14 PREVIEW T GOLFWEEK.COM FOR AN EDGE AN FOR ANGLING which castsitselfasalittlefi sh inabigAmericanpond Darren CupforEurope, Clarkeseekstoreel inanotherRyder best.” he wouldhavebeennearlythe (Woods) around, Tiger late’90s, without In the QUOTE: on winningEurope teamsin2010and’12. of hisfirst wife, Heather. captain Vice 2006 asacaptain’s death picksix weeks afterthe recordoverall of10-7-3.Went KClubin 3-0atthe RYDER CUP:Competedfi an with ve times, Match Play, ’03NECInvitational). (2000 Openand twoWGCtitles 2011British the RECORD: University nextfall). Conor (Tyrone, atLynn 17,planstoplaygolf FAMILY: RESIDENCE: AGE: 48 By Jeff Babineau//Abaco,Bahamas involved aplayer withthematch: Hehasbeen (five), Golf Clubmarkstheeighth timethat Clarke hasbeen Europe’s boat. lately aninordinate hasspent amount oftimein a different catch: that little17-inchRyder Cupthat hitthewater,fly onhauling hismindchurned in caught another. every Assummerwaned, timethe dozensmoreattempts, Despite world record. hehasn’t 38pounds,weighed justshy ofabluewater fly-caught in theBahamas, hecaught amassive that permit elusive fish:thepermit. join aguideandfly-cast forhourschasingahighly and Clarke ispronetobypass tograb theclubs arod, himeachmorning, and thetranquil islandlifegreet paspalum fairways. below, Down glassy Winding Bay inbrightwas bluewaters moreinterested thangreen 48th birthday lastmonth, Europe’s Ryder Cupcaptain at thestylish Abaco Club, ofhis butontheoccasion Clarkethat Darren atop ahill canviewfromhishouse course golf DonaldSteel There isachallenging The upcoming RyderThe upcoming CupatNational Hazeltine withthefish.Early thisyearClarke isobsessed – , Clarke’sChubby Chandler managerof26years Wife, Alison (2012);sons,Tyrone Alison Wife, and “People forget howgoodhewas. SEPTEMBER 19, •SEPTEMBER 2016 14 European Tour victories,including , Northern IrelandPortrush, Northern Clarke reacts tohisemotionalsingles victoryinthe2006RyderCup. Westwood. PhilMickelson Opponents andChris to play longtimefriendLee four-ballsalongside Clarke’s eyes ashewalked outthat firstmorning a captain’s by IanWoosnam. selection Tears filled was 39),Clarke sideas totheEuropean was added Weeks hiswife, afterlosing Heather, tocancer(she asaplayer.emotional andimpactfulexperience ’s County Kildare), Clarke hadhismost Cup very, very highly. may theirNo. be rank Ryder 1call.theEuropeans perceive it.Theywant toplayRyder Cups, butmajors alittle bitdifferent tothewaybe theAmericanguys at RoyalBritish Open George’s. St. “Maybe that may hislong-awaitedfinally majorat collected the2011 Ryder Cupisrightit,” therealongside saidClarke, who Irishman’s life. event asignificant partoftheNorthern hasshaped andthe part ofonly side(1999,Brookline), onelosing vice captain(two)andnowcaptain.Clarke hasbeen

During the2006RyderDuring Cupat TheKClub(in “It meansalottome.” “For weallwant aEuropean, towinmajors, butthe COURTESY SOUTHWORTH CORP./KYLE BIEDENBACH; GETTY IMAGES/JAMIE SQUIRE IMAGES/JAMIE GETTY BIEDENBACH; CORP./KYLE SOUTHWORTH COURTESY DiMarco didn’t know what to do. They hugged Clarke. The image of him standing on the 16th green, his arms Finally, the massive crowd hushed. Clarke had to hit a thrust triumphantly into the air, tears welled in his eyes, tee shot. is one of the Ryder Cup’s indelible moments. The week “I didn’t know if I was going to duff it, top it . . . I had will live in his heart forever. no idea,” he said. “I’m not making that up. I honestly “I don’t think I would have won the Open without had no idea what I was going to do. It was one of those having done that,” Clarke said. “After The , I look things, the professional inside me came to the fore. back on it, and obviously it was a very, very difficult I teed it up, went through my pre-shot routine, and time. But in terms of my professional career, my day it went 310, 320 yards, straight down the middle.” job, there hadn’t been anything prior to that, nor will Clarke tugs on a cigarette and shrugs. “Lucky,” there be anything past it, that will be as difficult as he says in his thick brogue. what I faced that day.” Two days later, Clarke defeated in What are the ingredients that will make Clarke singles to cap a 3-0 week as hero of Europe’s romp. a quality captain? His longtime manager, ISM’s

Darren Clarke holds another trophy, a 38-pound permit.

