eNewsletter no. 465 Dear Reader 10 November 2016

August Bebel (1840 – 1913) promised the women freedom from SECA kitchen slavery. Julius Maggi (1846 – 1912) offered to cook the soup for them, so they could gain an extra hour or two. Bolshevik Alexandra Kollontai (1872 -1952) wanted to liberate women by – Swiss News establishing public restaurants and communal kitchens. Astronaut food has been tried on us, and one bright guy, Rob Rhinehart, Private Equity – Int. News propagates something he calls soylent which contains all the Corporate Finance nutrition people need. Mergers & Acquisitions Not all kitchen slaves have been liberated, thank heavens. As for me, I respect the kitchen slaves still at work and hope they will get down to baking now that the season for cakes and cookies is Jobs peaking. Agenda Have a nice week eating some cakes and cookies! Editor Maurice Pedergnana

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Fachtagung zu FIDLEG / FINIG

Nachdem die Wirtschafts- und Abgabenkommission des Ständerats die Anträge zu FIDLEG und FINIG am 3. November verabschiedet hat, wird der Ständerat die Vorlagen in der Wintersession als Erstrat behandeln. Damit ist ein weiterer Schritt zur Verwirklichung dieses Gesetzgebungsprojekts getan und es scheint angezeigt, sich vertieft damit auseinanderzusetzen. Gerne möchten wir Sie daher auf eine Fachtagung vom 2. Dezember zum Thema hinweisen. Christian Koller (SECA Vorstandsmitglied) wird über "Vermögensverwalter und Trustees: Organisation und Bewilligungsvoraussetzungen" sprechen.


SECA TE Richtlinie - praktische Anwendung

Under the lead of Hannes Glaus and others a group of private equity managers met to discuss the implementation of the SECA Total Expenses Guideline (SECA-TE). The group established the attached recommendation. We hope to provide some guidance for the industry and the auditors as well as a meaningful tool for a uniform application of the SECA-TE. Please call in case of any questions.

Empfehlung zur Umsetzung der TER-Richtlinie

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A new Venture Fund for Europe's future

At the Web Summit in Lisbon, the European Commission and the European Investment Fund presented a new 'Venture Capital ' programme with the potential to attract over €1.6 billion to support the growth of small businesses across Europe. This is the Commission’s latest initiative in its 'Capital Markets Union' action plan to promote European innovation and economic growth, and the EU itself commits up to €400 million in fresh funding in the vehicle. Fund managers - who can apply until 31 January 2017 - must raise at least three times as much from other sources, which means additional investments to VC of around €1.6 billion. The launch of the new pan-European fund of funds is a result of two major pain points: that VCs in Europe tend to have relatively small funds (on average around €60 million compared to €120 million in the US) and the fact that most of the capital is concentrated in a handful of markets.

Zürcher Startup-Steuer ist weg

Der Kanton Zürich meldet sich zurück als attraktiver Standort für Startups mit internationaler Ausstrahlung und Wachstumsambitionen. Anfänglich hat Regierungsrat Stocker sich hinter seine übermotivierten Steuerbeamten gestellt und die Zürcher Innovation zur Besteuerung von Startups aufgrund von Finanzierungsrunden gestützt. Durch den politisch breit abgestützten Protest ist er nochmals über die Bücher gegangen. Der am 1. November kommunizierte Entscheid, die anfangs Jahr eingeführte Praxis rückgängig zu machen, zeugt von Weitsicht und Führungsstärke.


BaselArea.swiss Innovation Report 2016

In this latest Innovation Report, you will find background reports and news about innovation activities in Northwestern Switzerland as well as news about BaselArea.swiss activities.

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Business Angel Study- Survey

We would like to invite you to take part in a survey, and ask you to further disseminate this invitation to other Business Angels Investors.Completing the survey takes about 20 minutes and is available both in English and in French.

The survey aims to collect information and input about the Business Angels activity in the EU Members States and Associated Countries.

