Gregory C. Beroza Department of Geophysics, 397 Panama Mall, Stanford, CA, 94305-2215 Phone: (650)723-4958 — Fax: (650)725-7344 — E-Mail: Beroza@Stanford.Edu

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Gregory C. Beroza Department of Geophysics, 397 Panama Mall, Stanford, CA, 94305-2215 Phone: (650)723-4958 — Fax: (650)725-7344 — E-Mail: Beroza@Stanford.Edu Gregory C. Beroza Department of Geophysics, 397 Panama Mall, Stanford, CA, 94305-2215 Phone: (650)723-4958 Fax: (650)725-7344 E-Mail: Positions • Wayne Loel Professor of Earth Sciences, Stanford University 2008-present • Professor of Geophysics, Stanford University 2003-present • Associate Professor of Geophysics, Stanford University 1994-2003 • Assistant Professor of Geophysics, Stanford University 1990-1994 • Postdoctoral Associate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1989-1990 Education Ph.D. Geophysics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1989 B.S. Earth Sciences, University of California at Santa Cruz 1982 Honors and Awards • Lawson Lecturer, University of California Berkeley 2015 • Beno Gutenberg Medal, European Geosciences Union 2014 • Citation, Geophysical Research Letters, 40th Anniversary Collection 2014 • IRIS/SSA Distinguished Lecturer 2012 • RIT Distinguished Lecturer 2011 • Wayne Loel Professor of Earth Sciences 2009 • Brinson Lecturer, Carnegie Institute of Washington 2008 • Fellow, American Geophysical Union 2008 • NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award 1991 • NSF Graduate Fellowship 1983 • ARCS Foundation Scholarship 1983 • UCSC Chancellor’s Award for Undergraduates 1983 • Outstanding Undergraduate in Earth Science 1983 • Highest Honors in the Major 1982 • Undergraduate Thesis Honors 1982 Recent Professional Activities • Associate Editor, Science Advances 2016-present • AGU Seismology Section President 2015-present • IRIS Industry Working Group 2015-present Gregory C. Beroza Page 2 • Co-Director, Southern California Earthquake Center 2014-present • Senior Advisor, Unconventional Seismic Inc. 2014-present • Geologist, Alfred E. Alquist Seismic Safety Commission 2013-present • USGS Scientific Earthquake Studies Advisory Committee 2013-present • Chair, USGS Advanced National Seismic System Steering 2013-present Committee • Co-Director, Stanford Center for Induced and Triggered Seismicity 2013-present • AGU Expert Outreach Network (AEON) 2013-present • California Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council 2012-present • Resource Expert, NRC Senior Seismic Hazard Analysis Committee 2010-present • Organizing Committee, SCEC/ERI/DPRI Summer School on 2016 Earthquake Science • External Review Panel, Sandia National Laboratory Signal Analysis 2016 Program • External Review Panel, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 2016 Geophysical Monitoring Program. • IRIS Grand Challenge Committee on Faulting and Deformation 2015-2016 Processes • Organizing Committee Workshop on “Future of Seismic and 2015 Geodetic Facilities for the Geosciences” • Member, IRIS Large-N Working Group 2013-2014 • Guest Editor, The Leading Edge special volume on induced seismicity 2014-2105 • Board of Reviewing Editors, Science 2010-2014 • Deputy Director, Southern California Earthquake Center 2007-2014 • Chair, IRIS Planning Committee 2010-2013 • IRIS Coordinating Committee 2010-2013 • Scientific Review Panel for Working Group on California 2010-2013 Earthquake Probabilities • Chair, AGU Seismology Section Fellowship Committee 2010-2012 • Co-Chair, Joint SEG-AGU Workshop on Advances in 2014 Active/Passive Full Wavefield Seismic Imaging and Monitoring Techniques • California Earthquake Early Warning Modeling Committee 2014 • AGU Council’s Scientific Trends Task Force 2014 • Search Committee, Geophysical Research Letters Editor in Chief 2014 Gregory C. Beroza Page 3 • 2017 Invited Talks (5): Summer School on Earthquakes: nucleation, triggering, rupture, and relationships to aseismic processes (Cargese, Corsica); Frontiers in Studies of Earthquakes and Faults, Southern University of Science and Technology, (Shenzhen, China); Bay Area Geophysical Society (Berkeley, California), Swarms to Slabs workshop (Atami, Japan); Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting (Palm Springs, California). 2016 Invited Talks (13): Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Oregon (Eugene, Oregon); Symposium on Subduction zone earthquakes in Nankai Trough & Japan Trench (Tokyo, Japan); National Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (Tsukuba, Japan); Earth Matters (Stanford, California); Subduction Zone Observatory Workshop (Boise, Idaho); Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting (Palm Springs, California); Smoky Mountains Computational Sciences and Engineering Conference (Gatlinburg, Tennessee); UJNR Meeting (Napa, California); Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration (Beijing, China); Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing, China); Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing, China); Chinese Earthquake Network Center (Beijing, China); Institute