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F A C B U X n cX V mSDNI NOVEMBER 21 ATcraae Daily Net Preoa Run Far the wimk BaM 1 Tilt WesUisr ffianrbfBbr Sttraino B^ralii Nov. 17, 1988 FtMoaat of U. S. Waathor iN r iw Children of the South- School * 'OsHer toalght, ehaaee fit light either • mechimical or electric presented a Thanksgiving program Air Tedhiucal 12,402 ■ M W late tonight. Low, 96 to 25. AboulTown yekterday for their parents. The No HeTald , irectars Set Public Hearing electronics ^Jndam•ntaI• opixte. . Upon completion of thin tutnie MARLOW'S Member of the Audit Sntnrdny, odd, Hght nnow during ' ' ' ' 1 alnglng of many thanksgiving Biaireen ef CIrenletiee O m ccn of Temple Chepter, No. songs, in which the audience took Tomorrow Study j^l^ged tlon, the individual will jceoeive fur- PINE STORES moiwing. High near 89. SS, OBS, are reminded to call their ‘ On MHS Transportation their achooliiig in^ m e of 20 dif­ lUancheMter— A City o f VilloMO Charm ' 1 part, was directed by Mrs. Gwend­ ' Uat of 'membera ahodt the baaaar olen Hurl. Shirley Hah-lsbn read New Marines ferent courses designated for spe­ O p M N i « k » T M 9 The Manchester Evening ■ ' '\ cific training liv^arlou..' technical on Nov. 29 at the Uaaonlc Temple. the lOO'th Psalm. The story of the The Board of Directors ,1 a a t,ia scheduling a hearing eh the ap- Dinner reaervatlona muat be made 8rst Thanksgiving was> told by Herald will not ptibli.ah to­ Hartford, •Nov. 21—“For the fielos such M ^ t and reciprocating A n d A N M o n d a y VOL. LXXVI, NO. 46 . (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SEC110N8) MANCHESTER, CONN« FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1956 teSaMUM AivortlaiBii’ tm Pace 23> night set Dec. 18 ae.the date for j P.ropristion requests mgiiies, l^icoptera or a couree iir PRICE FIVE CENTO J by next Monday with Mra. Jamea Lee tVatkins and Robert McBride, morrow, Thanksgiving Daj\ ftrat time in the 181 years of its B. inileU, 177 Summit 8t. and a Thanksgiving prayer was a public hearing on a IIS.OOO ap- | He also said he auggested that electroniea. they defer their r^uested hearing exiatence, the Marine Corp is Fi^ther'information may Im ob­ said by pupils of Room 1. The en­ Randall Ra.v Hill, 19. son of Mr, propriation which haa .been re­ Dorlene Melendy, 190 Broad 8t, tire program was announced by quested to provide trans^rtatiOn to await action biy the Directors. guaranteeing aViation tectmical tained about this program from A lm o s t 2 and Mrs. George Elcabert. 26 Fosr the Marine.Corpe office located in ' haa been initiated into Orcbeeia Constance Bairett. ter St., is completing his Air Force for some 340 nigh school students. “ After all," he aald this morning, training to enlistees," announced "we can t give them transporta­ ,he Hartford Post Office o r , by PRESCRIPTIONS Yugoslavia modem dance club on the Univer- basic military training at Lack- The appropriation la being M.Sgt John A. Lynch, of the alty of. Connecticut campua. sought by the B%-ho will hold a Christmas party Monr Although bus service has never' ‘ •'■"•poftktlon for junior and sen Bgo." said the sergeant. o'clock for Mignment to traffic been------made-•------available------to high achoolJor'high school pupils. The School was a member of the American day night at 8 o'clock -at the "The old p r o g i^ assigned a i SPECIALIZED live detail for the'Thankaxlvinc Day Legion Post.'His wife, Mrs. aoUlda I South Methodist Church'. \Those studenU in Mancheater,. State law Board is already complying srith road race. TIcketa for the annual requires that towns proWde trani- the legal rei^uirementa for trans- young man to an^viation unit fo r ; Andisio, is a member of the Auxil­ , attending are asked to brinj^ fpr duty without prior technical train­ Christmas party of the group, to iary. I exchange, a small gift that thi«y Portation for secondary school T>ortlng jt ^ o r high school students Belgrgde, Nov. 23 (JP)— be- held Dec. 10, will be available pupils who are under 18 years of and is Wot required to provide ing. U n d e r ^ s new program, the’ RCA TV hAarendaz London, N o v .-23 (JP)— The^ had aucceeded In rallying j have made that can be used at . young Leatherneck . will receive ' SERVICE ONLV Yugoslavis protested to Hun­ from the committee tomorrow j Brownie or Intermediate meetingtig. I*** iXoiw.than two miles tranaportation for high school stu­ Con».ry.tiv. ,»rly . cl»^ ^ gary today that Imre Nagy morning. Pfc. Richard W. Bushnell. son of dents’ ovef. IS years of age. technical acho<4 training immedi-' DICK MORTENSiN Dr. and Mrs. Forbes Bushnell, 573 Any adult member of the organ- from their school or a School but TRAVEL A8ENCY ranks last nlgnt behind s ir invasion of Egypt aa unwise were I ization who is interested is Invited line. Rbhb said his letter to theM par- ately after his recruit and individ'j IS Hemlock St.-;4in 9-4841 and his associates who left Advertisement Woodbridge St., who flew to Ger­ . to sttend. qnta also reported the outcome of iial :combat tralninj: courses are 18 Asylum St., Hartford Anthony. Eden, dispelling any; said to have been persuaded that the Yugoslav embassy in many two months ago. Is now with Robb Sees Favorable Re«cttoR Chairman Sherwood Robb of'the.. last niglit's meeting. •ricceasfully comple&d.” Tel. CHapel 7-58S7 - immediate prospect that the; What'a don# la done and that the Budapest yesterday /under Install clean,, dependable Gas the Army Intelligence, stationed "Recruit and combat training is Heating, and forget service and Board of ElducStion, who appeared ■ ^’e l*nrente at Hearing AuthorizW Agents For AH ' .ilin, P^e mi,ht guarantees of safety h6ve not near Frankfurt. . at the Directors' meeting last a must for all.men.who join the delivery problema Rent a Gas 'Although School Board mem­ ranks of the Marine Corps." added Personal Notices give up the reins of the Bnt- ths pieces. returned 4o their homes. The night, said today he felt the Di­ bers and administration officials Rail, Air and Steamship Conversion Buraei^$2.99 monthly . A dance sponsored, by the Man- Public Records the veteran Marine. ish government. Another group who felt that the Yugoslav announcement said —Buy-a^ Gas Conversion Burner rectors’ initial rcacUon th the reportedly have been bombarded Lines c^ster Merchants Boosters Club ■ request had been favorable. The technical training period Diiaatlsfled Conservatives in government wae-now taking too Reaffirms Promises with requests for transportation, lothing’ about their fate but 1285.00, less $50.00 allowances for' in honor of the Merchants Football will vary from three to aix month.s In Memoriam HAROLD EELLS Parliament appeared to have paasive a line and thua letting it- old equipment. Guaranteed heating Warrantee Deeds ! He said that before the public no parent* were In evidence at last In Invln* msniiory of nur 4l#ar mAthsr Ihe— piOtest indicates this team,' Is scheduled for Friday eve­ I hearing la held h> Mrtjnht depending on the course to which and fr andmothopr—Mp*:—li»ulp»- ^ram------Manchester Agent abandoped — for the time being, Kir oe depnveri or anv rruiis or estimate. The Hartford Gas Co. Rutledge Smith .to...Richard- 'ght'a meetihg. country fears they are under ning at the Rainbow Club, Bolton.' .Tohnaon the^ Directors------are furnished------with the aviation-minded young man is Holatl. who pasAon awav Korewbor Tel. MI 9-7442 at leajlt—- any thought of a serl- victAry in Egypt received s§- tel. MI-9-4503i; property at 330 'Adams The case in favor of the gppro- assigned. Ail trainees will start 1R37. ous revolt against Eden's handling surancea that British forces will Art McKay's Orchestra will fur­ |St a detailed report oh the problem. priation was mk^de solely by Robb, arrest, But Holds to Terms^ their training at the Aviation qf the Sues Canal crisis. | not withdraw until "effective" nish music, and tickets will be on Herbert Ingvpr Johnson to Pe­ He also thought that an Informal with some support for the proposal Wo think of you In allenco. Nagy is the moderate "independ­ sale at the Raintimv Club. Fundamentals School, at Jackaon- Wo often apeak your ndmo. U.N. control has been established. ent" Communist leader whoxq X ter Ycdzlnlak and Victoria .Yed- meeting between the Directors and offered by former Director,Waiter Rut ail we havo aro momorioa. It was con^ded generally that, ziniak, property on Dudley St. the School Board to discuss the Mahoney. vllie, Fla. And your pirtui^o^ In a frame. nothing abort' of such a revolt, or iShowdown Averted brief premiership during early United Nations, N.Y., Nov. 2 ^ J J P )— Britain today reaf­ A daughter was born at the St. Alfred IL-Werbner to Alexander matter further would be "a good Here, the Marine will attend ^na. daufhier and jrrandchlldron. a really crippling illness, could Even the Daily Herald, voice of stages of the Huhgsrian revolu­ Acooi^ing to Information com­ tion was ended by Soviet guns. He firmed it* promise to* withdraw its forces from Egypt, but Francis Hospttsl on Nov. 19 to Mr. Jarvis, property on Duval St. idea." Si^eh a meeting was sug­ piled by school administration of- NORMAN'S force Eden to throw in-hia hand. the opposition Socialist Labor { made it clear that it would not bow to the growing demands SWEET and Mrs. Donald Willisms. New Wilfred E. Hayes to Alexander gested last night by Mayor Harold HABTFORD RD. ■ The apparent reatoration o f par­ party, admitted reluctantly that and his associates took refuge In flcials.and submitted bv.Robb laA the Yugoslav embassy in an effort Bolton Rd. Jai-via, property on Duval St. A. TUrklngton. night, tlMre are 340 high achool it y unity was achieved on the eve Eden had been saved from any im­ I to get out immediately. Alice Darwent ' to Alexander Meknwhile. as of this morning, of Eden'a departure tonight for mediate showdown. to avoid arrest. British Foreign Secretary Selw^n Lloyd addressed the 79- students whom the School Board la Dobrivoje Vldic, Yugoslav un­ CIDER Mr; and Mrs. J. Benson Wells 'Jarvis, property on Duval St. a date for a Board of Education legally bound to transport. a rest In Jamaica. It same at a "Revolt in the Tory party over nation General Assembly after diplomat* from Asia, Africa, public hearing on the tranaporta- MAKE IT A DATE THIS meeting of the "1922 committee." Suez seemed to hive been staved dersecretary for foreign affairs, Fraili for Thonluflviiif and’thelr children. Sue, Stephanie I Quitclaim Deeds Robb said the students live in called in the Hungarian charge d’ Communist East Europe snd Latin America pressed for and Jay, 112 Arnott Rd., will move Lydall Development Corp., to tlon problem had not been sched­ all sections of the town, and that an organization of all Conaerva- off last night—for the moment at uled. tiva members of the House of least," said the Herald. affaires thia morning and told quick action to get the British, French and Israel forces out to the suburba of Lowell. Mass'., in Jay E. Flubinow, trustee, proper- four buses n-ould be needed to him the Nagy party which left O p o R D o ily January. Wells u with the F. W. I ty on Keeney St. A group of five parents haa peti­ transport them. Eleven buses are SEE IN PERSON FRIDAY Commons who hold no office in ths Newspapera whis't oppose Eden of Egypt. tioned the School Board for the government asylum in the Yugoslav embassy Woolworth Co. and has managed i Dorothy Miner to Charles Min- now in use carrying elementary resumed the sharp sniping they in Budapest voluntarily under an Lloyd told the Assembly Britain could not pull out com­ the East Hartford and Hartford jer. property on St. John $t. hearing and, by law. are entitled and junior high school pupils en­ Reports leaking out of the con-! had toned down after t 'e aq- pletely until the U.N. emergency police force«“ is in a position BoHn Gidw Mill to one \^1thln 10 days. The peti­ “FLIPPY" agreement that none of them •tores for the past 12 years. He Is .Marriage I.ieeniie« titled to free transportation. StoSPJL ference agreed that R. A. Butler, I nouncement that he was suffering would be persecuted, were, not in now manager of the store in Lo­ tion was received by the Beard at to carry out effectively the tasks assigned to ''it.” And he T S . M I 4 3 H Frank Joseph Maima Jr., 215 Eden's deputy and political heir | from "severe overatrgin" and was their homes. said it still was not ready to do this. well. Mrs. Wells is associated with Myrtlf St. arid Joan ^ITteresa Bell, its meeting Monday night. FREE GIFTS FOR apparent, and Chancellor of the taking . rest. V Seek to Defer School Unit Airing THE CLOWN Vldic deCISTed if they did not Ha made no estimate aa towhenr ------the.T. J. Crockett Agency. 50 Margaret Rd., Dec. 1 , St. ALL THE KIDS! Ebcchequer Harold Macmtllam an- return this would be "s flagrant James' Church. .Although ready to proceed with Britain expected to start large - oth ^ possible future prime min- est Workers' Council had | food and fuel shortages, Immediata withdrawal might put Cairo, Nov. 23 WV-The com­ called off its strike after "partial [ The effect of th# new back-to- too great a strain oh the new U.N. mander of the British-French To O. J. Glrardin for Joseph agreement" with the government | work call remained to be seen. The Dawood for alterations to a com­ force and "bring dtacredit to the force J in Egj'pt announced todey- mercial building at 553 E. Middle of Soviet-backed Premier Janos,"partlsl agreement" mentioned in Umtad Nations." It will taka a that Britain will withdraw one Tpke.. *200. Kadar. . - the broadcast listed nonr of the Pravda Chides little time; he aaid, to get the Ths council calisd the strike strikers' main demands. These In- batallion ‘‘almost immediately" To,Raymond i X Scjhaller for force organised and to maka the from the Port Said area. This Wednesday when Russian troops elude withdrawal of the Russian nacaaaai^ arrahgamants." Mrs. Alice Clampet for alterations and Hungarian pOlice kept it from j troops and the return to power of Tito dll Taking evidently is the token •withdrawal to a dwelling af 127 E. Middle a Jump on CHRISTMAS Ha added, however, that Britaih which the British had promised Tpke.. *2.300. meeting in the Budapest Sports [ Imre Nagy, a "NaUonallat" Corn- had faith that the force would oe Hall. munlat who became premier brlef- U.N. Secretary General I>ag Ham- To^ Public' Sign _^ervice for Capitalist Aid able' avaatunUy to carry out ita marskjold. * SHOPSMITH* is Ifce revohrti^iry hMit pow8r wortshopirr Roger Ditarando for a aign at 11 The strike cell had little effset j ly after the bloody anti-Soviet re­ dutlaa and make poaaibla the com- on the labor situation since a ma­ volt erupted. Gen. Sir Charles Keightley, who oflt unit It reQuires no mori room tkin a bicycle, yet it gives WalmU St., *850. pleta withdrawal of Britiah forces. commands the Allies' headquar­ jority of Hungarian workers al­ .Once before the workers' leaders 'Moscow, Nov. 23 (AO—The Soviet Ths Aasambly had before it a you an the five majof powef tools you need to complete in ready were on strike. They are called off the original strike. The ters on Cyprus, said in Prift Said Communist party today chided reaolutUm o f 21 Aaiah and African that "as fast as U.N. troops ar­ '■s/' j workers switched to a sit-down. Road Rate Winner wUh Ftrgu»m Trioj natioha calUhg for the withdrawal project: Sew, Oise Sander. Lathe, Vertical and Horiiontal Drills. Yugoslav President Tito for seek­ rive, the British and French, will I Budapest Radio said the govern- ing to speak for international com­ Slender Charlie I>yson. 22-year-old Vnlverrity ef Connecticut senior, ia ehowm above receiving of the'invading foreea ':forthwlth.' SHOPSMiTH's exclushM Speed Oial gives you instapt selection gRESCRiPIlQNS- I ment had acknowledged the work- get out.” * munism while accepting aid from the Ferguson Memorial Trophy from Chief, oI BdWce Herman Scbendel following yeeUrday:*. Five . awxl deelared* that, the Hdliah, The French havn announced of correct tool speeds: you can Power Shift from W rpm to “ FREK PICK-UP Refugee^ Plane j era'' council as a "corporated body" capitalist countries. | MUe Ro*d Race. The rergueoArlW fei^TVlV ef Ue IsM TlweiaA jS ft ie o e < taiJi^^^Srseii *^ere l^Oring I for negotiating purposes. Kadar al- they have already wlfhdrawTi S200 rpm! The buM-in ii hp motor, AND DELIYERY" An editorial in. the party news-1 and Ronald H. Ferguson of The Herald. Complete details on the sperti page. (H eral#*98016 tha*'imMrnifSI tHmnnda of the ebout third of the forces they i so proml.sed to auggMt to bin cabi- paper Prs\’da said Yugoslavia had UN. and flalix-ntly violating u • I biNs and p u ll^ , are enclosed for •i by Oflara.-i ,.i landed in the Sues Canal Zone. PINE PHARMACY [rings Witness I net that tke workers elect factory been Using the "sh'aypened rela' Egypt'A sovdretgnty. There ii a directors T rein a number ef as- The Commander of the U.N. po­ safety. Ybu've get to see SHOPSMITH 8M CENTER ST__ Ml 9-98t4 tlona between th# Imperleliat and; _ , , posMklllty "every minute,” he aaid. lice fojee moved quickly today to I plrants." ^ that rehswed flu tin g may erupt. demonstrated ts behairc it! socialist blocs to improve Us ow n; | | | ( | | a il T raill DlVCS get his headquarters here in oper­ ToRea Killings I The broadealt «kid the council economic situation.” | . Chechoe' -vek Foreign Minister was continuing negotiations with ation. But there was further delay Almost half of Pravda's A-pagellntn RSv#»r« lO d FIlP Ike Plans T-H Use Vealav iJevld, Paanassnien Foreign in sending; his troops to stations ! Ksdsr and .had ressrvad the right edition was devoted to the eflltbrtiy U U O I X l V C r , I 'Camp Kilmer. .N. J., Nov. 23 U l C MirtistOt''Aquilino E. Boyd and the to reduce the dnnger of a renewal ONLY SH OPSM ITH UPt—A aecond "freedom flight" to­ I to call ths striks agala if no prog- reply to Tito's Nov. 11 speech repreeentetivca.of Jordan and Su­ day brought 75 more Hungarian ’ ress wore reached. of fighting in the canal zone. blaming Stalinists inside and out Bombay, India, Nov. 23 lA’i— dan led'off the demands for. quick Reaching Cairo yesterday to LETS YOU COMPini refugees to America, including an I Nagy. Leaves Saactaary aide the Soviet Union for the Hun­ A passenger express train UN. ‘action. I A later broadcast confirmed a take over his new command CJa- THE JOII .eyewitness to last month's Buds- garian ' revolt. In the speech at rodketed bt'f an embankment DiploSMts aeid ths nadian Maj. Gen. E. L. M. Burns FUEL right gifts i^st bloodbath. I Yugoslav announcemsnt that Nagy Pula, Tito declared It was a “fatal weakened by flood waters in also had thrown its support bthind Leas than two hours after a : and several of hia followera had error" to use Soviet troops in Hun- South India todgy and re|>orts the Aelan-Airicen proposal. left their sanctuary In ths Tugo- Washington. Nov. 28 fd>V-4-The4'glilpplnF Assn. end Baltimore (ConUnoed on Pnge SUteen) TransAmerican DC-4 landed at Mc­ gsry. from the scene said 104 people presidentigl Inquiry hoard in the j Pqrt Jbnplo}'«raiiplo}'«rs laetlaat: lUght and whs UA* Onclia Bdaehillon.. Guire Air Force Base, a- one-time alav e>i bassy in Budapest and re­ Pravda added the .So\1et Union were killed and 65 hprt. Offi­ turned to their homes. The radio Best-Gulf Coast docks strike said receiving statements from employ- U.S. Chief ' Delegate ' Henry fo r^ a n ta ’s favorite po.orte by telegraph, Cabot Lodge Jr. reportedly decided OIL that the.Drt. 23 revolt began as s said, .the group left after guaran­ main in Hungary "wheir the situa­ in the accident, 175 mites the White House late tonight. U Holland toll neweme.. his panel tees w'dt^.glyen they would not be to beck the reaolution after confer­ peaceful student demonstration tion retunia to normal and the south of Madras, might ptaa Onc« the report is in. the govern-' expected to start work on Ita rst< ring with Preaident Elaenhower in and was turned into a mass slaying persecuted. Hungarian government think.'* that 160. ment can seek a back-to-work jert by mid-afternOoi) ,.nd rush it RANGE OIL Nagy left the embassy Nov. 4 Washington. Bulletins by eecret police and Russian tanks. troops are no longer needed.” Railroad officials said at court order. > to the White Hr use eS soon as pos- A U.S. source said the United i . m H yoy boys and girls! ^ Ssiys 460 Killed First Day when Russian tanks, wdiloh had It said Tito's criticism was “In a least six coaches snd the en­ The board's limetsbie *lnsd*|lt a(blc tonight. Ke aaid it might be' from the AP Wires withdrawn' from the Hungarian States end India also would join in • ■ J Speisking through sn interpreter Volto* «d>ich until recently had been gine had plunged into >'01# doubtful thst,*the Justice Depart- i late, however. ■ sponaoring a resolution to euthor- for himself and several others capital, returned to cniah the re­ almost ehittinsted In relations be­ rjrer. ,The officials denied ear-, ment c o ^ ask before tomorrow, "We arc exploring whet the le- SNOPSMITN volt which had installed him. Nagy aboard the plane, the inspector, tween us." It accUMd the Yugoslav Her reports that a bridge col­ for th^80-dey injunction allowed sues are aa the nartiee see them at (OonHnned Pnge Stxteea) NAGY IN KOMANIA FOP A su n u AS 13 A WEEK! BOLAND ' who declined to give hla nam4, said had promiaed free elections, nego­ leader of Inconsistency Dr his p o ­ lapsed ea tha train was cross­ iinder'the Teft-Hertley Lew. But i the present time," Holland aaid. / Budapest, Hungary, Nov. 98 :OM CRADLE TO THE JR. HIGH CROWD Man-Mad’s knows at least 400 men, women and chil- tiations to get the Russian troops tion on Hungary and said he p ^ t - ing it. « a tourt more tonight still was a ; 'Thia la an inquiry, not a bearing (45—A government spokesman OIL COMPANY dron were movi-ed down by the out of Hungary and withdrawal ed "a Stalinist" finger at the lead­ It. was the third such train possibility. said deposed Hungarian Pre- what youngsters want! Our beautiful Christmas selections fear tank caiinon in the main square of from the Warsaw Pact. ers of other Communist nations wreck in .India in two years*.' In shy event. President Eisen­ rximmltio-*^^"^ i.»«cross ^ L cb a n o ii H old s L id idler Imre Nagy left fo r . Oom- • 369 CENTER 5T. Budkpest on Oct. 24. Several died Although Nag)’ and his associ­ ('who fail to agree with hia view- Some 3.50 persons difd in^the hower's administration was push­ The board raunlst Romania todby after ex­ at his feat, he sdded. ates appsrenilywer^ not molested, point,'* other two. ing the Tsft-Hsrtley emergency primarily to 'Z' On subversive Plot pressing a wish to live in a "Peo­ Tel. Ml 3-6320 ture delightful young fashions every young man and miss will a report from Budapest said a sec BUSH H U D W U E CO. " Before talking to newsmen, the ■; The Soviet party organ said dif­ ! procedures with all spead in an iasuea ware In the dispute. ple’s Democratic rountry." 40-yesr-old Inspector and the rstary of Josef (TardtnsI Mindsxen- ferences between Tito and the' I effort to stop the crippling. . 8- The strike haa idled 60,000 long­ 24-Hour Burner Service ty. Father Egon Turchany, was Beirut. Lebanon, Nov. 23 iA5 — i 7/3 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER love to wear! / - Other passengers ate their first Kremlin leaders should be settled' ; day waterfront strike and gel shoremen along the Atlantic and Fast action by Lebaness authori­ U.S. WINS THREE KIEOALS meal on American soil—oranges, srrestsd ss hs trlsd to Itsvs Hun- In a "quiet, friendly exchange of Arseiii^ Found longshoremen hack to work Mon Gulf Coasts and tied up aii Mtimat- Melbourpe, Nov. 23 145—.The I »T Hum* f -* r\u. Onl\ gsry In an automobile With an ties apparently has nipped a po-1 ( MI scrambled eggs, ^ con . toast, mar­ comradely opinions." ed 200 Ships, to cripple' .ocean' Httcalfy tais^fed plot to stir upj United States woa threw Olymptor, malade, hot chocolats. coffee and American nawsman. T!ba'priest was “U ia well known that the. So­ e l l a T h r e e 1 prealdentlal ~ tnqiitry he«riU lfade..TTi6 White House eaid the medals—one oa a record high reported imprisoned 'at Ooedoeloe i S f troubla in Lebanon. { ★ YOU’LL BE SO PROUD OF THE FAMOUS LABELS, renown milk. ' / , viet Union does not demand any' TV A.XAA V /^ l^ e .d e d . by ThOmss W. Holland jftoppage wae serious anti had "rb- Army and__ police units____ have _ | Jump by world champion Charley. After a fast medical checkup near Budapest. The Cardinal, Ro- one any kind of dependence, or took testimony this morning from parcuaslons far Beyond the asari-'j baeii making awMping arreau and j Dumaa—and performed with Its and a speedy trip through customs [ man Catholic prlmats of Hungary, ordination,” Pravada declari I representatives of the ILA and time industry.” . : searches thia week and have kept expwted excelleace In track and > for superior quality, in your gifts from Mari-Mad’s. The relia­ The oyer-all tone of the'Pravda Dead, Eight lU they went to. catch a few hours" was stilt s refugee in the U.S. em- I employers Iq southern .Atlantic sUnder ths national smergancy tha lid on subverxive activities.' ' Held evCats toilay la the ftrat full sleep before their processing by bassy in Budapest. editorial did not necessm-ily indi­ ports. Philadelphia shippers were p r o r i . i o n s—the govammbnt'a day of competition. The other The Budapest Radio broadcast 1 Thefa has been a wave of plant-1 ble brands mothers prefer and approve, .and priced amanng- immigration and welfare agencies' cate that the Sovibt regime is Hagerstown, Md., Nov. 23 Ul — I also due to prebent their versions toughest anti-atrlks weapon—tha ed rumors - and distorted reports | two gold medals were won In the began. what it called a statement by the hesdih’g' for another' open bi-eak Traces of arsenic werr found today ' of the labor dispute. 3-man inquiry board nasoed by the weightlifting compeHtkm when 'Gentral Workers Council of the with Tito. .Some obaervera found from 'Syria depicting Lebanon as ly low! "7 . Their plane landed at IlcOiilrc in In ueli water at the home 6( a Th# board had heard from rep- President must file Us fact-finding a military camp sw-ept by riots Isaac Berger of Brookl3m and ( resentativea of the-*^ family of 11, three of whom arc report with tha B ^ te Heuae be­ and' violsnce, but this is untrue. Charles' Vinci Jr., fit York, Pn., (CoaUatied oa Bagta Faarteeat (Caattnned on Page Fonrtem) *an#d e* Page Fourteen) fore* the Justice Uapar^ment can Thera tove been no “violent anti- broke world and (Mympic, records dead as the result of poisoning move for ah S(K-day haek-to-work western demonstrations" as re­ in the faatbefwetght and ban- ★ CHRIS'ITtfAS SHOPPING w fun at Mari-M[ad’». Come m which has hospitalized the remain- court ordar.* ported from Damascus. tamwelgM di**istoiis, reaperttve- ,lng eight. T h e atriUng ILA said In advance Authorities of two states are News Tidbits Labanon’% govamment headSd we wiU he very happy to assist with all your gift shopping for pressing a probe of the. suspected It wfH obej' such an ‘incHuiction by Ffvaidsnt Camille Chamoun Freak Storm IS 2 6 in c h e s mass praenic poisoning of.the fam­ (^ilM from AP Wiros when Issued. Tits s.emed to insure has' been under strong but unsuc- COLD STALLS HUNT FOR TOT ily at their, home in nearby . Kear- Huntington. W. Nov. 23 the youUg angds on your list. . . neysville, W. Va. aa ihlga Fa ■) (OaaHnued ea Pag# Sixtaea) i (45—The search for 2-year-old Mrs. Helen Elizabeth Kidwell. Natiomdlat CTiina's oMcial Cen­ WIIHam Heni)' Beaver wraa called Snow on Erie, Pd.,. Clogs Region 32, was hospitalised here last night tral News Agency a.aya Russian off temporarily* today. Cold, after being questioned in th# in­ suhawirtoea uw epemUng In South enow and the aeressity for %'ol- unteer searchers to return to O P E N ?nL 9 Buffalo. N. Ym Nov. t l UP)— A trie w-hlch employs 10,000, were-wouldn’t open today. Few stores vestigation of the. deaths of her China Sea from porta in southern Charge your purchases now. .open Several hundred motorists were shut' down. ■ - i were expected to open aq even husband, William, and tWo young­ China.. .Norwalk hat manufac­ i their Jobs made the rancellatioa THURSDAYS reported marooned |n- snow Main traffic arteries, including , clerks couldn’t get to woi k. , est children. turer J. Garvan Chtvapagh is ap- Six T4)| Officers, Fired aeeeaaary. The youngster was bound autos this meralag In the Routes 5 and 20-^the Buffalo to | , Many small communities, Seven other of her children u are chairman of i: emergency reported mlsslag early Wednes­ AND FRIDAYS! a 30-day or 3-payment account! wake of a vtcleoa atorm which Cleveland routes—were plugged throughout the area were shut off, eiUl in the waahlngton County Hqa n rtHef drive for OM* day from the family’s 8-room dumped foiir feet of snow oa tight. ' * (from milk deliveries. pital here undergoing treatment for necticut. ^ s ' tiTArgentina Army Shift frame house about 20 miles east . - nurts'of'southivestorn Now York probable araenic poisoning...... William..... __J. ____ S h e a ,\ 4 » ,^ West of HunHagtoh. Mayor Arthur Gardner declared _ ’P'* Authorities said the oldeet (*hild, j ______hut alght. More Hum 266 cars •tale of emergency and asked “ Ipi** .J- wore reported straaded la w fwest Into Ohio and #11 ths shore- 13-year-old Molly Louise, is in pre- U kle t o ^ o n e r l SuIs. W . POPE HAS SUGHT COLD Gov. George M. Leader to aend'•• blown by fierce northeast being pushed through by a .grotmVusto BfiSgoSLA^ Gen. Juan Jose Mew a tumVilt of heavy wet anow early , . yesterday, ^ atopped about 4 ^«a^:earlier. one. day after his nine______oftlceia celled "Lbe G o r i 1 a s yranga laaders of the Conserva- BARS DISllU'PTI5'E TALK ■cattered feet high." atorm at Setiuate;' Mass., last fit over a.'.jacent sections—of three—a.m. today except for Maay Trapped , *" ■‘^children were admitted. Two of March, (TAungTurks),— i hve NaUemidist faction opting WashlngttMi, Nor. 23 f45—Tha . f states Thursday' and socked In Gurries, Hundritds of motorist*' 'Were them, year-old Tommy and 2-year- Urael orders drasHe power epU Col. Hector Eduirdo Cabanillas Aramburu. The Army said 'they U.R'Court of Appeals rifled ta- highway and air travel with drifts The Weather Bureau said the old Charles, died the same day to consepre oil which generates all was named to replace L t (Jol. Car- were picked iip late W ednew y day a worker eoa forfeit em­ Yonp Specialty Shop snowfall In midtpwn Erie meas- trapped by .the- sudden storm, up to seven feet Jeep. which began early Thankaglving their father was brought in. '.her electric powar but fuel ratien- toe Cabanillas aa boss of IntelU- whils loitarlng, aimed, near a mil- ployment rigkU under the Taft- Like a buss saw cutting/« pil­ iwed V inches from 3 a.m.' >'hs- Kidwell and hla wife became only irfg is not decreed.. .Six Northern igance.The two are not related. itary barracks. Hartley law by using, laagnage terday to 3 a.m. today. At Eric Day as .many persons were en A'' ' 691 MAIN ST. low, the freak atorm—accom­ route to family dinners. . ' alifhtly m at first. Mrs. Kidwell re- { DemoCratiic Senators say thsy are Los Gorilaa, officers who hripad Vranga's aon, an attorney ,and ts fellow workers tkat Is disnip- panied at times by lightning aqd Airport, where all .fiighta were ' Farmers, motel end hotel oper­ covered, but her hua|>and‘s condj-1 planning another effort to curb Install-proviskmal IVsaidant P^ra. a tklrF aaan also were arrest^ Hvo fit pcaea. MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT thundef—dumped up to .28 Inches canceled, the fall was estimated ait ators. 'restaurants •— and maihy tion: worsened the next dajr and he Seiute fiUbsMtesa^ Aramburu. want , to purga the AramMiru claimed there was no of -enow over a relatively small 33 inches. < housewives—opened their doors was hospitalized. i International Red Croaa says, so Arm y,of all alemsata they do not connection between the Army BCFf^GEES AT MILWAUKEE are* in northeastern Ohio, west- WbN’ ap ta 45 m .^ * ' to strangers, and fed and sheltered Shortly alter Kidw-ell's death,! far only five Bed Croaa esavays consider 'democratically trust­ sfcakeup and the* arraate and said -MHwaukee. Nor. 28 (F> aril Pennaylyanla and weaterfi I Amaxed residents watched light-' them. ' , > . State's Att)’. Tom Kavlar disclosed besuiag about 70 tons of medical worthy. 'Che question Was whether tha Oiifi. in Army laadarship.w** lltoratyTfoar rafugooo from IM New Yprk' atatc. ning bolts flash across the e^y. There was no report of casual- the medical examiner's finding o f ' and food a u p p 11 s s aach have they could complete their overhaul not aimed at nipping a potantial Coasmmilst terror tkat cruolM >t virtually paralyzed Erie. P*-, 'accompanied by loud clape o( tiei sJthough the temperature arsenic in the cases of the two reached BudapestudaMs from Vienna without touching off a Irioleht re­ Kvalt against hU gqvamnMnt. Ha Haagaiy's October laval* 6 (dty ef 1S0,(M0, witere hundreds thunder, aa the storin. raged oh dipped below the 20*degre4 mark boys. * , Secretary of Defense Wilson has action. The navy, which also ■up-' termed It just “part fit a procsse raaehed tke laiid of thoir diaaOB o ' highway crewmen were fight- through last -.itght. Gusts of wind early i'today. Kaylor indicatad he expected to before him compromise plan to ports Arembiini. eras on maneu­ ef-'evnluUoa arMeh ths country today wtai the stars Ihg tod*y to reopen ,'roads and up to* 45 mile* an hour* made visl- State Police abandoned their have today the resulU of a pre- setUa lohF a t a n d 1 n g Army-Air vers a short dlstanne from Buenoe eosittuusa gall which dsaa M ^Af- from oM of,, tkat ■treeta. Practically ajl Industrlea Wlttr*ero. • Farce ofMtrevctajr ever control ef Aires. . Isadwa ta In Erie, Including Cleneral Etee- All banks announced they « > Paga Taralva) (Gm Hm m I Mi jPaga Stxtaaa) guided mtaallea. " , Four top gauirals w w n. nlU voi T

:t ' - . V,* ■ ,1 / ! ' \ V . . a "::;;? \ .1 X i.. .l ,» ' A . ; I f ’''■■■•'"" -■ '' . ,4' . . ■■X- ■ ;r'f i \ . . ' '■ ■X rPAGBTWO MANCUES’iiiJl EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER CONN, FRIDAY,, NOVEMBER 29, /

The Edgar imd Reynolds Cipciaa Mri. Frapk Horton. Mra. Sdwiard. can Town’Committee from 1015 to JRL* ' MANCHESTER EVENING I^ERALD. MANCHESTER. OONNaa ERIDAY. NOVEMBER 123, 1956 FOR RENT , Students Piresjent df . (he South Methodist (Tburch Qlenney and Mra.^Nell 13Iia of thia ^-L egislator Die^ 1081. . ' About Town are planning to hcAd a rummage town will serve at the sub-freah- . He was n former president of the 8 and IS mip. Movie Projoctor* Thanksgiving Play sale In Coo^r hall at 9 o'clock man tea tomorrow from 3 to 6 p.m. In Milford at 82 Milford Tiw t Co. and chairman of S T A T E C blad e:;, attadk', 'he said, but su ih —oOmtd or'silent, also 35 mtn. V Mr. and'Mrs. Albert C. Hewitt. Wednaaday morning. ‘ -i , ' at the home of Mrs! Philip C. Stei­ the advisory board, of the First Ns- On State Stage gsry was precluded by his heart stido projectors. . 77 West.SL, have pecelved word of ger., 8 Brighton Rd., W est H art­ NOW* thru SAT, Children of Mr*. E. \V. Coffin’* the birth of a daughter, .LIrtd* Milford, Nov;^8 vd*>—Omar W. tlonal Bank of New Haven. ^ , TONIGHT Yule Shopping Season Oliver Hardy Needs condition. He ha . dieted awaj; 150 King David Lodge. No. 31. lOOF, ford, Mrs. Bruce Bibelow, dean of P latt leaves his widow, the for­ sof hla 350-pIus pounds add seemed TONIGHT! WELDON DRUG CO. fir*t gnide *t Utc Robertson School Marie, .to their son and daughter ^ CONT. FROM d:15 9BI Main St .TeJ. »H t-USI will meet .lonijtht at '7:30 in Odd admissions at Pembroke College, Platt, 82, a fbrm^-Btate Legisla­ mer Lotta Baldwin. \ ' 4' to .be bef,ter. enterUlned “their parenUi "Wednes- In la>^',vA.l.C. and Mrs.‘ William will glve'ah illustrated talk.' Miss tor who held a vkrlety., of town Hewitt, at-the Air Force Base hos­ Fellows Hall. Refreahmenta and a Funeral services will be held "Just that day he remarked Ufat •J. dsy -wlth'* Thanksgiving play en- social hour will follow the meeting. Sandra Sundquist, 50 Wyllya St., a posts,* died In Milford hospital Saturday afternoon. m SeiM f ic ia lly In Person 1 ■ ' pital In' Puerto Rico. The He\vltt.‘(, Encouraging Letters he felt good again fST^the flrot titlifd ’’The Coming of • the Pil- have one other child, a son. senior 'at the college, will assist.* yesterday after a long illness. " Lauahnt time,” she said. "He watered 'U)e Srims.” ' Christopher, age 2'a. . ‘ Membrws of Nutmeg Forest, Tsll Cargo tramp ships los^bout 19 garden and puttered around thb Cedars oT Lebanon, will meet at MiSs Wilma Morr#, daughter of Besides serving In boith houses of days a year for repairs. ^ By SAM'DAWSONtfligtous In theme. In comparision. By BOB THOMAS ' Ahop* that you will soon recover ■fha Pilgrims Included \^‘1lliam Connecticut's Gehcral Assembly. Itsw York, Nov. 23 (B -:*..The to 16 years ago when only five per house,'and we watched TV until M ARLOW 'S-^ ■Glenn Rivard’. 2.36 W. High SI.. the Masonic Temple at 7:30 to­ Mr. and-Mrs. Mario Mprra of An­ Holhrwood. Nov. 23 (,f>>_Oo.Tand’once m ort snjpy life. You quarer lo 12 that night. Then at 3 "FLIPPY the CLOWir § ■■ Kennedy. John Aokerman. Kevin night and proceed to the Holmes dover, was recently elected rep­ Platt at vaflou* time, was the CStflatmu season opens offlcisjly cent were. Card makers cite the median Oliver Hardy, felled by ***''’*> your, good partner -AND OTHER FINE STORES State nai-cotlc agent. Bureau of town counsel, municipal court EAST a I In the morning I woke up to find O'Neil. Geilrid Southerglll. John; Commtmicablc Olseasea, gave an Funeral Homg to pay respects to resentatives of the stqdent gov­ today ta ths nation's stores. X- rise in church membership since stroke Sept. 14, still clings dog-1 Stan, matte many happy hours for him in great pain." ‘ ernment at Bay Path Junior Col­ prossicutor. probate Jutlge. school In the next four week, they the war, the fact that now wives gedlv to life. And if the wishes of ^ millions of people the world over, Frazier. Walter Talaga, Thomas , informative talk Tue.sday evening Philip Lewis, who was a member of He was rushed to the hospltial ^ Free Gilts For All TheJ^ds! Opan Friday Night Tilt 9 the Forest. lege in Longmeadow. Maas. Mias board chairman, bank president should do about on* fourth of their, da most of th# card buying and his fans can help him, he’ll make Without a doubt you have had no Tralli, Mai> Ellert Mitchell. Marie to the Washington PTA on “The , snd a Republican party leader.^ sntire year’s business—it's the *ea- th it businessmen art mailing more and was in critical condition for ! Ka-sUtuakts. Joan BUdyga. Mary Present Addiction of Narcotic.a,” I Morra graduated from Manchester T ^ S O W ^ l D It back to recovery. ' ! real rivals over the years, your 9 7 5 " And All Day Manday High School In the class of. 1056 A graduato of Yale in 1890, ^ that makes or breaks Uie year cardia to homes rather than to of­ I dropped by Hardy’s mcxlest comeily being clean and w-hole- three weeks. The doctors say bis Schultz, Thereae MeasieV and Ani­ and showed a film to highlight his I Miss Nancy L. Qullltch, datigh- fer most of them. And most still fice*. future is still in doubt. But that ta Chappell. subjeCt A brief' biislne.ss se-ssion | ter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Is taking the medical secre­ Platt served as a State Senator CADILLAC Van.Nuys.home to check on his some.' [Ain ST. r tarial course at Bay Path, while working for his law degrea, think sales will top last year's rec- Makers of giftwrappings and Jativa, Spain— "In the name doesn’t stop Mrs. Hardy—and ] Boya who represented Indians was held and refreshments were i Hitch of 332 Woodbridge St.,,dnd condition. Mrs. Hardy, a small, at­ Ollie’s fans a ll over the worm— y<-. MANCHESTm served in the cafeteria after the ' Clarence C. Edmondson pf poven- which he received from Tale in ord volume by a tgir margin. , trimmings- expect sales to hit a tractive woman, told me the • •'heir annii^ Chrietnias ■ parlors. Recreation Center tomorrow night And ^ahnnnett* shoppers willwUi'^*hr!i*'^*r have to ahow , Wrappings W „rt,on’t suffer, the ,,»,o'iiv peri- quires nurses 24 hours a day.' * third grade was narrator. jl'alr. to be held In the church hall j — - at 8 o’clock. odical contends, because usually HIS spirits seemed to FUEL SOUAW more of a buying spirit than', they the sender makes up in fancy wTap- laiighs watching him. on the screen . After the plsy, the parents re-*'h's. Frank when we brought him home,” she St. .Majy's Young Pieople's Fel­ have in the last four weeks if the ping for what the gift daclui In in my schoolboy da>i wishes him nuiined lb witness a class language I ■ Middle Tphe., is lowship will hold its Harvest Moon ..Louis P. Alfonso, son of Mr. hopes for a record sales volume reported, ”3ut he seems to. get oliday time is dress-up time! general chairman, and will be as­ value. frustrated by his inability to do God’s blessing for a steady and period. Ball Nov. 30, under the chairman­ and Mra. Mario P. Alfonso of 16 @ 1 :k at a ship of Miss Barbara Kennedy and ' .dOAIMMP mas lighting is foreseen by that The State Theater, Hartford, re­ Cheltenham, Ehigland —”I love }rll*a Gail Eagle. It will be seml- of Mr. and Mra. Arthur I. Miller Oabar^li Rorr ArUa Kkhort blame In many cities for sluggish opens this Saturday and Sunday newspaper for‘a long time and ap­ ere are nalues th a t prove OIL Manchester Lodge. No. 73. A. F. John Korr Robarl Ryaa sales. industry. Glolite Oorp. of Chicago pear to get irritated because he to watch your films, with Laurel formal, and dancing will continue of 3 Stephen St.; and Raymond E. with George "Hound Dog” Lorenz ,, and A. M., will conduct a Ma.sonic Campbell, son of Mrs. Arthur Some Merchants Worried says display sales will reach 100 and his big "Moovin’’N’Groo\-in’” I ^ J,*- , so thin and you so nice and^fat. RANGE OIL memorial service for the late Phil­ from 8 to 12 to music of Anthony “Tea and millioa this year. And more money Please keep .your fatness, but O'Bright’s orchestrs. Tickets are Scanlon of Bolton Notch Rd:, have ‘Back From The rather slow start worries Revue, featuring 80 top stars and’ put him in a wheelchair ip Lewis at the Holmes Funeral been accepted into the ranks of Sympathy” some merchants who have' loaded will flow to the electric utilities entertainers. Headlining will hel°"« and brought him into the please get well!” Robert Hall brings down the c o s t Home tonight at 7:30. Lodge will available from YPF members. the ^ Sabre Air Commandv'' an Etecnity” up with large stocks In expectation who expect December to set an­ Carl Ptrklns (top lefti of -Blue It*®" *®« JV. He always was Hundreds- of other letters "ex­ CiRom»8roi»a ,v other record for them. press the same wishes. A whole be opened in-emergent communica­ honorary group of freshman and R:14 «:M -IS:U ' of record sales. Su^e Shoes’* fame, with his guitar watcher. But It was tion at the Masonic Temple at 7 Zion ChurehA acrvlce on Sun­ And Uiey have utlier piutilems. There a re twe sad nates. TOe and hla owti ’’Rockin’ Rhythm” ! evident that he couldn’t compre- class of sehOol ehttdren in Woro' day will continue tne s t ^ n of spphomozc___Air Force ROTC of dressing 2m your children! o’clock. ■— cadeti at the University of Con­ S«l. I p.m.. "Fir, Over Afrlra" Finding extra clerical help is hard­ National Premium Research Insti­ Band, and Sunny Gale, the Wheel | " " a s going on. ton. Conn.,, for 'example, fashion­ humilia'tlon and prayer: an­ Le a rir-T tr DANCE! BOLAND necticut. . . ■iJMl ,r Ih, Rnrrsn„r>”-rar<«nB>! er this year—with the nation’s total tute says businessmen are trim­ of Ft’s You and I Go Steady’' ; his'illness. She showed me a hi' life,” Mra. Hardy explained, KorNl^hf lliirni r •“« r \ i» •• Onl\ old equipment. Gua.-antaed heating classes will start on Nov. 30 at vurnnttm Bmum tm Dead and Ghriat'a Final Judg­ the Community Y, from 6 to 7:80 PAUL SERRA DANCE STUDIO rtsrted arriving in volume In Octo­ Mickey and S.vlvia, "Love .Jsrfcouple of boxes of messages from "and he didn’t want people to ( A M Ml •» H7UI estimate. The Hartford Gas Co. ment.” ber. Importers (:ount upon this be­ r n m m ii- M U tel. MI-9-4503. p.m. ,.iey will be under the direc­ 635 MAIN ST„ HARTFORD—'TEL. CH 7-7SI6 Strange,” and Screamin’ Jay "Ifaw- all over ths world, Her* are know.” DrWrAli Karr a-berl airsB ing the largest Christrhss season Technical School kins rendering his novelty sensa­ some of them: tion of Mra. Robert Nell, TTm sfoliA R rrr Open 10 A. M. to 10 P. M. Member of NAbAA Lest 150 Pound* Zion Lutheran Church Men's Aalta r.kliers for foreign gobds. tion: ”I Put a Spell On You.” Extra , Auckland) New Zealand— "I do This year he suffered a gall Kehler and Don Cowles. Uiimeing ——— Club will hold a dinner meeting will.,be to records. The regular Too And Another w-orr.v for merchants Plans Open House added will be Carl Holland, his In Hlie church baaement. Monday Bock From ■’Rockin' Sax” and orchestra, fea- sweaters dress shirts work clothes ties slacks underwear sporting equipment j combination dances will start at Sympathy Is what effect the recurring war night -at 6:45, with Invitation ex­ 7:30. rtArmAftropa Ettmity scares will have on • ronauraers’ The State Technical Institute, at luring Mickey "Guitar” Baker. skirts slacks sweaters dungarees blouses hoae Jackets golf clubs ani^ bags balls tended tb ,all male church mem­ adult* 1 shirts socks jackets ping pong sets MANSFIELD 'BETWEEN HEAVEN son. Disposable income after taxes who attend classes after working Idea Whose Time- Haa 0»me.” All rmvfxm mr. «id$l 277 BROAD Psttok. vivid snd dstk looesl fiM A i y arn with mofcfifng 2 RADIO caps CHIANTI RESTAURANT T f I ( V I S I 0 N hat and mittons m m 9UAUTY . . . LOVTEST DISCOUNT PRICES! 14 DEPOT SQUARE MANCHESTER CkasaM:. I h*» navM. Coaa. t i t s I s) arokiwcOPE Chass,l ta^aiM ud. <^a. :+ FANCY TOPS AND BLOUSES OPiN UNTIL 9 iYERY NIGHT H f GALE (.'luuiaci n*a«r HIGHLIGHTS trim dip capi and mittenil Cindcs, lares, pleati, tliint, ratpeoder ildrts , NIOHT' I . (Ml NEWS . . . even sosae with matching tote bags 8 9 SAVE MONEY JOHN DALY AND THE Cost bat wnol interbning snd NEWS ... tqme with frilly pettiooabi Febs, wDob, sisssM THE 1:J* (Ml WRATHERVANE knit wiiitletsi 0.14. 1 Plantland" Parkway t(M ( *1 RIB TIN TIN cottodi, linen-look rayoni. . . with &ncy (IH-Ui MV FRIEND FUCRA ' motift, applfajuss, perky podteb, (tt) GADAROl'T GADDIS ' (Ml KDDIE FISHER SHOW novelty tarimsl DcUly cNid Sviiday 8KI0 A.M. to 4:00 PiM. (JSl MLM NORMAN’S 1:44 (n-M l NKWH PC A R I S;St ( S) ADV. OF JI.U HOWIE ROOST 445 HARTFORD RD. "Th, K,l,rl K,msl««" (IS.UI WF3IT POINT « T O * r 123 SPRUCE STREET a:-MI THR UFR OF RILKT Viiiitm . (BetwecaJBlrch and BIsscll Streets) TEL. Ml 9-4597 — Hlr,a a Nar.," '. (M) DRAMA MOUNTYaSTYU l:M ( Si CROSSROADS lt;tS ( S) NFWa —"T haaksait lB( P rs»,.r" Christmas (U l VAUA.S'T LAUY (ti-M> IHt'K PirtVELL t h e a ­ PARKA JACKETS * i Featuring: ijt-asi Tir TAK iioroH t e r —"O al,l Sanda.r. In Sn*i — .. •HGMIAV .MOVIF' ArSn" nlnra W,Bd,ir('or,>'. TATE it:IS < ji LOt^; OF UFK (tVMi tVAl.TER WINCHRLL Fur.trlm drawstring hoexL t J „ (ISTsliitHlIK KABTtMI.VS SHOW—Cnlsr lt:M I SI HEABOH FOR TOMnRROW (U l DRAMA knit collar and wzistleb, IK-SSI IT Fni'LD IIK VOF quilted 12-oz. reproceased Decorations CHICKEN BASKET Show Starts 2 P. M. 11:4F < S) Ol'IDINC LIGHT PLANTLAND HAS C A P E R E D F'ROM ALL POINTS OK THE OLOBK, DE(“ORATIOXS. 1:M I SI HOLLYWOOD BFHT wo()l hningl Water-repellent For a real treat, stop in real soon for the most delirious Doors Open 1:30 . (IS) XKWK W. H. ENGLAND ■r" TO HELP MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS BRIGHTER A^fD MORE CtHEERfTL. IMt AT HOMK WITH KITTV cotton sateen! Sizes 0 to IN. 4 f 5 ValiM portions of fried chicken you ever tasted! I ISS> G l K.ST i'ORa'KR 1:1* IIS) STAND I'P AND RK FrosMy CHt^ovorgroon boughs from Main*. rol'NTF.D .• LUMBER GO. V 1:11 (M) l'.NDKR.HTANDI.NG HF.HAN Across from O rm Hebuol Alto Sondwichot, Dossort cmd Bovorogos HKHAVIOR Boxwood iFrom Maryland—Conos from Moinp, Now Jersoy, AlolMmo 1:S* (lav AS THK WORLD TI'R.NS BOYS’ STURDY ‘ (N> o n f :.t h i r t v f l a v r u i 's k Opon AH Day Sotnrday Your Hostotsos liS I a r t h f r GODF-RKV Angol Chimos from Swodon Gloss emtd tins#! omomonts from Gormony t:SS (W-Mi O l'R MIS.S BROGKR AMELIA USS • LENAKIES tlrr" Joka . Eric- Made f(x rugged wearl tcalnr) •on, Vrrn Milra Uft-M) ROR CROMRY (3J-SSI HI0 8TORV Thickset ccaduroysl Rayon ro lo r (U l D RA M , 1S:«!S i.J-JUO RAY^ANTHONV SHOW .r~-- fancietl Rayoo-nylon^dacron For You Fans (IW4I THK LINKI’P - gahardinetl UoUywodd UM SI CAVALCAOP. OP , Do^Lt-Yourself Nichols SPORTS—HOXINU SLlBP5TW O^ model! Bhws, greys,, browns. There is a feeiing of sati.sfaetion in creatingt^our ow'iY wreaths and centerpieres. TIRE (•aap,r O rlran v«. Tnay. Hr- Monehestar ■ Inc. , Mnrrii. li rd. .Wrllrrwriskl. Sizes 8 to. 18. For you we offer all Ihe “makin’s”-—^^wreath fornis, spool wire, wreath wrap, IS:M t I) CELEBRITY PLAY BOISE li (lIMUl PERSON TO PERSON Cawplata aliarellaa* Isd sdsd rones, bundles of-evergreen boughs, holly berries, colored foliage, satin or plastic. It!44 (t-l KAMOI'S F'lORTS "v; ' ELKS' GOODYEAR (Ml SPORTS CAMERA ribbon, red, green and silver ruscus,. .silver crinklebush, twp-tone curvata hush'; ll:M ( SI NEWS REPORTER (iK-M) v : w s various sizes of colored bails and dozens of other items you 'can incorporate in your ^ »su«» TIRES (it» FLN^L EDITION ' (44) F:ABLy LATE SHOW MIUUM ZIP.LINED masterpiece. Store and Plant 395 Broad 8t, (.VO MONTAOK dloM sM t IBalL 11:1* ( s-tj-M i iv f;a t h k r TEL. Ml 3-5179 (Ul MFSIC AND WEATHER TRENCH COATS 11:14 ( SI F'RANK LEAHY SROW 4-f ' Ye* iR *r (SEMI-FORMAL) . (U) MILLION INILLAR MOVIF Remember Your Feathered Friends (ISI VOLR NAVY MnUt Zip-out qqiltod lined Water-repellent 1:U ( S) C-ARTOONS CARNIVAL (Ml LF:S PAI L S MARY FOR. tU l VALIANT LADY I1:t» USi HTRANOE EXPERIENCE rayon-and-Oacron gabardinel Milium WILD BIRD FOOD SUNFLOWER SEED STATE ARMORY, MANCHESTER 4:M (IS) RRIUHTNR DAY tills < I) WORLD'S BEST MOVIES ' « Si RANDHTANII . C!5-M» TONIGHT lined, iattflined tIec\’M. Tan, grey. (U-M l UFEKN F-OR A DAY l^iM (U) NEWS-PREVrFM Size* 6 to' 18. 5 •'••ooooooooo 45c SIb s. . (U l OFT WFIST SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24 4:14 (U l SECRET STOR.M l:M ( «l NKWir THE SOFA OPENS TO A COMFORTABLE BED! 4:M lU I F:iMiR OP NIGHT fNow-w ri cpmplete TEN PIECE Ensemble .,. . Keith priced to ifive'i'ou exceptional value oppor­ 10 IbS^ 0 na •• •• • * 1.25 7 . . 10 Hk . . • * • o' • • 4i44 COMEDY TIMF: • PLUS • * RIO NEWS OPEN AN ACCOUNT! I . ■ '4.40V!BiM> COWIOV TRA0IN6 CARDS S;fS > SI STAGE S or cotton shem 4U> S O'CLOCK TREATER te n itY ley ssd Oirf . IK) WEATRER Bhiof * p eyt, brooms.''" .. (Ml EA RLl SHOW H1RROR840F AU. TYFES Limited supply of Urketa . (U l COWBOY COBJUL \ nvallable to the puUlr. (MO TWILIOHT THEATER J. A. Whita Ghm Co. Keith'i Is Ready ForChnslmas! S:M (Ul STORIF» OF THR CER- 81 BiaaeU 8t.—MI t- im OH , Tl'RY Now—All Keith’s Is A Gift Shop . . Ready For Chrlatmaa Low ovtrhead I \X $5 For CoupH Vflth 8 ugge(».tions Galore On lawttng tUfta For Everione THE On Your List: , vu iin s For Hekets rail Town ri Exclusive TRIPLE REFINED loWprite9f. / I ; "5;J Clerk. EtMard ; Tomkiel. Joi* our wseUy ' ' K eiiit Furnitttrf* • 1 MI ' 0-5381-—or . Everett Moore, MI S-llTl-t ChMrM'i Ssfsty C|vb 8TDRE HOITRSt Keith's, Mancheoter, Open Dally laclndlng Mon. , Junction ToUand Turnpike .X iu i Wilbur Cross .Parkway .ATLANTIC HEATING O! day Until 5:80 P..M., Open Thnniday and Friday Night* Until 0. 1115 MAIN ST. Keith’s, Eaqt Hartford, Open Dally 'Until 0, Clone Saturdaya A t <1 317 MAIN ST. MANCHE^TEIL CONN . PHONE ^tchell 9-2308 This W'fek's Safety'Kubjertt O P E N K s ELECTRICAL SAFETY • 1.. T. WOOD CO. ■ Co-Sponsored by ' ! : FREE PARKING AT BOTH STORES! , MANCHESTER EAST HARTFORD Manchester Shopping Fnrhiidn Teiephone Mltcheil 3-1 129 (Rtilit 5 a ii |l> BEKLIN At Gm Ib h V-’ . . f i ,Lsr, '1^, cK-r; '.- ^ -Vv : ,P- ■ I ■ / ■) V.... ^ ' TI rmwlffil I ■I V . ’/ 4 . • • .'V..-- ■/ k- '...• ■■ . > * / .■ '■“•i''/'-- i r. .'t- <^. ^ " '1^-. - - ~7\\' ■’ ’ ' /'^■>^' ' ' • . v-W ■ •


