The Endurance Club For The Endurance Athlete Celebrating 35 Years The Road

PERS LO LOPERGRAM Volume 33, No 4 Member of the RRCA - Road Runners Club of America Fall 2011/Winter 2012

Lopers Take the Holiday...

at t h e C l a s s i c

1 Happiest place on Earth

Coast to Coast

Hungry for Disney Coast to Coast Coast to Coast


THE LOPERS CLUB Marking the RUNNING & President’s FITNESS CLUB Message A Charitable Corporation Founded in 1977 by Don Hall Miles by Jim Walling WOW! What a great training year we ways playing it “heads up” using com- Officers and Directors have enjoyed so far! It has really been mon sense and keeping your personal President...... Jim Walling 909-437-3194 fun thanks to the outstanding Leader- safety and that of your fellow Lopers [email protected] ship of Judy and Alan Remele and their foremost in your thinking, Treasurer...... Christel Dreier 909-873-1208 crew of volunteers! We have enjoyed ice Secretary...... Nellie R. Killion 909-558-4543 Also avoid trying new things at this cream, oranges, bananas and snacks af- Board Members point in your training. Stick to what is ...... Bill Carter 951-788-8425 ter our runs; a very good turn-out at the working for you and wait until after LA [email protected] Mission Inn Run; a great Holiday Clas- to innovate. LA is getting too close to ...... Christel Dreier 909-873-1208 sic Run and a super training run at Surf [email protected] risk injury or lengthy interruption of City! But most of all, we enjoy seeing ...... Kris Harapan 888-819-7295 your training. [email protected] you, our new members, sticking with ...... Ruth Homan 951-780-2099 your training program to finish your first It is normal at this time of our training [email protected] full Marathon in March, in L.A.! You year, for some to become discouraged ...... Alan Remele 909-556-3645 deserve our big Congratulations! [email protected] if they miss a few Sundays or when the distances get long. If you know of any- ...... Judy Remele 909-499-8761 In addition we see you making new and [email protected] one who has dropped out for any reason, lasting friendships as you share the road ...... Ron Whitehead 951-697-0036 please let Judy or Alan Remele or es- each Sunday. Over the years, we have [email protected] pecially your pace leader know, so we ...... Sandy Wible 951-581-4260 seen many of these friendships turn into can re-assure them that ‘all is not lost’. [email protected] long-term associations. That is a benefit They can still pick up where they left off Course Svcs...... Bill Carter 951-788-8425 of the Lopers Club that probably was not and finish L.A. but they may need our apparent when you joined. Lopergram Staff special help and encouragement at this Editor...... Kris Harapan 888-819-7295 All the Volunteers who have made this a point in their training. [email protected] successful year deserve a big “THANK Website Manager...... Bill Carter Again, I urge any and all missing Mem- YOU” from all of us. Without your con- Asst. to the Editor...... Dexter Emoto bers who started the training program, scientious dedication each Sunday this [email protected] to come back with new courage and let Staff Photographers could not happen. We simply can’t do us help you finish training to reach your ...... Tom Ballesteros 909-862-5494 it without you! ...... Dexter Emoto 909-553-5185 goal. Contributors As we finish our training year, please do Keep up the good work! See you all Russ Barber, Tom Ballesteros, Dexter Emoto, not forget to practice good safety rules Kris Harapan, John Sheppard, and Jim Walling Sunday… on the road. Try to form the habit of al- THE LOPERS CLUB PO Box 495, Loma Linda, CA 92354 Website: User name: just Password: goforit Social: E-mail: [email protected] E-mail for Lopergram: ComeLoper join us for the LoperBanquet Banquet [email protected]

The articles and pictures printed in the Lopergram do on Sunday, April 1 at 6:00 pm not necessarily represent the opinions of the editor, Lo- pergram staff or the Loper Organization. We, as a Run- ning and Fitness Club, do NOT endorse any particular at the San Bernardino Hilton. individuals or products. Any persons, products or web- sites mentioned in this newletter are as an “informa- tional” resource only and not an endorsement as such. Cost is $25.00 per person, and is due at sign-up. The Lopergram is designed by Kelley Herr-Roadruck, (masthead by Ryan Becker) and printed by Loma Advance sign-up by March 25 is requested. Linda University Printing Services 909-558-4552. 3 some time together at everyone’s favor- ite pastime. Food! In the meantime, be sure to congratulate Editor’s Notes Sarah Emoto. She’s finished her coast- By Kris Harapan to-coast run and has made it back home. What an accomplishment! An extra special congrats to Robin Der- A New Year, A New You dowski - first time Boston Marathon Welcome to the start of a new year and ers!). And that’s just for starters. You’re Runner. You’ve joined an extra elite a wonderful new you. You have six developing mental stamina as well and group. Well Done! months of training under your belt and that pays off in it’s own ways. It’s a new year folks, what goals have the end of the season is in sight. Con- As we into the final stretch of the you set for yourself? After all, you’re gratulate yourself for having made it this season, it’s time to start thinking about a new you now. A new you who can do far. You deserve it! what you will do after the marathon or anything you set your mind to. You’ve By now you should have discovered the half-marathon is over. You’ve worked exceeded your past expectations already. serendipities of all this training. You’re really hard to get this far. Make plans to It’s time to expand your horizons and handling stress better at work. All that keep it up. If you haven’t already, sign at things you never thought you’d high mileage is great for offsetting those up for a race in say May or June. Give do before. Those limits were part of the extra holiday calories. I always count it yourself the motivation to keep training. old you. You’ve outgrown them so let a plus if I can sail through the holidays them go. You’re moving upward and And be sure you join us for the upcom- without gaining a pound (thanks Lop- onward! ing Loper banquet. It’s great to spend

