(All the Census Publications 0/ this State will bear Volume No. VIII)

PART I General Report including Subsidiary Tables (in Sub-Parts)

PART II-A Genera} Population Tables

PART II-B Economic Tables (in Sub-parts)

PART II-C Cultural and Migration Tables (in Sub-Parts)

PART III Household Economic Tables

PART IV Housing and Establishment Tables (in­ (in Sub-parts) cluding Subsidiary Tables) and Report

PART V Special Tables for Scheduled Castes -and (in Sub-parts) Scheduled Tribes

PART VI Village Survey Monographs (A Separate Sub­ part for each Village Surveyed)

PART VII Survey of Handicrafts of the State (A Separate Sub-part for each Handicraft Surveyed)

PART VIII-A Administration Report - Enumeration

PART VIII-B Administration Report-Tabulation



District Census Hand-books for each of the 43 Districts in Madhya Pradesh PREFA'CE

The publication of District Oensus Hand-books, which was begun in the- 1951 Census, represents a significant step in the process of making census statistics available for the smaUer territorial units basic to executive and developmental administration. Apart from the fact that the proper implementation of policy depends on the ability of the administrative authorities ~oncerned to quantify accurately th~ vC\riabl~s involved, it is at these levels that policies get really thoroughly tested; also, policies can fail-and probably have failed-because their" statistical basis was weak. It is undoubtedly necessary that gaps in statistics at lower levels be. fil1eq. as rapid'y as possible. It was not possible at this Census to base all census statistics on the development block as the unit mainly because in 1961 there were many areas not till then covered by blocks. The coverage had become complete by about the middle of 1963 and it is not unlikely that the 1971 Census will recognise the block as the basic field unit as much for purposes of presentation as for operational purposes.

2. What we have tried to do in the 1961 Census Hand-books is to make them more informative by the inclusion of as many categories of non-census statistics as possible; some of these are climate, agriculture, co-operation, industry, bank­ ing, education, health etc. There is also an introductory note to each Hand.. book high-lighting the more striking features. It has not been possible for the Census Organisation to check the accuracy of the figures supplied by various authorities; it is to be hoped that some other organisation, better equipped for the purpose, will take up this task.

3. For the seventeen districts of Mahakoshal (Part of erstwhile Madhya Pradesh) and for Panna and Tikamgarh districts of erstwhile , which are part of the present State of Madhya Pradesh, the area figures for districts and tahsils furnished by the Director of Land Records and presented in Table A-I are internally inconsistent in the sense that the tahsil areas do not add up to the district area. This inconsistency arose 'from the fact that, in the case of these districts, the district area ihcludes, but the tahsil areas exclude, 'forest' area for which the tahsilwise breakup was not then available. Later on, while thilJ Hand-book was in the press, the Di{ector of Land Records brought out revised area figures for the year 1952-63 for tahsils and districts, which among other improvements, do not suffer from the defect of internal 2 inconsistency even in case of these nineteen districts. Revision of Table A-I on the basis of these area figures was not feasible at this late stage i the only alternative was to prirl t these revised area figures also in this Hand-book.

4. One unfortunate fact about the~e Hand-books is that they became avail­ able to the users rather" late in the decade. This is partly due to the considerable time required for the collection of information from various authorities and partly to difficulties in printing. Owing to the fact that State presses, with a heavy back­ log of printing weighing down on them, would find it impossible to print all the District Census Hand-books themselves, arrangements have been made for printing them in private presses. If these Hand-books are to have a useful life of more than four or five years of inter-censal decennium, more expeditious methods for the collectioR of non-census statistics, for the preparation and checking of the manuscripts and for printing will have to be devised.

5. The Census Organisation is grateful to the Government of Madhya Pradesh for having been so kind as to undertake the publication of these Hand­ books and to the Superintendent, Government Printing and his organisation­ particularly the Aiisistant Superintendent, Printing, Government Regional Press, Indore and his staff-for the printing arrangements made. The inspiration behind this ambitious venture is that of our indefatigable Registrar General, Shri Asok Mitra, to whom we are all deeply grateful. Our thanks are also due to the various authorities who supplied us with all the necessary statistics.



Notes and Explanations i-vii Appendix I. Sta~dard Industrial Classification viii-xvi Appendix II . National Classification of Occupations xvii· xxiii Selected Stfttistics Selected Statistics of India, Madhya Pradesh, Divisions, Districts and Important Towns of Madhya Pradesh .. xxiv-xxxiii Revised Area a;lld Density Figures xxxiv-xxxvi Introducing tbe', l>istrict xxxvii-lxxii

PART I A.GENERAL POPULATION TABLES 1·5 Table A-I Area, Houses and Population 3 Appendix 1 Btatement showing 1951 territorial units constituting the present set up 3 Appendix II N'umber of villages 'With a population of 5,000 and over and towns with a population under 5,000 3 Appendix III Houseless and Institutional population 4 Table A-II Variation in population during sixty years 4 Appendix District and Tahsils showing 1951 population according to their territorial jurisdiction in 19151, changes in area and population involved ill those changes 4 Table A-III Villages classified by popUlation 5 Table A-IV Towns (and town-Groups) classified by population in 1961 with variation since 1901 ...... 5

B-ECONOMIC TABLES 6-81 (i) General Economic Tables 6·61 Primary Census Abstract 6-7 Table B-1 Workers and non-workers classified by sex and broad age­ groups 8-9 Table B·III Part A Industrial classification of workers and non-workers by educational levels in urban areas only 10-11 Part B Industrial classification of workers and non-workers by educational levels in ru,ra! areas orlly 12-13 TabJe B-IV Part A Industrial classification by sex and class of wotj<:er of per- sons at work at Household Industry • • . . 14-15 Part B Industrial classification by sex and class of worker of per­ sons a't work in Non-Household Industry, Trade, Busi­ ness, Profession or Service 16·19 Pages

Part C Industrial classification by Sex and Divisions, Major groups and Minor groups of persons at work other than Cultivation in rttral areas only. District/Tahsils .. 20-26 Table B-V Occupational Classification by Sex of Persons at work other than Cultivation in DistrictfTahsils (rural areas only) 27-37

Table B-VI Occupational Divisions of Persons at work other than Culti­ vation classified by Sex, Broad Age-groups and Educatio­ nal levels in urban areas only 38-41 Table B-VIJ

Part A Persons working principally (i) As Cultivators. (in As Agricultural Labourers or (iii) At Household Industry Classified by Sex and by Secondary work, (i) At House­ hold Industry (ii) As Cultivators or (iii) Agricultural Labourers 42-43 Part B Industrial Classification by Sex of Persons working in Non­ household Ind ustry, Trade. Business. Profession or Service who are also engaged in Household Industry " 44-47 Table B-VIII

Part A Persons unemployed aged 15 and above by Sex. broad Age­ groups and Educational levels in urban arcas only 48-49

Part B Persons unemployed aged 15 and above by Sex and Educa­ tional Levels in r'Ural areas only 48·49

Table B-IX Persons not at work classified by Sex, Broad Age-groups and type of activity 50-51

(ii) Household Economic Tables 53-81

Table B-X Sample Households (i) engaged neither in cultivation nor in Household Industry, (ii) engaged either in Cultivation or Household Industry but not in both and (iii) eng.lged both in Cultivation and Household Industry for all areas r,4

Table B-XI Sample Households engaged in cultivation classified by interest in land and size of land cultivated in rural and 'urban areas separately 55 Table B-XU Sample Households engaged in Cultivation only classified bv size of land cultivated and number of family workers and hired workers in rural and 'urban areas separately 56·59

Table B-XIII Sample households engaged both in cultivation and house hold industry showing size of land cultivated classified by principal household industry in 'nlral and urhan areas se]larately . , . 6061 Table B-XIV Sample households engaged only in household industry classified by principal household industry in all areas 62-63

Part A Househ0Ids classified by major groups of principal house­ hold industry and number of persons engaged 62-63

Part B Households classified by minor groups of principal house­ hold industry .. 64-65 111

Pages Table B-XV Sample households engaged both in cultivation and house­ hold industry classifi~d by size of land in rural and urban areas separately 66-69 Table B-XVI Sample principal household industry classified by period of working and total number of workers engaged in household industry in all areas 70-79 Table B-XVII Sample households classified by size and participation in household cultivation or industry 80-81



Table C-J Family composition of sample households by relationship to head of family classified by size of land cultivated 84 Table C-I1 Age and merital status . , 85-87· Table C-III

Part A Age, sex and education in all areas 88 Part B Age, sex and education in 1lrban areas only 89 Table c-v Mother tongue 90 Table C-VII Religion 91 Table C-VIII Part A Classification by)iteracy and industrial category of workers and non-workers among Scheduled Castes 92-93 Part B Classification by literacy and industrial category of workers and non-workers among Scheduled Tribes 92-93

Table D-II Place of birth 94-95


Table E-I Census houses and the uses to which they are put 98-99 Table E-II Tenure status of sample census households living in census house used wholly ar partly as dwellings 100 Table E-III Census houses used as factories and workshops classified by industry, power and ~I\To power used and size of employ­ ment. 101-109 Table E-JV Distribution of sample households living in census houses used wholly or partly as dwellings by predominant material of wall and predominant material of roof 110-111 Table E-V Sample households classified by number of members and by number of rooms occupied 110-111 IV


Tahsilwise population of Scheduled Castes in rural areas only 113 Tahsilwise popUlation of Scheduled Tribes in rural areas only 113 Table SCT--I Part A Industrial classification of persons at work and non-workers by sex for Scheduled Castes 114-115 Part B Industrial classification of pesons at work and non-workers by sex for Scheduled Tribes 116-117 Table SCT -II Part A Age and marital status for Scheduled Castes 118-122 Part B Age and marital status for Scheduled Tribes 123·127 Table SCT-III Part A Education in urban areas only for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 128 Part B Education in rural areas only for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 129 Table SeT-IV Part A Religion for Scheduled Castes 130 Part B Religion for Scheduled Tribes 130 Table SCT-V Sample households engaged in cultivation classified by interest in land and size of land cultivated in rural areas only for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes 131

SC-SPECIALTABLES FOR SCHEDULED CASTES ONLY 133-134 Table SC-I Persons not at work classified by sex, type of activity and educational levels for Scheduled Castes 134

ST -SPECIAL TABLES F CHEDULED TRIBES ONLY 135-138 Table ST-I Mother-tongue and bilingualism for Scheduled Tribes 135-136 Table ST-II Persons not at work classified by sex and type of activity for Scheduled Tribes 137·138



OTHER DISTRICT STATISTICS 271·292 Table 1.1 Monthly rainfall and rainy days 272·273 Table 1.2 Mean maximum, highest and lowest temperature recorded at Sidhi observetory 274 v

Pages Table lA.l Land utilisations statistlcs. 274 Table lA.2 Area under principal cr~ps 275 Table lA.3 Gross area of crops irrigated and total net area irrigated 276 Table 2A." Net area irrigated by source of irrigation · , 276 Table 2A.S Major and medium irrigation projects 277 Table lA.6 Yield rates of principal crops in Lbs. per acre 278·279 Table 2B.l Fortnightly wholesale price quotations of staple food grains 278·279 Table lB.2 Daily wages (in Rupees) paid to males, females and non­ adults separately for skilled and unskilled persons in specific agricultural and non-agricultural occupations .. 280·283 Table 2C.2 Taccavi Loans distributed 284 Table lD Statistics of Co-operative Societies 285 Table 3.1 Statistics of criminal justice .. 286 Table 3.1 Strength of police and jails 286 Table 3.3 Annual receipts under certain heads of revenue 286 Table 3.4 Land revenue for the decade 287 Table 3.S Statistics of registration · . 287 Table 3.6 Statistics of Local bodies 288 (i) Income and Expenditure of Municipal Council, Sidhi 288 (ii) Income and Expenditure of Pachayats Sidhi 288

Table 4 Community development coverage 289 Table 5.1 Educational statistics 289 Table S.l Statistics of journals · . 290 Health statistics Table 6A.l .. 290 Table 6A.2 Number of persons who availed family planning methods 291 Table 6A.3 Vaccination statistics • 291 Table 6A.4 B. C. G. Campaign 291 Table 6 B Birth and Death claSSified by sex and RuralfUrban 291 Table 8 List important fairs and melas 292


Sidhi District .. Frontispiece NOTES AND EXPLANATIONS

This note gives the meanings and explana­ with a population at least of 5,000 with atleasll tions of terms and concepts used in this Hand­ three-fourths of the adult male population being book. This is necessary because, without a engaged in non-agricultural pursuits. The proper grasp o~ the meanings of such simple Tural-urban classification, being operationally concepts as building, house, household, worker. cardinal and prior in point of time to the etc., it is not possible to appreciate the data census count, had to be tackled earlier and a list presented in the Handbook. Thus, one who of 219 towns in ~he State was therefore, pre­ does not know that an unpretentious hut in the pared much earlIer than the census proper. thick of Bastar forests with unplastered bamboo This included 28 habitations which were tenta­ walls and a thatch roof and with space hardly tively treated as towns, the intention being that, enough for two cots is not a whit less of a build­ after the 1961 Census data became available, ing than the Indian versions of the skyscrapers their cases would be re-examined. Later on, in one of the metropolitan cities, or that a 'however, no modification was made in the list, central jail housing all manner of criminals and even though 7 towns did not satisfy either the shady characters is as much a household as the minimum population criterion or the one based household of the mOl't pious and god-fearing on the ratio of non-agricultural adult males citizen in the State, may not be able to appre­ being 75% or greater. These are Gogaon in ciate what exactly the figures represent. Besides West Nimar, Datla Bandhi in Chhindwara (both explaining the terms and concepts, the note under 5.000 in population); and, Icchawar, also contains brief notes on the salient and Patan, P,endra, Akaltara, Arang respectively in peculiar features of some of the Census tables Sehore, Jabalpur, Bilaspur, Bilaspur, and Raipur presented in this Handbook. D\stricts (not satisfying the economic criterion)_ The reason for not disturbing the original list of Census.-The Census in India is a decennial towns was that as many as 14 habitations which operation taking place in February-March of did not satisfy one or the other of the criteria the first year of every decade. It ensures laid down earlier managed to sneak into the list coverage of all members of the population of towns as municipalities, and inclusion oft irrespective of age. The operations constitut­ seven more such towns was not supposed to ing a Census involve, besides counting of heads, introduce greater demographic distortion than the counting of numerous attributes of the was already presell1t. The cases of Chachaura­ person COU)Ilted. These are demograpHic, Binaganj town in Guna District and Sardarpur­ social, economic and cultural in nature. The Rajgarh in Dhar District are peculiar in that numbe:n of these attributes regarding which each of these two municipal towns consists of; information is recorded has been increasing two distinct habitations separated by 2 miles in from census to census and is limited only by the first and 3 miles in the second case. considerations of cost, time aI_ld organisation. Population.-The important thing about a popu­ All areas, which were not urban were rural. lation is that it is dynamic. It is a constantly They consisted of 'villages'. A very large changing entity. These changes take place by majority of the census villages were 'revenue the natural processes of birth and death as well villages', which had well demarcated or re­ as by migration. A statement of population cognised boundaries, and which included not only has therefore little sense unless the point of time the. inhabited portion (or portions) but also to which it relates is also stated. A population, agrICultural land and uninhabited waste (or' figure is correct only for a particular point of other) lands. The census village was thus not time; and, even though in practice one may synonym?us with a habitation or a dwelling; in omit to indicate this point o{ time, one fact, a VIllage could contain two or more distinct should none the less be clear about it. The habitations separated by considerable distances population figures presented herein refer to the known variously as 'tola' or 'mazra' or 'para'. sunrise of 1st March, 1961, unless otherwise Besides, in many districts there were forest stated. villages, situated inside Reserved forests and without clearly demarcated boundaries. The Rural-Urban Classification :-Data collected at a:r:eas ent~red against these villages in the a Census is usually presented separately for the VIllage DIrectory are thus only approximate. rural and urban areas. A 'town' or a 'town­ It is to be noted that being as observed by group' constitutes an urban ' area. A 'town' in Martin [Census Superintend~nt (old) Madhya tne 1961 Census was either (i) a municipality, Pradesh, 1911 and Census Commissioner for cantonment or corporation; or (ii) a habitation India, 1921] arbiirary and irregular units of ( ii ) area, carved out chiefly for revenue and admini­ that a particular group of towns is situated in strative purposes" there are many revenue such a waY"and exhibits some interconnecting villages which do not have any habitation. They features of such a kind, that they can be consi­ are not, therefore, of much demographic interest, dered a single demographic entity whose organic and their inclusion in the Village Directory is nature is likely to become more and more evidenti only for a proper tally of area aggregates. in the future. Examples are: Bhopal City witli Bairagarh in the West and Heavy Electricals A-General Population Tables: Township in the East; and Durg Town and There are four main tables and three Bhilai Industrial Township. The other type of appendices in this series. towngroup is a group only in name in the sense that it represents a group of localities which Table A-l.-This table presents the basic figures geography unites but definition separates. relating to area, houses and population separately Examples are Sagar Towngroup consisting of for the rural and urban areas of each district, Sagar Municipality and Sagar Cantt., and each tahsil, and for each city, towngroup or Jabalpur Towngroup (consisting of Jabalpur town. The area figures used in the table for the Corporation, Jabalpur Cantt. and Khamaria). district and the tahsils are those furnished by In both these instances, the urban complex the State Director of Land Records. In case of is single and continuous, but as each corporation the district, the area figures furnished in 1962 ?r cantonI?ent ~s a separate town by definition. by the Surveyor-General, India are also given. It gets spIlt up m the Census into more than one ~rhe Surveyor-General does not furnish area town. In Madhya Pradesh there are six town­ figures for tahsils. In case of cities and towns groups in all; three of them belong to the first the area figures -are furnished by the local type: Bhopal in Sehore District: Murwara in urban authority (if any) in charge of the munici­ Jabalpur District and Durg in Durg District; pal administration, or by the local revenue the other three belong to the second type, Pach­ authorities. Except in case of Raipur and m~rh~ in Hoshangabad. District, Sagar in Sagar Sagar districts, there is no agreement between DIstrIct and Jabalpur m Jabalpur District. the area figures for the district furnished by the Director of Land Records and the Surveyor­ Houseless & Institutional Population:-"House­ General, India. These differences arise princi­ less population" means those who did not live pally from the differences in the methods and were not enumerated, in Census-houses at adopted by the two agencies in measuring and the last Census. Obviously these swell the ~omputing the area. ranks of the social destitute;; who, to speak in every day parlance do not have even a roof over In the case of eighteen districts (Bastar, their heads, but live under the shade of trees or Raipur, Durg, Raigarh, Bilaspur, Surguja, bridges or on pavements. "Institutional popula­ Balaghat, Seoni, Chhindwara, Mandla, Narsi­ tion" means the popUlation that was enumerated mhapur, Jabalpur, Sagar, Hoshangabad, Betul, i.n. instituti~ns at the bst census i.e., in hostels. East Nimar, Tikamgarh and Panna), only the JaIls, boardmg houses, hospitals etc. district 'total' and 'rural' figures for area include the forest area; the figures for forest area were not available for individual tahsils in these Class of Towns.-Towns are classified into six districts, and hence the tahsilwise area figures c!asses as below according to their population for these districts do not include forest Slzes:- ~rea. This fact is. important particularly for Class appreciating the district and tahsil population Population range density figures of these districts. The population I 100,000 and above density (i.e., persons per square mile) given in ~olumn 4 of the table is calculated on the basis of II 50,000-99,999 the figures of area supplied by the State Directo~ III 20,000-49,999 rate of Land Records. IV 10,000;-19,999 Occupied Residential House.-This is a' V 5,000-9,999 Census house which was actually occupied at the time of enumeration for residential purposes VI Below 5,000 either partly or fully. The concept of 'Census Towns of Class I are also known as Cities. house' together with the allied concepts of' 'building' and 'household' are dealt with later in this note. "Status" of a town means the authority in charge of its local urban administration. 'Thus Town Group.-The introduction of the concept of a town could have a 'Municipal Corporation' a «towngroup" is a new feature of the 1961 Census. Municipality, a Cantonment Board a G~am One kind of 'towngroup' has its basis in what Panchayat, a Town or Notified Area'Committee, may be called demographic prognosis, this being etc. ( iii )

B-(i) General Economic Tables.-This series securities deposited in a bank, and doing no other mcludes 22 tables containing information on work, were treated as non-workers. Persons certain economic aspects of the population. The professionally engaged in anti-social activities concepts involved have undergone significant (i.e., thieves, robbers, prostitutes, beggars, etc.) changes as compared with the 1951 and earlier were, however, not treated as workers. The Censuses. In the 1951 and earlier censuses or at approach to the concept of "work" was pragmatic any rate in the last few censuses income or econo­ and numerous illustrations were given to clarify mic independence (and dependence) were treated the concept. The basis of work was held to be as the criteria for denoting the economic status satisfied in the case of seasonal work i.e., work of a person. Separate account used to be taken at cultivation, livestock, dairying or household of all persons who were economically independent industry if the person has had some regular work and of those who were economically dependent. of more than one hour a day throughout the grea­ An intermediate category of economic semi-inde­ ter part of the working season. In the case of pendence was also introduced in the 1931 Census. regular employment in any trade, profession, This consisted of the 'earning dependents' of the service, business or commerce the ba:sis of work 1951 Census and even there the element of income was satisfied if the person was employed during was present. This income-based classification any of the fifteen days preceding the day on which seems to have not infrequently resulted in a he was visited by the Census enumerator. A suppression of information relating to those who person who was working but was absent from worked in household economic activities but did his work during those fifteen days or for 81 longei not actually earn any income like men other period owing to illness or other causes was than the head of the household and women of the treated as worker. Work included not only' family or children working at the family cultiva­ actual physical work but also effective supervision tion or cottage industry but not earning any and direction Of work. incomes. The 1961 Census introduced the con­ cept of work and totally abandoned the 'income' The Working Categories:-The primary classifica­ approach. Thus all people who worked (i.e., tion of the population is by means of a simple: were "economically active") including family dichotomy into workers and non-workers. The: workers who were not in receipt of any income, & former is further sub-divided into nine sub-classes working children who did not earn enough for or working categories of the Census. These are: their maintenance were treated as workers. On listed below; the correspondence with the the other hand such persons as a receiver of rents Standard National Industrial Classification is on immovable property, or of interest on also indicated.

CENSUS WORKING CATEGORY CORRESPONDING DIVISION OR MAJOR GROUP OR MINOR GROUP OF NIC I Workers in cultivation . Minor Groups .000, 001, {)02,. 003, 004, II Agricultural Labourers The same ~s in I above , , III Workers in mining, quarrying, live-~, Major Groups 01, 02, 03 and 04 and Division 1 • stock, forestry, fishing, hunting Minor Groups 005, 006, 007, 008; 009 (if not. and plantations, orchards and classifiable· as household industry) ,allied activities IV Workers in household industry Minor Groups 005 to 009, 013, 014, 015, 020 ro 0~'6, 031,032,040 to 048,107, Divisions 2,& 3- (excepting Minor Groups 201, 217, 218, 232,. 252, 260, 290, 324, 325, 338 and 380) if on a household. scale V Workers in manufacturing other Divisions 2 & 3 than household industry VI Workers in construction Division 4 VII Workers in Trade and Commerce Division 6 VIII Workers in Transport Storage Division 7 and Communications IX Workers in other services Divisions 5, 8 & 9 (iv)

The only term reqmrmg explanation is' PRINCIPAL AND SECONDARY WORKER: household industry, the others being self­ Table B-VIl Part A and Part B involve the explanatory. As regards household industry, 3.1 concepts of principal and secondary work. For three-fold test was laid down, viz:- every worker the principal work had to be indi­ (a) "Household Industry" should consist of cated in the case of a person who was engaged, manufacture, processing or servicing and in more than one work, and also the secondary may include sale but should not be con­ work if he was engaged in two or more than two fined simply to buying and selling. At productive activities. The concepts of primary least part of the goods offered for sale and secondary work had nothing to do with the from the household should be manu­ income accruing to a person from his work. factured or processed by members of the The principal work of a person was that activity household. which took up most of his time; similarly the secondary work (in case a person was engaged (b) "Household Industry" should be on the household scale where the workers in two or more than two kinds of work) was that mainly will be the Head of the house­ which took up less time than the principal work hold himself and/or members of the but greater than the other kinds of work. Unless household, the role of hired workers specifically stated to the contrary in the table from outside being of secondary heading itself the tables in the Handbook are importance. Thus, in any Hou!:!ehold based on the principal work of a person. Industry, members of the household should be in a position to lend a hand' Non-workers :-The non-working section of the in the industry whenever they find the population also was divided ineo eight classes time in the course of their daily chores. according to the nature of their activities. Thus, Household Industry cannot, therefore, be a non-worker could be (i) a full time student or on the scale of a registered factory but child attending school, (ii) a peLon engaged in home duties (like a housewife or other adult can use machinery and employ power female who does no other work) (iii) dependent like steam engine or oil engine or electri­ including an infant or child not attending school city to drive the machinery. a person permanently disabled from work (c) Location also is important, for proximivf because of illness or old-age; (iv) a retired decides participation by members of person who is not employed again, renUer, a the household. In a village this parti­ person living on agricultural or non-agricul­ cipation is possible if the Household' tural royalty, rent or dividend, or an;y other Industry is located at home or within person of independent means for securing which: the village because village organisation' he does not have to work and who does no other is such as makes it possible for mem­ work; (v) a beggar, vagrant or independent bers of the household to move about woman without indication of source of income freely in the village to look after their and others of unspecified source of existence; work. In urban areas such free move­ (vi) a convict (not an undertrial who was to be mi:!nt is not possible, and therefore, recorded for the work he did before being for household industry in urban areas admitted to Jail); (vii) persons who were seek. we should consider only those indus­ ing employment for the first time; and (viii) tries which are located or at least the persons who previously had worked, but were major part of whose work is located at out of employment, and were again seeking home. work. Class of Worker :-A worker, other than a culti­ Education Levels:-A person was treated as vator, agricultural labourer or a worker at illiterate if he did not satisfy the test of literacy this meaning the ability both of reading and household industry could be: (i) an Emplo'yer, writing. The test of reading was held to be that is, who hires one or more persons in his satisfied if a person could read printed matter work; (ii) an Employee, that is, who does his or easily legible manuscripts. The test of work under others for wages or salary in cash writing was the ability to write a'simple letter. The minimum educational level is primary or or kind; (iii) a Single Worker, that is, who is junior basic, and this includes all persons who doing his work without employing others, except have passed this examination but have not casually, and without the help of other members pass~d th~ next higher level examination i.e., of the family, except casually (this includes matrIculatIOn or higher secondary. Persons workers working as members of a co-operative); who h~d formal. sc~ooling. but had not passed the prImary or Jumor baSIC level examination and (iv) a Family Worker, that is, who is doing were literates without any educational levels. his work in his own family without wages or A person belonging to any particular educa­ salary in cash or kind. A person could be an' tional level means a person who has passed the employee in a household industry also. examination denoting that level. (v)

INDUSTRIAL AND OCCUPATIONAL CLASSIFICATION We have used only the three digit Code number OF WORKERS: for classifying occupation. All occupations are· divided into ten divisons to each of which a Workers have also been classified according' digit is allotted. The first digit of the code- \ to their occupation and industry. The concepts number of an occupation stands for the 'Division' of 'industry' and 'occupation' are of fundament~l into which it is classified. Each division is then importance in connection with all economIC sub-divided into a number of groups not exceeding activity and it is necessary that they should not ten. The first and second digits of the code be confused with each othe:r. By "industry" is number represent the 'Division' and 'Group' into meant the sector of economic activity. in which whkh an occupation is classified. Each group a worker is engaged e.g., the textile industry, again is divided into a number of families not mining industry, etc., whereas by 'occupation' exceeding ten and tpe first three digits of the code is meant the exact funCition that a worker per­ number stand for the division, group and family forms in that ,sector e.g., fitter, carpenter, into which an occupation is classified. To typist, etc. Occupation thus is "a trade,. ~r<;>­ illustrate, the code number 911 stands for the fession or type of work performed by an mdIvI­ family 911 (Cooks, cook-bearers, domestic and ·dual independent of the worker's industry, institutional) included in the Group 91 (House­ .status or years of experience". keepers, Cooks, Maid and related workers) includ. ed in the 'Division' 9 (Service, Sport and Re­ THE INDIAN STAND.I\.RD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICA­ creation workers). The DivisionS, Groups, and 'TION (1. S. I. C.) : Families of the National Classification of The industrial classification used in some Occupations are printed after this note as -of the economic tables of this hand-book is the Appendix II. "Standard Industrial Classification' prepared by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, lt may be mentioned that the three digit Government of India. Under this scheme of industrial code can easily be extended into a four­ classification, the whole range of economic acti­ digit code on the principles illustrated earlier to vity is divided. into nine 'divisions', and a code secure greater precision in the classification of number is given to each. The first digit of the the economic activitity of a worker. This has -eode number of any specific economic activity in fact been done in case of workers at household stands for the 'Division' under which that acti­ industry, and these four-digit code numbers have vity is classified. Each division is then divided been used in Table B XIV Part B. into a number of major groups not exceeding ten. The first and second digits of the code B-(ii) Household Economic Tables:-Tables be­ -number represent the division and the major longing to this series differ from others in two group into which an economic activity is classi­ respects: (i) they have been prepared from fied. Each major group is again sub-divided information recorded on the household schedules, into a number of minor-groups not exceeding while the other tables are prepared from infonna. tion recorded on the individual slips; (ii) whereas ten, and the first, second and third digits in the the other tables are based on the total population, ~ode number of any economic activity represent the division, the major group and the minor the tables in this series are prepared from the _group into which it is classified. To illustrate, data contained. in a 20 % sample of all households. -the industrial 'code', '261', represents an econo­ The instructiens for selecting the sample are re­ mic activity corresponding to minor group 261 produced below:- in major-group 26 of Division 2. A reference "Every fifth household from the starting to the Standard Industrial Classification win random household will be selected to make a 20% 'Show that the minor group code stands for the sample. The ~ample household will be marked economic activity 'Dying and bleaching of silk' continuously for rural areas of a tahsil/taluka: in the major group 'Textiles Silk' of the Divi­ and for urban areas of a district i.e., households 'sion: 'Manufacturing' . The 'Divisions', 'Major. left over in a household pad should be carried Groups' and 'Minor Groups' of the Standard over to the next household schedule pad for the! Industrial Classification are printed immediately selection of sample households. after this note as Appendix I. "Before making the sample households the household schedule pads should be arranged iIi NATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF OCCUPATIONS (NCO): the order of location code numbers of villages in Table B-V gives the occupational classifica­ a Taluka or Tahsil in the case of a rural area and tion by sex of persons at work other than culti­ in the order of location code numbers of towns' vation. This classification is based on the in a district for urban areas. The first sample 'National Classification of Occupations' prepared household should be chosen randomly among the by the MLnistry of Labour and Employment. first five households in the first household schedule Government of India. Each occupation is pad and stamped (s) as selected. This random represented by a code number containing a number (random start) should be chosen separate­ number of digits (extending in the NCO upto 5). ly for rural areas of each taluka/tahsil and for ( vi )

the urban area of the district. From the first caste or a tribe included in the Order issued by­ random household every fifth household should the President of India under Articles 341 (1) and be continuously stamped as selected ...... 342 (1) of the Constitution, amended, if necessary­ The sample should be continuously marked for in accordance with ArtJcles 341 (2) and 342 (2) , all the pads of villages in a tahsil and urban areas thereof. It should be remembered that the in a district. If in a particular household schedule population of a particular scheduled caste or: pad at the end, some households (these will be tribe as given in the tables does not necessarily four or less) are left after marking of the samplet mean the entire population of that caste 01'" household, the housedolds left over should b~ tribe in the district. This is so because schedul­ carried over to the next household schedule padj ing of a caste or tribe under the Constitution is' and the appropriate household in that pad should territorial so that a caste or a tribe scheduled in ac be marked as a sample household". district, (or a tahsil or tahsils of a district) is not necessarily a scheduled caste in other districts, (or other tahsils of the same district). Thus. C.-Social and Cultural Tables: Gond is a scheduled tribe in all tahsils of This series contains 8 tables of which Table Jabalpur District except Jabalpur Tahsil so that C-1 is prepared from data .,abstracted from the the figures for Gond population in Jabalpur 20% sample of households. District exclude the Gonds of J abalpur Tahsil. Secondly, some of the scheduled tribes have not. Marital Status :.!.-As regards marital status a been given independent status in some parts o:lr the State by the Order but haVie been clubbed! ,person could be (i) never married, (ii) married, together with some major tribe, while, in other­ (iii) widowed and (iv) divorced or separated. The figures given do not necessarily indicate the parts of the State, they have not been so clubbed' legal position. Thus, persons who lived together but have been included as distinct scheduled as man and wife and who were regarded as such tribes. Thus, in the districts of the Mahakoshal region of the State, the tribe Agaria has been by society were treated as 'married' even thougl_l' clubbed. along with many another, with Gond there might not be any legally valid marriage as the latter's sub-tribe. In these districts, between them. therefore, figures relating to Agaria tribe, whose ethnic identity with Gond is controversial, do Age.-The age of a person was recorded in not appear independently in the tables of these­ completed years as on the last birth day at the 'districts, but are included in the figures for' time of enumeration, so that a child who had not Gond. In the Vindhya Pradesh region, how-, completed a year of its existence was recorded as ever, Agaria is Scheduled tribe in its own right of age '0' Inspite of the best efforts, distortion and in the districts belonging to that region' of ages is common phenomenon in Indian Census. Agaria population appears separately in the· This distortion is ascribable to the combined relevant tables. effect of a variety of causes like, for example,' digit-preference, age-bias and estimation error and its most obviousl manifestation is the heapmg Religion of Scheduled Castes and Tribes :-A of the ages wt digits ending in 0 or 5 and in even scheduled caste can exist only in Hindu and', rather than in odd numbers. Sikh religions and in no other religion. A scheduled tribe, however, may be found in any' Mother Tongue :-Mother tongue is the language religion. spoken in childhood by a person's mother to the person, or mainly spoken in the household. E-Ho'Using Tables :-The Handbook includes: five tables on housing. In using these tables, it· Religion :-Separate figures are given only for the should be remembered that they are prepared' six main religions: Hindu, Muslim, Jain, Sikh, from the data on households abstracted from. Christian and Buddhist. Figures for persons the 'Houselists'. Tables E-I and E-III are based professing other religions have been clubbed on the full count while table E-II, E-IV and: together under the head: Other Religions and E-V are prepared from a 20% sample of house­ persuasions' holds entered in the Houselists. Houselisting; " was non-synchronous with census proper, having­ taken place in the month of September-October, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes :-In view 1960, about five month before the reference date­ of the constitutional safeguards guaranteed of the Census.. Also, the population of house­ to persons belonging to scheduled castes and holds entered in the houselists is not necessarily scheduled tribes with a view to ameliorate their identical with the population of households in social and economic condition, basic census figures respect of which household 8chedules were filled' are for the first time being published separately at the time of the Census. Thus the samples of for each scheduled caste and scheduled tribe. A households drawn from the household schedule,. scheduled caste or a s'cheduled tribe means a and from the house lists are different samples. ( vii)

The instruction for drawing the 20% sample census-houses which were not owned by the o()f households from the houselists are reproduced households living in them were treated as 'rented' below:~ even though no rent was being actually paid. "Before marking the sample households' the Houselists should be arranged in order on' "Factory" and "Workshop" :-As is clear from location code numbers in the case of rural areaS! its definition', a Census house could be a workshop. for tahsil etc., and 'in the case of urban areas A workshop is a place where some kind of pro­ other than towns with population Qf 50,000 and duction, repair or servicing goes on, or where over. In the case of towns with population of goods or articles are made and sold. A bigger workshop which was either registered under the ;50,000 and over the Houselists should be arranged i in order of blocks. The first sample household Indian Factories Act or was of the scale of a registered factory was returned as a factory. ~hould be chosen randomly among the first five households in tIle first Houselist. From that For a manufacturing, repairing or servicing ,every fifth household from the first random establishment to be registered under the Indian 'household should be continuously marked ...... Factories Act, it should have ten or more workers The sample should be marked -continuously for if using power and twenty or more workers if not .all the Houselists. If in a particular Houselist using power . .at the end two households are left after the marking of the sample households then these VILLAGE DIRECTORY AND ITS ApPENDICES: households ·should ;be carried over to the next Village Directory:-The Village Directory cor­ Houselist and the third household in that list responds to the Primary Census Abstract of the should be marked as sample households". 1951 Census. It gives for each village of the district: (a) information relating to area, census houses, households, scheduled castes and scheduled ·Census House and Census Households :-The con­ tribes and literacy; and (b) the classification of! cepts of "building" "house" and "household" ar.e the population into workers and non-workers, and important and differ somewhat from their con­ again 'workers' into their 'Industrial Categories' notations in common speech. A building refers separately for both the sexes. For facilitating -to the entire structure on the ground. A census comparison with the Census Handbook of 1951 house is a structure or part of structure inhabited' the serial number at which the village is to be -()r vacant or a dwelling, a shop, a shop-cum­ found in 1951 Handbook is also given. A new (}welling or place of business, workshop, school feature introduced in this Census is the presenta­ ·etc., with a separate entrance. A census house tion of additional information about each village! was thus a building, or part of a building with a relating to schools, hospitals, child and maternity separate entrance. A census house could have welfar·e centres, medical practitioners, electricity, .a variety of uses, residential as well as non_ post and telegraph offices etc. This has been residential; or it might be vacant (at the time of done by entering symbols against the name of each houselisting). village. Another novel feature is the presenta­ tion in eleven appendices of useful information relating to villages and towns i.e., industrial A household was defined as "a group of establishments, places situated on bus routes, or persons who commonly live together and would within five miles of a railway station, places hav­ take their meals from a common kitchen unless ing pucca wells, markets, public reading rooms, the exigencies of work prevented any of them drains etc. from doing so." A household necessarily lived in a census house or part of a census house. The To enable the reader to locate the. villa~e \in definition of a household was broad enough to the Village Directory without much difficulty) an include all persons living together in a census­ ~lphabetical index of village names is given. house and dining from the same kitchen even if This gives for each village the 1961 they were not related to one another. S'uch were location code number of the village (in the Village -the institutional households, like jails hostels Directory, villages are arranged according to hospitals etc. The house in which a 'household their Location Code Numbers) ; and its location -lived could either be owned or rented. All code number in the 1951 Hand-book. (viii)

APP·ENDIX-I STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION This classification groups the industries into 9 Divisions 45 Major Groups 343 rvfinor Groups The divisions, major groups and minor groups with their Code numbers are listed below. Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Groul> (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) Division O-Agrict(,lture, Livestock, Forestry, Preparation of timber 022 Fishing and Hunting. Production of fuel including char- 00 Field Produce and Plantation Crops:­ coal by exploitation of forest 023 Production of fodder by exploita- Production of oereal crops (includ­ tion of forests 024 ing Bengal gram) such as rice, wheat, jowar, bajra, maize 000 Production of gums, resins, lac, Production of pulses such as arhar, barks, herbs, wild fruits and leaves moong, masur, urd, khesari, other by the exploitation of forests 025 gram 001 Production and gathering of other Production of raw jute and kindred forest products not covered above 02& fibre crops 002 Production of raw cotton and 03 Fishing: - kindred fibre crops 003 Production of fish by fishing in sea 03(} Production of oilseeds, sugarcane and other cash crops 004 Production of fish by fishing in in- Production of other crops (includ- land waters Including the operation ing vegetables) not covered above 005 of fish farms and fish hatcheries 031 Production of fruits and nuts in Production of pearls, conch, shells, plantation, vines & orchards 006 sponges by gathering or lifting from Production of wood, bamboo, cane sea, river, pond 032 reeds, thatching grass etc. 007 Production of juice by tapping 04 Livestock and Hunting:­ palms 008 Production and rearing of livestock Production of other agricultural (large heads only) mainly for milk produce (including fruits and nuts and animal power such as cow, not covered by code number 006 & buffalo, goat 040' flowers) not covered above 009 Rearing of sheep and production of wool 041 01 Plantation Crops:- Rearing and production of other Production of tea in plantation 010 animals (mainly for slaughter) such Production of coffee in plantati

Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group De~cription Minor Group; (Code) (Code), ( Code) (Code-)- Production of other animal hus­ 21 Beverages:- bandry products such as skin, bone, Production of distilled spirits, ivory & teeth 048 wines, liquor from alcoholic malt, fruits and malts in distillery and Division 1-Mining' and Quarrying:­ brewery 210 10 Mining and Quarrying:- Production of country liquor 211 Mining of coal 100 Production of indigenous liquor M'ining of iron ores 101 such as toddy, liquor from mahua, Mining 'of gold and silver ores 102 palm juice 212 Mining of manganese 103 Production of other liquors not Mining of mica 104 covered above 213 Mining of oth~r non-ferrous metallic Production of aerated and mineral ores 105 water 214 Mining of crude petroleum and Production of ice 215 natural gas 106 Quarrying of stone (induding Production of ice-cream 216 slate), clay, sand, gravel, limestone 107 Processing of tea in factories 217 Mining of chemical earth such as Processing of coffee in curing soda ash 108 works 218 Mining and Quarrying of non­ rr.etallic products not classified Production of other beverages 219 above such as precious and semi­ precious stones, asbestos, gypsum, 22 Tobacco Products:­ SUlphur, asphalt 109 Manufacture of bidi 220 Division 2 & 3-Manufactnring:- Manufacture of cigars and cheroots 221 2.'0 Manufacture of cigarette and Production of rice, atta, flour, etc, cigm'ette tobacco 222" by milling, Dehusking and process- Manufacture of hookah tobacco 223: ing of crops and foodgrains 200 Manufacture of snuff 224 Production of sugar and syrup from Manufacture of jerda and other sugarcane in mills 201 chewing tobacoo , 225 Production of indigenous sugar, gur, from sugarcane or palm juice Manufacture of other tobacco pro- and production of candy 202 ducts 226 Production of fruit products such 23 Textile-Cotton: - as jam, jelly, sauce and canning and Cotton ginning, cleaning, pressing preservation of fruits 203 and baling 230, Slaughtering, preservation of meat Cotton spinning ( other than in and fish and canning of fish 2'04 mills) 23t Production' of bread, biscuits, cake Cotton spinning and weaving in and other bakery products 205 mills 232" Production of butter, ghee, cheese Cotton dyeing, bleaching 233· and other dairy products 206 Cotton weaving in power looms 234 Production of edible fats and oils (other than hydrogenated oil) 207 Cotton weaving in handlooms 235, Production of hydrogenated oils 'Manufacturing of khadi temile in (Vanaspati) 208 handlooms 236: Production of other food products Printing of cotton textile 231' such as sweet-meat and condiments, Manufacturing of cotton nets 2SS muri, murki, chira, khoi, cocoa, Manufacturing of cotton, cordage, chocolate, toffee, lozenge 209 rope and twine, 239 (x)

'M'ajor Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) 24 Textile-Jute: - Manufacture of coil' and coil' pro- J ute pressing and baling 240 ducts 277 Jute spinning and weaving 241 Manufacture of umbrellas 278 Dyeing and bleaching of jute 242 Processing and manufacture of tex- Printing of jute textile 243 tile products not covered above 279 Manufacture of other products like rope, cordage from jute and similar 28 Manufacture of Wood and Wooden fibre such as hemp, mesta 244 Products:- Sawing and planing of wood 280 25 Textile-Wool: - Manufacture of wooden furniture & Wool baling and pressing 250 fixtures 28'1 Wool cleaning and processing Manufacture of structural wooden (scouring) 251 goods (including treated timber) Wool spinning and weaving in mill such as beams, posts, doors, 252 windows. 282 Wool spinning other than in mills 253 Manufacture of wooden industrial Wool weaving in powerloom 254 goods other than transport equip­ Wool weaving in handloom 255 ment such as bobbin and similar Embroidery and art work in equipment and fixtures 283 woollen textile 256 Manufacture of other wooden pro­ ducts such as utensils, toys, artwares 284 26 Textile-Silk: - Manufacture of veneer and plywood 285 Spinning and weaving of silk textile Manufacture of plywood products in mill 260 such as tea chest 286 Dyeing and bleaching of silk 261 Manufacture of boxes and packing Spinning of silk other than in mills 262 cases other than plywood 287 Weaving of silk textile by power Manufacture of materials from loom 263 cork, bamboo, cane, leaves and Weaving of silk textile by hand loom 264 other allied products 288 Printing of silk textile 265 Man ufacture of other wood and Manufacture of silk cordage, rope allied products not covered above 289 and twine 266 29 Paper and paper Products:­ f!7 Textile-Miscellaneous:­ Manufacture of pulp from wood Manufacture of carpet and all other rags, wastepaper and other fibres similar type of textile products 270. and the conversion of such pulp into Manufacture of hosiery and other ~ny ~ind of paper and paper board knitted fabrics and garments 271 III mIll 290 Embroidery and making of crepe Manufacture of pulp from wood, lace and fringes 272 rags, wastepaper and other fibres Making of textile garments includ- and the conversion of such pulp ing raincoats and headgear 273 into any kind of paper and paper board handmade 291 Manufacture of made up textile goods except wearing apparel such Manufacture of products, such as .as curtains, pillow cases, bedding paper bags, boxes, cards, envelopes materials, mattress, textile bags 274 and moulded pulp goods from paper, paper board and pulp 292 Manufacture of water-proof textile -products such as oil cloth, tarpaulin 275 30 Pr!nt!ng and Publishing:­ Prmtmg and publishing of news. Manufacture and recovery of all papers and periodicals 300 types of fibres for purposes of padd- ing, wadding, and upholstery filling 276 Printing and publishing of books 301


Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) All other types of printing including Manufacture of matches 384 lithography, engraving, etching, block making and other work con- Manufacture of medicines, pharma­ nected with printing industry 302 ceutical prepara~ions, perfumes, , cosmetics and other toilet prepara- All types of binding, stiching, siz­ tions except soap 835 ing and other allied work connected with binding indu~try 303 Manufacture of soap and other washing and cleaning compounds 336 31 . Leather a:nd Leather Products:­ Manufacture of turpentine, synthe- Currying, tanning and finishing of tic, resin, and plastic products and hides and skins and preparation of materials (including synthetir finished leather 310 rubber) 337 Manufacture of shoes and other leather footwear 311 Manufacture of common salt ·338 Manufacture of clothing and wear- Manufacture of other chemicals & ing apparel (except footwear) made chemical products not covered of le~ther and fur 312 above (including inedible oils ~nd Manufacture of leather products fats) 339 (except those covered by Code Nos. 311, 312), such as leather uphols­ 34 Non-metallic Mineral Products tery, suitcases, pocket books, ciga­ other than Petroleum and Coal:- rette and key cases, purs'es, sadd- Manufacture of structural clay pro- lery, whip and other articles 313 ducts such as bricks, tiles 340 Repair of shoes and other leather Manufacture of cement and cement foot-wear 314 products 341 Repair of all other leather products Man ufacture of lime 342 except footwear 315 Manufacture of structural stone goods, stone dressing and stone 32 Rubber, Petroleum and Coal Products:- crushing 343 'Manufacture of tyres and tubes 320 Manufacture of stonewares, other Manufacture of rubber footwear 321 than images 344 Manufacture of rubber goods used Manufacture of stone images 345 Manufacture of all kinds of other Manufacture of plaster of paris for industrial purpose 322 and its products 346 rubber products from natural or Manufacture of asbestos products 347 synthetic rubber including rubber Manufacture of mica products 348 raincoat 323 Production of petroleum, kerosene 35 Manufacture of earthenware and and other petroleum products in earthen pottery: - 350 petroleum refineries 324 Manufacture of china ware and Production of coaltar and coke in crockery 35t coke oven 325 Manufacture of porcelain and its Man ufacture of other coal and products 352- coaltar products not covered else. Manufacture of glass bangles and where . 326 beads 353· 33 Chemicals and Chemical Products:­ Manufacture of glass apparatus 354' Manufacture of basic industrial Manufacture of earthen image, chemicals such as acids, alkalis & busts and statues 35& their salts not elsewhere specified 330 Manufacture of earthen toys and Manufacture of dyes, paints, artw3res except those covered by colours and varnishes 331 code No. 355 356 Manufacture of glass and glass Manufacture of fertilizers 332 products except optical and photo­ Manufacture of ammunition, explo- graphic lenses and glass products sives and fire works 333 covered above 357 (xii)

Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) 35 Manufacture of other non-metallic Manufacture of electric lamps and mineral products not elsewhere fans 375 specified 359 Manufacture of insulated wires and cables 376 ~6 Basic M'etals and their products ex­ cept Machinery and l.'ransport Manufacture of all kinds of battery 377 Equipment: - Manufactur,e of electronic equip- Manufacture of iron and steel ment such as radio, microphone 378 including smelting, refining, rolling, conversion into basic forms such as Manufacture of electric machinery billets, blooms, tubes, rods 360 and apparatus, appliances not specified 'above 379 Manufacture including smelting, refining of non-ferrous metals and 38 Transport Equipment:­ alloys in basic forms 361 Manufacture, assembly and repair- Manufacture of armaments 362 ing of locomotives 380 Manufacture of structural steel Manufacture of wagons, coaches, products such as joist, rail, sheet, tramways and, other rail road plate 363 equipment other than that covered l\1'anufacture of iron and steel by Code No. 363 381 furniture 364 Manufacture and assembling of motor vehicles of all types (except- Manufacture of brass and bell ing motor engines) 382 metal products 365 Manufacture of motor vehicles Manufacture of aluminium products 366 ' engines parts and accessories 383 Manufacture of metal products Repairing and servicing of motor (other than of iron, brass, bell metal vehicles 384 and aluminium) such as tin can 367 Manufacture of bicycles and tri­ Enamelling, galvanising, plating, cycles and accessories such as (including electroplating) polishing saddle, seat frame, gear 385 and welding of metal products 368 Hnildinr; and repairing of water Manufacture of sundry hard wares transport equipment such as ships, such as G, 1. pil'e, wire net, bolt, boats, and manufacture of marine screw, bucke'~, cutlery (This will engines 386 also include the manufacture of sundry ferrous engineering pro­ Manufacture & repair of air trans- ducts done by jobbing engineering port equipment including aero­ concerns which cannot be classified planes, aeroengines 387 in major groups 36, 37,38, and 39), 369 Repairing of bicycles and tricycles 388 Manufacture of other transport .37 Machinery (All kinds other than equipment not covered above such transport) and Electrical Equip­ as animal drawn and hand drawn ment:- vehicles 389 Manufacture and assembling of machinery (other than electrical) 39 Miscellaneous manufacturing Indus­ .. except textile machinery 370 tries: Manufacture and assembling of prime mover and boilers, other than Manufacture of optical instrurr.ents ,electrical equipment, such as diesel and lenses, opthalmic goods and -engines, road rollers, tractors 371 photographic equipment and sup- ~~ 300 Manufacture of machine tools 372 Man ufacture of textile machinery Manufactur~ of scientific. medical -and accessories 373 and surgical instruments and equip- Manufacture of heavy electrical ment and supplies 391 machinery and equipment such as Assembling and repairing of motors; generators. transformers 374 watches and clocks 392 (xiii)

Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group (Code} (Code) (Code) (Code) Manufacture of jewellery, silver­ Wholesale trading in vegetables, ware and wares using gold and fruits, sugar, spices, oil, fish other precious metals 393 dairy products eggs, poultry and other foodstuff (not covered else Manufacture and tuning of Musical where) 601 Instruments 394 Wholesale trading in all kinds of Manufacture of stationery articles fabrics and textiles products such not covered elsewhere such as pencil, as garments, hessian, gunn~ .bag, pen-holder, fountain pen 395 silk and woollen yarn, shlrtmgs, Manufacture of sports goods 396 suitings, hosiery products 602 Manufacture and repair work of Wholesale trading in beverages, such goods not assignable to any other as tea (leaf), coffee (seed and group 399 powder), aerated water 603 Wholesale trading in intoxicants Division 4-Construction such as wines, liquors 604 40 Construction: - Wholesale trading in other intoxi- Construction and maintenance of cants such as opium, ganja etc. 605 buildings including erection, floor- Wholesale trading in tobacco, bidi, ing, decorative constructions, ele­ cigarettes and other tobacco pro- ctrical and san~tary installations 400 ducts 606 Construction and maintenance of Wholesale trading in animals 607 roads, railways, bridges, tunnels 401 Construction and maintenance of Wholesale trading in straw and fo~rler 608 telegraph and telephone lines 402 Construction and maintenance of 61 Wholesale trading in medicines and water ways and water reservoirs chemicals such as bund, embankments, dam, 610 canal, tank, tubewells, wells 403 Wholesale trading in fuel and light­ ing products such as coke, coal, kerosene, candle 611 Division 5-Electricity, Gas, Water and Wholesale trading in toilets, perfu­ Sanitary Services mery and cosmetics 612 50 Electricity and Gas:- Wholesale trading in metal, porce­ Generation and transmission of lain and glass utensils, crockery, electric energy 500 china ware 613 Distribution of electric energy 501 Wholesale trading in wooden, steel Manufacture of Gas in gas works and other metallic furniture and and distribution to domestic and fittings 614 industrial consumers 502 Wholesale trading in footwear 615 Wholesale trading in tyres, tubes 51 Water Supply and Sanitary Services:- and allied rubber products 616 Collection, purification and distri­ Wholesale trading in petrol, mobil bution of water to domestic and oil and allied products industrial consumers 617 510 Wholesale trading in other house­ Garbage and sewage disposal, hold equipment not covered above 618 operation of drainage system and all other types of work connected with public health and sanitation 511 62 Wholesale trading in bricks, tiles and other building materials 620 Division 6-Trade and Commerce Wholesale trading in wood, bamboo, cane, thatches and similar products 60 Wholesale Trade:- 621 Wholesale trading in cereals and . ,__ J)~ Wholesale trading _in pap.el". __ an~ __ . Pulses 600 ' other stationery goods 630 ------=-----r.- ...._;.;__,.~, '-=-....,,_...-- (xiv)

Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group. (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) Wholesale trading in agricultural Retail trading in toilet goods, per- and industrial' machinery equip­ fumes and cosmetics 651 ment and tools and appliances other than electrical 631 Retail trading in medicines and chemicals 652 Wholesale trading in electrical machinery and equipment like Retail trading in footwear, head­ motor, battery, electric fan, bulb 632 gear such as hat, umbrellas, shoes and chappals 658 Wholesale trading in all kinds of Retail trading in tyres, tubes and transport and storage equipment 633 allied rubber products 654 Wholesale trading in skins, leather Retail trading in petrol, mobiloil and fur 634 and allied products 655 Wholesale trading in clocks, eye glasses, frames 635 66 Retail trading in wooden, steel and Wholesale trading in hardware and other metallic furniture and fittings 660 sanitary equipment 636 Retail trading in stationery goods and papers 66L- Wholesale trading in scientific, medical and surgical instruments 637 Retail trading in metal. porcelain and glass utensils 662' Wholesale trading in precious Retail trading in earthenware and metals and stones, gold and silver- earthen toys 663 wares and jewellery 638 Retail trading in other household Wholesale trading in all goods not equipment not covered above 664· covered above 639 67 Retail trading in bricks, tiles and 64 Retail Trade:- other building materials 670 Retail trading in cereals, pulses, Retail trading in hardware and vegetables, fruits, sugar, spices, sanitary equipment 671 oil, fish, dairy products, eggs, Retail trading in wood, bamboo poultry 640 cane, bark and thatches 672' Retail trading in beverages such as Retail trading in other building tea (leaf), coffee (seed and powder), materials . 673 aerated water 641 68 Retail trading in agricultural and Retail trading in intoxicants such industrial machinery equipment, as wines, liquors 642 tools and appliances 680" Retail trading in other intoxicants Retail trading in transport and such as opium, ganja, etc. 643 storage equipm.~nts 681 Retail trading in tobacco, bidi, ciga­ Retail trading in electrical goods rettes and other tobacco products 644 like electric fan, bulb, etc. 682 Retail trading in fuel such as coke, Retail trading in skins, leather and coal, firewood and kerosene 645 furs and their products excluding Retail trading in food stuffs like footwear and headgear 683- sweetmeats, condiments, cakes, Retail trading in clock and watch, biscuits. etc. 646 eye glass, frame 684 Retail trading in animals 647 Retail trading in scientific, medical Retail trading in straw and fodder 648 and surgical instruments 685 Retail trading in precious stones 65 Retail trading in fibres, yarns, and jewellery 686, dhoti, saree, readymade garments Retail trading in musical instru­ of cotton, wool, silk and other tex­ ments, gramophone record, pictures tiles and hosiery products; (this and paintings including curio mcludes retail trading in piece­ dealing 687 goods of cotton, wool, silk and Book-selling 68B" other textiles) 650 Retail trading in goods unspecified 689 (xv)

Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group, (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) 69 Trade and Commerce M'iscellaneous:...:..... 73 Communication: - Importing and exporting of goods Postal, telegraphic, wireless and and commodities 690 signal communications 730 Real estate and properties ' 691 Telephone communication 731 Stocks, shares and futures 692 Information and broadcasting 732 Providents and insurances 693 Division 8.-Services: 80 Public Services (This does not in­ Money lending (indigenous) 694 clude Govt., Quasi-Govt. or local Banking and similar type of body activities, other than adminis­ financial operation 695 trative, in such fields as transport, Auctioneering 696 communication, information and Distribution of motion pictures 697 broadcasting, education and scienti­ fic services, health, industries, pro­ All other activities connected with duction, construction, marketing & trade and commerce not covered operation of financial institution above including hiring out of dur- each of which is classified in the able goods such as electric fan, appropriate industry groups) :- microphone, rickshaw, etc. 699 Public Services in Union and State Division 7.-Transport, Storage and Communi­ army including territorial corps cation: and volunteer corps 800 70 Transport:- Public Service in Navy 801 Transporting by railways 700 Public Service in Air Force 802 Transporting by tramway and bus Public Service in Police 803 service 701 Public service in administrative Transporting by motor vehicles departments and offices of Central (other than omnibus) 702 GWffnm~t M4 Transporting by road through Public service in administrative other means of transport such as departments and offices of Quasi­ hackney carriage, bullock cart, ekka 703 Government organisation, munici- Animal transporting by animals palities, local boards, etc, 805 :such as horses, elephant, mule, Public service in administrative camel 704 departments and offices of State Transporting by man such as carry- Governments 809 ing of luggage, hand cart driving, 81 Educational and Scientific Services:­ rickshaw pulling, cycle rickshaw Educational services such as those ·driving 705 rendered by technical colleges, tech­ Transporting by boat, steamer, nical schools and similar technical ferry, etc, by river, canal 706 and vocational institutions 810 Transporting by boat steamer Educational services such as those ship, cargo boat by sea o~ ocean '707 rendered by colleges, schools and similar other institutions of non- Transporting by air 708 technical type 811 Transporting by other means not Scientific services and research insti­ covered above 709 tutions not capable of classification under any individual group 812 "71 Services incidental to transport 82 Medical and Health Services:­ such as packing, carting travel agency 710 Public health and medical services rendered by organisations and indi­ 72 Storage and Ware Housing:­ viduals such as by hospitals, sana­ toria, nursing homes, maternity Operation of storage such as ware- and child welfare clinic as also by houses 720 hakimi, unani, ayurvedic, allopathic Operation of storage such as cold­ and homeopathic particulars 820 storage 721 Veterinary services rendered by Operation of storage of other type 722 organisations and individuals 821 (xvi)

Major Group Description Minor Group Major Group Description Minor Group (Code) (Code) (Code) (Code) 83 Religious and Welfare Services:­ 87 Recreation Services:- Production of motion picture and ~eligious s~rvi~es rendered by reli­ allied services such as processing gIOUS orgamsatIOns and their estab­ 870 lishments maintained for worship editing etc. or promotion of religious activities, Recreation services rendered by this includes missions, ashrams and cinema houses by exhibition of other allied organisations 830 motion pictures 871 Religious and allied services render- Recreation services rendered by ed by pandit, priest, preceptor, organisations and individuals such fakir, monk 831 as those of theatres, opera companies, ballet and dancing Welfare services rendered by orga. parties, musicians, exhibitions, nisations operating on' a non-profit 872 basis for promotion of welfare of circus, carnivals the community such as relief soci­ Recreation service's rendered by eties red-cross organisation for the indoor and outdoor sports by orga­ collection and allocation of contri- nisations and individuals including bution for charity 832 hors~, motor etc, racing, 873 84 Legal Services:- 88 Personal Services:- Legal services rendered by barris­ Services rendered to households ter, advocate, solicitor, mukteer, such as those by domestic servants, pleader, mukurie, munshi 840 cooks 880 Matrimonial services rendered by Services rendered to households organizations and individuals 841 su~h as those by governess, tutor, prIvate secretary 881 85 Business Services:- Services rendered by hotels, board· Engineering services rendered by ing houses, eating houses, cafes, professional organisations or in- restaurants and similar other orga­ dividuals 850 nisations to provide lodging and boarding facilities 882 B_usil!ess servic'es rendered by orga­ msatIons of accountants, auditors, L.aundry services rendered by orga. nIsations and individuals, (this book-keepers or like individuals 851 includes all types of cleaning Business services rendered by dyeing, bleaching, dry cleaning p_rofessional organisations or indi­ services) 883 VIduals such as of those of advertis- ing and publicity agencies 852 Hair dressing. other services render- ed by organisation and individuals Bus!ness services rendered by pro- such as those by barber, hair· feSSIOnal organisations or indi- dl'essing saloon and beauty shops 884 viduals such as of those rendered by news agency, news paper corres­ Services rendered by portrait and pondent, columnist, journalists commericial photographic studios' 885 editors, authors ' 853 89 Services (not elsewhere classified):­ 86 Community Services and Trade and Services rendered by organisations Labour Associations:- or, individuals not elsewhere classi- \ S,ervices rendered by trade associa­ fied 890 tIons, chambers of commerce trade u_nions and similar other organisa- DiVision 9-Activities not adequately tIons 860 descirbed: Services rendered by civic, social 90 Activities unspecified and not cultural, political, and fraternai adequately described including organisations such as rate payers activities of such individuals who association, club, library 861 fail to provide sufficient information Community services such as those about their industria'! affiliation to rendered by public libraries enable them to be classified 900 museums, botanical and zoologicai Fresh entrants to the Labour gardens etc. 862 ]darket 99g (xvii)

APPENDIX-II NATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF OCCUPATIONS (Code :Structure) Which classifies occupations into 331 Occupational Families (three-digit code numbers) 75 Occupational Groups (two-digit code 'numbers) 11 Occupational Divisions (one-

21 Stenographers and Typists:- 34 Money-Lenders and Pawn-Brokers:_ 210 S'tenographers 340 Money-Lenders (including Indige. 211 Typists nous Bankers) 341 Pawn-Brokers 22 Office Machine Operators: 220 Computing Clerks and Calculating 4 Farmers, Fishermen, Hunters, Loggers and Machine Operators Related Workers: 221 Punch Card Machine Operators 40 Farmers and Farm Managers:- 229 Office Machine Operators, n.e.c. 400 Cultivators (Owners) 28 Clerical Workers. Miscellaneous:- 401 Cultivators (Tenants) 280 General and other Ministerial Assis, 402 Farm Managers, Inspectors and tants and Clerks Overseers 289 Miscellaneous Offi~e Workers includ­ 403 Planters and Plantation Managers ing R~cord keepers, Moharrers, 404 Farmers and Farm Managers, Diaphers. Packers and Binders of Animals, Birds and Insects Rearing office papers.. 409 Farmers and Farm Managers, n.e.Co 29 Unskilled O:ffiee Workers:- 41 Farm Workers:- 290 Office Attendants, Ushers, Hall 410 Farm Machinery Operators Porters etc. n.e.c. 411 Farm Workers, Animals, Birds and Insects Rearing !J Sales Workers: 412 Gardeners (malis) 30 Working Proprietors, Wholesale and 413 Tappers (Palm, Rubber trees, etc.) Retail Trade:- 414 Agr.icultural Labourers 300 Working Proprietors, Wholesale 415 Plantation Labourers Trade 419 Farm Workers, n.e.c. 801 Working Proprietors, Retail Trade 42 Hunters and Related Workers:- 31 Insurance and real estate salemen, sales-­ 420 Hunters men of securities and services, and 421 Trappers auctioneers :- 429 Hunters and Related Workers, n.e.c. 310 Agents and Salesmen, Insurance 311 Agents, Brokers and Salesmen, Real 43 Fishermen and Related Workers:- Estate 430 Fishermen, Deep Sea 312 Brokers and Agents, Securities and 431 Fishermen, Inland and Coastal Shares Waters 313 Auctioneers 432 Conch and Shell gatherers, Sponge 314 Valuers and Appraisers and Pearl Divers 319 Insurance and Real Estate Salesmen, 439 Fishermen and Related \Vcrkers, Salesmen of Securities and Services, n.e.c. and Auctioneers, n.e.c. 44 Loggers and other Forestry Workers:- 82 Commercial Travellers and Manufacturers' Agents:- 440 Forest Rangers and Related Workers 320 Commercial Travellers 441 Harvesters and Gatherers of Forest Products including lac (except logs) 321 Manufacturers' Agents 442 Log Fellers and Wood Cutters 329 Commercial Travellers and Manu­ facturers' Agents, n.e.c. 443 Charcoal Burners and Forest Pro­ duct Processors 83 Salesmen, Shop Assistants and Related 449 Loggers and other Forestry Worke~ Workers:- n.e.c. 330 Salesmen and Shop Assistants, Wholesale and Retail Trade . 5 Mines, Quarrymen and Related Workers: 331 Hawkers, P.edlars and Street Vendors 50 Miners and Quarrymen:- 839 Salesmen, Shop Assistants and 500 Miners Related Workers, n.e.c. 501 Quarrymen (xx)

502 Drillers, Mines and Quarries ,66 Inspectors; Supervisors, Traffic Con .. trollers, Despatchers, Transport:- 503 Shot Firers 660 Inspectors, Supervisors and Station 509 Miners and Quarrymen, n.e.c. Masters J)1 Well Drillers and Related Workers:- 661 Traffic Controllers 510 Well Drillers, Petroleum and Gas 662 Signalmen and Pointsmen .511 Well Drillers, other than Petroleum and Gas 67 Telephone, Telegraph and Related Tele­ communication Operators:- ts2 Mhieral Treaters:- 670 Telephone Operators 520 Mineral Treaters 671 Telegraphists and Signallers ~9 Miners, Quarrymen and Related Workers, 672 Radio Communication and Wireless n.e.c.:- Operators 590 Miners, Quarrymen and Related 673 Teleprinter Operators Workers, n.e.c. 679 Telephone, Telegraph and Related Tele-Communication Operators, n.e.c. ~ Workers in Transport and Communication Occupations: 1>8 Postmen and Messengers:- 160 Deck Officers, Engineer Officers and Pilots, Ship:- 680 Postmen 600 Deck Officers and Pilots, Ship 681 Messengers (including Dak Peons) 601 Ship Engineers 69 Workers in Transport and Communication 161 Deck and Engine-room Ratings (Ship), Occupations, n.e.c. Barge Crews and Boatmen:- 690 Ticket Sellers, Ticket Inspectors. 610 Deck Ratings (Ship), Barge Crews including Ushers and Ticket and Boatmen Collectors on moving Transport '611 Engine-Room Ratings, Firemen and 691 Conductors, Road Transport . Oilers, Ship 692 Workers in Transport Occupations. ~2 Aircraft Pilots, Navigators and Flight n.e.c. Engineers :- 693 Inspectors, Traffic Controllers and 620 Aircraft Pilots Despatchers, Communications 621 Flight Engineers 694 Workers in Communication Occupa­ tion, n.e.c. 622 Flight Navigators l>3 Drivers and Firemen, Railway Engine :-., 7-8 Craftsmen, Production Process Workers, and Labourers not elsewhere classified: .630 Drivers '631 Firemen 70 Spinners, Weavers, Knitters, Dyers and !1}4 Drivers, Road Transport:- Related· Worke.rs:- 640 Tramcar Drivers 700 Fibre Preparers, Ginners, Cleaners, Scourers, etc. 641 Motor Vehicle and Motor Cycle Drivers 701 . Blow-room Workers and Carders ,,()42 Cycle Rickshaw Drivers and Rick­ 702 Spinners, Piecers and Winders shaw Pullers 703 Warpers and Sizers "643 Animal Drawn Vehicle Drivers 704 Drawers and Weavers 649 Drivers. Road Transport, n.e.c. 705 Pattern Card Preparers (including Palki and Doli Bearers) (excluding Printers) 706 Bleachers, Dyers and Finishers t()5 Conductors. Guards and Brakesmen (Railway) :- 707 Knitters and Lace Makers '650 Conductors 708 Carpet Makers and Finishers '651 Guards 709 Spinners, Weavers, Knitters, Dyers 652 Brakesmen and Related Workers, n.e.c. (xxi)

,1 Tailors, Cutters, Furriers and Related 752 Fitter-Assemblers and Machine- Workers:- Erectors (Except Electrical and 710 Tailors, Dre":ls Makers and Garment Precision Instrument Fitter-Assem­ Makers blers) 711 Hat an~ He:,d-gear Makers 753 Mechanics-Repairmen (Except Elec­ trical and Precision Instrument r12 Furriers Repairmen) 713 Upholsterers and Related Workers 754 Sheet Metal Workers 7,14 Pattern Makers, Markers and Cutt­ 755 Plumbers and Pipe Fitters ers, Textile Products, Leather Gar­ 756 Welders and Flame Cutters ments and Gloves 757 Metal Plate and Structural Metal '115 Sewers, Embrioderers and Darners, Workers Textile ~nd Fur Products 758 Electro-Platers, Dip-Platers and V19 Tailors, Cutters, Furriers and Relat­ Related Workers ed Workers, n.e.c. 759 Tool-Makers, Machinists, Plumbers, Welders, Platers and Delated Work­ ,.2 Leather Cutters, Lasters and Sewel"S ers, n.e.c. (including Metal-engrav­ (except Gloves and Garments) and Related ers other than printing) Workers:- 720 Shoe Makes and Shoes Repairers 76 Electricians and Related Electrical and 721 Cutters, Lasters, Sewers, Footwear Electronics Workers:- and Related Workers 760 Electricians, Electrical Repairmen 722 Harness and Saddle Makers and Related Electrical Workers 729 Leather Cutters, Lasters and Sewers 761 Electrical and Electronics Fitters (except Gloves and Garments) and 762 Mechanics-Repairmen, Radio and Related Workers, n.e.c. Television 763 Installers and Repairmen, Telephone ,.3 Furnacemen Rollers, Drawers, Moulders and Telegraph and Related Metal Making and Treating Workers:- 764 Linemen and Cable Jointers 730 Furnacemen, Metal 769 Electricians and Related Electrical and Electronics Workers, n.e.c. 731 Annealers, Temperers and Related Heat TreateJ's 77 Carpenters, Joiners, Cabinet Makers, 732 Rolling Mill Operators, Metal Coopers and Related Workers:- 733 Blacksmiths, Hammersmiths and 770 Carpenters, Joiners, Pattern Makers Forgemen (Wood) 734 Moulders and Coremakers 771 Shipwrights and Body Builders 735 M,etal Drawers and Extruders 772 Sawyers and Wood Working Machi- 739 Furnacemen Rollers, Drawers, nists Moulders and Related Metal-Making 773 Coach and Body Builders and Treating Workers n.e.c. 774 Cart Builders and Wheel Wrights '14 Precision Instrtllnent Makers, Watch 775 Cabinet Makers Makers, Jewellers and Related Workers:- 779 Carpenters, Joiners, Cabinet Makers, 740 Precision Instrument Makers, Watch Coopers. and Related Workers, n.e.c. and Clock Makers, and Repairmen 741 Jewellers, Goldsmiths and Silver­ 78 Painters and Paper Hangers:- smiths 780 Painters and Paper Hangers 742 Jewellery Engravers '79 Bricklayers, Plasterers and Construction '15 Tool-Makers, Machinists, Plumbers, Weld­ Workers n.e.c.:- ers, Platers and Related Workers:- 790 Stone Cutters, Stone Carvers and 750 Fitter-Machinists, Tool-makers and St0ne Dressers Machine Tool Setters 791 Bricklayers, Plasterers, Masons 751 Machine Tool Operators 792 Glaziers (xxii)

793 Cement Finishers and Terrazzo and 828 Coffee and T,ea Blenders and Related! ~osaic VVorkers Work~rs 794 Hut Builders and Thatchers 829 Millers, Bakers, Brewmasters and! 795 VV ell Diggers Re~ated Food and Beverage Workers,. n.e.c. 799 Bricklayers, Plasterer.! and Construc­ tion VV orkers, n.e.c. 83 Chemical and Related Process Workers :-- 830 Batch and Continuous Still Operators: 80 Corr.positors, Printers, Engravers, Book­ Binders and Related VV orker8 :- 831 Cookers, Roasters and other Heat Treaters, Chemical and Related 800 Type-setting Machine Operators Processes 801 Compositors 832 Crushers, Millers a.nd Calenderers~ 802 Proof-Readers and Copy Holders Chemical and Related Processes 803 Printers (Paper) 833 Paper Pulp Preparers 804 Printers (Textile) 834 Paper Makers 805 Photo-Litho Operators, Photo-litho­ 839 Chemical and Related Process. graphers Workers, n.e.c. 806 Engravers, Etchers & Block Makers (Printing) 84 Tobacco Preparers and Products Makers: 807 Stereotypers 840 Curers, Graders and Blenders,.. 808 Book Binders Tobacco 809 Compositors, Printers, Engravers, 841 Cigarette Machine Operators Book-Binders and Related VVorkers, 842 Cheroot, Cigar and Bidi Makers n.e.c. 843 Snuff and Zarda Makers 849 Tobacco Preparers and Product, 8] Potters, Kilnmen, Glass and Clay Formers Makers, n.e.c. and Related VVorkers:- 810 Furnacemen, Kilnmen and Ovenmen 85 Craftsmen and Production Process, VV orkers n.e.c. 811 Potters, and Related Clay Formers 850 Basketry Weavers and Related' 812 Blowers and Benders, Glass VVorkers 813 Moulders and Pressers, Glass 851 Tyre Builders, Vulcanisers and. 814 Grinders, Cutters, Decorators and Related Rubber Products Makers Finishers 852 Plastics Products Makers 815 Pulverisors and Mixers, Cement, Clay 853 Tanners, Fellmongers, Pelt Dressers. and other Ceramics and Related Workers 819 Potters, Kilnmen, Glass and Clay 854 Photographic Dark Room VVorkers. Formers and Related VV orkers, n.e.c. 855 Makers of, Musical Instruments and Related VV orkers 82 Millers, Bakers, Brewmasters and Related 856 Paper Products Makers Food and Beverage Workers:- 859 Craftsmen and Production Process, 820 Millers, Pounders, Huskers and Par­ VV orkers, n.e.c. chers, Grains and Related Food VVorkers 86 Testers, Packers, Sorters and Related: 821 Crushers and Pressers, Oil Seeds Workers:- 822 Dairy VVorkers (Non-Farm) 860 Checkers, Testers, Sorters, Weighers, 823 Khandsari, Sugar and ,Gur Makers and Counters 824 Bakers, Confectioners, Candy and 861 Packers, Labellers and Related' Sweetmeat Makers Workers 825 Makers of Aerated Water and 87 Stationary Engine and Excavating and: Brewers Lifting Equipment Operators and Related 826 Food Canners, Preservere and R e­ VVorkers:- lated Workers 870 Operators, Stationary Engines and, 827 Butchers Related Equipment (xxiii)

:871 Boilermen and Firemen 93 Building Care-Takers, Cleaners aad 872 Crane and Hoist Operators Related Workers:- -873 Riggers and Cable Splicers 930 Building Care-Takers 874 Operators of Earth-moving and 931 Cleaners, Sweepers and Watermen Other Construction Machinery, n .. e.c. 94 Barbers, Hairdressers, Beauticians and 875 Materials-handling Equipment Opera­ Related Workers:- tors 940 Barbers, Hairdressers, Beauticians 876 Oilers and Greasers, Stationary and Related Workers Engines, Motor Vehicles and Relat­ ed Equipment 95 Launderers, Dry Cleaners and Pressers:- 879 Stationary Engine, and Excavating and Lifting Equipment Operators 950 Laundrymen, Washermen and Dho­ and Related Workers, n.e.c. bies 951 Dry-cleaners and Pressers '89 Labourers, n.e.c.:- 890 Loaders and Unloaders 96 Athletes Sportsmen and Related Workers: 899 Labourers, n.e.c. 960 Athletes, Sportsmen and Related Workers ~ Service, Sports and Recreation Workers. 97 Photographers and Related Camera Opera­ 90 Fire Fighters, Policemen, Guards and tors:- Related Workers:- 970 Movie Camera Operators 900 Fire Fighters and Related Wor!ters 979 Other Photographers 901 Police Constables, Investigators and Related Workers 99 Service, Sports and Recreation Workers, 902 Customs Examiners, Patrollers and n.e.c.:- Related Workers 990 Embalmers and Undertakers 903 Watchmen and Chowkidars 999 Service, Sport and Recreation 909 Fire Fighters, Policemen, Guards, Workers, n.e.c. and Related Workers, n.e.c. X Workers not Cla3sifiable by occupation ~1 House Keepers, Cooks, Maids and Related Workers:- XO Workers without occupations:- 910 House Keepers, Matrons, Stewards XOO Workers without occupations: (Domestic and Institutional) Matriculates and above 911 Cooks, Cook-Bearers (Domestic and X08 Workers without occupations: Institutional) Literates 912 Butlers, Bearers, Waiters, Maids and X09 Workers without occupations: other Servants (Domestic) Others 913 Ayas, Nurse-maids X8 Workers Reporting Occupation Unidenti­ 919 House-Keepers, Cooks, Maids, and fiable or Unclassifiable:- Related Workers, n .. e.c. X80 Workers reporting occupations un­ identifiable or unclassifiable ~2 Waiters, Bartenders and Related Workers 920 Waiters, Bartenderi and Related X9 Workers not Reporting Occupation:- Workers (Institutional) X90 Workers not Reporting occupation. (xxiv)


Note :~Under Column 3, (a) represents al"ea fillUl"C furnished by the Surveyor GeneJ:al of

U D ion/State/Division/ Total Area in Popula- No. of No. of No. of occupied District/Town Rural Sq. Miles tion per inhabited Towns residential No. of households Urban Sq. Mile villages houses

2 3 4- S 6 7 8

INDIA T (a) 1,232,561 (b) 1,228,4412 358 567,351 2,74141 78,855,586 840511,887 R 1,213,535 297 567,351 65,4170,2712 68,,.8,5l16 U 14>867 50305 2,74141 13,785,314 lI5,563471

MADHYA PRADESH .. , T (a) 171,21 7 (b) Itig,4142 192 741,41 4 2 19 6,23 41,854 6,615,580 R 168,322 165 741,414 50376,498 5.628.373 U 7241 6,428 219 854>356 987.207 Gwalior DivisiGn T (a) 17,253 (b) 17,215.5 24141 6,594 24 595,i96 651,1261 R 17,155·7 166 6,594 5416,7416 534073G U 59.8 9.739. 24 88,7941 116,525 1 Morena T (a) 4,489 (b) 4,511.5 174 1,290 6 134,7(,8 142,804 R 4,507.2 159 1,290 121,645 129,293 U 4.3 15,611 6 13,063 13,511

2 Bhind T (a) 1,723 R (b) 1,720.1 373 898 4 134,708 113,916 U 1,717.0 346 898 95,831 104,439 3.1 15,128 4 8,593 9,477

3 Gwalior T (a) 2,002 (b) 2,015.0 326 760 4 95,868 124,830 R 1,988.2 168 760 55,457 60,484 U 26.8 12,124 4 40,411 64,346 4- Datia T (a) 782 (b) 785.7 255 416 38,112 39,249 R 783.7 218 416 32,755 33,137 U 2.0 14,715 5,357 6,112

5 Shivpuri T (a) 3,986 (b) 3,943.1 142 1,308 3 108,766 110,897 R 3,939.9 132 1,308 101,503 102,881 U 3.2 12,266 3 7,263 8,016

6 Guna T (a) .4,271 (b) 4,240.1 141 1,922 6 113,618 119,565 R 4,219.7 123 1,922 99,515 104,502 U 20A 3,665 6 14,103 15,065

E.ewa Division T (a) 22,845 (b) 22,677. 8 187 141,638 18 815,913 884.901 R 22,601·5 176 141,638 761,397 8250457 U 76·3 3,445 18 54,516 5!MP 7 Tikamgarh T (a) 1,944 (b) 1,960.9 232 872 88,630 93,830 R 1,958.7 222 872 84,563 89,549 U 2.2 9,389 4,067 4,281

8 Chhatarpur T (a) 3,381 (b) 3,330.3 176 1,076 5 115,636 126,377 R 3,295.7 161 1,076 104,417 114,110 U 34.6 1,630 5 11,219 12,267

9 }'anna T (a) 2,716 (b) 2,785.0 119 934- 65,378 72,882 R 2,784.5 113 934 62,173 69,201 U 0.5 31,579 3,205 3,681 xxv

DISTRICTS AND IMPORTANT TOWNS OF MADHYA PRADESH-Contd. India, while (b) represents the area figure furnished by State Survey Department

Population Females Literate & Literacy Percentage decade T per 1000 Educated percentage variation R Persons Males Females males Persons 1961 1951-1961 U

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2

439,234,771 226,293,201 212,941,570 941 105,333,it81 24'00 +21'5° T (b) 360,298,168 183,504,095 176,794,°73 963 68,304,933 18'96 R 78,936,603 42,789,106 36,147,497 845 37,028,348 46 'SI U

32 ,372 ,408 16,578,204 15,794,204 953 5,544,862 17'13 +1I4'17 T 27,745,174 14>085,°38 13,660,136 970 3,530,896 12'73 +1I0'95 R 4,627,234 2,493,166 2,134,068 856 2,01 3,966 43'52 +47'70 U

3,436,639 1,841,668 1,5940971 866 588,172 17'11: +1I2 '12 T 2,854,229 1,526,73° 1,327,499 870 355,363 12'45 +:19'55 R 582,410 314,938 267,472 849 232,809 39'97 +36 '52 U

783,348 426,061 357,287 839 116,616 14·89 +23·64 T) 716,221 388,901 327,320 842 89,701 12·52 +20·36 R 67,127 37,160 29,967 806 26,915 40·10 +74·30 U

6+1,169 346,797 294,372 849 111,617 17 ·41 +21',44 T2 593,516 320,1'75 273,341 854 9+,551 15·93 + 17·78 R 47,653 26,622 21,031 790 17,066 35·81 +98·06 U

657,876 353,813 304,063 859 183,336 27,87 +24·06 T3 333,428 178,648 154,780 866 47,699 14·31 + 18·09 R 3:2+,148 175,165 149,:283 852 135,637 41·81 +30·85 U

200,467 105,640 9+,827 898 29,836 14·88 +22·00 T4 171,037 90,264 80,773 895 20,115 11·76 +35·11 R 29,430 15,376 14,054 914 9,721 33·03 _21·99 U

:;17.954 295,543 262,411 888 64,522 1l·56 + 17·19 T5 519,072 274,718 244,354 889 49;862 9·61 + 14·28 R 38,882 20,825 18,057 867. 14,660 37·70 +77·65 U

595,825 313,814 282,011 899 82,245 13·80 +23·64 T6 520,955 274,024 246,931 901 53,435 10·26 +22·45 R 74,870 39,790 35,080 882 28,810 38·48 +32·62 U

4,251 ,042 lI,I80,496 2,070,546 950 499,783 I1'76 + 1I4·65 T 3,988,21 7 1I,037,582 1,950,635 957 401,185 . 10'06 +26'92 R 262,825 142,914 I19,911 839 98,598 37'5I -2'00 U

455,662 239,035 216,627 906 44,067 9·67 +24·44 T7' 435,193 228,339 206,854 906 36,698 8·43 +25·81 R 20,469 10,696 9,773 914 7,369 36·00 + 1·12 U

587,373 310,653 276,720 891 65,932 11·22 +22·08 T8: 531,054 280,559 250,495 893 47,072 8·86 +22·93 R 56,319 30,094 26,225 871 18,860 33·49 + 14·59 U

331,257 170,942 160,315 938 311,034 10·88 +27·57 T9 314,520 162,132 152,388 940 29,214 9·29 +32·39 R 16,737 8,810 7,927 900 6,820 40·75 -24·26 U XXVI

SELECTED STATISTICS OF INDIA, MADHYA PRADESH, DIVISIONS, Note: - Under Column 3, (a) represents area figure furnished by the Surveyor Gent'raJ of

Union/State/Division/ Total Area in Popula- No. of No. of No. of occupied District/Town Rural Sq. Miles tion per inhabited Towns Iesidential No. of households Urban Sq. Mile villages houses

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

10 T ( a) 2,823 (b) 2,866·3 242 1,753 4 137,4.50 147,C88 R 2,857 ·2 221 1,753 123,670 132,231 U 9 ·1 6,965 4 13,780 14,857 11 Rewa T (a) 2,509 (b) 2,427 ·6 318 2,296 142,452 156,911 R 2,422 ·9 301 2,296 134,316 147,175 U 4.7 9,143 8,136 9,736 12 Shahdol T ( a) 5,412 (b) 5,354 ·4 155 1,974 5 164,854 176,452 R 5,330·6 145 1,974 151,876 163,077 U 23·8 2,427 5 12,978 13,375 n Sidhi T (a) 4,060 (b) 3,953 ·3 147 1,733 101,513 111,369 R 3,951·9 146 1,733 100,382 110,114 U 1·4 3,692 1,131 1,255 Indore DivisIon •.• T (a) 1t7,341 (b) 1tS,5:t5· 6 232 u,003 61t 1,062,218 1,133,830 R 1t5,412·4 177 11,003 831t,700 1it7,060 U 113.2 11t,604 62 229,518 286,770 11: Mandsaur T (a) 3,966 (b) 3,654'3 206 1,576 12 146,902 150,173 R 3,641'8 163 1,576 115,576 116,945 U 12·5 12,762 12 31,326 33,228 15 Ratlam T ( a) 1,727 (b) 1,878 ·0 257 1,038 5 91,103 92,776 R 1,869'2 185 1,038 63,858 64,932 U 8·8 15,676 5 27,245 27,844 16 Ujjain T ( a) 2,360 (b) 2,343 ·6 282 1,111 6 118,755 133,443 R 2,332 ·1 192 1,111 86,159 88,049 U 11·5 18,654 6 32,596 45,394 17 Jhabua T (a) 2,615 (b) 2,622 ·7 196 1,331 6 88,284 89,627 R 2,621·4 183 1,331 81,009 82,284 U 1·3 26,862 6 7,275 7,343 18 Dhar T ( a) 3,150 (b) 3,183·5 202 1,471 6 116,351 119,339 R 3,163'3 182 1,471 103,455 106,131 U 20·2 3,300 6 12,896 13,208 19 Indore T ( a) 1,479 (b) 1,369 ·4 550 640 4 108,369 146,097 R 1,343 ·2 224 640 54,704 55,347 U 26·2 17,288 4 53,665 90,750 2;) Dewa~ T (a) 2,706 (b) 2,596·9 172 1,039 7 88,486 89,260 R 2,.')89 ·1 147 1,039 75,006 75,594 U 7·8 8,638 7 13,480 13,66(1 21 West Nimar T (a) 5,206 (b) 3,751·4- 264 1,715 13 171,4F2 177,46$ R 3,739 ·9 228 1,715 147,IE6 150,647 U 11·5 12,007 13 24,316 26,816 :l2 East Nimar T (a) 4,132 (b) 4,125 ·8 166 1,082 3 132,486 135.652 R 4,112 ·4 129 1,082 105,767 107,131 U 13·4 11,469 3 26,719 28,521 XXVll


India, while (b) .~epresents area figure furnished by State Survey. Department.

Population Females ' Literate & Literacy Percentage decade T per Educated percentage variation R Persons Males Females 1000 males Persons 1961 1951-1961 U

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2

694,370 353,430 3-10,940 965 108,237 15·59 +25·22 T 10 630,916 318,866 312,050 979 83,585 13·25 +27·93 R 63,454 34,564 28,890 836 24,652 38·85 +3·40 U

772,602 388,887 383,715 987 114,998 14·88 +21·90 TIl 729,537 364,483 365,054 1,002 95,639 13·I! +27·31 R 43,065 24,404 18,661 765 19,359 44·95 -29· 14 V

829,649 424,042 405,607 !l57 85,423 10·30 +27·49 T 12 771,889 392,624 379,265 966 66,036 8·56 +29·47 R ,)7,760 3.1,418 26,342 838 19,387 33·56 +5·87 U

580,129 293,507 286,622 977 45,092 7·77 +24·95 T 13 575,108 290,579 284,529 979 42,941 7·47 +23'87 R 5,021 2,928 2,093 715 2,151 42·84 U

5,931,593 3,065,693 2,865,900 935 1,23°,410 20'74 +27·65 T 4,504,813 2,306,212 2,198,601 953 586,067 13'01 +25'74 R 1,426,780 759.481 667,299 879 644,343 45'16 +34.08 U

752,085 390,731 361,35·4 925 168,796 22·44 +23·98 T14 592,554 305,891 286,663 9')7 100,829 17·02 +20·63 R 159,531 84,840 74,691 880 67,967 42·60 +38·24 U

483,521 249,047 234,414 941 103,431 21·39 +26·67 TIS, 345,105 176,213 168,892 958 43,589 12·63 +28·09 R 138,416 72,834 65,582 900 59,842 43·23 +23·26 U

651,720 344,515 317,205 921 155,100 23·44 +21·79 T 16 447,018 229,589 217,429 947 60,335 13·50 +21·77 R 214,702 114,926 99,776 868 94,765 44· 14 +21·83 U

514,384 262,695 251,689 958 31,116 6·05 +34·42 T 11 478,657 243,941 234,716 962 16,645 3·48 +27·66 R 35,727 18,754 16,973 905 14,471 40·50 +361·65 U

643,774 328,177 315,597 962 86,607 13·45 +27·74 TIS 577,285 293,192 284,093 969 60,826 10·54 +25'21 R 66,489 34,985 31,504 901 25,781 38·77 +54·96 U

753,594 400,470 353,124 882 288,115 38·23 +25·38 TJ9_ 301,511 155,873 145,638 934 59,194 19·63 +25·38 R 452,083 244,597 207,486 848 228,921 50·64 +25·39 IT

446,901 230,761 216,140 937 77,404 17·32 +29·42 T20' 379,521 195,434 184,087 942 51,805 13·65 +21·71 R 67,380 35,327 32,053 907 25,599 37·99 + 101·20 U

990,464 505,919 484,545 958 151,8U2 15·33 +30·55 Tn 852,387 433,675 418,712 965 %.816 11·36 +28·14 R 138,077 72,244 65,833 911 54,986 39·82 +47·68 U

685,150 553,378 331,772 q39 168,039 24·53 +30'88 T22 530,775 272,404 258,371 948 96,028 18·09 +32'20 R 154,375 80,9H 73,401 906 72,011 46·65 +26'53 U xxviii

SELECTED STATISTICS OF INDIA, MADHYA PRADESH, DIVISIONS, Note:-Under Column 3, (a) represents area figure furnished by the Surveyor General of

Union/State/Division/ Total Area in Popula- No. of No. of No. of occupied District/Town Rural Sq. Miles tion per Inhabited Towns residential No. of heuse holds Urban Sq. Mile villages houses

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Bhopal Division T (a) 22,233 (b) 22,202 'S 175 90868 37 756,058 803,011 R 22,087 '0 147 90868 636,711 6690724 U IIS'S !i,422 37 J:I9,347 133,287 23 Shajapur T ( a) 2,388 (b) 2,384'9 221 1,064 5 103,299 106,880 R 2,378 ·5 199 1,064 93,788 96,367 U 6·4 8,325 .5 9,511 10,513 24 Rajgarh T (a) 2,383 lb) 2,365·7 218 1,673 5 93,751 104,622 R 2,351'0 199 1,673 84,384 94,565 U 14·7 3,330 5 9,367 10,057 25 Vidisha T (a) 2,839 (b) 2,819'5 174 1,498 4 96,016 99,295 R 2,816'4 151 1,498 83,894 85,771 U 3·1 20,803 4 12,122 13,524 26 Sehore T (a) 3,600 (b) 3,607 ·2 209 1,557 7 146,299 159,644 R 3,569 ·0 135 1,557 96,410 100,631 U 38·2 7,117 7 49,889 59,013 27 Raisen T (a) 3,272 (b)' 3,277 ·7 126 1,401 3 82,591 88,452 R 3,272 ·8 119 1,401 78,757 83,846 U 4·9 4,430 3 3,834 4,606 28 Hoshangabad T (a) 3,867 (b) 3,856·3 160 1,399 9 125,776 132,194 R 3,818 ·4 131 1,399 100,829 106,637 U 37·9 3,144 9 24,947 25,557 29 Betl.ll T (a) 3,884 (b) 3,891'2 114 1,276 4 108,326 111,924 R 3,880'9 132 1,716 98,649 101,907 U 10'3 4,576 4 9,677 10,017 JabalpDt Division ... T (a) 29,326 (b) 29,227 '4 196 13,108 40 1,173,460 1,216,395 R 29,050 '1 164 13,108 981,670 1,012,041 U 177'3 5,45° 40 191,79° 204.354 30 Sagar T (a) 3,961 (b) 3,960'5 201 1,846 8 163.374 167,087 R 3,932 ·3 157 1,846 130;071 131,538 U 28·2 6,406 8 33,303 35,549 31 Damoh T ( a) 2,827 . (b) 2,808 ·7 156 1,144 2 94,332 97,993 R 2,800 ·4 137 1,144 83,785 86,795 U 8·3 6,744 2 10,547 11,198 52 .'labalpur T ( a) 3,918 (b) 3,908 ·2 326 2,267 11 273.039 282,377 R 3,818 ·7 210 2,267 175,604 180,255 U 89·5 5,280 11 97,435 },)2.122 33 Narsimhapur T (a) 1,979 (b) 1,981'4 208 993 4 81;933 88,138 R 1,962 ·1 185 993 72,786 77,762 U 19·3 2,537 4 9,147 10,376 34- Mandl a T (a) 5,127 (b) 5,120,0 134 2,088 2 136,018 139,484 R 5,116'1 127 2,088 129,229 1:t2,118 U 3·9 8,370 2 6,789 7,366 XXIX

'DISTRICTS AND IMPORTANT TOWNS OF MADHYA PRADESH-Contd. India, while (b) represents the area figure furnished by State, Survey Department.

Population Females per Literate & Literacy Percentage decade T 1000 males Educated percentage variation R Persons Males Females Persons 1961 1951-1961 U

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2

30877,034 !il,020,59!il 1,856,442 91 9 643,41 5 ][6·60 +27'38 T 3,250,765 I,679,8.{I I,57°,92 4 935 382,200 n·,6 +22'26 R 626,269 3~0,751 285,518 838 261,215 41'71 +6!il'71 U

526,135 270,777 25~,358 943 74,325 14·13 +21·45 T23 47.'3,105 242,!H! 230,261 948 53,243 11·25 +18·74 R 53,030 27,933 25,097 898 21,082 39·75 +52·53 U

516,871 269,666 247,205 917 51,616 9·99 +20·~ T24 467,852 243,937 223,915 918 34,825 7·44 +21·09 R 49,019 25,729 23,290 905 16,791 34·25 + 19·12 U

489,213 258,840 230,373 890 66,102 13·51 +26·71 T25 ,424,933 224,290 200,643 895 41,478 9·76 +23·92 R 6.f.,280 34,550 29,730 860 24,624 38·31 +48·92 U

754,684- 401,785 349,899 864 162.083 21·48 +44·82 T26 482,892 252,692 2.'30,200 911 4B;738 10·09 +2.'3,29 R '271,792 152,093 119,699 787 113,345 41·70 +109·97 U

411,426 215,709 195,717 907 5.f,967 13·36 +30·46 T27 "389,588 203,930 185,658 91O 47,725 12·25 +26·19 R 21,838 11,779 10,059 854 7,242 33·16 +230·03 U

'518,293 319,760 298,533 934 141,594 22·90 +21·52 T 28- _ 499,070 256,0-10 243,030 949 85,932 17·22 +20·90 R 119,2n 63,720 55,503 871 55,662 46·69 +24·19 U

'560,412 281,055 27·9,357 994 92,728 16·55 +24·08 T29 513,325 256,108 257,217 1,004 70,259 13·69 +22·83 R 47,087 24,917 22,140 887 22,469 47·72 +39'50 U

'5>7!il1,60!il !il,9U ,657 2,809.945 965 1,177,649 20'58 +21'74 T 40755>366 2,391 .761 2,3'63,605 988 738,g88 15'54 +16'70 R 966,23' 519,8g6 446,340 859 438,661 45'40 +54'57 U

796,547 414,834 381,713 920 163,.412 20·52 +25·21 T30 615,843 318,273 297,570 9.'35 88,389 ]4.·35 +20·10 R 180,704 96,561 84,143 871 75,023 41·52 +46·40 U

438,343 223,067 215,276 965 80,874 18·45 +22·63 T31 382,570 193,806 188,764 974 56,166 14·68 +21·90 R 55,773 29,261 26,512 906 24,708 44·30 +27'83 U

1,273,825 662,045 611,780 924 363,656 28·55 +21·83 T32 801,179 403,056 398,123 988 135,123 16·87 +7·28 R 472,646 258,989 213,657 825 228,533 48·35 +58'18 U

4t2,406 2l1,238 201,168 952 88,864 2\·55 +2\·6l T33 363,410 185,321 178,089 961 66,578 18·32 +20·34 R 48,996 25,917 23,079 890 22,286 45·49 +31·94 U

684,503 341,294 343,209 1,006 97,122 14·19 +25·00 TSf 651,359 324,111 327,248 1,010 81,222 12·47 +22·12 R 33,144 17,183 15,961 929 15,900 47·97 +132'70 U xxx

SELECTED STATISTICS OF INDIA, MADHYA PRADESH, DIVISIONS, Note:-Under Column 3, (a) represents area figure furnished by the Surveyor General of

Union/State/Division/ Total Area in Popula- No. of No. of No. of occupied District/Town Rural Sq. Miles tionper inhabited Towns residential No. of households Urban Sq. Mile villages houses

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

35 Chhindwara T (a) 4,565 (b) 4,573 ·7 172 1,896 8 158,486 164,978 R 4,561'2 151 1,896 139,400 144,097 U 12·5 7,890 8 19,086 20,881 36 Seoni T ( a) 3,376 (b) 3,360·7 156 1,589 103,817 109,118 R 3,357 ·4 147 1,589 98,070 102,679 U 3·3 9,258 5,747 6,439 37 Balaghat T ( a) 3,573 (b) 3,514'2 230 1,285 4 162,46.1 167,220 R 3,501·9 217 1,285 152,725 156,797 U 12·3 3,759 4 9,736 10,423

Bllaspur Division T (a) 21,305 (b) 21,351 ·8 192 8,1n: 20 807,892 860,358 R 21,286'7 180 8,111 748,800 797,619 U 65':1 4,180 20 59,o91Z 62,739 38 Surgttia T (a) 8,626 (b) 8,565·5 121 2,397 6 202,183 210,888 R 8,558 ·8 116 2,397 191,684 200,008 U 6·7 6,507 6 10,499 10,880

39 Bi1a~pur T (a) 7,G15 (b) 7,777 ·9 2GO 3,529 10 402,339 437.734 R 7,731'2 240 3,529 3GG,339 399,461) U 46·7 3,611 10 36,000 38,266 40 Raigarh T (a) 5,064 (b) 5,008 ·4 208 2,185 4 203,370 211,736 R 4,996'7 196 2,185 190,777 19R,143 U 11·7 5,114 4 12,593 13,593

Raipur Division T (a) 30,914 (b) 30,841 ·6 164 11,092 18 1,019,817 1,065,816 R 30,729'0 149 I1,0g2 908,514 941 ,736 U 112·6 4,357 18 111,303 124,080- 41 Durg T (a) 7,576 (b) 7,500 ·3 251 4,041 8 393,485 415,715· R 7,429 ·0 222 4,041 331.623 348,411 U 71·3 3,304 8 61;862 67,304 42 Raipur T (a) 8,214 (b) 8,213 ·6 244 3,811 8 417,662 438,415 R 8,177 ·2 217 3,811 374,146 387,779 U 36·4 6,259 8 43,516 50,G36 43 Bastar T (a) 15,124 (h) 15,127 ·7 77 3,240 2 208,670 211,686 R 15,122 ·8 75 3,240 202,745 205,546 U 4·9 5,501 2 5,925 6,140 CLASS I TOWNS. Indore (Muni- U 21·56 18,318 42,916 79,942 cipa1 Corporation) 2 J abalpur (Town- U 66·89 5,487 3 73,304 76,923 Group) (a) Jabalpur U 52·00 5,680 59,606 63,055 Corporation (b) Jabalpur U 7·20 5,696 6,714 6,847 Cantonment ( c) Khamaria U 7·69 3,982 6,9R4 7,021 Ordnance Factory XXXI


India, while (b) represents the area figure furnished by State ~urvey Department.