State mastse of the K atghtaofl^' joint social and buffet lunch-fol­ A n d i i ^ r er of the Scissorettss 4^H Club. She who fled her'second floor apart­ a month. The project haa bean un­ lu'mbus fourth degt^-^will. be lowing the Ceremonies.' ■ ' will be asalUed by Miss Bsrleen ment In (tight'clothes, waa treated W estbound L^n^' derway since June 14, and N orm speaker this eveniTig. at' the 8 The post has voted S5 to" the Jillson. , « ^ for ahock t e t was not hPepi^eUaed. Daniel Hint^^hiv^rs said hla firm Is well^.^head of o'clock meeting of St. Judge Coun­ local Girl Scout fund drive; 15 tb Scouts W in Prize Recently elected officers of the Fireman Haiilao'n FoUrnler 'was MIRRORS O p e n ' t o i P r a f f i c schedule. d' Masters cil. K/t>P. X5^ in St. Maryh Church the Rocky ’t-hvrv.Fund, 42 to group are Rebecca Bidwell; presi-. hospItaUzed for tysatment of ------... .. ,, .. .y ■ . ^ HaHV"^ ' m sgazinM 'for the VA Home and In Sw intm ing M eet dent; Barbapi Munaoh, vice-presi­ smoke inhalation and exposure The flow of westbound traffic on Refugee Plan' Meeting Frank GagliardI, WilUmantic, Ho.spital in N.ewlrigtbh,: J2 for can­ dent; Beverly Thpnpson. secre­ Damage to the building, housing AUtO GLASS To Dick G (jP Senator P ’o TqkePfirt lecturer, will conduct the ooiincil's teen books. •< two apartments on<«the second, Center 8t. from Adams 8t. to W. .Andover. Nov. 23 (Special)-; tary; Judith Hutchinson, treasurer; , •Wallingford, Nov. 23 (45—The first social meeting since b ein gw - It has also.'been voted to doiwkte' khd Linda Jillson, reporter. floor and two stores on the first, FURNITURE TOFS Middle Tpke., will resume tomor­ In a swlm. 'meet held recently in By W H ITN E Y SAW YER '^ship anib Sewit’ Thg;grroup meets at Mrs. FTank- was estimated at about $25,000. row, an official of the Alexander In Ceremony Pack in Mahsfleld. The group will Man'chesler for all Explorer Troops Dallas, Nov. 23 (A»)—Dsmocrstlc " “""flttees..." « fresliment* will be served with Ar- bf the Manchester Distrirt’ the land's home on Long Hill Rd. Mon­ Hungarian Evangelical Reform hold, a Blue• Crutch . Day in con­ Jarvis Co. announced today. mand MacDonald In general Andover Post won first place for day afternoons and Is .currently IShiisrSisll D sen-'U lan Tab EBsl6setei| p . E i « t Church here, says he will meet 9V«ntry, 3{lov, 23 (S p e c ia l)" charge. '' - - . •, ■ junction, jviUi-the local March of According to Robert Noren, the the second consecutive year. Working on handicrafts. wjth Governor Ribicoff soon to dis­ Dirties, drive in January, Oqv, Allan Shlvsi-s yesUrday of R^p. Martin Dies. (D-Tex) Con- reconatruction job has now halted local men,* alL paet maateis of 4-H Club Eleotii' ■ ^ A. business meeting will be held Inlay I Prov* cuss a proposal for a Slate Hun­ N iw Post members include Arlo The lo<-al .team took four first pravcntlng Immediate election of \ greasman-at-large. wrote Daniel for the winter but, with the expec»- i^el Lodge, A K and AM. will be Lee Beth-Karasinshi waa cletWd once a month. garian . refugee commiasion. The Shaw. Bernard Chappell Sr.. Kurt and two secoijd: places in the six Danlcl'a Senate aucceasor and i y®»terday and urged a primary tibn of widening the bridge over a IS-man degree tenni to- pre.sident. of .the Merry Wceders J. A. WHITE GLASS CG. Rev; Mr. Bertez said the commis- Benson and Dorothy M. Johnson. events to cqp the honors. early next year to select a Dem­ the HorkammI, the project ia vir­ 4-H Garden-Club this w eek at a 3fanrhester Evening Herald .An­ DYNAMIC hinted Shiveri vranta to appoint alon should consist of representa­ r during ceremonies when The organization has reached la.st The eyebu 'which' enabled the bPEN DAILY > A.M. to S PJff. ocratic. candidate and prevent "or­ tually complete. meeting at the home of the group’s dover correspondent, Mrs. PanI D. a Republican. tives from labor, industry, the year’s membership quota of 124. local tearh 'ito retain ths; trophy INCLUDING SATURDAY ganized mlnorltiea" from winning Noren said, the SUte will notify ' -fl Bier HeMn degrees will be con- new leader.' M ^'K en n eth 8. Lyon. PfansMehl, telephone P I I g r i nf clergy.-soclal and welfare agencies with a present membership of 124. were sSored as follows: 40 yard INSURANCE Shlveri, a Democrat, aupported the seat. :---- —■ litu^ Masonic Hall. Mer- 2-6856. the local conatru.otl'on firm when and the State Housing Depart­ Others elected were Mary Jane This puts the po.st in line for na­ ;free.style. won by Gordon Mann In Im im Battor ProfocHoa BISSELL ST. Ml 9-7322 Republican Dwight p . Elaenhower He said Article 1201 of the elec­ they may re^nw In. the apring. , X . .-T •' ^ Toothaker, vice president; Judith ^J.'9 seconds; 100 yard freestyle," fbr Preaident In 1952 and thia ment. lyrton K. W right win serve as tional citation for achieving it» tion rode permitted a 100-day wait Jarvis expectk to have the steel re­ Fardal, scci-etary; Betty I^o^teon- quota. , • won' by Robert Welch, 1 minute year. for the election, - which he aald quired to reconstruct the bridge by a worshipful n^let. Others ai'd. treasurer; Margaret EOckson. Blaze ^Shocks’ Woman LEE M. SILVERSTEIN A number of members W'H travej 5.5 SMonds;-40, yard breast stroka Daniel resigned effective Jan. 15 would be time for a primary. He that titne. , iiig on the team will ije Eugene librarian; peborah -McKualck, ■ re­ Melvin Desllets, second place. 30.1 Advertise in The Herald—fit Pays or aa soon aa a aucceasor w aa • Latimer. Waiter 8. Haven. Bv- to V'ermont Dec. 8 to ptck-.up New London. Nov. 23 (>P)--A also urged Daniel to recommend .Minor work yet to be completed seconds;- 40 yard breast stroke won elected. Shivera aald the realgna- overhaul of the election code to I W. Hall and G to r f^ J. woman suffered shock and a vol­ tion was not effective until Jan.-15, Includes "loamlng" o f the center is­ leader. Rp-sseU Seqra ^ d ^XJary the home. Anyimo wishing by David 'Vale, 22.9 seconds; 160 permit the state to' defray primary ithews. unteer fireman was overcome by the day Daniel ia inaugurated. He lands and erection, of fences. DON'T Zurmuhlen. telephone committee. to place o^ers maV contact Mrs. yard relay won by Andover Post. 1 l^cxpsnaet. Previously. Elempcr'atic I still plenty of wear left In I ’ ith-eceding ceremonies. Past Mas- smoke last night when fire swept called on tKe junior Senator to' Traffic esst on the new road, On Dec. "A the officers will meet Lonis SteullCtyo'r Harold Newr minute 33.5 seconds, with Billy leaders said they coiuld npt 'afford J shoes when brought here for | tw*’ Night will be observed with a downtown business-apartment submit an unqualified reslgnetion. which waa completely reconstruct­ to 'tpakc plana for the year. On comb. The trees will go on sale Skoog, Bernard Charter. Gordon building. Mrs. Antoinette Reters, a primary. * ed, hss been permitted for about [expert repairing. ^iBaiied ham supper at -Dec. 13 a regular meeting will he as soon aj-ffic group returns with Mann and Roliert Welch partic­ Daniel refused, saying that iSgO under sponsorship o f the held with a tour .of the woods to ipating. would allow Shivera to appoint the Dies la a candid^t^^ for Daniel'a WORK DONE WHILE - the slock. post. The Republk'ana are running M ^ ’s Nathan HAle Sqitare Club. collect mdsji and other plants Additional points were, scored in aucceaior. He quoted several prec­ YOU W A IT one candidate. A'gainat a wide-open ■016 ceremony ,1a slated to begin at suitable for making inside winter the underwater swim, with Melvin edents and itatutea he said al­ .Manchester E v o n I n g Herald field of Dcifiocrata. A majority Is 7c<0 p.m. gardens. ‘ Coventry correspondent, M rs. Desllets taking second place for a PRESCRIPTIONS lowed a provisional resignation. (SENESAL Promised to Quit In Time not needled In such an election. SAM YULYES "5lT>e annual meeting of the lodge I^rgion to Ipitinte X-; fliarles I,. Little, telephone P il­ distance of 48 ysrds. •‘FREE PICK-UP Democratic party in Texas SHOE REPAIRINO lleacheduled for Dee, a w hiSi. The local Amcrl(anT,.fgion po.st grim 3-fl’J8l. The trophy will again be, on dis­ AND DKLIVEBV" Daniel promised during hit cam­ TV SERVICE split In 1952 when 8hlvSrs;- sided OF THE BETTER KIND ttj$e officers for 1957 will be elect- will initiate neiv members tomor­ play at Bumap-Sklnner Memorial paign he would lealgn In time for M M A Call by Daniel and others, led the Days 18 Maple St.— Acroee Froqa row at 8 p.m. in the. home on On the tablet l^’nich the Statue Library. PINE PHARMACY hla aucceitor to be elected ant^ Nighu « * e 9 9 Plus Parte ,t r K of C Meeting Set pledged there would be no appoint­ state Into the Republican ramp be­ Firet National Parking Lot. W all St. The Ainvillary W ill con­ of Liberty carries in its right hand 4-H Club Elects 664 CENTER ST.—MI 9-98U 82 Feter McDonough,- Danbury, duct a similar cerenion.v w ith ''R is insci-ibed: "July 4, 1776." Mrs. Stanley'Frankland is-lead­ ment. ^ ^ . hind Eisenhower. This year, Daniel TEL. MI S-M ^4ipe;i/ ^peciiiu He offered hit realgnajidh after endorsed the Democratic tfckeL he won the Democratic-homination but the state went for Eisenhower In the second prlmsRf'^In August. again. "Had you act^-wlth any reason­ Both times, however. Democrats able diligence;*^ Daniel wrote swept nearly all other races. The Shivers frtmi' Washington yester­ split In party ranks, waa along con- OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9 day, "\v^couId have had an elec­ lervativa vs. liberal lines with the BANK tion either Under the atatutc of liberals clsiming the lo.yallst Dem­ yow'choice (article 12.02) or my ocrat label. Both Shivers and Dan­ pHolce 14.09) before Otngreaa Con­ iel have run aa conservatives. venes on Jan. 8." SATURDAYS m Daniel said under the statute of hla choice a special election could be held within 20 days. Public Records Mo4ToUeyiieA, Ca. Articles 12.02 requires a 60-90 day wait for the election. - Warrantee Deeds ' ■■ ■. ' s f t ■ : . N M s ’ k n ' • M AN', y "The unfriendly tone of your let­ ter of Nov. 12. your failure to ask Ernest R. Wheel to Dorothy A. 9 A. M . to ia NOON an opinion from the attorney gen­ Bayless, property at 88-90 Wood- eral. and your long delay in an­ bridge St. . nouncing the only proposal under Raymond P. Lambeck and Geor­ which you will call an election gia G. Lambeck to Pardon W..Cor­ leaves me no alternative but 'to nell and Ellen S. (Tomell, proper­ conclude that you have deliberate­ ty at 23 Bruce Rd. MAIN STREET STORES ARE ly delayed this request for a Quitclaim Deede in crisp ruffl^(i cotton change In my resignation so as to Margaret McKinney to Roose­ prevent an election by the people velt Mills Realty Corp., property f.- of Texas before Jsn. 3. at E. Middle Tpke. "Your proposal of Nov. 12 (In Vincenzo luliano to John luliano, which Shivera asked an unquali­ Frank luliano and Anthony luli­ fied resignation) amounts to no ano, property on S. Main St. $ more than a request thst I ssslat Doris E. Kanehl and Jane F. you in s plan calculated to delay WTiltcher to Mary C. Tomm, prop- j OPEN an election so you can appoint a erty on Oxford St. i Senator when (jongresa convenes. Certificate of Descent ! BIG, MONEY-SAVING " . . .1 co(iId never b« a party to Estate of Ernest C. Tomm to i any such political arrangement, Doris E. Kanehl end Jane F. ' Lavj$h«d with t row$ of;$l$$y l«e « wiik‘ STEEL and it is inconceivable to me that -Whitcher, property on Oxford |5t. ' you would request that I do so. Certificate of lacorporatlab I "This is especially true at a Rolling Park Homes, Inc., real ths pat«nt«a FisxoUfv* een$truetidn time when the Senate ia so closely estate development, with $50,000 TONIGHT divided that your appointee could (capital stock divided into 2501 that won't pull oiit of your ,tk|rf,, ^Shirts, swing organization of the Senate shares, without par value. Starting to the Republicans and thereby re­ capital, 920.000. Incorporators, UNTIL 9 with th« now not# o f ‘frilly fotnlmnity STUDENT move Texas and southern Dem- Dave Binbinder. Joceph Einbinder ; COMBINATION OFFER ocrata from the majority leader- and Jack Nelson. that faihion dacraa$ rifljii ndwr Choo$a. from many,$tylo$, jiH with tho' look-of DESK pura axtmvagahea^SixoE-IZsta 3fs ■ *

'T - .1 , 4f 1^ STUDENTS OFFICE S H O P A R E A

• For home, offices and shops. \ ' ' Time Hit» • Made of 20 gange steel, 36” long by; 16” deep by30” high. • I^ng wearing plastic tipped legs. 99 • Detachable cabinet section 12” long by 18” deep by(12” wide. • BeantifuUjr Bnishgd in grigr^ tan' or green, y . ”V ‘ '.''i Sturdier Smarter

•New..,,-... ' Mj^rble :v •• . . 'J r ■ L -rf - •' C Q H rix n ir Atxw z« om fm— You Buy A Famous Enjoy This Grerrt rowKH TO rs K s o s A u m '3 / DROP LEAF TABLE The long, low line Glenn Miller Limited Magnificent marbleized top is chip, fiide, stain and scratch resistant. Newly designed legs and under­ O n a m /ia in oiit Edition No, 1 on the structure for greater strength—and new locking i Q M device that keeps it closed. It is rugged, handsome RCA VICTOR Fabulous "4 5 ''Most and gives the extra' spsce you’vb needed. Seats w o n 6 to 8 comfortably^ , Classic a u t o m a t ic "45" Trouble-Free Record .10” X 72” Pink, blue, white. Seats 8 to I0r-I14<98 24''«*0" \ Tharo'a o braad-now nom* ia th* Pontiac lia«-up for 'ST . . . ahd it'i worn NYLOTRIQUE Flaying System E v e r . V VIGTROLA PNONOGRAPH . 'bjr A a raar'* t^porform ono* eorl Thia aloak boautjr paeka PontiQc'a n «w at and Hqqaat powar plant-—auccaaaer to tba angina A at aat mora than 50 world racorda LINGERIE ' PROM $29.95 YOUR rggtdniR • and boat aU otbar ’’aiobto’' in milaa par goUonl Thara'a Get the famniui Glenn Miller, limited o aaw auapaaaion ayatam, too, buoyant, doud-aoft Layal-Lina - (•SniSKlRT ^ Manchftster'B * fayorite Appliance Center ’ edition 'No, 1 for just |5. It’s yours at a O ^ R i f K da. In fact, you'll iind a'wbola carload oi nayr iaoturaa fraction of the oriiiinal cost when you hava-;-p olifh *«I .to pariaction in A a touqhaat taOt on raoord, buy this “ dS” “ Victrola.^ The fabuloun system lets you enjoy almost two . tht 100,000-inUa Marathon Taat RunI Coma in and try^a ' Lovely! Lovely! Every fenime willappradat*tba -hoLirs of music with one loading;. . . It’s * mils or two ia A a Supar Chial. . . tweed). Dp it now^—there ^iC t.be any dium. or large. Buy t h m ‘for afi yoor fdimwa 4 4 5 HARTFORD ROAD, Near McKEE EVERY NlaiiT IS FAMILY STORES more of these at this price. friend ‘ "r: OPEN D A IL Y , 9 to 9 SHOFFHie NItE AT NORMAIfS ^ McGLURE PONTUCy Inc. FREE PARKING 373 MAIN StRin MANCHIST^ 85AMAINST. ^ TEU Ml 3-70SB

I '■ '■ V . p i ./I A (-■ >< - t - -r-y- - i:.. ■A: •7- ■

t-'?r^.'''S^‘ ■:

A'": ^ A G E S n ItANCEfi^BR EVENING HER A1J>, UANCHESTi^ CONN, fR ID AY. NOVEMBER ^^^2^ \ I I ^ C ^ i ^ - R V f i N I N G HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONNe. PRlDAY. NOVEMBER 28, 1988 . fA G tElY Sir ...... ■.'* V5ISI' rill III'■■!■■■■ 'JA.mi(*( 'Hal Boyle' about half were 6 i .-college age, .' , . . • • • y BturmeseBify only 6.4 per cent were over . 30. DORSEY FURKITURE ^ Two-thirds of the fans reported F lie n d sh ip tHiy. spent from 5 to 20 hours a SJeywatch Schedule -1’ Dixieland Battling week'listening to Jazz music, al* OfTRed Chinese though ohe.lady reported "I try, for St least lil-hours a week,” arid Stritirday. Nov. 24 ' another young lady , said . she de­ Midnight - 2 a.m...... Yblantecm Needed ': .{■■■ By MURRAY m O M ^f Rock ‘n’ Roll voted 84 hours a weeR' to Jazz And 2 ajn . - 4 a .m ...... Velnnteera Needed •''^= Kamhkani. Burma-Chlna F^&&- 30 to Classical myslc. , 4 a.m. - 6 a.m...... ^ y ,'- . JVpluatcera Needrd " k •^„tler, Nov. 2.1 t/P-rBun>ia appears f 6 a.m. - 8 a.m...... Volunteprs Needed to have paid another installment i Nearly half said they speqt y '.' New York (dP)'—Right at the Leonard Feather, has just corn- from 52 to J5 a week on Jazz rec-' 8 a.m. 10 a.m. ..,...... Volunteer* Needed on Its 'purchase, o f -Commuriist j peak of the Rock 'n Roll madness, EoJ.vclopedia Yearbook Ifi^.m . - Noon ...... Joseph Ma'rcln, Joseph Victor Mar- China's friendship. - ords. but one fan said his weekly . , . . , »* of Jazz." which is a fine pr6se putlay was $2S to $30. cin ' ■ , By ydthdiawiny their Inypdin^ an older and less barbarous form pudding fuU of rich plums for fana Noon - 2 p^m; ...... 'James Galanek . troops from one part of Burma. , of music l8 enjoying a new renown, who like to argue the merits of TTie itiost cheering note in the 2 p.m. 4 p.rn, ...... Tom Hickey the Communists arc getting, per­ They used to call It Jazz- and Count Basie verstis Duke Ellington, whole poll to purist Feather, who 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. .>...... Tom Hickey , manent possession of another,,far they «tlU do. Personally, like many otjier rates Elvis Presley’s contribution 6 p.m. - 8 p.m; ...... Lucy Burke, Roger Winter more strategic sector. -re -tone-deaf mu.sicaL jUitefates. 1 to modern music aa roughly equal -...... Volunteers Needed The Burmese concession gives RnU wLI h thought that Rock 'h' RollmusiC 10 p.m. - M idnight...... Volunteer* Needed R .S ,S .G > the Chinese s road, into rebellious strAins Oi Rock it Roll uraawas na form of Jazz - m to the advancement of modern Skywatch post located on tiip ,of Manchester Police Station. Tibet which.is relatively jcc-free doom Jazz to the musical grave- tai-ded ztepchlld. ‘^*- surgery, was this: 78.6 per cent Volunteers may'register at Civil-Difepse Headquarters, Municipal the year round, and two . .routes f S S A H T 4 ^ BBS yard, they low-rated the vitality of the Jazz fans expre.sscd a Building. Manchester on Monday. Wednesday, of Friday from 1 to 5 While admitting there is a aimed directly at Asaant, India's ■t.,- of- methe utxieianaDixieland school of horn-;^hor: t-ncc la « violent dislike for Rock 'n' Roll. p.m. ■ . northernmost province^ la return, looters and their robust disciple.s. fringe area wlwre it is hard to "Beyond any doubt.” he said, the Communists agreed to with.! By the sacred trumpet of the between .the two. “the. Rhythm-and-Blues (or Rock ..draw from the Wa States which j legendary Bix Beiderbecke i''He ®“V’®'‘ P/efers to point out that .sent- to aophomores, . juniors, and ’n’ Roll) fan and the Jazz fan are College Fail* Set seniora In both public 'Sad private TONIGHT and SAT. tin 9 p.m. they ipvaded in' 1953. U s u a l ., •^WE WILL BE HERE WITH TOYS just put that horn to his lips, man,' ^ J " * * cloae^- to classical two different species, scarcely ever' '' Negvoas Xentralism and blew hlmaelf straight up to ] _ overlapping." schools throughout the Sl&te. Stu­ X Chis, in the strange context of AFTER CHRISTMAS TO INSURE YOUR heaven”), Jazz is entering a new I "Rock 'n Roll bears the same As one staid collegiate Jazz By Catholic Club dents w i' have the chance to cion^ Surtna's nervous neutralism, is golden age. ' j relationship to Jazz that wrestling acholar put it: . ’ suit «ith representatives of aboiiT what ''^Us foreign .office calls / GINNY A Just 30 years ago Jazz was re- ! boxing.” he said, "I wouldn't be caught dead at a The third annual College Fair, 3C Catholic colleges (snd schools of . China's ^ fa lr arid reasonable pro- COMPLETE SATISFACTION!... nursing. They will al.so be alxc lo garded aa the juvenile xlelinqucnt 1 "Rock 'n' Roll not only is very Rock 'n' .Roll concert unless I was- sponsored by the Catholic Grad­ possds." BATHINETTE of the musical world. Today it l.s : rarely Jazz; it . is very rarely doing research for a paper or mass speak informally with members The area I^Sd China won, appar­ ($1.00 value) wirti the darling of the intellectual.s; it PJ|»piA*rl|y 1* * hysteria.” uates Club of Gr -ter Hartford of the Catholic Graduates Club ently in negotiit^ona with former passing' fad about which the Anybody for Mozart? Or in conjunction witli the 'Catholic who will be presen’, to answer is accepted aa an-art form; it is Youth Organization, will be held Prime Minister U, Nu recently, purehwjw^m^^ott taught in colleges. ______parents of America n.eed hardly Stephen Foster? ■ ______questions about their various pro­ eovers three In. nnrth. c oncern themselves*."------f : —Doc. 9 from 3 to 5 p.m. at St. fessions. am Kachin State. A Jazz band led by Dizzy Gllles- Feathers secs as one of the few Joseph Communit> Hall, 140 Parents and guidance counsel­ pie even went abroad, with the SCHOLARLY CREW ’ There seems to be sorrie'mystery ^Lt:MRRIAGE justifications of the fad the hope Farmington Ave., Hartford. ors have also been invited to at­ blessing of the U.S. State Depart­ that “from its less frenetic sup­ San Diego, Calif. (Ah- Crewmen The purpose of .tlie fair is to tend. Refre.shments will be served. aa to what will happen to the ment, to toot for the American on the' U.S. Isherwood 21,000 people living in this region porters an occasional Jazz fan afford high school students the Special wa.v of life.. ■ may grow.” claim the title of most scholarly opporttmity to obtain Information THICK BOTTO.M Md' another tract near Bhamo,. Jazz is doing well, too. in the among sailors serving on Pacific Most -of- them are Kachins who Rock 'n' R o ll. seenas to have a about cour.ses, facilities, and sc-bol- Norfolk, Va. (Ah —The truck was “Best value in town,” say our cus- realm of the big doltar./Its practi­ firm ^ ip on millions of high Fleet . srshlpa offered ■ by participatinj; empty but the thicknesj of the bed have had their family roots in Peg and Chalk Board tioners are in top’ demand.. Old these areas for decades. tomers! Body 25Vj” long, pusher school students. Who, then, are Fifty-one per cent of the enlist­ colleges, each of which will have interested R. A. Hart, Special in­ Jazz records are high-priced 'col­ America’s Ja u fans? Surprising­ ed men on the Isixerwood and 50 an exhibit where complete Infor- Army ofRcers near here echo Complete with pegs, hammer, state, chalk and eraser.' height 3 1 ' 2 ", full padded rail, vestigator for the Alcohol Tax the ..questions being asked in 20 X 18 X 25. lectors’ Items, and some 85 com­ ly, only, a few,, are oldtimers per cent of the officers were en­ nation will be available. In addi­ Division, Investigation showed a sturdy gear and wheels. panies turn out a total of more nostalgic for the roaring 20's and rolled in education courses during tion. slides will be shown depicting ’ Rangoon by some skeptical gov- t - ' . hatch which lifted- out. Inside amment olltcers and foreign dip­ than 1.000 new platters each year. the threadbare 30's. . the destroyer’s sixrmonth cruise in life on the various campuses. were 24(T gallons of moonshine, I A leading hlstoriar_^f the field. lomats.. the most important of 14.95 Value A poll by Feather showed that the Far East. Invitations to attend have been whiskey in fm it jars. Which is: How-long jvill the Com­ e CONTEMPORARY munists rema&i aatiafled? Reg, 4,98 CLOSE SATURDAYS AT S P.M. — The settlenwtit. merely legaUies a sttuatibh %vihch Burma could do nothing about la tha first place. I Now An estimated 4;.S00 Chinese Com­ How .... munist troops moved. Into both the I iu4ueuev

NEEP A GARAGE, Now HMfOMfeH C O H A G E or Junior boys’ sport verll-' UTILITY RUILDING7 Broadcloth or flannel ps- Plsid shirts, broadcloth cal stripes L-y League jama.s $2.95. Sizes 4 to on flannel, 7$2.28 to $2.M. shirts. Priced st $2.25 Spg Thp NurSide JERRY INAHONEY 20. and more. Ivy stripes. Complete his Buildings PUPPET SLEEPY DOG ^ X Washable foam rubber filled, tie wsrdrobe. 50c to $1.00 " ^ r .. 12"^ long. . Colors: WTiite, De luxe style, turns his head, moves his brown, tan.' mouth( 32” tall, complete with instruc-v 20x50^-5 car garage tions—sO you can be a ventriloqoist! . tacL fi overhead dtiiora, 9 I6OS.