>> To participate, please use the following link: http://umfragen.zew.de/Formicula/baf.ant

The survey aims at providing a more complete picture of the Business Angel funding landscape with the final purpose of elaborating policy recommendation on the support to Business Angels investment. All responses will be treated in total confidentiality. The survey will be available online until 25 November 2016.

Invest Europe launches ESG Due Diligence Questionnaire

Invest Europe shares with you the results of an important project led by our

Responsible Investment Roundtable to help private equity and venture capital to go even further in advancing Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) standards at the companies they back.

Invest Europe is the guardian of the industry’s professional standards. This questionnaire has been developed by Invest Europe’s members – limited partners, general partners and their advisors – to help identify potential issues and opportunities to raise ESG standards across the board. It follows the release last year of the Professional Standards Handbook and Investor Reporting Guidelines, which incorporated ESG throughout the text for the first time.

Download the 2015 Handbook here

Young SECA: Anniversary Celebration - 5 Years Young SECA

17 November 2016, 8pm, Gainsbourg Bar, Zurich

Since the foundation of Young SECA in 2011, many Young SECA members could extend their network through the regular events and even several friendships were established. Today, 5 years after the foundation of Young SECA, we count a member base of more than 190 Young SECA members.

You are kindly invited to join the Young SECA 5th anniversary Party. Take this opportunity to celebrate with us and connect with interesting people! We are excited to welcome as many of you as possible.

Registration Fee Young SECA Member: free of charge Fee Non-Member: CHF 60.-

SECA formation - Cycle de cinq formations dédiées au capital-investissement (private equity)

La SECA (Swiss Private Equity and Corporate Finance Association) et l’AFIC (Association Française des Investisseurs pour la Croissance) se sont associées pour offrir en Romandie un cycle de cinq formations dédiées au capital-investissement (private equity) et destinées à un vaste public, allant des nouveaux entrants dans le monde du capital-risque (venture capital), capital-développement, leveraged buy-out, ou encore fonds de fonds; aux professionnels du middle et du back office, mais aussi aux chargés d’affaires et professionnels souhaitant approfondir leurs connaissances.

Dates et lieux :

Les bases du capital-investissement Lundi 31 octobre 2016, FER, Rue de St-Jean 98, Genève Cyril Demaria, Formateur HEC, EDHEC, AFIC

Due-diligences financières Vendredi 25 novembre 2016, Argos Soditic, Genève Cédric Bruix, Argos Soditic – Xavier Robinot, RSM Genève

Valorisation des entreprises Jeudi 26 janvier 2017, ValleyRoad Capital SA, Gland Pierre Kladny, ValleyRoad Capital SA

Pactes d’actionnaires Mercredi 8 février 2017, Lenz & Staehelin, Genève Andreas Rötheli, Lenz & Staehelin

Management Package Jeudi 23 mars 2017, FER, Genève Marc Deschenaux, Deschenaux, Hornblower & Partners

Horaire : 9h00/17h30 Renseignements : [email protected] - +41 79 210 11 70 Bulletin d’inscription : www.seca.ch/events

Programme 25 novembre 2016 Formulaire inscription

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5. SECA Private Equity Workshop - Anmeldung für den zweiten Block noch möglich

4-5. November & 18-19. November 2016 freitags: 13.45-20.15 Uhr; samstags: 09.05-12.45 Uhr

Auf spannende Fragen gibt es Antworten…

Weshalb gehören die Endowments von Harvard und Yale zu den erfolgreichsten In-vestoren weltweit? Auf was beruhen die Erfolgsgeschichten von Yahoo, Amazon, ebay, Adobe, Intel, Cis-co Systems und Genentech?

Was haben Google, Facebook, Doodle, Odlo, Schild, VAT, Hirslanden, Phonak/Sonova, Gategourmet, Swissport, Stadler und Geberit gemeinsam?

Welche Assetklasse erzielt langfristig eine weit überdurchschnittliche Wertsteigerung?