15 16 RYDER CUP PREVIEW GOLFWEEK.COM He willfollowtheblueprint ofEurope’s successful with hisplayers, makingsuretheyknowtheirroles. himtocommunicate memory inspires better oversquad butwas passed by . That (winning twice)tomake Europe’s 2008Ryder Cup he’ll never dothat.” wasn’t playing) was onSky TV. That’s why heknows to play thefirstday?’ Theway hefoundout(that he enough good How canInotbe second. ‘I qualified day. onopening sessions for both watched captainSeve Ballesteros, hishero, sithim onlybehind ColinMontgomerieinqualifying but Sunday deficitfouryears at ago Medinah. aroundthesame onateamthat turned assisted afterleading10-6intoat thesingles, Brookline and the Ryder Cup. Heplayed onateamthat was shocked in hisprime). (among them,aWGC-Match Play over Woods Tiger a hardworker, Tour leadingtohis14European titles time.a pint andenjoys that, he’s agood Behind Clarke areputation carries asarounderwholoves means hecan’t standsurprises. Healways isprepared. has obsessive-compulsive-disorder tendencies, which played 24Ryder amongthem.Admittedly, Cups Clarke to be. anddetailed. organized Heisimpeccably communicator whenhewishes agood and canbe Chubby Chandler, says that Clarke isanastutelearner Clarke thought hedidallthat also was asked home,”“He wanted togo Chandlersaid.“Hesaid, In Spainin1997,hisfirstRyder Cup, Clarke ranked at allthereistosee about Clarke hasseen also “Everything hegets,” Chandlersays, “he’s deserved.” Clarke five assembled vicecaptainswhohave SEPTEMBER 19, •SEPTEMBER 2016 death, and remarried in 2012, to Alison Campbell – Campbell in2012,toAlison death, andremarried histwoboys,raise Tyrone andConor, afterHeather’s rolling. ClarkeEurope toPortrush –whoreturned to onthecaptainaskedis substantialpressure tokeep at–butconversely, Hazeltine aloss absorb there side –amidthisgreat run,surely theteamcould Ryder Cup.” to alevel that’s even tothe higherwhenitcomes theirgameandplay toraise but theguys justseem Ryderrecent Cups. It’s hardtoputyour on, finger part, theguysmost have in donethat, especially andprovea point ourselves,” Clarke said.“For the might ofAmerica,andit’s asif wetrytoprove almost to embrace. mentality thatunderdog Europe’s players continue there’s farmoretotheteam’s andthe innerworkings of thegreens. ButlistentoClarke longenough,and analysisThe simplest hashadtherun isthat Europe the guys.” really wants tomake itasenjoyable forall aspossible wait toplay forhim.“He’s afun-loving guy. Ithinkhe closely.” to follow. like that Ifeel pretty hasfollowed Darren like captains heleftablueprint forotherEuropean Rory McIlroy. andIfeel “Heleftnostoneunturned, ittofithispersonality. toshape needs why anything? change wouldEurope –buthealso 2014 captain,IrishmanPaul McGinley–seriously, Seemingly there is little pressure on the European ontheEuropean thereislittlepressure Seemingly “We’re players European upagainstthe going is10-4-1inthelast15RyderEurope Cups. Why? McIlroy was 10whenhefirstmetClarke. Hecan’t “McGinley was great,” saidEurope’s topplayer, anything more.” Gwk say yes, thenIcouldn’t do possibly do everythingIpossiblycould? IfI inthemirrorandsay,look DidI theMonday, withit.On and go I’ll . you’ve toridethetrain got it. be then so we’vea hammeringbecause lost, alittlebitof well. Andifweget theteamplayedof mebutbecause mycomes way, itwon’t because be way portray themedia it.Ifpraise captain,” Clarke isthe said.“That captain; ifyou lose, you’re abad cannot shoulder. life. Thisassignment isn’t onehe muchalready inhis so hashandled 2012 matches atMedinah. gets atasteofthe leadership Clarke (farleft), with RoryMcIlroy, role asavicecaptainatthe “The best team is going towin teamisgoing best “The “If you win,you’re agood