is always there, constant and faithful, the But the Roads are Always Open literal terra firma beneath my weary feet. All quotes are taken from Sarah’s blog She possesses a spirit, like my own, that can never be tamed or conquered. While I may have crossed the Finish “There are clubs you can’t belong to, you are always somebody’s Hero. It line of this long journey, I know I have a neighborhoods you can’t live in, schools was an honor to run each mile for you. thousand Start lines in front of me, and you can’t get into, but the roads are al- And may the family and friends of the infinite asphalt left to chase…because ways open.” Fallen find some peace in knowing the the roads are always open. ~Nike precious names of their loved ones were etched into the road This summer, I stood on the shore of with each step I took Huntington Beach, California, my feet across this great touching the grand Pacific Ocean, and country, never to be began the greatest journey of my life. forgotten. Four months, fourteen states, and three- thousand thirty-seven point two miles Finally, I must bow later, today I plunged my feet into the my head in humble re- Hudson River in New York, New York. spect to the Goddess If I could, I would describe for you the of the Open Roads thoughts and emotions going through herself, the Soul with- my head and heart as I ran the final miles in the highways and to my finish line, but I don’t think I can trails I traverse, the even attempt to put them in words. Keeper of my miles and footsteps. She Once again, I offer my deepest and can be vengeful and sincerest gratitude to every man and relentless, other times woman in uniform to whom this run was serene, calming, and dedicated. Know that you are loved and even playful. But at appreciated for what you do, and that the end of the day, she 4 focuses on carbohydrates, a runner is The Clinic Director’s provided with plenty of readily avail- able fuel for the run. Fat and protein Report help the body stay satisfied for longer. Now, lots of runners will look at the By Alan and Judy Remele 50 percent carbohydrate guideline and think they will go into a macaroni with- drawal. A 50 percent carbohydrate diet Just Do It may not be enough for everyone, and even though it is usually enough for the You are getting strong and fit! You may walk a half or full marathon. So set your body’s preferred energy source, going not realize your progress, but Alan and I alarm on Saturday night, get your Loper up to 60 percent on carbohydrates is not have noticed on how athletic all the Lop- clothes out, and then Sunday morning so bad. What is most important is to be ers are looking. Good job everyone. practice that 10 second rule: feet on the able to select the quality carbohydrates. floor 10 seconds after the alarm goes off. There are a couple of things we would When the athlete eats certain foods like to share with you. The first is con- The next item we want to address is should depend on the runner’s exercise gratulations for sticking with the pro- for those folks we have not seen for a schedule. It is important to bulk of car- gram. It is a huge commitment. Besides while. You know who you are. Where bohydrates around the times the athlete the time spent pounding feet on the road, are you? We miss you! We are still here is going to be active to prevent blood you are finding out that the amount of at the Drayson Center. Even if you have glucose levels to drop low. Eating car- water you drink and the foods you are missed some sessions with the Lopers, bohydrates before, during, and after a eating make a big difference in how well we are still here to help you meet your long run will help the body’s energy in you are able to complete your miles. goals. This is important. Your health is a positive manner. The question is, what Some of you are making big changes in the most important and precious thing kind of carbohydrate should the athlete your former lifestyle. Lopers can help you have. Let us help you take care of eat? The Glycaemic Index (GI) ranks you with those lifestyle changes. it. So, set your alarm on Saturday night, carbohydrate foods according to how get your Loper clothes out, and then Did you know that the Clinic gets started quickly they release the glucose into Sunday morning practice that 10 second every Sunday at 6:25 a.m.? You really the bloodstream. The GI can be used to rule: feet on the floor 10 seconds after need to be there at that time. Alan and I help athletes choose foods that will be the alarm goes off. Make up your mind have scheduled a great line-up of speak- of most benefit at specific times of their that you are going to do this. Just do it. ers regarding all the things you need to performance: Make exercise a part of your life. You know about nutrition, cross-training, will never regret it. • Foods with GI ranking of 71-100 clothing, motivation… This is impor- are high GI foods, which increase blood tant information to have when you are See you at the gym on Sunday, everyone glucose levels quickly. Foods with high starting to get fit, or planning to run/ at 6:25 a.m. Sharp! GI levels are good to eat during and af- ter exercise because they provide a fast source of blood glucose for muscles Is your New Year’s resolution to take up and use. High GI foods are: wheat cereal, bagel, white bread, calrose the same as last year? rice, pumpkin, potatoes, sports drinks, jelly beans, water crackers, etc. By Isabel Maldonado Rivera, Student Dietitian • Foods with GI ranking 55-70 are intermediate GI foods, which provide Every year “getting fit” and “losing takes priority over the quantity. weight” are at the top of the New a moderate release of glucose into the Year’s resolution list for thousands of A very easy way to balance your daily blood. These foods are perfect during Americans. But as a marathon runner, meals is to divide the plate into three and after exercise as well. Some exam- you probably have got those two cov- different sections: carbohydrates, pro- ples of intermediate GI foods are: cereal, ered. However, many look at marathon teins, and fats. The runner’s diet, as pita bread, brown rice, beetroot, banana, training as an excuse to eat whatever many like to call it, is a 50-25-25 plan. kiwifruit, pineapple, raisins, etc. This means that 50 percent of the daily they want, whenever they want. Just • Foods with GI ranking of 0-54 are caloric intake should come from car- because I am running 50 miles a week, low GI foods, which slowly release glu- bohydrates, 25 percent from lean pro- does not mean I can slack off on nutri- cose into the bloodstream over a long tein, and 25 percent come from healthy tion. Make it a New Year’s resolution period of time. These foods are to be fat. Because half of the caloric intake to make sure the quality of your food continued on page 13 5 ture is worth a thousand words! Life is too short to be unhappy or grumpy at everything, so either change Dexter’s Dialogue what you’re doing or change the atti- By Dexter Emoto tude you have about it! I know that not all of us are overwhelmingly thrilled ev- ery time we go for a walk or run, but you 2012 need to enjoy something about training or you’ll never keep it up. Focus on be- New Year and New Life ing outdoors, the people around you, the way your feet hit the pavement, the “Take a breath of the new dawn and Nike had the right idea when it came up morning sunshine or the clouds in the make it a part of you.” with the famous Swish Logo and words sky, the rain falling on your head… lets “Just Do It.” ~Hopi Proverb enjoy what you are doing. You can plan and plot all you like, make Happy New Year Lopers! So it’s the start It’s your attitude that determines your programs and write an outline of how it of a new year and you’ve decided NOW happiness in life. So smile, think good works, but, unless you actually DO IT is the time for a change to your fitness, thoughts, laugh a lot, and try to make ev- you can’t expect anything to happen! health, weight, energy levels or lifestyle. ery day a little more positive than the last. The solution? Planning is good and it Many of you joined the Loper Club The world is a beautiful place, so get out will ensure you get the right results, but in August 2011 with the goal of run- there and enjoy your run! ning and finishing the LA Marathon on there comes a time when the planning March 18. needs to stop and the action needs to Success to everyone as you run life’s start! race during 2012! I always tell people I don’t get old, I get younger with every new year. “I run because it’s so symbolic of life. Be Consistent: You have to drive yourself to over- It takes courage to make a decision to People ask me how I am able to stay fit come the obstacles. You might feel that train for a marathon and determination and run so often. During 2011 I ran 30 you can’t. But then you find your inner to want to improve ourselves for a bet- races successfully without injury. By the strength, and realize you’re capable of ter, healthier and happier life. You will time this comes off the press, I will have so much more than you thought.” need a balanced approach that includes run 75 marathons. Hope to complete 100 exercise, nutrition, mental focus, with on January 1, 2014. Being consistent has ~Arthur Blank determination and consistency. made me a successful runner over this past 9 years. Here are few thoughts on how I have be- come a successful runner: There are many different fitness pro- grams and a hundred different diets, but Just Do It: none of them will work unless you are If you want to make a change but you prepared to keep going at them week haven’t thought about HOW it will hap- after week and month after month, until pen or WHAT will make you achieve you reach your goal! your goals then you need to sit down and What is my goal? To live a healthy life write down a goal. It is impossible to be and keep running injury free! on track when you have no path to fol- low, and without a clear outline of what It’s certainly ok to have a few bad days, you want to achieve and how it will hap- or make mistakes along the way, but if pen you will not finish the race. you really want to change then you have to be consistent. Do you need to walk or run? How long should I exercise? Do I train hard and short or slow and long? Do I cut out Have Fun: carbs or eat less fat? How can I give up Are you having fun in life? smoking? Will drinking alcohol ruin my I love running, meeting and making new training program? friends during a race. Having the unique Once you have the information, then all ability to photograph while running the you need to do is: “Just do it.” Yes, events makes it even more fun! One pic- 6 FANNY PACK LIST Prepare the night before Your Race Day Checklist • Bandages and other first aid items By Olympian Jeff Galloway • Skin lubricant • Blood sugar booster food To avoid “pre-race jitters”, here’s a list • Make sure your timer is set for the • $ for refreshments afterwards to stay on track for packing and running. run-walk-run ratio that you will be using. There will be some timers with • Medication for afterward (only if your • Don’t eat too much the night before vibration available. doctor instructs) the race: After 2pm, eat snacks that digest easily and don’t have a lot of • Move over to the side of the road to • Mantras---upbeat statements you can bulk. take a walk break. use when motivation starts to stagnate • Avoid alcohol the night before. • Start the race more slowly than you MANTRAS believe you can run. Line up at the • Drink about 20-30 oz. of electrolyte – that work at any time back of your corral and walk slowly to beverages the day before, and an ad- the starting line. This will give greater • Don’t Give Up! ditional 4-5 glasses of water, spread freedom of movement during the first throughout the day. • I can do it! few miles. • This is my day • Fluid and potty stops. Arise early • During the race, stick with your plan enough on race morning so that you • I feel good of pacing and walk breaks unless you can consume 6-8 oz. of water or a cup want to go slower. • I am strong of coffee, right away. • Whatever you save in effort by going • I have control • You want to leave plenty of time to hit slower, you can use during the last 3 the bathroom before the start. • I’m getting it done miles. • Drinking too much or too close to the • I feel confident • At the finish, cross in the upright posi- start will mean more stops during the tion, have a smile on your face for the • I’m running smooth race. photographers and celebrate! • I will prevail • Put on your clothes with the race • Remember to slow down by 30 sec- • The spirit is strong number pinned to the front of the onds a mile for every 5 degrees of shirt you plan to wear during the race. temperature increase above 60F dur- Mantras are from his book “MENTAL Have clothing, , and gear ready ing the race. TRAINING FOR RUNNERS, HOW for morning. TO STAY MOTIVATED” by Jeff Gal- loway 2011. • On race morning, eat the foods that PACKING LIST Prepare the night before you have used successfully before. Jeff Galloway is the author of the best- Most of the runners I’ve worked with • Your watch or timer, set for the appro- selling running book in North America on this issue have eaten little or noth- priate run-walk-run ratio and is a Runner’s World columnist, as ing. well as a inspirational speaker for more • A pace chart or wrist band, with mile than 200 running and fitness sessions • Get to the shuttle stop early (As in- times for your goal each year. Galloway is the designer of structed by the race information). • A spare pair of socks the walk-run, low mileage marathon • Upon arrival, get your bearings, check training program (Galloway RUN- • An extra long sleeve top, in case you your clothing, see how you will walk WALK-RUN method) with an over 98% are cool to the start. Choose a side of the road success rate. for taking walk breaks, and line up on • A garbage bag, in case of rain More information is available in GAL- that side of the corral. • A hat, if you wear one LOWAY TRAINING PROGRAMS, • Attach your chip as noted in the entry (autographed) at www.JeffGalloway. • A post race drink, if desired instructions. com • A post race snack, if desired • If you use calf compression sleeves The Lopergram staff would like to thank for better blood flow and quicker re- • Your storage bag with race number at- Jeff Galloway for sharing his Raceday covery, put them on if you didn’t do tached, to insert extra items for pickup Checklist with the Club. Thank you Jeff! this earlier. after the race 7 Mission Inn 12.4