Welche Investmentopportunitäten ergeben sich aus dem zunehmend bedeutender werdenden Bereich von Private Markets?


weitere Informationen und Anmeldung

SECA Evening Event: Private Equity Investoren – Dichtung und Wahrheit

Mittwoch, 23. November 2016, Widder Hotel, Zürich

Private Equity Investoren – Dichtung und Wahrheit Podiumsdiskussion mit zwei Fallbeispielen: Toga Food SA und R&S Gruppe

Speakers und Podiumsteilnehmer

Thomas Gabathuler, Geschäftsführer, Toga Food SA

Marc Aeschlimann, Geschäftsführer, R&S Gruppe

Dr. Karl Spielberger, Managing Partner, Orlando Management Schweiz AG

Dr. Rolf Lanz, Managing Partner, CGS Management AG


Prof. Dr. Maurice Pedergnana, General Secretary, SECA


Venture Capital

Media Monitoring

EY kürt die Entrepreneur of the Year 2016

Ticken Entrepreneure anders?

Das sind die fünf häufigsten Dealbreaker

Venture Capital - Geld für gute Ideen Venture Capital: MIG Fonds veräußern erfolgreich Mainzer Pharmafirma

Venture Capital: "Ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung, aber halbherzig"

Warum das Geld in Tel Aviv fliesst

Kommentar: Österreich - Im (Gründer-)Land der Vorsichtigen

Alphabet: Google Capital heißt jetzt Capital G und investiert in Snapchat

München: Springer Kuss startet als VC-Boutique

Invision steigt bei TonerPartner ein

Sallfort Privatbank Venture Capital 2016

Das “Sallfort Venture Capital ” Modell erlebt 2016 das aktivste Jahr seit der Einführung mit fünf Investments in internationale Wachstumsfirmen und einem Teilverkauf des Investments in Seal Software.

Medienmitteilung Press Release

CRISPR Therapeutics AG raises funds

On 31-10-2016 it was announced that CRISPR Therapeutics AG, the BASEL, SWITZERLAND-based Biotechnology company, has raised USD 35 million in a round of funding. Source: Zephyr

Hollar secures series B funding led by Caufield & Byers

On 03/11/16 it was announced that Hollar Inc., a Sherman Oaks, California-based miscellaneous products online store opertator, has raised USD 30 million in a second (series B) round of funding led by Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, including Comcast Ventures LLC, the venture capital arm of Comcast Corporation, LLC, Lightspeed Management Company LLC, SA, Forerunner Ventures Management LLC and The Pritzker Group - Chicago LLC.

Technologiefonds vergibt Bürgschaft an BEN Energy AG

BEN Energy AG kombiniert Erkenntnisse der Verhaltensökonomie mit neusten Methoden der prädiktiven Analytik und liefert Energieversorgern die nötigen Tools auf ihrem Weg zum Serviceanbieter. Energieversorger können durch die Software von BEN Energy AG regulatorisch bedingte Energieziele erreichen, ein besseres Verständnis für ihren Endkunden entwickeln und schlussendlich durch gezieltere Angebote die Verkäufe steigern.

read more Fleetsmith secures seed funding led by Index Ventures

On 02/11/16 it was announced that Fleetsmith Inc., a San Francisco, California-based online fleet management for macs Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) provider, has secured USD 3.1 million in seed funding led by Index Ventures SA and with participation from GrassHopper Escapement LLC (Harrison Metal), Mr Arash Ferdowsi, Mr Kevin Mahaffey, Mr Scott Cannon, Mr Zane Lackey, and other individual investors. Source: Zephyr

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Inositec raises seed funding from VI Partners and Zurcher Kantonalbank

On 27/10/16 it was announced that Inositec AG, a Zurich, Switzerland-based molecule inositol phosphate-based CDI drugs developer has raised CHF 1.4 million from Venture Incubator AG (managed by VI Partners) and Zurcher Kantonalbank. Source: Zephyr

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Lunchgate - Generationenwechsel beim grössten Schweizer Gastronomieportal

Gleichzeitig mit einer Kapitalerhöhung im Umfang von CHF 350’000 hat eine Investorengruppe unter der Leitung von Nikolaus Wein und Yves Latour die Mehrheit der Gründeranteile und damit die Mehrheit der Aktien an der Lunchgate AG übernommen.


