World War 2 JumpChain

By Generalanon

The Greatest War our history in this earth has ever conceived. A testament of human grit at its finest. This is the war that shaped an era, a war that was truly a World War in which the entirety of the human race struggled to decide its future. A war that bore great innovations that was tantamount to a new age of human development but it is also the war that produced new nightmares for humans to lose sleep at night.

Welcome to 1936 jumper.

A roll of one 1d8 and let’s see where in the line do you stand. Or if you want to choose your side, spend your 100 cp for a choice on your fate.

The 4th German Reich

The defeat of the German Empire during The Great war has always left a bitter taste in the mouths of the German People. Humiliated, desecrated, abused and oppressed under the treaty of the Versailles this pent up anger made itself manifest into a man named Adolf Hitler. Under the flag of the Swastika the National Socialist German Workers' Party revives Germany from slumber wetting its appetite for its old ambitions. A new Reich that stretches from Belgium to the Urals, From Norway to Austria. And with Mittleafrika as it jewel. The Thousand Year Reich Begins today. Heil, Deutschland! Heil Mein Fuhrer!

The Italian Empire

The Legacy of Italy is undeniable, Rome, Venice the successes of its empires are something never to be forgotten it is the reminder of greatness. Now under Il Duce Mussolini our time has come. Storm Clouds Gather around Europe and our ambitions stands to be fulfilled. Savoy, Dalmatia and the Mediterranean would once again feel the might of Roma!

Soviet Union

After a long Hard struggle against the forces of capitalism during the Russian Civil war the proletariat of the soviet union now finally has finally reached respite in order to build our great workers utopia. With Mikhail Kalinin as head of state and Josef V. Stalin leader of the politburo. Lenin’s revolution is finally bearing fruit in the great industrial leaps that both the world and The soviet union in itself amazed and shocked by its economic miracles of industrial developments under the five year plans. Soon the United Soviet Socialists Republics would be able to face Global Imperialism and spread the revolution thought out the world. But an old foe rises from Europe under a new flag once more and an ambitious empire claws its claims in the east. Can the revolution survive this era?

The British Empire and its Commonwealth of Dominions.

British isles, Australia , British Raj , and Malaysia, Burma , Pacific Islands , New Zealand , Canada , West Africa , East Africa , South Africa , Middle East , Arab Gulf States , Caribbean Colonies.

For a century, the British Empire was the empire that the sun never sets. Truly its achievements not only lead its people to greatness but also lead the entire world to a new era of scientific, cultural, economic and political revolution. But alas that is a tale for another time, the Britain of the now is not that same Britain. True it is still among one of the great civilized nations but it has been battered by The Great war and almost started another with The United States. Its capabilities forced and its limitations seen during the last war. Nonetheless, its duties remain to be fulfilled, to defend the sovereignty of Poland and many other new nations of Europe. As Hitler’s ambitions grow and war seemed inevitable would Britain stand once again to defend the order it has created and stand to show their one last but finest hour?

The French Republic and its colonies.

The birthplace of liberty and once home of feudalism France once a great player of the last war, France is ill equipped for another. Its great Maginot line stands ready to protect it and its alliance strong but is that enough to prevent another bloody war with its forever warmongering neighbor Germany? Can the republic fight rise once more or would its frail state resemble a war like that of 1890?

Empire of Japan

The new century truly is of Japan’s. Our victories in Russia and China in the past 30 years only once more show the greatness of our empire and His Majesty the Emperor. With Korea and Machukuo firmly in our grasp we can now set our sights in the biggest prize of Asia. The middle kingdom is divided by bloodthirsty a warlord who proves an opportunity our people can exploit. But the biggest victory is not for Japan but for all of Asia. Storm clouds gather over Europe and its colonies from Indochina to Australia is open for the taking. Can japan manage the great feat of freeing Colonial Asia and taking this century for all of Asia or would this war be simply another imperial conquest for a selfish empire?

The Broken States of China

Roll 1d10 to see which clique you pop in.

0-2 Nationalist China, 3-Guanxi Clique, 4-Yuunan Clique 5-6 Communist china, 7-Machukuo, 8-Xinjiang, Clique 9-Tibet The Xinhai Revolutions promised a new China , a capable china but 25 years later those promises are yet to be fulfilled. Warlords separate the once great middle kingdom. Ever since the fall of Qing dynasty warlords has waged war on each other in order to once again unite china under their banner.

In the north east , the puppet state of Machukuo under the former Emperor Pu-Yi readies itself for the expected war with the rest of China. Every day more Japanese soldier arrive at the border.

In Nanjing , The dream of Sun-Yat-Sen’s Republic of China is at its birth. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek continues his military endeavors against the communist and other warlords to once again unite china.

In Northern Shanxi, the remnant of Mao Zedong’s Communist army rests. After the daring Military retreat named the long March, its survivors rest in the last stronghold of communist forces. Would they be able to survive and bring the worker’s revolution to china?

Shaanxi, Xibei san ma , Guanxi , Yuunan. Are also Lands controlled by warlords but have they a much more content with what they have and aren’t as active as Mao or Chiang

Lastly, Tibet after centuries of rule from Emperors it did not see legitimate is once again independent under the rule of the 13th Dalai Lama. Would it be able to stand the test of time?

No matter who wins in its civil war. China’s future seems to be at class with Japan’s ambitions. Its imperialistic tendencies obviously crave for more Chinese land. No Warlord is capable of resisting the Japanese alone thus there are rumors of a Creation of a Second United Front against the Japanese Threat.

The United States of America.

Land of the Free where man is left to find Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Classes and abilities WIP Soldier “To Fight”

Rank and File: Seaman Private Aircraftman

Bicycle Ski infantry Marine Airborne Mountain Tank/Half track Crew Commando /Cavalry *Political officer *Military Police Sapper Rebel *Terror Agent

Industrialist “To Enrich”

Consumer Goods War Products Infrastructure and Construction Finance and Economics Raw Materials Agriculture

Professional “To Build”

Engineer Mechanic Scientist Finance and Economics Architect *Sapper Medical Doctor Nurse.

Spy “To Deceive”

Asset Agent Military Police Saboteur Case Officer *Commando *Psyops *Terror Agent

Politician “To Lead”

Rebel Leader Political Officer Politician

Propagandist “To evoke”

Performing Artist Psyops Artist Terror Agent