Kessedhek rag Henwyn Tyller ha Arwodhyow Place-name and Signage Panel

Dydh / Date: 19 mis Metheven, 2015 / 19 June 2015, 10am. Le / Venue: Stevel/Room 2N:06, Lys Kernow / County Hall, Truru / .


1. Diharasow / Apologies

2. Kovnotyansow / Minutes

3. Materow ow sordya / Matters arising

4. Materow Ughella / Strategic Issues  Highways – A30 Temple  Council – Planning  Mapping

5. Arwodhow yn stret / Street signs  Outstanding translations

6. Henwyn leow / Place names a) Rol Henwyn Tyller – S. Austel

7. Towlennow a) Taves an Tir - Rol Henwyn Tyller – Pluwvadern b) Nansledan / Tregurra Valley c) Withiel

8. Negys aral / Any Other Business

9. Dydh an kuntelles nessa / Date of Next Meeting – TBA

Paperow a vern / Background papers  Kovnotyansow kuntelles a veu synsys 15/05/2015 Minutes of the meeting held 15/05/2015 – Previously circulated  Rol Henwyn Stret Gesys – Update to be circulated.

Ober A-dheu / Future Work  Finish Parishes  Towlen Taves an Tir - Resrudh  Complete names on OS 1:250,000 map.



Kovnotyansow an kuntelles synsys: dy’Gwener 15 mis Me 2015 th Draft Minutes of the meeting held: Friday 15 May 2015

Present: N Meek (Chair), J. Edmonson, Dr K. George, Cllr Dr L. Jenkin

In attendance: P Hodge, S Rogerson

No. Item Action 1. Diharesow / Apologies R Lyon, J Holmes

2. Kovnotyansow / Minutes The minutes of the meeting on Friday 15th May 2015 were read and agreed.

3. Materow ow sordya / Matters arising None

5. Arwodhow yn stret / Street signs Cowling Road, Carnon Downs = Fordh Gowlyn

appears to be a surname and was believed to be

linked to the nearby place name . The <-lyn>

ending started to appear in the 16C.

The panel were content that this was a Cornish surname and was therefore standardised in the SWF. Cowling (surname) = Kowlyn

Associated place-names Chycowling (Kea) = Chikowlyn

Cowlands (Kea) = Kewnans 1 Cowlands Creek = Pyll Kewnans Action point: The SWF spelling of ‘creek’ was queried at the NM meeting and would be checked before a form was agreed.

11 SWF Dictionary doesn’t have “pill”, but there is ‘pillar’. The SWF Elements list agreed by Albert also gives ‘creek’.

Cownance Mill = Melin Kewnans Cowlands Wood = Koos Kewnans

Reskadinnick () = DEFERRED

The 1284 form may have been wrongly attributed and could be linked to Reskajeage, also in Camborne. The two place names would need to be researched in parallel. Action point: NM to check with Padel & National Archives.2 NM

7. Towlennow a. Taves an Tir – Rol Henwyn Tyller - Pluwvadern Bay of Biscay = Baya an Vaskes The panel considered the <-es> suffix was more commonly used. Hea (historic settlement) = An Hay / showed that English, French and Cornish all featured in the historical spellings. Heamoor = An Hay Heamoor (historic open moor) = Hal an Hay The moor itself that had disappeared under the village. Chapel = Besydhva Vadern This was actually a baptistery, not a chapel. St Madron Church = Eglos Madern There were no examples of M>V mutation after . Mount Whistle = Mont Hwythell Using a direct translation of ‘whistle’ as no other meaning was identified. Nancothan = Nansgodhan cf. + (watercourses) e.g. The Leats (Truro) = An Godhow Nanscothan (valley) = Nans Godhan Nancothan House = Chi Nansgodhan River (aka Newlyn Stream) = Dowr Lulynn

2 Note: National Archive website has been checked since this meeting. There is no trace of this historic form there. A search on Roskadinnick reveals only one document - NA- WH/1/5242 - Prior to 30th January 1738 Little Roskadinnick with common of pasture on Tresweathan Downs, had been occupied by Hen. Richards. On that date it was leased by Jn. Willyams of Falmouth, and his wife Ann, to Jn. Richrds of Illogan, yeoman and his sister Constance Richards for 99 years with a rent of 20/-. In consideration of £42-10-6. An email has been sent to Oliver Padel.

2 Streetanoan was believed to be although there was no evidence to support it. Trannack = Trewedhenek The first two forms 1317 and 1323 were obscure. The shift from final <-ek> to <-ack> was an expected Middle to Late Cornish feature. A form from 1327 and 1342 was identified during the meeting and may be linked to Trannack. Other ‘Trannack’ names are found in St Allen, Sithney, St Erth and Sancreed. The in four of the historical forms were considered mistranscriptions of . Higher Trannack = Trewedhenek Wartha Lower Trannack = Trewedhenek Woles Middle Trannack = Trewedhenek Gres Trannack House = Chi Trewedhenek Trewennack (Wendron) = Trewedhenek Tregavarah (aka Tregavara) = Tregenvorow Tregavara Downs = Goon Tregenvorow Trehyllys = Trehyllys The panel decided to retain the more recent translation; c.f. the elements + (shaken). Tremayne = Tremeyn No historic forms showed mutation and seemed indicate the plural form of ‘stones’ - . There was a recognised problem with the lack of evidence regarding mutation of after names. There were a number of theories in place for this anomaly. Trereife = Treruv Believed to actually mean ‘king’s farm’, not overlord. C.f. + (king), where the element is a variant of . The that appears in the 1302 form Trewruff was believed to be a mistranscription of , or perhaps the Cornish which also sometimes meant . Higher Trereife = Treruv Wartha Manor of Trereife = Maner Treruv South Trereife = Treruv Soth Trereife Barton = Heydhlann Treruv

3 Trereife Blowing House = Chifog Treruv Trewen = Treyouren The agreed form utilises the 1260 form of the same spelling and was considered to be + personal name. ‘Youren’ may have a French origin. Higher Trewern = Treyouren Wartha Lower Trewern = Treyouren Woles Trewen Lane = Bownder Treyouren Trewern Round = Ker Treyouren Trye (Gulval) = Trevri May consist of + / (obscure); may be linked to (king). Higher Trye = Trevri Wartha Try Valley = Nans Trevri Batch 2 Bendzan Gavar (Nr. Trewern/Truen) = DEFERRED The first element could be (bridge). The second element (goat) doesn’t show singular mutation in the historical forms, which suggested that the plural may have been used. Bull’s View = DEFERRED Carn Bargies (Nr. Nancothan) = Karn Bargos Goone Carne Glasse = Goon Karn Glas Carn Gurtha (Nr Boskenning) = DEFERRED Carn Mannel (Nr Boswarthen) = Karn Manal Carnerves = DEFERRED Carrack-an-Loar = DEFERRED (garden) was considered more likely than (moon). Chapel Closes = Kew an Chapel Chappie (Nr Bone & Treneere) = DEFERRED Clodgy (Tolcarn) = Klavji Glebe = Eglostir Minney Cottage = Pennti Meneghi Nan Suggal (Nr Boswednan) = Nans Sugel Penalverne = Pennalvar Market Cross, The = DEFERRED

8. Negys aral / Any Other Business

4 None

9. Dydh an kuntelles nessa / Date of next meeting Friday 17th July, 10am, 2N:06, NCH