8 9 10 Holiday Classic

11 12 Resolution …continued from page 5 included in meals before exercise. Low Let’s Speed GI foods are: noodles, oat bran bread, muesli, long grain white rice, pasta, By Russ Barber peas, carrots, corn, sweet potatoes, juic- es, dairy products, beans, etc. The Fartlek There is always more to learn about carbohydrates, like timing when to eat, Fartlek is not a bad word. It is a bit run until you reach that heart rate or what should be included in all meals strange sounding but it is not a bad reach it and hold it for a certain distance and snacks, how much of certain carbo- word! It is a Swedish word meaning or object down the road. Try and accu- hydrates does the athlete need, etc. This “speed play” and it is the name given mulate a total of at least 20 minutes of is why it is important to make sure the to a form of speed workout that is often speed intervals into this workout. If 20 quality of your food takes priority over overlooked. minutes is too much at first it is fine to the quantity. Achieving your New Year’s do less. Mix it up! The intervals do not resolution may be hard, and we all need As is implied by the meaning of the need to be all the same distance or time. a hand every once in a while, sometimes word, “speed play” is a fun workout. consulting with your dietitian can help. It is a form of unstructured intervals. This is a great workout on trails! One Don’t let your resolutions fade away over While out on a run, after at least 10 min- of the benefits of this type of workout is time, so that by the end of the year, you utes of warm-up, one would pick out a that it breaks up the monotony of doing can be proud to say you achieved your telephone pole or house or stop sign it the same old thing over and over again. goal: “eat healthier.” really doesn’t matter what but it can be The main thing is to have fun doing in- anywhere from 100 yards to a half mile tervals of speed bursts during a run. Re- away. After picking out your target you member fartlek is not done on a track increase your speed to at least 5k race but on the road or trails and such. pace or faster depending on how far Now, go out and have fun running a away and speed up to your target. Af- fartlek. ter reaching your target you then slow down to an easy run pace again and then after you feel recovered pick out a new target to run to. The fun is in trying to guess how long it will take you to reach your target or beat your last time if you have run the same course before. Make it a game. When you are pleasantly Congratulations to our very own tired you do a cool down and jog back Dexter Emoto for winning the Loma Linda Dexter! University’s “Living home or wherever and you are finished. Whole Honors” for For Promoting Another variation is to use a heart rate a Healthy Lifestyle and Living by monitor and pick a target heart rate and Example. Lopertoons


and eventually develops a “nerve cal- lus.” Location: Morton’s neuroma pain is By Robin Lie, DPM localized in between the base of the toe Sports Podiatrist and not “on the bone.” The most com- mon location is between the 3rd and 4th toe, followed by the space between the ShSoeh oeT iTpsip fors for Theth the eI nPainfulInjujuryry P Pr ronForefootonee 2nd and 3rd toe.

