Giant-pumpkin grower strives to improve each year By Lucas Shivers doing.” chemicals to ward off in- Jacob Marintzer from Rather than compete at sects. Westmoreland is work- state fairs where the priz- “I plant zucchinis in ing on perfecting grow- es are limited, Marintzer other areas as trap plants,” ing giant, record-setting finds premier opportuni- he said. “I watch and know pumpkins. ties to earn money. when the squash bugs ar- In 2018, Marintzer broke “I find events from the rive. I pick off and spray records with a 1,176 pound Giant Pumpkin Common- from there on out. I keep pumpkin. In 2019, he won wealth organization to be notes each year.” again with a 1,242-pounder certified,” Marintzer said. For the past two years, weighed in last year. “First place may be $1.50 Marintzer’s plants quit “On the same day in per pound for the pump- growing from a soft spot of 2019, a buddy was at a dif- kin.” fungus on the stems. This ferent weigh-in, and his YouTube Features year, he took action. was 1,252,” Marintzer said. By day, Marintzer has “Back then, I was just “Even though I won my worked in Information spraying with one fungi- contest, it still lit a fire in Technology at the K-State cide so I researched it me to get better. I had to Alumni Association for all,” Marintzer said. “Now, beat that one for this com- the past dozen years. His I spray in rotation with five ing year! I am extremely wife is Tara and their kids different varieties.” competitive.” include Kade who is 11, Generally, the plants Marintzer hopes to top Phoebe, 9 and Elsie, 7. die off at the end of Au- 2,000 pounds with his prize “They all help,” gust; but this year, they’re pumpkin this year. 2020 Marintzer said. “They love still growing. will be his best product it. They hang out in the “It’s been so healthy yet as a culmination of all greenhouse, and they all and green that it clearly his experiences. get into it. We do quite a worked,” Marintzer said. “I grow a variety called bit on our YouTube chan- Jacob Marintzer shows off one of his Atlantic Giant pumpkins that he hopes will Moving Day Atlantic Giant,” Marintzer nel called Growing Gi- tip the scale to a record-breaking weight. To move the pumpkins, said. “They’ve been cross- ants.” Marintzer has tried sever- from the previous year. gets rolling. including swamp coolers, bred. Some are white, or- From throwing darts al ways of getting them out There’s tons of hours in “We start the seeds in- geothermal pumps and ange or a little green. The at the giant pumpkins to from the greenhouse and the off season.” side at the end of March,” several fans to keep air colors and patterns are all showing measurements, to the events. Marintzer completes Marintzer said. “We file circulating. different. These you don’t YouTube reaches thou- “Over the years, I’ve twice-a-year soil tests to the edges because they’re Moisture control from eat; they’re just for show.” sands. progressed in my meth- guide the exact blend of super tough. We have grow an overhead irrigation sys- Club of Giants “Every year I have dif- ods,” Marintzer said. soil composition and fer- lights to keep them going tem keeps the plants wa- The giant pumpkin ferent and new ideas on “Originally, I slid pallets tilizers. until they’re a foot tall and tered just right. growers club only has a what to do,” Marintzer over boards; but once one “After I take a plant out start to vine out.” “They grow all sum- handful of serious con- said. “We asked the You- fell off in my soft soil.” of the greenhouse, I take Then the plants mer,” Marintzer said. tenders in Kansas. Produc- Tube audience to guess Now, he uses a ‘dirt a soil test immediately,” are moved to a special- “With soil moisture probes ers often attend regional and anyone closest won blanket’ placed under the he said. “They suck out all ly-equipped greenhouse. in the ground, I know ex- events in nearby states some seeds. We can pre- pumpkins during the grow- of the nutrients out each Only two plants will even- actly how wet or dry. As each fall to officially weigh dict how much each pump- ing season for easier ac- year, so I put all the nutri- tually fill the entire green- plants grow, they use a lot in their top crops of the kin weighs by measuring cess to position and move ents back in. Then I plant a house with huge leaves more water than most.” season. the circumference, end- them. cover crop mixture of clo- and vines trained daily by Marintzer fertilizes “The weigh-off events to-end over the top and “I can move it around vers, rye, peas and more.” Marintzer. Each of the two lightly each day. are our Super Bowl!” side-to-side with a tape much easier and I don’t Each winter, Marintzer plants takes up a 30 by 26’ “When they grow early Marintzer said. “We’re a measure.” have to lift it up, I can pull said it’s like horse breed- space. on, we put on heavier ni- small community who stay For example, 360 inch- it right out with a pick- ing to get the right seeds. “We put all of our good- trogen,” he said. “When in touch regularly, and our es is around 1,000 pounds. up truck,” Marintzer said. “The best seeds from ies in with the planting,” they flower and fruit, you little club gets together on- “We can take those “We lift it up with machin- those over 2,000 pounds he said. put special blends in. In line often to share notes.” measurements often and ery, and we can put it right are all put into a system to By early to mid-April, the end, you put in phos- Always learning, re- as the pumpkin grows, it’s on a trailer. It used to take auction for the next grow- the two plants are in the phorus to put on pound- searching and getting bet- really cool and people get me all day.” ing season,” he said. “Cer- greenhouse and set for age.” ter, Marintzer took all of into it,” Marintzer said. For 2020, Marintzer will tain seeds will go for $60 to mapping huge gains each Finishing Off their bits and pieces to Off Season travel with one pumpkin $100; but the proven seeds day. For 2020, Marintzer fo- apply to his own experi- Marintzer has no down to Iowa and one to Colo- will go for anywhere for “I want as much grow- cused on two goals: 1) per- ence. time. Growing giant pump- rado for weigh-in events $200 to $1,000 a seed at the ing time as possible,” fect stems, and 2) healthy “When I first started kins is a year-round en- this fall. auction, sometimes with a Marintzer said. “I’ll have plants. more than a decade ago, deavor. “I hope to keep setting little thrown in for charity. two heaters in the green- “Every day out, I’d go I found a few websites,” “The minute they’re records, and one day I For 2020, Marintzer house for early spring and out and spray the stems Marintzer said. “Basical- done with the weigh- have even bigger plans,” bought seeds from a 2,416- several ways to keep it and butts twice a day,” he ly all winter, I combed off, I’m already working he said. “There’s a weigh- pound pumpkin from New cooler in the summer.” said. “The stems turned through everyone’s diary. soil for the next year,” off in California and my York. Marintzer has craft- out to be the size of paint I studied what people did Marintzer said. “I add dream is to get one out Seedlings ed several creative ‘do buckets.” to grow bigger and big- sand, compost and topsoil. there for a $7 a pound pay- Once the seeds arrive it yourself’ methods for Marintzer mixes sever- ger pumpkins. I learned I sit down and figure what off!” in early spring, Marintzer cooling the greenhouse al different methods and and saw what they were happened best and worst Sorghum crop art calls on policymakers to #SupportEthanol National Sorghum port for low-carbon biofu- Producers (NSP) recent- els,” said NSP CEO Tim ly shared a high-altitude Lust. “One-third of the view of a top policy priori- U.S. sorghum crop is used ty with newly released ae- to produce fuel ethanol, rial photos of a farm plot which protects our climate in Kansas emblazoned and lifts up rural commu- with “#SupportEthanol” nities struggling in the spelled out in giant letters wake of COVID-19. of sorghum. Rocky Ormis- “Unfortunately, secre- ton, a farmer from Kismet, tive exemptions from the planted the message using Renewable Fuel Standard the latest in precision ag- (RFS) have threatened ricultural tools and a mix those markets, so farmers of red and white/yellow are using every tool avail- sorghum varieties. able to remind President “Innovative tools not Trump why we need him only help U.S. sorghum to put a stop to biofuel growers lead the way on demand destruction by the sustainable agriculture, Environmental Protection they can offer a unique Agency (EPA). The recent platform to share our sup- denial of 54 retroactive re- Kismet farmer Rocky Ormiston demonstrated his support for ethanol by using precision agriculture to embla- finery waivers was a good zon the message #SupportEthanol with a mix of red and white/yellow sorghum varieties. Courtesy photo first step in doing so.” made from crops produced Ethanol plant in Liberal. Ormiston planted the by American farmers and “Now more than ever, pol- A day dreams are made of design using customized is a renewable resource icymakers need to hear equipment on a DB80 that can be used by all, from rural communities John Deere planter, which and we need to support about our priorities and drops seeds in a pre-set that.” the vital role of biofuels pattern guided by satel- Like much of the sor- in rebuilding the agricul- lite, aerial and drone im- ghum grown across Kan- tural economy. That’s why agery. Details on the pro- sas, portions of the harvest Kansas ethanol producers cess were featured in this are likely destined for one are proud to work hand in summer’s issue of Sorghum of twelve Kansas ethanol hand with local growers Grower magazine. plants, seven utilizing sor- to protect the market for “We are investors in ghum, which produce half clean, affordable energy.” our local ethanol plant be- a billion gallons a year. To learn more about cause it plays a large role “This is one message precision agriculture in the continued success that would be hard to miss and U.S. biofuels, visit of our community and the for lawmakers flying to and SorghumGrowers.Com. corn and milo industries, from Washington, D.C.,” To share a message with both economic drivers for said NSP and Growth En- lawmakers about harmful rural southwest Kansas,” ergy board member Tom EPA policies, supporters Ormiston said. “I chose Willis, CEO and president can take advantage of the 4-year-old Doak Pyle was a happy camper when his the #SupportEthanol de- of Conestoga Energy Hold- Growth Energy comment daycare, run by Walleta Bergsten, got to experience sign for one of my sorghum ings, LLC, which oper- portal at https://GrowthEn- soybean harvest in Clay County, thanks to Bob fields because ethanol is ates the nearby Arkalon ergy.Org/takeaction. Wietharn and his crew. Photo by Tisha Hilt Page 2 Grass & Grain, October 27, 2020 More than 40 percent of registered voters didn’t pull a lever in that elec- tion. Boosting turnout just a percentage point or two in the 96 other counties would have easily changed Down to Turnout the results of the election. Small shifts would have By Greg Doering, or fail. And just like every made a big difference. Kansas Farm Bureau election, you get to play a The same is going to be There’s an old cliché role in deciding the out- If there is one word was through the miracle all in the same boat. true on Nov. 4. It will be that’s become something come. I hope to be able to go of modern technology; in Lest this all becomes easy to look back at who of an inside joke among For anyone engaged in voted, and who didn’t, and through all of 2021 and others, with teddy bears a depressing train of people who follow politics agriculture, there’s a lot on identify races that could not hear again, it would placed in windows for thought, I challenge us to a little too closely, me in- the line in this election. Is- have gone differently. be the word ‘canceled.’ children to “hunt” while think of ways we’ve been cluded. sues in federal races range Voting is the first step, We have heard that word on walks with their fam- blessed and encouraged “It all comes down to from trade and taxes to the but there’s more farmers turnout.” On the surface, next Farm Bill and even more since last spring ilies. during these months of and ranchers can do to it’s a meaningless tautol- Endangered Species Act than we probably did in No doubt, 2020 will social distancing. I was amplify their voices, like ogy, similar to saying the reforms. Taxes, water is- the ten years preceding hold many memories for able to spend more time boosting turnout. Make winner of a football game sues and reapportionment the onset of the corona- people – some stressful, in my home the last eight those personal phone calls, will be the team with the will be big items on the have those in-person con- virus pandemic. Events frightening and depress- months than I had the most points. docket in Topeka. versations and post to so- big and small, from run- ing; some magical, pre- previous eight years; Dig a little deeper and While these issues are cial media. Talk with your of-the-mill to once in a cious and rare. For most working at my kitchen it captures something re- near and dear to the hearts friends and neighbors. lifetime have felt the in- of us, it will be a combi- island, looking out the porters know all too well. (and wallets) of farm- Talk with your cousins in The number of people vot- ers and ranchers, they’re discriminate sting of the nation of both. window at the goldfinch- Kansas City or landlord in ing doesn’t determine win- probably not on the list ‘canceled’ proclamation. I started writing this es on the feeder. There Wichita. Talk with anyone ners, rather it’s the types of matters suburban and High school graduates, column thinking of all was my chicken project, else who shares your val- of voters who cast their urban voters are using brides to be, families the agriculture events which I greatly enjoyed. ues and make sure they’ll ballots. Just as important- to make their voting de- cast a ballot this year. mourning a loss with- and meetings I usual- They’ve gone back to ly, it also includes those cisions. There’s nothing Like every other elec- out proper closure… ly cover that this year their home farm to live who don’t bother to show wrong with that. People tion, this one will come the list is long. In fact, fell victim to the virus now, as my little chick- up. Small shifts in who living in populated areas down to turnout. Be sure if each of us sat down and subsequent cancel en hutch was more of a goes to the polls and who have their own issues, you’re included in the out- and made a list of the stamp. I miss my ag folks summer vacation home stays home can have last- their own values. come. Your voice and your ing impacts. One need look no fur- things we’d been forced who I see at so many dif- than winter dwelling. values are on the ballot. We’re now a week away ther than 2018 to see how to forego these last sever- ferent places. Email and I’ve written and received “Insight” is a weekly col- from the 2020 election, and a rural/urban divide works al months, it would be a Zoom have kept me in more hand-written let- umn published by Kansas turnout is projected to set when Laura Kelly won the Farm Bureau, the state’s depressing exercise to be touch with many of you, ters than I had in many, records. Good campaigns gubernatorial race. She largest farm organization sure. And yet, from the but it’s not the same. I many years. will lose. Bad ones will garnered a majority of whose mission is to strength- very beginning, people miss the handshakes and By the time you get win. Weak candidates will votes in just six counties en agriculture and the lives found ways to continue warm smiles, the jokes this, the election will be surprise strong ones. Bal- and a plurality in three of Kansans through advo- to connect, celebrate and and pleasantries. I imag- one week away. In that lot measures will succeed others. cacy, education and service. live life. In some cases, it ine we are pretty much regard, there are a few things I would like to permanently apply the Beef industry finished stronger during third quarter cancel stamp to. Could The beef industry fin- climbed 5% over the last CoBank also reported a disruption at plants. were the largest in more ished the third quarter three months, helping that the U.S. consumer’s In other good news, than a year-up 3.5%, while we cancel the hate? in a better position than lift cattle prices by 10%, beef budget is going fur- August exports of U.S. export value increases Could we banish forev- where it started, while and profitability for cat- ther with more meals now beef and pork muscle cuts slightly to $611 million. er the divisiveness that pork exports appear tle feeders has improved eaten at home. Still, the were above last year’s Combine beef/beef va- keeps us from solving poised to pick up and de- to break-even levels. Beef report identified two po- strong volumes, accord- riety meat exports were problems, instead keep- mand from foodservice is packer margins have re- tential challenges ahead: ing to USDA data com- down 4.5% from a year ing us endlessly postur- buoying chicken, accord- mained elevated with the effect on demand piled by USMEF. Led by ago. Export value was ing for power? Could we ing to a recent CoBank strong demand and im- from cooler weather due record-large demand in down 2% but the highest report. provements in plant oper- to limits on indoor restau- South Korea and Taiwan, since March. cancel the idea that if we Boxed beef cutout ating capacity. rant dining and the risk of beef muscle cut exports disagree we must inher- ently be enemies? Could we cancel the concept that compromise is evil and common ground im- possible to find? I’ll close before I start to sound like a John Lennon song. Except for just one more: calories – could we just cancel them and enjoy the darned choco- late cake? Trust me, the world will be a much We finished harvest last week. For the not go away and occasionally, I kept get- better, happier place. most part it was a pretty good harvest, it ting just that slight tickle of smoke. Like went relatively smooth with few delays I said, my radar was already on high alert and fewer breakdowns. I would not have for some reason and I could not get the “Democracy is said that until I finished because I know thought out of my head. based upon the one of the first laws of farming is to never I got to the end of the field and de- comment on how smooth things are cided to get a closer look. It was a good conviction there going until the last acre is harvested and spot because it was down in the timber the last bushel is in the bins. We had few and the wind was well blocked. I walked are problems, other than one lost spring, one around the combine and got more and extraordinary broken chain and the fire. more of an odor of smoke, but I could Yes, I said the fire. It was a couple not see any. My nose was not working possibilities in of weeks ago on Sunday. I know, my real good after about a week of open cab ordinary people.” problems on Sunday are well chronicled with no mask but soon I got it narrowed and I should know better than to try to down to the area between the engine and -- Harry Emerson work on Sunday. At least in this case I the grain bin and then I saw it. Just a few Fosdick had gone to church first and maybe that wisps of smoke. I decided not to be a is why it was just a small fire. To set the hero and called for backup. stage, it was a hot, dry day in the middle Isaac and Jennifer were feeding cattle of a hot dry week, in the middle of a hot and sheep and I called Isaac. I calmly dry month. To top it off, the wind was told him I had a fire on the combine, blowing at around thirty miles an hour and I needed him to bring the fire extin- with gusts up to forty. As I serviced the guisher. His first response was that they combine and looked it over that day, the were in the middle of feeding ewes and thought of how bad a fire would be had he did not have time and then he paused crept into my head. I suppose that is and asked me again to repeat what I where the problems started. I had also had said. Soon after that he and Jennifer seen posts from friends about combine were there with the fire extinguisher that fires all over the Midwest and my alert should have been on the combine. I had level was high. already pretty much put the fire out with I was on one of my favorite fields – it my water jug, but we finished it off with is relatively big for me and the rows are the extinguisher. about as long and as straight as they get A quick inspection revealed the start in my part of the world. The beans were of a pack rat nest just in front of the good and dry and harvesting them was a engine and removal was easy. A pack pleasure. The Kansas City Chiefs were rat nest that was not there the day be- on the radio and life was good – nowhere fore. The extinguisher was refilled and else I would rather be in the world. I recharged and it was determined that was really looking forward to the after- the smoldering fire had not caused any noon. My only problem was that the air damage and probably not having an air conditioner was not working, and I was conditioner had saved the day. I went operating with the cab door open and back to cutting beans and listening to GRASS & GRAIN (USPS 937-880) the dust was all around me. I know I the football game and at least the cutting The newsweekly for Kansas and southern Nebraska, published each Tuesday at 1531 should have had a mask on, we do have beans part went well. Yuma (Box 1009), Manhattan, KS by Ag a healthy supply these days, but I just do I learned something that day. First, Press, Inc. Periodicals postage paid at Man- not like wearing a mask. I know, it is not never forget the extinguisher and sec- hattan, Kansas and additional offices. Post- a good problem to have in the times we ond, it is better to be lucky than good. master send address changes to: Ag Press, Box 1009, Manhattan, KS 66505. are living in. Old Sparky and I finished the harvest 785-539-7558 In any case, I was combining away, without further incident, and I was once Fax 785-539-2679 Subscription — $76 for 2 years. $41 for 1 free as a bird, listening to the Chiefs again reminded about working on Sun- Publisher – Tom Carlin year, plus applicable sales tax. Outside Kansas, $51 for 1 year, $95 for 2 years. beat up on the Raiders. That was when I day. All in all, it was one of definitely Managing Editor — Donna Sullivan smelled it, just a slight twinge of smoke one of those experiences that got filed in [email protected] MEMBER OF — Advertising Staff — Associated Press in the air. After a second, I convinced the “Well, that could have been worse” Kurtis Geisler, Shelby Mall myself it was just the diesel exhaust and category. [email protected], [email protected] kept going. But the thought just would Grass & Grain, October 27, 2020 Page 3 Veterinary student conducts anaplasmosis research with national fellowship Kansas State Universi- to the efficacy of the cur- decision for their herds, ty’s Lauren Herd, a sec- rent legal dose. as well as maintaining the ond-year veterinary stu- Herd and Reif were efficacy of these medically dent, Wichita, is one of 12 paired up by K-State’s Vet- important antimicrobials students selected nation- erinary Research Scholars by ensuring they are used ally for a Veterinary Stu- Program, a summer pro- judiciously.” dent Research Fellowship gram that provides vet- Anaplasmosis conser- to Address Global Chal- erinary students with in- vatively costs the U.S. cat- lenges in Food and Agri- depth, hands-on research tle industry $300 million culture. opportunities with expe- annually, Reif said. The Foundation for rienced faculty mentors. “Use of chlortetra- Food and Agriculture The program’s goal is to cycline-medicated feed Research, in partnership motivate students toward products is one of the most with the Association of a research-focused career. common ways produc- American Veterinary Med- “We are so proud of the ers control anaplasmosis ical Colleges, launched impactful research that in their herds; however, the Veterinary Fellows Lauren and Dr. Reif were data from our lab demon- Program in 2019 to encour- able to accomplish this strates that there are many age veterinary scientists summer and so grateful to strains of Anaplasma mar- to explore and better un- the Foundation for Food ginale circulating in Kan- derstand the complexities and Agricultural Research sas and not all strains may of animal production, im- and Association of Amer- be equally susceptible to prove animal welfare and ican Veterinary Medical chlortetracycline,” Reif enhance human health. Colleges for their support said. The three-month fellow- of Lauren and other fel- “To be most effective, ship creates opportunities lows in their pursuit of use of chlortetracycline for veterinary students to important agricultural should protect carrier an- pursue research related to research,” said Kate Ku- imals from redeveloping global food security and Kanich, the college’s Vet- clinical disease during sustainable animal pro- erinary Research Scholars times of transient immu- duction. Program director. nosuppression,” Reif said. Herd’s research project “I am excited to be a “Lauren’s project will di- focuses on anaplasmosis, part of this project be- rectly evaluate this using considered the most prev- cause anaplasmosis has two different A. margin- alent tick-transmitted dis- Kansas State University’s Kathryn Reif, left, assistant professor of diagnostic such a large economic im- ale strains: one a histor- ease in cattle worldwide, medicine and pathobiology, and Lauren Herd, second-year veterinary medicine pact on the U.S. cattle in- ic strain isolated over 30 and a disease that affects student. dustry,” Herd said. “Tetra- years ago, and a second almost 50% of Kansas beef causes anaplasmosis, be- aplasmosis can reoccur or concurrent infections. cycline antimicrobials, in- strain isolated from a cattle herds. Herd’s re- come chronic carriers in carrier animals if they For her project, Herd cluding chlortetracycline, Kansas beef cattle herd search mentor is Kathryn of the pathogen and can become immunocompro- assessed whether chlor- are commonly used in cat- two years ago and that is Reif, assistant professor of serve as future transmis- mised and their immune tetracycline protects tle production. If chlortet- still actively infecting cat- diagnostic medicine and sion reservoirs,” Reif said. system isn’t able to keep transiently immunosup- racycline is not effectively tle. We are excited to be pathobiology in the Col- “Chlortetracycline is the the pathogen under con- pressed calves from devel- controlling anaplasmosis doing research that con- lege of Veterinary Medi- only FDA-approved anti- trol. Cattle often experi- oping clinical anaplasmo- at the current legal dose, it tributes needed informa- cine. microbial indicated for ence transient periods of sis. Reif said the results would need to be re-eval- tion to support U.S., and “Cattle that survive the control of active ana- immunosuppression in a of Herd’s research could uated. It is important to especially Kansas, cattle initial infection with Ana- plasmosis in carrier cat- normal production sea- impact the way producers assist producers in mak- producers.” plasma marginale, the tle.” son during estrus, calving, manage this disease and ing the best economical bacterial pathogen that Reif said clinical an- harsh weather conditions, will provide data related 25th anniversary winter conference set for January 26 Registration is now ter Conference features author Darin Qualman. Teachout from Shenando- open for the 25th annual a line-up of farmers, soil Darin is the author of Civ- ah, Iowa rounds out the No-till on the Plains Win- health researchers and ilization Critical. The book speaker lineup. Longtime ter Conference. Online conservation profession- focuses on civilizations, soil health advocate and registration is open for als aiming to share their energy, food, and material director at the Dakota growers, industry partners expertise and knowledge flows. Civilization Critical Lakes Research farm Dr. and soil health enthusiasts with attendees. looks at the big picture Dwayne Beck will also be to attend the soil health ed- To accommodate the and the long term. It tack- speaking as a moderator ucational event. The event local requirements, a limit les the big questions and and panelist. has been reformatted to of 200 registrations are big ideas of history and the Sponsors for the 2020 comply with local health available for the in-per- modern world: how food Winter Conference are: guidelines, but will take son event. The Winter Con- systems work, the spread Green Cover Seed, Exapta place in person. Botanica ference registration price of railways, the rise of Solutions, AgBiTech. Wichita will host the event is $150, spouse and stu- industry, the dawn of the Visit or call on January 26th, 2021. This dent rates are available. consumer age, the trans- (785) 210-4549 for registra- annual event offers great Walk-in registrations will formative effects of the tion information. Pre-reg- networking opportunities not be allowed. Registra- steam engine, and how we istration online is re- for attendees, and Wichi- tion for the No-till on the wrest fuels from the Earth. quired. ta offers ample entertain- Plains Conference is avail- Returning this year is ment and dining options. able now online at notill. John Kempf, one of the Registration is available org. Registration will be most requested speakers Never miss an issue of at available until capacity is from the last five years. In its 25th year, the Con- reached. If local circum- John will focus on nutri- ference continues to offer stances prevent the in-per- ent dynamics, providing international, national son event from being held, insight into how to re- and state experts focused the Conference will move duce fertilizer input costs on improved soil health to an all virtual format. through soil and plant systems for increased This year’s speaker health. Regenerative ag- farm profit. The 2021 Win- lineup features physician, riculture producer Chris New legislation introduced to help Subscribe or renew today! improve marketing environment New Subscription Renewal U.S. Rep. Dusty John- ket signals and support price discovery through son of South Dakota and small meat processors. mandatory price report- Name: a group of bipartisan co- Included in the bill ing and seeks to increase sponsors, including Rep. are existing legislative transparency in fed cat- Address: Roger Marshall, have in- proposals to open new tle transactions through troduced the Price Re- markets for state-inspect- a Beef Cattle Contract City: State: Zip: form in Cattle Economics ed beef products, such as Library overseen by the (PRICE) Act, which seeks the Direct Interstate Re- Packers and Stockyards Phone: to improve the marketing tail Exemption for Cer- Division of the Agricul- environment for cattle tain Transactions Act, tural Marketing Service. Email: producers. According to and new provisions to A section-by-section Johnson, the PRICE Act aid producer-owned beef analysis exploring all Activate Online Edition? combines several new processing facilities. The provisions of the bill can ideas with existing bipar- legislation would give a be accessed by going to **Online Edition is FREE with purchase of Print Subscription; tisan proposals to create directive to USDA to pro- Johnson’s website locat- Email is required.** consensus legislation that vide Congress cost-bene- ed at would eliminate regulato- fit and feasibility of vari- gov/price-act-section-sec- In-State Print Edition Rates: ry barriers, improve mar- ous proposals to enhance tion. 1 Year; $41 + additional sales tax ______2 Years; $76 + additional sales tax ______3 Years; $105 + additional sales tax ______** SALES TAX DETERMINED BY COUNTY AND MUST BE INCLUDED TO RECEIVE FULL YEAR. 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3 eggs 1/2 cup sliced onion 1/2 of the milk can of water 1/2 cup chopped celery 1/4-pound butter 1/2 cup sliced green pep- 1 1/2 teaspoons pepper per Mix all together. Bake 1 cup ketchup at 350 degrees, about 45 1 cup water minutes or until done. 2 tablespoons Worcester- Mary Hedberg, Clifton, Submits Winning ***** shire sauce Claire Martin, Salina: 2 tablespoons brown sugar Forever A Poop Recipe In Grass & Grain This Week MAPLE COFFEE Dredge chicken in Peanut Butter Cookies Winner Mary Hedberg, Clifton: “This pizza is great 2 cups half & half flour, salt and pepper. Fry when the family gets together.” 1/2 cup maple syrup in the melted butter and PEANUT BUTTER COOKIE PIZZA 2 cups hot brewed coffee shortening and cook until Two little nieces, two world, but otherwise, 7.5-ounce package peanut butter cookie mix Whipped cream brown. Transfer to a 9-by- and three, both little fire- she takes great pride in 12 ounces softened cream cheese Over medium heat in 13-inch pan. Cook onion crackers, although the kicking me out. 3.9-ounce box instant chocolate pudding mix a saucepan heat half & in the pan until clear. spicier of the two would A little bit of movie 8 ounces whipped topping half and syrup, stirring Add other ingredients and have to be little Chloe. time follows the bath 1/4 cup semisweet chocolate chips constantly until heated bring to a boil. Pour over She clearly mastered time routine. Mika Prepare cookie mix. Press onto a greased 12-inch pizza through (do not boil!). chicken. Bake at 325 de- the art of antagonization bounces back and forth pan. Bake at 375 degrees for 15 minutes or until set. Cool Stir in coffee and top with grees for 1 hour. from a very early age between sitting with her it completely. Beat cream cheese until smooth (may add 1/2 whipped cream. Makes 4 ***** and for whatever reason mom or me, Chloe, she cup powdered sugar if desired). Spread over cooled peanut 1/2 cups. The final two are from she deems it necessary would rather sit by her- butter cookie crust. Mix pudding mix according to direc- ***** Rose Edwards, Stillwater, to point a majority of it self than to give me the tions on package for 2 minutes on medium speed. Spread Millie Conger, Tecum- Oklahoma: in my direction, quite satisfaction of sitting over cream cheese layer. Refrigerate 20 minutes or until possibly my karma for next to me. Movie time is set. Spread whipped topping over pudding. Sprinkle choc- seh: REUBEN antagonizing the rest of for about fifteen minutes olate chips over topping and chill 1 hour before serving. DILL PICKLE DIP CASSEROLE the world my whole life. and then it is potty time ***** (2) 8-ounce packages 6 slices rye bread, cubed cream cheese 1 pound sliced corned When I go to their followed by bedtime. Darlene Thomas, Del- medium heat until bacon 3 tablespoons dry Ranch beef, torn into strips house in an evening, I While Chloe is attempt- phos: is crisp; drain. In a large dressing seasoning mix 16-ounce can sauerkraut, am greeted at the door ing to potty, I always ask, BREAKFAST bowl combine remain- “Chloe, can I have a hug 1 cup whole dill pickles, drained & rinsed by both girls, Mika al- CASSEROLE ing ingredients; stir in ways gives me the big- tonight?” To which she chopped 3/4 cup Russian dressing 1 pound sliced bacon, bacon mixture. Transfer gest hug, Chloe generally always replies, “NO,” 1 cup deli-style ham, 2 cups shredded Swiss diced to a greased 9-by-13-inch looks at me, turns and giggles and runs to bed. chopped cheese 1 medium sweet onion, baking dish. Bake uncov- runs to her mom or dad She might be sassy, 1 green onion, diced Set oven at 400 degrees. chopped ered until knife inserted and announces “Boo Boo and she might be spicy Mix cream cheese until Spread cubes in bottom 6 large eggs, lightly beat- into the center comes out is here!” Generally, that but there are also those smooth. Add rest ingredi- of greased 9-by-13-inch en clean, 35 to 40 minutes. leads to false hope that moments when she lit- ents and refrigerate. Serve baking pan. Spread sau- 4 cups frozen shredded Let stand 10 minutes be- today is going to be the erally melts me. Those with crackers or veggies. erkraut over bread cubes moments when she will hashbrown potatoes, fore cutting. day she likes me. ***** then layer beef over sauer- After the grand en- randomly give me a hug, thawed ***** Jackie Doud, Topeka: kraut. Pour dressing over trance, I am usually bom- and of course I hold 2 cups shredded Cheddar Kimberly Edwards, CROCK-POT all. Spray foil and cover barded for treats. They on for dear life. Those cheese Stillwater, Oklahoma: VEGETABLE SOUP casserole. Bake 20 min- both especially love it times when she insists 1 1/2 cups 4% cottage OYSTER CASSEROLE 1 1/2 pounds ground chuck utes. Remove cover and when I bring them some- on talking to me through cheese 1 pint small oysters 1 medium onion, diced sprinkle with cheese and thing homemade, but the window or when she 1 1/4 cups shredded Swiss 1 regular size can evapo- 24-ounce jar pasta sauce bake uncovered 10 min- they will ultimately set- begs to ride with me or cheese rated milk 1 cup water utes or until cheese is tle for anything; Chloe to come to my house, Preheat oven to 350 de- 1 sleeve crackers, crum- 1 can diced tomatoes, melted. just refuses to share with those are the moments I grees. In a large skillet bled undrained ***** me. If I turn my back live for. At the end of the cook bacon and onion over 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 1 can ro-tel, undrained BREAKFAST for a second though, you day, I will forever take 2 tablespoons ketchup DANISH better believe the little her spunk in exchange monkey figures out a way for those moments of Call for all your 3 potatoes, peeled & cut 2 cans crescent rolls to get ahold of my Yeti sweetness. CENTRAL KANSAS Spring spraying into chunks (2) 8-ounce packages and backwashes whatev- Peanut Butter Cookies needs! 1 can drained corn cream cheese AG AVIATION er she might be snacking **Betty Crocker Recipe** 1 can drained green beans 1 cup sugar on right back into it, and **Sometimes Chloe 1 can carrots, drained 1 teaspoon vanilla then proceeds to giggle likes them, sometimes she 2 teaspoons Worcester- 1 egg and run away. doesn’t, but everyone else shire sauce 1 egg white Once snacks are com- approves! 1 teaspoon Italian season- Glaze: pleted, generally we ½ cup sugar ing 1/2 cup powdered sugar have some time to play; ½ cup packed brown STEVE 1/2 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons milk last nights play consisted sugar DONOVAN 1/2 teaspoon pepper 1/2 teaspoon vanilla of Chloe sitting in a ball ½ cup peanut butter Cellular: 785-366-0513 • Office: 785-258-3649 Cook ground beef and Set oven 350 degrees. pit, looking at me, telling ¼ cup shortening* onion. Drain. Put all in- Grease a 9-by-13-inch me, “Boo Boo, you for- ¼ cup butter, softened gredients into a 6-quart pan. Lay one package of ever a poop!” Of course, 1 egg crock-pot. Stir together. crescent rolls in pan and that was followed by lots 1 ¼ cups all-purpose Need Senior Insurance? Cook on low 6-8 hours or pinch openings together. of giggles and having to flour high 5-6 hours. Beat cream cheese, sugar, run around telling ev- ¾ teaspoon baking soda ***** vanilla and egg until eryone that, “Boo Boo ½ teaspoon baking pow- Kellee George, Shaw- smooth. Spread over cres- is a poop,” or that “Boo der * Medicare Supplement ¼ teaspoon salt nee: cent rolls in pan evenly. Boo smells like poop.” My inner child comes out Mix sugars, peanut OVEN BARBECUE Lay second package on * Long Term Care with the age-old, “No you butter, shortening, but- CHICKEN top and brush with egg are,” but it doesn’t faze ter and egg in large 1 frying chicken, cut up white. Bake 35-45 minutes * Final Expense her, she just keeps bowl. Stir in remaining 1/2 cup flour or until golden brown. Top laughing and tossing her ingredients. Cover and 800-373-9559 1 teaspoon salt with glaze after cooling 20 toddler insults my way. refrigerate for 2 hours or 1/8 tespoon pepper minutes. Any time I am with until firm. Heat oven to 1/4 cup shortening ***** her, I always try to sneak 375 degrees. Roll dough 6 tablespoons butter in my favorite question, into balls and roll in PHILLIPS INSURANCE “Chloe, do you like Boo sugar, mark with fork Jim- The Answer Man! Boo today?” To which crisscross pattern. Bake LAND AUCTION she always looks me 9-10 minutes. Cool and SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2020 — 10:00 AM dead in the eyes and very enjoy. Cougars Den (101 Main Street) — MORROWVILLE, KS firmly says, “NO!” I tend * I always skip the BARN BUILDERS to like to see if I am sink- shortening and just 152± ACRES WASHINGTON COUNTY, KS LAND ing in a ship all alone by replace it with equal DT CONSTRUCTION Approximately 124 estimated DCP cropland acres, balance asking her about other amounts of unsalted 918-527-0117 waterways and wildlife habitat. The cropland consists of highly butter, the results are productive soils and is considered prime farmland. family members, but for Free Estimates! All Workers Insured Est. 1977 the most part I am going always amazing fluffy MILLER FAMILY TRUST, SELLER down solo. cookies. One Year Warranty Download our NEW Midwest Land & Home App On After some snacks, Michele grew up in your Apple or Android and get registered to BID TODAY! playtime, and general Junction City and grad- insults from a two-year- uated from Kansas State Watch Upcoming Grass & Grain’s For Complete Details. old comes bath time. My University. She worked in 30x50x10 enclosed ...... Galvalume $10,300 For a VIRTUAL TOUR of this property visit brother and sister-in-law the restaurant manage- 12’ slider, 1 walk door ...Colored metal $11,300 Price includes switch off every night ment field for six years 40x60x14 enclosed labor and material. To stay up to date on auctions and listings LIKE our as to which girl they get before deciding to switch 2 12’ sliding doors ...... Galvalume $17,300 Facebook page Midwest Land and Home. 1 walk door ...... Colored metal $18,700 ready for bed. I tend to careers and now works as ONLINE & PHONE Bidding Available - Register NOW! follow my brother, trying an office manager for a 40x100x16 enclosed to spread the love and company that manufac- 20’ split sliding door ...... Galvalume $25,800 1 walk door ...... Colored metal $27,800 spend time with both tures oilfield products. Her girls individually. As of passion for blogging and Mark Uhlik – Broker/Auctioneer – 785.325.2740 recently, Chloe has de- food can be followed on In- Prize for OCTOBER 2020 Jeff Dankenbring – Broker cided it is a lot of fun stagram: boobsbrainsand- to tell me to “go away,” baking. & NOV. 3, 10 & 17, 2020! When you want the Best, Call Midwest! or “I don’t want you in If you would like to here,” all followed by contact Michele with com- “Our Daily Bread” giggles of course. Al- ments please email mcar- though, when she wants [email protected] Recipe Contest Prize LAND AUCTION spiders (tickles), then I Grandma Hoerner’s SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2020 — 2:00 PM am the best thing in the Caramel Maple Pumpkin Pie Filling Waterville Community Building — WATERVILLE, KS Take Pumpkin Pie to a new level with 649.19± ACRES RILEY COUNTY, KANSAS LAND TRACT 1: FSA Farmland = 52.7 ac. with 48.8 DCP Cropland ac. Grandma Hoerner’s pie filling. The caramel TRACT 2: FSA Farmland = 74.77 ac. with 58.17 DCP Cropland ac. notes and maple undertones complement TRACT 3: FSA Farmland = 195.11 ac. with 174.92 DCP Cropland ac. TRACT 4: FSA Farmland = 118.12 ac. with 11.08 DCP Cropland ac. the pumpkin beautifully, creating a •฀Excellent฀Pasture฀with฀good฀fences,฀on฀an฀excellent฀county฀road sophisticated, grown-up custard pie filling. TRACT 5: FSA Farmland = 204.76 ac. with 55.81 DCP Cropland ac. •฀GREAT฀recreation฀opportunity฀with฀lots฀of฀cover,฀food฀and฀seclusion •฀All฀Natural฀•฀No฀Preservatives ***All tracts are located on Rose Hill Road from 3.5 miles •฀No฀High฀Fructose฀Corn฀Syrup east of 77 to .5 miles west of 77 from the KMAN Ball. ฀฀฀฀฀฀•฀17.5฀oz.฀•฀Each฀Jar฀Makes฀(1)฀9-inch฀pie SCHULTES FAMILY TRUST, SELLERS ALMA, KS * See October 20 Grass & Grain for Complete Details & for DIRECTIONS or a VIRTUAL TOUR of these GREAT properties visit The winner each week is selected from the recipes printed. To stay up to date on auctions and listings LIKE our Send us your favorite recipe. It may be a main dish, Facebook page Midwest Land and Home. leftover, salad, side dish, dessert, or what-have-you. Download our NEW Midwest Land & Home App On 1. Check your recipe carefully to make certain all ingredients are ac- your Apple or Android and get registered to BID TODAY! curate and instructions are clear. 2. Be sure your name, address and phone number are on the entry. Please include a street address with ONLINE & PHONE Bidding Available - Register NOW! Your Parts & Service your recipe entries. A post office box number is not sufficient for prize delivery. Allow 3-4 weeks for delivery. Headquarters for 10 years 3. Send it to: Woman’s Page Editor, Grass & Grain, Box 1009, Manhattan, KS 66505. Jeff Dankenbring – Listing Broker – 785.562.8386 OR e-mail at: [email protected] Mark Uhlik – Broker/Auctioneer – 785.325.2740 When you want the Best, Call Midwest! Joys Of Flavorful Fall Food: Grass & Grain, October 27, 2020 Page 5 crop. We are always that rises up watching Many Ways To Eat Healthy bargaining with rain. the line of machinery By Tyler Johnson, eating, leading to weight Asking for some, but move into place. Once Expanded Food & gain and spending extra not too much, always in the field the dance Nutrition Education money. A good way to hoping for just right begins in earnest. Program Agent, Wildcat start your day with fiber because storm clouds Even though I know a Extension District is a nice bowl of oat- gathering and hover- great deal of this inter- Like it or not, the meal with fruit. If you ing on the horizon can play between combine fall season is here. I want to keep from hav- portend damage or de- and grain cart is driv- know not everyone en- ing midnight cravings, a struction. When we do en by technology these joys the fall and win- nice warm bowl of lentil get to early fall and days, that doesn’t limit ter months like I do. At soup should keep you see the crop ripen and my appreciation for the same time, I have feeling full until morn- ready itself for har- the way these farmers not found many people ing. vest, we are still nav- move in tandem with who dislike the flavors Speaking of Soup… igating unpredictable each other and their available during the Fall is the perfect terrain with volatile machinery to get a fall. Fall foods have a time to always have markets. crop harvested in the wide range in flavors. soup on hand. A home- But when the big most efficient way. Additionally, a num- made batch of soup will Celebrating Harvest machinery pulls in Honestly I could ber fall foods are what warm your house, make the dance of harvest watch them work all many consider “comfort it smell wonderful, and By Lou Ann Thomas days of fall. begins. Watching the day! And I did just foods.” Think of all the make it easy to have a There are so many Between those guys harvesting my that as I felt a deep flavors you love during bowl of healthy comfort things I love about this times there is watch- soybeans this year appreciation for this your Thanksgiving meal. food. Soups, particu- time of year. I love the ing, tending, hoping, reminded me of how land, the crops it nur- When eaten in modera- larly homemade soups, colorful foliage that and a good amount of well they orchestrate tures and grows, and tion, fall food can hold just seem to taste better makes the landscape praying that goes on. this annual ritual. All the way we all – farm a number of health ben- in the fall. It is import- pop with oranges, reds When those seeds are that doubt and worry producers and opera- efits as well. Here are ant to read the ingredi- and golds, and the cool first planted there falls to the background tors, alike – work to- some common ways to ent label or watch how nights that warm to a is no guarantee that once harvest begins. gether to celebrate the eat healthy during the much of certain ingre- perfect sundrenched they will ever make it All of us who have an amazing bounty of this fall. dient you add though. afternoon. But one to harvest. There are interest in farming can fertile and beautiful Fill up on Soups can be heavy on of my favorite things so many factors that feel the relief and a earth! Vegetables the sodium. about fall is the hustle go into a successful growing sense of joy Vegetables are ev- Bring on the Warmth and bustle of harvest. erywhere and full of With the weather The last few weeks healthy nutrients. Re- cooling outside, fall the valley has been filled with big harvest THE WAIT IS OVER! think some of your fa- is a perfect time for vorite fall dishes to in- warm foods. These can trucks raising plumes clude more vegetables. be foods that are warm of dust moving to and Volume 7 of the Grass & Grain Start your morning with in temperature and/or from the elevator, red a delicious bowl of but- warm in spice. Soups and green combines ternut squash roasted and warm salads are whirling chaff from “Our Daily Bread” cookbook is finally here!! with honey and topped more common in the fall. seed in nearly every Picking up where we left off, you can now with cinnamon. For Along with foods that field in the valley. enjoy a compilation of nearly 80 pages of dinner, use spaghetti are warm in tempera- Things are quieter unique & delicious recipes from “Our Daily squash instead of spa- ture, fall usually sees now, and the fields, ghetti noodles. You can and increase in the use machinery and many Clips From Bread” circa 2014, including a few home even double up your of certain spices. These of the farmers are recipes from the G&G staff! vegetables by having spices are used more in getting some well-de- “Our Daily Bread” spaghetti squash noo- fall because they help served rest. Stop by and get yours dles with a garden veg- you stay warm during Farmers have an etable marina. the cold season. Spices odd rhythm compared or call in & place a mail Load up on Fiber with “warming proper- to most other profes- Many fall foods are ties” are cardamon, cin- sions. Most workers re- order today! rich in fiber. Eating namon, garlic, ginger, ceive a steady trickle $15/ea., + $3 shipping to U.S. both soluble and insolu- horseradish, and pep- of income throughout a ble fiber found in foods per (ex. Cayenne, Chili, year, but farmers basi- Earlier editions also still available! like vegetable, fruits, le- and Cracked Black Pep- cally have one payday gumes, and grains, helps per). Not only do these a year. And that’s our us feel full faster and spices flavor your food, harvest. We work all NEW! keep the feeling longer. they boost your immune year, from preparing Grass & Grain While this is important system too. the land once it begins all year long, it is par- Please contact me to its spring warm-up, to Recipe Collection Volume 7 785-539-7558 ticularly important as schedule an appoint- planting the seeds that the weather gets cooler ment or for more infor- will eventually be har- 1531 Yuma St • Manhattan, KS and we are less active. mation, please contact vested in the cooler Fiber helps us control Tyler Johnson, tajohn- how much we eat. This [email protected], or by helps keep from over- calling 620-232-1930. Building Solutions You Can Trust “Experience the Difference”

