which emerges only partly fits the widespread narrative of “from self-interest to community interest”.