NBE Therapeutics raises CHF 20 million in Series B funding

NBE Therapeutics AG, a biopharmaceutical company developing next-generation antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) for improved cancer therapy, today announced closing of a CHF 20 million Series B financing round. PPF Group led the round with participation from Boehringer Ingelheim Venture Fund, all other existing private investors and a new private investor. The funds will enable NBE to advance the lead product of its ADC pipeline to the end of phase I/II clinical trials and further develop its cutting-edge platforms.

press release

Pomelo secures Series A funding

On 27/10/16 it was announced that Pomelo, a Bangkok, Thailand-based online women's fashion retailer, has secured USD 11 million in Series A (first round) funding from Jungle Ventures Pte Ltd, Mr Andre Hoffmann, 500 Tuk Tuks, a fund managed by 500 Startups Management Company LLC, and Mr Jonathan Price. No other details were disclosed. Source: Zephyr

Private Equity – Swiss News

CSA Energy Infrastructure Switzerland acquires minority stake in Energie Zurich Linth from Stadt Rapperswil-Jona

On 26/10/16 it was announced that CSA Energy Infrastructure Switzerland (CSA Energie-Infrastruktur Schweiz) has acquired 12,000 shares, representative of a 30 per cent stake, in Energie Zurichsee Linth AG, a Jona, Switzerland-based gas distribution services provider. Each share has been acquired at a purchase price of CHF 1.833, totalling a deal value of CHF 21,996. In a concurrent transaction, Stadt Rapperswil-Jona is looking to sell up to a further 30 per cent stake in the Energie Zurichsee Linth, on completion of which it will hold a 35 per cent stake in the target company. CSA is open only to long-term investors (20+ years). Source: Zephyr

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Infin to pick up Mars One

InFin Innovative Finance has agreed to acquire UK-based mars one mission monetisation rights company Mars One Ventures for EUR 87 million in shares. Following this deal, Mars One shareholders will hold a 97.5 per cent stake in InFin, making the deal a reverse . The boards of both parties have unanimously approved the transaction. Switzerland-headquartered InFin provides operations in the areas of financing, establishing, constructing, acquiring, managing and selling of companies and other investments. InFin posted a net loss of CHF 1.46 million (EUR 1.35 million) in the six months ended 30th June 2016, narrowed from a loss of CHF 1.96 million in the corresponding timeframe of 2015. Source: Zephyr

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Nogra increases HBM stake for CHF 31.4 million

On 09/11/16 it was announced that on 03/11/16 Nogra Pharma Invest Sarl acquired 315,290 shares in HBM Healthcare Investments AG, the Zug, Switzerland based private equity investment services provider. This is reported to represent a stake of 4.88 per cent increasing the stake held from 10.2 per cent to 15.08 per cent, an estimated deal value of CHF 31.4 million. Source: Zephyr

Invision acquires majority of TonerPartner

On 03/11/16 it was announced that Invision Private Equity AG has acquired a majority stake of undisclosed size in TRC Toner Recycling Center GmbH, the Gevelsberg, Germany based online toner retailer which trades as TonerPartner, for an undisclosed consideration. Source: Zephyr

read more Montana-Tochter Varta kommt an die Börse

Die Schweizer Montana Tech Components AG des Private Equity-Investors Michael Tojner bringt Varta an die deutsche Börse. Varta, ein Unternehmen der Montana Tech Components AG, plant einen Börsengang im Prime Standard der Frankfurter Börse, um vom globalen Wachstumspotenzial im Bereich Energiespeicherung zu profitieren.