Other tid bits: Involvement of more PainA ats athe po dballiatri ofst, thethe qfootues taffectsion oft enboth co mesOther up as findings to what: i sOften the “b thees tpain” sho ise. repro Mos-t running guides As a podiatrist, the question often comes up as to what is the “best” shoe. Most ruareasnnin gis s hsuspiciousoe guides for a pinched nerve beginnerdetermi andne experiencedthe best shoe runnerbased o alike.n the amoducedunt o withf pro stretchingnation or tthehe archtoe up hei (passiveght. Us ually there are pictures of determine the best shoe based on the amount of pronation or the arch height. Usually there are pictures of Thoughthe b theack cause of the of fo thisot an paind h ocanw mu be chdue it tilextension)ts, or pictu rores whenof a fo gentlyot prin tryingt depict toin pullg a h ighigherh, neut “upstream”ral and low such as the ankle (tar- the back of the foot and how much it tilts, or pictures of a foot print depicting a high, neutral and low to anyarch numbered foot. of H o conditions,wever this m theet h mostod as sutoemes out an ofin jtheury joint.“stereotype” based on the appsalea rantunnel),ce of sciaticthe foo nerve,t or back. arched foot. However this method assumes an injury “stereotype” based on the appearance of the foot commonand n ocausest the ru ofn ntheer’s pain act areual jointinjur ycap hi-story. In my practice, the injury history and hoAw t patienthe mech canani cs have of th bothe neuroma and and not the runner’s actual injury history.Other In my tid p bitsract: i ce,Involvement the injury ofhi smultipletory and how the mechanics of the sulitis,sho eMorton’s addresses neuroma, the inju ryand is tmetatarhe basi-s of my shoe selection criteria. joint capsulitis which I’ve noticed in shoe addresses the injury is the basis of myjoints sho shoulde select increaseion cri ttheeri’s suspi- sal stress fracture. about 30% of my patients with forefoot cion for inflammatory diseases such as Injury History: arch pain, plantar fasciitis, bottom of the heel pain (heel spur , midfoot pain. InJointjuWry Capsulitish Hati stoto lryoo:k arfochr i np aai snh,o pe:lan reitarn fofasrcciedit imirheumatoids, dbfoototto. m E os sarthritis.fen thteial hleely try p aiton b (henedel th sep suhro sey innd troheme) mid, dmile danfodo itt pain. WJointhatsh ot capsulitisou lldo onokt fob enris idn t aah ere.s conditionho e: T h reei sn hfoo whereerc shedo u mildA do fonsimilarlyo tb. en E dscondition saten tthieal blyal affectinglt ryof ttoh eb enfo theodt tcobigherres stoehop oe nidnMetatarsali nthge t omi thded l eveStress anel do fi tFracture your big toe joint. Below is a shoe that improperly flexes and a shoe that appropriately flexes only at the stherehoul d is n inflammationot bend there. T(actuallyhe shoe sh “microould oisn l calledy ben d sesamoiditis. at the ball o f t Thehe fo sesamoidsot corresp onTechnicallyding to the alev stressel of fracture is a frac- ball of the foot. ytears”)our b iatg ttheoe jconnectionoint. Belo w(joint is a capsule)shoe that impare rotwoperl “miniy flex kneees an cap”d a s hbonesoe th atthat ap laypro pritureatel resultingy flexes ofromnly at“wear the and tear” only. bbetweenall of th thee fo toeot. and the forefoot at the side by side and are part of the flexor However I lump an “incomplete” frac- bottom of the foot. The capsule in this plate of big toe. In severe cases, there ture that results from a minor injury such region has a thickening called the flexor is a fracture of a sesamoid bone present. as a “bad step” with this injury since the plate and “flexor plate injury” is another treatment and evaluation is the same. name for this injury. Morton’s Neuroma A Morton’s neuroma is a thickening of How it gets injured: In a true stress frac- HowH itow gets it h injuredelps: U: n asfo rtoneunat rollsely manoff they sh oes allow flexion at the middle of the shoe, therefore causing the the nerve lining due to repetitive stress. ture, there is an uneven distribution of ball foofo tthe to flfoot,ex an thed b bottomend at t hofe archthe jointin th e course of ru nning and walking. This causes the structures at the How it helps: Unfortunately many shoesOne allo wcan fl exthinkion ofat tith eas mi a d“nervedle of tcallus”he sho e, tpressureherefore on cau onesi nofg thethe metatarsals as one capsulebott oandm o thef th eflexor midfo oplatet (ty pisical stretchedly the p lantar fascia) to over stretch and the joints on the top of the midfoot foot to flex and bend at the arch in the coforming.urse of ru Asnni ntheg annerved wal thickensking. T ith isis c atau sesrolls the offstru thectu res ball at of th thee foot. The 2nd backto and und forthergo exasc esthes cotoemp flexes.ression wAt htheich can lead to arthritis and eventually arthritic spurs. A shoe with no bottom of the midfoot (typically the plantriskar f ofas cigettinga) to o “pinched”ver stretch by an neighboringd the joint s ometatarsaln the top o f is t h thee mi mostdfoo t common bone samefl ex timeion i theren the ismi alsodfoo t direct area el pressureiminates this injury causing motion. involved since it tends to be the longest to u ndergo excess compression which canstructures lead to artin htherit ifoot.s and eventually arthritic spurs. A shoe with no from the overlying metatarsal head. metatarsal and so when one is on the ball flexIniojnu ryin Hthiest mioryd: foanotteri areora ( froelinmit) nsathiesn s tphlisn tisn, jbuackry cau paisni,n hgi pmo paitino.n . of the foot, it receives more pressure. LocationWhat: to The loo k pain for in is a localized shoe: Bev atel theed heel. The initial contact point of the heel of the shoe should be The 3rd metatarsal can be at risk for Inbottomjuanryg Hl sideedis tuo pry of. : theant eri jointor ( atfro thent) baseshin s ofp lints, back pain, hip pain. Wtheh at toe to and loo k the fo r head in a s ofh o thee: Bev metatarsaleled h eel. The initial contact point of the heel of tstresshe sh ofracturee shou lsinced be it has limited range anbone.gled Theup. most common joint affected of motion and less capacity to “move out involves the 2nd toe, followed next by the 3rd toe. The patient often feels like the painHow is it “onhelp thes: Fobone.”r mo st runners the heel is the initial contact point. In a shoe with an unbeveled heel, the foot “tips forward” unnaturally and increases “foot slap” most notable when running downhill. This

