Quasi-isometry rigidity of groups Cornelia DRUT¸U Universit´e de Lille I,
[email protected] Contents 1 Preliminaries on quasi-isometries 2 1.1 Basicdefinitions .................................... 2 1.2 Examplesofquasi-isometries ............................. 4 2 Rigidity of non-uniform rank one lattices 6 2.1 TheoremsofRichardSchwartz . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6 2.2 Finite volume real hyperbolic manifolds . 8 2.3 ProofofTheorem2.3.................................. 9 2.4 ProofofTheorem2.1.................................. 13 3 Classes of groups complete with respect to quasi-isometries 14 3.1 Listofclassesofgroupsq.i. complete. 14 3.2 Relatively hyperbolic groups: preliminaries . 15 4 Asymptotic cones of a metric space 18 4.1 Definition,preliminaries . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 4.2 Asampleofwhatonecandousingasymptoticcones . 21 4.3 Examplesofasymptoticconesofgroups . 22 5 Relatively hyperbolic groups: image from infinitely far away and rigidity 23 5.1 Tree-graded spaces and cut-points . 23 5.2 The characterization of relatively hyperbolic groups in terms of asymptotic cones 25 5.3 Rigidity of relatively hyperbolic groups . 27 5.4 More rigidity of relatively hyperbolic groups: outer automorphisms . 29 6 Groups asymptotically with(out) cut-points 30 6.1 Groups with elements of infinite order in the center, not virtually cyclic . 31 6.2 Groups satisfying an identity, not virtually cyclic . 31 6.3 Existence of cut-points in asymptotic cones and relative hyperbolicity . 33 7 Open questions 34 8 Dictionary 35 1 These notes represent a slightly modified version of the lectures given at the summer school “G´eom´etriesa ` courbure n´egative ou nulle, groupes discrets et rigidit´es” held from the 14-th of June till the 2-nd of July 2004 in Grenoble.