Admission List

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Admission List 5-521260 िऽभवनु िवँ विवालय 5-521611 इिन्जिनयिर अध्ययन संःथान 5-522104 5-522809 पल्चोकु क्याम्पस पल्चोकु , लिलतपरु । ldltM @)&$.)%.)^ la=O{=÷la=cfs{= txdf egf{sf nflu k|yd ;"rL k|sfzg ul/Psf] . OlGhlgol/Ë cWoog ;+:yfg k|j]z k/LIff af]8{åf/f @)&$ ;fndf ;+rflnt lj=O{=÷lj=cfs{= txsf] k|j]z k/LIffdf plQ0f{ eO{ o; SofDk;df egf{sf] nflu cfj]bg lbg] cfj]bsx? dWo]af6 k|j]z k/LIffsf] of]Uotfqmdsf] cfwf/df egf{sf] nflu k|yd ;"rL k|sfzg ul/Psf] 5 . egf{ ;"rL k|sflzt ubf{ ;s];Dd q'6L gxf];\ egL x/;Dej k|of; ul/Psf] 5 . sf/0fj; q'6L x'g uPsf] kfO{Pdf bfjL lj/f]w ug{ ;lsg]5 . k"j{ k|sflzt egf{ sfo{qmd cg';f/ bfjL lj/f]wsf nflu ldlt @)&$ efb| )& ut] ljxfg !)M)) ah]b]lv ck/fGx @M)) ah];Dd lnlvt ?kdf ;"rgf k|ljlw s]Gb|df lgj]bg lbg'kg]{5 . ;"rL k|sfzgdf s'g} q'l6 ePsf] kfOPdf ;f]lx lbg ;fFem %M)) ah] ;+zf]lwt ;"rL k|sfzg ul/g]5 . cfls{6]Sr/ sfo{qmddf egf{sf nflu cfjbg] kmf/fd e/]sf cfj]bsx? dWo] ldlt @)&$ efb| )% ut] ;~rflnt em'sfj k/LIffdf plQ0f{ ePsf cfj]bsx? dfq ;f] sfo{qmdsf] egf{ ;"lrdf of]Uo x'g]ePsf]n] ;f]lx cg';f/ ;"rL k|sfzg ul/Psf] hfgsf/L u/fOG5 . sfo{qmd cg';f/sf] egf{ tflnsf sfo{qmd egf{ x'g] ldlt ;do lgoldt tkm{ ;Dk"0f{ sfo{qmdx?M l;len, On]lS6«sn, On]S6«f]lgS;, sDKo"6/, @)&$ efb| )* ut] d]sflgsn / cfls{6]Sr/ k"0f{z'lNso tkm{ ;Dk"0f{ sfo{qmdx?M ljxfg !)M)) ah]b]lv l;len, On]lS6«sn, On]S6«f]lgS;, sDKo"6/, @)&$ efb| )( ut] %M)) ah];Dd d]sflgsn / cfls{6]Sr/ pNn]lvt ldltx?df egf{ x'g g;s]sf afFls ;a} @)&$ efb| !) ut] pd]b\jf/x? b|i6«AoM k|yd egf{ ;"rLdf gfd k|sfzg ePsf cfj]bsx?n] egf{ gu/L :yfg l/Qm /xg uPdf dfq bf]>f] ;"rL ldlt @)&$ efb| !! ut] k|sfzg ul/g]5 . egf{ ;"rLdf gfd k|sfzg eO{ tf]lsPsf] ;dodf egf{ gx'g] cfj]bsx?sf] gfd cfj]bssf] ;"rLaf6 x6fOg] 5 / kl5 k|sfzg x'g] ;"lrx?df ;dfj]z ul/g] 5}g . tNnf] k|fyldstfsf sfo{qmddf gfd k|sflzt eO{ egf{ eO;s]sf cfj]bsx?sf] of]Uotfqmdn] EofPdf kl5Nnf] ;"rLx?df dflyNnf] k|fyldstf tf]s]sf] sfo{qmdx?df gfd k|sflzt ul/g]5 . k"0f{z'lNso sfo{qmd cGtu{tsf] egf{sf] nflu klg oxL lgod nfu" x'g]5 . cyf{t s'g} lgoldt sfo{qmddf egf{ 5-521260 िऽभवनु िवँ विवालय 5-521611 इिन्जिनयिर अध्ययन संःथान 5-522104 5-522809 पल्चोकु क्याम्पस पल्चोकु , लिलतपरु । ePsf cfj]bsx?sf] gfd dflyNnf] k|fyldstf lbPsf] sf/0f kl5 k"0f{z'lNso sfo{qmddf lg:s]df lgh k"0f{z'lNso sfo{qmddf clgjfo{ egf{ x'g' kg]{5 / gePdf lghsf] egf{ vf/]h ul/g]5 . t/ egf{ ;"rLdf gfd k|sfzg eO{ egf{ eO{;s]sf s'g} ljBfyL{n] ca pk|fGt dflyNnf] k|fyldstfdf g;g]{ egL lnlvt lgj]bg lbPdf dfq To:tf cfj]bs egf{ ePs} sfo{qmddf /xg ;Sg]5g\ . egf{ x'g cfpFbf lnO{ cfpg'kg]{ /sd / sfuhftx?M egf{ x'g cfpFbf clgjfo{ ?kdf lgDgfg';f/sf cfjZos sfuhftx? tyf egf{ z'Ns lnO{ cfpg'kg]{ 5 . SofDk;df egf{sf nflu @)&$.)