Howmech it helanpicals: Fofaurl tmo canst lrueadnn toers an ttherie ohreel (fro isn th) es hiinni tsipalli ncotsn antactd g pivoesin tt.h eIn s hao seh ao “ecl wuinthk yan” fe uelnb. ev Inel adedd ihtieelon , the footk “tnee,ips h foipr anwardd b”a ckun pnaiatnu risal olyft enan dex iacencrrbeasatesed “fowitoht an sl apinad” moequsatt neloyt abbevleel wedh enheel ru. n Itn iinsg i mpdoowrtnanhitl lt.h atT hthise contact point of the sole of the heel is beveled or at least compressible. This will reduce the torque the mechanical fault can lead to anterior (front) shin splints and gives the shoe a “clunky” feel. In addition foot undergoes and thus reduce the “foot slap” and jarring sensation on heel contact. knee, hip and back pain is often exacerbated with an inadequately beveled heel. It is important that the contInactju rypo Hinits toofry th: e m sedoleial o/fp othseteri heelor s ihsi nb evsplelinedts, oinr sattep leas tentd coonmpitis r(pesossitberile.o rT tihbiisal wisi ltlen reddounceitis t),h earch torq puaien t he foot(p ulnandergtar foasesci anitids). t hus reduce the “foot slap” and jarring sensation on heel contact. What to look for in a shoe: Stable heel counter and antipronation device such as dual or multi density Injumiry dHsoisleto wryit:h mmededial /ppoossttiering oorr s“rohinll bsparl.i”n t sB, elinoswtep is taen shdooen witiisth (p a odsutaleri doenr tsiibtyial miisd tsenolde owniitthis t),h earch firm perai n (plantar fasciitis). gray colored foam at the instep side of tHowhe sh oite. gets injured: As the runner rolls What to look for in a shoe: Stable heel cooffun t theer an balld an ofti p theron at foot,ion d theev ice nerve such is as dual or multi density midsole with medial posting or “rollbar.”pressed Below between is a sho ean w overlyingith a dual ligamentdensity mi dsole with the firmer gray colored foam at the instep side of thande sh obottome. of the foot/ground. Also as the toe flexes up and down, the nerve slides back and forth at this pinch point 14 of the way” as weight is shifted to the than 2 weeks and the pain is only pres- ball of the foot. ent after running at least 2 miles. Incomplete fractures usually are a result Initially, eliminating running that puts of taking a “bad step” or foot sprain. more stress on the ball of the foot such They commonly involve the 4th or 5th as hill repeats and speed work should metatarsal located at the outer edge of be initiated as well as reducing overall the foot. mileage 25 to 50% for 2 to 4 weeks. In more severe cases complete rest from Location of Pain: The pain from a stress running may be required, though if you fracture is typically located behind the are in this stage it is time to seek profes- rocky trails. However one may need a ball of the foot. Unlike the other injuries sional advice. “break in period” to get used to running mentioned there is pain at the top and in this style of shoe. Another drawback bottom of the site of injury. In fact the Since some runners are reluctant to alter is the price, as these shoes start at $170. patient will often point to the top of the their training, switching to a more pro- The addition of a quality cushioned in- forefoot in response to where it hurts the tective thicker and stiffer soled shoe may sert is also beneficial. I personally like most. allow one to “get away” with running. the Spenco Polysorb Crosstrainer. Examples of thicker and stiffer sole Other tid bits: recurrence of stress frac- shoes include the 1012, Icing the affected area for 20 minutes, tures should increase a doctor’s suspi- and the Mizuno’s Wave Nirvana and and taking over the counter pain medica- cion for osteoporosis or nutritional de- Wave Creation which both have a plate tions can help ease the pain and inflam- ficiencies. at the forefoot. mation. I don’t recommend the addition What can I do? of compression with icing as the forefoot Unfortunately if you have a stress frac- and toes in particular are vulnerable to ture, you’re out of luck. You must stop impairment in circulation and frost bite. running for at least one month and use Finally learning some of the lower im- some form of protective foot gear, usu- pact forms of running may train your ally a walking boot. body to put less pressure on the ball of your foot. I routinely instruct my runner patients on elements of Chi running and “natural” running. If there is pain present with walking and/or if symptoms don’t improve, then a visit with a foot and ankle specialist Hoka One One shoes market themselves is recommended. Additional work up “maximalist” or “anti-minimalist” shoes and treatment include x-rays, MRI, use and have the thickest soles on the mar- of a fracture shoe, cortisone injection, ket. strapping of the forefoot, custom foot If you catch one of these other injuries orthotics and physical therapy modali- early enough, simple self treatment may These shoes have found favor by some ties (ultrasound, iontophoresis). In some resolve the symptoms. “Early enough” ultra marathon trail runners who use the instances surgery is performed. means the pain has been present less extra thick sole to protect their feet on