Population Females Litnate & Literacy Percentage T ~-.----~----...... -~----.--- per Educated percentage decade R Persons Males Females 1000 males Persons 1961 variation U 1951-61 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 2

785,535 396,672 388,863 980 127,919 16·28 +21·52 T35 637,140 344,727 342,419 993 89,969 1'3 ·09 +14·91 R 98,389 51,945 46,H4 894 37,950 38·57 + 103 ·05 U

523,741 261,060 262,681 1,006 89,313 17·05 +20·66 T36 493,467 245,345 248,122 1,011 75,087 15·22 +20·64 R 30,274- 15,715 14,559 926 14,226 46·99 +20·98 U

806,702 401,147 405,255 1,009 166,489 20·64 + 16·34 T37 760,392 377,122 383,270 1,016 146,454 19·26 + 15·39 R 46,310 . 24,325 21,985 904 2fl,035 43·26 +34·71 U

4:,1199,757 2,046,862 2,052,8g5 1,003 618,052 15.08 +19·B:J T 3,827,644 1,902,544 1,925,100 1,012 4sS.54° 13'02 +16·69 R 272 ,113 141,318 1117,795 886 :1.19,5 111 43'92 +92'99 U

1,036,738 530,166 506,572 955 94,866 9·15 +26·12 T38 992,949 505,933 487,016 963 77,595 7·8! +24·()() R 43,789 21,233 19,556 807 17,271 39·44 + 105·91 U

2,021,793 998,738 1,023,055 1,024 368,528 18·23 + 15·79 T39 1,853,356 910,157 943,199 1,036 291,050 15·70 + 10·59 R 168,437 88,581 79,856 902 77,478 46·00 + 140·15 U

1,041,226 517,958 523,268 1,010 154,658 14·85 +22·06 T40 981,339 486,454 494,885 1,017 [29,895 13·24 +22·14 R 59,887 31.504 28,383 901 24,763 ~1·35 +20·75 U

'5,°54,741 2,511,236 2,543,5°5 1,013 787.381 15'58 +25'26 T 4,564,14° 2,~40,368 2,323,772 1,037 568,553 12'46 +19'72 R 490,601 270,868 219,733 811 218,828 44.60 +199'97 U

1,885,236 946,154 939,082 993 336,479 17 ·85 +27·23 T41 1,649,682 808,081 841,601 1,041 232,361 14·09 +17·55 R 235,554 138,073 97,481 706 104, lIS 44·20 +200·53 U

2,002,004 9R2,679 1,019,325 1,037 370,254 18·49 +22·07 T42 1,773,856 864,016 909,840 1.053 268,520 15·14 +17·16 R 228,148 118,663 109,485 923 101,734 44·59 +81·17 U

1,167,501 582,403 585,098 1,005 80,648 6·91 +27·77 T43 1,140,602 568.271 572,331 1,007 67,672 5·93 +27·44 R 26,899 14,132 12,767 903 12,976 48·24 +43·71 U AND TOWN GROUPS 394,941 213,346 181,595 851 200,140 50·68 +27·05 U

367,014 202,874 164,140 809 185,404 50·52 +42·81 U

295,375 159,998 135,377 846 143,973 48·74 +45·03 U

41,014 25,995 15,019 578 24,606 59·99 + 19·84 U

30,625 16,881 13,744 814 16,825 54·94 +60·22 U xxxii


Nole :~Under Column 3, (a) represents area figure furnished by the Surveyor General of

Union/State/Division/ Total Area in Popllla- No. of No. of No. of occupied District/Town Rural Sq. Miles tion per inhabited Towns residential No. of households Urban Sq. Mile villages houses

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

3 Gwalior (Muni- U 24 ·11 12,467 37,143 59,355 cipal Corpo- ration) 4- Bhopal Town- U 36·57 6,096 3 42,289 49,228 Group (a) Bhopal Mu- U 27 ·49 6,74-3 33,117 39,947 nicipality (b) Govindpura U 7·07 2,935 5,867 5,912 Industrial Township (Heavy- Electricals Ltd.) (c) Bairagarh U 2·01 8,372 3,305 3,369 (Town- Area) 5 Ujjain (Muni- U 6·75 21,357 18,334 30,970' cipality) 6 Raipur (Muni- U 9·72 14,382 25,785 30,823- cipality) 7 Durg Town-Group U 47 ·90 2,781 2 37,919 41,452 (a) Bhilai Nagar U 4-0 ·14- 2,145 1 27,224 30,225 Industrial Township (b) Durg Muni- U 7·76 6,071 10,695 Il,227 cipality 8 Sagar Town--- U 19 ·33 5,415 2 18,082 20,094 Group (a) Sagar Muni- U 13·03 6,561 14,659 16,666 cipality (b) Sagar Can. U 6·30 3,045 3,423 3,428 tonment CLASS II TOWNS R atl am Muni- U 5·00 17,494 17,965 18,122 cipality 2 Bilaspur Muni- U 12 ·49 6,942 18,286 19,188 cipality 3 Burhanpur U 4·39 18,699 13,521- 14,150 Municipality 4 Khandwa Muni. U 8·71 7,291 11,231 12,340 cipality 5 Murwara Town- U 13·04- 4,637 3 13,740 14,402 Group (a) Murwara- U 8·48 5,444 10,987 11,159 Municipa- lity (b) Tikuri U 0·88 8,284 1,005 1,469 Factory Town- ship (c) Ordnance U 3·68 1,906 1,748 1,774- Factory Area Katni XXXlll

DISTRICTS AND IMPORTANT TOWNS OF MADHYA PRADESH-Concld. India, while (b) represents area figure furnished by State Survey Department.

Population Females per " Literate & Literacy Percentage decade T ------1000 males Educated percentage variation R Persons Males ----Females Persons 1961 1951-1961 U

9 10 II 12 13 14 15, 2

300,587 162,204 138,383 853 127,535 42·43 +24·43 U

222,948 ~25,875 97,073 771 97,194 43·59 +1l7·87 U

185,374 102,584 82,790 807 80,QIO 43~16 +81·15 U 20,747 14,419 6,328 439 8,946 43·12 U

16,827 8,812 7,955 897 8,238 48·96 U

144,161 77,005 67,156 872 67,666 46·94 + 11·05 U

139,792 73,977 65,815 890 66,:124 47·44 +55·66 U

133,230 83,566 49,664 594 65,861 49·43 +557·96 U 86,116 57,953 28,163 486 43,179 50·14 U

47,114 25,613 21,501 839 22,682 48·14 + 132·67 U

104,676 56,303 48,373 859 46,734 44·65 +30·73 U 85,491 45,735 39,756 869 38,158 44·63 +28·67 U 19,185 10,568 8,617 815 8,576 44·70 +40·80 U AND TOWN GROUPS

87,472 46,391 41,081 886 41,855 47·85 +37·96 U

86,706 45,795 40,911 893 43,970 50·71 + 121·76 U

82,090 42,410 39,680 936 36,093 43·97 + 17·16 U

63,505 33,790 29,715 879 32,639 51·40 +22·21 U

60,472 32,085 28,387 885 26,591 43·97 +78·47 U 46,169 24,554 21,615 880 19,838 42·97 +36·26 U

7,290 3,702 3,58!f 969 3,647 50·03 U

7,013 3,929 3,184 832 3,106 44·29 U xxxiv


Density Density Areatin (Popula- Areatin (Popula- State/Division IDistrict/ Sq. miles Population tir.n per State/Division/District/ Sq. miles Population tion per Tahsil (1962-63) 1961 Sq. mile) Tahsil (1962-63) 1961 Sq. mile)

I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

MADHYA PRADESH 170,145 32,372,408 19° 10 2,866 694,370 242 1 Raghurajnagar Tahsil 1,247 307,361 24-6 GWAUOR DMSION 17,2°7 3,.f36,639 200 2 Naef.c Tahsil 701 135,886 194 1 MORENA DISTRICT 4,512 783,348 174 3 Amarpata.n Tah~il'" 483 142,049 294 I Ambah Tar..sil 410 170,028 415 4 Tah~il 435 109,074 251 2 Morena Tahsil 412 155,914 378 11 2,428 772,602 318 3 J oura Tahsil 615 141,411 230 4 Sabalgarh Tahsil 501 123,051 246 1 Tahsil· 612 148,219 242 5 Bijeypur Tahsil 1,117 66,849 60 2 Sini'our Tahsil· 581 187,786 323 6 Sheopnr Tahsil 1,457 126,095 87 3 Tahsil· 720 208,444 290 4 Huzur Tahsil 515 228,153 443 .2 BHIND DISTRICT 1,719 641,169 373 1 Bhind Tahsil 530 230,969 436 12 SHAHDOL DISTRICT 5,352 829,649 155 2 Gohad Tahsil 397 117,471 296 1 Tahsil'" 1,015 139,837 138 ·3 Mehg:aon Tahsil 374- 131,992 3~3 }. Bandhogarh 1 ahsil 1,401 168,861 121 .>1- Lahar Tahsil 418 160,737 385 3 Sohagpnf T ahs~1 2,255 438, 14.i 194 4 P


DeD$ity Density Areatin (Popula- Areatin (Popula- State/Division/District! Sq. miles Population tion per State/Division/District/ Sq. miles Population tion per Tahsil (1962-63) 1961 Sq. mile) Tahsil (1962-63) 1961 Sq. mile) I 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

18 DHAR. DISTRICT 3,141 643,774 205 25 VIDISHA DISTRICT 2,819 4-89,213 174 1 lladllawar Tahsil 411 76,389 186 1 Lateri Tahsil· 381 39,433 103 82,853 2 Sardarpur Tahsil 456 84.900 186 2 Sironi Tahsil 484 171 3 Dhar Tahsil 752 141.949 189 3 Kurwai Tahsil 321 62,602 195 4 Basoda Tahsil 885 159,086 180 4 K'lkshi Tahsil 663 146,722 221 5 Vidisha Tahsil 748 145,239 194 5 Manawar Tahsil 859 193,814 226 26 SEHORE DISTRICT 3,613 754,684 209 INDORE DISTRICT 1,479 753,594 510 19 1 Bera.~ia Tahsil 554 80,687 146 I Depalp"r Tahsil 395 84,533 214 2 Seh'Jre Tahsil 612 124,148 203 2 Sawer Tahsil 294 70,431- 240 3 HUl,ur Tahsil 517 291,028 563 3 Indore Tahsil 394 480,164· 1,219 4 Ashta Tahsil 562 108,245 193 4 Mhow Tah.il 396 118,463 299 5 Ichhawar Tahsil 429 46,049 107 6 NasruUaganj Tahsil. 523 53,699 103 20 DEWAS DISTRICT 2,683 446,901 167 7 RlJdni Tahsil· 416 50,828 122 I Sonkatch Tahsil 507 111,668 220 27 RAISEN DISTRICT 3,278 411,426 126 517 235 2 Dewas Tahsil 121,648 I Raisen Tahsil 525 59,419 113 3 Bagli Tahsil 690 83,512 121 2 Ghairatganj Tahsil· 355 37,884 107 4 Kannod Tahsil 544 72,231 133 3 Begamganj Tahsil 352 52,077 148 5 Kha'egao~ Tah275 5>721,602 195 30 SAGAR DISTRICT 3,950 796,547 202 BHOPAL DIVISION 22,203 3,877,034 174 1 Khurai Tah~il 23 SHAJAPUR DISTRICT 2,385 526,t'3S 221 938 195,155 208 2 Banda Tahsil· 711 113,746 160 I Susner Tahsil 491 96,461 196 3 Sagar Tahsil 1,063 301,4l7 284 2 AltarTahsil 561 108,794 194 4 Rehli Tahsil 1,238 186,229 ISO 3 Shajapur Tahsil 698 171,916 246 4 Shujalpllr Tahsil 635 148,964 235 31 DAMOH DISTRICT 2,815 438,343 156 I Hatta Tahsil 1,022 147,315 144 24 RAJGARH DISTRICT 2,366 516,871 218 2 Damoh Tahsil 1,793 291,028 162

1 Khilchipur Tahsil 632 139,285 220 32 JABALPUR DISTRICT 3,909 1,273,825 326 2 Rajgarh Tahsil 422 79,036 187 I Murwara Tahsil 1,177 312,686 266 3 Blanra Tahsil 443 94,090 212 2 Sih,Jra Tahsil 1,191 282,228 237 4 Sarangpllr Tahsil 349 87,222 250 3 Patan Tahsil 561 134,507 240 5 Narsin;!,arh Tahsil 520 117,238 225 4 Jabalpur Tahsil 980 544,404- 556 XXXVl


Density Demity Areatin (Popula- Areatin (Popula. S tate/Divisi on/Dis triet / Sq. miles Population tion per State/Division/District/ Sq. miles Population tionper Tahsil ( 1962-63) 1961 Sq. mile) Tahsil (1962.63) 1961 Sq. mile) 2 3 4- 2 3 4

33 NARSIMHAPUR DISTRICT 1,983 ~12,406 208 39 BILASPUR DISTRICT 7,710 2,021,793 262 1 Gadarwara Tahsil 913 204,923 224 1 Mungeli Tahsil 1,588 323,027 203 2 Bilaspur Tahsil 2 Narsimhap"r Tahsil 1,070 207,483 194- 2,207 666,185 302 3 Katgh0ra Tahsil 2,435 333,438 137 4 Janj~ir Tahsil 869 391,304 45t} 34 MANDLA DISTRICT 5,120 684,503 134- 5 Sakti Tahsil 611 307,839 504 1 Niwas Tahsil'" 1,417 184,543 130 40 RAIGARH DISTRICT 4,969 1,041,226 21(} 2 Dindcri Tahsil'" 1,568 179,968 115 I Udaipur Tahsil'" 914- 176,893 194 3 Mandla Tahsil 2,135 319,992 150 2 Jashpnr Tahsil 2,190 306,105 140· 3 Ghargoda Tahsil'" 749 136,751 183- 35 CHHINDWARA DISTRICT 4,576 785,535 172 4 Raigarh Tahsil 624 236,354 379- I Chhindwara Ta~il 2,008 406,803 203 5 Sarangarh Tahsil 492 185,123 376 2 Amarwara Tahsil'" 1,479 172,409 117 RAlPUR DIVISION 30,716 5,°540741 di!p 3 Sausar Tahsil 1,089 206,323 189 41 DVRG DISTRICT 7,498 1,885,236 251 1 Kawardha Tahsil 1,228 172,468 140' 36 SEONI DISTRIcT 3,362 523,741 156 2 Khairagarh Tahsil 1,246 225,376 181 1 Lakhnadon Tahsil· 1,546 192,733 125 3 Bemetara Tahsil'" 1,102 317,006 28Q; 2 Seoni Tahsil 1,816 331,008 182 4 Rajnandgaon Tahsil 820 269,019 328' 5 Durp: Tahsil 1,147 520,100 453 37 BALAGHAT DISTRICT 3,560 806,702 227 6 San,lari Balod Tah.il 1,955 381,267 195- I War. Seoui Tahsil 930 369,669 397 42 RAIPUR DISTRICT 8,094- 2,002,004 247 2 Balaghat Tahsil 1,049 284,885 272 1 Baloda Bazar Tahsil 1,764- 499,665 283 2 Raipur Tahsil 1,120 495,392 442- 3 Baihar Tahsil'" 1,581 152,148 96 3 Mahasamund Tahsil 1,877 456,209 243· 4 Dhamtari Tahsil 1,574 328,920 209' BILASPUR DIVISION 21,172 400990757 194 5 Bindranawagarh Tahsil· 1,759 221,818 126 38 SURGUJA DISTRICT 8,493 1,036,738 122 43 RASTAR DISTRICT 15,124 1,167,501 77 I Bharatpur Tahsil'" 1,217 29,549 24 1 Bhanupratappur Tahsil· 930 58,751 63- 2 Baikunthpur Tahsil 507 84,300 166 2 Kanker Tahsil 1,346 151,329 112- 3 Surajpur Tahsil· 2,172 271,881 125 3 Narayanpur Taht:!· 3,260 91,260 28: 4 Kondagaon Tahsil'" 2,487 186,745 75- 4 Pa! Tahsil 1,485 114,695 77 5 B\iap'lr Tahsil· 1,489 93,668 63- 5 Manendragarh Tahsil 703 117,825 168 6 Dantewara Tahsil'" 1,633 134,148 82 6 Ambikapur Tahsil 1,777 343,172 193 7 J a~alp~r Tahsil 1,991 343,051 172' 7 Samri Tahsil'" 632 75,316 119 8 Konta Tahsil'" 1,988 108,549 55-

• Entirely Rural Tahsil. t Area figures f ur!ished by tbe State Survey Department. INTRODUCING THE DISTRICT

By G. N. Tiwari Deputy Superintendent of Oensus Operations, Madhya Pradesh

Sidhi district lies between longitudes 81°28' district, while in respect of populousness such and 82°49' east and latitudes 23°47' and 24°42' comparability extends to Shivpuri, Guna, Chhatar­ north in the north-east :corner of . pur and Betul districts. Shivpuri thus compares It is bounded by MiJrzapur district of Uttar with Sidhi both in size and population. Pradesh in the north-west and east, by Surguja In pre-independence days, great,er portion of district in the south, by Rewa district in the the district was included in the Bardi tahsil of north, by tahsil of Satna district in erstwhile Rewa state. Between 1911 and 1921, a the north-east and by Shahdol district in the llew tahsil Gopadbanas was formed of 319 villages west. The district takes its name from the from Bardi, 195 villages from Beohari and 190 district headquarters town Sidhi. In shape, the villages from Huzur tahsil. Now the district is district may be compared to an irregular quadri­ divided into three tahsils, Gopadbanas occupying lateral broadest in the east and gradually tape­ almost the western half of the distriot and ring towards the west. ( ill the north) and Singrauli ( in the south ) the Containing 2.36% of the Sta.te's area within eastern half, Administrative pattern in general its 4,012 squar" miles of territory, Sidhi district now is the same as is found in other districts of is the fourteenth biggest district in size in the the State and does not merit a detailed and State. Bastar, the biggest district in the State is separate mention. more than 31 times as big. On the other hand, With the addition of Chitrangi block ii, Deo­ Sidhi itself is more than five times as big as sar tahsil on 2nd October, 1962 the district is now Datia, the smallest district in the State. These fully covered by seven commu--;}ity development comparisons bring out the extreme unevenness blocks. First to come was Deosar development that prevails in area distribution among districts block in October,1953, which was followed by of the State, though· it may be mentioned that Siawal block in Gopadbanas tahsil after the lull Sidhi very nearly approaches the average size of of 2~ years. block in Singrauli tahsil a district in the State. As regards populousness, came a year later but it took two years thereafter Sidhi des rends by fourteen places, ranking twenty­ for the headquarters tahsil to have the Sidhi eighth in the State in descending order. In terms block. Thereafter, the district got a block every of the most populous and the least populous dist­ year; Majholi in Gopadbanas tahsil in April, 1960, ricts in the State, it may be mentioned that Rampur in the flame tahsil in October, 1961, alJd Bi,laspur-the most popu}(;US district in the State­ Chitrangi block in 1962 as already stated, Thus is about 3~ times DS populous as Sidhi district, of the seven development blocks f,.ur are in while, in its turn Sidhi district has about three Gopadbanas, two in Deosar and only one in times as many inhabitants as Datia, the least Singrauli tahsil. populated district in the State, The districts of Physical a8pects :- Shivpuri, East Nimar, Sagar and Jabalpur have Except for a small portion of Deosar tahsil closely comparing (within +5%) areas with Sidhi in the north-east, th~ district almost entirely lies (xxxviii)

to the south of the southern scarp of the Kymore. Surguja district, the river marches along the The latter makes the boundary of the part of the boundary of Shahdol and Sidhi districts, flowing district falling within Gopadbanas tahsil with in an open country for about 15 miles. After Rewa district. Flowing in the north of the dist­ crossing vi1lage Bara Duberi~ it enters into a rict, almost parallel to the scarp of the Kaimur is broken 'country of low hills, which again broadens river Son, between which and the Kaimur scarp out into a plain near village Chonradol and then is a narrow, but fertile strip of land cut up by , near Ratwar. It joins ~on near village Dembha. ravines at a few places. This strip, with irriga­ The Gopat river also rises in the Surguja district tion would be extremely valuable but unfortun­ from the hills in the north-west of Surajpur tahsil. ately there is but little h( pe of getting irrigation In the initial stages it flows almost due west, but in to the tractas the Kaimurs on the south drop turns north after being joined by the Lodhar sheer into the Son valley. Rampur, Chorhat, Gho­ river from the west. When it reaches the ghrad and Sihawal are some important villages in boundary of Surguja district, it again turns west the valley. A line of low hills passes through this and marches for some distance along the boundary strip, starting near village Rampur and marching of Singrauli tahsil of 8idhi district and Surguja. along the Rewa-Sidhi road on the north of Son, district. At the point it leaves the boundary of disappearing beyond village Chorhat. Surguja district, the river turns t.o the north and marches first akng t.he boun(Jary of Gopat.banas South of the Son, hills and jungles predomi­ and Singrauli tahsils, and then, after taking a nate. The hills generally run in parallel ranges, tUfn to the west ( with a northerly inclination ) with a west to east strike and send out numerous along the Gopadbanas and Deosar tahsils. After spurs. The hills and their spurs are very nume­ being joined by the Sehra stream in Gopadbanai'l rous in the Deosar tahsil. The hills, however, tahsil the river takes a sweep to the north-east enclcse some open plains of considerable size. and maintains that direction till it meets the Son One such open plain is to the south of the fair­ near village Bardi. Part of the river's course in weather road joining Sidhi with Beohari, around Gopadbanas and Deosar tahsils is ravenous. village Pathrora. The valley of the river Gopat One of it'S main tributaries is Mohan river. This and its a.ffiuE'nt Sehra rivulet is another such open rises in the north-west of Singrauli tahsil, fiows plain. The extreme south·eastern portion of the past the village Jiyawan or Deosar the tahsil district, watered by the Rihand and its affiuents headquarters, where it opens out in a small plain, the Mear, and the Kiehan is also an open country and joins the Gopat. of considerable expanse. Waidhan, the head. The Rihand flows through the big open plain quarters of Singrauli tah&il lies in this plain. As in the south-eastern part of the district and the indicated by the course of the rivers, slope of the Singrauli tahsil. Waidhan ( r Singrauli the tahsil country is generally towards the north, while in headquarters village is in the plain. The Kachan the north ihlelf it is towards the east. and ,the Mear are affluents of some size of the Rihand in Sin~rauli tahsil, both draining the Rivers:- open country referred to earlier. Before joining the Riha.nd, tM two rivers unite, a few miles to The district is wholly drained into the Bay of the south-west of Singrauli. Bengal by its rivers Son. Gopat, Banas, Rihand and their numerous trihutaries, which belong to History: the Ganga-system. Son flows in the north of the Early history of the district is a matter of district, almost parallel to the Kaimur ridge. guess, though it may safely be presumed that the Banas, which makes the western boundary of the district must have nominally been included in district and Gopat-banas tah~il, ri:;e;.; in the hills the dominions of the imperiallVIauryas and Guptas, of Bharat,pur tahsil in Surguja district. In the the actual sway being in the hands of forest hitial stages the river makes the boundary bet. tribes. Before the settlement, of the Ch&ndels, II een Surguja and Shahdol district. After leaving prubably in the 15th century, much of the terri· (xxxix) tories now included in the district were under Rain/all : 1 Bhar and Balanda. Chiefs • Ruins of their for­ Sidhi district may be said to fall in the medium tresses are still found in several places. The rainfall area. It receives rainfall from the preci. following notice of the history of the distri('t pitation of south-west monsoon, which reaches after its occupation by Chan dele is taken from the district sometime towards the third or fo~rth the Rewa. State Gazetteer~. week of June. Rainfall is recorded at the three tahsil headquarters. Monthwise rainfall for the "The ChandelJa Chief Parma.rdideva (Parmal) ten years separately for each of these stat.ions is (1l67-1213) of Mahoba had five sons. One of given in Table 1.1 in part II of the Hand Book. In them Ranjit Dev ill Sam vat 1313 (A.D. 1256) case of Singrauli station, figures of rainfall for the establishsd himself at Agori (Mirzapur distriot). years 1958 and 1959 are not reported; while those The second son Asajit Singh became the Raja of for the month of July have not been reported fnr Kabar. The third Sobhajit Singh remained in any of the three stations for 1957. It appear~ Mahoba while Bramha Dev and Brahmajit were from these figures that the highest rainfall of killed. 'Hariharshah, 20th in descent from Ranjit 1132.4 m m. or 44 5" (1180.5 m.m. or 46.5* if we Dev, the Raja of Agrrl, had two sons. of whom exclude year 1957 when figures for July were not the elder succeeded to Agori while the younger rep0rted) is received at Sidhi, while the lowest Rudrashah, received the Ilaka of Bijau.ra ( Bardi rainfall of 912.3 m.m. or 36* (974 .. 8 m.m. or 38.3" tahsil) as his share. Rudrashah removed to the if we exclude year 1957 from computation of the village Garh",a in the Bijaura llaka, where his average) is received at Deosar. The average descendents remained for two generations. In rainfall at Singrauli station is intermediate being the 18th century ( 24th generation) Raja Mayur­ 986.1 m.m. or 38.8"a (1069.7 m.m. or 42.1" if we shah removed frem Garh" a to Bardi, at the jun­ exclude year 1957). The average of these three ction of the Son and Gopad rivers. Bodhrai, the stations, which may be called the tlistrict average younger brother of Rao Ratan,40th in descent is I,Oll.9 m.m. or 39 9" (1,075.4 m.m. or 42.3* if from Ranjit Dev, received as his share the village year1957 is omitted from computation of anrage). of Bhopari, 6 miles to the west of bihawal where The rainfall is not distributed uniformly over the he built a stone fort ...... The Rajas of Bardi four rainy m(}nth~, the heaviest downpour being made over the Ilaka oJ Singrauli to Maharaja received in the months of July and Augu'lt. The Jaisingh in lieu of tribute, and lat,er Ajit Singh, intensity of the downpour as well as the frequency the Chandel Raja of Bardi, being constantly of rainy days starts decreasing in the month of harassed by his clansmen came to Rewah with his September and by the first week of October rains Rani Jagat Kunwari and formally made over his almost completely cease. estate to Maharaja (Then Babu Sahib) Visvanath Olimate : Singh in 1819. retaining for himself only as much as was sufficient for his own and Rani's main­ There was perhap!o no observatory in the dis­ tenance. trict prior te August 1958. which is the month when temperature records for the district became The Singrau.li ilaka was formerly held by available for the first time. The temperature Zamindars of t,he Khairwar tribe from whom it record to the extent of its availability (i..e. from passed to the Venuvanshis, a ruling family of Jhunsi. August 1958 to December 1960) is printed as Table 1.2 in part II of the Handbook. Sidhi dis- Perhaps the Khairwar rulers of Singrauli trict seems to experience {;xtreme climate, the range tract were subordinate to the chiefs of Bardi." of variation of mean minim urn and mean-maximum

Rcw,1 State Gazeteer (1907), page 80. :2 IhHl 3 B"sed on eight years 1951 to 1957 and 1960. (xl) temperature for the period for which temperature Percentage Distribution of Area and Popula­ records are available being 34.9°.c (or 62. So F). tion 1961.

Januaryand December are the coldest mon­ ths of the year. From the month of January, the District/Tahsil. Area Rank in Population Rank in temperature starts rising steadiy till the highest area. Population levels of day temperature are touched in the mon­ 5 th of May. The mean maximum temperature in 2 3 4 May was 41.9°c (107.7° F) in 1960 and 42.5°0 (10S.5°.F) in 1959. Highest temperature of 46.6° c Sidhi District 100 100 (115. 9°F) was reached in May, 1959. While the 1. Gopad Banas tahsil 45.3 57.4 days are 00 on average warmer in May, the nights appear to be warmer in June than in May, the 2. Deosar tahsil 36.1 2 244 2 mean-minimum temperature being highest in the 3. Singrauli tahsil 18.6 3 18.2 3 month of June. It was 2S.4° 0 (83.1° F) in 1959 and 28. 5° c in 1960. The mean day and night The table at once brings out the very temperatures start declining in value respectively unev~n distribution of area and population among the from the months of May and June. The downward tahsils, which is hardly conducive to administra­ trend of the day temperature is interrupted in Sep­ tive convenience. More than 45%of area·, and a tember and October. which have warmer days on an average than August. The night temperature little less than three-fifth of population is concen­ trated in Gopadbanas tahsil which conta'ins the' continues to decrease almost uninterrupted resul­ ting in the curious but well-known phenomenon of district headquarters town of Sidhi. Deosar, the second biggest tahsil accounts for more than one­ warm days but pleasant nights of October. The third of the district's area, and a little less than explanation is that whereas the August tempera­ a fourth of its popUlation. Singrauli the smallest ture is kept under control by rains, no such mode­ and least populated tahsil contains almost equal rating influence on temperature is at work in proportions of the area and population of the dis­ October, the prevailing humidity in the atmosphe­ trict. The areas of Singrauli. Deosar, and Gopad­ re in that month making the heat somewhat banas tahsils are roughly in the proportions oppressive. After this brief interruption, the day 2 : 4 :5; while thp,ir populations are in the propor­ temperatures also start decreasing till they touch tion 3: 4 : 9. All the tahsils have identical ranka the lowest level in December and January. The in respect of population and area. The district mean-minimum temperature varied between 6.9°0 ranks 14th in area in the State, while it~ popula­ in December, 1959 to 7.2° c in IIJ60 and frum tion rank is 28th. 8.2° 0 in January 1960 to 9° 10 c in December 1959. The mean-maximum temperature has on Figures in the t,able abrve give only a broad inrli­ the other hand hif1her values in December than in o cation of the, relative pf)pulommess of each tahsil; January. The mercury touched the lowe!>t level for a clearer pict.ure, we mnst consider the popula­ of 1.8° c (35.2° F) in January 1959. tion density index Le. nnmbf'r of persons per square mill" in each tahsil. ThiR is done in the fo~lo­ Distribution of area and population. wing table which alllo gives c"anp:es in populatIOn The distribution of the district's area and density since 1951. The density figures both for population among the tahsils is presented ip the 1961 and 1951 are calculated on the 1961 area of table below : the district and each tahsil. (xli)

DenBitll oj population. 196.1 and 1961· Deosar being almost half as densely populated as Population per square mile. Gopadbanas is the most sparsely populated tabsil. . r------.A.------~ Population density variation among the tahsils is District/Tahsil 1961 Rank 1951 Rank also a function of the forested area, gross cropped 1 2 3 4 S area, communications etc. in each tahsil. Deosar tahsil has a hilly terrain and large proportion of 147 117 SIDHI DISTRICT forested area. Singrauli tahsil, though equally Gopadbanas tahsil 186 1 149 1 forested consists of a large plain. Gopadbanas Deosar tahsil 99 3 80 3 8ingrauli tahsil 144 2 115 2 also cantains the rich valleys of Son and its tribu­ taries the Gopad and Banas. Sidhi district is. a. low-density a.rea in the Discrepancy in area figures : State, its density being about 25% below the

State average of 190 I persons to a square mile. Area figures for the district are ~iven by the There are only eight districts in the State having Surveyor General, India and the State Directorate smaller population deI?-sities than 8idhi. These, of Land Records. The methods employed by with their respective population densities are these two agencies in surveying and computing Shivpuri (142); Guna (141); Panna (119); Raisen the area are different. This results sometimes in (126); Betul (144); Mandla (134); Surguja (121) considerable discrepancies in the area figures and Bastar (77). In respect of population density, given by the two agencies. In the case of Sidhi Sidhi district may be compared with Guna, Shiv­ district the discrepancy between the two sets of puri, Betul, Shah dol (density 155), Damoh (156) figures comes to 2.7%, which though not very and Seoni (157) districts. The low density in the large is still appreciable. district is to be ascribed to its being a highly forested area ( 43.7% of the district's area was TerritorialOhanges Since 1951 : covered by forests in 1959-60), poor communica­ tion!!, absence of any industrialisation and hilly The district did not see any territorial chan­ terrain. ges during the decade. Variation in Population during 1901--1960: 'rhe biggest Gopadbanas tahsil is the most densely populated in the district, having 186 Variation in population of the district during persons on an average on a square mile. Singrauli the last sixty years is presented in the table the smallest tahsil occupies intermediate position below. Figures for the State as a whole are also in the district in respect of population; while given for comparison:

Population Variation (%)-1901-61

------SIDHI DISTRICT M. P. STATE ~------A------~ ~------~------, Year. Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 1901-11 +16.5 +16.5 +15.3 +17.8 109 1911-21 -13.9 -13.9 -1.4 - 2.3 + 10.9 1921-31 + 14.7 +14.7 +11.4 +104 + 23.0 1931-41 +17.2 +17.2 +123 +10.5 + 32.8 1941-51 + 9.5 + 9.5 + 87 + 60 + 33.2 1951-61 +250 +23.9 +24.2 +21.0 + 47.7 1901-61 +84.5 +82.9 +92.0 +80.1 +217.4 1931-61 +60.3 +58.9 +51.6 +417 +161.2 1901-31 +15.1 +15.1 +26.7 +27.1 + 21'7 (xlii)

With the exception of the decade 1911-21, mum birth-rate estimated from children aged '0' population of the district has shown &ll increasing in the district for 1951 census is 24*, whereas the trend, the peroentage increases being, in each corresponding rate based on 1961 data is 367. decade, more than the corresponding State No doubt the increase in the rate is contributed increases. In the 191i-21 decade. the district partly by reduction in infant mortality also. witnessed a sizeable decrease in its popula­ Rural-U rban break-up : tion mainly owing to the fulminating influenza epidemio of that decade. The Til) 1951 the district did not have any town. hi!Jher proportionate decrease, however. The last census saw the addition of one town in points to the possibility of incomplete enumera­ the -distriet, that is, Sidhi the dietl',wt headquar­ tion and perhaps emigration. The relatively ters. Deosar and Singrauli tahsils are thus entirely higher decadal percentages of increase in the rural. 99.1% of the population of the district district also show that the district is a good field lives in rural areas. The proportion of rural to for colonisation, having received waves of immi­ total population in case of Gopadbanas tahsil, grants from the overcrowded districts of neighbou­ which contains Sidhi town, is 98.5%. ring U. P. During 1901-61, the district has grown somewha.t slower than the State 8.11 &. whole. Ymag~& : , During the first ha.lf of the period, the distriot grew almost half as fast as the State, but Sidhi district has 1,909 villages (inhabited stole a maroh over the State during the later and uninhabited) which account for 2.5% of all half. villages in the State. 9.2% of the villagt

* Basad on 10% sample population. ? Basad on total popUlation. (xliii)

Distribution of 100 Villages in the district and ~ach tahsil by populatian size.

Number of villages in population ranges. r------"'------.------..... Total No. Less than 200- 500- 1,000- 2,000- 5.000+ District/Tahsil of Villages 200 499 999 1,999 4,999 2 3 4 5 6 7 3

Sidhi district 100 45 33 17 4 Gopadbanas tahsil 100 47 31 16 5 Deosar tahsil 100 46 34 18 2 Singrauli tahsil 100 33 42 18 5 2

M. P. State 100 37 38 18 ,6

Sidhi is predominantly a district of small As between tahsils, the distribution of villa­ villages. More than three-fourth' of its villages ges almost follows a common pattern in case of have less than 500 inhabitants each. Even smaller Gopadbanas and Deosar tahsils which approxi­ villages below 200 in population outnumber mates with the average district pattern. The comparatively bigger villages, having populations smallest Singrauli tahsil deviates from the district between 200 and 500; differing in that respect pattern in having a smaller frequency of very from the average State pattern where villages small villages below 200, and a corresponding below 200 and those lying between 200 and 500 high frequency of villages having between 200 show 'almost equal frequencies. and 500 popUlation. Also Singrauli has higher proportion than the district of bigger villages Medium-sized villages with populations varying with more than 2,000 population. between 500 and 1,000 make 17 %of all vil1agf's in the district comparing with the proportion 18% The following table examines the distri.bution for the State as a whole. Bigger villages with of villages from the standpoint of the popula­ populations above 1,000 Ilre not common, their tion residing in villages of various specified frequency being I in 20 in the district. population sizes.

Percentage of poputation living in villages of different popula,tion size. ------.------._------Proportion living in villages with population Total ,.-______Jo- ______•

District/tahsi I Populatioll",_ helow 200 200-499 500-999 1,000-1,999 2,000+ 2 3 4 5 6 7

Sidhi District 100 12.1 32.1 35.0 16.8 4.0 Gopadbanas tahsil 100 12.5 29.6 33.9 20.3 3.7

Deosar tahsil 100 14.2 36.0 409 8.9 Singrauli tahsil 100 8.2 35.4 30.4 16.4 9.6 Madhya Pradesh State 100 10.0 31.8 31.6 18.2 I.S (xliv)

44% of the district's population live in vi­ in smaller number of medium-sized and big llages with a population below 500, which is slight­ villages. ly higher than the corresponding State proportion As regards, tahsils no close similarity of pattern of 42%. The most frequent (45%) smaller villages is observed in the pattern of distribution of popu­ below 200 population each account for only 12% lation among the various population ranges. of the population. On the other hand population Deosar tahsil has roughly half its population livi- in villages in the size-group 200-499 is almost pro­ ng in villages with population below 500, the pro­ portionate to the frequency of such villages in the portion is much smaller in case of SirJgrauli and district Highest proportion of population in the Gopadbanas tahsils. Again Deosar has roughly 2 district. lives in villages of the medium size, in every 5 of its population resident in medium­ having population between 500 and 1,000; devia­ sized villages, the proportion being much smaller ting in that respect from the State as a whole in the two other tahsils. Proportion of population which has maximum population residing in small living in big villages (more than 1,000) is rela­ villages of 200-499 size-range. Villages ranging in tively greater in Singrauli and Gopadbanas tahsils; population between 200 and 1,000, which include being 24%and 26.0% respectively. Deosar tahsil half of all inhabited villages in the district acco­ has only 8.9%of its rural population in bigger unt for more than two-thirds of the distrct's villages. rural popUlation. Bigger villages with population greater than 1,000, having a frequency of 1 in 20, Average popUlation per village contain almost 1 in 5 of the district's rural popu­ The average population of a village in the lation. Thus for the district as a whole the ten­ district and in each tahsil by populati,.n size is dency is for a large number cf persons to live shown below.

Average Population,-______per Village in villages..A. having______population ..

District/tahsil All Villages Lees than 200 200-499 500-999 1,000-1,999 2,000-4,999 2 3 4 5 6 7

Sidhl District 332 90 322 682 1,285 2,491 Gopadbanas tahsil 331 87 320 687 1,302 2.441 Deosar tahsil 295 90 314 £82 1,255 Singrauli tahsil 401 100 337 670 1,242 2,553 M. P. State 394 106 329 685 1,323 2880

A verage size of a village in the district is dis­ district, being slightly bigger than a village even tinctly smaller than in the State as a whole. The in the State as a whole. Villages in DeoRar tahsil difference between the district and the State ave­ are, on the, other hand, least populous in the rages is more conspicuous in the bottom and top district. size-groups; but the three middle ranges show H011ses and Hou.~pholds " agreement. 103, 617 census houses were enumerated in A village in Singrauli tahsil is on an average the district at the time of houselisting. an opera­ bigger than a village in any other tahsil in the tion which preceded enumeration proper by a few {xlv} months. Of these 5% were fonnd vacant; About As regards roofing, tiling appears to be the four-fifth (78%) of these cellsus-houses were used common practice both in villages and in Sidhi only as dwellings,6% as workshop-cum-dwellings, town. About nine-tenths of the houses both in 0·7% as shop-cum-dwellings, 0.7% as places rural and urban areas lived in houses which had of entertaiment .and community gathering, 0.6% tile-covered roofs. Houses with roofs covered as schools and otber educational institutions, and with grass or thatJh were next most frequent in 0'1 % as shops excluding eating houses. The the rural areas. 7% of the rural households living remaining 8% of the census houses were put to in them. Such houses however, were not met various other but unspecified uses. with in Sidhi town. In Sidhi town, houses with roofs covered with stone appeared to be about At the time of hbuselisting the population of equally frequent, with 6% of the urban households the district lived in .113,369 census households. living in them. Also of some importance in urban From table E-H, whic.h is based on a 20% random area were houses with roofs of oorrugated iron sample data of these households, it appears that or zinc sheets, or of concrete or stone slabs. as m'l,ny as 97.4% ~f the households lived in Each of these two types served as dwelling for dwellings of which they themselves were the about 3% of th~- urban households. owners. Thus, a very small number, 2.6% of all Table E-V of the Handbook gives data regar­ households in the district. lived in rented dwell­ ding rooms in dwelling houses. This tabl~ shows ings. In Sidhi town, however, the proportion of that in 1961 every household in the district had households living in rented dwellings was as high 2.1 rooms on an average, each such room accom­ as 44.6%. showing the domination of the migrant modatfng 2.5 persons. A room, for the purpose element in the population of Sid hi town. of house-listing meant part of a oensus house Houses with mud-walls seem to be the most enolosed by walls and having an exit door, and favoured in rural areas of the distriot. More than with space enough to enable one man to sleep. nine-tenth (92%) of the households live in such It is therefore not possible from this data to form houses Next in frequency are households with any idea as to the actual ruom area aVlI.ila ble per walls of grass, leaves, reeds or bamboo; these household, though, as is the general experience the accounted for the dwellings of about 4 % of the average room cannQt lay claim to any size in the rural hous~holds. 2;{, of the rural households rural areas. A little more t~an two-fifth (43.1 %) lived in honses with walls marle predominantly of of all households in the district had only one timber. Houses with walls made of unburnt room to live in, with four persons on an average bricks, or of burnt bricks were rarely met with, living in it. This spotlights the congestion pre­ 'tlccounting respectively for thc residence of 0.5 vailing in a large number of households in the and 0.2 percent of the rural households. district, and the attendant low living standards. Roughly three-tenth (29.3%) of the households In urban area too, houses with walls ma.de are slightly more fortunate and have two rooms predominantly of mud were most common, with each on an average per household, with 2.6 per­ about three-fifth (59%) of the urban households sons per room. Though, comparatively better, living in them. Urban households showed next even these households have to be regarded as preference for semi-pacca house a with walls made living in congested dwellings. Between one-fourth of unburnt bricks. Such houses acc~mmodated and three-tenth (27.6%) of the households live in roughly one-third (35%) of the urban households. houses with three or more rooms each. 4% of the urban households lived in houses with walls predominantly made of timber, and 1.5 in Age and Sex: houses with walls made predominantly of Age strurture of the population of Sidhi stone. district is presented in the following table, which (xlvi) also shows the oorresponding struoture of the population of the State a8 a whole :

100 PerBons in tAe diBtrict and ,AeState distributed by age and 8ex.

i Sidhi District Madhya Pradesh ,....----~------Ale..group ~--~-----~------~Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

1 2 3 4 S 6 7

0-4 16.6 8.2 8.4 16.4 8'2 8.2 5-9 15.2 7.7 7.5 14.3 7.3 7.0 10-14 11.3 6.1 5.2 10.1 5.5 4.6 0-14 .a;1 22.0 21.1 40'8 21.0 19.8 15-19 8.1 4.3 3.8 7.9 4.1 38 20-24 8.2 3.8 4.4 8.6 4.1 4.4 25-29 8.8 4.5 4.3 8.8 3.5 4.3 30-34 7.2 3.6 3.6 7.3 3.9 3.4 ~34 32.3 16.2 16.1 31.6 16.1 15.9 35-39 5.6 2.9 2.7 5.8 4.1 2.7 <4G-44 5.0 2.5 2.5 5.3 2.7 2.6 45-49 3.7 1.9 1.8 4.2 2.2 'to SO-54 3.8 2.0 1.8 4.0 5.1 1.9 1.0 ~5-59 1.7 0.9 o.e 2.1 1.1 35-59 19.1 10.2 9.6 21.4 It.2 10.2 \,2 60--64 2.3 1.1 1.2 2.4 1.2 65-69 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.9 0.4 0.5 70+ I.S 0.7 0.8 1,8 0.8 1.0 60+ 4.5 2.1 2.4 5.1 2.4 2.7 A.N. S. 0.3 0.2. 0.1 0.1 Nea· Neg.

The age-data presented in the abo\'e table persons in ages 20-24 than in 15-19; in 25-29 are based on ungraduated ages i. e. ages actually than in 15-19 and 20-24; in 50-54 than in 45-49 returned at enumeration without subjecting them and in 60-64 than in 55-59. It is improbable, to any statistical smoothing process. The quin­ therefore. that these proportions repres_ent the quennial (upto 70 years of age) age-groupings true state of affairs because in a normal age-dis­ adopted above do suppress to some extent the tribution (i. e. where migrationery and other distorting effects (on the shape of the age-curve) violent effects like war and epidemic do not of age-heapings at mUltiples of 5, and at ages cha..nge the shape of the age-curve materially), ending in even rather than in odd digits. Still the age-disttibution starts with a peak at the the effects of age-preference are not entirely lowest age-groupI and goes on d"roppmg 10 more or abIent. Thus the table shows greater number of less a smooth progression. In the case before us, (xlvii) the excesses in a.ge-group 20-24, 25-29, 50-54 and The youthful character of the population of 60-64 appear to be results of preference for ages the district seems also to follow from the fact that 20, 25, 50 and 60.* In considering the above data little more than three-fourths of it belongs to the we would be on safer grounds, therefore, if we younger ages-Leo consi sts of persons less than 35 restricted the scope of discussion to the broader years of age. The corresponding State average is age-groups 0-14, ,15-34, 35·59 and 60+, in )Vhich 73%, so that the district's population has some­ it may reasonably be assumed that digital prefe. what greater proportion youth of than that of the rences mutually cancel out to a considerable State as a whole. The some what crude test of extent It is convenient to speak of the broader Snndburg's age-groups states that the proportion age-groups 0·14, 15-34, 35-59 and 60+ as corres­ of children below 15 years of age should be aro­ ponding to children, ,young persons, middle-aged und 40,33 and 20 percent in a prog~essive:statio­ persons and old perse ns. nery and regessive population. Applying this rule In Sidhi district, ,as in the State as a whole, of thumb measure to Sidhi district, its 1961 popUlation is found to be very much progressive: children, (boys and g~rls below fifteen years of not at all a happy prospect in view of the age) constitute the biggest Regment of population. Their proportion in the district is more than 8, popUlation explosion, of the last deoade. but less than 9, in 20; which if! more than the Changes in age-distribl.l,tion 8ince 1951. State proportion of 8 in 20. It may be noticed that Changes in age-composition of a population children are more numerous in the district than over time, if capable of reasonably accurate esti­ ill the State as a whole in each of the quinquennial mation, afford useful indications regarding the age-groups that go to make the broader age-group future behaviour of the population. It is propo­ 0-14. This evidence would suggest that compara­ sed,. therefore, to compare the age-structures (by tively more children are born, and survive in the broad age-groups) of the district's population for district than in the State as a whole. 1951 and 1961 censuses in the table in-set The segment of youth-i e. age group 15-34 below. contains ruughly one-third of the population, and ChangM in age distribution 1951-61 is somewhat narr0wer than the corresponding ------Age-group Proportion of population in it State segment. Middle aged persons, forming al­ ,.--. ______.A... ______-, most a fifth of the population in the district, are 1961 1951 less numerous in the district than in the State as a whole. .Finally, old persons, surviving beyo­ 1 2 3 nd 60 years, form a small fraction of the popu­ All ages 100 100 lati(,n of the district. They number 1 in 22 in 0-14 43.2 37.3 the district, comparing with a slightly greater 15-34 32.2 31.6 proportion of 1 in 20 in the State as a whole. To 35-39 19.9 25.5 sum up, in more concrete terms, if we choose at 60+ 4.5 5.6 A.N.S. 0.3 random twenty pers: ns in the district, nine are 0.0 likely to be infants and children below 15 years In appreciating the data for 1951, it may he of age, six young persons between 15 and 35 years remembered that it is based on a 10%sample of of age, four middle-aged persons between 35 and the, 1951 popUlation so that we are implicitly assu­ 60 years of age, and only one an 01 d person of ming that the age-structure of the sample also more than sixty years • represents the age-structure of the univ,"rse. Since

.. For a full discussicn of patterns of digital preference in the State the reader in referred to the chapter

011 age and sex of the State Report. (xlviii) the smaple is big, the assumption seems to be ages 0-4, but perhaps owing to heavier morta­ justified. The 1961 figures are based on total lity, they become tess numerous than the males popula tion. in the higher ages. It is difficult two hazard any guess on this seemingly selective mortality of The table shows that inter-censal decade has fcmales in the young ages. The higher propor­ witnessed an impressive increase in the propor­ tion of females in ages beyond 60 is a phenome­ tion of children below 15 years, and a small in­ non exhibited by the State as a whole and it tes­ crease in the proportion of youth. The table also tifies to the greater vitality of such members of the brings out that such increases in the proportion of fairer sex who have survived the comparatively young persons have been mostly at the cost of the greater risks of frequent childbirths. middle-aged segment, and to some extent the Sex-ratio: old-age segment. The former has lost in propor­ tion by 5.6%-a big loss by all standards, and Sex-ratio is an index number employed to measure the latter by 1.1 %.The pattern of broad ages,thus the difference in numbers between the to sexes. has materially changed since 1951. The big increase Quite contrary to the general expectation that in the proportion of children, mostly added du­ males and females exist (or, should exist) in equal ring the intercensal decade, would lead one to numbers in the population, the numbers of the two ~pect the district to register a bigger overall sexes vary not only from region to region, but also increase in popUlation. The distrct, however, has over time and even from one ethnic group to ano­ recorded an increase whioh is only slightly greater ther. There may be many more factors, social, than the State average, and is only slightly economic and demographic that may be affecting below the increase registered by such districts as the relative poportions of the two sexes in the East Nimar, West Nimar, Raisen etc. This is population. In Madhya Pradesh,the sex-ratio vari­ apparently owing to the losses sustained by the e3 b3tween the lower limit of 839 for the northt'rn­ district's population in its middle-age segment. most M Jrena district and the upper limit of 1,037 Even if we assume that some of the differences for Raipur district on the eastern border of the in proportions are attributable to age-misrepor­ State. In Sidhi district, sex-ratio or what is the ting, we have no alternative but to ascribe major same , the number of females per 1,000 males, is portion of it to heavier mortality and emigration 977. It varies somewhat among the tahsils. The in the middle and old age segments. Variation highest value for the ratio is in the Gopadbanas in sex-ratio during the decade shows increase in tahsil. Deosar tahsil shows the lowest value-960-for feminity, which corroborates t.his observation. It the sex-ratio. The value for the sex-ratio is 965 in is difficult to reach a conclusion firmer than this, Singrauli tahsil, which is thus closer to Df>osar on the strength of the data before us. The quest­ tahsil than to Gopadbanas t,ahsil in this character­ ion however, is of immense demographic and ristic. In general, sex-ratio is disadvantageous to social interest, and may be subject of useful the fair sex in urban areas and goes on decrea­ research. sing with incre~sing urban population. On the oth­ Sex and age: er hand, unless' it is otherwise for historic or other reasons, sex-ratio tends towards equality of the In Sidhi district females are outnumbered two sexes in rural areas. The urban element is by males in all broad age-groups, except the one however, not 6f much importance in Sidhi district representing old age, in which they outnumber which has only one town, hut even then the truth males. The disparity in sexes is marked in the of the foregoing observation is brought out from age-group, 0-14 and 35-59. In fact, in the youn­ the low urban sex-ratio of 710. The high female gest age-group, females outnumber males in the deficiency in urban areas is not difficult to under- (xlix) stand. It arises mainly from migration of people Sex-ratio 1901-1961 who go there in search of employment. This migra­ Year Sidhi District Madhya Pradesh tion is, to begin with, only of men, and generally 1 2 3 there is a considerable time-lag before the wo­ men go and settle with the men migrants. Sex­ 1901 999 990 ratio in rural area~' of the district is 979, which 1911 1,006 986 is not much different from sex-rat,io for all ar~as. 1921 1,000 974 1931 995 973 This is because of tbe very low urban component 1941 987 970 in the population. The value of the sex-ratio in 1951 971 967 rural areas of the Gopa,dbanas tahsil is 992 which 1961 977 953 is much nearer parity of the two sexes in the population of that tahsil. This table shows that at the beginning of the century males and females existed almost in The foregoing discussion shows that sex-ratio equal numbers in the population of the district. is higher in rural Gopad~anas tahsil which has, It also brings out the differences in the pattern on an average 3 females more per 100 males than of sex-ratio variation over time between the dis­ the other two tahsils. The latter two tahsils al­ trict ~nd the State as a whole. Whereas the latter most have the same proportion' of females in shows a steadily declining trend over time in the their respective popUlations. It is not possible sex-ratio, there is no undirectional trend in the to state, with any amount of authority, the sex-ratio variation pattern of the district. Secondly reasons for this tahsilwise variation in the female the population of the State ha.d always a greater proportion. As far as known to the present writer degree of masculinity than that of Sidhi district. and as stated by Venkatachar in Central India As early as 1901, when Sidhi distriet had equal Agency Report 1931 (Part I-page 87), "what causes number of males and females, the State had a a variation in sex-ratio is still one of Nature's deficit of one female for every hundred males in secrets". The various theories put forward from its population. In the next decade, whereas the time to time by way of an explanation, and some State registered a slight fall in its feminine propor­ of these will be considered in the following para- tion,that in the district registered a small increase. graphs, are but tentative propositions, lacking In 1911, the district had a sman excess (of 6) scientific confirmation. of females over males. In the next influenza Variation in 8ex-ratio over time : decade, whereas the State recorded a sizeable faU of 12 points in the sex-ratio, the district kst Sex-ratio is known to show considerable only by six points, restoring the parity of sexes variation over time. For Sidhi district, this will with which it had started in 1901. It is generally be clear from the following table which gives the thought that epidemics caused a greater morta­ sex-ratio from the census of 1901. Variation in the lity among women, and the decrease in sex-ratio sex-ratio of the State as a whole is also given in 1921 is attributed by some to the influenza for the sake of cllmparison. epidemic of 1918-19. There is no clear evidence, (1)

however, to correlate the small fall ,in sex-ratio sed by greater mortality, but even becomes con· in 1921 in Sidhi district to the influenza epidemio. verted into & measurable deficit before the first In the decade 1921-81, Sidhi registered a further year is out. decrease in sex.ratio by 5 points, whereas the The following table gives the sex·ratio of the State as a whole exhibited a near stagnancy. the populatiori of Sidhi district at age '0', and for Considered as a whole, in the first half of the sixty the broader age intervals 0-14, 15-34, 35.59, and year period 1901-31, sex-ratio in the district 6Q+ .Since, for the first fourteen years, age is maintained a near balance in the feminine pro­ within comparatively fresh memory of the respo­ portions. The next two decades witnessed some- t d' ndents so that the age-returns in the first broad­ what greater declines in the sex-ratio in the lS- age-interval have greater likelihood of being corre­ trict whereas in the State as a whole the decline ct, the sex-ratio for first fifteen years is also was of a very low order. In fact, in 1951, sex­ presented by quin-quennial age-groups. ratio had a closely comparing value for the State and the district. During the last decade, in con­ Sex-ratio by age, Sidhi District. trast with the general trend, the females gained in Age.group Sex-ratio relative proportion in the district whereas the State as a whole registered a fall of 14 points 2 in the ratio. What are the factors responsible for this inorease in the aex.ratio-whether male All ages 977 emigration to other dist.ricts, or higher male '0' 952 mortality-cannot be said on the basis of the 0-4 1,024 5-9 977 material available? Separate investigation in 10·14 856 the field is called for. 0-14 961 15·34 992 Sx·ratio by age: 35-59 950 60+ 1.155 A study of sex-ratio cannot be rega.rded as complete if it does not include consideration of its The table at once brings out the truth of the variation with age; for the relative proportion observation made earlier. Though vital statistics of the two spxes in the population shows numerica­ data for the dist,rict is reportedly not available, lly significant imbalance at the various periods there should not be any hesitation in accepting of ages, It is now universally accepted that nature the generally establisht'd fact of greater male­ is usually partial to the m",le child at birth, who births. In the firRt few years of their exist.enee,howe­ thus scores a slight initial advantage over its ver, the male children are outnumbered by their female counterpart at the beginning of the life. female counterparts. In the lowest age-group 0-4 All theories advanced by way of explaining this also, the girls maintain tht' numerical lead in the imbalance in the ratio at birth are tentative; and population ~rested by them from t.he boys. But not have any biological basis. Empiric data has from the 2nq or third year of lift', perhaps as a also shown that whereas nature favours a male result of greater neglect in their case, the girls birth more than a female birth, it has a}l;lO made start losing the lead and the sex-ratin progressive­ the latter organically more suited for ~urvival in the ly declines· in the next two quin-quel1nia.l ages. initial months. This organic superiority of the The somewhat higher female deficit in the 10-14 female child is now more or less accepted biologi­ age-group may perhaps be a result of age-misre- cally also. The result is that the lead gained by porting to some extent, but is by and large an the male child at Jnrth iii stoon not only neutrali. evidence of greater m< rtality among gills in that (Ii)

age·group. In the broader age-interval represen- and sex specifio death-rates it is no~ possible to ting childhood -and juvenility, the sex-ratio is hazard a definite opinion about it. Inspite adverse to the fair sex by about 4 per hundred of the biological organio luperiority of the males. famales, the more vulnerable among them In youth, there is a oonspicuous shift towards succumb perhaps to the harsh and negligent equality of the se~es. If this is not entirely due to treament meted to them, so that the sur- age-misreportings at the upper and lower extre- viving females are sturdier. This perha.ps enables mes of the age-inttlrval, then it points to three them to survive the risks of initial child-births. possibilities :-(i) emigration of young males Improvident maternity however continuously out'lide the district perhaps in search of emply- saps their vitality and weaker ones of the sex ment, a fact, also s-qggested by the increase in again succumb at the close of, and after, the the total sex-ratio during the decade; (ii) absence, fertility cycle. Those of the females who survive or low frequency of mortality at childbirth or this onslaught of improvident maternity are deci- post-natal mortality (iii) greater male mortality dedly more virile and survive to very old ages. among the youths. Which of these causes are This is putly why we find a very substantial fe- operative in the case of Sidhi district belongs male excess at the upper extremes of ages i.e. in again to the realm of the unknown though one ages beyond sixty years. On the other hand, ma- might perhaps rule out the third cause. les who have to bear the unilateral strain of bread- In middle-age, there is again perceptible inc- earning are exposed to a gradual process of decay rease in masculinity of the population, suggesting of their vitality and find it extremely difficult to greater female mortality. 1 his suggestion is not survive long after the middle age. This also contri- entirely untenable, though in the absence of a.ge butes to. feminine excess in old a.ge Marital 8tatus by age and sex Divorced or Never married Married Widowed separated Unspecified ,...__ .A._~ ,--__.A. __-. r---.A.--~ r---.A.--~ r---.A.--~ Age group M F M F M F M F M F)

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

All ages 45.0 37.9 50.9 52.0 3.7 9.8 0.4 0.3 Neg Nee 0-9 1000 100.0 .. JO-14 63.8 40.6 35.5 58.7 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 Neg Neg 0-14 90.0 85.4 9.8 14.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

15-19 33.9 11.2 64.1 117.5 1.4 0.8 0.6 0.4 20-24 14.8 0.7 82.3 97.4 1.8 1.5 1.1 0.3 25-29 7.2 0.3 89.8 96.8 2.0 2.5 1.0 0.5 30-34 3.6 0.3 92.8 92.6 2.8 6.6 0.8 0.5 15-34 IS.3 3.0 81.9 93.9 2.0 2.7 0.8 0.4 35-39 3.3 0.2 92.2 88.2 3.9 11.0 0.6 0.6 40-44 3.4 0.3 89.3 77.6 6.8 21.6 0.5 0.5 45-49 2.4 0.1 87.8 10.0 9.4 29.5 0.4 0.4 SO-54 2.1 0.1 84.0 53.3 13.6 46.2 0.3 0.4 55-59 2.2 Neg 80.3 53.0 17.1 46.6 0.5 0.3 35-59 2.8 0.1 88.0 72.5 8.7 26.9 0.5 0.5 60-64 1.6 0.1 74.7 29.0 23.4 70.6 0.4 0.3 65-69 2.3 68.6 30.1 29.0 66.0 0.2 3.9 70+ 1.5 0.2 56.7 14.9 41.4 84.7 0.4 0.2 ~+ 1.7 0.1 68.1 24.3 29.9 74.8 0.3 0.8 Forty-five out of every 100 males, and thirty.. within the framework of la.w , in view of the eight out of the same number of females in the popUlation explosion of the last decade, even district are never-married. One fact however, these marriages should be regarded as rather deserves to be noticed in connection with these early...... The age·group 20_24, more than half of figures. Marital status was not tabulated for which may still be regarded as early in case of ages upto and including 9 years under the gene­ male marriages, contains only 15% never-married rally valid assumption that all persons upto nine males. The proportion of never·married females years of age were never.married. Whereas this however sinks to negligible dimensions from this assumption did not introduce any measurable age-group onwards. On the other hand, in case inaccuracies in the marital status proportions of males the never-married proportion is one in ordinarily, in the case of Sidhi district it seems to fourteen even in 25_29 age-group, and unlike have, to some extent' affected the marital status females, it never sinks to negligible dimensions returns. This inference follows from the observed even in the highest of ages. The proportion of high proportions of married males and females these confirmed bachelors, perhaps ineligible for particularly the latter, in the district in age­ marriage owing to physical or ether incapacity, group 10-14. Hence, the actual proportions of varies generally between 2 to 3 pen'er,t in ages never-married males and females in the popula­ beyond thirty years. In a nutshell. child and tion at large should in fact be somewhat smaller early marriages are very much in vougue in the than they appear in the table. district, much more so in case of girls. The Ohild Marriages: lat.ter start entering matrimony with considerable The law of the land haa made child marriages frequency between ten to fourteen years of age, punishable offences. A woman cannot legally be and not many are left unmarried after nineteen married if she has not attaind fourteen years, and years. In case of boys also, marriages start a male, if he has not attained eighteen years of taking place between ten to fourteen years of age age. The figures before us therefore point to the but most of the boys get married between 15 and prevalence of unlawful child marriages in the 19 years of age and not many are )f'ft unmarried district on a sizeable if not alarming scale. As beyond 25 years. In case of boyf', a pizeable adverted to earlier, proportions of marriages in fractic-n is dot med to bachelorhood, a social pheno­ persons below 9 years of age are not tabulated. menon calling f,.r enquiry. In the next higher age-group i. e. 10.14, in which also marriages are forbidden by law, about 36% Widowhood: males and 59% females have been returned as Up to fourteen years of age the proportion of married. The proportions are definitely alarm­ widowed persons is unimportant. numerically. It ing. In the broader age-group 0-14, at least one assumes significance from age-group 15-19 and out of every ten males, and one out of every onwards. It may be noticed that uptJ 24 years seven females, is married. As we 'proceed to of age, wridowers outnumber ~ idows, a fact higher ages, the proportion of never-married suggestive! of greater feminine mortality in the persons goes on sharply dropping till it assumes earlier years of marriage. In the broader age­ very small dimensions. In the age-group 15.19, group 15-34, only 2 out of every 100 males, and

in more than half of which it is an offence for 3 out of I every 100 females were returned as males to contract marriages, the proportion of having lost their tlpouses. The proportion of married males is 64%. It is not unreasonable widowed persl ns steadily increases as one moves to suppose that a large number of these are in higher along the ageJadder, more sharply in case contravention of law. In the same age-group,more of females than males. Starting from 4% in thaD 87% offeInales are married. Though well age-group 35-39, the proportion of widowed males (liii)

increases to 17.1 % in the age-group 55-59; the that of Sidhi district. The proportion of rural lite­ corresponding figures for females are 11 % and rates in thc district is 7.47%, which is not sensib~ 47%. In the broader age-group representing , ly different from the proportion in all areas beca­ middle age, on an, average, 9% of the males and use of smallness of urban component in the distr­ ict's population, and its consequent inability to 27% of females were widowed. In the oldest of push up the total percentage to an appreciable ages beyond 60, the proportion of widowers is degree. In Sidhi town, which 'is the only urban 30%, while that of widows is 75%, a fact corro­ area in the district, the percentage of IitE'racy has borating the greater longevity of females who the high value of 42.8. This is in accordance outlive the earlier risks of childbirth. \ with expectations, because in urban artlas there is The proportion of divorced and separated not only greater awareness of the need for Podu­ .persons of either sex is .numerically in significant cation but these also have greater availability of and does not justify a separate discussion. schools and other educational facilities. As is usually the case every where in Sidhi too, there Literacy and education: are more literate and the educated among males Sidhi district hail literacy percentage of 7 8% than females. Among males, literacy in the which compares with a much higher literacy perc­ district is 14.2%, which compares with a small entage of 17.1 for the State as a whole, and still percentage of only 1.2 in case of the females. The higher national average of 24%. In the field of corresponding propotrions for the State as a education and literacy, the position of Sidhi di~t­ rict is inglorious among other districts of the whole are 27 and 6.7 percent for males and State, only two districts in the state have lower females respectively, showing the backwardness of percentages of literacy than Sidhi. These are Sidhi district in the State context even for males JhJ,bua, with a literacy percentage of 6.1 and ,and females separately. Bastar with a literacy percentage of 6.9 Edu- Geographical di8tribution of literacy cationally, the most advanced district in the The fullowing table gives distribution of literacy State is Indore, with a literacy proportion of among tahsils of the district separately for their 38.2% which is about five times as high as total, rural and 'urban areas. Percentage of literacy by sex and by total, rural and urban for each tahsil, 1961

Name of Digtrict/Tahsil Persons Males , _____.A. ___~, Females r------.A.-----, , _____ .A. _____ -,. T R U T R U T R U 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sidhi district 7.8 7.5 42.8 14.2 13.8 61.2 1.2 1.0 17.1 Gopadbanas tahsil 9.1 8.6 42.8 16.5 15.7 61.2 1.6 1.4 17.1 Deosar tahsil 5.7 5.7 ' ... 10.6 10.6 0.5 0.5 Singrauli tahsil 6.4 6.4 12.0 12.0 0.6 0.6

The most noticeable fact abuut the distri­ tahsils also deserve to be noticed. bution of literacy among tahsils of the district is . its sligt concentration in the headquarters tahRil. Growth of Literacy Since 1951. Gopadbanas, which besides, containing the only The picture regarding literacy ana educational town in the district is also relatively more open. levels in the district, though dismal in compari­ Deosar and Singrauli tahsils have more or less son with other district., in the State, ceases to be the same proportion of literate and educated so when viewed in retrospect. In 1951, propor­ among their population. The very low propor­ tion of literate and educated in the population of tions of female literates in Singrauli and Deosar the dist,rict was only 3.6%, so that it has more (liv)

than doubled during tbe intercensal decade. In scholars in them haVing increased more than ten case of females the rate of literacy, which had the times and that of girl scholars more than 7 times. shockingly low value of 0.1% in 1951, has increa­ The latter number however continues to be very sed about twelve times, while in case of males, small as is clear from the fact that for every 32 the percentage of Iitercy (6.9% in 1951) stands male scholars in Higher Secondary institutions more than doubled in 1961. there is only one female scholar. Viewed in historical perspective, thus, we The attendance in primary schools, though may say that the district has made remarkable magnificently improved since ]951, continues to progress in the field of literacy and education be low. Treating all children in ages 6-10 as during the interregnum. those who should be in primary schools. we find This impressive improvement over time has the actual attendance to be only 36% of the been made possible by the liberal policy of open­ number. 'Whereas the attendance had the reS· ing primary, and higher educational institutions. pectable magnitude of 66% in case of boys, it Table 5.1 in part II of the Hand book gives the has the ludicrously small value of 4.4% in case yearwise picture of expansion of educational of girls. Universal Primary education being our institutions and attendance in those institutions. declared objective, the figures bring out the size In the first year of the last decade, the district of the ground that remains to be covered in that had only 222 primary schools. The number of direction. primary schools increased by more than 100 in Leveles of education 1954, after which year the number went on in­ creasing more or less steadily till it stood at 659 The proportion 7.8% stand for all literate at the end of the year 1960. The number of pri­ and educated among the total population irrespe­ mary schools has thus increased threefold during ctive of the educational levels they have attained. the decade. In 1951, a school on an average Literacy has been defined for oensus purposes as served 7.8 villages involving on an average 17.4 merely the ability to read and write a simple square miles of area. Some idea of the improV,e­ letter which it will be unanimously agreed, is a ment effected during the interregnum can be had very modest requirement of a person. In order to from the fact that in 1960, a school on an average judge the real quality of the population as regards served 2.6 inhabited villages, involving an area education, one should therefore know the levels of 6.0 square miles. The number of male scholars of education possessed by those returned as lite­ that was 6,660 in 1951 has increased more than rate and educated. 'l'his information is given in fourfold during the decade, while the number of Table C-I11 Part -A of the Handbook whioh female scholars which was ludicrously small in shows that 87.1 % of all literate and educated in the district have been returned as without any 1951 has inereased more than te~ times. It still however remains very small, in absolute terms. 'educational levels. 'fhis large number includes The number of teachers has also increased by not only the mere literates but also such persons more than three times. The number of female who studied in sume of the pre-primary classes teachers still remains very small. but did llot pass the primary or junior basic level examination. Those who have been returned I Number of middle schools has increased from with priDlary or junior basic levels make 9.6% of 20 in 1951 to 25 in 1960. The attendance in all literate and educated in the district. This these schools has registered an impressive increase proportion includes persons who might have of more than four times. The number of higher joined middle or higher secondary classes but have secondary schools/institutions, which was only 1 failed to pass the matriculation examination. in 1951 ws,s 8 in 1960, with the number of male Persons witb matliculation or higher educational ( Iv)

levels make only 3.4% of all literate and educated. less than 0.1 % of the district's population. With Thus th~ pos~tion regarding educational levels the exception of Gondi, Sindhi and Urdu speeches, can be summed up as foHows : if ten literate and the remaining of these thirteen speeches ha.ve educated persons are picked up at random in the less than 100 speakers each. Indeed with the district, about nine of them are persons who have exception of Marathi which claims sixty speakers, not passed even the primary examination, 'while the remaining have less than 20 speakers each. the remaining one, is either a person with a pri­ The evidence before us thus points to the almost mary level qualification or a matriculate. The complete linguistic assimilation of the vari us chances of this one person being a matriculate or tribes residing in the district. with higher educational qualification are however In 1951, Awadhi, Baghelkhandi, Bundelkhandi only 1 in 3. and Godin had not been returned as mother­ There is a degree college at the district head­ tongues from the distric,t. This does not mean quarters Sidhi. Higher educational facilities exist that in 1951, the district did not have any speak­ at Rewa, 60 miles from Sidhi. ers of these speeches. It only shows that in 1951, »peakers of these speeches-which are of course, M uther-Tongues : aU dialects of Hindi-were merged with the main In all twenty speeches have been retluned as language Hindi. This will be borne out from a mother-tongues from Sidhi district at the 1961 dcrutiny of the 1931 nensus language returns of Census. This multiplicity of languages is more the district. In that year, as many as 272,124: apparent than real, because as manJ as 99% of persolls which was 75.2% of the district's popula­ the population has returned only one mother­ tion in 1931-had returned Baghelkhandi as tongue, namely Hindi. Another 0.8% have re­ mother-tongue and about 1% (3.787 ) Bundel­ turned Baghelkhalldi, a dialect of Hindi, as their khandi and 3% (10,484) Awadhi. Thus, it app­ mother tongue. Of the other eighteen speeches ears that the Hindi returned as mother tongue by also, at least four, that is, Awadhi, Bundhel­ 99% of the popUlation in 1961 is mostly its khandi, Chhattisgarhi and Gondani are, and have dialect Baghelkhandi, as also, Awadhi and Bundel­ been so grouped, dialects of Hindi. Together khandi. these account for 471 speakers and push up the proportion of speakers of the Hindi group of Religion: speeches by a little less than 0.1 %. The remain­ Distribution of the districts population by ing fourteen speeches together thus account for religion is presented below:-

Percentage distribution oj population by religion-1961 and 1951.

Total ,-______Proportion .A. in ______religion _ Rural Year Urban Hindus Sikhs JaiDs Mlaslims Christians Others

1961 T 97.9' Neg. Neg. 2.1 Neg.

R 98.0 Neg. Neg. 2.0 Neg.

U 92.2 Neg. 0.3 7.2 0.3 1951 T ~ 98.3 Neg. 1.7 J (lvi)

Population of Sidhi district is overwhel­ TABLE II mingly Hindu, followers of that religion account­ Districtj Soh. Castes Sch. Tribes ing for all but 2.1 % of the population. These Tahsil 2.1 % belong mostly to the Muslim religion. In the total and urban areas of the district, persons Bidhi District 100 100 professing religions other than Hinduism and Gopadbanas Tahsil 49.6 51.1 Islam are negligible in numbers. They assume flome numerica.l significance only in the urban Deosar Tahsil 24.1 34.8 areas, where Hindus come down to 92% of the Singrauli Tahsil 26.3 14.1 popUlation. Muslims, numbering 7.2% of the urban population, retain their second position, while Chri~tians and Jains "ach account roughly 43.3% or more than two-fifth of the district's for 0.3% of the urban population. Sikhs are ne­ population is 'scheduled', which compares with a. gligible numerically even in urban areas. Thero 'scheduled' percentage of 33.7 in case of the State were no returns of other religions in the district. as a whole. Proportion of 'scheduled' population is largest (57.5%) in Deosar tahsil, and least­ In 1951, only three religions were returned (38.3%) in Gopadbanas tahsil. But even in the but the number of the followers of the third reli­ last mentioned tahsil, the 'scheduled' population gion i.e., Sikhs was negligible. It may be noted proportion is greater than the State proportion. that Hindus have lost in proportion by a.bout 0.4% since 1951. The ga.iners ha.ve been Muslimll, Scheduled Ca8tes: who have increared by roughly the same per­ Schf'dllled Castes make 9.6% of the district's centage. population, comparing with 13.1 % for the State Scheduled Caste8 and Scheduled Tribe8: as a whole. The proportion is maximum in Sing­ rauH tahsil, where it even exceeds the State nve­ The tables inset below show (i) the propor­ rage. Gopadbanas and Deosar tahsils have com­ tions of scheduled tribes in the district and ea.ch paratively smaller representation of scheduled tahsil and (ii) the proportion which the scheduled castes in thpir populations. Almost half the castes or scheduled tribes population of each population of scheduled castes i'3 in the most tahsil bears to the total scheduled castes or sche­ populous, and the biggest Gopadbanas tahsil, duled tribes population of the district. while Deosar and Sillgrauli tahsils respectively contain a little less than, and a little more than one-fourth of the district's scheduled castes.

TABLE I Enumeration of scheduled castes and tribes District/ Total Scheduled Scheduled in the district, as elsewhere in the State, was done Tahsil Population Castes Tribes in accordance with the 'Scheduled Castes Itnd Schedliled Ttibes lists (Modificatkn) Order, 1956'. Sidhi District 100 9.6 33.7 Out of &. total of fifteen castes or synonymous Gopadbanas caste-groups scheduled under this order, all but Tahsil 100 8.3 30.0 four have ,been returned from the district. The scheduled castes not returned from Sidhi are Dp.osar Tahsil 100 9.4 4Q.l Dher, Kuchbandhia. Mushkan and Sansia or Singrauli Tahsil 100 13.8 26.2 Bedia. Of those returned from the district, only five castes are numerically significant (i.e., count Madhya. Pradesh 100 13.1 20.6 more than 1 % of the total scheduled castes popu- (lvii)

lation). These are, in the order of their numeri­ All these are clearly uneconomic holdings. Pro­ cal strength: Cbamar and synonymous castes portion of households owning below 5 acres of (66.5%); Kumhar (14.3); Dharkar and synony­ land is 72.1 %; even these are uneconomic holdings. mous castes (8.0%); Basor or Bansphor (6.8%); The figures thus testify to the very weak agricul­ Ghasia (1.0%). 3% of the scheduled castes re­ tural economy of the scheduled caste population turns were unclaiSsified. The remaining six sche­ of the district. duled castes thus Plake only 0.4% of the schedul­ Chamars who constitute two-t11ird of the sche­ ed castes population. These are, with their duled castes population of the district have 88% populations. Beld~ or Sunkar (5); Dom (7); Do­ of their working force in agriculture, with agricul­ mar or Doris (43); Mehtar, Bhangi or Dhamik tural labourers preponderating over cultivators (166); Moghia (2) and Pasi (1). by a small margin. The participation in agricul­ Progress of literacy among scheduled castes is ture for scheduled castes is in fact pulled down by in a deplorable state. Only 1.2% of the schedu­ the low participation in agriculture of Basor led castes can claim ,to be'literate and educated ( participation in agriculture 29.9% ), Kumhar comparing with 7.8% for the general population. (participation in agriculture 68.7%) and Dharkar, These are almost wholly 'literates' without any, Balmiki or Lalbegi (participation in agriculture educational levels. Proportion of male literates 49.3%) castes. amongst the scheduled castes is 2.3%, and the After agricul ture, economy of scheduled castes average for persons it:! pulled down by the very is dominated by household industry, which gives low proportion-O.l %-of female literacy. principal work to 18.1 % of the working force. Sex-ratio amongst scheduled castes is 981, 68% of the Basor working force is in household which compares with 977 for the general popula­ industry. Their traditional cottage industry is tion. the making of b'l.mboo artifacts. Kumhar caste Economy of the scheduled castes in the dist­ also has sizeable-29.3% of their working force­ rict is predominantly agricultural, with 78% of participation in household industry. In their the working force in categories I and II. 42% of case, the household industry is making of earthen the workers are cultivator", while 36% are agri­ utensils and pots. The Dharkar, Balmik or Lal­ cultural labourers. The high proportion of agri­ begi caste has 45.4%of its working force in house­ cultural labourers in the scheduled castes is an hold industry. The nature of their househofd indication of their land-hunger, because we may industry could not be ascertained. Chamar and presume almost all of them to be landless. Even synonymous castes have only 8%of their working force in h'lUsehold industry, Employment in of these who own lands, a fairly large proportion 'other service,,', and category III is to the extent own but uneconomic holdings. Table SCT-V of 2.2 and 1.8% respectively of all workers. Em­ shows that of all cultivating (sample) households ploymept in other working categories is insignifi­ amon~ the scheduled castes, 16.2% or roughly cantly small in magnitude. one-sixth, cultivated lands belonging to other persons; and about 30% did so on lands held Scheduled Tribes: partly from Governments and putly from private Sidhi district contributes 2.9% to the sche­ persons or institutions. Thus only 53.8%, or a duled tribes population of the State. Scheduled little more than half of the sample cultivating tribes constitute one-third of the district's total households among scheduled castes own the lands population. In Deosar tah.sil the proportion of cultivated by them. One-fourth of even these scheduled tribes is highest 48%; while Singrauli, households own less than an acre of land each·, which has proportionately higher percentage(1'3.8%) while 52.5% households hold less than 2.5 acres. of scheduled caste has only 26% of its popUlation belonging to scheduled tribes. But even Singrauli are Panika. (8.0%); Khairwar (3.4%), Agariya has a greater proportion of scheduled tribes in its (2 5%) and Biar Or Biyar (1.2%). Tribes enumera­ population than the state as a whole. ted in small numbers are Bhil (2); Bhumia includ­ Of the district's scheduled tribes population, ing Bharia. and Paliha (48); Majhi (8); Na.t, Navdigar, a little more than half are in Gopadbanas tahsil; Sapera and Kubutar (52); Pao (105). Approximate­ 35% in Deosar tahsil and only 14% in Singrauli ly 1 % of the tribes could not be classified to one tahsil. or the other of known scheduled tribes. The f"numeration of scheduled tribes in the With 2.0% of the population returned as lite­ district also was done in accordance with the rate and educa.ted, the scheduled tribes are educa­ Presidential Order referred to earlier. Of a total tionally still much behind, the general population of sixteen tribes scheduled for the district, census which has a literacy percentage of 7.8. They are, returns included all but four. These four are Mawa­ how~ver, better than the scheduled castel in this si, Sahariya, Saur and Sonr. Qfthe tribes returned respect, who ha.ve a litera.cy ra.te of 1.2% only. from the district, four tribes, namely Gond, Kol, Literacy among scheduled tribe males is 3,8% and Baiga and Panika include 92 % of the total the general rate is pulled down by the hopelessly scheduled tribes population of the district. Gond, low percentage - 0.1 - of literate females. the most numerous tribe, in the district account Participa.tion rate among scheduled tribal for 46% of the scheduled tribal population, while population is 60%, which is conspicuously higher Kol and Baiga respectively a.ccount for 27.6 and than the corresponding rate 54% for the general 10.5 percent of the district's scheduled tribal population. Distribution of the tribal workiug population. forct) over the nine census categ ries of w<,rkers is Other numerically strong tribes in the district shown in the inset below :-

Distribution oj working force over nine categories of workers, 1961.

,-______Workers..A. ______-. Name of Tribe Total workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]0 11

All Scheduled Tribes 100 53.1 41.4 ] .8 2.] 0.2 0.1 0.1 Neg. 1.2

Gond 100 77.3 18.8 ].8 1.5 0.1 0.1 Neg. Neg. 0.4

Kol 100 15.9 78.2 2.3 1.0 0.2 0.1 Neg. 2.3

Bai&a 100 49.7 44.9 1.6 2.7 Neg. 0.1 Neg. Neg. 1.0

Pani 100 46.7 47.2 1.2 2.2 Neg. 0.1 0.1 0.] 2.5

Khairwar 100 64.1 26.4 ].4 2.1 3.6 Neg. 0.9 Neg. 1.5

Agariya 100 48.4 24.3 1.7 24.6 Neg. ' Neg. 1.0

Bia r or Diyar 100 54.4 39.4 1.6 0.9 1.8 0.2 1.7

The eoonomy of scheduled tribes in the distr­ from the fact that 94% of the working force is in ict is overwhelmingly agrioultural, as is obvious the agricultural categories I and II. In agriculture, (lix)

though cultivators outnumber agriculturallabou­ tribe ranks first in respect of populousness. The rers, the latter are stj]) more than two-fjfth of the Gonds are not considered as autochthones of the working force and are more numerous than in the district though they are dispersed in all the tahsils. general population. The high proportion ofagricu­ Educationally, the Gonds appear to be somewhat' lturallabourers in the tribal working force is indi­ better than other scheduled tribes, having a. cative of their land hunger. It appears from table literacy percentage of 2.8, as against a literacy of SCT V in the handbook that of the sample tribal 2.0% for all scheduled tribes. All but 4'1:, of the cultivating households, 12.6% d_o not own the land Gond workers are in agrioulture, where cultivators cultivated by them, while 21.1 % only partly own outnumber agricultural labourers to the tune their holdings. Roughly only two-thirds of the approximately of 4 to 1. Category III and Cate­ tribal houses engaged in cultivation hold gory IV respectively employ l.8 and 1.5 percent their land directly from the GovernmentJ These of the working force of Gonds. Other sectors of figures make jnteresting reading in the background economy do not attract sizeable proportion cf of the far-reaching land reforms introduced by the Gond workers. The Gond do not speak the trihal Government, in the dir~ction of abolishing absentee dialect Gondi in the district. landlordism. The figures speak to the existence on a considerable scale of sub-tenancies in agriculture Kol: Second in respect of nnmerical strength, amongst the scheduled tribe~ of Sidhi district. Of this tribe makes 27.6% of the scheduled tribal cultivating households owning their holdings, as population of the district. Sidhi district accounts large a proportion as 11.7% own less than an acre for 17.8% of the stat.e's Kol population. Though of land, while 14% own between 1 to 2.4 acres of found in all the tahsils, the Kols are comparatively land. Thus roughly a quarter of the tribal cultiva­ less numerous in Singrallli tahsil. They do not ha­ ting households who own their holdings have hold ve a tribal speech of their own but speak the dialect -ings of less than 2 5 acres in size and should be of Hindi prevalent in the district. C.S. Venkatachar, making their living with great difficulty. Mvre Census Superintendent of Central India in 1931* than two-fifths of the tribal households owning desoribed the Kol as a 'perfect specimen of sub­ jugated aborigine, as one of the most servile castes their lands have holdings of less than 5 acres in ~ size, which are all clearly uneconomic holdings. in the eastern parts.' He even went to the extent Only 18.9% of the households holding land direct­ of remarking that 'short of being sold as a slave ly from Government have economic holdings of in the open market, the status of a Kol is nothing more than 15 acres in size. The evidence before us but that of a slave'. The condition of the Ko} would thus suggest that most of the oultivating does not seem to have improved much since this tribal households who own their lands do not have observation was made. Even to this day, roughly adequate land and must of necessity, take to four-fifths of the- Kol are a~ricultural labourers­ other economic activities. mostly landless. About one in six of every Kol Household industry employs one out of every worker is a cultivator. 'Other services', category fifty workers among scheduled tribes. The indus­ IX, and Category III have equal participation- tries are generally of the traditional caste-based 2.3% of the working force. Educationally, the type. Category II, and Category IX, also have Kol seem to be backward even than other numerically significant participation of the triba I scheduled tribes, having a litaracy percentage of workers. Other categories of workers do not only 0.9. attract many scheduled tribal workers. Gonds: Accounting for 46% of the schedul­ Baiga: Contributing 10.5% to the scheduled ed tribal population of the district, the Gond • CentrallnJia Agency Report Part I. page 233. (Ix) tribal population of the district, and 14.3% to Pradesh. In Sidhi district the Panikas account for that of the State, the Baiga are third most 8.0% of the scheduled tribal population. Though numerous tribe in the district. They are more or dispersed over all tahsils they are somewhat more less evenly dispersed in tahsils. Bhumia is another numerous in Deosar and Singrauli tshsils. Percentage (2.5%) of literacy in the Panikas is name for the ~ibe in the Maikal hills. They are much higher than the average of all scheduled one of the most primitive, and economically back­ tribes and almost compares with that of the ward tribes in the State, mostly dependent on forest and primitive agriculture. It is possible Gonds. Traditionally the Panikas are a weaving caste, but in Sidhi district they seem to have that quite a few of them still practise their taken to agriculture in the main. Agriculture in­ traditional shifting cultivation known as 'bewar'. clude.'! 94 % of their workers, with cultivators and The tribe is more isolated than the Gond and Ko] , agricultural labourers being almost equally preferring to live in their own villages, generally frequent. Household industry occupies the third in remote jungly tracts. In the name of dress, place in Panika economy, but includes only 2.2% Baiga even wear next to nothing by way of a of their working force. From the viewpoint of lingoti, while their women wear a short dhoti in size of participation 'other services' come second. the Chhattisgarhi fashion, and do not put on any employment in category IX being 2.5% of the blouse. workers. Category III-Livestock, forestry, hunt­ In the matter of education, they do not come ing etc. accounts for 1.2% of the working force. up even to the level of Kols, having a literacy Participation in other economic activities is percentage of 0.7% as against 0.9% for the Kols. negligibly small. Almost all of them speak the dominant dialect of Khairwar : Regarding the ethnology of this tribe Hindi prevalent in the region in which they live, the 1931 Census Report of Central India Agency and not 'Baigani', a dialect of Chhattisgarhi, observes "There are diffcring accounts re-garding which is returned as mother tongue by many Khairwars. Dalton identified them with the Cheros Baigas in Mandla district. Their economy is while Crooke identified the Mirzapur Khairwars dominated by agriculture, participation in the with Savars and Gonds. I should consider their agricultural working categories being to the extent ethnology to be doubtful. The name Khairwar it­ of 95% of the working force. Roughly 50% of the self is an occupational term and it denotes persons workers are cultivators; but the proportion of tl.kin~ t:l the bU3in'Clls of b)i\ing e(l,\echu. Very agricultural labourers is also high-45%. Next possibly some may be of mixed origin but there from the point of view of size of participation is is no doubt that a tribe called Khairwar or Kair­ household industry, which employs 2.7% of the Baiga workers. Their traditional household indus­ war is an aboriginal tribe inhabiting southern Rewa for a long time. The Baland Rajas of this try is making artifacts of split bam boo. Category tribe had held considerable sway in the neigh­ IlI-·mainly forestry, and 'other services' account bouring parts till the Chandels expelled them. for respectively 1.6% an

• Part I Repart, page 218. (!Xi)

Though mostly dependent on agriculture, the Medical and Public Health:- Table B-V tribe is distinguished from other tribes in having of the Handbook gives the occupational classifi­ a significantly large-~.6%- participation in cation of workers in the district and incidentally category V, manufacturing. This probably refers furnishes us with some valuable information to small-scale industries carried on by ,,"orkers bearing on the public health of the district vis-a­ outside the village. Household industry is also vis availability of medical and public health ser­ important, employing 2.1 % of the Khairwar vices. Group '03' of occupational classification working force. The two manufacturing categories' includes all persons working as 'physicians, sur­ together account for 5.7% of the working force. geons and dentists'. It appears that in 1961 For want of data, it' is not possible to pronounce Sidhi district had 35 'physicians, surgeons and upon the nature of the household industry carried dentists', the number covering not only doctors in allopathy but also physicians in ayurvedic, on by the Khairwars., homeopathic and sundry other systems of treat­ Agariya:- This tribe of primitive iron smelters ment. This gives us a popUlation-physician has been separately scpeduled in the districts of ratio of 16,575 comparing with a population-phy. erstwhile Vindhya P~adesh, while it has been sician ratio of 3,416 in the State as a whole. clubbed together as a sub-caste of Gond in the The district is thus rather poorly served by medi­ rest of the State. It constitutes 2 5% of the cal and public health services as compared with district's scheduled tribal population. The Agariyas the State as a whole. Three of the 35 physician"! are more numerous in the Deosar tahsil, t~ough were in urban areas that is Sidhi town, which they also inhabit the other two tahsils. Agricul. gives us a population-physician ratio of 1,674 ture dominates the economy in their case also, there. In rural areas of the district, on the other but participation in it is only 72.6% of tbe work­ hand, there is one physician for every 17,972 of ing force. This is much smaller than the partici­ the population, and these are therefore even more pation in case of scheduled tribes generally, poorly s_erved. which is 94.4%. A distinguishing feature of the tribe's economy is the high rate of participation It is, however, neces"lary to consider the availa­ in Category IV or household industry. This, bility of doctors in allopathy alone because these presumably, is their traditional household indu­ are invariably technically qualified, and seem for stry of smithy, perhaps of primitive iron-llmelting that reason, to matter most in the public mind also.Category III and Category IX employ 1.7% [whereas physicians belonging to other systems of and 1.0% of their workers. Employment in other medical treatment frequently include self-taught categories is either nil, or is of negligibly small persons (or even quacks) who have not passed order. any prescribed examina.tion]. The shockingly Riar or Biyar-- This tribe is returned only from backward condition of the district as regards Deosar and Singnuli tah,>ils, the latter tahsil doctors in allopathy is brought out from the high containing a larger proportion of the tribes popu­ population-doctor ratio of 52,739 for the total, lation. Sidhi district contains 99.7% of the State's and 63,901 for t~e rural popUlation of the district. population of this tribe, In the 1931 Central The deplorable state of public health services in India Agency Report*, they are described as rear­ rural areas of the district is brought in bolder ing cocks and pigs and following field lab;)ur and relief when compared with the State as a whole agriculture as their occupation. The Report ad­ which has a better (comparatively speaking) verted to above considered them to be a "mixed rural population-doctor ratio of 41,580. The caste with some Hindu blood in them". They hopelessness of the situation is further brought used to be engaged as waterman and domestic out when it is considered that the II and odd servants by the Rajputs. The tribe is mostly de. doctors have to serve an area of more than 4,000 pendent on agriculture now. square miles .

... Part I, Repart, page 230. (!xii)

Physicians in ayurved are more than twice as ble to directly compare the increases revealed by numerous in the district as the doctors in allopa­ census and the vital statistics (or natural) increase thy, and have all been returned from rural areas. during the decade, still it is. not difficult, to see Even as regards doctors in ayurved, rural areas that there is gross under registration. Assuming of the district are more poorly served than the that the Census increase of 115,827 during the lural areas of the State as a whole; the latter has decade was uniformly distributed over time one physician in ayurved for 1l,473 while in the (though, it is natural to presume that with pro­ rural areas of the district, there is one ayurved gressive decline in the death rate, the annual in­ physician for as many as 25,000 persons. Only crease should be greater in later years), there one doctor in homeopathy has been retutned should be an annual addition of 11,529 souls in from the district, and that is from Sidhi town. the district. As against this expected increM~, which itself is on the lower side, the vital statl- Group '04' of the occupational classification atics "!how increases of 714 and 679 only for 1959 includes workers following the pursuits of "nurses and 1960 respectively which are less thaI1 one­ pharmacists, and other medical and health techni­ cians". In 1961 the district had 148 such sixteenth each of the expected (conservative) workers, of whom 114 were in rural areas. 11 of additions. No use emphasising that vital stati­ these were nurses \a11 in urban area), 21 midwives stics registration claims the urgent and immediate and health visitors ( one in urban area), 14 nur­ attention of the district authorities in the years sing attendants and related workers (12 in urban to come. area), 26 Pharmacists and pharmaceutical techni­ Land-u.ge pattern- Table 2A.l in part II of cians (2 in urban area), 6 vaccinators (1 in urban the Handbook gives the areas of land under diffe­ area), 24 sanitation technicians (7 in urban area) rent types of land-use for the ten years 1951-52 to and 46 medical and health technicians not else­ where classified (all in rural areas). 1960-61 for the district as a. whole. Pattern of Vital Statistics- Vital statistics registration land utilisation in the district is shown in the seems to be in a very neglected st,ate. Figures of following table for the year 1959-60 (the year for births and deaths are available only for the last which tahsil wise break-up of the areas under diffe­ two years of the decade and these are given rent types of land-use was a.vailable with State in Table 6 B.l of th~ Handbook. Though for Census Organisation) for the district as a whole want of data for the whole decade, it is not possi- a.nd individually for each tahsil. Land utilisation Pattern 1959-60. Total Area under area ,-______.A. ______------~ District/Tahsil Forests Not available for Other uncultivated land Fallow lands Cropped area cultivation excluding fallow lands ,-_____ .A. ____ -. ,-____.A. _____ ...... ,-___ .A. ___ --. r---.A.----. Land Barren Total Perma- Land Cul- Total Fallow Cu- Total Net Area Total put to and un- nent under tura- lands rrent area sowh cro- non- culturable pastures misce- ble other fall- sown more pped agri- land and llane- waste than ows than area cuHu- other ous current once ral grazing tree fallows uses lands crops and groves not included in net area sown 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Sidhi District 100 43.65 3.65 9.75 13.40 0.55 0.08 6.69 7.32 6.49 3.11 9.60 26.04 6.44 3248 Gopadbanas tahsil 100 3897 4.80 10.83 15.63 0.78 0.14 4.55 5.47 5.07 2.93 8.00 31.92 7.72 39.64 Deosar tahsil 100 46.74 2.06 11.44 13.50 0.44 0.01 9.13 9.58 6.99 3.23 JO 22 19.95 4.38 24.33 Singrauli tahsil 100 49.00 3.93 3.85 7.78 0.18 0.04 7.18 7.40 8.97 3.31 12.28 23.53 7.33 30.86 (lxiii)

Sidhi is one of the five most extensively fore­ Net area sown which governs to some extent sted districts of the State. More than two-fifths denseness of population in rural areas accounts of its tQtalland area in 1959-60 ( also in 1960-61 ) for a little more than one-fourth of the total area was covered by forests. A note on the ftaura and of the district. This is much smaller than the fauna of these forests is already given; the predo­ corresonding State proportion of 36.7% and the minant species ih the forests is sat (Shorea difference is, as aforesaid, ascribable to high pro- , robusta); with bamboo (Dandrocalamus 8trictu8) portion of forest area in the district, as well as to occuring as forest 'floor. Area under forests is the high proportion under fallows. The proportion somewhat higher in Singrauli tahsil where it covers of net sown area exhibits considerable variation almost half of the tahsil's area and is high in among tahsils, fluctuating between the minimum Deosar tahsil. Gopadbanas is less extensively value of 20% for the least densely populated Deo­ forested than these two tahsils. sar tahsil to 32% for the most densely populated About one-seventh of the area of the district Oopadbanas tahsil. Density of population and net is recorded as 'not available for cultivation'. In­ area sown thus vary directly, which conforms to cluded in this is about one-twenty-seventh of the t~e expected behaviour pattern. I, • area recorded as being u~ed for such non-agrIcul- About 6% of the district's area is reported tural purposes as house-sites, roads etc. But \ to have been sown more than once. The proportion most of it-about one-tenth of the district's total has a little higher value of 8% in Gopadbanas tahsil area-is recorded as 'barren and unculturable land'. The classification, however, has not yet and a smaller value of 4% in Deosar. stabilised because, as would appear from Table Net area sown in the decade has more or less 2 A.l, in the very n6xt year (i. e. 1960.61) area under 'barren and unculturable' category falls to steadily (except in the year 1957-58 when it 3.4% of the total area, while that under 'put to showed a decline) increased during the decade non-agricultural uses' swells to 9.4%. 1951-61. The shrinkage in cultivated area in 1957-58 seems to have been due to the partial Culturable wastes occupy one-fifteenth of the failure of rains in 1957.58 resulting in less area district's area; the proportion showing higher being sown with wheat, barley and other rabi values in Deosar and Singrauli tahsils. There is however. very small area-less than 1 %-under crops. However, the net area sown in the d~stri~t has increased by 40.7% during 1951-61, WhICh IS pastures and unless the cattle are fed from the much more than the increase in population area recorded as forests, this area does not indi. cate the potentiality for future extension of during the decade. This means a reduction in the cultivation. strain on land, the per capita net sown area having increased from 1.00 acres in 1951-52 to Fanow lands also occupy a considerable chunk of the 'area of the district. This is distributed 1.12 acres in 1960-61. over old and current fallows in the ratio 2 : 1. Oropping pattern: Table 2A.2 in part II of the The proportion of fallow lands is higher in the Handbook shows the cropping pattern in the Singrauli and Deosar tahsils Since fallow lands district during 1951-52 to 1960-6lin respect of (particularly the old follo~s) indicate wa~tage of land resources, it appea.rs from the foregoing some prinC'ipal crops. The table inset below, table that there is considerable suoh wastage in which pertains to year 1960.61, gives the cropping Sidhi distriot. pattern separately for each tahsil. lxiv)

Area 80wn under major,Orop8 in each tahsil oj Sitlhi di8trict 1961

AREA UNDER DiatrlctJtabsil Net ,.------"------""' area Rice Jawar Maize Wheat Barley Total Gram Tur Other Total Total T0tal Sesa- Lin- Total total Area sown cereals pulses pulses food food mum seed oil non- sown & grains crops seeds food more millets crops than once

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 Si dhi district 100 26.94 2.80 5.21 7.02 13.21 82.29 10.31 7.03 6.95 24.29 106.59 106.86 12.78 4.87 18.96 19.13 26.00 Gopadbanas tahsil 100 32.87 3.32 3.81 10.72 11.83 80.85 15.01 740 5.25 27.65 108.50 IOS.73 10.97 5.63 17.68 17.78 26.48

Deosar tahsil 100 15.02 2.1 7.84 2.87 16.59 82.56 5.S1 8.50 8.95 22.96 105.52 105.71 13.52 1.93 17.30 17.43 23.15

Singrauli tahsi1100 26.81 2.15 5.57 1.47 12.20 86.75 2.43 3.31 9.38 15.12 101.87 102.46 17.68 7.18 26.06 26.56 29.02

Food crops-almost entirely food-grains-occupy directly available from the data, though it can most of the gross cropped area of the district. In roughly be estimated to have covered 27% of the 1960-61, area under food crops was 107% of the net sown area in 1960- 61. It occupied a smaller net sown area. in that year (showing considerable area of about 18% of the net sown area extent of double-cropping in the district). The area (in 1960·61) in Gopadbanas tahsil, and a higher under foodcrops was more than the net sown area area of 44% in Deosar tahsil. In SingrauLi tahsil, in each tahsil. Non.grain food crops covered only area under kodon occupied about 38% of the net 0.27% of the net sown area in 1960-61, which sown area in 1960-61. shows the relative unimportance of these crops Barley seems to be the third most important in the district. cereal in the district, acreage under it being 13% Most of the area under food-grains is under of the net sown area 'of the district in 1960.61. cereals and millets, the porportion under them be· The area under this crop was somewhat higher ing 82% .of the net sown area (in 1960-61) of the 17%in Deosar tahsil where it is more extensively district. Rice and kodon, both khariJ crop8, together grown than even rice and has almost the same with barley and wheat are the'imortant cereal and proportionate value in the other two tahsils. millet crops grown in the district. Rice which Wheat, with about one·fourteenth of the net­ accounted for more than a quarter of the net cropped area under it, is also an important crop. Bown area of the district in 1960·61 is the most In Gopadbanas tahsil wheat acreage is more than widely grown crop. one-tenth of the tahsil's net sown area and al­ Proportion of area under rice crop fluctuated most matches the acreage under barely. Area from the lowest of 15% in Deosar to the highest under wheat is, however, very small in Deosar of33% in Gopadba,nas tahsil. In Singrauli tahsil and Singrauli tahsils. The cereal joU'ar has about rice covered 27% of the ' net sown area. It would 3% oft~e net sown area devoted to it and it does appear from Table. 2A.2 that acreage under rice not show any sizeable variation among the behaved rather erratically during the first four tahsils. Maize, mainly a back garden crop, more years of the decade, having the lowest value in or less, matches the area under wheat; lnfact, in Deosar and Singrauli tahsils it has much more 1954-55. From this year, however, the area under area under it than wheat. the crop has steadily increased. In 1960-61, area under rice is 8.1 % higher than area under it in Also important in the cropping pattern of 1951-52. the distriot are pulses, which were grown on al­ most one· quarter of the net sown area in 1960-61. The millet Kodon is about as extensively grown Important pulses are gram and tur. Proportion of as rice ill the district. Area under the crop is Qot area under pulses fluctuated between the lowest (lxv) value of 15% in Singrauli and the highest va.lue· and 2,105 acres in 1959-60. In 1960-61, more of 28% in Gopadbanas, tahsil. than three-fourth of the irrigated area was Non-food crops, mostly oilseeds. cover al­ under food crops. Wells are the chief source of most one-fifth of the districts' net sown area in irrigation in the district. Two minor irrigation 1960-61, the acreage being as high as 27% in works-the Sidhi dam project at village Guryara in Singrauli tahsil and ha.ving low comp~rable-17 Gopadbanas tahsil and Bamraha nullah project to 18 per cent-values in the other two tahsils. at village Jamhunia Khurd in the same tahsil­ Seasamum and linieed are the two important are estimated to bring an additional 5,000 acres oilseeds grown, the former much more extensively under irrigation. The first of these was under than the latter. execution, while the later was still under survey Irrigated area " and investigation stage till 1961. There is not much of irrigatiom in the dist­ rict, total irrigated area in 1960-61 being a mere Economy: The table inset below gives a 1,890 acres which is only 0.29% oBhe nAt cro­ distribution of the district and of each tahsil pped area. During the decade irrigated area per among the nine categories of workers and year has fluctuatf)d between 939 acres in 1951-52 non-workers.