$.#! ut] k|sflzt egf{ ;DaGwL ;"rgfsf] a"Fbf g+ & df pNn]v ePsf] lgDgfg';f/sf] /sd . lgoldtM *%&#.%) . k'0f{z'lNsoM &%($&.%) . ljb]zLM @@$$@).– . ;/sf/L lgsfoåf/f k|fof]lhtM #(@$%%.– -la= cfs{ afx]ssf cGo ;a} la= O{= sfo{qmd_ $*)!)).– -la= cfs{ sfo{qmd_ P;=Pn=;L= (SLC) jf ;f] ;/xsf] k/LIffsf] nAwf+s kq / rfl/lqs k|df0fkqsf] ;Ssn / k|dfl0ft k|ltlnlk !÷! k|lt . pRr dfWolds tx !)+@ tx jf l8Knf]df tx jf ;f] ;/xsf] k/LIffdf s"n k"0ff{Ísf] Go"gtd $%% c+s k|fKt u/]sf] nAwfÍ kq Transcript, k|df0fkq, rfl/lqs k|df0fkqx?sf] ;Ssn / k|dfl0ft k|ltlnlk !÷! k|lt . lq=lj= l8Knf]df tx jfx]s cGo k/LIff af]8{ af6 !)+@ tx jf ;f] ;/xsf] k/LIff pQL0f{ ug]{x?n] ;DjlGwt af]8{sf] dfOu|];g ;l6{lkms]6sf] ;Ssn / k|dfl0ft k|ltlnlk ! k|lt . g]kfnL gful/stfsf] k|df0fkqsf] ;Ssn / k|dfl0ft k|ltlnlk @ k|lt . ljb]zL cfj]bsx?sf nflu /fxbfgL jf ;DalGwt b]zsf] /fhb'tfjf;af6 k|dfl0ft u/]sf] kqsf] ;Ssn / k|dfl0ft k|ltlnlk . xfn;fn} lvr]sf] kf;kf]6{ ;fOhsf] kmf]6f] @ k|lt . ;/sf/L lgsfon] k|fof]hg u/]sf cfj]bsx?sf] xsdf lgDgfg';f/sf yk sfuhftx? ;d]t ;+nUg ug'{ kg]{ 5 . o k|fof]hg ug]{ ;+:yfn] ;DalGwt cfj]bsnfO{ 5gf]6 ul/Psf] lg0f{osf] k|ltlnlk . o egf{ ubf{ pk/f]Qm cg';f/ pNn]lvt z'Ns k|fof]hg ug{ ] ;+:yfsf] vftfaf6 o; O= c= ;+= k'Nrf]s SofDk;sf] vftfdf e'Qmflg x'g] u/L lvlrPsf] PsfpG6k]oL r]s clgjfo{ x'g' kg]{5 . pk/f]Qm /sd Goods for Payment r]såf/f e'Qmflg ug]{x?sf] xsdf pQm Goods for Payment r]s hf/L ug]{ a}+såf/f pQm r]ssf] /sd s'g ;+:yfsf] vftfaf6 e'Qmflg ePsf] xf] eGg] :ki6 v'Ng] u/L k|bfg u/]sf] kq ;d]t clgjfo{ ?kdf ;+nUg x'g' kg]{5 . 5-521260 िऽभवनु िवँ विवालय 5-521611 इिन्जिनयिर अध्ययन संःथान 5-522104 5-522809 पल्चोकु क्याम्पस पल्चोकु , लिलतपरु । ljkGg ;d'bfo tyf AolQmsf] nflu cf/If0f sf]6fdf egf{ x'g cfpg] cfj]bsx?sf] xsdf lgDgfg';f/sf yk sfuhftx? ;d]t ;+nUg ug'{ kg]{ 5 . o cfj]bsn] SLC pQL0f{ u/]sf] ljBfno ;/sf/L÷;fd'bflos ePsf] jf ;/sf/L 5fqj[lQdf k9]sf] elg lhNnf lzIff sfof{no jf lzIff dGqfnosf] kqsf] ;Ssn / k|dfl0ft k|ltlnlk ! k|lt . o cfj]bsn] !! /f !@ pQL0f{ u/]sf] ljBfno ;/sf/L÷;fd'bflos ePsf] jf ;/sf/L 5fqj[lQdf k9]sf] elg lhNnf lzIff sfof{no jf lzIff dGqfnosf] kqsf] ;Ssn / k|dfl0ft k|ltlnlk ! k|lt . o ;DalGwt ;d'bfosf] xf] elg k|dfl0ft ul/Psf] ;DalGwt cfof]u÷lgsfosf] k|df0f kqsf] ;Ssn / k|dfl0ft k|ltlnlk ! k|lt . o ;DalGwt ufpF kflnsf jf gu/ kflnsfaf6 clgjfo{ ?kdf ljkGgtfsf] cfwf/ v'nfOPsf] l;kmfl/; kqsf] ;Ssn / k|dfl0ft k|ltlnlk ! k|lt . egf{ ;DaGwL ;"rgf tyf k|yd egf{ ;"rL k'Nrf]s SofDk;sf] Web Site: df klg x]g{ ;lsg]5 . ______________ cWoIf egf{ ;ldlt @)&$ TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Pulchowk Campus BE/BArch First Admission List 2074 Civil Engineering Regular (1) Applicant Detail Priority Detail SN Remark Roll No Applicant Name Gender District Rank 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 1. 1547 SANDIP DAHAL Male Kaski 2 1 2. 9545 AAYUSH MAAN KARKI Male Sunsari 4 1 3. 10227 MANISH GIRI Male Nawalparasi 5 1 4. 2380 DIPTANSHU LAL Male Mahottari 6 1 5. 1069 AMAN SHRESTHA Male Kathmandu 9 1 6. 5220 AAROSH DAHAL Male Dang 14 1 7. 7257 DABIN BHANDARI Male Ramechhap 16 1 8. 939 MOHIT JOSHI Male Kailali 18 1 9. 1093 SAURAV BHATTARAI Male Kaski 19 1 10. 206 BIBEK PANTHI Male Gulmi 20 1 11. 6885 RAJ KUMAR GUPTA Male Nawalparasi 21 1 12. 764 PRAGYAN SHRESTHA Male Syangja 22 1 13. 8700 SAURABH K SINGH Male Bara 23 1 14. 957 PRASANNA SHRESTHA Male Bhaktapur 28 1 15. 1035 SAUGAT ARYAL Male Kathmandu 30 1 16. 4210 SHLOK RAJ POKHAREL Male Bhaktapur 32 1 17. 415 ANISH KUMAR MAHATO Male Sarlahi 33 1 18. 6201 JEETENDRA NARAYAN DEV Male Saptari 34 1 19. 593 SWASTIK KUMAR ADHIKARI Male Kathmandu 35 1 20. 550 PRASHIS NARAYAN SAPKOTA Male Kaski 37 1 21. 3886 BIBEK PANDEY Male Rupandehi 40 1 22. 3222 ROJAN K.C. Male Rupandehi 43 1 23. 463 BINOD GHALE Male Gorkha 44 1 24. 1376 SAJAN PANDEY Male Arghakhanchi 45 1 Page 1/19 TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING Pulchowk Campus BE/BArch First Admission List 2074 Civil Engineering Regular (1) Applicant Detail Priority Detail SN Remark Roll No Applicant Name Gender District Rank 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 25. 588 NABIN DHAKAL Male Sunsari 48 11 1 26. 8857 PARAMATMA BANIYA Male Jhapa 49 1 27. 1089 UDAYA ADHIKARI Male Kavrepalanchok 50 1 28. 5368 SAGAR BHANDARI Male Kaski 51 11 1 29. 1105 SUBHAM DHAREL Male Chitawan 53 1 30. 9583 RABINSON RAI Male Salyan 54 11 1 7 31. 2596 RUDRA KHADKA Male Kanchanpur 55 1 32. 11667 SAURAV POKHAREL Male Bhaktapur 56 1 33. 7201 MADHUR SAGAR SHAH Male Saptari 57 1 34. 1257 KUSHAL SHARMA WAGLE Male Nawalparasi 59 1 35. 6365 HIMAL TAMANG Male Kavrepalanchok 60 1 36. 8223 SANJEEV BASHYAL Male Rupandehi 61 1 37. 9354 RUPAK POKHAREL Male Lalitpur 62 1 38. 1427 NISHANT KUMAR SINGH Male Mahottari 63 1 39. 8195 SUMAN ADHIKARI Male Kaski 65 11 1 7 40. 3237 ANUP ADHIKARI Male Lamjung 66 1 41. 5871 DURGA KC Male Dang 71 1 42.
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