Robin Lie, DPM Sports and General Podiatry Dexter 11340 Mountain View Ave., Suite B1 Loma Linda, CA 92354 (909) 796-2705 Emoto Photographer Specializing in Running Injuries • Custom Foot Orthotics CP: 909 553-5185 • Video Gait/Running Analysis • General Podiatry Care [email protected] (ingrown nail, corns, warts, nail fungus, bunions, etc.) Accepting Risk Management (w/$20 Co-Pay) PPO’s, Medicare. Tricare and Beaver Medical HMO accepted with referral. 15 I was met with a challenge after BQ’ing at Long Beach because I did not sign up first thing for Boston the next morning. I Marathon Goal to Boston! soon found out it was filled, and I had no By Robin Derdowski chance of registering for Boston. A big part of my desire was to run with my pace leaders in Boston. A fellow Loper mem- ber suggested signing up to run for a char- I decided to join the Lopers Club in July marily what I was looking for – a way to ity, and that is what I did. This gesture 2009. My friend Juliet routinely spoke feel encouraged and inspired within as was akin to the helpfulness I experienced about her marathons and the Lopers a result of accomplishing something of throughout the training year in Lopers. Club. The running concept was foreign my own desire. to me, but I enjoyed hearing about her I raised money for a very worthwhile endeavors. Back in 2008, my charity for at-risk youth and that ignited friend and I jotted down some internal satisfaction I had not felt within bucket list items as a motivation- myself for ages. On April 18, 2011, I al exercise. One of my goals was was running the 115th Boston Marathon running a marathon. with my pace leaders. The entire race I was filled with joy and giddiness. The I joined Lopers without knowing crowds were phenomenal and lined up anybody and that was taking a risk along the majority of the marathon path in my world. As I walked onto like a row of personal cheerleaders lined the track and completed the timed up to give you one big “pat on the back”. mile, I was excited and motivated to start my journey in Lopers. I The triumph at completing Boston was a knew I needed motivation in my personal goal and a wonderful achieve- life, and the Lopers Club created ment. But my journey with Lopers and the spark for upping my motiva- the connections and people I have met tion meter. I wanted and needed a has forever reshaped my life. The peo- positive challenge in my life. I heard my pace leaders, Ronda Sims ple in Lopers and the program were a and Isabel Biasetti, talk about qualify- life line providing consistency, support During the first few months, I had a few ing for Boston, and once again I was and encouragement. It reignited my de- injuries. My ankles were not used to the inspired. I was very close to qualifying sire to dream. Thank you Lopers! The road impact and both of my ankles de- for Boston after completing the San Di- journey has been spectacular! cided at different times to bruise up and ego Marathon in June 2009. The goal of swell. I listened to a friend who told me, qualifying for me was an internal desire “Those who say that I will lose “rest, ice, compress and elevate”. I was to achieve something that I desired to and am finished, will have to run able to continue the weekly runs. do, not what I felt I needed to do. I heard over my body to beat me.” about speed group and tried that out, and During week 9 or 10, when the miles ~ Said Aouita reached 10 miles, I was experiencing my new found friends in Lopers encour- physical exhaustion. I started doubting aged me along with my verbal affirma- if I would be able to keep up with the tion of wanting to qualify for Boston. “Enjoy your pain, ~ Unknown group miles at this point. I kept with it I qualified for Bos- you’ve earned it.” and persevered and rested when I need- ton (BQ!) at Long ed on my down time. Beach International New buzz words, group runs and nice Marathon in Octo- people were what I found in my pace ber 2010 with a fin- I B Inland Community Bank N.A. group. I kept hearing foreign terms like ish time of 3:39:11! C I was filled with joy, “PR” and other race lingo that made 11175 Mountain View Ave., Suite O excitement and en- my head swim. I followed the lead of Loma Linda, CA 92345 couraged by perse- my pace leaders. My running became a central focus in my life. It balanced my vering with training weeks and improved my attitude. but also from the Jim Walling, Vice President & Manager motivation of my Phone: 909-796-7100, Ext. 221 My first marathon in February 2010 was pace group and the a SUCCESS as I finished! This is pri- Lopers program. 16 UPCOMING RACES

Beach Cities Challenge Napa Marathon Mar 4, 2012 Napa LA Marathon Mar 18, 2012 Los Angeles Great Race of Agoura Hills 13.1 Mar 24, 2012 Agoura Hills Hollywood Half-Inaugral Apr 7, 2012 Hollywood San Luis Obispo Full & Half - Inaugral Apr 22, 2012 San Luis Obispo Half-Marathon Triple Crown La Joya Half Marathon Apr 29, 2012 La Joya Beach Cities Challenge Orange County Half Marathon May 6, 2012 Newport Beach Pasadena Full & Half May 20, 2012 Pasadena San Diego Rock N Roll Jun 2, 2012 San Diego San Francisco Full & Half Jul 29, 2012 San Francisco Half-Marathon Triple Crown America’s Finest Half Marathon Aug 19, 2012 San Diego Disney Half Marathon Sep 2, 2012 Anaheim Beach Cities Challenge Long Beach Half & Full Marathon Oct 7, 2012 Long Beach Triple Crowns-La Joya, Carlsbad, America’s Finest Surf City, OC, Long Beach *Register on ACTIVE.COM or flyers will be available at the Loper clinic. *for dates on these and other upcoming races:

Triple Crown and Beach Cities Challenge Kris Harapan & Dexter Emoto For those who are looking for a little extra bling, check out InMotion Events Half Marathon Triple Crown - 39.3 Miles of Paradise. Runners who complete the Carlsbad Half Marathon, La Jolla Half Marathon and the America’s Finest City Half Marathon in the same calendar year are eligible for a special commemorative medal. Missed any of the above races? There’s always the Beach Cities Challenge. This series is sponsored by Run Racing and is scheduled to end in 2013. To be eligible you must complete the Surf City Full or Half Marathon, The Orange County Marathon, and the Long Beach Marathon, consecutively. Races fill up quickly so sign-up now for your chance for that extra special medal.