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Need an extra copy of ? Pick one up at any of our Box locations: Dara’s Fast Lane: - 5321 Tuttle Creek Blvd, Manhattan, KS - - 8811 US-24, Manhattan, KS - - 1132 Pillsbury Dr., Manhattan, KS - Sharp’s: - 118 W. Randolph St., Randolph, KS - The Store: - 104 E Barton Rd., Leonardville, KS - Copies are also available at these businesses:

Bluestem Farm & Ranch: - 2611 W. Hwy 50, Emporia, KS -

Pioneer Farm & Ranch: - 427 NE 14th Abilene, KS - Or Stop by the Grass & Grain Office:

-1531 Yuma St., Manhattan, KS - Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm Page 6 Grass & Grain, October 27, 2020 2020 Election Edition November 3rd, 2020

Editor’s note: Our sales staff made an effort to contact as many of the candidates running for office in our area as possible. Along with a paid ad, they were given the opportunity to submit a press release. Some chose to do so and others did not. All the press releases that were submitted will be printed, as well as Letters to the Editor we have received over the past several weeks. Kansas Farm Bureau announces general election endorsements Kansas Farm Bu- vetting candidates. Their sas Farm Bureau VOTE Ellis; 48 Terry Frederick; kamp; 94 ; dorsement list: reau’s Voters Organized voices are reflected in the FBF’s state House en- 49 ; 50 Fred 95 Tom Sawyer; 97 Nick 1 Dennis Pyle; 3 Wil- To Elect Farm Bureau endorsements VOTE FBF dorsement list, with the Patton; 51 ; Hoheisel; 98 Ron How- lie Dove; 5 Kevin Braun; Friends (VOTE FBF) Po- has made.” District number first, then 52 ; 54 Ken ard; 99 ; 6 Diana Whittington; litical Action Committee Kansas Farm Bureau the candidates name: Corbet; 56 Tim Clothier; 100 Dan Hawkins; 101 Joe 7 Laura McConwell; 8 has announced its gen- encourages Kansans 1 Michael Houser; 57 ; 59 Blaine Seiwert; 102 ; James Todd; 9 Beverly eral election candidate to support these VOTE 2 Kenneth Collins; 3 Finch; 60 Mark Schreiber; 103 Ponka-We Victors; Gossage; 10 Mike Thomp- endorsements for federal FBF-endorsed candi- Charles Smith; 4 Trevor 61 ; 62 104 Paul Waggoner; 105 son; 11 Kellie Warren; 12 and state races in Kan- dates and continue to Jacobs; 5 ; 6 Randy Garber; 63 John ; 106 Caryn Tyson; 13 Richard sas for the Nov. 3 elec- research candidates in Samantha M. Poetter; 7 Eplee; 64 ; 65 Lisa M. Moser; 107 Susan Hilderbrand; 14 Mike tion. Since 1993, VOTE races where no endorse- ; 8 Chris ; 66 Sydney Concannon; 108 Steven Fagg; 15 Virgil Peck Jr.; FBF has endorsed and ments have been made as Croft; 9 ; Carlin; 67 ; Johnson; 109 Troy Way- 16 Ty Masterson; 17 Jeff supported candidates for the organization works 11 Jim Kelly; 12 ; 68 Dave Baker; 69 Clarke master; 110 ; Longbine; 18 Kristen public office who support to elect candidates who 13 ; 14 Char- Sanders; 70 John Bark- 111 Barb Wasinger; 112 O’Shea; 20 Brenda Diet- farming and ranching and understand and advocate lotte Esau; 15 John Top- er; 71 Steven K. Howe; Tory Arnberger; 113 Brett rich; 21 Tom Bickimer; rural Kansas. for agriculture. likar; 16 Rashard Young; 73 ; 74 Stephen Fairchild; 114 Michael 22 Craig Bowser; 23 Rob “We are proud to rep- For more information 17 Kristine Sapp; 18 Cathy Owens; 75 Will Carpenter; Murphy; 115 ; 116 Olson; 24 J.R. Claeys; 26 resent our members as about VOTE FBF and the Gordon; 20 Jane Dirks; 21 76 Eric Smith; 77 Kristey ; 117 Leon- Dan Kerschen; 27 Gene the Voice of Agriculture, endorsement process, Bob Reese; 23 Jeff Shull; Williams; 78 Ron Ryck- ard Mastroni; 118 Jim Suellentrop; 28 Mike Pe- and we believe our grass- visit 26 Adam Thomas; 27 Sean man; 79 ; Minnix; 119 Brad Ralph; terson; 30 Renee Erick- roots-driven endorse- In federal races, Kan- Tarwater; 28 Carl Turn- 80 ; 81 Blake 120 Adam Smith; 121 John son; 31 Carolyn McGinn; ment process does just sas Farm Bureau has en- er; 29 Jerry Clinton; 30 Carpenter; 82 Jesse Bur- Resman; 122 Russ Jen- 32 Larry Alley; 33 Alicia that,” says Rich Felts, dorsed Roger Marshall Laura Williams; 33 Tom ris; 83 ; nings; 123 John Wheeler; (Schartz) Straub; 34 Mark Kansas Farm Bureau for U.S. Senate, Tracey Burroughs; 38 Timothy H. 85 ; 87 Susan 124 Marty Long; 125 Shan- Steffen; 35 Richard Wil- president. “County Farm Mann (R-KS 1), Jake La- Johnson; 39 Owen Dono- Estes; 89 KC Ohaebosim; non Francis born; 36 Elaine Bowers; Bureau boards across the Turner (R-KS 2) and Rep. hoe; 40 David French; 90 ; 91 Emil The following is Kan- 37 Molly Baumgardner; 38 state have been working Ron Estes (R-KS 4). 42 Lance W. Neelly; 43 Bergquist; 92 John Car- sas Farm Bureau VOTE Bud Estes; 39 John Doll; for months talking to and The following is Kan- Bill Sutton; 47 Ronald michael; 93 Brian Berg- FBF’s state Senate en- 40 Rick Billinger. Carlson running for 64th District House of Representatives Suzi Carlson, Clay Center, is the Republican rep- second amendment rights, safe and efficient schools president, and in 2017 was presented the highest honor resentative for the 64th District in the Kansas House and rural revitalization in all areas of the district. the organization awards as a non-attorney judge. She of Representatives. The District includes most of Clay “The 64th District is filled with hard-working farm- also received the medal of valor from Kansas Law En- County and the western corridor of Riley County, in- ers, great businesses, wonderful schools, precious fam- forcement in 1998. cluding the communities of Ogden, Riley, Leonardville, ilies, active retirees, and we’re blessed with amazing Suzi and her husband Randy have three grown Wakefield, Morganville and Randolph in addition to health care... but each group is faced with constant and children spread among three different states, and two Clay Center. different struggles. Those struggles went to another granddaughters. Becoming a grandmother seven years In the legislature Suzi is currently serving on three level in 2020 for everyone. I listen to all sides of an ago became her new favorite role. committees; Children and Seniors, Social Services issue and bring that approach to decision-making. I am Budget and Financial Institutions and Pensions. She focused on representing all people in this District and Price Discovery Triggers Working is also currently appointed to a special legislative in- doing everything that I can for them.” Group releases framework terim committee for Foster Care Oversight which has Prior to the legislature, Suzi’s background includes After months of each of the major packers been meeting this fall. twenty-one years as Municipal Judge of Clay Center, bi-weekly meetings, the to participate. Suzi has earned the endorsements of the Kansas Wakefield and other area towns. Now retired from the Farm Bureau, Kansans for Life, the Kansas Livestock Clay Center position, she still serves as judge in Wake- producer-led NCBA Price In essence, the sub- Association, the National Federation of Independent field and several nearby towns. She was also a small Discovery Triggers Sub- group will evaluate the Business, Kansas Agribusiness Council and the Nation- business owner and employer for more than twenty group delivered its report weekly negotiated trade al Rifle Association. years. to the Live Cattle Market- information for each of Suzi shares concern about rural healthcare, fiscal Suzi rose to leadership in the National Judges As- ing Working Group and the the USDA Agricultural responsibility, fair and equitable total net taxes, pro- sociation (NJA), chairing three different national ed- NCBA officer team recent- Marketing Service’s cattle tection of the unborn, Kansas families, the size of gov- ucational conferences, each in a different area of the ly. The framework lays out feeding reporting regions ernment, opportunities for business, maintaining our United States. She served two years as their national a plan to increase negoti- on a quarterly basis. Even- ated trade and incentivize tually, the subgroup will include in its evaluation an analysis of packer partici- pation data, but this infor- mation is not yet published under Livestock Mandatory Reporting. To avoid trip- ping triggers, in any given quarter, each region will have to achieve no less than 75% of the weekly ne- gotiated trade volume that current academic litera- ture indicates is necessary for “robust” price discov- ery in that specific region (For Kansas that would be 15,750 head.); achieve this negotiated trade threshold no less than 75% of the re- porting weeks in a quarter; achieve no less than 75% of the weekly packer partici- pation requirements, to be determined in short order, and assigned to each spe- cific region; and achieve this packer participation threshold no less than 75% of the reporting weeks in a quarter. In the event three trig- gers are tripped in any two out of four rolling quarters, the subgroup will recom- mend that NCBA pursue a legislative or regulato- ry solution to compel ro- bust price discovery. The subgroup will take into account black swan events on a case-by-case basis and allow for flexibility within the plan if the normal flow of cattle is disrupted. Peri- odic adjustments may need to be made to the frame- work in the event academ- ic literature is updated, technological advances are made, or other conditions of supply and demand have changed. The subgroup will make these adjustments on an as-needed basis. “While certainly not a silver-bullet solution, I truly believe that this ap- proach provides the indus- try a goal to strive toward and, perhaps more im- portantly, a path forward if progress is not demon- strated toward that goal,” NCBA President Marty Smith wrote in a letter to members. To view the full report, go to es. Grass & Grain, October 27, 2020 Page 7

Moser describes pro ag platform in 106th District race By Lisa Moser beef organizations, and rience serves well the pro- tegrity, work-ethic, and a rience in agriculture in vocate for your concerns, Born north of Lil- the Livestock and Meat cess of addressing issues fundamental importance service to district constit- and bring about positive lis in Marshall County, Industry Council, in the that affect the very life- of our dependence upon uents and I look forward change for rural Kansans I grew up on the family Department of Animal blood of District 106. My our Creator. I offer my Pro- to an opportunity to rep- as your State Representa- farm homesteaded by my Science at KSU. I volun- ProKansas priorities in- Life values and my expe- resent your interests, ad- tive for District 106. great-grandparents in 1877 teer as a baby cuddler at clude: restoring our rural in north central Nemaha Stormont Vail’s NIC unit; economy to pre-COVID Letter to the Editor County. My family’s faith I have been involved for 19 performance, support- life, working on the farm, twenty-two years in hos- ing Second Amendment Dear Editor, PANDAS Kansas group in increased edu- 4-H and athletics instilled pice, the last nine of which rights, serving the needs In our 64th District race for State Rep- cation about PANS/PANDAS in the State in me life values of hard have been as part-time cli- of veterans, rural revital- resentative, I am supporting Suzi Carlson Legislature. Thanks in large part to Rep. work and the importance ent aide at Good Shepherd ization, improving broad- and I will tell you why. Many of you may Carlson we were able to schedule a hear- of making good decisions. Hospice House, Manhat- band access, addressing know my son, Luke, has the rarely-di- ing and testify last year during the 2020 I graduated Magna Cum tan. Raising Border Collies health care disparities agnosed auto-immune condition, PANS Legislative session. She is still helping Laude with a BS in Agri- for twenty-one years, since that exist in rural Kansas, which stands for Pediatric Acute-onset us communicate our needs to the other culture-Animal Sciences 2011 I have donated pup- state spending extremes, Neuropsychiatric Syndrome. PANS and state legislators and we are working with & Industry, from KSU in pies to CARES in Concor- and property tax relief. PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neu- her to secure legislation for the upcom- December 1981. Married to dia, a service dog associa- Life is an accumulation ropsychiatric Disorder Associated with ing 2021 Kansas Legislative Session. Our Harry in 1982, I have been tion. I have been involved of moments we have lived. Streptococcal infections) are inflamma- goal is to get more doctors in the state to a rancher my entire adult in church activities all my I consider myself not a pol- tory brain disorders impacting an esti- diagnose and treat this condition as well life, owning and operating life; lectoring, teaching re- itician, but rather a voice mated 1 in 200 children. Symptoms can as insurance coverage. As a mother, she include OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Dis- understands how we are fighting for our Moser Ranch, LLC, with ligion, serving on parish of the people of District order), tics, anxiety, restricted eating, ag- children to provide them the best medical him and in partnership council and altar society. 106. In my mind, public gression, behavior regression and loss of care and insurance coverage. with our son Cameron and Harry and I are members service revolves around handwriting or math skills. It is not only She has fought for my son and other his wife. Our daughters, of St. Columbkille’s Catho- truth, justice, being ap- a challenge with the condition itself but youth who have this condition, give her Kendra and Kayla are also lic Church, Blaine. proachable and prudent, also to find doctors and specialists who the opportunity to keep fighting for us married and involved in My campaign platform and doing good for Kansas will treat it. Kansas is behind on access as our State Representative in Topeka! agriculture in Kansas. Ten is: ProLife, ProAg, Pro- and its citizens. I am a to providers and treatment options. Fur- Re-elect Republican Susan Carlson for grandchildren bless our Kansas. I believe in the listener and a communica- thermore, not only is it extremely difficult 64th District State Representative on No- lives. sanctity of human life from tor. I believe courage and to find a doctor to treat it; some doctors vember 3! Past community in- conception through natu- respect in open and civil don’t even think the condition exists! Melanie Musselman volvements include lead- ral death. Production agri- dialogue are paramount, Rep. Carlson has been extremely help- Clifton ful to our family personally and our PANS/ ing youth beef projects, culture, namely ranching, especially in today’s po- presiding over fair boards is the bedrock of my ProAg larized environment. I am and cattlewomen’s groups, platform plank. I have passionate about the value and volunteering in the “walked the walk” with of rural life in today’s cul- public school system. Cur- fellow farmers and ranch- ture. Rural life teaches rent memberships include ers. My agricultural expe- responsibility, honesty, in-

ProLife H ProAg ProKansas Endorsed for the General Election by the following: , Washington-Twenty-year Representative for District 106 Kansans for Life PAC • Family Policy Alliance of Kansas • Kansas Farm Bureau Kansas Livestock Association • Kansas Chamber of Commerce National Federation of Independent Businesses Kansas PAC Kansas Grain & Feed Association • Kansas Agribusiness Retailer’s Association Kansas Cooperative Council • National Rifle Association-“AQ” Rating VOTE ON OR BEFORE NOVEMBER 3RD

Paid for by Moser 4KS House 106, Martha L. “Pat” Brady, Treasurer Page 8 Grass & Grain, October 27, 2020 constituents. If Tom Hawk There is something wrong such as this is important Court denies Letter to the Editor had the support and the when a politician such as to the safety of their con- votes, he would unravel Tom Hawk can determine stituents, while ignoring challenge to Dear Editor: over the decade and has each and every pro-gun which “Right,” that is rec- the fact that such tools are California’s It has been 13 years not caused “wild west amendment passed since ognized and guaranteed in already available for Law since the Kansas Fami- shootouts or blood to run the initial Family Pro- the Constitution, a Kansan Enforcement, the lack of Proposition 12 tection Act. According to of adult age can practice. need for it in our commu- ly Protection Act of 2006 in the streets,” or any of The U.S. Court of Ap-, State Senator Hawk’s nity, and most significant- was passed, and the abil- the other half dozen hy- peals for the Ninth Circuit ity for citizens to carry perboles leveled at law- Senator Hawk has voted personal dislike of our ly - its unconstitutionality. No on legislation that low- right of personal protec- We constituents of has rejected a challenge a concealed firearm has makers throughout the to California’s Proposi- not resulted in any of the process. As a matter of ered the age requirements tion is to a point that he District 22 need to ask tion 12, the ballot initia- prophesied mayhem that fact, according to the lat- to obtain a concealed would even support and ourselves, do we allow a tive that required all eggs the anti-gun Democrat est concealed carry annu- carry license, and No to vote for, if given a chance, politician like State Sen- party and their special al report, compiled by the Conceal Carry on College the failed “Red Flag” law ator Hawk (and Barbara sold in the state come from interest groups, Moms De- Kansas Attorney General, Campuses. Both laws were (SB 390) submitted this Bollier) to support, and cage-free hens by 2022. mand Action and Every 123,284 armed Kansans created to allow younger past legislative session even create, laws that pick The proposition also sets Town for Gun Safety (both have not become Wyatt Kansans to practice their by former Republican, and choose what rights to new minimum cage size 2nd Amendment rights, turned Democrat, Barba- deny because of a per- funded by former Demo- Earps. requirements for breeding along with its fellow ra Bollier. This law would sonal bias, or gun control cratic presidential candi- Since then Gun Control pigs and calves raised for date Michael Bloomberg) Democrats, like Kansas amendments in the Bill of deny a Kansan their pro- special interests to bring Rights, to include the 15th tection from unreason- their national influence to veal and sold in Califor- declared would happen. State Senator Tom Hawk, nia. The proposition was The ability of law-abiding have continued to fight the Amendment (a Right to able seizures, and their push an agenda that goes challenged by the North Kansans to protect them- positive changes in the Vote Not Denied by Race), protection of life, liberty, against Kansas values? American Meat Institute, selves outside the home law that allow the ability and the 26th Amendment and property, without due Or do we vote in someone has increased steadily of self-defense to Kansas (Right to Vote at Age 18). process of law. This law who sees all our inalien- the National Pork Pro- would deny our ability to able rights guaranteed by ducers Council and the face our accuser in the the Constitution as equal American Farm Bureau court of law, and place in value, who will not pri- Federation arguing that upon citizens a heavy per- oritize them, based on a the excessive and expen- sonal and financial bur- personal bias? We need to sive requirements will be den to fight against such vote for Craig Bowser for an unconstitutional law. State Senator of District detrimental to produc- Anti-self protection poli- 22 and send Tom Hawk ers. The groups also say ticians like State Senator home! the proposition violates Hawk, and Barbara Bol- Charles Cherry the interstate commerce OIL FIELD PIPE & FALL FEEDING SEASON lier, would argue a law Wakefield, Ks clause. PIPE POST SPECIAL IS COMING UP. Get your orders in Pipe Pricing Per Foot for Feeders now! 2 3/8” $1.25 2 7/8” $1.50 3 1/2” $2.50 4 1/2” $3.75 CONTINUOUS PANELS 4 BAR 14 GA. 20’x4’ Tall ...... $69.00 ...... $65.00 Post Pipe Per Post 5 BAR 14 GA. 20’x4’ Tall ...... $85.00...... $75.00 2 3/8” X 8’ $14 6 BAR 14 GA. 20’x4’ Tall ...... $95.00...... $85.00 2 7/8” X 8’ $16 7 BAR 14 GA. 20’x4’9” Tall ...... $110.00.....$100.00 2 3/8” X 9’ $16 FREE STANDING PANELS 2 7/8” X 9’ $18 20’ Long by 6’ Tall w/adjustable legs ...... $320 2 3/8” X 10’ $18 2 7/8” X 10’ $20 HAY SAVER BALE FEEDERS HEAVY DUTY HORSE FEEDER ...... $625.00 Free Standing Panels Gates HEAVY DUTY SINGLE BALE FEEDER ...... $595.00 4’ ...... $95 SINGLE CONE INSERT ...... $395.00 8’ ...... $150 HEAVY DUTY DBL. BALE FEEDER ...... $995.00 10’ ...... $165 DOUBLE CONE INSERT ...... $695.00 12’ ...... $195 14’ ...... $210 BIG SQUARE BALE FEEDER ...... $595.00 16’ ...... $235 FEED BUNKS & PANELS Prices may be subject to change with material cost & adjustments. 20’ PIPE BUNK OPEN END 24” ...... $475.00 20’ PIPE BUNK CLOSED END 24” ...... $525.00 DISTRIBUTORS 20’ BOTTOMLESS GROUND HAY FEEDER ..$825.00 Wohlgemuth Equip., Atchison, KS 913-370-1245 20’ LONG X 24” PIPE BUNK W/NECK RAIL OR B&D Ag Solutions, Savannah, MO 816-344-9381 HEAD FENCE ...... $695.00 Hoffman Farms, Friend, NE 402-947-3901 Call for Current Prices! Dailey Ag LLC, Oskaloosa, KS 785-863-2011 Grass & Grain, October 27, 2020 Page 9 Kansas Pacific depot. Re- of the buffalo plains, some train approached, the lake Wallace, bringing a height- turning to the hotel and an going out on the platform gradually faded away. It ened imagination that they uncomfortable afternoon to watch for the shaggy was a mirage, a curious could be attacked at any of waiting; the omnibus beasts. “A most cruel and feature of the boundless minute, “but we met with finally arrived at 10:30 in foolish fashion prevails on western prairie. no worse a misfortune the evening to take her these trains, of shooting The utter desolation than a very bad supper.” and Mr. B. to the train. the poor animals from the and monotony was inter- Denver was finally Daybreak, October cars... for the mere plea- rupted by pronghorn ante- reached at six o’clock the 29th, disclosed that the sure of killing. Endless lopes bounding away from next morning of October train was “on the prairies skeletons lay on each side the train. There were oc- 30, 1871. Her brother met in good earnest.” One hun- of the track.” casional stations made of her on the platform and dred eighty-five miles west Not a buffalo could sod or dugouts in side hills treated her to a memora- of Kansas City the train be seen until well after and soon thousands of buf- ble breakfast of “delicious stopped for breakfast at reaching Fort Harker falo grazed within sight of mountain trout, eggs, and Across Kansas in 1871 Salina, Kansas. Having (present-day Kanopolis, the track. They were so good coffee,” a far cry no dining car, stops were Kansas). Suddenly, the numerous that they were from the less-than-tempt- In the Autumn of 1871, city on an unusually hot scheduled to allow passen- crack of a pistol was heard never out of sight the rest ing meals she had endured Rose Georgina Kingsley day. “My heart sank; for gers to take their meals. from the front of the train. of the day. while traveling across traveled from England to of all places to wait at, a A return to the train Three buffalo galloped At the Fort Wallace Kansas on The Way West. America chronicling her more unpleasant one on a following breakfast led to with their heads down par- depot, “the sun set in crim- “The Cowboy,” Jim Gray experiences in the book hot day than Kansas City... an introduction to one of allel to the train. They con- son glory.” The station was is author of the book Desper- South by West, or Winter can hardly be found.” the prairie’s most unique tinued galloping in their full of officers who had ate Seed: Ellsworth Kansas in the Rocky Mountains She and Mr. B. break- inhabitants. Prairie dogs clumsy way after the train driven from the post to on the Violent Frontier, Ells- and Spring in Mexico, pub- fasted at the Lindell Hotel “sat by the scores on their had passed, apparently get the mail and eastern worth, KS. Contact Kansas lished in 1874. “in a very hot room.” A tour hind legs praying at the unharmed. newspapers brought in Cowboy, 220 21st RD Gen- After a whirlwind tour of the town revealed two train and rubbing their At Ellis Miss Kings- by the train. Miss Kings- eseo, KS Phone 785-531-2058 of New England and parts or three “partly finished,” noses with their fore- ley and her escort were ley had heard the stories or [email protected]. of Ontario, Canada, she good streets serving sever- paws.” With a full head offered “a nasty meal of Indian warfare at Fort and her escort, “Mr. B.” al hotels. Scattered stores of steam the train carried of tough and almost un- were “fairly launched” on alongside several wooden its passengers through a cooked buffalo-steak.” their way to the “unknown saloons with glass fronts morning of swift travel. They decided to rely upon West,” on her way to meet lined the streets. On the The prairie seemed to “roll their own provisions for her brother at Denver. corners of future streets away wave after wave, like dinner, before returning to After days of travel by of mostly mud and stone a some great ocean turned the train. train, interrupted by a nec- store or two selling candy into land in the midst of a Once again the cars essary ferry over the Mis- and fruit could be found. heavy ground swell after a raced through blinding sissippi River, she awoke Higher up the bluff over- storm.” sun and dust over the to, by all appearances, looking the Missouri River Just beyond Brookville “endless plains.” Beauti- the perfect specimen of were churches, schools, large herds of cattle and ful lakes and rivers with a “mushroom town.” The and many good residenc- horses grazed among trees on their banks could collection of shanty build- es but the heat of the day smooth grass-covered be seen on the southern ings and frontier store- drove her back to her slopes rising from the horizon, and to the west a fronts near the depot was room, leaving the more prairie to end abruptly on lake was seen. But as the her first impression of developed part of Kansas steep rocky faces. Occa- Kansas City. To her dis- City undiscovered. After sional lonely ranches were may, an unexpected delay dinner tickets to Denver seen, and passengers anx- forced a stay in the border were purchased at the iously awaited the coming SHOW STEERS AND Area KLA roundtables offer opportunity for member input HEIFERS FOR SALE Kansas Livestock Asso- quero’s Restaurant, Yates be posted on www.kla. ciation officers and staff Center; November 12, Hil- org/events-meetings. If WINNING GENETICS AT will host a series of seven ton Garden Inn, Topeka; you sign up for a virtual roundtables during No- and November 17, KLA roundtable, be sure to pro- vember. Five of the meet- West Office, Scott City. Vir- vide your email address so BARGAIN PRICES ings will be in-person and tual dates are November an invitation can be sent AI Sires: Bandwagon, Denver, Primo, Pays To Believe, SFI Brigade, Sikic, Hutton two will be virtual. During 16 and 19. All meetings to you with the link. This the meetings, members are will begin at 7:00 p.m. CST year’s roundtables are Camerlinck Cattle Co encouraged to bring up is- and wrap up by 8:30 p.m. sponsored by KLA Envi- sues KLA may need to ad- Light refreshments will be ronmental Services, Inc., dress, as well as share how served at all locations. So- with offices in Salina and Bob: 785-556-0207 the organization can bet- cial distancing and local Scott City. ter serve its members. Up- health guidelines will be dates also will be provided followed, and face masks on a number of issues cur- and hand sanitizer will be rently being addressed by available to attendees. KLA and NCBA. Please make your res- Dates and locations for ervation by calling the the in-person meetings are KLA office at (785) 273- November 2, Pratt Area 5115 or emailing letty@kla. 4-H Building, Pratt; No- org. Be sure to indicate vember 4, Ottawa County the number attending and Extension Office, Minne- which location. Specific apolis; November 11, Va- meeting information will FARM AUCTION SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2020 - 10:00 AM AUCTION LOCATION: 3700 Road S5 - ALLEN, KS 66833

SELLERS: The Estates of JAMES D. BOWDEN TRACTORS: 1970 JD 4020 Dsl (running); 1970 JD 4020 Dsl w/ cab (not running); 1949 IH Farmall H (not running); 4-WHEELER: 2012 Suzuki KingQuad 500 Axi, 4x4, Auto, clean; GRAIN TRUCK: 1968 Ford 600 (not running); EQUIPMENT: Killbros Model 385 12- ton Gravity Wagon; Bradford 10-ton Gravity Wagon w/hyd auger; JD 7000 Planter; 250-gal pull type sprayer, 13’ booms; 3-pt 12’ Bush Hog; Howse 7’ rotary mower; Hydraulic log splitter; JW Mfg Co Half Top Livestock Trailer; IH Disc; SAILBOAT: 1986 22’ Starwind Sail- boat. Be on time, only 1 trailer of misc tools & parts. This a partial listing, see website for full listing & photos at CHUCK MAGGARD Office: 305 Broadway, Sales/Auctioneer Griffin Cottonwood Falls, KS Cell: 620-794-8824 66845 Real Estate Phone: 620-273-6421 RICK GRIFFIN & Auction Fax: 620-273-6425 Assoc. Broker & Auct. Toll-Free: 866-273-6421 Cell: 620-343-0473 [email protected]

Wooden Cross ... the cattle business ... Cattle Company

Charolais Bulls For Sale Private Treaty ➢ Ready to go to work 18 month old bulls ➢ Moderate, easy doing and powerful ➢ Calving ease on all sire groups ➢ Longevity ➢ Closed herd adds consistency to your calf crop ➢ Raised rough to be tough in a ranch environment ➢ Large number to choose from ➢ All bulls are registered with full performance and EPD data ➢ All bulls are reasonably priced