Ufenau V hits EUR 227 million hard cap

Ufenau V German Asset Light, fund advised by Ufenau Capital Partners, held its final closing at the hard cap of EUR 227 million. Ufenau V will pursue the same successful investment strategy as its predecessor funds and will focus on applying a systematic Buy-&-Build strategy.

press release Medienmitteilung

Private Equity – Int. News

Media Monitoring

Kein Brexit-Dip am deutschen Private-Equity-Markt

„Wir schließen Lücke zwischen Private Equity und Wagniskapital“

Private Equity: Brexit lässt deutschen Markt kalt

Spice Private Equity wählt Christopher Brotchie zum neuen VR-Präsident

21sportsgroup erhält erneut Private Equity-Kapital

Private-Equity-Investor Terra Firma kauft deutsche Hotelkette

Mobileum von Audax Private Equity übernommen

Private Equity Holding Halbjahresbericht per 30. September 2016

Hotelmarkt Deutschland Welcome Hotels werden von Private-Equity-Gesellschaft übernommen

Finanzinvestor CVC verkauft Alix Partners

Cinven verkauft Leuchtenhersteller SLV

Corporate Finance

AOT secures investment from Aesculap

On 31/10/16 it was announced that AOT AG (Advanced Osteotomy Tools), a Allschwil, Switzerland-based osteotomy medical equipment manufacturer secured an undisclosed amount of investment from Aesculap AG. Source: Zephyr

Gorba acquires Invertag in restructuring transaction

On 28/10/16 it was announced that Gorba AG acquired Invertag AG, a

Zollikerberg, Switzerland-based indoor and public transport display monitors manufacturer in a transaction described as a merger. Previously Invertag was a wholly-owned subsidiary of Gorba, however, as a result of the transaction, Invertag and all of its rights and obligations will be completely integrated into Gorba. Source: Zephyr

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Shanghai Safbon Water Service has taken a minority stake in Larive Water Holdings from SWED

On 26/10/16 it was announced that Shanghai Safbon Water Service Co., Ltd has taken a 21.6 stake in Larive Water Holdings AG (LW), a Frauenfeld, Switzerland-based sea water thermal desalination services in a deal valued at EUR 8 million in cash. The vendor is Swiss Energy & Water Developers AG (SWED) which holds the remaining stake. The acquiror did not hold a stake in the target before this transaction. LW is the parent company of AquaSwiss AG. Source: Zephyr

Southampton FC owners in talks with Chinese investor

Katharina Liebherr, the Swiss owner of Premier League football club Southampton, is discussing a potential sale of the soccer team to Lander Sports Development of China, according to recent media reports. Bloomberg cited people close to the situation as saying the two have been in talks for several weeks and a deal could be worth around GBP 200 million. Liebherr, who inherited the football team from her billionaire farther in early 2013, is understood to be conducting her own due diligence and discussing the potential buyer’s intensions should an investment come to light. Source: Zephyr

Mergers & Acquisitions

CMS European M&A Outlook 2016

Ein möglicher Vorteil des Brexit-Votums für Käufer besteht in der Auswirkung auf den Preis der Targets. Das zeigt der jüngste M&A Outlook von CMS. Im

Vergleich zu 39 % vor der Abstimmung geben nach dem Brexit-Referendum 54 % der Befragten an, dass unterbewertete Targets die wichtigsten treibenden Faktoren auf Käuferseite sein werden. Bei Corporates und Private-Equity-Unternehmen, die Akquisitionen in Betracht ziehen, stellen günstige Preise bei fast neun von zehn Befragten den wichtigsten Motivationsfaktor dar.

Into the unknown: European M&A Outlook 2016

Mit Oaklins entsteht die grösste globale Mid-Market M&A-Beratungsgruppe

Aus Binder Corporate Finance wird Oaklins Switzerland

Die Globalisierung ist seit Jahrzehnten ein prägender Trend der Weltwirtschaft und zentraler Treiber für M&A-Aktivitäten sowohl bei grossen als auch bei mittelständischen Unternehmen. Für M&A-Berater wie Binder Corporate Finance, die auf mittlere Unternehmensgrössen spezialisiert sind, ist es deshalb ein logischer Schritt, sich international zusammenzuschliessen, um den Ansprüchen ihrer Kunden noch besser über die Grenzen hinweg gerecht werden zu können.


