DSSG Provides, Free
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~:" :.. ..... ,- * 1932 * TIIe'StlHleilts' Volee for OYer 55 Yean * 19" * Vel. 51 No.1 November 14, 1989 1 r.. Lewin DSSG Provides '·' '~.' ".~ . D·.. ··lseusses ,Free Baruch LegalAssistance Race- Issues By EDWARD ASANTE The Day Session Student Govern ment has arranged for free legal advice to students ofthe school who have any By RAINA WILSON legal problems but cannot afford' to bear the cost of the high consultation. at no cost to the school andthe student. The following interview was con- the petition. In fact it was the members ducted withProfessor Arthur Lewin of of the BLFC which alerted me to the The arrangement for the availability Bl di D Wertheimer memo. Before that we of the legal service to students was t he ack Stu res epartment concern- made possible by the efforts of ing Vice President Stephen Werth- must commend The Ticker's reporting Jonathan Stern of Campus Affairs. and eimer's "Off-White" Paper and the on the issue. Notably when Edward Black and Latin Faculty Caucus, Asante uncovered the Wertheimer ~~ ~~~i~~~~.a lower council position The Ticker: What prompted you to memo in his excellent investigative DebraBick-Duggan, assistant direc- Stem said that he "came up with the hold the Bias at Baruch Forum'? piece. members ofthe BLFC and many tor of student activities. idea because ( thought it could save others approached me about the Werth- some money which could be allocated Arthur Lewin: We had success with eimer memo and it was at their behest to other services like the expansion of the first Bias at Baruch and will have and direction that a petition was tutorial services in the school.' The success with the next one. I think v«: drafted. In fact' I took the petition to 157" Donors lawyers will basically provide free con- will be able to stop bias at Baruch be- one small interracial faculty gathering sultation to Baruch Collegestudents cause we have such an open and free on the last day ~f school and that is' at no charge but if they wish to have ev~bodY w~o ~Igne~. BLFC~' Wilson Shum, vice president of the press. The reason you can say I held h .• t F their cases taken any further there is DSSG. the first Bias at Baruch Forum is be- . a,n)' peo eater. Tom t e . __ -~:01S er- .-or of course a fee for that. ." .'_ causeI ~-·tedtbe:,~~Latin·.app~~.me.later.when. they heard ~:-.- .' ~~~ ~ -- . The servicegrantsthe accessibility anceoffeeed.to sl\IdentSof this school =t'~~4i£&!!I " .,' 0_, ~ ~$dI'!eft_tlI""*eIL~~ htln and ~.-.,.. - ""," - -~'. --_. - -.-: ~:,I '. '.'" •• •. - - • ~ ~~'-·-~-~ffiat:~t~b-ance.. '. of .tWO. ~gaI ..~lbOne~!eVe and that "the good thing about it IS - ~ ~ ~.,' ~ their directives-and ·what we decide at- r: •- • - .- ',,- th -.:: - f h . n ...: T""" .Glen. a sole praennoaer, who.provides .that it- is not costing the DSSGany- , --:--:·-~eti"gs-;,- .~ __ .__ ._._.o~_., '~-- ,,-. r:: "--l=rgtY:~~l.~~::Dt';~fn~~~'; .~_. seryices regan;liog jmmigxat~Qn;. and thing'~ Matbewwept Q.!J to sal:that__. .o"~ --' , dPeop1e-may-see me gettmg atf-the- -_.~- --.--:---;' ·~-·--.-c"-:~--·· ... -.-. ---.-_... __.d_'_ . -Skwe..l(RV.j(zWboseest~prac-: .~~weAadiROAey:.auocate4forlegal.ser-:' .i.': t VISI. ibiliI ity and crediItb u I'wan t t0 se t vice president . and his actions so far.d rice concerns. vices and if this works out we win be - the record . stra·Igh1. Every thi109 tha t ( The pennon has only one..request anbe Apollo Mathew. treasurer of the A d rythi th I . t th one demand that the vice president DSSG said that this is pro bono assist- (Continued on Page A9) uO an eve mg at say IS a e hell F II directiirecnon and t h e behest 0 ft h e BLFC removed- from office. What...has teo ege a· s school done about the pennon so far? because 1 was fortunate enough to be N hi I Th . '11 h seIecte d tobe th e chaiairman. Iwou Id ot. mg. e man IS sn ere. Short Of GIoa like to add that the BLFC set up this Bias at Baruch Forum for the whole Government campus to let Baruch work for every body. We recognize that Baruch is an opposite to get into the middle class By TONI COLAVITO Attendance by getting your degree. But there are . certain impediments for people vof color upon successful graduation. One The number of people that donated Declines' of the biggest problems for people of' blood at the Baruch College Blood color at Baruch is there are very few .Drive was less than hoped for. accord role models. In other words there is a .' ing to Carl Aylman. director of student. ,~ miniscule number of black and Latin , activities. At .Meetings and other faculty -of color. You need . .n "Our goal:' said Aylman. "was 200 ."",::r '.