557 190th Road, Hillsboro, KS 67063 Merle: 620-381-1712 • Chase: 620-877-7237 [email protected] Page 10 Grass & Grain, October 27, 2020 2020 Commercial Pesticide Applicator Recertification Workshop scheduled The 2020 Commercial Pesticide Applicator Recerti- receiving continuing education credits (such as through commercial pesticide applicators in the lawn and fication Workshop is being held for those that work as the Commercial Pesticide Applicator Recertification landscape industry. Training topics will include weed, applicators of turf and ornamental pest management Workshop) or by examination. This process verifies that insect and disease identification and management on products. The workshop will be held online via Zoom, a commercial pesticide applicator has adequate knowl- turfgrass and ornamental plants, as well as an update Tuesday and Wednesday, November 17-18, 2020 from edge of the type of pesticide application that he or she on Kansas laws for pesticide applicators. 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. each day. intends to perform, before legally being allowed to do The registration fee is $60 to attend if registration All lawn, landscape, and pest control companies so. By educating, training, and testing people who apply is completed by November 2nd, 2020. After November who commercially apply pesticides for control of in- pesticides, consumers can be assured that the person 2nd, registration will cost $75.00 per person. Registra- sects, diseases, weeds, or other pests are required by applying pesticides to their lawn, home, or workplace tions must be submitted by close of business on Thurs- the Kansas Department of Agriculture to be certified is knowledgeable and qualified to safely do so. day, November 12th, 2020. Register online at: www. in order to ensure safe use pesticides within our com- The 2020 Commercial Pesticide Applicator Recer- munities. tification Workshop, hosted by K-State Research & For more information, contact Matt McKernan at Once certified, commercial applicators have three Extension Office in Sedgwick County, is the largest 316-660-0140, [email protected] or Nancy Richardson years to renew their certification licenses by either recertification training in South Central Kansas for at 316-660-0144, [email protected]. Soybeans rally on pivot from global glut to tightened supplies By Julie Deering, U.S. World Agricultural Supply Friday to trade at new ending stocks by 170 mil- is increasingly a demand buyers and traders have Soybean Export Council and Demand Estimates life of contract highs at lion bushels to 290 million story, with “the very strong seen a fairly dramatic On Friday, Oct. 9, the (WASDE), and the markets $10.51, settling the day at bushels — approximately exports we’ve seen both movement in price over U.S. Department of Ag- responded. $10.48¼,” said Chip Wha- 23 days’ use. in terms of old-crop ship- a relatively short period riculture released what “The Chicago Board of len, CIH vice president of USDA’s yield estimate ments for the marketing of time. one market analyst called Trade saw March soybean education and research. was unchanged; however, year that ended at the be- “There are two things a bullish report of the futures rally 25¼ cents Whalen spoke along- the area was revised down ginning of September and that strike me: just how side Mac Marshall during by 700,000 acres resulting then the new-crop sales low we’ve become in a the U.S. Soybean Export in a smaller crop size of commitments.” relatively short period MACHINERY AUCTION Council’s WASDE briefing about 4.268 billion bush- What does that mean of time,” Whalen said. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2020 - 10:00 AM Oct. 12. els, down 45 million bush- for buyers? “This has really gotten the 314 S MILAN RD - MILAN, KANSAS Both Whalen and Mar- els. Additionally, USDA “There’s obviously market’s attention and is SELLERS: MIKE & TINA ANDRA ETAL shall agree that the story revised its exports up by risk,” he said. “There’s something that buyers are TRUCKS * TRACTORS * COMBINES & MUCH MORE! is shifting from one of a 75 million bushels to a re- been big price movement aware of. What’s driving global soybean surplus to cord 2.2 billion bushels for and change can still take it? A tremendous amount See last week’s Grass & Grain for Listings or Go to for complete brochure one of tight supplies. the 20/21 marketing year. place as we move into of buying in the market. Whalen explained that “While world ending November and even into We are off to a record start much of this movement stocks were revised down January. There could be with nearly 35 million tons Ken Patterson, Rick Hopper, started out with concerns 4.89 million metric tons more revisions coming. in outstanding soybean auctioneer auctioneer 620-218-1713 620-229-3590 over the crop quality in to 87 million metric tons, It’s possible the balance sales for marketing year Iowa as 20% of the state’s USDA revised its global sheet becomes tighter… or 2020/21. KEN PATTERSON AUCTIONS crop was reported in poor demand projects up by maybe not. “We’ve seen quite a to very poor condition as 1.5 million metric tones to “Prices have rallied bit of fund buying. Reu- of Sept. 13. 370.6 million metric tons,” about $1.75 since mid Au- ters reported that it’s a “This where some of Marshall called out. “Fur- gust when USDA initially record position. When *ESTATE AUCTION* the buying initially start- thermore, China’s crush, began revising new crop we look at CFTC commit- ed,” Whalen said. consumption and imports bean production lower. If ments of traders, earlier SATURDAY,฀OCTOBER฀31,฀2020฀•฀9:30฀AM Marshall, who serves as were up by 1 million met- we go back to March and this spring, we were at a 1252 Road T, NEOSHO RAPIDS, KS. From EMPORIA, South on Highway 99, 3 ½ miles to Road 130, East on 130 7 miles to auc- vice president of market ric tons, Bangladesh was May, prices have gone up record low and now we are tion site. Off road parking if weather permits. intelligence for USSEC up 600,000 metric tons and about 27%. We’ve rallied actually net long. Buying There are NO TRAILERS OR WAGONS of small items. BE ON TIME! and the United Soybean Thailand was up 300,000 from about $8.30 per bush- half a million contracts of TRACTORS, TRUCKS, TRAILERS, CAR: 2006 Toyota Camry Board, spotlighted USDA’s metric tons.” el to $10.50 more recently. beans is going to add pres- LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT, LAWN MOWER, FARM EQUIPMENT, downward revision of U.S. Whalen added that this Much of this occurred in sure. Not to scare anyone, HAY, LOTS OF SHOP EQUIPMENT, WELDING IRON & SCRAP, the past month or two.” but there could be more MUCH MORE! REAL ESTATE & Whalen added that soy buying.” See last week’s Grass & Grain for Listings or go to for pics! PERSONAL PROPERTY AUCTION Loader assistance day of and day after auction for most items. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2020, 2020 – 10:00 AM JERRY KELLEY TRUST, SELLER 118 N Main - HOPE, KANSAS 67451 COIN AUCTION Real Estate (sells first at 10:00 AM followed by personal property) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2020 — 9:00 AM SOCIAL DISTANCING APPLIES. Stay home if you are sick! 2110 Harper Dg. Fairgrounds, LAWRENCE, KANSAS Downtown Commercial building: 118 N Main, Hope KS Historic Downtown row building in very good condition, having 8,640 COINS 1,000+ LOTS sq. ft., inc. front showroom, office space, workroom/warehouse area, 2-1882 Carson City Silver Dollars; 200+Morgan/Peace Silvers Dollars; storage loft & more! 200+ Walking/Franklin/Kennedy Halves; 200+ Quarters 1940-64; Personal property (sells following Real Estate): 1990 Jeep 4dr, Mercury & Roosevelt Dimes; 200+ Indian Head Pennies; PAUL HANCOCK, JASE HUBERT, Auctioneers. 4x4, ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES, HOUSEHOLD, REVOLVERS, 1000+ Wheat Pennies; Foreign Coins; 620.340.5692 GUNS OUTDOOR, SHOP, TOOLS, AUTOMOTIVE & More! Silver Rounds & American Silver Eagles. SELLER: DOUG HARRISON ESTATE SELLER: PRIVATE, Lawrence, KS For a Detailed Coin Lot List, Please visit us online: See Last Week’s Grass & Grain for more information & listing & also for Listing, Terms, Pictures & Other Info HETT/MIESSE ANTIQUE AUCTION Outstanding Collection of Coins! LEPPKE REALTY & AUCTION INSPECTION DAY OF AUCTION ONLY! SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2020 - 1:00 PM 501 S. Main, Hillsboro, KS 67063 – 620-947-3995 AUCTION LOCATION: 1709 141st Rd. - MARION, KS 66861 LYLE LEPPKE, Auctioneer/Broker – 620-382-5204; ELSTON AUCTIONS * (785-594-0505) (785-218-7851) (Located in AULNE, KS) ROGER HIEBERT, Auctioneer/Sales Assoc. – 620-382-2963 “Serving Your Auction Needs Since 1994” SELLERS: Property of MICK HETT & Property of SCOTT & LAURIE MIESSE SIGNS, ADS & TOYS: “Pepsi Cola” metal sign (30x26.5); “Drink Co- REAL ESTATE AUCTION ca-Cola” metal sign (54x18); Wolf’s Dairy Marion key holder; BMC **AUCTION ** pedal tractor, knee action w/fenders; Structo steam shovel; Police- THURSDAY,฀NOVEMBER฀12,฀2020฀•฀7:00฀PM man Razor Blade Bank; Toy trucks, grader, Tonka; Misc Marbles; Hartford Community Building - HARTFORD, KANSAS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2020 - 10:00 AM Firestone road maps – Peabody Farm Supply Co; ANTIQUES & Jerry G. Kelley Living Trust will sell: 808 OLD MILL RD, PEABODY, KANSAS 66066 COLLECTIBLES: Lincoln Drape Aladdin Lamp White; Bull weath- 385 ACRES OF GOOD NATIVE PASTURE MARVIN LARSEN TRUST, SELLER ervane; Red Coleman lantern; Porch posts; Edison cylinder records; TRACTORS: JD 7800 Tractor Power Quad 5896 Hrs * JD 4555 Trac- Payton brass fire extinguisher; Dazey churn #20; Swan hood or- AND/OR HAY MEADOW OFFERED IN TWO TRACTS tor, Rear Duals * JD 4840 Tractor, 7661 Hrs * Versatile 876 Designa- nament; Metal rail sleds; Climax green family scale; POTTERY & TRACT 1. Address: 1700 Road 90 tion 6, 7756 Hrs, * (2) Case 2290 Tractors, 7117 Hrs Several Other GLASSWARE: Fire King Tulip 5-pc mixing bowl set (clean); Misc 69+/- ACRES Native grass or hay meadow with good ponds. Tractors. COMBINES: JD 9600 Combine, 2WD w/5631 Engine Hrs, Roseville & Hull; Fiesta 3-pc stacked mixing bowls; Fire King & Pyrex Wildlife habitat. Sep Hrs, 3874 MF 750 Diesel Combine * (2) JD 925 Header. CLAS- bowls; Lots & lots of McCoy Pieces; Hoosier canisters; FURNITURE: Legal: 69+/- acres in the East ½ of the SW ¼ Sec. 23, T20S, R12E, SIC CARS: 1950 Buick * 1951 Packard 1940 Chevy * 1969 Chevy Oak buffet w/glass pulls; S.L. mantle clock; decorative mantle clocks Lyon County, KS. Impala. VEHICLES: 1992 GMC Sonoma Pickup * 1993 International x2; Secretary; Leich wood parlor phone; Antique Oak Morris Chair; 9400 1966 Chevy 60 * 1974 Chevy Custom 10 * 1979 Chevy Sil- TRACT 2. Address: 1700 Road 100 Pair Oak Arm Chairs from the Marion Christian Church; Wicker Lo- verado 10 * 1992 Freightliner, Detroit 1980 International Mod 1724. 315 +/- acres Native grass or hay meadow with ponds. There is a veseat; Wicker Desk w/Chair; Bedroom Set (Vanity, Headboard w/ TRAILERS: 2000 Wilson Grain Trailer 42’. ATV, MOTORCYCLE & catch pen with feed bunks in the Northwest corner of the property, Bed, chest of drawers); Oak Dresser; Area Rugs. GUN: CMC Black MOWER: 1964 Honda 90 Motorcycle * Yamaha 4 Wheeler * Hustler and is cross fenced. There area two ponds in each quarter. Powder Pistol #12910A; Lots & Lots of antiques & collectibles. 261 Mower. FARM & CATTLE EQUIPMENT: JD 455 Grain Drill * JD Legal: 315+/- acres in the South Half of Section 14, T20S, R12E, This a partial listing, see website for full listing & photos at 1710 12 Row Planter * Asphalt Shavings, 7+/- Loads * (5) 20’ Con- Lyon County, KS crete Bunks * Many Other Items. TOOLS, ANTIQUES & MISC: Anvil Inspection: By calling auctioneer w/Stand Post Vise * Old Advertising. MANY MISC. ITEMS! CHUCK MAGGARD Office: 305 Broadway, Taxes: Seller to pay 2020 real estate taxes. 2019 taxes for Tract 1 LARGE AUCTION! CONCESSION SERVED. Sales/Auctioneer Griffin Cottonwood Falls, KS were $246.64 and for Tract 2 $1,128.36. Cell: 620-794-8824 Real Estate 66845 SUNDGREN REALTY, AUCTION & LAND BROKERS Phone: 620-273-6421 TERMS: Tract 1: $15,000 as earnest money day of auction. Balance JOE SUNDGREN: 316.321.7112 JEREMY SUNDGREN: 316.377.0013 Fax: 620-273-6425 RICK GRIFFIN & Auction on or before December 15, 2020, at closing. Visit our Website for more details: Assoc. Broker & Auct. Toll-Free: 866-273-6421 Tract 2: $50,000 as earnest money day of auction. Balance on or Cell: 620-343-0473 [email protected] before December 15, 2020, at closing. NOTE: Here is a great opportunity to purchase good quality grass land at auction. Land is located West of Hartford, North- east of Olpe and Southeast of Emporia. ATV,‘ SHOP & GARDEN EQUIPMENT AUCTION AUCTION SELLER: JERRY G. KELLEY LIVING TRUST SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2020 * 9:00 AM SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2020 — 9:30 AM AUCTION LOCATION: 2191 Eden Road (Red Bud Lake) 2110 Harper Dg. Fairgrounds, LAWRENCE, KANSAS ABILENE, KANSAS SOCIAL DISTANCING APPLIES. Stay home if you are sick! DIRECTIONS: 2 1/2 miles West of Abilene on Old 40 Hwy. to Eden Rd. then 1/2 TRUCK (Consigned Due To III, JD Truck Banks, 25+ Die mile north, Red Bud Lake. From I-70 get off on 272 Exit and proceed south 2 miles Health Reason)! Cast Banks, Lionel 100th Hud- on Fair Road to Old Hwy. 40 then west 1 mile to Eden Rd. then 1/2 mile North. 2004 Ford F250 XLT Super son Steam Locomotive, Fish- Duty FX4 Off Road 4x4 Truck, er Price, Nerf Hockey, Disney Sells at Noon: JOHN DEERE GATOR, TILLER, MOWER. 2500, 5.4L gas, ex. cab, Only Pocahontas Keepsake Doll, LAWN & GARDEN EQUIP., WOODWORKING & CABINET EQUIP. 80K, running boards, w/ATL Barbie’s, Star Wars/G.I. Joe/ 620.340.5692 HAND TOOLS & EQUIP., COLLECTIBLE & HOUSEHOLD (sell 11) Camper Shell, (Very Clean & John West & Other Action Fig- We will run 2 RINGS! Nice! Always Inside!) urines, games/puzzles, child’s See Last Week’s Grass & Grain for listings & COLLECTIBLES, dish sets, Dr. Seuss/Disney HOUSEHOLD & MISC. Golden Press Set/Children VANHOOSE AUCTION For pictures & complete listings go to Vintage Oak Chest w/hat box: books, wooden Child’s High 37.6 acres in the Flint Hills w/Home in Morris County Mid-Century Chest Drawers; Chair, Lincoln Logs, Hot Wheels SELLER: MR. & MRS. JOE NOLD cedar chests, child’s 4’ church & Case, Batman Ninjas, Sears SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2020 - 10:00 AM pew; handmade Walnut Kitch- Fort Apache Heritage Play Set, ADDRESS: 841 Four Mile Rd., COUNCIL GROVE, KS 66846 enette Table; Oak Queen Anne plastic military men; Hallmark Dining Table w/chairs; Maple Keepsake Trains/Winnie Pooh SELLER: Property of JAMES D. VANHOOSE drop-front desk; Canoe Paddle Characters; Comics: MAD/ This property has it all, you will fall in love with the 2-story home Coffee Table; Singer Treadle Superman/Batman; 1975 Hes- with a wrap around porch on 37.6 acres. Property has productive Sewing Machine; Maple Rock- ston & Winchester belt buckles; cropland with mature oak trees scattered throughout. The home er; Fontanini Nativity Set/ Karaoke iPod machine; Paint was originally built in 1884, but was moved onto the property with Figurines; Train Sets NIB: Dil- Ball Spyder Gun w/accesso- a full walk out basement in 2003. There is 2,130 sq. ft. of living [email protected] lard’s 4 piece Animated Christ- ries (NEW!); marbles/shooters; space with 3 bedrooms and 4 full baths, including a primary bed- GUEST AUCTIONEER: Greg Kretz, 785-630-0701 mas Set, The Holiday Express colored jars; crock dough bowl; room with private bath and closet. There is also a 40x61 Farm Animated Set, Bass Pro North wooden sewing spools; records; Utility Building with a 15-ft lean to with electricity and a half bath. Pole Special Set, (The Orig- Pyrex mixing bowl set; Sweet Come see this well taken care of home, properties like this are LAND AUCTION inal Bachmann Big Haulers) Flowers & Cavalier Stoneware hard to find in the Flint Hills! THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2020 - 5:30 PM The Night Before Christmas/ sets; sets China Dishware; ***Personal Property *** Northern Express/Royal Blue/ stemware; carboys; guitar; TRUCK, TRACTOR & IMPLEMENTS: 1997 Ford F250, ext cab, AUCTION LOCATION: The Emporia American Legion, 7.3L dsl, 4x4, auto, PW/PL, shows 194,708mi; 1974 JD 2030 w/JD Liberty Bell Limited/Gold Hill TREK 4000 & 7100 bikes; Vin- 2921 W. 12th Ave. - EMPORIA, KANSAS 66801 145 loader, dsl; King Kutter Box Blade, Adjustable Blade; TOOLS & PROPERTY LOCATION: 1900 Rd. U, Emporia, KS 66801 (from the Express; Models: Shanghai, tage Schwinn 10 sp. bike; GE SHOP: Forest King 22-ton Log Splitter; Troy-Built Power Washer; Troy- east side of Emporia, go east of I-35 for approx. 5.0 mi to U Rd (Exit Revell, Challenger, Return Jedi, apt. refrigerator; books; canning Built Super Bronco Rear Tine Tiller; Husqvarna 900DRT 17” Rear #138), turn north & continue for 1.8 mi to the southwest corner of the Star Trek, Military, etc.; 100s supplies; 35 MM cameras; gun Tine Tiller; Coleman Vertex 5500 Vertical Generator; Priefert Round Vintage to Modern Toys Most sighting vise; soda kegs; house- Pen, 12’ panels; Honda EU2000 Inverter Generator; Stihl MS390 property on the east side of the paved county road. Watch for signs.) NIB!: Case IH 2388 Combine, hold décor; box lots (9:00 A.M.); Chainsaw; Craftsman Air Compressor, 17-gal; Knaack Watchmen II SELLERS: 6000/7000Tractor Model, John many items too numerous to Job Box; Craftsman 10” Drill Press; Ryobi Belt Sander; Louisville 20’ JANICE E. HUME & RHONDA H. SUMMERLAND Deere Construction Machin- mention! fiberglass ext ladder; Skilsaw 10” Table Saw; Ryobi Bench Grinder; 38.9 +/- acres of cropland & potential building site in Lyon Co. ery, IH 435 Steiger & Panther Misc lawn & shop tools; ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD: Dark Brown SELLER: MARK & KATHY SHUCK Leather Couch, Loveseat, Chair & Ottoman; Admiral Refrigerator; Here is a nice sized tract of cropland with recreational opportunities, plus Brinkman Smoke-N-Pit Smoker; Bedroom Set; Oak Swivel Bar Chairs a potential building site. The property is located within 7 miles of Emporia and sits on a paved road, with electric lines and a water line from Rural Consigned by Wayne & Nancy Othick: Large amount power/ x4; Western Leather Couch, Chairs, Ottoman; Wester Rug & Décor; Barnwood Chest/Coffee Table, La-Z-Boy Recliner x2; Mounted Bull Water District #5 along the west. The grass and timbered areas sit on the hand tools; rebar cutter; log chains; boomers; ex. ladders; space backside of the property providing a good place for the deer to bed down heater; Handy lawn sprayer; Hoosier well pump; hardware/nails; Horns; Camel Back Trunk; Brown Leather Couch & Loveseat; Antique Metal Wheels; Misc Household Items and Antiques. with lots of food sources around. This could be the dream location much more construction items as Wayne was a barn builder The real estate sells at noon and personal property starts at 10 am. you have been looking for! Give us a call to schedule a tour of this for a number of years! property. We look forward to seeing you at the auction! This a partial listing, see website for full listing & photos at AUCTION NOTE: Large Auction with Many Unlisted Name See website for full listing & photos at Brand Items & Collectibles! Concessions: Worden Church La- Office: 305 Broadway, CHUCK MAGGARD Office: 305 Broadway, dies. INSPECTION DAY OF AUCTION ONLY! CHUCK MAGGARD Griffin Cottonwood Falls, KS Griffin Cottonwood Falls, KS Sales/Auctioneer 66845 Sales/Auctioneer Please follow the social distancing while attending. Real Estate Cell: 620-794-8824 66845 Cell: 620-794-8824 Phone: 620-273-6421 Real Estate Phone: 620-273-6421 Fax: 620-273-6425 ELSTON AUCTIONS * (785-594-0505) (785-218-7851) HEIDI MAGGARD Fax: 620-273-6425 HEIDI MAGGARD & Auction Toll-Free: 866-273-6421 & Auction Toll-Free: 866-273-6421 “Serving Your Auction Needs Since 1994” Broker Broker Please visit us online: for 100+ Pictures! Cell: 620-794-8813 [email protected] Cell: 620-794-8813 [email protected] Grass & Grain, October 27, 2020 Page 11 November 4 — Busi- Hillman. Estate consisting of two ness liquidation auc- November 7 — 37.6 separate tracts Tract 1 in- Grass & Grain Area tion consisting of office acres in the Flint Hills cludes 9 acres m/l with a equipment, fabrication with home in Morris Coun- dome home & building; equipment, hand tools, ty; also selling personal Tract 2 is 9 acres m/l; also air compressors, dust col- property held at Coun- selling personal property Auctions and Sales lection systems, Custom cil Grove for property of held at Wamego. Auction- Aire Paint booth & more James D. Vanhoose. Auc- eers: Crossroads Real Es- held at Salina for Power tioneers: Griffin Real Es- tate & Auction, LLC. Ad Company, Inc. Auction- tate & Auction. November 14 — Vehi- Due to the uncertainty vehicles, trailers, ATV, equipment, hay, shop eers: United Country Real November 7 — 119 cles, tools, shop equip- of recent events and the motorcycle, mower, farm equipment, welding iron Estate Crossroads Auction acres m/l of Nemaha Coun- ment & iron held at West- phases of re-opening, if & cattle equipment, tools, & scrap & more held at & Realty. ty cropland, pasture & moreland for Ernest E. you plan to attend any of antiques & miscellaneous Neosho Rapids for Jerry November 4 — 400 acres homestead (located NE of White Estate. Auctioneers: the following auctions and held at Peabody for Mar- Kelley Trust. Auctioneers: m/l of Chase County land Baileyville) held at Sene- Foundation Realty & Auc- have any doubts, please vin Larsen Trust. Auction- Hancock Auction & Real consisting of river bottom ca for Janice M. Koch and tion, Morgan Riat. contact the auction com- eers: Sundgren Realty, Estate. tillable, heavy timer, small Brie J. Krogman. Auction- November 14 — 160 pany to confirm that the Auction & Land Brokers. October 31 — Real Es- house & buildings, pond, eers: Cline Real Estate & acres of Cloud County auction will be conducted October 30 — 133.4 tate consisting of Histor- hunting & fishing, scenic Auction, LLC. land held at Clyde for the and inquire about safety acres m/l of Marshall ic downtown commercial Flint Hills property held November 7 — Irvine Maurice C. Nutter Trust. procedures if you are con- County land consisting building, 8,640 sq. ft. with at Cottonwood Falls. Auc- Ranch Annual Production Auctioneers: Bott Realty cerned. And please check of dry cropland, native & showroom, office space, tioneers: Sundgren Realty, Sale selling Simmental & & Auction. their websites. tame grass, also a 2-story workroom/warehouse, loft Auction & Land Brokers. SimAngus bulls & Elite November 15 — Vehi- Always great online 4BR farm house, utili- & more; also selling per- November 6 — Ma- Donor Females, most with cles, mowers, household, Equipment auctions — ty buildings & tool sheds sonal property including chinery auction including fall heifer babies at side antiques, furniture & tools held at Beattie for Marcia 1990 Jeep, shop tools, au- trucks, tractors, combines held at the ranch in Man- held at Manhattan for Ren- Online Land Auction Finnigan Estate. Auction- tomotive parts, antiques, & lots of farm equipment hattan. zie Poe Jr. Auctioneers: (bidding opens October eers: Donald Prell Realty collectibles, household, held at Milan for Mike & November 8 — Zero Foundation Realty & Auc- 20 & ends October 27) — & Auction, LLC. revolvers & more all held Tina Andra, et al. Auction- turn mower, air compres- tion, Morgan Riat. 320± acres premium recre- October 30 — Multi-par- at Hope for Doug Harrison eers: Ken Patterson Auc- sor, ice machine, lot of November 17 — Real ational land in Greenwood cel absolute land auction Estate. Auctioneers: Lep- tions. hand & electric tools, in- estate consisting of two County, Fall River area consisting of 640 acres pke Realty & Auction. November 7 — selling door & outdoor furniture, bedrooms, 2 more non-con- held online at www.far- m/l of Lincoln County October 31 — Tractors 90 firearms including Win- household goods, collect- forming bedrooms, 2 baths for link cropland & grass held at & mowers, farm equip- chester, Colt, Remington, ibles, hunting & reload- on a secluded lot held at to Hi-Bid. Selling for Hall Hunter for Ringler Ranch ment, vehicles, antiques, Ruger, US 1917 30-06, M1 ing supplies, landscaping Wamego for Louis & Kath- Properties, LLC. Auction- #2, LLC. Online & phone primitives, collectibles, carbine Remington, Win- items, with bottling sup- leen Bracken. Auction- eers: Farm & Home Realty, bidding available (www. primitive furniture. tools chester .32 revolver, Win- plies, car tow dolly & more eers: Crossroads Real Es- LLC. & miscellaneous house- chester 1894 .38 WCF rifle held at Wamego. Auction- tate & Auction, LLC. October 26 — Silent Auctioneers: Farm & hold held at Portis for & more; also selling ammo, eers: Crossroads Real Es- November 21 — Trucks, Auction of John Deere Ranch Realty, Inc. Paul Cone. Auctioneers: gun safe, dozer, H-d Soft- tate & Auction, LLC. Tractors & farm machin- 4020 & attachments held October 31 — Equip- Wolters Auction & Realty. tail, tractors, trucks, trail- November 8 — Signs, ery, livestock equipment at Wakefield for the City of ment including LiftAll October 31 — New JD ers, machinery, tools, col- ads, toys, antiques, collect- held North of Topeka for Wakefield. forklift, Case 1845 skid Gator, woodworking shop lectibles & salvage held ibles, pottery, glassware, Bailey Farms. Auction- October 27 — 923 acres steer, Ford 8N tractor, equipment, JD riding near Ozawkie for Gerald furniture, gun & more held eers: Cline Realty & Auc- m/l of Cowley County land shop tools & equipment mower, Household, pic- Flory & Ivan Flory. Auc- at near Marion (Aulne) for tion, LLC. consisting of 40-acre wa- & more held at Hutchin- tures, lawn set, lawn tools tioneers: Edgecomb Auc- property of Mick Hett and November 21 — 649.19 tershed, 9 stock ponds, son for Rebuilders Supply. & more held at Abilene tions. property of Scott & Laurie acres m/l of Riley County pasture, creeks, timber, Auctioneers: Morris Yoder for Joe Nold. Auctioneers: November 7 — An- Miesse. Auctioneers: Grif- land consisting of farm- buildings, pens, rural Auctions. Reynolds Auction Service. tique furniture, antiques, fin Real Estate & Auction. land & cropland sold in 5 water, electric, excellent October 31 — 380 acres October 31 — 100s of collectibles & primitives November 10 — Angus tracts held at Waterville fence, blacktop frontage & m/l of Elk/Greenwood signs and memorabilia in- including belt buck- female cattle held at Man- for Schultes Family Trust. hunting held at El Dora- County consisting of river cluding liquor and beer, les, crocks, purses, Birg- hattan Commission Co., Auctioneers: Midwest do. Auctioneers: Sundgren bottom & upland grass to posters, mirrors, banners, er Sandzen prints, Cook Manhattan for Cline Cattle Land & Home, Jeff Dank- Realty, Auction & Land sell in 4 tracts; also sell- steins, Brunswick Billard crates, scales, toys, adver- Company. enbring & Mark Uhlik. Brokers. ing farm machinery & table with slate top; also tising signs, child items, November 11 — Un- November 21 — 152 October 27 — Coun- equipment, skid loader, selling coins held at Smo- baseball items & Guns reserved Online Auction acres m/l of Washington try real estate consisting airplane, vehicles, stor- lan for Philip A. Ascher held at Portis for Julia and selling tractors, livestock County land consisting of of a 3-bedroom, 3-bath , age building, household, Trust. Auctioneers: Baxa the late Don Chegwidden. trailers & farm equipment DCP cropland acres, wa- full basement home with handicap items, antiques, Auctions, LLC. Auctioneers: Wolters Auc- held online at ww.bigiron. terways, wildlife habitat just under 10 acres in the collectibles & more held October 31 — Tractor tion & Realty. com for Everett Thompson held at Morrowville for Wamego school district at Fall River for Jack R. & trailer, antiques & col- November 7 — Chal- Retirement (Quenemo). Miller Family Trust. Auc- held at Belvue. Auction- Blankenship Estate. Auc- lectibles including signs, lenger MT 265 dsl tractor Auctioneers: Big Iron Auc- tioneers: Midwest Land eers: Crossroads Real Es- tioneers: Larry Marshall furniture, wooden boxes & with loader, King Kutter tions. & Home, Mark Uhlik, Jeff tate & Auction, LLC. Auction & Realty (www. more, mower, tiller, tools Rock Rake, Roto Tiller, November 12 — 385 Dankenbring. October 27 — Fink Beef lmarshallauctionandreal- & household for Buikstra Dirt Slip, disc mower & acres m/l Lyon County November 24 — Jewell Genetics Angus & Charo- & Boyd Family. Also sell- other farm equipment, land consisting of Good County Real estate con- lais Spring Calving Disper- October 31 — Coins ing 2013 Hyundai Sonata roller tool box, mower, Native Pasture and/or sisting of Tract 1: 156.85 sal Sale held at Randolph. including (1) 1882 Carson , 2007 Pro Drive Model Dodge Ram 2500, 5th hay meadow offered in 2 m/l acres farmland in- October 28 — Fink Beef City Silver Dollars, Mor- X Hull boat & trailer for wheel camper, golf cart, tracts and held at Hart- cluding cropland & grass; Genetics Production Sale gan & Peace, Walking, Dave Holle Estate held steel posts, hand, shop & ford for Jerry G. Kelley Tract 2: 151.42 m/l acres of held at Randolph. Contact Franklin, Kennedy Halves, at Osborne. Auctioneers: garden tools, household & Living Trust. Auctioneers: farmland/cropland held at Galen Fink at 785-532-9936. quarters, Mercury & Roos- Thummel Real Estate & more held near Lyndon for Hancock Auction & Real Jewell for Dennis Pahls October 29 — 2007 evelt dimes, Indian Head Auction, LLC. property of the Late Elton Estate. Trust. Auctioneers: Thum- Harley Davidson Softtail, pennies, Wheat pennies, October 31 — Real Es- Decker. Auctioneers: Wis- November 14 — Real mel Real Estate & Auc- tools, appliances, house- silver rounds, American tate consisting of a 3 bed- chropp Auctions. Estate: 3 Bed, 2 Bath tion, LLC. hold held at Clay Center Silver Eagles & more held room, 2 bath home with November 7 — 2004 Home, detached garage November 25 — Con- for Paul Slack Estate. Auc- at Lawrence for a private 2 car garage and 2 work- Ford F250 XLT 4x4 truck and shed on large lot; signment Auction held at tioneers: Kretz Auction seller. Auctioneers: Elston shops all on 4 acres m/l; with camper shell, collect- Vehicles, guns, applianc- Salina. Auctioneers: Wil- Service. Auctions. also selling personal prop- ibles & household includ- es, furniture, household, son Realty & Auction Ser- October 29 — Real es- October 31 — Pickups erty including 1992 Ford ing Fontanini Nativity set/ collectibles, John Deere vice. tate consisting of a 3-bed- including 2019 Ford F150, F-150, appliances, furni- figurines, train sets, 100s X300 riding lawn mower, November 28 — 161.06 room home, garage, shed & 2016 Ford F-150, 2014 Po- ture, glassware, antiques vintage to modern toys & lawn equipment held at St. acres m/l of highly produc- more held at Lyons for Wil- laris XP 900 Ranger side & collectibles, yard & tools more held at Lawrence for Marys for Theodore “Ted” tive Republic County farm- lie N. & Rose L. Hudson Ir- by side, furniture, appli- & more held at Wamego. Mark & Kathy Shuck. Also Remark Trust/Estate. Auc- land held at Belleville for revocable Trust. Auction- ances, antiques & collect- Auctioneers: Crossroads selling consignments from tioneers: Gannon Real Es- Brion Knudson. Auction- eers: Farms America Real ibles, tools, yard & garden, Real Estate & Auction, Wayne & Nancy Othick tate & Auctions. eers: Midwest Land and Estate, Jim Hollinger. household & more held at LLC. including power & hand November 12 — 38.9 Home, Mark Uhlik & Jeff October 29 — Ranch- Dighton for Ray DeBusk October 31 — Lawn & tools & more. Auctioneers: acres m/l of Lyon Coun- Dankenbring. style home on 5 acres with Estate. Auctioneers: Bern- tools, household, antiques, Elston Auctions. ty cropland & potential December 5 — Consign- mature trees, hard sur- ing Auction, Inc. furniture held at Manhat- November 7 — Trac- building site with wild- ment auction held at Wet- face roads, 2 outbuildings October 31 — Tractors tan for Doug & Cathy Mu- tors & combines, trucks, life held at Emporia for more for St. James Catho- (one with car lift) held at including (2) 1970 John sick. Auctioneers: Foun- trailers, farm implements, Janice E. Hume & Rhonda lic Church. Early consign- Baldwin City. Auctioneers: Deere 4020s & a 1949 IH dation Realty & Auction, & many more farm items H. Summerland. Auction- ments contact Bill Burdick Flory & Associates - Real- Farmall H, grain truck, Morgan Riat. held at Andale for Schmitz eers: Griffin Real Estate & (785-547-5082) or Ron Bur- ty & Auctions, Jason Flory. equipment, sailboat, tools October 31 — 29th Farm. Auctioneers: Hill- Auction. diek (785-207-0434). October 29 — 785 acres & miscellaneous held at Moser Ranch Bull Sale man Auction Service, John November 14 — Real m/l of Marion County land Allen for The Estates of held North of Wheaton. consisting of tillable land James D. Bowden. Auc- November 1 — Tools, sold in 6 tracts held at Pea- tioneers: Griffin Real Es- tools, tools! vintage & an- body. Auctioneers: Sund- tate & Auction. tique items, snow blower *AUCTION* gren Realty, Auction & October 31 — Trac- & more held at Osage City SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2020 — 10:00 AM Land Brokers. tors, trucks, trailers, 2006 for Mrs. William “Pam” LOCATION: 1414 Sunnyslope Lane — MANHATTAN, KANSAS 66502 October 30 — Tractors, Toyota Camry, livestock Lynn. Auctioneers: Wis- Directions: Turn North on 10th St. off of Bluemont Ave. & go 7 blocks to auction site. combines, Classic Cars, equipment, lawn mower, chropp Auctions. TOOLS & WOODWORKING EQUIPMENT, BUILDING MATERIALS, CAMPING & RECREATION EQUIPMENT, LAWN & GARDEN, HOUSEHOLD, FURNITURE & ANTIQUES See Last Week’s Grass & Grain For Listings or go to our Website. *ESTATE AUCTION* For questions call: SELLERS: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2020 — 10:00 AM MORGAN RIAT, DOUG & CATHY LOCATION: 13700 Willow Road — WESTMORELAND, KANSAS 66549 REALTOR®/AUCTIONEER HEAVY EQUIPMENT, TRAILERS, TRACTORS, VEHICLES, METAL & IRON, SHOP TOOLS, 785-458-9259 210 N. 4th St., Suite B, MANHATTAN, KS MUSICK SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT. Also selling Garden Shed & Wood Drying Shed. or email: [email protected] Watch Next Week’s Grass & Grain For Listings or go to our Website. Visit us at for more details & pictures!