Fasa acquires Egli

On 02/11/16 it was announced that Fasa AB is to acquire Egli AG, the Gumligen, Switzerland-based butter manufacturing equipment manufacturer, in a deal described as a joint venture. Source: Zephyr

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Livermore Investments Group sells Livermore Investments

On 28/10/16 it was announced that Livermore Investments Group Ltd has sold Livermore Investments AG, a Zurich, Switzerland-based real estate owner and manager, for a consideration of CHF 57.8 million. Livermore Investments owns Wyler Park, a Bern, Switzerland-based commercial and residential property. Source: Zephyr

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Mercury Systems to buy CES

On 03/11/16 it was announced that Mercury Systems Inc. has agreed to purchase Creative Electronic Systems SA, a Grand Lancy, Switzerland-based aircraft computer systems solutions development services provider. The consideration is about USD 38 million to be funded with cash on hand. Source: Zephyr

read more Moser-Baer acquired Leitner

On 28/09/16 it was announced that Moser-Baer AG has acquired Leitner AG, a Busswil, Switzerland-based high-quality medical equipment manufacturer in a deal described as a merger. Source: Zephyr

SilverArrow Capital has acquired majority stake in PrivatAir

On 27/10/16 it was announced that a SilverArrow Capital Holding Ltd has acquired a 51 per cent stake in PrivatAir SA, a Geneva, Switzerland-based private business airline operator. Source: Zephyr

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TicketCorner and Starticket have signed an agreement to merge

On 31/10/16 it was announced that Ticketcorner Holding AG, a Rumlang, Switzerland-based ticketing agent holding company and Starticket AG, a Zurich, Switzerland-based ticket marketing services company, have signed an agreement today to join forces and launch a joint venture, in a deal that was described as a merger. TicketCorner Holding will hold 75 per cent of the joint venture, while Starticket AG will hold the remaining 25 per cent. The deal is subject to the Swiss Competition Commission and it's expected to be finalised by the end of the first half of 2017. Source: Zephyr

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Management Buyout

EQT to acquire CHEP from Brambles: details released

On 01/11/16 it was announced that EQT Partners AB (via its fund EQT

Infrastructure II LP) is to acquire CHEP Aerospace Solutions (Schweiz) AG, the Kloten, Switzerland based ULD, galley carts and ground support equipment repair services provider, from Bambles Ltd for an undisclosed consideration. The transaction is to complete in November 2016. On 02/11/16 it was announced that the enterprise value of the transaction is USD 130 million and that Brambles expects to receive cash proceeds of approximately USD 125 million, meaning a sum of USD 5 million in is to be assumed. Source: Zephyr

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How to publish a job ad

On this place your Job ad could be published.

If you are interested please send an e-mail with your job ad, the company logo and a short description about the Job and/or the Company to [email protected].

for SECA Members CHF 100.- / 2 Weeks

for Non-Members CHF 200.- / 2 Weeks


GesKR-Tagungen - FIDLEG und FINIG

Tagung 1: Das neue Prospektrecht gemäss FIDLEG

Dienstag, 1. November 2016 / 09.00–13.45 Uhr

Tagung 2: FIDLEG und FINIG (ohne Prospektrecht) Freitag, 2. Dezember 2016 / 09.00–17.00 Uhr

Im November 2015 verabschiedete der Bundesrat die Botschaft zum Finanzdienstleistungsgesetz (FIDLEG) und zum Finanzinstitutsgesetz (FINIG), welche zusammen mit dem Finanzmarktaufsichtsgesetz (FINMAG) und dem auf Anfang dieses Jahres in Kraft getretenen Finanzmarktinfrastrukturgesetz (FinfraG) die vier Säulen der künftigen Architektur des schweizerischen Finanzmarktrechts bilden sollen. Derzeit wird davon ausgegangen, dass die beiden Gesetzesprojekte noch dieses Jahr vom Ständerat als Erstrat beraten werden. Die beiden Tagungen setzen sich zum Ziel, den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern einen Überblick über die beiden Gesetzesprojekte und deren aktuellen Stand zu verschaffen.