Non Workers in Category Workers District/Tahsil e----_..----A------..... Total Total Population Workers I II III IV V VI VII VlII IX X 2 3 4 .5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Sidhi District 100 54.1 34.5 14.0 1.1 2.4 0.1 0.1 0.5 Neg. 1.4 45.9 Gopadbans Tahsil 100 51.6 31.3 14.7 1.2 2.1 Neg. 0.1 0.5 Neg. '1.6 48.4 Deosar Tahsil 100 56.2 37.1 14.0 0.7 3.0 Neg. 0.1 0.4 . Neg. 0.9 43.8 Singrauli Tahsil 100 59.4 41.4 12.1 1.3 2.5 0.2 0.2 0.3 Neg. 1.4 40.6

Participation rate in the district is 54.1 %, for 12.7% of the district's working force, which is slightly higher than the State average of 52.3%. This small difference is to be ascribed to Participation In the working force is the least the higher proportion of urban population in the in Gopadbana~ tahsil, ~hile 'it is' significantly State as a whole than in Sid hi district because high in Singrauli tahsil. Deosar occupies an urban areas have lower participation. In fact, intermediate position in· thIS respect. It appears participation rate for the rural population of the from the table inset above that the higher State is 55 2%, which is greater than the rate participation rates in Deosar and Singrauli tahsils (54.2%) for rural areas of the district. Sexwise, are because of higher ratio of workers in the participation rate is 60.9% for males while agriculture. for females it is 47.1 %. Since the district has 43% of its pop Illation in the age-group 0-14, it Household Economy: Table B--X, prepared follows that the working force draws in sizeable from a 20% sample of households, shows that numbers from the ranks of children below 14 67%, or about two-thirds of the households in years, particularly in case of males. Table B-Il the district are engaged only in cultivation; and in Part J of the Handbook shows that 15.9% of 10.6% are engaged in cultivation as well as in the children in ages 0-14 have to work. Child­ household industry. Thus more than 77% of the workers ( i. e., below 15 years of age ) account rural sample households depend upon agriculture. (lxvi)

About a fifth of the rural households are engag~ size. Taking cumulative percentages, we observ& neither in cultivation nor in household industry. that 23.3% of the rural cultivating cultivate hold­ ings households ofless than 2.5 acres; 42.0% on ho­ Table B~XI in the Handbook gives a distri~ ldings below 5 acres in size while 58.8% cultivate bution of sample houBeholds engaged in holdings below 7.5 acres in size. For cultivation by interest in land cultivated and a district like Sidhi whete irrigation by size of land cultivated. Jt shows that 67% of facilities do not exist, and where the soils are not rural cultivating households are masters of the very fertile, a holding of less than 7.5 acres is any land cultivated by them, holding it directly from thing but economic, in the sense that it will not the Government. Households who cultivate ensure even a bare subsistence living to the family. lands not belonging to them, but taken from The evidence before us would therefore show that others on lease make 8.4% of the cultivating more than two-thirds of the cultivating households rural households; while 25% cultivate lands partly in the district depend on uneconomio holdings. owned by them or held directly from the The lot of about two-fifths of the households who Government and partly taken on lease from cultivate less than 5 acres of land must be others. These figures assume cOll8iderable pitiable. importance when seen in conjunction with the Taking the sum of net area sown, current land reform measures enacted by the State follows and old follows as the area held under Government with a view to seoure a more equi­ tenures in the district, we find that in 1960-61, an table distribution of land, and to abolish absentee average cultivating household in the district landlordism. It appears that considera.ble ground should own about 10.4 acres of land.· Even of remains to be covered in securing complete the net sown area in 1960-61, an average cultiva~ fulfilment of the objectives of the enactments. ting household in the district should own 7.6 In an economy almost wholly dependent on acres. When set against the fact that 68.5% of the agricultu~, the size of land cultivated per family cultivating households own less than 7.5 acres and 42.0% hold less than even 5 acres of land each, is very important. Table B.XI shows that as la­ rge a proportion as 8.8% of all cultivating sample these figures give us some idea of the magnitude households hold less than one acre of land. 14.5% of concentration of landwealth in the hands of a of the rural cultivating households cultivate on smaller number of households. holdings between 1 and 2.5 acres in size, 18.7% The following table gives a distribution of on holdings .between 2.5 and 5 acres while 16.8% 100 workers in the district and in each tahsil by cultivate on holdings between 5 and 7.5 acres in the nine categories of workers.

Working force distributed ot1er Oategories,1961.

Worker in Category Total r------J>..------.... Di,trict/ tahsil worken I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Sidhi district 100 63.8 26.0 2.0 4.4 0.1 0.2 0.9 Neg. 2.6

Gopadbana5 tahsil 100 00.7 28.S 2.3 4.1 Neg. 0.1 1.1 Neg. 3.2 Deosar tahsil 100 6S.9 24.9 1.3 5.3 Neg. 0.1 0.8 Neg_ 1.7

Singraull tahsil 100 69.8 20.4 2.1 4.2 0.4 0.3 O.S Neg. 2.3

Madbya Pradesb State 100 62.7 16.6 2.9 S.O 2.0 1.0 2.4 0.9 6.S

·Total cultiYatiD' households in the district have been taken as five times the ,ample cultivatiDI households. (l:lVli)

The table clearly brings out the overwhelming husbandry, forestry, fishing gardening etc. In Sidhi dependence of the economy on agriculture, which district roughly lout of every 50 workres engages principally employs nine-tenths of the workers. himself in such economic activity. The proportion The degree of dependence .on agriculture in the is lower than the proportion of such workers in district is considerably greater than in case of the the State as a whole. Within the distrct, Gopad­ State as a whole, the latter including only 79% of banas and Singrauli tahsils have greater propor­ its working force in agriculture. This conc~ntra­ tion of workers in the category than Deosar tion of the workers in the two agricultural tahsil. working categorie!!, and the consequent want of In Sidhi district, the activity comprised in Cate­ diversification of economie t'ffort over other gory III, which accuunts for more than nine-tenths sectors of economy is again indication of its (95%) of the category's working force is the backwardness and of the low levels of urbanisa­ raising of livestock for milk and animal power (minor group '040' of the industrial classification). tion and industrialisation. The role of mining and quarrying, or oftbe other Nearly two-third of the working popUlation of the actvities comprised in category III is insignifi­ district has been returned as cultivators, by which cantly smflll in the district. The Singrauli tahsil term are meant per~ons who cultivate on their of the district is known to contain rich and own account, whether on owned (including family extensive deposits of coal, but these had not begun holdings) or unowned lands, as against agricultural to be exploited by the census day and therefore labourers who work On land for others on wages. their effect on the economy is not reflected in the The proportion of cultivators varies from nearly working returns of the district. three-fifths in the slightly urbanised Gopadbanas Category IV-Household Industry. tahsil to about seven-tenths in the Singrauli tahsil. Agricultural labourers add upto a little This category is next to agriculture from the more than quarter of the district's working force. point of view of size of the working force in it. In the ~tate as a whole, labourers in agriculture Participation in household industry does not show contribute only one-sixth (16.6%) to the wurking much variation in the individual tahsils; being force. The greater propvrtion of agricultural owest (4.1 %) in Gopadbanas and highest (5.3%) labourers in the district suggests greater intensity in Deosar tahsil. The household industries comm­ of pL'essure on land in the district than in the only pursued in the district are those traditio­ State as a whole. nally associllted with the functional castes, like Basor, Ahir, Chamar, Agaria, Luhar, Kumhar, TeJi Category III-Mhdng and quarrying etc. etc. The table inset below lists the first fourteen This categ"ry includes industry in the primary household industrie& in the district, indicating sector of econpmy other than agriculture, such against each the proportion af workers in it to all as mining and quarrying, livestock and animal workers in Category IV.

Important household indu8tries in SiaM, 1961.

Proportion of workers in the S. No. Code No. Description industry to all Remarks (Caste witb of Industry workers in Cate­ which associated) gory IV 2 3 4 s ------~-~ 1 288 Ma.nufacture of materials from bamboo, cork, 27.2 Associated with cane, leaves and other allied products. Basor caste; also Baiga. 2 040 Production and rearing of livestock mainly 18.6 Ahir caste for milk and animal power such as cow, buffalo, goat (lxviii)

S. No. Code DescriptioD Proportion of Remarks (Caste No. of workers in the with which asso­ Industry industry to all ciated) workers in Category IV 1 2 3 4 s 3 311 Manufacture of shoes and other leather foot­ 10.6 Chamar caste wear

4 369 Manufacture of sundry hardwares such as G. I. 9.2 Luhar and Agaria pipe, wire, nut, bolt etc.

5 2()7 Production of edible fats and oils (other than 7.1 Teli hydrogenated oil)

6 350 Manufacture of earthenware and earthem 5.6 Kumhar pottery

7 340 Manufacture of structual clay products Buch as 4.8 Kumhar bricks and tiles

8 200 Production of rice, atta, flour etc. by milling, 3.5 dehusking and processing of crops and food­ grains

9 393 Manufacture of jewellery, sliverwares and 3.4 Sunar wares using gold and other precious metals

10 282 Manufacture of structual wooden goods 2.8 Barhai (including treating timber) such as beams, posts, doors, windows

11 273 Making of textile garments including rain­ 1.9 coats and headgear

12 235 Cotton-weaving in handlooms 1.5

13 220 Manufacture of bidi 0.9

14 231 Cotton-spinning (other than in mills) 0.9 ------...... Oategory V-Manufacturing other than household district. Hence the figures returned in category V 'ndU8try therefore eithe~ refer to industries of a registered factory scale, but not registered; or a household This category employs only lout of every scale industry not technically qualifying for inclu­ 1,000 workers in the district, and is thus not of sion in the definition of household. More than much importance economically. Participation in half the workers in category V have been returned it is of negligible dimensions in the Gopadbanas in minor group '220' i,e, manufacture of bidi. and Deosar tahsils. The figures thus clearly bring Tailoring (minor group 273) and manufacture of out the other wise well-known fact of the extreme ammunition, explosive, and fire-work's (minor industrial backwardness of the district. By 1960, group 333) and gold smithy employ· most of the there was not even one registered factory in the remaining workers in category V. (1m)

Oategory VI-Oonstruction. dimensions in the district and in each tahsil. Of The backwardness of the district as regards the 107 workers in the category, 74 are in trans­ constructional ~ctivites is apparent from the low port (mostly passenger transport by buses and proportion-l per 500-of workers in Category goods transport by motor vehicles), 32 in commu­ VI. It is somewha'~ higher in Singrauli tahsil but nications (mostly in postal and telegraphio is only 1 per 1000 in Gopadbanas and Singtauli communications) and only 1 in storage. tahsils. About two-thirds of the workers returned in the category are in the construction and The distriot has no railway line and is very maintenance of roads {minor group 400), while the poorly served by roads The districts headquarters others are engaged mainly in the construction and town Sidhi is connected with pacca, all weather maintenance of buildings, and to some extent in roads with the towns of Rewa and Shahdol in the construction and maintenance of tanks, dams case of both via Govindgarh. Sidhi is also , I connected by pacea road with the tahsil head­ bunds waterways or res~rvoirs etc. quarters Deosar and Singrauli. The district is Oategory VII -Trade a~d Oorftmerce- reported to have 44 miles of State highway, 93 Trade and commerce employs roughly lout miles of major district roads, 17 mIles of other of every 100 workers in the district and "in district roads under the maintenance of PWD 132 Gopadbanas and Deosar Tahsils. In Singrauli the miles of forest roadA and 430 miles of village roads. proportion of workers in trade and commerce is Its baCkwardness as regards road communications as low as 1 in 200. is clear from the fact that it has only 38 miles of all weather, pacca roads per 1,000 square miles of 7% of the 2,773 workers in trade and comm­ area which compares with 129 miles of such roads in erce are engaged in wholesale trade mostly in (i) the case of the State as a whole. Inclusion of forest cereals and pulses (ii) in all kinds of fabrics and roads increases the figure to 71 linear miles per textile products (iii) in skins, leather and fur and 1,000 square miles of area in the district, while if (iv) in intoxicants such as wines, liquors etc. village roads are also included, the number of miles About 92.5% of the workers in trade and of road per 1000 square miles rises to 177 miles. commerce are in retail trade. As is expected about In the State as a whole, inclusion of village and half of these are engaged in retail trading in forest roads increases the number of linear miles cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruits, sugar, spices, road per 1000 square miles to 184. oil, fish, dairy products, poultry eggs, etc. (minor The district does 'not have any railway line. group 640), and a little less than one-sixth in Nearest railhead for Sidhi town is Satna retail trading in "fibres, yarns, dhoti, sad, town, about 60 miles away. readymade garments etc". Of the remaining, most of the workers are engaged in retail trading in Category IX-'Other Services'. (i) food-stuffs like sweet-meats, condiments, cakes etc. (ii) tobacco, biri etc. (iii) intoxicants such as 'Oher Services' rank after 'agriculture' and liquors (iv) metal, porcelain and glass utensils. household industry' in the district's economy, A very small proportion of workers in trade judging from the standpoint of size of participa­ and commerce has been returned in banking and tion aJone. The proportion of workers in 'other ot~r similar commercial institutions. services' is highest in Gopadbanas tahsil and lowest in Deosar tahsil. Oategory VIII-Transport, Storage and Oommunications. The table inset below shows the important major groups of 'other services' , together with the pro­ Employment in this category is of negligible portion in each to total workers in 'other services'. (Ixx)

Proportion of workers in certain major groups of 'otker services' to all workers in other services.

S. No. Code No. Description Proportion in the Remarks (Major group) major group to all workers in 'other services' 1 2 3 4 S 1 90 Activities unspecified and not adequately described in. 41.7 cluding activities of such individuals who fail to pro- vide sufficient information about their industrial affi- lation. 2 81 EducationaJ and Scientific Services 19.6 3 80 Public Services 18.2 4: 88 Personal services 9.7 5 82 Medical and Health Services 3.9 6 51 Water-supply and Sanitary services 2.8 7 83 Religious and Welfare Services 1.2 8 89 Services not elsewhere classified 1.1 9 87 Recreation Services 0.8 10 86 Community services and trade and labour associations 0.6 II 84 Legal serv ices 0.3 12 50 Electricity and gas 0.1

The table shows that of the workers who district is rich in forest wealth. The district lies could be classified, the highest proportion -about mostly to the south of the southern scarp of one-fifth of all workers in the category- was in Kaimur, and consists of a tangled mass of hills, ~ducational services. There were most by teachers enclosing numerous valleys, some of them of consi- In school~. More. or less equally frequent were derable expanse.. \ workers In 'publIc service'. About two-thirds Enjoying a rather extreme climate, the district of these were in public service in administrative offices and departments of the State Government receives about 40" of rainfall. and about one-fifth in public service in police. The district has an area of 4,012 square miles, accounting for 2.36% of the State's total area, About one-tenth of the persons in Category IX were in 'personal services' • About haJf of which is distributed among the Gopadbanas, these were household servants like cooks etc. about Deosar and Singrauli tahsils more or less in the two-:-~fth~ in hair-drsessing (i.e. -barbars), and proportion 5: 4: 2. The ~estern biggest Gopadbanas remaInlllg III Jaundry services (washerman) etc. tahsil is thus about 2-l times as big as the smallest Workers in other 'major groups' are in small Singrauli t~hsil, while I?eosar is about twice as numbers. big as it., Distribution of population among Electrification tahsils is even more lopsided with Gopadbanas alone conta.ining almost three-fifth (57.4%) of ~h.e di.strict has not made much headway in electr~f~catl(:lU, only Sidhi town having been district's population, Deosar about one-fourth electnfled tIll 31st March 1961. (24.4%) and Singrauli between one.fifth and one-sixth (18.2%). The district ranks 28th in Summing up the State in descending order of populousness. 14th biggest and 28th most populous in the Having on an average 145 persons on square State, Sidhi district is typical of the economically mile against 190 in case of the State as a whole, Si. undeveloped and educationally backward districts dhi district is the ninth most sparsely populated dis­ of the State. The district is, though, rich in natural tricts in the State. Tahsilwi~e variation of population wealth : Singrauli tahsil has seemingly unlimited density is Gopadbanas (183); Deogar (97) and Sing. resources in high-grade coal, the whole whil~ rauli(144). Proportion offorest area and net cr<'pped (Ixxi) I

area are important factors reacting on population persons above 35 but below 60 years and a small density of the district in the State context and of proportion-about 1 in 22- of persons above the tahsils 3mongst themselves in the district, 60 years. According to the rule-of thumb the one negat\vely and the other positively corre­ measure of Sundburg, the popUlation of the lated with it. . district is a growing one. The district has 977 Except in t};le decade 1911-21 when I it lost females per 1000 males, comparing with 953 heavily in population, population in the district has females per 1000 males in the Statt as a whole. grown in all the decades of the period 1901-61, Within the district lowest sex-ratio (960) is at a rate faster than that of the State as a whole. found in Deosar tahsil, while the highest value The decade jast go~e by witnessed an all time of 987 is seen in Gopadbanas tahsil. During high increase of 25% in the district's population, 1951-61, sex-ratio has increased in the which is slightly higher than the corresponding district b¥ 6 points, which is against the State State increase of 24%. The distribution of this trend in which the sex-ratio in 1961 is less than increase has been uniform being ~urprisingly the corresponding 1951 ratio by 14 points. This 25 1,24.5 and 25.1 percent respectively in Gopad­ points to some male emigration from the district. banas, Deosar and Singrauli tahsils. Marital Status data of the popUlation shows Till 1951, the district did not have any town; that child marriages have still an alarmingly high but in ) 961, the district headquarters Sidhi has freqnency in the district, particularly in case of, been treated as a town. It has a population of girls. More than one-third of the boys -and 5,021 which accounts for only 0.9% of the district's population. Sidhi has 1,909 villages, about three-fifth of the girls in age group 10-14 which come to 2.5% of all villages in the State. (starting point of marital status tabulation) have of these only 1,733 are inhabited, which are been returned as married. Almost nine-tenth of distributed among the tahsils as follows: Gopad- the girls and two-third of the boys in the ages banas 57% Deosar 28%; and Singrauli 15%. 45% 15-19 are married. These should also be regarded of the villages in the district have populations as cases of early marriages in case of boys below 200 each, about one-third or 33% between generally and of most of the girls. 200 and 500, 17% between 590 and 1,000 and Sidhi is as yet one of the most backw3;rd dis­ only 5% above 1,000. Sidhi is thus a district tricts in the march of education and literacy. It predominantly of small villages. The most has a literacy percentage of 7.8 which compares numerous small villages below 200 in population, with the State average of 17.1 % and national however, contain only one-eighth of the popu­ average of 24 %. Only two districts in the State, lation. The population living in the somewhat namely Jhabua and Bastar have lower literacy per­ bigger (200-499) of the small villages is centages than Sidhi district. Deosar tahsil with proportionate to the frequency of these villages. only 5.7% of literate and educated in its popula­ About a fifth of the rural population lives in tion is the educationally'most backward tahsil in medium-sized villages between 500 and 1,000 the district. Singrauli' with a literacy percentage, population. of 6.4 is also lagging behind while Gopadbanas Age-distribution of the population of with 9.1 % has the highest percentage of literacy Sidhi district is broadly similar to the distribution in the district. Looked in retrospect, however, the of the popUlation of the State as a whole,though performance of the district cannot be said to _be the district has conspicuously higher proportion bad. In 1951 only 3.6% of the population was of children below 15 years than the State as a literate and educated, "which stands more than Whole. More than two-fifths of the population doubled 'in 1961. This remarkable achievement consists of juveniles and children below15 years, has been possible largely owing to the very rapid about one- third of young PFrsons below 35 but expansion of educational institutions in the above 15years, about one-fifth of middle--aged district particularly the primary schools whose (lxxii)

number has increased almost three times since agricultural labour. 71% of rural (sample) 1951. households are engaged in cultivation. Of these Though twenty speeches have been returned 8.3% do not own the l~d8 cultivated by them as mother tongues in the district, as many as 99.8% while 25% only· own part of their cultivated of the population speak Hindi-its Bagheli di­ holdings. As regards Qistribution of land wealth, leot mainly. Other speeches are thus spoken by it may be noted that 8.8% of the cultivating about 0.2% of the population. rural hous~holds hold ludicrously am all holdings As elsewhere Hindus constitute the vast of less than 1 acre eacb, 14.5% hold very small majority of population accounting for 98%. Mus­ holdings between 1 and 2.5 aores, 18.7% hold lims who are the next largest group constitute small holdings between 2.5 and 5 acres while 2% of the population. Followers of other religions 16.8% hold somewhat bigger but still unecono­ mic holdings of 5 to 7.5 a

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Total Area in Popu- Number of villages Number Number of Population ,..--___.A.. ____....., occupied ,..--____.A.. ____..... District/Tahsil/Town Rural lation ,..-----A----., of Urban Sq. miles Sq.km. per Inha- Unin- towns residential Persons Males Females Sq. mile bited habited houses

2 3 (a) 3 (b) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 SmH! DISTRICT T (a\ 4,(160 10,515 (b\ 3,953.3 10,239.2 147 1,733 176 1 101,513 580,129 293,507 286,621 R 3.951.9 10,235.7 146 1,733 176 100,382 575,108 21JO,579 284,529 U 1.4 3.5 3,692 1,131 5,021 2,928 2,093

1 Gopadbanas Tabsil T 1,790.7 4,63S.\) 186 989 105 59,856 332,174 167,445 165,329 R 1,789.3 4,634.5 183 989 105 58,725 327,753 164,517 163,236 U 1.4 3.5 3,692 1,131 5,021 2,928 2,093

Sidhi (N.A.) U 1.36 3.52 3,692 1,131 5,021 2,928 2,093

2 DeosarT ahsil R 1,427.1 3,696.2 99 480 51 24,961 141,593 72,252 69,341

3 Singrauli Tahsil R 735.S 1,905.0 144 264 20 16,696 105,762 53,810 51,952

Note:-I Under columns 3 (a) & 3 (b), (a) represents the area figures furnished by the Surveyor General of India; (b) represents the area figures furnished by the State Survey Department. The area figures of tahsils, total and rural are based on the figures of State Survey Department.

2 The urban areas are collected by the Census Organisation.

3 Population per square mile has been calculated on area figures furnished by the State Survey Department.

4 Town treated as such for the first time in 1961 is printed in italic~.

5 N. A. stands for Notified Area.


Statement MowinA' 1951 Territorial Units constitut~ the present :set up (only those name5:area~ which haTe undergone changes sinee 1951 have been shown below)

Note :--Thcre have been no territorial changes in this district since 1951,


Number ot villages with a population of 5,000 and over and towns with a population under 5,006

N(lte :-There is no such village or town in the distril;t. 4 APPENDIX-III

Houseless and Institutional Population

Total Houseless Population Institutional Pop).llation r-----___.h- ______-. District I Tahsil Rural r---~------.A.------., Urban Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

SlOHI DISTRICT Total 570 361 209 543 510 33 Rural 570 361 209 377 352 25 Urban 166 158 8

1 Gopadbanas Tahsil Total 182- 130 52 430 400 30 Rural 182 130 52 264 242 22 Urban 166 158 8

2 Deosar Tah,il Rural 214 136 78 113 110 3

3 Singrauli Tahsil Rural 174 95 79



District Year Persons Decade variation Percen'age decade Males Females vanation

2 3 4 5 6 7

SIDHI DISTRICT 19()1 314,465 157,338 157,127 j 'Ij 366,345 - ,)1,1330 +16.50 182,618 183,721 1'~::1 315Al,1 - 50,3&4 -13.89 157,758 157,703 193\ 361,866 _J_ 46,405 -114.71 181,426 180,440 1941 424,159 _, 62,293 -, 17.21 213,474 210,685 1951 464,302 _- 40,143 + 9A6 235.616 228,686 1961 580,129 +115,827 +24.95 293,507 286,622


District and T :lh:>ih "bowing 1931 populai ;Oil a,::,::ording to their territorial jurisdiction in 1951, change::; in aNa, and po_;JUJation involv','ld in .'<::>3:) cbanges

Area in 1961 Area in 1951 1951 Population Population in' Net increase (-+ ) ,.-----__.I,._------, 1961 r- -~ -~- __ __ --1\.. ___ _ -, according to 1951 adjusted or decrease (-) District/Tahsil Sq. miles Sq, km. Population Sq nli!e3 Sq. ~:m. Jurkdiction to jurisdiction between eols. prevailing in 1951 of 1961 7 and 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

SIDHI DISTRICT 3,953.3 10,239.2 580,129 4,O7~.0 10,546.5 464,302 464,302 (-118.7) (-307.3)

I Gopadbanas Tahsil 1,790.7 4,638.0 332,774 1,839.0 4,763.01 266,111 266,1ll (-48_3) (-125.01)

2 Deosar Tahsil 1.427,1 3,696.2 141,593 1,4790 3)nO.61 113,656 113,656 (-51.9) (-134.4,1)

3 Singrauli Tahsil 735.5 1,905.0 105.762 7540 1.952.&6 84,535 84,535 (-HL:') (-47.86) 5



I . Villages with L~~ than 2,000 population Total r------__.A. ______---, number of Total rural population Less than 2eO 200-499 r-~- ____ .--__J...______~ District /Tahsil inhabited r---~-...A...----_.... r------..A._------... villages Persons Males Females Number Males F~m:1Ls Numb~r Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

SIDHI DISTRICT 1,733 575,108 290 579 284,529 778 35,591 ' 34,090 576 94,107 91,130 1 Gopadbanas Tahsil 989 327,753 164,517 163,236 468 20,692 20,159 303 48,996 47,944 2 Deosar Tahsil 480 141,593 72,252 69,341 223 lOAM 9,714 162 26,063 24,877 3 Singrauli Tahsil 264 105,762 53,810 51,952 87 4,455 4,217 111 19,048 18,309

TA TILE A-III_ Concld.

I--Villages wit., Ie" ttl 112,000 flJp_llation- Cone/d. II-Villages with population of 2,000-9,999 r------~--~~ ----~-..----)..-.------~-___., r------_A.. ___ ~ _____ --. District/Tahsil 500-999 1,000-1,999 2,000-4,999 r------../-....-~------~ r--~------...A.------__, r------....A..------. Number Males Females ;\lumber Males Females Number Males Females

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

SIDHI DISTRICT 295 101,230 100,187 75 48,098 48,259 9 11,553 10,863 I Gopadbanas Tahsil 162 55,571 55,762 51 33,030 33,394 5 6,228 5,977 2 Deosar Tahsil 85 29,386 28,559 10 6,359 6.191 3 <;ingrauli Tahsil 48 16,273 15,866 14 8,709 ~167-t 4 1,325 4,886

Note ;-There is no vilh:~ in the district having ;\ population of 5,000 and ab)"e.



Area in 1961 P.:rcentage Name of town/town-group Status of Year ,-- -- - __ .A._ -- ~ _ --, P~ .. s"n, D~c:.'!c· decade Ma1es Females town Sq. miltS ~q. km. var:ajJn variation 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

CLASS V-5,OO0--9,999

Sidbi Town Notified area 1961 1.36 3.52 5,021 2,928 2,093 6


Occupied residential Total no. of persons enurnerated (in. Total Area in houies-.A_____ , eluding inmates of institutions and Scheduled Rural Sq. miles District/Tahsil houseless persons) ,-___Castes--A. ____ -, Urban No. of No. of ,,------.---.A------1 hou5e~ houaeholds Persons Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10

SIDHl DISTRICT T 3,953.3 101,513 111.369 580,11.9 293,507 186,621 17,996 27,453 R 3,951.9 100,382 110,114 575,108 290,579 284,529 27,901 27,357 U 1.4 1,131 I l.lSS S,Oll 2,928 2,093 95 96

1 Gopadbanas Tahsil T 1,790.7 ;9,856 65,402 332,774 167,445 ]65,329 13,776 13,748 R 1,789.3 58,725 64,147 327,753 164,517 163,236 13,681 13,652 U t.4 1,131 1,255 5.021 2,928 2,093 95 96

2 Deosar Tahsil * R 1,427.1 24,961 26,433 141,593 72,252 69,341 6,790 6,561

3 Sinarauli Tahsil * R 735.5 16,696 19,534 105,762 53,810 51,952 7,430 7,144


WORKERS______.J.______- ______, ,------_----_.. II III IV V In In Mining. Qll'lrrymg. I iveslOck, Manu fact uring Tot;,\ ,4., forestry, fishing. Hunting At other than District/Tahsil Rural Agrkultu£;tl and Plantatiolls. Orchards Household Household Urban Lab,)urer and A Hied activities Industry {'"' ___Industry--A.... ____ , ~ J ___ -____ -_...A.. ______~ ,-___ ..A. ___, ~--- ,- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female$ 2 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 smHI DISTRICT T 39,970 41,535 5,235 972 9,615 4,279 221 123 R 39,910 41,478 5,186 972 9,486 4,257 151 121 U 60 57 49 129 22 70 2

1 Gopadbanas Tahsil T 23,880 24,946 3,225 644 4,760 2,301 84 2 R 23,820 24,88'1 3,176 644 4,631 2,279 14 U 60 57 49 129 22 70 2

2 Deosar Tahsil * R 9,912 9,949 850 182 "2,950 1,255 24 12

3 Singrauli Tat sil * R 6,178 6.640 \,160 146 1,905 723 113 109

* Entirely rural tahsil 7

ABSTRAcr WORKERS ,------'------"""1 Total Total Workers 1 Rural ,-___Scheduled-.A. ___ Tribes """I Literate and Educated PersoDs ,-___-.A. (I-IX)_____ -, As Cultivator Urban ,- ---.. ,------"------., Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2

97,937 97,741 41,801 3,190 178,880 135,093 114,669 85,735 T 97,752 97,S~2 40009 2,931 177,229 134,760 114,536 85,657 R 185 189 1,793 358 1,651 333 133 78 U

49,692 50,253 27,699 2,612 100,095 71,473 62,211 41,912 T 49,507 50,064 25,906 2.254 98,444 71,140 62,078 41,834 R 185 189 1,793 358 1,651 333 133 78 U

34,382 33,693 7,657 359 44,781 34,848 29,369 23,112 R

13,863 13,795 6,446 319 34,004 28,772 23,089 20,711 R


WORKERS ,-____NON-WORKERS.A_ __-;_, ,------A.------1 VI VI[ VIII IX X In In Transport, Total In Trade & Storage and In Rural Commerce Communications Other Services Urban Construction ,-___-.A. ____, ,-____.A. ____, r------_.A. ___-, ,------"------, ,------'------, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 2

417 85 2,228 545 lq6 1 6,419 1,818 114,627 151,529 T 342 80 1,907 S03 ~7 5,644 1,692 113,350 149,769 R 75 5 321 42 39 1 775 126 1,277 1,760 U

222 21 1,457 402 68 4,188 1,244 67,350 93,856 T 147 16 1,136 360 29 3,413 1,118 66,073 92,096 R 75 5 321 42 39 775 126 1,277 1,760 U

58 28 496 94 23 1,099 216 27,471 34,493 R

137 36 275 49 15 1,132 358 19,806 23,180 R 8 TABLE WORKERS AND NON-WORKERS CLASSIFIED

WORKERS ~-----~~~-~---~-~~~~------~--- I II III

In Mining, Quarrying, Livestock, Forestry, As Fishing, Hunting and Total Workers As Agricultural Plantations, Orchards Total Total population (I-IX) Cultivator Labourer and Allied activities ,.-____.A. _____, ,.. __• .A.. __, Rural r-~~'---"----~-"'1 ,-----'---, r--.__ . .A. -.-----, Urban Age group Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 10 11 12 13


Total All ages 580,129 293,507 286,622 178,880 135,093 U4,669 85,735 39,970 41,535 5,235 972 0-14 250,355 127,(,79 122,67(, 21,941 17,906 11,147 10,560 6,114 5,621 2,946 710 15-34 186,746 93,733 93,013 88,708 69,785 55,834 44,449 21,281 22,028 1,556 110 35-59 115,343 59,162 56,181 58,079 42,044 40,046 27,186 11,147 12,442 600 126 60+ 25,871 12.006 13,865 10,112 5,344 7,611 3,537 1,419 1,433 133 26 Age not stated 1,814 927 887 40 14 31 3 9 11

Rural AU ages 575,108 290,579 284,529 177,229 134,760 114,536 85,657 39,910 41,478 5,186 972 0-14 248,465 126,686 121,779 21,900 17,883 11,140 10,549 6,105 5,617 2,945 710 15-34 184,681 92,417 92.264 87,686 69,614 55,775 44,419 21,247 21,998 1,528 110 35-59 114,417 58,601 55,816 57,534 41,924 39,992 27,155 11,133 12,421 580 126 60+ 25,731 11,948 13,783 10,069 5,325 7,598 3,531 1,416 1,431 133 26 Age not stated 1,814 927 887 40 14 31 3 9 11

Urban All ages 5,021 2,928 2,093 1,651 333 133 78 60 57 49 0-14 1,890 993 897 41 23 7 11 9 4 1 15-34 2,065 1,316 749 1,022 171 59 30 34 30 28 35-59 926 561 365 545 120 54 31 14 21 20 60+ 140 58 82 43 19 13 6 3 2 Age not stated 9



WORKERS NON-WORKERS ______~ _____.A. _____-.--- ______~ ______, ------., r-----A IV V VI vn VIII IX X

In Manufactliring In At other than In Transport Household Household In Trade and Storage and In Industry Industry Construction Commerce Communications Other Services ,--~ .. _...A_ __~ r----...A._--.,.."", ,...-_..... _..J.-_... __ -..... r-~ ... -_;.._---~ r-----A ----, r----A -----., r------"------., Age ~ales Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femalas Males Females group 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2


9,615 4,279 221 123 417 IS 2,22& S45 106 1 6,419 1,818 114,627 151,529 Total 1,294 685 18 21 26 14 60 11 1 335 284 105,738 104,770 0-14 4,213 1.985 127 70 288 46 1,184 210 63 4,162 886 5,025 23,228 15-34 3,443 1,389 69 31 99 23 860 267 38 1,777 580 1,083 14,137 35-59 665 220 7 1 4 2 124 57 4 145 68 1,894 8,521 60 + Age 887 873 not stated

9,486 4,257 151 121 342 80 1,907 503 67 5,644 1,692 113,350 149,769 Rural 1,292 684 13 20 25 14 53 II 327 278 104,786 103,896 0-14 4,150 1,974 87 70 237 43 t,018 198 32 3.612 802 4,731 22,650 15-34 3,385 1,380 46 30 77 21 727 243 31 1,563 548 1,067 13,892 35-59 659 219 5 1 3 2 109 51 4 142 64 1,879 8,458 60 + Age 887 873 not stated

129 22 70 Z 75 5 321 42 39 1 775 126 1,277 1,760 Urban 2 1 5 1 1 7 1 8 6 952 874 0-14 63 11 40 51 3 166 12 31 550 84 294 578 15--34 58 9 23 22 2 133 24 7 214 32 16 245 35-59 6 1 2 1 15 6 3 4 15 63 60 + Age not .. , stated 10 TABLE


r------WORKERS I II III In Mining. Quarrying, Live­ stock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunt­ ing and Plan­ As tations, Orcha­ Total popuiation of workers and As Agricultural rds and Allied non-workers Cultivator Labourer activitie~ r------.A..------_...."" ,,--____ ..A.. __--. r----A..-- ~ ,--__-A- ___ ---.... S.No. Educational Levels Persons Males :'emales Males F~males Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


1 TOTAL 5,021 2,928 2,093 133 78 60 57 49

2 Illiterate 2,870 1,135 1,735 83 77 56 57 9 3 Literate (without educational level) 1,535 1,216 319 46 4 13 4 Primary or Junior Basic 118 III 7 3 2 5 Matriculation or Higher Secondary 405 375 30 1 21 6 Technical diploma not equal t 0 degree 12 11 1 7 Non-technical diploma not equal to degree 8 University degree or post graduate degree other than technical degree 63 63 9 Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree-TOTAL 18 17 1 2 ( i) Engineering 2 2 2 ( ii ) Medicines 1 (iii ) Agriculture 2 2 (iv) Veterinary or dairying ( v ) Technology (vi) Teaching 11 10 (vii) Others 1 1 11 B-III


WORKERS NON-WORKERS ___ ------____ -A... ______- ___~ ____~ _----A--... """'"" VI V VI VII VIII IX X

In Manufacturing In At other than In Transport, Household Household In Trade and Storage and In Industry Industry Construction Commerce Communications Other Services r-----~-..A..---l ,-----"------., r-~--- -"------"'I ,-----"------"-, ,---__..A.. ___-, ,--____.A. ____ -, ,---..A..--.....,S.No. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 1


129 22 70 2 75 5 321 42 39 1 775 126 1,277 1,760 1

79 20 24 2 31 5 81 42 4 149 96 619 1,435 2 48 2 44 25 221 25 243 12 547 304 3 2 3 2 66 4 33 3 4 12 14 6 245 12 75 18 5 4 6 6 7

2 2 53 3 8

2 13 I 9 •.. ( i) ... ( ii) 2 ... (iii) •.• (iv) '.' (v) 10 .. ' (vi) ••• (vii) 12 TABLE


,------_._------\VORKERS I II m In Mining Quarrying Live- stock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunt- ing and Planta- As tions, Orchards Total population of workers As Agricultural and Allied and non-workers Cultivator Labourer activities r- -.~- -,---A-______--y---_ -,_,_,A_ __ ... - ~ r-----.. .,.A._"~-l r---- - .. -"-~------.. S.No. Edul:.ltional h:vels Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 II SIDHI

1 TOTAL 575,108 290,579 28.f,529 114,536 85,657 39,910 41,478 5,186 972 2 Illiterate 532,167 250,570 281,597 95,293 85,397 39,233 41,463 4.850 972 3 Literate (without c+lnti,):lal level) 37,718 34,96!l 2,750 17,1127 255 629 15 317 4 Primary 01' Junior Ba,i;; 4.21l2 4,0.32 170 1,275 5 44 18 5 i\1atticulatiQn and a I)[JH~ 1,021 1,009 12 141 4 1 Gopadbanas

1 TOTAL 327,753 16.f,517 163,236 62,078 41,834 23,820 24,889 3,176 644 2 ]l1itcrate 299,593 Dc.f'! 1 160,982 50,088 41,676 23,491 24,878 2,996 644 3 iiter,lte (without cc\uc \ti,'n,\llc\el) 24,028 2].934 2,094 10,793 153 281 11 161 4 Primary or Junior BaSil'; 3,491 3J40 151 1,084 5 44 13 5 1LHri.;uIation and abo\ c 641 032 9 113 4 Deosar

1 TOTAL 141,593 12,252 69,341 29,369 23,112 9,912 9,949 850 181 2 JIlitcrate 133,577 64,595 68,9il2 25,459 23,061 9,726 9,949 742 182 3 Liter,tte (without ed'I': (tIona! Ie" el) 7,1i59 7,3().f 355 3,847 51 186 108 -I l'rimarv or J unlO r fj,mc 175 174 1 47 ;5 M,ltricubtioD amI abo\ e 182 179 3 16 SingrtluJi

1 TOTAL 105,762 53,810 51,952 23,089 20,711 6,178 6,640 1,160 146 2 Illiterate 93.997 47.164 51,633 19,746 20,660 6,016 6,636 1,112 146 3 Literate (\\\thout ~,h('" tiun"lle\ ell 6,011 5,730 301 3,IS7 51 162 4 42 -I Primaty or Juniur B,\"ic 536 SIR 18 144 5 5 ~ldtric.ulalion clnJ ,\bu\ e 198 198 Il ... 1 13 B-III


WORKERS NON-WORKERS ______--. ______~ ______.A______------_------, ,-- ____ ----.-A. _____ , IV V VI VII VlII IX X

In Man ufactur- In At ing other than Tn Transport. Household Ho.lsehold Tn Trade and Storage and In Industry Industry Construction Commerce Communications Other Services 1 ~ __.. _..A...~ __ "I -.~ ~--- ...A....----l '---_____""_---l ,--___.. .A.. _____) r---..A-.-- r- -- __ ·-"-___ r----..A...... 1 SNl'. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females M tlc~ Females

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 DISTRICT

9,486 4,257 151 121 342 80 1,907 503 67 5,644 1,692 113,350 149.769 1 8,682 4,224 143 121 282 80 841 491 40 2,624 1,621 98,582 147,228 2 790 33 8 57 999 12 22 1,410 47 12.<)09 2,388 3 10 1 61 5 845 21 1.773 144 4 4 2 6 765 3 86 9 5 Tahsil

4,631 2,279 14 147 16 1,136 360 29 3,413 ],118 66,073 92,096 I 4,175 2,254 14 107 16 452 356 14 ),695 1,054 55,579 90.)04 2 451 25 37 626 4 12 721 42 ~,~4(i 1.~59 3 4 1 54 3 5~5 19 1,5R2 127 4 1 2 4 442 3 66 6 5 Tahsil

2,950 1,255 24 12 58 28 496 94 23 1,099 216 27,471 34,493 1 2,777 1,253 21 12 51 28 256 88 14 427 212 25,122 34,197 2 173 2 3 7 240 6 9 423 4 2,30~ 292 3 93 34 1 4 156 7 3 5 Tahsil

1,905 723 113 109 137 36 275 49 15 1,132 358 19,806 23,180 1 1,730 717 ]08 109 124 36 133 47 12 502 355 17,RSI 22.927 2 166 6 5 13 133 2 1 266 1 1.755 237 3 6 7 2 197 2 157 16 4 3 2 167 13 5 14 TABLE B-IV


Branch of Industry Total Total Employee Others ,---..A.._____ -, r------"--~------Rural r------"----1 r-----"-~--, Division and Major Group e>f 1. S. 1. C, ---, Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


ALL DIVISIONS T 9,615 4,279 112 13 9,503 4,266 R 9,486 4,257 109 13 9,377 4,244 U 129 22 3 126 22 0 Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing (md humillg T 1,980 752 106 7 1,874 745 R 1.980 752 106 7 1,874 745 02 Forestry and logging T 5 2 5 2 R 5 2 5 2 04 Livestock anj huntirg T 1,975 750 106 7 I,R69 743 R 1.975 750 106 7 1,869 743 :2&3 Manufacturing T 7.635 3,527 6 6 7,629 3,521 R 7.5n6 3,505 3 6 7,503 3,499 U 129 22 3 126 22 20 Foodstuffs T 794 721 3 791 721 R 768 705 768 705 U 26 16 3 23 16 21 Beverages T U 22 Tobacco products T 94 37 6 94 31 R 94 37 6 94 31 23 Textile-cotton T 228 126 228 126 R 228 126 228 126 27 Textile-miscellaneous T 265 36 2 263 36 R 251 34 2 249 34 U 14 2 14 2 28 Manufacture of wood and wooden products T 2.441 1,734 2,441 1,734 R 2,434 1,732 .,. " 2,434 1,732 U 7 2 7 2 31 Leather and leather products T 1,400 87 1 1,399 87 R 1,389 87 1 1,388 87 U 11 11 33 Chemical and chemical products T 3 3 R 1 1 U 2 2 34&35 Non-metallic mineral products other T 917 524 917 524 than petroleum and coal R 899 I 524 3)9 524 U 18 18 36 Basic metals and their products except T 1.044 233 1,044 233 machinery and transport equipment R 1,039 233 1,039 233 U 5 5 39 Miscellaneous manufacturing industries T 448 28 448 28 R 403 27 403 27 U 45 1 45 1

Note-- L;nes with nil entries have been omitted. 15 TABLE B-IV

PART A-INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION BY SEX AND CLASS OF WORKER OF PERSONS AT WORK AT HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY- Conc1d. Branch of Industry Total Total ,------__.A.. ______-, Employee Others Rural ,--_-.A.. __---, ,------'------, ,-__--A- __---, Division and Major Group of I. S. I. C. Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SlDHI DISTRICT (RURAL)

All Divisions 9,486 4,257 109 13 9,377 4,244

0 Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 1,980 752 106 1 1,814 745 1 Mining and quarrying 2&3 Manufacturing 7,506 3,505 3 6 7,503 3,499 1 Gopadbanas Tahsil (Rural)

All Divisions 4,631 2,279 59 10 4,572 2,269

0 Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 794 439 59 4 735 435 I Mining and quarrying 2&3 Manufacturing 3,837 1,840 6 3,837 1,834 2 Deosar Tahsil (Rural)

All Divisions 2,950 1,255 42 2,908 1,2£'5

0 Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 739 182 39 700 182 1 Mining and quarrying .. , 2&3 Manufacturing 2,211 1,073 3 2,208 1,073 3 Singrauli Tahsil (Rural)

All Divisions 1,905 723 8 3 1,897 720

0 Agriculture, livestock, forestry. fishing and hunting 447 131 8 3 439 128 1 Mining and quarrying 2&3 Manufacturing 1,458 592 1,458 592 16 TABLE B-IV


,-______Branch of...A. Industry______"""\ Total Employer Employee Single worker Family worker Total ,-_..A._---, , __..A._, , __..A. __"""\ ,-_--.A. __, ,---'----, Division and Major Group Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females of I. S.l. C. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

SIOHl DISTRICT ALL DIVISIONS T 14,626 3,544 941 104 5,890 883 6,229 2,044 1,566 513 U 1,329 176 136 9 888 77 225 67 80 23

0 Agriciliture, I;;'estock, forestry, T 5,212 956 378 24 863 125 3,052 588 919 219 fishing and hunting U 49 1 42 4 2 00 Field produce and plantation T 76 50 6 1 19 23 21 28 28 crops U 9 9 02 Forestry and logging T 81 5 7 57 12 4 5 U 34 1 32 1 03 Fishing T 9 9 U 04 Livestock and hunting T 5,046 900 365 23 787 125 3,008 562 886 190 U 6 1 3 2 1 Mining and quarrying T 23 16 11 2 7 3 5 JI U 10 Mining and quarrying T 23 16 11 2 7 3 5 11 U

2&3 Manufacturing T 221 123 17 44 145 121 15 2 U 70 2 17 19 19 15 2 20 Foodstuffs T 12 3 8 1 U 12 3 8 1 22 Tobacco products T 94 121 24 70 121 U 23 Textile-cott on T 3 1 2 U 3 1 2 27 Textile-miscellaneous T 23 7 8 8 U 23 7 8 8 28 Manufacture of wood and T 6 2 3 wooden products U 3 2 30 Printing and publishing T 4 3 U 4 3 31 Leather and leather products T 7 6 1 U 7 6 1 33 Chemicals and chemical T 54 1 53 products U 34-35 Non-metallic mineral products T 2 1 2 other than petroleum and coal U 2 1 2 36 Basic metals and their products except machinery and transport T 1 1 ... equipment U 1 1 38 Transport equipment T 4 3 1 U 4 3 1 39 Miscellaneous manufacturing T 12 1 5 3 3 industries V 12 1 S 3 3 17 TABLE B-IV


Branch of Industry Total Employer Employee Single worker Family worker , __A __---., r-----A------., , ------"------, Total r--__"'__-~ ,----"------, ,----"------.., Division and Major Group Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females of I. S. 1. C

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


4 Construction T 417 8.5 2 315 43 100. 42 U 75 5 2 51 2 22 3 40 Construction T 417 85 2 315 43 100 42 U 75 5 2 51 2 22 3

5 Electricity, gas, water and sanitary T 174 68 2 173 43 1 23 services U 42 20 41 1 20 50 Electricity and gas T 8 7 1 U 6 5 1 51 Water supply and sanitary T 166 68 2 166 43 23 services U 36 20 36 20

6 Trade and commerce T 2,228 545 510 72 160 28 1,061 258 497 187 U 321 42 107 9 39 118 21 57 12 60-63Wholesale trade T 161 28 16 6 134 28 5 U 34 2 5 3 22 2 4 64-68 Retail trade T 2,049 517 494 72 136 28 927 230 492 187 U 269 40 102 9 18 96 19 53 12

69 Trade and comme·rce T 18 18 miscellaneous U 18 18 7 Transport, storage and T 106 1 3 84 1 18 1 communications U 39 1 1 31 1 6 1 70-71 Transport T 74 3 52 18 1 U 27 1 19 6 1 72 Storage and warehousing T U 73 Communications T 31 31 U 11 11

8 Services T 4,246 317 21 1 3.765 272 399 30 61 14 U 704 99 8 661 74 30 16 5 9 80 Public service~ T 1,497 6 1,493 5 4 U 303 3 302 3 1 81 Edu~ational and scientific T 1,555 56 1,537 56 16 services U 232 21 232 21 82 MediLal and health services T 280 43 269 31 11 12 U 59 16 59 16

83 Religious and welfare services T 94 34 53 6 U 4 2 2 84 Legal services T 28 2 10 16 U 14 2 2 10 86 Community services, trade T 48 41 7 and labour associations U 14 12 2 18 TABLE B-IV


Bnnch of Industry Total Employer Employee Single worker Family worker ,-__...A- __...._.... ,--__..A... __, r------'----"------. Total ,--~_...A._----. r----..A..--~ ,----"----. Division and Major Group Urban Males Fem.lles Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females of I. S. I. C.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SIDHI DISTRICT- COlleld.

87 Recreation services T 60 3 41 17 2 3 U 7 7 88 Personal services T 631 171 17 306 16-l 258 4 50 2 U 56 22 6 42 19 5 3 3 89 Services (not elsewhere T 53 37 34 15 17 13 2 9 classified) U 15 37 3 15 10 13 2 9 9 Activities lIot adequately described T 1,999 },433 }O 5 475 369 1,446 979 68 80 U 29 7 4 25 7 90 Activities unspecified and not adequately described (This includes new entrants to the T 1,999 1,433 10 5 475 369 1,446 979 68 80 labour market) U 29 7 4 25 7



Branch of Industry Total Employt:r Empluyee Single worker Family worker r-- ___--.A... ____ , ,-- ___..A... __, ,-___.,A_ __ --.. r-----J._--~-"" ,------"--- ") ,---_.. ..A..._ .. _-.... Division of I. S. I. C. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


ALL DIVISIONS 13,297 3,368 805 95 5,002 806 6,004 1,977 1,486 490 0 Agriculture, livestock, 5,163 956 377 24 821 125 3,048 588 917 219 forestry, fishing and hunting 1 Mining and quarrying 23 16 11 2 7 3 5 11 2&3 Manuf'acturing 151 121 25 126 121 4 Construction 342 80 264 41 78 39 5 Electricity, gas, water 132 48 2 132 43 3 and sanitary services 6 Trade and commerce 1,907 503 403 63 121 28 943 237 440 175 7 Transport, storage and 67 2 53 12 communications 8 Services 3,542 218 I3 1 3,104 198 369 14 56 5 9 Activities not adequately 1,970 1,426 10 5 471 369 1,421 972 68 80 described 19 TABLE B-IV


Total Employer Employee Single worker Family worker Branch of Industry ,-__• .A..__ , r-----..A._------:,~ r-----.....A.----, ,--_ ..A-_---\ r--·-...A..------1 r--'---...A._--~ Division of I. S. I. C" Males Females, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 Gopadbanas Tabsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 7,915 2,138 553 70 2,405 291 3,995 1,471 962 306 0 Agriculture, livestock, 3,164 642 324 10 286 76 2,030 430 524 126 forestry, fishing and hunting 1 Mining and quarrying 12 2 4 5 3 2&3 Manufacturing 14 14 4 Construction 147 16 116 11 31 5 5 Electricity, gas, water 105 48 2 105 43 3 and sanitary services 6 Trade and commerce 1,136 360 229 55 25 8 551 174 331 123 7 Transport, storage and 29 28 1 communications 8 Services 1,959 122 1,716 111 203 11 40 9 Activities not adequately 1,349 948 3 III 41 1,174 847 64 57 described

2 Deosar Tahsil (Rural

ALL DIVISIONS 2,550 532 149 16 1,269 133 890 247 242 136 0 Agriculture, livestock, 848 169 32 8 370 36 267 57 179 68 forestry, fishing and hunting 1 Mining and quarrying 2 13 2 2 11 2&3 Manufacturing 24 12 1 23 12 ... 4 Construction 58 28 30 5 28 23

5 Electricity, gas, water, 27 '" 27 and sanitary services 6 Trade and commerce 496 94 92 5 67 19 291 34 46 36 7 Transport, storage and 23 2 18 3 communications 8 Services 867 55 13 1 712 48 129 1 13 5 9 Activities not adequately 205 161 10 2 44 25 147 118 4 16 described

3 Singrauli Tahsil (Rural)

ALL DIVISIONS 2,832 698 103 9 1,328 382 1,119 259 282 48 0 Agriculture, livestcJck, 1,151 145 21 6 165 13 751 101 214 25 fores.try, fishing and hun~lng I Mining and quarrying 9 I 7 2 2&3 Manufacturing 113 109 10 103 109 4 Construction 137 36 118 25 19 II 5 Electricity, gas, w.lter and 'iam tary services 6 Trade and cummerce 275 49 82 3 29 101 29 63 16 7 Transport, storage and 15 7 8 communications 8 Services 716 41 676 39 37 2 3 9 Activ!ties not adequately 416 317 316 303 100 7 7 descnbed 20

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. 000 r-- tf) -. ..". :._ ...... t ...., "" '" ;::: M "- ..... -.;. "" ..... "" ' '0 ~..... -.~ ""q

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Total Workers Workers at Household Workers at Non-Household Industry Industry etc. Branch of Industry r-- ______..A. ______, r------"-----, r------..A.-----, ------Division of I. S. J. C. Persons Males Females Males Females. Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Gopadbanas Tahsil ( Rural)

All Divisions 16,963 12,546 4,417 4,631 2,279 7,915 2,138 o Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 5,039 3,958 1,081 794 439 3,164 642 1 Mining and quarrying 14 12 2 12 2 2&3 Manufacturing 5,691 3,851 1,840 3,837 1,840 14 4 Construction 163 147 16 147 16 5 Electricity, gas, water & sanitary services 153 105 48 105 48 6 Trade and commerce 1,496 1,136 360 1,136 360 7 Transport, storage and communications 29 29 29 8 Services 2,081 1,959 122 1,959 122 9 Activities not adequately described 2,297 1,349 948 1,349 948

2 Deosar Tahsil (Rural)

All Divisions 7,287 5,500 1,787 2,950 1,255 2,550 532 o Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 1,938 1,587 351 739 182 848 169 1 Mining and quarrying 15 2 13 2 13 2&3 Manufacturing 3,320 2,235 1,085 2,211 1,073 24 12 4 Construction 86 58 28 58 28 5 Electricity, gas, water & sanitary services 27 27 27 6 Trade and commerce 594 496 94 496 94 7 Transport, storage and communications 23 23 23 8 Services 922 867 55 867 55 9 Activities not adequately described 366 205 161 205 161

3 Singrauli Tahsil (Rural)

All Divisions 6,158 4,737 1,421 1,905 723 2,832 698 o Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting 1,874 1,598 276 447 131 1,151 145 1 Mining and quarrying 10 9 1 9 1 2&3 Manufacturing 2,272 1,571 701 1,485 592 113 109 4 Construction 173 137 36 371 36 5 Electricity, gas, water & sanitary services 6 Trade and commerce 324 275 49 275 49 7 Trans~ort, storage and communications 15 15 15 8 Services 757 716 41 716 41 9 Activities not adequately described 733 416 317 416 317 27


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-- c;; "(:; c;; "" ~:::: '" ox -""0- ~~ t-<>-< ~;,. (-<>

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""" NN

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"""" "IN

..... t:! .:= --<:: '; ~i::$ OX" -0 ... X ~::: ~::: (-<- (-<;0......

0 ~ 10 0'- X 0'1 & 0'- 0'1 2;- 2;- 0 §- !2:- 'in= i: 's <::; 's .;: \:J j.l., '" G j.l.," Q 36 TABLE B-V


Division Category Persons Males Females Division Category Persons Males FemaJes 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5


1 Gopadbanas Tahsil (Rural) " 2 Deosar Tahsil (Rural)

All Div isions Total 16,963 12,546 4,417 All Divisions Total 7,287 5,500 1.787 1II 3,820 3,176 644 UI 1,032 8:;0 182 IV 6,910 4,631 2,279 IV 4,205 2,950 1,255 V 14 14 V 36 24 12 VI 163 147 16 VI 86 58 28 VII 1,496 1,136 360 VII 590 496 94 VIII 29 29 VIII 23 23 IX 4,531 3,413 1,118 IX 1,315 1,099 216

Division 0 Tota 870 825 45 Professiol!lal, VI I 1 DivisiOIl a Total 3ZZ 313 9 technical lind IX 869 824 45 Professional, IX 322 313 9 related workers technical and related workers Division 1 Total 232 231 1 Administrative, IX 232 231 1 executive and Divilion 1 Total 106 106 managerial workers Administrative, III 5 5 executive and IX 101 101 managerial workers DivisioJl 2 Tolal 299 299 Clerical and related IX 299 299 workers Division 2 Total 153 153 Clerical and IX 153 153 Division 3 Total 1.496 1.136 360 reLued workers Sales workers VlI 1,496 1,136 360

Division 4 Total 4,996 3,9~8 1,048 Division 3 Total 590 496 94 Farmers, fishermer, III 3,806 3,164 642 Sales workers Vll 590 496 94 hunters, loggers and IV 1,186 780 406 related workers IX 4 4 Division 4 Total ],926 1,576 350 Division 5 Total 14 12 2 Farmers, fishermen, III 1,001 833 168 Miners, quarrymen III 14 12 2 Hllnters, loggers IV 921 739 182 and related workers and related workers IX 4 4

Division 6 Total 25 25 Workers in VII! 25 25 Division 5 Total 9 2 7 transport and Miners, quarrymen III 9 2 7 communication and related workers occupations Dil'is!on 6 Total 24 24 Division 7- 8 Total 8,326 5.47/ 2,855 Workers in VIII 23 23 Craftsmen, produc- IV 5,724 3,851 I,~m transport and IX 1 1 tion process workers V 14 14 communication and labourer; not VI 162 146 16 occupations' elsewhere classified VIII 4 4 IX 2,422 1,456 966 Division 7-8 Total 3,849 2,566 1,283 Craftsmen. produc- III 17 10 7 Division 9 Tutal 702 596 106 tion process workers IV 3,284 2,211 1,073 Service, sport and IX 702 596 106 and labo:trers not V 36 24 12 recreation workers elr.twhere classified VI 86 58 28 JX 426 263 163 Division X TO/a! 3 3 Workers not IX 3 3 Divijioll 9 Total 308 264 44 classifiable by S,rvl<"L, sport and IX 308 264 44 occupation n:cr~at]LIJl workers 37 TABLE B-V


Division Category Persons Males Females Division Category Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

3 Singrauli Tahsil (Rural)

All Divisions Total 6,158 4,737 1,421 DiviYion 4 Tolal 1 '1~4 1,598 276 III 1,306 l,f60 146 Farmers, fishermen, III j,2!}6 1,151 145 IV 2,628 1,905 723 hunters, -IOgglI"~ IV 578 447 131 V 222 113 109 and related worh, rs VI 173 137 36 VII 324 275 49 Division Tolal 10 VIU 15 15 5 9 1 IX 1,490 Miners, quarrymen III 10 9 1 1,132 358 and related workers Division 0 Total 256 252 4 Dil'i,ion Total 15 Professi onal, VI I 1 6 15 Workers in VIn 15 technical and IX 255 251 4 15 related workers transport and communication occupations Division 1 Total 83 83 Administrative, IX 83 83 ext"cutive and managerial workers Division 7-8 Total 3,/86 2,132 1,054 Craftsmen, pro,tuc- IV 2,050 1,458 592 tion process workers V 222 113 109 Division 2 Total 243 242 1 and labouTf'fs not VI 172 136 36 Clerical and IX 243 242 ] elsewhere classified IX 742 425 317 related workers Division 9 Total 167 131 36 Division 3 Total 324 275 49 Service, sport and IX 167 131 36 Sales workers VII 324 275 49 recreation w"rhers 38 TABLE


Educational Levels ,------

Literate Primary Matricu- Technical Total (without or lation or diploma Literate euucational Junior Higher not equal Total Workers Workers levels) Basic Secondary to degree ,..-__..A. ___-"") ,--____A_ __ , __ _A__:_~ Occupational Age- ,------....A.....-----1 ,--~.----"--.--, ,- ,----"'--.. -~ Division No. group P M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


ALL DIVISIONS Total 1,656 1,458 198 1,081 32 619 14 75 4 299 12 11 1

O-t4 33 25 8 7 7 15-34 1,040 929 ttl 745 29 381 14 60 4 246 10 8 1 35-59 545 477 68 316 3 218 15 53 2 3 60 + 38 27 11 13 13

Division 0 Total 291 258 33 260 29 44 11 42 4 125 12 10 1

Professional, Technical and 15- 74 222 26 29 11 38 4 118 10 8 related workers 35-:'9 38 3 15 4 7 2 2

Division 1 Total 76 76 72 13 4 27

Administrative, executive and 15-34 41 8 2 16 managerial 35-59 31 5 2 11 workers

Division 2 Total 277 275 2 243 1 103 1 18 116 1

Clerical and related 15-34 175 68 11 92 workers 35-59 67 34 7 24 60 + 1 1

Division 3 Total 331 291 40 218 213 5

Sales workers 0-14 3 3 15--34 121 117 4 35-59 85 84 1 60 + 9 9

Division 4 Total 16 16 10 6' 3

Farmers, fisher- men, hunters, 15-34 S ... 3' 2 loggers and 35-59 5 3 1 related workers

Division 6 Total 35 35 30 24 1 5

Workers in trans- 0-14 1 1 port and com- 15-34 23 18 4 munication 35-59 6 5 1 occupations Note ;-Lines with nil entries have been omitted. 39 B-VI


______Educational .A.._____ Levels ---.---______--,

University degree Techniral degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree Non-techni- or post-grllduate r------cal diploma degree other Veterinary not equal than technical Engineer- and to degree degree ing Medicine Agriculture dairying Technology Teaching Others ,-_..A.... __ --. r---""--, ,---_;..._----, r-- -_A__ --"I r---...A_ ------._" r---.A...---, ,---... -"'---"~ r--...A.. ... -~ r---"-"-----, Age­ M F M F, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F gfGUp

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 2


60 2 1 2 1 10 1 1 Total

0-14 36 2 1 1 1 9 15-34 24 1 1 1 1 35--59 60 +

24 2 1 1 1 9 1 1 Total

16 2 8 15-34 8 1 35- 59

26 1 1 Tota

14 15-34 12 35-59

5 Total

4 15-34 1 35-59 60 +


0-14 15-34 35-59 60 +

1 Total

15-34 35-59


0-14 15-34 35-59 40 TABLE


Educational Levels r--'------

Literate Primary Matricu- Technical Total (without or lation or diploma Literate educational Junior Higher not equal Total Workers Workers levels) Basic Secondary to degree Occupational Age- r-----..A..-----., r---..A..--., r---..A..--., r---..A..--, r---..A..--., ,..--__ ..A.._-_., Division No. group P M F M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Division 7-8 Total 387 309 78 134 2 127 2 2 5

Craftsmen, pro- 0-14 3 3 duction process 15-34 81 2 78 2 2 workers and 35-59 48 44 3 labourers not 60 + 2 2 elsewhere classified Division 9 Total 236 191 45 109 87 8 10 Service, sport and recreation 15-34 73 58 7 6 workers 35-59 35 28 1 4 60 + 1 1

Division X Total 7 7 5 2 3 Workers not classifiable 15-34 4 2 2 by occupation 35-59 1 1 Note :-Lines with nil entries have been omitted. 41



____ . ______Educational--A.. ______Levels _,

University degree Technie~l degree or diploma equal to degree or post graduate degree Non-techni or post-graduate ,------~--:------_, cal diploma degree other VeterInary not equal than technical Engineer- and to degree degree ing Medicine Agriculture dairying Technology Teaching Others ,--__.A.. ____, ,--___.A.. __ _, ,--__.A.. ___--, ,--_• ._.A.. ___ _ ,---__.A.. ____, ,--__.A.. ___, ;-_ _A__~ r--. ..A..--~ ,-----"-----, Age­ M F M F M PM F M F M F M F M F M F groUJ-! 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2& 29 30 31 32 33 2

DISTRICT - Concld.


0-14 15-34 35-59 60 +

4 Total

2 15-34 2 35-59 60 + Total

15-34 35-59 42 TABLE B-VII


Secondary Work r------"------~---l Principal Work At As ~------~------, Household As Agricultural Cultivator,Agricultural Labourer or Total Industry Cultivator Labourer Household Industry (Division Rural r-----"----l r--- ~---..A.~---~ r-~---"....A..----~ and Major Group) Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Cultivator T 5,221 2,491 6,378 4,623 R 5,221 2,491 6,369 4,615 U 9 8 Agricultural Labourer T 1,078 1,038 2,967 1,852 R 1,078 1,038 2,967 1,851 U 1 Household Industry T 3,269 1,101 631 326 Household Industry Cld~sified by R 3,254 1,089 621 326 Division and Major Croup U 15 11 10 0 Agriculture, livestock, forestry, T 303 132 53 27 fishing and hunting R 303 132 53 27 04 Livestock and hunting T 303 132 53 27 R 303 132 53 27 2&3 Manufacturing T 2,966 969 5i8 299 R 2,951 957 568 299 U 15 12 10

20 Foodstuffs T 452 295 44 50 R 438 283 44 50 U 14 12

22 Tobacco products T 7 2 R 7 2

23 Textile-cotton T 89 68 32 7 R 89 68 32 7 27 Textile-miscellaneous T 93 5 ]0 R 93 5 10

28 Manufacture of wood and wooden T ,642 306 185 173 products R 1642 306 185 173

31 Leather and leather products T ' 641 37 188 16 R 641 37 185 16 U 3 , 34&35 Non-mctaeli(' mineral products other T 490 183 77 44 than petroleum and coal R 490 183 70 44 U 7

36 Basic metals and their product~ except T 39.J. 71 37 9 machinery and transport equipment R 393 71 37 9 U 1 39 Miscellaneous manufacturing T 158 4 3 industries R 158 4 3 43 TABLE B-VII


Secondary Work ,------______.A. _____ Principal Work As As ,------"------, HOllsehc,IJ As Agricultural Cultivator, Agrirultural Labourer or Total Industry Cultivator Labourer ,-___..A._ ___~ ,--_-A___ ~ Household Industry (Division Rural r- ---..A-~-----l and Major Group) Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Gopadbanas Tahsil

Cultivator R 2,333 823 4,097 2,7~3 Agricultural labourer R 763 761 2,035 1,070 Household Industry R 1,411 3)4 1!J7 81 0 Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting R 177 87 30 13 2&3 Manufacturing R 1,234 307 167 68

2 Deosar I ahsiJ

CultivatJr R 156t 884 1,018 619 Agricultural labourer R 199 181 362 309

Household Industry R 1,~14 446 226 155 0 Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting R 77 26 17 6 2&3 Manufacturing R 1,037 420 209 149

3 Singrauli Tahsil

Cultivator R 1,324 784 1,254 1,233 Agricultural labourer R 116 96 57!) 472

Household Industry R .. " 729 249 198 90 o Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishing and hunting R 49 19 6 8 2&3 Manufacturing R 680 230 192 82 44 TABLE B-VII


Note :- For description of Divisions and major groups, kindly see Appendix I to Explanatory Note.

P.W. : Principal Work; A.W. Additional Work

Principal work Principal Work r------...A..--~--~ r-----.A.------~, Additional work Additional work at Household Industry at Household Indusry (Division & Major Group) Males Females (Division & Major Group) Males Females 2 3 2, 3 SIDHI DISTRICT (Total) SIDHI DISTRICT (Total) Contd.

P. W. Division 0 5,212 956 P. W. Division 4 417 85 0 1 A. W. Division 12 A. W. Division 0 1 Major Group 04 I 12 Major Group A. W. Division 2&3 6 28 04 Major Groups 20 2 11 A. W. Division 2&3 2 22 1 23 I 2 Major Group 24 2 25 1 28 10 P. W. Major Group 40 417 85 34-35 3 36 1 A. W. Division 0 1

P. W. Major Group 02 81 5 Major Group 04 A. W. Division 0 I 1 A. W. Division 2&3 2 Major Group 04 Major Group 24 2 A. W. Division 2&3 1 Major Group 28 P. W.DivisioD 6 2,228 S4S

P. W. Major Group 03 9 1 A. W. Division 0 4 I A. W. Division 2&3 1 Major Group 04 4 1 Major Group 22 A. W. Division 2&3 16 3

P. W. Major Group O~ 5,046 900 Major Groups 20 9 2 21 1 A. W. Division 0 11 25 4 Major Group 04 II 27 A. W. Division 2&3 4 28 31 39 Major Groups 20 2 11 23 1 2 64-68 25 1 P. W. Major Group 2,049 517 28 10 A. W. Division ! 0 4 1 34-35 3 Major Group 04 4 36 1 A. W. Division 2&3 16 3 P. W. Division 2&3 221 123 Major Groups 20 9 2 21 1 A. W. Division 0 20 68 25 4 Major Group 02 20 68 27 31 A. W. Division 2&3 1 39 Major Group 36 P. W. Division 8 4,246 317 P. W. Major Group 22 94 121 A. W. Division 0 3 A. W. DMsion 0 20 68 Major Group 04 3 Major Group 02 20 68 A. W. Division 2&3 8 A. W. Division 2&7 1 Major Groups 28 5 31 1 Major Group 36 1 36 2 45


Principal Work ,-______Princil'al.A.. ____Work --, ',-_____.A. ____ -_, Additional work AdPitional work at Household Industry at Household Industry Males Females (Division & Major Gropp) Males Females (Division & Major Gwup) 2 3 2 3 SIDHI DISTRICT (Total)- Concld. sm:n DISTICT (Rural)- Contd. 5 P. W. Major Group 80 1,497 6 P. W. Major Group 02 47 A. W. Division 0 2 A. W. Division a 1 1 Major Group 04 2 Major Group 04 A. W. Divisi()n 2&3 5 A. W. Diviyion 2&3 1 Major Groups 28 4 Major Group 28 31 1 P. W. Major Group 03 9 1 P. W. Major Group 88 631 171 A. W. Division 2&3 1 A. W. Division 0 1 Major Group 22 Major Group 04 P. W. Major Group 04 5,040 900 P. W. Major Group 89 53 37 A. W. Division 0 11 A. W. Divisi on 2&3 3 Major Groups 28 1 Major Group 04 11 36 2 A. W. Division 2&3 4 28 P. W. Division 9 1,999 1,433 Major Groups 20 2 11 A. W. Division 10 3 1 23 1 2 25 1 Major Group 04 3 28 10 34-35 3' A. W. Division 2&3 7 3 36 1 Major Groups 27 4 31 3 2 P. W. Division 2&3 151 121 36 I A. W. Division 0 20 68 P. W. Major Group 90 1,999 1,433 Major Group 02 20 68 A. W. Division 0 3 1 A. W. Division 2&3 1 Major Group 04 3 Maj(}r Group 36 A. W. Division 2&3 7 3 Major Groups 27 4 P. W. Major Group 22 94 121 31 3 2 36 1 A. W. Division 0 20 68

SIDHI DISTRICT (RUfftI) Major Group 02 20 68 P. W. Division 0 5,163 956 A. W. Division 1&3 1 A. W. Division 0 1 12 Major Group 36 Major Group 04 12 A. W. Division P. W. Division 4 342 80 2&3 6 28 Major Groups A. W. Division 0 20 2 11 1 22 I 23 1 2 Major Group 04 25 I 28 10 A. W. Division 2&3 2 34-35 3 36 1 Major Group H .,. ~ 46


Principal Work Principal Work r------'------, ,-----____A______-, Additional work Additional work at Household Industry at Household Industry (Division & Major Group) Males Females (Division & Major Group) Males Females 2 3 2 3 SIDHI DISTRICT (Rural)- Contd. slom DISTRICT (Rural)- Concld.

P. W. Major Group 40 342 80 P. W. Major Group 89 38 A. W. Division 0 1 A. W. Division 2&3 3

Major Group 04 Major Groups 28 1 36 2 A. W. Division 2&3 2 Major Group 24 2 P. W. Division 9 1,970 1,426

P. W. Division 6 1,907 503 A. W. Division a 3 I A. W. Division a 4 1 Major Group 04 3 A. IV. Dil'ision 2&1 Major Group 04 4 7 3 Major Grc ups 27 A. W. Division 2&3 13 3 4 31 3-. 2 Major Groups ~f) 8 2 36 1 21 1 25 4 P. W. Major Group 90 1,970 1,426 27 A. W. DiI'ision 0 3 1 Major Group 64-63 P. W. 1,780 477 Major Group 04 3 A. W. Division a 4 A. W.Division 2&3 7 .1 Major Group 04 4 Major Groups 27 4 31 3 A. W. Division 13 2 2&3 3 36 1 Major Groups 20 l! 2 21 1 25 4 slOm DISTRICT (Urban) 27

P. W. Division 8 3.542 218 P. W. Division 6 321 42 A. W. Division 0 2 A. W. Division 2&.? 3 Major Group 04 2 Major Groups 20 31 A. W. Division 2&3 8 39

Major Groups 28 5 P. W. Major Group 64-68 269 40 31 t 36 2 A. W. Divi,ioll 2&3 3 P. W. Major Group 80 1,194 3 Major Groups 20 31 A. W. DMsion 0 1 39 Major Group 04 P. W. Division 8 704 99 A. W. Division 2&3 5 A. W. Division 0 1 Major Groups 28 4 Major Group 04 31 )

P. W. MaJor Group 88 575 1-1) P. W. Major Group 80 303 3 A. W. Division 0 4. W. Division 0 1 Major Group 04 Major Group 04 47


Principal Work Principal Work ,-_____.A. _____, ,-!---_--A.._____ -. Additional work Additional work at Household Industry at Household Industry (Division & Major Group) Males F~males (Division & Major Group) Males Females 3 4 2 3 1 Gopadbanas Tahsil (Rural) 2 Deosar Tahsil (Rural) Concld.

P. W. Division 0 3,164 642 P. W. Division 6 496 94 A. W. Division 0 10 A. W. Division 0 2 A. W. Division 2&3 4 A. W. Division 2&3 9

P. W. Division 4 147 16 P. W. Division 8 867 55 A. W. Division 0 A. W. Division 2&3 6

P. W. Division 6 1,136 360 3 Singrauli Tahsil (Rural) A. W. Division 0 2 P. W. Division 0 1,151 145 A. W. Division 2&3 2 A. W. Division 0 P. W. Division 8 1,959 122 A. W. Division 2&3 2 A. W. Division 2&3 2 P. W. Division 2&3 113 109 P. W. Division 9 1,349 948 A. W. Division 0 72 68 A. W. Division 0 3 A. W. Division 2&3 A. W. Division 2&3 7 P. W. Division 6 275 49 2 Deosar Tahsil (Rural) A. W. Division 2&3 4

P. W. Division 0 848 169 P. W. Division 8 716 41 A. W. Division 0 A. W. Division 0 2

A. W. Divhion 2&3 27 P. W. Division 9 416 317 P. W. Division 4 58 28 A. W. Division 0 A. W. Division 2&3 2 A. W. Division 2&3 2 48 TABLE


Seeking employment for the first time r- ~ ______..A. ____ ~~ ------, r------A.------,Age-Groups Age not stated S. No. Educationallevels Total Unemoployed Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35+ r----...A----~ r--..A."l ,-....A... .. , r--..A..-1 r-.-A.-1 r-... .A.. ..1 ,-... ..A-_, ,-....A... .. , PM F M FM FM FM FM FMFMF 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 slOm

Total 7 6 1 3 1 1 2

1 IlIi~erate 4 3 2 2 Literate (without educational level) 2 2 3 Matriculation or Higher Secondary 1 1

Note-Lines with nil entries have been omitted.



RURAL UNEMPLOYED BY r------Total Unemployed , ______IlliterateA ______-, r------A------~- -, District/Tahsil Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7

SIDHI DISTRICT 197 97 100 134 3S 99

1 Gopadbanas Tahsil 95 58 37 61 24 37 2 Deosar Tahsil 66 9 57 57 I 56 3 Singrauli Tahsil 36 30 6 16 10 6 49 B·VIIl


Persons Employed before but now out of employment and seeking work ,------..A.___ ~ ______. ______-. __-., Age Groups ,------_._------_.-"------_._------.-, Age not Total 15-19 20-24 , 25-34 35-44 45-59 60+ stated r---""'---, ,---"--, ,---"--, ,--...A._~ ,-_..A._, M F M F M F M F M F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35


3 1 I 1 T 1 1 2 2 3



EDUCA TJONAL LEVELS -----.----.A.------t------., Literate (without educationalleves) Primary or Junior Basic Matriculation and above S. ,------_ - ___.A.______-, ,-----__-A______~ ,------_--"'-______----. No. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 SIDHI 39 38 1 17 17 7 7 DISTRICr

25 25 6 6 3 3 1 4 3 4 4 1 1 2 10 10 7 7 3 3 3 50 TABLE


Total Dependents, infants Total Non-working population FuJI time students Household duties

Total· All Ages 266,156 IH,627 151,529 18,806 1,430 43,103 94,804 105,846 0-14 210,508 105,738 104,77() 15,51'1 1,388 6,866 90,123 96,464 15--34 28,253 5,025 23,228 3,279 42 21,734 1,384 1,254 35-59 15,220 1,083 14,137 11,919 723 1,805 60+ 10,415 1,894 8,5Zl 2,572 1,695 5,462 Age not stated. 1,760 881 873 8 12 879 861 R.lral All Ages 263,119 113,350 1.f9,769 18,168 1,279 42,221 9';,197 105,135

0-14 208,682 104,786 103,896 15,139 1,244 6,787 89,558 95,816 15-34 27,381 4,731 22,650 3,021 35 21,176 1,366 J,241 35-59 14,959 1,067 13,892 )1,697 710 1,190 60+ 10,337 1,879 8,458 2,549 1,684 5,427 Age not stated. 1,760 887 873 8 12 879 861

Urban All Ages 3,037 1,277 1,760 638 151 882 607 711 0-14 1,826 952 874 380 144 79 565 648 15-34 872 294 578 258 7 558 18 13 35-59 261 16 245 222 13 15 60+ 78 15 63 23 II 35 Age not stated

1 Gopadbanas

Rural All Ages 158,169 66,07] 92,096 11,884 974 ],0660 5],638 59,853 0-14 120,960. 60,788 60,172 9,717 951 4,538 51,028 54,668 15-34 19,788 3,099 16,689 2,161 23 15,849 738 716 35-59 10,253 608 9,645 8,519 396 888 60+ 5,938 967 4,971 1,742 871 2,974 Age not stated 1,230 611 619 6 12 605 607

2 Deosar

Rural All Ages 61,964 27,471 ]4,493 3/170 220 7,524 2],384 26,446

0-14 50,742 25,362 25,380 3,346 216 1,317 21,998 23,826 15--34 5,355 1,048 4,307 522 4 3,760 453 465 35-59 2,912 302 2,610 1,977 223 549 60+ 2,559 563 1,996 470 516 1,406 Age not stated 396 196 200 2 194 200

3 SingrauIi

Rural A/I Ages 42,986 [9,806 23,180 2,414 85 4,037 17,175 18,836 0-14 36,980 18,636 18,344 2,076 77 932 16,532 17,322 15-34 2,238 584 1,654 338 8 1,567 175 60 35-59 1,794 157 1,637 1,201 91 353 60+ 1,840 349 1,491 337 297 1,047 Age not stated 134 80 54 80 54 5l



Persons employed, Inmates of penal, Persons seeking before but now out of Retired, rcntier on Beggars, vagrants mental and charitable employment for the employment and independent means etc. institutions first time seeking work ,-___.A. ____ --, ,------'------, ,------"-----, r------'------, ,-----"----, Males Females Males Females Mules Females Males Femaks M~11es Females Age-Group 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 DISTRICT 62 76 51 96 80 711 953 32 4 42 All Ages T 7 12 5 1 75 37 5 3 3 0-14 147 18 33 45 39 4 15-34 12 2 255 10 18 42 19 291 365 7 1 20 :\5-59 150 404 2 1 5 24 60+ 41 59 Age not stated 37 61 73 51 All Ages 94 79 767 9-13 14 R I 7 12 5 1 75 31 0-14 147 6 35 45 37 4 15-34 12 2 254 19 18 41 19 290 359 7 9 35-59 148 400 1 5 24 60+ 40 5S Age not stated All 2 1 4 10 18 4 5 1 3 Ages U 5 3 2 0-14 1 12 3 2 15-34 1 6 1 35-59 2 4 60+ Age not stated

Tahsil 23 34 450 J34 13 20 1 45 40 All Ages R 36 11 1 6 4 0-14 2 150 96 5 18 25 4- IS_:_34 10 7 184 219 7 11 12 35-59 11 27 80 208 1 3 20 60+ Age Dot stated

Tahsil 2] 25 185 214 7 60 3 4 All Ages R 1 16 14 7 I 0-14 1 2 6~ 32 7 44 2 15-34 7 1 72 73 9 I 35-59 12 22 35 95 3 60+ Age not stated

Tahsil 50 20 132 ' 195 10 25 7 All Ages R n 12 5 0-14 9 42 19 10 10 15-34 24 11 34 67 8 5 35-59 17 9 33 97 2 I 60+ Age not stated




Households engaged Households epga- Total neither in cultivation Households enaga- Households cnaged ged both in culti- District/Tahsil Rural Tolal number of nor household ged in cultivation in hOlls~holds vatiun and house- Urb:m Households industry only industry only hold industry

2 3 4 5 6 7

SIDHI DISTRICT T 22,247 4,573 14,737 587 2,350 R 22,008 4,385 14,711 569 2,343 U 239 188 26 18 7 1 Oopadbanas Tahsil R 12,81 9 2,505 8,685 318 1,311 2 Deosar Tahsil R 5,282 1,159 3,409 148 566 3 Singrauli Tahsil R 3,907 721 ~,617 103 466 55 TABLE B-XI



Note-Figures I, 2 and 3 in column 1 stand for: I. Owned or held from Government 2. Held from private persons or ins tit uti (Ins for payment in money, kind or share. 3. Partly held from Government and partly from private persons for payment in money, kind or share.

HO:lseholds engaged in cultivation by size of land in acres No. of ,------~------______~_..A_ ___ ~ ______~ ______., Interest in land Cultivating Less 1.0 - 2.5- 5.0-- 7.5-- 10.0- 12.5- 15.0- 30.0- 50+ Unspe- cultivated households thaD 1· 2.4 4.9 7.4 9.9 12.4 14.9 29.9 49.9 cified

2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

SIDHI DISTRICT (RURAL) Total 11,054 1,504 2,475 3,186 2,862 1,351 1,536 657 2,304 738 435 6 I 11,428 1,094 1,774 1,874 1,778 851 1,036 400 1,659 590 367 S 2 1,432 361 328 319 214 62 8S 15 39 S 4 4,194 49 373 993 870 438 415 242 606 143 64 1

1 Gopadbanas Tahsil (Rural) Total 9,996 1,183 1,596 1.955 1,672 734 800 330 1,094 401 229 2 1 6,697 873 1,141 1,122 1,012 450 529 199 83l 336 202 2 2 917 277 201 205 133 38 42 6 10 3 2 3 2,382 33 254 628 527 246 229 125 253 62 25

2 Deosar Tahsil (Rural) Total 3,975 130 403 577 638 368 495 208 796 217 142 1 I 2,533 72 279 351 396 222 325 113 503 158 114 2 340 51 74 69 55 19 35 6 27 2 2 3 1,102 7 ~O 157 187 ]27 135 89 266 57 26

3 Singrauli Tahsil (Rural) Total 3,083 191 476 654 552 249 241 lJ9 414 ]20 64 3 1 2,198 149 354 401 370 179 182 88 325 96 51 3 2 175 33 53 45 26 5 8 3 2 3 710 9 69 208 156 6S S1 28 87 24 13


Total 33 1 4 5 3 3 4 5 S 2 1 1 22 1 2 S 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 5 2 1 1 1 3 6 1 2 2 1 TABLE



Size of land Cultivating households according to number (Class ranges Total of cultivating ,------in acres) households 1 Person 2 Persons 3-5 Persons

,-____...A.. ______, ,.-______A______~ ,------J..------1 r------A..-~ House- Family- Hired House- Family House- Family Hired House- Family Hired- holds Workers Workers holds Workers holds Workers Workers holds Workers Workers r--...A...-~ ,-_. ...A..._, ,--...A....~~ ,--_-...... A-_---... M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


AU Sizes 14,711 22,192 17,791 9,278 1,634 1,254 380 4,483 4654 3,871 441 6,165 10,811 8,851 3,310 Less than 1 1,257 907 748 16 415 272 143 335 338 326 6 149 261 249 6 1.0-- 2.4 2,059 2,435 1,943 126 457 359 98 909 936 834 48 560 994 883 69 2.5- 4.9 2,646 3,616 3,064 382 332 262 70 1,144 1,168 1,022 98 1,049 1,845 1,633 239 5.0- 7.4 2,469 3,736 3,197 618 201 165 36 866 895 756 81 1,233 2,152 1,925 426 7.5- 9.9 1,182 1,953 1,613 469 59 51 8 366 384 301 47 628 1,129 939 289 10.0-12.4 1,360 2,338 1,873 686 67 58 9 377 391 292 71 712 1,267 1,018 418 12.5-14.9 577 1,078 867 473 17 14 3 101 114 74 14 341 617 455 239 15.0-29.9 2,060 3,919 3,079 2,473 55 46 9 315 345 224 61 1,104 1,917 1,4U 1,001 30.0-49.9 684 1,383 903 1,775 21 17 4 42 50 25 9 288 471 '246 443 50 + 411 817 498 2,259 9 9 25 30 15 5 100 155 88 180 Unspecified 6 10 6 1 . 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 3 1


All Sizes 8,685 12,208 9,334 5,979 1,204 908 296 2,649 2,729 2,233 336 3,490 5,896 4,667 2,283 Less than 1 991 698 578 13 352 222 130 240 243 233 4 115 204 191 5 1.0-- 2.4 1,349 1,554 1,215 95 342 269 73 587 598 538 38 353 619 543 49 2.5- 4.9 1,617 2,147 1,772 261 23n 182 54 708 714 625 77 612 1,060 914 169 5.0- 7.4 1,462 2,136 1,7S9 404 137 112 25 523 537 441 68 722 1,232 1,092 288 7.5- 9.9 642 1,023 ll02 299 _ 38 35 3 187 199 139 36 365 624 518 206 10.0-12.4 724 1,183 931 477 4S 40 S 192 198 132 54 372 613 481 281 12.5--~14.9 302 566 407 279 8 7 I 48 56 30 10 185 319 210 175 15.0- 29.9 1,007 1,810 1,296 1,632 28 25 3 130 142 78 40 551 906 593 674 30.0-49.9 370 693 359 1,174 12 10 2 17 22 8 4 166 250 96 320 50 -\ 219 396 184 1,344 6 6 15 18 8 4 49 69 29 116 Unspecified 2 2' 1 1 2 2 1 I


All Sizes 3,409 5,528 4,591 1,846 243 197 46 1,060 1,131 924 65 1,469 2,7242,297 528

Less than 1 108 51 43 1 20 15 5 20 20 19 1 10 16 19 1.0-- 2.4 321 377 312 5 55 46 9 131 142 116 4 84 149 150 2.5- 4.9 482 650 545 38 58 49 9 227 241 201 12 165 299 261 21 5.0 - 7.4 542 818 716 56 41 34 7 204 216 187 5 266 489 446 40 7.5- 9.9' 324 534 452 88 17 12 5 128 135 il2 9 136 269 217 40 100-12.4 425 730 593 113 17 14 3 140 146 123 11 223 427 356 80 12.5-14.9 177 304 290 66 6 5 1 44 46 38 4 99 187 In3 31 15.0-29.9 691 1,348 1,112 445 19 14 5 137 152 108 14 373 694 5)4 185 30.0-49.9 207 440 319 407 7 5 2 22 25 15 4 79 138 91 91 50 + 131 275 208 627 3 3 6 7 4 1 34 S6 40 40 Unspecified 1 1 1 1 1 1 57 B-XII , SIZE OF LAND CULTIVATED AND NUMBER OF J;AMILY WORKERS AND . , AND URBAN A;REAS SEPARATELY

200(,. SAMPLE)

_____of persons -- engaged______in cultivation ---.A..- ______.______-, 6 -10 Persons More than 10 Persons Unspecified Size of land ---~-- ~----_""_------.... ~-----_-.A..------. ,,------_.).._--.---- 1 (Class ranges House- Family Hired House- Family Hired House- Family Hired in acres) holds Workers ~orkers holds Workers Workers ~holds Workers Workers r--~--', r---.A--- 1 r---.A..--, M F M F M F 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2


1,666 4,598 3,961 3,175 283 875 728 2,346 480 6 AU Sizes 11 36 30 4 347 Less than 1 43 146 128 9 90 1.0- 2.4 104 326 323 40 3 15 16 4 14 1 2.5- 4.9 154 496 447 96 5 28 33 13 10 <' 2 5.0- 7.4 122 371 350 112 3 18 15 21 4 7.5-· 9.9 192 594 533 180 6 28 21 17 6 10.0-12.4 109 300 303 143 8 33 32 77 1 12.5-14.9 525 1,398 1,228 1,095 54 213 204 313 7 3 15.0--29.9 266 650 462 856 66 195 166 467 1 30.0-49.9 139 278 154 640 138 345 241 1,434 50 + 1 3 3 Unspecified

Tahsil (Rural)

855 2,244 1,809 1,943 156 431 329 1,415 331 2 All Sizes 9 29 24 4 275 Less than I 20 68 61 8 47 l.~- 2.4 58 184 175 14 1 7 4 2 "f 2.5- 4.9 75 241 217 48 2 14 14 3 5.0- 7.4 51 159 135 57 1 6 7 7.5- 9.9 109 3\4 297 131 4 18 16 11 2 10.0-12.4 55 155 140 80 6 29 26 14 12.5-14.9 268 649 535 695 28 88 87 222 2 15.0-29.9 135 308 169 529 40 l()3 84 321 30·0-49.9 75 137 56 371 74 166 91 847 50 + Unspecified

Tahsil (Rural)

432 1,220 I,m 703 76 256 213 550 129 All Sizes 58 Less than 1 12 40 37 1 39 1.0- 2.4 20 61 74 5 12 2.5- 4.9 25 79 76 11 6 5.0- 7.4 37 106 110 18 2 12 8 21 4 7.5- 9.9 41 143 III 22 4 10.0-12.4 26 63 83 28 )43 \ 3 5 3 1 12.5-14.9 417 377 212 15 71 68 34 4 15.0-29.9 83 217 166 224 45 15 55 45 88 1 30.0-49.9 94 77 182 43 115 87 404 50 +- Unspecified 58 TABLE



Size of blJd Cultivating households according to number (Class rdng<.:s Total of cultivating r------in acr~s) households 1 Person 2 Persons 3-5 Persons ,..______..A.. ______~ r------~ _~...A.. ______~ __ ~ r--..A..-~~ r------"------~ House- Family- Hired House- Family House- Family Hired House- Family Hired- holds Workers Workers holds Workers holds Workers Workers holds Workers Workers ,-__ .. ..A..._~ r--.. ..A.--~ r------A..-~ ,,--A.-, M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


AN S;:;\."S 2,617 4,456 3,866 1,453 187 149, 38 774 794 714 40 1,206 2,191 1,887 499 Less than 1 158 158 127 2 43 35 8 75 75 74 1 24 41 39 1 1.0- 2.4 389 504 416 26 60 44 16 191 196 180 6 123 226 190 20 2.5-- 4 'J 547 819 747 83 38 31 7 209 213 196 9 272 486 458 49 ~ n - 7-4 465 782 692 158 23 19 4 139 142 128 8 245 431 387 98 1'_'- 9.9 216 396 359 82 4 4 51 50 50 2 127 236 204 43 10.0--12.4 211 425 349 96 5 4 45 47 37 6 117 227 181 57 12.5-14.9 98 208 170 128 3 2 9 12 6 57 111 82 33 15.0-29.9 362 761 671 396 8 7 48 51 38 7 180 317 267 U2 30.0-49.9 107 250 225 194 2 2 3 3 2 1 43 83 59 32 50 + 61 146 106 288 4 5 3 17 30 19 24 Unspecified 3 7 4 1 3 1


All Sizes 26 37 17 19 7 6 1 10 13 3 4 6 10 3 10 Less than 1 1 1 1 1 1.0- 2.4 3 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2.5- 4.9 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 5.0- 7.4 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 7.5- 9.9 3 5 1 1 1 1 :1 1 :1 1 10.0-12.4 3 4 1 1 1 2 3 1 12.5-14.9 4 4 4 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 15.0-29.9 4 8 2 5 1 2 2 2 5 30.0-49.9 2 :1 2 7 1 1 4 50 + 1 3 6 2 .. , Unspecified 59 B-XII


20% S~MPLE)

of persons engaged in cultivation ---~------"-~------~ --~------, 6--10 persons More than 10'persons Unsj eciticd Size orland ____---A... ____ ~-______,-______..A_ ____ ~ ____ ~ ,-__ ~ ______A______~ (Class laDies House- Family ,Hired House- Family Hired House- Pamily Hired in acres) holds Workers Workers holds Workers Workers holds Workers Workers

~ ___.A,_ ____ -, r---_.A_-~ r--...A...~1 M F M F M F 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

TaJlsll (Rural)

379 1,134 1,041 {29 ~, 51 188 186 381 20 4 All Siztls 2 7 6 J4 Less than 1 11 38 30 4 1.0- 2.4 26 81 74 21 2 8 12 4 2.5- 4.9 54 176 154 37 3 14 19 13 2 5.0- 7.4 34 106 105 37 7.5- 9.9 42 131 125 27 2 10 5 6 10.0-12.4 28 82 80 35 1 I I 60 12.5-14.9 114 332 316 IRS 11 54 49 57 2 15.0-29.9 48 125 127 103 II 37 37 58 30.0-49.9 19 47 21 81 21 64 63 183 50 + 1 3 3 Unspecified


2 5 4 3 ~1 3 6 2 AU Sizes Less than 1 1.0- 2.4 2.5- 4.9 5.0- 7.4 7.5- 9.9 10.0-12.4 12.5-14.9 1 4 2 15.0-29.9 1 1 2 3 30.0-49.9 1 3 6 2 50 + Unspecified 60




,_, o .~ ~ 61

-N - ... , ..... o- ......


...... S... 0'".:9 rn 00 Z..c: 7d~_::l 00 E-<..c:

..... o . . U zo ...... ",!:Ii "0 • v0 ..... 62 TABLE B-XIV

SAMPLE HOUSEHOLDS ENGAGED ONLY IN aOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY ~LASSIFIED BY PRINClPAL HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY IN ALL AREAS (BASED ON 20o!., SAMPLE) Part A -Households classified by major groups of principal Household Industry and numher of persons engaged Total Households engaged in Household Industry accord- number ing to the number of persons engaged. Code No. of Household Industry (Division and Total of ,------"------, I. S.I. C. Major Group only of I. S. I. C.) Rural House- 1 2 j-5 6-10 More Un- Urban holds Person Persons Pusons P.ersons than 10 speci- persons lied

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SIDHI DISTRICT All Industries T 587 245 221 103 8 1 9 R 569 228 221 102 8 1 , U 18 17 1

Division 0 AlJYiculture, livestock, forestry, T 82 33 35 10 1 3 fishing and hunting R 82 33 35 10 1 3

Major Groups 00 Field produce and plantation crops T R

01 Pbn'3.tion crops T R

02 Forestry and logging T 16 10 4 R 16 10 4

04 Livestock and hunting T 64 30 25 6 2 R 64 30 25 6 2

Division 2&3 }'fanllfactllril1g T 505 212 186 93 7 1 6 R 487 195 186 92 7 1 6 U 18 17 (

Major Groups 20 Foodstuffs T 35 12 13 9 R 32 10 13 8 U 3 2 I

21 Bevcmges T 2 R 2 22 Tobacco product~ T 5 , 3 R 5 3 I 23 Textile·cotton T 16 ~ 6 5 R 16 14 6 5

24 Textile·jute T 19 4 5 9 1 R 19 4 5 9 1

25 Textile·wool T 3 2 R 3 2

27 Textile-miscellaneous T 33 26 5 1 R 25 18 5 1 U 8 8

28 Manufacture of wood and T 163 41 75 41 5 1 wooden products R 162 40 75 41 5 1 1.J 1 1 63 TABLE· B-XIV

SAMPLE HOUSEHOLDS ENGAGED ONLy'lN HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY CLASSIFIED BY PRINCIPAL HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY IN ALL AREAS- Concld. (BASED ON 20% SAMPLE) / Part A...... Households classified by major groups of principal Household Industry and number of persons engaged. Total Households engaged in Household Industry accord­ number ing to the number of persons engaged. Code No. of Household Industry (Division and Total of r------..,-..A..------. I. S. 1. C. Major'proup only of I. S.]. C.) Rural House­ 1 2 3-5 6-10 More Un- Uroon holds Person Pers0ns Persons Persons than 10 speci­ per.ons fi ed 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Major Groups 31 Leatbe~ and leather products T 96 64 24 6 1 1 R 95 63 24 6 1 1 U 1 1

33 Chemicals and chemical products T 1 R 1

34&35 Non-metallic mineral products T 46 10 26 10 other than petroleum and coal R 46 10 26 10

36 Basic-metals and their products except T 45 15 21 7 1 1 machinery and transport equipment R 45 15 21 7 1 1

39 Miscellaneous manufacturing T 41 32 6 3 industries R 36 27 6 3 U 5 5

N(lte-Lines with nil entries have been omitted. 64 TABLE B-XIV



Part B-Households classfle by Minor groups of Principal Household Industry

Code No. Household Industry Minor Group Number of Code No. Household Industry Minor Group Number of a (Description) Households of (Description) Households J. S. I. C. ,--_..A._, J. S. J. C. ,--~ _ _A_---. T R U T R U 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5


ALL INDUSTRIES 587 569 006.1 Production of fruits and nuts 209.2 Making of sweet-meats, laddu, peda, 5 3 2 in plantation, vines and orchards barphi, batasa etc.

013.0 Production of tobacco in plantation 210.2 Manufacture of distilled spirits, wines 2 2 liquor from alcoholic malt, fruits and 025.1 Production of Kathha 15 15 malts in distillery and brewery 025.2 Production of Lac 220.0 Manufacture of bidi 5 5 040.1 Rearing of goat for milk and 10 10 animal power 231.0 Cottort spinning (by charkha and takali) 2 2

040.5 Production and rearing of livestock 43 43 235.0 Cotton cloth weaving in handlooms 14 14 mainly for milk and animal power n. e. c. 241.0 Jute spinning and weaving of mats, 2 2 asanis etc. 041.1 Sheep breeding and rearing 3 3 244.2 Making of rope and cordage, out 17 17 042.2 Rearing and production of other ani­ of jute mals (mainly for slaughter) n. e. c. 2 2 Weaving of woollen cloth in hand­ 3 3 043.1 Poultry keeping and production of eggs 6 6 255.0 loom such as blankets, rugs, 200.1 Production of flour by village cha- pashmina, thulma, gudma, etc. kkies or flour mill by grinding 2 2 wheai,maize, gram etc. 272.2 Making of jari thread, zardoshi 3 3

200.6 Parching of grains 2 272.5 Lace garland making 1

202.1 Gur and Khandsari making from 273.2 Traditional garments 21 21 sugarcane and palm 273.3 Chrochet work (bora caps) 206.0 Production of butter, cream, ghee cheese 4 4 chhana, khowa and other dairy products 273.4 Making of textile garments including 7 7 rain-coats and head-gears n. e. c. 207.0 Oil pressing ghani, kolhu or by small 21 21 machines 280.0 Sawing, planing and milling of wood

Note-'n. e. c.' stands for 'not elsewhere classified.' 85 TABLE B-XIV



Part B-Households cla sified by Minor groups of Principal Household Industry

Code No. Household Industry Minor Group Number of Code No. Household Industry Minor Group Number of of (Description) Households of (Description) Households 1. S. 1. C. ,-__.A.--, I. S. I. C. ,---_.A._, T R U T R U 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5


282.0 Manuf acture of structural wooden 17 17 l •• , 344.0 Making of chakki chakla, siIaut, 3 3 goods (including treated timber) such lorha, jainta, utensils and other as beams, posts, doors, windows articles from stone

350.0 283.1 Carpentary works concerned with 6 6 • '" Making of earthenware such as 42 42 repairs of agricultural implements (wood) pottery, etc.

