The Worldbuilder’s Journey: a Sourcebook and Roadmap for Courses on Worldbuilding Douglass S. Parker August 16, 2019 This is a ‘hyperbook’ — a PDF ebook with hyperlinks that query web resources. PDF Readers — and Browsers — handle Links differently PDF readers handle links differently — not all show URLs when mousing over links. In Firefox and Chrome, the PDF readers display link content; in Safari, the current PDF reader does not. PDF reader apps: Acrobat and recent versions of Preview display link content. In Safari: Command-click opens links in a new Tab; Command-Option-click opens links in a new Window. For use of information in the links, select a browser and PDF reader accordingly. If not satisfactory, consider configuring your browser to use a different PDF reader. For example, an Acrobat plugin can be used as a plugin PDF reader in most browsers. Please check periodically whether this is the most recent version of this document. Send questions, corrections, suggestions, etc. to:
[email protected] mentioning: Worldbuilder’s Journey version of 2019–08–16. Please help us improve! Attribution License: this book is distributed under Creative Commons License CC-BY: this means you can copy, distribute, and display this work in any medium/format, or make derivative works based on it, provided you credit this work. Douglass Parker, Worldbuilder’s Journey 2019, August 16, 2019 2 D.S. Parker . The Worldbuilder’s Journey: a Sourcebook and Roadmap for Courses on Worldbuilding Douglass S. Parker Imaginary Worlds are fictional places like Middle Earth, Narnia, and the Land of Oz — sometimes also called fantasy worlds or fictional worlds.