weitere Informationen


15 - 18 November 2016, Hotel Okura, Amsterdam

SECA are pleased to endorse the 16th annual SuperInvestor 2016; Europe’s foremost private equity conference taking place at the Hotel Okura, Amsterdam from 15-18 November 2016. Do not miss your chance to…

Meet more than 1000+ global attendees

Network with 330+ powerful LPs

Hear from an incomparable line-up of 250+ industry heavyweight speakers

View the delegate list & arrange invaluable meetings ahead of time on the online app

SECA members can claim a 10% member discount with VIP code: FKR2386SECA

more information

Swiss M&A and Private Equity Forum 2016

Wednesday, 23 November 2016, The Dolder Grand, Zurich

The Swiss M&A and Private Equity Forum is Mergermarket’s 5th annual event in the region covering the current M&A opportunities for private and public sector Swiss companies, aiming to bring together a host of both local and international , corporates and private equity houses. The agenda covers the key challenges that advisors and deal makers are facing in the globalised market, with leading industry experts discussing and debating the current M&A topics in the Swiss market.

SECA members are entitled to a 20% discount by using this link.

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Private Equity Exchange & Awards

Thursday, 8 December 2016,Le Merdien Etoile Hotel, Paris The next Private Equity Exchange & Awards will be held in Paris on December 8, 2016. The Private Equity Exchange & Awards is the largest Paneuropean event on Private Equity and Restructuring, gathering more than 1,200 high-profile participants. The summit is followed by an exquisite evening ceremony with 400 Private Equity leaders, rewarding the best performers of LBO, Funds, Limited Partners and Management Teams.

SECA has 20 free passes for Institutional Investors and Private Equity Funds Managers at its disposal - first come first serve. In order to request a free ticket, please contact Fabian Kuhn.

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Journée du Conseil d’administration

Lausanne, le 9 février 2017, Lausanne

La Journée du Conseil d’administration s’adresse aux membres de conseils d’administration et de directions générales d'entreprises cotées et non cotées de Suisse Romande et leur propose un forum pluridisciplinaire de qualité consacré à la fonction d’administrateur.

Programme, informations et inscriptions

Upcoming SECA Events - save the date

SECA Private Equity Workshop 4./5. und 18./19. November 2016 Due-diligences financières Vendredi 25 novembre 2016, Argos Soditic, Genève Cédric Bruix, Argos Soditic – Xavier Robinot, RSM Genève

Private Equity Investoren – Dichtung und Wahrheit 23.11.16, Widder Hotel, Zürich

Valorisation des entreprises Jeudi 26 janvier 2017, ValleyRoad Capital SA, Gland Pierre Kladny, ValleyRoad Capital SA

Pactes d’actionnaires Mercredi 8 février 2017, Lenz & Staehelin, Genève Andreas Rötheli, Lenz & Staehelin

Management Package Jeudi 23 mars 2017, FER, Genève Marc Deschenaux, Deschenaux, Hornblower & Partners

More information will follow in due time. Please see also on www.seca.ch - Events.

Upcoming Young SECA Events - save the date

Young SECA Get Together 5th Anniversary of Young SECA 17.11.16, Gainsbourg Bar, Zurich

SECA Private Equity Workshop 4./5. und 18./19. November 2016

More information will follow in due time. Please see also on www.seca.ch - Events.



SECA eNewsletter is a free online newsletter published by Maurice Pedergnana, Managing Director of the SECA Swiss Private Equity & Corporate Finance Association, received by more than 3'000 email addresses. More information: www.seca.ch or +41 41 757 67 77 (Andrea Villiger). The eNewsletter archive service is available only for SECA members.

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