288.3 Making of mats, handfans and umbreJlas 353.1 Making of glass bangles from palm leaves. 369.1 Manufacture of agricultural imple­ 25 25 288.5 Making of baskets and broomsticks 123 123 ments such as ploughsllare, khurpi, kudal etc. 288.6 Making of donas (drone) and pattals 4 4 (patravali) from leaves. 369.3 Making of iron utensils (e.g. buc­ 18 18 kets etc.) and articles from iron 288.9 Manufacture of other articles from leaf, 11 11 sheets cane, bamboo, cork and other allied products n. c. c. 369.8 Foundry, industry (including 2 2. blacksmithy) 310.1 Flaying, processing of hides and skins 10 10' ... including taxidermy 393.1 Inlay work with ivory and brass 3 3

310.2 Currying, tanning and finishing of 7 6 J' 393.2 Goldsmithy 25 21 4 hides and skins preparation of finished leather. 393.3 Manufacture of jewellery, silverware 12 12 and wares using gold and other 311.1 Making of leather boots, shoes or 79 79· '" precious metal and precious and chappals (slippers, sandals) semi-precious stones

331.1 Manufacture of dyes, paints, colours 393.6 Manufacture of gold iJ.nd silver leaves abir, sindoor, varnish etc.

Note-'n. c. co' stands for 'not elsewhere classified. 66 TABLE


r------. Cultivating Households engaged in Total of cultivating I Person 2 Persons 3-5 Persons households which are ,.--_.A. ____., r-----.A..---, r------.A.----, engaged in Household Industry Size of land r------A..------, (class ranges House- Family Hired House- Family House- Family Hired House- Family Hired in acres) holds workers wOl;kers holds workers holds workers workers holds workers workers ,---A..__ , r-----"-, r-..A..---, ~----. M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

SIDH! , All Sizes 2,343 4,056 3,195 523 244 233 11 714 784 630 14 1,102 2,171 1,756 145 Less than 1 247 321 200 1 71 66 S 106 119 92 1 65 129 97 1.0- 2.4 416 593 462 4 77 72 5 170 183 155 2 151 282 248 1 2.5- 4.9 540 873 698 29 46 46 192 209 174 1 275 532 449 15 5.0-- 7.4 393 708 590 19 24 24 118 132 100 4 214 435 366 8 7.5- 9.9 169 3Ps 282 17 5 5 35 39 30 1 96 192 144 14 10.0-12.4 176 3 S 288 6S 8 8 44 49 37 2 91 173 152 17 12.5-14.9 80 167 142 26 3 2 1 14 16 12 42 84 63 14 15.0-29.9 244 567 429 159 6 6 30 31 27 2 135 284 197 48 30.0-49.9 54 106 69 93 2 2 4 4 3 1 28 51 33 24 50 + 24 49 35 110 2 '2 1 2 S !) 7 4 Unspecified

1 Gopadbanas

All Sizes 1,311 2,166 1,586 275 179 170 9 413 465 350 11 .589 1,150 897 87 Less"than-l 192 249 152 1 59 54 5 76 88 63 1 52 100 78 1.0-- 2.4 247 348 260 3 52 49 3 100 108 90 2 84 153 136 1 2.5- 4.9 338 538 417 19 36 36 123 134 III 1 161 309 255 12 5.0- 7.4 210 371 - 266 13 18 18 67 79 51 4 113 238 178 5 7.5- 9.9 92 191 150 12 3 3 14 17 10 t: 57 110 83 9 10.0-12.4 76 146 U8 25 3 3 18 23 13 42 81 70 12 12.5-14.9 28 57 51 10 2 1 4 5 3 15 30 22 5 15.0--29.9 87 194 130 83 4 4 8 8 7 1 48 97 61) 24 30.0-49.9 31 57 34 67 1 1 3 3 2 1 14 26 11 17 50+ 10 15 8 42 1 1 , 3 6 4 2 Unspecified

2 Deosar

All Sizes 566 976 775 109 49 48 I 181 194 1 165 3 281 565 453 30 Less shan 1 22 29 18 6 6 10 10 10 6 13 II 1.0- 2.4 82 106 78 19 18 39 35 22 40 35 2.5- 4.9 95 151 123 1 8 8 34 j~ 32 51 101 85 1 5.0- 7.4 96 155 136 1 5 5 37 39 35 49 93 86 1 7.5- 9.9 44 76 60 2 1 1 16 15 25 52 37 2 10.0-12.4 70 120 107 13 5 5 20 ~ 18 2 37 73 63 1 12.5-14.9 31 57 41 5 1 1 9 10 8 19 39 28 5 15.0-29.9 105 243 183 31 2 2 15 17 12 62 136 96 14 30.0-49.9 10 20 14 4 1 1 8 IS 12 4 50 + 11 19 15 52 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 Unspecified 67




Household J ndustry -----"------.----~. ------_._-_._------, 6-10 Persons More than I') Persons Unspecified r------"--_:__----, r------.A.~-----~ -----, r---- - .----"'-_ ------1

House- Family Hired House- Family Hired Hoese- Flmily Hired Size of 'land holds workers workers holds workers workers holtls workers workers (class ranges ,-__..A_ ___ ~ r----'---, ,--..-A..-- 1 in acres) M F M F M F 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28


264 816 752 237 15 52 46 127 4 All sizes 2 7 6 3 Less tban 1 18 56 541 1 1.0- 2.4 27 86 75 13 2.5- 4.9 37 117 124 7 5.0- 7.4 33 111 108 2 7.5- 9.9 30 88 90 29 2 7 9 17 1 10.0-12.... 21 65 66 12 .. 12.5-14.9 68 219 -184 78 5 27 21 31 15.0-29.9 18 46 32 48 2 3 1 20 30.0-499 10 21 13 47 6 15 15 5J SO + Unspecified

Tahsil (Rural)

121 361 315 151 5 20 15 26 4 All sizes 2 7 6 3 Less than 1 1l 38 31 1.0- 2.4 18 59 51 6 2.5- 4.9 12 36 37 4 5.0- 7.4 18 61 57 2 7.5....,.. 9.9 11 35 30 11 4 5 2 10.0-12.4 7 21 25 5 12.5-14.9 25 71 55 52 2 14 8 6 15.0-29.9 12 26 21 39 1 1 10 30.0-49.9 5 7 2 32 1 1 2 8 50 + Unspecified

Tahsil (Rural)

52 165 154 40 3 4 2 36 All sizes Less than 1 2 5 7 1.0- 2.4 2 6 6 2.5- 4.9 5 18 15 5.0- 7.4 2 6 8 7.5- 9.9 8 22 26 10 10.0-12.4 2 7 5 12.5-14.9 26 88 75 16 15.0-29.9 1 4 2 30.0-49.9 4 9 JO 14 3 4 2 36 50 + Unspecified 68 TABLE



Cultivating Households engaged in r----~------~------Total of cultivating 1 Person 2 Persons 3-5 Persons households which are r--- _A ----, r- ~ ------'------., r--~--...A.....~-- ~-- ~ -, engaged in HouseholJ Industry Size of land r-~---- ___ ..A... _____-, (class ranges HQuse- Family Hired House- Family I! lllse- Family Hired Houqc- Familv HIred in acres) holds workers workers holds workers holds workers ,workers holds \Vorl- ers W,_ rhcrs r--_..A...... -, r----...A...-, ,-__ ..A...._~ r--..A-",-\ M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

3 Singruuli

All Sizes 466 914 834 139 )6 15 1 120 125 II5 232 456 406 28 Less than 1 33 43 30 6 6 20 21 19 7 16 11 1.0- 2,4 87 139 124 1 6 5 31 32 30 45 89 77 2.5- 4.9 107 184 158 9 2 2 35 39 31 63 122 109 :2 5.0- 7.4 87 182 188 5 1 1 14 14 14 52 104 102 2 7.5- 9.9 33 80 72 3 1 1 5 5 5 14 30 24 3 10.0-12.4 30 59 63 27 6 6 6 12 19 19 4 12.5-14.9 21 53 50 11 1 1 1 8 15 13 4 15.0-29.9 52 130 116 45 7 6 8 25 51 41 10 30.0-49.9 13 29 _ 21 22 1 1 1 6 10 10 3 50 + 3 15 12 16 Unspecified ...


All Sizes 7 12 4 2 2 3 4 2 2 6 2 Less-than 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1.0- 2.4 2 3 1 1 1 2 2.5- 4.9 1 1 1 1 1 1 5.0- 7.4 7.5- 9.9 1 1 2 1 1 2 10.0-12.4 1 5 1 5 12.5-14.9 1 1 1 1 15.0-29.9 30.0--49.9 50+ Unspecified 69




Household Industry ----~------, 6-10 P.:rsons ,--______More than.A. ______10 Persons -, Unspecified r-----.---"------~

House- Family Hired House- Family Hired HOllSc- Family Hired Size of land holds workers workers holds workers workers holds workers workers (class ranges in acres) r--...... A...-~-, ,---'-- - --, r------"---1 M F M F M F

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1

Tahsil (Rural)

91 290 283 46 7 28 29 65 All Sizes Less than 1 5 13 16 1 1.0- 2.4 7 21 IS 7 2.5- 4.9 20 63 72 3 5.0... 7.4 13 44 43 7.5- 9.9 11 31 34 8 3 4 15 10.0-11.4 12 37 36 7 12.5-14.9 17 60 54 10 3 13 13 25 15.0-29.9 5 16 9 9 1 2 I 10 30.0-49.9 1 5 1 1 2 10 11 15 50 + Unspecified


All Sizes Less than 1 1.0- 2.4 2.5- 4.9 5.6- 7.4 7.5- 9.9 10.0-12.4 12.5-14.9 15.0-29.9 30.0-49.9 50 + Unspecified 70 TABLE



Note:-in column 2, (a) stands for "with cultivatou" and

Household Total Total 1 to 3 Months 4 to 6 Months Industry Rural r------~..J...._ ----~~ r------...... _------..., ,------_.>...._._--- ... ---._.. (Division Urban House- , Family___..A.. workers ___, Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired and Major holds workers holds ,-__A ___ , workers holds ,--_..A.. __ , workers group only) M F Nt F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


AU Industries T 2.937 4,7a2 3,585 530 154 264 212 33 590 1,028 849 86 (a) 2,350 4,068 3,191 523 ]36 249 19) 33 516 931 780 86 (b) 587 711 386 7 18 15 13 74 97 69

R 2,912 4,750 3,51:;1 530 153 263 212 33 590 1,028 849 86 (a) 2,3"3 4,056 3,19~ 523 135 248 199 33 516 931 780 86 (b) 56) 69,1 386 7 18 15 13 74 97 69

U 25 32 4 1 1 (a) 7 12 ,1 1 1 (b) 18 20

Division 0 T 593 1,027 77J 340 7 7 7 41 67 51 16 Agriculture live- (a) 511 929 672 340 4 6 5 28 51 36 16 st(lckjorestry, (b) 81 98 48 3 1 2 13 16 15 fishing and hrmting R 593 1,027 720 J40 7 7 7 41 67 5/ 16 (a) 511 929 672 340 4 6 5 28 51 36 16 (b) 82 98 48 3 / 2 n 16 15

Major Group 00 T 13 1(i 15 3 4 4 5 6 7 Field produce (a) 12 16 14 2 4 3 5 6 7 & plantation (h) I I I I crops R 13 16 15 3 4 4 5 6 7 (a) 12 16 14 2 4 3 S 6 7 (h) I I 1 I

Major Group 01 T Plantation-crops (h)

R (b)

Major Group 02 T 19 '24 23 1 13 16 17 Forestry and (a) 3 5 5 I 2 2 3 logging (b) 16 19 IS 11 14 14

R 19 24 23 13 16 17 (a) 3 5 5 2 2 3 (b) 16 19 18 11 14 14 Major Group 03 T 3 5 3 5 Fishing (a) j 5 3 5 R 3 5 3 5 (a) 3 5 3 5 71 B-XVI



(h) for "without cultivlltion."

7 to 9 Month's 10 Months to 1 year Months not stated t r------'------, r------.A.~----___, r------.A.-:------... R House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired U holds ,----.A.__ -, ,workers holds r------'----, workers holds r-----'----, workers M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2 DISTRICT

3SS SS9 440 25 1,719 2,739 1,956 366 119 192 128 20 T 298 492 392 2S 1,312 2,244 1,718 359 88 152 110 20 (a) 57 67 48 407 495 238 7 31 40 18 (b)

350 554 437 25 1,701 2,714 1,955 366 118 191 128 [20 R 296 490 389 25 1,308 2,235 1,717 359 88 152 110 20 (8) 54 64 48 393 479' 238 7 30 39 18 (b)

5 5 3 18 25 1 1 1 u 2 2 3 4 9 1 (8) 3 3 14 16 1 1 (b)

20 ( 37 25 8 502 876 6/5 300 23 40 22 16 T 0 'J 16 ;).' 21 8 4-11 . /)1)0 5[;8 300 22 39 22 16 (a) -I 4 -I 61 76 27 1 1 (b)

20 37 ~' ., 8 5(12 876 615 16 33 21 8 441 8eo , :')88 300 23 40 22 16 R· ,; 4 6J ;6 -'/ 300 22 39 22 16 (a) " 1 1 (b) 2 2 1 2 2 3 :2 2 j 2 3 3 1 2 TOO 1 2 (a) (b) 2 2 1 2 2 3 , .) 2 I 2 3 1 2 1 R 1 2 1 (a) (b)

T OJ (b)

R (b)

T 02 (al (bl R (a) (h) T 03 (a) R (a) 72 TABLE



Note:-In column 2 (a) Stands for "with cultivation" and

Hou~ehold Total Total 1 to 3 Months 4 to 6 Months r- __ .,; ____...A... ______~ Industry Rural ,-_____._.A. _____ ---., ,-_____-.A.. _____._, (Division Urban House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired and Major holds r----..A..~- ... -, workers holds r--~-.A..--, workers holds r----...A--1 workers group only) M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


Major Group 04 T 557 982 678 333 23 45 27 16 Livestock and (a) 493 903 650 333 21 43 26 16 hl

R 557 982 678 333 1 23 45 27 16 (a) 493 903 650 333 1 21 43 26 16 (b) 64 79 28 2 2 1

Division ... l T 1 2 3 1 2 3 Mining and (a) 1 2 3 1 2 3 quarrying R 1 2 3 1 2 3 (a) 1 2 3 .. ( 1 2 3

Major Group 10 T 2 3 2 3 Mining and (a) 2 3 2 3 quarrying R 1 2 3 1 2 3 (a) 1 2 3 1 2 3

Division 2&3 T 2,341 3,753 2,862 190 147 257 205 33 548 959 795 70 Manufacturillg (a) 1,838 3,137 2,524 183 132 243 194 33 487 878 741 70 (b) 505 616 338 7 15 14 11 61 81 5-1

R 2,318 3,721 2,858 190 146 256 205 33 548 959 795 70 (a) 1,83/ 3,125 2,520 183 131 242 194 33 487 878 741 70 (b) 487 596 338 7 15 14 111 61 81 54

U 25 32 4 1 1 (a) 7 12 4 1 1 (b) 18 20

Major Group 20 T 410 712 606 24 17 23 21 99 187 165 7 Foodstuffs (a) 375 670 583 23 15 21 20 97 185 165 7 (b) 35 42 23 1 2 2 1 2 2

R 404 704 602 24 17 23 21 99 187 165 7 (a) 372 667 579 21 15 21 20 97 185 165 7 (b) 32 37 23 1 2 2 1 -2 2

U 6 8 4 (a) 3 3 4 (b) 3 5 73




(b) for "without cultivation."

7 to 9 Month~ 10 Months to 1 year Month not stated T ,.--_____ ~-- ...A.. _____ --~-~~ r-----.. ---- ..A... ___~_ .. - _ _..... ~~------~-~--~--1 R House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired U holds ,.--_.),,_--, workers holds r-----..A..-'-, workers holds r---~_A._---~ workers M F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2

DlSTRICT- Contd.

13 28 19 6 498 870 610 295 22 38 21 16 T 04 13 28 19 6 437 794 583 295 21 37 21 16 (a) 61 76 27 1 1 (b)

13 28 19 6 498 870 610 295 22 38 21 16 R 13 28 19 6 437 794 583 295 21 37 21 16 (a) 61 76 27 1 1 (b)

T1 (aj

R (a)

T 10 (a)

R (a)

335 522 415 17 1,217 1,863 1,341 66 96 152 106 4 T2&3 282 459 371 17 871 1,444' I,BO 59 66 113 88 4 (a) 53 63 44 346 419 211 7 30 39 18 (b)

330 517 412 17 1,199 1.838 1,340 66 95 151 106 4 R 280 457 368 17 867 1,435 1,129 59 66 113 88 4 (a) 50 60 44 332 403 211 7 29 38 18 (b)

5 5 3 18 25 1 1 1 U 2 2 3 4 9 1 (a) 3 3 14 16 J (h) 68 106 99 4 204 353 287 11 22 43 34 T 20 65 103 98 4 179 3 322 270 10 19 39 30 (a) 3 1 25 31 17 1 3 4 4 (b) 66 104 96 4 200 347 286 11 22 43 34 R 63 101 95 4 178 3 321 269 10 19 39 30 (a) 3 I 22 26 17 I 3 4 4 (b)

2 2 3 4 6 2 2 U 3 I 1 (a) 3 5 (hj 74 TABLE



Note-- In column 2, (a) stands for "with cultivation" and

Household ,--____Total.A. ______., 1 to 3 Months 4 to 6 Months Industry Total r------..A..------~ ~------.A.._----., (Division and Rural House- Family workers Hired- House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired Major group Urban holds ,.-_--..A.._~ workers holds ,-_---..A.._--. ' workers holds r---..A..-, workers only) M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 21 12 13 14


Major Group 21 T 4 6 2 2 Beverages (a) 2 4 1 (b) 2 2 1 2

R 4 6 2 2 (a) 2 4 1 (b) ::! 2 1 2

Major Grour 22 T 13 18 7 5 Tobacco (a) 8 12 4 3 products (b) 5 6 3 2

R 13 18 7 5 (a) 8 12 4 3 (b) 5 6 3 2

Major Group 23 T 87 155 134 23 31 62 52 20 30 54 46 2 Textile-cotton (a) 71 137 120 23 27 58 50 20 25 48 41 2 (b) 16 18 14 4 4 2 5 6 5

R 87 155 134 23 31 62 52 20 30 54 46 2 (a) 71 137 120 23 27 58 50 20 25 48 41 2 (b) 16 18 14 4 4 2 5 6 5

'Major Group 24 T 79 124 108 4 25 44 30 3 48 73 67 Textile-jute (a) 60 101 85 4 23 44 29 3 32 52 46 (b) 19 23 23 2 1 16 21 21

R 79 124 108 4 15 44 30; 3 48 73 67 (a) 60 101 85 4 23 44 29' 3 32 52 46 (b) 19 23 23 2 1 16 21 21

Major Group 25 T 28 50 47 4 3 6 8 14 22 25 2 Textile-wool (a) 25 46 46 4 3 6 8 12 20 24 2 (b) 3 4 1 , .. 2 2 1 R. 28 50 47 4 3 6 8 14 22 25 2 (a) 25 46 46 4 3 6 8 12 20 24 2 (b) 3 4 1 2 2 1 Major GtOUP 27 T 85 120 S5 13 3 9 6 6 9 14 7 Textile-misce- (a) 52 84 52 13 3 9 6 6 9 14 7 IJaneous (b) 33 36 3 R 75 109 5S 13 3 9 6 6 9 14 7 (a) 50 81 52 13 3 9 6 6 9 14 7 (b) 25 28 3 75


Al,L AREAS- Contd.


(b) for "without cultivation"

Months not stated T 7 to 9 Months , ______10 Months..A.. _____ to 1 year " ___ "' ,---______------A. ______, ~~------~------, R Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired U J.{ou,::- ,-Family__ --.A.. workers __...... ,--__.. ..A... ___ --""!I holds workers holds workers holds r-----...A.--~ workers td F M F M F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2


3 4 2 2 2 T 21 1 2 1 2 (al 2 2 1 2 (b)

3 4 2 2 2 R 1 2 1 2 (al 2 2 1 2 (b)

2 2 9 13 7 5 I 2 T 22 2 2 5 9 4 3 (a) 4 4 3 2 2 (b)

2 2 9 13 7 5 2 R 2 2 5 9 4 3 (a) 4 4 3 2 2 (b)

8 12 ]0 15 '4 20 3 3 6 T 23 5 7 6 12 21 17 2 3 6 (a) 3 5 4 3 3 3 1 (b)

12 10 15 24 20 3 3 6 1l 5 7 6 12 21 17 2 3 6 (a) 3 5 4 3 3 3 1 (b)

1 1 5 6 10 TN 1 1 4 4 9 (a) 1 2 1 (b)

5 6 10 1l 4 4 9 (a) 1 2 1 (b)

2 2 6 14 9 3 6 4 2 Tl5 2 2 5 12 9 3 6 4 2 (a) 1 2 (b) 2 2 1 6 14 9 3 6 4 2 2 .. 1 5 12 9 3 6 4 2 Ca) 1 2 " (b) 8 11 10 61 82 31 7 4 4 T 27 7 10 10 32 50 28 7 1 I (a) 1 1 29 32 3 3 3 (b) 7 10 10 53 73 31 7 3 3 7 10 R 10 30 47 28 7 1 1 (a) 23 26 3 2 2 (b) 76 TABLE



Note:-ln column 2 (a) stands for "with cultivation" and

Household Total Total 1 to 3 Months 4 to 6 Months Industry Rural r------__,;.._-----~ r------"------, r------_.A._-..__--~--__... (Division Urban House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- F;lmily workers Hired and Major holds r-~--A..-~~ workers holds r----"----" workers holds r--~-_A_~-- -.., wOl!:ers group only) M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


U 10 11 (a) 2 3 (b) 8 8

Major Group 28 T 516 798 658 50 17 26 20 132 233 192 41 Manufacture of (a) 353 593 498 50 15 24 17 119 217 182 41 wood and wooden(b) 163 205 160 2 2 3 13 16 10 products R 515 797 658 50 17 26 20 132 233 192 41 (a) 353 593 498 50 15 24 17 ) 19 217 182 41 (b) 162 204 160 2 2 3 13 16 10

U (b)

Major Group 31 T 5! ~ 807 573 22 29 50 43 90 140 105 Leather and (a) 41~ 695 549 20 25 45 39 80 128 105 leather products (b) 96 112 24 2 4 5 4 10 12

R 513 806 573 22 29 50 43 90 140 105 (a) 418 695 549 20 2~ 45 39 80 128 lOS (bJ 95 111 24 2 4 5 4 10 12

T (b)

Major Group 33 U Chemicals and (b) chemical products

R (b)

Major Group 34-35 T 252 393 320 10 14 28 18 53 90 81 6 Non-metallic (a) 206 338 276 10 13 27 18 48 82 75 6 mineral products (h) 46 55 44 1 1 5 8 6 other than petro- leum and coal R 250 387 320 10 13 27 18 53 90 81 6 (a) 204 332 276 10 12 26 18 48 82 75 6 (b) 46 55 44 1 1 5 8 6 U 2 6 (a) 2 6 77 B-XVI



(!_;) for "without cultivation".

7 to 9 Month~ 10 Months to 1 year Months not stated ,-______..A-______-, T r------~------~ ~------~------1 House- Family workers Hired House- Family workus Hired House- Family workers Hired R holds ,-__-.A. ___, workers holds r-~--"--~ worken holds r----.. ..A..---, workers U M F M P M F IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2.


1 8 9 U 2 3 (a) 6 6 (b)

52 77 73 2 301 441 355 6 14 21 18 T 28 40 61 59 2 174 2S3 234 6 5 8 6 (a) 12 Hi 14 127 158 12I 9 13 12 (b)

52 77 73 2 300 440 355 6 14 21 18 R 40 61 59 2 174 283 234 6 5 8 6 (a) 12 16 14 126 157 121 9 13 12 (b)

U (b)

55 96 63 2 323 496 350 19 17 25 12 T3 49 90 62 2 254 415 332 17 10 17 II (a) 6 6 I 69 81 18 2 7 8 1 (b)

3"0 19 17 25 12 R 54 95 63 2 323 496 17 10 (a) 49 B:? 17 II 90 62 2 254 415 18 2 7 8 1 (b) 5 5 1 69 81 U (b)

1 T33 1 (b)

R (b)

104 157 117 3 70 102 90 II 16 14 I T 34-3S 81 132 96 3 54 82 74 IO 15 23 25 13 (a) 21 16 20 16 1 1 1 (b)

104 157 117 3 69 97 90 II 16 14 R 81 132 96 3 53 77 74 10 15 23 25 21 13 (al 16 20 16 I 1 1 (b)

5 U 5 (a) 78 TABLE



Not e-In column 2, (a) stands for "with cultivation" and

Housebold Total Total 1 to 3 MOllths 4 to 6 Months ,..---. __-_..A.-t- _____"") Industry Rural ~------~------, ~-----~------, (Division and Urban House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired MajQr group holds r--....A...- ... -..... workers holds r---... ..A.--...... ,-, workers holds t----"---, workels Ollly) M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


Major Group 36 T 257 436 295 16 6 7 6 61 125 93 4 Basic metals and (a) 212 374 257 16 6 7 6 53 III 82 4 their products (b) 45 62 38 8 14 II except macbinery and transport R 257 436 295 16 6 7 6 61 125 93 4 equipment (a) 212 374 2S7 16 6 7 6 S3 111 82 4 (b) 45 62 38 8 14 11 Major Group 39 T 97 -133 57 17 2 2 11 20 14 7 Miscellaneous (a) 56 83 53 17 2 2 11 20 14 7 manufacturing (b) 41 50 4 industries R 92 ]28 57 17 2 2 1l 20 14 7 (a) 56 83 53 17 2 2 11 20 14 7 (b) 36 4S 4 U 5 5 (b) 5 5

Note-Lines with nil entries have been omitted. 79 B-XVI



(b) fov "without cultivation".

, ______--.A. 7 to ______9 Months -, 10 Months to 1 year Months not stated r------...,A.______--.. ,.-----__-A ______, T House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired House- Family workers Hired R hDlds ,-____A_ __ --, workers holds ,.-__...A. __--, workers holds ..-___..A. __--, workers U M F M F M fl

15 ]6 17 18 .. 19 20 21 22 23 24 ;}S 26 2


27 48 38 5 149 238 146 6 14 18 12 1 T 36 24 43 35 5 117 198 122 6 12 IS 12 1 (a) 3 5 3 32 40 24 2 3 (b) 27 48 38 5 149 238 146 6 14 18 12 1 R 24 43 35 5 117 198 122 6 12 15 12 1 (a) 3 5 3 32 40 24 2 3 (b) 8 10 3 70 89 34 8 6 12 5 T 39 6 8 3 34 46 30 8 3 7 5 (a) 2 2 36 43 4 3 5 (b) 7 9 3 66 85 34 8 6 12 5 R 6 8 3 34 46 30 8 3 7 5 (a) 1 1 32 39 4 3 5 (b) 4 4 R 4 4 (b) 80 TABLE



Total Total Size of sample Rural Total No. of households Urban No. of sample r-----...A..---~ ----- house- Total household house- Total sample household Single member Particulars hold~ population holds popUlation households ,..-___--A. ____• ,....----.A..-__-----, ,....--_.A.-____• P M P P M F Households M F 2 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12


1 TOTAL 111,369 580,129 293,507 286,622 22,247 114,924 57,880 57,044 1,395 764 631 2 All Rural Areas 110,114 575,108 290,579 284,529 22,008 113,966 57,353 56,613 1,347 724 623 3 Households engaged neither in cultivation nor in house- hold indllstry 4,385 17,158 8,603 8,555 608 292 316 4 Households engaged in house- hold industry only 569 2,600 1,324 1,276 22 17 5 5 Households engaged in culti- vation (All sizes) 17,054 94,208 47,426 46,782 717 415 302

Size of holding groups (i) Less than 1 acre 1,504 6,518 3,163 3,355 134 54 80 Oi) 1.0- 2.4 acres 2,475 11,330 5,739 5,591 160 93 67 (iii) 2.5- 4.9 acres 3,186 15,'779 7,961 7,818 132 83 49 liv) 5.0- 7.4 acres 2,862 15,?-22 7,683 7,539 102 62 40 (v) 7.5- 99 acres 1,351 7,615 3,855 3,760 42 25 17 (VI) 100-124 acres 1,536.· 8,988 4,498 4,490 34 19 IS (vii) 12.5-14 ') acres 657 4,141 2,063 2,078 14 10 4 (viii) 15.0-29.9 acre~ 2.304 15,529 7,867 7,6'62 60 41 19 (ix) 30.0-49.9 acres 738 5,530 2,818 2,712 28 18 10 (x) 50.0 + a,res 435 3,527 1,760 1,767 11 10 1 (xi) Unspecified 6 29 19 10

6 All Urban Areas 1,255 5.021 2,928 2,093 239 958 527 431 48 40 8 81 B-XVII



~ize of sample households ,------_.,---->,---'------"-.------~ 2-3 members 7,9 members ,..--______..A... _____, 4-6 members 10 members and over ,..------_-A.. _____, r------"------) r------_.!I.._------, H'JlBeholds M F Households M F Households M F Households M F S.No. 13 14 I~ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24


5,104 6,697 6,473, 9,952 24,766 24,413 4,310 16,679 16,526 1,486 8,974 9,001 1 5,032 6,592 6,402 9,873 24,568 24,237 4,283 16,572 16"tJO 1,473 8,897 8,921 2

1,404 1,808 1,781 1,884 4,532 4,507 425 1,606 1,594 64 365 357 3 165 223 194 286 715 681 85 307 332 11 62 64 4 3,463 4,561 4,427 7,703 19,321 19,0';9 3,773 14,659 14,504 1,398 8,470 8,500

443 528 608 693 1,649 I,ill! 205 774 787 29 158 162 (i) 694 910 899 1,184 2,932 2,872 369 1,432 1,374 68 372 379 ( ii) 760 1,000 992 1,606 3,979 3,960 564 2,213 2,126 124 686 691 (iii) 587 774 739 1,356 3,461 3,354 679 2,596 2,610 138 790 796 (iv) 243 341 291 634 1,605 1,563 327 1,271 1,261 105 613 628 (v) 257 338 333 700 1,792 1,729 41)8 1,546 J,617 137 803 796 (vi) 90 130 115 279 705 703 192 757 750 82 46.! 506 (vii) 267 373 310 900 2,335 2,236 680 2,684 2,616 397 2,434 2,481 (viii) 71 97 80 218 540 561 237 947 923 184 1,216 1,138 (ix) 48 66 58 132 320 351 110 427 434 134 937 923 (x) 3 4 2 1 3 2 2 12 6 (xi)

72 105 71 79 1-98 176 27 107 96 13 77 80 6


.... 00,..


f""-.\oO'.-I:--OO("f"') __ O'\",,",,", \OO-rr)ooCMt-_oo f:'#'l.('- ...... - ... N.., \0 00 "0:::1" ~ In ~

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OOOo\NIrlOO-o\Ol-o\ ...... r")r-N-OOV(",Ir

~~~~;;:;~~~~~\,O Ir)V_OOC"'lln,\O('t')('o"d" -.-~-'C'f"i'N"'_""''_''- C",f 85


00 00 "r- 00 00 .,.,.,., 00 00 0000 .... -

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r- 0- 00 r-('l~ 0\ 'OM v)'tr)' !'I !'I

0\ 0\ 0- 0\ "'" N M I I I I J o I/') on .,., ...... !'I <'l 86

MN ...... :0'1


-- _.....

. -~\Ooo ;O'INNO Lr'j\OO"IIf')t"") -V\ ..... O"O N'

'0.. B '" ~~$+g I I I .. ~$~g< 87

NM :"..,

'llOooM"'l" : .... '-N ...... 0'. :-

OOf'l-C'lr--­ -rt"I--O\.....

~~~~::: -\O~f'I")V) ~~f::;:::: 1,f).... ('f")"('f').. N"r... r VOOIl'lOOOO ~NN"_r." ....;'

'-Orr'l\O:_lti Ot'-r<)"'l"O C'I_...... "l '¢' 0"1 r--I

tnf"-.if'lOO\O 00 f'"'oo.ao 00 0 ._.... "!..QOO.. ~ <'I", N 88 TABLE e-TII


,-_____Educational..A. ______levels _. Literate without Primary or Matriculaton Total population ,-_..A..Illiterate_____ -. educational levels Junior Basic and above ,-----"------, ,--~-----. ,-----"-----., ,----A..-_---., Age-group Persons Males Famales Males Females Males Females Males Females Males females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SIDHI DISTRICT

All ages 580,129 293,507 286,622 251,705 283,332 36,184 3,069 4,143 177 1,475 44

0- 4 96,583 47,730 48,853 47,730 4~,853 5- 9 88,389 44,713 43,676 41,056 4],')25 3,461 630 196 21 10-14 65,383 35,236 30,147 25,671 29,309 8,597 786 961 52 7 15-19 46,771 24,980 21,791 18,340 21,256 5,508 484 960 41 172 10 20-24 47,458 22,069 25,389 16,710 24,921 4,091 427 726 29 542 12 25-29 51,069 25,977 25,092 21,350 24,824 3,656 246 603 12 368 10 30-34 41,448 20,707 20,741 17,66l 20,566 2,599 159 268 9 178 7 35-44 61,609 31,235 30,374 26,985 30,183 3,851 181 261 6 138 4 45-59 53,734 27,927 25,807 24,508 25,692 3,214 107 138 7 67 60 + 25,871 12,006 13,865 10,780 13,819 1,195 46 28 3 Age Dot stated 1,814 927 887 913 884 12 3 2 S9

( I ... I :"""" : I ! ! ...

...s In- ...

~,N.q-V')r-- ...... <')100\\010\0 "' .... ~ 90 TABLE C-V

MOTHER TONGUE (Alphabetical Order)

Total Rural Urban r------"------~1 r------__A_------. r------A------, Language Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


All Languages 580,129 293,507 286,622 575,108 290,579 284,529 5,021 2,928 2,093

t Awadhi 10 8 2 10 8 2 2 Baghelkhandi 4,507 2,539 1,968 1,379 706 673 3,128 1,833 1,295 Y Bengali 3 I 2 2 1 I 1 1 4 Bhojpuri 2 2 2 2 5 Bundelkhandi 208 173 35 162 150 12 46 23 23 6 Chhattisgarhi 14 4 10 13 3 10 1 1 7 English I 1 1 I 8 Gondani 239 239 239 239 9 (_iOJ1('~1 220 220 220 220 10 Glljarati 1 1 1 1 II Hindi 574,254 290,155 284,099 572,599 289,205 283,394 1.655 950 705 12 Kol 5 2 3 5 2 3 13 Malayalam 14 11 3 3 3 11 8 3 14 Marathi 60 44 {6 53 38 15 7 6 I 15 Oriya 6 3 3 5 2 3 1 I 16 Punlabi 13 9 4 2 2 11 7 4 17 Sindhi 122 82 40 10 10 112 72 40 18 Tamil 4 4 4 4 19 Tclugu 10 7 3 7 4 3 3 3 20 Urdu 436 223 213 404 210 194 ,32 13 19

MOTHER TONGUE ( Tahsilwise for rurai areas only)

S.No. Mother Persons Males Females S.No. Mother Persons Males Females Tongue Tongue

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 1 Gopadbanas Tahsil (Rural) 2 Peosar Tahsil (Rural)- Caneld. All Languages 327,753 164,517 163,236 4 Gondi 1 Hindi 325,671 163,352 162,319 5 Baghe1khandi 2 Baghelkhandi 1,379 706 673 6 Bundelkhandi 3 Gondani 239 239 7 Others: 42 24 18 4 Gondi 220 220 5 Bundelkhandi 132 132 3 Singrauli Tahsil (Rural) 6 Urdu 80 64 16 7 Otbers 32 24 8 All Lauguages 105,762 S3,810 51',952 1 Hindi 105,382 53,628 51,754 2 Deosar Tahsil (Rural) 2 Urdu' 319 143 176 3 Bundelkhandi 30 18 12 All Languages 141,593 72,252 69,341 4 Baghelkhandi 1 Hindi 141,546 72,225 69,321 5 Gondani 2 Urdu 5 3 2 6 Gondi 3 Gondani 7 Others 31 21 10

Note :-Speakers of first six languages in the district are shown separately, speakers of "other Janguag(~" have been clubbed together as "others". 91 TABLE C-VII


Total Total Christians Hindus Rural r------"'------'"l r-----....A..-----. r--.A.---, Di strict/Tahsil Urban Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

SIDHI DISTRICT T 58!1,129 293,5(7 286,622 15 10 287,243 280,880 R 575,108 29!1,579 284,529 7 1 284,522 278,974 U 5,021 2,928 2,093 8 9 2,721 1,906

Gopadbanas Tahsil R 327,753 164,517 163,236 7 161,226 160,157 2 Deosar Tahsil R 141,593 72,252 69,341 70,513 67,827 3 Singrauli Tahsil R 105,762 53,S10 51,952 52,783 50,990



Total Jains Muslims Sikhs Rural r------A.---1 r-----_.lI.._-- -~ - ...... ---.A.__ ----. District/Tahsil Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 10 II 12 13 14 15

SIDHI DISTRICT T 11 12 6,227 5,72» 11 R 2 6 6,038 5,548 10 U 9 6 189 172 1

Gopadbanas Tabs)1 R 2 6 3,274 3,072 8 2 Deosar Tahsil R 1,739 1,514 3 Singrauli Tahsil R 1,025 962 2 92 TABLE SCHEDULED CASTES AND

PART A-Classification by Literacy and Industrial Category

r-- ____WORKERS.A. ______I

Total I,iterate & Rural educated Total As District/Tahsil Urban Total Illiterate .-___personsA __ , workers Cultivator r----A ----1 r----.A.--, r--__A_---'1 r-----A....----, p M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

SIOHI DISTRICT Total 55,449 27,996 27,453 27,340 27,433 656 20 17,077 14,004 6,949 5,990 Rural 55,258 27,,}01 27,357 27,251 27,337 650 20 17,023 13,984 6,949 5,989 Urban 191 95 96 89 96 6 54 20 1 1 Gopadbanas Tahsil Rural 27,333 13,681 13,652 13,332 13,632 349 20 8,347 6,712 2,914 2,203

2 Deosar Tahsil Rural 13,351 6,790 6,561 6,625 6,561 165 4,136 3,222 1,872 1,669 3 Singrauli Tahsil Rural 14,574 7,430 7,144 7,294 7,144 136 4,540 4,050 2,163 2,117

PART B-Classification by Literacy and Industrial Category

WORKERS .------'------~ I

Total Literate & Rural educated Total As District/Tahsil Urban Total TIlierate persons workers Cultivator , __ A-~-, .-__.A.-_-, ,------'~----- ~--l r----.A.---, r----A..--, p M F M F M ~ M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

SIDHI DisTRICT T"tal 195,678 97,937 97,741 94.203 97,649 3,734 92 61,877 55,OJ8 33,561 28,369 Raralll)5,304 97,752 97,552 9",039 97,462 3,713 90 61,760 54.927 33,545 28,354 Urban 374 185 189 164 187 21 2 117 91 16 15 1 Gopadbanas Tahsil Rural 99,571 4->,507 50,064 41,806 49.996 1,701 68 30,926 27,697 14,927 12,456

2 Deosar Tahsil Rural 68,075 34,382 33,693 32,843 33,673 1,53,} 20 21,599 18,785 13,299 ,1l,060

3 Singrauli Tahsil Rural 27,658 13,863 13,795 13,390 13,793 473 2 9,235 8,445 5,319 4,838 93



of Workers and Non-workers among Scheduled Castes

WORKERS ______' __ ----_ ------~---~----·------I NON-WORKERS II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X

In Mining, Quarrying, Livestock,Forestry, In In Fishing, Hunting ManuLlcruring Tramport, As and Plantations At other than In ;:;}t(Ir.JgC :1nd Total Agricultural Orchards and Household HouscholJ In Trade and Comrnu, In Other Rural Labourer Allied activities Industry Industry Construction Commerce nicatic>ns Servic:::s Urban ,_--"-_-.. , __Jl.. __ -.. ,._..A._.., r---"-- -, ,-- .....A.... __ "'\ r---"---, r--_,A._---~ ,.-..A._-.. ,_.A.-...... M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2

5,431 5,795 434 113 3,843 1,778 8 2 28 2 13 7 4 367 317 10,919 13,449 Total 5,429 5,795 433 113 3,830 1,778 26 2 13 7 2 341 300 10,878 13,373 Rural 2 1 13 8 2 2 2 2<; 17 41 76 Urban

3,037 3,269 218 69 1,977 1,013 18 5 18! 153 5,334 6,940 R 1

1,041 1,052 62 25 1,108 438 4 2 46 37 2,654 3,339 R 2

1,351 1,474 153 19 745 327 4 2 10 114 110 2,890 3,094 R 3

of Workers and Non-workers among Scheduled Tribes

WORKERS ------.. NON-WORKERS II III IV V VI VII VlII IX X In Mining, Quarrying, Livestock,Forestry, Tn In Fishing, Hunting Manufacturing Trar,sport, As and Pbntations At other than In Storage and Total Agricultural Orchards and Household Household In Trade and Comrnu- In Other Rural Labourer AllIed activities Industry Industry Construction Commerce nications Services Urban r----..A.- ...... ,---..A. __-.. ,-_.A._.., ,--..A.._---.. ,-..A._, ,--_;"'_-, r-~..,A._--, ,_-.A._, ,-_.A._, M F M F W F M F M F M F M r M F M F

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 24 29 30 '31 2

23,807 24,595 ],784 347 J,661 846 136 120 79 28 80 22 12 757 691 36,060 42,723 Total 23,764 24,551 1,782 347 1,661 846 136 120 64 24 71 22 7 730 663 35,992 42,625 Rural 43 44 2 15 4 9 5 27 28 68 98 Urban

13,919 14,301 1,037 188 503 277 12 23 6 9 4 2 494 465 18,581 22,367 R 1

6,873 7,049 423 110 780 417 20 11 20 7 48 17 4 132 114 12,783 14,908 R 2

2,972 3,201 322 49 378 152 104 109 21 11 14 104 84 4,628 5,350 R 3 94 TABLE D-II


Enumerated in rural or urban area of the District r------~- ~ ------A-_ ------~--~~-, Total - ____Rural ...A.______"") Urban Country, State and District ,------"------. r--~- ,..--~----.---_)..._----, where born Persons Males Fenu[es Persons Males Females Persons Males Females 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

SIDJU DISTRICT tOTAL POPUUTION 580,129 293,507 286,622 575,]08 290,579 284,529 5,021 2,928 2,093

A Born in India 579.956 293,379 285.577 575,'127 290.513 284,514 4,929 2,866 2,063

1 Withi" Madhya Prad"s!1 564,60] 286,986 277.617 559,961 284,306 275,655 4,642 2,680 1,962

(a) Born in place of enumeration 403,590 245,0[ 2 158,578 401,579 243,791 157,788 2,011 1,'221 790

tll) Born elsewhere in the district of enumeration 141,879 3(1,073 105,801 140,515 35,327 105,188 1,364 751 613

(c) Born in other districts of Sta tc 19,134 5,896 B.23.'> 17,867 5,188 12,679 1.267 708 559 (iJ Born in districts contiguous 10 Sidhi District 1;,912 4.907 IO,n25 13,874 4,102 9,572 1,058 605 453

1 Rewa district 8,271 2/175 5,296 7.429 2,486 4,943 842 489 353 2 Shahdol district 2,337 539 1,79~ 2,298 522 1,776 39 17 22 3 Satna district 2,298 566 J,7.n 2,130 470 1,660 168 96 72 4 Sarguja district 2,026 1\27 1,19'1 2,017 824 1,193 9 3 6 (iO Non-contiguous districts of the State 4,202 989 3,213 3,9i)] 886 3,107 209 103 106

II States in India beyond Madhya Pradesh 15,35] 6,393 8,960 15,066 6,207 8,859 287 186 101 (a) States and their districts coraigLlous to the district 0 f enumeration 15040 6,222 8,81~ 11,804 6,067 8.737 236 155 81 Uttar Pradesh 15,O-~O 6)22 B,81ll 14,~1\~ 6,067 8,737 236 155 81 Ii) CO!ltiguous district 1:>,684 5,191 7,491 12,64] 5,/66 7,/77 41 27 14 1 Mirjaput district 12,684 5,193 7,491 12,643 5,166 7,477 41 27 14 2 Non-contiguou<; districts 2,356 1.029 1,327 2,161 901 1,260 195 128 67 (b) Other non-contiguotl!> States 313 171 142 262 140 122 51 31 20 Andhra Pradesh 10 7 3 jv 7 3 Bihar 9i 51 43 93 51 42 1 Maharashtra 95 52 43 )12 41 41 13 II 2 Orissa 4 3 2 Rajasthan 25 12 13 13 7 6 12 5 7 Assam 28 10 18 28 10 18 95



,--______Enumerated in rural or...A.. urban ______area of the District ---, Total Rural Urban Country, State and District ,------'------'--, ,------'------, ,,------_j.._------, where born Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Gujarat 2 2 Jammu & Kashmir ) 1 Kerala 14 11 3 2 2 12 9 3 Madras 6 6 6 6 Mysore

Punjab 14 8 6 5 4 1 9 4 5 West Bengal 18 8 10 16 8 8 2 2 Delhi 2 2 1 1

B Born in countries in Asia beyond India (Including U. S. S. R.) 117 85 32 27 23 4 90 62 28


Pakistan 116 85 31 26 23 3 90 62 28

C Born in countries in Europe (Excluding U. S. s. R.) 1 1 1 1


D Un classifiable 55 43 12 S3 43 10 2 2



Occupied Census ,------'_ ------Hotels, Hostels, Sarais, Census Dharamshaias, Shops Total Total No. houses vacant Workshop- Tourist homes excluding Rural of Census at the time of Shop-cum­ cum and Inspection eating District/Tahsil Urban houses House-listing Dwellings dwellings dWellings bouses houses

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

SIOHI DlSTRICI Total 124,233 6,425 97,383 893 7,412 67 184 Rural 122,604 6,308 96,308 787 7,361 60 104 Urban 1,629 117 1,075 106 51 7 80

1 Gopadbanas Tahsil Total 76,427 3,855 58,130 659 4,692 47 148 Rural 74,798 3,738 57,055 553 4,641 40 68

Urban 1,629 117 1,075 106 51 7 80

2 Deosar Tahsil* Rural 28,951 ],448 23,583 ]76 ],766 13 19

3 Singrauli Tahsil* Rural 18,855 ],122 15,670 58 954 7 17

*Entirely rural 99 E-I


Houses used as ------., and Schools Restau- Places of enterta- Public health other educa- rants, inment (Cinemas, and medical tional instituti- sweetmeat, theatres, clubs, institutions Business Factories, ons including shops gymnasiums) & Hospitals houses Workshops training classes, and community Health-centres Total and and coaching and eating gathering Doctor's clinics, Rural Offices Worksheds shop classes places (Panchayatghar) Dispensaries, etc. Others Urban District/Tahsil

10 II 12 13 14 15 16 2 1

60 607 555 7 913 34 9,691 Total SIDm DISTRICT 37 587 543 6 898 32 9,573 Rural 23 20 12 1 17 2 118 Urban

49 349 329 7 625 13 7,524 Total 1 Gopadbanas Tahsil 26 329 317 6 608 11 7,406 Rural 23 20 12 17 2 118 Urban

7 194 150 193 15 1,387 Rural 2 Deosar Tahsil

II 64 76 97 6 780 Rilral 3 Singrauli Tahsil 100 TABLE E-II



Houscholds in Census houses used as: Total Total r-.....------"-- ______-A...~ ______.~ ____...... RLral Tenure No. of Shop-cum Workshop-cum Dwellings with DistrictJTahsil Urban status Households Dwellings dwellings dwellings other uses 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

SIDHl DISTRICT Total Total 22,409 21,182 136 1,091 Owned 21,836 20,638 124 1,074 Rented 573 544 12 17 Rural Total 22,151 20,948 121 1,082 Owned 21,693 20,514 112 1,067 Rented 458 434 9 15

Urban Total 258 234 15 9 Owned 143 124 12 7 Rented 115 110 3 2 1 Gopadbanas Tahsil Total Total /3,326 12,546 109 671 Owned 12,589 12,227 99 663 Rented 337 319 10 8 Rural Total 13,068 12,312 94 662 Owned 12,846 12,103 87 656 Rented 222 209 7 6 Urban Total 258 234 15 9 Owned 143 124 12 7 Rented 115 110 3 2

2 Deosar TahsU* Rural Total 5,204 4,936 17 251 Owned 5.101 4,838 16 247 Rented 103 98 1 4 3 Singrauli Tahsil* Rural Total 3,879 3,700 10 169 OWlied 3,7-/6 3,573 9 164 Rented 133 127 1 5

Note :-Entirely Rural 101 TABLE E-III


Division, Number of factories and worJ,shops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel r-~------______A..______...... and Minor or I 2·5 6-9 10·19 20-49 50·99 100 Per- Group of r.S.I.C. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons sons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SIDHI DISTRICT

"Rural Division 2 & 3 Total 7,948 6,020 1,875 46 7 (Manufacturing) I All fuels 6 1 5 (b) Liquid fuel 6 1 5 U No power 7,942 6,019 1,870 46 7 Urban Total 71 53 16 2 I All fuels 6 3 1 2 (a) Electricity 4 2 1 1 (b) Liquid fuel 2 1 1 II No power 65 50 15 Rural Major Group Total 1,528 1,153 361 9 3 20 1 All/ltels 6 1 5 (b) Li:juidfuel 6 1 5 11 No power 1,522 1,152 358 9 3 Urban Total 30 22 7 1 1 AI/fuels 5 3 1 1 (a) Electricity 4 2 I 1 (b) Liquid fi,el 1 1 11 No power 25 19 6 Rural Minor Group Total 6 5 200 I All fuels 6 5 (b) Liquid fuel 6 5 Urban Total 5 3 I All fuels 5 3 (a) Electricity 4 2 (b) Liqnid fuel 1

Rural Minor Group Total 11 7 4 206 II No pOller 11 7 4

Rural Minor Group Total 1,464 1,130 322 9 3 207 II No power 1,464 :,130 322 9 3 102 TABLE E-III


Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel ,------.. ____ = ____ .A. ______.-______----, and Minor or I 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Per- Group of I.S.I.C. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons sons and above 1 :2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SIDHI DISTRICT- Contd.

Urban Minor Group Total 13 11 2 207 II No power 13 II 2 Rural Minor Group Total 47 15 32 209 II No power 47 15 32 Urban Total 12 8 4 II No power 12 8 4 Rural Major Group Total 39 13 26 21 IT No power 39 13 26 Rural Minor Group Total 39 13 26 212 II No power 39 13 26 Rural Major Group Total 35 12 22 1 22 II No power 35 12 22 1 Rural Minor Group Total 35 12 22 220 II No power 35 12 22 Fural Major Group To/al 76 65 11 23 11 No power 76 65 II Rural Minor Group Total 5 3 2 230 II No power 5 3 2 Rural Minor Group Total 7 7 231 II No power 7 7 Rural Minor Group Total 233 II No power .... 103



})ivision, Number of factories and workshops by ~ize of employment Major Group Kind of fuel ,----'---______A ______, and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20·49 50-99 100 Per- Group of I.S.[.C. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons sons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SlDHI DISTRICT - Contd. , Rural Minor Group Total 60 54 6 235 II No power 60 54 6 Rural Minor Group Total 3 2 236 II No power 3 2 Rural Major Group Total 67 38 29 25 II No power 67 38 29 Rural Minor Group Total 67 38 29 255 II No power 67 38 29 Rural Major Group Total 166 136 30 27 II No power 166 136 30 Urban Total 18 14 4 11 No power 18 14 4 Rural Minor Group Total 3 3 212 II No power 3 3 Urban Total 1 1 II No power I I

Rural Minor Group Total 1(J3 133 30 273 11 No power 163 133 30 Urban Total 17 13 4 II No power 17 13 4 Rural Major Group Total 1,414 868 539 5 2 28 11 No power 1,414 868 .539 5 .2 104 TABLE E-III


Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel r- ---·---~------A------, and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Per- Group of I.S.l.e. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons sons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SIDHI DISTRICT- Conld. Urban Major Group Total 3 2 1 28 I AI/fuels 1 1 (h) Liquid fuel 1 1 II No power 2 2 Urban Minor Group Total 2 280 I All fuels 1 1 (b) Liquid fuel 1 1 II No power Rural Minor Group Total 6 5 281 II No power 6 5 Urban Total II No power Rural Minor Group Total 427 345 81 283 II No power 427 345 81 Rural Minor GrOtlp Total 49 33 15 284 II No power 49 33 15 Rural Minor Group Total 932 485 443 4 288 II No power 932 485 443 4 Urban Major Group Total 1 1 30 IT No power 1 1 Urban Minor Group Total 302 II No power

Rural Major Group Total 2,200 1,994 202 3 1 31 /1 No power 2,200 1,994 202 3 J 105 TABLE E-III


Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel r------_..A.______--, and Minor ' or I 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Per- Group of I.S.T.C. power used lotal Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons sons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SIDHI DISTRICT- Contd. Urban Major Group Total 1 1 31 11 NOPQwer 1 1 Rural Minor Group Total 310 II No power Rural Minor Group Total 2,196 1,993 199 3 311 II No power 2,196 1,993 199 3 Urban Total II No power Rural Minor Group Total 2 313 II No power 2 Rural Minor Group Total 314 II No power Rural Major Group Total 4 4 33 1/ No power 4 4 Urban Total 1 1 II No power 1 1 Rural Minor Group Total 332 II No power Rural Minor Group Total 3 3 333 II No power 3 3 Urban Total II No power 106 TABLE E-IIl

CENSUS HOUSES USED AS FACTORIES AND WORKSHOPS CLASSIFIED BY INDUSTRY, POWER AND NO POWER USED AND SIZE OF EMPIJOYMENT-Contd. f Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Division, ,--___ ~ ______--____A.______~ ______~ Major Group Kind of fuel and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 100 Per- Group 0; I.S.I.e. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons sons and above 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Major Group Total 1,009 702 293 14 34 & 35 II No power 1,009 702 293 14 Rural

Minor Group Total 2 2 342 II No power 2 2 Rural

Minor Group Total 6 6 344 Jl No power 6 b Rural Minor Group Total 1,001 694 293 14 350 II No power 1,001 694 293 14 Rural Major Group Total 1,098 778 308 12 36 II No power 1,098 778 308 12 Urban Total 2 1 1 II No power 2 1 1 Rural Minor Group Total 362 II No power Rural

Minor Group Total 2 2 365 II No power 2 2 Urban

Total II No power Rural Minor Group Total 1,095 775 308 12 369 II No power 1,095 775 308 12

108 TABLE E-Ill


Division. Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind o'fuel ,,------______-.J... ______, and Minor or 1 2·5 6·9 10~19 20-49 50-99 100 Per- Group of I.S.I.e power used Total Person Persons P.:rsons Persons Persons Persons sons and above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Gopadbanas Tahsil (Rural)

Division :2 & 3 Total 4,970 3,811 1,132 2S 2 I All fuels 3 1 2 (b) Liquid fuel 3 1 2 II No power 4,967 3,810 1,130 25 2 Minor Groups 200 Total 3 1 2 I All fuels 3 1 2 II (b) Liquid fuel 3 I 2 206 II No power 11 7 4 207 II No power 1,033 785 243 5 209 II No power 11 7 4 212 II No power 3 2 1 220 II No power 35 12 22 231 JJ No power I 1 233 II No power I 1 235 II No power 9 7 2 236 II No power 3 1 2 255 II No power 49 32 17 272 II No power 3 3 273 II No power 121 105 19 281 II No power 5 5 283 II No power 341 278 62 284 II No power 7 3 3 288 II No power ';30 251 275 4 311 II No power 1,203 1,173 110 313 11 No power I 1 314 II No l'c)Wer I 1 333 II No p,)wer 3 3 342 II No power 2 2 344 II No power 5 5 350 II No power 688 502 182 4 369 II No power 591 426 154 11 388 II No power I 1 393 JJ No power 227 198 29 399 II No power 2 2 1 GopadbaDas Tahsil (Urban)

Division 2 & 3 Total 71 53 16 2 I All fuels 6 3 1 2 (a) Electricity 4 2 1 1 (b) Liquid fuel 2 1 1 II !'Io power 65 50 15 Minor Groups 200 Total 5 3 1 I All fuels 5 3 1 ( (a) Electricity 4 2 I

(h) Liquid fuel 1 I \ '" 207 II No power 13 11 2 209 II No power 12 8 4 272 II No power 1 1 273 II No power 17 13 4 280 Total 2 1 I All fuels 1 (b) Liquid fuel 1 1 II No po\\er 1 109


Division, Number of factories and workshops by size of employment Major Group Kind of fuel ,-______~~ ______:______A______~ and Minor or 1 2-5 6-9 10-19 :0-49 50-99 100 Per- Group of I.S.T.e. power used Total Person Persons Persons Persons P~rsons Persons sons and above 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Gopadbanas Tahsil (Urban)- Cone/d. Minor Groups 281 II No power 1 302 II No power 1 311 n No power 1 1 333 II No power 1 1 365 II No power 1 1 369 II No power 1 388 11 NQ power 4 4 393 II No power 9 9 399 II No power 2 1 2 Deosar Tahsil (Rural) Division 2 &: 3 Total 1,960 1,462 495 1 2 I All fuels 3 3 (b) Liquid fuel 3 3 II No power 1,957 1,462 492 1 2 Minor Groups 200 Total 3 3 All fuels 3 3 (b) Liquid fuel 3 3 207 II No power 285 240 44 209 II No power 17 4 13 212 ]I No power 27 9 18 235 II No power 10 9 1 255 II No power 16 4 12 273 II No power 18 16 2 283 II No power 62 47 15 284 II No power 12 3 9 288 II No power 314 178 136 311 II No power 621 560 60 313 II No power 1 I 332 II No power 1 1 344 II No power 1 I 350 II No power 212 148 64 362 II No power 1 1 365 II No power 2 2 '" 369 II Nopower 325 217 107 1 388 II No power 2 I 1 393 II No power 30 20 10 3 Singrauli Tahsil (Rural) Division 2 &: 3 Total 1,018 747 248 20 3 Minor Groups 207 II No power 146 105 35 4 2 '209 II No power 19 4 15 212 II No power 9 2 7 230 II No power 5 3 2 231 II No power 6 6 235 II No power 41 38 3 255 II Nopower 273 2 2 II No power 24 12 12 281 U No power 283 1 II No power 24 20 4 284 II No power 288 30 27 3 II No POwer 88 56 32 310 II No pOWer 311 1 1 n No power 292 260 29 3 350 II No power 369 101 44 47 10 II No POwer 179 132 47 388 II No pOwer 393 3 1 2 1I No power 47 3~ 9 3 110 TABLE



,.. Predominant-A material______of wall ~ Grass, leaves, C.I.sheets All Total Total No. reeds or other other- District/Tahsil Rural of or Unburnt Burnt metal' Cement mate- Urban households bamboo Timber Mud bricks brick; sheets Stone concrete rial

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

SlOW DISTRICf T 22,409 837 493 20,493 118 131 61 276 R 22,151 836 483 20,340 118 41 57 276 U 258 1 10 153 90 4 1 Gopadbanas Tahsil T 13,326 478 234 12,400 82 1I6 14 2 R 13,068 477 224 12,247 82 26 10 2 U 258 I IO 153 90 4 2 Dcosar Tahsil * R 5,204 303 154 4,427 34 7 38 241 3 Singrauli Tahsil ... R 3,879 56 105 3,666 2 8 9 33




Households Households with no regular room with one room r----- ....A .. -~I------.-..... ,..-----"-----, Total number Total No. of Total number Number of Number of . Number of Number of Total of households members of rooms households members households members Rural ,----"------") ,---"---, ,-__ ..A.._~ District/Tahsil Urban M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

SlOW DISTRICT T 22,409 59,112 56,<155 46,752 253 480 472 9,661 19,710 18,846 R 22.151 58,5%7 56,022 46,26~ 252 480 472 9,539 19,497 18,706 U 258 585 433 .187 1 122 213 140

J GOl'adbanas T 13,326 34,295 32,805 27,62fi 240 467 466 5.859 11,675 1l,343 Tahsil R 13,068 33,710 32,372 27,141 239 467 466 5,737 11,462 11,203 U 258 585 433 487 1 122 213 140

2 Deosar Tabsil * R 5,204 14,256 13~05 11,291 7 6 2,187 4,670 4,437

3 Sinarauli Tahsil • R 3,879 10,56\ 10,045 7,833 6 7 5 1,615 3.365 3,066

• Entirely Rural 111




Predominant material of Roof r------~------~

Grass, leaves, Tiles, Corrugated iron, Asbestos Concrete Total {eeds, thatch, slate, zinc, or other cement Brick and All other Rural wood or bamboo shingle metal sheets sheets and lime stone material Urban District/Tahsil 13 14 ]5 16 17 18 19 2

1,459 20,884 9 6 1 26 24 T SIDHI DISTRICT 1,459 20,658 2 4 1 19 8 R 226 1 2 7 16 U

337 12,947 8 6 11 17 T 1 Gopadbanas Tahsil 337 12,721 1 4 4 1 R 226 7 2 7 ]6 U 728 4,463 11 R 2 Deosar Tahsil * 394 3,474 4 7 R 3 Singrauli Tahsil *




Households Households Households Households with two rooms with three rooms with four rooms with five rooms and more ~ ,-_____..A.. ___ ~ ,..-____ .A. = ____-. ,,--____.A. ______,,--_____ -.A.---;- - ____~ Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of Number of No. of Number of households members households members households members households rooms members T ,-ii--A .. -, r------'-----. r---..A..--1 ,---..A..--, R District! M F M F M F M F U Tahsil 13 14 15 16 17 ]8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2

6,565 17,379 16,610 2,999 9,635 9,217 1,421 5,215 4,949 1,510 9,280 6,693 6,361 T SIOHI 6,481 17,170 16,442 2,970 9,537 9,145 1,409 5,186 4,926 1,500 9,218 6,657 6,331 R DISIT. 84 209 168 29 98 72 12 29 23 10 62 36 30 U 3,737 9,782 9,308 1,695 5,382 5,Jl3 851 3,049 2,864 944 5,806 3,940 3,711 T 1 Gopad- 3,653 9,573 9,140 1,666 5,284 5,041 839 3,020 2,841 934 5,744 3,904 3,681 R banas 84 209 ]68 29 98 72 12 29 23 10 62 36 30 U Tahsil 1,564 4,069 4,006 731 2,340 2,220 334 1,281 1,200 381 2,447 1,890 1741 R 2 Deosar Tahsil* 1,264 3,528 3,296 573 1,913 1,884 236 885 885 185 1,027 863 909 R 3 Singrauli Tahsil'" seT-SPECIAL T ABtES FOR SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES 113


Name of Scheduled Caste 1 Gopadbanas Tahsil 2 Deosar Tahsil 3 Singrauli Tahsil and Scheduled Tribe t------'---.--..... ,.-.----...... --~ ,-----...... --- ..... Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7

SIDHI DISTRICT Sthedaled Castes All Scheduled Castes 13.681 13.651 6,790 6,S4il 7,430 7,144 Basor or Baosphor 1,293 1,209- m 143 502 492

2 Beldar or Sunkar 2 2 3 Chamar, Ahirwar, 8,896 9,254 4,082 3,991 5,383 5,191 Chamarmangan, Mochi or Raidas 4 Dharkar, Balmik or Lalbegi 294 273 1,275 1,155 725 697 5 Dom 2 5 6 Domar or Doris 21 22 7 Ghasia 29 35 132 129 140 99 8 Kumhar 2,~36 2,229 1,040 1,012 658 639 9 Mehtar, Bhangior Dhanuk 22 20 10 9 11 15 10 Moghia 2

11 Pasi 000 12 UncJassifiabJe 186 603 118 122 9 11

SdIecluled tribes

All Scheduled Tribes 49,!0'1 se,t164 34,~8Z ~3,693 13,863 13,795 Agariya 919 867 1,301 1,234 336 322 2 Baiga 4,372 4,246 4,445 4,441 1,469 1,651 3 Bhil 2 4 Biar or Biyar 438 441 749 750 5 Bhumiya including Bharia and Paliha 20 28 6 Good including Pathari 20,576 20,715 17,664 17,495 6,546 6,306 7 Khairwar including Kondar 482 539 1,344 1,261 1,578 1,520 8 Kol (Dahait) 20,141 20,570 5,708 5,417 965 944 9 Majhi 4 4 10 Nat, Navdigar, Sapera and Kubutar 15 18 13 6 11 Panika 2,435 2,564 3,159 3,067 2,177 2,242 12 Pao 40 65 13 Un classifiable 518 466 308 317 30 54 114

N II"> 00 "f" (~ ~ .... OJ") \0 ~ 0\ !::; I ~ \J:) "f" "f" I :g ~ 1 ... 1>- ... ..c:t;10 .... I .... ; L::E "" '" "" bD .... <'i i . :: t; bD ;;... I N <'I 00 "f" 0'1 ..., . ....i:'~.= oE ~o't)·_ ~ r~ ...... 0\ I ..... ~~ =s.= a'~ ... =rLl 1- "=O.;i:r:~oo·';: 1 =: 1- blJObDco,U ' 't)O... coi r.l C-CP:;CO't) ~ I .- 00.- ..c: I ~ I .9 ~~'t) o~ I 0 rnl ;:;S~U:§O 00 Iu.. ~ .... 0\ N N .... ~~ _.... "f"' Cl 01 d~1 ~ ",;:jo..... ::li Z; ~I~ <.~.g I 0\ < 1 0 0\ 0\ N blJ...l 1::E N ""N g, II"> ..... ~ N N ~ 1 '""" .... on N N N ~ I -< l '" III ..; 0 i ~ rLl I 0\ .,.., \J:) 10 .... 00 co N N N ... I Iu.. :! ...... , 00 .....0\ '".... E-c ~ III'" ..; .... -. -< rLl I .... ! -< I 01 = rLl U {/)~i f ~ 1-4 Z <.= I CI:= ;;;;> I 0 0 1- E-l 00 ~ I on .... N 00 "f" N N 8i::E .... E-< N .,.., 00 ... Q Q:j '" t() ..., .... '" ~ I U N " .... I fu.. co r- oo .,.., ~ co Q N ..... 0 ....'" '" Q 0. ..., '" O:l (!) ~ q ~ 4 ==u I I ~ "':. - ... Z r/). 0>:: ...;0 <'I 0\ ;0 < I .... ~I ... - E-l 0 Q - Q ..,; I ... Eo; I ~~i Ul Ul I _t:::1 0 - -< = I !"l N N ..., 0 N .., ..., 0 0 0 .... U ~ N N ..,; E I::E on N N'" 00 ...... "'" ...."" III N l F-< I 0 "": 0, '""l !::; on \0 fo;j ~ .,.: N" - ..,; l ...... 00 roil - 00 rLl < .... ':: til -< ~ c ro·- ..c: ~ "~ 'bi, ""0 ., 0- 0>:: .;::: 'bi, ., 0. 0--0 :: 0:1 01 ill :: (!) U ...... ill;:) -5 ,::Q Od::E~ ::E13 e Ul .,., rJl ....,

I I :: i -(1\ ~ I I i 1 l r­ I::: ... I I N I ... I .... 1:>- N 1 I I

I1:>-.... 1 1 1 1 1 I 1:>- 1 00 I I

.~ (5 Cl ..o ~ ,~ E E ~ 00..0 Cl Cl CI :;;:- ... N 116 TABLE


,.--__• ______WORKERS ..A... I II III In Mining Quarrying Livestock, Forestry As Fishing, Hunting and Total Workers As Agricultural Plantations,Orchards Name of Scheduled Tribe T0tal (I to IX) Cultivator Labourer and Allied activities r------"------.-, r--~---A..---____., r----A.--j r-----..A..----1 r------"------. P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


All Scheduled Tribes 195,30' 97,752 97,552 61,760 54,927 33,545 28,354 23,764 24,551 1,782 347

Agariya 4,979 2,556 2,423 1,571 1,244 748 614 305 378 36 12 2 Baiga 20,624 10,286 10,338 6,565 5,406 3,398 2,552 2,71() 2,658 157 37 3 Bhi! 2 2 2 2 4 Biar or Biyar 2,378 1,187 1,191 754 677 407 371 276 288 22 5 Bhumiya includiug Bharia and Paliha 48 20 28 II II 6 Gond. including Pathari 89,302 44,786 41,516 28,134 25,112 21,991 19,163 4,637 5,382 815 138 7 Khairwar including Kondar 6,724 3,404 3,320 2,268 2,005 1,504 1,233 520 608 50 10 8 Kol (Dahait) 53,n; 26,814 26,931 16,S56 15,382 2,926 2,201 12,733 12,558 599 136 9 Majhi 8 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 10 Nat, Navdigar, Sapera and Kubutar 52 28 24 19 10 7 4 2 11 Panika 15,644 7,771 7,873 4,940 4,541 2,331 2,095 2,194 2,280 99 11 12 Pao 105 40 65 26 22 12 3 14 19 13 Unclassifiable 1.693 856 837 613 523 208 114 366 378 4 2


All Scheduled Tribes 374 185 189 117 91 16 15 43 44 2

Gond including PathJ I i 25 16 9 8

2 Kol (Dahait) 334 161 173 104 90 16 14 41 44 2

3 Panika 15 8 7 5 2 117 SCT-I


WORKERS NON-WORKERS ,------..A.. ___.., ------~~------,-~------, IV V VI VI! VII! IX X

In At Manufacturing In House- other than In Transport, hold Household In Trade and Storage and In OthcI Sen Industry Industry Consl ruction Commerce Communicatluns ices ,--__..A.. ___, S. No. ( __ ~ _ _A.______~ ,-_~_...A.. __~, ( __ ~ _ _A_ __ ~ ,--_ -..A.. __ , r--.... -""'------, ,-----"'--- -, M P M F M F M F M F M F M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


1,661 846 136 120 64 24 71 22 7 730 663 35,992 42,625 All Scheduled Tribes 465 228 16 11 985 1,179 1 231 92 5 2 55 63 3,721 4,932 2 3

13 16 10 3 17 7 433 514 4

9 28 5 494 294 32 34 25 5 23 4 116 92 16,652 19,404 6

63 26 84 71 25 12 21 44 1,136 1,315 7 221 120 22 18 7 3 347 346 9,958 11,549 8 1 9

5 3 2 2 3 9 14 10 148 59 10 13 3 142 95 2,831 3,332 11 14 43 12 21 27 14 2 243 314 13 B4N

15 4 9 5 27 28 68 98 All Scheduled Tribes 5 8 9 1 12 4 9 2 22 , 28 57 83 2 3 3 6 3 118

:!; (~I~-:;; r'"

1i, '"..... :3l

N CIO on ' ' 10 N 0\ V N ..... 0\ 0\ -< Q\ 0\ 0\ I"l 0 "

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-0\ 123

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\0 N

N 125


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0 r~ fII. II"> t; 1 I'gl \ ~i ~I~ 0\v \~1r l ~ I 00 "'lg;. v c::> .,.. e C7I II"> ....."

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00 0() o M N '

! Q\ :0- 00 129 TABLE SOT-III


,--_____Educational-.A.. ______level ----.., Literate (without Primary or Matriculation Total Illiterate educational level) Junior Basic ,.... __and-.A.. above __ ...., Name of ScheduledCaste ,..---~----, r-----..A..---~ ,----...... ----, ,----~---., and Scheduled Tribe M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II


(i) Scheduled Castes

ALL SCHEDULED CASTES 27,901 27,357 27,251 27,337 605 18 40 2 5

1 Basor or Bansphor 1,926 1,844 1,887 1,844 39 2 Beldar or Sunkar 4 2 2 3 Chamar, Ahirwar, Chamar Mangan, Mochi or Raidas 18,361 18,436 18.023 18,417 322 17 15 2 4 Dharkar. Balmik or LaJbegi 2,294 2,125 2,266 2,125 27 5 Dom 2 5 2 5 6 Domar or Doris 21 22 19 22 2 7 Ghasia 301 263 298 263 2 8 Kumhar 4,034 3,880 3,879 3~879 148 1 7 9 Mebtar, Bhangi or Dhanuk 43 44 42 44 10 Moghia 2 2 11 Pasi 1 1 12 UIle1assifiable 913 736 831 736 62 16 4

(ii) Scheduled Tribes

ALL SCHEDULED TRIBES 97,752 97,552 94,039 97,462 3,447 79 262 10 4 1 1 Agariya 2,556 2,423 2,501 2,423 47 8 2 Baiga 10,286 10,338 10,146 10,330 130 7 10 3 Bhil 2 2 4 Bhumiya includiug Bharia and Paliha 20 28 19 28 5 Biar or Biyar 1,187 1,191 1,159 1,191 27 6 Gond, including Pathari 44,786 44,516 42,340 44,480 2,248 30 196 6 2 7 Khairwar including Kondar 3,404 3,320 3,238 3,313 163 5 2 2 8 Kol (Dahait) 26,814 26,931 26,351 26,901 448 29 15 ..• 9 Majhi 4 4 4 4 10 Nat, Navdigar, Sapera and Kubutar 28 24 26 24 2 11 Panika 7,771 7,873 7,395 7,866 349 6 26 12 Pao 40 65 40 65 13 UncJassifiabJe 856 837 820 835 32 2 4 TABLE SOT-IV



All the Scheduled Caste Persons Profess Hindu Religion



All the Scheduled Tribe Persons Profess Hindu Religion 131

r ~." \ I Do ...... N "'' .... ~ N 00 Zt:) el .....0 !O ...... , r-.. oo N \D - > < 81 .;, ! N ....'" = U ""' .:: I r..: QQ fj .,,1 f;I;lf;l;l '"~ I --.1 ~ ~I v .,. IS r-: 10 F-4 '" 10 .... 00 .. 0\ ...., 10 ~I - 0\ ..., 00 =:=P < u ... Eo< ..... 00 0\ tt 0 '" lQ rJ.lQ til ~I .,.; ~ ~ co ~ ..... 8 rJ.lf;l;l ~ 0 ~ "'I i -00 <:::: 0 ~I 0\ ~ "i ~U C'I ... I r-- N .... v ...... , ..c:1 ..,;. .,.. Q -5 .., lQ <"> -5 ~ N F1 UrJ.l .;. ...«') ...... ~ 10 .... N ...:l z ~I z~ 0 51 N j:Q 80 :tll e I I < ~II. a fI.l= .8 fi] I .... i i .... v ..... 0 ~~ 1 M ~ til 10 S r0- ~ o. < ~ ~'" r- ...... E:~ e:! I ~ ~c I U~~'" .... 0 «') 00 10 z~ 00 IVl~"'ciI ...... 10 .., ~ ... """ ~ ~..c ~ &l '" Q~ l~"" f;I;l>-.l c~ IDII ... 1:: , 0 ..... u ~ V eo ...... 10 10 ~fS ~ .... 0 .., .! ~:g N ..., ""l"- N ~ ~ .... 10 z~ ~.- 0 0 ~ iii .,;' 0: f;;t;1 -S..c..c .... 00 ~ 0 ~ .... ." .... C ~ ." Qt:) E C c .. .,'" 0) C> C 0) '" c ..;!~ .... 0 !~.;; s .... 0 cu .. ~'" S oS I:: .... O..c 0E-4 c:t Cl ...... Os c ...... " Illc:l «> C 0 ~ 0)", .. ~< ...... c·- :> C._"'c:I 8do tG ~ 0 .... Sfl'tl 0 f;I;1> 0 l:I .. CO." 00""" > "'c:I c 0 ~Q 1o-4t!~ .= 0 ..... ~&:;;: 11)11> ~ 0·_ ~!i :> -;~ 8 &13 0«> • S Q,S ~ Q,.IIl OJ;) 0 0 o Q) • 0 ~~ 01t~ ...CD I»or ... :>. C::u '0 o!::: tGp.. o!::: .,11) Q 8>c:l-0 f;Iil 'tl .~ ~ "0 .~~ E.:: g ~ . fI.l a:; .... OCD ~ a:; e lis E-I eo ...... § lis .S ..c: til ..c .... :;_0 a.s ... '08.S 10 .... ~~~ 8~~ ~ 0 00'" 11> ...... 0 00'" ";)0.., ...... ~- ... ..c .... c ; ...- ... ..co!:::c ..0) 'tl 'tl .... ;0 ~;o -< i ... >.>.u 0) U1 ...Q C '0'::::"0 c "0."::: 'Q ~.t>S - .. a ~ .... ~ '01.GQ t:t:: b ~ ~ tj'1iJc:I 1::-;: ~ c tGciI




Persons seeking Persons employed Total employment before but now out Non-working Full time for the first of employment and Educational level population students time seeking work Others ~ __..A.. __ ~ ,-__.A._~ r----...A...----.. r----"---~ r----.A.---...., p M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Total 24,368 10,919 13,449 309 7 1 1 10,609 13,441 Illiterate 24,081 10,640 13,441 52 1 10,588 t3,440' Literate (witbout edacationallevel) 256 249 7 228 6 1 20 1 Primary or Junior Basic 31 30 I 29 1 ] Rural

Total 24,251 10,878 13,373 306 7 1 1 10,571 13,]65 Illiterate 23,968 10,603 13,365 52 10,551 13,364 Lilerate (without educational level) 252 245 7 225 6 19 Primary or Junior Basic 31 30 29 Urban Total 117 41 76 3 38 76 Illiterate 113 37 76 37 76 Literate (Without educational level) 4 4 3 1 Gopadbanas Tahsil (Rural)

Total 12,274 5,334 6,940 181 7 1 5,152 6,933 Illiterate 12,079 5,147 6,932 10 5,137 6,932- Literate (without educational level) 165 158 7 143 6 14 1 Primary or Junior Basic 30 29 28 2 Deosar Tahsil (Rural)

Total 5.993 2,654 3,339 46 1 2,608 3,338" Illiterate 5,944 2,605 3,339 2,605 3,338 Literate (without educational level) 48 48 45 3 Primary or Junior Basic 1 1 3 Singrauli Tabsil (Rural)

Total 5,984 2,890 3,094 79 2,811 3,094' Illiterate 5,945 2,851 3,094 42 2,809 3,094- Literate (Without educational level) 39 39 37 2 135

TABLE ~.sT - I


Total persons returned as speaking a language subsidiary !o that Name of Scheduled Tribe Total speakers shown horizontally Subsidiary Languages r----.J.._----, r-----..A..----. ~ Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6

SlDHI DtSTRICT All Scheduled Tribes 97,937 97,741 11 Bengali (M, 1), English (M. 7)~

MOTHER TO~GUE: (1) BAGHELKH_ANDI Total 165 175 2 English (M. 2) 1 Gond. including Pathari 10 9 2 Kol (Dahait) 147 160 3 Panika 8 6 2 English (M. 2) MOTHER TONGUE: !2) HINDI Total 97,772 97,564 6 Bengali (M, 1), English (M.5) 1 Agariya 2,556 2,423 2 Baiga 10.286 10,338 3 Bhil 2 4 Bhumiya. including Bharia and PaJiha 20 28 5 Biar or Biyar 1,187 1,191 1 English (M, 1) 6 Gond. including Pathari 44,792 44,516 4 Bengali (M. I) English (M.3)­ 7 Khairwar, including Kondar 3,404 3,320 Englbh (M. 1) 8 Kol (Dahait) 21'),828 26,942 9 Majhi 4 4 10 Nat, Navdig;ar, Sapcra and Kubutar 28 24 11 Panika 7,771 7,874 12 Pao 40 65 13 Unclassifiable 856 837

MOTHER 10~GUE (3) KOL Total 2 1 Kol (Dahait) 2 1 GOPADBANAS TAHSlL (RURAL) Total Population 49,507 50,064 1 Bengali (M.1) MOTHER TO;\;GUE: (1) HINDI Total 49,507 50,064 1 Bengaii (M. 1) 1 Agariya 919 867 2 Baiga 4,372 4,246 3 Bhumiya, including Bharia aod Paliha 20 28 4 Good, including Pathari 20,576 20,715 Bengali (M. 1) 5 Khairwar, including Kondar 482 539 6 Kol (Dahait) 20.141 20,570 7 Majhi 4 4 8 Panika 2,435 2,564 9 Pao 40 65 16 Unclassifiable 518 466 136 TABLE ST-I


Total persons returned as speaking a laneuage subsidiary to that Name of Scheduled Tribe Total speakers shown horizontally Subsidiary Languages r-----"---- -""\ ,-.,.-___ A-___-, Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6

2 DEOSAR TAHSIL (RURAL) :Total Population 34,382 33,693 3 English (M. 3) MOTHER TONGUE: 11) HINDI Total 34,382 33,691 3 English (M. 3) Agariya 1,301 1,234 2 Daiga 4,445 4,441 3 Dhil 2 4 Diar or Diyar 438 .0141 5 Gond, including Pathari 17,664 17,495 2 English (M. 2) 6 Khairwar, including Kondar 1,344 1,261 English (M. 1) 7 Ko) (Dahait) 5,708 5,415 'S Nat, Navdigar, Sap era and Kubutar 15 18 9 Panika 3,159 3,067 '10 Unc)assifiab1e 308 317

MOTHER TO~GW: : (2) leOL :Total 2 1 Kol (Dahait) 2 3 SINGRAULTAHSIL (RURAL) . Total Population 13,863 13,795 2 Eng/iyh (M. 2) MOTHER TONGUE: (1) HINDI Total 13,863 13,795 2 English (M.2) 1 Agariya 336 322 2 Baiga 1,469 1,651 3 Diar or Diyar 749 750 English (M. 1) ·4 Gond, including Pathari 6,546 6,306 English (M.I 5 Khairwar, including Kondar ],578 1,520 ' 6 Kol (Dahait) 965 944 7 Nat, Navdigar, Sap era llnd Kubutar 13 6 :8 Panika 2,177 2,242 ·9 U nclassifiable 30 54 131

~:!:~~~.J ~ S ~ E .-4 :a ~ ~ on '" ..... '0. -a\ - 0\ 00 '"""

..,...... ,.




r 00 .gc:: ! iJ. ":t N !!I ;:31 go! c; 0.. ! co bOi "'" M co Eo-.::a ! ... I£)

~I0, is I 6/ p.. N f'r--'r'l\O("'Ivt'- z! t"""Ioo~\O r-tnQO I ~ C1") ~ 0 N L ....: ..,c C'i 138

r IG GO o 00 ..., M 00 .,., N ",IIll.. o;_ tl - -5~ r­ ..... 00 \0 GO °1 V) o 00 .., -g 00 .., l~ - --:. ~ ... -o Q Z < E 00 ... u~ ... < ......

00 ....on


o co V) r­ \D V) r- oo oon o -...., \D ..0 -

00 \D <"I r­ o 0'. r­ ...., "!, V) -




1 ' Gopad Banas Tahsil Alphabetical List of Villages' 141-151 District, Town and Village Directory 152-197

2 Deosar Tahs!l Alphabetical List of Villages 198-205 Village Directory 206-227

3 Singrauli Tahsil Alphabetical List of Villages 228-231 V iUage Directory 232-243 KEY TO NOTA nONS

P for Primary School Mcw for Maternity and Child Welfare Centre M for Middle School Po (or Post Office H for High School To lor Telegraph Office C lor Higher Instilutes including Collegell PTo for Posts and Telegraph office T lor Technical Institution E for Electricity D lor Dispensary Ei lor Electricity for .Industrial use Rhc for Rural Health Centre Ea for Electricity for Agricultulal use Hos lor Hospital Ed for Electricity for Domestic use MP(A)lor Medical Practitioners (Allopathic) S for Safe or protected water supply (including pipeli. tubewells. etc.) MP(H) for Medical Practitioners (Hom'leopathic) L.c. No. for Location Code Number MP(O) for Medical Practitioners (Others) F.V. for Forest Village

Note :-Name (8) of Hamlet (s) is/are printed in Italics below the name of the village in the Alphabetical Lists of Villages. 141



Location Location Serial CadeNa. Serial No. Serial Code No. Serial No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No Name of Y ilIdge 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 3 4 A

I AdaipuT 26 751 51 Basuli 19 960 2 Agudal 663 41 52 Bamuri No 2 Rajkardn Singh 22 983 3 Agahar Jaikaran Singh 693 40 53 Badagaon 28 929 4 Agahar Bhim Singh 694 3\J 54 Bamuri Paipkhar No, 1 36 982 5 Ahiran Tola 747 269 55 Bamuri Paipkhar No.2 37 981 6 Ainthi 673 28.1 56 Bamuei Kothar 38 984 7 Akauri 489 571 57 Bamuri Biran 39 N·A. 8 Akla 304 804 58 Barbasa 46 N.A. ':I Akauri 431 688 59 Barhaunapath 51 749 10 Akallna. (Ghorbandha) 966 323 6(l Baghor 76 9SS

11 Akla Tol.! 904 338 61 Bahera 117 909 12 Amra 65 953 62 Baghmaria 128 743 13 Arnirati 66 958 63 Bannihai 132 747 14 Arniliyd 97 932 64 Barhauna 167 764 15 Amadei 148 N.A. 16 Ama!lakpur 154 620 (i) Majl!ari Tola 17 Amaha 223 713 ( ii) Jethasi Tola 18 Amarpur 307 7~9/801 65 Bageri 177 922 (i) Bariya Tola AmarDur 66 Baghmara 201 N.A. (i/) Pahari Tola Amarpur 67 Bamhana Sarai 213 1009 68 Barikothar 216 1000 Amdiha 311 885 69 Baripaipkhar 217 N.A. 20l' Amarpur 370 96 70 Bagheda 218 N.A.

21 Amarahi 394 844 71 Baghaun Kha~ 219 600 22 Amarwah 417 629 72 Barigawan 222 616 23 Amdand 447 74 73 Badami 233 763 24 Amcldnd 485 71 74 Baliyar 234 N.A. 15 Amhawa 647 659 75 Bahera 239 810 26 Amilaha 697 134 76 Baliyar 240 790 27 Amaha rola 739 ' 32 77 Barbadha 244 1001 28 Amilai 756 19 78 Bagaiyabandh 248 611 29 Amaha Tola 779 255 79 Bairath Kothar 265 123 30 Am.kholi 835 482 80 Badaila 282 8'1

31 Amjhar 795 274 81 Baliar 300 725 82 Bakainiva 344 805 (i) Jamadaha 83 Bariha Kothar 349 863 (ii) DlrawakltolUJ 84 Bariha Paipkhar 350 864 32 AmerhiY

48 BadagaoD BirdD l.BaragaoD) 4 N.A. 101 Bahari 481 ~79 49 Balhya 8 976 102 Barhaura 491 Banki 549 51) I~ 977 103 Basaudaha (Basauriaha) 493 621 142


Location Locati'J1J Serial Code No. Serial No. Serial Code Nv. S(,l'ial No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951

2 3 4 2 :I 4

104 Batauli 498 642 153 Bel Keshri 665 61 105 Ballaha 542 835 154 Belgaon 3\ ')40 106 Barpan 582 N.A. 155 Bcohar Khand 50 9S7 107 Bamhani 597 546 156 Belaha 471 69\ 108 Banjari 602 520 157 Beldah 516 578 109 Bahera Tala (West) 607 )00 ISS Beldahi 773 ~ A. 110 Bahera Tala (East) 608 517 159 Belhai R9S X.A. 160 Beldiha 1054 -105 111 .Baghwar 618 36 112 Baudaha 634 N.A. 161 Benda 1O5() 41Y 113 Baghwari 637 533 162 Belgaon 10g1 408 114 Bamuri 649 667 163 Belatal 10YO my 664 2(; 115 Bardaila lo~ Bedua 427 100 116 Bari 674 284 165 Bhoron t8 934 166 Bhagesar 22(/ 789 (i) Bari (ii) Paniara 167 Bhelki Kothar 263 124 168 Bhelki 285 N.A. Hi Bariha (West) Tala 67g 524 16lJ Bhitn Britta 298 607 118 Bariha 679 523 170 Bhelki No.1 322 104 119 Bariha (East) Tala 6RO .j~5 120 Baraha Tola 720 35 171 Bhelki No- 2 323 129 121 Bagaiha 730 488 172 Bhamaraha 336 6S2 122 Barhat 734 20 173 Bhaluhai 343 785 123 Bandi Tala 749 281 174 Bhatigawan 353 868 124 Baniya To\a 754 290 175 Bhanwar 355 873 125 Bagadh Khas 759 47 '176 Bhanwari 357 871 126 Bagadh Dhabaiya Tala 760 38 177 Bhataha 381 587 127 Badesar 763 150 178 Bhelaki Kalan 384 540 128 Barambah.l' 769 293 \79 Bhelaki Khurd 385 )3LJ 129 BajranggaI h 790 148 180 Bhitari 476 t,..fl 130 Baron 793 155 181 Bhitari 487 3':> 131 Barmani 813 314 182 Bholgarh 488 579 132 Badera 814 316 183 Bh.lluha Kalan 534 b6l 133 Bahera 820 299 184 Bhamaraha 561 556 134 Barahi Tola 832 266 185 Bhaluha Khurd 576 bft3 135 Baghaila 840 16-l 186 Bharuhi 656 ~55 187 Bharatpur 689 I (i) Baghaila Klzas IgS Bhatha 713 495 (ii) Sindhiya 189 Bhainsaraha 733 21 190 Bhuinydol 743 150 136 Barseni 847 265 131 Bakawa 850 481 138 Banjari 854 243 191 Bhitari 75'8 l\.A. 192 Bhagohar ~Oll ~ \ ! (i) Hurraha T 01" 193 Bhain&wahi 874 22\1 (ii) Ahiral1 To/a 1')4 llhumka WlO 471 ILJ5 Ilhcdarhai 9JI N.eL 139 :Barig,\w,ln 880 N.A. 1':10 Bhadaum q43 460 140 Bania Tola 899 347 197 B)J,ljigaon '172 372 198 Bhagwar 1010 451 141 Barka dol 913 179 199 Bhamar Khoh Block 1012 .j)) 142 Bagahia T ola 914 226 200 Bhama. Khoh 1013 452 143 Badwahl 917 231 Bajwai 960 144 459 201 Bhuimand 1029 4~0 145 Baherahaw.!. 9b5 196 202 Bhanlaraha !OJ I 439 146 Barakauol 973 383 203 Bhadaura IDS? 407 147 Badiya 982 N.A. 204 Bha;Dswahi 108& 406 14& Baheradoj 983 183 205 Bithauli 54 910 149 BaHua 993 220 206 Bijaipur 50 <124 150 Badwahi 1015 449 207 Bichari 107 Y~9 20g Bichhipater 109 750 151 Baigama 1036 450 209 Bichhiya 338 680 152 Bandhadol 1068 412 210 Bichhiya 401 N.A. 143


Location Seria,1 Location Code No. Serial No. Serial :l"o. Name of Village 1961 19,')\ CadeNa. Serial No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 2 3 4 ,1 2 3 4 211 Bishuni Tola 712 489 212 BirchuH 258 Chobhara Binayak Singh 722 31 9S0 3;4 259 213 Biraura 985 Chauphal (Kothan 725 280 2H 398 Bitkhuri 990 ISS (i} Chauphal (ii) Kotariya 215 Eilaro Tala 655 849 216 Bihariya Tola 666 62 260 Chobhara Khas 740 44 217 Bodaraha 578 218 Bokaro em 628 I3S 261 Chauplwl Pawai 748 278 2'9 Bodamha 710 515 (i) 2:0 Bodaria Tola 912 177 Baflera 1'010 (Ii) UriYIJjhar 22] Boosi (iii) Bundi Tola 376 101 (iv) Nakadar 222 Burhgauna 617 12 223 Bootoo 1039 423 262 Chauganaha 764 151 224 f)ootanrlol (Chhatadhar) 1063 N.A. 263 Charki 768 279 264 Charkipani 770 291 265 Chhiwa\aha 803 N.A. C 266 Chunguna 822 ]68 225 Chitbariya No, \ 9 226 978 (i) Chlil/Kilna Iii) Subabaser Chitbariya No.2 10 97R 227 Chitbariya No.3 II 978 267 Chhawari RiS 221' Chitbariya No.4 12 97S 263 22lJ Chitbariya No.5 268 Chhirahat 837 308 13 978 269 Chhuhi 230 Chhbariya No. (; 14 843 237 978 270 Chubahi 852 171 231 Chamari Muhuabandh 58 926 232 Chihmg 113 271 Chorwa 855 241 23.1 775 ('hamari Sonwursa 118 :Y. A. 272 Chamradol 870 234 116 Charki 125 729 273 Chauhdn Tol a 886 324- 235 Chapkhala Bandh 129 ~.A. 274 Chandohidol 932 361 236 Chamraunha 147 944 275 Chamronhi 936 365 :'17 CnaThai 187 276 Chinagwah 9119 23& 61S 189 Chandaini 220 603 277 Changohar 9% 446 239 Chak Kamar ji 227 278 Ghitroli 240 737 1055 431 Chilari Kalan 296 604 279 Chandarsa 1057 426 2S0 Chokari 1067 403 241 Chilarj Khurd 297 610 242 (hadainii.l 324 281 Chaphal 1078 243 Chorahi 119 410 244 345 840 Chamardah 395 842 D 245 411 246 110 Chandwahi 480 860 282 Damgadi No.1 247 Choolhi 44 993 52\ 283 Darngadi No. 24S (,llUnaha 510 Z 45 N.A. 2 I\) 573 510 284 Darnuk 59 927 Chauhani 587 285 Dadar 250 Chhuhiya :32 250 614 613 818 286 Darhiya 279 886 "'51 llihironhi 252 636 286 (i) Belaha Tufa (ii) Darhyio Chargarhi 661 43 281 Darhiya (i) 293 594 Mair Tola 288 Dadar 412 120 W, PUlldel1 Tola 289 Dainiha 497 641 Wi) Jakeera Tota 290 Dadari Kalan 549 851 IiI') Kachhi Tola 253 291 Dadari Khurd 581 Chnndreh 695 852 254 135 292 Darahawa 641 536 Chhirol1hi 70] 277 255 Chakrod 293 Dandi 685 675 702 270 294 Darima Khas RIB 484 (il Cltakrod 295 Dala Pipar 851 479 296 (ii) Kakaraha Tola Daraur 872 174 (iii) Panikan Tufa 297 Dangi 875 246 298 Danga 896 245 256 299 Dadar 91)1) 342 Chhiwalaha 70S 287 257 Chobhara Jaikaran Singh 721 30 (i) Nellra Tola (ii) Rhllrha1a 144



Location Location Serial Code No. Serial No. Serial Code No. ScrialNo. No. Namo of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Villag~ 1961 1951

1 2 3 4 2 3 4

300 Darima 959 461 351 Dhupkhar 986 3R2 352 Dharmduari 1007 396 353 93 301 Dihuli Tikar No. I 938 Dadariha 978 38\ 354 DihuJi Tikar No.2 95 937 302 Dadari 1061 203 303 355 Dirmanoandh 141 N.A. Deogaon 6 972 356 Didhwar 96 939 304 Dewari 196 712 357 Kha~ 919 305 Dihuli 143 Deod 243 896 358 Dihuli Ti kar 144 918 306 Dera 299 605 307 359 Dihuli 188 615 Dembha 333 632 360 Dith;:ura 626 79 308 Deoghata 334 653 309 Deogawan 354 870 310 Dewardar 389 701 361 DiyadoJ 895 248 362 Dighara 1072 420 363 Dol 583 846 311 DeOli Paipkhar 396 859 364 Dol Kothar 786 298 312 Deoraha 500 647 365 Dol Pawai 787 294 313 Dead 1027 438 366 Dokarbandh 1015 N.A. 314 Deoraha 543 831 367 Dudhomania No. I 23 992 315 Deochha 595 fi6S 368 Dudhamania No.2 24 992 316 Deagarh 632 567 369 Duraon Abad 179 949 317 Dewadand 676 535 370 Duraon Biran 209 N.A. 318 Deorachh 806 N.A. 319 Dewai 856 230 371 Duara 318 876 (i) Titihtlri dandi 3n Duara 383 585 373 Duara Kal,Jn 39.~ 788 (ii) Cluzuhanan Tota 374 [)Hara Khurd 433 7'<17 375 Dlldhmania 629 576 320 Deori 910 330 ~76 Dudhmania 865 339 377 Duari Kalan 980 190 378 Dliari Khllrd 981 194 321 Deod 916 232 379 DlIhkuri.l 1003 211 322 Dehawa 1014 184 380 Duari 1008 447 323 Deomath 1016 185 324 Dhubbar 47 N. A. 325 Dhanaha 745 26H G 326 Dhekau 77 N.A. 327 Dhobaunhi 105 989 £1aia n .hi 134 N.A. 328 Dhauha 130 N.A. 3~1 Gahan. 170 773 329 Dhumma Khurd 137 778 382 Gajarliha 257 686 330 Dhumma Kalan I3lS 777 383 384 nannand KOlhrlr 264 116 385 Ciaughat 271 708 linllilllli ~ o. I 286 !l8 331 386 n Dhakari 162 n1l I h1nnhlld ~o. :2 287 128 332 387 nhumma 221 606 388 Ganlland No.3 288 117 333 Dhawa 237 7(;1 3S9 Gajar 321 107 1197 334 lJhootpura Pa\:ai 31'i 390 najar 337 6~1 335 Dhootpura Kotllar 314 900 336 Dhumma 440 !i5S 337 Dhadha 50S 827 391 Carla Bahan Singh 424 658 338 Dhangawan :;H~ 581 392 ({ada Lolflr Hmgh 425 657 339 Dhankhori 59k 543 393 (laja1'ahi Pawa( 436 837 340 Dharahara Kalan 616 II 394 Clajal'ahi Kothaf 437 838 31>5 Oajamha 438 839 396 G. ;arr.ba (.-i8 666 N.A. 341 Dhaurahara Khurd 060 13 197 Gada Khoh 675 342 Dhanesar 73S 33 jl)S Gar}Jawd 692 4S 700 140 343 Dhanokhar 744 160 3'Ji) Oaul'd.d'd 344 Dhangawan 862 345 345 Dharampura 887 :m ( j) Galll'daha 346 Dhanauli 89:': 227 (ii) Tilmandandi To/a 347 Dhanser 941 465 942 471 348 Dhuandol 18 954 376 400 C/trlflhara Kisll'we Ringh 7.1''' 349 Dhanaur 736 22 350 Dhoomadol 962 468 401 (id,lflhartl Pra1ipal Singh 146


Location Location Serial CodeNo. S.ria.l No. Strial CodeNo. S.rial No. No. ~ ame of Village 1961 1951 No. N am. of Yilla.i' 1961 1951 2 3 4 2 3 .. 402 Gadahara Raghobhan Singh 757 23 448 Hadbaro 731 490 403 Gajari 808 275 449 Hadwa.r (Mahutaria) 883 N.A. 450 ltathgarh 902 N.A. (i) l1adi Tola (ii) M1/U1ri Tola 451 Hadwar 1jQ5 326 (iii) A Iran T~la 452 Haiki 1019 214 453 Harraha 1048 206 404 Gangai 845 235 454 Hardi 1074 204 405 Ga.ibata 1028 537 406 Gajar 1050 400 (i) Hardi Tola 407 Gadw.hi 1071 432 (ii) BhawarahR T()/Q 408 Geru. 48 991 409 Godllraha 592 561 455 Harrai 1079 404 410 Ghopari 5 969 456 Hinauti 70 963 457 Hinauti NO.1 225 718 411 Ghoghara 136 774 458 Bin.uti NO.2 226 719 412 Ghoogha 274 683 459 Hinauta 530 643 413 Ghatokhar 482 51 460 Higmania 931 359 414 Ghunghuta 669 63 415 Ghurdand 797 253 461 Rinauta 939 464 416 Ohoghi 804 157 417 Ghusmania 831 262 I 418 Gharbhara 907 331 419 Ghorpara 938 473 462 Itaunhi 684 5t1 420 Ghuria 1030 440 463 Itaha 765 145

421 Ghati Tola 1038 433 J 422 Ghorbandha W73 436 423 Gijwar 848 335 464 .Jamui 120 947 465 Jamuar 284 899 (i) Gijawar Khas 466 Jatkhania 309 843 (ii) Badera Tola 467 Jamodi Majhi Tola. 419 630 (iii) Sadaniha Tala 468 J amodi Khurd 420 624 469 .J amodi Sengran 494 627 424 Gijohar 1001 21:\ 470 .Jan.kpur 537 670 425 Godgaon 7 973 426 Godaha 169 N.A. .Jamuniha Kalan 427 Godahi 471 609 664 310 883 472 .Jamuniha Khl1rci 610 665 428 Gopalpur 514 67 .Jamuniya No.1 153 429 Godaha 541 830 473 767 430 flodaha TolA 474 .Tamuniya No.2 778 272 584 29 475 .ramus. 859 353 476 .Jadauri 885 325 431 Ooriara 644 514 477 .Jamua 928 224 432 Gotara 945 470 478 .Jawari Tola. 1088 413 433 Gaindwar 963 191 479 Jethula 319 877 434 Onlwaspm' 380 115 480 .Thagraunhi 81 776 435 Gnjrl'rl 696 133 436 Guruadhar 979 378 481 .Thad 242 901 H 482 ,Thoomar 253 107 483 Jhiriya 262 1004 437 Hardi 3 N.A. 484 .Jhingajhar (Chauhan Tola.) 302 678 438 Hatwa (Baraha Tala) 135 782 485 .JhingajhAr (Gaharwar Tola) 303 677 439 Hargari 158 721 486 Jhumaria 392 802 440 Hatwa KhaR 168 768 487 Jhalwar 407 84 488 .Thanjhar 545 823 441 Haurla Bandh 178 946 489 .Jhanjh 554 50 142 Batwa 277 793/794 490 .Jhagaraha 563 563 (i) Hattl'a .Jhakharwar (ii) Kanjahn Tn/n 491 564 566 492 .Tholoo Tola 580 848 443 Hardiha Pawai 327 p"-I 493 .Thaln. 625 73 444 Hardiha Kothar 328 126 494 .Thagari 670 130 445 HanumangArh 515 139 495 .Jhapri 956 466 446 Bathinapur 596 569 496 Jiganaha 472 807 447 Hadhado 501 648 497 Jonk;i 17 933 146


Location Location Serial Code No. Serial No. Serial Code No. Serial No. No. N lIIIle of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951 2 3 4 2 3 4 498 Jokaha 181 ' 948 542 Kapuri Kothar 690 15 499 Jokahabandh 247 609 543 Kapuri Unmuld 691 14 500 Jogipur Uttar Tola 459 646 544 Katari Kandi 704 288 545 Kathauli 727 304 Karahiya 750 303 501 Jogipur South Tala 499 646 546 547 Kanmatl 751 305 502 Jogi Kothar 506 836 809 252 503 Jorondha 532 644 548 KtHahl Tala Jogi Bahara 549 Karwahi 827 251 504 686 814 839 166 505 Jowa 930 222 550 Karmai 506 Jnnf'r 940 464 507 JUl'l 1065 J::;3 551 Kal'l'ola 849 322 552 Kanjwar 867 321 553 KilIJlchar 911 475 K 554 K -:l'sahi 949 N.A. 555 j"utarwar 958 469 966 193 508 Kar Kota 16 994 556 Kanjara Karimati 557 Kanchanpur 991 187 509 83 770 1005 394 510 Kariyar 92 916 558 Karonti 559 Kamachh 1006 393 560 Kathautia 1043 429 511 Kajardah 106 N.A. 512 Karui Khand 133 753 513 Kamarjee 199 732 561 Karail 1044 427 562 Kaskheda 1046 N.A. 563 Keshauli 25 990 (i) Chauthiya Tola 564 Kewati 108 N.A. (ii) Majhari TQla 565 K:eshawahi 442 882 566 Kehenjua Bloek 742 161 N.A. 514 Karaundi 224 715 567 Keraha 1042 515 Kapuri Kothar 266 568 Keshlar 1069 424 112 569 Kewati 1092 434 570 Ket,al' Khurd 1094 N.A. (i) Kapuri Baghelan (ii) Garhwa Tofa (iii) Shivpurwa Tola 571 Khorwa Tola III 759 572 Khorwa Khas Il2 772 516 Kakaraha Kalan 269 714 573 Khuteli 152 1006 517 Kakaraha Khurd 270 731 574 Kharbara 172 914 518 Kapmi 289 111 575 .Khadi 206 758 519 Karkachaha Gayaram 351 865 576 Khatltunhi (Khft1l1~hi) 238 811 520 Karka('haha 352 880 577 Kh&bhaunia Kalan 325 113 578 Khabhaunia Khurrl 3'6 114 Khori Ka('hari 579 342 784 521 356 872 580 Khichargawan 377 102 522 KarkachAha Shukdeo Ram 397 866 523 Karkachalla .Jagdish Ram 398 867 524 Kargil 416 545 Khadi Kathautaha 581 388 655 525 453 537 582 Khairahi 460 649 526 Karaundiya Uttar Tola 455 633 527 5S3 Khajuri 462 650 K"taha 463 N.A. 584 Khaira 470 692 528 Karondi 474 806 ' Katauli 585 Khairaha 473 809 529 486 81 Khairahi 530 Karaundiya South Tola 586 568 498 496 628 587 Khoha 577 832 588 Khochiplll' 579 819 531 Karanpur 517 572 589 Khaira Kothar 627 137 532 Katharra 546 824 590 Khir Khori 635 282 533 lCandhwar 558 80 534 - Kathariha 591 559 535 Kaliibawa 599 541 591 Khairee 668 57 536 Kariajhar 615 8 592 Khoha (Gandhigram) 709 497 537 Karondia 630 557 593 Kharahana 716 4 538 Kankati 671 N.A. 594 Khara 717 3 539 Kathar 672 575 595 Khaddi Kitlan 775 146 596 Khaila Semar 782 319 540 Karondiya Tola 681 513 597 Khaddi Khurrl 791 149 541 Kathas 683 499 598 Khantara 824 ..'63 147