For questions call: SELLER: MORGAN RIAT, ERNEST E. WHITE REALTOR®/AUCTIONEER AUCTION 785-458-9259 210 N. 4th St., Suite B, MANHATTAN, KS ESTATE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2020 — 10:00 AM or email: Auction will be held at the Fairgrounds on the East edge of OSBORNE, KANSAS [email protected] Visit us at for more details & pictures! TRACTOR, TRAILER Hardman Lumber picture; pr. top desk; hide a bed like Gold Star 7’ x 16’ tilt bed trail- Aladdin table lamps; organ new; entertainment stand; er w/beaver tail; International stool; wood radio; sleigh bells; Empire Super-deluxe sewing 464 Wheat tractor 3 pt., PTO, custom built rocking horse; machine w/attachments; end PUBLIC AUCTION hyd; Landpride AT2672 rotary wooden doll house; child’s tables; desks; file cabinet; finish mower. custom made stove & refrig- lamps; Sunbeam mixer w/ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2020 — 9:30 AM ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES erator; doll camel back trunk; meat grinder & attachments; LOCATION: 2809 W. 4th Street - HUTCHINSON, KANSAS 67501 Signs: (porcelain McCor- dresser set; door hardware; assortment household items; mick Deering Service, Sun- assortment sheet music; 48 3” double wall stove pipe; Repair Tools; Pipe Wrenches; Cordless Tools; drop Cola bottle cap, Voss star flag; Voss & Verhage Snapper snow blower; Troy EQUIPMENT: Levels; Hand and Hack Saws; Power Hand Grind- Mfg sign; NR thermometer; wood box; wooden boxes inc: Bilt rear-tine 8 hp tiller; 3000 LiftAll Forklift w/6’ ers; Disc Sander; Floor Jacks; Grease Guns; Log Watch for Ice on Bridge, other ammo & cheese; Hupmobile watt generator 120/240; Ari- Forks; Case 1845 Chains and Boomers; Chain Hoist; Rollaway road signs); Silver Bullet sign; plate; tins; records; plastic ens riding mower needs work; Skidsteer w/Forks Assistance Tool Carts; Bench Vice; Work Bench; set 6 Mission oak custom horses; baby scale; World’s Ariens front tine tiller; 2 push and Grapple; Ford Tin Snips; Tire Tools; Channel Locks; Vice Grips; built dining chairs; painted Fair cane; dolls; jars; cop- mowers; Poulan chain saw; 8N Tractor(as is). Crescent Wrenches; Needle Nose and Sidecut- commode; china hutch; table per boiler; ice cream freezer; lawn equipment; portable air ters; Calipers; Testing Tools and Gauges; Electri- & 4 chairs; rolling table; en- cistern cups; horse shoes; compressor; yard tools; horse cal Tools; Air Tools; Open and Boxend Wrench- tertainment center; one-door sprinkling can; croquet set; blankets; boys bike; kerosene SHOP TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: Snap-On Rol- es; Ratchet Wrenches; Large Selection of Bits; china cabinet; round oak iron ladder; yard sticks; cloths heater; chain saw; Ryobi rout- laway Tool Chest; Kennedy, Craftsman and US Pulley Pullers; Allen Wrenches; Socket Sets; Nut table; child’s rocker; flip tray wringer; croquet set; electric er; Dewalt circular saw & drill; General Tool Chests; Miller Stik Welder; Lincoln Drivers; Tubing Cutter and Flaring Tools; Screw- high chair; wood stool; wicker train; assortment of other col- ammo box; tool box; brazing AC/DC Welder; Schumacher Battery Charger; drivers; Pop Riveters; Hole Saw; Lots of Hand chair; dental table & tool; cast lectibles. torch; Coop gas cans; lad- Cutting Torch; Power Washer; Drill Press; Bench Tools; Hammers; Easy Outs; Repair Books and iron base fan; sewing table; MOWER, TILLER, TOOLS & ders; step stool; bar clamps; Grinder and Buffer; Hyd Engine Stands and Floor Manuals; Oil and Gas Cans; Old License Plates; Chinese pin ball machine; HOUSEHOLD saws; ½” drill; assortment Crane; Engine Stands; Shop Fans; All Pro Heat- Radiators; Auto Parts; Various Oils and Cleaning Gary Ozias drawing; Hanna Household inc: Kenmore tools; bolts & fasteners; fish- er; Step Ladders; Bolt Bins; C-Clamps; Brake and Supplies; Gas Cans; Large selection of Bolts and Stevenson art; pictures; washer & dryer; small roll ing poles. Cylinder Tools; Snap-On Scanner; Sheet Metal Screws; plus more. BUIKSTRA & BOYD FAMILIES SELLERS: REBUILDERS SUPPLY ********************************** Note: Due to health reasons the owners are moving to Arizona and will be offering a wall to 2011 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LT Z71 4-dr pickup, 81,641 mi (VIN# 3GCPKSE34BG282679) wall liquidation of an auto repair business that has been at this location for 30 plus years. 2013 Hyundai Sonata Limited 4-door car, 138,094 miles Many items not listed. For photos go to 2007 Pro Drive Model X Hull 18’ x 60” boat with a 36 HP Pro-Drive motor & 2007 McClain 20-14PD trailer • Farm Auctions • Antiques Morris Yoder Auctions฀•฀620-899-6227 DAVE HOLLE ESTATE • Real Estate • Livestock Email: [email protected] Note: Check our website for pictures at For safety please • Equipment • Estates Website: wear your mask and social distance. If you do not feel well please stay home and call Terms: Cash, Credit Card or Check in your bids. Cash, checks and credit/debit cards accepted as forms of payment. A 2% with Proper ID convenience fee will be added to credit/debit card transactions. Auction Conducted By: THUMMEL REAL ESTATE & AUCTION LLC, 785-738-0067 Morris Yoder, Auctioneer/Realtor, 620-899-6227/Associate Realtor/Auctioneer w/Riggin & Company Page 12 Grass & Grain, October 27, 2020 Which is precisely blocked the site, though that sucker tight He wedged his cast what she did. So fast it awkwardly, I’d think. But them M.D.’s into the truck and drove was a blur. He had to spread his must’ve chuckled ‘cause himself to town. The next day poor ol’ legs the way giraffes bend that bandage was a sight. When they let him in Kelly wore a cast from down to drink. It stuck out like a gear the Johnsons’ house he hip to spur. Relieved, he got his shift, like the fruit on matched the decorations. With two days of the suture out, assumed the prickly pear, The kids all froze. heal-up, his left leg plas- bent position Like a big white avoca- Then screamed in fear terized, About the time a fly do on a chainsaw grizzly and heebie jeebie-ations! He volunteered to take appeared in search of fly bear. “The mummy! No, it’s Kelly’s Halloween a call. I know it wasn’t nutrition. He stayed at home the Frankenstein! It looks so It was a bad day at The mare was mincing wise. And lit upon the next two days hibernat- realistic!” Black Rock that fateful round the stall as Kelly But you know men, horse’s foot. Just fate I ing in his cave With crutch and cast Halloween. donned the sleeve. like him I mean, a grad of would suppose. Until his wife had and nose and scowl it It all began the week “This should only take Colorado The pony kicked to asked his help. The in- dang sure was sadistic. before, the call had a second,” his assessment Whose head, if not for flick the fly but caught the structions that she gave But the scream that seemed routine. was naive. gristle wouldn’t even cast doctor’s nose. Sideways. were “Pick the kids up topped the evening off “I’ve got a mare needs “She’s just a little ner- a shadow. Which left a thumb- right at nine at Johnson’s, was, in Mr. Johnson’s checkin’, Doc, I b’lieve vous, Doc, but... I guess I Another horse. A small sized piece of schnoz now Second Street. view, the sweetheart’s bred.” would be too. wire cut there just below dangling from the tip They’re at a party, Hal- When he grabbed and “I’ll swing by there If you were pointin’ the hock. Like half a jalapeño loween. Maybe you could jerked the bandage off this afternoon,” Good that at me I’d kick you to “He’s gentle as a new- flapping down upon his Trick or Treat.” and said, “Hey, I know Doctor Kelly said. Timbucktu!” born lamb. He’d never lip. “Very funny,” Kelly you!” hurt you, Doc.” Thirty stitches... on the fumed. But when nine AUCTION And sure enough he outside. Then they taped o’clock came around SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2020 — 10:00 AM Held at Wischropp Auction Facility, 930 Laing St., OSAGE CITY, KS TroyBilt 2620 snow blower; Chatillon scale; unique Military Rabobank analysis: the case for capacity Coleman & Powermax porta- water jug; 3 vintage clocks; 2 New analysis by Rabo- help balance U.S. cattle pansion would allow ca- or facilities, the course of ble generators; Ryobi 10” miter vintage Coleman lanterns, IOB; bank suggests that an ad- supplies and packing ca- pacity to grow without a events over the past cou- saw; Craftsman & AllPower air selection old door knobs; vin- ditional 5,000-6,000 head pacity. According to the sharp contraction in beef ple of decades had already compressors; Dewalt & Crafts- tage metal meat cutters apron; man sawzalls; several socket 4 vintage wooden carpenter’s of packing capacity would report, this level of ex- cow numbers while still created a scenario of rel- & wrench sets; Craftsman 24v chests; huge selection old cabi- maintaining packer prof- ative imbalance,” the re- pole saw; 9+ vintage wooden net hardware; selection of Jewel itability. The report noted port said. levels; selection of metal shelv- Tea, Wexford glass, some fur- that beef packing has his- Adding packing capac- ing; Stanley Mobile work center; niture, etc., etc.; large selection BENNINGTON GUN STORE torically been a breakev- ity would result in both several various-style tool boxes, nuts, bolts, nails, screws, electri- en business, but as cattle a larger U.S. beef indus- bench grinders, shop tools; C-P cal, tools, copper items, etc., etc. Schur Firearm Sales, LLC 40 lb. abrasive blaster; vintage Family Owned • Repair & Special Orders • Class 3 Dealer herd expansion outpaced try over the long run and NOTE: Tools, Vintage & Collectibles makes this a Large Auc- capacity, packers have more balanced profitabil- tion. Appears there is something of interest for everyone. been positioned to capture ity throughout the supply Come see what additions are found. MANY SMALLS. TWO record margins. chain. Further, if the U.S. RINGS. Cash or check. No Cards. REMEMBER (Fall Back), to NOW AVAILABLE - CUSTOM RIFLE WORK: “While the Tyson Hol- could avoid major herd set your clocks back, not to be late to the Auction! • Action Blueprinting & Truing • Barrel Chambering • Barrel Threading • Rifel Accuracy Troubleshooting/Repairs • Custom Cerakote Bake-on Finish comb fire and COVID-19 liquidation in the cur- MRS. WILLIAM “PAM” LYNN, SELLER • Plus many more repairs of all types of firearms created acute and unex- rent cattle cycle, the beef pected massive imbalanc- industry will be well po- Pics & Full Listing: 785-201-5090 • 104 NORTH NELSON • BENNINGTON, KS es between cattle numbers sitioned to capitalize on Hours: Tues., Thurs., Fri.: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Wed.: 4 - 7p.m. 785-828-4212 Sat. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. • Closed Sun. & Mon. and the suddenly limited growing global protein de- availability of labor and/ mand, the report said. Farmers & Ranchers Livestock Commission Co., Inc. AUCTIONS EVERY Salina, KANSAS SALE BARN PHONE: 785-825-0211 MONDAY & THURSDAY MONDAY฀—฀CATTLE฀•฀HOG฀SALE฀2nd฀&฀4th฀MONDAY Hogs sell at 10:30 a.m. on the 2nd & 4th Monday of the month. Selling Cattle every Monday Cattle at 12:00 Noon. Selling calves and yearlings first, followed Hog Sales on 2nd & 4th Monday of the month only! by Packer cows and bulls. THURSDAY — CATTLE ONLY RECEIPTS FOR THE WEEK: 3,120 CATTLE. Selling starts at 10:00 a.m. Consign your cattle as early as pos- STEERS 14 red Newton [email protected] sible so we can get them highly advertised. 400-500 $160.00 - $170.00 10 mix Assaria [email protected] 500-600 $135.00 - $145.00 70 blk Whitewater [email protected] AUCTIONEERS:฀KYLE฀ELWOOD,฀BRANDON฀HAMEL฀&฀GARREN฀WALROD 600-700 $145.00 - $155.00 64 mix Whitewater [email protected] 700-800 $132.00 - $142.00 13 mix Solomon [email protected] For a complete list of cattle for all sales check out our website 800-900 $125.00 - $135.25 9 mix Newton [email protected] 900-1,000 $118.00 - $128.50 33 blk Salina [email protected] HEIFERS 4 blk Lindsborg [email protected] 300-400 $154.00 - $164.00 60 blk Whitewater [email protected] 400-500 $136.00 - $146.00 6 blk Enterprise [email protected] FARMERS & RANCHERS HAS SWITCHED BACK to 500-600 $123.00 - $133.00 BRED HEIFERS 600-700 $120.00 - $130.00 36 red Salina @1550.00 Cattle for our online auctions. 700-800 $117.00 - $127.00 33 blk Fall City, NE @1525.00 800-900 $115.00 - $125.50 32 red Braman, OK @1475.00 1 blk Assaria [email protected] 1 bwf Inman [email protected] THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2020: 20 bwf Braman, OK @1460.00 4 mix Salina [email protected] 1 blk Assaria [email protected] STEERS 12 red Salina @1460.00 1 bwf Assaria [email protected] 1 red Courtland [email protected] 2 blk Moundridge [email protected] 32 red Braman, OK @1450.00 4 blk Kansas City, MO [email protected] 1 blk New Cambria [email protected] 2 blk Salina [email protected] REPLACEMENT HEIFERS 2 blk Salina [email protected] 1 red Courtland [email protected] 13 mix McPherson [email protected] 12 bwf Braman, OK [email protected] 3 blk Salina [email protected] 1 blk Brookville [email protected] 5 blk Wakefield [email protected] 18 blk Ada [email protected] BULLS 1 red Courtland [email protected] 8 mix Salina [email protected] BRED COWS 1 blk Lincoln [email protected] 1 red Courtland [email protected] 15 mix McPherson [email protected] 19 blk McPherson [email protected] 2 blk Minneapolis [email protected] 8 red McPherson [email protected] 10 mix McPherson [email protected] 2 red Salina [email protected] EARLY CONSIGNMENTS FOR THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2020 7 blk Salina [email protected] 8 blk McPherson [email protected] ฀•฀Casey฀Bourten฀30฀S&H฀550-700,฀HR฀60฀days฀weaned฀all฀vacc 9 mix Marion [email protected] 15 blk Kansas City, MO [email protected] ฀•฀Ron฀Weis฀22฀blk&red฀strs฀750-800,฀local฀cattle฀spring฀vacc฀by฀Rohleder฀10/28฀ 14 blk Manhattan [email protected] 7 bwf Canton [email protected] long weaned 14 blk Newton [email protected] 9 blk Belvue [email protected] ฀•฀Will฀Smith฀160฀charx฀S&H฀400-600,฀Fall฀vacc฀red฀angus฀sired 10 blk Assaria [email protected] 23 blk Kansas City, MO [email protected] ฀•฀G&N฀Cattle฀52฀blk฀strs฀850-900,฀flint฀hills฀off฀grass 4 blk Wakefield [email protected] 24 blk Kansas City, MO [email protected] ฀•฀Dean฀Larson฀50฀blk฀strs฀600-650,฀HR฀fall฀vacc 11 blk Tescott [email protected] 5 blk Lincoln [email protected] 50 blk Assaria [email protected] 12 blk McPherson [email protected] ฀•฀Brandon฀Livingston฀32฀strs฀650-700,฀LTW฀2rd 18 blk Tescott [email protected] 11 blk McPherson [email protected] ฀•฀Richard฀Pieschl฀25฀blk฀strs฀650-700฀LTW฀2rd 9 blk Marquette [email protected] 31 blk Concordia [email protected] ฀•฀Craig฀Larson฀130฀mostly฀blk/bwf฀strs฀825-925,฀LTW฀off฀grass฀all฀native 59 mix Salina [email protected] 6 red Canton [email protected] ฀•฀Don,Bret,Cord฀Mosiman฀60฀strs฀850-875฀no฀sort 5 blk Enterprise [email protected] 15 red Jamestown [email protected] ฀•฀Bobby฀Hendricks฀62฀strs฀850 13 mix Assaria [email protected] 23 blk Jamestown [email protected] 60 blk Hope [email protected] 16 blk Wilsey [email protected] 16 char Salina [email protected] 28 blk Talmage [email protected] SPECIAL CALF SALE: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2020, 11 AM 4 blk Brookville [email protected] 14 blk Kansas City, MO [email protected] •฀Nathan฀Heibert฀2฀blk฀strs฀600,฀LTW 21 blk Newton [email protected] 9 blk Wilsey [email protected] •฀Nick฀Krueger฀12฀blk฀S&H฀550-600,฀30days฀weaned฀fall฀vacc 6 blk Ada [email protected] 36 bwf Kansas City, MO [email protected] 6 blk Minneapolis [email protected] PAIRS •฀Jimmy&Georgianna฀Cheves฀50฀blk฀S&H฀550-600,฀30฀days฀weaned฀fall฀vacc 6 blk Benton [email protected] 5 blk Parsons [email protected] •฀Jack฀Hampton฀35฀red฀angx฀S&H฀600-650,฀30฀days฀weaned฀fall฀vacc 1 mix Lindsborg [email protected] 4 blk Parsons [email protected] •฀Eric฀Lewellen฀15฀red฀angus฀S&H฀500-600,฀HR฀fall฀&฀spring฀vacc 55 blk Hope [email protected] 4 blk Hillsboro [email protected] •฀Larry฀Weibert฀12฀strs฀500,฀HR 55 blk Hope [email protected] 2 bwf Bennington [email protected] •฀Darrin฀Stevenson฀14฀blk฀S&H฀500-600,฀HR฀fall฀vacc 55 blk Hope [email protected] 4 blk McPherson [email protected] 26 char Salina [email protected] 7 blk Galva [email protected] •฀Travis฀Jamessen฀54฀red&rwf฀S&H฀550-675,฀60฀days฀weaned฀3rds 1 mix Lindsborg [email protected] MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2020: •฀Brian฀Reed฀37฀S&H฀550-650 HEIFERS CALVES •฀Randy฀Schooley฀125฀blk฀S&H฀600-700/฀Fall฀vacc 2 blk Newton [email protected] 1 blk Ellsworth [email protected] •฀Jim฀Schooley฀35฀blk฀S&H฀600-700/฀Fall฀vacc 3 blk Newton [email protected] 1 bwf Bennington [email protected] •฀Mareile฀Schooley฀10฀blk฀S&H฀600-700/฀Fall฀vacc 12 blk Ottawa [email protected] 1 blk Oberlin [email protected] 12 blk Ottawa [email protected] 5 blk Salina [email protected] •฀Travis฀Koehn฀20฀blk฀S&H฀450-600/฀Fall฀vacc 9 char Salina [email protected] 3 blk Salina [email protected] •฀Monte฀Breneman฀50฀blk/bwf฀S&H฀500-650 10 char Jewell [email protected] 2 blk Canton [email protected] •฀David฀Bircher฀40฀blk฀S&H฀500-600/฀Green฀garder/wolf฀ 13 blk McPherson [email protected] 1 blk Tampa [email protected] •฀Henderson฀Farm฀80฀blk&bwf฀S&H฀500-650/฀Knife฀cut/฀No฀gap 5 blk Assaria [email protected] COWS •฀Alan฀Kowalski฀50฀strs฀550-650/฀weaned/mostly฀blk/฀fall฀vacc 4 mix Ramona [email protected] 1 blk Salina [email protected] 15 mix Assaria [email protected] 2 blk Talmage [email protected] •฀JC฀Livestock฀100฀S&H฀mostly฀charx฀500-600/฀Fall฀vacc 8 blk Marquette [email protected] 3 mix Talmage [email protected] •฀Schoshke฀Bros฀123฀blk&bwf฀S&H฀450-650/฀Fall฀vacc 19 mix Wilson [email protected] 3 blk Talmage [email protected] •฀Austin฀Rathbun฀90฀S&H฀blk&charx฀500-600/Fall฀vacc 16 blk McPherson [email protected] 1 blk Hope [email protected] •฀Sam฀Feist฀30฀S&H฀blk฀500-600/฀Fall฀vacc 7 char Salina [email protected] 1 blk Ramona [email protected] •฀Flint฀Warta฀29฀strs฀blk฀550-650/฀Fall฀vacc 10 mix Wilson [email protected] 1 red Tescott [email protected] •฀Clint฀Donley฀100฀blk&charx฀S&H฀500-600/฀Fall฀vacc 13 mix Salina [email protected] 1 blk Tescott [email protected] •฀Kendall฀Ratbun฀160฀blk&bwf฀S&H฀550-600/฀Fall฀vacc/no฀implant/hfrs,฀replacement฀quality •฀Gene฀Doering฀130฀S&H฀mostly฀blk฀525-650/฀Fall฀vacc UPCOMING SPECIAL SALES: •฀Mike฀Ross฀100฀charx฀S&H฀600-700 All Sales are on Tuesday at 11 AM •฀Nathaniel฀Julious฀120฀S&H฀500-600,฀30฀days฀weaned฀2rd฀ •฀Fred฀Bightbill฀11฀S&H฀550,฀fall฀vacc฀30฀days฀weaned SPECIAL CALF SALES: Tuesday,฀Oct.฀27฀•฀Tuesday,฀Nov.฀3฀•฀Tuesday,฀Nov.฀10 •฀Doug฀Garman฀71฀S&H฀450-600 WEANED/VACC. SALES: Tuesday,฀Dec.฀1฀•฀Tuesday,฀Jan.฀5฀•฀Tuesday,฀Feb.฀2 •฀Vince฀Berland฀26฀angus฀replacements฀hfrs฀800-825 COW SALES: Tuesday,฀Oct.฀20฀•฀Tuesday,฀Nov.฀17฀•฀Tuesday,฀Dec.฀15 SPECIAL CALF SALE: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2020, 11 AM BUFFALO SALE: Saturday,฀December฀5,฀11฀AM ฀•฀Marvin฀Harris฀80฀S&H฀500-700,฀HR/2rd฀vacc ฀•฀Jed฀&฀Ginny฀Burr฀30฀blk/bwf฀S&H฀450-650,฀HR/฀no฀implants IN STOCK TODAY: ฀•฀Kevin฀Kleins฀50฀blk฀S&H฀450-650 ฀•฀Wiebke฀Farms฀400฀blk฀S&H฀450-600,฀spring฀vacc •฀Heavy฀Duty฀Round฀Bale฀Feeders ฀•฀Todd฀Miller฀85฀mostly฀blk&charx฀S&H฀550-700,฀50฀days฀weaned/fall฀vacc •฀42’฀ROUND฀BALE฀DUMP฀TRAILERS ฀•฀Don฀Koster฀163฀blk&charx฀S&H฀550-600,฀fall฀vacc฀ ฀•฀Joel&Josh฀Nelson฀230฀blk฀S&H฀500-650,฀fall฀vacc •฀HEAVY฀DUTY฀FEED฀BUNKS฀(Silage฀&฀Grain) ฀•฀Micheal฀Hauck฀12฀strs,฀2rd฀weaned •฀HEAVY฀DUTY฀5000#฀GRAIN฀TOTE ฀•฀Sullivan&Sullivan฀60฀bwf฀S&H฀500-600฀fall฀vacc

For Information or estimates, contact: Check our listings each week on our website at Mike Samples, Sale Mgr., Cell Phone 785-826-7884 Kyle Elwood, Asst. Sale Mgr., Cell Phone 785-493-2901 Jim Crowther Lisa Long Cody Schafer Kenny Briscoe Kevin Henke Austin Rathbun 785-254-7385 620-553-2351 620-381-1050 785-658-7386 H: 785-729-3473, C: 785-565-3525 785-531-0042 Roxbury, KS Ellsworth, KS Durham, KS Lincoln, KS Agenda, KS Ellsworth, KS Cattle Sale Broadcast Live on 1150 KSAL, Salina 6:45 AM -MON.FRI * 880 KRVN 8:40 AM - WED.-THURS. *550AM KFRM - 8:00 am, Wed.-Thurs. Grass & Grain, October 27, 2020 Page 13 there are still concerns Wheat exports have not about dry weather in Rus- been as impressive as the This material has been sia, that could impact glob- corn, milo, or soybeans, but prepared by a sales or trading al wheat supplies and the they have been solid. In employee or agent of Schwiet- Schwieterman world wheat trade, and addition, rising export de- erman, Inc. and is, or is in the Brazil is off to a less than mand for feed grains makes nature of, a solicitation. This ideal start to the growing more wheat feeding a pos- material is not a research season. Here in the U.S. sibility. Milo is pricing it- report prepared by Schwi- Market Outlook the Drought monitor looks self out of the market and eterman, Inc. Research De- worse every week, and if if corn futures and basis partment. By accepting this this was spring, it would be continue to improve, it will communication, you agree A marketing commentary by Bret Crotts a very big deal. For now, make the wheat market that you are an experienced it is just something in the more interesting. user of the futures markets, back of traders minds. November soybeans capable of making indepen- Cattle futures tumbled tle slipped back to the $105 futures. On the charts, the De- made new contract highs, dent trading decisions, and Monday, giving the charts a area, which did the same The cattle on feed re- cember corn is just a few which are also new four agree that you are not, and bearish look. There wasn’t thing in the live futures. port will not help the bulls cents from the contract year highs on the continua- will not, rely solely on this much follow through weak- The feeder futures have and will probably keep the high. If we manage to tion chart. That means it is communication in making ness in the feeder cattle the best chance at holding down trend intact. The on make new contract highs, time to think about the po- trading decisions. after Monday’s big break, last week’s lows, but failure feed estimate came in at the $4.40 to $4.60 area will tential for a move to $12.00. The risk of loss in trad- but the live cattle proceed- of that support would sug- 104% and the placements be the next upside target. There aren’t many chart ing futures and/or options is ed to make lower lows. The gest November is heading at 106%. Both of those We probably need to see a points to look at anymore substantial and each investor feeder index did make a towards $122. The $101.50 were above expectations. stocks to use ratio near 13% and with the strong export and/or trader must consider sharp break, which justi- and $98.60 levels are now The marketings figure was in order to clear the $4.60 pace and threat of lower whether this is a suitable in- fied the break in the fu- viable down side targets for also above expectations as level and it currently stands production in the Novem- vestment. Past performance, tures, and the cash live cat- the December live cattle 106%, but that won’t help at 14.87%. In the November ber supply and demand whether actual or indicated much. supply and demand report, report there isn’t much to by simulated historical tests Grain futures had an- it is conceivable that the stop this market. The neg- of strategies, is not indica- other big week with the stocks to use ratio drops ative things we have to talk tive of future results. Trading Cowboy Christmas corn approaching contract below 14%, which would be about are the market being advice is based on informa- highs, the wheat making a great step in keeping this “over bought” and the net tion taken from trades and multi-month highs, and bull market going. long fund position being at statistical services and other Saturday, November 7, 2020 • 9 AM - 3 PM the beans making new con- The December KW has a record level. We may run sources that Schwieterman, MCPHERSON COUNTY 4-H BUILDING tract highs. The major news run into very strong re- out of buyers and see a cor- Inc. believes are reliable. We items are still the same. We sistance at the $5.80 area. rection at some point, but do not guarantee that such 710 W. WOODSIDE, MCPHERSON, KS are seeing very good de- However, we may have al- be very careful trying to information is accurate or mand for our corn and soy- ready seen enough pres- pick a top. complete and it should not beans, and demand is pret- sure in the market to com- Schwieterman, Inc. is a be relied upon as such. Trad- SHOP ‘TIL YOU DROP! ty good for the wheat. The plete a correction and the full service commodity bro- ing advice reflects our good Vintage and home decor, western art and photography, U.S. dollar is still consoli- next move up could result kerage firm. If you would like faith judgment at a specific dating near the multi-year in a test of the contract more information on com- time and is subject to change leather work, clothing, jewelry, and cowboy hats. lows and the Chinese Yuan highs. $5.80 is the key re- modity markets or our bro- without notice. There is no made new 2 year highs ver- sistance to watch and Fri- kerage services, contact Bret guarantee that the advice we For more information, call 620-727-0257 sus the dollar last week. day’s low of $5.56 is critical Crotts at 800-272-9131, www. give will result in profitable In addition to that, support. or bret@sw- trades. COMM. CATTLE AUCTION MANHATTAN CO. INC. EVERY FRIDAY 1-800-834-1029 STARTING 10:00 A.M. ON WEIGH COWS Toll-Free FOLLOWED BY STOCKER FEEDERS — 11:00 A.M. OFFICE PHONE 785-776-4815 • OWNERS MERVIN SEXTON & JOHN CLINE Our CONSIGNMENTS can now be viewed after 12 Noon on Mondays by going to & logging onto the online subscription For our sale held Friday, October 23rd, the Manhattan 1 Cross [email protected] Manhattan 2 mix 5-6 6 @1325.00 Manhattan 5 mix 6 2-3 @1000.00 bulk of the run was new crop calves with- Manhattan 1 Cross [email protected] Onaga 2 Char 8 2-3 @1325.00 Olsburg 6 blk SS 4-5 @1000.00 out shots and were not weaned. These cattle BULLS — 1,075-2,350 LBS. Strong City 6 Rd Ang 5-6 4 @1250.00 Olsburg 2 blk 7 4 @1000.00 were selling lower. Feeder weight weaned Blue Rapids 1 Simm [email protected] Baileyville 2 blk 5 8 @1225.00 Junction City 4 blk 7-8 4 @980.00 cattle were steady to $2 lower. Cull cows Oskaloosa 1 Simm [email protected] Corning 3 blk 4-5 7-8 @1200.00 Manhattan 5 mix OO 5 @950.00 and bulls sold from unevenly steady to $2 Ottawa 1 Cross [email protected] Manhattan 3 Heref 5-6 6 @1125.00 Olsburg 2 blk SS 5 @950.00 lower. Cottonwood Falls 1 Heref [email protected] Baileyville 5 blk 7-8 7-8 @1125.00 Baileyville 2 blk SS, BM 8 @900.0.0 STEER CALVES — 425-525 LBS. Brighton, CO 1 blk [email protected] Junction City 7 blk 2-3 4-6 @1100.00 Olsburg 2 blk SS, BM 4-5 @850.00 Burlingame 3 mix [email protected] Marysville 1 Heref [email protected] Olsburg 2 blk 4 5 @1050.00 FALL REPLACEMENT HEIFERS Manhattan 3 blk [email protected] Woodbine 1 Simm [email protected] Manhattan 2 Heref 4 4 @1025.00 Overbrook 4 blk @1200.00 St. George 3 blk [email protected] Alma 1 Heref [email protected] Clay Center 2 blk SS 8 @1025.00 Overbrook 4 blk @1200.00 Council Grove 10 blk [email protected] Woodbine 1 blk [email protected] Olsburg 2 blk 2-3 3-4 @1025.00 Overbrook 4 blk @1175.00 Topeka 3 blk [email protected] Marysville 1 Heref [email protected] STEERS — 575-1,050 LBS. CALVES EARLY CONSIGNMENTS FOR OCT. 30 Corning 5 blk [email protected] 1 blk @335.00 • 48 choice reputation Angus strs & hfrs, 2 complete rds shots, weaned 6 weeks, no Council Grove 13 blk [email protected] 1 blk @325.00 implants, 550-650 lbs. St. George 12 blk [email protected] 1 blk @310.00 • 30 blk strs, 2 rds shots, weaned 5 weeks, bunk & hot wire broke, 500-600 lbs. Manhattan 20 blk [email protected] 2 blk @300.00 • 60 choice reputation blk bwf mostly strs, Spring shots, 400-600 lbs. St. George 4 blk [email protected] 2 Cross @285.00 • 53 blk & bwf mostly strs, weaned 6 weeks, 2 rds shots, 500-650 lbs. Corning 12 Simm [email protected] 2 blk @325.00 • 17 bwf, few rwf strs, weaned 7 weeks, 3 rds shots, 500-600 lbs. Burlingame 3 bwf [email protected] 1 Cross @225.00 • 27 choice blk strs & hfrs, 2 rds shots, weaned 30 days, 550-700 lbs. Manhattan 17 blk [email protected] For our special cow sale held Wednesday, • 40 blk bwf strs & hfrs, complete pre wean shots, 550-650 lbs. Eskridge 11 blk [email protected] October 21st, young Fall calving pairs were • 50 choice reputation Angus strs & hfrs, 2 rds shots, 450-600 lbs. Perry 11 blk [email protected] showing the most interest. All other cows • 25 blk strs & hfrs, 550-650 lbs. Perry 17 blk [email protected] sold accordingly. • 70 choice blk & few Red strs & hfrs, all respiratory shots in Spring, 500-700 lbs. Pleasanton, TX 3 blk [email protected] 1ST CALF HEIFER PAIRS • 7 blk strs & hfrs, 1 rd BovShield Gold Shot, weaned 30+ days, Covexin 8, Detonix inject., 450-550 lbs. Topeka 3 blk [email protected] AGE Onaga 3 blk [email protected] White City 2 Rd Ang 2 @2625.00 Burlingame 10 blk [email protected] Hoyt 5 Rd Ang 2 @2500.00 EARLY CONSIGNMENTS FOR NOV. 6 HEIFER CALVES — 425-550 LBS. Bern 12 blk 2 @2450.00 • 60 choice reputation Moser Ranch & Nemaha Valley genetics Angus strs & hfrs, weaned 45 Topeka 4 bwf [email protected] Hoyt 4 Rd Ang 2 @2425.00 days, wormed, Zoetis One Shot, In Force, Ultra Bac 7 given in May, boosters of BovaShield St. George 7 blk [email protected] Bern 9 blk 2 @2400.00 Gold & Ultra Bac 7, Somubac at weaning. Past history nearly 100% choice & 70% CAB w/ Burlingame 3 bwf [email protected] Bern 4 bwf 2 @2350.00 10% Prime carcass performance. 625-700 lbs. Manhattan 17 blk [email protected] Bern 2 blk 2 @2200.00 • 15 blk strs & hfrs, 1 rd Spring shots, 500-600 lbs. Manhattan 7 Cross [email protected] Havensville 7 blk 2 @2200.00 • 70 choice reputation Angus & Simm Angus strs & hfrs, 500-650 lbs. Council grove 5 blk [email protected] Hoyt 10 Char 2 @2150.00 • 100 choice reputation blk strs, off grass, 900-950 lbs. HEIFERS — 550-875 LBS. BRED 1ST CALF HEIFERS • 35 choice reputation Angus strs & hfrs, weaned 45 days, 2 rds shots, wormed, Perry 10 blk [email protected] AGE BRED poured, 450-550 lbs. Las Animas, CO 8 Rd Ang [email protected] Las Animas, CO 10 Rd Ang 2 4-5 @1300.00 Berryton 45 blk [email protected] COW/CALF PAIRS ANNUAL CLINE CATTLE CO. FALL Manhattan 12 blk [email protected] AGE Eskridge 6 blk [email protected] Manhattan 4 bwf 5-6 @2450.00 BULL & ANGUS FEMALE SALE Eskridge 3 blk [email protected] Havensville 7 blk 2 @2200.00 TUES., NOV 10 • STARTING 1:00 PM Cottonwood Falls 8 bwf [email protected] Pamona 5 Rd Ang 6-7 @2200.00 Onaga 9 blk [email protected] Manhattan 2 Simm 4 @2200.00 MANHATTAN COMM. LIVESTOCK FACILITY Burlingame 4 mix [email protected] Wamego 2 blk 4 @2150.00 BULLS Onaga 5 blk [email protected] Corning 4 blk 3-4 @2100.00 • 20 stout, athletic 18 mo. bulls. COWS & HEIFERETTES — 800-1,800 LBS. Manhattan 3 bwf 7-8 @1775.00 • 15 Fall yearling bulls. Alma 1 blk [email protected] Alma 4 blk 5-7 @1700.00 • 70 outstanding Maternally Verified Angus Females Consisting Of: Manhattan 1 bwf [email protected] Wamego 5 blk 6 @1685.00 30 Spring calving cows & Bred heifers Westmoreland 1 Cross [email protected] Wamego 3 blk 7 @1675.00 40 fall calving cows w/ Sept/Oct calves by side. Prairie Village 1 Rd Ang [email protected] Clay Center 4 Cross 6-8 @1575.00 FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT: WWW.CLINECATTLECOMPANY.COM Soldier 1 blk [email protected] Corning 2 Cross 5 @1500.00 LANCE CLINE: 785-564-1744 • AUSTIN CLINE: 785-565-3246 Soldier 1 Rd Ang [email protected] Mayetta 4 blk 7-8 @1375.00 Hoyt 1 blk [email protected] Mayetta 2 Cross 6 @1375.00 Baileyville 1 blk [email protected] Clay Center 2 blk 7-8 @1325.00 EARLY CONSIGNMENTS FOR NOV. 13 Mayetta 1 blk [email protected] Alma 2 Char 6-8 @1300.00 • 75 choice reputation Angus strs & replacement quality hfrs, 600-750 lbs, 2 rds shots, Frankfort 1 blk [email protected] Clay Center 4 blk SS @1300.00 weaned Sept. 18. Mayetta 1 blk [email protected] Williamsburg 3 bwf 5-7 @1300.00 Olsburg 1 bwf [email protected] Baileyville 2 blk BM @1275.00 SPECIAL STOCK COW Baileyville 1 blk [email protected] Clay Center 4 blk BM @1150.00 Olsburg 1 blk [email protected] Clay Center 4 blk SS @1125.00 AND BRED HEIFER SALE Manhattan 1 blk [email protected] Topeka 3 blk BM @1000.00 Westmoreland 1 blk [email protected] BRED COWS WED., NOV. 18 • STARTING 11:00 AM Alma 1 blk [email protected] AGE BRED Wamego 1 blk [email protected] Manhattan 4 bwf 2 5-7 @1500.00 REPLACEMENT HEIFERS Wamego 1 blk [email protected] Onaga 5 Char 8 5 @1500.00 • 11 Heref OCV replacement hfrs, 650-700 lbs. PAIRS Wamego 1 blk [email protected] Manhattan 3 Heref 2 5-6 @1450.00 • 10 Heref cows,running ages w/ Char cross Aug/Sept. calves by side. Alta Vista 1 blk [email protected] Manhattan 3 bwf 6 7-8 @1425.00 • 35 blk bwf Red cows, 4-8, need paired w/ Sept./Oct. SimAngus sired calves by side. Alta Vista 1 blk [email protected] Manhattan 3 mix 3 3-5 @1375.00 FOR A COMPLETE AND UP TO DATE LISTING,VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT MCCLIVESTOCK.COM Wamego 1 bwf [email protected] Baileyville 2 blk 2 8 @1350.00 Upcoming Special Stock Cow & Bred Heifer Sale Dates • Wednesdays starting at 11:00 AM 2020: Nov. 18 • Dec. 16 • 2021: Jan. 13 • Feb. 10 • Feb. 17 • Mar. 17 • Apr. 14 • May 5 VISIT US ON THE WEB FOR DAILY CONSIGNMENT UPDATES AT WWW.MCCLIVESTOCK.COM ————————— FIELD REPRESENTATIVES ————————— JOHN CLINE BRENT MILLER MERVIN SEXTON TOM TAUL BRYCE HECK ONAGA ALMA MANHATTAN MANHATTAN LINN 785-889-4775 785-765-3467 Cell: 785-770-2622 785-537-0036 785-348-5448 Cell: 785-532-8381 Cell: 785-587-7824 Cell: 785-556-1422 Cell: 785-447-0456 SAM GRIFFIN ALAN HUBBARD JEFF BROOKS DAN COATES ANDREW SYLVESTER BURNS OLSBURG BEATTIE BALDWIN WAMEGO 620-726-5877 785-468-3552 785-353-2263 785-418-4524 785-456-4352 Cell: 620-382-7502 Cell: 785-410-5011 Cell: 785-562-6807 Page 14 Grass & Grain, October 27, 2020