17 and nutrition as well as new chapters on women’s running, half-marathons, and Reading on the Run charity running. Book & Magazine Review Hal Higdon, longtime contributor to By Dexter Emoto Runner’s World magazine and veteran of more than 100 marathons, guides you course was made (for the US Bicenten- through the training and preparation to nial) that would run through the 5 NYC insure that you cross the finish line! He Burroughs. is the author of 35 books and hundreds of articles for magazines as diverse as Fred Lebow believed that everyone Sports Illustrated, National Geographic, should be able to run and experience the Boy’s Life and The New York Times the New City Marathon. Magazine. He was among the founders Today the New York City Marathon has of the Road Runners Club of America. become the largest 40,000 plus day-long race party in the world!

ANYTHING for a T-Shirt The book also describes how Lebow scored his greatest personal victory by FRED LEBOW and the running in the marathon he created after New York City Marathon, being diagnosed with brain cancer. the World’s Greatest Footrace. “Fred Lebow was a dreamer, the kind By Ron Rubin of dreamer who pursued his dream and made it a reality. And the world is still T-Shirt is a wonderful read. I have run reaping its rewards.” the NYC Marathon, IT’S HUGE! It is one of my top ten marathons to run. “He started the New York City Mara- Competitor thon, an event that transformed footrac- T-Shirt follows the life history of Fred Competitor Rocks! I found the magazine ing from an elite, austere sport into a Lebow (nee Fishl Lebowitz) from his loaded with information for runners, wildly applauded, attainable pursuit for life in Romania until his death from bikers, triathletes and ultra marathoners. all.” cancer in the United States, and how he You will enjoy reading Competitor! made the New York City Marathon the Ron Rubin is professor of political sci- event it is today. ence at Borough of Manhatten Com- Departments: Nutrition, Training, Run- munity College, city University of New ning 101 and Shoes & Gear. Race Cal- Lebow was not your typical race direc- York. He is the author of books about endar for Bike/Run/Tri Events, athletes tor. If you think about any race directors Rudolph Guiliani and about American profile. you know personally, they are coaches, foreign propaganda. businessmen, or runners. Fred Lebow I found the magazine to be very helpful was a garment worker, who started run- for the everyday athlete, whether you are ning to improve his game. an elite or just a beginner wanting to stay ALL-NEW 4TH EDITION healthy and fit. When he started running with the NY MARATHON Road Runners Club, it was an elitist THE ULTIMATE TRAINING GUIDE Competitor magazine is owned by the group, only for the top runners. Competitor Group. The Competitor ADVICE, PLANS, AND PROGRAMS Group is responsible for putting on the One of their races was a New York City FOR HALF AND FULL MARATHONS Rock and Roll Racing Events in the US marathon known as the Cherry Tree By HAL HIGDON and in Europe. Marathon, which had about 200 runners Contributing Editor, RUNNER’S and ran on open streets in areas that had WORLD low amounts of traffic. After competing “The will to win is not nearly as in this marathon in 1970, Lebow pro- More than half a million people have important as the will to prepare.” posed holding the marathon in Central successfully reached their goals using ~ Juma Ikangaa Park. There was no traffic and very sce- the training programs offered in this nic. This was held in June 1970. training guide. At the core of this 4th “Our greatest glory is not in edition is the clear and essential infor- The marathon continued to grow, with never falling but in rising every mation on injury prevention, training few sponsors until 1976. A special time we fall.” ~ Confucius 18 A Senior Moment By Dexter Emoto Age is not measured by years... some people are born to run. At the age of sev- enty-nine, two of our Lopers continue to run and inspire all of us at the Loper Running and Fitness Club! Congratulations to Dr. Moses Christian and Al Casey! Dr Christian placed first and Al placed second in the Men’s age group 75-79 at the Carlsbad Marathon on January 22, 2012. Dr. Christian and Al, we are proud of you! You Rock! The difference between perserverance and obstinacy is that one comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won’t. ~Henry Ward Beecher

19 The Endurance Club For The Endurance Athlete Celebrating 34 Years On The Road Nonprofit Org.

R U.S. Postage PE S LO OPER RAM PAID L G San Bernardino CA The Lopers Club • P.O. BOX 495 Permit No 2847 Loma Linda, California 92354

Run Crazy Horse, SD Loper Classic, CA Texas Marathon, TX

Long Beach Running With Marathon the Mayor Lopers Running Around

Long Beach Southern California Rock n Roll Marathon Hi Sandy! Half Marathon,Checking intoCA Folsom Prison Loper at the Los Angeles, CA CA Intl Marathon LA County 13.1 20