Location Location Serial Code No. Serial No. Serial Code No. Serial No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 599 Khadaurs 897 346 649 Kukraun (Barahman Tola) 182 N,A. 650 Kunjhun Kburd 183 893 (i) Khadaura (ii) Dangi Tola 651 Kunjhun Kalan, 184 894 600 Khamchaura, (Chamehaura) 926 18Q 652 Kukrawn Majhi Tola 210 890 653 Kuseda 215 1008 601 Khajuriha 957 458 654 Kushpari 249 602 602 Khaira 964 192 655 Kubara Kothar 312 869 603 Khokhara l\Iajra Tansar 974 386 656 Kubara Paipkhar 313 N.A. 604 Khokhara l\Ia}ra 975 387 657 Kurrawah 386 634 605 Khokhara 976 377 658 Kudiya Pawai 403 78 606 Kharsauti 997 445 659 Kudiya Kothar 404 69 607 Kharwar 998 195 660 Kuan 409 83 608 Khairi 1018 215 661 Kudainia 430 690 (i) Jakira Tala 662 Kushiyari 434 795 (ii) Patehara Tala 663 Kushiyar 435 797 664 Kllthia 448 82 609 Khamgarh 1040 441 665 Kubari 475 808 610 Khamharia 1070 428 666 Kuchawahi 503 695 667 Kubari 522 548 611 Kham 812 260 (i) Kubari 612 K1ronha 205 752 (ii) Lakhsman Tola 613 Kithani 601 522 1 668 Kukurijhar 533 501 6\4 Kira 1"t Tola 796 "54 615 Kodaura 30 931 669 Koodi 611 672 616 Kotara Pahadi 89 908 617 Korauli Khurd 121 943 670 Kushamahar 703 289 618 Korauli Kalan 146 942 (i) West Dongaha 619 Kotar 228 135 (ti) Sarpata 620 Kollmdih 232 755 (iii) Churiyadih (iv) KoltJlf 621 Kotdor Pahadi 254 N.A. (v) Madwa 622 Kotdar Kalan 255 757 (iv) Ahiralf 62,1 Kotdar Khurd 273 756 Koshta Kothar 671 Kudin Tola 102 307 62·~ 372 97 672 b25 Koshta Pawai 410 109 Kushiyara 811 2S8 626 Kothar Ka.lan 673 Kudaria 969 357 426 651 674 627 Koldah 452 583 Kushmi 1011 ' 442 628 Korigawan 675 Kundor 1085 198 484 54 676 (129 Kothar 507 826 Kurchoo 1093 415 (>30 Kodaldand 556 I 58 L 631 Kolhua 559 573 677 Ladbad Kalan 4() 632 Kothar 572 518 980 633 Kota 678 Ladbad Khurd 41 979 586 75 679 Lauarnankar 634 Koehita 612 668 124 998 63,'\ Kolhua 650 680 Lauar Paipkhar 153 N.A. 669 681 Lahiya 636 KOlliya 777 141 189 619 037 Kochila 785 309 038 Kotaro 8'!3 (i) Luhiya KMII 169 (ii) Hinquta Tola (i) Kotara (ii) Jhijhari 682 Lakoda 2fi8 612 639 Kolgarh 683 Laua. 281 387 860 344 681 Lami Pati 640 Kotama 894 233 876 244 f~5 Lawlthi 999 186 686 Ladgarh 1023 . 392 641 Kodar 1009 443 687 LehaHua 642 Kota. 662 46 1Ol7 216 f~8 643 Ledua 908 329 Kotma 1034 444 689 Lilwar 644 Kubari 72 971 82 771 690 Lohidand 80 781 645 Kumhiya 87 646 904 Kubari 110 746 Lonaha 647 Kusehara 691 204 748 155 613 Lorhauta 648 Kushhai 692 445 53 166 754 693 Lohari Tol:a. 575 661 14-8


Location Loeation Serial Code No. Serial No, Serial Code No. Serial No. No. Name of Villale 1961 1951 No. Name of Village 1961 1951 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 694 Lohara 726 301 751 Mads Pani 733 2!)5 695 Lohjhar 819 300 752 Mahuariya. 794 NA. 696 Lurghuti No.1 to75 202 753 Man Tola 801 311 697 Lurghuti No.2 1062 202 754 Malwari 829 264 755 Mauhariya 884 321 M 756 Ma5uri,\-a 888 334 757 Majhauli 893 234 35 966 758 Mahkhor 924 463 698 !I{l'iaraha Majhagawau Mahu.. Bandh 57 925 759 937 368 699 760 Majaradim 946 178 700 ~lahuar Kotuat 62 N.A. N.A. 701 ,Mahuar Biran 63 761 Matkhaniya Basehidol 970 355 702 :Uahuar .J agir 64 N.A. 762 ?t!agara 984 209 703 Mabusr Halka Hinauti 07 Y64 763 Majhauti 1041 722 422 704 Madhua.. on Abad 126 764 Machhar Kata 1045 418 705 !l{adhugllon Biran 127 723 !lIanmari 726 765 1052 453 706 Mlljanbaudh No. I 191 766 Majhigawau 1053 402 707 Majaubaudh No.2 193 7n 1I1acherhi 728 767 1058 425 701 Majaubaudh No.3 195 768 Madwas 952 37t 709 MIUih~aon Uttar T·JI. 197 711 710 Madhuiaon South Tola 198 710 (i) Madwa~ Kluu 711 Marl8l' 203 742 (ii) Baiirho Tola 712 Madila Khurd 230 769 713 Uadila Kalan 231 765 7\4 ~lawai 246 597 769 M.dara 842 242 715 lIlsrsaraha 259 791 770 Merhaki 971 356 716 M.,yapur 280 888 717 yWuaria paipkhar 348 861 771 Medara 1024 391 718 Mahul>r Kothar 347 862 772 M~rhanli 49 996 719 lIlathpuria 359 N.A. 773 Milirgawan 373 ,. 720 M.. ldewa 360 91 774 Mieirgawan 461 654 775 Mircbawar 490 552 721 l!~dar 361 90 716 Mocbh 316 902 722 Madh1lri Pa;wai 387 636 777 Mohaniya 335 652 723 Mq.dh1lri Kothar 421 637 778 Moroh.. 707 302 7~ Mazra Bille4Ua Tola 423 640 779 Mohaniya 320 t06 725 Mad':w& . 4~ 699 7BO lrlahalli 766 147 7~6 M;ajhareti Kothar 429 693 727 Uadariya 123 N ..... 781 Moo,]~ l'i}har No.1 985 728 Ml}hugarh 432 687 ()ldjre Gopari) 729 Matihani 441 857 782 blooda Pahar No. 2 2 986 730 Marha 446 66 783 Mutl~ah'" 164 741 784 Murtlha 212 895 731 Majhsr.ti Kalan 466 696 785 Murdsdih 235 766 732 Mau 469 693 786 MlJdak& 308 812 733 Majreti Khurd 502 697 787 Mudwani 400 N.A. 734 Madaris 528 503 788 r,!ug&wari 464 674 735 Malkham 547 820 789 Muthig&wau Kalan 526 672 736 Majhjtawan 5.52 28 790 !lluthig",wan Khurd 527 626 737 Mau oth8l' 553 64 738 MahQlajpur 574 504 791 ?!udi 510 506 739 Mwwa 590 574 792 Murtilapawai 585 48 740 Manmar 594 564 793 Murtal& Kothar 622 49 794 Mungaha Tola 798 257 795 Murkud. 741 Maull.ria. ~alau 605 528 816 320 796 742 Majh~e."tJlan 614 7 Mu~ri& 857 238 797 743 Majhi;var 621 27 Mooaamoodl 889 486 744 Mallkisar 631 558 745 , Ms.uhariII. K~urd 640 527 746 Ms.lia.o~ 6!58 9 N 747 M~l4liha Tola 755 491 748 M~l:Iar 761 156 798 Ns.urhiya 98 951 749 Maura 762 159 799 Na.u~wlJl 114 77.9 'SO Mate. 710 2'6 1(11) Nakj ., Kh1ird 122 997 149

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES---Ccmtd. 1 GOPADBANAS TAHSIL Location Location Serial Code No. Serial No. f)erial Code No. Serial No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. ~ame of Village 1961 1951 2 3 4 ' 1 2 3 4 801 Nakjhar Kalan 150 1007 840 Parsldihi 131 745 802 NakbeI 330 586 803 Nangamadhir Singh 418 638 841 Pachdo 142 N.A. 842 p'llsauna Khurd 145 951 (i) .Jh({garnha (ii) Khari ToZrt 843 Patharaha 159 724 (iii) 80uth TolC! ll44 Patharaha Chak 160 730 845 Pataunha 161 733 804 Naurhi"ya 422 631 846 Padariya 163 7£6 805 Naugama Darshan Singh 454 544 847 Par,aunadadi 176 950 806 Narainpur 509 828 848 Pated Kalan 192 716 807 Naugawan 518 580 849 Pateri Khurd 194 717 808 Naurhiya 557 70 850 Padariya Khurd 200 737 809 Nausa 589 577 810 Naikin 619 42 851 Parsauna Kalan 208 945 (i) Ohaudhari Tala R52 parwa 241 892 (ii) Prtkariba. 'l'olrt 853 Patpara 251 706 (iii) Khajuriha 'l'ola 854 Patehara Sontiro 256 685 278 (iv) Lalan Tala I 855 Paraswar 884 (v) Bharsinghan Tola 856 PatulKhi 283 898 857 Padakbudi 291 593 811 Nauriya (Sajaha) 624 76 858 Pachokhar 292 592 812 Nauriya 821 170 859 Pateri Tala 294 598 Pa\hrauhi 305 786 (i) Naurhiya. 860 (ii) Ohakaudi (iii) Bhura,sidol 861 Pakhada 317 875 862 Pawa 332 599 813 Nachni Mauha 834 484 863 Patehara 340 689 814 Naro 846 350 864 Paraswar 379 121 815 Nadaha 921 370 865 Patai 399 N.A. 816 Nargi 923 367 866 Padkhuri Kothar 405 77 817 Narainpur 951 373 867 Padkuri Pawai 406 86 818 Nawanagar 994 212 868 Paikania 408 85 819 Nauriya Dewarth 1035 448 869 Padainiya Khurd 456 639 8W Naganna 1049 208 870 padainiya Kalan 457 639 821 Nauriya 1051 390 822 Nagpokhar 1060 205 Padainiya pawai 458 740 871 639 823 Neguda 202 872 Padariya 477 845 824 Nebuha East To1a 682 508 873 Paigama A bad 478 853 825 Nebuha West Tola 708 509 874 Paigama Biren 479 854 826 Nebuha 927 225 875 Patehara 513 68 (i) Teliyan Tala 876 Panmar Baghelan 514 635 (ii) Kothar Tola 877 pan mar Songaran 525 623 878 padariya 538 N.A. 827 Nibiha Bandh 104 N.A. 879 Pan war Chauhanan Tola 565 551 828 Nidhpuri 925 462 880 Padara 566 534 0 881 Padkuri 600 547 829 Obaraha 633 568 882 Patebara Kalan 642 529 830 Odara 151 1005 883 Patehara Khurd 643 519 884 Patna 687 5 P 885 Padkhuri 711 487 831 Paras war 61 N.A. 886 Padari 714 496 832 Pahadi Chak Tenduha 88 907 887 Pawaya West Tala 728 306 833 Pachdo Paipkhar 90 915 888 Pawaya East Tala 729 296 834 pachado Kothar 91 N.A. 889 Paipakhara 737 34 835 Parsidhi 99 954 890 Paipakhara 774 152 836 Pamariya 103 959 837 Paniha 115 N.A. 891 Parsili 838 165 838 Pahadi 116 906 (i) Barauhi Tola (i) Pars iii Khas (ii) Tal (ii) Pahari Tola 892 Paniha Tola 861 349 839 Pachado Kothar 119 N.A. 893 Parasi 868 476 100


Location Location Serial Code No. Seriall:l r. Serial Code No. Serial Nc. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No. N arne of V iUage 1961 1951 2 3 4 2 3 4 894 Pand 873 172 944 ltaiduariya Khurd 719 16 895 Paipakhara 878 352 945 Rakela 723 276 896 Pathraula 881 341 946 Ratwar 789 154 897 Pankhora 1000 218 947 Raksha Tola 810 267 898 Phulwari 358 874 948 Ramrur 920 N.A. 899 Phulawa 1064 197 949 Hampur 977 210 900 Pipara 100 N.A. 950 Ramgarh 992 384 901 Pipara 186 N.A. 951 Rauhal 1033 399 902 Piparaha 190 617 952 Rehiunta. 792 143 903 Piprohar 301 684 953 Rimari 776 144 954 Rojaha 78 N.A. (i) Piprohar 955 Rojaha 260 792 (ii) Bhamarahiya 956 Rojhanha 604 526 957 Rosar 799 315 904 1'ipraon 659 10 958 Rupauli (Rupaidol) 825 249 905 Piprar 858 N.A. 959 Runda 1077 411 906 Pidaratal 947 181 960 Roondo Tola 653 815 907 Piprahi 968 358 908 Piparaha 1047 207 961 Rupauli 84 N.A. 909 Piparaha 55 923 910 Pokharidol 185 1003 S 911 Pokhraur 539 676 912 Pondi 560 5S5 913 Pokhara 654 821 962 Bajmani Khurd 93 936 914 Posta 699 136 963 t:lajmani Kalan 34 935 915 Pondi 71S 813 964 Sawaicha 42 974 916 Pondi 844 236 965 Sattiha 74 N.A. 917 Ponni 891 173 966 Saraiha 7'5 N.A. 918 Pondi 906 328 967 Sajaha 85 N.A. 919 Pondi 961 467 968 Sahaji 139 911 920 Pondi 1002 217 969 Saraiha 16'5 744 970 Samada 252 707 921 Pondi 483 52 922 Put3.Iiha 155 720 971 Salaia 272 76; 923 Pujaunhi 306 799 972 Satpahra 275 705 924 Puraindcl 1,089 4[ 973 Samda 276 800 92!' Purshottamgarh 520 556 97



Location Location Serial Code No. Serial No. Serial Code No. Serial No. No. Name of Village 1961 1951 No .. Name of Village 1961 1951 2 3 4 .) 3 4 998 Saraidol 1076 201 1048 Tarka 550 847 999 Saraai 1084 199 1049 Taktaiya 698 131 1000 Semari 101 955 1050 Tala 841 162 1001 Sehuda Abad 175 921 1002 Sehuda Biran 207 N.A. 1003 Stlmaria Tola 732 494 1051 Taktaiya (Kachhariya) 901 337 1004 Sendura 784 310 1052 Tanaar 987 379 1005 Sendhawa 807 167 1053 Tala 1032 389 1054 Tala 1083 200 1055 Tercdua 53 905 (il Sendhawa 1056 Tenduha 214 1002 (iil Bhains Tal 1057 Terhawa Tola 465 673 1058 Tendua 523 550 Tenduha Semariya Tola 1059 544 825 1006 871 175 1060 Tegawa 771 492 1007 562 562 1008 Semara 1056 421 1009 Shivpurwa 267 608 1061 Tenkar 915 228 1010 Shairpur 391 702 1062 Thakur Dewa 519 554 1063 Thegarahi 815 317 1064 Thonga 929 223 1011 Shivpurwa 536 671 1065 Thari Pathar 988 380 1012 Shivrajpur 623 60 1066 Tikar Rajahs 94 917 1013 Shikarganj 741 37 1067 Timssi 171 913. 1014 Shankarpur 805 142 1068 Titali 174 920 lOIS Shikara 836 480 1069 Tikat Khurd 245 596 1016 Sher 9Q9 332 1070 Tilai 261 889 IOJ7 Shankarpur (Harrai) 944 457 1018 Silwar 32 N.A. 1019 Sihawal 43 995 1071 TikatKalan 295 595 1020 Sirasa 346 N.A. 1072 Tiwarigawan 375 100 1073 Tiwarigawan 378 103 1074 Titira Shuklan 511 55 1021 Sihauliya, 444 878 1075 Titira Bagh"llan 512 56 1022 Sidhi Kalan 529 10I3 1076 Tilwar; 826 250 1023 Sidhi Khurd 567 502 1077 Tikari 869 478 1024 Sirsi 772 493 1078 Tilava 1021 397 1025 Silwar 863 336 1079 Tir('huli 1022 395 1026 Siraula 919 360 1080 Tilmani 753 292 1027 Siroli 918 348 1028 Sonwarsa 140 912 1029 Sonwarsa 492 542 1081 Tonadah 752 297 1030 Sonakhand 571 512 1082 Turrabandh 52 N.A.

1031 Sonwarsa 922 369 U 1032 Sondhiya 935 366 1033 Songarh 1026 454 1083 Udaisa 833 318 1034 SOllgarh Block 1037 456 1084 Ukaaa 21 968 1035 Sohira 1066 401 1085 Ukaraha 157 709 1036 Sonahari 1086 417 1086 Umariya 173 N.A. 1037 Supela 20 S67 1087 Umari'a 2t1 N.A. 1038 Sudwar 60 N.A. 1088 Umariha 582 1039 Sundari 290 374 99 1089 Uml1Tih:l 746 2" 1040 Suargat 449 92 I OJ() Umaria 967 1.2

)041 Sukwari North Tola 638 532 (il Goran Tala 1042 Sukwari Majhari 639 531 (iil Afraila Tola 1043 Sukwari uttur Tola 677 530 1044 Sukhi Majra Bhagohar 783 313 1045 Sulkhan 864 340 1091 Uphrauli 29 930 1092 Upani 535 660 T V

1046 Tariha 236 762 1093 Vijaipur 1047 Takta,iya m ~5 331 584 1094 Veerpur 551 %, 152

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Occu· WORKERS Area pied Literate ,----- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou· House- Scheduled Sheduled & Total Wor No- Village available acres ses holds Total Population Caltes Tribes Educated kers (I·IX) ,---.A. ,-_..A._-.., ,--A.--, ,..--A.--.., ,-_.A._-.., P M F M F M F M F M F 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 mil 12 13 14 IS 16 17

13/1 Gopadbaoas Tahsil (Rural) 1,145,103 58,725 64,147 327,753 163,236 13,6521 49,507 50,064~ 25,906 2,2S4~ 98,444 71,140 1,64,517 13,681 1 Moodarahar NO.1 927 Uninhabited 2 Mooda Pahar No.2 207 .. Uninhabited 3 Hardi 920 , 7 27 14 13 8 6 2 10 3 4' Badagaon Biran. (BarliSaoD) 330 2 2 6 6 3 6 5 Gbl'.lpari. P. 859 )13 139 672 332 340 2 4 84 54 46 201 )83

6 Deog8 on 445 83 451 237 2H 25 21 43 31 14 151 141 7 Godgaon 420 36 040 216 107 109 8 4 2 1 9 62 67 I Balby. P. 463 86 "93 534 277 257 80 37 16 22 70 2 150 121 , Cbitbariya No. I 148 25 26 125 57 68 3 2 IS 30 6 34 23 10 Chitbarlya~No. 2 134 24 25 142 70 72 5 2 5 JO 6 41 36

II Chit_riYI No.3 201 31 35 153 80 73 13 4 20 10 3 48 39 12 Chitbariya No.4 96 16 17 89 46 43 1 6 I 20 26 13 Chitbarlya No.5 P. 142 21 21 106 47 59 . 4 9 9 29 28 14 Chitbariya No.6 147 '44 48 216 Itl lOS 31 24 8 1 62 61 15 B.ui 577 103 115 574 280 294 8 6 31 49 31 2 170 136

16 Kif Eota 373 1 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 17 Jonki P. 363 49 S9 265 132 133 28 12 16 84 92 18 Bboron 469 68 73 387 198 189 7 47 54 31 1 110 72 19 -&lull 233 3 3 28 15 13 8 6 3 4 7 20 Supoll P. 737 103 121 635 298 337 5 6 48 38 59 178 185

21 Uka.. 460 63 76 41(; 202 214 51 20 73 90 10 124 129 22 Ba.uri RljbraD Singh No, 2 225 15 20 79 34 45 12 41 11 )5 8 23 DudbalDanla No. 1 52 5 6 301 21 9 9 9 6 11 3 24 Dudhamania No. 2 146 80 93 425 215 210 10 7 40 63 20 7 136 73 25 Kcshauli 842 55 54 275 149 126 32 15 32 7 38 84 31

26 Adaipur P.M. 409 31 32 183 86 97 71 79 5 1 48 51 27 Ba,haudi P. 7.56 201 244 1,320 661 659 27 25 93 109 182 4 399 254 28 BadagaoD 308 128 154 726 356 370 44 56 35 63 72 I 227 188 29 Upbarauli 315 49 53 274 132 142 13 17 38 31 20 2 89 68 3. Kodaura 288 68 74 328 172 216 2 32 38 29 1 110 115

31 Helpon 211 Uninhibited 32 Sllt... ar P. 191 .. Uninhabited " ... 33 Sajmani Khurd 440 56 62 280 136 J44 3 4 46 47 21 I 73 75 34 Sajmani Kllan 412 40 4S 218 100 JlS 16 J9 2] 30 24 17 56 52 3S Madaraba 6 Uninhabited .., 36 Ramuri Palpkbar No. 1 101 11 12 50 23 27 18 7 8 16 37 Hamurl Paipkhar No.2 98 26 31 175 82 93 3 4 12 43 23 5 34 ~() 31 Bamuri Kotbar 314 50 67 400 211 189 14 19 26 1 117 54 39 Bamuri Biran 54 Uninhabited 40 Ladbad Kalan 163 16 18 85 42 43 14 13 11 30 27

41 LadbadlKhurd Po. 11' 11 12 56 32 24 8 10 10 22 13 42 Sawaicha Po, ISO 101 liS 667 328 339 35 16 16 25 124 11 195 13' 43JSihawa) M,H,D,MP(A)Po. 594 123 140 629 329 300 20 39 41 126 7 196 H8 44 Damgadi;No. J 13 Uninhabited 45 Dam,adi No.2 61 Uninhabited

46"iBarbua 110 Uninhabited 41 Dhubbar 18S Uninhabited 48 Gerua P. 1,412 115 126 649 327 322 20 91 152 27 4 195 203 49- Merhauli P. 1,062 118 128 736 372 364 36 51 59 75 40 .. 212 186 30 Bcoh., KhIJl4 1&6 l' 11 is .. 16 ,.. 4t 21 29 24 155



,-_..A.._, ,-_..A.._, ,..---A-----, ,--..A..--, ._.A.--, ,-_..A.._-, ,-_..A.._, ,--.A.--, ,-_...... _--, ,-_..A..---.., L.C M F M F M F M F M F M' F M F M F M F M F No 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28' 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 62,078 41,83423,820 24,889 3,176 644 4,631 2,279, 14 147 16 1,136 360 Z, 3,413 1,118 66,013 91,096

Uninhabited I Uninhabited 2 10 3 4 10 3 2 4 4 168 139 27 44 6 131 157 S

106 108 45 33 86 73 , 43 56 19 11 45 42 7 99 76 32 35 16 3 1 3 4 127 136 8 23 9 8 12 3 2 23 45 9 34 30 6 5 1 29 36 to

24 27 16 11 5 3 1 32 34 It 15 23 1 1 4 2 26 17 12 12 12 10 16 4 3 18 31 13 35 31 24 29 3 1 49 44 14 88 87 54 37 2 20 12 , lIO ISS 15

) 1 .. 2 US 47 59 17 21 17 1 12 2 48 41 17 70 31 36 41 4 88 117 IS 1 5 3 2 11 6 19 138 147 21 28 7 9 7 3 3 120 152 20

92 90 32 39 71 85 21 10 1 4 6 19 37 22 7 4 3 10 , 23 60 33 49 37 3 24 3 79 131 14 70 22 10 9 1 3 6~ 95 25

33 26 9 19 5 .. 6 1 38 46 2' 283 164 62 84 6 23 5 9 16 262 405 21 154 106 44 68 6 21 13 2 129 182 21 53 45 29 22 7 1 43 74 29 76 79 6 35 11 12 3 2 62 J01 H

Uninhabited 31 Uninhabited 32 32 26 23 44 11 3 3 2 4 63 69 33 26 19 21 26 5 2 1 2 4 44 66 34 Uninhabited 35

16 1 1 7 2S 36 17 10 12 28 4 1 1 48 S4 31 79 36 13 12 6 3 16 3 2 94 135 38 Uninhabited 21 23 3 2 6 2 12 16 403'

11 11 4 2 3 4 10 11 41 107 102 23 17 6 1 7 32 20 133 200 41 120 78 31 33 8 3 2 1 l' 34 4 133 182 4) , ...... Uninhabited 44 Uainltabltetl 45

Uninhabited 46 Uninhabited 41 110 4 81 199 2 ..• 2 132 119 41i 152 133 52 S3 4 2 2 160 118 4lI 29 24 20 12 5 156


Occu- WORKERS Area pied Literate r----- L.e. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,-~---"---~ ~-...A..-l r--...A-.~-, ,.-_.A.__ ...... r---_"_-~ P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

51 Barhaunapath Po. 1,526 17 19 74 3S 39 .,. 2(; 22 2 26 22 52 Turrabandh 32 Uninhabited 53 Tendua P. 540 93 lOS 538 252 286 25 24 77 96 54 4 153 128 :4 Bithauli P. 1,828 360 418 2,214 1081 1133 82 78 127 154 182 8 619 508 55 Piparaha 146 48 58 281 135 146 12 8 .3 4 24 1 90 96

56 Bijaipur 240 13 14 66 29 37 1 2 8 22 13 57 Mahua Bandh 169 9 17 109 49 60 18 12 16 27 35 58 Chamari Mahuabandh 218 11 16 69 35 34 35 34 20 21 59 Damak 418 97 113 524 232 292 63 45 36 54 35 133 118 60 Sud war 326 1 1 5 2 3 2 3 1

61 . Paraswar \ 320 Uninhabited 62 Mahuar Kothar 62 Uninhabited 63 Mahuar Biran 62 Uninhabited 64 Mahuar Jagir 47 Uninhabited 65 Amra 176 12 14 96 55 41 15 8 6 39 27

66 Amirati Po. 4.043 75 81 427 212 215 37 14 6 16 23 135 90 67 Mahuar Halka Hinauti M. 184 65 85 465 235 230 39 37 6 2 47 148 136 68 Rajgarh Unmulan Po. 21 20 21 112 55 57 10 10 18 13 21 1 32 29 69 Rajgarh P. 270 189 198 834 417 417 147 99 23 21 116 8 258 130 70 Hinauti P.Po. 806 279 304 1475 689 786 51 48 28 54 188 8 413 319

71 Ataraila Po. 369 45 52 252 126 126 10 13 27 26 1 73 84 72 Lilwar P. 2,154 112 127 636 318 318 15 18 32 41 70 217 225 73 Rampur Po. 1,065 139 153 699 375 324 20 22 34 37 87 242 128 74 Sattiha 264 Uninhabited 75 Saratha 27 Uninhabited

76 Baghor Po.P. 3,134 186 188 1070 538 532 72 88 85 65 98 4 313 97 77 Dhekau 425 Uninhabited 78 Rojaha 532 14 7 14 10 4 2 4 10 4 79 Rajoi Bandh 170 11 13 59 29 30 18 17 3 4 18 19 80 Lobidand 391 31 38 188 86 102 1 5 56 68

81 Jhagraunhi 97 28 38 160 78 82 37 40 7 42 61 82 Kubari 259 13 15 74 38 36 12 13 5 21 25 83 Karimati 5.049 73 86 437 202 235 35 43 52 83 23 ]29 109 84 RupauH ]95 Uninhabited 8S Sajaha 145 Uninhabited

86 Arakha 042 9 9 63 31 32 11 14 8 17 j 87 Kumhiya 3] 12 12 63 32 31 S 20 3 24 13 88 Pahadi Chak Tenduha Po. 258 8 8 41 19 22 19 6 II 12 89 Kotara Pahadi D. 394 360 102 522 238 284 87 50 40 70 53 1 129 82 90 Pachado Paipkhar 99 15 18 80 4] 39 30 16 10 13 10

91 Pachado Kothar Po. 94 Uninhabited 92 J(ariyar 519 44 46 258 126 132 36 17 11 14 ]5 69 67 93 Dihuli Tikar No.1 205 13 ]7 97 51 46 5 I 21 13 28 29 94 Tikar Rajaha 205 43 52 248 117 131 28 15 57 65 13 58 56 95 Dibuli Tikar No.2 P. 154 52 61 365 181 184 29 18 10 13 22 99 79

96 Didhwar 130 3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 97 Amiliya P. 1,160 248 271 1,411 691 720 65 42 86 108 147 15 401 238 98 Naurhiya 97 49 54 254 121 133 4 12 14 18 3' 2 54 61 99 . Parsidhl 402 66 74 339 142 197 7 10 1 3 12 88 124 100 Pipara 41 Uninhabited i57



,..-_..A.._-, ,--_..A.._---.. r----"--~, ,..-_..A.._-, r--_"'_~~ r--(,---, ,--_...A...._--"'I ,--_...A... __ --..... r--.../I..._-, ,._..A.._ -, L.C. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F No. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

17 17 4 3 5 2 9 17 51 " Uninhabited 52 101 18 46 108 4 2 2 99 158 53 400 318 135 146 16 7 29 15 13 4 26 18 462 625 54 70 82 15 13 3 1 1 1 45 50 55

17 5 5 8 7 24 56 21 29 4 5 2 22 25 57 2 1 13 19 5 15 13 58 ·72 6 40 104 18 8 3 99 174 59 1 1 3 60

Uninhabited 61 Uninhabited 62 Uninhabited 63 Uninhabited 64 29 23 4 2 6 2 16 14 65

120 77 12 13 3 77 125 66 115 117 17 17 3 2 13 87 94 67 15 16 13 12 1 4 23 28 68 105 91 18 17 5 62 10 18 5 50 7 159 287 69 288 263 12 23 9 46 14 39 8 18 10 276 467 70

51 56 17 23 5 5 53 42 71 173 181 30 44 9 5 101 93 72 66 60 15 12 2 49 17 I 46 13 62 26 133 196 73 Uninhabited 74 Uninhabited 75

248 55 52 38 3 8 4 .. 1 225 435 76 Uninhabited 77 7 2 4 78 11 8 7 11 11 11 79 53 60 3 8 30 34 80

28 37 14 24 36 21 81 18 17 3 8 17 11 82 101 67 27 42 73 126 83 Uninhabited 84 Uninhabited 85

10 7 5 14 27 86 20 10 4 3 8 18 87 7 4 3 5 1 3 8 10 88 87 35 28 44 2 6 1 7 109 202 89 7 6 10 28 29 90

Uninhabited 91 59 52 9 15 57 65 92 28 27 2 23 17 93 29 10 25 46 3 59 75 94 90 61 2 6 6 12 82 105 95

1 1 1 96 190 130 60 57 20 18 62 39 14 21 6 33 38 290 432 97 46 40 6 21 2 67 72 98 63 99 11 19 5 5 2 1 6 54 73 99 Uninhabited 100 158


Dccu- WORKERS Area pird Literate ,----..... - L.C. Name of Facilitirs in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated No. Village avaiLtble acres se, , __ .A.. ____ -, kers lI-IX) r-....A.- -, r--.A.--, ,--..A---., ,.--..A-_., P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17


106 Kaja~dah 205 Uninhabited ... 107 Bich ari p. 925 29 29 150 78 72 3 1 29 26 21 36 16 108 Kewati 258 Uninhabited ... 109 Bichhip'1ter 466 15 12 38 21 17 11 10 i'" 5 110 Kubrai po. 232 1 1 1 I I 1

111 Khofwa ToLl P. 535 124 141 695 359 336 32 31 77 6S 54 3 247 185 112 Kh"rwa Kt1.1s 464 64 70 336 157 179 II 13 43 62 8 95 106 113 Chitang P. 159 42 51 259 140 119 8 6 60 58 13 79 56 114 N;:mgaw,m 3)0 32 35 160 80 80 8 5 8 57 52 115 Paniha 57 Uninhabited ...

116 Pahadi P. 2,017 303 337 1,901 938 963 78 113 101 121 127 5 569 421 117 Bahera Po. 207 39 39 213 105 108 10 15 11 14 7 69 33 JI8 Chamari Sonwars

121 Korauli Khurd 258 88 9'~ 394 170 224 22 4S 19 36 51 3 75 96 112 Nakjhar Kllllrd P. 2,792 79 84 538 291 247 2 2 97 100 19 3 170 52 [23 Madariya 1,231 1 1 3 1 2 I 2 1 2 124 Lauarnankar 646 11 17 99 54 4) 8 19 4 29 25 125 Charld 195 Uninhabited ".

126 l\ladhugaon Abad 206 6 6 30 12 18 5 4 7 14 7 12 127 l\'[adhug1.on Biran 343 Uninhabited ... 128 Baghmaria 344 27 29 155 82 73 34 24 56 51 129 Chapkha1a Bandh 11 Uninhe.bited .. , 130 Dhauha 135

131 Parsidhi 48 1 1 2 2 2 132 Bannihai 151 4 4 14 7 7 2 4 4 133 Karui Khand 628 41 44 232 116 116 43 77 17 2 82 74 134 Gajarahi 68 Uninhabited." 135 HJtwa (Baralu Tob) 730 124 149 761 351 410 47 57 68 85 27 212 235

136 Ghoghara 255 27 28 213 III 102 6 5 3 7 20 60 21 137 Dhumma Khurd 191 23 26 115 64 51 1 35 19 138 Dhumma Kalan 221 34 35 178 88 90 44 46 9 49 51 139 Sahaji 297 162 190 979 451 528 59 31 53 72 150 11 230 136 140 Eonwarsa 609 31 33 152 69 83 23 23 13 11 18 2 32 21

141 Dirmanbandh 47 Uninhabited ... 142 Pachdo 66 2 2 4 2 2 1 2 143 Dihuli Kha 499 90 105 609 297 312 30 16 21 28 55 2 163 128 144 Dihuli Tikar 239 21 23 125 58 67 30 21 5 2 28 22 145 Parsauna Khurd 143 U Ilinhabited ...

146 Korauli Kalan 275 52 52 261 128 133 41 26 4 9 51 3 69 80 147 Chamravnha 1.594 108 117 626 305 321 50 39 9 32 31 186 177 148 Amadei 268 Uninhabited,., 149 Ramnagar Khurd 1066 Uninhabited ... 150 Nakjhar Kalan 1602 144 156 871 435 436 107 68 71 92 97 :3 260 174 159


WORKERS Non------______~~_..A..~ ___ ._ ~ ______'__~ ___ --_------~ --_ - --, Workers L. C. I II IJI IV V -.vI VII VIII IX X No. r-- A _, r--..A..=-, r--..A..--, ,---"--, ,-_A_-, ,-_-"-__ , r-_.A_-~ r--,...A.._~- -, r-- -"-_ --... r--_A...._---,

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F :-'1 F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 '26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

56 46 4 9 2 2 3 3 1 48 56 101 73 70 6 3 7 4 4 46 54 102 152 106 19 16 2 I 129 154 103 Uninhabited 1.04 67 7 92 79 119 165 105

Uninhabited 105 15 2 21 23 1 42 46 107 Uninhabited 108 9 6 4 2 4 12 109 1 110 171 1ll 72 74 4 112 151 III 59 52 31 51 4 3 1 62 73 112 39 25 35 31 2 2 61 63 113 57 52 23 28 114 Uninhabited 115

356 219 83 114 8 7 1I2 81 10 369 542 116 61 23 7 10 36 75 117 Uninhabited 118 Uninhabited 119 35 44 3 8 35 38 120

67 77 4 19 3 1 95 128 121 121 31 44 21 4 121 195 122 1 2 123 17 4 12 21 .. 25 20 124 Uninhabited 125

7 9 3 5 6 126 Uninhabited 127 37 35 19 16 26 22 128 .. Uninhabited 129 1 130

2 131 4 3 7 132 42 42 39 32 .. 34 42 133 Uninhabited 134 170 188 35 47 3 2 2 139 175 135

51 20 9 8 51 74 136 35 19 29 32 137 39 37 10 14 ... 39 39 138 135 12 45 123 3 16 14 17 1 221 392 139 20 3 11 18 I 37 62 140

Uninhabited 141 2 2 142 136 99 20 29 3 4 .. 134 184 143 22 IS 5 7 1 30 45 144 Uninhabited 145

63 69 4 9 2 2 59 53 146 152 144 19 31 7 1 7 2 119 144 147 Uninhabited 148 Uninhabited 149 ISO 86 71 82 1 1 4 I 6 2 175 261 ISO 160


Occu- WORKERS Area pied House Literate r----- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- holds Scheduled Scheduled & Total Wor- No. Village available ames ses Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,-__-A. ___ --. ,---..A._-., ,--..A._.., ,-_.A_--. ,-_..A. __.., P M F M F M F M F M F

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

151 Odara 987 36 36 241 123 118 2 1 80 59 152 Khuteli P. 3,053 160 164 874 444 430 91 75 84 168 103 3 266 166 153 Lauar Paipkhar P. 900 56 56 275 139 136 26 22 18 33 32 2 74 38 154 Amallakpur 198 17 19 89 41 48 30 24 7 26 25 155 Kusehara 142 5 5 22 11 11 } 6 5

156 Putariha 242 47 53 275 147 128 23 17 3 3 3 77 79 157 Ukaraha P. 550 125 141 672 346 326 63 52 75 84 37 188 165 158 Hargadi 39 5 5 27 15 12 13 9 1 3 10 7 159 Patharha 63 10 13 67 32 35 4 6 3 16 10 160 Patharaha Chak 6 Uninhabited ...

161 Pataunha Po. 370 95 107 592 299 293 34 37 79 73 73 13 156 lI5 162 Dhakri P. 376 32 34 160 74 86 15 21 4 42 8 163 Padariya Kalan P. 478 57 68 345 174 171 80 60 70 111 29 93 14 164 Mungaha 31 1 3 11 5 6 4 4 1 165 Saraiha 208 9 9 37 17 20 10 16 16 11

166 Kushhai 76 11 12 70 35 35 10 11 10 1 16 11 167 Barhauna 803 184 195 1,002 497 505 94 81 33 33 73 9 272 171 168 HatwaKhas 1,427 153 176 978 483 495 54 37 65 62 51 , I 276 253 169 Godaha 92 Uninhabited .' .. 170 Gahira 772 62 66 356 174 182 7 8 11 5 35 5 102 73

171 Timasi 1,258 20 21 III 53 58 27 31 6 29 18 172 Khar Bara 685 159 181 882 434 448 64 32 37 40 106 8 266 185 173 Umariya 653 Uninhabited ... 174 Titali 1,498 140 169 868 391 477 7 5 24 34 53 236 227 175 Sehuda Abad 243 29 32 146 69 77 4 1 1 13 37 32

176 Parsauna Daui 54 Uninhahited ... 177 Bageri 213 5 5 30 13 17 2 8 6 178 Haudabandh 177 22 22 158 79 79 6 4 3 47 51 179 Durao Abad 168 15 15 75 37 38 4 8 8 21 17 180 Atraila 216 15 15 63 34 29 1 18 17

181 Jokaha 136 5 5 21 15 6 3 2 10 3 2 182 Kukraon (Brahan Tolal 651 18 18 88 56 32 28 17 5 37 23 183 Kunjhun Khurd 178 4 4 22 12 10 2 6 184 Kunjhun Kalan 1.204 48 52 326 162 164 79 93 68 70 28 85 55 185 Pokhal'idol 524 6 6 45 26 19 17 13 1 17 12

186 Pipal'a 754 Uninhabited ... 187 Charhai 432 26 34 172 82 90 33 53 14 49 48 188 Dihuli ), 161 175 197 1,120 555 565 9 7 53 48 80 255 129 189 Lahiya 698 84 102 523 264 259 26 1I0 67 190 Piparaha 127 31 33 182 91 91 40 41 18 2 48 47

191 Majan Bandh No. 69 I 5 2 ~ 1 2 192 Pateri Kalan 43 1 7 4 3 2 193 Majan Bandh No. 2 56 Uninhabited ... 194 Pateri Khurd 42 Uninhabited ... 195 Majan Bandh No.3 32 Uninhabited ...

196 D~wari 105 11 12 78 39 39 29 27 4 24 21 197 MadhugaOll Uttar Tola 201 51 52 274 145 129 39 20 24 37 14 86 58 198 Madh'lga,on South T ,1" 414 26 36 172 92 80 25 9 11 1 47 42 199 Kamarjee I,O~5 199 222 1,133 584 549 100 60 109 108 123 16 319 188 :?OO Pada{iya Khurd 131 3_h ',7 \9~ ~ lOl 14 1. 9 10 13 55 11 t61


WORKERS NON------A..______-'-______, WORKERS L.C J II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No ,-_..A.._, ,----"--...... ,--..A.._, ,-:--.A.. __.... ,--.A..-, ,--.A.._, ,-_..A.._...... ,-_.A.._...... ,----"-_, ,-_..A.._, N F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

64 45 16 14 43 59151 180 77 66 77 4 15 12 1 178 264152 48 14 23 24 3 65 98153 6 7 16 18 I 15 23154 y 5 ... 5 6155

66 59 10 79 1 70 49156 98 79 75 20 I 2 6 2 3 3 5 158 161157 5 2 4 5 ~ 5 5]58 9 2 5 8 2 16 25159 ... Uninhabited ... 160 , 55 4 74 101 9 7 18 3 143 178 161 34 8 8 ... 32 78 162 54 4 39 9 1 81 157 163 1 1 2 1 5 164 7 2 9 9 1 9 165

13 4 3 7 19 24 166 158 89 100 73 12 7 1 225 334 J61 181 171 91 82 3 207 242 168 Uninhabited .. 169 75 36 25 37 2 72 J09 170

23 ' 14 6 4 24 40 171 151 11 100 157 10 17 5 168 263 172 ... Uninhabited 113 187 172 42 48 7 7 155 2S0 174 37 27 5 32 45 175

Uninhabited 176 8 5 1 5 11 177 43 47 4 4 32 28 178 17 13 4 4 16 21 179 17 17 1 16 12 J80

3 2 12 4 181 24 13 9 10 4 19 9 lBa 6 6 10 183 63 46 7 9 4 10 77 109 184' 16 9 1 3 9 7 185

Uninhabited 186 25 21 23 27 ... 1 33 42 187 201 83 45 46 3 2 4 300 436 188 65 57 43 8 2 2 154 192 189 22 15 22 32 4 43 44 190

1 2 1 1 191 2 2 3 192 J93 194 J9S

6 8 12 11 5 15 18 196 S8 31 25 27 2 S9 71 191 32 31 14 11 1 45 38 198 124 36 129 131 51 21 15 2E5 361 -199 42 2 7 9 6 .,. ,.. ... " . 3$ 9020 162


Occu- WORKERS Area pied HOUl>8 Literate r---.~"- L. C. NaIJ1e of Faeilities in Hou- holds Scheduled Scheduled & TOhlWor kefS (I-IX) No. Village available acres lieS ,--Total___ Population..A.. __-., C&&\es Tribes Educated ,....-.A.~ r---'----.. ,....-...... --, r--.A..------, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

201 Balhmafa 42 Uninhabited ... 202 Neguda 80 15 1,5 115 56 ,59 2 3 9 8 10 30 6 203 Marsar 207 16 17 97 48 49 ., 1 1 25 6 204 Lonaba 140 11 17 111 56 55 4 3 6 6 13 2 35 18 205 Kironha 218 19 23 145 77 68 3 4 26 22 1 47 41

206 Khadi 007 38 40 174 95 19 18 25 24 64 41 207 Sehuda Diran 146 Uninhabited ... 208 Persauna Kalan 334 28 31 116 54 62 2 1 23 37 209 Duraon Virall 184 Uninhabited ... 210 Kukraon Majhitola 656 20 20 128 67 61 7 7 42 34 49 35

211 Umaria 476 J J 4 1 3 3 1 1 212 Murtiha 275 27 27 122 61 61 13 15 1 35 25 213 Damhana SaT'" 561 26 27 172 86 86 79 84 3 43 34 214 Tenduba 1.215 37 37 250 120 130 103 119 8 76 73 215 Kuseda. 2,220 65 79 384 202 182 51 39 11 8 25 5 106 83

216 Bari Kothar 1,102 93 W 470 244 226 52 41 40 45 18 151 83 217 Dari Paipkhar 2J)7 Uninhabited ... 218 Bagbeda 911 .. Uninhabited ... 219 Dagbaun nas 862 100 115 608 296 312 110 134 57 2 171 125 220 Chadaini 1,001 1 1 6 2 4 1 2 2

221 Dhumma 727 141 182 1,067 521 546 68 41 91 71 83 7 296 279 222 Barigawan 1,606 215 268 1.307 636 671 105 76 66 58 92 1 413 418 223 Amahs 67 14 14 99 49 50 4 9 7 21 21 224 Karaundi 162 25 25 105 55 50 16 14 5 36 28 225 Hinauti No.1 161 44 49 254 122 132 52 33 4 2 44 69 26

226 Hinauti No.2 179 8 8 49 25 24 13 12 6 10 1 13 14 227 Chak Kamllrjee 91 34 38 169 82 87 9 12 17 18 20 43 13 228 Kotar 48 11 Jl 77 35 42 4 7 12 10 8 18 21 229 Bhalesar 159 14 14 82 40 42 9 7 6 19 15 230 Madila Khurd 105 6 9 57 25 32 5 8 6 IS 4

231 Madila Kalan 266 11 12 79 40 39 .. 5 19 2 232 Kolhudih 752 231 233 1,380 671 709 ISO 99 84 123 104 374 299 233 Badami 286 12 11 66 29 37 2 3 6 15 17 234 Baliyllr 302 Uninhabited ... 2J5 Murdadih 625 36 36 190 87 103 16 14 3 53 48

236 Tariha 481 43 50 287 140 147 11 14 9 9 12 97 84 237 Dhawa 666 26 29 160 78 82 6 55 40 238 Khetaunb 192 18 25 119 60 59 4 4 21 32 13 2 42 22 239 Babera 90 30 30 235 117 118 1 I 30 22 17 6 66 33 240 Baliyar 231 1 1 4 1 3 1 2

241 Parwa 173 Uninhabited ... 242 Jhari 554 3 3 11 6 5 4 3 1 2 4 3 243 Deod Po. 743 SO 51 223 121 102 26 17 68 54 I 64 56 244 Barbadha 1,078 .c4 SO 309 144 165 ... 127 155 1 97 86 245 Tikat Khurd Po. 615 85 87 465 237 228 75 45 11 5 46 6 ]20 80

246 Mawai Po, P. 2.028 195 237 1,236 602 634 150 122 62 82 ISO 22 346 229 247 10kaba Bandh Po. 148 3 3 15 7 8 7 8 .. 1 4 8 248 Bagaiya Bandb 46 Uninhabited ..• 249 Kuspari P. 932 172 2.08 1.086 540 ~ 65 71 41 71 2 319 346 250 Dadar 128 6 U G4 10 J4 " 4 11 14 163


______-- __WORKERS--A.. ______---, Non- Workers L.C. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No. r--A.--, r-.A..--.., r--.A..-, r---A.--, r---.A..---, r-.A..--, r-.A..---., ,--.A.._-, ,----A.---, r--.A..-, M F M F M F M F M F M, F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

Uninhabited 201 20 2 4 4 5 26 53 202 24 6 ··r 1 23 43 203 18 17 18 21 37 204 37 26 10 IS 30 27 205 50 20 13 21 31 38 206 Uninhabited 207 20 34 3 3 31 25 208 Uninhabited 209 42 35 1 18 26 210 1 1 2 211 25 25 9 26 36 212 37 28 6 6 43 52 213 60 63 15 10 1 44 57 214 56 45 43 35 2 3 2 2 96 99 215 119 59 2S 23 4 3 93 143 216 Uninhabited 217 Uninhabited 218 114 63 51 61 5 1 125 187 219 2 2 2 220 174 201 79 67 7 3 23 7 4 9 225 267 221 276 285 65 81 15 15 43 32 9 5 5 223 253 222 14 14 6 6 I 1 28 29 223 20 19 16 9 19 22 224 39 5 26 19 2 1 1 53 106 225 7 6 4 7 1 12 10 226 30 11 9 2 39 74 227 8 10 10 11 17 21 228 9 "1 10 14 21 27 229 10 1 3 3 2 10 28 230 12 1 7 1 21 37 231 279 209 63 81 5 11 9 16 297 410 232 9 6 6 11 14 20 233 .. Uninhabited 234 42 39 10 9 34 55 235 83 68 7 16 2 5 43 63 236 44 34 11 6 23 42 231 17 5 18 17 7 18 37 238 37 18 23 15 2 3 51 85 239 1 1 1 1 240 Uninhabited 241 4 3 2 2 242 51 42 13 14 57 46 243 88 73 7 13 2 47 79 244 SO 10 58 68 2 3 2 , 7 117 148 245

225 7tl 62 137 3 39 8 17 5 256 405 246 4 8 3 247 Uninhabited 248 222 259 33 62 25 11 30 7 8 7 221 200 249 13 14 5 12 20 2SO 164


Occu- Workers Area pied Literate ,----- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds ,-Total___ population.A. __ ...... Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,-_.A._-. r--.A.--, ,---"--, ,---"---. P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17

251 Patpara Po,P. 1,470 173 196 1,060 517 543 32 31 183 209 72 9 284 216 252 Samada 104 IS 20 132 63 69 4 3 32 II 5 29 33 253 Jhoomar 361 7 7 19 9 10 .. -- 5 8 2 6 5 254 ' Kotdac Pahadi 130 -. Uninhabited .. 255 Kotdar Kalan 323 Uninhabited ..

256 Patehara Sontire P. 492 62 69 382 204 118 24 24 16 38 31 122 81 257 Gajraha 218 1 7 22 12 10 .. 2 4 10 6 258 Ramdih 1,285 78 85 424 221 203 20 22 39 72 25 4 135 96 Z59 Marsaraha P. 1,087 153 157 863 419 444 61 65 57 53 67 1 261 149 260 Rojaha 691 27 32 147 69 78 17 16 17 18 10 3 38 41

261 Tailai 1,484 64 69 299 151 ]48 6 7 5 4 9 106 86 262 lhiriya 34\ 4 S 24 11 13 11 13 ., 7 6 2ei3 , Bhelki Kothar 481 J3 15 56 33 23 10 2 7 19 11 264 Gannaud Kothar P 592 3 3 10 5 5 .. 1 3 2 265 Bairatb .Kothar 287 31 34 153 76 71 24 66 Ii 53 52

266 Kapuri Kothar P. 827 ]23 118 577 281 296 13 19 62 122 51 24 168 79 267 Shiv Palwa Po. 429 60 86 523 265 258 46 45 62 66 44 2 154 199 268 Lakoda P,M. 1,622 126 155 864 433 481 43 47 3 3 62 5 259 227 269 Kakaraha Kalan 161 7 9 33 16 17 .. 14 2 270 Kakaraha Khurd 20 Uninhabited .,

271 Gaugbat 145 6 II 46 22 24 .. .. 11 1 5 I II 12 272 Salaia p, 752 94 100 520 251 269 31 35 55 4 152 109 273 Kotdar Khurd 412 31 35 217 96 121 2 62 82 274 ,Ghoogha 792 12 15 74 33 41 .. 8 18 21 275 Sat Pahra 349 Uninhabited ,.

276 Samda 256 9 10 57 26 31 .. " " 2 19 11 '277 Hatwa P. 1,291 121 134 654 380 324 21 27 69 78 40 2 198 160 278 Paraswar Po. 449 48 53 266 135 131 33 38 .. 9 88 78 279 Darhiya P. 2,233 158 170 828 401 421 20 26 35 35 94 2 254 210 280 Mayapur Po. 123 28 32 157 77 80 26 24 18 1 43 31

281 Laua Po,P. 741 96 109 598 290 308 59 66 49 55 91 4 162 Jl1 282 Badaila P. 335 56 61 263 127 136 40 50 13 18 28 74 57 283 pathlkbi P.M. 694 243 298 1,568 743 825 44 63 90 131 133 14 401 258 284 Jamuar 916 56 60 290 137 153 56 51 35 3 78 44 285 Bbelki 31 28 31 137 68 69 21 16 19 2 44 22

286 Gannaud No, 1 196 1 6 40 14 26 2 13 2 3 11 8 287 Gannaud No.2 44 " " Uninhabited ., ., 288 Gannaud No.3 74 18 16 73 31 42 .. 12 11 5 1 22 13 289. Kapuri 303 83 88 456 225 231 31 43 71 67 63 1 123 96 290 Umariya 104 12 11 56 28 28 9 5 6 4 14 10

291 Padkhudi P. 1,165 198 232 1,040 515 525 40 39 102 103 58 5 322 250 292 Pachokhar Po,P. 1,352 249 278 1,442 672 770 62 64 122 156 175 6 413 452 293 Darhiya Po,P,M. 1,198 288 341 1,658 790 863 85 98 243 219 166 53 401 205 294 Pateri Tola Po. 144 42 44 245 125 120 40 59 16 3 64 43 295 Tikat Kalan Po. 1,911 233 264 1370 662 708 76: 113 96 75 12B 23 342 209

296 Chiori Kalan 1,031 53 56 301 158 146 28 55 32 107 80 297 Cbiari Khurd 371 6 6 21 70 111 3 4 8 5 29~ Bhiari Britt J,38J 3 5 19 9 10 7 6 299 Oera 534 1 2 6 4 2 .. 2 3 2 300 Baliar 409 11 12 49 20 29 5 4 14 14 ]65


,..-______WORKERS-"- ______1______-_-. Non- Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No' ""-_"_"'-l ,..._J<-_-. ,...--"-_ "'-l ,...--A.~ ,...- ...... --. ,...--->o.-A-_--. ,---A.---. ,--...... _, ,-_..... -...,. r--.A._, M F M F M F M F M F MI F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

152 99 88 95 17 7 17 8 2 4 4 6 233 327 251 J8 19 11 J4 .. 34 36 252 3 I 5 2 3 5 2SJ Uninhabited 254 Uninhabited 255

72 55 21 28 23 4 3 2 82 91 256 8 3 2 3 ...... , 2 4 257 96 64 16 25 8 5 11 1 4 1 Hi 107 258 14H 69 100 76 3 4 7 3 158 295 259 27 34 9 7 2 31 37 260

85 72 21 14 .. 45 62 261 7 4 .. 2 .. 4 7 262 7 4 6 7 5 14 12 263 3 2 .. ., 2 3 264 29 28 18 16 3 8 3 23 25 265

73 2 ~2 63 IS 3 16 10 .. 12 113 217 266 108 114 19 72 .. 22 13 5 .. 111 59 267 130 60 82 155 6 24 9 12 3 5 174 204 268 ~ 14 ,;. 2 15 269 . . Uninhabited .. 270

4 2 7 10 .. · . .. , . .. II 12 271 99 62 26 34 12 4 3 I 10 10 99 160 272 53 70 9 12 34 39 273 16 21 2 IS 20 274 .. Uninhabited .. 275

13 S 1 I 4 .. I 7 20 276 124 87 69 73 4 · . 1 132 164 217 52 45 29 25 4 8 3 47 53 278 224 180 26 30 4 153 211 279 19 9 24 28 34 43 280

112 65 39 46 11 128 197 281 61 32 13 25 .. · . .. 53 79 282 239 121 93 110 29 25 19 2 20 342 567 2113 42 12 33- 32 .. .. 3 59 109 284 17 y 14 12 9 1 4 24 47 285

7 5 2 3 2 .. 3 18 286 " .. .. ,. " Uninhabited .. . . 287 7 4 II 8 3 .. 1 I 9 29 288 44 26 48 64 22 3 6 6 102 135 289 7 1 6 9 I 14 18 290

153 37 141 203 25 10 .. 3 193 275 291 280 305 124 131 3 IS 4 .. I 2 259 318 292 ISO 70 151 104 45 21 18 36 10 389 6.58 293 33 21 21 15 8 1 .. 2 6 61 77 294 ISS 4 142 106 7 3 17 2 1 21 93 320 499 295

80 57 16 23 6 2 3 51 66 296 6 4 2 1 .. 2 6 297 5 6 I 1 2 4 298 3 2 .. I . . 299 II 13 3 6 15 300 163


Occu- Workers Area pied Literate ,---- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Tq_tal Wor- No. VHJage available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,-----"-_-..... r--"--...... ,---"--...... ,---"---...... ,--...... - ...... P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17

301 Piprohar Po.P. 2,282 217 222 1,134 523 611 44 65 95 119 66 323 229 302 Jhinga Jhar (Chauhan Tola) 255 53 54 2)9 146 153 6 12 49 55 J2 82 66 303 lhinga lhar (Gaharwartola) 679 15 15 76 31 45 16 20 5 18 15 304 Akala 229 10 11 51 22 29 16 23 ]8 16 305 Pathrauhi 204 31 36 238 117 121 18 18 8 11 J] 88 48

306 Pujaunhi 167 44 44 229 115 114 4 67 63 307 Amarpur P,M. 1,052 192 200 1,046 526 520 83 81 78 96 76 4 294 218 308 Mudaka 722 75 78 416 194 222 32 38 33 2 128 34 309 Jat Khania 1,010 22 23 110 54 . 56 26 23 18 20 1 32 24 310 Godahi P. 1,296 151 161 788 385 403 3 2 43 45 65 4 240 261

311 Amdiha P. 491 103 123 596 288 308 40 35 6 4 33 2 181 198 312 Kubara Kothar Po. 67 16 22 98 45 53 8 8 7 1 26 21 313 Kubara Paipkhar Po. 61 1 I 1 I " J .. 314 Dhootpura Kothar Po. 75 40 44 240 113 127 30 30 ]4 21 31 56 39 315 Dhootpura Pawai 39 19 20 98 48 50 12 26 10

316 Mochh 149 Uninhabited .. . . 317 Pakhada 668 58 59 342 182 160 11 12 13 II 30 107 105 318 Duara P. 862 9 9 38 20 18 10 II 2 14 14 319 Jethula 2.008 37 43 268 136 132 88 97 14 88 34 320 Mohaniya P. 2,225 152 161 858 439 419 4 151 220 41 267 232

321 Gajar 145 Uninhabited .. 322 Bhelki No. I 43 21 22 ]21 62 59 19 18 7 36 34 323 Bhelki No 2 51 .. ., Uninhabited 324 Chadainia P. 514 72 75 416 192 224 16 25 13 18 49 J2 103 60 325 Khabhallnia Kalan Po,To. 198 30 33 138 66 72 24 50 21 41 ,

326 Khabhaunia Khurd Po,To 44 5 5 31 21 10 10 3 9 " 10 4 327 Hardiha Pawai 148 52 68 349 180 169 65 56 65 10 87 37 328 Hardiha Kothr Po.P. 140 42 46 2M 140 124 9 9 24 26 37 57 ;:0 329 Ramnagar Po,P. 345 78 104 540 264 276 · . 19 22 70 3 145 129 330 Nakbd Po,P. 675 159 203 955 473 482 115 112 30 16 52 } 297 247

331 Taktaiya Po, 513 140 175 900 448 452 42 44 71 46 42 246 227 332 Pawa 586 14 15 84 41 43 1 19 1 19 16 333 Dembba P. 1,844 87 98 564 289 275 12 37 91 118 107 26 155 65 334 Deoghata P. 67S 49 S4 313 160 153 ., n 29 38 4 99 52 335 Mohaniya P. 946 54 S6 273 122 151 16 22 47 49 9 90 65

336 Bhamaraha 795 82 84 395 197 198 28 29 51 43 25 117 49 337 Gajar 256 21 22 121 61 60 · . 9 3 I 42 15 338 Bichhiya 367 55 55 264 131 )33 22 17 2 5 10 85 44 339 Sarda P. 1,754 126 135 629 325 304 26 20 47 49 45 154 25 340 Patehara 692 82 83 457 226 231 31 29 37 44 22 135 36

341 Sareh P. 507 27 27 103 49 54 1 , 1 I IS 2 28 14 342 Khori P. 828 60 64 371 173 198 25 27 39 42 31 1 114 46 343 Bhaluhai 231 3 3 12 6 6 1 5 2 344 Bakainiya 87 19 19 95 49 46 · . 5 33 24 345 Chorahi 797 2& 28 130 55 75 ·3 4 3 38 48

346 Sirasa 231 4 4 29 14 15 7 11 I .. 11 12 347 Mahuar Kothar P. 231 78 93 505 270 235 11 14 22 19 66 2 173 123 348 Mahuariya Paipkhar 142 58 66 330 161 169 12 13 24 32 28 2 107 85 349 Bariha Kothar 52 24 30 174 92 82 6 I 18 21 15 9 44 27 :>50 Bariha Paipkhar 59 22 23 109 54 55 4 2 14 14 13 3 23 24 ·167


______WORKERSA _____ ~ ______~ Non- Le. Workers No. I n 1I1 IV V V) VII VIII IX X

r-...... ~ ,--."..____, r-A -";"" r---...... - ...... r--...... -~ ,--...... ___, ,....---A--...... r--...... -~ r--..A.-...... r--..A.-...... M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

170 63 122 148 13 8 12 10 6 200 382 301 31 14 45 50 6 2 64 87 302 3 14 IS .. .. J 13 30 303 5 3 9 12 4 1 4 13 304 76 40 8 8 4 29 73 305 66 61 I 2 ...... · . 48 51 306 176 90 59 84 24 6 26 26 8 12 I 232 302 307 78 7 27 23 11 11 4 1 66 Ill8 308 21 12 II 19 .. 3 .. 22 22 309 224 250 9 II 3 4 145 142 3lO

155 159 17 17 8 22 ,. .. 107 110 311 21 16 4 4 1 I 19 32 312 I · . . . . . 313 38 15 18 24 57 88 314 17 3 6 7 3 22 40 315

...... , . ,. .. Uninhabited . . .. 316 79 73 16 JI II 75 55 317 .' · . II 14 6 4 318 61 20 25 14 " 2 48 98 319 157 136 90 93 3 20 172 187 320

...... , . Uninhabited . . · . 321 26 21 7 8 2 5 .. 1 26 25 322 ...... ,. Uninhabited .. . . 323 62 8 33 36 3 3 .. 4 12 89 164 324 19 I 21 1 25 71 325

4 .. 6 4 .. 11 6 326 39 1 43 36 2 3 93 132 In 40 ') 17 II .. ,. , . ,. .. , . 83 104 328 79 82 41 42 5 13 5 I 2 4 .. 119 147 329 161 155 47 60 6 56 22 17 4 3 6 6 176 235 330

147 133 55 69 9 7 19 14 6 10 4 202 225 331 17 , 15 2 I , . . " .. .. 22 27 332 (,0 17 63 41l 8 4 1 2 17 ,. 134 210 333 39 45 44 5 10 8 61 101 334 44 40 62 6 3 32 86 335

<0 6 41 33 14 12 10 80 149 336 25 9 10 6 7 .. 19 45 337 45 22 25 18 5 2 10 2 .. 46 89 338 132 23 19 2 · . 3 171 279 339 51 68 31 16 5 91 195 340

18 5 10 9 .. .. 21 40 341 49 12 43 32 18 2 2 · . 2 59 152 342 3 · . 2 I .. I I 4 343 30 23 I I 2 16 22 344 38 45 3 17 27 345

II 12 ...... , . · . . . . . · . 3 3 346 108 88 35 24 1 2 6 24 4 4 97 112 347 96 49 11 36 .. . . · . 54 84 348 19 3 16 14 2 6 10 48 55 349 II JO 7 11 5 3 ", 31 31 350 168 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Occu- Workers Area pied Literate ,----- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) .-_--A---~ ,---"-_-. ,-_.A._-. ,-_.A.--. .-__.A._""" P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

351 Karkachaha Gayaram Po. 2S 8 8 41 20 21 8 2 I3 2 10 3 352 Kanachaha 28 . . 353 Uninhabited .. Bhati Gawan ]28 39 40 185 98 87 6 4 2 1 34 5 57 6 354 DeoGawan ]35 74 74 396 180 216 22 19 61 81 30 ]4 90 44 355 Bhanwar !56 35 36 197 89 108 I I II 20 15 2 53 7

356 Kachari 34 20 21 84 40 44 .. 30 37 22 17 357 Bhanwari P 292 68 73 388 198 ]90 7 14 12 20 42 2 109 IS 358 Phulwari 297 189 218 1,144 557 587 27 33 107 135 98 6 320 192 359 Math Puria 376 1 1 3 1 2 I 2 1 1 360 Maldewa Po.P. 2,472 79 93 451 224 227 11 7 54 36 30 ]39 106

361 Mamdar Po.P,M. 1,788 238 243 1.239 598 641 31 37 82 75 150 5 342 249 362 Barkhara Raosaheb P 58 9 10 31 14 17 .. I I 9 10 3{)3 BarkharaRambahadursingh Po. 416 171 165 802 400 402 77 81 14 II 80 10 240 143 364 Barkhara Jaikaransingh 101 17 22 120 69 51 7 4 25 6 41 18 36S Barkhara Ramjhoolasingb 92 2 2 21 9 12 3 2 3 3 4 I

366 Barkhara MahabaJisingb 28 1 1 2 1 I I I 1 367 Barkhara Ramrajsingh P,M. 974 121 133 699 338 361 42 41 65 44 83 16 173 81 368 Barkhara Randhirsingh 437 66 7S 374 181 193 ., .. 47 107 35 4 110 70 369 Barkhara 769 69 76 380 169 211 26 2S 41 29 48 6 91 60 370 Amarpur P. 276 78 80 344 159 185 65 79 20 7 23 I 98 79

371 Barokhar P. 478 78 127 600 283 317 39 36 41 19 50 2 173 157 372 Koshta Kothar P. 715 104 108 541 2~2 259 13 14 I 75 I 150 157 373 MisirGawan 366 73 77 404 188 216 34 37 13 8 55 4 103 100 374 Sundari 106 25 28 114 52 62 1 I 25 3 28 28 375 Tiwari Gawan P. 88 7 7 34 15 19 13 16 2 2 10 11

376 Boosi 100 101 121 596 277 319 33 30 103 82 R3 18 170 89 377 Khichar Gawan 140 29 33 165 87 78 29 23 20 3 25 13 53 13 378 Tiwari Gawan P. 97 7 7 33 14 19 I I 4 7 7 8 379 Paraswar 189 27 31 163 77 86 I 22 15 28 40 15 380 Gu}waspur M,H,Po. 363 8 8 43 26 17 20 5 14 I

381 Bhataha Po. 120 15 22 118 59 59 IS 14 12 18 13 382 Sanda P. 1,900 150 192 928 471 457 23 28 130 79 104 20 284 206 383 Duara P. 2,183 75 92 495 251 244 J 79 80 57 14 135 70 384 Bhelaki Kalan 983 20 20 78 37 41 9 4 1 24 24 385 Bhelaki Khurd 1,388 28 28 126 65 61 12 9 1 42 29

386 Kurrawah P. 1,484 47 51 237 128 109 37 28 22 2 82 60 387 Madhuri Pawai 502 18 23 102 53 49 3 11 13 3 27 8 388 Khadi 65 7 7 33 18 15 2 10 10 389 Dewardar P. 485 33 33 193 102 91 26 17 13 60 24 390 Baskati 440 Uninhabited

391 Shairpur P. 1,169 90 106 531 261 270 21 25 59 48 41 3 160 112 39.2 Jhumaria 278 36 36 204 105 99 19 22 20 24 40 3 57 35 393 Duara Kalan 645 63 65 362 173 189 20 19 5 33 4 112 26 394 Amarahi 262 23 25 129 67 62 ,2 2 18 15 20 42 84 395 Chamaidah P. 466 44 44 208 107 101 54 60 20 3 65 52

396 Deori Paipkhar 535 7 9 25 13 12 5 11 6 397 Karkachahci Shukdeoram 57 10 10 48 25 23 10 14 8 398 Karkachaha Jagdishram 33 6 12 53 26 27 6 9 13 15 6 399 Patai 298 I 1 5 2 3 .. 3 2 3 400 Muow8ni 234 Uninhabited 169 GOPADBANAS TAHSIL

Non- WORKERS ------______l..... __--.,------..... Workers I II III IV V . VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,_.A.-.. ,--..... - ,--..... - r--"--.. ,-_...... - .. ,---"---0 ,--.A.----, ,-_.A._ .. ,-~.A..:::c:~ ,--.A._...... F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M 36 37 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

9 3 10 18 351 ...... 352 .. Uninhabited 353 28 2 4 1 1 3 6 2 15 I 41 81 38 10 37 I 90 172 354 27 15 6 36 101 355 39 12 7 1 4 18 16 .. .. ., .. 18 27 356 76 5 17 5 89 175 357 10 2 5 2 2 358 200 89 89 84 25 17 3 2 3 237 395 I 1 . . .. I 359 · . 85 121 360 79 67 42 32 6 12 7

146 61 127 22 3 256 392 361 169 9 to 28 6 10 .. 4 17 362 7 .. · ...... 2 .. ., I 122 50 72 4 18 12 160 259 363 66 4 2 22 9 28 33 364 25 14 6 2 5 2 5 3 1 I 5 11 365

1 1 ...... 366 · ...... , .. 165 280 367 107 31 54 45 1 3 4 2 6 67 32 40 38 3 71 123 368 55 18 36 42 ...... 78 151 369 46 33 47 46 2 1 2 61 106 370 110 160 371 91 87 37 46 16 5 19 17 4 2 4 2 119 130 22 5 132 102 372 24 2 2 3 85 116 373 64 63 29 35 7 2 3 19 21 2 2 2 2 24 34 374 2 3 3 5 8 375 2 2 2 2 6 7

72 24 88 6 107 230 376 65 4 34 65 377 22 3 22 JO 7 2 I 3 6 5 7 11 378 27 2 13 13 37 71 379 2 1 1 II 12 16 380

11 5 7 8 .. .. ., ., 41 46 381 179 100 89 I 6 9 187 251 382 95 3 .. 6 I .. 174 76 24 40 39 16 3 2 1 2 2 II6 383 16 17 8 13 17 384 5 .. 2 32 385 30 14 5 6 7 9 23

., 46 49 386 45 26 29 28 8 4 2 11 2 to 6 5 26 41 387 7 .. 3 10 .. ., 8 5 388 34 8 22 16 3 .. I 42 67 389 Uninhabited 390 158 391 73 50 46 46 5 2 20 8 9 6 7 101 24 6 27 27 3 48 64 392 3 2 105 393 77 61 17 17 2 17 4 1 61 28 17 6 6 25 36 394 8 3 .. 49 395 35 26 16 19 7 I3 I 42

11 6 ., 2 6 396 II 7 2 11 15 397 I 398 12 4 I 2 11 21 2 3 399 Uninhabited 400 170


Occu- Workers Area pied Literate r---- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated keTS (I-IX) r----A.--"""' ,-_.A._""", ,-_.A._--.. ,.---'-_" ,-__.A._-, P M F M F M F M F M F 1 3 4 5 6 7 8. 9 10 1\ \2 13 \4 \5 \6 17

401 Bich hiya 207 .. .. Uninhabited . . ., 402 Bas edi P. I.147 123 130 160 78 82 1 3 15 3 14 4 50 28 403 Kudiyapawal 999 33 39 650 308 342 44 62 18 30 60 3 189 181 404 Kudia Kothar 639 39 42 220 112 108 9 8 7 II 23 57 49 405 Padkhuri Kotbar P. 1,418 265 266 1,243 634 609 51 54 56 49 95 7 390 339

406 Padkhuri Pawai P. 1,130 132 140 751 373 378 37 28 52 67 50 5 215 141 407 Jha1war Po,P. 792 128 143 690 342 348 48 53 32 26 47 12 209 193 408 Paikaniya 157 24 31 142 74 68 1 17 50 39 409 Kuan P. 394 115 127 578 282 296 35 32 69 170 165 410 Koshtapawai 521 .. Uninhabited

411 Churhat Po.P,D,MP(O). 1,277 428 448 2,010 I 085 925 14 12 161 119 351 41 582 235 412 Dadar 644 3 4 17 7 10 .. 3 3 1 5 6 413 Ramkudawa 100 Uninhabited 414 Sarra 1,488 8 8 37 20 17 2 3 14 8 415 Barigawan 1,928 45 44 233 116 117 11 14 39 99 8 72 74

416 Kargil P. },294 79 86 404 \92 212 3 3 36 35 26 2 li8 123 417 Amarwah P. 1,729 308 316 1,550 792 758 46 52 172 168 123 22 457 251 418 Naugamadh irsingb Po,P. 1,002 116 130 622 309 313 39 44 25 60 40 6 176 81 419 Jamodimajhi Tola P. 747 63 66 375 190 185 100 93 45 7 115 117 420 Jamodikhurd 632 62 72 409 209 200 33 37 44 49 46 6 102 56

421 Madhuri Kothar PO,To,P. 435 64 75 408 103 205 31 39 31 38 38 ., 98 19 422 Naurhiya Po,To,P. 1,433 178 183 1,034 555 479 69 81 68 55 88 12 377 196 423 Mazarabisendha Tola 197 22 23 133 75 58 .. 21 16 16 I 45 34 424 GadaBaban,ingh P. 1,357 140 160 878 436 447 22 25 94 108 129 10 237 164 425 Gada Lolarsingh 1,332 113 113 624 295 329 5 9 77 69 42 5 181 134

426 Kothar Kalan P. 954 56 60 335 177 158 39 40 5 9 23 109 46 427 Bedua P. 251 70 73 342 181 161 .. . . 26 23 33 .. 110 60 428 Madawa P.M. 645 156 160 796 36R 428 69 88 4S 47 44 6 198 III 429 Majhareti Kothar Po,P. 188 83 84 387 207 180 16 16 22 17 36 4 125 97 430 Kudainia 160 46 47 228 112 116 10 10 22 27 15 72 58

431 Akauri 335 20 22 99 51 48 15 17 6 6 7 26 26 432 Mahugarh 176 19 19 104 50 54 8 13 7 9 13 1 26 16 433 Duara Khurd Po,P. 404 20 21 90 43 47 5 16 7 1 27 19 434 Kushiyari Po. 71\ 62 67 375 195 180 16 16 25 31 22 3 119 105 435 Kushiyar Po. 130 17 17 86 51 35 17 12 13 37 20

436 Gajarahi Pawai 690 13 13 46 20 26 .. 3 II 1 437 Gajarahi Kothar 156 99 102 481 247 234 44 46 70 59 19 3 162 49 438 Gajaraha 591 21 24 107 45 62 10 16 8 1 27 24 439 Bahera 119 9 10 33 16 17 3 12 14 440 Dhumma 212 6 6 21 15 6 11 5

441 Matihani 509 12 12 67 33 34 Z 2 8 9 2 24 19 442 Keshawahi PO,D. 463 27 29 87 62 25 4 2 21 1 46 5 443 2 Bahera Kothar 195 2 2 7 5 2 " 3 444 Sihauliya 1,844 52 54 302 155 147 31 30 50 61 15 96 24 445 Lorhauta 336 21 21 100 50 :"0 I 13 28

446 Marha P. 1,005 136 150 779 398 381 20 22 75 58 70 5 222 210 447 Amdand 343 45 47 202 109 93 16 18 30 11 12 72 42 448 Kuthia 212 19 19 124 57 67 25 \ 28 45 449 Suargat Po. 557 36 46 231\ 116 120 26 20 31 6 68 60 450 Barhai 587 19 20 65 33 32 3 1 26 17 171


______WORKERS..A. __-'- ______Non- Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.e No. ,....--A--. ,-..A._--, ,--A._--, ,_..A._-. ,-..A._-. ,-...... --. ,___..._~ r---"----. r--..A.---. ,--...... ____., M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36' 37

.. , . .. Uninhabited ' . .. 401 27 .. 23 28 28 54 402 125 104 64 77 119 161 403 41 35 16 14 . , ...... 55 59 404 276 254 64 62 7 1 13 8 5 3 25 11 244 270 405 \ 121 41 52 79 18 ., 10 9 14 12 158 237 406 162 161 16 24 12 2 18 6 1 133 155 407 43 38 5 I 2 24 29 408 130 138 22 17 12 3 4 6 2 112 131 409 " Uninhabited .. 410

154 92 102 85 19 3 Jl6 24 49 8 141 23 503 690 411 3 3 2 3 2 4 412 ...... Uninhabited 413 I) 13 8 .. " 1 9 414 69 68 3 6 44 43 415

82 72 3S 49 ., 2 .. 1 74 89 416 237 91 . 160 129 16 6 21 18 9 5 .. 14 3 335 506 417 55 6 101 67 II 5 3 1 8 133 232 418 80 99 28 18 6 75 68 419 42 3 60 53 107 144 420

50 3 1I 6 6 .. .. " 11 2 7 20 .. 105 186 421 174 68 100 76 17 2S 3 S 78 27 178 283 422 27 16 11 II .. ., 7 7 30 24 423 125 72 70 78 21 7 14 14 199 278 424 83 23 68 104 19 7 11 114 195 425

86 28 15 10 3 3 5 ., 2 3 68 112 426 66 42 37 15 4 3 3 71 101 427 ISO 58 40 53 .. .. ., 8 170 317 428 71 51 38 44 13 2 2 I 82 83 429 48 48 8 10 6 7 3 40 58 430

13 12 12 14 I .. 25 22 431 II 9 7 7 6 .. .' 2 24 38 432 15 R 1 8 ., ., 11 3 .. 16 28 433 80 79 8 13 5 25 13 I 76 75 434 21 13 7 6 9 1 14 15 435 9 1 1 " 1 ...... 9 25 436 72 8 55 40 13 .. 16 5 1 1 85 185 437 17 9 6 13 I 1 3 1 18 38 438 9 14 .. .. 3 4 3 439 5 4 5 I I 4 1 440

24 19 .. .. 9 15 441 18 5 18 JO 16 20 442 3 2 .. ., .. . . 2 443 68 19 22 5 5 I S9 123 444 13 15 22 50 445

170 152 38 52 3 7 6 4 176 171 446 34 .. 33 42 5 37 51 447 24 41 4 4 29 22 448 43 38 25 22 .. .. 48 60 449 20 II 4 4 2 2 7 15 450 172


Occu· Workers Area pied Literate r----- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. ViUage available acres. sell holds Total Population Casles Tribes Educated kers (I·IX) .-___ -"-___ -. ,_A_ -. r--.A.~- -. .--"-_...... ,..._.A._-. P M F M F M F M F M F } 2 ]. .. 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17

451 Rajghat 437 I I 7 2 5 I 3 452 Koldah }24 14 15 95 52 43 32 22 453 Kathautaha 1,781 21 18 97 63 34 8 6 2 36 21 454 Naugaman Darshansingh Po. 1,050 28 28 168 87 81 36 37 9 6 8 2 51 40 455 Karaundiya Uttar Tola Po,To. 412 78 88 505 264 241 14 17 55 4 148 96

456 Padainiyakhurd Po,To,P. 341 72 74 326 167 159 8 9 26 30 33 4 88 90 457 padainiyakalan Po,To. 51 3 3 12 6 6 3 4 I 458 Padainiyapawai Po,To. 152 29 31 ]65 89 76 20 4 50 51 459 Jogipur Uttar Tola 218 24 26 124 59 65 5 8 21 4 29 35 460 Khairahi 169 22 24 127 65 62 39 32 9 2 31 35

461 Misir Gawan 89 22 22 114 61 53 25 II 14 36 28 462 Khajuri 358 47 47 251 123 128 .. 44 54 33 76 54 463 Kotaha 84 .. Uninhabited 464 Mugawari 136 32 32 179 9<) 80 10 10 7 4 22 53 26 465 Terhawa Tola Po 122 34 36 175 82 93 8 13 24 25 II 48 42

466 Majharetikalan 166 36 36 169 95 74 76 20 21 2 n 43 467 Sajahakalan 164 10 II 89 44 45 .. S II 18 3 32 21 468 Sajahakhurd 44 .. .. Uninhabited . . 469 Mau 153 17 17 69 35 34 4 4 9 3 28 19 20 470 Khaira P. 417 140 143 725 375 350 27 30 59 69 82 4 229 186

471 Belaha 642 98 101 560 285 275 14 13 30 42 36 2 192 152 472 Jiganaha Po. 79 4 4 24 9 15 I 5 3 473 Khairaha Po. 73 5 5 39 28 II .. 10 14 I 474 Karondi Po. 301 34 39 203 102 101 4 2 33 35 14 68 60 475 Kubari Po,P. 380 47 SO 255 122 133 14 19 67 40 34 2 73 52

.76 Bhitari P. 2,140 73 79 449 230 219 49 49 39 27 26 137 91 477 Padarlya P. 1.692 34 43 225 117 108 0 9 45 88 14 74 61 478 PaigamaAbad 708 28 31 195 ' 101 94 59 82 19 62 59 479 Paigama Biran 276 6 6 44 23 21 5 II II 16 14 480 Chandwahi Po,P. 2,816 96 107 588 2119 299 41 44 34 20 40 3 153 92

Mil Bahari ... 2,122 74 80 410 216 194 3 2 133 187 35 2 \28 107 482 Ghatokhar P. 1,I2S 134 145 648 322. 326 65 68 80 69 31 2 205 131 483 Pondi 286 33 37 B9 75 84 14 22 31 20 21 6 51 32 484 Korigawan 174 26 29 144 77 67 .. 13 I 43 485 Amdand P. 337 3~0 36 202 113 89 37 36 38 I 59 29

486 Katauli P. 468 60 63 371 187 184 f5 74 20 36 61 2 115 116 487 Bhitari Po,P.T. 5,415 314 361 1,l:!4S 951 897 137 144 88 38 221 27 495 362 488 Bhol Garh Po. 1,155 75 78 325 184 141 5 I 34 31 10 130 95 489 Akauri P. 2,215 64 70 354 202 152 5 2 13 4 117 29 490 Mirchawar Po. 776 I I 8 4 4 I 3

491 Barhaura PO,P 1,2'39 200 245 1,291 653 638 30 33 228 162 107 3 476 47& 492 Sonwarsa 442 56 56 276 124 152 32 49 33 36 21 g 74 75 493 Basauraha Po. 142 29 36 220 96 104 12 14 13 19 30 6 54 22 494 Jamodisengran Po. 294 30 43 258 123 135 19 20 43 48 27 5 75 55 495 Andhiyarkhoh 70 9 10 48 23 25 3 2 4 6 3 14 5

496 KaraundiyasouthTola Po,T,P. 396 53 70 362 184 178 19 21 5 73 19 100 45 497 Dainiha Po,To. 264 39 49 259 134 125 21 76 49 498 Bataulli Po,To. 223 73 74 344 187 157 5 42 102 83 499 Jogipursouth Tola 483 34 35 205 99 106 4 5 15 22 34 7 56 34 500 Deoraha 142 23 23 157 72 115 27 34 19 9 40 22 173


______WORKERS_.A. ______Non- Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. ,...--A-__ 'ND. ~ ,---"---. ,-~ ,-....-J..._-. ,---A.--,. ,--~ r-=~ .,--~ ,...--A---,." M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37 ,]

1 3 1 2 4S1 30 22 2 20 21 452 27 20 ...... 9 27 13 453 32 24 13 12 3 3 4 ...... 36 41 454 45 27 12 8 3 6 7 8 13 3 58 54 116 145 455

51 44 30 46 7 79 69 456 4 31 .. 2 5 4S7 35 29 13 12 2 39 2S 458 20 18 6 7 3 30 30 459 17 8 13 17 1 34 27 460

20 20 15 8 1 .. 25 25 461 41 26 33 26 2 2 47 74 462 ...... Uninhabited ...... 463 40 19 9 5 3 2 I 46 S4 464 28 22 14 17 ·3 3 3 34 51 46S

37 19 15 20 19 4 23 31 466 18 16 9 5 5 .. 12 24 467 ...... , .. Uninhabited ...... , 468 13 IJ .. 4 3 I 2 2 ., J 16 14 469 134 109 37 51 26 2 16 21 5 2 11 146 164 470

133 110 27 30 30 12 2 93 123 471 5 3 ., 4 12 472 10 1 . . .. 4 .. ., 14 10 473 37 38 7 14 .. 21 8 .. .. 3 34 4] 474 34 18 12 24 3 2 8 3 13 5 3 49 81 475

71 50 33 33 19 3 13 5 .. 93 128 476 44 46 8 7 17 8 2 2 43 47 477 45 45 6 8 I I 6 39 3S 478 14 14 . . 2 " .. . . 7 7 479 104 56 31 35 9 1 8 ] 136 207 480

99 96 12 9 4 .. .. 13 2 88 87 481 59 2 108 117 I 2 22 7 2 13 3 117 195 482 18 I 25 25 3 I 5 3 ., 2 24 52 483 28 5 .. .. ., 10 .. 34 67 484 34 19 22 5 4 I 2 1 54 60 485

58 65 50 48 7 3 . , .. 72 68 486 308 212 158 144 23 4 6 2 456 535 487 2S 6 105 89 .. .. 54 46 488 " 110 29 3 .. 4 85 123 489 3 I 3 1 490

366 372 91 103 8 2 3 2 6 J77 160 491 45 41 20 21 5 13 3 50 77 492 17 .. 25 19 3 3 9 42 82 493 39 23 17 21 8 It 11 48 80 494 5 9 5 9 20 495

31 18 37 27 4 11 .. 17 .. 84 133 496 32 20 12 12 5 27 17 58 76 497 68 57 23 19 11 7 8S 74 498 28 8 18 21 ., 6 5 4 43 72 499 20 9 10 13 3 7 32 63 500 174 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Occu- Area pied Workers L.C. Nameo! Facilities in Literate r----- No. Village Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled available acres ses holds Total Population and Total Wor- ,--___.A.. __, Castes Tribes Educated kers(I-IX) r---.A.~ r--.A..~ ,...... ----..A..~ r--.A..-, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 SOl Hadbado P. 463 86 502 Majrreti Khurd 88 468 243 225 57 58 33 35 P. 195 24 29 151 76 70 143 97 503 Kuchawahi Po, 10 812 75 5 11 35 31 17 51 42 504 Rajdiha 126 136 645 346 299 51 56 236 27 28 12 II 47 230 194 505 Sadcla 107 70 77 21 20 18 23 20 ., 322 20 20 5 48 50 29 59 7 9 21 38 5 1 29 28 506 Jogikothar 507 Kothar 76 1 1 62 2 3 146 9 10 1 .. 2 2 508 Dhadha 87 29 33 6 10 10 509 137 20 21 15 51 17 8 Nalayanpur 43 36 33 34 .. II 31 18 510 Sapahi 3 3 17 9 6 4 5 1 Po. 531 48 55 277 .. I 5 2 128 149 34 37 25 35 23 7 84 53 511 Titirashuklan 441 512 Titirabaghelan 86 94 466 231 235 34 33 P. 412 52 56 26 54 68 91 12 513 Patehara 325 168 157 12 13 35 31 44 14 88 514 P. 643 131 138 689 330 359 47 Gopalpur Po,P. 747 58 69 I .. 33 217 201 515 Hanumangarh 157 167 774 395 379 42 44 36 .' Po,P,m. 4,053 465 501 2,529 52 70 29 235 165 1,257 1,272 150 162 333 137 359 51 759 572 516 Beldah 517 P. 961 61 68 333 167 166 Karanpur 628 30 29 13 4 54 6 101 98 518 Nau Gawan 39 41 236 135 101 .. 7 P. 304 43 47 250 9 10 3 76 I 519 Thakur Dewa 118 132 7 10 4 .. 28 14 73 8 520 Purshottamgarh 319 58 61 325 172 153 IS 14 212 22 22 14 8 9 6 100 14 75 38 37 6 7 3 7 20 17 521 Ghoolbi Po, 522 Kubari 307 72 72 431 214 217 15 Po,P, 1,913 238 13 38 34 18 6 120 114 523 Tbndua 248 1,248 628 620 110 124 100 91 P. 1,232 162 163 874 69 10 363 250 524 Panmarbaghelan PO,P. 447 427 45 47 83 70 80 10 254 210 525 Panmarsengaran 553 55 61 369 193 176 29 30 P. 416 34 39 24 22 43 8 105 68 194 94 100 21 25 37 43 15 49 31 526 Muthigawan Kalan 407 46 527 Muthi Gawan Khurd 50 280 146 134 36 41 4 4 36 6 74 12 528 Madaria 76 10 II 69 32 37 18 16 529 Po,P,To. 138 101 101 538 " 4 16 7 Sidhi Kalan Po,To. 285 253 57 58 34 26 51 13 151 82 530 Hinauta 254 51 53 258 124 134 Po,To. 76 49 45 54 38 II 71 49 54 327 177 ISO 46 31 5 4 43 I 86 52 531 Vijaipur PO,To. 162 46 532 Joroundha 46 226 III 115 7 4 33 3 52 38 533 P. 132 50 50 276 139 137 Kukunijhar P. 765 49 50 .. J 21 2 71 60 534 Bhaluha Kalan 160 168 830 428 402 II2 III 105 117 69 3 262 198 535 Upani 113 11 II 45 22 23 P. 1,700 178 " .. 7 5 2 .. 17 7 lliO 974 498 476 13 22 92 99 90 2 296 205 536 Sheopurwa 537 JanakPur PO,P. 1,091 169 176 880 443 437 Po. 585 65 70 24 28 44 7 257 187 538 Padariya 77 78 468 243 225 24 27 92 132 539 1,124 .. 73 32 1 168 Pokhvaur .. " Uninhabited ...... 540 Sarkbaniha P. 481 93 102 442 211 231 58 97 26 75 56 55 27 3 131 112 26 142 66 76 21 26 28 35 11 3 46 48 541 Godaba 542 Ballaha 76 10 IO 43 25 18 543 167 .. .. 16 14 15 13 Deoraba " .. Uninhabited .. 544 Tenduba 301 II 11 61 33 28 P. 465 9 I3 1 .. .. 21 17 545 Jhanjbar 107 III 598 313 285 50 52 80 75 50 2 206 157 230 Uninhabited 546 Katharra 284 547 Malkham 15 15 92 49 43 4' 3 2 3S 29 548 Samardab Po. 998 62 72 307 153 154 P. 2,434 85 83 9 119 86 549 Dadarikalan 53 54 331 166 165 6 7 158 158 29 2 109 97 550 Tarka 1,687 36 37 205 115 90 1,877 52 .. 49 .65 12 73 43 53 262 141 121 42 42 25 27 13 107 66 175


WORKERS NOD------~------~ Workers L.e. I II III IV V VI vn VIII IX X No.

,_.A._____ r--~ _____ ,_.A._-, ,-~-~ ,_.A._..... r--~-~ r---A--, ,__.\,--, ,.---'---~ ,..---A---, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F \ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

77 39 41 49 14 9 11 100 128 501 24 20 18 22 9 .. 25 33 502 161 155 18 23 9 6 40 10 .. 2 116 105 5:)3 , 20 6 15 W 14 2 2 20 48 5!J4 12 9 10 19 7 19 31 5J5

2 .. 3 506 12 4 5 4 12 25 507 11 18 20 .. 20 18 508 2 2 2 1 4 4 509 47 29 16 16 14 2 2 3 6 44 96 510

63 3 28 7 , .. 2 140 223 511 47 6 31 40 5 1 4 80 110 512 109 104 60 76 9 8 .. 39 13 113 158 513 135 84 72 72 9 7 5 6 6 4 160 214 514 464 310 237 244 ,3 38 17 4 13 I 498 700 515

72 64 27 34 2 66 68 516 66 10 1 .. .. 59 100 517 43 23 4 4 3 3 45 124 518 72 2 21' 10 . . 6 2 I .. n 139 519 8 5 7 10 1 1 3 I 18 20 520

81 69 38 45 .. J 94 103 52l' 281 142 70 99 11 9 .. .. 1 265 371) 522 161 121 62 78 I 7 24 4 2 4 193 217 523 73 34 22 23 3 1 2 10 5 88 108 52~ 18 2 28 29 2 I 45 69 525

42 5 15 6 6 7 4 72 122 526 4 II 7 . . I ...... 16 30 527 63 23 18 12 2 13 15 2 1 53 31 134 171 528 30 22 21 27 20 53 8S 529 49 35 '28 17 9 91 98 530

36 21; 9 10 .. 7 .. 59 77 531 31 19 32 37 .. 2 2 6 2 68 77 532 154 127 75 65 8 13 6 12 166 204 533 8 4 9 3 ...... 5 16 534 220 123 65 68 2 4 10 5 4 202 271 535

180 118 46 35 ., 10 10 21 24 181) 250 536 90 66 35 41 13 15 30 10 .. .. 75 93 537 .. .. Uninhabited ., .. 538 80 62 36 50 12 3 80 119 239 24 34 15 14 7 20 28 540 7 8 7 5 .. .. 10 5 5H .. .. Uninhabited 542 15 12 3 5 3 12 11 543 123 97 46 49 23 4 9 7 .. 5 107 128 544 Uninhabited 545

29 27 .. 2 6 !4 14 546 83 57 28 22 7 2 5 34 68 547 71 74 7 9 17 14 14 57 68 548 54 37 9 6 .. 10 42 47 549 ''18 33 13 28 16 2 3 34 55 55J 176


Occu- Workers Area pied Literate ,----- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers(l-IX) I~_""'___...A..._~ ,....."'__"'___., ,--.A..~ ,-_.A..____. ,---"-_-. P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

551 Velrpur 452 2 2 9 6 3 3 1 552 Majhagawan 1,223 20 22 118 50 68 .. .. 4 7 32 11 553 Maukothar P. 2,344 137 138 795 394 401 20 20 99 93 33 " 250 250 554 Jhanjh 2,779 166 202 1,083 548 535 19 23 136 131 76 3 308 181 555 Raikhor Po,P. 1,601 107 128 531 281 250 53 52 8 12 54 16 182 136

556 Kodaidand Po, 327 8 8 55 28 27 11 2 7 16 7 557 Naurhiya Po. 450 54 62 282 132 150 13 13 13 12 35 78 50 558 Kandhwar Po,P,M. 1,868 303 372 1,;84 859 925 132 146 137 149 192 50 455 226 559 Kolhua Po. 202 10 10 57 33 24 ., .. 33 8 15 560 Pondi P. 321 137 141 677 362 315 11 10 5 6 41 226 109

561 Bhamaraha Po. 97 46 46 189 97 92 5 5 6 5 34 .. 58 31 562 Semariya Po,P,M,D, 199 152 152 748 363 385 14 12 142 32 197 107 563 Jhagaraha Po. 345 . 85 83 432 212 220 26 22 80 19 114 81 564 Jhakharwar Po. 279 34 34 200 96 104 ...... 16 .. 43 58 565 Panwarcbauhan Totalan Po,P. 1,296 143 152 787 405 382 25 24 35 100 60 12 240 186

566 Padara Po,P,To. 1,329 66 71 430 232 198 ., .. 23 128 6 567 Sidhi Khurd P. 442 147 146 749 382 367 33 37 62 54 86 8 221 144 568 Khairahi 385 58 55 316 150 166 2 6 50 46 38 I 85 77 569 Ram Garh P. 253 90 87 464 231 233 25 25 25 28 77 3 131 122 570 Moodi 398 37 37 180 85 95 19 22 6 I 17 49 55

571 Sonakhaod 437 14 14 64 28 36 .. .. 6 16 19 572 Kothar 250 74 74 379 203 176 24 21 37 121 79 573 Chunaha 248 12 12 57 30 27 15 13 1 2 4 ., 17 9 574 Maharajpur 519 63 63 369 196 173 19 20 67 66 22 3 113 77 575 Lohadri Tola 68 6 6 22 12 10 3 5 8 6

576 Bhaluha Khurd 318 35 36 162 76 86 30 32 23 42 36 577 Khoha 459 16 21 104 5'7 47 43 41 7 42 29 578 Bodaraha Po.To. 501 12 15 92 47 45 ., .. 47 43 3 ., 32 37 579 Khochipur P, 2,482 67 70 424 229 195 18 17 III 95 48 2 140 90 580 Jholoo Tola 1,134 33 33 170 78 92 78 92 3 59 66

581 Dadarikhur J P. 1,303 36 43 231 107 124 3 8 70 58 17 6 80 38 582 Barpan 418 10 11 64 31 33 17 10 I 18 15 583 Dol P. 1,617 61 77 400 206 194 ., " 46 27 33 1 131 113 584 Godaha TOla Po. 1,134 47 47 220 102 118 5 8 73 81 6 1 70 59 585 Mur Tilapa'llai P. 284 35 45 216 109 107 8 7 37 30 39 8 57 42

586 Kota Po. 654 21 31 160 77 83 39 39 19 42 9 587 Chauhani 374 9 11 69 42 27 .. 2 1 26 21 588 Dbnagawao 722 38 38 163 87 76 81 73 3 68 52 589 Nausa Po. 281 27 27 132 69 63 31 29 6 2 47 40 S90 Madwa 3,212 63 62 333 181 152 48 43 7 2 144 113

591 Kathariha 203 42 45 227 115 112 39 48 1 ., 73 62 592 Geduraha 763 19 22 109 53 56 .. .. 27 29 9 37 33 593 Ram Garh P. 202 128 128 599 328 271 8 5 134 120 47 5 190 139 S94 Manki Sar 212 22 22 109 66 43 8 6 1 12 43 33 595 Deochha P. 95 15 15 108 52 56 14 27 19

596 Hathinapur Po. 972 48 43 197 108 89 3 3 5 4 18 ., 64 48 597 Bamhani 1,931 190 208 1,.)11 561 550 106 109 129 149 66 1 363 250 598 Dhaokhori P. 780 68 77 447 226 221 23 17 151 140 19 133 72 599 Kasihawa 159 29 29 134 69 65 16 25 .. 9 45 38 600 Padkhuri P. 1,196 122 118 641 335 306 62 65 52 56 37 llS2 43 177


WORKERS Non------~---- ..... Workers L.C. n III IV V VI VII VIlI IX X No. r--.A._-., ,-_.A._"-\ ,-_.A._..... ,...---.A.-..... ,..---A---. ,.-":"".A.---, ,--.A._...... ,---"--..... ,...--.1'---..... r---A---, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 ·22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

1 1 2 3 2 551 15 5 14 6 3 .. 18 57 552 165 160 74 86 1 .. 6 4 3 144 151 553 225 94 57 69 2 I 14 7 9 10 240· 354 554 103 77 43 48 9 8 10 3 17 99 114 555

8 .. 8 7 , ...... 12 20 556 36 17 34 30 6 3 .. 2 .. 54 100 557 174 43 210 163 53 16 4 3 14 1 404 699 5S8 .. 15 ...... 18 24 5S9 64 27 57 47 8 75 23 3 8 6 11 6 136 206 560

40 17 17 14 " ...... 1 39 61 561 45 37 2 4 7 2 41 24 3 3 68 34 31 3 166 278 562 57 42 47 39 2 1 7 98 139 563 23 28 20 30 .. : .. 53 46 564 35 205 184 2 165 196 565

f.7 54 6 7 .. .. 104 J92 566 Ilg 81 30 28 2 17 6 12 8 44 19 161 223 567 40 30 38 44 2 3 5 .. 65 89 568 54 .. 48 112 16 7 13 3 100 III 569 44 47 5 8 36 40 570

15 .. .. 19 .. ., I. 12 17 571 79 46 24 2~ 15 10 3 82 97 572 7 2 6 7 3 1 13 18 573 68 29 38 46 5 2 2 83 96 574 6 6 10 575

26 17 16 19 . . .. 34 50 576 27 16 II 12 2 1 .. 17 18 577 26 32 4 5 ...... 2 15 8 578 95 64 15 16 8 9 22 1 89 105 579 46 52 3 13 II 19 26 580

36 8 31 27 9 2 2 2 27 g6 581 18 15 ...... 13 18 582 94 90 17 16 6 10 7 4 75 81 583 36 24 21 34 13 I .. 32 59 584 39 26 17 16 .. 1 52 65 585

20 I 22 8 35 74 586 26 21 . . .. 16 6 587 48 33 20 19 19 24 588 29 20 18 20 22 23 589 138 III 6 2 37 39 590

26 27 15 22 8 24 7 .. 6 42 50 591 17 14 13 14 4 5 .. .. 3 .. ., 16 23 592 72 53 94 81 8 2 16 3 138 132 593 32 28 5 5 6 23 10 594 21 18 6 I 25 37 595

55 38 6 10 2 .. .. I 44 41 596 254 144 94 102 3 6 4 1 5 198 300 597 87 39 40 33 .. 1 2 3 93 149 598 33 26 10 12 2 .. .. , . 24 27 599 136 23 30 16 3 7 4 2 4 153 263 600 178


Oecu- Workers Area pied Literate r----- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acreS ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,--_--A.__ ~ ,..---A._., r-~-""'\ ,-_.A._-, ,-.A.----, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

601 Kitahani 142 2 3 16 9 7 6 .. 3 .. 602 Banjari P. 1,189 107 114 628 338 290 22 29 85 74 55 21 210 118 603 Atraila 62 4 5 23 15 8 4 1 7 5 .. 9 5 604 Rojhaunba 386 27 27 154 81 73 12 14 15 22 9 4 48 27 605 Mauharia Kalan 562 35 34 253 131 122 59 70 8 3 28 5 69 37

606 Rampur 562 100 98 556 304 252 94 99 29 24 69 I 201 96 607 Bahera Tola West 1,078 36 36 166 85 81 6 3 41 37 9 2 54 53 608 Bahera Tola East 620 37 37 200 97 103 50 62 9 4 62, 59 609 Jamuniha Kalan 730 17 18 92 44 48 18 24 3 27 8 610 Jamuniha Khurd 336 8 11 43 23 20 8 8 3 20 11

611 Koodi 729 8 9 49 25 24 4 24 2 16. 7 612 Kochita 756 21 23 110 62 48 ., 3 48 6 .. 41 13 613 Chhuhiya 2.443 37 52 265 134 131 16 17 15 23 15 1 88 76 614 Majha Gawan 618 64 73 32 167 155 6 7 39 45 28 2 112 55 615 Karia Jhar 475 21 22 110 54 56 2 3 1 6 8 1 37 15

616 Dharahara Kalan 1,065 25 29 149 72 77 7 6 9 20 9 3 51 23 617 Burhgauna Po,P. 1,426 166 184 895 445 450 17 18 85 94 100 19 276 226 106 618 ~hwar PO,P,H. 1,406 158 174 870 431 439 10 16 109 152 28 233 157 619 kin Po,P. 2.205 263 279 1.375 688 687 128 J.03 120 62 118 14 389 277 620 Raghunathpur Po,P, 654 207 237 1,056 550 506 18 18 76 63 85 6 326 230

621 Majhiyar Il4 29 32 169 83 86 33 31 22 " 54 37 622 Murtala Kothar 788 80 95 464 242 222 17 16 69 70 69 4 131 97 623 ShivraJpur PO,D. 107 26 34 152 81 71 28 26 1 .. 38 2 52 26 624 Naurhlya Sajahaur Po,P. ],639 49 58 240 117 123 3 4 38 97 16 I 81 64 625 Jhala Po,P. !,145 122 148 681 338 343 43 55 65 68 52 10 200 90

626 Dithaura p. 1,639 134 156 844 404 440 26 22 48 40 76 3 223 170 627 Khaira Kothar p, 2,572 105 108 494 262 232 12 14 81 80 43 2 170 103 628 Bokaro Po,P. 1,765 60 62 293 156 137 66 48 17 I 106 77 629 Dudhmania 1,122 18 19 76 37 39 .. 13 18 2 1 21 25 630 Karondia 1,080 69 71 336 185 151 36 32 52 65 22 I 142 117

631 Mankisar 876 132 137 636 323 313 29 31 75 71 29 1 205 190 632 Deogarh P. 732 190 190 880 415 465 23 23 63 74 80 2 249 249 633 Obraha P. 556 118 118 561 268 293 42 49 63 68 37 162 145 , ...... , 634 Baudaha 203 .. .. . Uninhabited .. " 635 Khirkhori P. 462 ISO 152- 911 477 434 70 75 106 88 110 23 293 202 1 636 Chhirounbi 467 47 48 280 146 134 20 20 27 35 20 2 86 57 637 Baghwari 1233 110 112 637 312 325 58 60 142 137 23 6 175 143 638 Sukwarinorth Tola 271 22 25 116 55 61 21 31 3 5 20 9 38 23 639 Sukwarim::jhari P. ,509 60 67 332 175 157 ., 73 65 19 101 78 640 Mauharia Khurd P. 171 17 17 100 43 57 4 10 7 17 13 28 15

641 Darahawa P. 263 29 29 163 85 78 20 17 29 27 3 .. 60 31 642 Patehara Kalan 740 107 112 598 305 ' 293 19 18 56 48 54 9 193 165 643 Patehara Khurd P. 866 96 100 505 261 244 9 10 161 155 24 .. 147 99 644 Goriara 1.341 53 53 253 }40 113 102 84 17 3 89 74 645 Satnara Pawai 1,108 34 43 244 140 104 119 90 31 88 80

646 Satnara Kotbar p. 544 38 43 237 126 111 " 64 64 31 98 71 647 Amahawa (j69 17 20 89 50 39 .. 24 14 14 32 16 648 Gajaraha P. 452 12 16 74 37 37 23 23 6 23 20 649 Bamuri P. 2,577 77 91 436 228 208 148 154 21 138 89 650 Kolhua 868 21 23 117 51 66 17 II 2 41 38 179 GOPADBANAS TAHSIL

WORKERS Non- ______A ______Workers L.C. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No.