~ role models. You need people'like your- '. :1 people. self in the institution with positions of ~ The number of registered donors By RAFAEL A. MARTINEZ power. If the institution has a'disparity § was 157. 30 of whom were medically between ethnicity of faculty and stu- . .~ deferred meaning they were. not al dents it docs not work or go well with. lowed to donate because their blood According to Sean Mason, preside!'!t members only 14 members show up. the educational process. mayhave been exposed to infections. of the Day Session Student Govern "I: believe." she _said. ..--ct"""h.....a<.Lt--->oa......n'+y _ Another major factor for letting us . "1 personally ~ think it's a power ment. members do not attend council member absent more than 4 consecu- have a Bias at Baruch Forum is because thing," said Apollo Mathew, treasurer and committee meetings. the college for 7 years has been in the of the Day Session Student Govern "There is a definite lack of represen (Continued OIl Page A9) course of trying to stop the formation ment". "Knowing J helped save some- tation by some members ofthe student of a Black and Hispanic Alumni As . one's life makes me feel better:' government both as council members. sociation whose goal is to' assist According to Debra Bick-Duggan, and committee members." said Baruch students. So because of the assistant director of student activities, Mason. school's. lack of faculty of color. be "More than 50 percent of the people Sean.Griffith, Council chairperson. cause of the _legal battle to stop the who signed up to donate didn't come." said that 95 percent of the members BHAA, and also because the vice pres- She said that she tries to get faculty show up.at the council meetings. "My ident of Baruch wrote a merno ~hich IT: What is the Affirmative Action members involved every semester.to personal opmion,". said Griffith•. "is had pejorative comments about people of the school and how do you feel serve as role models and may have a that they (absent council members) are of color and we felt something had to about its effectiveness? raffle next semester as an incentive to not hindering progress but they are not be done to remove him from the institu AL: The school has no affirmative give blood.' helping it either." ! tion. action record. In fact 1 refer to the "People witt respond to a personal "Absentism at committee meet IT: What are some of the problems school's affirmative action office as appeal." sayd Aylman. ings," said Delandro Wilson. chairper you encountered in trying to organize the negative action office because in-. Mathew said. '·1 don't think people son ofAcademic affairs. "mightbedue staff rncn,bers to place petition'? stead oftryingtoincrease the faculty come to get, material things such as to work commitments. communication AL: I encountered no problem what of color. the negative action office has cups. The people who give blood are breakdown or schoolwork." soever in getting ~aff members to sign satisfied knowing that they're helping According to council member Jac (Continued on Page A9) Others. it didn't hurt at all." queline Thomas. out of 20 council . *CENTERFOLD:ElectionPoU* ,; . Page A2 The Ticker --- November 14, 1989 November 14. 1989 The Ticker PageA3 EDITOR'IALS' r>: ) I > + CHRIS WARD Pounded in 1932 ) COST-FREE BENEFITS · ., U every' transcript, every curricular gui CIeanlng· p '~e worksheet, every application to . - drop or add a course and every decla- The ·Fac"'s ration ofmajor, minororminoraltema- The Real National Pastime ... tive..Keep it all! (You should also hang Caitlin Mollison To The Editor: onto the Undergraduate Bulletin for Baruch students should be aware of a new privilege made available to them through the Tony Medina's letter, which ap the year that you entered Baruch and l c. It's the bottom of the ninth, one "Oaddy, I want to go, horne," editor-in-chief peared on the Op-Ed page ofThe Ticker know it inside out.) So it all won't get The home plate ump calls hard work of the Day Session Student Government. Jonathan Stem of the pSSG's Campus his boy about six, whines. on Oct. 31, 1989, contains an error out of hand, take yourself to Wool out, men on second and third. back the two other umps. "All ~ohnn~ Affairs has arranged for two lawyers to advise and consult with any student in need. The Diane Leppek offact which should be corrected. His worth's and pick up a Dollar-Days file The home team's manager goes right, to make things easier, how do you know to the mound. you want to go home?" best part of the deal is that it is absolutely free, bothto the government and to students managing editor statement that "when Baruch was first box and organize your materials.