Grass & Grain, October 27, 2020 Page 15

Farmers hoping for rain to nurture newly-planted crops; short-term relief may be coming, but three-month outlook less promising It may sound like a for harvest, but not so “The latest forecast little to improve condi- er, you go for the norm, months. common refrain in farm good for seeding wheat. (from Oct. 21) has a signifi- tions. One-quarter to 1½ plan for success, but then An interview with country, but we sure could It’s going to take rain to cant amount of rain falling inches will provide short- be ready to pivot if you Duncan is available on- use some rain around get most of the later-seed- in the eastern third of the term relief, maybe enough have to.” line on the weekday radio here. ed wheat up right now. state,” Knapp said. “The to get wheat or other fall In addition to satisfying program, Agriculture Kansas State Universi- And the ground is hard. heaviest is in the south- crops started.” their crops, farmers could Today. Farmers can also ty northeast area agron- That’s what we’re dealing east, where 1½ to 2½ inch- Unfortunately for farm- use a little rain to help in get weekly updates from omist Stu Duncan talks with right now.” es might accumulate.” ers, Knapp said, a three- restoring farm ponds or K-State Research and Ex- weekly with Extension Mary Knapp, the assis- She said the amount of month outlook beginning other supplies of water, tension in the Agronomy agents across the state tant state climatologist rainfall expected through in November is for condi- and to anchor down some eUpdate, published by the and many are sending at K-State, said produc- the end of October tapers tions that are warmer and of the dry soil that is at Department of Agronomy. the same message: The ers have “hopeful eyes” off in the north and west. drier than normal. risk for erosion. Duncan More information on fall crop harvest has gone on a measure called the “Further west, generally “What I can tell pro- said the extension agents weather conditions, fore- well, and much of next Quantitative Precipitation less than a quarter of an ducers is that they should also are telling him that casts and other weath- spring’s wheat crop is in Forecast, which gives a inch is expected,” Knapp plan for a normal year, some farmers are getting er-related data in Kansas the ground. picture of how much mois- said. though I’m still not sure a bit anxious about having is available online from “But it is dry,” Duncan ture might be received in “Amounts less than a what a normal one is,” enough feed to get live- Kansas Mesonet. said. “It’s great weather the next seven days. quarter of an inch will do Duncan said. “As a farm- stock through the winter USDA issues $1.68 billion in payments to producers enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program The U.S. Department soil, improve water qual- private-lands conserva- • Reducing nitrogen ducks, pheasants, turkey, riculture to better meet of Agriculture is issuing ity, provide habitat for tion programs in the U.S. and phosphorous runoff bobwhite quail, prairie future global demands. $1.68 billion in payments wildlife, sequester car- It was originally intended relative to annually tilled chickens, grasshopper “With over 1.5 million to agricultural produc- bon, and benefit agricul- to primarily control soil cropland by 95 and 85 per- sparrows, and many other acres in CRP in Kansas it ers and landowners for tural operations.” erosion and potential- cent respectively; birds. is a vital tool for produc- the 21.9 million acres en- Through CRP, farmers ly stabilize commodity • Sequestering an an- The successes of CRP ers,” said David Schemm, rolled in the Conservation and ranchers establish prices by taking marginal nual average of 49 million contribute to USDA’s Kansas State executive Reserve Program, which long-term, resource-con- lands out of production. tons of greenhouse gases, Agriculture Innovation director. provides annual rental serving plant species, The program has evolved equal to taking 9 million Agenda and its goal of re- CRP participants with payment for land devoted such as approved grasses over the years, providing cars off the road; ducing the environmental contracts effective begin- to conservation purposes. or trees, to control soil many conservation and • Creating more than 3 footprint of U.S. agricul- ning on October 1, 2020, “CRP is one of the erosion, improve water economic benefits. The million acres of restored ture by half by 2050. Ear- will receive their first many ‘tools’ that USDA quality, and enhance wild- program marks its 35-year wetlands while protecting lier this year, Secretary annual rental payment in offers to producers and life habitat on cropland. anniversary this Decem- more than 175,000 stream Perdue announced the October 2021. private landowners to Farmers and ranchers ber. Program successes miles with riparian forest department-wide initia- For more information help best manage sensi- who participate in CRP include: and grass buffers, which tive to align resources, on CRP, visit fsa.usda. tive lands,” said Richard help provide numerous • Preventing more thanis enough to go around the programs, and research gov or contact your local Fordyce, administrator benefits to the nation’s en- 9 billion tons of soil from world seven times; and to position American ag- FSA county office. of USDA’s Farm Service vironment and economy. eroding, which is enough • Benefiting bees and Agency. “Lands enrolled Signed into law in 1985, soil to fill 600 million other pollinators and in- LARRY POST ESTATE AUCTION in this program conserve CRP is one of the largest dump trucks; creased populations of SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2020 — 12:00 NOON KDA offers reimbursement to specialty crop growers 717 NW 37th St (just off Rochester Rd.) - TOPEKA, KS The Kansas Department ket, December 8-10, 2020, (SCBG). The SCBG makes From the Land of Kansas of Agriculture has funds Virtual funds available to state de- program coordinator, at available for reimburse- Southeast Regional partments of agriculture 785-564-6755 or Sammy. ment to Kansas specialty Fruit & Vegetable Confer- solely to enhance the com- [email protected]. crop growers who attend ence, January 5-7, 2021, petitiveness of specialty Lots of concrete equipment, trailers, buckets, exca- vation equipment, limestone posts, aluminum trench an educational conference Virtual crops. According to USDA, box, ladders, dump truck covers, shop heater, genera- with a primary focus on North American Straw- specialty crops are defined tor, PVC pipe, culverts, 12’ and 16’ square steel posts, specialty crops. Qualifying berry Growers Association as “fruits, vegetables, tree Enduro vacuum pump, tires, chain link, water pump, conferences may include Conference, January 18-20, nuts, dried fruits, horticul- battery chargers, riding and push mower, shop heater, erosion control, large wrenches – ratchets – sockets, sessions about produc- 2021, Virtual ture and nursery crops, in- pliers, screwdrivers, pipe cutters, firehose, many hand tion practices, specialized Unified Wine & Grape cluding floriculture.” tools, paints and cleaners, pipe wrenches, chains and boomers, yard equipment and technolo- Symposium, January 26-29, This grant fits KDA’s tools, 60# jack hammer, 4” post auger, transom gy, pest and disease man- 2021, Sacramento, Califor- mission to provide an en- and tripods, pipe lasar level, manhole safety GSI harness – tripod and wench, air tank, chain agement, specialty crop nia vironment that enhances GRAIN BINS saw, and much more. Also household inc. pots marketing practices, or American Society for and encourages economic ALL SIZES AVAILABLE and pans, dishes, desks, dressers, stereo and business principles for Enology and Viticulture growth of the agriculture Hopper Bins Available cabinet, small appliances, plumbing, linens and specialty crop producers. National Conference, June industry and the Kansas FINANCING AVAILABLE bedding, lamps, Resistol 4X cowboy hat, shoes and clothes, 2 leather coats, and more. Applicants who apply 21-24, 2021, Monterey, Cal- economy. Harder AG PRODUCTS This is only a partial list, please go to for the reimbursement ifornia For application details, West Highway 50 for many pictures & more complete list. will be required to attend This program is made go to the KDA website at PEABODY, KANSAS 66866 Held on site, inside shop in case of weather, concession. the conference between possible by a U.S. Depart- Phone 620-983-2158 HWY 24 AUCTIONS, Topeka – Susan Metzger, auctioneer December 2020 and June ment of Agriculture Spe- Questions should be di- Contact: [email protected] for questions 2021 and to complete sur- cialty Crop Block Grant rected to Sammy Gleason, veys before, immediate- ly after and six months post-conference prior to REAL ESTATE AUCTION payment being issued. HAY FEEDERS AND BUNKS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2020 — 7:00 PM Conferences not eligible Calvin D. Wiebe Auction will be held in the Community Center on the South side of the square in JEWELL, KS will include those within (620) 242-6410 cell Tract I: NE ¼ 25-5-10 Jewell Co., Kansas are wheat 68.06 with 36 bu yield, corn 19.21 the state of Kansas and The farm is located on 70 & C roads in Erving with 92 bu yield, grain sorghum 4.48 with 62 the Great Plains Growers (620) 732-2148 home Township, Jewell Co. The farm is located on bu yield, soybean 45.77 with 28 bu yield, sun- Conference. KDA will re- [email protected] a gravel road 4 ½ miles North of highway 24 flowers 6.34 with 840 yield for a total base of imburse Kansas specialty North of Waconda Lake (150 road in Mitchell 143.86. 2019 taxes were $1,125.42. Seller will Co.). There are 156.85 farmland acres with pay 2020 taxes. crop growers up to $850 74.68 acres crop, 82.17 acres grass. The Possession: Possession will be upon closing. each in order to offset bases are wheat 33.59 with 36 bu yield, corn the cost of their confer- 9.49 with 92 bu yield, grain sorghum 2.21 with Terms: 10% of purchase price as down pay- ence registration, mileage/ 62 bu yield, soybean 22.59 with 28 bu yield, ment day of auction, the balance will be paid upon closing on or before December 31, 2020. flights, hotel, meals, etc. sunflowers 3.12 with 840 yield for a total of base acres of 71. 2019 taxes were $2,798.68. The award is available on Down payment will be escrowed with NCK Title Seller will pay 2020 taxes. LLC. Escrow fees will be split 50/50 between a first-come, first-served seller & purchaser. Title insurance will be used, basis. The deadline for ap- See all our products at: Tract II: NE ¼ 24-5-9 Jewell Co., Kansas the cost will be split 50/50 between seller & plication is December 18, 5-S Livestock Selden 785-386-8075 The farm is located on D & 130 roads. The purchaser. 2020. farm is located on a gravel road 4 miles South Thummel Real Estate & Auction LLC is acting Tyler Kasl Belleville 785-527-0753 and 6 miles West of Jewell, Ks. 151.42 farm- Examples of confer- as seller agent. All statements made day of land acres with 151.42 acres crop. The bases auction take precedence over printed material. ences that may be eligible Dan Brooks Wamego 785-458-9504 for applicants to attend in- Farmers & Ranchers Livestock Salina 785-825-0211 DENNIS PAHLS TRUST clude, but are not limited Flint Hills Welding Alta Vista 785-499-6469 Auction Conducted By: THUMMEL REAL ESTATE & AUCTION LLC., 785-738-0067 to: Greg Vering Marysville 785-562-7164 Great Lakes Expo Fruit, Vegetable, and Farm Mar- Tim Deters Baileyville 785-294-0523 HERINGTON LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. AUCTION CATTLE SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2020 — 10:00 AM 11:30 AM From Ozawkie, KS, 2 miles East on K92 to Ferguson Rd., North to Jackson Rd., West & North on 110th (10000, 110th St. OZAWKIE, KS) 10/21/20 SALE RESULTS 90 FIREARMS WILL SELL IN LISTED ORDER: graved; Winchester 1906 .22 very nice; S&W .38 COWS & HEIFERETTES Lincolnville, 1 bwf [email protected] Lincolnville, 58 mix [email protected] Winchester Ranger 12 ga; Colt Puma .45 long Colt; Special revolver; many more guns in excellent to InterArms 625A .22; CBC .410 ga; Remington 870 new cond. LOTS OF AMMO Lincolnville, 1 blk [email protected] Burdick, 1 blk [email protected] Hope, 2 rwf [email protected] Express, 120ga; Beretta 1912, 12 ga; Remington GUN SAFE: Cobalt 15 long gun safe. Bear 60b. Herington, 1 red [email protected] White City, 1 rwf [email protected] Herington, 14 blk [email protected] 870 Wingmaster 12 ga; SKS 7.62x39; Winchester comp bow. White City, 1 blk [email protected] BULLS HEIFERS 1400, 20 ga; H&R Topper 88, 12 ga; Stevens .22 DOZER, H-D, TRACTORS, TRUCKS & TRAIL- Marion, 1 blk [email protected] Burdick, 1 blk [email protected] Gypsum, 6 blk [email protected] single shot; Winchester 06, .22; 2-Ruger Red Hawk ERS: Fiat Allis 10B dozer-needs hyd pump; Case .44 mag; Ruger single six .22; Ruger MKII, .22; Ru- 1450 Track Loader, pwr shift, 880 hr on rebuilt eng., Lincolnville, 1 blk [email protected] Gypsum, 1 blk [email protected] White City, 4 blk [email protected] ger MKII, .22 w/bull barrel; Colt M199, 1911, .45 se- under carriage-good; 2006 H-D Softtail deluxe, Marion, 1 red [email protected] STEERS Herington, 13 blk [email protected] ries 80; Heritage Rough Rider .22; Colt set of 2 .22 7394m-nice; 2-McCormick 1020, 1 steel, 1 rubber; Burdick, 1 blk [email protected] Gypsum, 10 blk [email protected] Gypsum, 3 blk [email protected] derringer; Franchi 48-A1, 20ga w/4 chokes; Marlin AC-B new tires; McCormick I-4 Standard new rear Gypsum, 1 bwf [email protected] Lincolnville, 61 blk [email protected] Hope, 3 rwf [email protected] 773 .22 WMR w/scope; SKS 7.62; US 1917 30-06; tires; AC-D10 new tires; Ford 8N w/Sherman trans; White City, 1 blk [email protected] Lincolnville, 60 blk [email protected] Cncl Grve, 15 blk [email protected] Stevens 87D .22; Marlin 336 30-30 w/scope; .308 AC-WD w/grader blade, not running; JD-B 721811; no brand rifle; Marlin 1894 .44 Mag; New England JD-B 14341, unstyled; AC-D17 diesel 14552, good Lincolnville, 1 blk [email protected] Gypsum, 7 blk [email protected] CALVES – BY THE HEAD 30-06 w/scope; Winchester 67A .22; NA-Brescia tires; 1961 Ford 2T not running; IH 1854, V8, die- White City, 1 blk [email protected] Herington, 18 blk [email protected] Herington, 1 rwf-bull [email protected] 1x1x Army rifle; M1 carbine; Remington 1917 sel, dump, 4sp 2sp; Elite 20’ gooseneck, w/ramps, White City, 1 blk [email protected] Lincolnville, 56 mix [email protected] Marion, 1 blk-heif [email protected] 30-06?; H&R .410 single shot; Savage 30-30 sin- dovetail, 14000 axles; 7’x14’ all alum, enclosed, White City, 1 bwf [email protected] Herington, 62 mix [email protected] gle shot; Springfield 1898 30-06; Handi rifle SB2 3500 axles-like new; 18’ triple axle backhoe trailer; .223 Rem; Stevens 39A .410; Ruger 77/22 .22 Gardner Denver 85 port air comp; Sun Dolphin 2 TH Hornet; shotgun barrel; NR Davis 12 ga dbl.; The person paddle boat. SPECIAL CALF SALE OCTOBER 28 Hey? White Powder Wonder 12 ga, single shot; MACHINERY, TOOLS, COLLECTIBLES & • 180 mostly blk strs, 850-900 lbs. • 20 blk strs & hfrs, home raised, shots, LW, 2-Stevens 67 12 ga; JC Higgins 20 12 ga; Western SALVAGE NOT LISTED! Field .410 pump; Remington 48 16 ga; H&R Stan- • 6 blk strs & hfrs, home raised, shots, 400- 600-800 lbs. dard single shot 20 ga; H&R single shot 12 ga; JC ATF RULES APPLY. MUST HAVE MASK to get 500 lbs. • 30 blk Char X strs & hfrs, home raised, Higgins 16 ga; Mossberg 185 K-B, 20 ga; DC Smith a BIDDING NUMBER. NO EXCEPTIONS! • 57 blk strs & hfrs, home raised, shots, 500- shots, 450-700 lbs. GUNS will sell at 1 PM followed by Tractors, 12 ga, dbl; Newman Bros 12 ga, dbl; JN Scotts 12 600 lbs. ga, dbl; Mossberg 185-KA, 20 ga; 12 ga single shot; Trailers, Trucks & Machinery. MORE CATTLE BY SALE TIME Veriden Arms 12 ga pump; Winchester 37, 16 ga, MANY OTHER ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MEN- • 5 mix strs, home raised, shots, 600-650 lbs. single shot; Elgin 12 ga single shot; Texas Ranger TION! BREAKFAST & LUNCH AVAILABLE. 12 ga single; Winchester 37 .410, single; Ordnance TERMS: Cash, Good Checks & Credit Cards w/ Our Consignments can now be viewed after 12 Noon on Mondays by going to 7mm bull barrel; Desert Eagle .50 semi auto; Arse- photo ID. Not responsible for accidents, lost & logging onto the online Subscription. nal 9x18 semi auto; Llama .32, semi auto; 1911 A1 or stolen items. .45; Ruger single six .32 H&R mag; M-541B 9mm semi auto; Taurus Raging Bull .454; Ruger Super View Our Auction Live at LMAAUCTIONS.COM Black Hawk .44 mag; Colt Python .357; S&W .45 See website for COMPLETE LISTING & PICTURES! KFRM AM 550, Every Wed., 8:00 a.m. • Barn Phone 785-258-2205 revolver; S&W 10mm revolver; Winchester .32 re- volver; Ruger Vaquero 44-40 Win; Ruger .22 semi auto; Ruger Black Hawk .45-new; Talon .22 derrin- OWNERS: GERALD FLORY (785-691-5190) ger; S&W 57-1 .41 revolver; Italilan black powder .36 Navy revolver; Colt New Service .38 WCF re- & IVAN FLORY Manager: Tracy Ediger, 785-366-6645 volver; Winchester 1894 .38 WCF rifle-very good EDGECOMB AUCTIONS: Dave Bures - 402-766-3743 • Bob Kickhaefer, Cell - 785-258-4188 cond; SA Luigi Franchi Brescia 20 ga, semi auto, vent rib, engraved, never shot; Ithaca 37 12 ga en- 785-766-6074 (C) * 785-594-3507 (H evenings) Tim Wildman, 785-366-6152 Page 16 Grass & Grain, October 27, 2020


DISCOUNTS: (For PRE-PAID orders only)


29 BIG RED FIRST CALF fall FOR SALE: 24 ANGUS AND FOR SALE: PUREBRED An- POLLED SHORTHORN bulls. pairs. Heifers are off of one ANGUS & SIM-ANGUS 10 Charolais Angus cross gus bull. 3 years old, used on Perfect for fall needs. Great se- ranch, they calved on their 18-24 month old bulls yearling heifers BVD tested heifers for 2 years. Never lection. 65+ years enhanced own, the calves are healthy available, easy fleshing, and CHV Gilliland Angus pulled no calves. Good disposi- genetics. Lauer Shorthorns, and growing well. $2300 Call or maternal focused, Beene Charolais 620-547-2558 tion. 402-729-5801 Abilene. 785-479-2288. text 785-427-7573 calving ease, good disposition. SIMMENTAL BULLS AND POLLED HEREFORD BULLS YEARLING BLACK ANGUS heifers for sale, some show TERRY OHLDE Hybrid-profit, calving ease. 3- bulls, semen tested, with calv- prospects. Ames Simmental, FOR SALE 19 mo. $1975-2300. 2 1/2 y.o.- ing ease and growth. AI bred Wymore, Nebraska. 402-645- PRIVATE TREATY $2900. Free delivery. Kanza SENECA, KS with maternal and disposition 3544, 402-520-2422. Service-Age Bulls Cattle, Chapman. 785-313- focus. Sons of Hickok, Pay- 6565 Private Treaty Calving Ease • Performance weight, Molitor's Complement. 18 Month Angus Bulls Efficient • Docile Reasonably priced. 785-817- AI Sired 4075, 785-665-7353. 785-747-6554 Dave Stump [email protected] POLLED Registered Calving Ease 785-556-0124 30 Performance Tested HEREFORD Gentle Disposition Dan Schmidt Sim-Angus bulls FOR SALE: P.I. Negative 785-562-6685 Yearling to 2 year olds, black HEREFORD BULLS Blue Rapids, KS or red polled, semen checked, David J. & Doris, 785-556-0124 vaccinated, poured, very BULLS Bred for Complete Daren Ronnebaum Visit us at gentle. Horned and polled, Performance 785-294-1511 Luin Berger ready for service. A Gold TPR Breeder 785-268-0647 Cell 4-H and FFA • Growth 785-363-2645 Home heifer prospects. • Muscle Will deliver. • Maternal SWINE Davis Herefords, • Disposition 785-256-4643 Fertility Tested and For Sale Private Treaty: SWINE 785-256-4010 Guaranteed REGISTERED EQUIPMENT Maple Hill, KS. Buildings — Ventilation DETTKE FARMS ANGUS BULLS Flooring — Feeders 12 ANGUS BULLS 150K enhanced EPDs Waterers — Heaters For Sale by Private Treaty Crates — Nursery Equip. Call: Performance Tested, • 2 year olds BRIAN DETTKE Fertility Tested, Free K & N • Featured Sires: Dually, Marysville, KS Delivery, Guaranteed Sight Swine Systemsr Command, Hoover Dam, Unseen Purchases. Capitalist, and Black Granite. 785-562-6257 RICK HENRY ANGUS BULLS Excellent Disposition. Yearling Registered Angus • Performance Tested Priced to sell!! 785-336-2130 Yearling to 2 year olds bulls, AI sired, performance SENECA, KANSAS • Fertility Tested Performance Data Available HOLTON, KANSAS Fully Guaranteed tested, carcass ultrasound, • Good Maternal Traits Free Delivery in KS & NE. 785-845-5272 • 785-817-2328 genomic enhanced EPD's, • Fertility Tested semen checked & guaranteed. • Volume Discounts LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT Continuously raising Angus [email protected] Lindsborg, KS See Performance Data & cattle for 71 years. 785-227-5414 Price List at: WINTER SPECIAL- LEWIS cattle oilers. Control flies and Vering Angus FOUNTAIN- LURAY, KANSAS lice. Keep cows happy and Greg Vering Angus, Red Angus HARGRAVE healthy. 785-499-2860. 785-698-2225 Marysville, KS CATTLE 785-562-7164 Cell & Charolais COMPANY HOLD 'EM FENCE Company Bulls For Sale barbed wire, welded continu- 785-562-3988 Home ous fence, pipe, custom tubs, • Over 250 18 month old & Offering high-quality gates, alleyways. Cell 785-313- ANGUS & SIMMENTAL- Spring yearling bulls available Charolais Bulls 4552, http://www.holdemfence. • Your Private Treaty Private Treaty com ANGUS BULLS Headquarters. Over 25 years experience in Private FALL 50% OFF SALE ON • High Performing Treaty & Sight-Unseen Sales. Tire Water Tanks & Feeders. • Structurally Sound You won't be choosing from • Quiet Disposition WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! bulls that "didn't make the • Fertility Tested, Virgin Bulls sale" or were "caught" in the 785-231-8397 • Priced for the commercial auction. For more information or Our goal is to get the right cattleman • R&D PIPE & POST bull to the right herd every pictures contact: • Yearlings & 2-year olds w/ 3 1/2" OD, $2.70/ft. 4 1/2" OD, time. calving ease and growth $3.65/ft. 2 3/8" and 2 7/8" OD See our display ad in this is- Nick Hargrave • Excellent selection w/ volume • also available. Sucker rod sue. 785-293-2176 RED & BLACK discounts 3/4"x25', $8.25 apiece. Videos, data, and catalog [email protected] • Performance data available • ANGUS BULLS Delivery available. available on our website. • Good maternal traits Wilsey, KS Please check for updates HUNINGHAKE ANGUS IRVINE RANCH 620-767-2907 hroughout the Spring. Frankfort, KS t ANNUAL Genomic enhanced EPD's Leo Huninghake • on every bull in all three PRODUCTION SALE Home: 785-292-4537 breeds. Cell: 785-556-2648 NOV. 7th 2020 • 1 PM Yearling & 18 Month Old It's time to come home to... At the Ranch! Bulls HARMS SELLING: 60 Simm & SimAngus bulls Calving Ease with Great PLAINVIEW DNA Enhanced EPD's. Growth Calving Ease & Performance! Making tough jobs easier RANCH SUPER 7 - Elite Donor Performance Data Mark & Kim Harms Females Available Luco Mfg. Co 2528 250th Street Most with Fall Heifer babies Good Maternal Traits & Lincolnville, KS 66858 at side • HYDRAULIC CHUTES Email: [email protected] Great Disposition • WORKING CIRCLES Celebrating 52 years Reasonable Prices • CAKE FEEDERS 620-924-5544 breeding Simmentals! • CONTINUOUS FENCING Bring this Ad - Receive • PANELS & GATES Mark Cell: Manhattan, KS $50 Discount See us at 620-382-6388 Randy Huninghake Or call toll free: Kim's Cell: Frankfort, KS 1-888-816-6707 (785) 313-7473 785-556-0319 Cell PO Box 385 620-382-5373 [email protected] 785-292-6019 Home Strong City, KS 66869 Grass & Grain, October 27, 2020 Page 17 AUTOMOTIVE REAL ESTATE TRAILERS MACHINERY GRASS & GRAIN DIRECTORY '99 F250 4X4, 252,000 MILES, 10.1 ACRES 2-1/2 MILES JD 630 FLEX HEADER, shed- AUCTIONEERS 58,000 on transmission. 5.4 north of Wamego on Highway ded, nice. $15,000. 785-248- gas. $2,750 OBO. 785-396- 99. 801-916-6161, Rick. 3205. 4520 LIVESTOCK & HORSE TRAILERS FARM & RANCH FOR RENT: JD 6 ROW corn 1991 FORD F-350 DUALLY ------FLATBED TRAILERS 351 engine, 8x11 foot flatbed, • 1-800-526-0939 • heads. IH adapter available. 30CFM air compressor, en- Land For Sale 785-456-5093. Saline Co.- 21.5 acres with gine driven. Cherry picker Serving all 105 Kansas 22 acre railroad lease. 37.5 crane on rear. $3000. 785-565- counties with more than acres cropland South of 1000 BUSHEL GRAIN CART 2647. 30 years of experience. Brookville. Call Chris 493- Trailers 4 U Killbros 1800. $21,500. Cell 785 826-3261 Offices located in Wichita, 2476 785-292-4166 Manhattan & Anthony. Ottawa Co.- 10 Acre Build- Frankfort, KS ing Site & 20 Acre Building FOR SALE: 213 JD FLEX Call us today at Site Northwest of Bennington head. 9115 Massey flex head. 316.524.8345 on blacktop. Call Chris 493- Jack Boyle, 785-564-0511, 2476 785-294-2236 A bid above the rest! Ottawa Co.- 78 Acres m/l, 42.4 Acres CRP balance nat- ive grass. Excellent upland GLENCOE SERIES III, 11 shank soil saver, hydraulic disc 2006 GMC 3500 game bird habitat. Chris 493- When There's Work To Do... Allison Automatic, Duramax 2476 gang, walking tandems. 785- Diesel, New Farm Aid Mixer Farm & Ranch Division Of: 466-0069 Several Daycabs available Feed Mixers and JOHN DEERE #35 2 ROW sil- Manure Spreaders age cutter, $1,500. 1948 Ford Kuhn Knight, new & used DONAHUE! F6 wheat truck, $1,500. 785- Belleville, KS 1-800-457-7406 826-0613. 800-536-2293 FOR SALE: 'O5 MASSEY Fer- guson 1540 w/ loader, canopy. GANNON REAL ESTATE Elite Aluminum 4WD, one remote. 785-889- & AUCTIONS Stock Trailers 7135, cell 785-477-2173. ARMSBID.COM VERN GANNON, CAI Titan — Sharp 1970 JD 3020 w/ Westendorf Kull’s Old Town Broker/Auctioneer Your Trailer Super Store! Manhattan, Kansas 66502 Station invites Mid-Plains loader. 4715 hrs., 2 SCV, joy- consignments for 785-539-2316 stick control, buggy top, EZ Equipment steps, good paint and tin, slick our Spring, Sum- 785-537-9003 Hutchinson, Kansas • Hillsboro, Kansas mer & Fall Auctions. If you have Newton, Kansas E. Hwy 30 & 10, POBox 2526 tractor. 785-764-5151 1 or 1,000, we’d like to talk to you. Kearney, NE 68848 The Experienced Sound In Selling 2017 Ford F250 crew XLT 4x4, We will also buy collections or Delivery Available 6.2 gas, auto, loaded, one 1988 JD 7720 COMBINE, Ti- individual guns. 308-237-5810 [email protected] or owner, 54,903 mi. tan II, 2457 hours. 922 head. Excellent, field ready, always 785-862-8800 • 800-466-5516 2017 Ford F250 crew Lariet 4x4 Topeka, Kansas diesel, auto, loaded, 76k mi. shedded. 785-258-2821, 785- 366-0038. 2018 Ram Power Wagon crew BOB'S 4x4, 6.4 V8, auto, nice, 103k TRAILER SALES YOUR REAL ESTATE mi. JD 158 LOADER, 7' BUCKET, AUCTION TEAM! 2018 Ram 3500 Tradesman reg grapple fork, $3750. JD 9500 Pomona, Kansas combine, $20,000. 4910 Hes- cab, 4x4, 6.4 V8, auto, low ston baler, $20,000. JD 4440, STEVE MURRAY miles, 7k mi. 785-418-2227 $26,000. 785-577-5656. Broker/Auctioneer 2019 GMC 1500 SLT crew, 4x4 Circle-D, Elite, Travalum, MURRAY V8, auto, loaded, like new, 8k Travalong, Bulldog, AUCTION & REALTY mi. JD FLEX HEADS: two 625s, Ironstar, Titan three 630s, all ready to go to Real Estate - Farm - Household 2019 Ford F150 crew XLT 4x4, TERRI HOLLENBECK, Broker B&W Hitches work, $8500 - $13,500, Could ANDREW SYLVESTER, Auctioneer 785-556-4354 5.0 V8 auto loaded 22k mi. be converted to fit older com- BILL DISBERGER, Coordinator [email protected] Ask for Kris Hanschu Turnover ball: $595 bines. 785-466-6019. JESSICA HOLLENBECK, Office Mgr. krishanschu@ Free Installation! • 2020 Utility 18+2, two 7k Case & IH 785.539.2732 620-755-2824 axles ...... $4,085 • 2021 Travalum 24' stock Tractor Salvage REAL ESTATE trailer ...... $16,200 Case 300's thru 2096 • 2020 Circle D stock trailer, IH 460's thru 5488 20' ...... $8,500 Over 1000 Tractors on shelf Looking for that • 2020 Circle D 24', Full New & Rebuilt parts for all special place in cleated floor, bull pkg, loaded brands of tractors/ combines GAVEL ROADS ...... $11,250 IS THE PLACE TO GO the country – to • 2020 Circle D 24' stock Want to buy buy or sell? ...... $9,500 Case & IH salvage tractors TO BUY AND SELL • 2020 Elite 30' 10k axles EQUIPMENT. Call gooseneck flatbed... $9,000 Dolly Anderson, Broker • 2020 Elite 25', 2-7k axles Elmer's Repair Gooseneck flatbed .....$6,800 CENTRALIA, KS 785.587.7737 G&A Real Estate, INC. • 2020 Elite 25' 10k axles 785-857-3248 785-532-8801 Gooseneck flatbed .....$8,500 READY ... SET ... SOLD! Manhattan, Kansas • 2020 Elite 32' 10k axles Gooseneck flatbed .....$9,500 All Elite flatbed trailers low USED TRACTORS Custom Manure D. ROCHE profile and torque tube, '15 Case IH Maxxum 125 Hauling & Spreading dual jacks and toolbox. MFD ldr, 1,050 hrs FENCING LAND FOR SALE '02 Case IH MX200 3,140 hrs Big to Small Jobs! INC. Blue Valley Trailers '09 Case IH Magnum 215, Chore-Boyz Services QUALITY BUILT FENCES Geary Co. - 381 acres hunting/pasture Waterville, Kansas 3,550 hrs '02 JD 790 MFD ROPS 152 913-636-1099 DON ROCHE 2 ponds with spring hrs 785-292-4271 '96 JD 8300 MFD 7,995 hrs Blue Valley Drilling, Inc. FRANKFORT, KS '95 JD 8770, 4WD, 3,903 hrs Water Well Drilling & Service CALL SHELLY '79 IH 686 diesel 6,580 hrs Family Business Over 70 Years! HALDEMAN '79 JD 4240 QR CONTACT ERIC STRADER '68 JD 4020 Synchro w/ 148 1987 6’ wide model #500 se- WELL DRILLING & 785-263-5028 ldr., new injection pump ries, Ser#547 36600 0.9M(3) .. 785-363-7353 MISCELLANEOUS ...... $2,500 PUMP SERVICE Case IH 900 8R30 front fold 2013 White 8222 No-Till plant- Case IH 900 planter 6R30 er, 12 row 30” flex frame fold, '89 CaseIH 1660 combine liquid fert., 3 BU hoppers, 1990 MF 231 diesel 2wd 700 HOOVER '98 Case IH 1020 15' flex SM400SE monitor, Pneumat- '04 Case IH 2366 4WD 4,045 eng hrs w/ MF 232 ldr, new ic down pressure, point ow TARP SALES eng., 2,995 sep. ring & pinion, serviced & ready...... '11 Case IH 7088 combine Nice clean tractor, new bat- shut-off 6 rows. Stk#1100 ...... $38,900 1705 engine, 1,248 sep. tery. Stk#4786 ...... $8,800 WELL DRILLING 2014 MF 5611 w/ MF 941 '11 Case IH 3406 corn head 2003 Hesston 9260 SP Wind- COMPLETE PUMP SERVICE w/ trailer ldr. 415 hrs, like new, very ower & 9070 rotary header. Abilene, KS SOLAR PUMPS '09 Case IH 2020 flex head nice clean tractor. Air seat, Firestone 23.1x26 Super Trac MANHATTAN, KS Hayliner - Bale Buzzer 25' 540/540E/1000 PTO, AM/FM/ Toll Free 1-800-536-2348 Radial Bar Tires, rear 14x16.1 Day or Night '05 Case IH 1020 20' WB digital stereo. 84” material “DON’T GO TARPLESS” • New Trailers Firestone. Very clean, well 785-539-9295 '99 Case IH1083 corn head bucket w/ Euro Quick Attach maintained shedded machine. • Used Trailers ʻ89 Case IH 1020 25ʼ bale spear - Euro Attach MF/ GENUINE SHUR-LOK YOUR AD COULD BE Stk#8354/8355 ... COMING IN • Trailer Repair '13 EZ-Trail 510 grain cart w/ Quicke 72556073M Stk#3094. NOTHING LESS! HERE! GRASS & GRAIN tarp 2019 MF 1740MHL Platform NEWSee EQUIPMENT used at Stk#2505/2506 ...... $64,900 FAX 785-598-2282 785-539-7558 Net wrap & twine available. Phares-Wilkins grain cart 400 compact tractor. 4WD, Plat- bushel form/ROPS, Hydrostat, LED 2019 Sunflower 6631-29 VT R2800 Basket Rake tool. 14” Hydraulic rolling bas- A&L F500 grain cart w/ tarp worklight. MF DL125 ldr, 72” VR1022-1224785-363-2224 wheel rakes ...... LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT FEED & SEED BPX 9010 Processor (2) Parker 2600 gravity wag- skid steer bucket. Like new, ket finisher. Stk#6926 ons ...... New - In Stock 504R1-866-368-4826 Baler exceptionally nice. Stk#7033. '07 JD HX 15 Batwing 2019 Grouser AG 240i Dozer ELBON RYE $9/ BUSHEL Le- Winkel Calving Pen CATTLE FENCE '11 Cimarron 8' rotary mower Blade. 4-way blade w/ Box clair Seeds 785-410-2851 Portable Corral ...... $28,500 '11 Bush Hog 3008 8' rotary End Plate Kit. Incl. FH-400 AND EQUIPMENT R2300 rake 2014 MF 4608 4WD tractor,270 ALFALFA HAY & GRASS hay mower NH/Buhler Versatile Gene- BPX 9000 Bale Processor eng. hrs. 80 HP, platform, Cont. fence, posts, gates, cable & pipe for sale. All cuttings, 500+ MC 3700 JD 1418 rotary cutter, 14' sis Mount. Only used partial 12x12 power shuttle, 540 & Bunk & hay saving feeders (50% less) bales. 785-541-0348. Perfect Tree Saw Sitrex MK16 wheel rake season, pushed around 3,500 '08 Case IH RB564 rd. baler 1000 PTO. Engine block heat- Squeeze & loading chutes, alleys USED EQUIPMENT tons. Stk#7612 ...... $24,900 WANT TO BUY TRITICALE MACHINERY (2) CIH 6500 Conser-til, 14' , air seat, worklights, hori- Red Rhino hay and gooseneck trailers 5500 Rebel Baler Woods PHD65 post hole digger seed. Call Brock Baker, 316- JD 980 FC 27' zontal exhaust. New MF 921X Corral design. Customized work. 665 with net w/o bits. Includes 9” HD dou- 249-1907. Case IH 490 disc 25' ldr. w/used 84” skid steer 605NBERG REPAIR - Lowest Prices, RC 9120 mower '01 Case IH 3950 disk, 33' bucket. Serviced and lubed. ble flight auger ($200 individu 2020 PRAIRIE HAY: Large 14200 Godlove Rd. ally). Stk#7447 ...... $900 GoBob Quality - Always! TM850 Mower Demo JD 915 V ripper 7 shank Consignment stk#3437/4225 . rounds weigh 1250# net Westmoreland, KS JD 714 disc chisel 9 shank 2002 Hesston 845 round baler, ...... $34,500 wrapped. 200 available. Call BERG785.457.3534 REPAIR JD FBB drill 16x8 twine tie, wide pickup, Hyd. 2015 Woods BB840X 7’ rotary 855-880-7964 for prices 785-215-5310 GB 900 Hi-master ldr kicker, stk#7443. Speeco 3pt post hole digger mower, slip clutch, MF Red BROME AND PRAIRIE HAY Brand pkg., new blades, ser- Land Pride HRL-3578 retract- 2008 Gravely 152Z Zero turn 4x5' round bales, horse-quality. viced & lubed. Consignment Brome 800#, prairie hay 725# able shank box blade 6.5' lawnmower Kohler 23Hp, stk#3461 ...... $3,150 FEED & SEED average weight. $35/bale, can '14 Cub Cadet LZ60 zero turn 52” deck kept inside 425 hrs, 145 hrs 2015 Woods RB850-4 8’ rear deliver locally. Wamego, 785- stk#5767 ...... $4,400 NEW EQUIPMENT blade, hydraulic tilt, angle & FEYH FARM SEED CO 556-8784. NH 616 rotary disc mower, very Farmall 75C MFD cab, ldr Alma, Kansas offset, MG Red Brand pkg. clean, kept serviced, 7’-8” Net wrap14200 & Godlove twine available. Rd. Magnum 280, 195 hrs Consignment stk#3462 $3,150 Native Grass Seed YOUR Auction Source! swath. Stk#5301 consigned ... Wildflowers NEWWestmoreland, EQUIPMENT KS Case IH 335 Turbo 28' 2018 ASV RT75, 600 hrs, en- ...... $5,900 Smooth Brome Grass • VR1022-1224 wheel rakes CaseIH DC133 disc mower closed all weather cab, heat, Erosion Control Products 785.457.3534 conditioner • BPX 9010 Processor air cond., premium hyd. PKG, Cover Crop Seed Several Bush Hog rotary • Winkel Calving Pen Hyd QA, bucket positioning & • Portable Corral mowers and tillers 866-765-3415 ride control, factory B.U. cam [email protected] • R2300 rake Complete line Bush Hog zero radio, bucket. Stk#6397 ...... • BPX 9000 Bale Processor turn mowers • MC 3700 ...... $58,900 WANTED • Perfect Tree Saw 2018 Dodge Ram 2500 pick up DAMAGED • 1710 Tedder bed, single axle, black, nearly GRAIN new ...... $2,200 We pay top dollar for Grass & Grain USED EQUIPMENT • R2800 Rake 2014 MF 2946 1,600 bales, auto damaged grain. Trucks and 785-539-7558 ROSSVILLE mesh & twine, C1000 monitor, vac's available. Immediate • 5500 Rebel Baler SOLD response anywhere. • 665 with net Truck & Tractor 21.5L-16.1 tires with suspen- Pruess 1531 Yuma St • 605N SOLD ROSSVILLE, KANSAS sion axle, bale ramp, fire extin- Elevator, Inc • RC 9120 mower guisher. Stk#5950 ...... $27,900 1-800-828-6642 Manhattan, KS • TM850 Mower Demo 785-584-6195 JCB bucket for JCB Telehandler Page 18 Grass & Grain, October 27, 2020 MACHINERY MACHINERY MACHINERY MACHINERY MACHINERY BUILDINGS / BLDG MTLS.