,,----A---. ,.-_.A.-"", ,.-_.A._-.. ,---"---"""\ r----.Ao--"""\ ,.--.A.--. ,.--.A.---, ,--.A.-, ,...-.A._, ,..---A---. M F M F M F M F M F M, F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

3 .. .. ., ., .. 6 7 601 132 78 42 31 26 6 6 1 4 2 128 172 602 4 3 3 2 2 ...... 6 3 603 18 6 21 19 8 1 1 1 33 46 604 56 32 13 3 2 62 85 605

115 67 28 26 3 10 2 45 103 156 606 27 24 24 29 2 I 31 28 607 10 7 50 52 2 35 44 608 17 .. 10 8 .. 17 40 609 9 5 5 6 4 2 3

16 7 .. .. 9 17 611 35 13 3 . , 3 .. .. 21 35 612 69 65 13 9 5 2 .. I 46 55 613 63 30 34 25 .. 13 2 55 100 61-+ 19 3 9 12 9 17 41 615

31 14 8 7 .. 2 12 ...... 21 54 616 138 129 46 49 31 31 36 6 1 1 24 10 169 224 617 68 20 103 125 21 3 5 4 6 4 30 1 198 282 618 153 92 151 168 50 .. 11 11 .. 7 6 17 299 410 619 206 151 50 57 32 7 8 9 1 7 6 22 224 276 620

23 9 23 27 6 .. 1 29 49 621 104 81 21 16 1 I 3 ,. 111 125 622 27 6 18 19 . . .. 1 · . 6 1 29 45 623 50 36 17 23 14 4 .. 1 .. .. 36 59 624 59 19 92 50 14 3 26 15 2 2 1 6 138 253 625

136 119 47 48 34 3 4 181 270 626 75 25 92 78 3 92 129 627 64 50 41 27 I 50 60 628 13 14 8 11 · . .. 16 14 629 133 103 1 1 3 8 10 43 34 630

118 76 54 95 29 18 4 118 123 631 135 138 106 102 6 9 I 166 216 632 131 115 29 30 2 106 148 633 ...... Uninhabited ...... , .. . . 634 132 84 19 18 18 3 3 18 10 4 77 75 184 232 635 .., 45 25 29 30 3 9 2 60 77 636 74 56 78 87 7 16 .. 137 182 637 14 4 5 19 16 3 17 38 638 49 37 41 36 .. 10 5 74 79 639 17 7 9 8 2 15 42 640

48 24 9 6 3 I .. .. ." 25 47 641 121 117 29 30 19 4 18 3 6 11 112 128 642 85 54 32 24 8 2 20 21 114 145 643 40 19 45 50 .. " · . 4 5 51 39 644 69 62 9 7 6 1 10 4 52 24 645

55 46 13 17 3 8 20 7 28 40 646 18 6 7 10 7 18 23 647 6 " 12 20 4 1 14 17 648 76 " .. 39 37 49 1 1 20 .. , 4 90 119 649 29 31 5 7 7 10 28 650 18~


Workers Name Area Occu- Literate r----- L.C. of Facilities in pied House- Total Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r---...._-~ ,r---.A.--'"\ r-_..J..-~ ,----'--...... ,...--A._~ P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

651 Sara Kalan P. 1,260 34 42 207 103 104 36 38 12 7 15 3 56 51 652 Sarokhurd 650 ]9 23 106 65 41 3 3 30 28 4 43 20 653 Roondo Tola 1,556 66 67 344 191 153 26 26 106 89 15 129 102 654 Pokhara P. 1,557 104 105 597 295 302 18 14 252 268 44 5 194 176 655 Bilarotola 1.841 67 70 343 170 173 66 52 7 127 122

656 Bharuhi 2,035 22 22 111 61 50 27 50 44 25

661 Chorgari Po,P. 1,nO 320 341 1.579 806 773 57 58 87 47 206 6 471 269 662 Lehasua P. 676 29 33 169 82 87 7 7 39 22 17 3 52 44 663 Agadal P. 938 57 60 331 179 152 33 37 37 54 31 " J06 86 664 Bardaila 1,058 33 36 ]63 89 74 10 6 ., 31 1 S1 37 665 Belkeshari Po. 464 6 7 31 21 10 13 II I 13 7

666 Bohariyatola Po. 106 IS 22 108 59 49 .. .. 26 33 25 I 36 23 667 Ram pur Po,P.M. 2,558 323 379 1,679 809 870 70 86 96 108 263 83 463 135 668 Khaitee 712 26 26 108 55 53 15 16 16 16 8 32 28 669 Ghunghuta 962 94 94 462 216 246 6 11 38 14 37 2 139 110 670 Jhagari P. 1,341 75 80 406 190 216 7 12 114 121 32 12 127 45

671 12 Kan Kati 1.962 9 9 12 12 " " 2 .. 672 Kathar P. 2,220 179 190 866 428 438 34 34 179 180 23 3 240 188 673 Ainthi 2.168 121 132 634 313 321 34 30 198 241 10 I 211 156 674 Bari P. 1,543 90 87 520 284 236 170 151 19 I 171 144 675 Gada Khob 158 ,. Uninhabited

676 Dewadand 817 21 24 124 60 64 1 3 27 33 3 36 37 677 Sukwarisouthtola 412 41 45 229 116 Jl3 15 18 97 41 20 75 38 678 Bariha "estoJai 493 6 9 44 21 23 13 14 5 13 13 679 Bariha 730 11 11 42 27 15 17 13 3 21 6 680 Barihaeasttola 658 4 4 37 20 17 .. 15 11 4 11 4

681 Karandiyatola 480 13 12 48 29 19 9 6 8 23 9 682 Nebuhaeasttola 518 16 16 73 42 31 29 29 6 21 4 683 Kathas P. 910 54 59 332 175 157 120 106 19 98 30 684 Itaunhi 789 18 19 92 52 40 50 40 4 36 29 685 Dondi P. 1,664 3-t 39 207 104 103 104 103 8 69 27

686 Jogibahara 467 7 7 31 11 20 .. ]I 7 3 11 9 687 Patna P. 514 82 84 440 210 230 JO 10 45 23 49 4 126 87 688 Sagoni Po. 221 39 44 229 108 121 34 35 1 16 20 6 48 32 689 Bharatpur M. 187 84 88 365 178 187 7 8 41 33 51 7 103 32 690 Kapuri Kothar Po. 367 42 48 237 121 1\6 31 23 24 25 40 6 68 24

691 Kapuriunmukta 614 36 42 214 105 109 34 29 31 1 63 43 692 Garhawa Po. 234 24 25 ISS 80 75 20 25 16 2 48 31 693 Agaharjaikar ansio,b 322 .. Uninhabited .. .. .' 694 Agaharbhimsiosh 318 6 6 30 14 16 8 4 9 2 4 6 695 Cband Reh P. 2,000 115 ]30 622 289 333 II 13 60 97 21 7 170 109

696 Gujared P. 2,589 148 164 745 353 392 8 9 101 102 38 :2 :2?t4 215 697 Anislaha p, 1,025 85 99 533 254 279 37 43 177 184 30 159 171 698 Taktaiya 545 48 53 218 ll6 102 6 6 34 27 26 1 80 59 699 Posta p. 828 147 158 762 389 373 39 46 263 257 33 2 279 250 700 Gaurdaba P. 1,318 149 151 700 359 341 30 38 189 190 32 3 221 17 181


______WORKERS A-______. __ --. Non- Workers LC. I II III IV V VI VII VIIJ rx X No.

,..---"---. ,..-_A---. ,..--A_-. ,.-~ ,.--A--. ,..---"--""'\ ,.-_...... _"",\ ,---"----. ,....--A----. ,.---"---, M F M F M F M F M F M, F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2B 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

37 34 11 14 7 3 1 47 53 651 22 11 10 9 10 " " 1 22 21 652 89 75 7 15 19 4 10 6 ., 2 1 2 1 62 51 ('53 165 162 2 ,2 19 ,. 1 10 7 2 101 126 654 70 98 10 5 25 10 21 9 1 43 51 655

36 18 8 7 17 25 656 31 19 15 12 2 20 39 657 21 8 5 .. " ,. 23 39 658 103 49 54 67 25 4 42 21 7 7 8 141 233 659 3 4 5 660

304 125 123 132 28 5 4 15 3 335 504 661 14 14 31 27 4 3 3 30 43 662 63 64 37 22 5 I 73 66 663 42 30 8 7 1 38 37 664 5 4 8 3 8 3 665

18 13 18 10 . , ...... 23 26 666 146 57 82 41 3 65 19 4 94 12 69 5 346 735 667 23 19 9 9 23 25 668 110 78 29 32 77 136 669 84 10 43 35 63 171 670

12 .. .. " .. .. 671 131 S3 90 94 16 II 1 188 250 672 141 56 52 97 IS 3 102 165 673 J22 105 49 39 .. .. 113 92 674 .. Uninhabited ., 675

25 ~6 11 II ., ., 24 27 676 35 13 29 :!,~ 11 2 41 75 677 5 3 8 10 ,. S 10 678 12 4 4 I 5 6 9 679 8 4 3 9- 13 680

12 3 ' II 5 6 10 681 16 5 4 21 27 682 61 9 22 17 II 4 4 77 127 61>3 28 29 .. 8 ., 16 11 684 45 23 13 2 8 2 2 35 76 685

5 () 4 3 2 . . .. 11 686 63 34- 45 45 9 8 5 2 2 84 143 687 26 18 15 14 3 4 60 89 688 67 6 21 20 1 5 6 9 75 155 689 39 29 24 53 92 690

38 22 18 21 6 42 66 691 31 14 9 16 5 3 32 44 692 " Uninhabited ., 693 2 3 2 3 10 IO 694 101 69 109 119 224 695

200 227 34 48 .. 119 117 696 150 160 7 10 1 9S 108 697 62 46 15 13 .. 3 36 43 698 245 227 24 23 .. 5 5 tIO 123 699 l!9 17 53 35 13 1 138 324 700 182


Occu-, workers Area pied Literate ,...----- l.c. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers(I-IX) ,....-__.A. __, ,--"--...... ,_...... --. ,...._ ...... _--, ,-----A_--, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17

701 Chhironhi 295 29 27 170 86 84 86 82 .. 44 43 702 Chakrod Po,P. 2,142 257 267 1,349 693 656 19 23 510 490 73 416 358 703 Kushamahar P. 7,010 245 278 1,405 702 703 4 7 577 578 70 4 430 426 704 Katarikandi 1,034 58 57 308 158 150 136 137 4 115 95 705 Chhiwalaha 1,131 44 44 218 115 103 85 78 1 79 65

706 Sapaniduari 304 . , Uninhabited .. 707 Moracha 1,778 22 23 86 52 34 1 36 29 1 35 21 708 Nebuhawest Tola P,M. 1,177 40 44 222 ] 12 110 9 5 64 56 7 6 67 17 709 Khoha (Gandhi gram) Po,P. 1,196 40 43 198 101 97 91 90 17 15 60 44 710 Bodaraha 349 14 14 81 34 47 8 15 I 2 24 25

711 Padkhuri PO,P. 2,104 97 122 586 290 296 21 22 98 116 17 4 174 161 712 Bishuni Tola 1,619 59 63 298 158 140 3 2 99 76 17 104 90 713 Bhatha 3,153 40 47 274 134 140 .. 63 68 II 90 33 714 Padari 4417 127 145 765 394 371 14 9 353 279 21 256 194 715 Pondi 4,674 84 85 496 251 245 167 186 29 163 148

716 Kharahana P. 585 56 67 385 200 185 20 22 15 10 30 2 ] 13 92 717 Khara 268 44 57 338 173 165 13 14 29 47 36 7 90 60 718 Raiduariyakalan P. 451 80 91 508 261 247 18 19 51 55 72 2 157 Il3 719 Raiduariyakhurd 354 24 28 184 92 92 8 5 12 23 32 I 63 31 720 Baraha Tola P. 187 25 28 176 88 88 18 17 17 6 57 43

721 ChobharajaiKaranSingh 329 4 4 23 12 11 4 10 8 722 ChobharavinayakSingh 435 11 II 48 23 25 8 15 13 723 Rakela 571 20 23 153 66 87 I 2 " I 18 38 1 724 Satobarj P. 692 85 88 512 241 271 52 52 15 17 16 113 42 725 Chauphal (Kotbar) 1,500 36 38 182 100 82 75 70 6 70 51

726 Lohara P. 369 15 21 108 57 51 57 51 4 37 29 727 Kathauli P. 1,044 65 68 327 169 158 123 108 7 112 H5 728 Pawaya West Tola 2.929 JO 10 45 20 25 20 24 18 14 729 Pawaya East Tola 1,589 Uninbabited .. 730 Bagaiha 534 31 30 158 84 74 6 6 43 37 48 43

731 Harbaro P. 3,646 141 155 888 449 439 26 28 239 333 56 8 274 267 732 Semariya Tola 1,861 44 48 283 160 123 3 4 103 90 4 .. 107 45 733 Bhainsaraha p, 776 160 174 842 422 420 28 30 27 28 64 6 236 160 734 Barhat Po. 598 42 43 235 125 110 20 12 45 . . 60 18 735 Gadaharakishor Singh 182 II 12 87 40 47 4 9 8 2 23 24

736 GadaharapratipaJ Sing 149 2 2 61 33 28 5 19 2 12 19 737 Paipakhar~ 106 5 6 33 14 19 6 9 8 738 Dhanesar 221 10 II 52 25 27 6 8 9 I 17 8 739 Amaha Tala 118 17 20 105 58 47 33 10 12 5 29 25 740 Chobharakhas 316 17 17 82 43 39 21 20 12 24 11

741 Shikarganj Po,P. 2,731 89 105 486 244 242 21 26 47 43 31 160 151 742 Kehenjuablock 5,598 Uninhabited .. 743 Bhuinyadol P. 317 76 80 392 216 176 5 2 55 45 18 144 76 744 DhanoKhar 136 2 2 11 6 5 I 4 .. 745 Dhanaha P. 2,493 259 356 1,628 891 737 54 63 339 323 124 14 524 197

746 Umariha P. 2.473 114 124 693 358 335 54: 59 180 179 28 2 212 162 747 Ahiran Tola 2,006 112 121 633 323 310 20 25 199 183 21 1 200 182 748 Chauphalpawai I Po,P,M,D 6,676 199 212 1,010 529 481 13 15 464 386 43 I 321 268 749 Bandi Tola 252 Uninhabited .. '750 KarahiyJ. 841 13 14 57 33 24 33 24 19 41 183


______WORKERSA ______~ Non- Workers L.C'. I II III IV V VI VII VIJI IX X No. ,-_J.._ -. ,--A._-. ,--..A.._...... ,_..A.._-. ,--J.---. ,...-_..A.._"""I r--..A..-"""I ,_.A._., ,-_..A..-_, ,_..A. __ ...... M F M F M F M F M F M' F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

44 39 .. 4 ., .. " 42 41 701 297 255 90 94 9 ]4 9 ] 5 277 298 702 320 314 88 93 1 7., 10 3 J1 9 272 217 703 ]03 90 9 5 "- 1 43 55 704 59 53 16 12 4 36 38 705

. . .. . , Uninhabited .. .. 706 12 4 23 17 .. 17 13 707 36 10 7 21 10 45 93 708 54 38 .. 6 6 41 53 709 15 16 9 9 10 22 710

136 34 38 127 .. 116 135 711 70 55 23 35 .. 10 I 54 50 712 64 27 II 3 15 3 ., 44 107 713 ! 12 65 83 118 24 5 34 6 1 2 138 177 714 120 104 20 22 17 8 2 14 3 58 97 715

61 61 27 20 JO 5 15 6 .. 87 93 716 44 32 22 18 6 2 7 8 4 .. 7 83 105 717 86 53 35 48 ., 3 9 7 ., 7 2 20 104 134 718 32 9 24 21 3 I I I 2 29 61 719 19 19 2S 24 10 3 31 45 720

8 7 2 2 3 721 15 13 S 12 722 " .' 36 I I ., · . I 28 86 723 117 28 12 9 2 5 1 ] 108 229 724 51 37 19 14 30 31 725

7 29 29 20 22 726 76 51 27 34 ., 8 57 73 727 6 4 9 10 3 .. · . 2 II 728 .. .. " Uninhabitd .. 729 35 13 43 36 31 ]30

225 226 37 32 .. 8 7 4 2 175 172 731 58 29 19 16 30 ...... · . ., 53 78 732 169 99 38 49 10 3 13 7 1 2 2 3 ]86 260 733 45 2 14 16 .. ] 65 92 734 15 15 7 8 I 17 23 735

12 j() .. .. 21 <) 736 5 X 1 3 5 11 737 14 3 3 5 .. ., 8 19 738 10 I 15 23 3 1 29 22 739 12 9 7 6 2 3 19 22 740

110 109 33 39 84 91 741 . 5 3 1 .. 9 . . . · . .. ., .. Uninhabited ...... 742 80 25 50 47 9 2 2 4 72 100 743 4 .. " .. . ., 2 5 744 309 · ...... 54 160 121 17 I 23 15 4 2 11 4 367 540 745 159 119 41 36 II 7 146 173 746 160 140 40 42 .. 123 128 747 208 158 92 102 213 748 II 8 " .. JO 208 · . Uninhabited .. . . 749 16 9 3 5 14 10 750 184


OCCUe Workers Area pied Literate ,.-----' L.C. Name of Facilities in Houe House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r----.A..---, ,.---"--...... ,---'---. ,..---...... --, ,.--"----. P M F M F M F M F M F t 2 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

751 Karl Mati 1,528 23 26 127 70 57 7 17 1 44 35 752 Tonadah 532 4 4 29 18 ' 11 18 11 1 13 9 753 Tilmani 833 23 23 126 63 63 S9 63 5 43 45 754 Baniya Tola P.M. 507 24 27 117 60 57 34 58 19 45 34 755 Masurihatola 473 10 10 47 25 22 17 18 5 15 14

756 Amilai P. 1,846 189 196 970 461 509 24 29 169 147 126 281 249 757 Gadahararagbobhansingh 582 43 47 227 115 112 18 20 81 17 JO 68 47 ,. 758 Bhitari 906 .. ., " Uninhabited . . .. 759 Bagadhkhas 332 44 45 226 HO 116 '7 '7 33 '7 26 74 64 760 Bagaddhabaiyatola Po,P. 1,333 112 133 778 399 379 47 43 49 45 83 26 251 152

761 Magrohar 1,120 23 15 85 42 43 40 36 .. " 28 21 762 Maura Fo,P. ],794 124 ]40 662 332 330 2 4 102 107 61 2 191 125 763 Badesar P. ],380 109 ]24 705 352 353 30 32 48 38 75 196 ]44 764 Chauganaha 312 21 25 187 85 102 1 I 11 54 46 765 Itaha 608 54 54 303 155 148 6 9 ]3 92 47

766 Mobani P. 533 125 142 613 301 312 51 56 41 38 63 2 160 88 767 Jamuniya No. J 74 11 9 46 24 22 6 10 I 6 2 .. 17 11 168 Charki 3,435 29 31 124 60 64 .' 60 64 4 1 40 4\ 769 Baram Baba 1,243 38 40 139 93 96 10 11 51 62 12 I 57 53 170 Charkipani 150 34 40 2}0 }03 107 91 100 17 74 73

771 Tegawa 5,318 49 56 318 167 151 ., llil 141 Il 116 101 772 Sirasi P. 8,564 109 120 658 345 313 57 61 191 170 32 226 120 773 Beldahi 625 .. " .. Uninhabited " ...... 174 Paipakhara 808 67 77 426 203 223 27 39 69 44 61 2 117 60 775 Khaddikalao Po,P.M. 415 130 146 762 387 375 12 13 47 49 140 10 221 72

776 Remari 211 87 88 407 203 204 32 22 62 5 114 45 777 Koniya 311 37 41 218 106 112 21 21 I 18 60 7 778 Jamuniya No.2 P. 1,529 82 110 487 251 236 30 38 55 47 39 3 138 101 779 Amahatola 835 23 23 131 66 65 64 65 4 39 38 780 Mala 1,145 3J 32 133 66 67 21 23 \0 42 29

781 Sarekhi 2,671 27 21 84 44 40 40 38 33 27 782 Khailasemar 442 10 10 49 23 26 23 26 1 16 13 783 SukhimalTabhagohar 1,329 63 64 292 146 146 .. .. 146 143 6 .. 94 82 784 Sendura PO,P. 1710 129 132 539 260 279 16 19 199 216 45 2 168 147 785 Kochila Po,P. 3.287 213 217 994 487 507 9 9 383 478 42 307 295

786 Dolkothar P. 891 52 52 250 121 129 93 104 16 )13 153 187 Do}pawai 238 7 7 41 18 23 17 19 3 12 1I 788 Mada Pani 731 20 21 95 52 43 39 34 11 27 24 7119 Ratwar P. ),847 107 104 581 290 291 . . .. 103 103 20 .' 168 ]38 790 Bajranggarb P. 914 56 61 320 166 J54 18 18 51 37 33 I 103 74

791 Khaddikhurd Po,P. 2,506 289 305 1,436 737 699 14 18 91 93 92 8 439 345 792 Rehunta 672 59 48 2S0 141 139 27 30 13 21 40 3 74 50 793 Baron P. 984 89 98 502 242 260 :'\9 46 13 15 37 3 145 115 794 Mahuariya 1,221 2 2 2 2 .. .. .' 2 795 Amjhar 3,650 65 65 276 138 138 130 122 18 87 91

796 Kirahatola 462 14 15 89 44 45 41 44 I 28 28 797 Ghurdand 465 20 24 117 56 61 .. 54 61 4 .' 35 35 798 Mungahatola 566 11 13 61 31 30 17 19 10 9 2 2 16 13 799 Rosar ],279 33 35 182 95 87 .. 9S 87 61 50 800 Bhagohar 755 42 42 228 114 114 7 6 70 tlJ \4 61 56 185


WORKERS Non- ______~------A------~ Workers L.C. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No.

(' __.A.._~ r--A.-~ r---A--. r--A.____ ,.---"----, r--.A..-. ,_.A.._-, ,_.A..---,,\ r-- ...... ---, r--.A..--, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37

27 17 17 18 .. 26 22 751 8 7 3 1 2 1 5 2 752 22 28 18 17 3 .. .. " 2() 18 753 26 23 4- 8 3 9 3 3 15 23 754 6 4 9 10 10 8 755

194 158 79 86, 6 5 ., 2 180 260 756 49 29 14 15 4 1 2 .. J 47 65 757 .. " .. .. Uninhabited .. . , 758 62 60 6 3 5 .. I I 36 52 759 156 80 33 54 24 4 23 14 6 9 148 227 760

28 21 14 22 .' " .. 761 115 62 66 60 6 3 4 )41 205 762 119 83 51 48 5 16 13 5 156 209 763 51 40 3 6 .. 31 56 764 82 36 8 11 2 63 101 765

70 32 60 45 14 11 6 10 141 224 766 6 2 5 7 4 2 2 7 11 767 33 31 7 7 " 20 23 768 23 22 18 29 10 2 4 2 36 43 769 24 30 25 38 24 5 1 29 34 770

99 88 17 13 .. ., 51 50 771 154 95 22 25 10 39 ,. .. I 119 193 772 . . .. Uninhabited , . 773 83 39 34 21 .. , . 86 163 774 115 24 68 4"., 13 7 18 166 303 775

77 18 25 22 8 5 4 89 159 776 33 2 27 3 .. 2 .. 46 105 777 84 45 51 52 2 4 1 113 135 778 21 31 7 4 II 3 ., 27 27 779 2j 15 11 12 8 2 I 24 38 780

21 22 5 3 6 2 I II 13 781 9 ') 2 4 4 .. I 7 13 782 59 63 22 14 11 I . ' .. 1 5 52 64 783 67 7') 43 48 22 21 16 6 1 9 3 92 13: 784 204 180 71 109 24 2 5 4 j 2 180 212 785

49 4:; 27 35 7 38 46 786 '! 8 4 3 6 12 787 19 19 5 5 3 .. 25 19 788 124 100 42 36 1 2 122 153 789 6J 34 31 29 11 11 63 80 790

267 228 93 98 18 48 19 13 298 354 791 51 34 21 16 ...... " 2 67 89 792 109 79 33 31 1 1 I 1 4 97 145 793 2 .. 794 66 64 21 27 51 47 795

17 25 3 3 8 .. . ' 16 17 796 19 23 3 3 3 1 10 8 21 26 797 5 7 4 4 3 2 4 15 17 798 35 33 II 13 15 4 .. 34 37 799 31 .. 38 13 15 S 4 3 ' .. 3 2 53 58 800 186 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Workers Name Area Occu- Literate r------LC. of Facilities in pied House. Total Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I·IX) ,-__.A. __ ...... ,-__ ..A.._...... -_..A.._...... ,--.A._...... r--...... _-...." P M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

801 Man Tola Po. 469 60 60 234 119 115 6 5 77 110 8 73 67 802 Kudin Tola 363 4 4 20 JO 10 .. .. 10 10 2 6 4 803 Chhiwa Lahawa 2,402 Uninhabited 804 Ghoghi 817 16 16 77 37 40 25 25 6 28 20 805 Shankarpur 881 10 11 34 14 20 2 4 3 11 12

806 Deorachh 594 Uninhabited 807 Sendhawa P. 2,699 86 87 458 224 234 .. 170 205 14 156 140 808 Gajari P. 4,538 248 250 1,226 627 599 23 27 380 346 68 9 385 285 809 Karahi Tola 2,056 40 42 251 124 127 124 126 74 80 810 Raksha Tola 669 --1.0 11 60 30 30 30 24 23 15

811 Kushiyara- 820 39 41 250 137 113 .. 137 113 5 76 64 812 Kham P. 2,007 61 67 361 175 186 3 3 19 2 7 110 87 813 Barmani p. 1,373 96 100 444 215 229 .. 190 157 29 132 I31 814 Badera 574 48 50 244 132 112 14 9 112 97 I 76 60 815 Thegarahi P. 768 53 54 264 133 131 5 10 77 104 14 79 75

816 Murkuda 939 38 38 188 98 90 ., 88 82 I 56 59 817 Andherigadai 1,918 42 47 207 106 101 4 96 100 3 65 57 881198 Darimakhas p. 2,363 71 73 358 175 183 150 143 37 100 8f) Lohjhar 1,805 18 18 124 68 56 ., 65 6 8 32 30 820 Bahera p. 4,969 68 71 374 181 193 25 36 156 136 27 132 137

821 Naurhiya PO,P. 5,161 273 280 1,327 679 648 49 48 422 393 52 380 229 822 Chunguna p. 4,197 114 118 519 267 252 48 48 200 200 31 148 165 823 Kotaro 2,040 56 56 255 142 113 8 5 87 6R II 96 67 824 Khantara P. 2,814 55 5S 39\ 197 194 2 4 74 62 12 136 133 825 Rupauli Rupaidol 1,497 41 41 204 106 98 91 96 78 71

826 Tilwari 1,968 66 66 322 157 165 3 4 10? 119 9 95 95 827 Karwahi P. 2,040 121 124 640 333 307 33 40 237 167 32 2 211 154 828 Cbhawari P. 1,909 8'1 97 489 230 259 6 3 210 230 12 150 148 829 Malwari P. 942 32 35 193 102 91 97 68 17 57 55 B30 SaJaiya P. 868 38 40 215 110 105 110 96 17 65 60

831 Ghusmania X06 40 44 244 125 119 .. 119 118 9 74 79 832 Barahi Tola P. 1,064 79 86 418 218 200 4 4 199 150 14 144 118 833 Udaisa P. 3,402 84 115 398 206 192 . . 206 192 18 126 117 834 Nachani Mahua 1,077 33 33 187 103 84 10 17 88 67 14 54 43 1135 AmakhoJi 574 33 33 144 72 72 63 62 8 46 44

836 Shikara P. 5,275 125 125 647 333 314 36 46 106 1D9 79 2 207 155 837 Chhirahat 3,313 12 12 74 36 38 35 38 2 24 75 838 Parsili P. 4,102 100 100 512 252 260 15 13 162 104 29 6 156 155 839 Karmai P. ;,725 183 185 898 445 453 8 7 367 350 35 lO 298 270 840 Baghalla 3.450 28 29 155 75 80 60 65 6 48 50

B41 Tala 798 678 842 PO,H. 2,485 450 456 2,630 1,161 1,269 45 63 496 592 l78 II Medara P. 733 82 81 453 231 222 ., .. 51 29 25 133 77 843 Chhuhi 293 282 844 1,561 188 18R 893 452 441 47 50 174 189 25 Pondisarsai 178 9 II 49 16 97 95 845 1.395 67 67 345 167 43 Gangai 1,438 I 32 155 84 71 45 53 20 5 41 35 846 Naro Po.P. 1.169 135 140 632 289 34, 6 11 59 78 16 2 189 2\3 1)47 Barseni p ., 138 130 848 2,129 94 103 439 219 220 45 44 124 121 36 Gijwar Po,P,M,H,D,M'P(O) 3,093 322 340 1,606 825 781 51 44 443 472 128 11 496 547 849 Kaprol;.; 4 850 452 6 6 28 13 15 ., 2 I .. 10 Bakawa p. 2,665 \94 204 908 440 468 31 32 338 36 1 287 314 187


______...... ______WORKERS_A ______~ Non- Workers I II ' III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. , No. ~ ,-_..A.--, ,--.A._-, r--.A.--, ,--.A._-, r---:.A.---,\ r-=.A.--, ,....._.A.~ ,....._.A.-., ,.-_.A._-, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

, 28 52 II IS, 7 26 .. 46 48 801 6 4 .. 4 6 802 . . Uninhabited .. 803 18 8 10 12 9 20 804 8 9 3 3 3 8 805 , .. ., , . Uninhabited 806 III 93 42 47 .. . , .. 3 68 94 807 276 209 67 59 9 2 22 12 4 .. 6 3 242 314 808 66 72 5 7 2 I 1 50 47 809 18 I3 1 4 2 7 15 810

63 60 2 2 II 2 61 49 811 95 80 12 7 .. 2 1 65 99 812 51 76 39, 13' 24 3 2 .. 83 98 1513 45 43 13 ~,~ 3 14 . ' 1 1 56 52 814 60 46 10 29 I 6 2 54 56 815

23 42 II 15 1 2 21 42 31 816 36 39 27 18 2 .. .. 41 44 817 78 71 16 9 2 3 75 103 818 29 29 3 1 ...... 36 26 819 95 100 6 11 15 2 15 24 49 56 820

254 131 112 98 11 .. 3 299 419 821 103 108 18 50 13 4 3 3 119 87 822 81 55 14 12 1 46 46 823 93 93 42 40 I 61 61 824 59 49 17 22 2 28 27 825

71 79 11 14 8 .. 3 2 62 70 826 125 109 48 41 19 16 3 .. .. 3 122 153 827 109 123 9 19 17 I 1 4 3 10 2 80 111 828 44 45 5 9 8 I 45 36 829 42 46 9 13 13 45 45 ~30

52 62 8 9 10 2 3 4 I 51 40 831 123 )07 14 9 2 3 1 74 82 832 99 100 12 13 2 3 I .. 12 80 75 833 46 38 3 I 1 5 3 49 41 834 38 42 8 2 26 28 835

148 113 30 35 13 II 6 "- 5 126 159 836 24 25 .. .. ., .. .. 12 13 837 98 86 42 52 6 .. lD . ' 10 7 96 IDS 838 177 188 80 65 17 5 7 5 5 12 7 147 183 839 31 43 17 7 27 30 840 , 465 397 240 260 10 43 13 .. 12 7 27 563 591 841 97 62 33 15 .. ., .. 3 98 145 842 237 231 13 23 2 35 25 4 3 2 159 159 843 87 85 2 6 8 3 70 83 844 23 Hs 9 13 9 4 43 36 845

170 lR5 7 21) 4 6 8 .. 2 100 130 846 82 79 22 26 27 1 2 20 4 4 .. 1 81 90 847 295 379 101 116 27 2 34 26 3 14 9 1 21 15 329 234 848 8 4 " 2 .. 3 II 849 164 175 113 131 9 Il 153 154 850 188


Occu- Workers Area pied Literate ,.---- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- holds Total Population Tribes Educated kers(I-IX) No. Village available acres ses ,.----.A.__ "",\ Castes ,....-A-""'\,....-A-""'\~~-.,....-A-""" P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

851 Dalapipar Po. 1,584 60 66 330 168 162 152 144 ., " 101 86 852 Chubahi P. 2,773 117 195 1,064 533 531 8 8 144 149 86 2 298 246 853 Amerhiya P. 587 100 100 610 324 286 73 114 32 193 138 854 Banjari P. 1,032 43 43 242 129 113 8 5 9 76 61 855 Chorwa P. 1,181 9 59 310 159 151 119 69 19 92 80

85b Dewai 537 13 99 463 224 239 28 30 101 110 26 144 74 857 Mudheria 848 17 116 545 275 270 32 22 20 J7 43 164 118 , 858 Piprar 225 . .. .. Uninhabited . . " " 859 Jamua p. 757 176 210 1,097 552 545- 24 22 136 152 90 302 45 860 KoJgarh Po,P. 171 49 57 259 132 127 75 50 19 80 8

861 Paniha ToJa 792 63 71 343 170 173 1 1 27 26 24 98 110 f!62 Dhangawan 340 52 57 352 17S 177 5 7 70 70 22 ., III 85 863 Silwar Po.P. 1,749 144 155 1,050 474 576 17 13 168 178 95 1 266 331 864 Sulkhan 813 " Uninhabited " 865 Dudhmania 277 " Uninhabited "

, , , 866 Akauna Ghorbandha P. ),208 .. . .. Uninhabited " .. " " 867 Kal"l:iwar P. 1,317 67 88 482 250 232 53 54 105 99 31 I 153 63 868 Parasi P. 1,076 59 67 395 206 189 7 5 115 122 30 1 112 61 869 Tikari PO,P. 1,884 113 131 720 349 371 62 60 133 139 1':0 (i 217 162 870 Cbamradol P. 3,359 139 154 880 405 475 47 41 93 112 25 2 244 211

871 Semariya Tola 1,416 11 51 255 131 124 10 10 86 81 12 79 50 872 Daraur 1, 193 4 69 379 192 187 .. " 91 97 14 .. 110 57 873 Pand P. 2,189 128 208 1,151 600 551 102 78 167 198 80 6 330 288 874 Bhainswabi Po,P. 771 151 157 769 402 367 14 10 67 147 51 6 239 218 875 Dangi Po. 577 1 8 36 15 21 9 ) 8 6

, 876 Lamipati 722 1 4 29 14 15 " . 8 10 I .. 9 9 877 Atraila P. 310 11 80 396 192 204 42 37 88 97 30 2 112 29 878 Paipakbara 180 2 2 12 9 3 2 7 879 Araji Belhai 131 4 4 21 9 12 .. 5

880 Barigawan 182 .. Uninhabited "

88) Pathraula Po,P, 522 180 198 968 477 491 " 25 29 70 8 286 12 882 Sahijanaha P. 1,500 192 213 1,050 522 528 31 25 99 84 50 5 305 278 , . 883 Hadwar Mahuaria 884 " .. .. " Uninhabited " ., . ' 884 Mauhariya 285 8 8 46 24 22 5 2 6 .. 13 11 885 Jadauri P. 359 24 26 139 68 71 50 66 4 I 39 32

886 Chauhan Tola 166 II II 90 50 40 12 13 22 29 14 887 Dharampura 29 2 6 22 12 10 10 3 6 5 4 888 Masuria 89 9 13 61 34 27 ,. , . 2 3 9 23 5 , , , 889 Moosamoodi 548 " " Uninhabited " . .. ,. 890 Bhumka Po,P, \,312, 81 87 519 239 280 5 8 76 191 22 151 198

891 Pondi 1,186 51 59 368 188 180 . , 21 14 21 127 116 892 Dhan8\l1i Po. 968 7 64 357 195 162 8 9 10 4 3 .. 121 80 893 Majhaulj Po,P,H,D, 770 471 528 2,822 1,444 1,378 59 64 72 78 418 49 843 390 Hos,MP,(O) 894 Kolama Po. 214 4 4 29 18 11 ., 5 7 1 895 Diyadol PO,P. 866 4 76 415 235 !80 6 4ll 125 99

896 Danga P. 1,500 114 280 1,447 727 720 27 36 146 J65 82 3 413 271 897 Khadaura p, 931 14 131 638 326 312 13 22 124 146 71 187 138 898 ) Belhai 352 I 9 5 4 " .. 3 I 899 Bania Tola Po. 271 35 35 172 89 83 0' 7 9 9 .. 54 2 900 Dadar p, 1.288 169 t97 998 499 499 35 33 85 80 87 8 274 89 189


WORKERS Non------~------~ Workers I 11 IV VII IX X L.c. III V VI VIII :-..,) _A_-, ~ r-""'____" r--"---. r---"---. r---"--...... ,-_ ...... --, ,-~A_--. r--...... --. r-_"""---' ,-- M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F /M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

83 75 6 8 12 3 .. 67 71i 85~ 57 45 18 16 I 53 52 X~4 89 75 5 3 67 71 X55

112 63 11 10 3 . . 10 I 3 .. 5 80 165 856 125 84 31 29 2 3 2 .. .. 3 I 2 III 152 N57 .. .. ., Uninhabited X58 .. ·. " 168 126 42 .. 7 I 250 500 1159 67 3 12 3 J 52 119 860 5 7S 85 18 23 ~ 2 2 .. .. 71. 63 861 67 44 23 31 17 5 .. · . 4 5 64 92 862 191 279 41 43 23 2 4 .. .. 9 5 208 245 863 ., Uninhabited 864 ., Uninhabited .. 865

...... , · . ., Uninhahited .. .. S61i 72 6 46 44 18 4 12 9 5 97 169 Xli7 80 35 32 26 ...... · . 94 128 868 146 3 49 157 5 .. 2 2 6 9 .. 132 209 869 141 150 30 26 21 2 26 17 26 16 161 264 870

46 21 24 29 9 .. 52 74 871 64 28 40 27 6 ...... 2 . . 82 no 872 ~87 133 83 132 .. 49 22 3 .. 4 1 4 2~O 263 873 103 96 118 122 1 3 .. 14 163 149 874 7 5 I I 7 15 875

5 5 4 4 . , ...... S 6 !l76 50 5 53 \6 6 4 3 4 80 175 877 7 2 3 878 5 .. .. 4 12 879 .. Uninhabited .. 880

255 2 19 9 .. 11 I 191 479 881 202 203 68 64 13 18 10 .. 4 217 250 882 .. .. Uninhabited . . . . 883 11 11 2 .. .. 11 -t1 884 12 11 15 2l II 29 39 885

17 7 7 7 5 21 26 886 3 ., I 2 .. 2 I 7 6 8tH 20 5 3 .. .. 11 22 ~88 .. .. Uninhabited .. . . 889 142 190 8 8 I 88 82 890

80 90 40 24 2 3 2 2 61 64 891 66 .. 50 78 .. .. S · . . . . . · . 2 74 82 892 456 212 127 123 10 2 56 26 99 17 4 91 10 601 9<18 893 6 .. I . . · . II 10 894 116 96 7 I I 110 81 895

338 202 64 63 8 I 4 3 I 314 449 896 120 III 4~ 47 5 4 2 9 2 3 4 139 174 897 I .. . . 4 4 898 44 2 10 ...... 35 81 899 191 6 1i8 73 8 10 2 5 225 410 900 190


Occu-i Workers Area pied Literate r------L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX ,.-___A ___-, ,.-_A__ -. ,-_ A_ -. ,.-_A_-. ,-_A_-. P M F M F M F M F M P 2 3 4 5 6 " 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 901 Bhedarhai 298 ]3 8 5 5 5 5 3 902 Hathgarh 198 Uninhabited 903 Taktaiya Kachahariya 385 12 14 81 40 41 4 21 24 904 Akala Tola Po. 1,455 21 24 116 54 62 I 33 29 905 Hadwar 367 2 2 10 6 4 1 6 2

906 Pondi 202 30 38 ]79 84 95 5 7 6 II 15 44 27 907 Gharbhara 177 14 24 101 56 45 28 25 9 36 26 908 Lidua Po. 323 13 ]5 96 47 49 10 II 10 8 15 4 26 8 909 Sher 81 24 26 138 62 76 11 10 45 59 2 39 32 910 Deori Po. 494 21 22 141 72 69 12 II 15 40 27

9lt Kamchar P. 670 33 37 246 127 119 .. 10 2 73 54 912 Bodaria Tola 2,894 109 110 612 274 338 IS 13 158 199 32 3 194 168 913 Barkadol 3.002 53 58 279 ]43 136 95 89 5 97 88 914 Bagahia To1a 1,031 131 22 101 52 49 42 4S 5 38 26 915 Teokar Po. 400 74 85 479 242 237 38 36 7l 7 116 49

916 Deori 726 92 100 583 278 305 14 17 I 7 42 2 159 22 917 Badwahi 936 3 44 237 120 117 68 47 17 76 52 918 Siroli P. 392 33 34 171 74 97 34 51 12 39 26 919 Sirall}a P. 1,932 89 98 485 233 252 6 6 94 92 42 3 131 38 920 Rampur :'i02 6 6 32 17 15 17 15 2 12

921 Nadaha PO,P. 186 74 78 438 200 238 .. 23 II 120 163 922 Sonwarsa Po. 443 45 68 332 177 155 29 66 14 3 95 81 923 Nargi Po. 350 12 13 95 55 40 .. 3 3 33 2 28 I 924 Mahkhor PO,P. 1,324 114 127 633 332 301 5 5 44 39 63 3 198 134 925 Nidhpuri 875 28 34 IS6 96 90 5 2 40 39 21 62 46

926 Khamchallra P. 1,583 60 68 436 215 2'"~I 15 12 175 103 40 12 151 927 Nebuha P. 1,947 116 120 62? 307 315 4 2 104 112 21 3 281 178 928 Jamua P. 1,289 101 103 513 263 250 10 8 115 116 32 4 101 12 929 Thonga 1,588 52 58 357 184 173 27 22 128 124 2 134 71 930 Iowa 1,970 32 33 198 100 98 70 64 6 11 34 6 931 Hingmania 408 15 16 92 50 42 47 42 32 II 932 Chandohidol 1,314 28 28 125 66 59 55 46 50 H 933 Amoharadol Po 824 3 3 17 8 9 6 5 934 Amahiya Po. 265 41 43 199 103 96 13 60 53 935 Sondhiya 146 30 37 163 86 77 19 15 30 25 11 51 -l6

936 Chamrohi 220 9 13 49 27 22 .. .. 9 16 10 937 Majhagawan 697 74 87 400 206 194 15 13 81 78 28 122 102 938 Ghorpara 209 ,. Uninhabited .. .. 939 Hinauta 380 10 10 51 21 30 10 II 7 940 Juner 315 5 5 23 13 10 2 6 6

941 Dhanser P.M. 387 75 84 357 176 181 53 2 92 23 942 Dhuandol 562 116 133 678 343 335 58 56 30 28 41 8 197 165 943 Bhadaura P. 534 125 III 637 332 305 16 170 164 944 Shankarpur Harrai 446 52 55 339 172 167 13 17 125 115 44 98 J.,OO 945 Gotara p. 1,911 115 142 704 348 356 53 56 ,78 86 40 251 254

946 Mazaradim 2,\75 11 Ii 88 47 4\ 4l 38 4 28 26 947 Pidaratal 2,445 13 13 77 39 38 33 27 5 23 21 948 Saraiyadol }'249 65 79 343 172 171- 11 10 74 70 3 105 14 949 Karwahi 1,910 Uninhabited. , 950 Birchllii 3.861 Uninhabited .. 191


______WORKERS..,/1... ______...... Non- Workers II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X l.C NlL ,..-J'---. r~ r-.A..-, ,--.....___, ,--A_,","\ ~-.....___, ,--A_,","\ ,--A_-, ,--.A.._., ,--""'---, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

4 3 Uninhabiued .• 3 2 901 .. ., 902 21 24 .. .. · . 19 17 90.\ 30 27 2 I I I 21 33 90-l 6 2 2 905

36 5 8 22 40 68 90tl 22 14 14 12 20 19 907 12 ., 14 8 . , " .. .. 21 41 908 8 7 8 10 9 5 6 9 9 23 44 909 22 18 27 32 42 910

50 42 12 12 11 :4 65 91 [ 124 113 54 53 15 2 80 170 912 51 35 45 53 1 46 48 YI3 24 11 14 15 .. 14 23 914 96 36 19 \3 I 126 188 915

124 3 29 19 6 .. 119 283 916 49 37 2 2 11 4 14 8 44 65 917 29 16 9 10 .. 1 35 71 918 96 8 27 28 7 2 I ]02 214 919 10 2 5 15 920

109 83 2 77 4 2 3 3 80 75 921 67 54 19 24 5 4 2 82 74 922 22 . . 6 I ...... 27 39 923 151 112 23 20 6 I 4 3 II 134 -167 924 39 27 20 18 I I 2 34 44 925

133 109 49 42 .. 33 70 926 132 116 66 62 3 106 137 927 77 2 44 10 6 .. 4 132 238 928 84 57 15 14 15 70 102 929 54 27 7 7 39 64 930

20 .. 12 11 18 31 931 31 15 19 19 16 25 932 6 5 . . ., .. .. 2 4 933 34 22 51 4 2 .. 43 43 934 12 30 44 9 2 35 31 935

i6 9 . . 1 .. · ...... II 12 936 40 67 96 10 6 Uninhabited .. 5 84 92 937 .. .. 938 II 2 5 10 23 939 6 6 7 4 940

76 10 12 12 .. 2 1 2 84 158 941 114 102 58 56 7 2 10 5 8 146 170 942 110 102 31 38 6 2 5 7 18 15 162 141 943 71 77 27 23 .. .. 74 \ 67 944 226 232 19 22 4 2 97 102 945

12 II 16 15 19 15 946 23 21 .1. " · . 16 17 947 48 50 10 7 4 .. . . 67 157 948 Uninhabited .. 949 Uninhabited .. 950 19j


Decu· Work Area pied Literate ,---- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r---'---...... r-_...... ~ ,....._A_ ...... r_...... -~ r--.A.-..... P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 116 17

951 Narainpur 2,596 4 3 4 4 4 4 .. 952 Madwas Po,P. M. 6,287 282 325 1,493 679 814 45 51 237 258 183 22 437 376 953 Amha 363 33 35 165 88 77 26 23 2 54 50 954 Dhanaur 429 1 1 8 5 3 5 3 2 I 955 Samda 793 ]3 13 14 14 14 7 14

956 Jhapari 663 43 46 249 132 117 3 2 116 121 7 77 72 957 Khajuriha P. 1,269 61 65 316 164 152 14 IS 13 12 17 90 39 958 Katarwar 1,381 116 86 410 216 194 14 15 5S 31 6 115 74 959 Darima 560 4 3 13 6 7 3 3 960 BaJwai 2,315 20 17 108 57 51 2 26 28

961 Pondi 978 7 7 36 17 19 8 II 8 962 Dhoomadhol 505 7 7 40 20 20 lO 20 I 13 7 963 Goendwar 1,393 4 6 21 9 12 4 8 6 3 964 Khaira 3,243 g 8 33 17 16 15 16 2 13 I 965 Baherhawa 1,893 4 4 22 10 ]2 9 9 I 7 4

966 Kanjara 4,108 ' 6 6 18 13 5 .. 11 I 967 Umaria P. 10,764 92 92 506 258 248 120 8 181 16S 15 164 116 968 Piprahi 1,818 26 28 124 60 64 60 64 1 33 S 969 KUdaria 831 19 20 76 39 37 3 10 4 26 970 Matkhaniya BasehidoJ 3,505 6 7 29 21 8 7 2 I 15 971 Merhaki 4.577 18 18 71 37 34 ., 2 28 972 Bhajigaon 8,079 .. Uninhabited .. 973 Barakadol P. 4,078 36 38 221 III 110 .. 107 110 15 70 58 974 Khokharamajra Tansar 296 Uninhabited .. 975 Khokharamazra lro Uniohabited ..

976 Khokhara 2,646 58 63 312 151 16] I 96 104 4 102 78 977 Rampul 2,459 38 38 252 123 129 17 21 81 95 13 72 46 978 Dadariha 461 21 24 158 76 82 .. 73 RO 48 47 979 Guruadhar J.l93 62 62 392 205 187 27 17 80 76 2 139 81 980 Duari Kalan P. 5,446 49 49 249 142 107 136 86 5 83 25 981 Duari Khurd 1,614 12 12 80 41 39 19 23 27 12 982 Badiya 2,483 4 4 17 9 8 2 7 I 7 3 983 Baheradol P. 3,078 30 33 167 91 76 3 25 28 5 47 984 Magara 2,524 . , Uninhabited , . 985 Biraura 2.838 23 22 106 60 46 ..." 2 41 29 7 32 32 986 Dhupkhar P. 3,753 103 103 577 298 279 7 5 219 274 23 190 177 987 Tansar P. 4,360 96 96 520 273 247 14 14 237 221l 17 174 153 988 Tharipathar 3,262 62 62 303 167 136 155 134 II 103 30 989 Chingawah P. 3,604 57 57 317 162 155 3 4 80 83 I 112 108 990 Bitkhuri 1,834 29 29 181 88 93 88 1)3 2 67 63

991 Kanchanpur 2,541 14 14 83 45 38 37 29 2 29 21 992 Ramgarh 3,383 21 22 81 41 40 9 10 31 26 25 993 Bastua 2,931 52 57 296 150 146 3 3 135 122 6 104 86 994 Nawanagar 2,159 6 6 38 21 17 21 14 2 15 6 995 Sajadol 1,806 36 36 161 76 85 3 3 73 82 10 50 35

996 Changohar 3.568 37 32 171 82 89 6 27 6 49 61 997 Kharsauti 2.556 18 10 51 29 22 2 2 I 21 12 998 Kharwar 3,137 27 27 139 77 62 77 43 1 5-1 23 999 Lawahi 5,424 25 25 139 67 72, 33 61 I 44 19 1000 Pankhorll 3,228 15 15 59 31 28 31 28 20 II) 193


Non- ___ ---~----______WORKERSA ______~ Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X LC. .-_..A._....., No. ,.._.A-_-. .---.A.._-. .--"---. ._A~ .-_A_-. ,--~A::::r-. .---"---. .-_.A.._-. r_.A.--. M F M F M F M F M F M' F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

4 . , ...... 951 175 141 134 199 42 5 31 17 5 14 10 35 3 242 438 952 41 30 13 20 34 27 953 2 1 3 2 954 14 955

39 31 72 3 2 1 I 55 45 956 45 .. 40 39 .. 2 I 2 74 113 957 77 2 18 28 .12 3 6 5 2 36 101 120 95R 3 2 1 3 4 959 26 28 31 23 960

8 6 3 .. 2 6 11 96! 10 7 2 1 7 13 962 5 3 1 3 9 963 13 1 4 15 9Il.J. 7 4 3 8 965

2 1 .. ., 9 .. 2 4 %6 III 86 40 24 11 6 2 94 132 967 19 14 .5 27 59 96R 12 5 9 ., 13 37 91i9 11 3 1 6 8 970

13 15 .. 9 34 971 ...... , Uninhabited .. . . 972 56 47 13 II .. 41 52 973 Uninhabited .. 974 Uninhabited 975

60 41 39 37 , . 2 49 83 976 53 41 11 5 7 I 5J 83 977 41 31 7 16 .. .. 28 35 978 90 42 36 34 .. 13 5 66 106 979 71 21 5 4 2 5 59 82 980 27 12 14 27 981 6 J " .. 2 5 982 25 19 2 .. 44 76 983 ., ., " Uninhaoited 984 28 23 3 9 28 14 985

175 158 8 19 5 ., 2 108 102 986 130 126 32 25 8 I 3 99 94 987 69 22 3 ! 8 3 64 106 988 108 103 4 5 50 47 9&9 63 63 4 21 30 990 29 21 .. 16 17 991 4 .. 14 ., 3 4 16 40 992 91 73 9 10 3 3 46 60 993 15 6 .. '6 II 994 46 15 3 20 .... 16 SO 995

43 56 6 5 33 28 996 16 12 4 I 8 10 997 38 17 II 6 2 26 39 998 37 19 .. 7 23 53 99~ 15 12 5 4 II 12 1000 194 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Occu· Workers Area pied Literate ,---- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total War No. Village available acres sel holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,-___.A. __, ,....--"-_-. ,-_.A.---. ,_.A.---, ,.... _ __'__-. P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

JOOI Gijohar 3,314 18 19 84 50 34 34 22 2 25 20 1002 Pondi P,D. 2,802 86 91 497 262 235 12 16 199 193 34 175 110 1003 Duhkurlya 435 20 24 ]05 57 48 57 48 6 35 28 1004 Amgaon 2,892 42 42 204 114 90 102 77 5 75 52 1005 Karonti p. 2.807 61 65 269 139 130 108 102 5 91 ]2

1006 Kamachh P. 1,798 57 63 294 154 140 6 6 ]31 120 16 99 26 ]007 Dharmduari 423 9 9 36 18 ]8 II 12 14 10 1008 Duari P. 2,610 72 65 332 186 146 177 139 13 ~1l4 90 1009 Kadar 3,655 77 70 329 155 174 138 )62 ]4 ..J106 95 1010 Bbagwar 1,335 12 9 55 27 28 13 11 5 11 2 15 JJ lOll Kushmi P. 4,809 144 129 648 327 321 14 7 189 282 56 2 216 132 1012 Bhamar khoh Block 3,507 .. .. Uninhabited .. .. ., 1013 Bhamarkhob ],553 23 ]4 93 45 48 .. 45 38 .. 27 29 1014 Dehawa p. 10,]22 74 74 364 179 185 19 20 87 86 15 111 78 1015 Dokarbandh 1,196 .. Uninhadited .. ]016 Deomath 3,641 30 30 140 79 61 3' 2 46 37 7 50 22 ]017 Kota P. 3,152 122 97 430 217 213 9 9 70 66 6 141 15 1018 Khairi P. 2,085 53 43 208 113 95 45 35 24 24 1 60 1019 Haiki 3,038 26 17 94 46 48 29 36 1 32 5 1020 Amjhar 8,869 1 1 I

1021 Tilaya 3,228 19 18 85 48 37 21 25 33 2 J022 Tirchuli 2,797 6 6 35 16 19 16 12 10 J023 Ladgarh 446 6 6 26 15 15 8 .. II 1024 11 " Medara P. 5,226 146 151 858 419 439 5 6· 331 378 43 3 274 50 1025 Badwahi 2,966 70 54 269 138 131 122 108 15 1 82 67 )026 Songarb P. 2.874 60 59 350 J78 172 177 172 19 119 128 1027 Deori 908 76 76 396 175 221 173 209 6 114 135 1028 Gaibata p. 897 54 58 92 81 1029 276 139 137 10 12 102 92 15 I Bhuimand P. 795 125 129 671 338 333 62 71 185 179 85 5 211 171 1030 Ghuria 1.801 15 17 76 41 35 39 35 23 24 1031 Bhamaraha 1,483 1 I 3 2 1 2 t 2 1 1032 Tala )033 1,329 12 25 162 77 85 .. 35 15 .. 45 22 Rauhal P. 2,753 74 74 412 226 186 30 20 160 132 6 107 5 1034 Kotma 12 15 1035 1,019 12 56 28 28 11 2 .. 16 Naurhiyadewartb P. },470 66 58 283 137 146 9 8 17 1 80 62 1036 Baigama 4,060 34 28 lIS 65 50 .. 60 47 2 47 34 1037 Songarhblock " ., 963 .. " .. Uninhabited ...... 1038 Ghatitola 38 36 1039 1,203 25 25 111 54 57 53 57 1 Bootoo 865 13 13 26 16 15 1040 53 27 24 21 2 Khamgarb 255 11 11 44 20 24 10 16 5 14 18 1041 Majhauli 76 6 11 23 19 4 .. .. 4 4 5 14 2 1042 Keraha 104 .. 1043 . . " .. Uninhabited .. . . Kathautia 405 18 23 99 46 53 20 14 15 27 36 1044 Karail 1045 947 18 20 101 54 47 54 47 35 27 Machharkata 1,021 7 8 35 20 15 8 8 4 12 II

1046 Kas Khera ., 1047 515 ...... Uninhabited .. .. Piparaha 491 20 14 76 41 35 36 35 .. 28 1048 Harraha 16 731 34 29 133 78 55 " 47 12 7 42 1049 Naganna ., 1050 2,046 .. " Uninhahited .. . , .. Gajar 3,043 31 37 1'71 100 91 85 8 12 63 195


______WORKERS..A.. ______Non- Workers L.C. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No. ,_J,._ ___ ,_...... _. ,_..A.. ____ ,--"-- """' ,---"---. ,-~ ,--"---, r---..... -. ,---"--. r--...,A_-~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ,29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

9 9 6 7 10 4 . 25 14 1001 87 47 51 56 14 7 4 16 3 87 125 1002 26 23 6 4 2 1 1 n 20 10()3 68 48 6 4 .. 39 38 lOO,l 58 6 22 4 2 2 9 48 118 1005

65 20 20 6 4 4 6 55 114 1006 J3 10 1 4 1007 96 89 13 I 4 72 56 1008 76 73 28 22 1 49 79 1009 9 6 4 2 3 2 12 17 1010

155 105 25 9 7 :; 6 .. 10 17 12 111 189 1011 .. .. Uninhabllt d . . 101.! 21 25 1 2 3 4 18 19 1013 82 49 16 21 4 Ii 7 .. 3 6~ 107 1014 Uninhabited . , 1015

41 18 3 8 29 39 1016 91 49 15 I 76 198 1017 32 17 11 53 95 10!R 16 16 14 43 1019 1020

17 2 14 2 15 35 1021 7 1 2 6 19 1022 8 3 " 4 11 1023 156 63 6 4 4 II 47 31 145 389 1024 45 3~ 26 29 4 3 4 56 64 1025

100 II .. 14 8 2 5 1 59 44 1026 l'6 107 25 28 3 61 86 r027 61 56 10 14 .. IS 7 3 4 47 56 1028 145 113 52 Sg 3 3 2 6 127 162 1029 18 22 5 2 18 II 1030 2 ...... 1031 21 I 2 21 22 32 63 1032 61 2 29 2 7 () 4 119 181 1033 16 15 .. 12 13 1034 43 37 25 24 5 5 1 57 84 1035 34 30 9 4 4 .. . . 18 16 1036 .. Uninhabited 1037 24 28 14 8 .. 16 21 1038 6 10 5 3 2 3 2 10 12 1039 8 11 6 7 6 6 1040

9 2 2 .. . . 3 5 2 1041 Uninhabited . . .. 1042 19 23 8 13 19 17 1043 17 15 4 2 14 10 19 20 1044 5 5 2 5 6 8 4 1045

Uninhhllited .. 1046 17 11 13 35 1047 22 18 16 2 .. 36 39 1048 Uninhabited . . .. 1049 42 5 9 5 2 37 9\ 1050 196 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Workers Name Area Occu- Literate ,----- L.C. of Facilities in pied House- Total Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r---.A-.---, r--_A _"",\ r--A _"",\ ...---...... ---. r------. P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

1051 Naurhiya P. 3,214 43 36 206 97 109 92 107 2 51 6 1052 Manmari 2,906 7 6 37 20 17 20 14 5 11 9 1053 Majhagawan 898 18 19 79 38 41 35 41 2 25 23 1054 Beldiha P. 1,164 30 30 138 62 76 .. 56 73 3 46 49 lOSS Cbitroli 2,919 33 33 172 95 77 5 2 89 75 1 75 48 1056 Semara 1,772 50 50 219 101 118 104 92 7 77 85 1057 Chandarsa 932 16 17 90 42 48 .. .. 42 48 I 31 34 1058 Macherhi 754 12 13 48 22 26 3 3 18 23 2 16 18 1059 Bendo 2,485 12 12 8~ 48 37 48 37 3 22 19 1060 Nag Pokhar 946 62 41 218 110 108 107 102 6 70 28 1061 Dadar 655 87 52 244 133 111 6 5 112 87 2 .. 77 15 1062 Lurgbuti No.2 P. 3,865 83 64 302 157 145 124 114 13 1 98 66 1063 Bootandol Chbatadbar 14,842 ...... Uoj nhabited .0 . . . . 1064 Phulwa 2,759 25 25 142 75 67 o. 12 41 • 0 1065 Juri P,O. 10,329 119 126 646 326 320 156 147 4 215 163 1066 Sohira 1,619 3 3 14 7 7 7 7 5 5 1067 Chokari 4,773 30 30 158 79 79 76 73 2 64 59 1068 Bandhadol 2,158 2 2 6 4 2 4 2 00 3 2 1069 Keshlar P. 3.751 42 49 195 90 105 90 7l 10 59 62 1070 Khamharia P. 222 17 17 78 41 37 38 37 7 21 17

1071 Gadwahi 3,480 17 17 82 39 43 .. o' 20 23 4 21 20 1072 Dighara 1,948 8 11 49 26 23 7 6 19 14 21 12 1073 Ghor Bandha 1,321 .5 5 24 15 9 .. o' 13 9 II 6 1074 Hardi P. 1,687 84 53 333 170 163 21 16 131 133 16 117 43 1075 Lurghutinol P. 2.478 72 50 254 135 119 5 7 85 64 2 84 52

1076 Saraidol 2,062 16 9 51 27 24 .. .. 27 24 . . 15 .0 1077 Roonda P. 5,258 55 55 268 142 126 4 3 135 90 14 93 92 1078 Chaphal 288 7 5 23 12 11 12 II .. 7 o' 1079 Harrai P. 1.535 59 60 235 )16 119 102 107 4 89 80 1080 Jawari Tola 706 20 20 75 41 34 37 31) 5 31 23 1081 Belgaon 1.178 9 9 46 26 20 26 14 12 16 1082 Arnaradandi 2,073 4 4 31 17 14 16 13 10 9 1083 Tala 1.370 42 25 108 59 49 48 40 6 39 13 1084 Sarsai 2.235 1 I 2 I I .. I I .0 I 1985 Kundor P. 7,502 160 97 555 282 273 15 13 224 219 3 174 12

)086 Sonahari 1.186 .. .. Uninhabited .. 00 .. 1087 Bhadaura P. 4.797 76 67 375 201 174 12 9 109 80 15 106 92 ]088 Bhainswahi 5,285 26 25 121 64 57 10 13 43 34 1089 Puraindol ],640 14 13 74 34 40 32 18 21 24 1090 Bela Tal 1,358 20 20 112 53 59 53 57 31 34 1091 Amrola P. 6.732 34 34 176 95 81 4 4 47 67 2 60 55 1092 Kewati 761 7 7 36 18 18 18 18 I 15 13 1093 Kurchoo 6,102 38 38 212 104 108 83 90 1 66 62 1094 Ketar Khurd 458 5 5 28 12 16 .. 5 7 13 197


WORKERS Non------~------, Workers I II III IV V VI VII VllI IX X L.C. No. ._ A r- -. r , r-. , , • r--"--, ~= .... , .. ., r--.A.~ r-.-..A.--, r--.A.--, M F M F M F M F • M F M, F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 33 .. 14 6 3 46 103 1051 9 7 I 2 I 9 8 1052 20 18 5 5 .. 13 18 1053 26 28 16 21 4 16 27 1054 71 46 4 2 20 29 1055

56 61 15 15 5 9 24 33 1056 25 29 6 5 II 14 1057 I3 16 2 2 .. .. 6 8 1O~8 17 9 5 9 1 26 18 1059 53 19 17 9 40 80 1060 70 15 7 .. .. 56 96 1061 67 38 26 28 5 59 79 1062 .. Uninhabited .. . . 1063 34 4 .. 3 .. .. 34 67 1064 137 121 37 42 21 19 1 III 157 1065 5 5 2 2 1066 55 53 7 6 2 15 20 1067 3 2 .. 1 .. 1068 43 40 15 22 1 .. 3l 43 1069 9 6 6 9 3 2 3 20 20 1070 16 15 3 4 2 18 23 1071 9 3 to 8 2 5 11 1072 7 5 4 1 4 3 1073 106 39 11 4 53 120 1074 59 7 25 45 51 67 1075 15 .. .. 12 24 1076 62 68 25 24 5 49 34 1077 7 ., .. 5 11 1078 50 37 39 43 .. 27 39 \079 19 15 11 8 I 10 11 1080 8 11 3 5 14 4 t081 8 8 2 1 .. , .. 7 5 1082 28 7 11 6 20 36 1083 .. 1 1 ...... 1084 127 42 12 5 108 261 1085

.. ., .. Uninhabited .. . . 1086 89 92 11 6 9S 82 1087 39 34 4 21 23 1088 19 21 2 3 15 16 1089 21 24 10 10 22 25 1090 57 52 2 2 .. 35 26 1091 9 9 5 4 .. .. 1 3 5 1092 52 48 3 4 11 10 38 46 1093 7 13 5 3 1094 198



Serial Name of Village Location Serial Serial Name of Village Location Serial No. Code No. No. No. Code No. No. 1961 1951 1961 1951 I 2 3 4 2 3 4

A 31 Baheri 14 10 ']2,7 221 J Agarhwa 101 1I0 32 Bahera 2 Ajgura 333 322 33 Baherbadand 280 273 1 Kherwari tola 34 Baheraha 420 425 3 Akla 90 87 1 Khoraito/a 42 4 Akori 262 248 35 Bakiya 39 S Amo 347 275 36 Bakhul 499 428 1 Sihartola 2 Dharkarantola 1 Chheoliyatoill 3 rhunhanar 4 PlIrbgadaitola (j 286 Amachuwa 193 37 Balakhand 97 ]8 7 Amapadri 139 187 38 Bamhni 264 284 8 Amhatola 523 522 39 Bamhandewa 103 99 9 Amilihwa 220 122 40 Bamhani (Madwa) 400 435 10 Amlakpur 419 sao 41 Bandha 321 467 n Amrapan 148 137 1 Badabandha 2 Eai::aria J2 Amsi 174 117 42 Baghwa (Bordi) 105 171 13 Anjani 417 366 43 Barka 463 512 14 Andhiyaria tola 464 439 1 Barkitola 2 Lamipati IS Ataree 492 495 44 Banjaree 516 485 1 Purab lola 2 Barbaspura 1 Chokilola 2 Dakshintola J Hundihwa 3 Purablola 16 Atarwa 354 231 45 Banjaria 39 66 17 Atrela (Deora) 89 98 46 Banjari (Deora, 71 113 18 Atrela (Rajshat) 24 84 47 Bardi 96 170 1 Manpura B 48 Bora 98 73 49 (Kyotili) 51 38 19 Bachhnar(Bagdara) 9 1 Banyantola 1 Ajgarwa 50 Bargara 66 104 20 Bachhnar (Chakaria) 376 324 51 Bargawan (Khadaura) 346 21 Bargawan (Daga) 449 393 52 Bargari 79 105 1 Padahatola 2 Mai,hatola 53 Barokhar 409 398 22 Badram 45 59 J Bairaniato/a 23 Barbat 123 ]68 54 Bargar 252 318 1 Mudpela 2 Napsawa 1 H arrahwatola 2 Lokaitola 3 Pashchimto/a 55 Bargawan (Bardi) 157 204 24 Bagdari 33] 374 56 Bargawan (Pondi) 302 373 1 Judni 2 Jardaha 57 Barbatola (Suda) 207 124 3 Kherll'ari katra 4 Musa/manitola 58 .Barkur 163 153 25 Bagdewa 126 100 59 Baronia 415 396 26 Bagdara 9 t 1 Hanumanganj 2 Darbaribali J Naudihawa 60 Bairitola Kalan 200 301 27 Bagdara Kalan 154 146 Bairitola Khurd 201 302 28 Bagdara Khurd ]55 61 62 Baudihar : 221 m 29 Bagaiya 258 317 63 Barhati 395 350 1 Thegraha 2 PiparhwQ 375 64 Barwatola (Nayanagar) 284 3 Barhawalo/a 4 Paliatola 65 Barahpatia \ 356 237 30 Baghadih 421 407 66 Bairihwa 348 323 J Bha/uhi 2 Lahwlldand 1 Lotan 3 Matihwa 4 Baurihwadand 67 Barmani 390 344 5 Guliraha 6 Chamranlo/'1 6S Badnai 241 295 199



Serial Name of Village Location Serial Serial Name of Village Location Serial No. Code No. No. No. Code No. No. 1961 1951 1961 1951 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

8 102 Bijaypur 146 166 103 Birchhi 329 280 69 Badwasiman 330 ,391 104 Birkunia 359 345 70 Barahwatola 392 437 1 Dala 2 Gulariha 1 LoIn; 2 Jalposi 3 Jiganhawa 4 Khajura 3 Kacharitola 105 Birti 300 261 71 Basahi 197 202 106 Bodakhunta 212 303 72 Basaha 360 235 107 Bodi 291 279 73 Basinia 251 312 108 Bodia 295 218 1 Dhuhalola 2 Aklatola 109 Bodratola 511 74 Basoda (Darbari) 211 292 110 Budhadand 254 281 75 Basoda 250 227 111 Budhadol 214 306 76 Bastali Abad 432 370 1 Ahirantola 2 Mukhiyatola 77 Bastali Beeran 439 372 3 Maraktwatola 4 SatnaratoJa 78 Banlah 225 308 112 Butba 202 120 79 Barbadill 19 65 C 80 BeJgaon 455 468 113 Chachardol 519 487 81 Belmanee 428 499 114 Chandonia 242 250 1 Butupal1i 115 Chakdadar 43~ 371 82 Berdeha 204 190 116 Chakwar 349 229 J Gajrahi 2 Babdi 117 Chamaridol 529 490 3 Senduri 4 Nayatola 118 Chhamrachh 476 478 83 Betahadand Mathadol 393 404 1 Purabtola 2 Pachimtola 84 Beloha 195 290 119 Chahli 339 449 85 Belgaon 524 491 I Dumarghat 1 Uttartola 120 Chanduar 361 238 86 Bharuha 345 262 121 Chandr{'h 268 461 87 Bharra 231 213 122 Charkee 340 219 88 Bhikhjharia 527 527 1 Khondhra 2 Kanabel 1 Uttartola 2 Dakshintola 3 BaheIGkhandi 89 Bharkaria 190 119 123 Chataniha 294 451 1 Najarpahri 2 Majhiaritola 1 Nagal/ra 3 Bodarhwa 4 Nayatf'la 124 Chatree 385 337 90 Cholar 198 194 Bharsedi 503 482 125 J Karwahi 2 Uttarlola 126 Chhadna 436 400 3 Purabtola 127 Chakariya 366 328 91 I Dhanbahwa 2 Baghaura Bhaisahun 235 452 92 128 Chhatini 29 13 Bhalugarh 431 399 93 129 Chhiwlahwa 50 69 Bharhore 108 176 94 130 Cbikni 142 149 Bhaundar 381 378 95 1 Gauahwa Bhons 266 332 1 Tisihwa 131 Chhiwa 306 217 96 Bhuin Dharwa 12 48 132 Chingee 389 97 Bhurtia tola 28 51 133 Chingo 375 377 98 Bhakuar 355 233 134 Chitawal Khurd 99 143 99 Bharseda 522 488 135 Chitawal Kalan 119 1 Dakshilltola 136 Chitrengi 180 155 100 Bichhi 109 119 1 Dudhitola 2 Majharitola WJ Bidand 3 Kherwaritola 4 Mukhiyatola 74 76 5 Uttar lola 200



Serial Name of Village Location Serial Serial Name of Village Location Serial No. Code No. No. No. Code No. No. 1961 1951 1961 1951 2 3 4 2 3 4

137 Churki 391 339 168 Dhupkhari 121 181 1 Domarchuwa 2 Khanhana 169 Dhorbwa 303 325 1 Liliyabodar D 2 Rardand ;1 Bagholito/a 138 Dabjur 506 518 ; 170 Digbar Kalan 68 94 139 Dadar 452 360 1 Sarpatha 171 DigLar Kburd 56 93 140 Dar 181 114 172 Dighwar 83 78 J Bahridaur 173 Diadol 442 469 174 Diagadai 508 431 141 Daga 450 394 175 Dipwa 20 11 142 Danadol' 277 458 176 Doraj Kalan 116 83 J Pahartola 177 Doraj Kburd 113 82 143 Dala 257 310 178 Dodki 248 455 1 Sonjhar 2 SemrilJwa 179 Duara (Khatai) 144 Darbari 218 291 169 131 145 Daketa 144 180 Duari (Lamsarai) 104 68 146 Deori 80 95 181 Dudhiatola 498 515 147 Deogawan 309 258 182 Dudhmania 265 '320 148 Deora 46 67 1 Purandih 149 Deora (Tinguri) 448 414 183 Dudhmania (Itma) 530 489 1 ChhanfJeba 2 Deoradah 1 Uttartola 2 Majhar/tola ;1 Banpokhari 3 Pashchimtola 4 Dakshintola ISO Dead 205 293 184 Durdura 177 118 lSI Deora (Sahuar) 324 216 185 Duari (Sar04ha) 260 454 152 Deosar 435 424 1 Bhurtiatola 2 Baigantola F ;1 Godantola 354 153 Devgaon 186 Fuljhar (Karela) 434 161 ISO 427 1 Panchperhi 187 Fuljhar (Gajrabahra) 495 131 ]44 154 Dharoli Kalan 130 163 188 Fulkesh 1 Daur 2 Sodvarshi 189 Futhaurwa 15 45 155 Dharoli Khurd 125 164 1 Godantola 156 Dhawai 210 189 G J Dhoddhar 2 ChhurdQ 3 Semariatola 190 Gajra Bahra 512 426 157 Dbaudar 414 397 1 Mokaddamtola 2 Madaitola ;1 Majharitola 4 Gouhflnto/a 158 Dhanbabi 462 471 5 Agariatola 159 Dhanha 289 246 Gamardei 332 319 160 Dhani 166 197 191 192 Gangee (Kbarkata) 404 364 161 Dhapsa 269 456, 443 193 Gannai 478 162 DhiIri 238 282 2 Tendua 163 1 Gajrahia Dbodhri 60 84 ;1 Baudihwa 164 Dhonga 272 215 194 Gangi 136 147 1 Teekot 2 Chapri 195 Gaurabwa 338 326 3 Chhuhiya 4 Sl1I'palhl 196 Garhwa 48 58 165 Dharsara 402 368 J97 Gadhwa (Kerwa) 378 241 1 Baghitola 2 HandlhwQ 198 Garmani (Geer) 255 299 166 Dhummadand 62 30 199 Gadhor 188 195 167 Dhohni 474 506 200 Gadaigaon 490 483 1 Gerua 2 Sadanwari 1 Taraidol 2 Dakshintola 201



Serial Name of Village Location Serial Serial Name of Village Location Serial No. Code No. No. No. Code No. No. 1961 1951 1961 1951 2 3 4 2 3 4

201 Garwani (Shukhar) 172 ,158 202 Gerui 127 97 235 Jngura 425 348 203 Gerui (Chitrengi) 184 129 236 [tar 298 245 1 Mudertola 237 Itma 525 523 204 Geer 246 296 1 Pllshchimto/a Z PUTabto/a 205 Geeda 482 514 J 1 M.,hadebadand 238 Jaghat 292 463 206 Georwa 263 269 1 Khajuriha 207 Ghoghra (Sudar) 88 107 22 31 1 Ghoghari 239 Jagmar 240 Jamtihwa 243 316 208 Ghaghitola 504 516 209 Ghinhagaon 380 387 241 Jamual 433 363 210 Ghoghra (Sarai) 507 520 242 Jhagroha 61 73 243 Jhakhrawal 290 253 211 Gidher 357 390 llarh; 2 Kadabdah 3 Kuda, 244 Jhaparhwa 31 22 492 212 Girapan 185 130 245 Jhara 513 213 Godwali 1 BagichatolQ 2 Ka,wahitola 422 355 3 Kosareetola 1 Chhateni 246 Jharkata 24 63 214 Godbahra SOl 444 247 Jhagroha 213 304 215 Godha (Majrapondi) 147 145 248 Jhiria 350 266 216 Gopla 2 47 249 Jhokho 209 209 1 Thakur tola 2 Pandit to/a 1 Bandhatola 217 Godhawar 227 298 250 Jhundihwa 505 517 218 Gorgee 494 477 251 Jhurhanar 493 333 219 Gorbee 426 342 252 220 1 Chamarkhoh Jiawan ' 261 253 Joba 397 470 220 Godgawan 279 251 1 loba Dakshintola 2 Jobtl UttaTtola 221 Gourgawan 18 64 254 Jobgarh 457 408 222 Gurupura 319 255 Joginee 343 256 223 Gujawal 141 183 256 Judwar 281 383 K H 257 Kachari 0 358 382 224 Harriya 454 358 258 Kachhinar 443 498 225 Hardee 500 476 259 Kachhra 477 S04 226 Harfari 203 205 1 Uttar tola 2 PUTab to/a 227 Harraha 259 459 3 Dakshintola 1 Gahira 260 Kakarsiha 520 493 228 Harrabirti 299 268 261 Kamroha 27 14 229 Hariharpur 521 484 262 Kanai 4S1 395 1 Dakshintola 263 KanhiyaDah 510 429 230 Harma 110 40 264 Karela 396 341 231 Hatta 531 S26 265 Karthua 223 208 1 Pashchimtola 2 Purabtola 1 Ausanbadand 2 BaheTa 3 Dakshinto/a 266 Kanhur 412 338 232 Harra Blran 362 242 267 Karda 377 486 233 Harra Chandel 335 240 268 Karhia 182 196 234 Harraiya 5S 77 269 Karipahar 386 409 202



Serial Name of Village Location Serial Serial Name of Village LocatioD Serial No. Code No. No. No. CadeNa. No. 1961 1951 1961 1951 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

270 Karondia 33 15 304 Khera 129 62 1 Barhwatola 1 Deoridand 305 Khurmucha 178 199 271 Karree 351 389 272, Kasaiya 491 434 1 Chi/rna/ala 306 Khekhda 430 406 273 Kasar 410 356 77 20 1 Harbaria· 2 Padradand 307 Kherpur j Khairidand 4 Karkuldandtola 1 Ahir Gondwa 2 Kemur Block 37 62 274 Kalida 35 52 308 Khedar 277 275 Kalan Majauna 325 309 Kherabada 275 327 276 Katal 480 475 310 Kherchhan 314 277 Katangurpura 320 264 1 Baghritola 399 365 278 Katan Nisf 326 260 311 Kharkata 279 Kathdaha 445 438 1 Nebulahia 335 1 Chitaho 312 Kherwa 384 280 Katha 318 1 Thanatola 313 Khokhwa 230 321 281 Katheri 489 481 1 BOlldihartola 2 Paha/atola I Dakshintola 2 PUTah tolo 314 Khobha 317 254 282 Kathas 427 340 315 Korsar K{'thar 128 243 283 Karlo 232 271 316 Koharakhoh 372 284 Kapurdej 234 314 317 Koloha 164 402 1 Bhainshar 2 Bagdha 318 Koluha 413 3 Dhanhahwa 4 Khajuriha 319 Koniya 323 225 134 1RO 285 Kathahawa 5 8 320 Korsar (Pepkhar) 286 Katarihar 244 334 321 Korsaria 7 46 I Amrahwa 322 Koni 526 524 287 Katoli 336 257 I Odratola 2 Pashchimtola 288 Kerwa 379 240 323 Kudaria 352 445 289 Kekrai 64 102 324 Kuchwahi 461 503 290 Kekraon 143 141 325 Kukraon 447 422 1 Kekraon Pachimtola 2 Kekroon Purabtola 1 Godantola 2 Mukhiatola 291 Kethani 72 89 3 Baigantola 4 Baiswaritola 292 Khanditola 4 472 419 326 Kulakwar 17 293 12 Kherhani 93 21 327 Kuldiha 26 294 60 Khatai 132 138 328 Kuldiha (Naudihawa) 38 295 88 Kharkholi 70 28 329 Kuluhiya 81 2% 486 417 Khamaria 32 IS 330 Kunda 1 Garhara 331 Kundwar 334 466 297 Khamardih 8 6 332 Kudenia 208 123 298 Khamhania 206 126 1 Amahwa Dand 2 Ghursentola 299 Khamharia Kalan 236 211 333 Kundi 273 2io 300 Khamharia Khurd 239 212 334 Kudenia ( Serwa ) ]94 288 301 Khamaria (Lamsarai) 69 86 3:t5 Kursa 249 214 302 Khandholi 293 450 336 Kusedi 367 447 1 Ghuriha 2 Kherkhut 337 Kusahi (Basahi) 191 201 303 Khadaura 327 255 1 Bandafdeha 106 I Klwdaurato/a 2 Dakshintola 338 Kusahi (Deora) 67 203



Name of Village Location Serial Serial Name of Village Location Serial Serial No. Code No. No. No. Code No. No. 1961 1951 1961 1951 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 373 Mandi 274 272 ~39 Kushania 159 115 374 Madraich 458 502 340 Kusumhawa 149 1~ 1 Nawatola 341 Kuthuli 92 23 375 Matehni 229 313 342 Kyotali 44 44 1 Palhwatola 1 Karwa 376 Matia 475 441 377 Mahdeiya 424 340 378 Mahrail 484 511 343 Lalmati 176 157 J Lohradol 2 Khakhitola 1 Godantola 2 PiprahwQ 3 Agarianto{a 4 Baigantala 3 Putpuriha 406 501 344 Lai duakhand 54 74 379 Mahuli 2 Kuthilapan; 345 Lahiya 57 92 J Dalapipar 3 Bari Mahuli 4 Deuk; Mahuba 346 Larwa 373 381 5 Suparihwa 6 Khan; Mahua 347 Lamsarai 53 70 380 Mahugarhi Kothar 170 136 348 Langhadand 387 401 1 Bhaluhigudi khad 1 Chuhlla 349 Ledpurwa 16 5 381 Mendh 322 224 350 Lilhara 337 263 382 Misirgawan 112 134 351 Lllhara (Bardi) 124 169 383 Moharia 102 96 352 Lohra Atarwa) 353 230 384 Mudpeli Khurd 135 177 353 Lohrakothar 301 278 385 Murmani 187 203 354 Lohnda 87 36 386 Mudpeli Kalan 122 173 355 Lutan 405 349 387 Mtuwa (Deosar) 408 410 356 Lutee 368 448 388 Mukhudi 369 232 1 Deokund N M 389 (Karela) 441 346 357 Majhiga wan 364 385 J Kudll'a 2 Dogahwa 1 Chhibalhawa 2 Deoha 390 Nadmania 40 17 3 Majhauli 391 Nandni 151 165 358 Machi Kalan 114 33 392 Naogai (Kekrai) 94 103 359 Machi Khurd 117 32 393 Narena 76 85 360 ~ahdebadand 41 41 394 Natwar 167 160 361 ~ahdewa 43 42 395 Naudia (Sarai) 514 519 362 Mahugarhi Pawai 156 135 396 Naugai (Parai) 165 198 363 Mahuagaon 496 479 I Gajrahwa tola 1 Palzritola 397 Naudhia Abad 296 222 252 364 ~ajhigawan 4 2 398 Naudhia Biran 297 365 Majhigawan (Sarodha) 270 460 399 Naurhia (Barkur) 153 148 366 Madwa (Sarodha) 271 457 400 Nawanagar 283 376 1 Chandebantola 2 Godantola 401 Nawatola 444 509 367 Majhigawan (Lamsarai) 82 80 402 Nekahawa 52 50 368 ~ajhauli 466 416 403 Neodiya (Orni) 133 139 369 Majhauna 342 236 404 Neogai (Chitrengi) 196 305 370 ~akree 479 420 J Piparhawatola 371 Maniharee 470 412 405 Newari 6 7 1 Sajahia 2 Khausatola 406 Nigri 467 473 3 Padratola 1 Dakshintola 2 Majhiyarito/a 372 ~anikpur 145 167 3 Purah/ola 4 Uttartola 204



Serial Name of VillagCl Location Serial Serial Name of Villages LocatioD Serial No. Code No. NQ. No. Code No. No. 1961 1951 1961 1951 1 2 3 4 2 3 4

407 Niwas 487 472 439 Piparmani 173 154 408 Nlyas 106 172 440 Pipra 382 352 409 Nodihawa 23 61 441 Pipri 429 508 0 442 . Pipri (Shubhai) 160 188 443 Pidariya 240 309 410 Obaree 469 418 1 Lekhnidhora 2 Chhotki Piaariya 1 Boigontola 2 Purabtola 444 Pidra 392 437 J Mojhorltola 4 ChhatihwatQla 445 Pipar khandl 407 507 5 Kohranlola 446 Pokhari tola 502 432 411 Orgari 398 405 1 Baghpahar 412 Orni 137 140 447 Pokhra 312 386 P 448 Poodi (Gopla) 10 53 449 Pondi (Chhat 488 480 413 Parai 216 206 450 Pondi (Lamsarai) '" 73 75 1 Bhagwatpur 2 Reonhwa 451 Pondi (Bagdari) 313 353 J Bichhiya 4 Bahera 1 Charki 414 Pachuar 282 384 452 Pondi (Barkur) 162 152 415 Pachor 485 415 453 Purwa Jagir 344 267 1 Gobarlandi 2 Tendudol 1 Modal dand 1 Sa/han tola 416 Papal 481 474 454 Pure1 459 440 417 Padri 140 182 418 Padrlka}1l11 25 55 419 Padrikhurd 30 56 455 Raipurwa 58 91 420 Pali 403 367 456 Rajabar 65 112 421 Panmar 63 III 457 Rajasarai 256 300 422 Parasi 517 486 458 Rajdha 179 184 1 Purahtola 2 Chhirbahra 459 Rajghat 85 25 3 Garapani 460 Rajnia 473 505 423 Padhor 401 436 1 Thekuni 424 Parihasi 311 388 461 Raksahat 34 43 425 Parsohar 286 462 462 Ramdiha 75 79 1 Bamhnitola 2 Sigtahwa 357 463 Ramgarh 440 3 Kalihwa 359 464 Rampurwa 453 426 Parsoh ar (Bagdari) 365 351 54 465 Rampurwa 3 427 Parsona (Bardi) 107 175 59 90 466 Ratanpurwa 207 428 Parsona (Kmhar) 308 265 467 Redi 226 185 429 Parsona (Pepkhar) 307 468 Rehda 171 430 Pateri 374 379 469 Rehi 13 35 219 210 43) Patehara 115 108 470 ReM 432 Patharidah 471 442 471 Rehda 118 142 433 Patbarkat; 228 311 1 Gulriha S 434 Parma 237 223 472 Satmur 341 226 1 Bl!igalltola 473 Satti Chaura 371 239 435 Pinjreh 150 116 474 Sajhawa (Bandha) 183 156 436 Piparjhar 47 72 475 Sajapani 497 496 437 Piparkhad 78 29 476 Sajhar 388 403 438 Piparkhar 383 343 1 Jhurhi 201:



Serial NaQllt"Q£ Wllag~ .' l:dc:l,tioD Serial Serial Name,of Villages Location Serial No. COde No. No. ' N

477 Saketi 222 ,315 506 Sud a 186 m 478 Samda 288 249 .1 Kherwari t(!io' 479 Sapha 394 380 507 Sulkhan Kalan 217 128 480 Sarbo 328 283 508 Sukhar 168 159 1 Moharia 2 Khajuriha 481 Sakaria 199 287 3 Berihawa 4 Dhanmani 482 Sahuar 316 228 509 Sulkhan Khurd 215 127 483 Samud 528 525 510 Sunda 305 464 484 Sarha 267 276 511 Sundar 224 294 485 Sarai 515 521 512 Supela 278 247 1 Chhirhat 2 Par$i~hi 513 Surga 446 423 486 Sarratola 468 510 487 Sarodha 245 453 T 488 Sarseda 95 174 514 Takhatua 138 101 489 Selwar 91 81 515 Tal 418 497 490 Semariyatola . 483 513 516 Talwa 465 . 413 491 Sernra 247 297 517 Tarnai 36 57 492 Sernuar 416 369 518 Tarkhariya 100 133 493 Sherwa 189 289 519 Tendua I7S 151 494 Shivgarh 518 494 520 Tendu ghati 86 27 495 Shivpurwa 21 3 521 Tharak thela 509 430 496 Shivpurwa 111 132 522 Thathra 49 71 497 Sidhar 253 333 523 Tikat 315 465 1 Charhawa 2 GhurhalVll 524 Tikuri t{)la 411 336 498 Sirguri 276 331 I Khasi dand 1 Riyatola 525 THaia 11 49 499 Sidhari 285 330 1 Chandiya 460 - 500 Signarwa 233 307 526 Tinguri '421 1 Kohra n tola 2 Umrao tola 501 Silfori 304 329 3 Godan tala 1 Gurchuwa 2 ChokellVa 527 Turra 192 285 3 Menahwa U 502 Silaf 363 274 1 Clthauha tola 2 Dhenga tola 528 Udangi 152 161 503 Songarh 370 234 529 Ujjaini 456 41t 504 Sonhara 158 189 530 Uksa 423 362 505 Sonwarsa 120 179 531 Umarhar 310 259 206 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Name Workers Area Occu- Literate ,------. L.C. of Facilities in pied House- Total No. Village Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- available acres Houses holds Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ~ ~ ,..-A~ ,..-A._~ ,..--_--, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 , 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17

13/1 Deosar Tahsil (Rural) 913,333 24,961 26,433 141,593 72,25269,341 6,790 6,561 34,382 33,693 7,657 359 44,781 34,848 1 Bachhnar (Bagdara) 2,653 21 21 112 58 S4 5 8 48 46 3 36 23 2 Gopla P. 5,335 3 63 71 396 196 200 II 12 141 152 13 103 86 Rampurwa S,747 14 14 57 34 23 34 23 3 21 12 4 Majhigawan 372 5 Kathahawa .. Uninhabited .. ~25 9 9 42 18 24 18 24 2 15 15 6 Newari 2,031 63 63 259 137 122 5 5 116 108 12 96 62 7 Korsaria 1,779 .. 8 Khamardih .. .. Uninhabited .. .. P. 2,789 65 65 387 199 188 152 143 16 2 111 82 9 Bagdara Po,P. 4,067 86 )0 Pondi (Gopla) 86 418 212 206 5 2 112 116 30 6 126 92 1,646 40 40 235 117 118 3 7 102 94 6 1 70 44

Jl Tilala 3,427 34 34 178 94 84 94 84 4 _.. 57 39 12 Bhuin Dbarwa 2.737 34 13 Rehi 34 176 90 86 16 12 68 67 7 54 38 2,475 46 46 223 11S 108 8 I 61 74 9 73 63 14 Baberi 1,782 7 15 Futbaurwa 7 44 21 23 .. 18 15 3 12 11 p. 2,740 48 50 289 160 129 5 126 106 3 96 66 16 Ledpurwa 567 17 Kulakwar 21 21 125 74 51 3 1 41 34 16 .. 42 27 Po,P,D. 1.239 72 72 292 154 138 9 7 71 65 40 6 94 71 18 Gourgawao P. 856 19 Barbadib 95 95 525 263 262 6 9 56 54 33 180 106 20 Dipwa 1,046 72 72 388 197 191 8 7 44 35 14 131 96 606 11 11 44 19 25 19 25 13 12 21 Sbivpurwa Po. 370 18 18 111 55 56 8 6 34 32 14 2 35 17 22 1agmar 1,834 ., 23 Nodihawa 12 12 88 50 38 50 38 .. 29 23 P. 881 123 123 647 325 322 20 31 103 172 20 1 217 173 24 1harkata 1,047 25 Padrikalao 67 67 347 162 185 18 24 62 67 26 2 103 62 515 50 50 266 129 137 72 66 14 86 47 26 Kuldiha 1.065 17 17 1(l6 53 53 53 51 2 33 25 27 Kamroha 2,037 28 Bhurtia tola 45 45 276 136 140 136 140 4 83 70 29 2,672 4 4 28 13 15 13 15 ,. 7 7 Chhatini 668 8 30 Padrikhurd 8 31 17 14 7 6 5 5 3 iO 6 P. 807 103 103 565 289 276 8 16 117 105 10 204 194 31 Jhaparhwa 32 Khamarii 3,390 3 3 9 6 3 6 3 1 4 3 P. 3,535 51 51 257 142 115 9 10 105 III 20 2 84 63 33 Karondia P. 2.9113 34 Raksahat 60 60 325 169 156 II 12 141 132 26 106 82 35 Kasda 1,170 ...... Uninhabited . , .. P. 1.792 26 29 140 70 70 69 50 2 37 25 36 Tarnai P. 2,135 156 156 971 484 487 7 15 134 145 77 2 324 ;t1O 37 Khedar P. 982 38 Kuldiha (Naudi hawa) III 112 625 326 299 2 2 195 179 31 2 204 132 116 I I 7 3 4 3 4 3 39 Banjaria 173 .. 40 Nadmania .. " ...... Uninhahited .. 1,728 14 14 70 37 33 8 4 27 27 2 22 16 41 Mahdebadand 1,699 5 5 15 10 5 2 2 .. 9 4 42 Bakiya 3.947 43 Mahdewa 24 24 115 64 51 6 3 37 30 2 43 27 426 . . .. Uninhabited .. 44 Kyotali P. 2,813 130 4S Badram 138 674 352 312 9 8 116 127 68 2 223 129 P. 860 90 90 465 235 230 8 4 40 49 83 4 159 157 46 Deora P. 1,369 103 104 608 297 311 50 48 69 61 30 2 187 132 47 Piparjhar Po, P. 22(; 48 Garhwa 40 44 240 120 120 10 13 5 4 5 73 59 R78 16 16 59 36 23 4 1 8 .. 28 20 49 Thathra P,Po. 775 50 Chhiwlahwa 77 80 410 205 205 2 5 50 49 17 1 127 132 207 7 8 56 26 30 2 3 2.0 19 207


______WORKERS-A ______~ Non- Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,..._.A.-~ , __ ...... _~ ,_...... ~ ,-_...... _-, ,--'---. '-r-"-=~ ,-_"""'--. r--...... ~ ,.--.A.--. ,---'--, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

19.369 23,112 9,912 9,949 850 182 2,950 1,255 21 12 58 28 496 94 23 .. 1,099 216 27,471 34,493 13/2 , IS 12 17 II 3 .. .. I 22 31 I 36 35 55 46 .. II 5 1 93 114 2 7 4 7 7 4 3 1 .. .. 13 11 3 .. Uninhabited .. 4 15 15 3 9 5

47 27 42 34 2 .. .. 4 41 60 6 ...... Uninhabited ...... 7 60 46 42 36 5 2 .. 2 .. 88 106 8 56 42 55 46 .. 2 4 1 9 3 86 114 9 38 24 17 20 I 14 47 74 IO

29 25 17 11 5 2. 6 37 4S 11 27 2U 20 18 3 .. 4 .. 36 48 .12 35 31 20 26 4' 1 11 3 5 42 45 13 8 10 2 I 2 .. 9 12 14 88 60 5 6 2 1 64 63 15

18 17 ] I 10 .. 3 .. 10 32 24 16 40 40 39 31 1 .. I .. 5 8 60 67 17 80 45 57 55 18 1 18 5 2 5 83 156 18 48 63 45 32 5 32 1 1 1i6 95 19 12 12 1 6 13 20

19 9 1] 8 4 20 39 21 21 21 2 2 .. .. 6 ...... 21 15 22 111 119 39 41 3 1 49 11 7 1 8 108 ]4<.1 23 35 14 44 44 4 19 3 I 59 123 24 32 16 38 28 8 8 2 , . 43 90 25 31 23 2 2 .. 20 28 26 69 53 13 17 1 53 70 27 6 7 1 6 8 28 2 .. 8 6 .. .. 7 8 29 119 125 62 57 16 12 6 1 85 82 30 4 2 ...... 2 .. 31 47 36 31 26 4 1 2 58 52 32 58 54 31 25 13 3 .. .. 4 63 74 33 ...... Uninhabited .. 34 30 18 5 7 1 ] 33 4S 3S

221 220 51 66 .. .. 44 24 5 3 160 177 36 88 47 80 71 8 2 22 11 6 122 167 37 3 .. 4 38 ...... Uninhabited .. ., 39 3 2 15 12 4 2 15 17 40

9 4 .. .. 1 1 41 11 5 ...... 25.. 20 6 1 1 21 24 42 " " .. .. Uninhabited ...... 43 86 33 82 89 19 4 129 193 44 96 106 29 3 1 6 50 51 6 4 3 76 73 45 77 60 61 57 24 2 14 S 3 2 7 6 110 179 46 38 30 21 29 5 47 61 47 25 20 8 ',' 1 .. " 8 3 48 88 89 .. 3 30 40 9 3 78 73 49 20 16 3 6 11 50 208


Occu­ Workers Area pied Literate ,---- L.C. Nameof Facilities in Hou- House- , Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers(l-IX) r----.A..---, r-----'---, r--.A..-"""\ ,...__"'__, ,-.-.A.--, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17

51 Bargawan (Kyotili) P. 3,961 76 77 340 178 162 11 7 126 122 17 122 83 52 Nekabawa 1.674 38 42 253 125 128 .. . 125 122 II 67 51 53 Lamsarai Po,P. 1.391 137 144 754 390 364 41 25 98 102 27 253 230 54 Laiduakhand Po. 174 2 2 8 6 2 3 2 6 55 Harraiya 331 Uninhabited

56 Dighar Khurd 380 34 34 221 109 112 16 57 49 57 Lahiya 420 11 11 75 39 36 4 5 21 23 58 Raipurwa 117 17 17 89 47 42 5 2 5 9 4 31 18 59 Ratanpurwa P. 496 33 35 176 92 84 1 3 6 4 7 53 28 60 Dhodhri Po. 146 7 7 38 21 17 1 8 5

61 Jhagroha Po. 123 2 2 12 5 7 5 7 2 2 62 Dhummadand o. Uninhabited .. 385 " 63 Pan mar P. 453 36 36 217 111 106 5 2 29 45 16 .. 72 53 64 Kekrai P. 838 71 71 374 192 182 66 62 37 41 20 1 123 94 65 Rajabar 250 35 36 138 75 63 8 3 14 53 40

66 Bargara P. 639 48 49 302 157 145 19 9 15 14 45 2 105 65 67 Kusahi (Deora) P. 576 69 71 377 195 t82 22 23 54 48 4 136 124 68 Dighar Kalan 168 22 22 123 55 68 42 51 11 13 2 29 31 69 Khamaria (Lamsarai) Po. 485 1 1 II 8 3 126 5 70 Kharkholi 648 Uninhabited

71 Banjari (Deora) 281 7 7 47 24 23 .. .. 10 10 ., 12 8 72 Kethani 545 33 33 164 85 79 13 19 22 32 8 .. 48 25 73 Pondi (Lamsarai) 503 71 78 410 200 210 29 25 55 54 18 2 114 9Z 74 Bidand 107 ...... Uninhabited .. .. 75 Ramdiha Po.P. 1.4\6 135 145 742 372 370 63 63 38 47 37 224 192

76 Narena Po. 376 9 9 51 25 26 14 20 8 6 2 15 11 77 Kherpur 558 35 36 145 79 66 35 28 2 48 38 78 Piparkhad 540 Unihhabeted .. 79 Bargari 209 19 19 93 44 49 .. .. 24 32 5 26 27 80 Deoli P. 154 52 52 321 168 153 39 3! 18 13 27 103 Y6

81 Kuluhiya 142 23 26 146 68 78 7 6 29 35 7 37 28 82 Majhigawan (Lamsarai) Po. 138 26 28 161 82 79 I 9 22 20 24 .. 49 35 83 Dighwar Po,P. 510 76 80 483 249 234 43 35 66 47 50 1 160 99 84 Atrela (Rajghat) 96 6 6 26 17 9 5 1 3 8 6 85 Rajghat 77 Uninhabited ..