Reg. 14.95

' 20x20 Cottage. IncL 2 doora Save 40% BR0NG-SPRIN6 HORSE Also wenhobk Beor, 47'* toH. brown or tam, 2.98 and fi wtndowa, $1024 30” high.v32” long, 1 TVi ” w i^ . WUI hold I fiMlfdlM«MMMmMUK6g« an adiilt’s weight! We giimrantee 'its. s'tudiness! i ■ . >’ •' ... 6pc BED-ROOM GROUP 14.95 Value BABY GRAND Washable robes; 8., M., r ■' Special Purchase T L.',, XL. (6-8), (10-12), 201^40 UtfUtp Building Group includes Mr. and Mrs. dresser, A S P R IN G Y Smart belts. Cloth, elas-ties. SAe and $1.00. Tie Bar snd . IJ iik Set IncL 8x7 w erhrad door, 1 Now PIANO (U-Io’).' (18-20). Priced. landscape mirror, deep 'drawer chest, access door, C windows. 81561 D O LL C H A IR tic or leather, $1.00. . Bocks, 86c to 76c. $4.65 and- more': $2.00 plus 10% fed. tax. bookcase bed, spring and guarantaed,j-^ Xu-SIdo Buildings Are: A delight for any little glrL I a EASY TO ERECT mattress. , - , * 1 7 9 22 X 19 X 13, 25 black and ■ ■ ■ . - r ■' a ATTRACTIVE • Springy Action * STURDY CONSTRUCTION white keys, maple wood finish. COMPLETE a FIRE RESISTANT • Brilliant White V ■ ■ ■ . a LOW PRICED EnamelMl Frame " ' . Send For More Information. E)(TRA SPECIAL Aa-Low As $ 1 .9 0 • Remeyable White Reg, 15,95, Now Many other out$tanding gifts in our department to plea$* doth Seel Cever gentlemen,:' I- 1 b u y ^ o w the boy or student on your Christmas list.' Wa artio are of- REG. . 'Without obligation , S129.95 I □ Send me garage | ^ ficial outfitters for Cub Scouts; Bay S^uts^and Explorers. RECLINING CHAIR information. B8 I □ Send information on . I Mkhy scouting stocking gifts at reasonable prices. ' > * ■ homes.. ' Only I n Send information oh | OPEN t^ lLY 0 A. M. to 9 P. M. ^ utility huilduigs. I. LAY-AWAY I □ Have repreaeaUUve caU. | Nariia | PLAN EASY CREDIT TERMS - LAYAWAY PLAN Street . I City •'*■••••*. I aPhoQA'^.,• I f WE GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS W JB G I V E 6 R f E B s TAMRS Sm artly * s ty l^ shirts,' Boys' ond Students' Shop ' * DIGINEERINip CO . ■ji. 108S-1089 MAINSTr-Mr3-5856 bUmi ,6. to 12. $2.65. SoUd Ml E. MIDDLE TPKE. '*■ . .>“r ' r M A N C flE S T ^ CONN. oolpi$, stripes, or white. I HEADQUARTERS ^ R A U SCciuTS 71Y . CENTER ST.. ANDREWS BLDG. M I 9 - 7 n * -niO.NE Ml S-1425 fl • • M y i , : - n m PARKING IN RiAR w Vi , \ i h \ .. ( .1 -.f. ,1 - • f. .'T- .V, ■■•X:' i. \ ■('■: !■ A' -vX ’X ■ \. X f PAGE EIGHT WANeHESTER EVENING HERllLD, MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1956 MANCHEOTER EVENING HERAl^VM AN(!^^TER.;GONN„ FRIpAY,. NOVEMBER 28, 1956 PAGE X ‘ t ' ular pun tatandad. holding tha line thought of Its. inherent dangers or Hebron and Mrs-. Lloyd .8., Gray and (Chil­ and from the Executive, Fliutoce,. HlattriiratRr Yule Bazaar Set with any regard for the taxpayer* WOM>r)SSi dren, who wll) . motor here froth Miaaionary., Building . and Flower Lodge Will M ark aemawhat valiantly. ^ v who will be compelled to -pay w no—1080 San Antonio, Texas, arriving on committees and Board of Deacons, lEttattitm H rraiii Not long ago tha Commiaaion At Church Dec. 1 heavily for lU activities. • Radio WHAY-4H0 Repairs Finished the 29th. also church organisations, church E lk s M e m o ria l D a y MAIN STRiRT SfORRS ARR gava tha rallrobd' panniaalon to' . (5) I h e appointment of a Park­ . Thi^ have four children, IJoyd 8. school. Ladies’ Society, Junior' and W(bOO-lSM DayUght Tim* ■ioifflyi^N ^Q qS^ me. cut down tha numbar of train* on ing Authority lias been proposed .WfoP—1410 Jr., Gloria Amy and last but not Senior Pilgrim' Fellowships. II B w e wrMl Chriatmaa decorations and can­ by a-'certain group of merchants, At Old Town Hall least, them twin daughters. The nominating, committee. Miss ThS‘Wgricheater Lodge of* Elks ona of tha linaa it hag 'baan try* dles will be offered for ssle dur­ by the Purnell Corporation and by Ths loUowug orogzam acheduieazni*.. It will be a Thanksgiving event, E. Anne Clark, Mrs. Charles N. will observe ' Elka Memorial Ds.v ing to abandon compiataly, and ing the annual Christmas Bataar the Mancliester Chamber of Com- ars supplied hv the radio maaaii*- SU,4^~*''''RC-»Ainr»s n Andy-» ' ing part in programs, instead of Goldie Llversnt in the first grade which city he now resides. eulogy. Formal memorial ritual Taar g et an order raatralning the rail; committee heads: , ' ■ WHAY-H^j»eJl WPOP—K. P. Morgan their having to make these through Moetbs aa•••••••••••••••••>•• by the signers of the petition WUlXy-ReWero Revue • clw~~ at the local. Elementary Chimney Fires will be exemplified by the officers road from the** future unauthor- ^ ; Mrs. John Bania, 183 Thomp.son — the . audience rdprn. M MontlM •••••••••••••••«•«•• which was very recently handed WKNB—Bd Swoel Show WHa Y—Kn<*or#* ThfnlPr School. ' Two chimney fires have been Re­ of the Manchester Lodge. Mrnm Rd., handwork; M-.-s. James Barj-y, our town clerk. TIC—Radio Cane , Steps Almost Reail.v Church Meeting f—taw laed cut* in aarvic*. At flrat, the NOW* iiioitai 18 LInnmore Dr., aprons; Mrs. i DRC—Cel Kolby fcvpnuig tJood Music ported lately In the southern part . The general public is Invited to |1# OOP^ aaa aaaa***«« aa«« a»a^ Walter T. Mahoney fr~ ■ ...... Those cement steps to the Con-, The annual meeting .of First Con. of the town. The local fire com­ Naw York Central defied both Romeo Cartier, 66 Deerfield Dr., WPOP—Wexworke gregational Church did get prac­ gregational Church, Hebron will attend these memorial services, Commiaaion and court, but then ‘Pistol with Hair Trigger’ ceramics; Mrs. Russell Lennon. 34 121 Walker St. *:S*— WDRC—Bin* Crosby pany was called out and took but Maurire Gaudet, chairman of W HAV—Betty XimbeJI WPOP—G. Ileatter tically finished bv last Sunday, but be held Nov. 36, in the new church charge. No damage resulted. TBM ABKXxT'SliO thought better of it and announced Beileve, it or not, the hair-trig­ C^oolidge - St., home baked foods; WCCC—Record Revue lit—* were not quite r^ d y for use. ' dining ro<>m, beginning with dinner the committee, has requested that Tha Aaaocutad Fraaa la axcloMTate WKNB- f'.enihip'Drive ner. Mrs. Fred Patten will . be cause th;y found out somebody hosiery. WKNB—Ed Sweet Show moderator of the meeting. ---- Advertise in The Herald— It Pays Full aarrica ellaat el M. cept which' wa hope will alio be mal, with no definite day to day WTIC—Radio ■l.amo WHAY—Polka P arly A memterahip drive la in force else had already thought of it. But Church parishioners or friends trend, Normal mean temperature WORC—Record Shop Kvenlna Good Mualc to incre^e the enrollment from Written reports for the annual re- let. lac. found preiOnt in tha thinking of Schwlne and KiUenger don’t care who de.slre to make donations of WPOP—Wexworke JJ KNB—Evening Serenade port must be given to the pastor at Bradley Field. Windsor Locks, |:#S - ■- ■ . WTIC—Boh Hope Show 43 to a /hoped-for 67. of the local the Connecticut Public Utllltle* because they juat got a Navy con­ articles for any of the above tables for this period is 37. ordinarily WHAY—Record Rodee WDRC-Rohert Q. Ldwla American Legion Post. not later than Sunday. Reports are Commiaaion—the concept that a tract to build' one of those big may contact the chairmen. ’ ranging from a high of.MT to a WCCO—Record Review ^^WPOP—Counter Spy Heru^y Pomprowicz has been ap- .due from pastor, clerk, treasurer, ClRCULATlONa. "Forrestal" .ype Aircraft carriers. WKNB-P.M. auditor, choir director, head uaher. public utility ia, among other Santa Clatis Is expected to be on Iow.()f 27. Recun-ing latAsnow and WTIC—Newe WHAY—Polka. P arty pointod service officer of the poxt. They beat out all of their competi­ hand to greet the Children. snow flurries throughoililt the per- •WCCC—Oood Evtnint Good Huelh Tba Baiald rnatUMi OemiiMy, l i ^ things, aUll a public utility in the WDRC—Newe Reporter WKNB—Muaia------and/Arthur W von Roomer has aaauBiaa ao Hnaaoial laaMeatbau; m tors by offering a bid of only 400 iod in the. Berkshircs/withI KHiiircn-w iLii genet WPOP—Bob en d -^y '■ [oh Hop. BhO' been made publicity officer. Kpofrapbleal ancara appba^g la M- elemental aanaa of thaaa words dollars. Seemc like a ridiculoualy S11,V Inch or,r loss of melted pre- • !»*- ^ xoura Trfily . / 'Express Appreciation 'e&w raadiBC aunai low figure but the boys plan to cut WHAY—Record Ilpdear Counter Spy PAY YO U R TJPEFnrONIGHT f ETaalBA Marald. cipitation andI ilttle/or no prccipi- WCCC—Record R e v ie w /Mr. and Mr*. William H, Porter corners by building the ship out tation east of the Berkshires. WKNB-P.M ■ . III Open Forum — WTIC—1080 Radio Lane WHAY—Polka Party ' and Mrs. Edith Strickland wish to OInlay adaartialag eWMag beam A Difference of plastic and old orange crates. I WDRC—Cal K olbr . WTIC-Fred Warlnx express' their appreciation of all U N T IL 9 Par Coaday—1 p.m. 'fildw. ' ow the idea sounds kind of dopey WPOP—Bob atu|»nar WDRC—RobertWDRC-Roberl 0.1 l..e»ia. the help, friends have given them Par Sweday—1 ptia. Mea^y. In the earliest days of the Hun­ *Hldden Dangers' Crash Claipts T[iird Life WPOP**Myatery Time Fadaaaday—1 but don’t forget, so are Schwine S ts e - „ aisce the dlaaatroiis fire which de- CMS garian revolution, when the battle and Kitsenger. To the Editor. W iIAY-Swhdi,,«^ tiuraday—1 9. iS i.* . Newtown. I^ov. 23 (/Pt—An auto­ WCCC—BecmVltevlewi *’wHAY-Potka' Party atroyed the gen's^ral ' store and Uday—1 j. aa^rtMTa^ay. I am opposed to the appoint­ f WTIC—NaUonal Radio Pan Club PREMIUM V was first principally between the ment of a Parking Authority, be­ mobile accident which occurred W K N B -P.M . WORC*-Rpbert O. Lewla dwelling houae owned by Herbert WTIO-4U8U a die Lana L. Johnson In Amston. They feel OPEN ALL DAY MONDAY el patM3aSna"wapi*fcawlia™ rebels and the Hungarian Comr cause 1 am totally aware of the Tuc.sday has claimed its third life. W DRO-Cei Kolby. . WPOP-llyaterylyatery TimeWn hidden dangers which attend such Nancy Ldhe. 16. of Danbury died WPOP—Boi k’aad h a y particularly Indebted to the Pa- l Y R A N K,^ OPEN BOTH THURSDAY munlst government, there were A Thought for Today WHAY—Nlabt Watch gach family who opened their appointment. The dangers of such Wednesday of injuries received in W llAY-SwJ WTIC-Natfonal Pan Club and: FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P. M. Friday, Novambar 28 many reports of Russlsn troops In Sponsored by the Btanchester the crsZli. Killed Instantly when a WDRC—The World Tonight home for them. Council et Chnrclies. appointment are these; WCOC—Bed WPOP-Modem Soundi Hungary still living in friendship (1) The word "Authority” be­ station wagon lurched off the WKNB—P. tirsys to Reunite h r iofenmtiea skeet geed (ereksl* WTIO—I SilS- Mr., and Mrs. Harold L. Gray are with the people, and even help­ stows legal power, the power to Danbury-Ncwton Rd. were Mrs. WDRC—Becei___ ^ ■ • WHAY—Night W atch otedical cere, gii*ii* *r write: Inside Eden •Come, Ye Thankful People Come' command and to act. Any individ­ Patricia Burn.* Balzarini. 22. a WPOP—SNather.and. New*. ,,'S' WTIC-fV#d Waring looking forward to a viait from CONNICTICUT MIDICAl 9IRVICI ing the rebels. WDRC-i-The. World Tonlghl their son and dSughter-ln-law, Capt, Back in September, the London And in the latest phases of the Come, ye thankful people, come ual or any jrroup- of individuals mother of a young rhild, and Char­ WHAY-tNaws ’ , _ _|W ^P—Modern Swnds .r, 9.O. SOX 101 • NIW HAVIN I Raise the song of harvest-home: who enjoy this distinction would lene Claaendorf, 17, both of Dan­ wtrcc-OH'Jdvf^ obaervar for the Atlantic Monthly revolution, when Russian troops Alt is safely gathered in. be a power in Itself, perhaps bury. WKNB— ©dMeX^ *'^A Y —Night Watch / WTIC— . >• . .WTIC—D«^f*rs vg AH^'Stars . leported that there had juat oc were definitely aaalgned the task Ere the winter atorma begin; stronger than any other individual WDROrrSfawa: Weather ' WDBC—Rnss Kaughtnn curred a moat miraculou* change of breaking the revolution, there God, our Maker, doth provide or any group of individuals in our WPOPa-rNeWe ' WPOP —Mod<>rn Sound# For our wants to be supplied; Sil*—' V '■■ ■ ■ In Prime htinlsUr Anthony Eden has bssn persistsnt rsporta of local governmental system. WIIA VVjkiom,8potlltlit Conie to God's own temple, come, (2) The proponent* of this so- • Dodgrrs v» All Stars Suddenly.- the obaervar wrote, ha soms Russian ' aoldicrs svsdlng LARGE SCREEN RCA WcqOr«wad Bveplnf Good Slual*4. BAI WpRC—Russ Naufditon Raise the song of harvest-home. called "Authority" apparently are WKIW^Sertnade thsir task, or still giving help and Culor TV $525 and up WTIC—Sporta W PO P-M od^rn /K m d t had lost all hia hesitancy and ir> Ignorant of the fact that the ac­ WDRC—Waattier.and Zainian. WtM- reaolution, and was bubbling with squipmsnt to the rebels, or *even All the world is God's own field, tivities of this "Authority" might BARLOW'S wroF-4«iwr*nd* hTtik WHAY—Khrht Watch .N ■ •:se- confidence, aa if ha ware in a fighting other Russlsn units Fruit unto His praise to yield: not be limited to the use of park­ TELEVISION J ^ I C —DodgAr* vb All 8lan> Wheat and tares together sown. ing meter funds alone, and that WHAY—Dinner Data . . WDRC—Mood* (or Romance SATURDAYS mood ^to take decisions and ac­ come to replace them.. 1089 Tolland Tpk^ Buckland WCCC—Good Kvanlns Good' Mdale ^WPOP—Modern Sounds Unto joy or sorrow grown; they could with no other power to Tel. An S-5095 WKNB—Alan Brown ' ■ !•:!«- tions so bold there would b* no Tha mssa result of Russian force First the blade, and then the ear'. stop them invade or try to invade WTIC—Emil Cota WHAY—Night Watch WDRC—Guv Lomoarde WTIC—Dodgrrs vq All Stars hetreat from them. Some unusual in Hungary—with ths force eu- Then the full corn shall appear: our municipal fund.s. Lord of harvest, grant that we WPOP—Mel Allen WDRC—Moodis for Romance Ma^udte^te^ Ga. personal experience, tha observer preme In everything except vic­ (3) Such invasion of our public WPOP—Modern ^undl Wholesome grain and pure may be. municipal funds if it were suc­ WHAY—Dinner Date It 89i MAS STBifT „ >d . ,..f’ • MAS'jHfS’tW s. GENUINE haaarded, must have oticurred- tory—etill Stands, and It would be WcCC—Good Kvenina Good Muilo WHAY—Niglil Watrh —Henry Alford. cessful will re.sult in even higher WKNB.*-Kvcnina Serenade WTIC—Dodge'r.i v« All Sturji ' Until that time, lidan had foolish to draw any pleturs of WTIC—Three Biai Lxira WDRC—Mood>» for Homence taxes for all of us. There might be WDRC—Lowell Thomaa 9 A. M. to 12 NOON HARRIS TWEED seemed worn and frustrated, and Russian military nr%ht breaking no limit to the demands which WPOP—Mod'*rn Sounds Work Plan for Aged Set WATKINS WPOP—Meet the Artlit It;tM—’ With reason, because almOkt every­ up through ths disaffection or de­ this "authority" might make. WHAY—Nlghl Wstch^ Hartford. Nov. 23 OPi State (4 i The appointment of such an WTIC—Dodgers Vfl All Slsrs body was Judging that ha, the sertion of m sssss of troops. Television Programs WDRC—Moorlii for Rom snee Labor Commissioner Renato Ric- "authority" was proposed by the WPOP—Mfidrrn Sounds s ^ leag apprentice, had become A But there has bssn enough in clutl yesterday announced a pro­ Democratic platform In an effort On Page Two U:i TOP COATS strange kind of failure in the of­ U.e news to indicate that there to solicit votes on election day. It WHAY—Nichl Watch gram intei^ed to help workers WTIC—E^rg*‘rs vs All Stara fice for which he had prepared is; fiw - ths Kremlin to notice, a over 65 gerjobs. cannot be proposed with any WDRC—News AND 100% WOOL TWEEDS himself over a long and distin­ certain difference between the * ■ * WPOP—News **. S h o o r PRIVATE-TWEED ALLIED TV SERVICE 11:15— guished span of public service. Ruaalan Soldlara who licked Hitler WHAY—Night Watch WITH 100% WOOL ZIP-LINING MANCHESTEB WTIC—l a g e r s vs All Stara I Now, as of late November, Prime on RusslAn toll, fighting for their C A House CilU WDRC-Russ Naughton W POP—Mbdf'rh Sounda Minister Eden is pronounced by own and for Russia’s freedom, I Plus rarte 11:35- LARGE SELECTION RE^ULARS-LONGS-SHORTS ^ To Perpetuate WHAV—Night Symphony ' hia doctors in grave heed of rest, and Russian soldiers fighting on Broadloom Carpet ^ . 9 5 BU 9-0080—9 a.m. to 9 p.m. W TIt'-DoirgArji uk All Stara and Is taking that rast far from forsign soil to deny freedom-to^ MpmbFr nt F«rtnry WDRC—Rum Naughton iV^herished Bondpd Rlectroale WPOP—Modern Sounda FREE I England. And, in the meantime, he somebody else. 11:45- Square Yard WHAY—Night Symphony ' bad Indeed taken declaioms and ac­ WTIC—Starlight Serenade CHECK-UP SERVICE '/J tions so bold that there could, for Memory WDRC—Night Owl him. be no retreat from them. Onlj The SneceMce Complain 1 0 0 % WOOL After this Sale • 7*9S— GENERAL - Motorist Killed in Crash ----- ^ ON ALL MODELS OF The intereetlng speculation that . Admiral RJekovar, tb*^ genius —Choose wisely the monument « ■ ______Eden may have, last summer, un­ vriie supsrviaed the building of that will stand forever in T V SERVICE New Haven. Nov. 23 (JP)—Albert dergone acme personal expeiiance tk* first- atomic submarine. Is the silent tribute to your loved Here's caniet not only thr-r-rifty to buy, but Day* M AC "A Call ; F. Moquet. 56, of West Haven wias SUNBEAM SHAVEMASTER or crisis of thinking from which latest genius to level s free- ones. thr-r-rifty in the long years of wear it will give Nights #4*99 Plus Parts { killed late Wednesday afternoon you. It'.s a s luxurious a.s rich Scottish tweeds. yet TEL. m i S-548S j when hia car collided with a deliv- ^ enirnged a new and aomewhat Bwinging attack on the American ery truck. ;;, Factory trained expert in our store oH day is budget-priced because it i.s “tuftwoven” . . . a 1 ^ '® 1 desperate character is not any­ educational eyitem. Like almost We have our own desig^ning ’^Gray and Turqgoisa SATURDAY, NOV. 24, thing that can be pursued with in­ everybody else at the nioment, he service to build a monument new weaving process. formation or authority. We have is consumed with envy of Rus­ JUST FOR YOU at no extra *Baiga Morasqua to sharpen and pH your Shovemoster. cost. We do all cutting in Its soft, curly loops are woven of 309^^ pure wool » to content ourselves, ifow, with the sia’s eduesUonsI system, because our own shop, from tl>e and 7 0 carpet rayon for clear, sparkling colors. White, Gray and Black ^^.^hope that hia present illness is it seems to be.producing more rough stone to the Snishcd Every tuft is permanently locked into the rubber­ He’ll ffive your old Shavemaster a general, all around more g diplomatic illness than a memorial . . . ' AND WE Sandalwood Baiga selentista than ours, and he wants EMPLOY THE MOST ized back for extra years of wear. - tiine-up and will clean, sharpen and oil it for you without p),yslcai dr mmtal strain. us to do sojnething to remedy the SKILLFUL MEN AVAIL­ Gray Morasqua charge. . • ■ If it is a diplomatic illness, there deplorabt* failure of our o ^ ABLE. There’s new floor beauty in the seven Private- Brown and Green la hope in it, for it may msgn that educatioosi system to make better Tweed colorings, plann^ for most decorating Green Moresque he is stepping out of the picture us* of the -young minds which OTHERS MAY TRY TO COPY OUR SKILLFUL schemes. ■ while tha Britiah goyamment takas com* to it. \\^0RK . . . BUT IT IS NEVER DUPLICATED 1% those steps it ought to take but A r siich-criticism of our educa­ •Private-Tweeds are made in 27 inch, 12 and 15 foot wldtha. , which ha himself could not taka tional system by one recognized Immediate delivery from atock on these two 12 foot colors. All others to order. personally without a most abject genius after another has .been -H ' reversal of his own datarmina- fortheming, in recent months; we MANCHESTER- //'a tlona. have had a vague feeling that ^ Erltaln, if there is to be peace, there was something wrong and MEMORIAL COMPANY Low Prices-Easy Terms-on Room Size Rugs must retire from its Egyptian ad­ iUoi^cal about it all, and now we . A. AMIETTI, Proprietor venture without having gained the begin to think w* can Identify the REGULARS-LONG-SHORTS objectives EMen named for - that reasons for this feeling. ^ OPPOSITE EAST CEMETERY STOUTS «nd SHORT^5T0UTS adventure. Tliat is tha first ae- •ni* wrong people are doing the HARRISON STREET—TEL. MI 9-5807 12x9 Ft. Rdgsr $83.40— $8.34 Down-$5.25 Monthly-15 Months to pay ■entlal thing, which must ba fol­ crying. ’ 12x12 Ft. Rugs, $1 I 1.20— $ 11.12 Downe-$7.00 Monthly—15 Months to pay Charcoal, Medium Gray and Light / lowed by other diffieult endeavors, 'What would really impress us, Gray. Sizea for all, 34 to 46, Slip into all Involving repair, at home and w* guess, would be to have some 12x15 Ft. Rugs, $139.00— $13.99 Down-$8.75 Monthly—15 Months to pay one of these fine Buits tonight^, sbroad, of the damage dona by individual com* forward and com­ Eden's strange and sudden bold­ plain that he, poOr filing clerk that 12x18 Ft. Rugs, $ 166.80— $16.68 Down-$ 10.25 MonthlyA:.t5 Months to pay ...... H-*-*:'-'--'* ' ness. These tasks are difficult, but he ia, had thq instinct and desire not impossible, for one thing has and capacity to be a great scien­ been apparent all through the tist, but was frustrated and driven ALTERATIONS EAST HARTFORD TEUCPHONE BU >-BS51 crisis, and that has been that Brit­ off frer that goal hy the Ameri­ w . ' ain itself, and the very leadership can aystem of education to which Going-Coing-Gomg of IMen's own party, were dra h r had to submit. .i^matic^y split over'the policies A* we hear various genius ex­ •If'- ^ FORMAL iSden suddenly adopted. It was perts complain about the Ameri- MARIE Shenres CLOSER Shd W Indeed something - that happened esn educational system, we csihnot W fA R Inside one man, rather than the hrip thinking that either it, the DRESSIER SMOOTHER than Blades will ^ the nation itself, that- took system, produem them, or they FOR HIRE the whole w ^ d so close to death. somehow managed to aurvivs ,it.! ;.' f. . or other Electric proportioned for If the aystem did irldecd any j SOLID AAAPLE the larger woman Delivery yShovors by Actual Test* ^'Holding The Liiw" great gap or weakness or' failure | FertfieMimiiiyeerLIfel ' in it, that may have been its I Now! Ah'entirely new W^en the boys who are fast failure to teach these men of ! When our present stock is gone (and a few pieces Sunbeam SHAVEMASTER with the proKies take over a rail- recognised genius that there can j Yei, fs/ri delivery—of 'with the amazing scientifically road, they look their propoaiUon .98 on order) there’ll be no more of this Old Ipswich be higher values in .a dvilisation, sny item in stock—and no Patterh.vSo, if you need to fill in your present aeh'. piecision honed Gcilden Glide rfeeWeederlleker over very sharply and begin and perhaps even better tech- i t- extra charge. Just call our- head, and a new, faster arma- making all kinds^ changes. What niqiMt -of survival, than might be ! .Emergency Delivery Serv-- or want to take advantage of reductions ransrinjf- lAltOkAes*^WTVBWV w* don't know is whether they ture-typie REAL motor. You gained - through an arbitrary,', ice. Prescription!? yZs, up to'25% off, hurry right down. Oyer 20 different get the closest shave possible arc supplying hard-headed realism high pressure effort to whip- our­ we'll call f§r them-and Paisley print cotton pieces .« . all subject to prior sale. • . • M ddel G He’ll love this handsome DUNELLA inhe. . . the railroads may have been need­ selves out sqm* scientific geniuses. deliver the carefully pre­ with amazing speed and com­ housedress . . designed — Irevelieg mim in perfea'fit. . . generous cut... ifflpcccable tailocfitf. ing for a long time, and thereby .But otherwise, w* would say pared medicines. Write fort! ■ especially for the woman Ikel cenverti isle . Feds tnd looks like s luxurious impotted soft wootad. being a railroad management of down that name andhum-. •Tesfed by Elr^icbl Testing ceavenlesi well - that the complaint . that would who, wears larger sizes. a hart, oy merely giving a tempor- move lu moat, and do most to con­ her—we'll appreciate an Dresser Base 59.95 Labermtoriti^ cradle kelder— Made to wish and wew focever. . . and oisde Open- neck, bujtton 'front, as hr aiv piece of corporate loot a fast opportunity to serve you. moic woodcrful by the unAifpeksed DUNMAR vince us, would be the complaint and aide pockets. Avail­ Mirror 15.95 trim after which they will move of aomeboiily who had failed to- able In blue or yellow. In OHH tailoeinf. The perfea all-season dsuai robe. « to other fielda Lllf RAL TRADE-IN attain his goal because the Ameri­ short and tall Isngths. FRIDAYS Cbeke of authimtie Tanan.plaids, Each tobe Ins At any rate^ the proxyJsoys who MM « 9 Itm iK ta sm N WMfH can sducaUonal system didn’t see Sizes 43 to 52. T IU T P.M. in own rc-utsble vinyl ualkjr ease. gat hold of a railroad always seeifi F ree. prescription pick-up and his capacities and ambitions in delivery or have your doctor to begin by curtailing service, al-. tinte, or give them room and op­ call in y o u r prescripHon.' •8 »* WEEKLY • Anthentk Tartan Piaidi ' • Gnaraotted iK^ailmt ways pleading that certain pas- portunity and encouragement. We MONDAYS •ii Models O asid OZ ^ ~ Muger lines ar* ho loiiger profit* iU Y N O W • Cirtase Resistant air* got; claiming perfection for TILL 5:30 P.M. . SHAYiMASTOa 'ahl*, qnd must therefore be dis­ the educational system, merely N O RTH END ’ PAY IN *57 I.K carded.: some lack of perspective )h some Sago-Allen, East Hart* We who have seen this in Oon- of the criticism, it receives. PHARMACY tord,Is Tuesday ^'^RPSCRIPTIONS ITRSr* Green Stamps GIveirWith Cash ^les A$K ABOUT OUR 14-«AY FREE NOME TRIAL. •ectlcuU aad‘ who she tha issue A NEW ROOM FOR ^ . ' /'■* •' resting with our PubMc' UtiUties : - i 4 DEPOT ARE through Saturday f :S0 PHONE Ml 9-4585 Use Finasll FarUsig. ir* ealy .a Oommiaaton, ntay taka adai* haairt ■ CHf^lSTMAS > step frem oar Beer. And ramem- from a almllar battle going on ^^SBauWoRs' A.M. to 5id0 P.M.; FHo ber! W* pleh op Ik* tab wken you dotn i la New York, whars it is ,r pidiHip day'U ntil 8:50 Phi. thd eJ3Y* ilA i:V COM aaak* s pereka**: k*m Givq^the home* (and the entire family tha New York Cahtral which is m i ' i .r -- . . ^AANCHinnR CONM* 977 Ma in STREET—MANCHESTER trytiictn cut ntatkma off Its mi^, as well) a'lift with a room of Old . CORNER OF MAIN a n d OAK STREETS OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9 P. M. and artiare the Naw York r ^Artlwr Drag Sttrat Twhi S iM 45.00 Ipswich Maple for Christmas." la. ao partte* .T' .1 • ■■■; M • . A . ‘,V . ' ■A-.. I rl ’ % t.\ r N,' -•X l}.-- '■ S* Ma n c h e s t e r EjvENiNG h e r a l d , Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n - Fr id a y , n o v n m b Er 23, is&e PA G E tE N UANqiESTEA EVENING HERALD. &UNCHESTER. C O N N , FRIDAY, NO^ O V E M B E ^ 3 . 1958 t i U i t i r I Small JVew He^d ~ I Sgl. Beebe Named 3 o l t o n Miller-Bareisza Wedding WO Publio Meetings to Air Of Local Grailge NCO fdr October Chester H, Small ■ was elected Sgt. Elton C. BMpe^^n of Mr. master of Manchester Orange at and Mrs. Harold C. Beebe.'iM Elro FREE SUNBEAM School Site^ Zone Exception a meeting held Wednesday night in Orange Hail. St., was selected outatsndln^viwn Other officers elected at the commlsaione'd officer of the montii, i Bollop. Nov. 23 (8p«cl*n—Two meeting were: Beatrice Uttle, of October tn the 325th Airboniel public meetlnjts have been ached* Engagenirnt' j overaeer; Hael Anderaon, lec-, Infantry Regiment of the '82nd SHAVER CLINIC Airborne Division. Ft. Bragg, N.C. Ijled for Monday. One will be the 1 turer; Edith Williams, steward; 445 HARTFORD ROAD, Wear — 'Marjorie Morrison..a.aslstant stew­ Beebe, who haa been- airborne \ •pedal Town Meeting to consider ard; Mildred Morrison, chaplain; qualified since Febniary 1951, i HAVE YQUR SUNBEAM •stablishment of a school site com- James O. Baker, treasurer; James served in Korea with the 45th' xSHAVIMASYER SHARPENED. OPEN DAILY, 9 to 9 PARKING inittee, charged with the duty of McBrierty secretary; William InfantryNReglment and haa had 22 I •electing a suitable parcel of land^ .Morrison, gatekeeper: Roberta parachute Jumps to hla credit. 1 X CLEANED and OILED for future use as a schopt aite.- James. Ceres; Olesle King. Po­ According to^the citation he re-1 AT NO CHARGE The second meeting, announced mona; Yvonne Contois. Flora; and celved. "His performance of d uty' earlier this week, will be a hearing Madeline Morley, lady assistant ia of an excellent nature, as ia his by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Steward. conduct, military bearing and dhO Poy Only John Johnston, 33 Lucian St„ Reginald James was elected a appearance, and attitude." Manchester, has requested permU* • member of the executive commit­ Beebe, who is married, was born -•ion to build a garage at the pro- tee for, three years. and educated in Manchester and Tomorro^^NoY. 24 :pefty of Robert A. Glidden. A public installation will be held was a memb'er of ' the North Colonial Rd„ closer to the side line on Dec. .3 in Orange Hall. Methodist Church. than-regulations allow. The Board has. been Informed >r' that the request is made in order .• **'1 ' to have the garage conform with I Professional (]liih . SPECIALIZED the line of an amesite driveway, which was installed at the time I Hears MHS Group 977 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER the house was built in IMS. RCA TV Both meetings will be held at The Manchester High School SERVICE ONLY the Community Hall at 8 p.m. The ■ Table Singers, iinder the direction special Town Meeting will con-1 DICK MORTENSEN of G. Albert Pearson, presented a 18 Hemlock St__MI 9-4641 Vene in thg-maliT^ U . -The gening^ mtisiral program at the meeting Board of A p p e ^ hearing will be I of the Professional Women's Club held in the Tnal Justice Court Miaa Virginia 8hlnii 'Tuesday night at Center Congre- ANTIQUES room. Igatlonal Church, >P laincheon Mr. and ,Mra. Byron H. Shinn,! Their selections wera: "Vesper S.MITH-FR.AZIKR The Republican Town Committee FTRNITI’RE C05IPANY pHniihir*, ChinaJ Gloif, Iric-chBrqc has callM attention to the re,g,ular Bolton, announce tha engagement poor." "Fire- 'tV.. Solid Maple, Cherry and Pin<^. ELECTIONS dutcp'treat luncheons of the party of their daughter, Virginia Rttth, niea." "Bless Thii Hoii.se." "A lAmpa ;— Redding. , hel-'s," "Once to Every Nation," Telephone 3II 9-960T the Republican National Commit­ Mla.a Shinn is s senior ih the l and "Over the River." ■m tee, will be guest speaker at the School of Home Economica at the Hoatewes for the evening were luncheon Tuesday in the Old Eng­ University of Connecticut. She is Mery Leslie. Evelyn Lloyd, Cecilia lish Room at 12:45 p.m; S moiTiber of PI Beta Phi and the Wandt and Ethel Goslee. ■'s. AT CREATER-THAN.EVER SAVINGS Speakers on succeeding w-eieks honorary aororit.v. Phi Upsilon DOUBLE K Include Secretary of State Mildred Omlcron. ' She was graduated ■X. P.- Alien; Sen. William A. Purtell from Manchester High School in Death)* Lunt Night SALTED NUTS TREMENDOUS and Stute Rep. Norman K. Parsells. 1983. "W* d«liv*r" All party meVobers and friends are Her fianca attended Howell welcome" to attend the luncheons. Cheney Technical School and By THE A.S,SOCIATBD PRES.S served four years In the U.S. Navy. Port Washington. N. Y., George Seek Tulip Bulbs V E. Qulsenberry. 6,3. founder, vice Fallot Pho^o Arthur Drug Storti The upper grade students coun­ He la employed at the Pratt and MRS. WALTER P. MILLER JR. cil at the Elementary School haa Whitney Division, United Aircraft president and publisher of Me IK. Oorp. Graw-Hill International Coit). and X invited all students to contribute I Mias Anne L. Bareisu. tlaughter,.,thosc of the bridesmaids were tulip bulbs , for the flower plots A June wedding is planned. former newsmen, died Tliur.sday. 'leading to the inain entrance of Born in Serlalia. Mo. ! of Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Bareiaxa. 18 j white pom pons with sweetheart' New 3'ork, B. O. Sullivan. .39. Birch St., became the bride of Wal­ rosea. Private Service the building. Bulbs should be national advertising salesman for Both flower girls wore pink. brouf^t to school not later than the New York Dally New., and ter P. Miller Jr., son of Mr. and ' The mother of the bride chose a Apartnteiits Tuesday. A committee of Qrade 8 Tolland County former commercial manager of Mrs. Waiter P. Mi'ler Sr.. 49 John light pink Chantilly lace dress with Separate eatifaiices. air pupils has volunteered to pUint the St.. East Hartford, at 9 o'clock GIFTS for the home. In pine, wrought iron, ehUh, glna«. « the New's television station W’PIX, V,neck and circular skirt, blue sc- conditioned tlirqagh- I.Ampa«'eandlen. Hnge aeleetlon of Weateaopwnnd .Milk tulips. \ ■ Superior Court died Wednesday. Born In' Jack.son. yesterday morning in St. James' cessories and a corsage of pink- ont. \ Food 8ale> Scheduled x Tenn. CHiurch. The Rev. Edgar Farrell roses. Glass. ^ The PTA will conduct a food sale performed the ceremony. Church Ottumwa. Iowa, Donald Cook. Pink and blue streamers deco­ W iU lA M P. FURNITURE REPAIR SERVICE at the J,W. Hale store In Manches­ Hockvllle, Nov. 23 (Special) — IGeneral Manager of the John |'**"|*^*‘“ °"* white pom po .a. rated the Garden Grove, where a ter tomorrow beginning -at 9 a.m, Foreclosure by-asle of property T5eere farm machinery works at ' Given in marriage by her father, reception for 250 guests was held IMH’TE 88—TAIA-OTTVILLE ^ .The executive committee of-the- was ordered for the People’s Sav- ' Ottumw’a. “ d I^ ThursdayT^' j bride had as her maid of honor from 2 to 5 p.m. X local PTA unit will meet Monday FUNERAL About .300 Feet Beyond ff, ing Bsink of Rockvllla against Santa Monica. Calif.. Edwin ! Miss Marge Anne Miller of East When leaving on a wedding trip Vlttner*a Garden Center—MI 8-7449 M of!®’!!!'-#'* at Ap.m. at the school. Josephine Klecskqwski, Vernon. ; Manton Martin. .34. patent coun-i Hartford, sister of the bridegroom. to Washington. D, C.. the bride , " To Show Slides Bridesmaids were Valerie V. Lay- HOME Open Every Day Including Sundays. Wednesday in a short calendar | **' Hughes Aircraft Co. and wore a light weight wool fitted suit S25 ftlalB St. Phone MI-S-594(0 4 Non-Grange members who would aeaaion of‘ ToUsnd“ County Court and industrial' executive, former cock, Audrey A. Antolik and with fur collar and turciuotse ac- like to see the slides of Sweden. of Common Pleas. j special as.sistant U.S. attorney Dolores L. Dubanowski, all of Mi^- ces.sories. After Dec.^9. the couple Demaric and Norway to be pre­ Judge' John C. Fjtxgerald . set general, died Wedne.sdav. chester. will be at hqme at .31 Mill St. sented at the Grange meeUng to­ debt at $3,640.36 plus attomev’s 1 Harrl.son. N. Y.. Gradwell L. William E. Kilty of^ Eaat Hart­ The bride attended Manchester \ ^ night by Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. fees of $180. Atty. Robert F. Ka- I Sears, .39, pioneer in the motion ford was best man,'' and ushers High School and ia now employed Johnson are cordially invited to han was named to have charge of ; picture industry and retired pres­ were Chester J. Barelsza of Rock­ at Pratt and Whitney Aircraft. do so. the sale to take place at liooii Jan. ident of United Artists Corp,. died ville. and Fred W. Young and T he' bridegroom attended East The regular business meeting 8. Peter J. Baker, Bemie Cantor Thursday. Born in Hannibal, Mo. Henry F, Burdat. both of Manches- Hartford High School and is how SAVE GOLD $EAL-Aff First Quality will begin at 8 p.m. at the Com­ and George Coleman were named Atlanta. Leland Harvey Shep- ter. self-employed at the Blue Grass munity Hall and guests will be in­ appraisers. I herd. 66. division .sales manager Nancy and Maryann B a i e i s z a 'Uu**u Co. vited in at about 8:80 p.m. few the In a uniform support case, Evan ' .Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co were flower girls, and Gregorie | talk and alides on a trip taken by C. Lamott. Crystal Isike, was Bbr i Thursday. Born in Carrollton. Bareisra was ring bearer. AUBBBR fo o tw b a r the Johnaona laat aprtng. dered• ‘ to pay $15 a week on a ' Ohio. » The bride's gown was fa.shioned ■' TPC Cult to Meet trial basis for support of his wife Montpelier, Vt.. Col. Andrew with a;-fitted bodice, scoop neckline I' * OUR PRICES! RUBBERS ROOTS An important meeting of the llelcn X-. Lsmbtt, now of N e w , Hall Holt ifet. I 66, soldier, civil with alencon lace with sequin arid ; Bub-committee on traffic and Hampton. N.H., and three chil­ j englner, , educator, lawyer and pearl trlni, princeM line In front j Girls'— Sins 4-10 • 2.35 - 3.25 police protection of the Town dren. j author, died Tliuraday. ‘Born in and back xith gathered aides and ' li WATKINS Missos'ood Child's 5-3 1.99 2.99 Planning* Commiaslon .. will .. bet. 11 held .' Except for a short calendar Sunderland. Vt. train cascading into a chapel train. I tonight, at the Community Hall at | session In December. thU was the Her fingertip veil was draped from I Men's and Boys' 6-13 2.39 4.99 7 p.m. ih the Trial Justice Court Rnal session of [the Court of Com- Girl, 13, Shot Hiiiilhi|( a tontour open headpiece with I -WEST room. mon Pleas until the winter term i pearl trim. Her flowers were a J Mer* Hov* Arrivod Low PricM Bomarco Mecttng begins ih Jsnuary. North Windham. Nov. 23 (S’)—' cascade of garden>a and stephan- | Fsatral Servin •‘ Bamarco la planning an evening Thirteen-year-old Barbara Whit­ oUs centered with a white orchid, i Cowboy — Eii9iiM«r — Combat •— iBsulotod Boots of competitive games for Its meet­ Pick$ Redevelopment ,4 ide ney was accidentally shot in the 'The maid of honor and the : Ormand J. West. DIrivter ing at the Community Hall tomor­ leg and hip yesterday while hunt­ bridesmaids were attired in similar i 142 East Center SI. row at 8 p.m. gowns, that pf the maid of honor in ' New Haven. Nov. 23 (>> Mayor ing with her 12-year-old cousin. SnteheU 6-7196 Leo Edward.s Jr. State Police said pink with rose trim and those of Manchester Green Shoe Outlet Maacbeeter Erealng Herald Bol­ RltdiSrd C. Lee said yesterday he the bridesmaids in blue with cotil- ' will go to Pittsburgh next year to the boy was l^din'g a 20 gauge 509 EAST MIDDLE TURNPIKE OPEN UNTIL 9:00 P. M. ton corteepondent. Mm. Joseph sho'tgun when mis finger acciden­ lion t»im. Their floor-jength gowns j DTtaUa. telephone Mlirhelt $-6545. exchange ideas oh redevelopment. were made on prince.se lines with He also announced the appoint­ tally touched the trigger. At Manchester'a Oldest Wfindham Community Memorial lcture necklines, cap sleev-es land . with Finest Fseilitles ment of Luciua S. Rowe, presi­ Souffant skirts. They had tiars Police.Car Kills Horse dent of the New England Tele­ Hospital the girl's condition was Off-Street PsrMng reported as not critical. headgleces of horsehair with rib.-1 phone Co. as a member-st-large of bon petals matching their gowns. { Established 1874 W'oodbury. Nov. 28 (IPI—A' State the. Hew Haven Citizens Action The bouquet of the maid of- honor Police car ran into a horse on RL Commission on Redevelopment. Vive Hurt in Colligiowt was of white pom pons with sweet­ 6 yesterday. The car was badly heart roses and bUie lace puffs, and smashed. *1116 horse was killed. ' HOG TIED. Westport. Nov. 23 (.P(^Four State Policeman Fraiik DeflUppo Little Rock (1*1—The law Is the cars piled up on the Merritt Park­ said two horses ran across the road lew, even in the case of a 200- way j’esterday, leaving five people 'In front of him. One was hit by tlje pound hog which was docketed at injured, none seriou.sly. Albert car. The wihdshield of the car wiui OPEN Little Rock Police Headquarters. Lasher. 45. of New Bedford. Msss., f / / ' ■ ■ smashed and the roof was crushed ; Although the charge against the hia wife and daughtc!'. and David In. black Hampshire was pretty | Tyier. 45, of the Bron.x, N. Y„ and Protect your stove top from hot pans, qrcasc, vague. It was placed under a city his wife were reported in good con- A Wonderland of Toys To Please The Kiddies food stains, with $35f000 Drive for Blind ordinance that says stray animals | ditlon at a'no.spUal. James Master- must be booked and sold at auction ! *on; 7, of Bridgeport, was treated Hartford, NoV. 23 OP)—The Con­ if not claimed within five days. land released. - - necticut Institute For the Blind v ^ ) / / v w / ; Priced To Please The Crrotvn-Ups Budgets. yesterday anneunced it will start Parkade Cleaners a mall campalgnT for $35,000 on .Nov.:26.. . . U-X b-,- IR r CHOKE FOR PROTECTION TONIGHT! LASTWORD IN BEAUTY byREM CO b^AM SCO PLAYSIP ^ W M o u r DICK TRACY In ^ TV SNACK CART NURSING SET .1 9 AUTO Person . Completely unbreakable. WRIST WATCH Rog. 7.95 Reg. 2.00 REPAIRS “FLIPPY the CLOWN” S E R Y tC E Rog. 3.98— Shop early. First come first served Save 50% NIGHT m e c h a n ic ALL METAL Free Gifts For All The Kids! byMIRRO ^ by "BIG M" DUMP r TURNPIKE “LITTLE KOTHERS” • 9 5 975 , . Full I f TRICYCLE AUTO SERVICE w m . lt'6 Hit FARKADE CLEANERS for TRUCK MAIN ST. ALUMINUM DISH- 1 SET T Reg. 2.00 ' 164 IV. MIDDLE TFKE. K|ANCHESTER Rog. 15.95 TEL. MI 6-4100 Rog. 2.50— A terrific buy expert SEEOURIIG Ik DAVY CROCKETT SELECTION OF Dry Cleaning HSHER PRICE STAIN LItS FRONTIER OUTFIT ShM 17 x 19 ineW KATY KACKLER x 1 . 6 9 DOLLS V siiiains, MSialcM Med o6cn Rog. 2.59 At great saving^ 4*s*aJablr, IsMias pteme-' P U L L T O Y J, Save $ 3 9 8 itioa. 'Wiptf dtM in t filr- SfOVO, ScBfO PnHnct smeetelon ter tw*« Heal. rvM sad sssia rMisesm. Rog. 2.50 ! GAMES. GAMES. GAMES TRICYCLES •ope a«4 atenr inc iwlscnt Ashntiat ensbioe bach. Will '^Work In By Noon--- Out By 5 P. M. UROUGHO MARX ICE SKATES from bnrnt, Msint. nicks ‘not cbis or penl. Patented NY-UNT ■d semnebns. tUM'K.nt-KonMrs. “You BET y o u r LIFE” SLEDS T H B:30 A.Ms »o 5:00 P.M. ELECTRIC CANNON Is IV te ... $3,6$ iSsiVte, $3.29 •siVh...:'.'.Sl39 Rog. 3.00 . . ’ II s iVhl....$2,96 n w TNURSDAY-PRIDAY 8:30 A.M. fo 9:00 P.^. _ The hottest toy of the year. Save 50% SNO COASTERS toaky lnslsaii-~ Tire I7sl9' AhMo-Msn ba^ ef sum Rog. 12.95 ^ 9 ®4 •nallV (riennedl proscct pat btaatify' yoat mill.' also DRAPES and BLANKETS LIONEL tr a in s Business is not on exploitation, itjs a hOman service. G f v o Ari$to~maH for ChriUmasI We do not have to experiment any more.We know what the people want and we give MEN'S SHIRTS'LAUNDERED A COMPLETE SELECTION ' “ PAGAMTS CATEREBS ' (Above Ite m Not Dope on Fnat Ifervire Plan)...... OP SETS and ACCESSORIES N WITH HOMES IN: X AUTHORIZED FACTORY SERVICE R O SEM O UN T RESTAURANT cod GROVE— RT. B5. BOLTON MANCHESTER PLUMBING Alt Work Guaranteed and Done On the Premises 445 HARTFORD ROAD, N ear McKEE V M LCON GROVE— MERIDEN * GAM RESTAURANT— NEW LONDON and SUPPLY CO. CoffiG See Our Fxdting F. T..BU8ir'IK„ PreaHeet and Trenanrer . OPEN DAILY, 9 to 9 FREE PARKING Sorvbm c l CoMMCficiitcod Wottom Mouocbasom. "IF ITS HAKOWABE TI’E HAVE rrr Novelty Gift SelectionsIS y' ■Jsl M l 9I-370B, 9-13S9. 9-B 52B H " Now Loodoii G l 2-2S7A 1. , •77 MAIN ST. I PHONE MI $-44M X I** )■ *D- . % .. 4