SALVAGE COMBINES Guaranteed Used Truck Tire Town Inc. – USED IMPLEMENTS – ALLIS N7-6, L2, L, M, G, F2, Tires, most sizes. 20 8x38 New ...... $825 510 EZ Trail grain cart w/ tarp F, CII, AII; JD 8820, 7720, 340/85 R28 New ...... $485 2012 2856A Round Baler 7700, 6600, 4400, 3300, 105, Rossville, KS. 520 70R30 Buffed ...... $700 3986 Hesston 16 wheel rake 95, 55; MF 860, 760, 750, 480 70R28 Buffed ...... $500 2013 Gehl V270 skid loader 510, 410; IH 1680, 1480, 785-231-8397 420 85R34 Used 70% ....$300 2015 S78 Gleaner 29 ga 40yr ptd...... $69.89/sq 1460, 915, 815, 715, 503, 520/85R42 80% ...... $800 2010 Gleaner 8200 25' w/air 26 ga 40yr ptd...... $86.36/sq PLANTER SALVAGE 7 184x38 10P New ...... $525 reel 403; NH TR70-85, 1400, 995, 29 ga Galvalume... $55.68/sq New Equipment 985, 975. IH 800-900-950-955 Cyclo 600/65 R28 New ...... $1,000 2005 Gleaner R65 *Metal Roofing & Siding* 604R Premium Baler SALVAGE TRACTORS JD 494-1280, 7000-7300, 9 360/70R28 Buffed ...... $325 2016 R190 Gehl skid loader 604N Baler ALLIS 7000-7080, 220, 210, plate and plateless 710/75 R42 Buffed ...... $1,600 2014 Gleaner S77 combine Complete Bldg. Packages 605N Baler 190XT; D17-19; JD 84-8630, White 5100 23 R30 overstock ...... $1,100 1998 Gleaner R72 Doors, Insulation, Livestock 504R Signature Baler 7520, 6030, 5020, 4630, 184x34 New ...... $480 Gleaner 400 30' rigid Equipment, Scales, Waters, Koelzer Repair Gleaner 8000 25' flex head R2300 Twin Rake 4430, 4020, 3020, 720, 730; Onaga, KS 785-857-3257 800/70 R38 Buffed ...... $2,600 Bale Beds & Cake Feeders VR1224 12 Wheel Rake CASE 1470, 1370, 1270, 380/90 R46 80.00 ...... $750 Call us for your AGCO *Jobsite Delivery Available* 4 & 5 Net Wrap & Twine ʼ ʼ 1200, 1070, 930, 400; IH 800-444-7209 800-451-9864 part needs! (prices subject to change) SALVAGING COMBINES 913-441-4500 913-682-3201 Used Equipment 1568, 1466, 1256, 1066, N5, N7, L, L2, M, F, G, C, CII, 6640 Rancher Baler 1026, 806; FORD 4-5-6-8- AII, A&E, K Gleaner. 6620, 605 Super M Baler 9000; MF 2745, 1155, 1100, 7720, 8820, 7700, 6600, 6 & 8 row John Deere New in 2020 90, 85; OLIVER 2150; MM 4400, 3300, 105, 95, 55, JD. Corn Heads For Rent BINS - DRYERS - VACS Custom Inline Bale G1000; WH2-150, 4-150. 915, 1480, 1460, 1420, 815 Adapters available, Wrapping Mike's Equipment IHC. 860, 760, 750, 510, 410, Kuhlman Impl. TWO OVERHEAD FEED BINS Wertzberger Ranch 300 Massey. Several black & reasonable prices. LINN, KANSAS 600 bushel each, 10' wide BUHLER, KANSAS orange Gleaner corn heads. clearance, 9'4'' height clear- Equipment LLC 1-800-543-2535 Jack or Gary 785-348-5547 ance, located southern Jw Co. Alma, KS 785-564-0511 $6000 for the pair, $3500 for Jack Boyle single (where they sit) firm 785 785-765-3588 NEW Vermillion 785-294-2236 CLAAS 545-3664 Rakes: VR1428 785-382-6848 785-564-0511 USED FORAGE USED NEW TRACTORS New Hydrabeds ...... In Stock HARVESTERS & HEADS Balers: 6- 605SM, 5- 605N, Kubota M7-152 PS, MFD, ldr. New BEFCO rotary rakes ..... '19 CLAAS 980 ...... $450,000 2- 605SM corn stalk, 1- WANTED Kubota M6-111 MFD w/ ldr...... Call (4) '17 CLAAS 980 ...... 504N, 4- 605M, 1- 604M, 1- Kubota M5-111 MFD w/ ldr. Case IH 8920 MFD new rub- ...... FR. $300,000 504SI, 1- 6650 Rancher, 1- WANT TO BUY SALVAGE USED TRACTORS ber, sharp ...... Call (2) '16 CLAAS 980 ...... and non-running ATV's, snow- '10 Kubota M110X MFD, cab, 6650 Rancher. Rakes: 1- ...... FR. $285,000 mobiles, jet skis, and dirt bikes. ldr R2800, 2- R2300, 1- VR1224 (2) '15 CLAAS 980 ...... Any condition, cash paid, will 2000 JD 5510 2WD, ldr LARGER BALE FORKS ...... FR. $250,000 SPRING STEEL AVAIL. pick up. 402-469-2002. 2018 Kubota L5460 HSTC NEW (3) '13 CLAAS 980 ...... METAL cab, ldr ZR5 self propelled WINCHELL'S, INC...... FR. $175,000 ROUND SQUARE TUBING • Phillipsburg, KS '99 Kubota L4310 HSTC cab, 604-605N net Orbis 750 Heads ...... ANGLE CHANNEL & FLAT • 785-543-2118 EMPLOYMENT ldr R2300 & R2800 rakes ...... FR. $20,000 2 3/8", 2 7/8", 4 1/2" pipe • '17 Kubota L3301 HST, ldr TM800 Trail Mower PU380 Heads ....FR. $10,000 WELDING SUPPLIES • OPENING: FULLTIME GRAIN, '94 Kubota L2900F 2WD VR-8, 10, 12 wheel rake ********************************** Oxygen C125 & acet. Bottles • Gleaner Combines livestock farm. Pay determined USED CONSTRUCTION USED EQUIPMENT SWATHERS for sale '95 R62 Cummins$19,500 by prior experience, back- 2018 Case TV370 compact 604N '15 Massey Ferguson 9860 Welding rods & wire • ground. Beloit, Kansas. 785- track ldr TM800 Trail mower '81 L2 ...... $9,500 ...... $85,000 Top & bottom belts for all bal- • 630-1362. MC1030 MOCO '81 M2 RWA ...... $8,500 '15 Massey Ferguson 9870 ers • MC840 (2) 825 flex heads..$9,500 ...... $105,000 Twine 4' & 5' netwrap • 605M net ramp floats LM 315 flex head ..$3,950 ********************************** Fourth & Pomeroy Portable panels, Feed Bunks • McConnell Machinery FEED MIXERS COMBINES & Round Bale Feeders EZ Trail Gravity Wagons, Maintenance and 1111 E. 23rd Lawrence, KS • FA-430 Feed wagon '17 Gleaner S97 .....$255,000 Vermeer Sales & To view all of our New & Grain Carts, and Header '16 Gleaner S96 .....$180,000 repair position: 785-843-2676 Trailers. Leasing Used Equipment, please '11 Gleaner S77 ...... Position is responsible for Evenings LEONARDVILLE, KS 66449 check out our website: Great Plains Tillage Tools ...... No Trade Special regular greasing for bearings, 785-293-5583 or '03 Gleaner R65 ...... $65,000 repairs and maintenance of 785-979-2271 '97 Gleaner R62...... $25,000 785-293-2542 give us a call: 785-828-4706 81 Farm Eq. Service belts, motors, pellet machine, McPherson,KS 620-241-3100 (3) '97 Gleaner R72 ...... grain elevator legs and air Sloop Sales & ...... FR. $20,000 TRACTORS/SKID LDRS grain drill 30’ 7.5” spac- 1-800-357-3101 compressor. Repair Hook's Repair Inc. '96 Gleaner R72...... $25,000 experience required with pay 2013 JCB 300 skid steer ing Lyndon, KS 66451 ********************************** based on experience. 305 hrs New Danuser Intimidator TRACTORS Company provides paid New Case IH P85 power skid steer tree puller • ‘98 Bobcat 773, 3200 hrs, new engine • 40+ Late Model Skid Steer loaders ...In Stock '12 John Deere 6170R ...... employee health coverage, • ‘15 JCB 280, 220 hrs, C/H/A, side entry • New H&S 5114 & 7116 High Capacity Rakes ...... $85,000 retirement program, paid unit Icon 1632 grader rear steer '98 Case 8930 ...... $40,000 • ‘06 Case 445, 1324 hrs, high flow, open cab ...... In Stock holidays and paid vacation HAY EQUIPMENT 1981 JD 653A row crop ********************************** • ‘17 Case SR175, Open Cab, 760 Hrs after one year. MISCELLANEOUS Vermeer 605 N rd. baler head, sold with or w/o • ‘17 Cat 262D, Cab w/Heat, Wty, 2900 Hrs '14 Baker 1000...... $7,500 Contact Rod, 785-632-2141. w/net trailer • ‘17 Cat 242D, Cab w/Heat, Wty, 2530 Hrs '13 Great Plains 3610 ...... MISCELLANEOUS 2019 Westfield MKX 13x74 • ‘15 Deere 333E, 1850 Hrs, C/H/A, Wty $41,500 ...... $55,000 New Rhino 3150 15’ Auger power swing w/ • ‘10 Bobcat E26 Mini Excavator, Open Cab, '12 John Deere 692 ..$55,000 ANTIQUES Batwing shredder remotes & hyd. hopper Auxiliary Hydraulics '11 White 8772 ...... $25,000 • ‘14 Gehl RT175 Track Skid Steer, 900 hrs, (2) JD 1590 15’ grain drills lifts. Krause 5220 ...... $3,800 2N FORD TRACTOR. Shed- cab w/heat Krause 4991 ...... $7,500 w/ 7.5” spacing Houck ...... ded. Nine implements go with • New Renn 1020C Grain Bagger $25,900 it. 785 479-6262. Hitch • New Renn RMC30 PTO Roller Mill ....$29,500 Great Plains 2400 24’ Tur- ANTIQUES: CHEVROLET boMax vertical till 1948 grain truck, 1960 Ford Gnuse L90 3pt. rear scoop grain truck. Always shedded. Vermeer BPX 9010 bale 620-924-5287. processor Kalvesta Impl. Landoll 5531 30’ grain drill Company, Inc. MISCELLANEOUS 1990 Case IH 1083 corn- IF 800/70R38 FST RAD DT ...... $3,442 620-855-3567 head 480/80R42 FST RAD DT ...... $1,519 KALVESTA, KS 67856 LIVING FARM Landoll 7530-29’ VT Plus SUPERIOR IF 900/60R32 FST RAT 182B ...... $2,942 New Wemhoff 10’ & 12’ IMPLEMENT, INC. 460/85R38 Performer EVO ...... $934 ESTATE SALE Box Scraper BUILDINGS / BLDG MTLS. Patriot 37’ header trailer 402-879-4723 Prices and Product availability are subject to change without notice. 2465 E. Elk Drive, JD 637 29’ disc Evening: 402-879-3719 Lincoln, KS Crustbuster DD 36X10 SUPERIOR, NEBRASKA TOLL FREE SMITH POSTYARD (1 mile west of Westfall) Hedge Post 866-888-7838 ABILENE, KS October 30-31 SHUCK 1987 6’ wide model #500 se- Delivery Available ries, Ser#547 36600 0.9M(3) .. JEFF SMITH 7:00 a.m.-6:30 p.m. IMPLEMENT ...... $2,500 — ITEMS FOR SALE — VPS Ripper 7 shank ...... $5,000 620-496-8956 2006 King Ranch Ford Truck IN STOCK- NEW MASSEY IH 986 tractor ...... $8,500 Besler 770 ripper 9 shnk $6,500 2013 White 8222 No-Till plant- (Loaded-Newer Tires- FERGUSON HESSTON Ford 8730 tractor ...... CALL 22 ROW CULTIVATORS 6-8- 2900 SERIES er, 12 row 30” flex frame fold, Great Condition) liquid fert., 3 BU hoppers, Minneapolis Moline G955 12 RW ...... IN STOCK Metal Panels 1990 MF 231 diesel 2wd 700 Farm Tools and Supplies SM400SE monitor, Pneumat- tractor mechanic special ...... 11 PLANTERS / SEVERAL & Accessories Hand and Power Tools eng hrs w/ MF 232 ldr, new ic down pressure, point row ...... $6,000 DRILLS ...... IN STOCK Welding Table and Supplies ring & pinion, serviced & ready...... 2011 Case SV300 skid steer ... 2009 JD 1990CCS airseeder THE VALUE LEADER. WE Yard Tools and Mowers Nice clean tractor, new bat- shut-off 6 rows. Stk#1100 WON'T BE UNDERSOLD ...... $38,900 ...... CALL drill...... $47,000 Household Items tery. Stk#4786 ...... $8,800 CALL FOR CURRENT 2014 MF 5611 w/ MF 941 JD 444 cornhead ...... CALL 2013 CIH 1250 Planter 16R30 Appliances 2003 Hesston 9260 SP Wind- METAL PRICING ldr. 415 hrs, like new, very CIH 2412 cornhead .....$16,500 2,720 acres ...... $70,000 Furniture rower & 9070 rotary header. • DELIVERY AVAILABLE • nice clean tractor. Air seat, 2009 JD 630D w/ transport ...... 2008 White 8800 planter Amish Build Farmhouse table Firestone 23.1x26 Super Trac and chairs 540/540E/1000 PTO, AM/FM/ ...... $18,500 16R30 ...... $50,000 WESTERN METAL Radial Bar Tires, rear 14x16.1 Vintage and Antique Items WB digital stereo. 84” material 2007 JD 893 cornhead, sharp .. MF 9800 Planter 12R30, 4100 Best Service Firestone. Very clean, well Louisburg, Kansas 1950s Document Safe bucket w/ Euro Quick Attach ...... CALL acres ...... $52,500 maintained shedded machine. bale spear - Euro Attach MF/ JD 1293 cornhead ...... CALL JD 7300 planter 8R36-38-40 ... 1-800-489-4100 Stk#8354/8355 ... COMING IN Much More... Quicke 72556073M Stk#3094. Several CIH 1020 flex heads ...... $6,000 2019 MF 1740MHL Platform Stk#2505/2506 ...... $64,900 ...... CALL JD 1700 planter 6R36-38-40 ... compact tractor. 4WD, Plat- 2008 Case IH 2162 draper ...... CALL form/ROPS, Hydrostat, LED 2019 Sunflower 6631-29 VT tool. 14” Hydraulic rolling bas- head 35’ ...... $32,000 2003 White 8100 planter 8x30 worklight. MF DL125 ldr, 72” ...... 1990 JD 912 pickup head ...... $13,500 skid steer bucket. Like new, ket finisher. Stk#6926 ...... New - In Stock ...... $5,250 Kinze planter 8R36 ...... $4,500 exceptionally nice. Stk#7033. Bushhog mower ...... CALL Recent move? 2019 Grouser AG 240i Dozer Patz V420 LP vert. mixer ...... Promotional Financing In- Blade. 4-way blade w/ Box ...... $14,000 Industrias 836R header trailer cluded ...... $28,500 36’ ...... CALL End Plate Kit. Incl. FH-400 Supreme Intl. 500T mixer 2014 MF 4608 4WD tractor,270 NH/Buhler Versatile Gene- wagon ...... CALL eng. hrs. 80 HP, platform, 7 ACRES OF USED FARM sis Mount. Only used partial Supreme 700T TMR mixer 12x12 power shuttle, 540 & EQUIPMENT ON OUR season, pushed around 3,500 wagon ...... CALL 1000 PTO. Engine block heat- tons. Stk#7612 ...... $24,900 Roto Grind bale grinder $8,000 LOT - CHECK US OUT er, air seat, worklights, hori- Woods PHD65 post hole digger JD 3970 Chopper ...... $10,000 zontal exhaust. New MF 921X Complete listing on our web: w/o bits. Includes 9” HD dou- JD 716A silage wagon .. $7,000 ldr. w/used 84” skid steer Haybuster H1000 ...... $12,000 - bucket. Serviced and lubed. ble flight auger ($200 individu ‘13 Case IH WD2303 swather ally). Stk#7447 ...... $900 BUY/SELL/TRADE DAILY Consignment stk#3437/4225 . w/16’ header ...... $65,000 2002 Hesston 845 round baler, Smith Center, KS ...... $34,500 H&S HDX14 hayrake ..$11,000 twine tie, wide pickup, Hyd. 2015 Woods BB840X 7’ rotary Rowe WR14 hayrake ..$14,500 785-282-3000 kicker, stk#7443. Promotional mower, slip clutch, MF Red 2016 New Holland 560 baler 785-282-0432 Cell Financing ...... $6,900 Brand pkg., new blades, ser- roll belt ...... $22,000 785-686-4005 2008 Gravely 152Z Zero turn viced & lubed. Consignment 2013 Farm King rake 18 wheel lawnmower Kohler 23Hp, Evening Calls Welcome stk#3461 ...... $3,150 ...... $9,500 52” deck kept inside 425 hrs, 2015 Woods RB850-4 8’ rear 2009 Bestway Field Pro IV Don’t leave your Grass & Grain stk#5767 ...... $4,400 blade, hydraulic tilt, angle & sprayer ...... CALL NH 616 rotary disc mower, very 2005 Sunflower 1434 disc, 29’ offset, MG Red Brand pkg. clean, kept serviced, 7’-8” Consignment stk#3462 $3,150 ...... CALL subscription in the dust! swath. Stk#5301 consigned ... 2018 ASV RT75, 600 hrs, en- Krause 1900 disc 27’ ...... CALL ...... $5,900 closed all weather cab, heat, JD 4600 plow ...... $5,000 NAME: ______air cond., premium hyd. PKG, Lawrence, KS Blu Jet II ripper 7sh ...... $6,500 OLD Address: ______Hyd QA, bucket positioning & 785-843-8093 ride control, factory B.U. cam TumbleWeed Auction Co. LLC ______radio, bucket. Stk#6397 ...... 800-654-5191 935 E HWY 36 Smith Center, KS ...... $58,900 NEW Address: ______2018 Dodge Ram 2500 pick up Fax: 785-843-1014 785-282-5419 bed, single axle, black, nearly ______new ...... $2,200 TumbleWeed Auction Co. LLC is taking consignments Mail To: P.O. Box 1009 Manhattan, KS 66505 2014 MF 2946 1,600 bales, auto at anytime & has joined up with Jones Machinery, Inc., mesh & twine, C1000 monitor, with 50 years knowledge in used farm equipment. 21.5L-16.1 tires with suspen- Email Kevin: [email protected] Online auctions provided by with sion axle, bale ramp, fire extin- guisher. Stk#5950 ...... $27,900 absolute & reserve option available. Call: 785-539-7558 JCB bucket for JCB Telehandler Call or stop by today! Grass & Grain, October 27, 2020 Page 19

I-29 Moo University podcast delivers timely, relevant topics Dairy specialists from Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska specialists in conversation with other dairy industry archived, so listeners can tune in whenever they choose. and the Dakotas have developed a new, twice-monthly experts. For more information, contact Kim Clark at kimc- podcast for dairy producers. The podcast is focused “Podcasts give dairy producers another avenue to [email protected] or 402.472.6065; Jim Salfer at salfe001@ on issues of interest to dairy producers, including eco- receive timely, relevant dairy related information such or 612.360.4506; or Fred M. Hall at fredhall@ nomics, animal heath, forage, labor, farm programs and as production practices, financial management and prac- or 712.737.4230. more. tical strategies, and they don’t have to attend a workshop I-29 Moo University is a consortium of Extension The first podcast was released on May 26 and featured or be in front of their computer,” Salfer said. dairy specialists from the land-grant universities in Kim Clark, Nebraska Extension dairy educator; Jim The discussions are driven by current topics and Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Salfer, Minnesota Extension dairy educator; and Fred questions from producers. The podcast is geared toward Dakota. The I-29 Moo University Collaboration is a M. Hall, Northwest Iowa Extension dairy specialist, dairy producers of all sizes from 20 cows to 10,000 cows. multi-state learning community and connects extension discussing the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program “We hope that producers will interact with questions dairy staff and dairy producers to share research, infor- (CFAP). Other podcast topics to date include heat stress, and comments that can help develop more programs,” mation and management practices through workshops, forage preservation and sampling, feeding strategies, Hall said. webinars, monthly e-newsletters and on-farm tours. For animal activism, silage safety, risk-management tools, Each episode is about 30 minutes and is available on more information about the I-29 Moo University Collab- reproduction, and quality assurance programs. the I-29 Moo University website as well as on each state’s oration and programs visit Episodes are released every two weeks, and feature dairy Extension website. Producers can also subscribe university. commentary by I-29 Moo University Extension dairy to the podcast on iTunes and Spotify. Past episodes are American Shorthorn Association launches locally raised beef program In the early days of the Beef — Locally Raised. says Montie Soules, ASA for four generations, and Grathwohl-Heter says. best possible Shorthorns global coronavirus pan- “During the pandem- executive secretary and we strive to produce a ten- “The Shorthorn Beef and supporting the way of demic, many Americans ic some consumers faced CEO. “When you purchase der and delicious product program highlights the life they enjoy. We want to faced an unsettling real- food shortages, and this Shorthorn Beef, you’re that exceeds consumer breed’s great end product, share that message with ity: empty grocery store brought to light the im- supporting a family farm expectations,” Grath- and helps breeders create consumers.” shelves. portance of having a local and their livelihood. We wohl-Heter says. “We more value and demand In addition, Soules Dramatic changes set source for beef,” says hope this program contin- enjoy having a conversa- for Shorthorn genetics.” sees the effort behind in almost overnight and ASA president Nancy ues to open doors between tion with consumers and Participating members Shorthorn Beef — Local- left families spending all Grathwohl-Heter. “A local the community and live- sharing our story as a fam- will receive marketing ly Raised as an extension of their time at home, lim- program is appealing to stock producers.” ily-owned Shorthorn cattle support and be featured of the breed’s American iting trips to the store and consumers, because they When buying direct- operation.” on the ASA website among legacy. The Shorthorn was buying in bulk to prepare know where their meat ly from a local farmer or The gentle, quiet the growing directory of country’s first beef breed for the unknown. While is sourced and how it is rancher, Grathwohl-Het- Shorthorn breed — ideal Shorthorn breeders with and traces its U.S. history the pandemic sent shock- raised.” er says consumers can for family-focused farms beef to sell. They will also to the 1780s. waves across all levels of The Shorthorn Beef purchase a quarter, half and ranches — has long be able to brand their Next year, the organi- the U.S. economy, it also program is an avenue for or whole Shorthorn beef been known for its supe- product using the pro- zation celebrates its 150th provided the chance to connecting the breed’s cat- and receive great-tasting, rior-quality beef, ASA gram’s official logo. anniversary — making serve consumers in new tle producers with those healthy products at a rea- says. The breed also has a “Through this new ef- ASA the nation’s oldest and creative ways. interested in buying local- sonable price point. She unique ability to produce fort, we hope to provide beef cattle association. The American Short- ly raised beef. The effort and her family manage high levels of marbling a niche market for fresh, Go online to access horn Association (ASA) includes promotional op- DTR Cattle Company near combined with greater lev- high-quality local Short- the list of Shorthorn Beef recently launched an ini- portunities through social Raymond, Kansas, and els of muscling than other horn Beef,” Soules says. participating breeders or tiative to promote mem- media, the ASA website were early participants in breeds. “Our more than 6,000 adult contact ASA for more in- bers who are offering beef and other media plat- Shorthorn Beef — Locally “Shorthorn cattle have and junior members from formation on how to get products directly to con- forms. Raised. always been known for across the country are involved in the new pro- sumers. “It’s really about fami- “Our family has been producing tender and committed to raising the gram. It’s called Shorthorn lies supporting families,” raising Shorthorn cattle highly marbled beef,” How can my cattle, my family, and my peers benefit, just by making wise choices? Alan Taylor, assistant ucational plans. I live on signatures to make chang- close-outs, and liquida- professor at the University a three-generation family es to the importing of beef tions at least 24 hours be- of Nebraska, emailed a re- farm, just outside of Ellis, and stop the packing in- fore the general public PERSONAL PROPERTY AUCTION quest for a GoBob dealer Kansas. I spend much of dustry from lowering the is notified. Additionally, close to the university so my time working on the price paid to the ranch- every notice comes with SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2020 * 11:00 AM they could purchase some farm and working with ers. This petition made it the opportunity to win a of the posts that GoBob my 4-H projects. Through to President Trump, who prize drawing that only AUCTION LOCATION: 805 Maple Street - WAMEGO, KANSAS offers. GoBob heeded the showing beef cattle and signed an order for the P.C. members can partic- General Listing: Zero turn mower, air compressor, ice machine, call and offered to donate working on the farm I Attorney General, Robert ipate in. Prizes awarded McCall cabinets, lots of hand & electric tools, indoor & outdoor the posts to the school. have found a passion in Barr, to examine the beef so far have ranged from furniture, house goods, collectibles, hunting & reloading sup- plies, hunting blind, landscaping items, wine bottling supplies, Taylor responded to the the agriculture industry. packer’s trade procedures. GoBob’s all-steel miner- car tow dolly (almost new) & much more! donation, “A big thank you Therefore, I will attend Randy Williams, along al feeder to Hay Monster from Nebraska College of Fort Hays State University with wife Mary – owners feeders and even a couple SELLERS: LOUIS & KATHLEEN BRACKEN Technical Agriculture to to get a degree in Animal of the 216 Ranch and the of Red Rhino hay trailers. **Watch next week’s Ad for full listing!** the folks at GoBob for the Science. I plan on putting 216 Market near Afton, One can register online Check us out on Facebook & Online for more info donated pipe for our feed- what I learn from this de- Okla. put it like this: “We at https://www.gobobpipe. lot rebuild project. We ap- gree to good use on my have been doing business com/club or by calling 844- ANDREW SYLVESTER, Auctioneer, 785-456-4352 preciate their support for family farm after college. with Bob for around 15 304-4780. BILL DISBERGER, Auction Coordinator, 620-921-5642 agriculture education.” Your generosity means a years and anytime we buy TERRI HOLLENBECK, Broker/Owner, 785-223-2947 GoBob Pipe & Steel lot to me because I feel something, and the choice makes a significant contri- like you see potential in comes down to GoBob or Kansas milk bution to the future pres- me to make a difference in somebody else, it’s gonna ence of all farmers and the agricultural industry.” be GoBob” says Williams. production JOHN JAURERNIG ESTATE AUCTION ranchers. Contributions GoBob has sponsored “We never pay any more SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2020 — 9:00 AM include, but are not limit- educational seminars for and we usually end up up seven 29417 195th Road — LEAVENWORTH, KS 66048 ed to, seminars, donations, cattle producers through- paying GoBob a little less. From: Jct. of 29 County Shop Rd & K92 go West 1 mi. on K92 then take a right on 195 Rd. From Jct. 73 Hwy & County Rd 33, South to K92 - scholarships, and sponsor- out Oklahoma, Arkansas, Plus we know some of our percent Springdale Rd., take right to 195th Rd. WATCH FOR SIGNS! ships. Robert Studebaker, and Kansas. Blending the money will be handed Milk production in Kan- TRACTOR: JD 5100E FWA joy steel pots & pans; stainless steel the managing member of expertise of Curt Pate, Dr. back to our business in sas during September 2020 stick, H260 loader LH reverse, 3 counter tables & cabinets; nice GoBob Pipe & Steel, has Tom Noffsinger, and Tem- the form of scholarships totaled 332 million pounds, hydraulic 540, 200 hr skid steer elec. roaster; Traeger pellet grill always felt that giving ple Grandin with GoBob for the kids and education up 7% from September quick attach on loader like new like new; sm. elec. refrigerator; purchased new in 2017. glass door masterbuilt lg. elec. back to the agricultural in- cattle working equipment, for old-timers like us! It’s a 2019, according to the US- EQUIPMENT: Vermeer 504 smoker turkey fryer stainless dustry and community is the OSU Extension Ser- good feeling.” DA’s National Agricultural R signature wide pickup, net steel racking & shelving, four important to continue the vice provides free semi- Williams advises every- Statistics Service. The av- & twine, less the 300 bale; JD 4x10 sheets of stainless steel; erage number of milk cows MX10, pull type mower, like antique sausage press; pneu- development of the inde- nars on the importance of one to join GoBob’s Pre- new, 540 PTO; Vermeer WR220 matic elec. sausage press; Hol- pendent cattle producers low-stress cattle handling. ferred Club. Preferred was 171,000 head, 8,000 wheel V rake, nice; 3 pt rotary lymatic rotary pressurized meat and their families. There are many other Club members get advance head more than September bale spike; Fimco 3 pt. spray- or sausage mixer; Mascot flat top er; drag harrow; Hesston 1090 woodstove; free standing deep With an emphasis on instances where GoBob notice of sales, product 2019. Milk production per cow averaged 1,940 pounds. swather; 3 pt blade, snow blade, fat fryer. WINE MAKING EQUIP. continuing education, has helped the agricul- bale spike; 3 pt box blade. & SUPPLIES: Lab & testing GoBob supports many ture industry. Back in UTV: 2013 JD gators UXV 855 equip.; super jet filter; Omac organizations like local 2016, GoBob collaborated AUCTION 4x4 bump bed, gas, looks & runs commercial elec. grape stemmer great; nice square tank Famco crusher; pneumatic press; home- county and state cattleman with the KCA by donating SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2020 — 10:00 AM sprayer for utv booms & gun. made grapevine sprayer; stone associations, in Oklahoma $10,000 in vouchers that Located 2 miles North of LYNDON, KS on Hwy. 75, then 1 3/4 SKID STEER & EQUIP.: JD crocks & jugs Redwing; 6 stain- miles East on Hwy. 268 (corner of Hwy. 268 & California) and surrounding states. were given to victims of 260, 1630 hrs very nice & clean; less steel vats; 24 lg. glass jugs (Do NOT use your GPS) Smooth bucket; tooth bucket; 5 gal.; 15 beer kegs; 5 wooden GoBob uses products and the Anderson Creek Wild- Challenger MT 265 dsl trac- tor; 1997 Dodge Ram 2500 SLT, HD tree terminator brush cut- 15 gal. barrels. monetary donations to fire in Kansas and Okla- tor w/MC30 loader, 850 hrs.; Cummins dsl, AT, ext. cab, long ter; Hinks rotating Tree saw like TOOLS: 2 Stihl chainsaws MS fund the scholarships like homa. Locally they have King Kutter Rock Rake-Roto bed, 2WD, GN & 5th hook; 2000 new; HD brush grapple; HD pal- 290, M192 TC; Craftsman tools; let forks; HD post hole digger Lincoln SP 125 wire feed welder; the Pawnee County Cattle- sponsored the Creek Coun- Tiller-Dirt Slip, 3 pt.; Agro Mas- Tahoe Thor Glide Lite 21’ 5th ter SFI DM3065 6’ disc-mower, wheel camper, 1 manual slide; with 18” auger; pallet extensions. shop vac; Delta sidekick miter women’s Association pro- ty Ag Tour by hosting a 3pt.; cultivator-blade-disk 3 pt.; Club Car gas golf cart; Raven LIVESTOCK EQUIP.: 18’ goose- saw; Hotsy elec. steamer pres- vides. Over the last few catered barbecue lunch, at McCormick M4 grain binder, not elec. mower, needs repair; 50+/- neck stock trailer, needs paint; sure washer; Enco elec. band years, the Cattlewomen’s GoBob’s Mounds location, complete; VB 12-hole drill on steel posts; HDC HD drill press; Prefert squeeze chute; 20’ HD saw for metal; lg. Ingersoll Rand steel cattle working alley & half upright air compressor TC 30 80 Association has offered for all the folks that at- steel; Boulen sand blaster, older good selection of hand & shop, unit; Leroy air compressor, older garden tools, nuts, bolts, vintage circle tub; POF auto waterer gal 220; Clausing drill press, 3 scholarships to a local fe- tended the tour. unit; Chanel Lock roller tool box; farm items, etc.; selection of elec.; 2 steel Prefert feed bunks; Ph w/converter lg. floor model; male, graduating senior Not only does Stude- vintage Craftsman garden trac- household items. other gates & panels & port. cor- tons of hand tool gear winch; ral panels & walk through; poly C-clamps; log chains; chainsaw who will be majoring in an baker support the industry MANY, MANY OTHER ITEMS. Cash or check. No cards. Two bottle feed bunk; T-post, elec. sharpener; air tools, lg. sockets; agriculture-related field at financially but he is also rings possible. post & supplies; hay conveyor, lg. shop fans; air bubbles, bolt an accredited college or an advocate in helping the Property of the Late ELTON DECKER, SELLER creep feeder, big bale rings; 4 bin; lots of vise grips, all kinds; Hay Saver big bale feeder; sta- cut off saws elec.; airless paint career tech school. This American cattlemen by Pics & Full Listing: tionary to ton bulk feed bin w/ sprayer; elec. grinders all sizes; year GoBob was able to submitting a petition to auger; elec. & solar fences. log chains; Drill Doctor; lots of 785-828-4212 provide a hay feeder for congress with over 50,000 HAY: 28 bales of 2020 brome drill bits; ¾ drive socket sets; them to raffle off to help net wrap; 5x5 bales; 130 4x5 motor stand; Ingersoll T 30. 80 2019 of brome net wrap hay. gal. upright 220 air compressor & fund the scholarship. MISC.: Scrap iron, several pcs.; more. LAWN & GARDEN: Troy- GoBob sponsors other Marysville฀Livestock฀Sales old Tonka toys & farm toys; ATV Bilt Horse RT trailer; walk behind scholarship opportunities sprayers; sev. telephone posts; HD All terrain mower; Echo-PB fuel barrel & stand; elec. con- 413H leaf blower. through Oklahoma, Kan- Every฀Thursday฀at฀12฀Noon crete mixer; expander metal, cul- BOB THOMAS ESTATE: These sas, Missouri, and Arkan- Bill฀Keesecker,฀Manager฀•฀785-562-1015 vert, blue barrels; hyd. cylinders, items will sell after the Jaur- sas Cattlemen’s Associa- small trailer; compost barrel; ext. ernig estate: Northstar port. 1180฀US฀Hwy.฀77,฀P.฀O.฀Box฀67,฀Marysville,฀KS฀66508 ladder, step ladders; lots of stain- working chute; alley & tub very tions as well as the Kan- PLEASE฀VISIT฀OUR฀WEB฀SITE฀TO฀SEE฀OUR฀LATEST฀DETAILED฀MARKET฀REPORTS฀AND฀ less steel items; old bulk tank; nice; ATV calf catcher; 2 Feed sas Livestock Association. UPCOMING฀CONSIGNMENTS฀AND฀SPECIAL฀SALES:฀ 15 beer kegs; old small smoker; King port. creep feeders – 2 ton scaffolding; 10 - 3” 20’ pipes; w/gates; 1 Apache port. creep Each Cattlemen’s Associa- ฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀STEERS/BULLS tion will have the details live traps; fishing items; sev. 28’ feeder; 5 heavy bale feeders - ฀ ฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀BEEF sheets of new white tin; sev. 20’ rnd; 4 heavy bale feeders – sq.; 300-400# $175.00-$161.00 Market Report for 10-22-2020. of the scholarship being 718 HEAD SOLD sheets of used white tin. GWS port. 2 feed bin; Hayliner offered for the current 400-500# $171.00-$155.00 COOKING & BUTCHERING bale trailer 7 bale gn flipover bale 500-600# $161.00-$146.00 year. Also, the sponsoring ITEMS: Lg. stainless steel rotary trailer; gooseneck cattle trailer 600-700# $145.00-$125.00 HFRETTES: smoker, on wheels custom built 6x16; sm. Feed King creep feed- of local athletics, 4-H, and 700-800# $145.00-$129.00 N/A super nice; Super Biro BB band er; 9 BW 10’ metal bunks; 20 FFA programs are on the 800-900# $143.00-$128.00 meat saw; Hobart scale platform; port. 12’ panels w/trailer; mineral COWS-HIGH฀YIELDING top of the list for GoBob 900-1,000# $128.00-$110.00 Hobart mixer; Hobart Meat slicer; feeders & poly feed bunks. 1600#-1220# $70.00-$66.00 meat mixers; tons of stainless support. ฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀฀HEIFERS 300-400# $150.00-$130.00 Auctioneers Note: This will be a very good auction with very good Derek Pfeifer, one COWS-LGT฀WT฀&฀LOW฀YIELDING 400-500# $150.00-$128.00 1450#-845# $62.00-$27.00 well cared for items. Lunch by Blackbelt BBQ scholarship recipient had 500-600# $138.00-$120.00 TERMS: Cash or approved check, ID required to register. Bidding this to say about GoBob’s 600-700# $130.00-$118.00 BULLS: will be by number. Statements made sale day take precedence 2245#-1640# $81.50-$72.00 over printed material. Not responsible for accidents or theft of generosity. “I would like to 700-800# $127.00-$108.00 800-900# $133.00-$111.00 items. Items sold as is, where is with no warranties implied. thank you for your gener- FIELDMEN Social distancing will be practiced, bring a mask! ous contribution through Jim Dalinghaus Dave Bures, Auctioneer Jeff Cook Greg Anderson Trevor Lundberg Taylor Schotte For more go to: the Kansas Cattlemen’s 785-799-5643 402-239-9717 785-564-2173 785-747-8170 785-770-2271 785-268-0430 Association Scholarship Baileyville, KS Odell, Nebraska Hanover, KS Waterville, KS Frankfort, KS Marysville, KS Auction Conducted by HOFFMAN AUCTION SERVICE Jeff฀Hoffman,฀Auctioneer฀•฀Effingham,฀KS฀•฀913-370-0747 for me and my future ed- Barn฀Phone฀•฀785-562-1015฀ Page 20 Grass & Grain, October 27, 2020

Livestock Services’ renovations boast increased safety and new technology The Livestock Ser- is now open to patients. only came from a need Upgrades include: dards,” said Elizabeth February and was fin- vices’ handling and treat- According to Matt for structural repair, but • New drive-thru un- Davis, interim director ished in just six months. ment area in the Kansas Miesner, section head also a need to ensure loading feature to im- for the Veterinary Health During this time, clients State University Veteri- and clinical professor in the standards of modern, prove patient drop-off Center. “With this aim delivered patients to an nary Health Center has Livestock Services at the safe, efficient and low- and pickup. in mind, we planned for alternate receiving area. recently undergone sig- Veterinary Health Cen- stress animal handling • Holding pens, alley- structural and equipment Miesner said Livestock nificant renovations and ter, improvements not methods. He said these ways, sweep and bud tub upgrades to provide op- Services is incredibly changes will benefit cli- handling of cattle to im- timal patient care and grateful to its clients for ents, clinicians and vet- prove output and safer teaching space. We are their patience through erinary students. movement of patients. pleased to have these up- the renovation process “We will be able to pro- • A new tilt chute pro- grades complete which and looks forward to cess more patients more vides increased versatil- will allow us to provide providing services in the safely and efficiently, and ity to examine a variety high-quality large animal newly renovated facility. students will have the of large animal patients patient care in a contem- Merck Animal Health opportunity to see more that present for lame- porary facility.” and the Veterinary cases safely and experi- ness. The team began brain- Health Center made the ence multiple handling • An upgraded obstet- storming ideas a few renovations possible. methods recommended rics handling area will years ago, through care- To schedule an ap- by leading experts in the improve services provid- ful design they developed pointment, please call cattle industry,” Miesner ed for pregnancy-related plans that would be ide- 785-532-5700 or learn said. “Clients should see disorders. ally suited for Veterinary more about the livestock Silveiras Forbes 8088 won grand champion bull at an efficient, safe and “It is our mission to Health Center clientele services section at vet.k- the 2020 South Dakota State Fair Angus Show, Sept. modern service for their meet the highest accred- and their livestock. The 5 in Huron, S.D. Chris & Sharon Sankey, Council animals.” itation compliance stan- project broke ground in livestock-services. Grove; Silveira Bros., Firebaugh, Calif.; and Rockin S Ranch Inc., Riverdale, Calif., own the April 2018 son of Silveiras Style 9303. Christy Gable, Eaton, Colo., Estimating winter hay needs evaluated the 70 entries. Photo by Focus Marketing By Glenn Selk, Oklahoma ty forages contain larger mates, now producers can during early lactation, Group State University Emeritus concentrations of import- calculate the estimated the cow may weigh 100 Extension animal scientist ant nutrients so animals amounts of hay that need pounds less but will be Each fall, cow/calf pro- consuming these forages to be available. able to consume about ducers have that question should be more likely to Using an example 2.6% of her body weight lurking in the back of their meet their nutrient needs of 1200-pound pregnant (100% dry matter) in hay. mind: “Do we have enough from the forages. Also, spring-calving cows, let’s This would translate into hay stored to get through cows can consume a larger assume that the grass hay 36 pounds of “as-fed” hay the winter?” Winter hay quantity of higher quality quality is good and test- per cow per day necessary needs will vary dramati- forages. ed 8% crude protein. Cows to be hauled to the pas- Clyde Glissman, Ag Sales 785-294-2455 cally from place to place. Higher quality forages will voluntarily consume ture. This again assumes Erik Ganstrom, Broker 785-336-1847 Drought areas will provide are fermented more rap- 2.0% of body weight or 24 15% hay wastage. Accurate much less standing forage idly in the rumen leaving pounds per day. The 24 knowledge of average cow in pastures than areas a void that the animal pounds is based on 100% size in your herd as well that have had adequate can re-fill with addition- dry matter. Grass hays will as the average weight of FARM LAND FOR SALE moisture. Hay feeding will al forage. Consequently, often be 7% to 10% mois- your big round bales be- SW1/4 less homesite, 07-06-15, Jackson Co. start earlier and occur forage intake increases. ture. If we assume the hay comes necessary to pre- $3,200/acre - 122 acres +/- 97.5 tillable acres. over more days where For example, low qual- is 92% dry matter or 8% dict hay needs and hay drought or snow-cover ity forages (below about moisture, then the cows feeding strategies. Unless Productive crop land. Hunting opportunities. prevent cows from grazing 6% crude protein) will be will consume about 26 cool season grasses are standing forage. consumed at about 1.5% of pounds per day on an “as- available in March and Estimating forage usage body weight (on a dry mat- fed basis”. April, lactating cows may by cows is an important ter basis) per day. Higher Unfortunately, we also need to be fed hay for part of the task of calcu- quality grass hays (above must consider hay wastage 60 days or more to main- lating winter feed needs. 8% crude protein) may be when feeding big round tain body condition while Hay or standing forage in- consumed at about 2.0% of bales. Hay wastage is diffi- waiting for Bermudagrass take must be estimated in body weight. cult to estimate, but gener- or native grasses to grow order to make the calcula- Excellent forages, such ally has been found to be enough for grazing. tions. Forage quality will as good alfalfa, silages, or from 6% to 20% (or more). Big round hay bales be a determining factor green pasture may be con- For this example, let’s will vary in weight. Di- in the amount of forage sumed at the rate of 2.5% assume 15% hay wastage. ameter and length of the consumed. Higher quali- dry matter of body weight This means that approxi- bale, density of the bale, per day. The combination mately 30 pounds of grass type of hay, and moisture ARMBIDS.COM of increased nutrient con- hay must be hauled to the content all will greatly in- tent AND increased forage pasture for each pregnant fluence weight of the bale. ELECTION DAY GUN AUCTION intake makes high quality cow each day that hay is Weighing a pickup or trail- ONLINE NOW! ENDS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 6 PM CST forage very valuable to the expected to be the prima- er with and without a bale animal and the producer. ry ingredient in the diet. may be the best method to OVER 450 great lots of firearms & ammo to include: With these intake esti- After calving and estimate bale weights. Belgium Brownings, Colts, Glock, H&K, High Standard, Kimbers, Dan Wesson, S&W, Sig Sauers, Remingtons, Springfield & Activists take advantage of pandemic climate Winchesters. (8) Pythons, Anacondas, Diamondbacks & Cobras. The agriculture com- shelves stocked over the challenges and are all too Very nice Marlin & Ruger Collection to include many NIB, unfired. munity has rallied togeth- past few months. Howev- eager to take advantage of er to keep supply chains er, animal rights groups a difficult and ever-chang- Military Arms - Top notch selection of concealed carry & home flowing and grocery store continue to pile on more ing situation in an attempt defense guns. 1000s of rounds of 9mm, 10mm, 223, 5.56 & much more. to further vegan agendas Zeiss, Athlon & Vortex rifle scopes - Gun books & more. and distract the food chain from providing safe, nu- tritious food to families. That is according to Casey Kinler, director of mem- bership and marketing at For the Animal Agriculture ONLINE Alliance. The organization re- CATALOG ported on various ani- Now Accepting Consignments for See mal activist conferences our WINTER Gun Auctions! around the country, includ- or ing the Humane Society of ... CALL TODAY! the United States. Accord- ing to Kinler, key topics KULL’S OLD TOWN STATION from activist conferences 201 SE 59th St., Topeka, KS included naming animal 785-862-8800 agriculture as the root of [email protected] or [email protected] pandemics; stopping mod- ern livestock production or practices; and of course, One of America’s Premier Firearms Auctioneers blaming agriculture for climate change. Grass & Grain, October 27, 2020 Page 21