86 Tendughati 490 ...... Uninhabited .. 87 Lohnda P. 415 66 68 291 140, 151 5 3 5 8 23 .. 81 71 88 Ghoghra (Suda) P. 3,186 96 96 528 255 273 21 24 54 54 44 2 154 140 89 Atrela (Deora) 46 .. Uninhabited ., 90 Akla 311 23 23 160 87 73 35 36 7 50 25

91 Selwar PO,P. 317 47 49 269 123 24 14 5 10 38 2 71 38 92 Kuthuli 146 104 ,. .. ", Uninhabited .. 93 Kherhani 2,681 8 8 35 10 15 . , o • 14 7 94 Naogai (Kekrai) 591 32 32 186 91 95 45 36 23 1 58 28 95 Sarseda 69 Uninhabited

96 Bardi P. 1.300 118 130 664 367 297 10 6 72 53 160 194 52 97 Balakhand Po. 407 14 14 50 31 19 14 1 I 2 .. 16 12 98 Bora 341 15 15 63 34 29 4 3 11 t3 10 I 19 9 99 ChitawaJ Khurd P. 563 44 47 275 141 128 14 16 1 2 14 3 78 67 100 Tarkhariya 526 20 20 84 45 39 5 6 32 22 209


WORKERS Non- L.C. --"------~ Workers No. ---I 11" --III IV V VI. VII VIII IX X ,...-Ao---. ,...-.A.--.., ,..-~ ,.--..A..-.., ,...-.A.-., ,...-..A--., ,...-----, ,...-.A..-., ,..._Jo._., ,-_..A.._., M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

31 26 42 39 22 13 3 2 12 15 56 79 51 47 38 18 13 I 1 58 77 52 150 150 84 80 10 9 137 134 53 2 ,2 2 2 54 .. Uninhabited .. 55 •• . 30 20 24 28 1 1 52 63 56 19 21 1 1 I J 18 I3 57 20 13 3 5 8 .. 16 24 58 34 17 10 10 •• 4 1 5 39 56 59 5 3 3 2 13 12 60

1 2 3 5 61 .. .. Uninhabited ...... 62 54 39 17 14 .. ., .. 39 53 63 54 42 58 49 6 2 .. .. 5 1 69 88 64 29 32 10 8 2 I I 10 22 23 65

69 52 16 10 3 10 2 5 52 80 66 89 84 44 40 2 .. J 59 58 67 22 23 1 I 6 7 26 37 68 3 " .. 2 3 3 69 Uninhabited 70

9 5 3 3 12 15 71 23 " .. .. 14 15 " II 10 .. 37 54 72 65 53 38 39 3 3 .. I 4 86 118 73 " ., ., ...... " .. Uninhabited .. 74 144 126 49 45 3 27 21 1 148 178 75

8 8 7 3 .. 10 15 76 21 17 22 21 3 .. .. 2 31 28 77 ...... Uninhabited .. .. 78 5 4 21 22 " I .. 18 22 79 71 74 15 12 16 10 1 65 57 80

12 3 25 25 31 50 81 35 20 14 15 .. 33 44 82 86 34 61 65 7 6 89 135 83 4 3 4 3 9 3 84 Uninhabited 85

'" .. Uninhabited .. 86 74 65 5 6 I .. .. I 59 80 87 75 74 57 61 6 9 5 .. .. 4 3 101 133 88 .. .. Uninhabited ., 89 22 5 22 20 5 37 48 90

55 26 18 12 4 .. .. 69 8S 91 .. Uninhabited ., 92 13 6 1 1 ...... 6 8 93 27 2 29 23 .. 2 1 2 33 67 94 Uninhabited 95

102 29 55 21 12 12 2 12 173 245 96 6 2 10 10 ...... 15 7 97 6 .. 9 9 1 2 1 15 20 98 58 52 8 15 I 99 22 9 .. 2 69 61 17 1 1 9 4 13 17 100 210


Occu- Workers Area pied Literate r----- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled S~heduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r-----"-----., ,--...... - ...... r-_..A..---,,--_.A..---,,....--A.---, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17

101 Agarhwa 548 2 2 6 4 2 .. .. 3 2 102 Moharia P. I 191 29 ~9 140 73 67 40 47 8 45 43 103 Bamhandewa 717 I 1 9 4 5 3 5 .. 4 2 104 Duari (Lamsarai) Po. 688 23 23 109 54 55 12 17 8 ., 34 24 105 Baghwa (Bordi) 53 7 7 38 19 19 8 6 3 ) 13 4

106 Niyas 55 8 8 37 22 15 22 15 17 4 107 Parsona (Bardi) 194 .. .. Uninhabited .. .. ., 108 Bharhore 491 I 1 4 3 I " 2 I 109 Bichhi Po.P,D, Mew. 588 88 88 401 208 193 6 7 50 32 23 2 116 81 110 Harma P. 1,924 43 46 248 139 109 5 4 58 44 30 79 59

111 Shivpurwa P. 1,373 105 105 586 274 312 54 23 54 65 30 183 196 112 Misirgawan P. 2,318 52 ~ 266 134 132 6 7 59 56 8 87 79 1t3 Doraj Khurd Po. 221 2 3 11 5 6 . . .. 4 6 .. 3 2 114 Machi Kalan Po,P. 227 28 28 133 61 72 4 7 18 31 11 3 38 25 115 Patebara 378 28 27 114 56 58 2 3 37 42 4 8 31

116 Doraj Kalan Po. 450 9 9 52 ]9 33 4 7 6 .. 15 13 117 Machi Khurd Po. 143 18 18 75 35 40 25 36 .. J 22 15 118 Rehda Po. 952 49 52 270 135 135 34 45 50 48 20 77 57 119 Chitawal kalan 1,392 7 7 23 16 7 5 3 10 4 I 12 6 120 Sonwarsa 84 18 20 98 55 43 2 4 29 21 5 30 14

121 Dhupkhari 436 .. .. Uninhabited .. 122 Mudpeli Kalan 648 26 28 155 81 74 2 4 28 23 9 .. 44 28 123 Barhat P. 1,904 124 130 840 418 422 75 74 128 129 85 I 247 126 124 Lilhara (Bardi) 219 Uninhabited .. 125' Dharoli Khurd 247 Uninhabited

126 Bagdewa 966 10 10 40 24 16 23 IS 14 12 127 Gerui 1.037 2 2 6 2 4 . . 2 4 .. 2 2 128 Kors-ar Kothar 2,589 19 20 85 43 42 21 21 IS 13 3 27 16 129 Khera P. 1,586 91 95 469 240 229 8 to 75 46 13 145 131 130 Dharoli Kalan P. 1,660 110 132 619 320 299 39 36 109 114 27 185 106

131 Fulkesh 332 26 28 129 73 56 3 1 14 21 17 .. 43 24 132 Khatai Po,P,M,D,MP(O) 1,185 181 183 940 496 444 50 42 36 9 160 7 268 59 133 Neodiya (omi) Po. 53 11 11 49 23 26 15 18 8 & 3 \3 13 J34 Korsar (Pepkhar) P. 330 181 200 1,095 556 539 35 31 71 74 109 23 328 204 135 Mudpeli Khurd 398 44 47 294 191 143 1 5 13 91 70

136 Gangi P. 1,245 72 79 339 177 162 8 10 43 34 22 4 107 79 137 Orni Po. 415 28 28 134 61 73 25 25 3 42 38 138 Takhatna 390 Uninhabited .. 139 Amapadri 243 ...... Uninhabited .. 140 Padri P. 671 49 50 322 178 144 34 32 12 12 21 3 109 65

141 Gujawal 271 18 19 gS 51 34 9 6 8 34 18 142 Chikni 1,040 • 33 34 166 77 89 29 34 1 55 44 143 Kekraon POof· 1,lOii 57 57 312 157 155 4 2 55 61 55 8 105 66 144 Daketa 49 .. .. Uninhabited .. 145 Manikpur 1,267 27 27 140 75 65 17 11 17 6 20 54 32

146 Bijaypur P. 352 39 46 282 141 141 4 5. 29 32 13 96 82 147 Godha (Majrapondi) 371 26 26 129 73 56 21 12 1 6 49 27 148 Amrapan 1,173 6 6 36 17 19 17 19 9 7 149 Kusumhawa 627 2 2 8 3 5 3 5 3 3 150 Pioireb 3.632 8 8 38 20 18 20 18 12 11 211


_____WORKERS--A Non- ,------, Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,..-J'-___ ,..._.A._""'\ A r-.....A.-"",\ r-~-, •• .,..-~ ,.---A--, ,...... ;...A.-"",\ , r-~ •M F M F M F M F M F M F M P M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

3 2 ...... I .. 101 18 16 23 26 2 1 2 28 24 102 4 2 ,. 3 103 14 6 20 18 20 31 104 6 3 6 1 6 IS 105 11 2 2 15 2 ., " 5 106 .. .. Uninhabited .. 107 ., 1 ,. 108· 2 I ., ., " .. 37 40 61 40 Jl 1 2 1 4 92 112 109 46 38 27 21 1 4 1 60 SO 110 "

114 116 34 51 2 28 29 I 3 91 116 III 61 58 12 19 2 9 2 2 I 47 53 112 .. .. 3 2 . , .. 2 4 113 24 16 13 8 1 1 23 47 114 22 16 15 15 1 18 27" 115

9 5 6 8 .. 4 20 116 IJ . 25 117 8 9 8 6 .. .. 6 .. . , . . 27 14 25 25 1 1 21 16 3 1 58 78 118 1 .. 10 6 I .. ,. 4 1 119 12 5 13 8 5 1 25 29 120

, 121 ., ...... , ., Uninhabited . " .. 24 16 12 12 2 5 .. .. I ., 37 46 122 124 35 86 84 2 31 6 2 2 I 171 296 123. Uninhabited ,. 124 Uninhabited 125

H 12 10 4 126 2 2 .. ., ...... 2 127. 6 6 10 10 3 8 .6 26 128 82 49 47 27 7 55 .. 2 7 95 98 129 99 47 73 59 8 1 4 135 193 130

18 6 22 It 3 7 ,...... 30 32 131 93 10 43 20 2 31 9 2 2 37 1 4 56 17 228 385 132 13 In 5 7 5 6 3 ...... " 10 1 8 228 335 134 229 146 59 49 " 22 9 9 82 69 I I 2 I 2 3 60 73 135

56 40 42 36 .. 7 3 .. 2 70 83 136 23 24 15 14 1 2 .. .. 1 19 35 137, Uninhabited .. 138 . . 139 ...... Uninhabited ., " . . 91 60 8 5 7 2 1 69 79 140 141 . 26 14 7 4 17 16 30 22 24 22 .. .. ., 22 45 142 60 31 26 32 3 1 14 2 2 52 89 143 .. . ,...... 144 ...... Uninhabited 145 35 23 13 8 4 1 1 I 21 33 146 72 62 18 17 6 3 45 59 29 15 16 12 4 24 29 147 9 7 8 12 148 3 3 ., 2 149 12 II 8 7 150 212 VILLAGE DIRECfORY

OCC1J1I"' -- Wode, Area pied Literate r---- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available" acre. ses bolds"'Total &pulatton, , Castes, . Tribes- Educated. __ ken..LJ::;lX) r--A--.... ,----A-~ ,..----"----. ,-...-A.____ ,-_.A.---" P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

151 Nandni 592 7 9 106 55 SI 3 4 41 31 2 41 22 152 Udangi 736 15 20 117 59 58 58 57 4 36 37 153 Naurhia (Barkur) P. 399 41 46 285 146 139 6 6 46 36 42 5 86 54 154 Bagdara Kalan p, 2,773 29 29 101 54 47 35 37 II 5 43 30 155 Bagdara Khurd 176 Uninhabited ..

156 Mahugarhi Pawai 1,605 8 8 42 21 21 14 16 2 11 II 157 Bargawan (Bardi) 477 Uninhabited ., 158 Sonhara 445 " " Uninhabbed 1~9 Kushania P. 2,265 30 30 120 61 59 56 S9 .'7 38 32 160 Pipri (Shubhai) 1,232 15 16 121 62 59 3 5 35

161 Devgaon P. 1,126 69 76 424 210 214 23 23 (;') 67 8 144 140 162 Pondi (Barkur) 371 112 124 636 310 326 21 22 128 173 22 194 187 163 Barkur p. 1,685 87 97 420 225 195 138 138 87 32 49 8 142 92 164 Koloha , , ' ., .. 235 " ". . Uninhabited 165 Naugai (Parai) P. 4,301 105 115 578 283 295 26 20 56 62 19 174 93

166 Dhani P. 1,597 53 55 259 137 122 7 3 6 8 22 84 3 167 Natwar 11 758 6 6 40 17 23 ' , I3 23 13 168 Sukhar p, 2,350 67 78 425 229 196 15 11 147 140 21 137 136 169 Duara (Khatai) P. 2,591 31 31 143 77 66 61 57 28 59 44 170 Mahugarhi Kothar 1,194 29 29 139 61 78 47 55 2 43 38

171 Rehda P. 1,831 36 40 222 114 108 53 50 9 72 77 172 Garwani (Shukhar) 1,532 54 59 292 ISS 137 23 22 40 1.7 9 102 90 173 Piparmani 3,036 22 27 195 110 85 75 54 14 76 57 174 Amsi 1,455 10 10 46 25 21 25 21 5 13 12 175 Tendua 825 3 3 13 6 7 5 4

176 Lalmati 806 27 28 149 82 67 76 64 2 49 36 J77 Durdura 39 P. 747 36 36 158 87 71 85 71 12 ' ' 40 178 Khurmucha P. 3,995 87 94 487 250 217 137 132 33 1 163 116 ]79 Rajdha I ,. 50 9 1,784 32 33 161 83 78 " ,. ' . 180 Chitrengi p, 3,027 118 118 616 321 295 27 29 233 229 54 5 205 181

181 Dar 2,719 24 24 135 66 69 66 68 2 38 31 182 Karhia 29 5 1,562 15 15 88 49 39 49 39 " 183 Sajhawa (Bandha) 24 26 P. 495 17 17 87 44 43 " 32 42 4 184 Gerui (Chitrengi) P. 5,520 37 37 200 HO 90 5 5 103 84 6 73 60 ]85 Girapan 388 13 14 58 32 26 30 26 2 23 13

186 Sud a 3,838 31 31 176 9S 81 3 86 77 1 62 43 187 Murmani 4 2 3.373 3 3 9 7 2 ' ' 7 1 I 188 Gadhor 1.759 18 22 111 54 57 2 4 27 35 2 33 3 189 Sherwa 83 71 1.910 48 48 264 144 120 " " 138 115 7 190 Bharkaria P. 4,473 108 108 602 295 307 81 27 192 206 29 2 166 163

191 Kusahi (8asahi) P. 1,567 55 63 343 174 169 12 13 129 127 14 III 93 192 lurra 1,263 16 16 120 63 57 63 57 5 35 30 193 Amachuwa 521 I I 7 4 3 4 3 1 3 I 194 Kudenia (Serwa) p, 1.243 28 76 148 70 78 53 69 14 50 39 195 Beloha 1,118 12 12 56 34 22 I 22 13

196 Neogai (Chilrengi) P. 1,665 46 47 253 132 121 127 112 10 84 77 197 Basahi P. 1,863 48 48 267 142 125 4 88 82 198 Cholar P. 315 5 5 28 12 16 12 15 1 6 8 199 Sakaria p, 2.543 49 51 301 143 158 143 158 23 84 80 200 Bairilola Kalan 998 12 12 50 33 17 3 4 18 10 213


______WORKERS--A.- ______-""\ Non- Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. ,.-_...... _, No. "...._...... __-""\ .----'-___, ~ r--A.-...-, r--"--""""\ ,--"-=-""\ r--"--, ,-...... ---, ,.--...... --, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

9 3 6 5 26 14 !4 29 151 36 35 2 .. 23 21 152 41 29 32 24 .. J 1 6 6 60 85 153 8 5 26 23 3 4 1 .. 1 I 11 17 154 - Uninhabited 155

4 3 5 8 .. -. 10 10 156 .. Uninhabited 157 .. .. Uninhabited .. 158 24 19 5 9 3 1 5 4 23 27 159 32 2 1 27 59 160

78 85 7 II .. 58 43 {)6 74 161 125 130 52 50 7 7 10 116 139 162 54 21 80 71 4 ., .. 1 3 83 '103 163 ...... Uninhabited .. . . 164 74 29 50 40 I '35 23 I 12 109 202 165

47 .. 17 2 IS 5 53 119 166 13 II ...... 4 J 2 167 29 23 7 3 5 100 105 ., .. 1 92 60 163 39 26 13 16 I 4 I 2 1 18 22 169 32 29 6 8 3 I 2 18 40 170

58 53 II 10 14 2 42 31 171 65 71 17 17 .. 18 2 1 53 47 172 10 11 8 5 3 22 14 5 12 31 12 34 28 173 4 9 12 12 9 174 I I 4 3 , .. 1 3 175

23 20 17 15 9 .. .. 33 31 176 30 1 7 38 .. .. 2 I 47 32 177 89 58 67 56 5 2 2 87 121 178 45 .. 5 9 .. .. 33 69 179 140 135 36 44 10 5 1 14 116 114 180

29 24 8 7 28 38 181 27 4 2 1 20 34 182 14 12 10 14 .. 20 17 183 53 48 14 9 3 3 3 .. 37 30 184 12 8 6 4 3 2 I 9 13 185

40 30 21 12 33 38 186 1 .. 3 2 3 187 29 2 2 2 .. 21 54 188 58 52 23 19 .. 1 61 49 189 100 2 59 159 j 2 2 129 144 190

81 70 16 23 .. 6 4 3 63 76 191 27 22 7 1 8 28 27 192 3 1 .. .. 1 2 193 33 31 9 6 1 2 6 20 39 194 13 3 9 10 12 9 195

71 63 .. " 2 12 12 ., 48 44 196 75 72 12 10 1 54 43 197 4 2 2 5 .. 1 6 8 198 75 66 7 11 1 3 59 78 199 12 3 6 7 15 7 200 214 VILLAGE DII£c'rORY

Workers Name Area Oecu- Literate ,----- L.C. of Facilities In pied House- Total Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r---"'--...... ,----"'"__, ,-_.A.--, ;---.A._...... r--..A.~ P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

201 Bairi tola Khurd 432 1 1 8 3 5 1 ., 1 1 202 Butba 1,994 31 31 142 74 68 74 68 10 .. 39 33 203 Harfad P. 1.150 31 30 179 91 88 87 66 20 1 64 47 204 ,Berdeha 6,576 40 40 249 127 122 2 125 116 13 85 77 205 Deoci P. 4,339 50 50 271 139 132 2 23 19 85 86

206 Kfiamhllnia 928 13 13 66 35 31 34 31 2 2 18 12 207 Barbatola (Suda) P. 537 41 41 211 106, 105 .. .. 59 53 21 .s 65 51 208 Kudenia 1,343 77 77 437 223 214 73 61 64 57 8 .. 142 134 209 Jhokho P. 2,010 91 91 445 232 213 .. 2 159 159 25 3 138 65 210 Dhawal P. 4,865 80 89 475 246 229 14 9 198 168 24 153 137

211 Basoda (Darbari) , 964 .. . " ...... Uninhabited . . .. 212 Bodakhunta P. 2,197 72 75 371 194 177 4 6 168 151 5 .. 112 46 213 Jhagroha 848 23 23 114 61 53 61 46 10 4 43 12 214 Budhadol P. 4,366 65 66 367 185 182 126 143 11 2 117 110 215 Sulkhan Khurd 1.891 11 11 69 35 34 35 31 4 21 27

216 Parai P. 3,108 150 170 843 444 399 27 21 231 205 32 271 230 217 Sulk han Kalan P. 2,302 36 38 213 107 106 4 1 71 84 4 70 65 218 Darbari P. 1,074 36 37 223 114 109 .. 27 48 .. .. 65 54 219 Rehf P. 1.924 50 59 304 171 133 22 11 74 61 22 2 89 7 220 Amilihwa 1,662 30 30 184 90 94 82 93 2 71 60

221 Baudibar 1,133 14 14 81 38 43 32 38 2 29 26 222 Saketi 3,720 17 17 90 53 37 .. 53 37 .. 34 27 223 Karthua Po,P. 1,766 55 62 288 160 128 1 7 70 57 28 3 97 43 224 Sundar 2,785 39 39 183 97 86 97 78 .. 64 54 225 Bardab 1,229 7 7 58 29 29 26 28 I 18 9

226 Red! 2,924 7 8 26 13 13 11 12 10 9 227 Godbawar 4,347 3 3 12 8 4 8 4 .. .. 7 3 228 Pa.harkati P. 2,695 46 46 303 145 158 31 43 114 103 27 I 102 104 229 Matehni 2,947 40 40 228 118 110 6 8 112 102 25 .. 82 68 230 Khokhwa P. 4,128 104 104 658 325 333 59 48 238 244 10 1 212 202

231 Bharea P. 2,756 34 38 230 "126 104 118 99 9 77 47 .232 Karlo 1,485 11 11 49 21 28 16 28 2 18 12 233 Signarwa 1,760 12 12 112 61 5l 61 50 3 40 19 234 Kapurdei 5,917 77 77 464 243 221 13 16 225 199 10 144 138 235 Bhaisahun 1,226 15 15 76 40 36 17 14 24 21

236 KhamhariaKalan 3,998 40 46 223 102 121 76 83 12 1 64 39 237 Parma 3,157 15 15 67 33 34 27 31 1 21 19 238 Dhilri 5,293 ...... " .. Uninhabited .. .. 239 Kbamharia Khurd 1,007 45 47 235 130 105 2 I 70 ' 45 11 79 31 240 Pidariya P. 5,134 117 117 752 380 372 37 38 314 319 15 210 219

241 B:!dnai 2,227 5 5 25 14 11 .. 12 9 .. 9 8 242 Chandonia 2,153 6 6 17 9 8 .. .. 5 5 1 4 3 243 lamtihwa 1,680 84 84 467 243 224 19 13 204 209 8 174 152 244 Katarihar P. 1,764 82 82 440 227 213 12 13 151 146 6 ., 135 124 245 Saeodha P. 3,348 59 68 339 179 160 105 ' 123 32 2 131 109

246 Geer P. 1,555 47 47 244 127 117 88 97 9 78 70 247 Semra 839 33 33 139 80 59 80 59 .' 62 34 248 Dodki 2,942 100 112 563 295 268 26 22 140 137 28 .. 185 119 249 Kursa P. 2,228 103 114 em m 340 62 67 226 236 21 2 198 150 250 Basoda 779 Uninhabited .. 215


______WORKERSA ______~ Non- Le. Workers No. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X

~~A_. ,...... A.---. r-A--. r-~ r--..A.--. r-A --, r-A - ...... r-A-~ r-..A.--.. r-A-~~--. ,-- M F M F M F M F M F M' F ,M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ' 29 30 31 32 33 34 3:1 36 37

1 1 .. ... 2 4 201 32 2 7 31 ...... " 35 35 202 24 14 17 19 9 2 9 11 .. 1 5 27 41 203 52 45 14 13 13 11 5 8 1 42 45 204 41 43 86 S4 46 205

13 7 S S .. " 17 19 206 24 16 30 35 2 7 .. 2 41 54 207 92 99 36 32 13 3 ., 1 .. 81 80 208 96 44 20 19 " .. 3 19 2 94 148 209 84 91 46 40 20 6 3 93 92 210

" .. .. " .. Uninhabited .. " .. . . 211 89 25 16 21 3 2 I 1 82 131 212 36 8 6 4 .. 1 .. .. 18 41 213 94 99 1 6 20 5 2 68 72 214 19 26 1 1 1 14 7 215

112 79 133 132 18 17 8 2 173 169 216 66 62 3 3 " I 37 41 217 42 II 22 43 I ., " 49 55 218 74 3 JO 2 4 2 1 82 126 219 64 55 7 5 19 34 220

23 22 6 4 9 17 221 32 24 2 3 ., .. . . " .. 19 10 222 52 21 34 18 2 3 1 8 1 63 85 223 39 31 25 23 33 32 224 17 6 1 3 11 20 225

2 2 6 5 2 2 3 4 226 1 3 6 .. .1 I I 227 83 87 7 5 10 12 2 43 54 228 80 67 .. 1 2 36 42 229 205 198 7 4 113 131 230

64 42 9 3 .. 3 49 57 231 6 6 9 4 2 2 3 !6 232 39 18 21 32 233 1 1 " .. .. 136 130 5 7 2 I .. .. I 99 83 234 19 II 4 9 I 1 16 15 235

18 2 44 37 I 38 82 236 2 2 16 17 3 .. .. 12 15 237 " " ...... Uninhabited .. .. 238 27 I 49 30 3 .. 51 74 239 188 194 9 15 13 10 .. 170 153 240 I 9 8 .. .. S 3 241 2 2 3 .. 5 5 242 166 143 5 5 3 4 " 69 72 243 115 110 IS 11 3 3 .. 2 92 89 244 lOS 82 22 27 1 3 48 51 245

61 44 10 9 3 17 4 49 47 246 16 8 39 18 4 .. .. ' .. 3 8 18 25 247 104 48 14 17 38 34 3 3 26 17 110 149 248 80 5 82 142 1 33 2 •• ..1. .. 3 133 190 249 Uninhabited 250 216 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Occu- Workers Area pied Literate r----- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses. holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers(I";IX) r-----"---~ ,...--A---"' ,...-----"--"""'1 r---"---, r-- -"---, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 , 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

251 Basinia 3,693 43 44 268 142 126 24 29 5 91 77 252 Bargar 3,398 51 SI 294 154 140 140 140 3 H)5 99 253 Sidhar P. 4,997 58 58 348 176 172 3 3 154 150 II 97 79 254 Budhadand 2,860 17 18 74 41 33 28 24 2 34 21 255 (}armani«(}eer) 2,270 24 24 110 56 54 49 48 2 ' .. 36 32

256 Rajasarai P. 2.248 25 2S 138 81 57 81 57 4 45 42 257 Dala p. 4,624 75 75 369 207 162 38 34 168 126 122 74 258 Bagaiya P. 6,254 137 152 945 494 4S1 29 31 375 379 51 4 295 252 259 Harraha 1,289 38 40 273 151 122 .. 142 121 13 85 55 260 Duari (Sarodba) 240 33 46 196 95 101 16 22 17 22 9 53 48

261 Jiawan P. 2,754 144 144 667 353 314 5 9 187 176 33 223 132 262 Akori Po, To. 2,002 10 7 3S 18 17 1 1 11 9 263 (}eorwa 422 24 24 116 61 55 7 9 4 5 3 31 35 264 Bamhni 996 28 28 137 68 69 .. .. 3 6 I 44 47 265 DUdhmania P. 3,340 53 62 394 202 192 9 8 1 31 5 128 III

266 Bhons 1,361 35 35 183 90 93 63 86 I 60 S9 267 Sarha P. 1,277 23 23 123 65 58 65 58 2 46 41 268 Chandreh 2.128 33 36 225 99 126 91 122 13 66 32 269 Dhapsa 555 17 17 54 31 23 " 26 8 6 21 11 270 Majhigawan(Sarodha) Po,P. 792 61 68 382 178 204 29 24 144 180 10 103 40

271 Madwa (Sarodha) 734 25 30 142 77 65 58 53 5 53 45 272 Dhonga P. 2,729 93 93 458 229 229 3 3 149 156 27 4 160 60 273 Kundi 64 .. " .. Uninhabited 274 Mandi 445 3 3 19 10 9 5 4 2 5 4 275 Kherabada 1.975 40 43 213 106 107 29 18 77 54

276 Sirguri P. 1,392 32 35 209 III 98 10 8 101 90 7 66 62 277 Danadol 1,165 32 32 203 115 88 .. 103 81 7 .. 70 33 278 Supela Po.To,P. 208 101 101 476 241 235 24 18 76 71 46 6 131 70 279 Godgawan Po.To. 146 20 20 122 57 65 8 8 4 37 15 280 Baherbadand 182 8 10 47 25 22 9 9 2 14 11

281 Judwar P. 2,532 80 83 398 200 198 5 8 148 138 16 141 132 282 Pachuar 1,771 104 104 516 264 252 19 22 191 165 13 181 141 283 Nawa nagar P. 1,629 123 125 688 337 351 194 250 38 214 201 284 Barwatola (Nayanagar) Po. 701 57 62 343 168 175 39 38 21 30 9 110 98 285 Sidhari 1,645 15 15 90 49 41 49 41 3 34 25

286 Parsohar P. 1,914 5J 57 365 187 178 120 138 14 120 64 287 Bahera PO,To. 77 6 6 23 12 11 .. 12 6 4 7 3 288 Samda PO,To. 125 37 40 212 99 113 5 8 46 43 21 3 57 27 289 Dhanha Po,To,P. 239 100 100 516 249 261 26 30 10 11 36 .. 147 41 290 JhakhrawaJ P. 656 167 187 995 485 510 94 98 116 56 65 2 283 234

291 Bodi 1,155 40 40 194 105 89 105 88 4 61 50 292 Jagbat 1.514 57 70 384 192 192 18 16 99 115 16 3 129 %7 293 Khandholi P. 6,185 113 113 585 306 279 19 16 167 176 19 I 19& 125 294 Chataniha 3,535 35 38 216 111 105 86 87 7 1 79 52 295 Bodia 2,071 25 26 127 62 65 62 63 I 47 42

296 Naudhia Abad Po.To,P,MP,(A) 243 246 247 980 537 443 13: 12 103 89 144 24 330 57 297 Naudhi (Biron) Po,To.P.M,H, 63 41 43 97 68 29 4 9 51 10 47 D,MP.(A) 298 Itar Po,To. 261 76 79 413 204 209 IS 14 26 32 42 129 95 299 Harrabirti' P. 120 42 48 230 112 118 141 9 17 73 52 300 Birti 135 30 33 168 82 86 20 25 15 14 3 56 43 217


WORKERS Non- -Le. ------~------~ Workers No. 1 II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X

,--~- ,__:.~-...... ~ ,--.A.-...... ,-...... - ...... ,--A.--, .--"--...... - ...... --, .--"---, ._.A._ ...... M F M F M F M F M F M\ F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

80 66 7 !3 3 4 .. 51 49 251 96 89 8 9 1 1 49 41 252 88 68 6 II, I 2 79 93 253 4 1 30 20 .. 7 12 254 23 22 12 10 1 20 22 255

28 32 10 7 2 4 2 .. 36 15 256 28 94 73 I •• .. I 85 88 257 268 252 18 L 8 I .. 199 199 258 72 41 11 13 2 1 66 67 259 , 31 27 22 21 .. 42 53 260 ~ 119 10 68 113 II 2 24 7 130 182 26J 6 .. 5 9 .. 7 8 262 9 11 17 24 .. ' 3 2 30 20 263 32 26 12 21 .. , .. .. 24 22 264 97 91 13 12 5 6 9 2 4 74 81 265

58 54 1 4 30 34 266 27 26 17 15 ...... 2 .. 19 17 267 S5 22 5 4 6 4 .. 2 33 94- 268, II 6 I 3 .. .. 6 5 10 12 269 82 32 6 6 13 I 2 I 75 164 270

33 23 20 22 .. 24 20 271 115 33 34 27 9 2 69 169 272 .. Uninhabited .' 273 5 4 5 5 274 38 18 39 36 29 53 275

62 58 4 4 .. 45 36 276 63 33 3 .. 4 45 55 277 f!2 27 40 43 1 8 110 165 278 23 1 8 14 3 3 :!o 50 279 8 7 6 4 II II 280

92 91 45 36 3 3 2 59 66 281 125 92 56 49 .. ., .. ., 83 111 282 :56 146 41 45 8 4 3 3 7 2 123 150 283 ' 83 76 23 22 4 58, 77 284 34 25 15 16 285

71 38 26 21 2() 5 3 67 114 286 4 1 3 2 .. ., .. -s 8 287 26 12 19 14 .. 8 ' 1 .. 4 42 86 288 91 29 37 4 2 18 1 1 4 102 226 289 136 103 120 113 14 16 13 2 202 276 290

31 37 14 13 16 ., .. .. 44 39 291 48 38 44 44 7 18 3 3 9 1 63 105 - 292 110 45 86 80 .. 2 108 154 293 64 52 .. 4 11 32 53 294 30 32 17 10 15 23 295

43 68 14 62 41 63 94 207 386 296 47 21 29 297 81 67 32 25 11 3 .. 5 75 114 298 35 27 34 25 3 1 39 66 299 31 15 21 28 4 26 43 300 218


Occu- Workers Area pied Literate ~---- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers(I-IX) ,...---...... _--. ,....--'--""'\ ,...._ ...... _...... ,----"--""'\ ,--...... --, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

301 Lohrakothar 1,132 ...... Uninhabited .. 302 Bargawan (Pondi) P.M. 1,276 89 97 525 263 262 4 6 143 192 52 160 138 303 Dhorhwa P. 1.931 28 32 239 124 115 123 114 .. 82 82 304 Silfori P. 3,235 42 42 250 131 119 7 8 87 76 8 79 68 305 Sunda 981 28 32 153 78 75 61 58 3 49 40

306 Chhiwa Po,To. 317 8 9 34 23 11 9 3 6 15 4 307 Parsona Pepkhar 54 .. .. " Uninhabited 308 Parsona Kothar 48 10 II 83 53 30 11 .. 30 16 309 Deogawan P. 132 III 121 715 362 353 30 31 39 1 209 177 310 Umarhar 460 110 123 644 328 316 47 44 16 13 16 189 15

311 Parihasi 3,322 56 56 285 147 138 12 11 68 65 I .. 92 66 312 Pokhra P. 2,845 102 102 502 262 240 20 15 179 171 22 2 163 88 313 Pondi (Bagdari) P. 2,646 85 90 509 253 256 45 53 167 179 32 2 164 159 314 Kherrhhan 2,258 16 18 108 50 58 3 3 47 S3 2 31 35 315 Tikat 2,095 7 12 66 36 30 32 28 20 18

316 Sahuar PO,To,P. 1,240 243 281 1.303 655 648 31 27 165 167 124 9 405 256 317 Khobha Po.To. 386 17 17 116 55 61 2 ., 7 28 27 318 Katba 159 Uninhabited 319 Gurupura 122 Uninhabited 320 Katangurpura 22 .. Uninhabited

321 Bandha 2,428 68 76 404 204 200 9 10 185 177 5 125 101 322 Mendh 670 5 5 2 5 323 Koniya 88 Uninhabited ., 324 Deora (Sahuar) 221 Uninhabited 325 Katanr MajauDa 20 Uninhabited

326 KatanNis 24 5 5 27 15 12 .. 8 12 .. .. 7 9 327 Khadaura P. 317 160 176 !l33 478 455 57 63 77 65 176 3 262 87 328 Sarbo 1.084 47 47 198 94 104 72 72 3 61 24 329 Birchhi 896 13 13 61 29 32 23 24 1 23 13 330 Badwasiman 413 Uninhabited .,

331 Bagdari Po.p· 4,255 188 205 972 501 471 36 33 158 163 145 302 297 332 Gamardei 478 10 10 78 38 40 .. .. 2 1 ., 25 23 333 Ajgura P. 5,138 91 102 580 295 285 13 14 193 182 4 183 175 334 Kundwar P. 2,374 57 74 367 182 185 6 4 154 165 9 126 63 335 Harrachandel Po,To.P. 430 98 107 522 250 272 79 78 2 27 165 179

336 Katoldi Po. 271 38 43 199 97 102 40 47 22 30 18 60 36 337 Lilhara 401 ...... 338 Gaurahwa 1,047 1 1 8 3 5 3 5 ., 3 5 339 Chahli 4,967 221 23 122 66 56 63 54 2 51 32 340 Charkee p. 5,385 80 98 502 253 249 200 195 22 156 157

341 Satmur 545 .. .. Uninhabited .. 342 Majhuna 480 40 44 211 108 103 17 18 25 26 37 73 55 343 Joginee P. 1,017 110 122 597 300 297 41 55 44 41 13 176 92 344 Purwajagir 1,794 30 35 141 72 69 3 3 45 40 1 44 43 345 Bbaruba 97 15 16 68 30 38 3 2 24 14 6 22 14

346 Bargawan (Khadaura) 260 ...... Uninhabited .. . . 347 Amo P. 1,940 80 82 428 205 223 13 16 124 123 16 1 135 111 348 Bairihwa 1,510 19 22 133 73 60 53 45 53 42 349 Chakwar 260 11 21 103 53 50 41 37 4 36 25 350 Jhiria 214 5 5 16 10 6 6 6 5 219


______WORKERS A Non- -. Workers LC. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X No. r--..A.-..... r-A--o r-A-..., ,..----A--. r-A--""' r--:A--..... r-A--""' r-..A.-..... ,.---A.--, r--"----. M F M F M F M F M F M\ F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ' 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

Uninhabited .. 301 103 73 41 63 4 2 12 103 ]24 302 79 77 3 5 .. ' 42 33 303 72 64 6 4 1 52 51 304 37 24 9 16 1 2 29 35 305

9 6 3 8 7 306 Uninhabited 307 19 9 9 7 I. .. 2 23 14 308 139 114 59 63 8 2 1 153 176 309 120 2 54 13 15 139 301 310

60 46 22 20 , 10 55 72 311 110 61 32 23 ., 5 4 4 5 99 152 312 123 122 32 35 4 2 3 2 89 97 313 28 31 3 4 19 23 314 20 18 i 16 12 315

215 105 144 138 30 13 4 12 250 392 316 24 23 2 4 2 27 34 317 Uninhabited .. 318 .. Uninhabited .. 319 Uninhabited .. -.. 320 94 84 24 11 .. 6 6 .. 79 99 321 3 2 322 .. Uninhabited 323 Uninhabited .. 324 Uninhabited .. 325 7 9 ...... 8 3 326 130 24 84 60 3 25 2 4 1 16 216 368 327 32 3 23 19 6 2 33 80 328 1 12 13 8 2 6 19 329 Uninhabited .. 330

205 213 R4 82 10 2 3 199 174 331 25 23 ...... 13 17 332 108 141 31 32 8 2 35 I 112 110 333 65 30 46 31 12 2 3 56 122 334 91 2 71 170 4 1 2 1 85 93 335

30 3 21 29 9 4 37 66 336 Uninhabited 337 3 5 .. 338 47 32 4 .. .. ., 15 24 339 91 108 21 38 26 8 18 3 97 92 340

.. " ...... Uninhabited .. 341 31 4 40 51 1 I 35 48 342 90 1 83 91 3 124 205 343 25 19 36 7 28 26 344 7 14 15 16 16 345

Uninhabited 346 53 1 81 110 70 112 347 48 35 5 7 o' 20 18 348 17 11 18 12 1 2 17 25 349 2 6 3 4 1 350 220


Occu- Workers Area pied Literate ,---- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou-House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers(I-IX) r---.A.--~ ,--"--""\ ,__"Jo.__""\ ,---"--.., r-.A.-,"""\ P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

351 Karree P. 1,991 52 52 220 126 94 103 81 6 82 50 352 Kudaria 2,160 20 26 133 68 65 50 52 3 43 26 353 Lohra (Atarwa) P. 361 60 66 321 159 162 21 19 134 143 8 109 71 354 Atarwa P. 484 38 44 218 102 116 84 III 6 71 77 355 Bhakuar 78 3 3 8 5 3 4 1

356 Barahpatia Po. 125 9 12 59 28 31 2 5 19 2 16 6 357 Gidher 6,52{) 52 52 300 153 147 134 132 82 83 358 Kachari tola 425 2 2 8 4 4 4 4 .. 3 3 359 Birkunia Po. 2,852 84 82 475 231 244 185 165 7 139 118 360 Basaha 298 1 1 2 1 1 I I

361 Chanduar Po. 234 36 43 212 102 110 16 27 12 67 20 362 Harra Biran 274 .. Uninhabited ...... 363 Silaf 1,946 53 53 306 170 136 ., 158 132 12 1 95 65 364 Majhigawan I P. 3,809 73 75 389 192 197 17 23 156 152 13 128 101 365 Parsohar (Bagdari) P. 1.446 36 42 274 139 135 37 29 68 66 16 76 83

366 Chakariya P. 4,236 70 84 547 284 263 17 18 262 235 2 146 149 367 Kusedi 2.315 24 25 93 52 41 26 24 38 17 368 Lutee 5,877 36 46 281 146 135 10 8 133 121 2 101 85 369 Mukhudi 847 14 16 97 51 46 48 46 39 :.'0 370 Songarh 810 26 32 170 87 83 7 6 62 66 II 55 56

371 Sattichaura 177 8 10 45 20 25 .. .. 13 2 372 Koharakhoh Po. 488 25 25 106 54 52 38 24 I 34 17 373 Larwa 487 20 21 87 49 38 40 35 o. 33 23 374 Pateri P. 644 47 50 269 137 132 .. 50 47 12 83 82 375 Chingo 751 101 111 639 317 322 119 113 22 22 22 172 149

376 Bachhnar (Cbakaria) 940 32 39 260 133 127 23 18 106 107 .. 84 72 377 Karda P. 7,042 81 83 457 221 236 2 4 166 172 20 140 66 378 Gadhwa (Kerwa) 143 Uninhabited ., 379 Kerwa 126 ...... U ninhabJted .. . . 380 Ghinhagaon P. 961 119 119 651 329 322 75 84 97 74 35 197 171

381 Bhaundar 1,304 50 52 249 134 115 2 2 108 94 I .. 77 61 382 Pipra Po,P. 1,572 158 186 1,004 525 479 90 78 61 62 30 1 314 276 383 Piparkhar Po. 1,915 49 52 302 161 141 27 23 40 44 21 92 83 384 Kherwa P. 3,636 120 132 670 341 329 24 13 138 153 54 213 ' 187 385' Chatree P. 2,317 97 100 656 334 322 3 2 43 43 25 209 201

386 Karipahar 6,367 ...... Uninhabited o. 387 Langhadand 863 18 21 87 44 43 44 43 .. 28 25 388 Sajhar 5,617 15 22 105 59 46 .. .. 44 40 6 41 29 389 Chingee 158 28 41 192 107 85 93 70 I .. 1 67 48 390 Barmani 756 79 95 536 2~1 255 75 63 43 46 35 178 150

391 Churkl P. 6.984 III 142 865 437 428 82 84 205 201 9 256 203 392 Pidra 5,061 27 29 153 79 74 77 67 1 50 44 393 Betahadand Mathadol 1,376 19 20 89 45 44 . , .. 9 10 6 31 27 394 Sapha 213 16 20 128 71 57 27 18 16 24 3 40 32 395 Barhati Po. 801 24 32 200 97 103 II 10 19 16 7 56 46

396 Karela Po,P. 1,746 168 171 1,029 532 497 120 131 112 102 3& .316 274 397 Joba P. 8,945 70 70 375 177 198 130 184 5 177 191 398 Orgari P. 3.019 78 89 498 271 227 65 56 76 80 87 4 170 119 399 Kharkata P. 603 75 80 392 215 177 27 11 82 68 9 116 89 400 Bamhani (Madwa) 1,878 53 54 298 144 154 8 12 133 141 1 89 98 221 DEOSAR TAHSIL

WORKERS Non------"-----,------""'\ Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X t.e No. ~ r--"--""'\ r-...... -""'\ ,..-_...... _""'\ ,..---A._"",,\ ,..--...... --, ,..---A._-. ,..--...... -""'\ ,..-_..A..--, ,..--~ M F M F M F M F M F M , F M F M F M F M ~ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

38 28 26 22 16 2 44 44 351 26 16 17 10 ' ...... 25 39 352 86 56 17 15 3 1 1 1 50 91 353 51 24 18 53 1 1 31 39 354 4 1 1 2 355

4 .. 12 6 I • 12 25 356 62 58 20 25 71 64 357 .. 3 3 1 1 358 97 101 12 17 26 2 2 92 126 ' 359 1 1 360

40 8 27 12 35 90 361 ...... , .. Uninhabited .. .. 362 53 7 42 58 .. 75 71 363 110 74 17 26 .. J 64 96 364 48 63 15 20 4 9 63 52 365

122 134 23 15 ., 138 114 366 17 7 17 10 .. 4 14 24 367 82 70 14 15 3 2 45 50 368 36 18 3 2 .. 12 26 369 23 1 32 54 1 32 27 370

6 2 7 ., .. 7 23 371 4 .. 13 12 17 5 20 35 372 10 6 23 17 .. .. 16 15 373 40 48 34 31 .. 2 3 7 54 50 374 107 96 50 46 1 11 6 2 1 145 173 375

76 65 4 7 4 ...... 49 55 376 86 31 37 34 15 1 I 1 81 170 377 .. Uninhabited .. 378 ...... " . , .. .. Uninhabited ...... 379 80 75 39 43 33 2 17 3 2 25 49 132 151 380

48 43 20 18 9 ...... 57 S4 381 233 224 24 19 11 1 41 32 4 1 211 203 382 67 65 19 18 5 .. 1 69 58 383 140 138 52 44 20 5 1 128 142 384 140 160 S6 40 12 1 1 12S 121 385

., ...... " .. .. Uninhabited ...... 386 16 15 5 9 7 1 . , .. .. 16 18 387 21 21 9 8 .. ., 7 3 1 18 17 388 40 25 24 21 2 2 I 40 37 389 134 128 23 19 20 :I 1 103 105 390

219 183 25 20 .. .. 11 . ' . . 181 225 391 27 30 9 II 12 2 2 1 29 30 392 27 2S 4 2 14 17 393 29 24 11 8 .. 31 25 394 34 34 15 12 7 41 57 395

195 154 94 119 22 5 .. 216 223 396 173 190 .. , . .. .. 4 1 .. 7 397 117 86 20 17 .. .. 21 6 7 5 10 101 108 398 72 63 30 23 9 3 5 .. 99 88 399 58 71 9 16 10 5 12 6 55 56 400 222 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Workers Name Area Occu- Literate r----- L.C. of Facilities in pied House- Total Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r----.A.---, ,__--"-___, ,..._Jo.._...,. ,------'-_-. ,... __ Jo.. __ ~ P M F M F M F M F M F I 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

401 Padhor 2,985 Uninhabited .. 402 Dharsara Po,P. 1,385 48 51 319 166 153 35 22 41 45 13 106 88 403 Pali 389 19 21 105 53 52 33 35 29 29 404 Gangee (Kharkata) 535 29 31 181 92 89 9 5 19 82 8 52 58 405 Lutan Po. 1,192 36 44 233 112 121 9 9 63 64 13 64 64

406 Mahuli P. 12,718 95 109 523 279 244 1 2 266 241 26 1 183 148 407 Piparkhandi 5,089 102 Jl3 570 277 293 27 40 250 241 15 193 196 408 Murwa (Deosar) 4,354 .. " Uninhabited .. 409 Barokhar Po,P. 2,570 116 127 828 422 406 99 96 90 93 27 237 191 410 Kasar p. 1,537 89 100 531 274 257 30 24 48 49 19 165 138

411 Tikuri tola 446 19 19 123 64 59 20 27 8 41 40 412 Kaohur 649 15 17 109 52 57 31 31 4 34 32 413 Koluha 1,694 7 8 44 21 23 17 14 16 13 414 Dhaudar 1,668 2 2 32 24 8 4 24 8 415 Baronia Po. 1.731 41 41 222 128 94 3 2 20 6 76 34

416 Semuar P. 1,120 59 67 344 164 180 14 23 18 18 39 116 104 417 Anjani 255 7 9 47 23 24 19 19 13 11 418 Tal 2,665 5 5 51 23 28 .. 23 20 21 19 419 Amlakpur 2,258 22 23 131 62 69 2 1 57 66 2 38 9 420 Baheraha 928 18 18 133 66 67 65 67 5 43 37

421 Baghadih p. 4003 104 liB 636 327 309 62 50 206 210 104 3 212 169 422 Godwali Po.P. 1,985 127 155 894 440 454 127 130 47 63 85 288 227 423 Uksa 344 7 8 7 7 14 12 Mahdeiya p. 41 23 18 424 800 33 41} 230 ll5 115 23 25 9 8 10 80 62 425 Ingura 328 6 7 29 16 13 15 12 2 11 9

426 Gorbee P. 4,206 54 55 325 177 148 10 5 128 111 12 2 106 92 427 Kathas 325 3 3 6 4 4 5 4 428 Belmanee 13 7 3 2 1,925 24 22 118 66 52 .. ., 59 46 3 42 27 429 Pipri 1,015 48 46 269 131 138 110 120 10 28 12 85 78 430 Khekhda p. 1.247 106 131 670 348 322 66 59 181 183 42 6 192 143

431 Bhalugarb T,e. 1,926 128 132 829 423 406 183 190 35 272 265 432 Bastaliabad 49 7 I II 11 433 Jarnual 7 34 15 19 9 8 142 2 2 10 6 4 o. 3 3 2 434 Fuljhar (Karela) 818 3 3 17 11 6 10 5 1 7 5 435 Deosar P. 665 33 33 225 115 110 II 7 69 67 21 78 66 436 Chhadna 1,360 5 5 18 to 8 1 9 8 8 3 437 Barahwatola 106 97 87 14 171 94 438 Chakdadar 1,347 91 114 573 309 264 63 65 439 6 Uninhabited Baslali Beeran 113 .. Uninhabited 440 Ramgarh 166 13 20 85 47 38 3 3 20 3 37 27

441 Naudhial Karela 1,417 28 34 203 103 100 6 8 51 37 8 62 55 442 Diadol 37 37 2 46 45 443 Kachhinar 539 17 17 100 47 53 1,670 8 8 41 22 19 19 18 1 9 11 444 Nawatola P. 1.679 34 35 ]69 82 87 .. 74 79 4 52 46 445 Kathdaha 1,616 49 - 49 292 152 140 21 21 126 119 6 89 75

446 Surga 9 10 7 6 447 Kukraon 469 4 4 20 10 10 2,944 37 37 WI) 106 94 I 1 60 66 8 69 53 448 Deora (Tinguri) 100 88 4 74 68 449 Bargawan (Daga) Po,P,M, 3,088 32 40 230 120 no 20 21 S3( 146 154 798 408 390 20 18 69 72 103 ]4 209 135 H,D, Mcw,Rhc. 342 48 55 13 17 58 4 217 2\3 450 Daga Po,P. 1,713 124 133 695 353 223


______WORKERSA ______~ Non- Le. Workers No. I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X

,.A.---, r--.A.~ ,-_.A._-. r-_A--. ,--"---. ..---~--. ,--"--...... ,.---.A.--. ..----"---. ,--_.,A__~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

, Uninhabited . - .. .. 401 94 81 6 7 6 60 65 402 22 17 7 12 .. ., 24 23 403 29 36 11 16 3 9 6 40 31 404 37 48 20 16 7 48 57 405

112 74 30 54 27 II 3 2 16 96 96 406 140 147 21 40 16 14 9 .. 2 84 97 407 ...... , ., Uninhabited .. .. " 401l 150 152 35 27 14 8 36 4 2 185 215 409 116 95 49 43 109 119 410

33 31 7 9 1 ., 23 19 411 29 29 2 2 3 I 18 25 412 14 II 2 2 .. 5 10 413 2 .. .. " ., 22 Il ...... 414 55 18 15 14 5 2 I 52 60 415

86 89 11 15 6 II 2 48 76 416 2 .. II II 10 13 417 21 19 .. .. 2 9 418 32 7 4 I 2 24 60 419 40 35 3 2 23 30 420

144 117 30 46 5 22 6 11 115 140 421 235 195 15 21 19 4 15 7 4 152 227 422 14 12 .. 9 6 423 66 55 13 7 35 53 424 JO 8 I I 5 4 425

93 89 4 2 8 71 56 426 3 3 2 1 2 2 427 20 13 21 14 .. I 24 25 428 65 61 16 17 3 .. 1 46 60 429 110 85 67 58 12 1 2 156 179 430

200 222 40 40 10 14 2 8 151 141 431 4 6 7 5 ... 4 8 432 3 2 3 2 433 7 5 ...... , 4 I 434 36 35 10 14 14 10 8 5 6 2 3 37 44 435

4 .. 2 3 2 .. 2 5 436 90 59 45 32 5 14 .. 14 3 9 132 170 437 Uninhabited 438 Uninhabited .. .. 439 27 27 10 10 II 440

55 51 5 4 2 41 45 441 46 45 2 1 8 442 3 7 8 13 8 443 28 28 20 68 18 4 .. .. 30 41 444 62 8 13 8 2 2 1 63 65 445 7 6 " .. 3 4 446 57 40 11 68 12 37 41 447 61 6 7 46 42 448 126 88 24 37 .. 140 183 .. 17 4 30 4 12 2 199 255 449 22 14 16 4 17 8 9 13 4 136 129 450 224


Occu- Workers Area pied LiteFate ,...---- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Schedliled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kersO-IX) r----.A..---'\ ,..----'--_-. ..----"---. ,,....~ ,-_..A.._...... P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

451 Kanai Po,P. 1,265 87 95 513 253 260 99 115 39 38 40 3 lSI 146 452 Dadar Po. 1,377 37 40 188 99 89 15 19 35 34 15 4 69 54 453 Rampurwa 502 17 20 llO 57 53 16 19 13 38 28 454 Harriya 104 13 15 100 51 49 " .. 2 34 28 455 Belgaon 1,059 14 14 73 33 40 33 40 1 33 39

456 Uijaini P. 3,666 90 117 624 330 294 79 85 III 102 34 3 211 153 457 Jobgarh P. 1,149 111 139 719 353 366 51 59 190 197 26 2 204 184 458 Madraich P. 6,615 70 71 314 164 150 5 6 150 137 28 114 61 459 Purel p, 2,395 105 III 634 343 291 55 43 90 86 27 204 135 460 Tinguri P. 2,756 48 49 310 156 154 71 76 74 68 5 82 83

461 Kuchwahi P. 1,536 73 73 378 200 178 25 26 62 55 7 116 104 462 Dhanbahi 1,266 60 60 311 164 147 - 2 6 103 90 3 " 80 80 463 Barka P. 4,177 90 102 570 279 291 37 40 150 153 16 I 175 161 464 Andhiyaria tola 1,507 40 44 229 115 114 " .. 100 III I 74 66 465 Talwa 1,689 39 48 233 114 119 8 6 103 78 8 78 67

466 Majhauli p. 3,331 41 50 276 142 134 .. 35 35 20 92 82 467 Nigri PO,P. 4.438 336 338 1,916 970 946 123 124 205 196 126 2 567 549 468 Sarratola 1,055 41 46 279 144 135 ,. 87 79 2 78 79 469 Obaree P. 5,947 ] 15 118 664 316 348 83 108 196 198 32 ... 189 168 470 Maniharee P. 4,290 77 100 619 314 305 6 5 169 156 31 1 187 162

471 Patharidah 1.508 19 19 101 55 46 48 39 33 28 472 Khanditola 1,092 25 25 168 82 86 . , , . 65 73 .. 50 53 473 Rajnia P. 2,330 112 113 628 318 310 II 8 253 238 10 193 17 474 Dhohni P. 5,476 154 152 8.58 419 439 8 7 380 406 26 255 145 475 Matia 338 8 8 43 2S 18 6 7 4 20 4

476 Chhamrachh P. 2,201 178 178 779 373 406 48 48 26 26 36 248 229 471 Kachhra p, 955 196 196 1,036 523 513 138 113 221 237 .. 322 296 478 Gaonai P. 6,954 158 158 852 422 430 91 88 244 252 49 277 201 479 Makree 2.777 50 50 328 165 163 12 8 109 110 3 99 95 480 Katai Po.P. 2,120 164 164 833 394 439 16 17 56 88 28 254 261

481 ~pal Po,P,M,D,Hos. ],475 113 113 665 369 296 36 20 63 18 85 3 189 ]44 482 Geeda 3,194 51 65 341 171 170 147 152 10 119 102 Semariyatola ,. 70 65 483 627 45 49 251 137 114 " 113 94 484 Mahrail P. 3,066 94 107 608 312 296 25 21 215 174 20 6 203 165 48S Pachor P. 3,195 56 74 411 204 207 13 9 96 108 50 118 89

486 Kunda 1,229 4 5 19 9 lO I 6 .. 6 7 487 Niwas , Po,P. 1,018 220 222 1,224 626 598 91 86 75 60 123 5 366 249 488 Pondi (Chhamarachh) 1,575 17 17 77 36 41 1 1 19 19 I 26 28 489 Katheri Po,P. 2,608 46 46 280 138 142 ,. 134 133 ., 71 3 490 Gadaigaon 10,623 III 120 719 375 344 22 18 278 257 15 218 152

491 Kasaiya 2,862 32 32 191 86 105 79 100 .. 51 79 492 Ataree P. 6,645 48 48 268 13~ 135 129 132 7 92 94 493 Jhurhanar 1,214 21 21 107 50 .57 47 54 31 37 494 Gorgee 758 . . ., Uninhabited .. 495 Fuljhar (Gajrabahra) 2,690 29 29 165 89 76 89 76 3 50 44

496 MahuagaoD P. 2,778 293 293 1,532 778 754 122 115 89 110 73 3 496 462 497 Sajapani P. 6.458 143 ]44 799 392 407 5 6 274 397 20 244 279 498 Dudhiatola 699 23 23 118 60 58 6 5 54 53 40 28 499 Bakhul P. 2.890 73 73 396 202 194 10 14 74 65 22 135 141 500 Hardee P. 2,592 93 93 506 264 242 91 102 25 185 173 225-


______~ ______, WORKERS_A______, ~ Non- Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII - I~ X L-C, No. ,..._ ...... -,. ,...._...... __-. ,....~ ,....~ r-.A.--. r_':;"'=, ,...--.A._, ,-_.A.----, ,--.A._-, r--A.----. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

95 105 39 37 . 5 10 2 2 102 114 451 37 31 17 14 14 9 1 30 35 452 15 15 9 5 11 8 3 19 25 4'3 34 28 17 21 454 33 39 I 455

106 71 77 71 I 19 II 8 119 141 456 110 92 54 67 3 31 25 .. 6 149 182 457 . 85 42 19 19 .. 2 . , 1 7 .. 50 89 458 142 110 17 16 31 5 4 1 8 5 139 156 459 53 61 23 22 5 I 74 71 460

99 86 17 18 84 74 461 57 52 23 28 •• 1 ...... 84 67 462 150 145 10 13 6 .. 2 1 4 I 3 I 104 130 463 55 59 5 5 i3 2 I .. 41 48 464 60 53 12 14 3 2 I 36 52 465

67 48 20 22 3 II I .. 50 52 466 453 430 84 101 .. 27 15 3 3 403 397 467 00 60 16 19 I .. .. ., ., ., J 66 56 468 137 130 17 19. 12 7 18 12 3 2 127 180 469 97 116 51 43 6 27 3 6 127 143 470

28 25 5 3 .. 22 18 471 32 42 53 3 " 3 2 .. .. 33 4n 160 .. 30 16 2 1 .. I 125 293 473 169 95 59 49 .. 23 1 I 3 164 294 474 12 4 4 4 5 14 475

212 192 29 37 5 .. 2 125 177 476 292 266 23 23 .. 7 7 .- 201 217 477 181 144 53 48 27 9 14 .. .. 2 145 229 478 76 83 13 II 6 I 3 I 66 68 47'J 220 222 29 38 5 140 178 480

103 94 50 48 12 24 Ir,O 152 481 91 . 52 68 482 79 27 23 I 55 50 13 IS 2 . , ...... 67 49 483 153 130 40 31 1 5 .. 2 3 3 109 131 484 66 42 45 46 5 1 1 1 86 118 485

4 5 .)1 2 .. I ...... 3 3 486 266 193 3 45 2 2 19 3 8 6 18 260 349 487 22 24 4 4 10 13 488 68 .. 9 3 .. . . 61 39 489 160 46 51 106 5 2 157 192 490

47 64 2 7 8 ., 35 26 491 78 80 13 14 .. .. I 41 41 492 21 31 3 6 6 I .. 19 20 493 ...... Uninhabited . . . . 494 44 38 5 5 I 1 39 32 495

410 385 65 67 16 10 3 .. 2 282 292 496 210 240 27 36. 5 2 2 I 148 128 497 38 28 .. .. 2 20 30 498 116 125 17 16 .. 2 67 53 499 176 169 4 4 4 1 79 69 500 226 VILLAGE DIREcrORY

Ottu. Work Area pied Literate ,--- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scheduled Scheduled and TotalWor- No. Village available 8l:re& ses bolds Total Populati OD Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r---""---...... ,_..._____... ,....---"-__" .---'--""'\ ,--.A._,"" P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

501 Godbahra P. 657 64- 64 330 174 156 145 124 1 111 65 502 Pokhaitola P. 1,639 87 90 502 252 250 6 6 198 168 9 163 150 503 Bharsedi P. 6,117 143 147 839 423 416 31 40 289 278 52 276 259 504 Ghaghi Tola 1.048 33 34 192 96 96 96 96 .. 63 43 50S Jhundihwa 846 20 20 155 77 78 77 78 1 50 52

506 Dahjhur 548 22 22 131 69 62 61 55 .. 38 39 507 Ghoghra (Sarai) Po. 2,243 52 57 336 165 171 .. 60 83 2g 96 IOJ 508 Diagadai P. 2,244 56 62 359 190 169 16 19 162 142 7 126 88 509 Tharak thela 2,554 31 31 183 84 99 2 6 78 92 2 53 52 S10 KanhiyaDah 325 24 24 131 73 58 73 58 53 48

511 Bodratola 747 3 3 19 to 9 .. 6 9 .. 7 5 512 Gajra Babra P. 3,884 92 92 538 255 283 28 25 209 242 10 .. 150 135 513 Jhara Po,P. 8,524 227 226 1,176 SS9 617 51 45 247 289 33 I 324 233 514 Naudia (Sarai) Po,P. 1,550 79 80 438 224 214 29 31 70 63 19 J 146 126 515 Sarai Po,P,M.D. 4,865 217 245 1,235 635 600 63 71 211 208 97 4 406 271 516 Banjaree Po,P, 4,988 179 181 886 444 442 39 40 256 274 26 2 293 266 517 Parasi 10 80 72 518 4,280 45 45 241 126 115 6 5 103 94 Shivgarb P. 3,310 57 57 327 157 170 3 2 80 95 23 99 107 519 Chachardol ? .. 6 4 520 722 3 3 14 7 7 7 Kakarsiha Po,P, I,S08 6S 66 39J 195 196 31 20 33 36 16 117 38

521 Hariharpur 2,076 9 10 52 2S 27 ,. 25 27 .. 17 19 522 Bharseda P. 3,459 163 163 853 442 411 S5 64 245 220 42 276 271 523 Amhatola 470 30 34 163 86 77 .. .. 1 .. 26 53 29 '24 Belgaon 808 30 31 5 n 69 525 40 40 244 123 121 43 41 Itma 867 71 71 463 231 232 65 68 40 38 22 143 135 526 Koni 1,824 59 59 345 169 176 43 41 15 104 93 527 Bhikhjharia I 60 48 528 2,409 30 30 180 100 80 .. 100 80 Saroud 1,203 64 64 338 ]59 179 45 49 67 86 15 2 96 89 529 Chamaridol 978 34 43 53 .. 67 53 530 34 187 93 94 .. Dudhmania (Itma) P. 3,840 182 184 925 473 452 105 107 315 279 14 269 270 53] Hatta P. 2.648 104 104 601 306 295 84 69 198 200 14 2 175 166 227


WORKERS.A. ___ Non- ,_. ------..... Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X LC. No' ,----.A--..... r-.A.~ ,..-_.A._ ---. ,..-_.A.~ ,_.A._, ,.-L"A.,_..... ,.--.A.-..... ,.-...... A._ ..... ,-.A.---. ,.---A._ ..... M F M F M F M F M F M. F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 '1.7 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

80 56 ' 7 4 4 21 , 2 63 91 501 131 132 13 1-2 12 6 7 ...... 89 100 502 222 230 26 26 6 2 14 1 1 7 147 157 503 57 43 5 .. , .. .. 1 .. 33 53 504 42 47 2 2 6 2 1 27 26 505 25 28 7 9 6 2 .. .. 31 23 506 65 86 14 11 8 .. 6 4 3 69 70 507 92 69 7 12 1 1 26 6 64 81 508 46 46 6 6 1 31 47 509 53 48 20 10 510

6 5 1 ...... 3 4 511 130 124 13 II ,. 6 .. 1 105 148 512 224 154 63 78 ~ . 33 I 4 235 384 513 114 107 20 19 6 .. 5 .. .. 1 78 88 514 270 215 46 30 13 4 17 14 27 8 33 229 329 515

213 194 59 65 14 6 4 3 151 176 516 78 69 2 3 .. .. 46 43 517 63 ·75 29 32 3 4 58 63 518 5 3 1 I ...... 1 3 519 69 3 35 25 3 10 10 78 158 520

11 16 6 3 8 8 521 241 232 35 39 .. 166 140 522 22 29 ...... 26 5 33 48 523 49 38 7 17 1 15 14 .. 51 52 524 132 III 4 19 2 4 5 1 88 97 525

83 75 12 18 7 65 83 526 30 22 5 10 25 16 .. 40 32 527 66 45 5 10 21 32 3 1 63 90 528 25 27 9 .. 33 26 .. .. 26 41 529 169 151 46 75 4 46 43 2 2 204 182 530

105 123 29 32 8 28 9 3 2 131 129 531 228



Serial Name of Village Location serial Serial Name of Village Location Serial No. Code No. No. No. Code No. No. 1961 1951 1961 1951

2 3 4 1 2 3 4

A 37 Bharuha 4S 132 236 Akbai 231 266 38 Bhabhaura 241 39 2.58 2 Amara 145 90 Bhaukhar 261 43 3 Amaratali 101 170 40 Bhunda 283 4 Amarbai Khoh 226 55 41 Bihara 60 lOS 5 Amdand 210 56 42 Bllanuji 92 139 6 Ambara 230 252 43 Bjlaunji Matwa 120 206 7 Amjhar 31 127 44 Bilasput 169 216 8 Amiliya 111 82 45 Bindool 271 67 I Dakshin tola c.onarput 2 Uttartola 1 Bindool tala 2 Oraga,J tola 101 9 Amilwan 133 46 Bucbaro 270 39 1 Majhari Mukhiyanlola 2 Paschim Paterato/a 3 Dabhintola 47 Budhela 61 107 48 Bugher 162 28 126 10 Amlori 29 49 Bhurkur 217 73 11 Asani 238 220 1 Bhurkur /(has 2 Bhuihari tola 12 Atraila 99 171 C B SO Chakuwar 8 2 13 Barisftul 155 96 51 Chanduli 58 165 14 Badma 44 52 Chanchar 180 218 15 Baheri Kalan 240 241 53 ChandawaJ 125 193 16 Baheri Khurd 241 231 54 Chargora 188 272 52 17 Bajauri 207 S5 Chatn 13 160 195 18 Baliari 140 S6 Chaura 175 74 43 19 19 Bandha 57 Chhanpathar 22 149 1 Bandha Majratola 2 Barijha,iya 58 Chhatkaram 250 249 20 Bandhaura 164 81 59 Chhatauli 2.58 232 21 Banauli 50 150 60 Chinagi Tola 16 3 22 Banauli 149 102 61 Chitarwai Kalan 86 89 23 Basiberdaha 211 65 62 Chitarwai Khurd 132 87 24 Baradghata 221 267 63 Churchuriya 103 174 25 Barauha 82 106 64 Churideb 19 26 Bargarh 276 254 65 Chokara 28 4 1 Barera tola 2 Bargarh 66 Churwahi 195 62 3 Bhuihari tola 4 Bodara tola 67 Churi 281 70 Barahapan 232 263 27 68 Churisani 146 100 28 Basaura 199 78 0 1 Dakshin tala 2 Karmdol 3 Uttar to/a 69 Dajreb 2 159 29 Basaura 269 248 70 Dansautl 55 137 30 Betariya 213 229 71 Deoti S3 12S Belbar 235 37 31 72 Deora 123 142 32 BbadaiJi 263 41 73 Deod Kalan lOS 179 33 Bbainsatura 233 38 74 Deorl 42 30 1 Baralia to/a 2 Bhainsatura 3 Boda,a tala 4 Parpatiha lola 75 Deorahawa 142 184 Dhanabara 259 23S 34 Bhalya Tala 172 35 76 Dhanagarh 280 69 3S Bhandi 87 108 77 284 234 36 Bhamar khoh 274 259 78 Dhari Dhaturabarwa Tola 119 201 1 Bhomar Khoh 2 Ko/ahiya 79 3 Khohto/a 80 Dhaturapokhara Tola 90 200 229



Serial Name of Village Location Serial Serial Name of Village Location Serial No. Code No. No. No. Code No. No. 1961 1951 1961 1951 2 3 4 2 3 4

81 Dheka 239 233 122 Hirrwah 138 198 1 Hirawah Pashchimtola 2 Hirrll'ah Purabtola ~2 Dheki 118 118 83 Dhorhi Tola 249 251 I 75 153 84 Dheki 123 Itma 65 144 85 Dhirauli 192 31 86 Dhondha (Ghongha) 244 277 J 87 Dhoti 95 194 124 Jainagar 78 177 88 Dhummadand 189 273 125 Jaitpur 57 167 89 Dhummadol 107 21 126 Jalhathani 222 262 90 Dhuskari 24 18 127 Jalpani 245 49 128 Jamgari 109 34 91 Digghi 46 110 129 Jamuwa 94 189 92 Digabah 224 45 130 Jaraha 156 91 93 Doda Khand 106 186 1 Barigawan 2 Domar/ya 94 Dongari 234 42 3 Jarahakhas 1 Bandaroghali 2 Chakiya tala 3 Dangar; tala 4 Karkichchu 131 Jaraundha 134 103 5 Dutidol 6 Sigata tala 132 Iaraundhi 135 104 95 Duddhichuwa 23 162 133 Iatha Tola 108 25 G 134 Jeer 282 71 1 Jeer 2 Kataulitola 96 Gadllhara 52 123 135 Jbanjhi Tola 24'2 215 97 Gadahara 184 214 136 Jhalari 208 24 98 Garahar 248 255 137 Jhigurdah 158 99 Gaderiya 15 1 3 138 Jugiyani 100 Gadasa 38 15 268 250 1 Manhava lola 2 Jug/yan; 101 Gahilara 114 112 139 Judi 98 176 1 Gohi/ara Rangdeo tala 2 Gahi/ara khaa 140 Jinhar 84 124 102 Gahilgarh Pashchimtola 96 191 141 Juwadi 79 175 103 Gahilgarh Purwatola 97 190 104 G~miyari 139 196 K 105 Garda 51 169 142 Kandopani 219 265 106 Gedura 104 173 143 Kachani 62 135 107 Geduri 102 185 1 Be/allhatola 2 Dihawa lola 108 Ghorallli Kalan 40 143 3 Janhiya tala 4 Karail tala 109 Ghorallii Khurd 49 145 5 Mahuar;ya tala 6 Kachan; Majra tala 110 Ghurital 85 136 144 Kachara 265 240 111 Ghuni (Dhuni) 212 63 145 Kajan 80 122 112 Gobha 223 261 146 Kanji Tola 115 111 113 Gora 129 36 147 Kam 159 209 114 Gorbani 171 33 1 Kam Purbtola 2 Kam tola 115 Gullidand 25 16 148 Kamai 256 72 H 149 Karauti 161 270 116 Hatka 275 257 150 Karkosa 137 287 117 Hardi 88 109 151 Karami 261 243 HS Harrai Pashchimtola 76 154 1 Jltramaniya 2 Karami tola 119 Harrai Purwatola 77 155 3 Degurhawa 120 Harraiya 27 12 152 Karuwari 18 121 Harrahawa 203 244 153 Karma Tola 37 ., S9 1 Bharj 2 Chhibaluhawa 154 Karsuwalal Tola 173 3 H arrahawa 4 Karkota 155 Karsuwaraja Tola 197 58 230



Serial Name of Village Location Serial Serial Name of Village Location Serial No. Code No. No. No. Code No. No. 1961 1951 1961 1951 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

156 Katauli i57 116 188 Majankhurd 73 141 157 Kathuwar )52 172 189 Majhauli 64 158 Karhiya 117 117 190 Majhauli 225 50 159 Katpani 191 20 191 Majhauli 181 217 160 Kathura 147 92 192 Makarohar 251 247 J Daksmn kachhlyan tala 2 Uttar tala I Dongarll'1/a 2 Alakan1harlola 161 Khajuri 158 120 193 Malga 196 61 162 Khamhariya 229 224 194 Malgo 273 246 J Khamhariya tola 2 Alahadeva tala I KanaN tola 2 Baraku, 163 Khairahi 193 64 3 Ma/godeva 4 Parebapathar 164 Khanuwa Nawatola 130 26 5 Malgo 195 Matwai 59 168 J65 Khanuakhas 131 22 196 Manikchaura ) 13 166 Khatkhari 83 114 12 161 J Barakirgiri 2 Baly; a tola 197 Medhauli 272 238 .3 Dhaikoran tola 4 Majhari to#a 198 Mitdul Murhi 266 239 5 Mllkhiyan KohoTanloio 6 Samwa 10[0 199 32 167 Khatkharia 187 271 200 Mudwani 146 168 Kbokhari 165 84 201 Muher 11 169 Khutar 136 115 N I Bagaika tola 2 Bargah; tala 225 202 Nado 227 .3 Piaran tola 4 Chamara tala 203 Nagawan 194 60 5 Dokshin tala 6 Dharkar; tola 204 Naurhiya 179 76 8 Haram; tala 7 Getia tala 205 Naugarh 54 203 9 Karahiya tola 10 KarkosQ tola 206 Nawadih 128 183 II KhutarkkaJ 12 Nauban tala 207 Nawanagar 39 128 13 Pokhara tola 14 Tikuri tola 208 Nighi 17 147 170 Kirkoli J24 0 171 Kolbharuha 30 121 Orgai 186 269 112 Kotiya 214 222 209 173 Koilkhunth 216 223 P I A/ala lola 2 Puhari tala 3 Kuikhunth 210 Pachur 122 205 208 174 Kubari 167 99 211 Pachauri 121 175 Kulhuie 178 98 212 Pachkhota 74 138 226 176 Kumhiya 260 253 213 Padarikhuta Tola 215 1 Baigani to/a 2 Kumhiya 228 214 Padariraja Tola 228 177 Kushwai 1 J56 227 215 Pad arikbairwari Tola 236 178 Kushmahara 89 199 129 216 Padainiya 70 179 Kyoti 68 166 7 217 Padri 4 L 218 Parewa 21 148 66 180 Ladbai 206 54 219 Parjasarai 220 Parasdebi 200 219 18J Lallabahara 279 53 72 133 182 Lamidah 41 32 221 Parsauna 160 274 183 Langhadol 44 222 Patulkhi I Langha dol 2 Kukuriihari yo 223 Phulwari 14 9 2 Phulwarimajra tola 184 Lood 81 131 I Kaimhadand tala 224 Pidkhuri 144 88 M 225 Pidartali 7 157 185 Manda 257 237 226 Pidarwah 36 8 186 Madhura 154 93 1 .[Jadaumara 2 Bodaro tola 187 Majankalan 63 140 3 Chau/al Ihllria 4 Bldarwahkhill 231



Serial Name of Village Location Serial"' Serial Name of Village -Location Serial' No. Code No. No. No. Code No. No. 1961 1951 1961 1951 2 3 4 2 3 4

227 PiprR 183 - 210 256 Semuwa 163 85 228 Piprajhanpi 45 113 257 Shahpur 143 180 209 57 1 Knajuriha tala 2 PipraJhanpjmajra tola 258 Sharasbah 276 229 Pipraiai 56 151 259 Shasan 185 201 213 230 Piprajraja Tola :67 152 260 Siddhi Kalan 261 Siddhi Khurd 202 212 231 Piparakurand 204 268 1 Giddhakharl lola 2 Siddlli khurd pah;l tala 232 Pondi path 255 66 262 Sigahi 10 10 233 Pondidol 170 23 263 Sigahi 153 86 234 Pondinawgai 47 134 1 DakshinBhurliyan lola 235 Pratappur 177 97 2 Uttar Kachhiyan tala 236 Pura 277 48 264 Singrauliya 150 202 'R 265 Sigrawal 264 46 237 Raila 174 77 266 Situl khurd 168 95 238 Rajasarai 26 13 267 Sonahari 278 47 239 Raj~andh 71 130 268 Solang 5 11 240 Rajkhar 6 14 269 Suggo llO 21 Subira 112 83 2il Rojmelan 176 79 ,270 1 Barba tala 2 Dakshin lola J Dakshin tala 2 Uttar tala 3 Garlziwa to[a 4 Karail tala 271 Surwari Tola 246 5 Purb tala 6 Sati tala 190 260 7 Pa shchimtola 272 Suiedih 242 Rakki 14a 85 T 243 Ramnagar 127 181 273 Tal 205 40 244 Rampa 198 75 J Agariyan tala 2 Ahiran tala 1 Pangargari 2 Rampa 3 Baishakhi tala 4 Chorpani 245 Rampur 126 182 5 Nadna tala 6 Tal tala 246 Rauhal 254 68 274 Telai 91 204 1 MlIkhiyan tala 2 Puranrauha/ tala 275 Teldah 20 6 3Purb lola 4 Binthap tala 1 Kaluwa tala 2 Teldahmajra lola 247 Raundi 237 230 276 Teigawan 69 178 S 277 Tendua 35 29 248 Sahokhar 116 119 J Jiganhawa tala 2 Tendllamajra toiG 249 Sajawar 253 51 278 Thuruwa 9 5 1 Gedamghati 2 Sajawar 279 Tiyara 182 211 250 Sakhauha 166 80 1 Pokhara tala 2 Tiyara rota 1 Dakshin tola 2 Majhari lola 280 Tusa Khar 151 275 3 Uttar tala U 251 Sarajihar 243 242 Ukharawal 218 221 152 Saraswahlal 281 33 164 282 Urti 220 264 253 Saraswahraja Tola 34 163 283 Uska 100 187 254 Semariya 141 192 W 255 Semariya 262 256 1 Baniyan tola 2 Semariya 284 Waidhan 93 197 232 VILLAGE DIRECTORY

Workers Name Area Dccu- Literate ,..----- L.C. of Facilities in pied House- Total Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Villa,e available acres Housel holds Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,-----'----, ,..-_...... A.~ ,.-_""-_, ,..-_-"'---. ,-_...A __., P M F M F M F M F M F 1 ,2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jl 12 13 14 15 16 17

13/3 Siograuli Tahsil Rural 470,738 16,696 19,534 105,762 53,810 51,952 7,430 7,144 13,863 13,795 6,446 319 34,004 28,772 1 KU$hwai J,160 8 8 58 30 28 30 28 .. 17 14 2 Dajreh 1,594 59 59 356 179 177 19 23 98 91 22 137 116 3 Jhlgurdab p. 4,933 63 63 347 174 173 .. 15-4 158 27 125 118 4 Padri M. 5.240 155 167 771 360 411 11 1\ 161 175 73 2 218 160 5 Solang P. 1,072 82 91 507 255 252 81 73 16 17 64 3 161 116

6 Rajkhar 244 14 14 70 42 28 6 6 2 4 .. 22 13 7 Pidartali 1,215 33 33 215 113 102 11 13 79 80 1 71 70 8 Chakuwar 403 3 3 10 6 4 6 3 2 4 2 9 Thuruwa 105 25 29 155 72 83 .. JI 17 33 - 3 34 22 10 Sigahi 214 22 22 136 64 72 11 10 8 7 10 50 27

11 Muher P. 7.382 67 82 424 216 208 60 46 138 136 6 1 148 129 12 Medhauli P. 8.249 205 205 1,021 523 498 15 13 249 280 72 5 366 276 13 Chatka 516 23 23 134 74 60 44 40 7 10 6 51 39 14 Phulwari 3,562 25 28 156 79 77 ,. 73 75 3 54 39 15 Gaderiya 2,041 51 54 298 147 151 4 3 6 6 8 89 74

16 Chinagitola P. 2,240 145 182 939 478 461 49 43 70 67 53 315 236 17 Nighi 2,316 9 9 53 24 29 24 29 18 20 18 Karuwari 1,095 Uninhabited 19 Churideh 1,565 .. . , , . Uninhabited .. 20 Teldah P. 1,952 81 86 484 247 237 101 96 47 49 16 158 116

21 Pare"a 347 1 1 6 3 3 3 3 .. 3 2 22 Chhanpatbar 204 5 5 32 21 11 .. .. 6 il 2 21 7 23 Duddhichuwa 3,032 44 44 190 93 97 8 8 62 67 15 70 76 24 Dhuskari 1,598 .. Uninhabited 25 Gullidand 569 .. Uninhabited ..

26 Rajasarai 514 2 2 7 4 3 1 .. 3 3 27 Harraiya 1,261 2 3 10 7 3 .. ., 7 2 7 3 2~ Chokara 1,593 14 19 87 39 48 14 20 6 4 2 30 28 29 Amlori P. 3,243 80' 83 492 269 223 25 18 60 61 16 178 156 30 Kolbharuba Po. 255 1 1 4 2 2 2 2 1 1

31 Amjhar P. 996 69 79 492 228 264 45 55 .. 1 21 133 145 32 Mudwani 870 .. .' " .. Uninhabited .. .. 33 Saraswahlal 543 46 46 228 118 Ill) 10 3 41 41 12 82 58 34 Saraswllhrajatola 790 33 33 206 104 102 6 8 25 25 15 61 63 35 Tendua 1,836 45 49 294 149 145 111 119 4 92 88

::6 Pidarwah 6,323 20 23 138 77 61 73 59 2 54 39 37 Karmatola 673 .. Uninhahited .. 38 Gadasa 611 . , .. .. Uninhabited .. ., ., 39 Nawanagar P. l.O33 103 126 748 374 374 20 15 102 99 54 4 207 187 40 Gboraulikalan 895 75 97 620 307 313 22 23 23 22 44 185 130

41 Lamidah 3,131 25 27 202 111 91 36 2S 73 66 ' 4 .. 65 57 42 Deori P. 3,,}39 39 43 236 ll5 121 .. 86 75 15 2 75 62 43 Bandha P. 4,301 86 95 589 319 270 '32 23 156 133 26 1 199 153 44 Badma 884 .. ., Uninhabited ,. " 4S Piprajhanpi P. 1,195 132 172 836 426 410 97 86 54 61 61 273 260

46 Dig~hi 470 23 29 141 72 69 .. 2 4 22 2 45 34 47 Pondinawgaj Po. 946 220 263 1,386 689 697 180 163 44 51 46 420 367 48 Bharuha 1,651 87 117 542 262 280 21 19 56 65 26 157 135 49 Ghoraulikhurd P. 454 53 73 386 201 185 29 24 52 137 42 SO Banauli P. 1,249 86 116 642 337 305 95 92 3 5 15 201 167 233


_____WORKERS.A. Non- ,.------...,. Workers I II III IV V YI VIl VIII IX X L.C. No. ,...--"-__ ,---"-_-" ,.....-..A._-. ,..-.A.-...." ,..-.A.- --""I ,..~ r-.A.--. ,..~--" ..--___,A.~ r--.A.--" M F M F M F M F M F M' F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

23,089 20,711 6.178 6.~ .1.160 146 1,905 723 111 109 137 36 275 49 15 .. 1,132 358 19,806 23.180 13/3 16 13 1 1 13 14 1 110 88 27 28 .. .. 42 61 2 105 106 18 12 .. 1 .. I 49 55 3 90 60 96 97 13 .. :! 3 17 142 251 4 116 79 34 35 7 2 3 94 136 5

12 8 4 3 6 2 20 IS 6 46 52 18 18 7 42 32 7 2 .. 2 2 .. 2 2 8 22 9 II 13 ". .. J 38 61 9 22 10 20 17 4 3 I 14 45 10

119 112 14 9 Ig 8 .. 4 .. 1 .' 68 79 11 301 251 14 20 7 3 1 3 36 2 157 222 12 48 36 3 3 .. .. . , .. 23 21 13 31 26 10 11 3 .. 6 1 1 3 1 25 38 14 50 59 8 6 5 1 16 2 2 3 8 3 58 77 15

214 191 28 29 16 .. 31 4 /6 2 18 12 163 225 16 14 15 1 2 3 3 6 9 17 .. Uninhabited .. ]8 ., ...... " ...... Uninhabited ...... 19 89 68 28 34 14 2 16 1 1 10 11 89 121 20

3 2 .. .. J 21 .. .. 7 4 3 12 2 . . 4 22 51 55 19 21 23 21 23 .. Uninhabited .. 24 .. Uninhabited .. 25 1 3 .. .. 2 26 2 .. 5 3 ...... 27 28 28 .. .. 2 ...... 9 20 28 119 121 24 19 9 23 15 3 91 67 29 I 1 1 1 30

102 119 12 15 9 3 5 2 .. 5 6 95 119 31 ...... , Uninhabited ...... , 32 55 40 18 16 2 .. 7 2 36 52 33 43 49 15 14 3 43 39 34 67 1 24 87 1 57 57 35

23 31 37 ., 2 23 22 36 Uninhabited .. .. 37 ...... Uninhabited .. . . 38 134' 131 58 51 2 4 5 9 .. 167 187 39 146 112 16 8 4 5 I 4 2 10 7 122 183 40

17 46 55 2 .. .. 46 34 41 30 .. 41 58 .. 4 4 40 59 42 67 14 122 139 2 7 120 117 43 ...... , .. Uninhabited ...... 44 181 193 42 38 9 21 6 4 3 16 20 153 150 45

35 34 .. .. 6 4 .. ., 27 35 46 334 325 27 28 25 9 15 ]2 3 2 7 269 330 47 107 101 25 33 15 3 1 2 3 2 105 J45 48 87 20 21 20 1 .. 3 2 12 13 64 143 49 154 150 8 8 23 2 1 7 15 136 138 SO 234


Occu. Workers Area pied Literate ,--- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou-House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) ,-______.A. __ """\ ,---"---",\ ,--"----" r-~--"'\ ,----'---. P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17

51 Garda 1,021 23 23 117 b() 57 45 41 3 .. 35 30 52 Gadhara P,Po. 589 112 132 753 381 370 70 64 15 6 93 2 231 208 53 Deori Po, 350 46 58 310 157 153 19 15 8 9 23 98 81 54 Naugarh P,Po. 1,777 142 168 1,008 506 502 1 2 94 105 78 300 270 55 Dansauti P. 271 57 68 353 183 170 8 2 4 6 29 102 91

56 PipraJal 323 17 19 90 45 45 .. S 5 8 26 21 57 Jaitpur 761 179 269 1,418 711 707 216 203 43 43 35 433 408 58 Chanduli P. 740 119 120 647 332 315 132 120 45 39 70 3 187 161 59 Matwai 376 56 67 354 177 177 22 20 53 58 33 110 79 60 Bihara P,Po. 4,679 73 96 483 235 248 II 11 16 20 32 3 140 126

61 Budhela Po. 426 45 55 263 134 129 69 58 5 1 18 I ,5 76 62 Kachani P,Po. 1,785 437 527 2,841 1,440 1.401 266 258 110 84 166 13 863 785 63 Majankalan 187 53 64 353 188 165 19 13 12 20 26 106 104 64 MajhauJi 5 .. .. ., .. - - Uninhabited .- . - .. 65 Itma P. 385 49 74 435 228 207 84 64 5 3 68 10 121 86

66 Parjasrai 288 .. Unir.habited 67 Piprarajatola 195 8 10 56 27 29 4 3 I 19 12 68 Kyoti 127 25 35 168 92 76 .. 10 15 10 .. 58 48 69 Telgawan P. 661 84 125 518 249 269 30 33 65 70 93 3 149 115 70 Padainiya Po. 88 24 30 . 131 62 69 28 24 9 8 15 35 47

71 Rajbandh Po, 85 25 39 211 112 99 ...... 9 1 67 62 72 Parsauna Po. 256 41 51 257 !36 121 63 56 24 20 15 2 95 73 73 Majankhurd Po,To,P. 307 82 )21 629 312 317 70 72 20 28 38 166 129 74 Pachkhora Po,To. 297 53 64 359 189 170 56 47 13 .- 122 77 75 Dheki 193 39 70 313 166 147 80 76 17 5 103 79

76 Harraipaschimtola Po,To,P. 239 53 68 409 206 203 64 54 13 18 )20 3 109 99 77 liarraipurwatola 568 60 80 384 176 208 60 62 25 17 47 2 106 100 78 Jainagar P. 796 106 134 646 320 326 9 8 50 42 73 ~ 197 155 79 Juwadi 748 45 61 389 178 211 18 26 12 13 15 .. 101 99 80 Kajan P. 122 23 27 125 63 62 6 6 13 2 41 43 81 Load Po. 102 15 17 124 58 66 .. .. 15 .- 40 48 82 Barauha Po. 213 48 67 330 162 168 63 62 7 11 19 2 93 96 83 Khatkhari Po,PM Po. 645 201 254 1,289 592 697 110 101 42 46 52 3 352 378 84 Jinhar 144 12 13 85 39 46 .. ., 19 27 29 85 Ghurital Po,To. 354 44 54 319 167 152 51 50 52 101 87

86 Chitarwa kalan 3,060 28 28 107 61 46 1 39 34 4 .. 39 32 87 Bhandi Po. 230 30 39 202 97 105 20 21 8 6 26 3 52 42 88 Hardi Po,P. 293 73 95 461 241 220 20 15 32 30 60 141 96 89 Ksuhmahara 228 48 56 296 140 156 6 7 25 26 69 69 92 90 Dhaturapokhllrara tola 289 31 43 211 111 100 27 67 48

91 Telai Po. 415 51 68 315 159 156 27 21 3 26 I 88 62 92 BiI~nuji Po,To. 510 74 84 487 260 227 16 21 17 18 53 3 155 137 93 Waldhan Po,To,P.H.D.Rhc 489 430 478 2,024 1.168 856 204 195 42 42 530 107 741 223 Hos,MP(A) 94 Jamuwa PO,To. 158 46 55 290 141 149 13 15 4 2 29 88 81 95 Dhoti Po,To,P. 710 120 136 863 452 411 130 121 6 4 53 2 275 241

96 Gahilgarh paschimtola Po To 374 48 53 294 161 133 11 11 103 98 97 Gahilgarhpurwatola •• 266 58 424 218 206 52 20 164 140 98 64 51 .. Judi 345 55 62 ~66 190 176 29 30 58 1 100 57 99 Atraila 113 14 16 71 35 36 19 14 2 1 21 17 too Uska 379 Uninhabited 235


WORKERS Non- A -----'""\ Workers II III IV V Vl VII VIII IX X L.e No. r-A-., ~ ,,--""---., r--""---'""\ r---'--'""\ ,....__.__" r---'--'""\ r---'--., r-- ""--., M F M F M F M F M F ~ M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3S 36 37

7 4 24 24 .. " 4 2 25 27 51 J62 162 36 40 25 S S 1 3 152 162 52 60 64 10 13 18 2 4 .. 2 4 2 59 72 53 208 200 71 69 .. J2 .. 1 ., 8 I 206 232 54 70 73 23 17 2 3 1 2 2 81 79 55

20 16 I J .. .. 5 4 19 24 56 300 345 65 60 21 3 43 3 1 278 299 57 135 122 42 39 .. 8 .. 1 145 154 58 61 41 39 33 .. 9 5 1 .. 67 98 59 J 1.2 108 15 17 3 5 5 1 95 122 60

65 59 18 17 6 4 .. .. 2 .. 39 53 61 509 550 123 134 50 , 14 79 19 16 4 15 6 1 70 58 577 616 62 83 89 16 14 2 I 3 2 82 61 63 ...... Uninhabited ...... 64 92 611 9 17 S i 2 13 107 121 65

.. .. Uninhabited ...... 66 15 12 I .. 2 1 8 17 67 43 34 11 12 4 2 34 28 68 84 59 54 53 5 3 6 100 154 69 19 27 15 19 J I 27 22 70

43 50 14 12 8 2 ...... 45 37 71 55 54 20 15 11 3 4 . , 4 2 .. 41 48 72 III 89 22 19 7 6 4 1 19 17 146 188 73 117 66 27 11 6 .. 2 67 93 74 49 40 36 39 12 I I 4 63 68 7S

60 65 41 34 2 6 97 104 76 54 51 50 49 .. .' .. 2 70 108 77 146 117 39 37 I 9 J 2 123 171 78 93 86 5 10 .. 2 3 J 77 112 79 20 23 20 20 J 22 19 80

38 48 .. 1 IS 18 81 66 68 24 28 .. 3 .. . , .. .. 69 72 82 207 279 63 76 15 53 23 I 2 11 240 319 83 14 22 10 7 3 .. 12 17 84 94 83 4 3 4 66 6S 85 31 22 8 10 .. .. 22 14 86 34 29 12 7 ...... 6 6 4S 63 87 78 46 47 42 5 8 8 3 100 124 88 59 84 9 8 1 .. 71 64 89 62 48 3 2 44 52 90

79 57 7 5 .. .. 2 71 94 91 123 115 12 18 9 4 . , .. .. 11 .. 105 90 92 135 43 96 138 50 8 54 17 117 5 2 287 12 427 633 93 48 19 8 53 8 .. 4 20 9 53 68 94 183 189 53 .52 13 26 177 170 9S

103 98 58 3S 96 164 140 ...... 54 66 97 63 40 12 12 15 10 5 90 119 98 9 3 3 6 4 5 8 14 19 99 Uninhabited 100 236


Occu- Worker:s Area pied Literate r---:-- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House: Total Scheduled Scheduled and' Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Population Castes Tribes Educated kers(I-IX) ,-____.A.. _ _...:_-. ~,---..A..~ ,-_.A._, r---"'--__... r-""':__.A.---. p M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17

101 Amaratali Po. 377 56 69 386 203 183 66 28 7 9 16 2 105 74 102 Geduri 326 Uninhabited 103 Churchuryia Po. 863 77 76 422 227 195 21 17 13 135 100 )04 Gedura 604 8 8 41 22 19 .. 8 6 II 9 lOS Dcorikalan 3.737 76 89 592 286 306 60 37 40 183 189

106 Dodakhand 89 .. . , . . Uninhabited 107 Dhummadol P. 526 31 43 244 126 118 IS 9 34 2 85 69 108 Jathatola 991 29 31 210 )\)4 106 94 106 6 73 68 109 Jamgari P. 3,727 56 60 379 ,92 187 3 116 144 35 116 116 110 Suggo 3,112 5 5 21 16 5 16 5 12 5

III Amiliya 7.299 116 142 638 313 325 5 9 178 156 16 213 189 112 Suhira P. 3,656 111 128 616 319 297 50 37 149 160 32 198 163 : 13 Manikchaura 271 .. .. Uninhabited . . 114 Gahilara Po.P. 748 192 :>05 1,090 555 535 51 46 42 45 49 5 328 308 115 Kanjitola Po. 389 59 74 372 201 171 90 85 3 7 27 120 82

116 Sahokhra 152 18 21 132 70 62 11 44 26 117 Karhiya Po. 94 22 28 99 52 47 19 29 21 118 Dheki P. 613 81 96 554 290 264 51 54 39 172 134 119 Dhaturabarwatola P. 442 44 61 295 146 149 7 7 18 95 76 120 BiJaunjiznatwa 529 59 80 404 204 200 94 94 14 114 30

121 Pachaurl 93 ' . .. Uninhabited 122 Pachur P. 536 56 70 395 198 197 II 10 43 3 106 95 123 Deora 7:9 72 91 510 274 236 81 84 ' . 3 176 226 124 Kirkoli 23 Uninhabited .. . , , . 125 Chandawal 285 49 60 335 168 167 41 43 1 22 2 95 82

126 Rampur Po. 49 6 7 35 19 16 10 11 1 127 Ramnagar Po. 34 2 2 14 6 8 2 6 2 128 Nawadih 121 6 9 69 36 33 20 15 13 129 Gora 2,251 2 2 12 10 2 \ 10 2- 6 2 130 Khanu wana watola P. 3,265 122 138 803 401 402 28 23 355 358 21 259 251

J3l Khamuakhas 1,383 20 27 156 84 72 16 12 48 41 5 48 50 132 Chitarwaikhurd 1,285 22 28 149 76 73 3 3 4 4 15 , 2 40 38 133 Amilwan 553 45 44 214 107 107 32 32 25 19 7 59 59 134 Jaraundha Po. 286 32 39 246 120 126 3 8 10 3 64 71 135 laraundhi 353 79 79 444 219 225 45 42 47 56 31 I 154 128

136 Khular P,M,H,D,Po. 1,717 494 561 2,954 1,479 1,475 198 165 106 121 177 4 902 790 137 Karkosa P.M,H,D.Po. 538 76 96 491 259 232 38 183 I 22 3 158 47 138 Hirrwah P. 1,614 173 219 1,171 54f> 625 92 81 20 18 148 3~4 193 139 Ganiyari Po,To,P. 1,961 161 183 985 483 502 44 44 16 19 78 4 303 222 140 Baliari Po,To. 3,291 53 66 448 218 230 6 8 91 . 99 14 2 IUS 119

141 Semariya Po.To. 480 35 42 215 104 III 7 8 5 68 60 142 .. Deorahawa 210 .. Uninhabited " 143 Shahpur Po,P. 2,971 199 241 1,395 717 678 129 112 66 62 72 439 278 144 Pidkhuri P. 676 99 117 551 260 291 64 66 15 22 25 154 152 145 Amara 332 36 46 259 134 125 33 83 6 7 14 2 57 50

146 Churisani P. 97 19 24 133 64 69 4 3 18 14 15 47 37 147 Kathura 318 95 113 622 320 302 6 6 22 33 86 4 189 199 148 Rakld 206 3 3 21 11 10 2 8 I 8 5 149 Banauli Po. 605 50 57 399 209 190 29 19 10 II 18 129 liS 150 SingrauliYa 755 95 123 669 329 340 35 36 1 41 198 137 237


WOR KERS Non- _.A. ------...... Workers I II III IV V VJ VII VIII ' IX X L.C No. A ,..._.,.A,.._~ ~ ,.-~ ,...--"---. ,. , ,...---"--...... ,--~ ,..._.,.A,..--. r-.A.--. ,...-~ M F M F M F M F M F M IF M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 1

76 57 28 17 .. 98 109 101 ...... Uninhabited .. .. ' .. 102 130 90 4 10 1 92 95 103 9 8 2 11 10 104 74 109 189 103 117 105 ...... Uninhabited ...... , 106 48 8 34 59 ••1 2 3 41 ,49 107 44 13 29 55 .. ' ...... \, .. .. 31 38 108 32 74 108 1 9 3 1 1 3 76 71 109 ;4 8 5 4 llO

158 136 36 48 8 2 11 3 .. 100 136 111 148 130 23 28 17 3 9 2 .. .. I 121 134 112 ., .. .. . , , ...... Uninhabited ., .. . , ...... , 113 241 245 32 41 28 1 13 3 1 I 12 18 227 227 114 76 62 15 8 14 I IS 12 81 89 115

42 26 2 26 36 116 29 21 .. .. 23 26 117 130 105 33 28 8 1 .. 118 130 118 72 57 20 18 :2 1 1 51 73 119 87 14 11 16 16 I 90 . 170 120

.. . , ...... J.1ninhabited ...... 121 74 67 22 27 6 1 1 2 .. J 92 102 122 151 218 7 8 1 10 7 98 10 123 .. .. Uninhabited ...... 124 60 39 9 26 12 6 10 3 4 8 73 , 85 125

9 1 .. 2 8 15 126 3 1 1 1 2 .. 6 127 10 10 5 3 21 20 128 3 2 3 .. , .. 4 ., 129 58 3 199 247 1 2 142 lSI 130

11 .. 32 50 I 4 .. .. 36 22 131 27 28 8 8 3 2 2 36 35 J32 36 33 17 26 6 .. .. 48 48 133 37 55 5 5 15 5 5 S .. .. 2 56 55 134 73 82 36 42 26 1 16 2 3 1 65 97 l3S

502 540 189 194 53 3 76 45 2 18 2 3 59 6 577 685 136 78 17 57 29 23 I ...... 101 185 137 240 142 12 44 6 36 1 1 23 3 26 3 202 432 138 210 190 34 20 9 .. 9 4 4 37 8 ISO 280 139 93 83 3 20 6 9 10 113 III 140

43 40 14 16 8 3 2 .. 2 36 ., 141 ...... Uninhabited ., ...... 51 142 297 227 46 29 18 61 21 1 16 278 400 143 128 123 24 29 .. 2 106 139 144 32 21 13 28 6 3 3 77 75 145 39 29 8 8 .. .. 17 32 146 )-58 166 13 32 7 8 3 1 131 103 147 8 5 ...... 3 5 148 93 102 6 9 19 5 10 I .. 1 .. 80 72 149 142 113 32 24 4 14 4 1 1 131 203 ISO 238


Occu- Workers Area pied Literate r---- L.C. Name of Facilities in Hou- House- Scbeduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres sea holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers(I-IX} r-__"_--~ f--A.-~ f-"'"'"-~ r-A~ .-~ ...... P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 U 16 17

lSI Tusa khar P. 930 116 154 884 431 453 13 12 54 68 42 5 251 257 152' Kathuwar 1,826 24 30 177 93 84 .. 50 62 6 53 54 153 Sigahi P. 708 86 ]20 591 300 291 38 30 47 54 19 190 128 154 Madhura 298 59 79 435 213 222 42 43 13 19 18 142 ]31 155 Barisitul 162 15 18 ]05 54 51 30 31

156 Jaraha P. 1,244 277 332 1,810 952 858 74 78 120 128 84 2 593 484 157 Katauli P. 862 107 ]22 752 377 375 .. .. 8 30 47 6 237 186 158 Khajuri P. 709 82 96 469 243 226 11 6 I 47 154 115 159 Kam P. 1,674 ]70 207 ],205 626 579 159 153 129 154 62 2 428 345 160 Patulkhi 769 41 47 298 155 143 IS 9 15 19 18 106 65

161 Karauti P. 2,674 128 157 872 437 435 47 48 70 84 22 276 228 ]62 Bugher 5,153 4 4 28 16 12 15 12 ., 13 9 163 Semuwa ].207 9 9 38 20 18 .. .. 18 14 1 12 12 ]64 Bandhaura 1,370 48 55 291 140 151 35 34 80 86 20 95 87 165 Khokhari 1,868 32 33 200 103 97 28 32 39 39 67 60

166 Sakhauha 1,508 120 174 991 502 489 104 96 18 30 84 5 301 277 167, Kubari 233 20 25 124 58 66 34 41 43 42 168 Situlkhurd 598 86 93 576 308 268 48 39 17 9 32 177 147 169 Bilaspur Po. 524 13 15 93 48 45 40 29 .. 7 25 22 170 PondidoJ 5,580 17 17 77 40 37 24 21 2 31 26 171 Gorbaoi 5,616 25 25 120 58 62 .. 56 62 2 .. 40 45 172 Bhalya Tola P. 2.064 30 34 188 101 87 3 I 65 86 10 2 61) 53 173 Karsu wala! Tola ' 880 127 137 761 375 386 81 102 57 87 16 240 228 174 Raila ],802 26 38 166 92 _74 29 24 11 10 65 54 175 Chaura PO,P. 674 74 86 549 287 262 54 23 2 46 2 167 120