■ i ■ } ^ i : K -'S-W ^^'.i w;i^~ FS5* "X , at ■*4 y . - V':S' ’V-' ■\ V : \ HAKCHESTEB EVENING HERALD. UANCHEStEB. CONN- FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1036 -TWSLV* - 5 Section Two FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1966 iUattfhPBtrr lurttittg m iD A Y , NOVEMBER tt, 19M Pwfet 13 to 24 we've rqn oiia of milk and I have not tb ill-treat C}*prloU "no mat­ several children and some expeic- Death Pienally ter to what depths of degradation tartt mothersi" our enemidi may.sink." He termed R o4JcTiIle ^ Fre a k j^Storm Dumps 26 Inches ■ Eighteen- duck hunters were ma­ M andatoiy for recent charges oY such Ill-treat­ W h a t Can You Do for a l^uck?^ 'W . : . . TPC Airings rooned on Erie Peninsula which ment ''biased and unfounded.” . T^oitn Enjoys QuietHoliday juta between Lake Erie, and Erie E O K A R e b e l s KEMP’S Thanksgivings^ Bay. They were taken to a Statef INC. Marred hy Lone Accident ^ Snow oh Erie, Pa.,, Clogs Region Police barracks on the peninsula Set on Zoheb Nicosia, Cymmk. Nov. 23 (A5— H oliday Program ' V- ■ 1^ \ ! t to wait out the storm and for The British gofernment of Cyprus FURNITURE Hehron Missionary Helps World Leaders Ohserv^Aiyy (OMttatMd from Fiic* Oae) hospital eases. Many nursia stayed waii.,ln the immediate Erie area. crews to open a highway to the AND MUSIC The . town enjoyed a quiet«lng while under the influence bf in- LinieCnanges has made the deathi^nalty. man­ Held at B uc^ey 'nidnksgi'vtng ytoterday, marred‘ ' texlcatlng liquor or drugs. . on duty overnight as .their relief But-eskSt of Erie and into New. mainland. dator}* for more offenses''to meet Well to the east of the snow­ MIS-MM by only one traffic aceldept in Patrolman Curtis Wilson, trim fu U ly dtaitm and rushed to emer- „ „ „ „ couldn't get to the hospiUI. York state as far as Buffalo blls- the new upsurge tn killings b}* the By OINDY PFANSIIEHL Titstitutions ‘Town Planning Oommiaaion gency duty;- ~^ey checked .auto xard-llke toudlUons created havoc. storm area. Boston had a different The Buckley School- children .wfhich no one wais injured. made the arreat, reported he waa Industry Stilled pro-Greek EOKA underground. TN MAIN ST. 'I t waa in India, in 1953, and The eriap, deer day followed a off-duty, etending near the ticket t^Ufhold public hearinga Monday aner auto to aek^tjlwt no one trted Snow squalls, riding 25-mile-an- sort of a freak Thanksgiving Day The island colony’s governor, presented a Thanksgiving profsai^ Practically all industries In Erie storm. A violent rainstorm knock­ ockvllte, Nov. 23 I Special) — wet end windy night which booth at the State ‘Theater on Maijr to sit out the stoi closed dow-n. General Electric Co. hour winds, piled up from eight Fietjl Marshal Sir John Harding, at a school assembly Wadhitactoy Prim. Miniater Jawaharal N.hnt’n "and Dec. 3 on a au'bdivlston ap­ Hundreds of bighwaj inches to two feet of snow In west­ ed out utility . service in 45,000 those people who were unable brought eom'e damage to town. St. when be heard an engine rac- ■ was first to announce it would announced hanging now is the only morning.*” ' ' “ aecr.Ury told an anxious Ameri­ Thousands turned out fo r what plication, a proposed building line foui^t tL losing battle aroQ ern New York state. homes, toppled chi^pneys and to be at home on Thankagivinf . ^ He looked up, ha saidT *nd ,-n.ria uu attempt to operate today. broke down trees. Damage froml punishment for persona convicted After aalutlng-lffe flag, everyone can chureh relief 'worker, **1111 prove^to be the cloaeat Five Mile m w about three fomthe^toelength change and thre^requeated zone clooc 1 Springville in norfhern Erie of dtJeharging firearms at others, Mni^aa wind stations stayed on the air •gusts ranging up to 62 m.p.h. was sang "Comer'Ye Thankful People, Excellency can aee you for only Day Rockville institutions provided Road Race in the conteat ■ 20-year - - - changes. County recorded a 2-foot snow throwing bomtm or carrying arms The Monday hearing Involves toI W 40 milesJI!i!S.” an ™hnnr hour filledfined thethe-air »*''« listeners the lat­ estimated in the millions of dol- Come/^-^3fra. Frances Larason and five minute*. In that time he may the traditional dinner. hiatory. Charlie Dyson of the Uni­ Panciera post^A $200 bond. est la t h e r .information. fail and virtually isolated the vil­ and- ammuniUottA- versity of Connecticut won tn the aubdiviaion application, wrhich With the biting, cold snow. lage. which is located about 30 ■ lars. Mpir^hclma Lovell's fifth grades look out the window or fall At Rockville City Hospital 23 INaco«Mrs RIaae All public transportation • was 'A double shift of firemen Wgs Thirty-two peraoifa'-jMtve been 25:84.3. Full details are carried has been submitted by Metropoll- put on duty'atevery fire station. milea southeast of Buffalo. I At Danbury, Conn., about 60,000 resented a play, “The Mystery of I patients and their ^eats 'were - Fred Wljlrt of 94 Oxford St. went halted In Erie. Police used chain killed in November, mdre., V the Missing Turkpy.” Mrs. Mary naleep, but nevertheleaa, you may on The .Herald's sport pagei tan Homes, Inc. The firm wants to Residents of the village opened ; people were left without power MAIN STRECT STORES ARE served turkey dinners. Town Farm j on an errtind yesterday, and on his equipped cruisers for emergency The Red CrMS-^was called out Wednesday night when a high ten­ double the number in any pge^oua, Cummoe's kindergarten children Stay only-Bv. minutea." day. , erect 48 dwelling units on a '25 their homes*to the nearly liW n.onth since rebels seeking union X Fire hi Tree Hat : retu ^ ' trip dis-iovered that the acre plot on the north side of to lend aliand to sttonded motor­ .stranded holiday travelers and hun­ sion pole blew down in a wlnd- presented Indian songs and dances. The rellff worker waa the Rev.J* residents had a chicken dinner, ists. of Cyprus with Greeetfopened their and received a basket of fruit. Glri Except for their road* race I tr««-houee of aome neighborhood Spring St., east of Gardner, In a ters. Emergency quarters were set stp.rm. Power was restored to j;he “The First Thanksgiving of All’’ Dr. Reginald B. HelSerlck, whoae duties, police had an uneventful^^y* *«>••• Routes S east of Erie to buffalo up in the tow-n hall. area about eight hours later. offensive 21 was given as--a choral apedking Scouts and other organisations Rural Residence Zone. was closed by the .storm early "These fotrrcrlmea leave the gov home is a rambling Cblonial houae made favors for the holiday meals. day as did the. South Manchpstisr nremen from the Manchester Plans Dental latboratory A similar storm lashed off the piece by Mrs. «roljrn Raealcr’s tucked deep In the woods « f He­ Fire Department. The Manehcstei; Fire Department extinguished the day. Route 20 remained open but eastern end of Lake Ontario and ernment''no option but to Impose third grade. Her claag'-and Mrs. A turkey dinner was also served Also to be aired Monday night single lane traffic was in effect' er penalties upon the terror- bron near the Marlborough town to each of the 13 inmates of Tol­ Fire Department anawer^ twm biaae, started F.-om oil lamps or is the building-line change; Which d ro^ etf up to eight inches in the Laurie Carlton’s third gradC'S^^ line, but who apenda most o f his calls, one to extinguish a flra.,in. a candles being used for illumination, and was “very dangerous.” police Adirondack^mountains near Water- and th.eir associates,” Harding land County Jail, with almost all is being sought by Thomas Davis. A b a u t T o w n "Thanksgiving." Mrs. C arlto^-i time spraadlng the word of God the food, including the turkey, boys’ tree hut. and limited the damage to a few warned as they urged all motor­ town. declared. clas.} continued with a poem, "They He plans to erect a dental labora­ ists' to stay out of the Erie area. Harding again promised that if and bearing the gift, of auiten- having been raised on the jail in the only accident report^ by boaida. tory on the southwest comer of Most other Sections of Ne.w Found a Home-" Mr. Vincent ance and love to stricken people The heaviest snowfall in a 50- the EOKA violence Is ended, the farm. I^ch man received a pack­ police yesterday, Roy M. Koehler, The rustic residence is located Regent and Woodland Sts. in an ArUwr York state missed tlic-.freak storm. The .Men's Club -qt-Zlbn Luther­ Ramixi, principal, concluded the throughout the world. « mile line extending west Into Ohio" an Crunch willjHrtd' a supper so­ British government will open new age of cigarettes and a cigar, 18, of--,RFD 8. Coventry, was ar­ about 20.feet up in a tree to the Industrial Zone, and la asking that The city of AshtabuTn^m the program with a prayer, "Thanka- Tried to Siinmnnrlse Prpgmm rested and charged with riscklesa rear of a home at 97 Oxford St. Its northeast corner of Ohio’ had 20 to cial M ond^*rr6;45 in the assem- .negotiations on the future of Cy­ UdA Drive the building line be reduced from glving." As he entered the.-prime mtoji.- driving after his car overturned occupants 'were apparently visit­ 25 to 10 feet. 24 Inches and drifts up m >tve bly HV rooj»:rooj»^^ I* expected a speaker' prus. He said the government "will John Chiaputtl announced the The United Jewish Appeal will ing their parent* for the., holiday r^v'lhe Toastmasters Club, will before long be publishing proposals ter’a office. Dr. .Meliferick tried in an accident about 6:30 p.m. at The three proposed zone changes feet. It was worse in adjacentjaccnl>t!;i program. open here with a dinner meeting E. Middle Tpk*., east of Plaza Dr. when the lire wae discovered about -bS'^^t^rd, and all men are irtvlted. for a wide measure of self-govern­ quickly to summaHEe hi. progtom Runday at.6:.50 p.m. at Congre­ will be discuss^ Dec. 3. One in- Conneuat. Ohio, which was- sno\\> so he might express as much an* Koehler, driving east, failed to 6:15 p.ih. : boiind. - ' ' Rclief^bthing and shoes.may still ment in C}'prus/’ ^ gation B'nai Israel volvea Plans for a 20-houze'sub- poatlble in the brief time allotted. slup, skidded to the right, struck -And at About—9t46—p.m.,—the- division on a 10-acre site on. the In Brie trains were nmnlng be­ be brought-.to the rear of the parr The governor also issued an or­ Mi.*a Gitti Zand, guest speaker, the left aide of a ear stopped In MFD ruZhed to 95 North St. be­ Ish house • for , further shipment der to Brltiah troops warning them LEO ULCERATIONS But. When the actual interview has recently re'turnejd from an ex­ north side of Highland St., west of hind schedule. The .Now'York Cen­ started it soon became apparent traffle in front of him, and turned cause the oceupaht of that home A W N S ^ tral, Nickle Plate and Pennsylva­ through the Lutheran Board for Abscessea — Bolls — Chapping tensive tour of Israel. North over. does not speak English well. No. 203. nia Railroads made radio appeals World Relief. Bedsores — Ecaema — Minor UNTIL 9 that Nehru was not bound by th«; j Africa and the Middle East. She 1* Camillo Gambolattt la asking rigid schedule imposed on him by Robert H. Melendy, $4, also of He phoned the MFD in. an un­ to "all able bodied men who want burns. j a New York Civic leader and active RFD 8, Coventry, driver of the successful attempt to explain that that the 615-by-688-foot area he RICH FARM LOAM FOR SALE to sboVel snow." The teenage singinj^ group of A Gifl for You TRY hi. secretary or time. - camhalgnef for aid to Israel. changed from Rural Residence "Your organization WM flr.t to other car involved, had. pulled for­ he had compiled with the firemen’s OET A GOOD START XOW FOR NEXT 8PRINQ WHH.E St. John's Church will hold its BELAROPEOL OINTMENT Mias ' Zand is one of the few ward to avoid a more seriout ac­ wishes by replacing a faulty space Zone to a Residence ^ n e A. Fairview, a community of about come to our aid. aUthe time of our ; Americans who took part in the TRUCKS ARE ABLE TO DELIVER ON FIRM GROUND. first rehearsal this evening at 7 AT cident heater with a new one. The bad An intention to Inilld a 10-unlt 3,000 10 milea west of- Erie, was' ■'country'. divi»lOh. You flew in ;.IifBtoric air lift known as "Opera- apartment houae reportedly is be­ Caught, in the worst of the storm. o'clock In the parish hall. YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD He had stopped because a car heater cauaed a fire last week. Approximattly S CuMe Yard Loods $10.00 DRUGGIST needles and'*erum when we great­ , tlon Magic Carpet.” This project In front was making a left turn Failing to undarstand the man, hind another proposed zone change, Elmest Sesto, proprietor of the Date ly needifa-them." began the prime took place in 1950 when over The application was filed by Joseph F4irvlew hotel and restaurant, A fancy roller skating class for into a private drive. the firemen aseumed there waa an­ PHONE Ml 9-4824 v miniater. 100.000 Jew* were evacuated to . Damage to - Koehler'ea c a r other flre.- Rosetto, and involves a llO-by-218- took in close to 2.50 persons over­ toys and girls who belong to the 1 Book Shop Blish Hardware Israel by air. ■' Dtaregardlnr Hlk',,appointment amounted to about $500 and $200 Traflto Moderate foot lot on the. aohth aide of Olcojt night. There arc only 26 rooms in Recreation Department will start | ■rhedule, Nehru talked-^to Dr. Atty*. Robert F. Kahan and the hotel. ^ Get youca in onr damage was done to the Melendy Manchester Memorial Hospital 8t..'west of S. AdamZ S t , tomorrow night at the Community : Helfferick, executive »ecretary-^f Harry Hammer are co-chairmen ^ ssetto is asking that the zone "They're sleeping 3 to 4 to a Y, with Ray Tomkunas as instruc­ Greeting Card"Dept. Pf.n.tl'hl Photo. auto, according to Patrolman John raported no mishapa due to over- MARLOW'S the Comml..ion on World Service: Dr. Helfferich and mn Merritt of the local United Jewish Appeal, McClenan, who inveetigated. of the land he changed from Real* bed," Sesto said. "They're on tor. The rises will be for one hour, ; AND OTHER FINE STORES ■U.S.A. of the World CUuncll of with Atty. E. George Gorsky as ambitious appetites or faulty tables, in the booths and on the Milton O Panclera. 31, of 187 carving. dence Zone B to Residence Zone starling at 6 o'clock. The regular | NORTH END Churches, for 23 minutea until in­ treasurer. Host and hostess for C, in which muitlple-family dwell- floors. We're even using table­ roller skating will start at 7 o'clock | Helfferich son in line of direct of 1,800 in Penntylvanla know Maple 8t. who nearly drove into Police reported traffic through­ OpOn Fridoy Ni^ht Till 9 POWERTdQlGIFT terrupted by a telephone call observed, "andeemember, that waa the opening dinner will be Atty. the arms of the law ’Wednesday ingn are allowed. cloths for blankets. Thank God I as usual. Boys and girls who do descent in the ministry of the where to begin on such a nvijor and Mr*. Edwin M. Lavitt. out most of the day was moderate PHARMACY 'lirgeptly reminding him the Iran­ what h. said In 1962.” evening, will be arraigned Dec. 1 Seeks Industrial Extension had a big supply of foond on hand, not have their own skates may In the opinion of tiie'-relief ex­ Evangelical and Reformed Church Operation ? , Purpose of the sppeal is to raise to moderately heavy without any 4 Depot Square—MI 9-4.58.5 And All Day Monday ian delegation waa-awaiting an in­ in Town Court on a charge of drh*- congestion. In the third zone-change applica­ we've able' to feed everyone but rent them. terview. pert, "Nehru has the poorest'priiRi in the United States. He is Dr. Helfferick said simply, "I funds in behalf of immigration, .preceded by ancestors in the min- went top-aide. In Europe I went tion, Edgar Berube is seeking an During th-* Interview the prime of anyone in the World," referring settlement and welfare programs extension of an Industrial Zone to to the coverage of the prime rainia- isfry..in Europe. to Gen. Lucius Clay for assistance and to aid refugees Jews. miles remaining at 50 cents. Liv­ minister expressed his sppreciatlon Ou#en**Da^s**^*^R^Lnir*Hj»h *"an area covering siiaii or p«iripart uiof twoiwo tor the great contribution of ter's efforts on his cotmtry's behalf. His churph had failed at the end and advice. Leaders of govern­ Baaketball Meeting Slated ery rate increases asked are from of a 3-year'period to arise any of ments all over the world have $6 to $8 to HarUord. $4 to $5 to Christian mitsiona stating hi* Dr. Helfferich describM Nehru Team* rosters of the city-spon­ School Sophoto^a clans Wednea- north aidej . of Wn/wiiarui Woodland sSt., t . easteaat —. IN MANCHESTER — countr}* "cannot afford the luxury ca ona who "Intelligently, consist­ the $1,200 pledge-.requested for granted us cooperation.” sored Junior BasketbAl League SUfford Springs, a,nd from $3 to d a y night. Ernest Johndrow, worl^ relief. ' $4 to Manchester. of the railroad track* and about Saturday of purely evangelical mltslortariea.'’ ently and effectively fights com­ In Korea because it Is a soverign have been completed, with the though voted king'by secret ballot 760 feet west of Main St, India now has some nine mitHon munism in his own cmintry." Officials of his church were sure country, he went directly to Presi­ Midget and Senior leagues to hold Unenploymoit OlsUma Rise waa not present; 'Unemployment compenMtion The land now is in Residence morning BEFORE YOU BUY Christians. Referring to other great men that Dr. Helfferich could raise thw dent Syngman Rhee "to get the organisational meetings Ihi* week­ The crown, want instead to Jo- ^ h e B. Berube wants to build a sum by preaching on the subject. claims in the RockvitI* area fof aeph Walinaki, runneriip. Judy GET THE Speaking o f' the assistance he Who have worked to relieve the rf^ht-Jo Import millions of dollars end. $^,000 structure on the site and world.'* misery. Dr. Helfferich ex­ The church had always responded worth Of material duty free, and The Senior loop Will- meet at 7:30 the week ending Nor. 17 showed Hany. was chosen queen. . Past a good timo believed would be most helpful to another slight increase, according kings and queen* conducted . the relocate hia woodworking com- his country, the Indian leader said. pressed Admiration for Dr. Albert generously before. also to get 'Cooperation on trans­ p.m. today with Director Carletbn pany there; Srhweltsci’, whom he risited at the Collection* totaled $43.10 portation and with police." Milanese at the Town Hall to dis­ to the Connecticut Employment coronation ceremony. to bank? "We need bricklayers, engineer* "Where did I fail?” he asked his Security Division. My day off. and agricultural specialist* at this latter's mlasidn hospital in French Describing Korea's ' president. cuss further team entries. Deadline i A total of 93 claims were filed, Equatorial Africa. wife. for entries is today, with four Vrroen and. TaleeUvIlt* new* period of our history. And if they "You didn't believe what • you Dr. Helfferick said. “ Like Nehru, compared with 93 for the previoua ItasBs are handled through The Plonty of tiniie have missionary aeal, their Influ- "Y'ou can’t Imagine a place more and Gandhi, he i* * man whoairfiffl"" already organized. Milanese ■M: ATLAS preactved,” the anaweretL "You've week. Initial claims - increased Herald’s ReekriDe Burean, 7 H'. Wroofiht Iron RoBInqt skid., today there is room for two II Tnni ■' ence help*.” unfriendly to man." the' doctor of listened to those who say ‘they being I* completely Integrated from 14 to 16. while the greatest Malsi St., telephoue nU m oot Don’t havo to POWER TOOL STORY Describing India's chief execu­ divinity said; around the dream of hi* country's more tearn*. increase was in continued claima 6-9196. ' Forch Columns waste it ail', •or ‘why don't they Regiatrafton for the Midget tive. Dr. Helfferich ssid, "You "It's hot and humid. Everything help themselves?’ How could you independence. , , which climbed from 77 to 83. patch in Nehru, his master Gandhi. • rots. There are snakes, crocodiles, "Through all th*e years of Leafcue will be held tomorrow at Hoapital Auxiliary NetM VALLEY WELDING CO. rush around. have hoped to convince yoiir peo­ Northeast School. Director Erhardt From a man of deep spiritual nature.” | vicious flies. 5'et, here you And one ple when you didn't believe it Japanese occupation he cherished Rockville City Hoapital Auxil­ Far Frew Batinuto Call JIG$AWS $29.75 Speaking softly and with a^efl-! of the greatest of men, a doctor the dreanlPHe awakened it in his Koelsch said boy* eight anA.nine iary will hold a $ p.m. busineia ObMtonbitry MK 8-9118 < yourself?" years old will register from 1 tO'2L HOME OF nlte British accent. Nehru toW Dr. I pf music, medicine, philosophy r - Dr. Helfferich tmneeied an order people. He is the s.vmbol of Korea. meeting Nov. 29 In the auxiliary 4" JOINTERS From $38.75 Helfferich that his la a newborn tbps in every field. And with him for a new Cadillac slated for de­ Concern for Ma.ses. p.m. and boys from 10 to 12 will rhonia on Union St'. All members PABKABE P0LI6IES country taking its first steps. "Be- ! are the finest surgeon* and nurse*, livery at the end of the war and "Hi* concern is for the .'masses register from 2 to 3 p.m. Koelsch i are asked to attend. A Christmas said coaches are atlll needed and;gift baskcFwJII be located at the cause of this," Nehru taid> "we serving without pay.’ wrota to the head of his church jo{ his pe'ople to raise the economic, THE BENCH SAWS From $37.50 can’t take sides between. East and Dr,. Helfferich'* position as vice asking for a commission to go intellectual and spiritual level.’’ asks anyone interested to contact ] hospital for members to leave un- Ma d a m e Va u g h n him. I wrapped gifts for '"hoispltal pa- MAIN otrici West. We've Just been born. We president of the Meals for Millions overseas at his own expense. Under Regarding hia work with Presi­ Mudkii liBiraiiB Advice given on all affairs, o f MEMBER FDIC tn wain sT.ift must first live." Foundation of Los Angeles. Calif, these circumstances, the church dent Rhee in Korea and the other Complete roster* of the Junior i tients. From League follows: The five auxiliary groups "will | flfv, whatever your problem DRILL PRESSES $49.50 Five Y'ear* to Otaage brought him to Dr. achweitxer's quickly agreed. . iX. world leader* with whom he ha* BAY CO O FER a«iy hr. Ceme and I tviff advise 1 ■ . a • Liebe's Wallpaper: John Hallo- meet at these designated timea:'| NOdTH tSANCH He added. "They've said 'It will . Jungle hospital. ' Traveled by Freight met on relief programs. Dr. '4>ockeH laaoraaea Agemey fan- Phoow CH 6^785. t W NCTM MAIN STItlT take 200 years to change India. We His duties at representative of ran and Edward Britner. coaches; Group 1, Dec. 6. 2 p.m.; Group From In the spring of 1946 he toured Helfferick feels church-sponsored AAANCHISTM. CONN. BAND SAW l I S J S don't have 200 } ears.-.We don’t the ChuTClT Wofia servlet wax Europe, triVtllBR Bjl IWlftit cars, programs sre successful because Robert Casatt Jack Cratty, Robert 3, Dec. 1$, 2 p.m.; Groups 3 and | 3-1l7f -■ slM f r a n k l i n a m L ' have *0. We’ve got five years at him to Beirut. Lebanon this year, motorcycles and Army buses—^^any Long, Uovd Boothroyd. Bill Yets, 4. Dec. 20 at 3 p;Tn.~; Creup— 8r the church can do things govern­ Dec. 20 at 7 p.m. the most." where the World Council of transportation he could find. ments are not able to do. Gifts Russell Koelsch. Thomas Egan, You can bank Saturday mornings a t MANCHESTER TRUST In relating the stor}* of his in­ Churches held a conference on He found that organized pro- Donald Domain. David Cratty and PA FUh a n b Banquet from the government are suspected The annual Fish Club banquet DREMEL ELECTRIC jrd SAW terview svith Nehru Dr. Helfferich Arab refugee affairs. ^am a had been set, up by the and carry a feeling of propaganda. Patrick Hamilton. Drawn by Dtaaeters Catholic' and Jewish faith*. It dis- i Zahner's Men's Shoo: Allan of the Polish Am.rican Citizens Other missions have taken him turbed him greatly that the Prot- Wlllia, coach: Fred Art*, Frank Club it scheduled to fellow a bus- "1 "Here's the miracle," he said: ineas meeting Dec. 2 at 4 p.m. in to Japan to aid ditaster workers, estahta had, none. Burkhsrdt. Paul S*w}'er, A1 BANK % (^ompldte With Motor $29.95 "God Uke* the little lm*e. multi­ the chib rathekeller. 4 during the Kyushu floods in 1953; , Chargo A hungry child in a Bavarian Sucheckl. Robert Sawyer, Billy to Hyderabad hit by firiital flood orphanage provided the turning plies and blesses i t ” High Sheriff Paul B. Sweeney Your Once, as a dinner speaker, he i Grant. Clifford Edward*. Steve. will be master of ceremoniaa. PraaeilpIlMa after a 5-year drought; to point in his life. Hie .child clung i Karachi. Pakistan and d* typhoon; desperately to him, begging for a waa asked, '"What can you do for Stat* Rep. Edward Wraight. El­ d y isd A y '^ Dbwalt H.P. Radial Arm Saw Hare^ John Weber. lington, .will be among Invited SATURDAYS ! to the Ionian Islan<]a of Greece at a buck ?" PAC: • George Ihitx, coach; guests. Wraight was formarly FINE PHARMACY the time of the great earthquakes. “Then I realised,” Dr. Helfferich He waa reminded of a woman In Robert Rauza. Douglas Seekiits, NOW ONLY $239^G . said, "it waa not Just a kiss the' ■Viet Nam who was given a coco­ head game warden for Eastern 994 Center fit.— MI 9-9SI4 "I got so I waa afraid to go any­ Gordon Plank. Eugene Courteman- Connecticut. c o r l i n a where," Dr. Helfferich said. "I child wanted. He waa expre.saing nut shell of milk. Clinging to her che. Melvin Ott. David Maichuk. cU Ma4icitedie/L Ca. a fundamental hunger; tha hunger flowing skirt were two small chil­ Priiea (Will be awarded top win­ s didn't know what I'd arrive with Mitchell Kobua, Donald Laferriere. ners in prize catches, with movies / i we all feel—to be loved and cared dren. hungrily waiting. *>’ A SI H f - . 1N S DREMEL ELCTRIC JIG 6AWS next." Francis Ooiombaro and Dennis and “fish tales" featured. fa c Strangely, this world-traveling for." She glanced don-n at them, but Gessar. He returned to America and before feeding them raised the "Ring” MIssm Crown ' missionary gravitated into hia 10- Gus’ Grinders: William Prutting. Coronation ceremonies were 9 A . IVI. to 12 NOON MARLOW'S year miasion of world relief be-I made some 200 addresses in two shell high In front of her and coach; Kenneth Friedrich. Kenneth NOW ONLY $6.85 shouted, "Thank you, God!" three M AND OTHER FINEJITOREfl cause he "didn’t believe ln.lt.” {month* In the AtUntic states. He Satryo, Laddie Oserwinakl. David Cuts scroll work up to With ease. At the time, he was serving his . parUcipated in organixing the times, with each shout louder than Johndrow, David Poplck, Donald WMril! WishK! Livainit! OpM Friday Niglit TIN 9 Iflth year as pastor of the Bath. Church World Service at the end the last. Gessay, Richard Duhek. ’ David liflM MM MM MM MIMMIM MM jU M J W$ IdlpNd to tolR H -o f authentic Tartan ** % Pa., church, a church hi* great- of 1946, returning to Europe twice "Afierward*. I flgured/lt -out." Logan. Robert Saenger and Francla great grandfather had foiiiided 160 in the following three years, Dr. Helfferich said. “The milk in : Rtoid and bfiHianl Italian stripes. Aod AN Day Monday. Hewitt. Portab|B year* before. He. was the fifth How did a pastor from a town that coconut shell coat seven- 'The league will open Dec. 3 at . V m m If toiod. 2elen water repellent, too! thousandths of a penny.” Northeast School. Games will be ElsefriB HoRd Sawt And this slight, kindly man who played at 6 and 7 p.m. AT YOUR NEW NATIONAL SHOE STORE IN MANCHESTER reels off the name* of capitals Ask Taxi Fare InereMce- Santa more'^'eaaily than a child recites, The Public Utilitie. Cqmniisaioii the alphabet, who knows air ha* notified Mayor .Hennan. Q. Hisdsla sad styles in routes scrota the world better Olson that a public hearing will be $64.95 u. than most men know the main sad sabartaa costeu held Dec. 5 at 10 a.m. at the State 1 $9.95 and up *See the new popular * streets of'.their neighboring towns, Office Building oh an application si2eli for home use. < and who watches with equal con­ of Rockville Cab Co. for authority Will Be At cern the patterns of erosion in the to raise ite texi and livery fares. Fertile Crescent and the D u s t The company la asking authori­ See AN These Celebrated Makes:- Bowl asks: • ty to Increase 'it* fares within city "What can you do for a buck? limits from 50 to 75 cents for ATLAS ~ STANLEY ~ DeWALT — SKIL "You can bMome the hands of pasaengera riding in excess of two God.” . . > ' miles, with any rid* under two MILLERS FALLS— DREMEL iRsulation MAELOVirS ■t ” " " ^ o p s m T t h ” :r^ We Are Getting Ready To Move This Weekend! 5 TOOL in ONE WORKSHOP No More Drab Floors TONIGHT 5 to 9 J ^ D y o f o ld " f ' SAW — 12" SANDER — 34" LATHE (Armstrong TUITONE i MMIfl >m flW f AI Come In SaturdoY and Get AND All DAY ■ _.-i - ' , ■ UVa'^ VERTICAL DRIU. PRESS '■ iw d lM sad MsUbrasUe diU winter QUAKER FLOOR COVERING t t i ^ I It irnnkHi sgaiait die HORIZONTAL DRfU; PRESS With New Wali-To-WaP Tfxtnred Tweed Effect sdL Ns wad kdl. fbl fasdem of Your Share of Beautiful a.Ylstysir DwM d todsy. ONLY r LARGEST ond GREATEST UNION SUITS $8.95 $ - 1150 SFL SELECTION OF TOYS TO with V4 H.p. AND UMte oa SBOBT SLEEVE BE FOUND IN MoTor Mfimm SHIRTS ...... $4.75 • Dual and dirt wipe away • ExcloaiTe K-99 Enamel finish DRAWERS ...... i$4.75 Opott Moodays and T lw n ^ and Fridoy'NIfhts. it's at NATK^i,«l. counal An'rf CAA*ni$.oiHit$ heodlint SEE IT ON DISFLAY AT SAVINGS UP TQ 50% I’s bisgMt-*'n*wi.‘' Bucklos up front on ‘‘ cork loot,hors," Ih loothori. $izot to 10, norrew.ond moUium widiht.

i V I,. -A.i' . b > iSJ

• HORS, TEL. MltcheU 9-0866 «Your Christmas Gift Center.. MANCHESTER SHOPPING PARKADE—Wait Middio Turnpike and Broad Street. 109 CENTER ST„ jilANCHESTER Z93 MAIN ST. ’M A N C I^ TER er MAMoa m o m otNeo to omoo at MA,TioNit. • hMaoieA'O iaoooot iMoahaMoaNT omI»o omain

■' ;*/■ ■ ■ - ■ V- ■ ■ ■

■ " 'A ." >•'! I

. .**'■ V' y. i t . . J . ' V .-, : y I!. <''V. ” ' . ' { w ■ « i'


ee Plane director of the f(efugeie IMvislon Worker Strike OverJJ?:?^^® /fee 'se MAIN ST6RES A RE Towpi Fair Dr. Rees Speaks x ^ of the World Gouncil Depaitnimt •$6,000 Coi^triButed Plans iv in g Five ",, goyerfment's action halting the S taczek -S tern al | • Criiu-lsinp Yugoalavia's accept- law, to continue trying to settle Bleeping 4-year-old toK^ohan, was urer, 50 Wyllys St., and to the Coburn St Kljkldlebrook, Inc. dogs, soda and Ice cream, will be On Saturday evening, there will Council of Churches and the la- Girl Scout office. 983 Main St. | ■workers' meeting Wdne.sday, the The- weddinp of Miaa Stella! assistance from capitalist thet'r contract dispute. the first paaaebger o ff tbe ^ane. Bank Blocks sold. Some children may prefer to be an informal coffee hour. Dr, ternational Missionary Council. Anyone who was not at home when woulit' EUrateth Sternal. 218 W. Main at ,' e.speclallv from the However, the IL A ’a counsel, He waa followed by his wtfe,^Oab> t Bid Asked buy.their supper at this fair while Rees -will meet with officers and the girls called to collect may, United Stales,'vi'rayda Louis Waldmsn,_ has Indicated rielle. WAOs held fouc-'-bundled First Natidhsl Bank • their parents attend the smorgas^- committee members of the, church. STREETS GETTING LONGER send in his contribution to either aend a delegation to tne gmern , Michael P®'-iHliat "circle.s gave Yugoslavia there may be a repetition of what babies. of Manchester...... 29 84 • bord. During the hours of the fair, Dr. Rees will preach on Sunday Mra. Sundquist or the .Girl Scout nient -to protest against the nn- siacaek. Brook-f'""’ sympathy; but be- happened In 1953 whBi Eisenhower 36 meA^lS'women and 11 Chicago W — Street hames are Hartford National TbiM there will be a nursery for morning at the 9:15 and 11 o'clock ' getling'"onger. office. Justified arrests and di.sappear- lyn x . Y,', son of the late M r.; pank and Trust Co. 301, 32<, moved in to end another dock chiKIreit looked weary ^rom their strike— In one o f the other two oc­ - tots. services. \ survey of 971 typical street ances noted in recent days.” [and Mrs. Joseph Stacrek, took I Conn. Bank and OS-bt^-Ylenna flight delayed by UNTIL 9- / Well known Vermont homemade i Bom at Brecon, Wales, in 1906. ReporU of Sovlt;t deportations: pig..* i„ st. Joseph’s Church, R w k-i should not be forgotten tor casions in which he has Invoked headwtnda. names has been made to determine ,, , , , Trust Co. . 34 37 cheese, homemade candies and all Dr, Rees graduated from OxforS what is happening to street kigns of rebels continued to filter out j ville, Nov, 10 at 10:30 a m. ' one minute," rravada declare^^ i Manchester Trust ... 62 67 the T-H law's emergency pfovtr. T*** k^oup as a whole looked sorts- of household items will University in 1929, studied theol­ and their designs. of Hungary, despite government , -phe r ,,v. h . A. Lepak officiated i "the rnemli'S of Soclslisin would Slone. young with most of the adulU In Fire Inaurance Companlea found at the Kltcheq Korner. ogy and WAS ordained into the I Today’s average street name has denlal.s. | at the double ring ceremony. Solo-1like . . . weaken us. Aetna Fire ...... 60 63 The IL A waited In 1953 until their twentiee and thirties. The Anyone wishing to purchase Congregational miniatry in 1930. almost .seven letters, but the aver- Directs Depiirtatlons | 1st was Mi.ss Stella Zyjewaka and; "A fter all." it continued, "it is Hartford Fire ...... 144 154 the 80-day injunction- ran out and oldest man' aboard waa •Jamoa X" gif Is for teenagers may go to the During the next few' .vears. he ' age is held down by shch old iUne The New York Times., in a di.s-j o,-ganist was Miss Mary.Kabak not surpri.Mlng that the addre.ss National Fire ...... 87 97 then resumed its walkout. Simi­ Scenerei, 57. They were reasonably made th’ ’Plto lias brotight happl- lar strategy this time would mean T\vinkle Toe and Dancer Shoppe aided in the relief of unemployed ; favorites as Oak, King, Queen, patch from Vienna, said ■ Gen. Church decorations were Phoenix ...... 64', 67', well dreased with many of the ! ne.ss and satisfaction abroad. Our a new docki strike next February. OF MANCHESTER where there will be all sorts of Welsh miners and helped In' re­ . Walter, River. High East, West. Ivan A. Serov. Russia’s state pom pons and carnations. ; Life and Indemnity Ina.. Cos. women wearing slacks and leather enemies are now drawing conclii- Meanwhile, in New York the FLETOHER RUSS GO. \ MltcheU the currently popular velvet settling 2,000 expellees from Nazi North and South. Bccurity ctiicf. was reported in Aetna Life ...... 175 185 boots.I - Germany. ■ Oiven in marriage by her .sions that'the speech mean.! a sei-' IL A said It had been "double- . 9-7879 matador ties. To keep young ears I The higer average is flue to the Budapest to take charge of the Aetna Ca.sually . . . . 118 129 Only a few newsman were on In 1947. after serving in World brother. Joseph Sternal, the bride j i” ',',',;",]‘ti-fp,.pnce between the Soviet crossed" by the New York Ship­ 188 WEST aODDLE TURNPIKE warm In- cold weather, there will I suburbanite's desire for a quaint deportations. ^ Conn. General ...... 237 252 hand to witnesa today"! arrival— be pretty ear muffs with sequins. War II. he waa appointed director The dispatch, sand, that Serov had as her maid of honor Mi.ss | xTnion >nd Yugo-slavia and will Hartford Steam Boiler 80 90 ping Assn. The union said it had 'or exclusive sounding, street:t like in contraat to the hundred! of A ll sorts of clever mittens will o f U)e Refuges Division of the , Wyldhaven, Frost Woods, reportedly flew in five days ago to Frances Syci, Hartford. Miss: lead to a worsening of relations Travelers 6H<, 73', been virtually assured during the CORNER DURANT ST. ^ r iir Maxine Ann Rotha. Rockville, press, radio and television rspre- also be for sale. Unusual Christ­ World War II, he was appointed ' Cliff, Trestle and Magnolig. direct Soviet forces and a blanch between them Public UtUltiea hegoUsUons that the employer cousin of the bride, was brides­ Pravada vowed that the Soviet group would agree to broaden the s.entattves who Jammed thi air­ NEW .LARGER QUARTERS mas earrings, jeweky and cor- of the Hungarian secret police Conn.' Light Power . 18', 20', field at noon Wedneaday when the maid. Miss Veronica Ann Krupa, 'Communist party de.spite "incor­ existing New York area bargain­ PL OP FRONT AND REAR PARKING sages for children wltl--he sold at I headed by Ma). Gen.-Uaszlo Plros Conn. Power ...... 40 42 first plane carrying M escapees the great niece of the bride, was rect" opinions and theories among 60 ing unit to cover ports from Port In the deportations. Piros had been Hartford Flee. Lt. .. .58 from Gemmuoist tyiaimy landed. Men's Club Will al.so .sell coV- reported among, the Stalinists 1 flower girl. leaders of Yugoslav communism • Hartford Gn.s Co. ... 38 41 land, Maine, to Hampton Roads, AUTO 'OLASS INSTALLED John .Sternal, brother of the ’ •‘wHI in the fiiliire carry dut a pol­ Va. Then, It added, the shipping Brig. Gen. Sidney C. Wooten, Articles to be used to fill ou.sted by the Hungarian . Com- So. New Kngland commanded of Camp Kilmer, mas stockings will be fouird MAIN STREET ST0RE$^r length gown of crystalette.; W. Cheney Jr.. Tlmmas F. Fergu­ bo construed at actual marketa. three years. Five generations of one family gatlicred togelh^r^o give thanks SUITS (IC E M i said the 10.000th Hungar­ Ferenc Szucs. a 20-year-oId elec- cd and aculptured bf uniats in Snett Aircraft night at its next meeting made with a scoop neckline, cap son. Atty. Harold W. Garrity. C. There seems to be substantial 1 trician from Ujpest. told newsmen on Nov. 28. Many of the charter on Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mr. and Mtx. Arnold Newmait.- ian refugee had left Austria. The granite— to codute. And Barrc Austrtaft government pleaded with j sleeves^long torso fiUed bocUce^snd Foster Harry. Robert Hathaway, i agreement on new wage rates. Con after his first American Tlianks- members of this club arc employ­ 57 Turnbull Rd. Standing are Frederick Kiefer. 87. o f Bridgeport, n o w wool flannoh the western countries to cut red ' bouffant' -oi-.skirt. A » matching open Chester E. Hogan, Everett "T. Wincjiell Show tracts for other Atlsntic end Gulf giving dinner how Russian troops Granite Momunieata pay tribiuc to es of Pratt and Whitney. great, great grandfather; Mrs. Anders Rosehack. North Haven, great tape and send- In planes and trains velvet half hat and veil completed ; Keith. Wqlter N. Leclerc and v-vee A • P” ’’'® traditionally are patterned "used dum-dum bullets that tore the things that endure— the faith, love The toastmaster, topic master gi'andmother; Arnold Newman, grandfathei-. Sitting arc Mra. Errol to take the refugees to their pi-om- her ensemble. She carried a cas-, Jacob F. .Miller, people apart” to suppress the re­ 'and tnemorict of thotc who have and speakers at Ihi.s meeting will i Warner Jr.. Glastonbury, mother; and Lynn-Ann Warner, daughter. rich wool twood$ cade, bouquet of yellow pompons. ; In addition to operating the Set to Go Off Air “'I'*'In addition to Holland, Eisenhow. I Herm Photo Ised new homes. cent Hungarian uprising.s. passed on. all be Pratt and Whitney men. The bridesmaid wore a gown ; .State’s only school for blind chil- er named to the fact-finding board Toastmasters has jii-st pa.ssed ' Weal Germany, which had "In the face o f such weapons we When you are choosing pour monu­ tanned to admit 3.000 refugees. | made the same as that of the maid dren, the institute has a sheltered New York. Nov. 23 - - The yesterday Arthur Stark of New could not possibly win the revolu­ Ita second anniversary in Man­ Uvill give .-r short talk on the, work” as removed ali restrictions on the I of honor, only In coral. She carried I workshop for the adult blind. It I option on Waller Winchell's Frl; York, a labor arbitrator, and Jacob tion," he said. And then after a ment. let us help jou. Ih * beauty and chester. Several of ita charter WGTU AiiiiouDC*es ' of her dep.irtment with demonstra­ J, Blair, ft University of Pittsburgh permanence of select Bette Grtniie members are finishing their basic TRiPii^srom J pause: tions. A forum will be conducted iflow I a cascade bouquet of blue pompons.! receives a limited part of its | day nightTelevision show will notprofessor. "But we had hoped for aid from make it a auiia- speaking and personal develop- - County Institute ; or. "Promoting Temperance Edu- There waa no indication the ! The flower girl wojre a floor [ budget from the State, but needs i be picked up at the end of the col- the outside world.’’ hie choice for ment course. This will leave open- | I cation among Youth Groups" 'dally,: intake of two planeloads, United States' would step up its length gown of yellow nylon over ^ additionalWinchell revenue announced to the implement decision j urnnistP.ANEL. s current *4TUDY 6-weeks C.APIT.AUISM contract. ings for new men to start this 2 9 . 9 5 your monumenl, Those attending are to bring a because of the need for increasing in today’s New York Dally .Mlr- Princeton, N. J. i>Pi -A research HTGN course in self-improvement. It is A County HisUtute of the Wom­ Open Tonight till 9 about 150 persons. neckline. She carried yellow net. made with scalloped scoop i Its income from endowment funds' " ' “ ■* tO box lunch, a hot beverage will be iU staff and providing more equip- ror, the new.spaper which prints center to teich th,. frinci'.les of whether it ia to planned to start another group of an's Christian Temperance Union Austrian reporters who returned bronze pompons. and served. The public is cordially in­ $40 value • from wfeat they called "a horrible The mother of the bride cho.se a ment for an ever-increasing enroll-: hi.s column in the city. the American capitalistic economy RANGE * y ' * • - .V * be Urge or amalL men through right after the holl-1 will be held Nov. 29 from 10 a m. has been established heie. days. I vited to attend. night at the border" said Russian blue lace gown with black acces- ment. Some 137 children are now The Mirror quoted WinchelV a.s \ \ II III until 3:30 p.m. at the Advent soldiers shot at least 20 Hungar­ sorie.s and an orchid corsage. enrolled at the In.stitute's Oak i saying he Is relieved at the action Called the Princeton Panel, the Interested men are invited to , EXTRA CONTRASTING iUEL O il Christian Church, .517 West St.. The Visual Art.s Section of the White streamers and bells deco­ Hill School Department. . of the sponsors "'becau.se he l.s center will invite ’fading scholars attend the meetings, which gre ian refugees duriiiiir the night. T Bristol. Mrs, R. C. Bauer. County ; Pan American Union has collected ' " I saw three Hungarians mowed rated the .Kosciuszko Club. 1 T^e institution is seeking ftnan- * working' for less than half the and researcher to “ study how held on the second and fourth ALL WOOL FLANNEL SLACKS 9.95 American capitalism serves social GASOLINE Wednesday of each mrmth at president, w ill preside at the meet­ ! information on approximatelv | doa^’n before my eyes,’’., one re­ Vernon Ave.. where a reception for cial support by means of a direct salary he received for a 12ii-min- ing. ute newscast and is knocking him­ and moral ss well as economic COMPARE AND SAVE Cavey'a Restaurant at. 6:30 p.m. i ’ in.OOO Latin porter said. 210 guesU waa held from 12 to 6 mail campaign which will sU rl Each tff the 17 Countv directors ' various perlod.x .Destroy- Escape Bridge p.m. i Nov. 26, self out every day rehearsing, re­ values." For business and wherever appearance The Russians in the area, ad­ The bride’.s traveling co.stumc------—• vising the entire script, editing ■Th:?:;;PaneI al.so alms to show really counts, the expensive look of your "how the market can I'e a demo^ joining L*ke Neualedlersee, had Jvas a beige knit suit with browri n > ia * * 1 the show. . .'' BANTLY OIL & I .IMI' \\t , |\( , Westerfield suit sets you apart from others.. blown up a main bridge spanning accessorie.s. The couple will reside " a r K M ' f l V J v l l S l l f l p Winchell reportedly will receive cratic, free-voting process in which 'And this is a pictur* of my OK Used Cor.” a canal near the border. But ref­ at 94 Eiigle St., Brooklyn. * * $75,000. in severance' pay. the burinj housewife can make or ■' 'I \'\ - I Id I I SAPORITI MEMORIAL CO. For leisure, wear your suit jacket with break the producer” ugees Jumped into the cpid water The brldC .Js a graduate of St. Injures Couple Old Gold, which controls the 470 CF.NTER STREET TEL. Ml 3-7732 these smart contrasting flannel slacks. and swam across. Joseph's Pardcblal School and 8:30-9 p.m. period over NBC on TEL Mitchell 9.4595 Then, the Austrians said, the Rockville High School. She wa.s a Friday nights, has given up that Hotels In The Netherlands main­ MULTIPLE-LIGHT SET Suits are pure wool tweed or wool flaimel Russians began shooting into A Newington couple wa.s injured tain free baby sitters for guests. TEL ROC.KVIILE 5-:i77 SHOW member of the Children of M go ’- lime. Toni, the alternate spoflsor, Specialists in monuments sculptored from select Barre granite. in tones of gray, blue, brown. 2 and 3 _ groups., of - refugees on the ground and was employed at Travelers fit* slightly a.s the result of an , acci­ said it could not carry the finan­ PASSPORT4 Ko hunting for burned eat D og|« $ 2 « 0 0 " and crawled Oh toward the border. surance Co., Hartford. The bride­ dent on the Wilbur Ci'o.ss Park­ cial load of the show, put at $165,- button single breasted modeb with The Vienna newspaper N e u e r way (n Manchester in "heavy" pre­ lamps ai each lamp bumB SPECIAL groom graduated from St. Stanis­ 000 weekly for broadcasting time, HERE patch or flap j;iocketS: Regulars, Kurier reported that a 22-yoar-old laus Parochial School, served in the holiday traffic Wednesday. and other costs. indeperidently. Russian soldier surrendered to Nav)} as a seaman, first class, for 'They were Mr: and Mrs. Hobart Winchell leaves Dec. 2 for the shorts, longs. Extra slacks are Benson, w‘ho«e eastbound car wa.s Austrian soldiera at the border, eight years, a.nd is now employed Wqst Coast and will do the four go-together-tones of wool turning oyer his tommy-gun and at the American Chicle Co. in New hit alhiost headon by a car pushed remaining shows from there. The .170 rounds o f ammunition. He aald across the esplanade by a third York. co)utunist reportedly Is considering AMERICAN MADE lie did not want to have any furth­ 1 ■- •------’ . auto. a number of other air offers. er. part in . Russian brutalities State Patrolman James McCor­ 2 0 " mick investigated and arrested a^inst Hungarians, the paper One fourth of the population BOYS' or GIRLS' Robert Philllp.s. 23, o.f Woodbury, hCHIST RUBS said. (17.424,9261 of Argentina is- con- In Moscow, 35 prominent Sioriet Storm Causes N. J.. charging him with follow­ laOrwJOVemgftirfiRx* C DUD I BICYCLES ing too close. ujenlrated in Buenos Aires and its -T-writers acknowledged that Russia stlburbs. was "partly responsible’’ for the MpiSrDamage McCormick reiKirted Phillips’ situation which led to the Hungar- car smacked the rear of a vehicle revolt and subsequent Soviet driven by Joel Reynolds Jr., 20, of WELDON DRUG COMPANY 2 9 . 9 5 iotaevention. I n a Utter bi d the brunt of South Orange. N. J., .shoving it Literary Gazette, the writers said a wind and rain storm which across the esplanade. Philllp.s and . • 901 MAIN STREET • FREE TRAINING the Hungarians were dissatisfied wrought havoc in other parts of Reynolds were headed west, with OARS W HEELS Reynolds in, the lead. Slate Police with their situatip'rt and that their the State and nation on TTianksgiv- Limited Supply leaders lacked the will to "tiqul- ing eve said. UNDERCOAtED date the intolerable violations of i But the howling wind did drop Mr. and Mrs. Benson were Freiih, clean slip covers aqd drapes Socialist la^v” in-the country. [three limbs on power lines in vari- treated at the East Hartford Hos­ SPECIAL A But 't'ass. the Soviet news agen- i ub* part.s of town causing power pital for minor injuries and re- will brighten the home for holiday 95 GUARANTEED ALL-WOOL ZIPCOATS • Cy, still soiight to play down theibbli^as for a time, according to, Iea.sed. ^ 1 8 quests during the bu.sy da.vs a|iead. Fir* Chief , , e«ent of Soviet intervention. It 1 Oonnecticut Power Co, State .Police .said traffic was | WORKMANSHIP BAHK « Bring them to Us and be sure. 'Ylally'denled reports abroad that! ^ spokesman for the Southern! jammed at various times oil the ^ TURNPIKE a u t o with 100% wool pl a U linors *’tR^ Soviet Union supposedly P**'*' Telephone Co. said , Wilbur Cros.s Highway Wednesday | i W AS 815.88 movech^O new'^lnfantrv division's Kn'X’ked 43 . night, but was relatively light yea- AUTO SERVICE MEN'S SHIRTS INDIVIDUALLY Jnlo H im W y and'that -s o V i e t i v «i >ous , terday. i • aaN-hMHae '164 W . m i d d l e TPKC. SATURDAYS CELLOPHANE WRAPPED You’re often identifi^ by the car you drive. That's aoM drive troops in H^gary anJ- Romania tarlf fhu’mo'ii,® ' ------• nrehen allegedly were imn'ing toward, t ^ j f‘'i l l ■> | C * m T E I. M l 9-4t0fl why good travelers prefer OK Used Cars—they eedaeMeerd i " * ’ ” * “ ^**9 h l S l e i Ma4^xdije4ie/i Ga. meet the test of critical inspection. Reconditioned t Souet troop iMdinp^luBulgana. Manchester Fire Department and wairanted in writing by your Chevy dealer, In Geneva the Inttrnatlmiar La- , „ i»boul 10:30 p;pi. when a live Killed by Blaze I -iO', MA N n-d MA N S^BHI * MASCHfcSUB CONN bor organization ( IL O I. one of the - re' • 1063 MAIN ST. OK Used Cars are passports to Successful trips. 29.95 wire down' SpruA St. started a . U.N. specialized agehcie.s. demarid- small fire whicb*-u'M put out by the Lynn. Mass., Nov. 23 (A*i^A ; 3 A. M. to 12 NOON Get them where volume trading for new CheV- Dtiwx* TRKYCU $ 4 0 V a lu e ed that full civil libert.ic.s including ^)pp.' Army and Navy Club riun before firemen arrived; Com­ young brothel- and sister perished i rolets k^^s selections big and prices low! SA\^ Regularly 80.05 trade union rights be restored in panies Nos. 1 and 4 responded. NORMAN'S Hungary. * early todav in a fire that swept ! HARTFORD RD. 83.00 Local police investigated two ac­ the first floor of aT-fam liy dwell- j ^ 00% Wool / cidents which occurred wh«8i ^ars ing on Chestnut St. j Only‘franchi%»d Omyrolmt deo/are ,95 skidded on wet leaves. There were ' ‘The victims were Identified by | VALVE JOB SPECIAL! Downtown Cleaners • Oeseed Donegal-typo twop^ Stale Health Aide no Injuries. 'N, , .- police as Robert Palmaire. Jr., 4. j ' display thasa famous Iradamarksl In one. a ear driven by and Ann'Palmaire, 2'^.. ,1 lia u N f o y NOUN vlmt CN^mnuu Charlotte G. (^arlsoni 16 of 99 PLYMOUTH — FORD — CHEVaOUT i6 b % 'w o d l Dies at Milford "Their father,- Robert. wa.« burned ; • •« IHMRBt Homeatead St., skidded and rain- seriously trying to-..reach the two i fancy twoeci ' (bed. Into the rear of an aillo be­ children. He was-taken , to. Lsuin i GARTER CHEVROLET CO., Inc. M ilford’ Nov.‘ 23 uPi” Miss I^ma ing operated by Mrs. John Rogers. Hospitat w;heiei his condition was : ; «c,i. $28.95 ' " E li? ? * 100% W ool BiehUaen. a prominent Connecticuui Marisfleld,. who had stopped fo r;* deacrlbed as Seriou.s. i li» MAIN ST. ,, '.r.^ ■ MANCHESTER public healtliYworket. died ye.iter-jstpp sigr at Hiulford Rd. and- The mother. Anita, fled from the | worsted goNi^ino' da.v. at htr homO: in.the Mofning* Malp St. Damage to the front of flaming’ house' after snatching an [ GET SET NOW FOR im ow BittrsH aide section of this town. (the CarLson car amounted to $3.'>0. _infanU______son,__ Tbonias, -i i monthsf L and L MOTORS As senrice director-of the Con- Th e other car was slightly <1®”' ' Train 'hlir'crib^^ FORAIERI.Y Look it these used car bargains necticut. division of the American | eged. Patrolman Albert Scable.s I'a I ' FiniWt all-wools in distinctive _ o 1 . w w j i . ■ -i.- I . . Firefighters ssid the' V learned Cancer Society. Miss Bieh|Usen had continuing his investigation. I the hlare woke the father He SOUMENE, Inc. 1955 FORD V8 1952 CHEVROLET patterns. Handsome, all-wool an asswiate of Di. Athley , In the other an auto driven by. hi.v wife to save the babv 834 C E N TE R RT. Oughterson. former Yale Medical Johanna C. Mackey IS of H.nt- another bed- M I 3-5101 Falrlan.e Hardtop, -f 4-Door. Radio, heat- f l ? 7 ^ E ^ , plaid zip-in Uner. Bal collar Radio, heater; School professor kOled Su^nday^^in jforcL reportedly spun around twice | ^^v to rescue their other er, power glide. * 4 0 style with raglan or set-in sleeves, "Expensive a»„,^airpla’no crarfh in Colombia on Camp Meeting Rd. after skid- -hnure'n. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. THIS W INTER Fordomatlc, dual*. ^ l O I r O Reg. coat” detailing throughout. Choose from' where’Ttejyas ori a mission for the ding on leaves. According to in -, officials said the fire niight M l 9-45T97 Do It consistMtiy. They iMod this n f r a Rockefeller 'Foundation. vestlg^ating^atroln^n Joseph Sar- originated in the ^kitchen 1954 FORD V8 1951 CHEVROLET graj', blue, brown, heather. Sizes 34 to 46, ,^^yiias Biehusen alsri had been ex­ tor,t/*9* thet n * car, s««ii' which \t‘ nis>n had n a H been rtravel- u a t* *!. Ij ...... $1.00 Value \vheie there Is an oil burner. food during the wintar nnoiiHis. Fordpr. 4-Door. C C , regulars, shorts, longs. ecutive secretary of the.fTOnnecti- ing west, came to rest facing east | Radio, heater. Radio, heater. cut branch of the American Acad-;- in.^a ditch. ■ : Low mileage. $1195 emy o f Pediatrics, assistant direc­ a cat'driven by Thomas O. O’Neill.-' U o u r b ^ • Wild Bird Seed . Cempletf Alteitrtleiu IncliHled tor of nursing services at New a card’riven by .Thoma.s O. O'NeUl. i a 24 HOUR DELIVERY AND 1951 DcSOTO Haven Hospital and director of 1954 PLYMOUTH 1&. of 10 Mintz CburL. sTriick the' BURNER SERVliTE -4-Door. Radio, hhat- MOHAIR STEERING Student Hegllh Servicejit the Yale rear of one driven by Vincent T. I • Suet Cakes 4-Door, Radio, heat- ^ 1 1 ig C C O C er. Very clean. School of Nursing. , i Guobautis at the Center'' when- • E.XPEKT BURNER SERVICE er. U ke new! Y ■ ■ OD WHEEL COVERS " She had been lU three months GfTubautis stopped' to allow a . # Sunflower Seeds / YO U SAVE 2 W AYS before she died. pedestrian to pass. Damage to the 1953 CHEVROLET 1950 FORD V8 Bom in Crete, iNeb., MiSs Biehu- cars was estimated by InvestigaU Bel A ir 4-Door. Fordor. ^ g aen was Educated in Sheboygan ing Patrolman Rowe, H. Wheeler, • Bird Feeders Radio, Beater, Radio, heater. ^ . # 7 9 REG . 59e AT ROBERT HALLI FYdIa. Wia., at the Stout institiite at 875. The accident occurred at .power glide. $1035 In Menominee. ’ W is. and at the •7 ;.50 p.m. 4 4 i ^ I You Mwe because we , Yale School of Nursing, where she A few wiiulows weie broken by-, " 1950 MERCURY" received her degree in 1932. Eight wind In some sections of town‘s and^ -^/n^e ct oat/ .1952 CHEVROLET * m a k e th e s e in o u r ^ Club Coupe. C > I ^ E ‘'years later she received a master's outdoor ornaments and plants, ' t-Door. Radio; heater.’ own tailoring plaotf. dejgree from thp Yale Sphool of. wpre overturned. t i Radio, healer. O y > . ♦ ' Public Health. ^ mPlE^STORES You sifiF# bocousa w a Miss Biehusen (caves her moth­ ^4JOLOR SOHEME ' 1952 CHEVROLET 1950 CHEVROLET ‘ . er, .« lesident of 'Wisconsin.' and 8t. Ignace, Mich. UP)—ivory ConverMhle. Radio, ^ Q <9 E ’ 681 MAIK STREET— MANCHESTER 2 M il thorn in our own two Bl^Jers, Mrs. Myra Light of towers will rise between a pale 4-Door. Radio, heat- E ^ 9 E WlHi AH SlltR Foil er Rang* Oil DdhraHts ‘ heater. New top. er, power glide. ^ * # 9 9 low-everheotf M l Vernon.'N. Y., and Mrs. Ruth -een atiapeneion span w)ien the A 8 ' MORRISON solesreomt. Bamea o f Washington, D.C. ackinac StraitsD.'idge ia painted, j FUELOIL gThat's the oolor scheme d^ided on PUNT aid WALLPAPER CONPANY . Gibberellio acid tnakes plants for-the 100°"liUlon dollar bridge W 1 9 'SERVICE, B.F.Goodrleh bloom wnich never bloomed before.. linking Michigan's upper and’ lower 24 -MALN ST, TEL. Ml 8-8610—PI 2-«488 385 C E M T E R S T R E E T ’- T E L . M l 19-9713 CARTER CO 4 , Inc. :4 Jiic'udod are suc^ ptants da cant>U]peiilaauIaa.- It ia to be conr^i^eted .3 \I:AYS TO .PAY • BUDGET • MONTHLY • COD 34 DEPOT SQUARE M I 9-5274 S «p ^ W^Uam catchfly. in late 1967. *