of Earthquake Studies (Beijing, China) • 2015 Invited Talks (16): Hokudan International Symposium on Active Faulting (Awaji, Japan); AGIS Workshop on Induced Seismicity, (Davos, Switzerland); Ambient Noise Imaging and Monitoring Workshop (Cargese, Corsica); Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept. (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign); Lawson Lecture (UC Berkeley); California Seismic Safety Commission (Sacramento); Workshop on Numerical Modeling of Earthquake Motions: Waves and Ruptures (Smolenice, Slovakia); Raul Madariaga Symposium (Paris, France); 2nd Global Summit of Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction (Kyoto, Japan); SCEC Annual Meeting (Palm Springs, CA); Sismo85: Workshop on Challenges in seismology, engineering, and risk management 30 years after the 1985 earthquake (Mexico City); China University of Petroleum Beijing (Beijing, China); Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration (Beijing, China); Institute of Earthquake Science, China Earthquake Administration (Beijing, China); Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing, China); Peking University (Beijing, China) • 2014 Invited Talks (10): Earthquake Mechanics to Mitigation Workshop, (Oxford, UK); MIT Departmental Lecture Series Gregory C. Beroza Page 4 (Cambridge, MA); New Mexico State, Physics Department Colloquium; EGU Seismicity, Metamorphism and Geophysical Properties of the Lithosphere Session (Vienna, Austria); EGU Gutenberg Lecture (Vienna, Austria); Advances in Active + Passive “Full-Wavefield” Seismic Imaging: From Reservoirs to Plate Tectonics, Joint SEG/AGU Workshop (Vancouver, Canada); SCEC Annual Meeting (Palm Springs, CA); Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (Paris, France); SEG Workshop on Microseismic Source Mechanisms: Rock and Fluid Physics, Modeling, and Estimation from Passive Seismic Data (Denver, CO); Workshop on “Earthquakes: Nucleation, Triggering, and Relationship with Aseismic Processes” (Cargese, Corsica). Recent Administrative Activities • Stanford Earth Sciences Council 2015-present • Stanford University Title IX Sexual Misconduct Review Panel 2015-present • Stanford Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences Building 2015-present Executive Committee • Stanford School of Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences 2014-present Ambassador • Stanford School of Earth Sciences Campus Planning Committee 2012-2014 • Chair, Department of Geophysics, Stanford University 2008-2013 • Stanford Judicial Panel 2011-2012 • Geophysics Undergraduate Curriculum Committee 2009-2012 Affiliations/Memberships • American Geophysical Union 1983-present • Seismological Society of America 1984-present • Society of Exploration Geophysics 2008-present • American Association for the Advancement of Science 2010-present • European Geosciences Union 2014-present Research Advisor for Undergraduate Students (with current positions) • Karen Felzer (BS 1998) Research Scientist, U.S. Geological Survey, Pasadena • Brandon Schow (BS, 2015) Missionary, Uganda. Gregory C. Beroza Page 5 Research Advisor for Graduate Students (with current positions) • Harold Mendoza (MS 1995) Associate Professor, Bakersfield College • Martijn Verwoerd (MS 1996) Geophysicist, Shell Oil • Brian P. Cohee (PhD 1996) Senior Vice President of Data Sciences, Mixpo • Douglas A. Dodge (PhD 1997) Geophysicist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory • Mariagiovanna Guatteri (MS 1999, PhD 2000) Head of Insurance-Linked Securities, Swiss Re • David P. Schaff (PhD 2001) Associate Research Professor, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory • P. Martin Mai (MS 1999, PhD 2001) Professor, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology • Xyoli Pérez-Campos (MS 1999, PhD 2002) Professor, Universidad National Autonoma de Mexico • Eva Zanzerkia (PhD 2003) Program Manager in Seismology, National Science Foundation • Justin Rubinstein (MS 2002, PhD 2006) Research Geophysicist, US Geological Survey, Menlo Park • David R. Shelly (PhD 2007) Research Geophysicist, US Geological Survey, Menlo Park • Seok Goo Song (PhD 2007) Research Scientist, Earthquake Research Center, Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources • Annemarie Baltay (PhD 2011) Research Geophysicist, US Geological Survey, Menlo Park • Justin R. Brown (MS 2008, PhD 2012) Deceased • Marine Denolle (PhD 2013) Assistant Professor, Harvard University • Ana Christina Aguiar (PhD 2015) Postdoctoral Associate, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory • Sarah Barrett (PhD 2015) Earthquake Specialist, SwissRE • Karianne Bergen (PhD 2017 – expected) Graduate Student, Stanford University • Clara Yoon (PhD 2017 – expected) Graduate Student, Stanford University • Cyndi Kelly (PhD 2018 – expected) Graduate Student, Stanford University • Shanna Chu (PhD 2019 – expected) Graduate Student, Stanford University • Yixiao Sheng (PhD 2019 – expected) Graduate Student, Stanford University • Marina Kim (PhD 2020 – expected) Graduate
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