Kansas Junior Livestock Show draws youth from 93 counties Winning exhibitors at the all-other-breeds (AOB) Shaylee Baalman, Quinter, Lowe, Winfield. Pres- Anderson, Caney; Hayden earning $300. The reserve the 88th Kansas Junior division, Jody Mead of exhibited the reserve com- ton Landoll, Marysville, Englert, Washington; and Southdown was owned by Livestock Show (KJLS) McPherson led the cham- mercial heifer. owned the champion light Gavin Smith, Ulysses. Mar- Jordan Sylvester, Wamego. earned premiums, while pion. Macey Lewis from In the senior beef show- crossbred barrow. Brody ley Sutton from Union- Raine Garten from others were presented Douglass showed the re- manship division, Wesley Nemecek, Iola, owned the town was named champi- Abilene owned the cham- scholarships for excelling serve. Denton from Blue Rapids reserve. on in the junior division. pion Dorset lamb. Kole academically, in communi- McKenna Richardson was champion showman. An entry from the light The reserve champion was Harris of Hepler showed ty service and in 4-H/FFA. of Eureka owned the su- Reserve went to Jody Mead AOB division, owned by McKinley Sutton of Union- the reserve. In the Hair The largest youth live- preme champion in the of McPherson. Completing Abi Lillard of Abilene, town. Completing the top lamb division, the champi- stock show in Kansas fea- breeding heifer show, the top five, in order of was named supreme cham- five, in placing order, were on was owned by Jackson tured 661 showmen from sponsored by Merck An- finish, were Gracie Karst, pion in the gilt show, also Anah Higbie, Quenemo; Pinckney, Gaylord. Lakyn 93 counties, who exhibited imal Health. Richardson Russell; Lauren Freder- sponsored by Seaboard Gentry Ward, Paola; and Rookstool of Wamego 1,395 head of livestock, in- was awarded a $1,000 pre- ick, Sterling; and Weston Foods. Lillard received Colyer Williams, Lyons. showed the reserve. The cluding 108 market steers, mium for her Limousin Schrader, Wells. In the in- a $750 premium for the Bryan Boggs of Buhler champion Speckled lamb 269 breeding heifers, 153 entry. Reserve supreme termediate division, Jase gilt. McKinley Sutton of exhibited the grand cham- was exhibited by Carter market hogs, 174 breeding went to a Chianina heif- Beltz from Canton was Uniontown exhibited the pion market lamb, a 152 Nash, Parsons. Emery gilts, 214 market lambs, 201 er, earning $750, shown named champion show- reserve supreme, a com- lb. entry from the black- Yoho, Yates Center, led the breeding ewes, 140 market by Darla Fesmire, Bart- man. Ava Jane Combs from mercial gilt worth $600. face division that earned reserve. goats and 136 commercial lett. Third overall, which Hutchinson was reserve. Third overall and earn- a $2,000 premium. The The supreme regis- doe kids. The statewide earned $500, went to the Completing the top five, in ing $500 was the reserve market lamb show was tered breeding ewe, gar- event was held October 2-4 champion Percentage Sim- order of finish, were Cohen commercial gilt owned by sponsored by Cargill. nering a $500 premium, at the Kansas State Fair- mental led by Abby Wood Navinsky, Winchester; Chase Lillard of Abilene. The reserve grand cham- was the champion South- grounds in Hutchinson. of Leavenworth. Kelsey Lindsey Scheck, Gorham; In fourth was the Spot pion market lamb, a 138 down ewe, shown by Becca Tyra Meyer from Sylvan Theis, also from Leaven- and William Meinhardt, champion, which garnered lb. blackface, was shown Paine. The reserve su- Grove led the grand cham- worth, exhibited the cham- Marysville. The champi- $350 and was exhibited by by Tyra Meyer of Sylvan preme champion ewe was pion market steer, a 1,360- pion Angus heifer that re- on showman in the junior James DeRouchey. Brody Grove. The lamb earned the champion Hampshire, lb. Charolais entry. The ceived fourth overall and division was Peyton Baal- Nemecek of Iola exhibited $1,000. Third overall, also led by Hannah Whetstone steer show was sponsored $400. The fifth overall heif- man of Quinter. Reserve the fifth overall gilt, which from the blackface divi- of Howard, who received by Merck Animal Health. er, earning $300, was the was awarded to Aubree was the reserve champion sion, was owned by Jillian a $300 premium. Third Pre-determined cash pre- reserve Percentage Sim- McCurry from Hutchinson. light AOB. The gilt earned Keller of Piqua, and gar- overall, worth $200, was miums were awarded to mental led by Lauren Aust Finishing the top five, in a $250 premium. The re- nered $900. A blackface the champion Dorset ewe the top five animals in both from La Cygne. The reserve placing order, were Josie serve champion Spot was lamb exhibited by Lakyn owned by Emma Knap- the market and breeding Limousin was exhibited by Beltz, Canton; Colby Jones, exhibited by Paige Fish- Rookstool of Wamego was penberger from Olathe. shows for all four species. Cadie Thomson from Win- Wamego; and Molly Hill, burn of Lawrence. The chosen as fourth overall The reserve champion Meyer received a $4,000 field. The reserve Chian- Baldwin. champion Berkshire was and brought $600. Cody Hampshire and fourth premium for her steer. ina was led by Charlee Jenna DeRouchey of shown by James DeR- Coen of Elkhart exhibit- overall registered breed- The reserve champion Jantz, Greensburg. Cohen Wamego guided her 263-lb. ouchey with the reserve ed the fifth overall mar- ing ewe, earning $100, was steer, weighing 1,370 lbs., Navinsky from Winchester dark crossbred barrow to shown by Avery Eckhoff of ket lamb, a Southdown • Cont. on page 22 came from the crossbred showed the reserve Angus the grand champion mar- Manhattan. Abi Lillard of division and was owned heifer. The champion Cha- ket hog title, which earned Abilene drove the champi- by Wesley Denton of Blue rolais heifer was owned her $2,000. A 259 lb. dark on Duroc. The reserve was LAND AUCTION Rapids, who received by Hayden Englert, Wash- crossbred owned by Bren- shown by Kelltyn Grass- SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2020 — 1:30 PM a $2,000. Third overall, ington. Weston Schrader den Anderson of Caney er of Little River. In the Held at BARNESTON, NEBRASKA worth $1,000, went to the of Wells led the reserve was reserve grand cham- Hampshire division, Jenna Selling 485 acres Gage County, Nebraska Land champion Chianina steer, Charolais. Josi Schrader, pion hog. Anderson’s entry DeRouchey exhibited the TRACT 1 The E ½ SW ¼ & part of E ½ SE ¼ & W ½ SE ¼ 23-1-7, Barneston owned by Thade Combs of Wells, showed the champi- garnered a $1,500 premi- champion gilt. The reserve Township Hutchinson. Placing fourth on Percentage Charolais. um. The show was spon- champion was owned by This farm, 168 acres, m/l, consists of 152 acres upland cropland overall and earning a $750 Dax Seibert from Macks- sored by Seaboard Foods. Kierstyn Hartman of Hol- with the balance being waterways and timber. The FSA bases and premium was the cham- ville owned the reserve Third overall, worth comb. The champion Po- yields are: 43 acres wheat, 33 bushels; 20 acres oats, 45 bushes; 64 acres milo, 69 bushels. The 2019 taxes were $6,187.90. pion Angus, exhibited by champion. The champion $1,000, went to Hayden land was driven by Kynli This farm is located 1 mile southwest of Barneston. Nick Siemens from Towan- Hereford heifer was exhib- Englert of Washington, Crawford of Hugoton. Tay- TRACT 2 da. Fifth went to the re- ited by Cami Miller, El Do- with his Yorkshire barrow. lor Hoskinson of Hutchin- The SE ¼ 14-1-7, Barneston Township serve champion crossbred, rado. William Meinhardt, Tayte Leck of Neodesha son showed the reserve This farm, 158 acres, m/l, consists of 125 acres upland cropland, owned by Rilee McGraw of Marysville, led the reserve owned the champion light Poland gilt. Viola Fritts 11 acres hayland, with the balance being waterways and farmstead. The farmstead area has an older ranch style home with 2 car at- Garden City, who earned Hereford. Peyton Baal- AOB barrow that placed of Emporia showed the tached garage and an open front building. There is a water well on $500. The reserve champi- man from Quinter showed fourth overall and earned champion Yorkshire gilt. the farmstead. The FSA bases and yields are: 50 acres wheat, 33 on Charolais was shown by the champion Maine-An- $750. Fifth overall, earning Kinsley Garrison of Over- bushels; 18 acres corn, 72 bushels; 21 acres milo, 69 bushels. The Amanda Emmerson from jou heifer. Parker Dicks a $500 premium, was the brook exhibited the re- 2019 taxes were $5,873.64. This farm is located ½ mile west of Barneston on the north side of Hwy 8. Fort Scott. Dax Seibert, from Great Bend led the reserve champion York- serve. The champion dark TRACT 3 Macksville, owned the re- reserve Maine-Anjou. The shire exhibited by Jack AOB gilt was shown by The W ½ NE ¼ 19-1-8, Liberty Township serve Chianina steer. The champion Mainetainer Gilliam of Washington. Kristy Benne of Fort Scott. This farm, 80 acres, m/l, consists of 24 acres upland cropland, 17.34 reserve Angus steer was heifer was exhibited by The reserve light AOB was Lillyan Wilson of Maple acres CRP, and 36 acres native grass pasture. There is a large pond. The CRP payment is $1,979.00; the CRP contract expires led by Aubree McCurry, Jackie Sleichter, Abilene. shown by Marley Sutton Hill owned the reserve 09/30/2021. The FSA bases and yields are 12 acres corn, 118 bush- Hutchinson. Cally Miller Jacob Hanen, Buhler, led of Uniontown. Hayden En- dark AOB. els; 12 acres soybeans, 37 bushels. The 2019 taxes were $2,277.98. of El Dorado showed the the reserve Mainetain- glert, Washington, owned Brooklynn Kerr from This farm is located at the southeast corner of Barneston on the champion Hereford steer, er. Whitley Frost from the champion Berkshire Dodge City was named south side of Hwy 8. TRACT 4 with Cami Miller of El Do- Esbon owned the cham- barrow. James DeRouchey, champion in senior swine The E ½ SW ¼ 33-1-8, Liberty Township rado owning the reserve. pion Red Angus heifer. Wamego, exhibited the showmanship. The reserve This farm, 79 acres, m/l, consists of 18 acres cropland, 43.42 acres The champion Shorthorn Allyson Rietcheck, Gard- reserve. The champion champion was Kyanna CRP, with the balance of the farm being waterways, creek, and steer was led by Kolton ner, showed the reserve Duroc barrow was shown Lankton of Le Roy. Com- timber. The CRP payment is $4,905.00; the CRP contract expires Meyer of Sylvan Grove, Red Angus. The champion by Kason Ramsey of Hol- pleting the top five, in 09/30/2021. The FSA bases and yields are: 9 acres corn, 118 bush- els; 9 acres soybeans, 37 bushels. The 2019 taxes were $2,388.40 with Jansen Gerstner, Shorthorn was exhibited comb. The reserve was placing order, were Court- This farm is located 2.5 miles east of Barneston, 3 miles south, then Frankfort, leading the re- by Kaden Stroup, Parker. driven by Paxton Huse- ney Baetz, Downs; Lane ½ mile west. serve. Gerstner also owned Braylee Kraisinger, Hugot- man, Ellsworth. In the Higbie, Quenemo; and Terms on all farms: Ten percent down, the balance due in 30 days. the champion Shorthorn on, led the reserve Short- Hampshire division, Brody Brody Nemecek, Iola. In Possession given at closing. Plus steer. Hayden En- horn. In the Shorthorn Nemecek of Iola had the the intermediate division, THE DWIGHT E. GRAHAM ESTATE glert of Washington ex- Plus division, Ryder Heter champion barrow. James Calla Higbie from Quene- Auction by: hibited the reserve. In from Raymond showed DeRouchey exhibited the mo was awarded the cham- the Simmental division, the champion heifer. The reserve. Dillon Knepp of pion title. Reserve was Jara Throp from Burling- reserve Shorthorn Plus Lincolnville showed the Kyser Nemecek from Iola. Washington, KS * 785-325-2734 ton owned the champion. was exhibited by Pres- champion Spot barrow, Rounding out the top five, Clay Pelton from Paradise ton Landoll of Marysville. with Kyanna Lankton, Le in order of finish, were Lily led the reserve. The cham- Champion and reserve Roy, showing the reserve. pion Maine-Anjou steer AOB went to heifer entries From the dark AOB di- was shown by Ava Jane from Gabrielle Hammer vision, Cooper Wuthnow, Combs from Hutchinson. of Wallace. The champion Manchester, owned the Cale Shorter of Dexter commercial heifer was led champion. The reserve exhibited the reserve. In by Gracie Karst, Russell. was exhibited by Drake

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2020 - 10:00 AM 312 NORTH 8TH - ST. MARYS, KANSAS REAL ESTATE (SELLS APPROX. 12:00 NOON) tion to be completed prior to Auction at Buyer’s This home has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living expense if requested. Taxes prorated to clos- room, dining room and kitchen. There is also an ing. STATEMENTS MADE DAY OF AUCTION “When it comes to marketing Ag Real Estate or Ag/Residential enclosed porch/setting room and a large utility TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER ANY OTHER Real Estate I am SOLD on Grass & Grain. I came to Grass & Grain room. The property also has a 2-car detached INFORMATION. garage and utility shed. The home is on a large OPEN HOUSE ON REAL ESTATE: Thurs- looking for increased exposure for a tract of ag real estate I have lot (approximately 97’X150’). day, November 5, 2020, 4:30-6:00PM or by listed in northern Pottawatomie County. We came up with a 4-week Buyer to pay 10% down day of Auction with contacting Vern Gannon Broker/Auctioneer, balance due on or before December 15, 2020. Gannon Real Estate and Auctions, Manhat- plan to advertise in the Real Estate section of the classified ads. All inspections including lead base paint inspec- tan, Kansas 785-770-0066. The week the ad came out I received numerous calls resulting in VEHICLES claw feet; large rocker; cedar Religious pictures & figurines; several showings.” 2015 Toyota Avalon XLE, sun- chest; carved Dragon stand green platter; crystal decanter roof, leather seats, 95,219 mi; with storage; round Oak stand set; several nice old quilts; lin- 1997 Chevy Gladiator Pickup, table; lift chair; round top table; en; cake carrier; Raggedy Ann extended cab, bed cover, 5. Li- marble top credenza; metal music box; Budweiser stein; “I then ran a 1/4 page ad in the Spring Full of Bullz feature section. ter, 2WD, 137,745 miles. full bed; clock top stand; com- Cuckoo clock; nice pictures; GUNS (SELLS FIRST puter desk; bookcase; Walnut paintings on canvas; cameras Once again, the exposure resulted in numerous calls coming from AT 10:00AM) gateleg table; Victorian carved & equipment including Can- interested individuals outside of the area and several showing H&R Sportsman, .22; Ruger rocker; large drum (for table); on E05 800; Nikon Coolpix .457; Taurus .45; Smith & Walnut flip top table; loveseat; P7700; Mamiya 35MM; Nikon requests. This property will be under contract soon.” Wesson .38; Springfield .45; retro buffet; 2 bookshelves; Coolpix 950; camera lenses; FN Herstal 5.7X28; Moss stand tables; various chairs; tripods & more. Many mod- RANDY KUFAHL Hero shotgun .12; Marlin 3-drawer chest; 2 single beds; el toys, kits & supplies; many model 60, .22; Marlin model Oak entertainment center; BOOKS, DVD’s, VHS’s; DVD Realtor® 701T, .22; Remington .22; SP/ yellow round dinette table & 4 & VHS dubbing deck/player; WASR 10/63, 7.62X39mm; chairs; wingback chair; Sam- stereo system; laser printer; FOUNDATION REALTY Taurus rifle .38/357 mag.; sung flat screen TV; Brother computers & supplies; baking 785-556-2414 C308 Sporter rifle, .308; XL 3022 sewing machine; stu- dishes; pots; pans; silverware; Winchester 1890, .12; Rhino dent desk & chair; yellow cab- plates; bowls; dishes; stainless [email protected] 60DS 357 magnum handgun. inet; end tables; office chairs; trash can; card table; Christ- YOUR REALTOR® FOR NORTHEAST KANSAS Kenmore 21 refrigerator with clothes racks; bookshelf; metal mas decorations; globe; type- “As a licensed Realtor in Kansas, when it comes to advertising value, freezer below; Kenmore shelf; 2 door metal wardrobe; writer; binoculars. washer & dryer; deep freezer; Baker’s rack; area rugs; 6’X4’ JOHN DEERE X300 RIDING I am placing my trust in Grass & Grain. Heavily carved Victorian love- framed mirror; treadmill. LAWN MOWER with cover, Thank you Grass & Grain!” seat; Antique Oak Grandfa- Mantel clock; Staffordshire used one season. ther clock; Extra nice antique England china; Spode pitch- 250 gallon poly tank; push Walnut corner cabinet; Out- er; Crystal lamp; Cape de mower; gas edger; lawn You could also be reaping the benefits of standing heavily carved chest; monte vase; pr china double spreader; weedeaters; DeWalt Walnut marble top dresser wall hanging candleholders; chain saw; 2 ½ ton floor jack; with mirror; Dining table & 4 German compote; Steins & chain saw; 6’ fiberglass & alu- Grass & Grain Advertising! Chairs; Pennsylvania Dutch matching stems; crystal stem- minum stepladder; extension 3-drawer chest; Victorian side ware, tumblers & water glass- ladder; tool chest; halogen chair; 2 Walnut dropleaf tables; es; tea set; Royal Worchester lights; small air compressor; Don’t hesitate, call today: 785-539-7558 credenza; Walnut side chair; figurine; 2 Hummel figurines; jack stands; golf clubs; garden Walnut dropleaf stand table; 2 red/clear decanters; Fenton hose; variety of hand tools; Or stop by to talk to one of our advertising representatives: 2 Victorian arm chairs; Walnut 75th Anniversary vase; glass & wheelbarrow; dolly; tree saw; spindled double bed; Bombay crystal bowls; cups & saucers; lawn clippers; gas cans; exten- cabinet; beautiful chest on high horse figurines; candleholders; sion cords; large pet kennel; legs; Morris chair with massive pitchers; covered candy dish; chain link gate; cross bow. THEODORE “TED” REMARK TRUST/ESTATE GANNON REAL ESTATE & AUCTIONS VERN GANNON, BROKER/AUCTIONEER 785-770-0066฀•฀MANHATTAN,฀KANSAS฀•฀785-539-2316 1531 Yuma St. • Manhattan, KS 66502 Page 22 Grass & Grain, October 27, 2020

Kansas Junior Livestock Show draws youth from 93 counties • Cont. from page 21 Buhler; and Kodi McComb, exhibited by Erin John- Garten of Abilene claimed received $1,500 schol- won first place in the se- Haven Johnson from Pratt. In junior showman- son, Towanda. Johnson reserve. Finishing out the arships, including Clay nior college competition at Assaria was awarded se- ship, Carleigh Abeldt, earned a $1,000 premium. top five, from third to fifth, Brillhart, Fort Scott; Clay the Mid-America Classic nior sheep showmanship Herington, was champion The market goat show were Shea Robertson, Pelton, Paradise; and Eliz- Judging Contest, held in honors, with Jillian Keller, showman. Reserve honors was sponsored by Cargill. Elkhart; Jack Habjan, Lin- abeth Wright, Olsburg; conjunction with KJLS. A Piqua, in reserve. Follow- went to Coyler Williams, The third overall market wood; and Brody Nemecek, Kylie Fox, Marquette; Abi team from Texas Tech Uni- ing the top two, in order of Lyons. Following champi- goat, worth $750, was led Iola. Crayton Deters of St. Lillard, Abilene; Regan versity took second. Trace finish, were Becca Paine, on and reserve, in order by Jaci Falkenstein, Os- George won the interme- Stramel, Winona; and Mulligan with K-State was Hutchinson; Clay Brillhart, of finish, were Daylyn Fe- wego. Mason Rookstool of diate showmanship divi- Baylee Wulfkuhle, Berry- the top scoring senior col- Fort Scott; and Jerilyn Nel- smire, Bartlett; Kadi Mc- Wamego showed the fourth sion, with Brynn Boggs of ton, each received a $1,250 lege individual. He was fol- son, Soldier. Top showman Comb, Pratt; and Braden overall market goat, which Buhler coming in second. scholarship. Since the in- lowed by Skyler Scotten, in the intermediate divi- Gillespie, Colony. earned $500. Placing fifth Rounding out the top five, ception of the KJLS schol- also from K-State. Butler sion was Kynlee Dressler, Lakyn Rookstool of overall and earning $400 in order of finish, were arship program in 1993, a Community College (BCC) Eudora. Emery Yoho, Wamego showed the 69 was another entry from Lakyn Rookstool, Wamego; total of 348 exhibitors have won the sophomore divi- Yates Center, followed in lb. grand champion mar- Erin Johnson of Towanda. Ashley Peters, Lehigh; and been awarded $490,500. sion in the junior college reserve. Rounding out the ket goat, which earned a Raine Garten of Abilene Kenna Cooley, Louisburg. The LEAD Challenge contest, with Hutchinson top five, in order of fin- $2,000 premium. The re- showed the supreme cham- In the junior showmanship allowed exhibitors to learn Community College (HCC) ish, were Darla Fesmire, serve champion market pion commercial doe kid, division, Abigail Morales about current industry is- finishing second. High Bartlett; Brynn Boggs, goat was a 107 lb. entry for which she earned a $750 of Garden City took cham- sues and apply that infor- individuals in the junior premium. Kenna Cooley of pion showman honors, with mation in a competitive college sophomore con- Louisburg exhibited the Jayton Bogdahn, Moline, environment. All those test were Paige Miller ANTIQUE & COLLECTIBLE AUCTION FOR reserve supreme champi- earning reserve. Follow- entered in the challenge with BCC in first and Kyler on doe, worth $500. Third ing grand and reserve, in participated in the LEAD Vernon, also with BCC, in JULIA & The Late DON CHEGWIDDEN overall went to an entry order of finish, were Adley Listen & Learn, showman- second. A team from BCC SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2020 — 10:00 AM from London Hilton of Oshea, St. George; Andrew ship, skills stations and also won the freshman di- AUCTION LOCATION: 627 Market Street — PORTIS, KS Eureka, which was worth Morales, Garden City; and interviews. Exhibitors vision, while a team from FURNITURE: Smoking stand; child’s desk; Gentleman’s wardrobe; Oak $400. Chosen for fourth was Colten Abeldt, Herington. placing first through fifth Redlands Community Col- ice box; 44-drawer Dental Cabinet; clawfooted Gun Cabinet w/stained a commercial doe owned KJLS presented $17,600 in the senior division were lege placed second. Kasey glass & Griffens; glass front bookcase; 4 section Macy Stack pack book- by Jaci Falkenstein of in scholarships to 11 ex- Clay Brillhart, Fort Scott; Johnson from HCC out- case; Eastlake lamp table; Dental Cabinet w/mirror; Eastlake style hutch; Oswego that earned $300. hibitors. Receiving a $2,500 Lane Higbie, Quenemo; scored all other freshmen. Civil War traveling desk;old primitive office chair; primitive wicker youth chair; primitive printer’s cabinet; sm. R.Wylie Hill & Co. desk w/pens w/key; Fifth overall, worth $200, scholarship was Lawson Rachel Sebesta, Wilson; The second place fresh- oct. Hardware Cabinet w/sq. base & porc. pulls; lg. store base counter; 10’ was a doe shown by Mason Collins of Chanute. Kara Noah Goss, Kanopolis; and man was Brody Nemecek Railroad bench; glass showcase; woodworking 2 sided shop table; child’s Rookstool of Wamego. Car- Riffel of Westmoreland Kara Riffel, Westmore- from BCC. couch; 5’ primitive bench; stick & ball easel; Lion’s Head Bustle Seat; fancy gill also sponsored the was awarded a $2,000 schol- land. First through fifth in The Kansas Livestock Iron Bed. ANTIQUES-PRIMITIVES-COLLECTIBLES:฀Nice Leaded Glass commercial doe kid show. arship. Students receiv- the intermediate division Association and Kansas pc.; Indian Jewelry; 45 rpm records; 10-18K. Gold Rings; Sunbonnet Sue In senior goat show- ing $1,800 stipends were were, in order of finish, State University serve as Quilt; Quilt pcs.; Henry McKenna crock; heavy tooled leather purses; manship, champion show- Rachel Sebesta of Wilson Calla Higbie, Quenemo; major show sponsors. In signed Belt Buckle (Nakai); Knives; (2) metal wagons; portraits from MA man went to Kara Riffel, and Madison Vaught from T.J. Mills, Grenola; Addi- addition to Cargill, Merck Indian Life; Birger Sandzen colored & Charcoal prints; “Echo of the Trail” Westmoreland, and Raine McLouth. Three students son Green Russell, Downs; Animal Health and Sea- Gary Hawk; balance beam scale & wts.; Hwy 281 sign; wood Coke crates; Isabel Wright, Olsburg; board Foods, other spon- Pyrex; CI Banks; Howe Platform Scale; Graniteware; Trunks; 10 gal. Red Wing crock w/lids (w/crack); Mini City Gas Pump; Chesterfield & Salem and Whitley Frost, Esbon. sors included Kansas signs; Hot Wheel cars & others; Red Crown Gas sign; Pepsi metal carrier; In the junior division, first Farm Bureau and Farm old tin truck; CI Nut Cracker; 1909 Lebanon Plate; Griswold skillets; Rich- through fifth were Molly Bureau Financial Ser- ardson Silk cabinet; Browning Knife cabinet; crock foot warmer; Coke & Hill, Baldwin; Kather- vices, Friends of KJLS, Dr. Pepper coolers; Model Oak Parlor Stove (needs work); Schlitz cooler; ine Bormann, Manhattan; the Kansas Department of Crockett Bit & Spur Co. crock; 5 gal. Waconda crock; Big Chief Norton Ruby Hill, Baldwin; Kealie Agriculture and American Bottle; old child’s wagon (Witte’s Flyer); Blue Willow child’s dishes; 1915 Bryant, Garden City; and AgCredit. In addition to Anheuser Busch tin picture put out by Anheuser Busch to doctors; In- McKinley Sutton, Union- these groups, volunteers dian blanket; Santa Christmas decoration; 1840 Sampler in nice frame; town. from across the state also CI Baseball Player; celluloid Civil War pinback; #3 Ted Williams fish reel; A team from Kansas help organize and put on Star Wars R2D2 coffee press; McCoy planter; Old RR Xylophone Deagon Dinner Bell; Rare Early Winchester Repeating Arms hanging sign; tool State University (K-State) the show. box w/woodworking tools inc. #75 Stanley Rabbit Plane; Stieff FDR Teddy Bear; UP Station Master Hat & UP porc. sign; ammo box; 1910 Wedding Dress; Ithaca Gun sign; Rabbit candy container; Cupid Awake picture; Shirley Temple bowl & pitcher; Iron Shooting Cannon Toy; Joe Green auto- LAND AUCTION graphed football helmet; signed KC Royals Hosmer baseball shirt; child’s SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2020 — 10:00 AM Singer sewing machine; Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle & other Baseball pho- 4-H Building, 901 O Street — BELLEVILLE, KANSAS tos; MW Marathon Baseball glove; Reach Catcher’s Mitt; 1935 Greatest Moment in Sports Record Book; Baseball cards; “Native Americans” por- trait; ATSF Indian print; Working Man Radio; fancy German mouth blown 161.06± ACRES REPUBLIC COUNTY, KS LAND paperweight; Coyle & Sargent spool cabinet; Star thread cabinet; & More! Approx. 127.61 DCP cropland acres, balance waterways and GUNS฀WILL฀SELL฀AT฀1฀PM฀inc.:฀Green Stock Remington Apache mdl pasture. Highly productive farmland. 77 .22 cal.; Brownstock lever action Remington mdl 76 .22 cal.; Itahca mdl BRION KNUDSON, SELLER 37 pump 12 ga.; Winchester mdl 1873 .37 cal.; Winchester mdl 42 .410; Browning auto .22 w/scope; Winchester mdl 94 30 WCF; Remington mdl Download our NEW Midwest Land & Home App On 582 .22 bolt action; Remington nylon 66 .22; Winchester mdl 1892 25.20 your Apple or Android and get registered to BID TODAY! lever action; Browning auto .22 w/scope; Winchester mdl 1894 30 WCF lever action; Winchester mdl 94 30.30 cal. lever action; Winchester mdl 90 Watch Upcoming Grass & Grain’s For Details! .22 pump action; Weatherby Mark XXII .22 auto rifle; Winchester mdl 94 30.30 lever action; Winchester mdl 94 .32 WCF; Winchester mdl 94 .30 For a VIRTUAL TOUR of this property visit WCF; Winchester mdl 1906 .22 pump action; Remington 870 12 ga. pump action; Colt Anaconda .44 mag. revolver; Colt Python .357 mag revolv- To stay up to date on auctions and listings LIKE our er; Colt Diamond Back .22 revolver; Remington nylon 66 Black Diamond; Facebook page Midwest Land and Home. Weatherby Mark V 300 mag w/mounts & rings; Winchester mdl 61 .22 w/ score; Browning lever action mdl BL-22 ONLINE & PHONE Bidding Available - Register NOW! VERY฀UNUSUAL฀PIECES฀ON฀THIS฀AUCTION!฀COME฀TO฀THIS฀ONE! Please go to our website For Full Listing! Sale Conducted by: WOLTERS AUCTION & REALTY 627฀Market฀St.,฀Box฀68฀•฀Portis,฀KS฀67474฀•฀866-346-2071 Mark Uhlik – Broker/Auctioneer – 785.325.2740 Cols.฀Jim฀Wolters,฀Broker฀&฀Auctioneer Jeff Dankenbring – Broker Phone฀785-346-2071;฀Cell฀785-545-7097 Email:฀[email protected]฀•฀Website:฀ When you want the Best, Call Midwest! Making tough Home of the engine and oil changes for life! jobs easier! Luco Mfg. Co.

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Cami Miller of the Cassoday Boosters 4-H Club showed the Reserve Supreme Heifer and earned Champion Intermediate Showman at the Butler County Fair. Cassoday Boosters 4-H Club member Cally Miller showed the Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat Cooper Cabrales showed the Champion Commercial at the Butler County Fair and was also named Re- Heifer at the Butler County Fair. He is a member of serve Champion Senior Showman. the Towanda Rustlers 4-H Club. YOUR NAME COULD BE HERE! Sponsor the Kid’s Corner! Contact your sales rep or call Grass & Grain for more information! 785-539-7558 • [email protected]

Ethan Kneisler, Lyndon Leaders 4-H club member, is shown exhibiting his heifer. October is: National Pork Kid’s Month! Corner Election Day is Nov. 3rd!

Allie Kneisler is a member of the Lyndon Leaders 4-H Club in Lyndon. She is shown holding up her two quilts she made and her quilt rack she constructed to hold all of her quilts.

Allison James received Grand Champion black and white in the 4-7 years in photography division at the

Clay County Fair.. Word Ladder Answers: TOTE, TONE, TONS, TINS TONS, TONE, TOTE, Answers: Ladder Word Page 24 Grass & Grain, October 27, 2020 New cutout futures will help pork industry with risk management, K-State’s Tonsor says The CME Group’s plan ers, a Kansas State Uni- and Canadian hog produc- other derivatives. the pandemic likely cor- will be important to mon- to launch pork cutout fu- versity agricultural econ- ers in having additional “As the market has responds with strong in- itor the final up-take on tures and options on Nov. omist said. risk management alter- evolved, our customers terest from pork buyers this (cutout) product and 9 is good news for pork “There indeed is sig- natives available,” said continue to look for new seeking ways to mitigate what implication that has buyers as well as produc- nificant interest from U.S. Glynn Tonsor, livestock tools to manage the price pork purchase price risks directly for not only its market specialist with risk associated with hog they face.” viability, but the indirect K-State Research and Ex- and pork production,” Information about how impacts on viability of AUCTION tension. said Tim Andriesen, CME futures and options are other products including SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2020 — 10:00 AM Tonsor was responding Group managing director used to manage risk in CME’s Lean Hog futures 324 Traders Avenue — FALL RIVER, KANSAS to a Sept. 29 CME Group of Agricultural Products, livestock markets is avail- and options products.” FARM MACHINERY: 1980 JD AIRPLANE: sells just prior to announcement that it in the statement. able on the CME Group’s The new contracts will 4440 D Tractor, cab heat/air, 1:00: 1947 LUSCOMBE 8E, Serial plans to launch Pork Cut- “Over time, more and website. be quoted in U.S. cents duals, 3pt., 540/1000 PTO, 2 re- #5169, N244OK (see pics on web- motes, power shift w/wheel wts; site; located @ Eureka Airport). out futures and options on more marketing contracts Even with the welcome per pound, will have a con- 1970 JD 4020D Tractor w/metal VEHICLES: 2000 Chrysler Town Nov. 9. include a pork cutout introduction of the new re- tract size of 40,000 pounds canopy, 3 pt., 540/1000 PTO, 1 & Country Mini Van; 1999 Dodge A “cutout” is the ap- component,” Tonsor said. source, context is import- and will be available for remote, w/front hyd. bale spear, 2500, 4x4 auto, V-10, gas, pick- proximate value of a hog “Combined, CME’s intro- ant, Tonsor said. trading on CME Globex or syn. shift, w/wheel wts; JD 7720 up; 1978 Chevy 3/4T, 4x4, feed Titan Combine, 4x4 d,l w/918 truck w/cake feeder & spear; calculated using the pric- duction of a Pork Cutout “The role of specific through block trades via header, w/PU reel, w/extended 1974 Chevy grain truck, 20’ steel es paid for wholesale cuts contract will enable inter- futures and options con- CME ClearPort. unload auger; 930 Case tractor bed, hoist, twin screw. of pork. The values, or ested hog producers, as tracts varies over time. Tonsor said the new w/loader; Cat D7 dozer, parts STORAGE BLDING: 12x30 cuts, used to calculate the well as pork buyers and For instance, the pork contract brought to mind only; Vermeer 605 H baler, string; Storage Building, Like New, to be Sitrex DM7 disc mower w/2 wheel moved, Located in Liberty KS. pork cutout include the sellers, to possibly adjust belly futures contract was the role of pork belly fu- dolly; 10’ offset disc Shaffer; 3 pt. HOUSEHOLD: GE range oven; loin, butt, picnic, rib, ham their risk management a pioneering financial in- tures in the 1980s Eddie bale spear; 10 wheel rake; JD 3 New Crosley ref/freezer; cook- and belly. The new con- strategies. While much strument in the 1960s that Murphy movie, Trading pt. ripper; JD 3 pt. springtooth; ware, household wares, Furni- tracts will reflect the price attention has come from ultimately changed along Places. Glenco foldup springtooth; 3 JD ture, beds, deer mounts. wheel discs; old side delivery HANDICAPPED: Mobility chair; of the wholesale product the possible benefits from with broader industry de- More information about rakes; 2 wheel lime spreader; 4 stair lift – 2 flights. after processing. CME a hog producer’s perspec- velopments in the belly livestock markets is avail- wheel trailer w/steel bed; JD 5-16 ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Group is a global market- tive, the observed whole- – where we get bacon – able at semi mount plow; forage harvest- Oak secretary; china cabinet, place for agricultural and sale pork volatility during market. More broadly, it er Gehl; JD sickle mower; JD 4R curved glass; buffet; china cup- cultivator; 2 JD 494 planters; 2 board; china & pottery; Carnival wheel trailer; field drag (HD iron); glass; Nice Glassware; Furniture, old hay baler; JD parts; JD 500 Tools; Many Misc. Antiques & Research on lighting system grain cart w/PTO, hyd. auger; GN Collectibles. Inline 7 bale trailer; 5x16 bumper CONSIGNED BY NEIGHBOR: stock trailer; vertical air compres- 1978 Hobbs grain trailer; 1970 sor; New cake feeder approx. Chevy C50 dump truck; gravity could help reduce deer collisions 1100#, elect. used cake feeder; box (250 bu.); homemade hopper Anyone who has ever pecially in the fall – has a sas Department of Trans- prising in that the inter- metal feed bunks. bottom trailer (450 bu.). driven on a highway or pretty good idea of an ev- portation, nearly one in actions between deer and SKID LOADER: 2014 Cat skid MISC.: Lots of Iron & Old Machin- rural road in the early er-present, lurking danger. six vehicle crashes across vehicle decreased,” Lee loader, 262 D, 2 spd, 216.4 hrs., ery; Other Items Too Numerous morning or after dark – es- According to the Kan- the state in 2018 involved said. “They considered a 74.3 Hp. – Like New!! to Mention! a deer. That year, there dangerous interaction to were 10,734 crashes that be when wildlife and a Real Estate: ELK/GREENWOOD COUNTY LAND Sells approx. 1 PM were deer-related, roughly vehicle get within 50 me- TRACT 1: 200 Acres of Grassland, all fenced, w/pond water, SW1/4 16.5% of all reported crash- ters of each other. That NE1/4, W1/2 SE1/4, E1/2 SW1/4 Sec 19, T28, R13, Elk Co., KS AUCTION es on the state’s roadways. decreased with the use of TRACT 2: 116 Acres of Grassland, all fenced w/pond water, S1/2 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2020 — 10:00 AM KDOT also notes that light shining back toward NW1/4 Sec 20 & SE1/4 NE1/4 Sec 19, T28S R13E, Elk Co., KS 2755 Reaper Road, WAVERLY, KANSAS the majority of deer-ve- the vehicle.” TRACT 3: 56.84 Acres River Bottom Farm, Grassland, Approx. 41 TRACTORS – SKID LOADER – LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT hicle collisions occur be- In fact, the wildlife Acres Tillable, East 55 Acres in E1/2 NW1/4 Sec 18, T28, R13E (Ab- MACHINERY tween October and Decem- researchers noted a big breviated Legal) Greenwood Co., KS * N.H. TD 5050, MFWA * ‘98 Peterbilt Single Axle Semi ber, when deer are mating difference: the number TRACT 4: E/2 NW/4 LYG N & E of Mud Creek Less R/W Sec 18, T28, w/820 Loader * ‘01 Gooseneck 14’ Stock and on the move, looking of dangerous interactions R13E, Greenwood Co., KS, 4.27 Acres * N.H. TS 110 Trailer for secure habitat. fell from 35% to 10%. RE Terms: Tracts will sell individually. 10% Down sale day with bal- * * Ford TW 5 * Gravity Wagons While a keen eye can “The deer were per- ance in 30 days. Call Sellers Agent: Larry Marshall Auction and * N.H. TT60 A ROP 1025 Hrs. * Case 1845 C Skid Loader help drivers avoid an un- haps better able to see the Realty, 620-378-4356 or 620-485-6136 for complete detail. * N.H. HT 154 14-Wheel Hay Hi Flow intended encounter, Kan- vehicle rather than being OWNERS: JACK R. BLANKENSHIP ESTATE Rake * Flatbed Trailer 30’, Gooseneck sas State University wild- blinded by the lights,” Lee TERMS: Cash or approved check, must have positive ID to Bid. Nothing re- * N.H. BR 7070 Big Baler * ‘03 Hillsboro Aluminum Stock life specialist Charlie Lee said. “They recognized it moved until settled for. All items sell as is where is with no warranties or guar- * N.H. 2550 Self Propelled Trailer, 24’ said early findings of a as something that was dan- anties from seller or sellers agent. Not responsible for accidents or theft. Swather 14’ * Wilson Wheel Portable Corral research project may pro- gerous and got out of the For Pictures go to Websites:, * ‘98 Oklahoma 48’ Drop Deck * Wagon Load of Farm Misc. vide a valuable assist. way or did not cross the or email: [email protected] PARTIAL LISTING! “There is a project road in front of that vehi- Find us on Facebook @ Larry Marshall Auction and Realty See: for sale bill & pictures being done at the NASA cle.” LIKE US ON FACEBOOK to RECEIVE ALL OUR AUCTION SALE BILLS! Plum Brook Station near Previous methods to Newton Family Concessions & Rest Room Available. SELLER: JACK HOLMES Sandusky, Ohio by scien- spook deer from the road – such as whistles, road- HAMILTON AUCTIONS tists at the National Wild- AUCTIONEERS: life Research Center, in side reflectors and mir- MARK HAMILTON: 785-214-0560 (C) * 785-759-9805 (H) Mark Garretson, 620-433-2561 * Truston Garretson, 620-212-3641 which researchers are rors, repellents and others Larry Marshall, 620-485-6136 Jack White, Melvern, KS looking at ways to make – don’t seem to work. “The CLERKS & CASHIER: Gayle Garretson, Lorrie Marshall, Rita Voth vehicles more apparent to only thing that seems to deer,” Lee said. have been effective over He notes that deer may the years is roadside fenc- be disoriented by vehicle ing,” Lee said. “When you headlights and do not im- put adequate fencing up mediately recognize cars. in the right locations with Thus, cars become some- animal overpasses or un- thing of a “high-speed derpasses, we seem to see predator” that deer fail to a substantial reduction in flee from until it’s too late. collisions with animals.” The new study focuses The National Wildlife on a lighting system for Research Center is in the the car that illuminates a process of obtaining a pat- larger portion of the ve- ent for its lighting tech- hicle’s front surface than nology, so the product is standard headlights alone. not yet on the market, Lee In early work, researchers said. have found that the new “They have said that lighting system takes ad- future work is necessary vantage of the deer’s ‘flight to fine-tune the approach, behavior,’ or its natural in- keeping in mind whatever stinct to avoid predators. species is most at-risk,” he “Their results are sur- said.

