Letters preceding persons’ first intramuscular B12 injection, 25.5% Corresponding Author: William K. Silverstein, MD, Core Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Department of Medicine, University (n = 37 487) had a normal B12 level, whereas 38.2% (n = 56 128) Health Network, 200 Elizabeth St, Eaton Building 14-217, Toronto, Ontario M5G did not have a B12 level documented. Findings were similar over 2C4, Canada (
[email protected]). a 24-month look-back period (data not shown). Only 43.1% Author Contributions: Drs Cheung, Croxford, and Dharma had full access to all (n = 24 175) of the 56 128 people without a B12 level docu- of the data in the study and take responsibility for the integrity of the data and mented in the year preceding their first B12 prescription had the accuracy of the data analysis. Drs Lin and Cheung contributed equally as ever had one measured. This was performed a mean (SD) 1033.5 co–senior authors to this study. Study concept and design: Silverstein, Lin, Dharma, Cheung. (488.1) days prior to their first prescription (range, 366-2801 Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: Lin, Dharma, Croxford, days). Only 35.3% (n = 8539) of these 24 175 persons had mar- Earle, Cheung. Drafting of the manuscript: Silverstein, Cheung. ginally deficient B12 levels. The estimated annual cost of in- Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: Lin, appropriate B prescribing was $45.6 million, assuming a 64% 12 Dharma, Croxford, Earle, Cheung. inappropriate prescription rate. Finally, only 1.7% (n = 2498) Statistical analysis: Dharma, Croxford, Cheung.