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[email protected] 09 923 7299 www.ausa.org.nz /8 /11 /18 NEWS AND POLITICS COMMUNITY FEATURES MARCH FOR OUR LIVES FAIR FOOD CENSORED US Sherry reports on the issue of gun control Emelia interviews Karen Seeto one of the Rox discusses the lack of inclusivity in this in America. board members for Fair Food. years census. /24 /30 /36 ARTS AND LIFESTYLE SCIENCE COLUMNS IN CONVERSATION WITH GEORGIA IMPOSSIBLE BURGER COMING OUT FOR THE GREATER NOTT Naomi talks about an expensive meatless GOOD Sherry and Belle conduct and intimate meat burger and climate change. Guest column writer Sarah talks about interview with Georgia Nott. coming out as asexual. New name. Same DNA. ubiq.co.nz 100% Student owned - your store on campus 3 EDITORIAL with Daphne and Chris WHERE HAVE OUR HEAD EDITORS GONE? Daphne: The editors are too busy and too tired to write the editorial! But you know what? We are editors too and there is nowhere in the world that says section editors can’t write the editorial.