tha aubdaacon. Mra.'Ar'iyhe.Oarrity > 'i 1 waa organist and aololat. Arsenic Found la British Ready Ohituary Father Kar'veMa read the commit, R e a f f i r m s News Tidbits tat-service-at the grave )n St Mary’a-Obmetary, East' Hartford. ^ t1 CuUed from Ah Wires ■ Withdrawal of Dalagauora from the Living Rosary In WeU;iTto^ Fears Nagy ftocraty and the Lithuanian Worn- Deaths Allianca attended the services ® m is e o: Oiie Battalion ■'^In a b^ y,. .- Dead, Eiglit ill U-S-^Army saya It has paid SI.2A *‘ v». ■ • million'tO'Japaneae company since Bearers were Edwafd Rudnlck Jo­ VOI* xflV , N®. IX FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23 by Stadtnte of ManehMtw Hijch School MIm h u m ive Wn.shlfigton'Wdered investigation (Conthmed from Page One) P 1 seph -Rudnick,^ Donaid Baltulonis, (Conj^mied frirni Page One) ■’■k -tOopMauetl from (P«*e One) O f cordpany and awarded it $1,394,- Philip Lewis. 70. 83 ChatUr Oak Alexander Bloiie, Stanley Urbanls '''-^(Continued from Page One) 818 in new contracts, i, Jv-aed Chi­ set about organizing a temporary St., died at hia homa..^aterday. and William'Rudnlck, limlnary examination on Kidwell'a* Iw U.N. -Secretary;,G«nei:»l Dag \ Mock Ballot Held The na’s Premier t’hon Kn-laT l*,^ln headquarters at the .Semiramis Born in Mencheatir'on Dec. 1ft, body. . ’ * Cast Working Buftincftft Studentft Aid TcfcherSy Office Legion of Honor Hajnmaralcjold to negotiate con- ister wOib'-w^s executed as a Tlto- r.ambodin on his tour to strength­ 1885, the aon of the late Francia CsmiUo J. Andislo The father and nine children tracta tor clearance of the blocKrd ■Hptel on the Nile., He scheduled a Funeral services for Caraillo J. isl in Octobef''1949. en Peiping's ties with seven South H. and Emmlk B. Lewis, he had originally were 'believed to have . By English Class Sue* CMal? The reaolutlon- also Asian countries. meeting With Cot. Salah Gohar, been a • Unlong resident of this Andliio, 461 Woodbridge' St., were been suffering from botulism. A', Doctor Says In adrilUon. Vtdtfr-,»aid, there head' of fcg y p ^ Palestine Depart­ Overtime to HighSefidoJ xrauld praise Maniinarskjoltl's work Forest Rangers call Tiyr aerial town.^Hi was engaged in' the held q'cleek this morning disease resulting from eating During the recent national clec- In setting up the U.N. police force. were IS wbmen'and 17 etitidren. tankers, to help them in their 5- ment of thePocelgn Office,-and grqedry buatneaa for 53 years, flrat from the W: P. Quiah Funeral spoiled food. ' . ^■Whetf the 21 Asian-Afrlcan apon- planned, an earl^-vlgit to PoTt- oii School St. and later on Chijir- Home, followed-by a boiemn high tiona, Mr>4Rlbert Huiit'a acceler­ r.. y Sloirs on Sktn tirnemMy CauM* Vidic asked specifically bnttle against dlsatroiis moiin- Kaylor said 'he had ndL ruled out Produce Play On^WcefcBiid iorsTOf the new withdrawal re.solu-: xrouble. Should Be .l,eft Alone : ,uev had not vet returned to their lajn fire that has seared 13.000 Sald, British-French held city at ter Oak St. He was a member of Mesa of requiem at 10:30 in St. the possibility that the children ated sophombrp English clasg^hcld the northei-n end of the canalr> ' a mock clectionTor president , of tJon met to put fini*hmg louchos ------* ^ / a *i i tiss. M.m I **^**®^'^^ vital'watershed covering the Center Congregational Church, Bridget's Church. The Rev. Dennis died of botulism and that the ar- , or-itc;*ome of-the group reported- .- py k OWIN I’. JORDAN, .M. D. homes and .streasod that me tt n-1 California, . . USS Gyatt; first The U;N. force led by B u i^ now' Mancheiter Lodge. .Ho. 73, A.F. R. Huasey was' the celebrant, tKe aenic came from phlntCd wobdwork •'Move that eet over here,' the class, in. connectipn with a unit •nieuaandi of . pliopia .tiMirafl tlia Ijr wanted-to set a deadline-for the ’ >Vritten for N*EA .Service gariaii government liad given ; Navy’s giilded missle deslros-ers, totals nearl.v 1,000 men in Egypt. and''A,M., -and Nutmeg Forest Rev. Francia Karveiia the deacon, on which they Inlght have chewed. "Here'e your top hat. Spottlque.* on parliamentary prbe^ure. new Maacheatar High iehaol inrhdcrs'to-gel-out._ - - Those blemishes of the skin guarantce.s not. to peisecute them; i yvin bs comrhissfoned Dec. 3 Plans call for it to be increased Tall Ced)iK,of Lebanon. and the Rev. John F. pelaney the •'O.K., we'd better do scene again." | Tha class formed th m partlee: day avaniiig and aiao on •aturflajr" to some 6,000. Most of the troops Uiter they decided to ask thei TOoie* are of different kinds f The action taken by the Yugo- ^our Asian members of 5-nation .r — .i He leaves nt8-.^ife, Mr*. Ethe) aubdeaebn. Mrs. Arlyne .Oarrlty "Hey, Jane I’ll need a fan in the i Republicans, Democrats and Inde­ and Sunday aftameona. ? Fish Lewis; a son^.. Francis H. waa organist and aololat. Father '-Tha plan: ot tha Khool in tM Assembly to note "\Vith grave con-1 and most of them should be left : will no doubt complicate re-j Baghdad pact say they view with * next act." Shouts like these echo< pendents. cern“ that' Britain; Fiance and Is­ Intion.v between the Tito regime i “ anxiety and alarm" rising tide of Abu Suwelr. an airfield behind the Lewis, and a ..sister, Mrs, Julius Huaaey read the committal seiwice Lebanon Holds Lid The Independents, headed liy Manehaatar Itvening, Herald, jM* alone. Egyptian lines near the midway from the set of "Charley’s Aunt." ■ rael Mad not yet complied with its Q—My son has moles ail over and the present Hungarian gov-1 ^nh^.^rNion in Middle East. . . Near- Rau, both of Manchester, and a at the grave in St. Jemea' Ceme- Jon Norris, formed such a pow;er-'', b y .,William VaderS, nqgppad aift decision* o f Nov.-2 and'7 that they ernnient, informed .sources said. 1 ]y month.s of negotiations cli- p^nt on tha canal. brother, Ferdinand Lewis - df tery. On Subversive Plot Sock A Buskin's 3-act play to-be I ful party that, as a counter­ the entire school, show l^atanotu, his body and I-wonder what can be One company of 190 Norwegian shwuld'wlthdfaw from Egl-pl- done to g e t’rid of them. — Mrs. But they added that Yugoslavia! ,Y>axed bv marathon 72-hour ses- Bolton. Beerars were Paul Ottone, Pa'iil presented Dec. 7, and 8. Peopta ate measure, the other two parties esiU and apaclfic atairwtgm UNd: new resolution then repeated the wlli make every effort to see that ^lon attended by U.S. mediators troops has moved Into Port' Said The funeral' will be held at 2 Mente, Blegio Belflorc, Jbaeph rushing around and bumping info for up and down traffle. • S. C.. for the announced purpose of less­ (Continued from Page One) merged into the "Republicrats." previous call* for withdrawal, A---MoIes are cnncenli-alions of the Hungarian government abides results in agreement calling for o'clock torrtbfrow afternoon at the Pero, Harry Flirato and,-Anthony each other, but what appegra to be The convention to nominate can- Ivar Jozus, Stiidaftt O eu a^ . • 'nib Witiah, Prisndh and rsraelia pigment in certain arca.s of the ' by its promt.se. « P*.v hikes for sorpe 50.000 operat- ening tension bctw'een the city’s Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main Roinano, all memlteceoFthe Italian' confusion to an outsider la really president, was. gaa«ni ehairiMB Egyptian population and the Brit- cessful pressure to break off ,r*' dldatea, moderated by C h a r I a s Bavei^ld HammarskJoTd they are skln. Thepigment Is know-n ' Nagy had been in the Yugoslav j^jf-omploycs oh nation’s rail- St. Burial will be in East American Society.’/ ' quite an organized plan. Ryan, opened with an Invocation, of the toiira. Danny, ftintn wad in •ish-Frcnch occupation, forces. So latlons with' BriUln and France, charge - of the guldaa' on Friday piililhg ohl adifie troops. But they melaijin.-Most of them will never embassy in Budapest for 18 days, roads, Cemetery. Members 6f the'l adlea AiixiUery aa Syria and Egypt did following _ The actors, when not on stage, followed by a scripture reading said 'before'a’ tk>mplete- pu!)back'; causfccaifflciilty, though there is, His presence was a cause of con- far their imission has been largely , Frlendi may call at the funeral of the Italian American. Society at­ are studying lines, doing home­ evening. Boh wnrrM O M a rM y ^ r sj-mboUc. the Briliah-Frcnch invasion. and the "Star Spangled Banner." thh -D.hf.' niust Insure free naviga- one "‘VSrietv which i-an o a u . s e ' cern for the Y ugo.slav government. home today from 3 to 5 and 7 to tended the^aervlcea in a-body. Last work, or being measured for cos- An Independent. Paula Adami ternoon, anfd John P U tm ^ f which the as.scmblv has given it Now made up of ...HWedes. Noc=. Beirut rentains cairn ' and ho tumes. In one wing, Mra.-LeVei anernoon. Thera wore _ tWrtr fhrdiiglt the Suj^canhl aner treble' If tJested at all the greai-I ft-p.m-;------— night. dAWgaUuUf fi'uin the Italnii populaF excitement is visible, hi)t made, a speech nominating J) esk skill and care should he used. ■ >-h“l ‘t- might be intci fering in in- to do." . weglans, Danes. Colombians, In­ Kelson and her art squad are on duty all the time tar the ttine it'ia reb'pened Ah'd must guarantee dians and Yugoslavs, the police- American Society and Oilworth-* there is uneasiness here about the Norria, with seconding spt^echeSoy day*. Some o f the leading students o f i tcrnal political developments of These. Butler said. Included (ll Mrs. Charles p . Whltehrr Cqmeil-Quey Poaf, No. 102, Amer­ busily painting scenery. (’This la an Israel against Arab attacks ar«i preservation of peace between force is armed with rifle*, machine ultimate intentions, of Syria to­ extra hard job - this year, aa the Gall Bcunelle and Valarie /J o h n ­ Tha autlon signe vrtiieh hung at ecoiidmJc blocks;\’ou)4 tUden Rift . of ’’.secure freedom of navigation” said it would fight if attacked, but 105 Main St., widow of Charles D, home to pay reepecta, ^and Man­ An official source disclosed that ones must be repaired.) Robinaon for the f^fiublicrats, corridon warn mad* by tha/ Att gically. Some akin specialists r e - i »t'cHcr in the enibas8y was__pub- Whitcher, .Aled last evenlhg.- at chester Lodge, No. 1803, BPOE. with seconding' speeches by Wet- . lj,S, .quppOrt.for.the Aaign-Afri- lished here. Officially the Yugo­ through the ganal, and (3i insur­ he emphi-sized it is chiefly a moral the Lebanese Army has uncoveted, At the stage entrance, Jane To enter the realm of ministry is ^ MHS's own cute pixie, Marilyn Department and Daiiny K*nn iirna -'1 gan, resolution would widen the move ■ certirtn kind.*-“UTth the ance of unhindered use of the and symbolical fQ)ce. MahehAster Memorial' Hoipt-tal conducted the Elks rituel.i -. evidence of subversive activitle.a Harry Marty Leander and Bar­ ley Fcshler and Rascal Poe. in charge of d ietrttot^ . them- flft Electric- needle. slavs learned thi.s w-hen their news­ after a prolonged illnei*. Bervicea were largely ettchded. Dale RoblnsoiyTiave the first from*inem‘“ em bT r% ' t C ronlo^ f eplit between' Amgiipa. and her papers announced last night Nagy canal by world shipping in accord Urgently confronting the U.N. in Blerut. TThia source said dyna­ bara Duncan are handing out and the r i^ t placee. wggtem. paclJiara. It coltidea head- Q- -My girl friend’s mother is with the six principles adopted by Command was the continued p r e s -if^ " '^ m" and many floral tributes wera re­ mite, arms and maps containing collecting propa aa the actors campaign speiiri), briilding her class. In preparation for hla-chbeen The dedlcaflon ceremony waa a living with her. Three years ago had decided to leave the emba.s.sy. platform' on^^lvll rights, Interna------Rog" plans to attend Boa-(Boa- { With th^ desire for a career In on. writK .the British stand spelled It was noted here that %vhile the Security Council. One of the ence of British, French and IsraT- ceived. * certain instructions were found in travel off .and on stage. They are held Friday evwing. After Intro- out In ,the House of Commons yes- the mother got tubcrculo-sis.. Last principles is that the waterway !i troops in ..Egypt and another she had lived all her life in Man­ an automobile. Beirut ha.s had four finding it.rather difficult to get cer­ tionallsm.^w’er taxes, Incraak.ed ton Univeraity Junior (College. ‘ journalism, "iHshy" has tollowed dueUons by Mr. Chriatle M^eObr- year she Was released from the the Y'ugoslavs had been promised chester, and wbs a member of the governinental services, .draft-ex­ As an active member of the tef^ y-by tetlng Prime Minister-R. by the Hungarians they, weiiid not w-ould be kept out of national and Egyptian warning that fighting bombings during the past week. tain articles, such as pictures com. the College Ybgpafttory courita mlek, the Hon. Jhdg* Ohafles sanaforium. Now when my girl Second Congregational Church. (This account, which passed mon in the 1890s. Marge Grimm emption of college students, and South Methodist Church, Rog be­ Keuaa gave the keynote ’ addreee. A-^Uer.. . t - frlcnd and her mother come Jo see i “ ct against f'Hgy no similar international polities. would break out anth if the in­ Pair Win $11,5100 longs to the Temperance Ck>mmit- throughout high s'bhool. Her sub­ . BuUeruuld^riUshrFrench.with-- - Butler added the government vasion force.* dojifit withdraw. She waa Vgraduate of Manchester Lebanon's Mrict censorship, indi­ and her costume committee are atrqng American intervention to Thix MHB Oreheatra and R e ^ d me I am afraid. Is there anv pos- obtained from the High School and Bridgewater, cigar up the middle Bast sltua' tee, and has a church Sunday jects include O ollc^ Freahtnan f^'w al wRQUld-not-take place untH Russians. had no idea of "flouting the 'The latest^'Egyptian a.ssertion cated that a foreign diplomat had running around measuring the TablA Blngera performed during ■ tne tJ.N. force is *'competanl" -to sibility that my family or I could Mass. Normal School and taught In Damage Sr actors when they can catch them on. School class. For experience in English ("my favorite'^. Algebra Relilible sources here .said Vidic 'United -Nations, but we must re­ came fronr \ving Cmdr. Ali .Sabry, been linked with the automobile. preaching, he participated in two Chemistry, Spanish and the evoHlng. (1) keep-peaQc. Jietween Egypt get the disease?—Mrs.-H. serve to oiirselvej an element of school in Torrington. :---- r- I There was no indication o f this off stage. Stage director June Cer^ Jon Norris' campaign speech n, n Dahan went to Budapest to negotiate chief polftlcal adviser to Pre.sident apeaking cenleata at church. a capella Choir. Further aludy and Igrael,-.t2i-.;insure j-estor*tion A-vIn all- probability .vour Jiidgmcnt,” Mrs. Whitcher leaves a daugh­ T w o Manchester women were | nationality). yini, can be heard abova the had these planks: civil rights,, Tha foUowl Mdent Ceufletl personally with the Hungarian NssSer. He declared in a broad­ Aa a College Prep, wnior; Mter! will be on tha campud of elth«r ot-l'secil^-freedom n f navigation"; friend’s- mother was not released Denies Prior Agreement cast Interview that British French ter. Lola, wife of Dr. George A. F. awarded I1L500 by k Superior I The soifrcc .said the Armv fak'bd others,, prompting I lest and leaa at elimination of draft, flexible farm and Natlona} ’ fleeioty mam- from the sanatorium until she was government on the status of Nagy Lundfoerg Jr.; two brothers, Ralph every rehearsal) and seeing that supports, maintenance of H-bomb following the Business Course three Bates or Upaula thrajuiitJthe ^anal,«hd. achieve and the others in the Yiigoslav Butler al.so rejected Laborlte-aterway entirely:' noncontagioua to olhers...... wait for a buildup of U,N. forces C; Brown and Ernest F. Brown, suit against Andrew Ansaldl, 123 people are in the right place a( the testing, strengthening -Monroe Maril}rn’s free evenings ar* few ceremony Friday Tom The chghpes of acquiring tuhercu- I embasay. niands for an inve.stigation, idto al arms, dynamite and maps..A Leba,- in aubjrn matter. In addition, he and far between. She is a mem­ by world .^nipping, in .-accordance iegationrihat Brltain^'^ | before they will pull out of Egypt, both of Manchaster, and two W. Center St., local contractor. right time. In the midst of all this Doctrine. Near East cease fire, Bal*)er, Charlts Dal* losis from her are therefore re-'! Vidic spent Tuesday and We.d- grandchildren. nese claimed he had been - run "organized confusion," Mrs. Helen and a strong United Nations. ia taking Modern Problems,' Alge­ ber of Sock and Buskin, Senior \Vith'..the .fix .prii^ples adopted ujote, j nesdny in Budapest, and the Yugo- l.srael had con.spjrM -lfr advance to He did not however, set any dead Mrs. Arlene P. Ahlberg, of 34 down by the automobile and-dur­ - Herald Photo by Pinto • bra I and English TV, Browfb^^Judy Igst.inonth. by the Sedurlty Coun­ line for a withdrawal. Funeral services for ' Spruce St., was' granted $10,500, Skinner, the director, is directing I Pupils pictured above are seen | In the election, Jon Norris led .Girla’ Club, Chirrcnt Affairs and Cailson/\ John Dormer, Q,'— 1 have been troubled for | s'av-Hiingaiian agrecrnenl on the attack Egypt. JPlie .acting Prime Whitcher will be held tomorrow ing the Investigation Army of­ the actors and correlating all the This year, Rog ia an alternate .t^iU Staff. She alao has astronom­ cil,.,:....,, Sabry told M.s’ countryTuen they and Mrs. Agnes D. Costello, 111 Tag Day, Nov. 27 dempnatrsting their recently sc- Toys f^^hristm as I by a narrow margin. He elected a' on the Student (Council, after serv­ Durandi. Dlok Dubaneekl, T some time with an uneven beat of j embassy refugees was concluded Minl.ster insisted "there wa.s no afternoon at 1:30 at the Watkins- ficers opened the car’s trunk and committees. cabinet of his classmates to as­ ical, interests.. (’The recent moon ..One «ef -the aix principles -oalts prior agreement" but turned down must remain alert He.spite the re- Florence St., $1,000. They alleged glove compartment. More explo­ I quired skill in operating the A.B. ing aa a representative last year. Gagnon, K o & Hriientlial, Wllflam for ipaulgtion . of- the canal frtnq. the heart. What puzzles me ii that I‘n exchange of letters on Nov. West Funeral Home. 142 E, Center they suffered injuries in an iccl To someone visiting the set. it Dick Mimeograph. This is one of The Ridlistrial. Arts Depart­ sist him. The inauguration cere- eclipse kept ’’Fiehy” up quit# late!) Knliait Joan lAdaire, Maty Mart- .U may come oh w-hen I am lying 21. the.se sources said. opposition calls for an inquiry in­ pmted btginalngs of a British, sives and amis were found later. would appear that the cast and M.H.S. hss its own special way In hia junior year, he waa alected latlpnaL and. international poll-: French and Israeli withdrawal. St. Calling hours at the f\ineral dent Sept. 17, 1952, while riding In the. many types of machines now ment ig a.sking all who can help ^ monies will be held the week of to Current Affairs Club and the Emanuel Lutheran Church's Lu­ arty, Linda Noiaoiv Auatra OnBle, Iffvbed at night if I change my I It was noted here that Yugoslav- to” the origin- of the military home will be from 7 ,to 9 o’clock The driver of the' car was ar­ rommitteea could never finish on of -celebrating National Book [Ca,..-- - a car (Iriven by John McParland, Week. Tag Day, sponsored by available to the students in the to rontrlbute to their Christ­ the netional Inauguration cere­ National Honor Society, of which he ther League rounds out Marilya’a Pammefle ghoru, Amw Bifflimon, position from upright to reclining 1 .spcciflcnlly, asked | evening. Burial will be in the rested. time, but they all say. "We’ll be mony. activities.' Red* Back Stand ' Butler also refu.sed to disclose •showa conclusively tho.se govern-! of R* Florence St. Student Council and .the Li­ Business Machines department. mas project for thla year. is now senior counaelor. Hia great­ Dominie Squatrite,~ or the. reverse, extend my arms j written guarantees. Buckland Cemetery. McParland’s car and Ansaldl’s Two other men have been ar­ ready." One other thing all those C.' 8. H.. '68. While sewing^'^otir Legionnaire Linda ‘Ihth, Jan^ e Huaaians " were ' in open what took place at Eden’s con­ menta who attached us have deceit rested in connection with the brary Pages, will be Nov. -27 Sheila Bentz ia at the controls Toys, games, or any poilsible est honor is being a member of the forward . of- use Some believe that the J^i.ssians collided on Hartford Rd. near Elm involved in the production ^gree’on enjoys listening to music from "My The following wore .guldop fior agrbcfnent.: with-the U.8.'Msitfon ference with French Premier Mbl- in their blood,” Sabry declared. bombings of the British bank of is; "It's a lot of work, but we will this year. It ia an annual event while Kathy Murray removes the ^ gifts suitable for a child can be NHS. In his freahman'year, he was physical exercise. Would you com- and not the Hungaripns have pre­ Charles Skrabaez St., according to evidence in the Fair Lady." And "Bing and Open Houm ! Paula Adame, H |ck on- that withdrawal.' Addressing let Oct. 16.13-days before IsrSet in­ The Britiah-Freiich -military the Middle East and the British all miss it when it’s all over." at which time the students copy from the receiv.ng tray tor (riven to any Industrial Arts In­ On the track team, and he attended nient, please?—Mivs. K. L, vented Nagy an^Ahc others from Charles Skrabsez. 57 North St.. 5-day trial. The Jury gave it* ver- Nutmeg Boys State hia sophomore Grace" ar* just great in "Htjgli Be- AineUe, Bob Albert Brant the Aassmbly general debate,-So reaching thelc-fiomes. Others r.\- vaded Egypt. He .also rejected a chiefs in Port Said banned the as- St. Georges’s Club. Trine Nlelaen '5*1 have the opportunity to donate sorting and delivery. Miss Eileeir . structor. If they are in need of TV Ads Prepared Viet' Foreign Minister Dmitri A—There arc sevewj kinds of died yesterday at Manchester Me- diet after deliberating an hour and McCarthy makes certain pupils paint or repair, the articles will year. ciety." deraon. Robert Anderaon. Tom^ irregular heart heal, one of them, preas dopbt that the Hungarian Laborite’s demand foj- llic content .Scmbly of more than 12 Esyptlans a half Other bombing attacks have something toward the Library Steptlov- declared that the; U.N: of any "ofllciai corhm'unications” in a tpove to prevent any new pro- mortal Hoapital. Book Fund. Everyone wears a complete assignments be redone in the department. Rog is the oldest son of Mr. and Marilyn ia the, elder daughter of Ahaaldt Roger Ather, Bill and perhaps the most cothmon, is government could make an agree­ Born in Poland, he had lived in Mrs. Ahlberg and Mrs. Co.stello been made on the French bank and In Art Classes Mra. Stanley Ather of * Mint* Mr. and Mrc. Clarenc(s W, Ftzln o f ahbtdd ^"secin-e- -the • immediate that pasacd between Eden and , Na.saer' rtemonatrationa. a private home, but all -were mi­ Tag and receives a colorful The Business Ma chines' Latxira- The gifts will )>e distributed w i^ ra w g l’l . f of the'^nvadlng known as extrasystole. It l«tr pot ment with Yugoslavia on Nagy Manchester for 40 >-ear*. He was brought suit against both drivers, Adviser Changed Court 33 Pina Hill Rd. without first obtaining permission Pre.sidcnt Ei.sehhower after the DisordeVs b-.oke out 'Wednesday nor. Reports from Damascus that 1 Book Mark. tory is reputedly the ^ s t equipped to the Connecticut State Or­ troopa-r >■ . , --r- ■t'i. • - ■- ordinarily a .sign .of any undeHylhg: owner of the Economy Market. He but the jury held McParland , in the State qf Conne<4icut, accord­ Art classes of Mrs. Elizabeth Wayne Keith '87. Joan Swanaon, '87. hearf disease. from the Russians. Oct. 16 meeting with Mollet. through the ('enter of the port city blameless in ths accident, which a bomb blew a hole In the oiiter phanages for V the Christmas Hamraaoikjold apent moat jof Another Laborite, George WIgg, when a defiant crowd swarmed was a member of St, John’s Polish wall of the presidential palace are For Drama Club ing to Btatistica. Calculating ma- , season. Budd are now doing television ad- man, 'Png BninnaUa, flu* Biletdty. Thapkagiving. Day-diacaasing - the I lls impossible to tell what kind If the speculation that the Rusi National Catholic Church. occurred as Ansaldi pulled away vertisments. Mad* of cut paper B u tara Burgaaa. L o n ^ Bush- of irregularity Is present, however, sians have arrested Nagy is con­ claimed that the U.S. Air Force’s as the U.N. troops-arrived. Two from the curb. I untrue. chines s-ich as.- th. Friden, Mar- Claire Carlson '59 cohipleg. Middle , East - -situation Egyptian youths werC killed by He leaves hi* wife, Mrs. Agnes Eight persons had been taken chant, iionrtft. Bill ,-oughs. Comp­ and India ink, they advertise tele­ Op«n to Public nail, Kartn (Sarlaim. 'Bnuflu' Cole, with vaiioua delegates, - ~ without physical examination (at firmed. forg^lgn diplomats here be­ Air Research' and Development Mrs. Ahlberg said she .-uistained aj The resignation of Miss /.nne Students Compile High Booters Jiaa Ool*; MIdiaal CbnloE. la m 'O tt. the time when the irregularity is jCbmmand had cracked the secret French soldiers whose jeep was Pietras Skrabaez; four daughters, fractured jaw and lost several' into custody by noon Wednesday. Beechler as ’ faculty adviser of tometer, ar;e provided to ma'xe pos­ vision programs of the students' Jhe Scccetary GeneraUtaa avoids lieve it will have far reaching con- own choosing.' B6b Daifl*, Miny DaiTaittcA XMa occurring) and a heart tracing by sequences for Y'ugoslav-Rus.sian code.* of the British, French and surrounded In the Arab quarter of Mrs. Fred Recave and Mrs. Robert teeth, among other Injuries, Mrs. The arrests are expected to total Paint and Powder waa announced sible the, acquisition of a market­ Soihanhis. the official year- ed pomnaei^ng on ths replies he Johnston, both of Vernon. Mr*. Shaped Booklets able alrill. P ipils trained in this Art II pupils art currently Vormar. Jaefcia’ Duranfli, .Oafl meZns of an instrument knhwn as i relations,1. ■ • ' . Israeli Foreign Offices and armed Port Said. ([toatello suffered a neck injury. at le.ast 25. St the last club meeting. For the Plays Presented )>ook of Manchester High Down Alumni rec^ved ,fronv tha. three invaders forces and knew in advance of the A "no fraternization ” policy also Bruno DuBaldo of Manchester and Superior Court Judge Frank Leb.mon’s Security Council course can qualify as trained per- engaged in woqdcarving, / w’ith School, this year will reflact EaffiMon, Cathy-Fagan. H « t flatB- to hia request for a; withdrawal the eJectrocsrdldgraph. The proper "These relations have been al­ P'.st three years. Miss Beechler has procedure, therefore, is to have tlie three nations’ plans for Middle was ordered between the British 5l>*. Ernest Barkofen of Newing­ Covello presided during the trial warned against any further sub­ seri’ed a* adviaer to the clu’ . Dur­ Are two of Mary McAdams’ sonhel for the -vorld of business. animala and birds or abatraut de­ the apirit and display the sur­ fpM, Wft((i FsHUar. Roia FMlar. timetyile. .Bpi he jMa,madc x;leai‘ ready complicated by the editorial By Latin Classes signs being carved. Bruc* Fbrde. 8am Faatar.'Xftlhy appropriate tests made at the time row between the leading Yugoslav |Ea.sl action. State and Defense and French soldiers and U.N. ton; a son Edward Skrabsc* of and, when the verdict was ac­ versive activities by "extremist ing those yesrs she has led the Freshman history classes studying The pupils in Business Machines roundings of the new high A larga crowd waa at Mt, he feels—the ■ pretence' of their' Oklahortta; and six grandchildren. cepted. ordered it recordett. course are constantly-typiiig and Boxes which are to hold F ^ U b . MariatU Oagh^ DBvM when the irregularity is present. and Soviet Communist newspapers Department officials in Washing­ troops in Port Said. A British- elements” and the government club through..,, many . history 6r mystery? The title oh "Corionlanus Equum Vulnerat" school! field on Veterana Day to wii troops in Egj'pt -haa hindered-the Then yqu cah be told whether or ton refu.sed to comment on Wigg’a French. .spoke.sman said the policy Funeral services will be held The Women were represented by took additional steps tb tighten plays, and succeaiful public per­ running dittos, mimeographs, and Scholastic Art exhibits, are being Since the dedication of tha Oihhoa. J u ^ CHlb*ftsea,^Hb«ira»i development of. the U.N. force, over President Tito’s anti-Stalinist their recent project*—"The Hhad, and "Death of Caesar" are two finger painted by the craft gorups. Ck>ach Richard Danielson’s State (M y . Pw u9 OoMmi, Jam O M a , not this has any .serious signifi­ speech on Nov. 11 statement. was designed to ''’make su:-e the Monday morning it 8:30 from the' Atty. John F. Delaney of Hart­ security precautions. formances. The club membera are stenrila for the use of teachers and new’ high school, many adulU now. mostly.coneantrated in-bar­ W. P, Quish Funeral Home. 225 ford. McParland by Atty. Joseph Holy Cat!", and "The Key. to An­ for the offipd. original plays given by some of the Block printing, using 2-and S-coIOr championship soccer' team dafaat Jbnnfr* TfqiTfiiaai). ■Jean" HamlU, cance-. In Paris, the French Defense inipartlBlilj' of thi U.N. soldier is very grateful to MUa Beechler for pupils of Mr*. Lucille Gipson’s have shown an interest in ob­ tha alumni 3-1 in their annual racks, jiear lamaiUa, , behind, the *Q—Although I am in ni.v mfd-, Mtni-stry admitted, that French not infringed.'* Main St., and at St.'John’s Polish V. Fay of Hartford, and Ansaldi the t'me and energy she has spent cient Egypt" — would probably blocks, ,ii a lsd ^ in g done. Egjyt(ai) lines.. . , Latin I classea this week. Other The Craft CIulM* enameling cop­ taining some sort of a brochurt I meeting. twenties, an abundance of gray pilots and'maintcnsnce'crews peta- For the present, the U.N. unit la National Catholic Church at 9 by the Hartford law firm of Day,. in (he lait few years supervising make anyone )>elieve, it was the Hanuharsklold wants the Asaem- ■atttdents gave reperls and drew per tie and acarfitoldcra. Others to commemorate this eeeaaieni I fadlan- llnaman Al ChUrillk Ted^ hairs ■ have .sprouted around the aibly went to Israel after Israel’s restricted to a blocit-square park o’clock. Burial will be In St.-John’s Bcriy and Howard. club activities and dra-matlc ven­ latter, but in truth tTW Therefore, the sale of Soman- to.giye him broad discretionary Eden Keening Cemetery. . are learning about ancient hisr mapa of Italy. are finishing up their Nu-Gold the ecoring eSorU of th* contest Johnaea, O u riett* Xaana3^ Siaida hair line for the past year or so. invasion of the Egyptian Sinai in the poi- t. ture!. Greatly enjoyed by the class waa his will be opened to the public scoring goals In the first and thlid ppyCbi^rfor d^ecting,the force., He As my parents had nothing Syria and Israel meanwhile ex­ F*riends may call at the funeral VrOOSLAVS BAR IIE.AR.‘»T tory. . band rings. Ring. WUUam '.Rnlglit; I M f la desert but a spokesman insisted With regret, the club accepted "Coriolanua Equum Vulnerat.” or Claire Ca^lgoa '89 so that thee* wiai.ee may be 1 period*. Co-captain Jim Undaay h^£ .QircuUUe4A^SoluU9ii prbpog- simtiar, is there any explanation? no French pilots had made combat changed charges and denials that home from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. ' Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Nov. 2% AUTO 60DY Mias Beechler’a resignation and 'The assignment, which was to l^toy, fwA «al LbpiA insAilM mt^^^etdbly-fLnwov.eisq -AS. w ; v . ^ British Reins "Coriolanui Wounded the Horae," fulfilled. came through for tha Indiana with 8ila Macautagr. ! 3 ^ hUrtlb. flights from Israel against the Israel was.carrying out a troop tomorrow anff Sunday-Jrom 2 to 5 (iPi^Y'ugoalavla.aalA today It re­ Kenneth Holt was inetslled as the make th ap^ booklets on Egypt Any adult who would like a apecUcular penalty kick lata In initlj^.^^sYa^ent of miMiea and 7 to 9 p.m. ★ WELDING and early' man. brought Very in­ From the Gll’Jcrt School News which waa :.ritten. and presented Kathy Martin, JliA/MbaeliuiB. 'A —^Probably the mrist im- Egyptians. buildup along the Syrian border. fused io admit William Ran­ p -\v faculty adviser to the club. by Marilyn Case. Leslie Hochberg, a ' copy of this year’s Soman- the third period. Former Indian fa^ '^ e . poliM i^ ce , pbltahl factor in premature gray- (Continued* trom Paife One) Syria, supported by Jordan, dolph Hriurst it . for a visit be- « AUTO BODY and Donna Metcalf '59 teresting result*. ^ comes the following passage: Sports Activities ^ Donna Metcalf, Jaan M(Uhr. Jfufly ,y.;^..^^enibVS J^oulU coptributo- The French Air Ministrv also Teenage ABCs Mary Anne Beach and Jill Diskin. 'Jila may' order on* from the star Al Frechette sconid for the Miller, Kan hOUtr, S an d ra l' ~ Irtg of ‘the hair is hereditary or again claimed that “ ma.s.slve con­ Mrs. Lena Brite Noyes Trotter raiise the New York publisher One^of the most original books Alumni aarly in the third period. thq. ^ ^ e , .percentage .-/pf the The pro-Lal>or ...Dallv Mirror’s 1 »»lmitted that French jet inslrue FENDER REPAIRS Antique: Anyone over 25 years The skit, done completely in Latin. school office. He must Mqry M oriar^, Stava fatnllfal. Perhaps pne or more of toi s were in Israel during the cam­ centrations" were bglng made neai: Mrs. Lena Belle Noyes Tfotter. “heavily Hiaiillfd .Preaid.ent Htn waa Leslie Hochberg's "Holy Cat!", Begin for Girls leav’bxhls name and address 'Ex-In COMPLETE CAR a feline taI**of ancient Egypt. Les­ of age. WB.* translated by James Cole. A Linda Ndaon, Patiina y'^r grandparents had early gray. paign but denied they had made it,s frontier. An I^gCIi Foreign widow of George Trotter, died personally” In nrflejea appear­ horse with a split personality, a .there vvlUi a full payment of Moe Morhardt, Jim Kuhlmann and thp U .N ... aqnu'al budget., The- IPg of the hair, even though ,voiir.| wrote: "At ho moment’ of our his­ Ministry spoke.sman tenned the Tuesday in Natick, Mass. ing in hla newspapers. ' , PAINTING Taleut Show Held lie's book was In the shape of a Blind date: A gene of chance. Bob Buckley. Norria, RAbart diaataag, Am ttw Iln r ]^ SU^te^ . Xihich. with , the parenta did not. There ma.v - be tory, that I can recall, ha.s the combat rptssions. Corre.spondents Capitalist: A girl who gets an bad slave, and a good master, were The gym facilities are now com­ $3..50 bv Dec. 18. Oaols. Pris Pannaklan, n a y a returning from Israel had reported charge a “complete fabrication" She Was born in Liberty Hill, 1^0(j|lIER u d ENAMEL ^ eat because that animal was sacred ’The Somahlria campaign for other four big'Poe^er.'.permanent other factors involved, but if so. Queen’S Firaf .Minister left the The two largest valcanoes fh-yie ’’ enormous- allowance. thq characters. Tw o of the girls pleted, and the Girla' Physical Ed­ Parrot, -Karin Psanea, thkt French' pilots had told them and Invited U-N. triice obaervers Lebanon, a daughter of Wlllianv By Paiut, Powder to Egypt. were costumed as the.horse. students will Wtgin on Nov. 29 Ripiq^rs .gC the aacurity council Is they are poorly undc'rstood as yet. country at a ’niomeht of .such dead­ ■Henry and Enilly Card Noyes. She world are Chimborazo and Coto­ Other w-ell done project* Include Dentist Appointment; A rendez­ ucation Department has" started Sarah Parry, PhU Ptaao. Pascal they flew operational . flights to Inspect the area. 8 Griswold Street Biqually enthusiastically received its fall activities. Gym classes hive and continue for a period of •'j bsn;ed 4rom -supplying Iroop* ,-io Q—The skin of my nose Js be- ly peril. This'-indeed-is- a farewell An announcement .from Damas­ was the youngest sister of the late paxi—both in Ecuadof in South those written by Carol Johrisbn. vous with death. French Magazine Poa, Al Pratt, 8t*va’PrwrMt,'IAiM. the'force, -wopld pay one-third of against-the Egyptians. m ^1-9.5025 At their last meeting. "Paint and Exam: Quiz ahow without $64,- was ’’Deal, of Caesar." Alan begun with the girls performing three week*. coniing reddish as day.s go by. I to arma.^’ cus said the airport.there-would be Annie Noyea Verplanck. wife of America. • I Powder" presented a talent show Jim Cole. Mary Ann Beach. Pete Prerm. Kevin Rsardbn. Kart the. tota^ bill. do n()t drink. What can be done to Taking Eden’.s'place under fire 000 prize. Rldyard and R* -jert Halvorson calisthenics. Next on the program Reichelt, Dan Rann, Rich­ reopened Sunday after being closed Fred A. Verplanck. She graduated and played host to the Sophomore Zaglio, Ann ZabrorokXand C*ro- were the students who presented Used by Students remedy the condition? Reader. in the House of Commons, acting from South Manchester High Ij-n Curtis, Fantasy: A date with Elvis Pres- is basketball, which in the past ard. Jo Riehmoad, Marilyn t Rob­ more than three weeks |>ecau8e of Glrle' Chub. The show was well re­ this skit. The plot of the pla.v. has been one of the most popular Qn the.-109 mile* of the-- Ohio. ■ A-—The iTiost probable explana­ Prime Minister Butler said the the Mi(]dle Bast crisis. It also .said School in 1896 and from WiUiman- Karen Steck ley. erts, Barbara. Rottnar,' Chuck 8ai- Fjver -betw*en ..PitUburgh and Al)out Tow n ceived by the audience.. "Death of, Caesar.” is self-apparent sports. The organisation of the StudenU of French i n have tion is a skin disorder known as British «nd French would not wilh- flights ' bv some foreign planes tlc Normal School tv/o years later. The club made several new dis­ Going steady: A blissful state of Millard Practices been doing outside work in th* mond, Bob'flaalart, Pam Shorts, Powhatan. vYiint, Qhio, ,t)ieie are drav from the Suez zone "vintil v,;c monotony. in the title. The bo.va were cos­ Girls’ Physical Education Depart­ acne rosacea. This is difficult to She taught the eighth grade in the TEENS' >AVdiUTE coveries in the way of new talent. French magaxine, "Pari* Match." Bill Stephana, Doug S to v i^ 'P ria - five,docks for JOading, coal and 26 treat and requires.expert attention consider that this (U:.N.I force is •Tames Floy, a graduate of Zion over Syria would be permitted dur- Ninth School District for several Handaome: The guy you haven’t tumed in Roman togas. ment is under Miss Julia Case, Teaching at MHS cllla St. Pierre, Joen Swanson. One very popular act was "Three Ferwerda Ta^' In addition to the plqys. the re­ Miss Martha Peterson and Mr*. This magasine is comparaMa to fOp,unloading coal barges. '* from, a skin specialist. -competent to discharge the tasks Bible In.stitute. will be g „ e s t ; years’. Her husband, George 'Trot­ out with yet. the.American "Life.” Polly Swanson, Fran Sweet, Jane speaker at the evangelistic ser\-i.ce ' Hits and a Mist." This act con­ int: A teeniLger .wp years ports and maps were hl;,hly com­ jiHie Brady instructoix. ter. died some years ago. Questions concerning different Tarca, MarUyn Taylor. Linda Toth. Sunday at 7 p.m. at C a I v a r y • Town and Country sisted of Judy Barnard. Judy yoling^xthan you. plimented. Originality was shown The Girls' Leader*. Club is as­ Her* at MHS for alx weak* la Private funeral services will be Hillnakl. Pam Bamei and Danny On UN Pc* cies articles In six "Match’! issue* were Brad Vale, Charlee.Van.Avedall, Chapei. 22 Vernon St. and the pub­ held tomorrow at 2 p.m. in Fram­ Juvenira; Teenager one year in the different wa.va the projects sisting in the locker room a as well W 1111 a m Millard. . a student Michael Winters. Judy Wtttman. lic is welcome.' Firestone. They were attired as were done. John Tani, Irose Pukin- as in the actual classea. They are distrubted to the class and th* • , ingham, Mass.' Burial will be in • Feral Flairs Dr. Bernom Ferwerda. chair­ younger thia/'ou. ' Cher from the Un'verslty of answers were in turn given to Miss Sandra Wood."' Dave W'^odbury, hillbillies and sang several aonga Kidding; IVhat you’re only do­ skis; 'onna Austin and Maxine keeping a general outlook on the the Noyea family plot in Wllllman- along with that "Good Old Moun­ man of Department of Govern­ claslec. giving aid in any aitua- Cbnnectlcut. He la teaching Junior Jeanne Low. , 'Vivian Zola and Loretta Q ulaon.' Mias Martha Diana,'president'of tlc Cemetery. ing if she q'erheftvir Snyder drew gome of the outstand­ • Cobhies tain Dew." ing maps. tion. The club ia undertaking its Engliah and speech um’-er th* su­ .Aa there were not enough maga- the Connecticut ’ State Luther Teenagers Find Fault In Parental ment at Trinity College, recently Love: Definition ofi-every crush. pervision »f Mrs. Helen Skinner. League, with five other .members Talented ventriloquist Bill Turk- Barbara Rottner '60 annual Christmas project of bring­ xines for every member of the DISPLAY Behavior • Tranipeze ington, with hla school boy dummy. spoke at a meeting of the F.P.A. Men: Males qver 20 .V*^* of *Rc. ing joy by the way of food and Theie classes recently turned in claaa. the French Newspaper Cafeteria Offer* of the executive board, is attending How do you look to your teen-, (Foreign Pelicy Asan.) which was No; A parent’s reactlbq when research papers which they had. the National Officers Conference Jerry, made quite a hit. B.AIN AT,.MHS gifts to a needy family lii town. "France-Amerique” waa also used. age. son or daughter? If you Funerals attended' by members of the Cur­ asked for the car. Intermural sports program for been w’orklng on for eeveral weeks. Summaries from artlclM in th* ADVERTISING of the Luther League of America • Gok) A new' musical trio called the Old-fashioned: Vour pareM’s Miss Alexandrina Bain, student Job Opportuniti^ want to know, you might take a V t l "Tritones" harmonized "Dream a rent Affairs Club. teacher from New Britain State girla will get underway aa' ^oon The pi oils anent several claae peri­ papers werf also accepted. at Wittenberg Oollege. Springfield. look at these candid comments generation. ods at the school library doing re^ Priced according to num­ • Many Others Dream of Me." In thla group were Dr. Ferwerda apoka on the U.N.. Teachers College'of Connecticut; is aa poaaible, the first eport being Barbara Duncan '88 Ohio. Mi.ss Diana is the daughter of made by teenagers to this column. Louis CMM-Ottl- Pal: The math whiz \x)u rely on. basketball. All igirla Interested search and then had opportunities D m new hinehroom, wttli It’s. ber of column inches, Mr. and “Mrs. Frank Diana, 191 Cindy Coe, Chndy Treggor and its principles and its position In Quicksilver; The way your visiting Manchester - High School. tremaiidouB task Do any of them strike home? Funeral' services for Uouli Ces- the crises of today. He pointed out should, watch the bulletin board in cisxs to do some' of the writing. 8TU1WE8 onvaar-v ___ Ik o f m ia ia g RiR800 •ImllAr to .‘TV ad below, Oak St. • cotti, 130 Oak Grbve'St., were Joan Taylor. Twftwey gCX* __ — She 'has been and will continue to pupils providesB~Jdb-oppemnliitlM "If ■parents would take more in­ .Sarah Perry. .Rosemarie Tre- ;that the act of the USSR in try­ attend ^ I s s Marlon Caseyla and opposite the Womens’ Physical Ed­ A few of these paper* were wrlt- Two of Miss Amia 8, McGuire's terest in the activities of 4heir held at 8:15 this morning at the Rumor; Story about you a girl ufor a number o f higk aefroe^ boy*. d e a d l in e . *€1] marco. Helen Gworek, Beth Tan- ing to get her aatellitrs into tjie Gilbert - Hunt's English (Tlaa^ses ucation office. An opportunity will ten In connection with history but English I classes atixlied "Th* J Twenty-nine fifth grade pupils teenagers, they might be pleasant­ John B. B:irke Funeral Horne, and relates. be open for girls who wish to gain most were done on American liter­ Th* dutlas o f th* .who help ,Odyssey" for abeut a month dur­ of the Hollister Street School will ■K:.- t r • gerone, Barbara McIntosh and organization may be a hindrance Small talk: ,Story about her .vou for about eight weeks. in thp .lunehrootn ago an follows: '1 P.M. DAY PRIOR ly surprised. If parents would at 9 o’clock in St. Jaine.s’ Church. . - . f i - ? ,at! Beverly Stevenson rendered songs to her. At the conclusion of hla Miss' Bain will graduate from - their 50 pointa missed by the in­ ature. Some of ‘.he noted authpra, ing the flrat quarter. They divided tour Old Sturbridge Village next ask. ’Did you have fun ?’ instead The Rev. James T. O’Connell was repeat.* A t nocntlm* a boy In oMh TO PUILICATION in pantomime. forinal speech, Dr. Ferwerda an- New Britain College in June and complete fall .aeason. The manner that were reported on war,-- Edna the book into topic* and gave ora] .Tuesday, The students will '))e ac­ of demanding, ’Where have you the celebrant, the . Rev. Philip Telephone: Systenr. of doing FerbOr, Erneet Hemingway and araahlnc room aaotsta in Donna Sandals wax a reraatlle sw’ered question*. Many. qiieations then she plans to teach' English in in which this will be done will, be raporta on the different topics In washing and brings tbs companied on the tour by their been’ ’ the minute teenager Blaney the deacon, and^ the Rev. homework. , announced later. Emily Dickepoon. either panel or akit forms. One exception: teacher, Leo F. Diana. master of eeremonies. were asked on the United Statea' which she majorejl at college. dlahM back to tho MtelMA to b* come.s homif. we'kids would volun­ John F. Hannon the siibdeacon. NOW TEENS SAY! Unsuitable: Mother’s verdict on Judy Regs '59 C. H .’58 Marty Leander '58 Kathy Fournier, '89. Diapla.v ads for Monday.'i paper teer a lot more information,” Donna Metcalf '59 position in these w’orld crises, the put in thatr proper plae*. T h e y ' Mrs. Jane Maccarone was or- admittance of Red China into the that .slinky party ('ress. must be in our hands by 1 p.m. The South Manchester-Fire De- "It a teenager goes out and gets very nice: Mother’s verd "t on a also taka gaihago sitoTubMab out Friday. ganist and .soloist. Father Hannon S l o a n p r o s . U;N.. the Soviet veto, and many (iartment extinguished two. minor i t I t 1 from the dtOiwaabliv *•<)■>>• a job working after school and on j read the commlttai service at the others. ghastly party dress. fires Wednesday. Companies No. 1 ‘ Saturdays, it looks as though he grave in St. James’ Cemetery. CHARGE IT *•••-.•• 4.• • • SW.OE.S . Home Mechanics ■Weekend: A reprieve fo.: two Two other boyAWlpo th* dining ' Dr. Ferwerda's talk proved v«r.V From Army to MHS Music Tescher room UMqii and .gaplae* milk - 'A and 2 _ ut out a'grass fire at the ought to have a right to spend Beareis were George 'Tomlin­ d*>V. ■ rear of the Maricheater. Parkade his money the,-way he wants to. 823 .Main Street— Manckedter interesting, and ail a t u d e n t's X in the niiddle; Good tactic ifor Booters Finish Season; when It runs low. 'ftioy tidp the son. Robert' Hliderbrand, Armando Interests M ^y seemed highly satisfied. The next about 2:11 p.m. At-about.4;30 p.m.. I d m my, o^n 'money but my Repetto, Samuel Repelto, Albert tlck-tac-toe. main Idtchan, discard rabIMsh, nhd FPA meeting will be conducted run errands. TVr ■ SERVICE - • _ Companies No. 1 and 4 were called, father Is always accusing me of Repelto and John Addy. Tawn; Direct result of an Eng*, to extlnguiah a chimney fire at ’throwing it aroiiniS’ whengver I Students of MHS are now show­ by a doreijfn students panel and liid: class. Win First Cl AC Grown Three boys go to the lunehroom ’ Da.va AC A t'alf 428 Hillstown Rd. Damage waa saVe up to 'buy something I want. ing a great interest for tha new 'will be held In February. Zoo: leneral term spplie( to any. after school to wash . tho; tahlaa James Doherty Home Mechanics Shop. Nearly thoroughly. Tboy hrip with pots ’ NIghta Plus Paris minor in both fires. That takes most of the fun out Funeral services - for James freshman homeroom. of working and I don’t really 100 students have ■ been getting - _ _ Charlotte Ksenev '57 Boasting a season's record of'^at Washington Park in Meriden, and pans, and ramdva nihhlsh aa ; Doherty, 39 Stephens St., were peases from study halls to do vair- o f i V l H S waU aa doing other gonsMl ar- > ^^r. and Mr*. Archie Kilpatrick think it 1* fair." held at 9:15 yesterday morning 8 wins, 1 lo u ’ and 1 draw, 'the and added a 3-0 victory scalp ti ; of I’enacook, N. H.. formerly of Parents Are Sometimes Impolite ioui work in the shop. Inatruc- I T i r l o their belt. On October 34, the rand*. - Donna gandals'88 ! from the John F. Tierney Funeral Manchester Hij^t Rchool Soccer I this tqwji.^ . spent ' Thanksgiving , "My , parents. expect me to be tor Jerome Sullivan ha* now P ssm fss****! rsai- T ’V Indians once more defeated the Home, followed by a solemn re­ opened perloda 1 “through 4 to any * c n u r i n O i l M. T Squad recently concluded its sea­ [.with the family of their aon Willis | polite .to their friends, but they quiem Mass in 3t. Jame*\ Church Skits Presented Raiders, this time by *' 1-0 mar-* of Bolton, and are': also visiting i aren’t always polite to mine. Dad 7H6 FIRST U.S. COWS students wanted to work on a son after capturing the CIAC eoc- gin. BUI Stephens’ scored the at 10 o'clock. The Rey. (Tharle* F. project This does not offer a Advisory Board ! with Ralph and Nelson, their sons, ' gets mad if he answers the tele­ Doian of Providence ws* the WERE BROUGHT OVER TO THE The halls of MHS are now By French Club cer trophy first for MHS in single telly of the contest: ' in this town. phone and it la for me. He Is JAMESTOWN COtONV IN 1611. credit aa a regular course does. thronged with "celebrities.” 'This history. Stephens Top Scorer celebrant, the Rev. Edgar Farrell Mr. Sullivan dees have a regul*r Holds Meeting : often downright rude to the per­ the deacon, and the Rev. Philip THE PEW COWS THAT AMIVEO' ia due to the fact that on NoV. 15. T-e '~Petlt Chaperon Rouge"T ,. Th* Iitdiani’ toughest competi­ T he Bcmteri took Pomfret '4-1 BUS STRIKE TIES BE.YTTLE son railing and I feel so embar­ Home Mechanics course fifth and the MHS Band and cheerleaders tion this Seaeon was Wethersfield, on Oct. 17. CLASSIFIED Blaney the subdeacon. The Rev. AT the PLYMOUTH COLONY IN 'zixOi i>eHod* of the day offering a (Little Red Riding Hood) and Th* Advisory Board on ! ___ iteattlo, Nov. 28 (d>i — Fif­ rassed I. could die." John F. Hannon wSs seated In the w’ere guest* on Ralph Ksnna’s wbo forced the Red-and-White in- Leading the Indiana for goals teen hundred Beattie transit sys­ "W hen 1 have frien^ at my 1624 Really markeo the ■ full c i ^ i t ‘T.V. Digest" on' Channel 18. "The Splendor of Love.” tw’o ; : to 1-0- .submission. on Oct. 7. during the aeason waa BUI Ste­ Education of th* Stato o f Oenaaetl- sanctuary, Mrs. Jane. Maccarone A few of the project* Uking cut. raeaatly held a maatlsf it, 'A d v e r tis in g tem employes, barking demands house my mother always comes In peeiNNlN^ OF THE AMERICAN. The band' opened the program humorous skits, w’ere i^esented a t . j WaUterafieldi waa eliminated from phens, whoee total after th* CIAC- was organist and soloist. - place daily are: Reflniahing furni­ Uancbajtar .^Hlgh lehobL^llaa- • for an 18-c«nt hourly pay boost, and sits down and stays with us Honorary bearers were George PAIKY INOUSIRY with “On Wisconsin." and played a recent , meeting bt Michael | ' I the CIAC competition by Norwalk tournament waa six. Co-captsUn walked off their Jobs this morn­ until they leave. I always get ture. turning w’ooden bowls on numerous other aelectloni through­ ; during the temi-final of the tou'r- Jim Lindsey had five, a cord for asU Wright 0^ th* huMnaa dtphri- ' Priced according 1o .num- - A. Jessup, John C. Clark, George lathe, reflnUhing the various Guadano's and Symond 'Ya^ler's DONT BE CAUGHT NAPHNG! ing and left the 60,000 people out of’ the room when she is try­ NOVy th e bAIRY INDUSTRY out the . program. Aihong thbse I ' nament. the center-half position. Junior j mant aorvad aa host. Ths msstlriff ’ ber of lines and number A. Baker, Arthur L. Fleck. Carl bow'ls, making copper planters and waa .lead hy Paul B o y n to n -^ t of insertions . similar to who ride the city’s buses .wlfh- ing' to talk to her friends, and it M. Omark, Vincenl J. Roddy and SMPtOVf MORE PEOPLE ’ were "Notre Dam* Victory March" French I Club. 'The Indiana began their season Eh-nie Ebb took third place with a; out meoM o f municipal trana- seems to me-she-ought to'do the forming piaster center pieces. Stu- and "Go U Northwestern’.-” The east for Little Red Riding with a contest against Bristol, total ,of four goals; Al Churilla f diractor of Bustoaaa WueaUsn for- • Help Wanted ad below. Howard Richarda. all offlclals of THAN THE STEa, automobile denU also are repairing many th* State. Adtrertiinng-must be in euiShanife at portatioti.' ’ ' same tiling for me. But I would the American Screw Co., of which During the program, th* cheer­ Hood consisted of Diane Arthur, whom they defeated at-Mt. Nebo and Wea Feahler tied with three; 6 RAIU?(?AD ebjecU such aa lamps, cooking '58, June Seipel, '58. Robert Ander­ . A apaakar from tha lEwsy < ..- the times Riven in the schedijlie ht DEADLINE „ ^ hurt her feelings it I told her he waa a vice president. TWINKLE, DO YOU leaders presented ■ many lively Field by a dccisiv* margin of 5-0 apiece.'. Bob Daigle acored two : this." industries utensUa and a toaster. cheer*. Among these were “Go' son. '58, Kathy daffy. '58. and on Sept. 31. The R*d-*nd-Wh.lte during the season, while John Dor­ farvie* and n apaakar from rifht. dr canMilations not ac- Active beardhs were James C. KNOW WHY • BUI Libby '57. Rabert CL Vater bureau of certification im k o toj 10:30 A.M. DAY "My parents ai« always criticiz­ McGovern. William McCoy, John COMBINED. M anCo" and 'T-n-d-l-a-n-s." Eveleen .'Geromiller,' ’58. ’The Daniel MaUa again' met Bristol qn Oct. 18. when mer and Deb Reynolds each scored ‘ .fitted yfter dcadRnes. ing my friend*. So I have quit Splendor of Love." vvhich wa's the Improved Ram* held Manches­ one goal. aasamblad group, '(h o W atto OF PUBLICATION •A NEW J. Coy, John Almond, Prank War-' SMART TEENS ANSWER IN FRENCH Everyone agreed that it certain­ Among tha newcomer* to MHS • • telling them anything I think they ly was a fascinating experience. about the actress ^sa Zsa II n’y a Daniel H. Melia, formerly a ter to a 4-4 draw; The Indiana appear to have a membara war* Uhan on n ’ Avoid disappoifitinent! Be sure you ren and Edwird Prior. P»eiN K 4 O L M iE S T Perhap* some clubs have their ia Robert C. Vater. A reaident of th*.school and Intar One exbfption: - ^ ' ..FUNERAL HOME won’t like. '' And I almost hate Committal laervlcea were held •th a t's EASY • - Pat Leduc, '68, Paa de Quoi, was prfsent^ by, teacher, at the Army Education The booters met the rampaging comparatively strong reaerve ’ get your fds i^.betore deadlines. . to have my friends come to -my OF MILK A DAY 7 menabera answer the-ro!! tall with Stephanie Cannon. '80, Diane Kar- Center in Worms. <3erm*ny, joined Warrior*,^ in West Hartford on ready for their 1957 searon. Al­ Manehaatar, Mr. Vater itudlcd rafrashmeirta by th* U b8I Saturday-deadline ft a.m. UNDER EXPERIENCED thla morhing\ in St. ( Patrick's BECAUSE YOU NEl^ER only, "her*” or "preaent". but th* music education at Boston Uni­ house' because I know when they CemeUry, Norriatown, Pa. puika, '80, Susan Upton, '60, and the teaching staff at Manchester Oct. 8 to defeat their a£lKsia’al though the mejority of thla year’s d*p*rt *nt In th*Anf(R8e8h MANAGEMENT are gone Motri and Dad will stajri OUTGROW YOUR y^ h ch Club ia an exception. At Donna Peterman. 80.' ... High this fall as an Industrial Arts 3-1. Jim lindDey^ ptaying^lla half­ atarters, Lindsey, Handler, Austin: versity. atcr formerly! taught - Pat ■ ■ I th* last meeting, the studentx were music at ths Israel Putnam School in on their manners, or their Mra. Msreelhi Jason Parents. Night ITho following officers were teacher. AIr..Malia attended Gior- back position; scored along with Stephens, Dormer, (?huiiUa and ■m lielp Wanted— Male 36 .clothes, or something." n e e d POP. requested to answer by aa’ting a e le c t s : Robert Anderson, pres­ hamt S't'ate* Teache'ri College, Dana Austin, will be graduating. f in New Britain. •sfS- ■ • largely attended funerbl services senior Una man Bill St'ephens. Al HldnrljrBtrr ■ These are a few teenage.com- CONNECTICUT question In French of one of, the ' There will be an open house ident; Andy PaggoU. vice prea- r^'erv he received his bachelor o f Churilla saved the day for the Chuck Salmond, who missed the Mr. Vstcr'a assignment at MH8 .-yp TOUNQ m a n to woric In garage! T^IEJOHNF.^ for Mra. Marcella Jbson, 100 Wind­ plainta cullail from a number of sor St., were held at 8;15 this mora- FRtSH MILK other- meusbqrp. - fdr parenta at th* high school Ident; and Diane Arthur, secre-, sciences - degree, and the Univer­ Indians'during the second/meeting bett*r part of th* season due to a j boys choir. Mr. Vater azplalnad Washing, cars, pick up arid dcliv- Record* of popular FYench songs on Nov. 38. All Junior and letters. ' Perhaps it la good for irtg from the W. P. ()uUh Funeral >4- tary-trcaaurer. sity of Connecticut, -where he o f'th e two squabs, to pace the ’ cry w6rli. etc. Good driving rec­ ua now and then to aee otirselves war* also played. Tm*' students Sanior High School teachers Numerous French songs were received hia master of arts degree. ord Iniportant. .Apply in'person Honqe, folloared by a aotemn re­ Indians'to ji 2-1 CCIL trophy. TIERNEY as, our teenagers see ua. .even quiem high Maaa in S t Bridget’s were able to'practice their pro- will be in. their rooms ready to sung, sindls committee Was chosen He majored In Industrial Arts. went down before the ■ FUNERAL HOME th'ough it isn't.always • flattering Church at 9 o'M ock.The Rev Bunciatiou by ainglng along