Bonded & Insured SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY IN EMPORIA, KANSAS AT 11:00 AM 620-342-2425 or 800-835-7803 toll-free • Fax: 620-342-7741 Date: 10/21/20. Total Head Count: 1,185. COWS: $62- $73.00; $50-$61.75; $49 and down. BULLS: $77-$80.00. HEIFERS 4 mix ...... [email protected] 4 blk ...... [email protected] 6 mix ...... [email protected] LAY ENTER 6 blk ...... [email protected] 17 bkbwf...... [email protected] JC LIVESTOCK SALES INC. C C 12 blk ...... [email protected] 9 blk ...... [email protected] Wednesday Sale, Hogs NOON • Cattle 12:30 PM 6 blk ...... [email protected] 9 blk ...... [email protected] LIVESTOCK SALES INC. 11 blk ...... [email protected] 6 blk ...... [email protected] Report from October 21, 2020 Cattle sales Tuesday, 11:00 AM. 5 mix ...... [email protected] 10 blk ...... [email protected] 5 mix ...... [email protected] 4 blk ...... [email protected] STEERS 16 848 117.50 Report from October 20, 2020 16 bkbwf...... [email protected] 6 mix ...... [email protected] 2 550 149.00 9 857 115.50 10 blk ...... [email protected] 12 mix ...... [email protected] 11 634 145.00 31 750 115.50 STEERS 2 590 119.00 4 blk ...... [email protected] 12 mix ...... [email protected] 10 733 135.00 1 945 100.00 1 360 147.00 8 772 117.50 7 blk ...... [email protected] 7 blk ...... [email protected] 6 837 135.00 2 453 145.00 14 833 116.50 16 blk ...... [email protected] 27 mix ...... [email protected] 8 blk ...... [email protected] 12 blk ...... [email protected] TOP BUTCHER COW: 12 859 134.50 4 804 116.50 19 804 134.00 13 blk ...... [email protected] 20 blk ...... [email protected] 20 862 133.50 $66.00 @ 1,515 lbs. 11 635 132.00 3 848 106.00 5 863 131.00 1 965 96.00 8 mix ...... [email protected] 10 mix ...... [email protected] 30 928 131.60 6 blk ...... [email protected] 19 blk ...... [email protected] 28 875 131.00 TOP BUTCHER BULL: 3 868 130.00 TOP BUTCHER COW: 5 blk ...... [email protected] 7 blk ...... [email protected] 17 940 125.75 $67.50 @ 1,565 LBS. 11 974 127.25 $76.50 @ 2,140 20 blk ...... [email protected] 7 blk ...... [email protected] 10 960 122.50 TOP BUTCHER BULL: HEIFERS 7 blk ...... [email protected] 9 blk ...... [email protected] 1 1040 107.00 $74.50 @ 2,065 LBS. 5 405 139.00 BRED COWS: $810-$1,150 14 blk ...... [email protected] 10 mix ...... [email protected] HEIFERS PAIRS: NO TEST 9 blk ...... [email protected] 11 blk ...... [email protected] 6 538 126.00 6 439 124.00 BRED COWS: NO TEST 25 blk ...... [email protected] 5 blk ...... [email protected] 7 674 125.00 PAIRS: $1,250 4 blk ...... [email protected] 11 blk ...... [email protected] 10 775 124.00 25 bkbwf...... [email protected] 11 blk ...... [email protected] FAT HOG TOP: NO TEST CONSIGNMENTS FOR OCTOBER 27: 10 799 120.50 75 mix strs & hfrs ...... 500-650 lbs 15 blk ...... [email protected] 4 blk ...... [email protected] 7 blk ...... [email protected] 33 mix ...... [email protected] ND PLUS MORE BY SALE DAY! 7 blk ...... [email protected] 6 mix ...... [email protected] 2 SPECIAL FALL CALF SALE 6 mix ...... [email protected] 7 mix ...... [email protected] 9 blk ...... [email protected] 6 mix ...... [email protected] MONDAY, OCTOBER 26 @ 6:30PM SPECIAL FALL CALF SALE 10 blk ...... [email protected] 25 blk ...... [email protected] TUESDAY, NOV. 3RD @ 12:30 PM 7 mix ...... [email protected] 5 blk ...... [email protected] 400 Char X strs & hfrs, 450-650 lbs .. prevac ..Weaver Rnch 6 mix ...... [email protected] 14 blk ...... [email protected] CONSIGNMENTS FOR OCTOBER 28: 15 blk ...... [email protected] 6 blk ...... [email protected] 70 blk X strs & hfrs ...... 750-900 lbs ...... yrlgs 165 Char X strs & hfrs, 450-650 lbs .. prevac ... B&P Weaver 34 mix ...... [email protected] 62 mix ...... [email protected] 20 blk X strs & hfrs ...... 700-850 lbs ...... yrlgs 90 blk X strs & hfrs, 500-650 lbs...... prevac ..... S. Schmidt 12 mix ...... [email protected] 14 mix ...... [email protected]

50 blk X strs ...... 850-950 lbs ...... yrlgs 90 blk X strs & hfrs, 500-650 lbs...... prevac ... J&R Jackson 8 mix ...... [email protected] 8 blk ...... [email protected]

PLUS MORE BY SALE DAY! 80 Ang X strs & hfrs, 500-650 lbs..... prevac ...... E. Lilley STEERS 5 blk ...... [email protected] 18 Ang X strs & hfrs, 500-600 lbs ..... prevac ...T. Kamphaus 4 blk ...... [email protected] 6 mix ...... [email protected] 30 Ang X strs & hfrs, 500-600 lbs ...... Hopper 5 blk ...... [email protected] 4 bkbwf...... [email protected] Watch online with 65 Red X strs & hfrs, 350-550 lbs ...... J. Wendell (Tab J.C. Livestock Sales) Must register to bid. 25 blk X strs & hfrs, 450-600 lbs ...... weaned ..... R. Provost EARLY CONSIGNMENTS FOR OCT. 28 PLUS MORE BY SALE DAY! • 74 mostly blk strs, 750-850 lbs. If you need assistance in marketing your cattle please call & we will be happy to discuss it with you. PLUS MORE BY SALE TIME Clay Center, Ks • Barn Phone 785-632-5566 THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT! JUNCTION CITY, KANSAS • Barn Phone 785-238-1471 Clay Center Field Representatives: YOUR BUSINESS IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED! Seth Lauer 785-949-2285, Abilene Tom Koch, 785-243-5124 Lance Lagasse, 785-262-1185 For Cattle Appraisals Call: BRODY PEAK, 620-343-5107 GLENN UNRUH, 620-341-0607 LYLE WILLIAMS, Field Representative, 785-229-5457 KARL LANGVARDT MITCH LANGVARDT LYNN LANGVARDT Tues. & Wed. KCLY-Fm 100.9 WIBW 580 - 6:45 A.M. Thurs; KVOE 1400 - 6:30-6:45 A.M. Thurs. & Fri. 8:00 am Cell: 785-499-2945 Cell: 785-761-5814 Cell: 785-761-5813 To see more consignments go to: Grass & Grain, October 27, 2020 Page 25 Bob Morando is the rect Foods. “We work with Bob said. a year. This year, we’re on CEO of this remarkable some 50 growers across the Farmer Direct Foods pace to make 20 million.” Kansas company known as Farm- state,” Bob said. “Some moved quickly to respond The working relation- er Direct Foods. Bob grew are fourth- or fifth-gener- to the market. “Fortunate- ship with K-State milling up in Abilene and studied ation farmers. We work ly, we had just placed a big science students went so milling science at K-State. with them so that we can order for flour bags, so we well that Bob has decid- His career took him all know what farm the wheat had supplies to meet the ed to make the internships Profile over the country, working came off of. People want demand,” Bob said. with the department an for businesses such as to know where their food K-State cancelled ongoing program. “We General Mills, Kraft, and came from.” in-person classes due have set up two intern- By Ron Wilson Con-Agra. Farmer Direct Foods to the pandemic, so Bob ships there now,” he said. Executive Director of In 2016, he came back sells to large bakers such called his old friends in White wheat is still the to Abilene to care for his as the King Arthur com- the milling science depart- staple product that goes the Huck Boyd elderly mother. A college pany as well as Tortilla ment. “If all the kids are into every bag of flour Institute roommate encouraged King in Moundridge; home freed up, could a couple of at Farmer Direct Foods. him to apply for the CEO bakers, local bake shops them come work for me?” “People tell me, ‘Your position that was open at like Radina’s Coffee- he asked. Bob also locat- flour is the best product,’” Bob Morando, Farmer Direct Foods, and house in Manhattan, and ed a couple of recently Bob said. Bob got the job. the Friendship House in retired flour millers who That’s good to hear for Farmer Direct Foods Wamego, and even pizze- were willing to come back a business located in the Farmer Direct Foods had begun back in 1988 rias in Chicago. However, onto a payroll. rural community of New By Ron Wilson, director there was a run on flour in as a cooperative of white flour sales nationally were “Five days later, we had Cambria, population 126 of the Huck Boyd National the stores. wheat growers, organized in a five-year slump as of doubled our production people. Now, that’s rural. Institute for Rural Devel- How did the industry to help producers earn a early 2020. capacity,” Bob said. For more information, opment at Kansas State respond? premium for better quality Then everything The mill was now run- go to www.farmerdirect- University. One Kansas flour miller wheat. In 2003, they built a changed. As the pandemic ning two shifts, six days It all happened in a adjusted rapidly, doubling flour mill in New Cambria, spread and stay-at-home a week. Since then, the It happened in a week. week. In early 2020, wheat its flour production capac- near Salina. orders were issued, Bob company has been going The surge in flour de- flour sales were continu- ity. This achievement was “White wheat is a suddenly started getting full speed to respond to mand due to the pandem- ing a long-term slump. so remarkable that this milder, sweeter flavored calls. “We’re running out the demand. “We have not ic caused Bob Morando Then COVID-19 hit. Sud- company was recognized wheat,” Bob said. “All of flour,” he was told. The let off the gas pedal since and Farmer Direct Foods denly, stay-at-home orders as an Ag Hero by the Kan- our wheat is stone-ground supply chain got a jolt March,” Bob said. to make a difference with began to be issued across sas Department of Agri- here at the mill.” from the sudden surge in “We went from 18 trucks rapid changes in response the nation. People started culture during the 2020 Ag Identity assurance is a home baking. “It felt like a month to 45 trucks a to the marketplace. That hoarding toilet paper, and Growth Summit. key concept at Farmer Di- things changed overnight,” month. Normally we make was a strong week. 12 million pounds of flour Keep implant application clean to VALENTINE LIVESTOCK AUCTION CO. Valentine, Neb. help maximize your performance THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2020 Implants help steers and heifers finish stronger, but to minimize the chances of developing an abscess from Special Spring Calf Sale feat. Char-X & Yearling Sale if your application technique is flawed and doesn’t use contamination on the surface of the ear being carried S.T. 11:00 A.M. on Yearlings; Expecting 5700 hd. proven sanitation procedures, the whole program will with the needle. However, if you have a clean and dry Selling via video: fail to accomplish your goals. ear, you can implant without having to clean it.” 126 .Ang strs NHTC, GAP, drugfree HR NI Baldridge genetics ... 945#base ...Brush Creek Rn Make sure your implant administration process fol- To clean the ear, use a brush and the chlorhexidine 70 ...Ang strs NHTC, GAP, drugfree HR NI Baldridge genetics ... 885#base ...Brush Creek Rn lows the practices below, or you might risk losing ap- cleaning solution contained in a small bowl or pan to Yearlings: expecting 1000 hd 243 .blk strs NI HR Connealy high growth genes ...... 700-850# ...... Dan Dent proximately $100 per head*, one for every incorrectly scrub the ear clean before implanting, and remember: If 210 .blk (140) & rd (70) strs HR ...... 775-950# ...... A Thousand Hills administered implant. you’re cleaning a lot of ears while implanting, keep the 180 .blk, bwf (8 rd) strs NI HR drugfree ...... 650-775# ...... Dennis Bammerlin No. 1: Clean and disinfect the needle brush clean and covered by the chlorhexidine solution 130 .blk strs & hfrs NI spayed ...... 750-900# ...... Ken Keegan 120 .blk, bwf ...... 900-950# ...... D & D Neyens “One of the most important things that we can do is while not in use and refresh the solution often through- 75 ...blk & rd hfrs G.O...... 775-825# ...... Dan Epke sanitize the needle before the next animal is implanted out the process, too. 70 ...blk & rd hfrs P.O. NHTC drugfree ...... 750-800# ...... Flying Diamond Ent to reduce implant abscesses,” said Todd Koontz, senior Lastly, be sure to follow guidelines for implant place- 50 ...blk hfrs P.O./G.O...... 775-825# ...... Miracle Farms 61 ...blk (48) & rd (13) hfrs P.O...... 900-1000# ...... Miles & Becky Mundorf marketing manager, Zoetis. ment in the middle-third of the ear along the valley, 53 ...blk, bwf ...... 900-975# ...... JA CC As you set up your implanting station, make sure you Koontz said. You’ll experience easier implanting if you 35 ...blk (27s-5h) drugfree ...... 800-900# ...... Howard Schmidt have a tray filled with disinfectant and a sponge. Koontz make sure you can control the applicator comfortably. Plus more from Kime, McPeak, Epke, Cox, Lee Rn, Witt, Woods, Hand, Burney emphasized that it is crucial that the implanting needle Keep hands clean and implants clean and dry Valentine Livestock Health Protocol 2020 be cleaned on that sponge between every implant or Wearing gloves is simple and an easy way to ensure #4 7-way (2), 5-way viral (spring & fall), pasteurella, and poured or injected w/ Ivermectin (fall) #3 7-way (2), 5-way viral (spring & fall), pasteurella, no pour on misdelivery, also known as “skips.” you can keep your hands clean during processing. Just #2 7-way (2), 5-way once; #1 7-way only Use chlorhexidine disinfectant: Never iodine or alcohol be sure to wear latex or nitrile gloves, never cotton or Spring Calves: expecting 4200 hd A chlorhexidine disinfecting solution should be used leather, as they get contaminated easily and are not 275 .Ang strs NI Logterman & Raven genes ...... 500-675# ...... D, T & C Stoner #4 for scrubbing dirty or wet ears before implanting. The cleanable. You can use water or the chlorhexidine solu- 200 .Ang strs NI lots of power! ...... 575-660# ...... Tony, Ed & Lois Titus #4 200 .blk, bwf strs NI ...... 500-550# ...... Ken & Roxie Fox #4 solution should be mixed fresh daily and also used for tion to clean your gloved hands. 230 .blk, bwf strs NI ...... 500-625# ...... Hockenbary & Qualley #4 cleaning implanting tools, such as needles and brushes. Finally, remember to always keep implant cartridges 400 .bwf & rwf strs mostly F-1 sired by rd and/or blk ...... 500-600# ...... Chane Coomes 350 .Ang (2 rd)(200s-150h) Capitalist, Renown & Bomber sires 450-600# John & Tyler Lee #4 Never use the solution more than 12 hours after mixing in their packaging or a clean, dry container to protect 350 .blk & Ang (210s-140h) NI drugfree ...... 450-600# ...... Doughboy L & C #4 it. And never use iodine or alcohol, Koontz said. them from moisture and contamination. 215 .blk (15 rd) (150s-65h) NI ...... 500-650# ...... 3 Bar Q (Risseeuw) #3 The disinfectant to use is called chlorhexidine. It is More tips from Zoetis about implanting techniques 160 .blk Raven genes ...... 500-625# ...... Wes & Joe Ross #4 150 .blk Raven & Joseph genes ...... 500-625# ...... Tribal Ranch #2 readily available, inexpensive and has been used suc- and applicators, along with available implants, can be 143 .Ang (72s-71h) NI hfrs not topped Logterman genes ...... 525-650# ...... Kim Markus #4 cessfully for decades as long as it’s properly and freshly found at 170 .blk, blk-x (120s-50h) A.I. genes ...... 525-650# ...... Joe & Bonnie Gesinger #4 prepared, Koontz said. With the proper solution and con- 160 .blk & Ang NI ...... 550-650# ...... Mike Colombe #4 100 . Ang & blk strs NI ...... 500-650# ...... Jim & Bobbie Cox and Family stant attention given to cleaning the implanting needle, 150 .bwf & blk NI Logterman genes ...... 475-600# ...... Joe & Charity Kuhl #4 the next priority is committing to simple ear cleaning 140 .bwf & rwf (F-1) (80s-60h) NI certified hereford ...... 450-600# ...... C & K Kruger #4 techniques on each individual animal being implanted. 100 .blk ...... 450-500# ...... Steve & Brock Moreland #4 85 ...blk strs Ang sired ...... 650# ...... JJ Mansfield #4 Always clean dirty or wet ears 70 ...blk, bwf strs NI ...... 550-600# ...... B & K Ranch #4 “We don’t want to implant directly into a dirty or wet 50 ...blk & Ang strs ...... 550-625# ...... Dave & Nina Nelson #4 45 ...Ang strs Resource sired, one cut ...... 650-700# ...... Steve & Sarah Schumacher #4 ear without cleaning it first,” Koontz said. “We’re trying 80 ...blk & Ang hfrs not topped ...... 500-650# ...... Imogene Graeff RFT #4 85 ...hereford & bwf (F-1) NI ...... 500-600# ...... Reena King #4 65 ...blk & rd NI...... 450-500# ...... Bo Sharp #4 60 ...blk (1 bwf) NI Pastureview & Schaaf ..... 550-650# ...... Gene & Chris Lurz #2 AUCTION 55 ...blk, few bwf (35s-20h) NI ...... 375-530# ...... Robert Cox #4 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2020 — 10:00 AM 30 ...Ang NI A.I. genetics for many years ...... 500-625# ...... Mark & LaVonne Slovek #3 3449 Pawnee Road, OTTAWA, KANSAS 30 ...Ang & blk NI ...... 525-625# ...... Steve Arment #2 Office: 620-662-3371 20 ...blk, bwf (1 rwf) NI ...... 550-650# ...... Jack & Heather King #4 TRACTORS – SKID LOADER – EQUIPMENT – TRUCKS – 20 ...rd Ang strs NI ...... 500# ...... Chad Tetherow LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT – RED IRON BUILDING – PIPE – or Matt Hoffman (Owner): 620-727-0913 Hay Auction- Every Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. View our special sales online @ TUBING – SADDLES – COLLECTIBLES – SHOP TOOLS Office: 1-800-682-4874 or 402-376-3611 * I.H. 1086 * Ground Force Hydraulic Cattle Auction- Every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. Greg Arendt, Mgr., C: 402-376-4701 Greg Nielsen, Fieldman, C: 402-389-0833 * I.H. 966 w/Westendorf WL Post Auger Hog/Sheep/Goat Auction- Every 3rd Saturday Jake Hopwood, Fieldman, C: 308-627-4828 42 Loader * N.H. BR 7090 Big Baler For complete listing visit our website: * Case 1370 * ‘14 Load Trail Flatbed Car Horse/Tack Auction- Every 1st Saturday * Ford 8N Trailer, 20’, 4’ Dove * Cat 246 Skid Loader * ‘95 Dodge 3500 Diesel (244K) th * Ground Force Rotating Tree * Ground Hog 5 Yard Dirt Scraper Sat., Nov. 7 - Horse & Tack Sale Saw * WW Livestock Chute Tues., Nov. 10th - Calf/ Yearling Special LARGE AUCTION! VERY PARTIAL LISTING! Sat., Nov. 21st - Hog/ Sheep/ Goat Sale EL DORADO See: for sale bill & pictures LIVESTOCK AUCTION, INC. SELLER: DOYLE MORGAN HAMILTON AUCTIONS MARK HAMILTON: 785-214-0560 (C) * 785-759-9805 (H) 316-320-3212 Jack White, Melvern, KS * Buddy Griffin, Williamsburg, KS Eureka Livestock Sale Fax: 316-320-7159 2595 SE Highway 54, P.O. Box 622, P.O. Box 267 Eureka, KS 67045 El Dorado, KS 67042 Holton Livestock Exchange, Inc. 620-583-5008 Office 620-583-7475 Market Report - Sale Date 10-22-20. 1,678 Head. Sale Every Thursday at 11:30 a.m. Sharp 300-400 lb. steers, $170-$182; heifers, $148-$175; 400-500 lb. 1/2฀mile฀East฀of฀Holton,฀KS฀on฀16฀Highway steers, $117-$176; heifers, $121-$141; 500-600 lb. steers, $94- Livestock฀Auction฀every฀Tuesday฀at฀12฀NOON Like Us On Facebook! $157.50; heifers, $104-$132.50; 600-700 lb. steers, $107-$141.50; ****STARTING TIME: 12:00 NOON**** On Thursday October 22nd, we had 440 head of cattle on heifers, $105-$129; 700-800 lb. steers, $101-$133; heifers, $108- an active market but lower. $128.50; 800-900 lb. steers, $108-$136; heifers, $87-$121.50. Trend MARKET REPORT FOR TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2020 on Calves: Choice weaned calves steady to $4 lower; unweaned RECEIPTS: 839 CATTLE STEERS 8 mix [email protected] 4 bkbwf [email protected] calves mostly $7-$10 lower. Trend on Feeder Cattle: Feeders under FOR FULL RESULTS, VISIT OUR WEBSITE: 2 bkRd [email protected] HEIFERS 5 blk [email protected] 800# mostly $6-$8 lower; 800# & up steady to $6 lower. Butcher VWWW.HOLTONLIVESTOCK.COM 2 bkChr [email protected] 3 blk [email protected] 6 bkRd [email protected] Cows: high dressing cows $57-$69; Avg. dressing cows $40-$53; STEERS HEIFERS 4 blk [email protected] 4 bkRd [email protected] 2 bwf [email protected] low dressing cows $26-$36. Butcher Bulls: Avg. to high dressing 3 blk bwf strs [email protected] 1 blk hfr [email protected] 5 bkbwf [email protected] 5 bkRd [email protected] 2 bwf [email protected] bulls $50-$85. Trend on Cows & Bulls: Steady w/weaker tone. Some highlights include: 4 blk strs [email protected] 2 blk hfrs [email protected] 3 blk [email protected] 5 bkRd [email protected] BULLS 5 blk bwf bulls [email protected] 4 blk red hfrs [email protected] HEIFERS 12 blk [email protected] 8 mix [email protected] 4 bkRd [email protected] 4 bkRed [email protected] 9 red strs [email protected] 6 blk hfrs [email protected] 10 blk [email protected] 6 blk [email protected] 6 blk bwf strs [email protected] 3 blk red hfrs [email protected] 6 bkbwf [email protected] 3 blk [email protected] 3 blk [email protected] 12 mix [email protected] 16 mix [email protected] 7 blk red strs [email protected] 8 bwf rwf hfrs [email protected] 16 mix [email protected] 9 bkRd [email protected] 3 bwfwf [email protected] 83 blk [email protected] 9 blk [email protected] 10 mix strs [email protected] 11 blk hfrs [email protected] 12 mix [email protected] 6 bkRd [email protected] 17 blk [email protected] 43 blk [email protected] 6 blk strs [email protected] 5 blk hfrs [email protected] 62 blk [email protected] 63 mix [email protected] Butcher Cows: $36-$76, mostly $45-$55 on cutter cows. 7 blk bwf strs [email protected] 8 blk bwf hfrs [email protected] 9 blk [email protected] 65 mix [email protected] 7 blk bwf strs [email protected] 10 blk hfrs [email protected] Fleshy cows mostly $60-$74, very active. 54 blk [email protected] 28 mix [email protected] 120 blk [email protected] 8 bwf rwf strs [email protected] 8 blk red hfrs [email protected] Butcher Bulls: $73-$87, mostly $77-$83. 66 mix [email protected] 12 blk red strs [email protected] 11 blk hfrs [email protected] 60 mix [email protected] BUTCHER COWS BUTCHER BULLS STEERS 35 mix [email protected] 13 blk bwf strs [email protected] 7 blk red hfrs [email protected] 6 blk [email protected] 7 blk strs [email protected] 7 mix hfrs [email protected] 1 blk [email protected] 1 Rd Ang [email protected] 7 blk [email protected] 33 blk bwf strs [email protected] 5 blk char hfrs [email protected] 1 blk [email protected] 1 wf [email protected] 7 blk rwf strs [email protected] 5 blk hfrs [email protected] 1 blk [email protected] 1 blk [email protected] THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2020 6 blk strs [email protected] 1 blk [email protected] 1 blk [email protected] ******* 1 Gry [email protected] 1 blk [email protected] CHECK OUR WEBSITE AS WELL AS FACEBOOK SPECIAL COW SALE: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 6 PM 1 bwf [email protected] 1 Rd Ang [email protected] FOR UPDATED LISTINGS! •฀6 blk 1st calf hfrs/blk calves G Rodvelt •฀฀ 1 blk [email protected] 1 Rd Ang [email protected] STAY TUNED FOR EARLY CONSIGNMENTS! 45 blk bwf red rwf cows/30-60 day old blk simm ang sired calves ******* (banded & vacc) 3-5 yrs, excellent disposition T Heiman 1 blk [email protected] 1 Rd Ang [email protected] •฀฀8 blk bwf rwf cows/6-8 week old calves SS J Boyles 1 blk [email protected] 1 blk [email protected] FUTURE SCHEDULE: •฀฀26 blk bwf cows 3-6 yrs bred blk simm ang bulls for March 1 * November 5th - Special Cow Sale calves Rezac L&L * November 19th - Special Calf Sale •฀฀ EARLY CONSIGNMENTS FOR OCT. 29 20 blk cows/fall calves 8 yrs & older B Hayden * November 28th - Gold Buckle Special Cow Sale •฀฀6 blk cows/60 day old calves, cut & vacc SS J Foster • 85 bk bwf rbf X strs & hfrs, 500-750 lbs, off the cow. •฀฀5 mix bred cows & pairs M Winter • 46 bk Red strs & hfrs, 400-600 lbs, off the cow. We welcome your consignments! •฀฀12 Reg. longhorn bred cows & pairs 3&4 yrs M Winter If you have cattle to consign or would like additional •฀฀ 5 Reg. longhorn bred cows & pairs older M Winter SPECIAL STOCKER FEEDER CALF SALE NOV. 12 information, please call the office at 316-320-3212 •฀฀35 mix cows, running age, bred to angus or char bulls for spring Check our website & Facebook for updated calves A Kuckelman • 300 mix strs/hfrs, 750-900 lbs, longtime weaned & dbl. vac. •฀฀4 corriente 1st calf bred hfrs, bred blk simm angus bull • 75 blk Red strs & hfrs, 500-700 lbs, off the cow & vac. consignments: To stay up to date on our latest announcements you Dan฀Harris,฀Auctioneer฀&฀Owner฀•฀785-364-7137 • 50 Fancy blk strs & hfrs, 400-650 lbs, weaned & dbl. vac. Danny฀Deters,฀Corning,฀Auct.฀&฀Field฀Rep฀•฀785-868-2591 can “Like” us on Facebook Dick฀Coppinger,฀Winchester,฀Field฀Rep.฀•฀913-774-2415 We appreciate your business! Josh Mueller Steven Hamlin Steve฀Aeschliman,฀Sabetha,฀Field฀Rep.฀•฀785-284-2417 Owner/Manager (602) 402-6008 (H) Larry฀Matzke,฀Wheaton,฀Field฀Rep.฀•฀785-268-0225 Ron Ervin - Owner-Manager (316) 680-9680 (620) 222-1199 (M) Craig฀Wischropp,฀Horton,฀Field฀Rep.฀•฀785-547-5419 Home Phone - 620-583-5385 Chris Locke Van Schmidt, Fieldman Barn Phone • 785-364-4114 Mobile Cell 620-750-0123 (316) 320-1005 (H) (620) 367-2331 (H) WEBSITE: Austin Evenson- Fieldman (316) 322-0675 (M) (620) 345-6879 (M) EMAIL: [email protected] Mobile Cell 620-750-0222 Cattle Sale Every Thursday 11:00 AM View our auctions live at “” If you have any cattle to be looked at call Ron or Austin Page 26 Grass & Grain, October 27, 2020

Chute-side cost savings – small details make a big difference By Wendie Powell, vaccine replaced. Another important during use. Repeated will cause damage. Cool- soaps or disinfectants and Livestock Production Vaccines should be factor to consider is the opening the large storage ers with openings or slots hot water, making sure to Agent, Wildcat Extension stored at temperatures be- vaccine’s expiration date. cooler can cause tempera- to protect vaccine syringes rinse all the residue away. District tween 35-45°F and protect- Vaccines are approved by ture fluctuation which may can be purchased or made. Soaps and disinfectants A strong vaccination ed from ultraviolet light. the USDA to meet an effi- damage any unused vac- When filling a syringe, can kill or deactivate the program can have a siz- Although killed vaccine cacy standard. Over time, cine. If needed, the tem- always use a clean needle MLV and should be avoid- able impact on a herd, products are considered the efficacy of a vaccine perature in a cooler can be to go into a bottle. Bacteria ed. Instead, syringes used both in dollars spent and more stable than modified will decline. The vaccine adjusted with hot packs to and debris on the surface to administer MLV should on the herd’s health. We live products, both are sus- manufacturer has deter- maintain the storage tem- of a used needle will be be cleaned and sanitized expect a vaccine to protect ceptible to degradation if mined the timeline from perature between 35-45°F. deposited into the bottle, using hot or boiling water. animals from detrimental exposed to temperatures the date of production to When livestock are contaminating it and the For more information, health problems due to outside this range. Freez- critical loss of efficacy to ready, mix the amount of vaccine. It is important to contact Wendie Powell, infectious diseases. Given ing is most detrimental to establish the expiration vaccine needed for about sanitize syringes following Livestock Production the importance of vaccines killed vaccine products; it date. To reduce the risk an hour; this will depend use. Syringes used for ad- Agent, (620) 784-5337, in an animal health pro- will change the structure of a vaccine becoming out- on the activities being ministration of killed vac- [email protected]. gram, proper handling is of the adjuvant, which is dated, buy only enough done. Castrating and de- cines can be cleaned using vital to ensure the product the part of the vaccine that vaccine to meet immediate horning calves takes lon- remains effective. Improp- presents the antigen to the needs. ger than giving pre-breed- er handling can render the immune system. Addition- The final hurdle to ing vaccines to cows. Minnesota court dismisses product useless. ally, freezing may release keeping a vaccine viable is Once mixed, a modified It’s important to buy toxins that are normally during the time of use. The live virus (MLV) vaccine vaccines from a reputa- bound by the adjuvant. Al- size of an operation will will remain viable for two price fixing lawsuit ble business. A good dis- though killed vaccines are determine the length of hours, if it is well taken An antitrust lawsuit alleging price fixing from tributer will maintain a fairly tolerant to warmer time a vaccine is exposed care of – kept cool and Tyson, JBS, Cargill and National Beef Packing was temperature log for their temperatures, exposure to to environmental condi- out of direct sunlight. Re- thrown out by a Minnesota federal court last week cooler to confirm vac- temperatures above 45°F tions. Good planning will ducing the time frame to citing problems with the plaintiff’s witnesses. U.S. cines are handled proper- for longer than one hour is assure the vaccine retains one hour’s work ensures District Judge John Tunheim dismissed the suit, ruling ly prior to selling. When not recommended. Modi- its efficacy and results in that the vaccine remains that witnesses were not “sufficiently detailed,” and buying vaccines locally, fied live vaccines are frag- immunized livestock. Vac- useful, especially if there witnesses claims were “mismatched.” ask about storage condi- ile after they have been cines should be transport- are any unexpected de- “Because of the lack of detail regarding the firms tions and use a cooler with mixed; they should be kept ed to a working facility in lays. During use, the open by which the Confidential Witnesses were employed, ice packs to transport the between 35-45°F and used a rigid sided cooler that bottle of vaccine should Plaintiffs do not adequately explain their jobs and vaccine home. Shipped within two hours. Vaccines has been pre-cooled. It be kept on ice in the small how their interactions in those jobs would lead to them purchases should be sent that have undergone tem- will take about an hour cooler. Additionally, sy- acquiring the knowledge they allegedly possess,” Tun- overnight and upon arriv- perature cycles above or for a large cooler at room ringes should be stored in heim wrote. “In all, the lack of detail about the Con- al, check the temperature below the recommended temperature to cool down a cool, dark place between fidential Witnesses, combined with the mismatched of the shipping cooler. If storage temperature will to 35-45°F. Additionally, a uses. Laying a syringe nature of what they allege, lead the Court to conclude the temperature is above have reduced efficacy and smaller pre-cooled per- down on a table or tail- their claims are not sufficiently detailed to survive 45°F, contact the distribu- may be completely worth- sonal cooler should be gate will cause the vaccine Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss.” tor and arrange to have the less due to deactivation. available to store vaccines to warm up and UV light

Sell By STARTING TIME Or Buy Cattle Auction 10:30 AM Tuesdays

Buyers & sellers are welcome in the ring area with social distancing being practiced. You can watch the live auction at . If you need assistance with watching or bidding online contact DV Auction customer service at 402-316-5460. Thank you for your cooperation. If you would like approval to bid online from the safety of your home, please do the approval process on prior to Tuesday.

We sold 1216 cattle October 20. Steer & heifer calves 500 3 blk hfrs 468 @ 131.00 1 blk cow 1130 @ 67.50 1 red cow 975 @ 42.00 1 blk cow @ 950.00 lbs. & less sold at steady prices, and heavier calves were 2 blk hfrs 485 @ 131.00 1 wf cow 1295 @ 66.50 1 bwf cow 1255 @ 41.00 1 blk cow @ 900.00 $5.00-8.00 lower. Feeder steers & heifers were steady to 19 blk/red hfrs 485 @ 125.00 1 blk cow 1120 @ 63.00 1 blk cow @ 800.00 $6.00 lower. Cows & bulls sold steady to $3.00 lower. STOCKER & FEEDER HEIFERS 1 sim cow 1430 @ 62.00 BRED COWS BULLS 5 blk/bwf hfrs 560 @ 134.00 1 bwf cow 1400 @ 61.00 2 blk/bwf cows @ 1110.00 1 wf bull 2310 @ 75.00 STEER & BULL CALVES 121 blk/red strs 885 @ 140.35 2 blk hfrs 588 @ 126.00 1 blk cow 1325 @ 60.50 1 blk cow @ 1075.00 1 blk bull 1450 @ 70.00 3 blk/bwf bulls 357 @ 171.00 22 blk/sim strs 814 @ 138.25 2 blk hfrs 608 @ 125.75 1 wf cow 1310 @ 59.00 2 blk/bwf cows @ 1050.00 1 wf bull 1055 @ 68.50 3 blk strs 357 @ 167.00 29 blk/char strs 619 @ 135.50 12 blk hfrs 609 @ 125.00 1 bwf cow 1395 @ 58.00 1 blk cow @ 1000.00 1 wf bull 1245 @ 67.00 2 blk bulls 330 @ 167.00 120 blk/bwf strs 858 @ 135.25 8 blk hfrs 639 @ 124.00 1 blk cow 1485 @ 57.50 1 blk cow @ 975.00 1 wf bull 1180 @ 65.00 3 blk strs 452 @ 162.00 4 blk strs 569 @ 135.00 6 blk/bwf hfrs 807 @ 123.50 1 blk cow 1775 @ 57.00 4 blk/bwf strs 453 @ 160.00 4 blk/red strs 589 @ 133.00 2 bwf hfrs 645 @ 123.00 1 red cow 1450 @ 56.50 CONSIGNMENTS FOR OCT. 27: 12 blk strs 503 @ 159.00 19 blk/bwf strs 888 @ 132.75 15 blk/char hfrs 821 @ 121.50 1 bwf cow 1095 @ 56.00 •฀20฀blk฀red฀strs฀&฀hfrs,฀450-550฀lbs.,฀vacc. 10 blk strs 515 @ 156.00 5 blk strs 788 @ 130.50 5 blk hfrs 597 @ 121.00 1 char cow 1330 @ 55.00 5 blk strs 464 @ 153.00 2 blk strs 818 @ 130.00 2 blk hfrs 908 @ 121.00 1 red cow 1555 @ 54.00 •฀25฀blk฀strs฀&฀hfrs,฀500-600฀lbs.,฀vaccinated 2 blk strs 360 @ 152.00 9 blk/bwf strs 647 @ 128.00 2 x-bred hfrs 740 @ 120.00 1 blk cow 1170 @ 53.50 •฀ 86฀ SimAngus฀ strs฀ &฀ hfrs,฀ 550-700฀ lbs.,฀ 4 blk strs 541 @ 150.00 60 mix strs 954 @ 128.00 15 blk/bwf hfrs 936 @ 117.75 1 bwf cow 1320 @ 53.00 weaned,฀vaccinated 9 blk strs 494 @ 146.00 124 blk/char strs 910 @ 127.75 4 wf/blk hfrs 723 @ 116.00 1 blk cow 1250 @ 51.50 •฀31฀blk฀strs฀&฀hfrs,฀675-725฀lbs.,฀weaned,฀vacc. 2 blk/red strs 485 @ 145.00 6 blk strs 867 @ 127.50 5 blk hfrs 726 @ 115.00 1 blk cow 1295 @ 50.00 3 blk strs 538 @ 143.00 61 mix strs 944 @ 125.75 COWS & HEIFERETTES 1 blk cow 1305 @ 49.50 •฀ 45฀ blk฀ &฀ Char฀ strs฀ &฀ hfrs,฀ 550-650฀ lbs.,฀ 2 blk bulls 313 @ 141.00 8 blk strs 925 @ 122.50 2 blk hfrt 1055 @ 85.50 1 char cow 1230 @ 49.00 weaned,฀vacc. 22 blk/sim strs 530 @ 140.00 HEIFER CALVES 3 blk/bwf hfrts 1023 @ 82.00 1 blk cow 900 @ 48.00 •฀70฀black฀Charolais฀heifers,฀700-725฀lbs. 2 blk/bwf strs 530 @ 139.00 5 blk/bwf hfrs 366 @ 154.00 2 blk hfrts 1023 @ 81.50 1 blk cow 1065 @ 47.00 4 blk strs 544 @ 135.00 2 blk hfrs 473 @ 145.00 1 blk hfrt 1075 @ 81.00 1 red cow 1560 @ 46.00 •฀65฀black฀steers,฀775-800฀lbs. 3 blk bulls 487 @ 135.00 1 blk hfr 405 @ 144.00 4 blk cows 1054 @ 78.00 1 blk cow 975 @ 45.50 •฀126฀black฀steers,฀850-875฀lbs.,฀off฀grass STOCKER & FEEDER STEERS 1 blk hfr 415 @ 142.00 2 blk hfrts 1185 @ 76.50 1 blk cow 1160 @ 45.00 •฀62฀black฀steers,฀850-900฀lbs. 11 blk/bwf strs 607 @ 144.50 2 blk hfrs 368 @ 141.00 1 blk cow 1120 @ 74.00 1 wf cow 1185 @ 44.00 •฀60฀black฀steers,฀900-925฀lbs. 65 blk/bwf strs 890 @ 142.60 2 blk/red hfrs 285 @ 139.00 1 blk cow 1525 @ 72.00 1 brah cow 1170 @ 43.00 23 blk/bwf strs 623 @ 142.00 6 blk hfrs 488 @ 138.00 •฀35฀blk฀bulls฀&฀heifers,฀400-500฀lbs. 6 blk strs 571 @ 141.00 7 blk/bwf hfrs 520 @ 136.50 4 blk strs 603 @ 141.00 2 blk/red hfrs 498 @ 134.00 WATCH OUR AUCTIONS CONSIGNMENTS฀FOR฀NOV.฀3: 3 blk strs 603 @ 141.00 4 blk hfrs 526 @ 133.00 54 blk strs 620 @ 141.00 10 blk hfrs 541 @ 132.50 LIVE ON •฀150฀black฀heifers,฀675-700฀lbs.,฀off฀grass Our COnsignments can now be viewed after 12 noon on mondays by going to & logging onto the online subscription

FOR INFORMATION OR ESTIMATES: REZAC BARN ST. MARYS, 785-437-2785 LELAND BAILEY TOPEKA, 785-608-4005 DENNIS REZAC ST. MARYS, 785-437-6349 LYNN REZAC ST. MARYS, 785-456-4943 Livestock Commission DENNIS’ CELL PHONE 785-456-4187 REX ARB MELVERN, 785-224-6765 Company, Inc. KENNETH REZAC ST. MARYS 785-458-9071 Toll Free Number...... 1-800-531-1676 St. Marys, Ks. Website: AUCTIONEERS: DENNIS REZAC & REX ARB