f- '/[■ 'V ' ■' / >. N; , AL’ ' II . 4.-

\ t •, t • -u" . ■ r ' ■

GRTEBK MANCHESTER EVENING l ^ R ^ . MANCHESTER. OpNlC FRIDAY. N^EM BER 23, I960 MANCHESTER EVENING h e r a l d ; MANCHESTER. CONN. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 23. 1956 PAGB N lN iM lt • ' A .T* ^ ^^oHceman (to intoxicated man T ow n 's^ Country' Market in Los tniffce; Mra. Lillian McCaughey, BUGSBPNNY P r i e s t Sav,f$8 K i l t Man^H»tei:'’B Hofpiulity Enjoyed by. Soldiers Mrs.*B^Il Seated second trustee; Mrs. Anuie Ferine, G a r n e r O b s e r v e s who ia trying ’to fit his key to a Angetea is tliR^ only , sttop inii the AngWBf to ProvipUB Ptetfo ThM trualee; Mrs, Clara Itobhiaon, o o ps! I PONT lamp-post)—I'm afraid thepe's no­ ynlted 8^tes exclusively featuring From Gas Fumes By D. of No. 17 color bearer; Mrs. Annie Johneton, 88th AnniverM ry WINDOir, THINK HE LIKES Sense and Nonsense^ body-Itome there tonight. equipment Ysw bull - - Mar­ So Th^y Say pianist; Mrs. Flora P. Oracle, })aM ^OU.BUGS! worthy mistress; - amt Thdlniir L O N f t ^ l Drunk Mut’ bo. Mus’ be. garet O. Kelibv, Santa' - Monica, Hartford, Nov. 23 liip)—A Romaq Mr», Barbara J. wa# in­ TJvalde, Tex.,-Nov. 23 (/P)—For- Theresh a light upstdirsh. Calif. . 'x. ACB08S naw N Catholic priest broke in through Conn, Thomas Leemon and EIrdy i r ~ The Newlyriche* had Ju»t re­ your name, and What do you do? stalled. aa worthy ' miatresa of Phelps, members of the advisory mer^ViM President John Nance INTERSTATE CLEANTOt lumed from a trip abroad durinjf Author--Pm a.keip cultivator. 1 From — - to I- .— in an apartment hemse window yes­ Daughtem of Liberty, No. 17, LOLI, G am er^letly celebrated his 88th terday and saved the lives of hta boara. which they had viaited the nupoiia Young Sian—Kelp? What's kelp? ^ worse . the belfry' ■ c at a semi-public installation Mrs. Taylor presented a past mis. birthday yesterday., ' O f oe MadstoOtoer museuma. Mra. Newlyrich was "rhe author waved a hand at the CARNIVAL BY DICK Tu r n e r 2 Once again mother and uncle, both overcome day evening in Orange Hall. plsVa WMi ¥ •» OWNS 4 A - — of hay by coal g u flimei. toMf Jewel to Mrs. Gracie. Mra. He'didn't even observe Thanks­ meet enlhuafaatlc over a paintinif masses of kelp floating beyond- the • Cab-’t make a 3 Ruling Past State Ortuid Mistress Mrs: («n|£le also received a gift from giving. (Jamer’s only child, TuIIy, depleting the temptation of Adam ^ealw r line,, ..k -----iiHt., houses An'^ auiit was dead, however, Pairlie E. Taylor of Malden, Masa., tho PMt Mistresses Club of DiUgh. a Uvalde banker, said the Oaraers Fm X^m E OF eVOfOM Yolimgvkian-ila it a good crop? and her staff were In charge of the and Eve b>’ the serpent and the eat­ U —— port id ^ 4 Accuse IAT>- I when the Rev. Robert E. Poudy of tors Liberty, No. 17, and was will celebrate liianksglving next VENETIAIf lUNDS ing of the forbidden IniitT " " ’e Author-pPretty fair. We get/ona, a stom s^^slstaiit Springfield, Mass., entered the ii^AUaUon ceremony, with 30 Invited td-ticcome a member. Other Thursday. He quoted his father were eapecfally Intereated In the crop a year now. but as'aoon aafs IFaltifier O^aoob's — apartifient M<>nien and men aaslating. Mrs. officers and the installing officer as saying "in Texas, it (Thknks- picture,” she gushed, "because, We find a .Way td irrigate It, we T T o^ i-^ . Father Foudy came to the Dora Stiff of Cambridge, Mass., giving) is the last Thursday." liXhi^vrcad was the. soloist. . also received 4li(ts. E. A. JOHNSON you see, we Knew the anecdote be­ figure nn gcttfhg two or three. W'“ is humiit.. 25 Rant fnd — 41 Paddle your apartmut for Thanksgiving din­ The cerfmonF'Ves preceded by Tully called yesterday "Robse-. hind it.” , .. 20 Follow own-*— ner sbdtit noon. Other'officers installed were: f Prescribed' ' Mrs. Mary.Lewie, deputy miatresa; a supper in the Nienquet hail, velt'a Thanksgiving.” The litUe girl was ail excited. ments . amounts lit of sts|^ 42 Annoys. He found the front and back served by Mrs. Mary^ Phelps and PAINT 00. JUSTICE,. Did you ever notice Mrs. .EHiabeth R. Caverly. .record­ The late Franklin D. Roosevelt .Little Girl—We've got- a new I f pleaches fOthtrwise i 23ilaq’s 43Ughtftbrie ' doors locked. He looked in through her committee; DecoraUona were proclaimed the early TKAnksglv-. 699 Mtin St^ Tel. MI 9^501 how things sort of even up? For baby up at our house (breathless­ 44 Organic ing sMretary; Mrs. GMiglna Tom. ISThrongad 40 Reijuira nickrikma the kitchen window and saw his linson, financial secretary; Mrs. in keeping -with Thanksgiving. ing in 1939. Gamer' served two every woman that makes a fpol out ly). 39 War god compound mother, Mrs. Bridget Foudy, 83. of a man there seem* to be one 30 Acta II- Krow Martha Leemon, treasurer; Mrs. terms under Rooeevelt, then split, .Neighbor Is that so? And is he 3 1 ^---- the light ITTbrp roots of Greece fONegaUve of Worcester, Mass., and his uncle, TAKES THE CAEE ' x; with him over the third term ie- votru. ANP I'LL OtVE YOU MALP OP WHAT that makes a man out of a fool. going to stay? Mary Pheipe, chaplain; Mra. Ar­ 23 At loot*-r- lORepOsM 31 Moral ' -words John Breen. 80, seated in chairs lene Williama, tint conductress; Des Moines (F) — When the eue. . < J 6ET FOR EXEGCISIN6 HIM! Little Girl ■(hurrying along) — 47 Laiitghter and ' in semi-conscious conditions. He Mid She .24 The fine — 33 B a s e l^ . principles Mrs. Margaret Bain, second con­ electricity went off at the Richard ''Still spry, and in good health, I think so 'cause he's taken all his 36 Group of teams "xj 33 Perfume sound His sunt, Mrs. Margaret Breen, ductress; Mry. Mary Conn, first Slaton home during a storm, Mrs. Oaiiier has .lived here since 1940, T wish," he said, "you could make things off. three singers 34 Far — ancKSO Discolors 48 Belgian riVw 89, dead on th^-dloor. Elston lighted half a doaen candles. tendingshla cliickena and hi’s pecan pies lecturer; Mra. May Grtmley, sec­ 37 Health resort long ago w Is ready fO Prosecute MEs. Foudy and Breen were re­ ond lecturer. But her 2-year-old daughter, trees,.. Like mother used to bake." Miinister—What did you get 30 Food server ported in serious condition at St. Mrs. Annie Donnelly, inside Carl Lynn, followed her, blowing "And i;" said she. "wiah that you fjrunlnk for, in the first place? 32 Tidier Francis Hospital but were re­ guard; Ruth Caraon, oUtMde' out each candle and singing Inaects and disease destroy more beat the crowd made '• sponding to treatment, Hospitaf guard; Mrs./Martha Eiell, first "Happy Birthday.” trees than fire. The dough pa'used to makej^ Drinker I didn't g"-! drunk in 34 Parsee sacred •!» the first place. I-goi drunk in the writings authorities said. / -Q ty heating inspector Francis w l One morning a famous Author last place. 35 Landed , property / Dutigan said a damper on the fur­ fo r yo u r was taking a stroll akmg the nace Was, partly closed. Fumes white sands of Garme}/Bay when Neighbor—is it true. Mis- Elder- M Assent sn energetic voung man__stepped lelgh. that you are going to be built up In Ih.e cellar and seeped • Into the first Baq.- he up to him and aat married soon? + fi6 w * 9 L - ■young Man lldwdy. My name la Miss E.—Well. no. it isn't.'But-1 80 Cravats said. Pn. Jenkins. 1 irpi a garage. What'a am very grateful for the rumor. 40 Droop Christmu CarJa. 41 Vehicle 273 BROAD 42Sacro-— M akeyonr Students Donate NEX* TO NEW A4kP 45LawIcasaess . complete -BY J. R. WILLIAMS O^BOARDING HOUSE With , MAJOR HOOFLE 4»Y’orgivenesa ' OUR W AY $142 in Cam paign OFEN THVBSDAY Christmaa Card II American A N D n U D A Y rMA,HA.HA/ PIP^IOU «EE-THSrrr THAT PRAPTIN' ROOM Academy of U N T IL 9 selection hare, THAT m y word, BOYS/rr B e - The aunj of 5H2.22 -was real­ T aOT UP OUICK AND HIS nasj'IS BOSS LOVES ID GET HOOfES US AtATURE ■ Sciencca (ab.) and don't forget ---- rO N W PRAWBR KBVAN- SOMETHIN’ ON TH' VOO SAM£ M BA CHILL,* w h e a t - 52 Heal, as ised from a coin collection held at MEN TO AtATCM STRIDE! ^ WlUlam'Cooper, 75 Green Manor ^ SUSPB4DEK BUT-TDNS BULL Of= TH' WOODS, MA3oC,ViHEN X FIRST s t u b b l e hfnkMLbooM Manchester High School on Tues­ Inc., care of the Flrat NaUonal ring from her finger and Insisted Roall., prepares for the initial as­ We IndlvidiMlly wmp men’a your Halbnatk r SMACKED HIM Rt&HT ON BUT HE MUST Kl COIFFURE WITH RESTLESS YOUTH day, for the benefit of the fund — WU MUSTA SEEN IT/ WHAT TOKTURETTH’ (SLIMMED VOUR CREW, SSPrepoatGRiB.,,.^ Bank. • ^ ^ iC"be uhed to fill her teeth, despite sault on the turkey which fed his ahlrta In eellopluuM. G ift Wrap Cl)T-~-THAT'S THE (SOESeiS IN TH16A6EOF5VJIFT 54Proooua drive''o,f the Manchester Associa­ Eighty-five per cent of the,funds the dentla|'a assurance there >yaa family and guests yesterday. The HAW, HAW/ OTHERS'AE SOW THRU, WITH THE A tomic a c t i o I a n d , n e e d ft BUT THATJSA LAUGH, s t y l e o f pompadour VJl * « UJ. Nt Mt SSTUrft tion for the Help of Retarded collected remain here to be used a cheaper way. She explained; "I guests were Pvt. Norman F. Cole­ TOO'-pOIR HIM/ ■tHEY HUNG oN MY SOPHOMORE 'PROGRESS— 'B <(H »> "(a SfEnenUal (Children, 'Inc. Additional dona­ man, Brooklyn, N. Y., and Pvt. HAR-RUMPH// in carrying on the Day Care Cen­ promis^ my Drat husband before COUSIN CONRAD ^ CROWD, BUT . being tions received b.v mail this past ter for retarded chiraren operated fits ..death that I'd always wear his Julius Stoller,. Dorchester, Mass., Susie Sparkle says: INTHESTATe You CAN'T WRiTE WE MUSTN'T *Wond«r what differenoB ia batwaan that and a s t a b —— to week have swelled the total to by the local group at the Bunce ring.-.I’m getUng married next I right, both atationed at the Man- I n o r t h e n d POETRY WITH STA G N A aE .' rumbia aaat! Mom taya Dad courtad her in on*! tbe ground'>■ $2,912.86. Center; the remaining 15 per cent week ^d.. the mah. I’m going to cheater-Glastonbury Nike site, |^C,G15EST , THATlClNDOF SoimI MS toHod drapM and slip e e v tn for o M 9I1? holiday h o u s e National Retarded Children’s goes to the National Association marry has made me promise that Family members are Louise and SHORTCUT/ Week ended yesterday,, but there PHARMACY for Retarded Cliiidreh and aides it ru wear only his ring.. This way, Stephan and Mrs. Cooper, seated . 1 Depot 8qnanv-M l 8-45SS BY AL VERMEER is still time for person'k to con­ in carrying on its program of re­ I can keep my promise tosboth.” o p ia te her huabsmd. Several PRISCILLA’S POP Sounds Logical tribute to the fund drive being search' and public eduraUon. ' Manchester families invited sol­ BUT, PRISCILLA! YOUR WON' BE BY conducted by the local gWiup, West Virginia was founded as! diers from the NikA installation to CLOTHES A/Pf DRY.'!. THERE' Cash or checks may be .sent to HONOR AND OBEY the 35th state in 1883 . when-fbrty Ubeir homes for Thanksgiving din­ the Manchester Association for. Blucfield. W Va. i/Pi The wom­ western epuntries withdrew frdm.! ner yesterday. (Herald Photo by YES, I KNOW.' the Help of Retarded CTiildren, an pulled a heavy gold wedding Virginia. )0(iara). WOLLYHOCK- I/; n

£ > © m (ive. 25% at Robert Hall XMAS lh t» UHEV'RE OLt> i r J ’fPvWLLl*'^' 6CH00L.PLASTERED- . TMS SHAM PMPM UPanWIRS HAIR MODELS = n-rj on your i FRIDAY and SATURDAY Present? B Y V . T . u a HLIN u - « BY RAY GOnO EH? V COTTON WOODS luxury coat for \ BOV... I'M ’ „,SO iVEUSTICKTO ^ CAN'T W ASre A N Y AL..W HW RUNNING PLAYS UNTIL , mOA€ T U if^O C TTA C5F IT? OUR BOYS IN TH'PRESS 1 '^(UCH.THEIA UNE BOX TEU US HOW TO XMAS WRAPPING IS SIPTIN' THROUGH PLUQ THOSE HOLES," Holiday glamour! AND SMOTHERIN' cotT(m before he XMAS CARDS 148>Pe. Do Loxo Jwiihp t o x OF SO REAUTIFUL • 20 SHEETS Reg. ASSO RTM ^T • 96 SEALS «1 8 CARDS 9 3 c W O O L A C ASH M BR B Reg. $2.50 • 1 ^ T A G S

BOOTS AND HER H e's GoinR BY EDGAR MARTIN BUZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE CARDIGAN COATS HCAJfWY.«>TtU. DETW W TO tD YJOTMlKISm'. LIKE BEING DON'T IF YOU ASK Ml.TMAT KINO 54x54 FANCY OVWRt 'i TWiaSR TO tV iU S T ? r yT \ I AN WON LUNS! V\tW£'. CAN'T 00 IT FOR ^***^*' /"'’wfAwrrT' w i s b j s o a BREATHE! YOU. lU STlCKIDTHf Y.V>E.WT>M>«aG SORT OF FLYING MCWfv>tTBOit'tl ^ VMEREICANDO MY OWN tREATHiNG. 8 Light Series Set If 18.88' ASSORTED DESIGN PLASTIC COATED IJL Approved 26,95 value / WATERPROOF F a ii^ y Guaranteed- If you’re going places this holiday season. .. if you Reg. $3.79 Reg. $1^39 < want to look smart at ail times... thfin you want I a : one of these marvelous coats! luxuriously soR blend J E F F COBB BY PETER HOFFMAN of 90% wool, 10% cash in g.. . with Paris-inspired MICKEY FINN Handicaps! BY LANK LEONARD HOW ABOUT I DIONT GST HI6 TRY .TO FIND OUT THAT'S where th e fashion in the mandarin^eoilar, huge pockets with HI6 PARTNER, NAME, BUT THE MAN POISONED FOOD IS, . IS THAT THE V WSl »UT THERE AMMY MW SAY.THAT STREAM Y yes! BOr 1 mope 10 side-^tab trim, deepitirn-back cuffs, and jaunty - SERSEANT'?.,. HAS BEEN CLEARED.) >|DU'..THIS TOWN OFFICER, AND THE NEWCAHAAH ] MAHY TRAIHS-AMD WEVE RISES M THE SPRING jjWMLP A WALL ALOMf THE ONE M FACT, HE'S THE OWES MW A VOTE PEOPLE WHO bRAHCH LIKE f / 6R0WH $0 USED TOTHEM -AND FLOORS THIS ^ THIS tWE SOME RKYi fringed stolel YquII be amazed that the price WHO HELPED ONE WHO BROUGHT ATE IT,' THAT WE RARELY EVBI END. OF THE PROPERTY?/ -ANP THAT WRL^ HBI 6T8AL . RU60 HI HEAR THEM how! TAKE CARE OF is only 19.8§I Smoky gray, beige, or/blue. 8-18. THE CAR^f S»9i’)) IONITE 8 I I •'t; “ F L i p p r Sea*. I i j CAPTAIN EASY .Things For Joe BY LESUC TURNER FRECKLES ANDifilS FRIENDS Short Rations BY MERRILL BLOSSER FAMOUS LODBN STVLB '.’S. WELL..;UI 'iCtlOAlP NCVER ■ I, ^w kN ca s VROOM/-, 'T] M1NC7 >■ A m i s s i Y thrdu^ a VROOM.' NewvOcvciTy VROPH/, I,. - '| X X " ' . ' . ( ■' K ■ PAQE TWENTt Ma n c h e s t e r 'EVENiNO h e r a l d , Ma n c h e s t e r , coifiN , Fr id a y , No v e m b e r 23, is w MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 23. 1956 - . .FACE TW Bmt-01^1 son Explodes ill Last Half to/,Trounce ".I , ■ ■ sif . Merchants. Win 29r0 Fighters and Cruisers Rockville Nips* f t w ■ "'V - v i r '- " v Hbhiets Get TD Range Road Race Statistics K,' P aces I Record Field Alum ni 43-37 / ad For 25-0 Grid ^Victory PUc« N«mt AfflliaUeh Time A fine holiday crowd wa.i on L . . . . ^ .. .University of Connecticut .25:34 1 For the aecond time this year C-oach George Mitchell .served /yestercftiy while most turkeys were baking in the oven and 1. CharlM D}’»cm .... hand at RockxTlie High's Sykes Before 10,000 Fans warning that it doean't pay for a-.semi-pro team to meet his ^nijbkirifpiea were waiting to bo eaten the Fire Fighters and < By P A t BOLDUC ^ , ’ 3. Alan Shaler ...... Hamilton College ...... 25:35 gymnasium last night to watch 3. Robert Scharf ..... Trinity College ...... 25:36 high-scoring Manchester Merchants twice during the .same thiB!sPolic> Cruisers played their last game of the year in the Spirited Manghfifitcr High hfild heavily favorfid East Hart­ ...... New York Athletic Club . .25:43 the schoolboys turn back a de­ 4. Gaorge Kins ...... termined Alumni squad 43-37. The By EARL yOST seadon. In the 1956 semi-pro lidlifter at Mt. Nebo the strong Miijget Football league, bowing to the Smoke Eaterfi and ford to a scprelefifi’tifi for one half) or 31 minutes and 2S aae- 5. Norman Higgina ...... Finnish Arherican A. C. .. .25:49 Leominster'Lions upael the local*- —------■ ______Blue D^ils. respectively...... University of Connecticut .25:50 game afforded Rockville sup- Greatest finish in the 20 year histor.v of the Five Mile Road onds to be exact, beforff thfi Hprnets finally found the tfiueh- 6. AUen Frarler------portei^s an excellent preview of only to be aoundly trounced in a! ... In the op er of the doubleheaucr 7. Allah Lablna...... New York Athletic Club . .25:52 Race in Mancheater on Thanksgiving Day took place yester­ rcliirh meeting. ,Then iKfew'week* P**.” interception and a stolen * Smoke Eatefs'riit- Gary Ballard. Mort down range in the second half to post an expected 25-0 tri­ possible things to come this sea­ at Ah . Ngimi umph. Cloae to 3,000 fana at Oie'^. . . -i ...... S. pr.'^<9iarlea Robbin* .;..^..New York Pioneer Club . .26:07 day morning when Charlie Dyson of the University of Con­ back the aurprislng Middletoivn ball. tolayedr't'hc F li^ lgh t'ers, winning-^oriarty; Jack Simmons and Dick ...... North Medford Club ...... 26:22 son. Holmes Seorrs TD high school field in Ekist Hartford; , / . . . 9. Robert Black ...... necticut bested Alan Shaler of Hamilton College. Union, N.Y. Warriors escaped W'lth nothing ^ BY the score of 6^9, In the opening Tyler. ’ watched Coach Hank Glardl’s host! «re£on accUrmto tOM to to M - 10. Peter Cloae ------; ...... St. John’s University .... .26:25 The undergrads jumped to a worse than-a 7-0 aetback and Im- Late in the opening quarter Siniikfi f-eAterB. ll 26. Herbert Reilly Jr...... Holy Cross ...... , ------.27:32 sky was clear and the temperature ; TT> cun by the Hornets’ Psul Wlo- SUtiatically Ekuit H a r t f • r d benguth and Don Beerworth in the 50s when the runners took setbiM-ks.-And the energetic Mltch- turned the boot 53 yards to the ! In the second contest the Bl«* ' chowskl in the , opening peri­ 37. Barclay W a rd ...... : .Hamilton College...... 27:33 oU. in his fltqrt sea.sqn as a i-oach. 4 0 0 0—« chalked up 172 yards rushing, 116 of the varsity retaliated with suc­ their places in the starting field Cloae Winn Turkey, Middletown seven-.vard line and Dgvlls. spearheaded by Jeff Genlil- ' -Toiiriidown; ’ rhurillA. od. Msnehester's Larry Herzog re-' 28. Milton Doremus ...... Itanchastar Harriers .27:34 quite proudxof his club's feat Toro promptly sneaked the re- >'ards in the first half, hit on epe cessful bonus foul conversions on Main St., opposite the Mary ^ r e and Marsh Potter, upset the covered an East JHartford tumble of four passes for 33 yards and 29. Ray Lister...... -Providence Alumni A. C. .27:35 that p.« erved the decision. Eiral Local Finigher of having s c o r ^ in Us last 35 mainlng distance to tally. Half- 30. Robert Neiderman ...... University of Connecticut .27:44 Cheney Library. ' Tolicc Cruisers 13-0. The Devils' hi.i' k iiKVil.s *fhe game was hard fought all Course record of 24:20 set In Starts. MiddletowI'tKsuffered its • back Allan Webb successfully were really up for the game after I Toc". Diot-rle. xMc- ners had marched 44 yards to the 31. Josej^h Morrissey . . . i...... North M^ford Club ...... 27:46 third defeat-and thele Wfirrlors Yv-^noi* have nave |i booted the extra point to raise his er hand the Indians, held to 32 32. James lAthrop ...... Norwich E.G.P...... 27:47 the ivay, especially in the last 1953 by Little Johnny Kelley was First turkey ever offered as a "havlng lost thi-ee times to the ' ’ Tar-irio kickoff. And early in tha sacon(i 33. CUfford 8|olba ...... University of Connecticut .27:47 prise la the Five .Mile Road season. half, gained 66 yards during the ...... Hall High School . . . _____ .27:51 of the seas^.Jt could be said the a three-time winner, last year's 1 Race, ottea referred to as the ^ Meet Holyoke Sunda^ played the Cruisers all the way. | Required Reading quarter, Co-Csptain Norm Hohen- last 24 minute*. Manchestar a ^ 3A Winiam Iw e ra . . .. B ll ‘ - 3ft Bard Segur ...... Trinity College ...... 27:53 game was wctl,nlayed. The per­ champ, Dick Hart, and 1954 Five | Turkey Day Race, was woa ye»- "Yesterday's skirmish serve)Kas Petrlllo's first six-pointer came , Naked Reverse- It was In the second quarter ('^rirrrx: R. Alihrlo. Powrrp, Brooklyn's Clem Labine, thal intercepted Henry Jackson’s cothplafsd just one toas in six trtaa sonal fouls were ft\httle numerous Mile king. Nick Ostes, were all j terday by Pete Close of Maa- five plays after the next kickoff, that the vie victors sent Jeff Gentll- B«rki* Dr*rf>ttr. S'otmp. I'lm , ill-thrown pass on the losers' 21> for eight yards.and recorded five 36. Paul Phinney ...... North Medford C lu b...... 27;.58 an excellent scrimmage,'' Mitch jimmy Thompson of Georgia ^ — k eu-. /(—e .ier AUbrlo. (soIaii. j . (»4'nUlcnrri, PDtlrr. who pitches as If he wrote it. but the number of^ ira n t passes missing frofi the race, the three- chester and St. John’s Cnlver- jntercepting a Caahman pass and corF overr ,fc,Tor the flr»t six points , leuVa?*. yerd line. 37. Scott Clendanlel ...... Manchester Harriers .... .28:05 j eil stated last night, "e.speclalty Tech couldn't keep his shirt on does a little off-season study­ first downs, four of^tham eomhig 38. Eugene McGrath ...... Norwich E.G.P. . •...... 28:24 was limited. Coach Cahayari com­ some being occupied In Australia I slty. Close plae4d 10th. The mgh-tailing- 40 yards unmolested. and Marsh Potter bucked over for ■ ' PpIIc. rrni.rr. i#t ing of Christy Msthewson'a FnmMe Proves Costly in the second half. Giardl'a victor­ .since Sunda,v afternoon we are And'pn the first play following the against Alabama—he was too I the extra point. In the same PcHod, » Simmnns. Cyr. Th-n, D. 39. Arthur Hewes . . . Providence College...... 28:27 mented, ’’it was ■ the iqughest aa members of Uncle Sam's Olym- j turkey, the gift of Frank busy scampering 48 yards for "Pitching in, a Pinch,” written IVith the elusive;and swrift-Jack- ious club also had the bairtoc,07 Alumni game in four year^ returning to McKenzie Stadium in ensuing boot the cagey Pctrillo i Potter carried from .six yards o>lt Tnriu/s-. Taylor. F^ P r. .t-mir-nlsno, plays from scrimmage, four more 40. Donald T o s t ...... Hall High School ...... 28:28 pic track leant. (Duke) Harstburda, will bo de­ Uolyoke- for another Joust with a touchdown. Shirt was rip­ In 1911. Son (50 yards in seven (ilfirrtes) and 41. Robert Kelley ...... United States. A rm y ...... 28:31 Rockville's scoring \vps prei The defeat was a heartbreaker livered to the Close home for simply irtole the ball away from to conclude the morning's scoring. A^M-y j. Wnunons, Ruhartia, fullback Bruce Willard (10 yards than the losers. The victors han­ the once-defeated. Knights." Kick- Middletowii%^ Joe A less! and ped off him by W-ould-be n . . t.orvi ni.vsH Oiisrrt.*: Rii.«con). Jntmsion. Trolirr, 42. Thomas LaPorge ...... University of Connecticut F 28:36 well divided witli Larry Remkie^ for the dark-haired Shaler who Christmas. Hsraburda. a run­ tackier. Tlie Devils entire team piaicd , Tomasro. MrlConna. Cowlrs, in three carries) doing ail of' the dled the ball 34 timaa ia th* first ...... Untvarsity of Connecticut F grabbed the lead on Main St., op­ ner in the first race in Itt7, Off is again scheduled for 2 o’clock. .scooted another Zr, yards for his fine ball while Dave Tupper, Kevin | rontors; .M«r.s)i. r >-ih, half compared to 18 Rad and White 43. Richard Sherman . 28:38 w’lc* and Beerworth in double fig­ ‘i.Sunday’s winner ha* an excellent legwork the Hornets marched to ...... Unattached—Simsbury .... .28:43 posite Oak St., and led for approx­ raise* turkeys In Glastonbury. third TD of the'-year. Toomev, Don .Simmons. Bob Reid,, P a first down on the Manchestef 14 playa but were unabla to rfiach 44. James Wade .... ures with 11 and 10, respectively; Ohancc.of pla.ving at Fenway ParJ< Favored Yale 45. George Parsons ...... University of Connecticut .28:46 Both had good nights at the foul imately four and one-half miles be­ He offered a M'hite Hollaad to Final Tu/'l^oints ’ and Dave Alleli, wearing the j a<-or<> )u-''port,>ris late in the second quarter biit an­ paydirt...... '.Mahchester Harriers .. .26:49 the first .Ifanrhester finisher In In .Boston, (for the New England Another MancheslFr^ drive was Cruiacra' uniforms for.- the last > Bin" Dovll., ...... n 13 n ii—11 Willard a Standout 46. Gerry V Ichi...... line. fore he was overtaken-by the fly­ ftomi-pro title.'' Mitchell said in Rot^V^parkles other fumble, this time \ by Co- 47. Milton Harkrader ...... Hamilton College----- .... .28:.53 ing Dyson on E. Center St., op­ yesterday’s race. slopped one-yard short 'of paydirt ' time, played their best games Captain Joe O’Brien, was ge- Next to Jackson, Willard was Led the Graduates explaining the reason for going Crew Defeated 48. Anthony Perrons ...... St. John’s University . . . .28:57 posite Harrison St., inear the and newcomer Ban^zewski nlongf ^ith Dnve TomiiRco. Tom * R«'p4»rt»'r. M»kr /oyered hy the .alert*Dort \Hayes East Hartford’s top runner with 87 ...... University of Connecticut 29:00 Stan Pliska led the graduates yards in nine carries wMl* La­ 49. Reggie Farrington Town Garage). After running neck Bsllarat. Aiistr'alia, Nov. 23 (Ah— The Indians never threatened 80. Henry Cesana ...... U nattached— Providence . .29:03 with 13 markers, thanks to a college for one year after hi* jun­ haveu”''" added Ralph Guglielml, ■T!"', ^^‘»‘’‘'‘'i‘‘>'«»i>®d'throu^^ John- | ,lors' Lerov San.sburv for the\ic- ' In Lion Upset A | Points, O’Brien, Starkey, -Dick IA» fine nine for 11 from the charity and neck for nearly 200 yards, Dy­ ior year. against -the rock-ribbed de,fenses 61. Anthony Mederios ...... North Medford Club .... .29:06 son opened up, the trottle and out- ny Lnttner iboth of Notre Dame ; tors' final two point.s. J ------' Optimistic was the word for U.S. of the Hornets, only getting as far benski and Willard stood out de­ line. ^ "You know.” Dyson said, "we fame) and Ron Beagle (ex-Navy i . , N., Detroit, Nov. 23 i/Pi — Tobin 82. Robert Kwash . . . .: ...... Manchester Harriers .... .39:08 sprinted Shaler to the tape amiat rowing official Clifford (Tippy) as the East Hartford 40 w'ith the fensively, \ didn’t enter a* a team this year standout) for Sunday's cont,e.sl ‘L ' ? Rht^e. one of the "old pros” who College Elevens Reneiv Push 83. Bhnest Erwin ...... Manchester Itarriers .... .^ :0 9 The varsity squad performed a grea,. round of applause from the onfl all th.saa* «* .u. . All [ TOfO. J»rk Cllliy. Al AOd Goes toda.v after the first day of aecond half kickoff. Coach Walker The durable Sqiiatrito and Co- 84. Alan Tompkins ...... Unattached—^New Haven .29:27 well in rebounding department but I'm sure that we would have and ail thiee aie foimer All-j Marquc.s, Caselln has a habit of saying each year , Captain Dick Pepin starred of­ aeveral thousand spectators at the and that 'This is my last season," has events in the Ol.vmplc Games, de­ Briggs’ eleven was contained with­ Donald Wojtyna ...... University of Connecticut 29:34 with burly Jack Busher, Bob finish line. Shaler led at one lime won first place if we did. 1 credit in its own 32 in the first period, fensively for the Indiana with 37 Chided,I . '1 have picked i p a""*’'* up Stan i Banasizewski received ample convtncM'toe Detroit Lions —■ and Toward Bids for Bowl Games spite the stunning defeat of the Kenneth Hudson ...... Manchester Harriers...... 26:36 Gr-'U! and Dave Leibenguth lead­ by 50 yards on Highland St. my success to Coach Lloyd Duff credit for their outstanding defen­ reached the East Hartford 47 in and 84 yards, respactlvsly. Ho- Banaszewaki (UConn) and AICa a lot of other people, too — t'Tt! touted Yale crew in the eighth’s. Thooiaa Hyson ...... Manchester Harriers...... 29:40 ing the way, Busher has worked However, the greatest fig'ure in and Lew Stieglitz.” Both the latter sive play which limited the War­ the second quarter but was. unable henthal, DiCk FarrsU and Paul Don Farrell ...... V...... Now York Athletic Club .. .29:41 hard to earn a starting position were, on hand yesterday. Duff was brilliant end, Tom Rychlec. The retirement mSy be quite a few "They'll still be in the finals," Kissman were ouUtandlng defen­ the race, from the point of specta­ riors to just 16 yards on the seasons away. New York. Nov. 23 i/Pi—Tonnes-, ing Wake Forest 13-0 to run its to move beyond its own 46 in th* Colin Pitblado ...... Hall Higii School — ...... 29:45 and already the results look prom­ tor interest, was -year-old Amos riding in the official press car with boys know what to ex))ecl from ground and .51 yards in the air see. Georgia Tech. Texas (Christian, conference record to .5-2. Both the Goes said. "Their first 5. Dennis Sosvllle ...... Goriiam. N. H., A. C...... 31:52 up any fast break, Shaler, who left his glasses In the ccrlRinly of the weather kept Ends: Hohrnthal, Hayes. Jacobs, Rer- Thomas Gatto .....k...... New York Athletic Club . . of New London and the Finnish .speciator.*? and a national tele-' Kentucky. x ‘ , agalnat^Oiegon Stale, meet,* No^e poor punt to'ths Indians’ 21. and 32:01 dreasing room, won five of seven Stark at home but the former B«rkA’ Ti’ro. Joe Cmirv. R oacIi. Dame, Yale bids for the first offi­ The Elia, previously hailed by sor. Barry Dougherty ...... M a n c h e s te r Harriers ...... 32:10 Coach Canavari now faces a American A.C.. I6) Allen Fraxler Webb, rr'trlllo j vksion audience looked on. Tennessee. w l^ er of eight Cries as "our best eight ever,", fln- after circling his" left flank for 11 Tsckles: Farrell, Roddell, Haugh. cross country races this fall. He's •"Syracuse' University passing w'hiz cial Ivy Learie UOe against Campbell. , Frank Kelley ...... North Medford C lu b...... 32:12 two week layoff befdre the league of the University of Connecticut, .Hlddlrtiev*N <0) • - I Rote's performance threw De- ' straight, has slipped to second tsbed third behind Aii.straila and yard* went the reel of th* way opener against Newington on Dec. (7) Allan Lablna of. the NeW York a lean 135-pjwnder who stands 5- iS'expected to be on hand for Sun KdiI.-*; AuriK**mniA, WIIjm.ii. Smith, Harvard and U cLA and Southern over left tackle. — Guards: Dyer. Kellehsr, GaskslI. Las- Edwrard Farrington...... E a st Hartford Harriers ..< .32:12 Mo/mIv. troit into second place in the, place nationally behlnd'-Oklahoma Canada. Although onlv the first sow Erickson, Barlow. 7. He plans to keep bu.sy with reg­ Athletic Club, (8) Dr. Charlie Rob­ 10. What was his reaction after day'* important tilt against vlalon henind the ox- ! after a week a* No. 1 in-the AP California have their annual Touchdown Charles Varrick...... E a s t Hartford ...... 32:47 strong Knights, easily the best TaukIpi*; Vailm^'. Muiino. Rfrurcl. Western Division two in each heat qualified auto­ Center: Tio'Jnr, Suhie. ular practice sessions and has bins of the New York Pioneer Club, losing the race, showering and • IiiaVUn MurrHv. Ilnffripr. Mfirrhcfi^. plosive Chicago Bears who have ratines. bruiser in the national TV' game. The fourth period was less than Backs: ZIemak. Pepla. Squatrito. Hill, Joseph Speejena...... Torrington ...... 34:16 all-around eleven the locals have; tVntrrfi; I-N.ril, Floyil. matically for the semi-finals on Poster. Bolasonneault. Staples. Gates. t Roger Flaherty...... Rockville...... scheduled scrimmages with Man­ a two-lime winner of the race, (9) dressing In a dark suit that easily lost only once again'st seven vic­ After their sout,,ern feuds wjth Miami, unbeaten but tied, plays four lAinutes old when the Hornets' .34:23 gave him the honor as the best faced this year. Only twice did , Rnrkf* rA:*hin.tn , ______Matilc. 'vVest Virginia tonight. Monday, the U.S. crew can rejoin Kissman. Plnro. Doii|an. Jerald Felrsteln ...... Unattached—Hartford...... 34:50 chester and I.ulkeley d-jring the Bob Black of the North Medford the WBniore ihreata), ih . ___ __ CIccorHI'i MaloiK . .MIcale, ('ul>c|a. tories. Georgia Tech and Mls.slssippl thg Tom Starkey intercepted w Red Score, by periods: • ' interim. dressed contefrtsntT "I know that in .e vvariiors threaten In the sec-• aici.i,i, Ssm-iimv Uouitia. the field by winning the Repechage East Hartford...... 0. 0 . • l^fiS Philip H y d e ...... ^."..Mancheeter Harriers ...... 35:08 d u b and (10) Pete Close of St. It heightened too, the im­ last two weeks, the Vol* might find Other Major Gamess,. (Second Ch.incel Round tomor­ land White pass on the homo team's if I knew the course I would have nnd quarter. Tackle Eddie Varhue : (k '.i . iiv pcri<«le; iiways-tough Kentucky difficult ion8hipi He's majoring In Engli.sh literature P'lliils from tr\ hTo t i»*iic)>down W ebh With a victory, Ch'.c,igo would either Tech qr Florida would be »t Michigan State, Minnesota 'at .yards to the losers’ seven-yard p Rorkvlllr (is> End plans to include a post-ETEdu-(\ but eight play* later. Toro, who ( placcracni t. W'laconsin.; Illinois at Northwe'st- B.V qualifying six out of seven Richard McComb ...... Manchester Harriers ...... 38:58 in the bunion derby yesterday. fllle.d In commendably at quarter- Msnch,...'i«..r (2i. mov^a full game ahead of the pleased to assume the conference and winning six "firsts" in the pre­ stripe. Twice Jackson was thrown Joseph Camabucl . . . . 1 . . . . . Unattached— East Hartford 39:17 y pu». Biggest winner, however, was ate ooiirae in education next year. l.ion.s thanks to Rote and the le.sdership. 'ern. Columbia at Riitger.s. Dart­ for a loss but a well-exeeirtcd end INVITA’nONAL 'lUimNAMBNt 3 KuplFFBchmld. f ^ 6 Asked about his practice of looking hack, retaliated by- recovering a mouth at Pririeeton. Iowa State at liminaries. the U.S. team set an *11- Charles Brederaon North Medford C lu b ...... 40:05 0 Don#*rly. f ...... i the Muscular Dystrophy Fund Middletown fumble on the Mer- .STRONG SILENT M.AN Packers yesterday.' Tech, which may get the other 'Ume . American record at the around play with O’Brien carrying Durham. N. H., iftv. I3 (JP)—. Amos Kujala ...... Boston Athletic A aan;...... S R^mklFwIcx. f 3 which received every penny col­ back, he snwered. "I've always of the bowl assignrnents Tennessee Vlllanova. IndYaps at Purdue. v. ae good for 19 yards and another .42:57 S la^lb^DflUh. f ...... ” \ Olympic*. ' " Amherst, Trinity and Bowdoln" TEAM SCOBINO 3 ^vrouB. c ...... *4 lected by the sponsoring Nutmeg done that.” With Hamilton College. U a X ia X e r o it l^ ^ " ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Although Marcel Faille. .pro- doesn't take run's into fast-improv­ Wichita at Tulsa. • Missis.sippl TD. Jackson bucked oVer right havi .been'chosen by New Hamp­ Al was the top man in both cross Southern at Alahan^a. Florida Kelly. brother of ' Prlnre.s* New York A. C ...... : ...... in 1 BuFhFr. K ...... 0 Forest, No. 116, Tall Cedars of on the Vinners' 42 and a 15-yard Pie-ec> Cleveland's rookie ing Florida which ia n bowl Ineligi­ Gr.ace of Monaco, won h'is^heat In tackle for the 13th point. shire to participate in the Univer- North Medford Club A ...... 37 0 JHnton. E ...... 0 Lebanon. General Chairman Wil- country and the two-mile event. D e M a r c o , O r t e ’TiF. c i s w . . , , . . . . . , . 2 J-2 S The newest king of the road rac­ hails from Chevy Chase. Md. the first time in five years to take fercnce feature, and Pitt, leading gram. The Beavers, (w"h<) 'have North Medford Club B ...... 128 .Scharf was gaining on the two Eastern candidate for a major bowl clinched the Pacific Coast Con­ Douglas Thirner. James McMullen ^ Modcr. * ...... 1 (vj i ers here, 'Dyson, is 22 years old on. Caspar (Indian) Ortega, a and Ed Ma.stcrson in the fours with Uni-verslty of Connecticut F ...... '...... 148 and halls from Winsted. being out leaders during the last mile and (oughe little -Mexican, in a nation­ along ’ ith Syracuse, meets capable ference crown, were held to a 14-14 Manchester Harriers D ...... 156 IS Tn|«l, ...... s . 37 Penn State. coxswain: Jiril Flfer of Tacotna, Scorf at half. 2M 5 Rnckrlll-. of Gilbert High. Married' and the appeared to be the strongest of the ally televised 10-roiin^ match. Wa.sh. and DiivsH.Hecht. Beverly father of a Utile daughter, Charlia three at the finish Hr*. Since falling to regain his title In the Atlantic Coast Confer­ Other top scores were Cornell 20 ence. Clenieon (3-0-11 plays Vir­ Hill*; Calif. In the pairs without hppes his second child —. due in Team Honors t^EAL SQUARE mi from Carmen B.asilio a year ago, Penn 7; Rlchmomj 6 William * coxswain: Art A.vrault of Tacoma, February — will be a future run­ I "".” ! ! ‘ he famed the 24-year-old DeMarco has w'on ginia and Duke (3-1) ia at North Mary 0; Brown 20 Colgate 0; Den- Carolina to continue their three-iver 39 Colorado AAM 13; Mary­ Conn Findlay of Belmont, Calif, \ ner. The 5-9, 130-pounder is a sen­ Hn* ’ ‘’“•'herf by Shuff- four in a row from Wallace (Bud) and Kurt Seiffert of Rochester. Look at the First Day Olympics ior at UConn and is studying.En­ lln J(» Mcauikey of Manchester. I Smith, former lightweight king. way acramble with South Carolina j land 2.5. North Carolina State 14: for repre.sentation against Colo-i Utah 29 Utah State 7; Virginia Mich. In the pairsjfi'ith coxswain; • t$ w tih l glish and- business courses. Joe waant around veaterdav to 'S^FORD FAIRLANE 4-OOOR Arthur Persley. Vince Martinez the Detroit Boat Club in four oar* Bnrprised at Self T'n. ? ««orge King. FuUy equipped. Only and Kid Gavilan,. the ex-welter rado, of the Big Seven in the , Tech 45 VMI 0; Miami (Ohio) 27 Melbourne. Nov. 28 ' nice. the barring of two boxers, things! other heat winner, will carry U.S. me a pat on my backside. I reslly Melbourne, Nov. 23 (Ari -<3llf{ -_rulea. He was given every oppor- the Boston Bruins’ feast were ran true to form for the etrong; Both Dumas-and Porter failed the first 25 finishers. And, all hopes in tomorroar'a final. « didn't know what to ttiink whether other* received special kwards Blair. giant hammer thrower from. UinUy'to make''hTr^roirrighrwrth ' ^ ‘ h* '^Anyericon tpam. . i twice at the-dtaay height of ,.L. Survived First Heats 2.12 it was a good sportsmanship ges­ compliments of the Tali Cedars! ’ Hingham. Mass., today , waa sus­ the team but he refused, " | Nation* Hockey ^agup. At the Dufnai won a dramatic, duel! The Amarican trio of Glenn meters (6 feet 11% inches) but ture or whether he was conced­ pended from the U.S. Olympic In 19.36 Miss Holm was booted 1 Chicago Black avith an iinheralded Australian in Old Amo* Kujala wasn’t left out. Davis, Eddie Southern end Josh Dumas who stands only si)c feet ing.” Dyann resides near th* Aa utual, hf received a apeeial ’S3 FONTIAG CHIEFTAIN U O O R team in Ihe moat drastic action off the team' for breaking training ! showing signs of com- the gatharing -gloom with a leap UConn campus in . a trailer. His taken again.st an American athlete nilea en route to Berlin in what' ; • of six feet 11% Inches—one inch Culbreath marched ahead in the 1 % inches, finally m a n ’ll on the award and when Chief Schendel’ Hydrainatie, radio, healer. ^ 1 ^ 4 5 TTie Rangers, wlnleas In their 400-metcr hurdlae toward Satur­ professional goal is a career In handed the veteran hi* prize ther,*' in the International Games' since' became known as the (relebrated short of hla own woflS-racord of third and final try-'iw h-an'inch business administration. - .. star, swimmer Eleanor Holm was champagne case. 11*5^ games, defeated the Bruins seven feet,’ one-half inchl '- day’s semifinals and finals and the wasn’t a happier fellow In Man­ strong 800-meter entry-of Tom or two to spare. The crowd Dyson made five previous' chester than Old Amoa. exj>elled fro.m’ the 1936 team., ' 1 Blair, who..ha.s a pending Amer- [’ "J '(**1 night to snap Boston’s THI KITCHIU ' Charles Vihcl of York, Pa., ' a Qourtney, Amie Sowell and Lon groaned when Porter failed again staru in the ' Silk Town Tur­ Xaee headquartera were at th» Blair', 27-ycar olcj...Boston Uni-1 lean hammer throw recorfi o f'216 i uriheaten string or nine games, 23-year-old bantamweight weight- Spurrier survived the flret heaU. and then can over to congratulate key day footrace b e I o r • he Maaonlc Temple. All ronteatant*: 'S3 OLOSMOBILE 80FER 88 verslty student who ^aced second j feet 4 5* Inchea. couldn’t be reached' Meanwhile; the Black Hawks, •ATHRQOM lifter. also grabbed a gold medal In rowing, the major upset of -the American.'Porter, a compara earned a spot in the winner’s ’a’ere treated to full course turkev - in the U.S. Olympic Trials, was immediately for comment. : haple.ss cellar dwellers most,of the for Uncle Sam, smashing both the the day was the defeat of Yale’s live unknown, never had gone circle. While still a school- dinners by the Tall Cedars Ready to roil. Only , 1 ^ 1 1 4 5 suspended for "violation of -the, But In Boston Sports Editor Lvear. whipped the Montreal Cana- LAUNDRY wqEtd an6 Olympic records on eight, considered a sure .thing to higher than 2.038 meters six feet Amateur Code," which forbids an Jerry Nason of the Boston Globe I diens 5-3 to move within six t h a W y t o a triumph over a Rus- make ft sight straight .Olympic S’i Inches) before today’s venture. amateur to write for a newspaper, and * long time friend of Blair j points of the fourth-place Toronto • I H i n i ' ' aiaa cootender. victociea in a sti^ng started by TTie men had been’ jumplhgj-^on Nelson Metoalf, member of the said: ■ ■ * | Maple Leafs. ' 4 - . No Idle Threat Navy in l’9l0. Yale finished be­ and off, for about 10 hours count­ ’M FORD CUSTOM 3-DOOR Executive Board of .the U, S. He is merely writing personal In t>he only other game. Barr.v RAMI ROOM ) i Vladimir Kouts. a sinewy Rua- hind both Australia and Cahada in in- tire quallfyinr' rounds and the Globe Trotters Topple Sphas Ol.vm.ptc Committee, said Blair letters to me. He ta getting abso- I Cullen's goal with only 75 seconds aian Naval officer from the its heat and must win in tomor­ lengthy finals, but it gave the af­ Overdrive. Blue and white. violated the Code by writing for a lutely no pa.v and there has been j remaining gave the . Maple Leafs Ukraine, won the 10,000-meter row's repechage to avoid elimina­ ternoon’s progrom a filing cli­ ^ sto n newspaper despite frequent no arrangement for him to be.paid I a 2-2 lie with the Detroit Red Sparkling Bnaufy In Nloftle Tffn race for his nation's first track Before Sellout at High School $1245 warnings. Metcalf spoke for AAU in the future.” 1 Wings. tion. max "With lights w-lnking in the and field victory in Olympic his­ United Stataa rowers 'won their press box and the Olj'mpic Torch .Executive Secretary Dan Ferris, who is hospitalized with pneu­ Ym i'II Uva th* cksin, It m Ii l««k. **tf» tory to emphaslu that Russia is haaU in each of the six other glowing brightlj at the far end of . By EARL YOST i no idle threat to Amertcan* su­ the enormous stadium. •‘he period*. For the most part th V *53 FORD MAINLINE V8 monia. ful piaistic HI*. Alidt |itriniBii««t bfiaoty evenU at Lake Weadouree in Bal­ Playing before a standing room premacy. , Although Kouta didn’t larat including a tingle aculls vic­ ^uu"*e. '"'"•>*ned 'tricker : 2-Door. Black. Only U. S. Olympic offtOialB scheduled approach hla own uniofficial world In the 10.000 meter’ (Six mils, crowd of 2.200 at the new Man­ with fine bill handling to cor ' a meeting later' today to determin* to y*wr kmiM—fisisifir to cImiii. W m 't cfMh* tory by Jack Kelly, Jr„ of PIUIb- marit. ha broke the Olpipic rec­ 376 yards) race. Cordon, Plrie of chester High School itym the Orig­ pletel.v m.vstlfv their opponent*’ .: $895 what to .do with Blair but Ken­ MAIN STREET STORES AR£ dalphia. and eight-time American Great Britain matched strides with inal Harlem Globe Trotters scorotl Len Wlnograil and Vince Let craz* fir ffida. Many b«auHfwl to ord and offleiaJ world figure with champ but never an plympic wln- neth Wilson, .president of the U. S. % smashing performance In 28 Kouts until the final four iLps. a -54-51 win over the Philadelphia Jiaced the lose"* with 12 and 10 958 Main SL Mntichester. ner. . ' ^ * Olympic Committee, mid; 1 . cltofifif t n m , ill pi«in or marMfiiifid calfirfi. minutes. 45.6 aeconda. When Kouts put on the speed Sphas last Wednesday night. < tallies respectively. "Blair definitely .Violated the The only unpIaSaant incidenU ’S3 PONTIAC GONVERTIDLE ^ As ha thraahad down the'’ final that carried him to victory he left The game was promoted bv the! ware the auapenalon of Cliff Blair, the field' in his wake. After his Showboat ,HnII 'was a stickout Extra ni^e. Equipped. ’ atraigbtaway, the blond Russian for the Negri) hoopsters. canning | mrlern Globe Trotter*. Diie to $895 a hammer thrower from Hingham, decisive tiiumph. Kouta ran around Imkad Ilka anothar Emil Zatopek; 11 basket* and two charity tossA the traffic tie-ups In Hartford, the Sq. FL i ;■ Maaa. for writing articles for a the track, holding his. hands over' promoters were unable to get to the Chach runner'whosa record ha Boston newi^per and the barring for 24 pointa. vAIso, he kept the his head and waving to the crowd the school unUl ■7:80 and open the PUR AIAXIMUM He X t and TRUUBLE FREE OPERATION arasad. " ■ of two UJI. boaera for failure to that gave him a. tremendous ova­ huge gathering in stitches with his' Olga Ftkotova of 'Caachoalova- make waight comedy routine, especially Ih^the doors. Many fans had been in line *57FORO..FRESTieEGAR tion. from 6 o’clock. School . officials Ua. tha first track and fiald. gidd Oiokan Maokawa! of Hawaii, a aecond half. Murphy Summopt, Only Americans were en- m s M arinnar, aat tha style by also banUmareteht boxar. and Harry two dribbler deluxe, also showed that were not empowered to open file teted in- the JO^OOi). Gordon Me doors ahd a result there was a OF THE LOW FRIGE FIELD hraaklag tha Olympic standard Smith ^ Niw Ycrk. a , feather, he could score pointa, getting 14 with a mighty toas or 88.68 matera wars-ruled out of (the Oljrmpice be­ Kdnxle of New cork finished 18th tor the night. terrific spetlator jam ouUid* the ’ - . i . \ ■ ' . and Dick Hart of Windsor, 'Cum., building. " j on luraors aid Stokwr* SoM BUfLDING MATERf.71 t S UTS fast 1% indHs) in tha wom­ cause they were barely over' the The' Sphas were perfect “stoo- wa;;’;ilst. ■. ! Outside of the baH game the DEMQNSTRATIONS f NY TIHE. an's. dtacua. The old radbed eras weight. It was a aavere blow to gieq” for the T>’ottars.. The Quaker Sorvicfid hromptly and EffUpitntiy Trotter* had two outstanding en-- 'Ibrokfin four timas dartag the ooof' America's hopes of rapeating its , The United - States took the lead ■ Cltgr five-failed to live up. to ex­ LUMBER FUE^ u rt^ m en t acta, phu three othar*. CAaMI3.f!85 paUtion in which the Biiaaiana 1S32 auccasi m boxing. An appeal In the modren peintathlon when pectations and would have had a ^ c k AlbirshErdt, on tht t Cook three of. the first six pteeee. to mova Maokawx to the feather Geol"ge Lambert of Sioux City, hard job winning against a local 0. Ea W ILUS ft SON, IM . ^ NORTH MAIN S T R l^ ■ulaaa Bkown. a Loa Aagalaa ctoae and raplaot Smith wet re- Iiwa, and Jack Daniels of Mis­ HERALDJ'HOTOS By OFIARA club» . • ••'“ ■tlonai Palermba. *^®*'*<* ••• weleozned 8 MAIM BT. — PHONE Ifl S-filtfi UNTIL 9 A)p#« Daily 7‘ A. M. to 5 P. M , . l.aurpassad hsr hast soula, Mont, fir.i^ed one-two in PXced.by Hall and Suniinons tha ■ ‘ B tS H esottag ' ffutl .V ketwean the riding evenL Old Amos Kujala, 66 Years' Young, Finishing • i f fci mould haw Wednfidday Aflepediw and SatnHay ^ t t o r a lad l»iI0, 24-88, SfisSfi at to hi of batter grad* DILLON'S

X.' ' i - ■ y kV if' A Uf'. / (■ ■t ^ ■

•>fv . . 7 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN„ FRIDAY, NOVEMfiER 2??, 19B6 p a g e t w e n t y :

MANCHESTER EVlENiNG HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBEli 2S,J956 . HoUacS For Rule * .PACE TWENtY-TWb 72 Houms For Sale *72 THERE OUGHTA' BE A LAW! BY I'AGALY and SHORTEN Huckviilr MODIFIED ENGUSB colonial, six Btttldtiue—-CebtraetliiE 14 Help W a n ti^ — Fieniaia 35 Rflp IVanti^— Male 36 Articles For Sale 45 Houseftohi Goods f 5^ -Apartment*—Plitt— ' MANCHESTER Six Top Officers Anto Dftvtns SctaMi T*A ' -Idrge rooms and attached gqriage. A REAL GOOD BARGAIN TenemenU 63 Nice ahsdad lot in center of Man­ - BOOK A0VERTI8IN6 / THAT5 WHAT IT IS.* Police Oiiej^ LARSON'S* DRIVING Ichool. NEED MORE ROOM? We are root SALEISGIRI.# fo r' part Urn# work. MhBORSiR, Mornings only, driver STORM SASH: Various sizes. Wood- ' 1 , 2 OR 6 . YEARS TO PAY! chester. Living room 22'6''xl4’ Plassified MaitcheM«r*« only tralnaU uid dormer specialists: also additions, Including Sunday, Apply Swisa proferred'. See Willism McXInney, ■ en comMfiation floors, Tel. , Ml. Start ,Your FOR RENT - .Three rooms and 74 'Tanner—SIx room Cape, Two 'W/hem h;s with (ifeplgce. Dining room, targe unfinished. Ceramic tile bath. -Air cerubcd tiutructer. For your m I«- alterations and .repairs. Home Pastry Shop, 183 North Main. MI, 180 Pearl St. 8-9 a.m. or .p.m.; 9-4856. Monthly Paymenta bath, unfurnished, in s pew 4 unit kitchen and separate laundry STORE 1$ Talk Verified ty wc are trained'to teach proper­ Construction Service. BU. 9-3310, 9-2660. In January 1957 apartment house, nearly com­ conditioning, oil.. Two front ’ dorr AS EMPT/ FOLDING METAL table 'child's room! Also lavatory. Second floor mers, full rear shed ’flbrmer. Cop­ Advertisement ly. .*U. #-6076. CH. 2-1085. . 3 ROOMS FURNITURE pleted on Grant Street, -RockVille. three large bedfooma and bath: AS A SEfWINO MACHINE operators work bench, electric ' sandwich per plumbing. Two fireplaces (liv­ (Continued from Page One) CLASSIFIED AOVT. Agents tVanlcd -37*A 87.98 MONTHLY , Gas stove and refrigerator, lights Must be seen to be appreciated. SCHOOL- , MANCHESTER Dri*’ing Academy FOR YOUR'remodeling, repairs or; for night shift. 5 p.m.-lO p.m. grill. MI. 8-8863. ►- and heat- furnished. Individual heat ing room and cellar). Open stair­ MARM'6 B^yVaskulka guarameea quick reault*. Expert additions call William Kanehl, i Kaklar Toy Cq^„ 60 Hilliard it. Brand New . Gaston Realty, IJMS School St. XQ. DEPT. HOURS Bedroom,-' Living Room, Dinette, control. Basement wash, and dry way. Amesite drive.. Large lot. PURSE' feet the atabllity of gov6rnment.” Inatructiona. Dual-controlled car. Contractor and Buildef. MI. I 9-87'l. Evenings, XU. 9-7486' Seyen' yeai*. old. Occupancy within , Police Arrests 8:15 A. M. to 4:.10 P. M. FIVE PUNCH press operators. Ap­ ;LIFE INSURANCE 21" PHILCO CONSOLE TV with Rugs, Lamps, Tables laundry. Beautifully dedorateAand BOSSO Rockville, Nov. 23 (Special) — Both Bengoai and Uranga Were sy- Call Mr. Mlclette. your peraonal 3-7773. * ■ 1 •conveniently arranged. Located In 30 days. Reduced price, 814,650. instructor at PI.'.S-7Ji9. ply in person. Gunver Msnufsctur. AGENT converter, 840. Call MI. 9-4924. EVERYTHING 82W- > r VERNON SAVS IT'S.., Retiring, State Policeman John J. in. ^thc cabinet of the late Gen. .ICK AND stone mason rontrsc- ing Co., 2.14 Hartford Rd. 3 ROOMS FURNITURE quiet residential section—3 min­ New 4ti room ranch In lovely Can be seen by appointment. Yaskulka today confirmed rumors COPY CLOSING TIME WALLPAPER SALE. Many pat­ utes from shopping district anb 20 Eduardo Lqna^l, a^ladSer in the Pollee said a number of arnafs, -vf'lors.'Valentino Bellucci, 316 Fern 81I,.78 MONTHLY section. Here Is a quality home that he has been approached to FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. St. Tel. 5n 9-5451. Ode of the woitd's leading terns of trimmed paper to choose Brand New minutes from Pratt A Whitney. with many extras. 8l4':900. GEORGE L. GRAZIADIO,- revolt that topplad'lXuan D. Peron mostly on motor vehicle (dtdrges, -‘ Motorcycles— Bicycles >^*11 i: I w o m a n t o rare for children in 895 per month. TR. 5-5915. REALTOR consider apjioinfment as deputy MON. THRU FRI. life insurance companies will from. C. J. Morrison Paint Co., Westinghouse Refrigerator, Living In S e p te m b ^ 'T ^ . The new re­ were made in .'tha- last^tWo daya,^ : m.v home daily. MI. 3-4378, 385 Center St. Room, Bedroom, Dinette, Rugs, MI. 9-6878 police chief of Rockville.. MANCHESTER Cycle Shop has a Aluminnin Windowa hire and train a young man for ONE ROOM apartment, modern, ROCKVILLE gime head'ed by Ammb.uru later but tho holiday period tY“ ganar--!' 10:30 A. M. a local position. The -man we Lamps. Tables - . Two nfew five room ranches. complete line of American and and Doors 14d''LonardL ally quiet. want should . be age 25-45. EVERYTHING 8310 Quiet section, Lange looms through­ considered for the post. If such SATURDAY 9 A. M; English bicycles and-accessories. CLERK TYPIST Dirmonds— IV atches— 3 ROOMS FURNITURE shower, bath, 870 per month. MI. small family. Four room house LET AM AD 'dr.anga was released 16 days KemeUi Qransfon; 19, of White Place .your order now for Christ­ GUARANTEED against all haz-1 married, well educated and 9-6429 or AD. 3-4506. out. City, water, *Mwerage. 813,500 with dark- room or laundry room a position is created when th_e_d^ ards. Aluminum screena capable of self-discipline. This Jew elry 4S 816.18 MONTHLY One with basement garage. 813,600. PULL IN A „ ago from- prison after serving a Plains, N. V., was arrested TOUR COOPERATION WILL mas and save mone.v. Hours 9-8 Permanent iwaition available in in full basement. City utilities. RECORD salesmanship-’ 1 -.rtment ia reorganized, 3-month term. Bengoa served a 6- Wednesda'y. by Patrolman Samuel atorm windows as well as com­ is a life time 'career opportun­ 100% Guaranteed EAST HARTFORD, 135 Bullulde NOTHINS TO D ' canic out at' a testlnioniapdinner BE APPRCCIATTO p.ni. weekdays, Saturdays, 9-6 our East Hartford office for clerk LEONARD W. TOST Jeweler, ra- Washing Machine. . Refrigerator, Nicely landscaped fenced In yard. CROWD Or month term for writing a letter Maltempe and charged with driv­ p.ni. 168 W. Middlt Tpke. MI. bination screen and storm doors. tj-pist to be trained in dictaphone ity.. The man we hire w-ili re­ Ave, Two room furnished apart­ UNDER CONSTRUCTION MI. 9-8539. IS I'M ThiNKINS held in his honor Tuesdjry night. - Call Coughlin. Ml. 8-7707. ____, ceive a guaranteed income pur*. adjusts watches expertly. Bedroom, Living Room, Dinette, ment, private bath. Inquira after In Ellington. A beautiful Colonial SUC<|RS-.. 0 ^ bitterly criticizing the Aramburu ing 'Without a license on Lenox St. 9-2098. work. Applicant must be good typ- Reasonabla prices. Open daily. Dishes. Rugs. Lamps, Tables, DROPPINS TH . .Speaking at the ^tm er. County regime. J 1st And high school graduate. suitable tn his needs plus com­ 6 p.m. „ home. Three large bedrooms, bath •oyoBOv; Coroner Bernard J-: Ackerman said, He posted a $50 .bond and was re­ Dial M l 3-5121 Thursday evenings. 129 Spnicr Blankets. Television Set. and Range MUST RE SOLD HIS TUN'E The Army minister, Gen. Arturo leased for courF hearing Wednes­ RooDng—SidInK 15 mission, bonus and all fringe Street Ml. .9-4357. and hall upstairs. Large living, "Yaskulka vfptifd be a credit to GIRL'S 2* " HIGGINS bicycle, ex­ l' Position al.so available in our benefita. FIral year's incoms EVERYTHING 8433 FIVE ROOXf duplex, no bathroom kitchen, dining and lavatory down. GOES LIKE Ossorio Arana, took on the addi­ day. ^ Price Includes Delivery, Set Up, facilities'. Sullivan Avs'., Wapping. 25 Avondale Road Immaculate any municipality as an officer and tional post of commander in chief,' cellent condition, 828. MI. 8-1414. I FOR THE B ^ T in Bonded bvlit Manchester office for clerk. Ability should exceed 15,000. Priced at^only 816,700. THIS... I hope.Jie will find a position with Yesterday, XIaltempo arrasted up roofs, shingle' roofs, gutters, Serrice. Guarantee MI. 3-5724. four room' cape with one room 1 relieving Gen. Francisco Zerda. to work accurately with figures and Fuel and Feed 49-A ------^ ^ ------Melvin T. Tyler, 35, 'o f Xflami, LMt anti Found conductors and roof repairs call a good telephone voice needed for Immediate Delivery or Free CAPE COD roughed in upstairs. Has fireplace, Also removed were Gen. Guillermo FI3.. and also charged him With Coughlin. Ml. 3-7707. this intereaflng position. Typing is FOR DETAILS - DRY FIREPLACE, furnace wood. Storage Until Needed with shed dormer. Four finished garage, nice lot. Excellent location. The Coroner's remarks were in­ Alonso as chief of staff, Gen. Jorge driving without a license. He was l o st — Large gray cat. White Business Sefriecs Offered 13 SEVEN ROOM single. MI. 9-1437 rooms down, two unfinished u p.'. ® ‘-'I**? ®°'vers terpreted by man.v present to Noccttl Campos as commander of ______1___ necessary• but apeed ia not esaen- Cedar clothes, line poles. Delivered after 6:30 p.m. stopped on a routine check on E. chest, white paws. Vicinity Oxford RAY’8 ROOFING CO , ahingis and tial. Five day week, excellent in- PHONE WILLIMANTIC and installed. MI. 9-1353. | Phone For Appointment IJ4JOO. : School section. Immediate occupan- mean that Yaskulka Is being cavalry,/'-end Gen. Juan Bautista TV SERVICE. 82-80 P«r call. All built up roofs, gutter and con­ See It Dav or Night Middle Tpke. Tyler ported a $25 St and Middle Tpke., west. Re­ work guaranteed.. Call Bob tVebb. auranre benefits and pleasant work­ Both homes qre in a beautiful lo- i f't’od ilf*ucihg available. Own- sought Jor a position in the Rock­ Loza as chief of the 1st Motorized ductor work. roof, chimney re­ HArriscih 3-2661 SEASONED OAK wood. Cut fire- Hartford CH. 7-0358 . - cation. *''® ready to move and will bond Snd was released.'' ward. Call Ml. 9-9067. Ml. 9-8801. ing conditions. j THREE ROOM heated apartment. ville Police Department under re­ Division. They were succeeded, Patrolman Raymond Peck ar­ pairs- Ray Hagenow,'Nfl. 9-2214. place, stove lengths, 810 per load. ' After ” p.m, CH. 6-4690 I listen to any reasonable dffer. Tel. Rockville TR. 5-4.547, organization plans proposed by respectively, by Gen. Louis Cfarlos rested John a. Cuccurullo, 36, of X, HAS ANYONE SEEN my kitten? DICK'S WEATHERSTRIP Com- _____hay Jackson, ______5n.______3-8325. Call PI. 2-7886.. 1 If you have no means of transporta­ For an appointment j Originally priced at 814.900. Maj’or Herman G. Olson. His name is Muffy. He is all gray tion I'll send my auto for yoti. No Bussettl, Gen. Miguel 'Vlllarnlel Cranston, R. I., yesterday, and pany. doora and w-lndow^ custom i ro OFTNO. SIDING, painting’ Car Situations Wanted— AVAILABLE TOMORROW. Three At the last City Council meet- and Gen. Fernando Huergo. and only three months old. I am LIBERTY MUTUAL LIFE ' obligation Ing, Mayor Olson raporlatl h« has charged him with driving an im­ Ji..t « little girl and 1 am loi^ work, guaranteed. Call MI. 9-1588 pentry. Alterations inHand additionsadditions. room heated apartment In the WATSON-REALIY- room ^eluiilal wltli baseniem— g r Aiaiiihufu Insisted In an—inter- properly registered vehicle and sRer 6 p.m -.-----:------INSURANCE CO.O Female 38 Garden— Farm—Dairy | Rubinow Blinding. Convenient to delegated the Police Committee to some for my kitten. Call Ceilings.. Workmanship guaran­ Products 50; A -.E -B —E—R—T—’S Thrall Road, Vernon rage. Amesite drive, fireplace, and vle\v that the Army shakeup oc­ failure to notify tho Xlqtor 'Veweiav teed. A. A, Dion Inc., 299 Autumn stores, churches, buses. Phone to­ other extras. This house started at Stiburban Fur Sale Le^al Notice Lejfal Notice undertake a study on reorganiza­ curred largely because of "differ­ 3-8289. ANTIQUES Retinished. R^alrlng 4.1-45 Allyn St., Hartford TR. 5-7630 - MI. 9-7885 tion of the Police Department.-He Department of his change o f ad­ St. MI 3-4860. ■ , MI. 3-Ufil PRACTICAL NURSE for adults. night, 7 to 8. MI. 3-56,12. 816,300. but a quick sale is wanted „ ences of opinion" between the gen­ dress. done on any Arntture. Tieman, A T A COURT OF. PR O B ATE hetfloTi AT A COURT O P PR O B ATE )iol>56, ^ . I day, of JCovfmbor. A.D. 1056. four "has been subject to disci­ leased under .$35 bond for court - - - ^ INTERESTING U S. No. 1 POTATOES^ Brvan For Rent 64 ins. Realtor. MI. 9-5132, 9-4694. kitchen and spare room. Four bed­ P'i**Nfnt, Hon. (.'harlyxr H NichMRon. j Prr'Frni Hon. Klmor** Turkinjf^lon, post. plinary sanction.'* .ImlK JikIro hearing on Dec. 1. ' ROOFING — Specializing tn repair­ opportunity ______Dogs— Bi______rds— Pel .s 41 Bros., 179 Tolland Tpke. Ml. OWNER MOVING Bed, buffet. ______:______—^------; Wc have many more listings i rooms. City water and se'wer. On . million F. (J'-nnaimv The mayor said today the Police GENERAL houae wiring, all kinds. On motion of llu«.«* ll (I. SlorrN. Twin A spokesman at Government ing roofs of all kinds. Also new China cupboard, rhaira. chests, 575 MAIN ST. One-atory brick 89,500, Ray Spielnian Agency, Adnunistrairi.v-^<')ii th r5int4 «)f Fi'ank Committee is continuing its study Richard Edgar of 281 l|priuia St. AnnoonCsflienU Call PI 2-6385 after 8 p.m, Available for girl at least 71 BIRD, cat and dog supplies, whole- 9-7037 between 12 and 1 p.m. and ATTENTION LARGE families with ! *11.500 up. So if yOu are .HiHf. Coventry. ('ortn*’etlciu, Kxeculor, House said that the generals "at roofs. Gutter work. Chimneys after 5 p.m. twp nearly new gas ranges. Servel building 26x38 feet. Ample front budget troubles. SIX room home Iw'USc-huntmg call and look oyer Rockville. 'TR. 5-1020, evenings ; <5- 'V' U*-, (9^:’ '■'n.l wUhm .»-aid { cn ihp «\siatc of (2ilh*'n H. SloirF, late and at this time he does not know waS arrested Wednesday night by I years old with good education orl sale —• and— -• retail. Dailv 9 to .5 -----•p.m. and rear parking. Call owner Ml. ' "f ('ovrntry. within Faid diFtrict, do* no time” raised the queation of Patrolman Ernest' Noske and RUBBISH AND aahM removed! cleaned, r^aired. 26 years' ex­ .g8s refrigerators, boy's bicycle, with expansion posnibilities larpe'^^^ listings VVe ai^ also active, Wm. F. Ganzer, Ml. 9-4677. This • jjloih fl.'Nff* ilmt sl\ what changes might be necc.s- MRS. VAUGHN— Medium — Ad perience. Free estimates. Call : business background, with some . 9-7405. r*'n.'4«*d. Aramburu’s continuing ' as Presi­ charged with Intotcicatlon. He post­ visor. For appointment\phona CH. General cleaning, ceUara, attics ityping ability. Initiative, imagina-' No. 1 GREEN Mountain winter po- ice skates, roller skates, toys, lot, two<-ar garage, highly conven- i ^s^lxirs of the Multiple Listing ” *. " —n — ■■ - nioDth.’i alloxyofl ami Uhlit' d f"r th»* Tln.F Court tlotli flcrrof that .%ix .sitaled in the CR.V Charter for the and yardt.' Reasonabla 'ates. M. Howley, Manchester Ml 3-5361. T to • « Route and tatoeH, mealy and very eat- lawn mowers, etc. Phone MI. COVENTRY—Vacant. You can own l Rr,-iiiior.s nt .-aid (-etai- I-, .-xlidm th. n month.** fn-m Nov* nilD-r‘ 16. 1056, ho al­ dent. ed a $25 b oiw ^ r court appeatwiice 6-67U. 286 Franklin AvV,^ Hart I tion and the ability to work on ft STORE- Formerly Seara Roebuck lent location. Financing arranged. | o! Manchester. j police reorganization. A M. Rubbish Removal. MI. Chapel, South Windsor. JA 8-3391.1 jng. No. 1 in every respect. De- 9-0606. this neat three bedroom ranch I eiMms nguinst ii.- .xame m ih^ Adntlii- lowed and llniilPd for th*- rroditorF of, Argentina's troubles on the tomorrows Fairly priced a t ‘814,300. Maddock ; -o 1 / " P n r - __u home with full cellar I arce lot I ’slr.-Wrlx and iho Kxprulor and mayor is ex-ifflcio chief of police JqyCe' C. Bolduc, 22. o f West Heating—Plumbing 17iP<'»>«‘>n vacation, five day ; more. Call Hathaway. MI, 9-64,18. VACnjUM CLEANER. Canittsr Only $1,000 cash down. Owner will a nowNiiappr hnvIiiR a rirrulati»-*n hi dirDct.'T that public iiotlco b*' given of The 10-day-old printers* strike MOl BACK-ACHE? Get "i»- ______i week, group insurance and security Main St. S A H Green stamps. .matelv 1200 sq. ft. floor space. MI. evenings MI. 9-3954, Office Ml. 3 1577 Re.s. MI, 9-7751 ...... |M-).>4iinir A copy and further specifics that the de­ Hartford, arrested yesterday by lief Sealy Posturepei^ CHUCK’S RADIO and T.V. Service. t>-pe. Recent model. Attachments. take the moiHgage. Pull price dlpiw. nud by |H^.«iinir A this order by advertising in a ncw.*- and the week-old metalworkers’ 151 North Main St. Small appli- FREEBURN A WATSON. Plumb-, for the future are positive benefits. MI. 9-4273. Free parking. "If you 825. Call JA. 8-1583. 9:6808 or MI. 9-8.521., $13,500. Make Appointment today. TH' I'i-Df I'll lh»?. pnbli<\ .“ipn |r>si in .'^aid papfi' hayhig a- rirn ilatlon in .‘*aid dis- partment .shall consist of a cap-, walkout were still on. ArgentljoeS Peck, was charged with spoiling mattress.'Howard's Sleep Center, want a pet—see us," Open Mo'n.,- MANCHESTER-SIX room ranch. Tdwn of Andovf.r. hcnipst tJm iilar** (u rt. anFtiiig ji cop.%' lh»*rcfjf on on W. Middle Tpke. Her case was B|icea r»alred. Ml. 8-8517, reai- ing and Heating Contractors. New For additional Information and FIVE ROOM CAPE COD at 10 Rus- Howard R. HaMings, Realtor^ 'AL'Hrrr tho Inet dw^It thf* public sign iH7Ft in said Town of tain, a sergeant and a number of have been snapping up newspapers Stt Main St. ML^ 9-6335. rohfidential Interview. Call Sat. 9-6. Thurs. and Fri.. 9-9. Fertilizers 50-A ! Ideal location, convenient to bus F''rUfif‘ii from ‘tirtCfinl set for court Wednesday, dAirce MI. 3-8960. installations; alteration work and and schools, hot water oil heat, sell St. Call owner. Ml. 9-2643. Manchester MI. 9-1107/any time. ( '*»V4'ntr.\. ncar^'Ki the placo wlmrc tin* patrolmen, lo be determined by from nearby Montevideo^ Uhigpray. repair Work Ml\9-3808 or MI. Musical Instruments .53 Wani'bd To Kent 6H (^HARHKS II XflRi^tOUSOX. Judpe. d''c»*apnd luJ^i dw4*li, the Council. Two others arrested. yesterday WANTED—Ride frpiM|outh End to LIBERTY MUTUAL LIFE full cellar, garage, sensibly priced. Cf'itifipfl from n*'rorfl, This supply likely \yill be cut oft vicinity of Railroad St'IHipn, Hart­ COMPLETE REPAIRS by Stuart 9-5931. BEAUTITOL baby parakeets All, CHICKEN manure for your garden BOLTON Oversized Cape Co’. on the a patrolman's salary. The strikers are part of a surge vSmaU appliances, - welding. 174 and contract wont. Cali '■ 1-8541, on paved road. City water. Price heat. Attached garage. Artesian Mass.; and Harold L. Pierson. 48, Mam Street. Ml. 9-6678. ton. MI. 9-5618. ' MUSIC InatnimentaJ, rental. Com- 3-4504. MANCHESTER 15th day of Novomhor, A.D 1P56. Yaskulka declined further com­ of unrest over failures by the SECRETARY 82,000 each. Call Gaston Realty. well. Asking $13,900. Howard R. Prosuiit. lion. Klmnrf* Turkingtop, ment on the question and said Jie of Norwood, R. I., who posted $15 Personals 8 LLOYD'S Plumbing Sei\ice Household Goods 51 I plete line of instruments. Rental 2 'j year duplex. 185 School St., XII 9-5731; evenings Hastings. Realtor. Manchester, Patients Tndu.v: 1.51 Judg*'. workers to win wage liKreases in CONTROL BREED baby para-' ______YOUNG COUPLE no children de- On mfitlon o f Clfir'*n<*f‘ I... .Iobn.**fui. 157 would rather "the,v" make apy bonds. They are scheduled to ap­ DOORS' .ptENBD. keys fitted, sures aatisfaction, promptmpt aeri applied to purchase price. Repre . Bea.iiUful extra large, room Ml 9-7466. MI. 9-1107 any time. ADMITTED WEDNESD.VY; a series of contract negotiations. RIDE WANTED from Onter and copied, '^ u u m cleanera, irons, CH. 7-6124 .MI J-5485 keets. Month old. Will take ordera LARGE SIZE Serr'el refrigerator, senting Olds. Selmer, Ped aire small, furnished apartment, ranch, riiu rch St., N pw llav«''n ID. (’onn**rtlcut: further statements. By "they" he pear In Town Court Dec. 1. _ I Sales manager needs an for Christmas at 134 Glenwood St. , (Gaa or bottle gas). 8100. Anv time suburban preferred. References Mrs. Mabel Lenzzo. 181 N. Main Adm inistrator on Uif* * )I KliiRFbury. lat** tjf Covf'niry. within ad ap- ^Capital Ave. Hartford. 8:15-4:45. fnives, mowers.'stc., put into con. ---- ' efficient secretary who en- Houra 3-9 daily. MI. 9-6572. 351 Parker St, Studio. 177 McKee. Ml, 3-7.500. furaiahed. Call .Mrs. J. Herbert mediate occupancy. 816,900. Suburban For Sale 7.5 Wanted— Real Estate 77 .•*Hid rilFtrloL d»’e**ai*f*d. proached him. Rlccardl, 20, of tSVaterbury, was Call after 6. MI. 9-6820. dition for coming weeds. Braith- Moving—Trucking I joys s variety of duties. Finlay, -MI. 9-1411. Mr.s.'Pear! Kent, RF'D 2. Rockville; Court d*ith il*rr*'4* thnt fIx Car Hit Boulder arrested Sunday and charg^ •with' ' VERNON — Four large rooms, monlh.** fr*iin Novf nib**r 15. 1956 Iv al- waite. 82 Ptarl Street. '-- PURE Bred Doberman Pinachers.' FRANKS ANTIQUE SHOP. 420 COVENTRY LAKE LISTINGS WANTED—Single, two- Mr.s. Evelyn McCarth.v, 117 Birch speeding on the Wilbur C f^ s Storage 20: Must be nest and accurate eight weeka old. Ready to go. MI. i i w a n t e d BY quiet, young woman, Year 'round Seven room ranch. breezeway and garage. Large lot family, three-family, business St.: Mr.t. Rose Palin. 32 Spring I'lwod an*l llm liofl fm- tho t-r^-dlltirF of typist with ability to follow Lake St., ia buying and selling Wearinx Apparel— Furs 57J in Manchester, three room apart­ with shade trees. Price $12,900. property. Have many cash buyers. .«Hld f'xtatp lo ,f\hiblt th*'ir rlalniF Strewn on Road Highway by State Patrolman GONDER'8 T.V. Service, aviUgble MANCHESTER - Moving and 9-6311. good used furniture and antiques. VERNON St.; Robert A. Schubert. 18 Lock- again.*^! tho Fam*'* to tfiF Admini.**trator Mario Palumbo. He is to appear in ■ Aatomobnes tor Sale' 4 ment with stove and refrigerator, Call Carton Realty. 165 School St., Mortgages arranged. Please call and dlri'CtF that public ootlc*' b»- given any time. Antenna converaiona, trucking Co. Ml. 3-6563. Owned up projects. Ideal location I . Ml. 9-8580. Houfa 9 a.fn.-8 p.m. Six room Cape. Two-car garage. wood St.; Kenneth Kicly, 31.5 \V. court here tomorrow. CHESTER Furriers. Fura remod­ reasonable rent. Call TR, 5-5048 XII 9-5731: evenings MI 9-7466. George L, Grazmdio. Realtor. MI. of thi.*8 ord**r by ndy*'rl'tsln|; in n new.**- New Haven. Nov, 23 (ff*)—Mr. PhUco factory supervised service. And operated by Walter B. Per- for a local resident. Excel­ Nicely landscaped lot. Price 813,^ •Middle ’I'pke.; Mrs, Rose Boud­ pap«*r having a clrculaU on in said diF- and BEFORE YOU BUT a used ear Tel. MI. 9-1486. eled., repaired, cleaned and after 6 p.m. 9-5878, 109 Henry 8t. atl Jr., and William J. Pickering. lent working conditions, Livestock~Tehicles 42 reau. 29 Margaret Rd , triri. nnd by poFting n ropy tboreof op and MrS. Forrest Powell of North see Gorman Motor Sales. Buick DOING YOUR SHOPPING glazed. Work done at mv home. ROCKVILLE VERNON Y E S T E R D A Y : i ibe p\ibUr Flgn i>ohI In Faid Trj^n «»/ Sales and Service, 285 Main WANTED TO RENT. Apartment ARE YOU CONSIDERING ; ADMITTED Branford, driving through East REFRIGERATION sales and serv­ AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO. locaJ with cafeteria facilities. No overhead. Save. Call MI. Beautiful six room Colonial Gar­ Thomas Trevitt, ■vr«trr>v>- M r s 1 ' '« v .lltry . n r .lr.ft Ihr plnrr w-hriN^hc Street. Ml. 9-4571. Open evenings. ice. Commercial, household, air EARLY? 9-7218 for free estimate at your or single home. Business.man of Six room ranch. Large living SIXUNG Y'JUR PRO PERTY?.,, , .MCIrow, *1'-"- ldeccss-4 l!is| -IvviM. A Gift for You and long distance moving pack­ PIGS FOR SALE. Inquire George ! rison in residential section. Reason­ We will appraise your property i Milki. 18 Denver Rd.. -Irs. Crr'inod fi'om Tl« ror*f \ Q — How did the practice of Rock Park yesterday en route to conditioners, frcezera. A. and W. ing,' storage. Call MU, Hart­ home. Under no obligation. Capes Mancheater with, wife and one ably priced. room, fireplace, ceramic tile bath. KI.MORH TrnKIN‘iTON. Judge having black horses lead military NEED A CAR? Short oh a down GRAY RESEARCH Chetelat, Aahford, GArfield 9-2094.1 We have an excellent aelection of and stoles. 820. child, will pay aenaiblr price on I oak floor.s, two-car basement ga- free and without any, obligation. | Denn^on. o3 S .^ e SU; a Thanksgiving dinner in Ham­ RefrigeraUon Co. Ml. 9-1287, BU. ford CH 1-1423. funeral pioccssions originate ? den, had their trip Interrupted by payment or had your credit turned 9-8196, Ml. 9-0055. lamps, small electrical appliances, sight. Four or five rooms. Call MI. ROCKVILLE— g r o c e r y j rage, amesite drive. Many extras. We also buv property for cash. < -'I''-'’- E.eanor Chanit>cr.s, 489 \.ood- down? Don't give up! 'For a good hassocks, rockers, and all kinda of bridge1----f . . St.; T-...-jJ,Dank Austin, 36 Sea­ A It is a survival of an an­ a big boulder which rolled 100 MANCHESTER Package .Delivery. & DEVELOPMENT CO. 9-12.37. BUSINESS . I Selling or buying contact Mrs. Evgenlja Treimanis, RFD 1. deal—not thru a small loan com- CLEAN AND paint those gutters home furnishings. Including six room residence over 520,500 STANLEY BRAY Realtor man Circle; Arlene Seibert. cient custom of sacrificing the feet do'W’n a steep bank onto the Date '■ y—see “ Harry" at 833 Main Light trucking and package deliv­ Pdultrv and Supplies 4.31 Roomf Without Board .59 Coventry: 5lr.«. I.aiui.se AfTricano, Rockville; Patrick Madden. _ ,128 horse al the grave of a warrior now. Avoid costly repaira later. ery. Refrigerators, washers'and HIUJARD ST. store. Excellent condition. BRAE-BURN REALTY road. r (Formerly Douglas Motors). MI. 8-1383. BROAD BREASTED Bronze tuT-■ U.se our la.vawa.v plan Housca For Sale 72 WARREN E. HOWLAND, MI 3-6273 ,53 Spring St., Rockville; Calvin H. ! 5 ^ in the belief that' the warrior's The car hit the boulder ahd was Book atove moving specialty. Folding .MANCHESTER B; HariA' Fraser. 17 Spring St.: horse would foHow '‘through the -chuirs for rent MI. 9-07S2. keys, fresh and frozen. Ready any ' Call .1. D. REALTY Sears, Hartford dam ped, but aside from a minor INEXPENSIVE CLEAN transpor­ WILLIAMS REFRIGERATION Co. CHAMBERS FURNITURE p l e a s a n t , heated room with pri­ 813.6.50 — Thirty-year mortgages Realtor THIS AGENCY needs Cape Cod. AD.MITTED TODAY: Mrs. Douis A. Miner. Tunnel Rd.. Ver­ Gate of the Sky to serve its Get yourq in onr "A Good Place To \\'ork” time, 10-25 lbs. Fresh eggs. vate bath. Call .Ml. 3-4083. non: .lames J. Quinn. 318 Buck- hcatTMnjurysjrffered by Mrs. tation. If y—BE.RL1N TURNPIKE ier month Includes principal and NELCO TOOL CO., INC. NOVEMBER CLEARANCE selection. Call Xfontgpmerj' Bantly Oq Co. Macri Oil Co. These cars can be bought for as TOOLS R ntereat. Hartford CH. 6-8897. Ward's. XII.-3-5161. Rug bept. for To start traialag for REPORTER i 0pp. Conn. IA> & Power Co. Bldg. litUa as 810, with approved credit. f 266 Center St., Pina St. entrance SAVE UP TO 50% era, (handNMid power) precision Frank Burke, Connecticut Mort­ GE. Electric Blankets 40% off. appointment. management of one of our Boland Oil Co. Tbomas MoCana ■round to S^ificnes; Saws of all gage Exchange, Lewis corner stores. No experience neces­ * MANCHESTER koTOR Games, toys. etc. 40% off. All dolls VALUE LEADERS Fogarty Bros, Inc. Moriarty Braa. kinds. Machine TiUng and retooth­ Gold. 50% off. All trains. 40% • off. sary. All beneSts. Apply In per- Notice SALES ANNEX^ w a n t e d — Automotive machinist i soB. - ; ing. Circular precision Revereware 30% off. Flintware LOW COST TRANSPORTATION Howard Oil Co. Hugo Pearson 333 Main Street • sharpened; ;gummlng7^ea, ensi- or man to leaiu automotive ma-1 30% off. - FO R i A L f iilanrI;rBlrr Zoning Board of Appeals i MI. 9:5732 .^laga kiiivea, mower bladeslahears. BinincM OpportunitiM 62 chine work. Schiebel Bros., Center i BUDGET CENTER. MI. 3-4184 8-Brdroam Ranch Home In . Town of Coventry, Cbiih.^ W. G. Glenney Co. Whiling Corp. knives serrated; clippers^', etc. Goose Lane. Tolland. Conn. LYNN POULTRY Tile Zoning Hoard of Appesus 2947 STUDEBAKER (our door NEW SERVICE station will soon *----- !------.J------^______] Keys duplicated. Empaon xH. b« available. Excellent location ’ WANTED — One full time driver l|praIJi _ held a private meeting following ’50 PLYMOUTH 49 PONTIAC Lassen Petroleum, Inc. WiUiains Oil Service sedan, radio and heater. Will seU Aborit; Jdaple St. Ellington. RoclL- FOR SALE, one safe. Price 8100. RICHARD H. BLOW MrVing local and transient busi and part time, drivers, 12 p.m. • 6 Uie public hearing Xlpndbv; No- R A II. now povers, Convortibtr. R A II, cheap. Call XO. 9-8287. vill* TR. 5-7166. For particulars call Xd. 9-4563. Builder FARMS STORE - f .M & XI Oil Service L. T. IVood Co. nes». Uall or write Tide Water Oil p.m. Xlanchester Taxi, Purnell PI. Telephone TRemont 5-7764 1 3 M u<«Sk tcmhei' 12th 1956 al the town of­ good tires. Runs fine. Hydra. Can't tell Co,. Box .509. Hartford. Conn,, JA. Ma n c h e s t e r p a r k a d e fice buildini, in Coventry. j NO CASH this from a '51. T-722I;'eyenltig8 JA. 8-8914, The following cases were con-; 1953 FOkD TWO DOOR. Asking Household Serriees $ 3 9 5 ^/ n ; e e d e d NO CASH 8550. Please e'all xn. 9-5363. Bonfed G o t sidcred unil decisions rendered: ! NEWI-Y established restau­ $ 3 9 5 Ne e d e d Offered _ 16-A STOCK B O Y^X^ 1. M e*itt Saw.ver. Morin Ave- X 1949 CADILLAC, model 61F. black, rant . Liquor. permit,' large dining FrcNijBhiM A voilob I* nue. /The Board upholds • the j almost new white wall tubeless FURNITURE repairing and -refin- roo"ra. banquet rc)Om. ample park­ Familiar Names-Aren't Thef? Mabcheater and M U R P H Y 'S Zoning Agent fog rcfusal,to Issue j tires, runs good, 8625, Call MI. ishing; antiques restored.-xl^rni- ing. Located on busy highway 'on Young man over 18 years* centificale of'.occupancj', and in-' ’50 MERCURY 49 MERCURY 3-7716. ■ ■ ■■ ture Repair Service^. Taicottvllle. outskirts of town In future indus­ SkuTonndlag Towns xn. 3-7449. . trial zone. Call- Ml. 9-8266 or Xtl. of age to maintain a stock struets XIr. Sawyer to make ad,' R A: H. it now. ■ Dark blUe, 4-door, AS A CONSUMER OF FUEL OIL. YOU ARE/ 1952 HUDSON convertible, hydra­ 9-2206. ; • supply of parts for tssem- Wr'rite Box L, c-o Herald A L L E Y S V Justments on e.xistin„ garage to sedan. RAH. Real sharp. STORE FOR RENT 5588 conform With' original "plot-iilan as matic, radio, heater, good tires, CURTAINBIkundered in my home. ; bly lines. .Must be able to ’ : $ 4 5 0 NO CASH All work done by hand. Reason To a responsible tenaht. Excellent Main Street location presented to Zoning agent 4prior PROBABLY PATRONIZING ONE OF THESE F llt^. good running condition. MI. 3-5196 maintain stock records. ^ $ - r 2------9 5 NEEDED from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. or MI. 9<7654 abl6 rates. M l. 9-2411. Help Wanted— Female 6-'i without parkinn restrictions, Idfal for restaurant or deli, lo building of garage. Tliis change' aftep'5 p.m.- . Excellent opportunity for Pin Boys to be maidc b.v'Jtme 1st 19!>i. l a i FORXdCA ebuntars, caramic' wall WOMAN FOR laundry finishing de. advancement for one with catessen. lAtng term lease. 2. Wilfred-A. Dio. . Rtandish De­ and floor tile. Let ua modernize partment. Five day week. Numer- proven ability. Ideal loca­ velopment. Permission given tb ’$0 CHEVROLET ’51 PLYMOUTH 1949 FORD,' good condition, best your bathroom and kitchen. For oua benefits. Apply in person. New HOUSE FOR SALE tion for A local resident mov;e ..garage providing it is 10 4-I»oor. R A II. Runs .Special i>e I.iiye 4-Door offer takes it. MI. 9-8381. free estimates call Xd. 9-2668, Tha Xtodel Laundry, 73 Summit St. Wanted IMN.URE REALTY COMPANY feet from the Manning property Tile Shop, Buckland. BOLTON WITH THI NIW like n new ear. . Sedan. 'This car is one 1953 FORD WITH new brakes and WOMAN FOR sorting, and as- line-ethus improving a« existing in a milliq^. See It. GRAY MANUFACTU’ RING non-conforming U.se and reducing j Because, as members of Hie Maifchesfer Chamber of Commerce, '4; all brand new tires. All 'new up­ WEAVING of burns, moth holes seniblii» in dry cleaning depart­ Cape Cotl, 6 rooms, 2 un­ IS I t.4845 fATT-d-RAMA \ - - and torn clothing, hosiery runs, ment. Five day week. Benefits. 15c. A String a hazardous condition. $ 4 9 5 holstery. Sacrifice 8450. Calf Xu. CO: finished. full cellar, base­ $ 5 9 5 , Hiey hove pledged Hiemselves to fair o p t in g practices. 9-1106. handbags repaired,. tipper re­ Appply in person. New. Xtodel f 3. Theodore .Mellen, Cedar ^ 8415 .Stamp Oil Swamp Rood. Request not granted placement. umbrcliaa rapairafl, Laundry. 73 Summit St. ment Baraae, fireplace, HILUARD ST., MANCHESTER 32-46 K’ — Reason: men's shirt collars reversed and hot water oil heat. Choote '10 MOTIFS Because, os members of the Better Home Hedt Council of Npw 1960 FORD two door Crestline, good replaced. Xfarlow's Littlo' Xtend- HAND CUTTERS wanted. Day Request is excessive as relaVed ’51 PLYMOUTH ’53 BUICK shift, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Kaklar Toy “ A.Good Place To Work” the paper of your choice. A delightfully feminine frock condition. Xd. 9-0772 after 6 p.m. Ing Shop. for special afternoon vyear. Soft A set for an adorable baby! It is to the f.ronl-foot requirements of / England, they ore well informed in oil phosts of the.industry in 3 .B Co. 60 Hilliard St. 112.200. a sew-easy made from soft flannel­ 150 feet,- as required by the Convertible. Red. ■ 4-Door. R A II, CHEJAP. 1941 Plymouth coupe. In TRY US FOR reupholstering, slip contrast at the neckline ia a face­ R & II. Dyoaflow. which they ploy o vital port.’ EXPERIENCED bookkeeper. Dou­ framing detail, sleeves are short ette and trimmed with delightful Zoning regulations for the par­ good running condition. Qood rub- covers draperies, rug cleaning. Phope MI 3-i)6.39 fawn, designs that are transferred ticular zone. 'ber ahd heater' Clean Inside and Fjee delivery service. All work ble entry, payroll, knowledge of WANTED—Bus boy. Must be over; or three quarter. m . . •» V'^ -■ ' ' tax forms. Good working condi­ It years bid. Thufs., Fri. and Sat No. J4t5 with PATT-O-RAMA witlr' a stroke of Uie Iron no 4. ' M"s. Mabel ' Schweitzer. $ 5 9 5 $ 1 0 9 5 «Mt. Call MI. 3-5514-. guaranteed! -Smith's .Upholstery embroldci y necessary. -1 Because, you os o customer of one of these firms, hove contijibuted Shop, 243 N. Msin St. Xd. 6-4663. tions. Vacation with pay. Good from 540-11. Tel, MI. 9-8061. In'cluded is In sizes 32. -34. 36, 38, Wrights Mill Road. Permission 1948 WILLYS STA'nON - wagon. WORK WITH A WINNER! Pattern No. 5.688 contains pat* granted for 6 months extension on Evenings Xd, 3-7267. , ■ , •alar>’. Tober Baseball, 114 Brook­ 40,. 42, 44, 46. Size 34. 4 '., yards I to its reputation and growth in rptum for which you ore confi* ; TM'o. wheel drir’e ., Fodr cylinder lyn 8't.,Rock\-iHe. Cpnn..' y o u n g Ma n to service - office opaw n ch ; *« yard contrast. tern pieces for act; sewing direc­ building permit. Reasoh: , angina. Call PI. 2-6480. f l a t f in is h Hollsnd window equipment. Jo^ security and op­ For this pattern. qVnd 35c in tions: color transfer for 10 moUfa . Tha applicant.' due* to personal i dent in the quality, service, oiid courfdiw nn you receive. -shades, made to measure. AH' fikPERIENCEb secretary. Short­ portunity for advancement. Good, SEPTIC TANKS Moreiiry for TfS7 Imb eemplotolybeBtelassod oH com- .1: - COINS, your namei iaddress.' size Send 2Sc in COINS, your name,, situation, was unable to complete | metal Venetian blinds st a new hand necessary. knowledge of mechanical aptitude required. address and the PATTERN, NUM­ building within tiine specified. - L and L MOTORS AND desired, and the PAlTERNi NUM-* 1949 DE SO ip CLUR coupe: low price. Ke>-a made while you bookkeeping helpful. Varied office Must have car. Salary and excep- i ' Moriorty Brothow Ink o ro p «ta t^ for hoiH BER to SUE BUB-’lETT, THE BER to ANNE CABOT THE ‘ Anyone wishing to p'rote.st, any Bought- neyr, one owner. Call xn. : wait: Marlow's. duties. Goqd Warking conditions. tionally high fringe benefita. PU-i MANCHESTER EVENING HER.- of above decisions, must dp so be­ FORMERLY 94818. * PLUOflED SEWERS MANCHESTER EVE.NIN4! HSB- BEWARE OF INFERIOR FUa OIL IT Vacation ^wlth pay. Good aalary. ney Bowes, Inc., 524 Farmington' oBty omi iotofirity Hirooghoot Coonoctieot. Wo ROfNl ALD, 1160 AVE. .\51ER1C.\S, .ALd , 1150 AVE. ‘ AMERICAS, fore December' 10th J956. CTober Baseball, 114 Brooklyn 3t„ Ave.; Hartford. AD. 8-5561. MatMii OImhiM NEW YORK 86. N. V. NEW YORK 86. N. Rus.seli Karker, Chairman BnildiDg—fContnctinc [14 Rockville, Conn. :• OHO moro soloBman to oM to oik soiooforeo. If you You’U be delighted with the lat­ • Now available—the colorful 10S6 Thomas Whiles. . ' MAY COST LESS PER BALLON, BUT TraHera for Sale • (• A WINDOW CLEANER. Experienced; BepHe Tbaks, OrF Wells, Newer SOLIMENE, BIDWELL Homs Improvament C6. and reliable. No high-' climbing i est edition of our pattern catalog. Needlework ALBUM containing Vice-chairman » > r r . HOUSE TRAILER, throe JUterations, additions, garagea WOXLAN. part time. Lucky Lady xn. 3-7614. IJ Uaea lasUlled—Oiler Water, The Fall A Winter '56 book con­ dozens oT lovely designs' from Frai V Kamplain i ? 634 CENTER STREET— MANCHESTER proetag Done. ; ,1 oro wMiog to worit— «pply In porson to Mr. BoMort, rooqu and bath, ^m inuht awn- Ra-oiding apaeialiata. Easy budg­ Self-Service L aiuu^, 11 Maple St. tains dozena of smart, easy to sew which to choose more patterns- in Fred Mohi; , TEL. MI 3-5101—OPEN EVENINGS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS MAKE IT MORE EXPENSIVE ARTEJSIAN/We LL driller oy help- ’ crochet, embroidery and kn.K-^pIus Evelyn Wenner, fSecrctary P9*rh. Bveninga, Xd. et tarma. MI 9-MSS or TR Moriorty BroHiorB, 301*31 S Cootor St. styles in .every size range. Send EASY Terms, high tradesvbank financing 8-S109. GIRL FOR M (t time work in office er. Must hkve expe'rience. Ap^y | JMCINNEY BMS. for your copy fodayr—it’s Just 25 3 gift patterns, directions printed Signed this 21st dsiy of Novem- , to handle stenographic and filing Windsor Locks 'Housing .Project, | centt. ' ip bpok,. Only 2Sc a copy| ber 1956. ’ ' ' lO tA O E R FOR 8AUB. Hsavy duty BUILDING—Repairs, alterations, duties. Apply -Goodyear Tire aiid Graham Road; -Wapping, So. SBWBraM Oi^pMd Co. i '. A bargain. Can cabinets, etc. Call C. Lathrep. ML Rubber Go.. 160 Goodwin St.. East Windsor. Ask. for Dick or call Tor- 1S0.US Fiwrt B t ~ MI S 4IM ,^l 94894 or, r t 2-6188. Hahford. ^ U e r 9-8,434. rington Hunter 6-6848. .1

fe-'' I ^ ■ l:' ' sfl* » '1 1 ■ V • * * ' j : ' - i . < . . /. , " i : . - • f ! u J - . ' I It* r.

v ^ ' A‘ A- r t f FRIpAY, NOVEMBER 2S. 19M lEtt^niug S k a lb . 7 Averagg Daily Net Press Run For tlio W«sk Eadsd n a Weather ^:7:a ' Kov. 17, 198« Fsrwaal sf V. B. Waettito Bwiea

12,402 Tsoigiii fair, oekL Low ie.lA I* .it. Member of the Audit BuMlay fair to purily elpMiy, esM. Bureau o f CIrculatibn HIgli to ayper Ms. t Manchegter^A City of Village Charm s: toAHdwHabaiEiMi' .VOL. LXXVI, NO. 47 (TWELVE PAGES) MANtUfj^TERs CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1956 (Claselfled AdvertMag ea Page Id) PRICE nVE CENTB ;---- -(------^ ^ ------

Vhile y eat«d imu«l Your Friendly Department Store , •» drjv- oc Bt. Tpi-A *a bridge which was damaged by a Soviet tank. The span, known as the Bridge of Freedom, was deeper freeze and light snow Van Raalte Fabric Gloves ..... $2.00 to $3.50 Pr. fired upon by the Russians In an attempt to stop Hungarians from fleeing into Austria. Con- are predicted. ^Wool M itte n s...... $1.00 to $1.98 Pr. of It may be colder tonight B onday • A « court ■ Wool Gloves ...... $1.25 to $2.25 Pr. than it waa last night when a record Nov. 24 temperature of Washington, Nov. 24 (IPh^ 1 w ashable 12.8 degrees was set just be­ « St. fore sunrise. Previous low for Pfesident Eisenhower today it by nSri* Seized Nagy^ the date came in 1044 when received a board of inquiry’s and ARNEL the day’'i\ reading waa 19.9. post- report on the Atlantic and Temperatures' of 10-15 de­ rartca Gulf Coast longshoremen’ii Jersey grees are expected tonight, the To Hungarians, Yugoslavs Assert U.S.. Weather Bureau station strike and immediately West at Bracley Field says, and ■X moved to halt the walkout by r by Gift at Hale's By THE ASHOCIATED PRESS i light snow mdy drop from court injunction. cdlngr Americans from Maine to: Vieiiiia, No\. 24 (f P )~ '6'the government, denounced the cloiidy skies Sunday afternoon. 'The White House said A sst . I was First quality sheer and semi sheer nylon hosiery in new California are opening their; Promised safety by the pup­ I Mbecow-spoiuor^ Warsaw Mili- While last night's local low Atty. Gen. George Doub has left fall and winter shades. Also rheer seamless in plain or micro I tary Alliance, proclaimed Hun- readings were aet. Litchfield (or New York to apply for an in­ $ 1 2 9 5 hearts and hearths to Hun­ pet Hungarian regime, for­ irday film. ' ; gary'a neutrality between East and and Canaan reported 8 de.grees junction under the Taft-Hartiey pass' ( garian refugees. ' mer Premier Imre NagY left i West and called on the United Na- to tie for ice box honors. Snow Act which would end the atrtke rpke. Rich and poor have offered his refuge in Budapest’^ > (Iona to guarantee the nation's in- flurriea are expected 'in the for an kO^day "cooling off" period. Rlch- Alba Sheer N ylo n s...... $1.15 to $1.50 Pr. Your indispensable dress money, food, clothing and homes Yugoslav embassy two days I dependence. ' Berkahirea today. Canaan re­ Doub la scheduled to appear in outh, . . . your wear-everywhere for the frighteped victims of Then reinforced Soviet tank ceived about four inches , of Federal District Court (or the 1. 48, Alba Semi Sheer ...... $1.35 Pr. Soviet terror in Mungary, ago and apparently, fell into dress . . . your wrlnUe- , divisions struck throughout Hiln- show in brief Friday flurries. Southern District o ( New York 1$15 Federal, state and city govern­ the hands of Russian Securi­ free Iraveler. You'IMoye ' gary Nov. 4, ousting Nagy and (Manhattan) at noon. 'The striking > ap- Alba Seamless Sheer...... $1.35 Pr. ment agencies are lending, a hand. ty Police. installing Soviet puppet Janos Ka- union, the International Long- Use ease of its walk-in Churches, schools and i-ollege.s The action* threatened to bring . dar as premiSr. Nagy ind. many ahofemen’s Assn. (Independent), shard Venetian Sheer Seamless...... $1.00 Pr. button front and the • have been quick with pledges of I another explosion inside revolt- of his followers took sanctuary in Hungary Reds already has aaid it will abide . • was comfortable feel of the help. ! shattered Hungary and send reper­ the Yugoslav embassy. any court order. with fabric that washes so The first refugees — weary men. i cussions through the Communist N agy’i retum to power and with- This would mean-, that some ChxMss women and children — landed at bloc. easily, drip-dries so fast, I drawal oC Russian forces .from Blast U^S. for 80,000 longshoremen in ports from liman McGuire Air Force Base in New 5’ugoslavis’s official press Maine to Texas presumably would will never shrink and I Hungary were the main demands lar in- Jersey last Wednesday. Several charged Nagy and 51, compaplon.s of workers who Tisve refused to return to work Monday if the court always holds its shape. hundred more arrived In planes were kidnaped In betiayal of a work since the Soviet,, attack. In ^Secret’ Radio issues an Injunction today. Ship­ Choose the swirl floral there and at Milwaukee later in promise to let them return safely PR BR IER — JUDY BOND scoops the fashion world with a recent days Kadar told workers’ ping in East Coast and Gulf Ports -print with backgrounds of ‘ the week. to their homes. delegations he would welcome ■Vienna. Nov. 24 (>P1--Huh'Ran’'* hss )>een paralyzed (or nine days metallic-embroidered blouse done in a luscious new silk-look Two more planeload.^ are due at blue, teal or red . . . or Tlie official Budapest Radio and Nagy in his government. puppet government accused the by tha walkout. fabric. It’s NANCETTE, her exclusive new blend of Dacron, McGuire today. the Soviet news agency Tass said In Belgrade, Y’ugoslavia said the United States today of operating a First of 5.000 In hia formal inatructlona to tha nylon and cotton that has the opulent richness of silk, yet Gift Jewelry Nagy and his followers went of Hungarian government had agreed secret radio transmitter in ita Attorney General, Elaenhowet- re­ Sizes 14«/2 to 24«4, their own free will to neighboring washes beautifully with no ironinj:. Peter Pan collar, full-cut The refugees are the vanguard in writing to guarantee Nagy's Budapeat legation. viewed briefly the steps already Many styles in tailored or stone set of ,5.000 authorized by Pyeaident Romania a tightly locked Soviet safe return home. He and his fol­ The accusation came only a day taken in connection- with the dis­ % sleeves and brilliant buttons add to its glitter and glam­ DRRSS DEPARTMENT—BECONb FIA)OR Eisenhower to enter the United . satellite many Hungarians feared lowers left the embassy Thursday. after Yugoslavia charged that for­ pute and said: our. White only. Sizes 32 to 38. S5.98' jewelry, gold and silver finish. AKso States. Even more may follow ; could be the next stop to Siberia. The 'Yugoslav Communist news­ mer Hungarian Premier Imre "In my opinion these unresolved sparkling rhinestone necklaces, ear­ later. ! Nagy, a life-long Communi.<(t paper Borba and government or­ Nagy had been lured from its dip­ labor disputes have resulted in a One of many styles in Judy Bond available from $ 3 .9 8 to rings, pins and bracelets. Meanwhile, the offers of aid are ; once imprisoned for advocating a gan Politika gave this account of lomatic mission on Budapest’s em­ strike affecting an entire Industry onr S7 .9 8 . OPEN TONITE growing Into a flood. ITitoist course for Hungary, came what happened next; bassy row and kidnaped by So­ or k aubetantlal part thereof en­ iept. The American Red Cros.s say.s It ; to power again in the anti-Commu- . The Hungarians, accompanied viet Secret Police. gaged in trade, commerce, trans­ nist rebellion that erupted last SPO&TSWEAB-8EOOND FLOOR / has allocated more than $2.50,000. by two Yugoslav diplomats, enter- Mlndazenty Target o f Nate portation, tranamlsaion or com- for relief of Hungarians in their ' month and sivept the country. . He ihunlcaUon among the several to TILL 9 P.M. brought other political parties into Josef Cardinal Mliidasenty Has revolt-torn homeland. In refugee : (C'ontihued on Page Three) been given asylum In the U.S. states and with foreign hationii AND EVERY FRIDAY camps in Austria and in the ref- | ^ This was the scene (topi 'in Erie, Pa., after a sno^torin dumped between two and-three feet which strike, if permitted to con­ legation, target of today’s note. tinue, .will imperil the national ugee reception center at Camp i Nagy found refugeuga (nin tbe.tbe.xugo- Yugo­ of.pqpw pn the city. The city declared a state o f emergeiicy m d NatloipU Ooard units were rushed SS UNTIL CHRISTMAS Kilmer. N. J. | to' aaihst in clearing 8-foot drCfta from M i^wayp and stneta.. ut.1he,batb6rii.'photo, traftle. ia hepe- health and aafety.” slav embasay amnd, Mlndazenty in , JUsenhower then went on to- The -American Friends Senire-^ 14 Americans 4UV Board the U.S, legationi Nov, 4, ^ e day -Jesaly sUarled in Cincinnati after' an early mcii'ning aurpriae anpw'ptorm hit the dty. Many mo- Committee in Philadelphia set a i toriatz aba’ndoned their autos and walked. direct the Attorney Genmal to,go. reinforced RiMalan tank divisions into court ’% • -enjoin-Biff-comliffi*' goal of 1100,000 for ita Hungarian | struck throughout Hungary in an ance of such strike where such sc- CHRISTMAS PAHERN HAND BLOCKED relief fund. I all-out attempt to put down the tion is necessazy to secure a re­ OPEN ALL DAY TTieTS refugees who won a Italian Plane Crashes apti-Communiat rebellion. sumption of trade, commerce, warm welcome in Milwaukee yes- ; The government of Premier Whistles__ - Vex 'X^' traiuportation, transmission er terday were a sail red of homes and : Janos Kadar, who replaced Nagy communication among the- several Pure Linen Table Cloths MONDAYS Jobs before they set foot on Amerl at Soviet order, protested to U.S. Army Tank^H^lp In France, 34 Perish states and t)ie foreign natione. Slid Minister Edward T .. Wallas that Red Observer for such other relief' as may in. (TILL 5:30) (Continued on Pnge Eleven) the alleged radio transmitter a'Io- your judsrment be necessary., er Pal is, Nov. 24 |A5—A New York-' lated-” Hunga'rian sovereignty.” 52xS2 52x70 60x80 5^-98 UNTIL CHRISTMAS hall to await identification. Four appropriate.” bound Italian airliner fell in other bodies were atill trapped in Budapest Radio quoted the note Of U.S. Voting IV ‘file Wliite House said the action aa saying operation of radio send­ Battle Friers Sn riame.s on a tiny French' village to­ fthe iyisted metal wreckage. ing and receiving sets was •-‘il- > : An unusual Christmas design in red, green and gold. Eden Reaches day. killing 34 of the 38- persona: Inyeltigators said the p I# ’ n e By H.AROLD H. M ILKB (Omtlaij^ oa Page Six) aboard the era.,. •legtl” and demanded an immedi­ j w:** stilt in radio contact with the ate halt. Moscow, Nov. 24 (>P) — Vladimir Erie. Pa., Nov. 24 {/Pj — Army^area tapered off laat night into' Other Christmas cloths in,spun rayon— 52 x 52, $2.98— 52 x 70, $3.98 The other two persona aboard I only control tow er. when the alr- L. Kudryavtzev reported today he! tanks, bulldozers, snow plows — 'only occaatdnal snow flurries, Uie plane, a man and a woman, "TTie Hungarian government pro. Jamaica, Savs ; liner crashed. The tower log testa against the operation of these waa most annoj'ed in the Unltadl h„nar.H. m.n wuh .hnv*i« I Similar conditions alao were re- were hospitalized in critical condi­ ! showed nothing unusual In the re- .SUtea by the ahrill whistles hotel o f men with •hovels parted East and West or Erie tion. radio seta and demands immediate j marks by the. plane pilot. Capt. termination.” the note said. doormen use to call taxis. ‘ “ alepped up efforts today to dig | where the storm also anaried He Won’t Quit A youth sleeping In a home ; Attilio Vazzoler, an experienced KudryavtzeS’ is one of three out this lake port city of 130,000 ; traffic. The mow belt extended uUe^s^ .struck* by the (ailing plana waa If there ia a transmitter in the Transatiantio pilot and veteran of American legation It has been In­ Ruaaians who ohaerved the Amer­ -and adjacent areas front one. of the . roughly 150 miles along the. lake from ifl AP Wire* Montego Bay, Jamaica. Nov. 24 reported injured seriously. msny takegffs and landings at ican presidential ejection as guests heaviest local anowfalla in histdry. front, 50 miles w-est of here into Fourteen of the persons aboard stalled in the past two weeks. The BOUQUET (A*»—Prlme'Ml'nlater Eden, looking Orly. legation had no direct communica­ of the State Department. An Thousands of citizens joined in Ohio and about lOO miles East to pale and tired, arrived In Jamaica the plane were believed to ,be Gasoline Bums editor of Izvestia, he wrote in that "operations snow removal," tr.vlng Buffalo. WHAT A VALUE! REG. $9.95 Americans. tion lYilh the outside world in the AUSTRIA HITQ REDPURSUIT 'll today fdr three weeks of rest un­ Two explo.sions waked the sleep­ weak following the Rus-sian attack, government newspaper of his ex­ to clear aide streets and roads of . There were no reported deaths Guido Cantelli Killed Vienna, Nov. 24 Ans- der the sun. ing residents of the Suburban when American correspondents periences. the drifts which burled autos and directly attributed to the storm in Top That GiH List With IN One of those -killed wa., identi­ trla' protested to Ruaslla today Eden smiled for photographers ’ area. The villagers, clad in night­ alao took refuge there. Hi.« first article of a series snarled transportation. the affected Pennsylvania areas. but refused to answer questions fied as Giijdo Cantelli. 34. noted omitted air mention of the election Meanwhile, the Weather Bureau In western New York four deaths a ^ a ^ an armed pimolt of 100% Acrilan' Filled Puffs clothes, pulled one family from Waites-and a handful of Amer- Hungarian refugees Wfuch l$d Wondariul Fashion Bnsembles from newsmen on hia political young Italian orchestra dii'ector the smashed home hit * by the and concentrated on personal re­ predicted possibly heavy snow tor were blamed on the storm, two from highway mishaps and two te the fatal' a h o e ^ g o f a So­ future or world affairs. But be­ and a protege of Arturo Toacanlni. plane, then tried to aid the plane's (CnnGniied on Page Six) actions. The American people, he the area tonight- and tomorrow. lltf Orion sweaters, slip-ons and cardigans also V-necks. fore he left London last night he He had been viaiting in hia native wrote, "like ourselves, want peace •rile Thanksgiving Day storm from, heart attacks. - viet soldier on.^uatrtaa ' soil WITH BEAUTIFUL ROSEBUD occupants. But the flames from yesterday. Cfiaacellor juUua A joy to wash, needs no blocking. A good selection of, made clear he haa no intention of land and was en route to New .'C| ■ ______most of all.” which dumped from 22 to 33 Helicopters Drop Food PAHERN CREPE COVERING $ 7.99 the burning gasoline were too hot Raab la the Soviet am- giving up his Job. York to I'onduct the Philharmonic He complalnM — and his com­ inches of snow in this immediate While the big snow removal job colors. ' to approach. bassadqr: . He told the ambas­ The American-built DC76 air­ Symphony. plaint had a familiar ring to per­ waa undeiAvay two helicopters The flaming gasoline from (he sador that,. until this .affair, the X Pink, white and light blue ground.s. Light as a. feather, warmer than liner of the British Overseas A ir­ The Burvivors were identified as sona who hdv* the same trouble in flown from Fittaburgh 'dropped Girls’ sizes 7 to 14—$ 2 .9 8 to $ 4 .9 $ " plane’s 5,000 gallons of high oc­ Ruaalana had respected A na-. ways Corp. touched down here at Mr. and Mrs. Nicodemo Finamore, the Soviet Union .— that he was food supplies at West Springfield, natural fibers. Buy for your own use and for gifts. tane fuel drenched the country- News Tidbits irlan frontiers ano that (heir Preeteen’ Mzes 8 to^,14i—$2.98>to $4.98 7:40 a.m. EST,' after a brief re­ both members of the lulian Air aide'. The village rescuers began unable to visit any worker.s' homes Use of Wiretap a community of 1.5(X) about 30 fueling at'op in Bermuda. Lines ,:^taff stationed at Shannon. Culled from AP Wire* miles west of Erie. More drops trekips should be Instructed to working by candlelight, bt'it the in the United States, 'but saw only do so again. A wrltteli protest TEEN DEPARtMEKTi^-WPOfm FLOOR ^ 'Waiting to greet the Prime Min-, Ireland. Both suffered sex'ere the homes of middle class busi­ were planned for today if roads burning gasoline toon lighted up , alao was. presented. BEAUTIFUL LADY PEPPERELL PERCALE B.eautUul ‘nieath later and Lady Ek^en was Sir Hugh burns and'their condition was de­ the sky and could be seen from ; nessmen who talked about making In Riesel Case couldn't be opened. Foot, the island’s governor scribed as grave. They are in a Paris. ... Pullman Co. announcea plans to. money. , ' , ■West Springfield .was only one fair s sheer blouses Eden .told reporters "I am feel­ suburban hospital. IKE PLANNING VACATION The 4-englhe DC6B had just seek’ aevfa per cent Increase In Kudrya'vlzev. found he liked the of the many communities cut off Washington, Nov. 24 (/D-— V,,. Chantilly lace- ing no worse" ahd adde U.S. A ir Force blankets, were President Eiseahower hopes t'e crews close in on 5-mlle stretch In a ^ u lsville high, school wear­ New York, Nov. 24 iff—The gov­ and truckers. Many vehicles re­ get away sM>n for a vaeatien WITH "BOUQUET BORDERS" Two can took the'Edens on the taken to the nearby village tow’n of flaming brush with hopes of ing lipstick and chewing gum and slip! Reinlorced M-jnlle drive to "Golden ^ ’e,'’ the (Contiaoed on Page Three) ernment has denied an - allegation mained bogged down in.the snow at Augusta. Ga., but "It will not sealing off and bringing halt to a librarian in another school that wiretaps were used to obtain seaside winter home of a friend. and are handicapping efforta of be this we^end.” A report CORN POPPER lacesiraps and lin­ devastating . mountain blaze - in I—81X108 SHEET Q ^ Eden and Sir Hugh rode In one and wearing a. brightly colored sports information against defendants in' 'the wear>’ show plow crews. published . In Augusta said the Caiifoinia. shirt with pictures of school build­ the current trial involving;.the acid­ Arm y tanks were called in^o ac­ 2—42x38!^ CASES;X‘; : ' set ing of sell THcot the wives, of the two men in. the .Cancellation o f scheduled winter President would leave Wash­ other. ings printed on i t blinding of'.labor columnist Victor tion to help .pull big tractor frail' maneuvers in Alaska will ” leave Riesel. ington tonoerrow or Monday to give better St lor . Ed.en’a doctord have- ordered him Oh the credit, side he .praised e'rs out of highi^'ay snow drifts. spend a'few days at aae of hia 82nd.Airborne Division intact and The- issue .w;sa raised , yesterday What a wonderful gift; Colorful Bpral bordera In moitl-colors to go to taka a reat because of "severe UN British^, such .- things at' the Rocky Moun­ In Erie, members of the Na­ favorite-' varatiea spots, the ready for possible emergency use. during' the federal - court trial of j*arty-lNr»lty with jevery color acheme. new uplift bust- oveFStraln*' ' brought on , by hla tains.'express highways, the Grand tional Guard pitched in with civil­ Augusta National Ooll Couiec. ' Domenico Bando, GohdoKo'Mlranti. •« a rigoroua schedule' aince the'Middle . .Communist' Blast Germany Canyoh, a Chicago... skyscraper ians. The Red Croisa gave a hand Pillow Qase Sets 2^—42 x 38^-^ Cases— set $ 2.69 line. Scalloped rejects atiident demands for aboli­ and I*«o Telvi, brother of Abe Telvl PANTI DRESS East crisia broke four, months ago. F ren ch to whose elevators whisked him up to those' who needed emergency INDIA RAIL TOLL AT IIS tion of compulsory Russian ' lan­ 41 floors ia 25 seconds and the who aasertedly did the acid hurling. food supplies and various welfare lace ruffle at hem. Ifi. hia absence, Richard .A. But­ During croas examination of FBI New Delhi, JiMlia, Nov. 24 more fuh when touch with hia government. ther gave detaila. | out of Hungary. .'.C levelM d goes mation used in this case?" you cm pop it yourvelf with Weic It came as the U.K. General As- .Word went out last night that saw poor housingiconditions In Los "N o,” said Bracken. Highway crewa of Pennsylyahia, many serloosly. 20 pc. Looking tired and- drawn. into fourth weekend wlthont news­ Angeles from a distance. , Ohio and New York concentrated BendY e»ty-io-u« Corn Popper. No • sembly called a apecial weekend the United Stptea would vote f o r , paper aa three of city’s ' major Judge William B. Herlanda then meeting on the thorny Suez Inva-, on opening two main Buffalo- RED'A-BLAitT TERRirTING’ stirring or shaking. Pops TWO full ' . (Oanttnued on Pnge Tl. -ee) the Aalan-African withdrawal res- * daily newspapers go. 24th day asked Brandenburg; "H ave you $3-98 sion issue. I (Contiaoed on Page Six) any Information that wiretaps were Cleveland traffic arteries—Routes Mosi^w, Nov. 24 IP) — Aa $3.00 quarts of fluffy popcorn in about two ■! " ■ — olution. -This.came less than an; without publiahlng. ,• -< minutes after pre-heating. Heat-proof The aaaeihbly prepared to act { hour after a source close to th e! used?" ■ 5 and 20. Pcnns.vivania State Po­ Asian di^omat today qaoted Punch U.S. Antarctic expedition may lice were stopping all motoriata glass cover lets you watch the corn today bn a resolution by 21 Aaian- Americana had circulated a report have to ask St. M>uia technical Claims Wiretap Empfoyed Nikita Khrushchev as deiscrlh- popping. Two Men Missing African nations for an immediate the U.S. -delegation would abatain I -The information I have ia-i hat croaalng. .Ney7 York ''into lag the latoat Boviet nuclear teat sergeant if Air Force- to para- Bridgeport Bandit Pennsylvania. pull out from Egypt by the two en grounds nothing could )>e' cixWte to South' Pole to speed up there waa,” replied Brandenburg. explosion iw - "terrifying hi Jta Bowl •latcutts f«.«'»'0 uc it rst. western powers and Israel. Many gained by .another assembly vote | He did not elaborate.’ Dozens of autos piled up at the power.” After Dallas Bla^^t construction of scientiBc out­ Kills Store Owner U.S. Atty. Pau rw illlam a then .WevM you M A eoWen M t delegates appeared uncertain how on troop withdrawal. | post..-. FBI handwriting expert state line laat -night. Hotels and said. “I know of no wiretapping RED TTINS WEIOHT MKBAlr HOUSEWARES DEPARTMENT 'they would vote. A t the same $ime a rumor went ■ relates how he and hia staff motels wars filled: with stranded ptqiM drim wMi matchiitB niimba-ndPied i Sets Dallas, Nov. 24 (JPi—Two men Bridgeport, Nov. 24 'ijR—A in this case whatsoever, nor of motoriata. FWmeFS- took In many . Melboorne. .N*v. (P ) R an were missing aiid 14 oUiera wete Seek Ttme. IJmll ’ ' along the corridors that the Latin amitinlsed 1,974jl44. dociimeats ^onli — that will make your cherub look at evt« The uncertainty apparantly - re­ Americans and some Asian-Afri- bandit killed a liquor store pro­ any leada from wiretapping.*’ peraona whila such organizations ala's Fedar BagdaaavshU today Injured when an early, morning before finding longhand -matching Evidence, stemming frdm wire­ aet an Olympic record hy lifting at (be can — KoH n— d u m A m jg to keep ih pretty sulted from reports thgrHl^Bda cana themselves were ha.vihg sec-' ransom notes in kldnap-death o f prietor- here last evening and as the American Legion and volun­ $ 1 0 9 8 ejmloalon and, fire razed the South- ond thnughta on the wisdom of escaped in a crowd of shippers: tapping is not admiaaible aa evi­ teer-flranaen arranged housing and* a to U l.o f $SJUU paosde ia op-; ...J land Feed Mllla elevator here t o - 4 «4 Mher Commonwealth nations Jlttle Peter W'elnberger. ■ oppeoroiieei It mop-fotlem, h e f - ' . ______supporting the ' compliance reco- , Harry H. Dworken. 83. shot in dence in a federal court. free meals. aeltiag Aaaarlea’a Pater Oaarga day. had urged Britain and France to Violetta Fer.rarl, popular Hun­ Neviebind^leevet, edimtable hem and R’t give a time limit for withdrawing, lution. 'j,' . the body, staggercfl to tbe curb The th.ree defendants; in the - The situation in Ashtabula and -for the middleweight gold bmA - The shattering blast believed to garian atisge and icraen star, rf- Reg. price $16.98. We shared a car l6ad and now pas.s otir savings on to you, thus avoiding the need fo r'a reso­ R e^ Charge Stalling in front of the store, where he died. trial sirie charged with obsthicting 'Conneaut, Ohio, was dtclared un- la the • Olympic weightllttia^ won’t $/hrirk out of have been caus^ by dust; rocked portedl.V haa fled from behind- Iron ' compeHtloo. 18 Punch Cups— Large size Bowl— Ladle.^ lution. ■ , • i Brimn'a ■ refusal to agree to Curtain into Austria... Elderly Police -found’ no witnesses to the justice by 'hiding out Abe Tebri -dar control by State Police. Route . a large Section of North Dallaa;and Assembly demands for Immediate shooting, but! said two motorists in Youngstown. Ohio.,. after th^ 30 was-open as far .east aa Kings­ I to Fbik, Mini o r VeBow • J h e t 6 moc. to 2 yri. s A wonderful opportunity to purchaae a beautifur glu a punch aet at w amazingly cone , British Foreign Secretary Sel- Philadelphia couple and their BANK IKTEREKr MIUE low price. Vou'll uae this aet for tl^osq,* special pccaaiohs that arise throughout ths sparked the fire that turned the wyn Lloyd told the aasembl>- flat­ withdrawal touched .off aq . angry reported they saw *a tall Negro assault on.Riesel last'April 6 out­ ville, Ohio. 135-foot-hlgh .elevator into a (lam­ daughter.;, are found t ear starva­ Waahlagtaa, Nsr. Si year, as well as for the coming holidays. " . . _ ly yeatorday Britain would keep rejoinder from the Russiahs. tion and suffering fro'm exposure, running In the vicinity of the atore side- a Broadway restaurant:' Pennsylvania officials said t)>ey A4ANCH ESTER CO N R< ing, torch. • . , > laereaaoi.la the Intetaal s BABY OBFAMlfEKT-r-FlRBT FLOOR 18 generous size easy to handle, punch cups. t.'. forces -at Port Said at tha north Soviet Foreign Linlster Dmitri in their unheated home. which Dworken operated a'lth His Four^other defendants, including hoped have Rou^en 30 and 5 open H ie blast wh^h |khqci(4io) Dioguardi, «aat and west aometime tomorrow. haalm stay pay to KlPl) . Order NOW while quantities lastat this price. CORNER MAiN ond OAK $TREET$ Three Yale students dre in criti­ Itoia waa roptotod ttotop t a l power lines in the Immediate area, don felt, the U.K. Police Force up Cohditiona for i iiiling7.out. He cal roaditkMi .aftcr their car craahea The store's cash register 'k'as un­ will be -tried later. Dto ia. reputed A apokeaman aaid.' HOUSEWARES—(LOWER STREET FLOOR LEVEL) . . l ' ' WE GIVE GREEN $TAMP$ occurred at S:4p a.m. while a night could effectively carry out its Job. said the U.N. should take/otepa to disturbed,' but Nathan Dwprken to be mastermind of tbe plot tp "W ith a break in the weather under serio into hydrgnt, bounces off large tree the Federal 1 crew wad ' s4c)(ing and , loading British officiaia at 'Port Said end what he c a l)^ British ^‘atal- and topples two others ... Boviet said an envelope containing $200, intimidate Riesel so he would net nowi we will hive at least one lane liveatock feed. reported the already promised Mng." government apokeaman tayt Rua- which had been prepayed for de­ appear before « federal graqd jury of traffle open on evMy major road HI T ile flamea, battled by .80 firemen withdrawal of onie battalion" of Shapilov said ’ that i$ and when, aUf plana to apend 4« blOiaa ruMea posit in a bank; was missing-. probing racketeering in the gar­ in the area by Sunday night We've British troops would baglA'Mon- The bullet-Which killed Dworken ment and tnicRlng Industries. secured more meh and additionn) iu ‘- and’ I t piecce .of equipment!, were the British and French do pull'ipitt; annuhUy on aid ago penaiona updar ' A' '. dey new laws which want Jnto effact (CaalDraad ea Fage T w e) y has reported thpt about (Oealtoaei aa Pnge Kleeea) last month. aa Page Tlwee) (CMHOoed to, fmge Blevoa) W i.aa POffs Viira) •i'' ‘ a 7. - -' *

I'I u / , V ’ l / ^1 V, -6- X*