176 Rajmelan Po,P,M. 2,042 334 407 2,392 1,238 1.154 183 178 173 150 144 3 731 687 177 Pratappur 142 28 34 164 83 81 11 9 8 9 37 5 45 17 178 Kulhui Po. 363 44 46 280 138 142 5 7 3 9 1 85 58 179 Naurhiya P. ,467 21 23 144 69 75 5 2 .. 3 44 40 , 180 Chanchar P. 2,124 116 136 832 422 410 88 91 98 95 19 343 307

181 Majhauli 1,393 97 III 654 340 314 75 79 1 5 56 14 231 164 182 Tiyara' Po.P. 4,564 169 184 1,093 532 561 36 49 104 116 93 363 373 183 Pipra Po. 819 72 97 616 313 303 .. 28 34 42 227 221 184 Gadhara 597 28 31 157 79 78 39 31 9 7 8 54 57 185 Sbasan P. 1,526 191 236 1,354 669 685 58 44 51 51 38 471 433

186 Orgai P. 1.765 52 65 381 196 185 47 47 75 57 4 115 99 187 Khatkharla 1.292 37 43 245 126 119 7 5 46 45 13 65 56 188 Chargora P. 3,155 101 109 600 325 275 17 16 118 126 31 208 132 J89 Dhummadand ),708 39 47 283 149 134 9 4 66 59 15 .. 104 81 190 Suiedih 957 21 25 126 67 59 10 8 11 2 38 37

191 Katpani 1.254 10 10 48 25 23 15 13 9 9 17 13 192 Dhirauli 2,315 28 35 197 102 95 ., 102 95 1 70 71 193 Khairhi P. 3,086 68 81 465 240 225 30 29 202 184 23 157 118 194 Nagawan 2,082 102 113 517 256 261 45 51 173 184 3 167 156 195 Curwahi Po. 406 23 24 HI 58 53 17 10 II 9 1 31 20

196 Malga Po. 779 64 75 392 189 203 18 21 83 85 4 123 99 197 KarsuwarajatoJa Po,P. 1.282 98 128 648 341 307 101 104 86 80 11 1 231 167 198 Rampa Po. 1,478 28 34 237 118 119 26 27 9 78 67 199 BaSdura 2,138 64 79 475 249 226 6 7 47 43 11 167 118 200 Parasdebi 1,718 6 6 30 19 11 19 11 10 9 239


______WORKERS-A- ___ Non- r------._ Workers I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X L.C. No. ,..--A---., r--~ r---A...--. ,...~ ,..._.A._~ ,...--A._"",\ ,-_' , .._.A._"",\ .. --"-----.. r---"--., M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

202 223 33 31 4 6 .. 1 6 1 180 196 151 21 3 26 47 .. .. 6 3 I 40 30 152 lSI 107 11 8 11 1 •• I I 1 16 11 110 163 153 122 119 19 12 1 .. .. 71 91 154 30 29 .. J I 24 20 155

448 438 85 41 23 23 ., 5 9 5 359 374 156 196 160 36 25 1 1 4 140 189 157 103 68 3.0 47 12 9 ...... 89 III 158 258 210 45 32 .. 107 88 I 1 17 14 198 234 159 74 54 21 9 9 2 2 49 78 }60

194 HsO 35 36 33 7 5 4 5 4 161 207 161 2 .. II 9 3 3 162 11 12 1 .. 8 6 163 74 77 12 10 7 2 45 64 164 23 41 60 3 36 37 165

247 236 28 37 2 18 2 4 4 201 212 166 21 21 16 21 6 I" 15 24 167 156 135 21 12 .. 131 121 168 5 6 2 2 18 14 23 23 169 22 22 6 4 2 9 11 170

34 43 I 52 5 .. 18 17 171 14 .. 54 81 I .. .. 2 32 34 172 65 2 135 148 40 36 2 135 158 173 2S 2 22 I 17 11 27 20 174 147 113 6 6 14 1 120 142 175

523 495 143 162 52 29 .. 12 507 467 176 30 .. 13 16 ., ., .. I 2 38 64 177 SO 41 17 14 17 2 I 1 .. 53 84 178 24 27 12 2 6 6 .. 2 2 3 25 35 179 286 271 37 28 19 8 1 79 103 180

174 128 24 12 31 24 2 109 150 181 234 265 89 87 35 21 4 169 188 182 178 195 27 25 22 1 86 82 183 37 46 II II 6 .. 25 21 184 353 335 80 66 1 27 32 10 198 252 185

94 78 21 20 .. 81 86 186 43 32 16 22 I 3 2 .. .. 2 .. 61 63 187 117 96 32 30 36 3 10 .. 6 2 6 1 117 143 188 79 61 10 9 14 11 1 45 53 189 31 27 2 4 5 6 29 22 190

12 9 2 3 1 .. 2 8 10 191 55 54 10 17 5 32 24 192 101 86 32 26 2 _ 1 22 5 83 107 193 103 94 57 f)]. 5 2 .. .. 89 105 194 10 2 14 13 5 4 2 27 33 195

83 73 33 25 7 1 .. 66 104 196 142 125 38 34 1 32 1 1 17 7 110 140 197 58 51 11 14 S .. 2 2 2 40 52 198 118 102 7 13 3 9 2 20 11 82 108 199 2 1 8 8 9 2 200 240 VIUAGE DJ-RECTORY

Occu. Workers Area pied Literate ,--'-- L.e. Name of Facilities in Hou-' House- Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres ses holds Total Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-lX) ,-__:.A--;-_ ..... ,---"----. ,---"----. ,---"-_-, ,-_..A._--, P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 6 1 8' 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

201 Siddhi kalan Po,P. 2,285 67 80 538 259 279 23 32 42 42 27 168 154 202 Siddhi khurd 2,726 59 71 438 229 209 50 34 65 45 10 156 143 203 Harahawa 5,319 79 81 570 310 260 35 39 155 98 5_ 225 203 204 Pipara kurand p' 1,823 59 63 358 189 169 38 37 75 61 ]6 113 94 205 Tal P. 5,241 56 56 314 168 146 135 122 19 111 91

206, Ladbai 836 20 24 128 64 64 .. 64 63 37 41 207 Bajauri 2.494 57 58 277 149 128 9 8 102 85 5 100 83 208 Jhalari 2,821 78 78 374 178 196 12 n 140 157 9 114 118 209 Sharasbah 274 .. . . Uninhabited . . .. 210 Amdand 256 3 3 9 5 4 4 3

211 Basiberdaha P. 7,843 44 49 254 124 130 III 116 17 81 84 212 Ghuni (Dhuni) 1,564 18 19 90 47 43 ., 4S 43 32 27 213 Bdariya 1,216 23 29 143 83 60 13 8 70 51 2 42 32 214 Koliya 999 12 20 104 54 50 .. ., 13 4 2' 28 21 215 Padari khuta tola 1,105 91 112 519 264 255 77 63 51 58 16 185 168

216 Koil khunth tola 1,759 175 211 1,081 563 518 59 71 34 41 88 2 371 341 217 Bhurkur Po,P. 1,448 55 58 324 167 157 56 62 39 25 8 I 115- 99 218 Ukharawal P. 1,769 82 74 438 215 223 26 20 109 128 29 2 151 138 219 Kandopani 221 6 6 25 12 13 9 12 3 1 10 6 220 Urti P. 1,619 54 68 299 151 148 51- 66 35 1 89 57 221 Baradghata 959 39 45 204 91 113 .. 48 52 .' 65 64 222 Jalhathanj P. 568 31 36 206 97 109 22 31 32 46 3 67 6' 223 Gobha ·10,902 117 120 721 378 343 34 46 261 228 1 252 188 224 Digawah 1,808 32 32 192 95 97 95 96 9 62 79 225 Majhauli P. 633 16 22 107 56 51 35 23 10 41 37

226 'Amarbai Khoh , ., 1.257 .. .. " . " Uninhabited .. 227 Nado 2,493 29 32 147 78 69 12 13 47 52 3 51 41 228 Padariraja tola 785 31 36 146 66 80 . . .. 42 54 5 51 ' 53 229 Khamhariya P. 4,367 118 130 749 396 353 97 90 230 199 19 247 236 239 Amhara 2,718 36 44 215 112 103 97 91 I 79 69

231 Akbai 675 II 12 72 33 39 31 39 .. n 22 232 Barahapan p' 4,433 80 83 431 220 211 1 .. 160 146 2 152 113 233 Bhainsatura P. 2,939 49 60 319 163 156 16 16 129 133 12 108 86 234 Dongari 6,034 78 78 359 184 175 1 3 178 162 4 147 142 235 Baelbar / I 1,216 8 8 39 23 16 16 12 2 17 10

236 Padarikhairwaritoia 2,989 14 18 75 39 36 ., 39 36 30 27 237 Raundi P,MP,(O). 975 108 130 632 323 309 57 55 72 72 69 232 216 238 Asani 497 75 83 439 223 216 41 39 76 76 17 ., 14>l 157 239 Dheka 1,199 51 54 323 156 167 19 21 75. 73 18 2 104 124 240 Baheri Kalan P. 1,397 57 66 390 201 189 45 41 23 31 13 1 119 109

241 Baheri Khurd 48 841 26 33 161 78 83 " 41 44 9 43 242 Jhanjhi tola 1,345 42 55 305 152 153 13 13 120 123 2 106 96 243 Sarajihar 2,737 24 26 133 79 54 14 14 30 16 1 57 44 244 ., Dhondha (Ghongha) 494 .. .. ' . . . .. Uninhabited 245 Jalpani 1,182 65 65 295 152 143 151 134 11 102 98

246 Surwari tola Po. 782 3 3 19 8 11 .. .. 7 9 6 5 247 Bhabhaura P. 686 81 96 518 249 269 36 33 39 67 17 167 171 248 Garahar 1,081 12 12 53 25 28 21 11 1 19 19 249 'Dhorhi Tola 1,048 19 19 125 61 64 .. 61 63 .. 36 41 250 Chhatkaram 630 22 23 126 73 53 42 32 31 16 1 44 32 241


WORKERS Non- -~------~---~---~----~------~------~ Workers L.C. I ,n III IV V VI VII VlIJ IX X No. "':"-.A.___ -., \ , r--.A. ___ r---""--__ r-_...A."':_"", r--.A.--. ,_.A._..... r';--.A.-...... ,--...... - __ ,--..A..___ ,-_.A._-. M F' M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21' 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 13 34 35 36 37

105 110 28 25 2 33 19 91 125 201 102 66 202 98 44 44 9 1 I" .. 73 162 150 18 19 11 34 34 85 57 2~3 80 66 22 27 8 3 .. 76 i5 204 75 74 12 17 8 IS 1 57 55 205 34 37 2 3 1 ., .' 27 23 206 78 70 14 13' 6 1 1 49 45 207 83 90 16 22 4 II 6 64 78 208 Uninhabited 209 2 2 2 .. 210

58 68 15 IS' • 6 1 43 46 211 27 23 5 4 .. IS 16 212 38 28 2 3 ;.. .. 2 1 41 28 213 29 214 27 18 I 3 , .. 26 83 92 88 76 7 7 79 87 215 329 301 40 40 .. .. 2 192 177 216 93 82 11 12 7 3 4 2 .. 52 58 217 105 104 29 30 13 4 3 1 64' 8S 218 3 2 3 4 ~ ., .. 1 2 7 219 47 20 38 36 t I 1 2 62 91 220

24 30 22 24 19 10 .. 26 49 221 25 ~3 30 27 10 2 I 30 47 222 167 D6 75 4~ 8 4 2 126 155 223 52 75 7 4 3 .. 33 18 224 3~ 28 3 6 3 2 2 15 14 225

.. .. Uninhabited . . 226 30, 24 18 17 3, 27 28 227 3R ~8 13 15 .. .. ., IS 27 228 117 . 200 200 40 29 6 7 0' 1 149 229 69 33 34 230 58 10 II ~ . 18 15 4 7 11 17 231 60 S9 56 44 35 9 I 68 98 232 74 75 10 8 21 3 3 55 70 233 130 13~ II 3 6 1 .. 37 33 234 10 7 4 3 3 6 6 235

30 22 ,. 5 .. 9 9 236 183 177 41 39 4 3 91 93 237 127 132 21 25 75 59 238 73 88 31 36 " 52 43 239 91 88 19 19 3 6 1 82 80 240

22 26 17 22 3 .. 35 35 241 90 80 13 15 3 46 57 242 55 40 2 4 ,. 22 10 243 ...... , Uninhabited . . 244 21 20 5 2 4 65 73 2 7 50 45 245

5 4 I 1 ., 2 6 246 136 139 28 29 2 3 82 98 247 12 IS 4 3 3 ) 6 9 248 27 31 5 6 4 ., 4 25 23 249 40 28 2 4 2 29 21 250 242


Workers Name Area Occu- Uterate r----- L.C. of Facilities in pied House- Total Scheduled Scheduled and Total Wor- No. Village available acres Houses holds Population Castes Tribes Educated kers (I-IX) r-----"--""" r--..A..~ ,--..... --,. ,..---A---. ,__...... _..,. P M F M F M F M F M F 2 3 4 , 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

251 Makrohar ],984 57 57 296 lSI 145 3 1 SO 47 21 2 102 75 252 Langhadol 3,306 68 69 401 211 190 30 26 177 148 1 131 123 .253 Sajawar 957 27 27 181 85 96 4 5 75' 82 2 64 75 254 Rauhal 2,823 59 61 304 157 147 7 5 129 121 1 115 92 255 Pondipath 8,762 96 103 545 277 268 9 13 268 255 9 ". 199 183

256 Kamai 9,635 39 43 232 120 112 89 107 8 86 77 257 Manda PO,P,D. 4,961 58 65 353 175 178 26 28 55 67 24 117 108 258 Chhatauli Po,P. 1.595 171 197 1,062 528 534 95 88 IJl 150 37 317 311 259 Dhanahara P. 2.075 127 139 714 362 352 57 51 87 79 39 224 186 260 Kumhiya P. 1,608 67 67 400 207 193 28 30 72 44 25 III 91

261 Karami 1,653 60 60 329 169 160 5 2 129 148 6 96 94 262 Semariya 1,668 75 75 363 181 182 14 19 61 62 12 126 102 263 Bhadaili P. 2,624 64 75 417 209 208 7 6 201 202 17 144 151 264 Sigrawal P. 1,223 26 30 161 72 89 63 89 3 49 54 265 Kachara 8,743 18 21 97 47 50 46 45 34 27

266 Murhi 2,870 30 35 191 98 93 1 3 83 70 2 67 61 267 Bhaukhar P. 1,992 66 66 342 189 153 21 13 21 15 13 111 91 268 Jugiyani P. 1,568 66 66 379 212 167 1 140 158 21 153 107 269 Basaura P. 1,292 48 48 240 122 118 IS 13 54 51 8 77 7S 270 Bucharo 2,839 60 66 372 190 182 9 3 179 169 6 123 132

271 Bindool P. 5,0:0 72 80 385 212 173 177 154 12 133 106 272 Mitdul 3,016 20 21 97 56 41 42 38 3 42 23 273 Malgo 5,709 75 75 414 207 207 18 13 52 49 27 141 113 274 Bhamar Khob P. 2,797 36 36 202 102 100 .. 98 100 12 61 62 275 Hatka 1,053 29 29 153 83 70 16 15 56 45 10 60 48

276 Bargarb 2,811 75 75 396 206 190 14 10 117 136 15 143 114 277 Pura 1,670 5 5 22 12 10 12 10 1 10 9 278 Sonahari 2,001 11 12 64 33 31 33 30 24 22 279 Lallabahara 1,145 13 15 99 53 46 53 46 35 33 280 Dhanagarb 1,291 42 43 252 129 123 22 31 101 78 88 76

281 Churl 4,278 21 26 122 63 59 35 4S 6 49 34 282 Jeer 8,190 48 53 279 144 135 4 7 124 117 1 93 65 283 Bhuoda 831 27 29 155 7S 80 8 6 60 72 2 49 55 284 Dhari P. 11,643 47 54 302 153 149 98 77 13 103 91 243


WORKERS Non- 'L.G. ----"------. Workers No. ------I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X ,..--A_",",\ ,.--A.--, ,...-A----. ,-_A_, ,-_A_...... r---"---. r-.A.-...... ,--A--. ~-, ,-_:A--.-. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

1 49 70 251 85 64 7 9 6 2 .. " 3 83 90 17 .21 2 26 12 3 80 67 252 5S 67 7 8 2 .. .. 21 21 253 70 69 24 20 7 .. 14 2 1 42 55 254 16S 156 20 25 7 2 6 78 85 255

7S 72 3 5 6 2 .. 34 35 256 71 70 31 34 4 .. .. 11 4 58 70 257 244 233 47 67 10 .. 14 6 1 1 4 21 I 223 258 153 134 41 39 16 1 7 10 1 2 138 166 259 69 79 21 13 7 8 6 5 96 96 260

75 75 17 12 .. .. 4 7 73 66 261 84 84 18 15 22 3 I .. 1 55 80 262 III 126 16 18 15 7 2 65 57 263 36 39 9 8 I 3 7 23 35 264 22 17 6 7 '4 2 3 13 23 265

52 43 10 9 5 4 .. 4 31 32 266 77 75 19 10 3 12 6 78 62 267 119 82 28 25 3 .. 3 59 60 268 43 49 17 20 17 4 .. 1 1 45 43 269 92 J01 24 31 1 4 2 67 50 270

98 87 12 13 17 S 5 79 67 271 28 14 3 8 10 14 18 272 126 101 15 12 .. .. 66 94 273 50 55 9 7 2 .. 41 38 274 50 40 6 7 4 1 23 22 275

87 76 20 20 27 4 9 14 63 76 276 10 9 2 1 277 24 22 .. 9 9 278 33 29 2 4 .. .. 18 13 279 48 44 24 31 6 10 41 47 280

43 31 2 3 1 .. .. 3 14 25 281 74 57 3 4 14 2 4 51 70 282 46 50 2 3 .. 1 2 .. 26 2S 283 77 83 11 8 12 3 50 58 284



S1. Pages No.

Appendix I-Industrial Establishments 247-259

Appendix II-Towns and villages served by metalled roads (All villages having roads in the village itself or within one mile of the village are included in the Appendix 260 Appendix III-Towns and Villages having railway stations within five miles 261 Appendix IV-Towns and Villages having bus-stops 262 Appendix V-Towns and Villages having public libraries 263 Appendix VI-Towns and Villages having public reading rooms 263 Appendix VII -Towns and Villages having pucca wells for the supply of drinking water together with their number 264-267 Appendix' VIII-Towns and Villages having public latrines 268

Appendix IX-Towns and Villages having drains 268 Appendix X-Towns and Villages in which weekly or fortnightly markets are held together with the days on which held 269

Appendix XI-Towns and Villages having co-operative societies together with the description of the society 270

APPENDIX I INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS Note:-This appendix has been prepared from information abstracted from the houselists. It is arranged first districtwise; that is, under the name of the district have been arranged the industries in ascending order of minor groups, showing the total number of establishments within brackets next to each minor group. The information has been shown by total, rural and urban separately. The fignres for the tahsil follow the figures for the district as a whole. The total, rural and urban figures for each tahsil for each minor group of industry showing the number of establishments in each in brackets have been presented first. Then follows the list of the villages in the order of their location code numbers with the location code number appearing first, followed by the name of the village. Against each village is shown the minor group or minor groups of industry found in the village with the number of establishments in that minor group shown within brackets against each minor group. For towns, figures have 'been presented separately for each ward, the number of ward being given first, followed by the industrial code numbers etc. as in the case of villages. The following examples will make the above note clear :- Sidhi District total 2()O(II) signifies that there are 11 establishments in Sidhi District pertaining to Minor GNUp 200, which stands for "Production of rice, atta, flour etc. by milling, dehusking and processing of crops and foodgrains." Gopadbanas Tahsil total207 (1,046) Signifies that there are 1,046 establishments in Gopadbanas Tahsil pertaining to Minor Group 207, which stands for "Prochl­ ction of edible fats and oils" (other than hydrogenated oil).' Village 5 Ghopltri 36~( 4) signifies that in village Ghopari which has 5 as its location ct'lde number there are 4 establishments pertaining to Minor Group 369, which stands for "Manufacture of Sundry hard wares such as G. I. pipe, wire net, bolt, screw, bucket, cutlery." Sidhi Town, Ward No.2 209 (5) signifies that there are 5 establishments located in ward No.2 of Sidhi Town pertaining to Minor Group 209, which stands for "Production of othp.r food products such as sweetm~at, condiments, muri, murki, chira, khoi, cocoa, chocolate toffee and lozelolge."


Total-200 (l1), 206 (11), 207 (1477). 209, (59), 212 (39), Total- 200 (8), 206 (II), 207 (1046), 209 (23) 212 (3), 220(35), 230 (5), 231 (7), 333 (I), 235 (60), 220 (35) 231 (I), 233 (1), 235 (9), 236 (3), 255 (49) 236 (3). 255 (67), 272 (4). 273 (180), 280 (2). 272 (4), 273 (138). 280 (2), 281 (6), 283 (341), 284 (7) 281 (7), 283 (427), 284 (49). 288 (932). 302 (I). 288 (530), 302 (1), 311 (1284), 313 (I), 314 (1), 310 (I), 311 (2197) 313 (2),314 (I), 332 (I), 333 (4), 333 (4). 342 (2), 344 (5), 350 (688), 365 OJ, 342 (2). 344 (6), 350 (1001), 362 (I), 365 (3), 369 (592), 388 (5), 393 (236), 399 (4), 369 (1096). 388 (10), 393 (309), 399 (8).

Rural -200 (6), 201] (11), 207 (1464), 209, (47), 212 (39), 220 (35), 230 (5), 231 (7). 233 (1), 235 (60). 236(3) Rural-200 (3), 206(11). 207 (1033). 209(11), 212(3), 255 (67) 272 (3). 273 (163), 281 (6), 220 (35), 231 (I). 233 (0. 235 (9).236 (3), 255 (49). 283 (427), 284 (49), 288 (932), 310 (1), 311 (2196) 272 (3), 273 (121), 281 (5), 283 (341), 284 (7). 313 n 314 (1). 332 (1), 333 (3). 342 (2). 344 (6) 288 (530), 311 (1283), 313 (I), 314 (I), 333 (3).342 (2), 350 (1001), 362 (I), 365 (2), 369 (1095), 388 (6), 344 (5), 350 (688) 369 (591). 388 (1), 393 (227) 399 (2), 393 (300), 399 (6),

U rban-200 (5), 207 (13) 209 (12), 272 (1). 273 (17), 280 (2), Urban-200 (5). 207 (13), 209 (12), 272 (1), 273 (17), 280 (2) 2810), 302 (I), 311 (I), 333 (1), 365 (I), 369(1) 281 (I), 302 (I), 311 (1), 333 (1). 365 (1), 369 (1), 388 (4), 393 (9), 399 (2). 388 (4), 393 (9), 399 (2). 248




89 Kotrapahadi 350(1), 369(1). Local;Ofl code n1lmb'er and nalm! of vlT/a'g'e:- 92 Kariyar 311(6). S Gbopari :mn). 369(4). 94 Tikarralaba No.1 ;-311(2), 369(1). 6 Deogaon 207(5), 273(1), 283'(1), :tU(2), 350(3),.369(1). 95 DibuJitikar No.2 .-207(3).283(1).288(5). 7 Godgaon :mm. 97 Amiliya 207(47), 209(1), 273(2),288(8). 311(7), 314{l). 8 BaJbya 207(2), 288(2) )1 t(6), 369'(2). 350(1).369(1). 9 Cbitbariya No. 1:-273(1),283(7), 288(1}. 98 Naurhiya 311(2), 393(4). 13 Cbitbariya No.5 :-283(J). 311(6). 99 Parsidbi 283(1), 311(3),369(1). 14 Ghitbariya No. 6:-2Q.7(1), 283(5). 101 Semari 273(.'), 283 (I), 369(1). 15 Ranki 207(5),288(4),311(1),369(2.). 103 Pamariya 283(1). 311(4). III 17 Jonki~88(1). Khorwa Tola 283(1).350(3); 369(2). 18 Rboron 273(2).283(5),369(1). 112 Kborwa Khas 207(2),255(2). 311(1). 20 Supela 207(1).283(1),311(2). 113 Cbitang 369(2). 393( I). 21 Ukasa 207(1),311(1). 114 Naugawan 350(1). 22 Ramuri No.2 i -Raikafanlltngb. 207(\), 283{3}. lt6 Pabadi 207(45), 273(3), 283(15}, 28St to}. 31l( 19), 369(7) 393(7). ' 23 Dudhamania Nu.l ;-311(1). 117 Bahera 311(4). 24 Dudhamaoia No.2 :-311(1). 120 Jamul ~1I(5). 25 KeshauJi 311(4). 121 Koraub! Khurd 311(8). 27 Bal!haudI236(1). 273(4). 283(7). 288(4), 311(5). 36913), 393(1). 122 Nakjbar Kburd 207(2); 369(2). 28 Badagaon283(2), 288(7). 3tl(II), 369(3), 3'93(1), 135 HatwaCBarahatola) 283(3), 288(1), 311(3), 369(4)' 29 Upbarauli 207(2),283(1),311(6), 369(2). 136 Ghoghara 311(3). 137 Dhumma Khurd 393(3). 30 Kodaura 369 (1).393(1). 139 Sabaii 273(3) 283(6), 288(!}, 311(2),369(2). 393(9). 33 Sajmani Khurd 207(1), 273(1),350(1),369(1). 140 Sonwarsa 311(6). 34 Sajmani Ka!an 283(0 143 Dihuli Khas 207(5).236(1),283(6). 311(3). 353(1).369(3) 37 Ramuripaipkhar No.2 :-311(0. 393(4). 38 Hamurikotbar 283(3). 144. Dihuli Tikar 283(3),369(1). 42 Sawalcha 283(6), 311(4), 369(4). 393(t). 146 KorauliKalan 350(2). 49 Merbau1l283(1),350(4). 147 Chamrauhna283(4). 288(2), 311(11).369(1),393: I). 53 Tendua 283(3), 288(2), 3}1(4), 369(1). 1SO Nakjhar Kalan 207(22),283(1), 311(24),3(9(3). 54 B1thaulf 283(2), 288(7). 311(6), 350(3), 369(7), 393(6). 152 Khuteli 207(4), 283(1) 288(3),311(6) 3500). 55 Piparaba 350(2). 153 Lauar Paipkbar 207(1), 311(4). 59 Damak 207(3), 283(1). 311(7), 369(1). 156 Putariha 283(2). 66 Amirati283(2), 288(1). 31H5), 369(1). 157 Ukaraba 288(1).350(1). 67 Mabuat'bal Kabinoti 283 (3) 311 (3) 369 (I) 159 Patharha 288(1). 69 Rajgarb 207(1),272 3) 283(1). 284(1), 288(1) 311(6) 333 (2),350(32), 369(5), 393(5), 399(2). ' , 161 Pataunba 3\ 1(2).350(3). 70 HIDaut! 207(17), 209(2), 273(3), 283(3).288(2.), 311(9), 162 Dhakri 288(5). 311(3),369(2),393(3). 350(6),369(3),388(1) 393(13). 163 Padariya Kalan 207(8). 71 Ataraila 283(1), 311(3). 167 Rarhauna 207(9). 283 (I). 288(5), 369(1),393(6). 72 Lllwar 311(2), 369(2). 168 Hat\\a Khas 207(1) 283(5),311(6),350(4),369(1). 73 Rampur 288(4), 311(2), 350(19) 369(41. 170 Gabira 283(2). 369(1), 76 B.lghor 288(1), 311(16), 350(1). 172 Khar Rlra 207(8),283(3); 288(5). 311(3), 369(4), 393(2). 78 Rojaba 2')7(1) 311(2). 174 Titall 207{l), 235(5), 283(2), 288(1), 311 (8) 350(11) 80 LQhidand 255(5),393(1). 369(1). ' • 83 Karimati 283(2), 288(2),311(1). 350(9). 175 Sehl'da Abad 288(2). 88 Pahadichaktenduba 207(7). 178 Hauda ,Bandh. 283(2). 249




18~ Pokhllrldol 207(2). 281 Laua 311(2), 369(1), 393(1). 188 Dihuli 283(2),288(1), 311(4). 369(1), 393(4). 282 Badaila 311 (4).350(1).369(2). 393(2). 189 Lahiya 207(1), 273(2). 284(3). 288(1). 311(4). 393(2) 283 Patulkbi 207(13).273(2),288(4). 311(4),350(1). 369(4). 196 Dewari 350(1). 393(3). 197 Madhugaon Uttar Tola 350(2). 284 Jamuar 207(1). 199 Kamarjee 207(9). 283(2). 288(4) 311(7), 350(1), 369 (5). 289 Kapuri 311(2): 393(5). 291 Padkhudi 283(3), 288(7).311(9).369(3). 20) Padariya khurd 283(1). 311(4). 292 Pachokhar 283(5).288(1),311(4).350(9). 205 Kironhn 369( I). 293 Darhiya 207(12), 212(1). 283(2), 288(16), 311(5), 369(1). 210 KukraoD Majhitola 311(1). 393(11). 215 Kuseda 207(1).311(8).369(1). 294 Pateri Tola 273(8), 288(1). 216 Barl Kotllar 207(1), 311(4). 295 Tikat Kalan 283(2), 288(3), 311 (7). 369(3). 393(1). 219 Baghaun Khas 393(1). 296 Chiori Kalan 283(1). 221 Dhumma 207(4).288(2). 311(6).350(1),369 (3). 301 Piprohar 233(1),288(4).311(2) 369(2). 222 Barigawan 207(2). 283(2). 288(7). 311(9). 350(4). 369(2). 302 Jhinga Jbar (Chauhan tola) 283 (2). 311(2). 350(1). 303 Jhinga Jhar (Gaharwartola) 207(2). 223 Amahs 350(1). 305 . Patlp'auhi 207(13). 225 Hlnauti No.1 :-311(1). 393(4) .. 306 Pujaunhi 207(3),311(3). 369( I). 227 Chak Kamarjee 350(3). 307 Amarpur 273(3). 288(5). 311(6), 350(3), 369(3). 393(1). 231 Madila Kalan 207(1). 283(1) 369(2). 308 Mudaka 207(5) 369(1). 232 Kolhudih 207(17). 255(5). 283(2). 311(10). 350(8), 369(7) 309 Jat Khania 207(1). 215 Murdadih 369(1). 310 Godabi 288(1).311(4), 369( I). 216 Tariha 207(3), 311(2). 311 Amdiba 207(7) 288(7). 311(3). 350(1). 369(3). 314 Dbootpura Kothar 311(4).369(2). 239 Bahera 207(1). 283(2). 2U Jhari 350(1). 317 Pakhada. 311(1).350(1).369(5). 243 DeorI207(1), 311(5). 369(1). 319 Jetbula.311(1). 320 Mobaniya 207(1). 283(2).288(1) 311(1).369(1). 214 Barbadha 369(1). 215 _ Tikat Khurd 311(6).350(2).369(1),393(2). 322 Bbelki No.1 :-283(1). 246 Mawai 207(14). 283(9). 369(1). 324 Chadainia 311( I). 249 Kusparl207(5). 235(1).283 (3). 288(3). 311( 4). 350(4), 327 Hardlba Pawai 369(1). 369(1).393(2). 328 H.rdlba Kothar 311(2). 250 Dadar 273(5). 329 Ramnagar 283(2). 288(2). 311(3).350(2),369(2). :no Nakhel 200(1). 207(4), 255(4). 283(2). 288(1), 3ll(6). 2~ I Patpara. 281(5). 283(5). 350(2), 369( I). 342(1).350(24), 369(2). 256 Patehara Sontire 311(4). 331 Taktaiya 207(5),283(1),311(2).350(16).369(1), 258 Ramdih 311(1). 333 Dembha 311(5). 259 Marsaraha. 283(2).288(3), 311(3).393(3). 334 Deogbata 283(1). 369(1). 260 Rojaha 283(1), 369(2). 335 Mohaniya 350(8). 261 Tailai 207(1), 311(2). 336 Bbamaraba 311(6). 350(2). 265 Kapuri Kothar 207(4), 283(2), 288(3). 311(2), 350(2). 369(1). 338 Bicbhiya 273(2). 288(2), 350(2). 339 Sarda 207(1) 283(4), 311(3). 267 Sblvpurwa 288(1 ). 268 Lakoda 20712), 288(4),311(16),369(10). 340 Patehara 311(3).369(1). 272 Salaiya 288(2),311(5).350(4). 342 Khori 350(1). 277 Hatwa 288(1)311(5). 369(3). 345 Chorahl 311(1), 369(1). 278 Paraswar 288(2), 311(4). 347 Mahuar Kothar 207(10), 288(1), 311(6), 35')(2). 279 Darhiya 207(16), 288(2), 369(1). 348 Maluariya Paipkhar 207(9), 311(1). 250




349 Bariha Kothar 288(1). 350(3). 424 Gada Babansingh 207(3}. 288(1), 311(4). 350 Bariha Paipkhar 311 (I). 350(6). 42.5 GadalolarSingh 311(2), 350(2),369(6). 353 Bhati Gawan 311(1). 350(1). 369(3).393(1). 426 Kothar Kalan 288(1), 311(1} 350(13). 354 Deo Gawan 283(1). 288(5), 311(6). 427 Bedua 207(2), 369(l}. 355 Bhanw.ar 207(1). 428 Madawa 207(18}, 288(3). 311(7),350(7). 356 Kachari 207(1). 429 Majharcti Kotbar 3il(3). 357 Bhanwari 207(4),350(2). 430 Kudainia 283\ I}. 311(2), 369(2}. 358 Phulwari 207(14).273(2) 3I1(7) 350(1),369(3).393(2). 436 Gajarahi Pawai 288(2). 360 Maldewa 288(4), 369(2). 437 Gajarahikothar 3!l(l}. 361 Mamdar 288(2), 369(1). 441 Matihani 350(1),369(1). 362 Barkhara Raosahcb 393(2). 442 Keshawahi 209( I), 350( I). 363 Barkhara Rambahadur Singh 283(2).311(3),350(5).369(3). 444 Sibauliya 311(13). 393(10). 446 Marl18 283(7), 311(2), 350(2), 369(2). 364 Barkhara Jaikaran Singh 207(2),283(1). 447 Amdand 283(3), 350(2}. 367 Barkhara RamraJsingb 350(5). 454 Naugaman Darshansingh 207(1),311(2),350(1). 368 Barkhara Randhirsingh 350(3), 393(2). 455 Karaundiya UUar Tola 288(1), 350(1). 369 Barkbara 311(2), 393(3). 456 Padaini) a .• hurd 288(2). 370 Amarpur 283(1),lll(I), 350(1). 460 Khairahi 207(2), 311(61,369(1). 371 Barokhar 207(2), 283(2), 288(1), 311(3), 350(3). 369(1) 393 (3). 465 Terhawatola 311(1). 372 Koshta Kothar 207(14}, 469 Mau311(I}. 374 Sundari 283(1). 470 Khaira 207(2), 235( I), 2'73(4}, 288(2), 311 (1), 393(3). 375 Tiwari Gawan 350(1). 471 Belalla. 207( 13),311(2). Kubari 369( 1). 376 Boosi 350(1),369(1). 475 Bhitari 288(7), 369(1). 377 Khichar Gawan 311(1). 476 Chandwahi 311(4),350(6),369(1). 382 Sanda 207(1), 283(4}. 350(1), 393(1). 480 383 Duara 207(2). 481 Ballaei 350(1). Ghatokhar 207(2), 283(2), 288(3}, 311(5), 350(2), 369(1). 339 Dewardar 255(1). 482 Pondi 288(2). 311(2}. 391 Shairpur 207(7}, 288(6}.311(2). 483 Korigawan 283( I). 392 Jhumaria 288(1), 369(2). 4t~4 Amdand 311(1), 350(1). 393 Duara Kalan 311(2). 485 Katauli 288(5), 350(2). 394 Amarahi 369( 1). 486 Bhitari 207(8). 397 Karkachaha Shukdeoram 369(2). 487 Bhol Garh 311(1),369(4). 393 Karkachahajagdisbram 288(2). / 488 Akami 369( I). 403 Kudiyapawai 283(3), 288(2),311(5),350(2),369(1). 489 491 Barhaura 207(1), 369(1), 405 Padkhuri Kothar 235(1),283(5),288(3), 311(1}, 350(1), 369(7), 393(2}. 492 Sonwarsa. 288(1),311(1). Basauraha 369( I). 406 Padkhuripawai 207(1), 233( 1),311(1), 350( 1). 493 407 Jhalwar 207(16), 311(2).350(3), 369(2). 494 Jamodisengran 207(5), 288{l) , 311(1),369(2). 409 Koan 207(1). 283(8}, 31!(2}, 350(1). 369(8). 496 K:uuuIJdiyasouth Tola 311(1). 411 Churhat 207(6),209(1), 220(2). 255(1},273(19), 283(3). 497 Dainiha 283(2).288\1), 393(l}. 288(3),311(3), 369(8),393(13). 499 Jogipursoulh Tola 207(1). 415 Barigawan 369(3). 500 Deoraha 393(1). 416 KargiJ 283(1). 501 Hadaado207(2), 288(3). 311(7). 369(3), 393(1). 417 Amarwah 207(4), 273(2),288(3) 311(11). 369 (4), 393 (1) S03 Kucbuwahi 283(6}, 311(7), 369( I). 418 Naugamadhirtihl\:h 20711 \,288(1),311(4), 350(4), 369(2). 504 Rajdiha 311(1). 420 Jamodikhurd 207(2), 283m. 311(4), 350(2), 369(1) 505 Sadla 207(1). 422 NaurliiY3 207(13), 283(2),288(2). 31 1(lO), 350(9), 369{J). 508 Dhadha 311(4)' 251



1 GOPADBANAS TAHSIL-Contd. GOPAOBANAS TAHSIL-Contd. 510 SapahI369(2). 572 Kotbar 255(6), 350(2). 369(1). 511 Tltlrash.... a 31tO) 513 Chuaaba 350(2). 512 Tltirabagbela. 207(1). 311(2).350(1). 574 MabaraJpur 369(3). 513 Patebara 207(2), t209(1), 283(1), 288(2), 311(5), 579 Khodllplh' 207(8). 350(3) 369(1). 350(5), 369(1). 581 Oadarllmurd 311(2). 514 GOJjllpur 288(5), 350(5),369(1). 582 Barpea 369(1). 515 Haaumeqark 207(17), 283(1),311(13). 583 Dol 369(1). 516 Beldah 369(1). 584 Goda_ Tol. 311(1), 350(1), 369(1). 518 Naugaweo 20'1(1), 283(2), 288(2), m(l). 590 Madwa 207(2), 283(1), 369(1). 519 Tllakur Oewe 207(1). 288(2). 59! KatbarJlIa 255(4), 311(11). 521 Gbeolbl 207(1). 311(1). 597 BelDb,al 369(2). 522 Kabarl 207(1), 283(1), ,311(2), 350(2), 369(3). 598 Ob.ukborl 288(2), 311 (2). 523 Tendua 207(2), 311 (5), \150(6). 369(5). S99 Kaslbawa 311(3). 524; Panmarbagflelaa 311(4), '369(2). 600 Padkburl 207(2). 212(1). 288(2), 311(7), 369(2). 525 Paamarseagaran 207(4). 602 BanJarl 283(5) 288(2). 35O(S). 526 Mutblgewaa Kalaa 207(1).' 311(5), 369(4). 604 RoJbaunba 207(3), 350(4).369(1), 527 Mutblgawan Kburd 369(1): 605 Mauhsri. Kalaa 207(3), 311(8). 528 Madaria 288(7), 311(1). 606 Rampur 288(2). 311(9). 530 Hlnauta 283(1), 350(4). : 607 Baberetolawest 350(1). "32 Joround_ 311(1), 350(1), 361t(l), 608 Baberatolaeest 283(1). 533 Kukanljbar 207(6), 311(10}, 3S0(6), 369(3). 619 JalDuuibakburd 369(1). 535 Upanl 288(1), 350(4), 369(2). 612 Kotblta 207(1). 536 Sbeypurwe 207( 10), 288(3), 311(7), 350(2), 369(4). 613 ebhubiya 207(5). 311(2). 537 Janakpar 311(1). 614 MeJba Gawaa 207(1), 311(1), 369(1). S39 Pokbdeur 283 (3), 311 (I), 350(1), 369(1). 616 Obarabera Kalan 311(1). 540 Sarkhaaiba 311(1). 617 Burbgauna 207(4),273(1),283(1).288(3). 311(1) 369(3) 543 Oeoraha 311(2) 393(3). 544 Teaduba 207(4), 283(3),350(18), 369(1). 618 Bagbwar 207(7). 209(1). 288(1), 311(2). 350(1). 546 Katharra 207(4). 547 Mallbam 283(2). 619 Nalld. 201(1), 31 HIl), 350(1) 369(2). 548 Samardab 311(3), 369(1). 620 Raghunatbpur 283(5), 311(1), 350(2). S50 Tarka 311(1), 350(2). 622 MurtalaKotbar 311(1). 369(2). 553 MMakotbar 283(1), 288(1), 311(5), 369(2). 623 Sbl"aJpur 311(3). 5S4 JbaaJb 207(8), 220{l), 288(1), 311(2), 350(2), 369(1) 625 Jbala 207(4), 283(3), 350(2), 369(1). 393(1). 626 Oltbeure 311(2), 369(1). 5SS Ralkbor. 207(5). 2SS(I), 311(1). 350(4), 627 Kbaira Kotllar 206(6), 207(9), 311(2). 557 Naurbiya 288(2), 311(1), 369(1). 628 Bokaro 206(1), 207(1). SS8 Kandbwar 207(2), 283(1), 28R(4), 311(4), 350(8). 630 Karondla 207(2). 560 Pondl 207(2), 255(9). 283(4), 288(10), 350(5). 631 Mankisar 207(20). 311(3). 350(4), 369(1). 369(2). 632 Deogarh 283(1),369(1). 562 Semariya 220(1), 273(14), 393(5). 633 Obraba 283(1), 369(1). 563 Jbaaaraha 369(2) 393(1). 635 Khirkborl 207(6), 273(2), 283(1). 288(5:h 311(7). 565 Panwartbaubaaaatola. 207(2), 288(1), 311(7), 350(2), 350( 10), 369(4),. 369(2), 393(2). 636 Cbblroaohl 207(3), 288(1), 311(2). 369(2). 566 Padara 207(5), 311(1), 350(1). 637 Bagbwari 207(2), 311(9), 350(8), 369(2). 568 Kbalrabl 207(3), 350(1), 369(1). 638 Sukwarloortb Tota 311(4). 350(1). 569 Ramgarll JJ1 (I). 639 SukwerlmaJbarl 207(4). 288(2), 369(1). 570 Moodi 350(5). 640 Mauaberlakhurd 311 (1). 641 Dafahawa 311(4). 712 Bisbuni Tola 207(2), 369(3). 642 Patellara ;Kalan 207(6), 288(2). 36lf(f,: 714 Padarl 207(2), 288(8), 311(3), 350(1). 369(3). 643 ...... Qurd 2,07(1), 311(1).,' 3S0m, '369m.. 715 Pondi 207(3), 3I1li). ~ o.w. 369(1). . 716 Kharabana 25512), 283(lJ. 288(1), 311(1), 3SO{S). 646 Satnarakothar 207(1). 717 Kbara 207(4), 273(0. 283(1), 288(3). 311(1). 647 Amahaws 369(1). 718 Raiduariyakalan 207(·2), 283(3), 3U(2). 350(2), 369(1). 649 Bam.ri 207(1). 719 Raiduariyaklauril 311(1): 6st Saro lealu 284(3), 311(4); 350(1/ 724 S.tohari 283(1). 288(4). 311(8) 169(2),393(3). 652 SuoIdmrd 207(1). 725 Chauphal',Kothar 283(1). 653 ...... 1'llIa 207(7), 3U(4). 727 Kathauli 207(1), 369(1). 6S4 ~ 283(1', 288(5). 730 Bagaiba 28B( I), 350(21. 655 BUahtola 236(1), 369(4). 731 Natban» 207(2), 288(5). 311(4). 369(6). 657 Sard. 369(1). 732 Semariya Tola 207(1), 350(1), 369(l}. 659 ,....0. ~7(2). 220(;29). 283m. 3lf(2). 350(2). 369(1). 133 Bbalnsaraha 207(4), 273(1), 283(1), 311(4), 350(10). 661 Otorgatl 2ll7(2), 255(1). 311(7}. 350(2). 369( I). 393(2). 662 LebllSII8 238(1). 735 Gadabara Kisborsingb 273(1). 663 Agadal 283(2). 350(1). 740 Cbobharakbas 200(1). 207(1). 661 Rampur 209(1), 220(2), 273(U). 288(6), 311(2). 344(3), . 743 Bbuinyadol 201(3). 350(2). 350(10). 369(1). 393(19). 745 Dbanaha Z, 283(3), 288(5), 369(1). 770 Charkipani 369(1). 771 Tegawa 369(1). 697 Anlslaba 207{1}, 169(2) 772 Sirati 288(5), 311(14), 350{l). 369(1). 698 Tattalya 207(2). 288(1), 311(2). 699 Posta 2M(41: 288(tj. -3lt(6), 350(5). 369(2), 393(1). 774 Paipakhara 311(8). 350(3). 700 Gaurdaba 207(2).273(1),283(4), 288(4). 311(1), 350(2), 775 Kbaddikalan 273(2}. 288(1). 369(1). 776 Remari 207(11, 273(5), 393(1). 7r11' CkaltrOd .';,288(3). 369(2). 778 Jamuniya No.2 207(4). 311(13), 369(1). 703 Kusbamabar 207(3}, 3SO(2). 369(2). 783 Sukbim.jrabhagobar 369(1). 704 KatarlbucU 311(1), 369(1)' 784 Sendura 207(3), 273(1), 288(31, 311(12), 350(l), 369(2). 705 Cbb",alaha 369(1). 785 Kocbila 207(1), 311(3). 369(J}. 708 Nebuhawest Tola '288( I), 369(2). 786 Dolkotbar 207(2). 710 Bodaraba 207{t). 788 MadaPani 369(1). 711 Padkhuri 207(8). 311(4). 369(2). 789 Ratwar 311(1). 253




790 Bajranggarb 207(9). 311(4), 870 Chamradol 288(1). 350(2). 791 Khaddi khurd 207(9),288(9), 311(7),350(3), 369(5). 871 Semariya Tala 311 (I). 792 Rehunta 311(2). 873 Pand 283(2). 793 Baron 207(2), 255(2), 369(5). 874 Bhajn~\\ahi 207(2),283(2), 311(4). 797 Ghurdand 207(1). 369(6). 877 AtraiJa 311(11). 350(3). 798 Mungahatola 311(5). 881 Pathraula 207(2), 288(6), 369(1). 80a Bha~ohar 207(1) 350( I). 882 Sahijanaha 207 (4), 283 (I), 288 (4), 350 (2), 369 (4). 801 Man Tola 311(2); 393(2). 807 Sendhawa 369( I). 884 Mauhariya 207( I). 80S Gajari 20711). 281(1).311(8), 369(1). 886 Chauhan Tola 369( I). 812 Kham 207(8), 369(1). 892 Dhanauli 311 (1). 813 Barmani 207( I). 369( I). 893 Maihauli 2000), 207 (6). 209 (I). 273 (I). 288 (I), 814 Badera 3i i(4). 369(2). 333(1),350(21).369(5),393(14). 815 The,~arahi 207(1), 3ti(2). 896 Da'1l?a 207(7). 311 (3). 817 Andh?rigadai 311(2)., 807 KhaJaura 207(1), 311(1). 818 Darlmakhas 207(2). I 898 Belhai 369( I) . 820 B,a!lera 288(2" 311(3),350(5),369(1). 900 Dalar 207(7),283(1),311(8),350(2),369(1). 821 Naurhi)'a 288(2), 311(10), 369(6). 904 Aka:a Tola 207( 10). 822 Chullguna 207(1), 311(1). 369(1). 906 Pondi 369( I ). 823 Kotaro 311 (2). 910 Deori 36<;(1). 824 Khantara 288(1),311(1),350(8),369(1). 911 Kamchar 207(2). 826 Tilwari 207(1), 311(2). 912 Bodaria Tola 313(1), 350(1). 827 Karwahi 207(5), 3 J 1(7), 369(4). 916 Deori 311(2). 369(1). 828 Chhawari 311(2), 369(3). 919 Siraula 207(7).283(1),311(1),350(1). 831 Ghusmania 369(3). 921 Nadaha 207( 11), 273(1), 369(3). 832 BarahiTola 311(1),369(1). 922 SODlvarsa 273( 1). 833 Udaisa 369( I). 924 Mahkhor 207(18), 235(1), 311(1). 369(1), 393(2). 834 Nachani Mahua 311(1). 925 Nidhpuri 231 (I ). 836 Shikara 207(4), 2~~(1), 311(4), 350(2),369(1). 926 Khamcha~ra 369( I). 838 Pars iii 311 (4), 369(3). 929 Thonga 288(4), 311(4). 819 Klrmai 207(2), 311(2), 369(2). 930 Jowa 369( I) 840 Ba~hai!a 369(1). 935 Sondhiya 350( I), 369( I), 841 Ta'a 207(20), 283(5). 288(4), 3 J 1(18), 350(2), 369( 1), 393(7). 936 Chamrohi 207( 1). 842 MeJara 311(7). 937 Majhagawan 207(3),288(2),311(2),350(1),369(2), 843 Cbhuhi 283( I). 350( I). 941 Dhanser 207(4), 311 (3). 844 Pondicarsai 2ll7(1). 311(1). 350(7). 369(1). 942 Dhua:Jdol 288(4),311(10).350(5).369(4). 84) Ganvai 207(3), 255(1), 238(4), 350(8). 943 Bhadaura 207(3). 288(12),311(4), 350(12),369(1), 846 Naro 350(1).36912),393(1)· 944 Shankar pur Harrai 207(1),311(1), 847 Barseni 207(3),288(11), 311(3), 350(9), 369(1). 945 Gotara 207(5), 311(3), 350(6), 369(3), 848 Gijwar 2\)7(7).273(1), 288(14), 311(5),369(4). 393(1). 948 Sa'aiyadol 281«3), 311(1), 952 Ma1was 209'2), 273(4), 288(2), 350(5), 369(4). 850 8akawa 207( I), 311 ( I), 369( I). 953 Amha 369(1), 853 Amerhiya 311(1),369(2). 957 Khajuriha 311(5), 342(1),369(1). 856 Dewai 207(3), 288(7), 350(4). 857 Mujheria 255(5).311(1),3)0(8). 958 Ka'ar\\ar 207(2), 288(2), 3'11(2). 369(1). 8'9 Jamua 207(1).283(2), 311(1), 350(6). 960 Bajwai 369(1 ), 861 Paniha Tola 369( I). 967 Umaria 311(3), 369(6), 862 Dhanga\\an 311(1). 973 Barakadol 369(1), 976 Khokbara 311(1), 863 Silwar 207(1), 311(4). 36:1(2). 977 Rampur 311(3), 350(1). 369(4), 867 Kanjwar 369( I). 869 Tikari 311(1l). 350(3). 979 Guruadhar 207(5),311(4),369(1). 983 Baheradol 283( 1), 369(1), 254




985 Biraura 311(1). TotaJ-200(3). 207(285), 209(17), 212(27). 235(10), 255(16), 986 Dhupkhar 311(2), 369(1). 273(18),283(62),284(12),288(314),311(621). 313(1), 987 Tansar 283(1). 311(3), 350(2). 369(1). 332 (I), 344 (I), 350 (212), 362 (1),365 (2),369 (3251, 988 Tharipathar 369(1). 388(2), 393(26). 399(4). 989 Chingawan 31l( I), 369(1). 992 Ramgarh 311(4). Rural-200(3), 207(285), 209(17), 212(27). 235(10), 255(16), 993 Bastua 283(1). 311(1). 273(18),283(62),284(12). 288(314), 311(621), 313(1). 995 Sajadol 311(1). _ 332 (1), 344 (I). 350 (212), 362 (1). 365 (2). 369 (325), 1002 Pondi 3l1(2), 369(2). 388(2), 393(26). 399(4). 1003 Duhkuriya 369(1). Urban-- Nil 1004 Amgaon 369(1). Location code number and name ofviilage:- 1005 Karonti 288(1), 369(1). 1006 Kamachh 311(2). 369(1)- Bachhnar (Bagdara) 369(1). 1008 Duari 311 ( n. 2 Gopla 207(2), 212(1). 283(1), 288(4). 311(3), 344(1). 350(1). 1009 Kodar 369(1). 3 Rampurwa 369(1). 1010 Bhagwar· 311(3). 6 Ncwari 207( 1). Kusbmi 207( 212(1). 288(3), 369(,1). lOll 1), 8 Khamardib 369(3). 1014 Dehawa 288(8), 369(3 j. 9 Bagdara 212(2), 311(3), 369(1). 1016 Deomath 311(1),369(1). 10 Pondi (Gopla) 288(1), 311(1). JOl7 Kota 207(11), 311(2), 350(1). 369(2). II Tilaia 369(2). 1018 Khalri 288(8), 311(2), 350(5). 12 Bhuin Dbarwa 283(1),288(2), 311(3). 1019 Halki 369(1). 13 Rehi 283(1), 31t(2). 350(2). ]024 Medara 288(1), 311(1),350(2), 369(1). 15 Futhaurwa 283(1), 311(1). ]025 Badwahi i07(l). 16 Ledpurwa 350(1), 369(l}. 1033 RaOOal 311(3), 369(3). 17 Kulllkwar 311(1), 369(1). 1035 :r-.'aurbiyadewarth 207(1), 311(3), 350(1). 369(1). 18 Gourgawan 200(1), 207(1), 288(1), 311(1), 369(1). J048 Harraha 369( I). 19 8arbadih 369(1). ]050 Gajar 288(6), 311(4), 369(1). 21 Shivpurwa 288(3). 23 Nodihawa 207(2), 288(5). 311(5), 369(3). 1061 Dadar 283( 1), 311(2), 369(1). 24 Jharkata 212(1).283(2), 311(1). 350(1). 1062 Lurgbuti No.2 207(1), 369(1). 25 Padri Kalan 369(1). 1065 Juri 288(5), 369(1). 27 Kamroha 369( 1). 1070 Khamharla 207(1), 369(1). 29 Cbhatini 207(1). )074 Hardi 311(5), 369(2). 30 Padri Kburd 207(1), 255(3), 288(2), 311(3),369(3}. )075 Lurghuti No.1 283(2). 311(2), 369(]). 31 Jhaparhwa 212(1). 1077 Roonda 311(1), 350(1). 32 Khamaria 288(1), 311(2), 369(1). 1081 Belgaoo 311(1). 33 Karondia 207(3). 288(6), 311(3), 369(2). 1085 Koodor 207(1), 283(2). 311 (4). 35 Kasda 283(1). 1087 Bhadaura 311(3). 350(1), 369(2). 36 Tamai 207(1). 288(3), 3ll (8), 3S0( 1). 369(2), 1088 Bbainswahi 369(1). 37 Khedar 207(1), 288(2), 369(1). 1091 Amrola 311(1). 42 Bakiya 288(1). 44 Kyotali 207(2), 283(2), 288(4), 311(2), 350(1). Urban 45 Badram 212( I), i69(l). Location code nllmber anti name 0/ town :- 46 Deora 207(4), 288(8), 311(5). 51 Bargawan 207(1), 283(1), 288(2), 311(2). I SIDHI TOWN 53 Lamsarai 207(1), 212(1). 311(5),350(2),369(3), 393(1). Ward No.2 200 (3), 209 (5). 272 (I), 273 (16), 281 (I), 57 Labiya 207(1). 302(1), 388(4). 58 Raiputwa 350(1). 369(1). Ward No.3 209(4), 273(1). 280(2), 311(1), 393(7), 399(1). 59 Rataoporwa 369(1). Ward No.4 200(2), 209(2), 365(1), 369(1). 393(2), 399(1), 63 Pao.®r 350( 1). Ward No.5 207(13), 209(1), 333(1). 64 Kekrai 207(1). 288(2), 311(2), 369(3). 255




65 Rajabar 212(1). 162 Pondl (Barkur) 207(5), 212(1), 284(6). 288(1), 311(4). 369(1). 66 Bargara 207(1).283(1), 311(2). 369(1). 67 Kusabi (Deora) 311(2), 369(1). 163 Barkur 311(2). 68 Dighar Kalan 288(10). 165 Naugai (Paral) 207(5). 273(1), 2H8(6), 311(2), 369(1). 71 Banlari (Deora) 207(1). 235(1). 166 Dhanl 212(1).283(1), 31l(!). 72 Kethani 207( I). 288(12). 16R Sukhar 207(3), 311(6). 369(1). 73 Pondi (Lamsa~ai) 207( I). 369(1). 172 Garwani (Shukhar) 288(4), 311(8). 369(4). 75 Ramdiha 207(2), 311(5). 350(10). 369(2). 175 Tendua 288(1). 77 Kherpur 311 (I) • .369(1). 177 Durdura 212(1). 80 Deori 288(6). 311(2). 369(2). 178 Kburmucha 283(1). 369(1). 180 Chitrengi 311(5). 81 Kulubiya 311(1). 82 MaJhigawan (Lamsarai) 350(1). 184 Gerui (Chitrengi) 311(2). 190 Bharkaria 288(2). 311(1), 369(1). 83 Dighwllr 207(2), 311(3). 191 Kusahl (Basahl) 311(5). 87 Loboda 283(3). 311(1). 203 Harrari 288(4). 88 Ghogbra (Suda) 207(2). 283(1), 311(2). 204 Berdcha 369(1): 90 Akla 369(1). 393(1). '05 Deori 369(3). 91 Selwar 207(1),273(3).311(1),369(3). 207 Barbatola (Suda) 207(1), 350(1). 369(1). 96 Bardi 207(6).209(2).1 273'1), 288(1),311(1).393(4). 208 Kudenia 288(11), 311(4). 97 Balakhand 207(1), 369(1). 209 Jhokho 283( I). 98 Bora 350(1). 210 Dbawai 283(1), 288(2),311(2). 99 CbitawalKhurd 311(3),369(1). 212 Bodakhunta 212(1), 311(2). 101 Mobaria 207(1). 214 Budhadol 207(3). 109 Bichhi 288(2). 311( 1). 369(2). 215 Su1kban Khurd 207(1). 110 Harma 283(1), 311( I). 216 Parai \ 207(6), 212(1). 311(6), 350(1), 369(2). 111 Shivpurwa 2~3(1). 311(5). 369(1). 217 Sulkhan Kalan 350(1). 112 Misirgawan 212(1), 369(2). 218 Darbari 311(2). liS Patehara 311( 1), 369( I). 219 Rebi 207(2),311(2).369(1). 118 Rehda 288(12). 311(1). 350(1). 223 Kart~ua 288(2). 119 Chitawal Kalan 28~(1). 226 Redi 288(3). 122 Mudpeli Kalan 350(1), 369(1) 228 Patharkati 207(3), 311(4). 350(7). 369(2). 123 Barhat 207(1), 283(1), 311(5), 350(8), 369(1). 229 Matehni 273(3), 311(2). 128 Korsar Kotbar 311 (5). 231 Bharra 283(2). 311(1). 129 Khera 212(1),288(2).311(1). 234 Kapurdei 311(3), 369(4). 130 Dllaroli Kal"n 207(2), 311(3). 369(2). 237 Parma 288(5). 131 Fulkesh 369(1). 239 Khamharia Khurd 311(1). 132 Khata; 200(1), 207(8). 209(4), 212(1). 288 (7),311 (4). 240 Pidarlya 207(1),212(1).311(11). 369( I). 393( I). . . 243 Jamtihwa 31'(4),369(2). 133 Neodiya (OrDi) 311(2). 244 Katarihar 311(1). 134 Korsar (Pepkhar) 207 (7), 209 (4). 284(4), 288 (6) 350 (4).369 (I). ' 2,:'6 Geer 212( I), 273(1). 135 Mudpeli Khurd 369(2). 247 Semra 311 (2). 136 Gangi 207(4), 288(4), 248 Dodki 207(3), 350(7). 249 Kursa 311(4).350(4).369(1). 137 Oroi 207(2). 140 Padri 207(1),311(5).369(1). 252 Bargllf 207(1), 36')(1). 143 Kekraon 207( I). 350(1), 369(1). 253 Sidhar 235(1), 311 (1). 145 Manikpur 207(1), 350(1). 254 Budbadand 369( I ). 146 Bijaypur 273(1), 311(3). 369(2). 256 Rajasarai 399( I). 147 Godha (Majrapondi) 311(1), 369(2). 257 Dala 311(2). 153 Naurbil'. (Barkur) 207(1). 258 Bagaiya 207(2), 311 (5), 350(4), 369(5). 154 Bagdara Kalan 207(2). 260 Duari (Sarodba) 273(1), "311(6). 161 Devgaoo 207(1), 288(4), 311(2). 350(1), 369(2). 261 Jiawan 212(1), 283(1). 256




263 Georwa 369(2). 365 Parsobar (Bagdari) 311(5), 369(1), 265 Dudbmania 207(1), 311(1), 369(1). 366 Chakariya 235(3),311(6), 369(1). 268 Chamreb 311(1). 368 Lutee 311(1). 270 MaJblgawan (Sarodha) 311(10). 375 Cbingo 311(1). 272 Dbong. 207(3). 288(1). 376 Baehbnar (Chakaria) 311(3), 399(1), 275 Kherabada 369(1). 377 Karda 311(3), 369(1). ' 276 Sirgurl 311(2), 369(1). 380 Gbinhagaon 311(11), 369(2). 277 Danadol 369(1). 382 Pipra 207(6), 235(1). 283(1), 288(19), 350(1), 369(1). 278 Supela 350(2). 383 Piparkhar 283(3). 279 Godgawan 283(1). 384 Kherwa 207(11). 283(2). 311(3), 362(1), 369(2). 281 JUdwar 311(1). 385 Chatree 369(2). 282 P4chnar 207(1),311(3), 369(2). 388 Salhar 369(1). 284 Barwatola (Nayanagar) 311(2). 390 Barmani 207(1),255(3),288(12),311(5). 287 Baher. 283( I). 391 Cburki 207(2), 311(5).369(3),393(1). 289 Dbanha 207(2), 283(1). 393 BetahadaDd (Mathadol) 369( I). 290 Jhakbrawal 207(13),311(5),332(1), 350(6}, 369(1). 395 Barhati 311(2), 369(1). 291 Bodl 283(1). 396 Karel. 207(2), 283(5), 311(8), 350(2), 369(1). 393(2). 292 Jagbat 288(2), 31111). 397 Joba 369(1). 293 Kbaodboli 311(3). 398 Orgari 207(1), 311(1),369(1). 296 Naudbla Abad 200(1), 209(3), 350(1), 388(2). 393(2). 399 Kharkata 212(1), 369( I).

298 Itar 283(1),311(1). 400 Bamhanl (Madu) 311(1). 299 Harrablrtl 369(3). 402 Dbarsara 369(1). 300 BirU 311(4). 404 Gangee (Kbarkata) 369(2). 304 Silrorl 207(1). 235(1), 350(2). 406 Mabuli 311(1). 309 Deogawan 369(7). 407 Plparkbandi 311(2), 350(1), 369(3). 310 Umarh.r 3it(7). 409 Barokhar 255( 10), 288( I), 311 (7), 369(3). 312 Pokbra 212(1); 235(1). 311(4), 369(2). 410 Kasar 207(2), 273(1), 311(2), 313 Pondl (Bagdari) 311(2). 411 TikuritoJa 2a7( 1). 314 Kherehllan 311(1). 412 Kanhur 207(2). 316 Sabuar 207(10), 273(3), 288(3), 3U(7), 313(1), 350(7). 369(7), 393(2). 415 Baronia 288(3), 369(1). 321 Bandba 311(4), 369(1). 416 Sernuar 273(1), 283(1),284(2), 311(3),350(1),369(1). 327 Kbadaura 212(l), 288(6), 311(5), 350(5), 369(4). 421 Bagbadih 311(2), 350(3), 369(1). 333 Alaura 207(1), 311(3). 422 Godwali 207(9), 273(1), 288(24), 311(2), 350(5),369(1) 334 Kundwar 311(2), 369(10). 424 MahdeiYB 311(1). 369(4). 335 HarrachaDdel 283(1). 311(2), 350(1). 426 Gorbee 311 (2), 369(2). 336 Katoldl 207(1), 288(2), 311(2), 350(5). 429 Pipri 350(2). 342 Maibuna 207( I). 311(1), 350(2), 369(3). 430 Khekhda 311 (2), 369(2), 393(7). 343 Joginee 207(2), 311(5). 431 Bhalugarh 283(6). 344 Purwajaglr 207(14), 288(2). 432 nastaliabad 311 (3). 345 Bh.rubn 3SO(I). 435 Deosar 311(1), 369(5). 347 Amo 311(2), 369(1). 348 Balrlbwa 235(2). 436 Cbhadna 311(1). 349 Cbakwar 207(2). 437 Barahwafola 209(1), 369(1), 393(2). 353 Lobr. (Atarwa) 311(4). 440 Ram~arh 369(1). 354 Atarwa 369(2). 441 Naudbial Karela 207(1). 356 Barabpatla 311(1). 444 Nawato'a 207( I). 357 Gidber 283(1). 445 Katbdaba 311 (1). 359 Birkuola 283(1). 448 Deora (Tinguri) 283(3), 311(2). 363 Silaf 369( 1). 449 Bargawan (Daga) 209(3), 3ll(2), 369(6), 364 Majoigawan 288(6),369(1). 450 Daga 207(5), 212(1), 283(3), 311(1), 350(1). 257



451 Kanai 207(2), 283(1), 311(14), 350(2). 524 Belgaon 350(12). 452 Dadar 311(1), 350(3), 369(1). 525· Itma 207(7), 311(6). 456 Uliain! 311(12), 350(2), 369(3). 527 Bhikhlharia 369(12). 457 Jobgarh 207(1), 288(11). 369(4). 528 Samud 288(17). 369(5), 459 Purel 207(4), 311(3). 529 Chamaridol 288(13). 460 Tinguri 311(4). 350(2). 365(2). 530 Dudhmania (Itma)207(1), 212(1),288(5), 311(10),j50(l7), 461 Kuchwahi 311(9). 369(12). 462 Dhanbahi 207(4), 311(1). 369(1). 531 HaUa 288(11), 311(10), 350(8). 463 Barka 207(2), 212(1), 311(9). 350(1). 3 SINGRAULI TAHSIL 464 Andhlyarlatola 369(5). 465 Talwa 311(2). Total-207(146). 209(19), 212(9). 230(5), 231(6). 235(41), 466 MaJhauli 369(2). 255(2), 273(24), 281(1), 283(24). 284(30), 288(88). 467 Nigrl 207(15), 288(7), 311(1), 369(3). 310(1), 311(292), 350(101). 369(179), 388(3), 393(47). 468 Sorratola 311(2). Rural-207(146), 209(19). 212(9). 230(5), 231(6). 235(41). 469 Obaree 207(2), 311(4), 350(6). 255(2). 273(24). 281 (I). 283(24). 284(30), 283(88). 310(1),311(292),350(101).369(179),388(3).393(47). 470 Maniharee 283(3). 3~9(1). Urban Nil 471 Patbarldah 369(1). 473 Rajnia 207( I). 311 (2)j Location code number and name oj village :- 474 Dhohni 369(3). ' . 3 Jhlgurdab 369( (). 476 Chbamrachb 311(5), 350(3). 369( 1). 4 Padri 207(6), 369(2). 477 Kachhra 207(7).288(5). 311(1), 350(13). 369(1). 5 Solang 207(3). 288(3). m(6). 478 Gannal 288(3). 3JJ(2), 350(5), 369(1). 6 RaJkhar 288(3). 479 Mabee 207(3), 311(3). to Sigahi 283(2). 311 (I). 480 Katal 369(2). 11 Muher 283(2), 311(1), 369(1). 481 Papal 207 (1), 3ll(S), 350(1), 369(2). IZ Medhaull 28J(l}, 350(2). 484 Mahrail 288(1), 311(1), 350(1), 369(2). 13 Cbatka 311(2). 485 Pacbor 288( I), 311(3), 369(2). 15 Gaderiya 207( I). 369(2). 487 Nlwas 207(7), 311(7), 350(8), 369(4). 16 Chinagitola 207(2), 230(2), 283(4), 311(2). 490 Gadaigaon 311(5). 369(4), 399(2). 20 Teldah 207(1), 230(1), 288(5), 311(2), 350(3). 496 Mabuagaon 207 (7),212 (I), 288 (1).311 (6). 350(3). 369(3). 23 Duddhicbuwa 369(1). 28 Cbokara 28 t( I), 283(1), 311(1). 497 Sajapanl 311(2), 369(1). 31 Amjhar 207(1),288(1), 369(1). 498 Dudblatola 311(3),350(1). 34 Saraswahrajatola 369(3). 499 Bakbul 207(0, 311(2). 36 Pldarwab 369(3). 500 Hardee 207(5). 369(1). 39 Nawanagar 235(3), 183(2), 311(1). 393(2). 501 Godbahra 212(1). 311(3). 369(1). 40 Ghoraull Kalan 311(5), 350(5), 369(2). 502 Pokbaltola 207(1), 350(1),393(1). 42 Deori 369(3). 503 Bbarsedl 311(12), 369(1). 43 Bandha 207(1). 311(5).369(2). 504 Ghaghitola 369(2). 45 Pipralbanpi 207(2), 235(2), 283(1). 311(5), 369(2), 507 Ghoghra (Saral) 207(2), 369(1). 393(1). 508 Dia~adal 311(4). 350(2), 369(1). 47 Pondinawgai 207(3), 283(1). 284(1), 288(1),311(3). 509 Tharaktheia 207(1), 311(2). 350(3),393(1) 5(0 Kanhiya Dah 369(18). 48 Bharuba 369(1). 5(2 GaJra Babra 311(3), 350(2),369(2). SO Banauli 207(1), 311(4), 369(1). 513 Jhara 207(5), 311(28), 369(2). 52 Gadbara 207(2). 311(1), 369(1), 393(1). 514 Naudia (Sarail 311(5). 53 Deori 207(4), 311(1). 515 Sarai 273(1), 311(1). 54 Naugarb 369(1). 516 Banjaree 207(1), 288(4), 311(4), 369( I). 55 Dansauti 207(2), 369(2). 520 Kakarsiha 350(6), 369(1). 57 Jaitpur 207(5). 209(1). 235(6). 283(4), 311(14), 350(4). 522 Bharseda 311(14), 369(5). 393(1 ). 523 Amhatola 393(2). 59 Matwai 207(1), 283(1), 350(5). 258


3 SINGRAULI TAHSIL·-Contd. 3 SINGRAULI TAHSIL-Contd. 141 Semariya 284(1). 61 Budhela 350(10). 143 Shahpur 207(4),212(1).283(1),288(32),311(2),350(2). 62 Kaehanl 207(15). 209(9), 255(2), 273(1), 284 (21), 393(4). 311(7), 350(3), 369(8). 63 Majankalan 207(2),235(1), 284(1), 311(1), 369(1). 144 Pidkhurl 369(1). 65 Itma 311(3). 145 Amara 284(1).369(1). 67 Pipraralatola 207(2). 369(1). 147 Kathura 350(1). 68 Kyotl 393(1). 149 BanauJi 311(1). 350(3). 69 Telgawan 283(1).311(11). 150 Singrauliya 207(1). 231(4). 235(1), 311(1). 350(4), 70 Padalniya 311 (l). 369(2). 72 Parsauna 207(4), 230(2), 311(2), 350(7). 151 Tusakhar 311(3), 369(3). 73 Majankhurd 207(3), 235(6), 273(6) 311 (3). 350(6). 369(1). 152 Kathuwar 369(2). 153 Sigabi 350( 1), 369( I), 74 Pachkhora 207(4), 284(1). 288(1). 311(1). 369(3). 156 Jaraha 3U(3}, 75 Dhekl 311(4). 160 Patulkhi 311 (I), 76 Harraipasehimtola 207(2). 273(1). 311(2), 350(1}, 369(4). ' 161 Karauti 235(3), 311(5), 369(2), 77 Harralpurwatola 311(20). 164 Bandhaura 311(2), 78 Jainagar 207(3), 209(1), 273(1), 369(1). 165 Khokhari 311\2), 79 Juwadi 207(5), 311(~), 369(1). 166 Sakhauha 212(2), 369(4). 393(3), 80 Kaian 235(1), 273(1). 175 Cbaura 273(1), 288(6), 311(6), 369(3) •. 83 Khatkharl 288(22), 311(2). 350(5). 176 Rajmelan 273( I). 2~8(5), 311 ( 10), 350(!), 369(6), 393(6) 85 Ghnrital 207(2). 179 Naurhiya 311(1). 87 Bhandi 311(1). 180 Chanchar 369(1). 184 Gadhara 311(,l). 92 Bilaunji 207(8) 235(6}. 185 Sha~ao 311(4). 350(4), 369(3), 93 Waidhan 207(1). 209(6), 212(1), 273 (10). 311 (5). 186 Orgai 311(2), 388(3). 393(6). 187 Kbatkharia 284( I). 369( I), 94 Jamuna 207(1). 95 Dhotl 207(1),283(1), 311(2). 369(3). 188 Chargora 212(1). 311(3), 350(2), 96 Gahilgarh Pasehimtola 207(3). 189 Dhllmmadand 311(1). 97 GahiIgarh Punvatola 207(1). 190 Suiedib 369(3). 98 Judi 207(1), 284(2), 311(4). 191 Katpani 3il(3). 99 AtraiJa 311(2).369(1). 193 Khairhi 369(1), 101 Amaratali 207(1), 311(2). 194 'Nagawan 311(3), 103 Churehuriya 207(4), 369(3). 197 J\ar~uwara:atola 311(6). 199 Basaura 350(1). 369(10), 105 Deorikalao 207(4). 350(1). 369( I). J09 Jamgari 363(3). 202 Siddhikhurd 31t( I), 369(3), 111 Amiliya 369(2). 203 HaTShawa 369( I). 204 fiparakurand 207( I), 369( I), 112 Suhira 350(5), 369(1). )14 Gahilara 369(2). 205 Tal 369( I), 119 Dhaturabarwatola 311(6), 369(3). 207 Baianri 311 (I), 350(2), 120 IHlaunjimama 369(2). 208 Jha'ari 311(2). 350( I), 369(4), 123 Deora 311 (6). 369(2). 211 ,Basiberdaha 369( I), 125 Chandawal 369(2). 215 Paliarikhuta to!a 311(5) 369(9), 130 Khanuwanawatola 311(1), 369(3). 216 Kloilkbunth tola 2.)7(9), 28&~3}, 311(2). 369(4), 217 Dhurkur 311(4), 350(2), 132 Cbitarwaikhurd 20W}. 133 AmiIn'an 273(l}, 310(1),350(2),369(1\. 218 Ukhara\la} 207(10), 3IH3},369\2), 134 Jaraundha 235(1), 311(6), 369(2), 393(1}. 223 Gobl.a 311(3) 135 Jaraundhi 212( I). 227 Nado "208(4), 311(1),369(1). 137, Karkosa 311(4), 369(1}. 393(5). 234 D\)n~a'i 2dlhtl • 138 Hirrwab 231(2).235(10), 3Jl(9), 369(2), 393(10). 236 Padarikhairwaritola 283( I), 139 Ganiyari 207(4),209(1),284(0, 311(2).369(3). 237 Raundi 207(8).2120),273(1),311(3). 140 HaJiari 2G7(1). 235(l}, 369(l}. 238 Asani 207(3). 311(3), 369(3). 259



239 Dheka 207(2). 311(2). 261 Karami 369( 1). 240 Baberl Kalan 311(2). 369(1). 262 Semariya 311(1). 241 Baberi Kburd 369(1). 263 Bhadaili 311 «(), 369(2). 242 JhanJbitola 311 (3). 264 Sigrawal 350(4). 243 SaraiJbar 311(2). 266 Murbi' 209(1). 311(1). 247 Bhabhaura 311(5), 350(4),369(3). 267 Bhaukbar 283(1). 251 Makrohar 212(1). 350(1). 210 Bucbaro 311(1),350(1). 252 Langbadol 311(5), 350(4). 272 Mitdul 369(1). 253 Sajawar 311(1). 273 Malgo 311(1). 369(1). 254 Rauhal 311 (1 ). 274 Bhamar Khoh 212(1). 255 Pondipath 369(3). 257 Manda 311(3). 369(3), 393(1). 215 Hatka 369(1). 258 Chhatauli 369(2), 39;3(2). 276 Bargarh 311(1),350(1),369(2). 259 Dhanabara 369(1). 280 Dbanagarh 311(8), 369(1). 260 Kumbiya 369(1). 283 Bhunda 369(1). 260




Urban tilapawai, 586. Kota, 593. Ram'garh, 606. Rampur. 618. Bagliwar, 619. Naikin, 620. Raghunathpur, Location code number and name of town :- 623. Shivrajpur, 624. Naurhiya Sajahaur, 625. Jhala, 661. Chorgari, 662 Lehasua, 663. AgadaJ, 664. Bardaila, I SIDHI 666. Behariyatola, 667. Rampur, 693. Agahar Jaikaran Singh, 694. Agahar Bhimsingh. 892. Dhanauli. Rural 915. Tenkar. loeatioll code lIumber alld name of vi/Jage:- 2 DEOSAR TAHSIL 30. Kodaura, 31. Belgaon,. 3'2. Silwar, 65. Amra, Urban 97. Amiliya, 98 Naurhiya, 99. Parsidhi. 100. Pipra, Nil 120. Jamui. 121. Korauli Khurd, 146. Korauli Kalan, 14'7. Chamraunha, 179. Duraon Abad, 180. Atraila, Rural 181. Jokaha, 208. PerSal!na Kalan, 241. Parwa. Location eode number and name of ~iIlage:- 278. Paraswar, 280. Mayapur, 281. Laua, 292. Pacho­ khar, 293. Darhiya, 294. Pateritola 312. Kul'arakothar, 209. Jhokho. 223. Karthua. 231. Bharra, 236.Kham­ 313. Kubarapaipkhar. 314. Dhootpurakothar, 324. Chadai­ haria Kalan, 239. I<,.hamharia Khurd. 261. Jiawan. niu. 328. Hardihakothar, 329. Ramnagar, 330. Nakbd, 262. Akori, 272. Dhonga, 278. Supela, 279. Godga­ 331. Taktaiya, 351. Karkachahn Gayaram, 367. Barkhara wan. 287. Bahera, 288. Samda, 2R9. Dhanha, 296. Nau­ Ramrajsingh, 373. Misirgawan, 374. Sundari, 375. Tiwari­ dhia Abad, 297. Naudhia Biran, 298. Har, 306, Chhi­ gawan, 379. Paraswar, 380. Gulwaspur, 381. Bhataha, wa, 316. Sahuar, 317. Khobha, 318. Katha. 325. Katan 382. Sanda, 383. Duara, 393. Duarakalan, 407. Jhalwar, majauna, 33). Harra chande1. 336. Katoldi 343. Joginee 408. Paikaniya, 409. Kuan. 410 Koshtapawai, 411. Churhat, 356. Bdrahpatia, 361. Chanduar, 362. Harra Biran, 413. Ramkudawa, 414. Sarra. 41!!. Natlgam3dhirsingh, 372. Kohara Khoh. 386. Kari Pahar, 388 Sajhar, 419. Jamodimujhitola, 420. Jamodikhurd, 421. Madhuri­ 393 Betahadand Mathadol, 398. Orgari. 414. Dhaudar, kothar. 422. Naurhiya, 433. Dllarakhllrd, 434. Kushiyari 415 Baronia, 430. Khekhda, 437. Barahwa Tola, 435 Kushiyar, 436. Gajarahipawai, 437. Gajarahikothar. 449. Bargawan, 450. Daga, 451. Kanai. 438. Gajaraha, 441. Matihani, 442. Keshawahi, 443. Bahera Kotha'r, 449. SlIargat, 452. Ko'dah. 454. Naugaman 3 SINGRAULI TAHSIL D.lrshansingh, 456. Padainiyakhurd, 457. Padainiyakalan, 451. Padainiyapawai. 463. Kotaha, 465. Terhawatola, Urban... 467. Sajahakalan. 473. Khairaha, 474. Karondi, 475. Ku­ Nil bari, 477. Padariya, 481. Eahari, 486. Katauli, 487. Bhitari, 490. Mirchawar, 491. Barhaura, 493. Basau­ Rural raha, 494. Jamodisengran, 496. Karaundiya ~outhtola, Location code nllmber and name 0/ vii. age :- 497. Dainiha. 498. Batauli. 500. Deoraha, 501. Hadbado, 502. Majrretikhurd, 503. Kuchawahi, 504. Rajdiha, 14. Phulwari. 15. Gadcriya, 16. Chir.agi Tola, 20. Tel­ 505. Sadla. 507. Kothar. 510. Sapahi, 513. Patehara, dah, 26. Raja ~arai, 27. Harraiya, 28. Chokara, 514. Gopalpur, 521. Ghoolhi, 522. Kubari, 523. Tendua, 29. Amlori, 38. Gadasa, 46. Digghi, 47. Pondi Nawgai, 524. Panmarbaghelan, 525. Panmarsengaran, 527. Mlithi­ 52. Gadhara, 53. Deori, 54. Naugurh. 61. Budhela, gawankhurd, 528. Madaria, 529. Sidhikalan, 530. Hinauta. 62. Kach,lDi, 63. Majan Kalan. 70. Padainiya, 71. Raj­ 531. Vljaipur, 535. Upani, 536. Sheopurwa, 537. Janakpur, banjh, 72. Parsauna. 73. l\bjJnkhllrd. 74. Pachkhora, 5.'8. Padariya, 539. Pokhvaur, 544. 1 enduha, 545. Jhan­ 75. Dheki, 76 Harrai Paschimiola, 77 Ihrrai Purwatola. Jh~r, 546. Katharra, 547. Malkham 551. Virpur, 81. Loari, 84. Jinhar, 85. Ghurital, 89. Kushmahara, 552. MJjhagawan, 555. Raikhor. 556. Kodaidand, 91. Telai,. 92. Bilarllji, 93. Waidhan. 94. Jamllwa, 557. Ndurhiya, 558. Kandhwar, 559. Kolhua. 563.1haga­ 95 Dholi. 96. Gnhil Garh Paschimtola. 119. Dhatura raha, 564. Ihakharwar, 56~. Panwarchauhantola, Barwa Tola, 119. Ganiyari, 140. Baliari, 141. S~mariya, 5<:.6. Pdddra, 578. Bod,lraha, 584. Godahatola, 585. Mur- 175. ChalHa. 261




Rural 3 SINGRAULI TAHSIL Location code number and name of village :- Urban 507 Kothar, 554 Jhanjh, 578 Bodaraha. Nil

2 DEOSAR TAHSIL Rural Urban Location code number and name of village:- Nil 59 Matwai. 262




Urban 663. Agadai, 666. Bihariya tola, 667. Rampur, 693. Ag. aharjai karan Singh, 694. Agaharbhim singh, 709. Khoha Location code number and name 0/ town:- (Gandhi gram). 711. Pad khuri, 741. Shikarganj, 753' TiI­ I SIDRI mani, 754. Baniya tola, 769. Barambaba, 770. Charkipani, 802. Kudin tola, 820. Bahera, 821. Naurhiya, 826. Tilwari, Rural 828. Chhawari, 830. Salaiya, 851 Dalapipar, 856. Dewai. Location code number and name 0/ village:- 869. Tikari, 877. Airaila, 892. Dhanauli, 893. Majhauli, 894. Kotama. 895 Diyadol, 904. Aklatola, 908. Ledua, 31. Belgaon, 32. Silwar, 40, Ladbadkalan, 41. Ladbad Khurd 42. Sabaicha, 43. Sihawal, 65. Amra. 67. Mahuar 915 Tenkar, 922. Sonwarsa, 933. Amoharadol, 934. Ama­ halka Hinoti, 68, Rajgarhunmulan, 71. Atraila, 73. Ram­ hiya, 943. Bhadaura 944. Shankarpur Harrai. pur, 76. Baghor, 97 Amiliya, 98. Naurhla, 99. Par­ sidhi, 100 Pipra, 102. Ramnagarkalan, 103. Pamaria, 2 DEOSAR TAHSIL 104. Nibihabandh. 105. Dhobaunhi, 120, Jamui, 121. Ko­ raulikhurd, 147. Chamraunha. 149. Ramnagar khurd, Urban 179. Durao Abad, 208. Persaunakalan, 225. Hinauti No.1 Nil 226. Hinauti No.2, 228. Kotar, 230. Madilakhurd, 232. Kolhudih, 251. Patpara, 253. Jhumar, 270. Kaka­ Rural raha khurd, 271. Gaughat, 278. Paraswar, 292 Pacho­ khar. 293 Darhia, 295. Tika Kalan. 325. Khabhauniya Location code number and name 0/ vi llage:- kalan, 326. Khabhauniya khurd, 328. Hardihakothar. 109 Bichhi, 223 Karthua, 262 Akori, 278 Supela, 329. Ram nagar, 330. Nakl1el, 331. Taktaiya, 367. Bar- 279 Godgawan, 287 Bahera, 288 Samda, 289 Dhanha khara Ram Rajsingh, 381. Bhataha, 383. Duara. 296 Naudhia Abad, 297 Naudhia Biran, 298 Har, 306 393. Duara kalan, 408. Paikaniya, 409. KUD:l, Chhiwa, 316 Sahuar, 317 Khobha, 318 Katha, 325 411 Churhat, 413. Ramkudwa, 420. Jamodikhurd, Katanmajauna, 335 Harrachandel, 393 Betahadand 421. Madhurikothar, 422. Naurhiya. 433. Duarakhurd, mathadol, 415 Baronia 437 Jhrahwatola, 449 Bargawan 434. Kushiyari, 435. Kushiyar. 442. Keshwahi, 443. Ba­ 450 Daga, 451 Kanai, 515 Sarai, 516 Banjaree, 519 Ch· herakothar, 455. Karaundia uttar tola, 456. Padainiya achardol. khurd, 457. Padainiya kalan, 458. Padainiya pawai. 463. Kotaha. 465. Terhwa tola, 473. Khairaha, 474. Karau­ 3 SINGRAULI TAHSIL ndi, 475. K:.Ibari, 481. Bahari, 487. Bhitari, 490. Mirchwar. 491. Barhaura, 496. Karaundiasouth tola, 497. Dalniha. Urban 498. Bataulli, 502. Majhreti khurd, 503. Kuchwahi Nil 510. Sapahi, 513. Patehara, 514. Gopalpur, 521. Ghul­ hi, 528. Madaria, 529. Sidhi kalan, 530. Hinauta 531. Vijaipur, 536. Sheopurwa, 537. Janakpur, 545. Jha­ Rural njhar, 547. Malkham, 551. Virpur, 552. Majhagawan, Locatioll code number and name o/village:- :.>55. Raikhor, 556. Kodaidand, 557. Naurhiya, 558. Kan, dhwar, 559. Kolhua, 562. Semariya, 564. Jhakharwar 47 Pondi Nawgai, 52 Gadhara, 69 Telgawan, 566. Padra, 578. Bodaraha, 584. Godaha tola, 586 Kota 74 Pachkhora, 75 Dheki, 76 Harraipaschim tola, 589. Nausa, 595. Deochha, 618. Baghwar, 619. Naikin 77 HarraipurwatoJa, 85 Ghurital, 92 Bi1anuji, 93 Waiuhan. 620. Raghunathpur, 623. Shivrajpur, 624, Naurhiya, 94 Jamuwa, 95, Dhoti, 96 Gahilgarh, Paschcim tala, 13) Sajahaur, 625. Jhala, 661. Chorgari, 662. Lchasua, Ganiyari, 140 Baliari.14l Semariya. 263




Urban Rural Location code number and name 0/ lawn :- Location code number and name a/village :- I SIDHI 296 Naudhia Abad. Ward No. 2. Rural 3 SINGRAULI TAHSIL Location code number and name a/village :-- 893 Majhauli. Urban

1. DEOSAR TAHSIL Nil Urba.n Rural Nil Nil




Urban Rural Location code number and name v/ tOW/I :- Location tode number and name a/village :- I SIDHI 449 Bargawan, 481 Papal. Ward No.2. 3 SINGRAULI TAHSIL Rural Nil Urban 2 DEOSAR TAHSIL Nil Urban Rural Nil Nil 264




Urban 268 Lakoda (10), 277 Hatwa (I). 285 Bhelki (4), Location code number and name of town:- 286 Gannaud No. I (I), 288 Gannaud No.3 (I). 2fl9 Ka­ puri (12). 291 Padkhudi (76),293 Darhiya (102), 294 Pateri­ I SIDH! tala (6). 295 Tikat Kalan (3). 296 Chiori Kalan (5), 298 BhiarlBritt (1), 300 BaHar (I), 301 Piprohar (3). Ward No. I (10), Ward No.2 (25). Ward No.3 306 PujulInhi (I), 307 Amarpur (I), 308 Mudaka (10), (10), Ward No.4 (4), Ward No.5 (8). 310 Godahi (26), 311 Amdiha (10). 319 Jethula (I). Rural 322 Bhelki No. I (2), 323 Bhelki No.2 (I). 324 'Chadai­ Location code number and name of village:- nia (25). 325 Khabhaunia Kalan (11). 326 Khabhaunia Khurd (10), 327 Hardiha Pawai (I 1),328 Hardiha Kothar 5 Ghopllri (13), 6 Deogaon (7), 7 Godgaon (4), (6). 329 Ramnagar (II). 330 Nakbel (20), 33\ Taktaiya 8 Bolhya (15), 9 Chitbariya No.1 (2). 10 Chitbariya (II), 333 Demhha (10), 334 Deoghata (I), 341 Sareh (6). No.2 (6), 11 Chitbariya No.3 (2), 12 Chitbariya No.4 342 Khori (8), 343 Bhaluhai (I), 344 Bakainiya (2). (1), 13 Chitbariya No. 5 (2), 14 Chitbariya No. 6 (2). 345 Chorahi (1). 360 Maldewa (10), 361 Mamdar (75). ]5 Banki (10), 17 Jonki (24). 18 Bhoron (4), 24 Dudha­ 362 Barkhara Raosaheb (I). 363 Barkhara Rambahadur­ mania No.2 (1), 25 Keshauli (I), 27 Baghaudi (5). singh (53). 364 Barkhara Jaikaran~ingh (7).365 Barkhar.\ 28 Badagaon (2), 30 Kodaura (6), 32 Silwar (I), 33 Saj­ Ramjhoolasingh (2), 366 Barkhara Mahabalisingh (2), manikhurd (5), 34 Sajmani kalan (4), 40 Ladbad kalan 367 Barkhara Ramrajsingh (l), 368 Barkhara Randhirsingh (1 I, 41 Ladbad khurd (1), 42 Sabaicha (3), 43 Sihawal (27), 371 Barokhar (25), 372 Kashta Kothar (10), 373 Mi­ (3), 48 Gerua (I), 53 Tendua (5). 54 Bithauli (2). srigawan (16). 374 Sundari (5), 375 Tiwari?aw~n (7), 65 Amra (I), 66 Amirati (3), 67 Mahuarhalkahinoti (1), 376 Boosi (5), 377 Khichargawan (15), 378 Tlwangawan 68 Rajgarh Unmulan (1), 69 Rajgarh (2), 70 Hinauti(2), (8), 379 Para~war (5). 380 Gu\waspur (2). 381 Bhataha 71 Atraila (3), 72 Lilwar (2), 73 Rampur (3), 76 Ba­ (2). 382 Sanda (20), 383 DlIara (17). 38~ Khad~ (3). ghor (I). 81 Jhagraunhi (I), 88 PahadiChakTenduha (I), 391 Shairpur (30), 392 Jhumaria (5). 394 Amarahl (5). 89 Kotra Pahadi (3). 97 Amilia (II), 98 Naurhiya (2), 395 Chamaidah (5). 402 Basedi (2). 4), Kudiyapawdi(20), 99 Parsidhi (3), 101 Semari (4), 107 Bichhari (I), 113 406 Padkhuripawai (I), 407 Jhalwar (42), 408 Paikaniya Chitang (I), 116 Pahadi (6). 117 Bahera (3), 120 Jamui (10),409 Kuan (23), 411 Churhat (16), 413 Ramkndawa (I). (2), 121 Korauli Khurd (2). 124 Lauarnankar (I), 126 414 Sarra (2), 415 Barigawan (2). 416 Kargil(S\.418 N"au!ama Madhugaon Abad (I), 136 Ghoghara (I). 139 Sahaji (2). Dhirsingh(15), 419 Jamodimajhi Tola(6).420 JamndikhJrd(4) 140 Sonwarsa (I). 146 Korauli Kalan (I). 147 Chamra­ 421 Madhurikothar (14). 412 N'lUrhiya (60), 4~4 Gada Ba­ unha (4). 150 Nakjhar Kalan (4). 152 Khuteli (3). bansingh (2), 425 Gada Lo\arsinl'h (2), 410 Kudainia (7), ]53 Lauarpaipkhar (4), 154 Amallakpur (2). 155 Kuse­ 431 Akauri (3), 432 Mahugarh (5), 433 DlIara Khurd (4), hara (1). 156 Putariha (2). 157 Ukaraha (17), 158 Har­ 434 Kushiyari (16), 435 Kushiyar (4), 436 Gaiarahi Pawal gadi (1), 159 Patharha (2), 161 Pataunha (8), 162 Dha­ (3). 437 Gajarahi kothar (7), 438 Gajaraha (21, 441 Mati­ kri (6). 163 Padariya Kalan (8). 164 Mungaha (1), 172 hani (2), 442 Keshawahl (I), 447 Amdand (12).449 Suar­ KharBara (2), 173 Haudabandh (I), 179 Duraon Abad gat (5), 455 Karallndia Uttar Tola (2~). 4~6 Padainiv:t (I). 180 Atraila (1), 187 Charhai (3). 188 Dihuli (22). khurd (12), 457 Padainiya kalan (2), 458 Pad1inivl Paw~i 189 Lahiya (17), 190 Piparaha (4), 196 Dewari (3). 197 (2). 465 Terhawa Tola (1), 4(;7 <;ajaha kalan (5), 469 Mau Madhugaon Uttar tola (6), 198 Madhugaon (Southtola) (7), (3), 470 Khaira (50), 471 Belaha (24), 472 Jigan~ll1 (1), ]99 Kamarjee (45), 200 Padaria khurd (6), 2a6 Khadi (I), 473 Khairaha (2), 474 Karoundi (4), 475 Kubari (8). 208 Par,auna Kalan (I). 212 Murtiha (1), 215 Kuseda 477 Padariya (3). 481 Bahari (I), 485 Amdand (12), (3), 215 Bacikothar (3). 219 Baghaunkhas (7), 220 Cha­ 487 Bhitari (30), 488 Bl)olgarh (22), 490 Mirchawar (2), daini (1), 221 Dnumma (10). 223 Am.lha (2). 224 Kara­ 491 Barhaura (69). 493 Basauraha (3). 494 Jamocji~e­ undi (4), 225 Hinauti No.1 (14). 226 Hinauti No. 2 (2). ngran (5), 496 Karaundia South Tola (20), 497 Dainiha 228 Kolar (2), 229 Bhagesar (4), 230 MadiJa khurd (3). (15), 493 Batauli (I), 500 Deoraha (I), ~Ol H'ldbado 231 Madila Kalan (15), 232 Kolhudih (17). 233 Rldami (I). 503 Kuchawahi (1), 504 Raidiha (4), 505 Sadla (1). (2), 245 Tik..,t khurd (9). 246 Mawai (3), 241 jokaha 507 Kothar (2), 510 Sapahi ((;), 511 Pate'l'lr'l ('WI, Bandh (I) 249 Kuspari (8), 250 Dadar (3), 251 Patpara 514 Gopalpur (28), 515 Hanumangarh (55), 5lI'i Beldah (l~), 252 Samda(I), 253 Jhoomar (3), 259 Marsaraha (1), 265 (12), 517 Karanpur (7), 518 Nallgawan (I), 520 Pursho­ Bairathkothar(5).266 Kapuri Kothar( 15),267 Shivpurwa (3), ttamgarh (4), 521 Ghoolhi (19). 522 Kubari (78). 523 265




Tendua (14), 525 Pan mar Sengaran (4), 526 Muthigawan (2), 737 Paipakhara (3), 738 Dhanesar (4), 739 Amaha­ Kalan (4), 527 Muthigawan Khurd (2), 528 Madaria (1), tola (8), 740 Chobharakhas (6). 741 Shikarganj (15), 529 Sidhi Kalan (15), 530 Hinauta (1), 533 Kukuni Jhar 743 Bhuinyadol (32), 744 Dhanokhar (2), 745 Dhanaha (23), 534 Bhaluhakalan (4), 535 Upani (75), 537 Janak­ (115), 747 Ahirantola (19), 748 Chauphal pawai (10), 750 pur (I), 538 Padariya (I), 539 Pokhvaur (25), 540 Sar­ Karahiya (I), 751 Karimati (3). 752 Tonadah (2), 753 TiI­ khaniha (11), 543 Deoraha (2), 544 Tenduha (10), mani (3). 754 Baniyatola (5), 756 AmiJai (45), 757 Ga­ 546 Katharra (2), 547 "1alkham (4), 548 Samardah (6), dahara raghobhansingh (6), 759 Bagadh khas (6), 760 Ba. 551 Veerpur (1),552 M'tjhagawan (4), 553 Maukothar(25), gaddhabhaiyatola (61), 762 Maura (30), 765 Haha (10), 554 Jhanjh (14), 555 Raikhor (8), 556 Kodaidand (4), 766 Mohani (30). 767 Jamuniya No, I (4), 769 Baram­ 557 Naurhiya (16), 558 Kandhwar (30), 559 Kolhua (1), baba (3), 770 Charkipani (5), 772 Sira~i (2), 774 PaiJ)a­ 560 Pondi (27), 561 llhamaraha (9), 562 Semariya (25), khara (15), 775 Khaddi kalan (15). 777 Koniya (8), 563 Jhagaraha (21), 564 Jhakbarwar (7), 565 Panwar­ 778 Jamuniya No.2 (12), 780 Mata (4), 781 Sarekhi (3), chauhanan Tola (I), 566 Padara (4), 576 Bhaluha khurd 782 Khailasemar (3), 783 Sukhimajra bhagohar (9), (3), 577 Khoha (5), 578 Bod~raha (2), 585 Murtila­ 784 Sendura (13), 785 Kochila (34), 786 Dolkothar (6). pawai (5), 586 Kota (4), 587 C1~auhani (3), 588 Dhan­ 788 Madapani (2), 789 Ratwar (l2), 790 Bajranggarh(5). gawan (3), 589 Nausa (3), 590 o/fadwa (10), 592 Gedu­ 793 Baron (40). 795 Amjhar (1). 798 Mungahatola (2). raha (8), 593 Ramgarh (3), 594 Mankisar (30), 595 Deo­ 799 Rosar (3), 800 Bhagohar (6), 801 Mantola (9). chha (6), 596 Hathinapur (6), 597 Bamhani (40), 802 Kudintola (I), 804 Ghoghi (I), 807 Sendhawa (8), 598 Dhankhori (6), 599 Kasihawa (6), 6lhl Padkhuri 808 Gajari (2), 811 Kushiyara (9), 812 Kham (17), (24), 601 Kitahani (I), 602 Banjari (I5), 603 Atraila 813 Barmani (13), 814 Badera (3). 815 Thegarahi (10), (l), 604 Rojhaunha (I), 605 Mauharia Kalan (7), 816 Murkuda (6), 817 Andherigadai (3), 818 Darima­ 606 Rampur (I), 607 Rlheratola West (1), 608 Bahera­ khas (II), 819 Lobjhar (I), 820 Bahera (5), 821 Naur­ tola East (4), 610 Jamuniha khurd (2), 611 Koodi (3), hiya (22), 822 Chunguna (14), 823 Kotaro (6), 824 Khan­ 613 Chhuhiya (5), 614 Majhgawan (15), 615 Kariajhar tara (10), 826 Tilwari (1), 828 Chhawari (14). 829 Mal­ (II), 617 Burhgauna (2), 620 Raghllnathpur (45), wari (5), 830 Salaiya (4), 831 Ghusmania (4), 832 Barahitola (8). 835 Amakboli (I), 836 Shikara (21), 622 Murtalakothar (7), 623 Shiyrajpur (6), 628 Bokaro 839 Karmai (21), 841 Tala (5), 843 Chhuhi (I). 849 Kap­ (22), 629 DuJhmania (3), 633 Obraha (27), 637 Bagh­ rola (I), 850 Bakawa (8), 851 Ddlapipar (6), 852 Chu­ wari (13), 639 SlIkwari Majhari (6), 644 Goriara (I), bahi (10), 853 Amerhiya (2), 859 Jamua (30), 860 Kol­ 653 Roondotola (4), 654 PokhJra (7), 655 BilarolOla (2), garb (4). 866 Akauna Ghorbandha (9). 857 Kanj ,var (35), 657 Sarda (5). 658 Malgaon (4). 659 Pipraon (I), 863 Parasi (28), 869 Tikari (45). 870 Chamradol (2) 662 Lehasua (4), 663 Agadal (5). 664 Bardaila (4). I 871 Semariyatola (3), 874 Bhainswahi (1), 881 Pathraula 666 Bihariyatola (2), 667 Rampur (14) 668 Khaire~ (10), (15), 884 Mauhariya (6), 885 JadJuri (8), 886 Chauhan­ 670 Jhagari (6), 674 Bari (6). 676 Dewadand (3), tola (5), 887 Dharampura (2), 888 Masuria (5), 890 Bhu­ 677 Sukwari South tola (4), 685 Dondi (I), 687 Patna(30), mka(3), 892 Dhanauli(9), 893 Majhauli (51), 899 Bania­ 688 Sagoni (5), 689 Bharatpur (8), 691 Kapuriunmukta (10), 692 Garhawa (7), 693 Agaharajaikaransingh (I), tola (1), 900 Dadar (40). 904 Akalatola (10), 905 Had­ 694 Agahar Bhimsingh (2). 695 Chandreh (28), 696 Guja­ war (2), 906 Pondi (21), 907 Gh;_ubhara (II), 908 red (30), 697 Anislaha (21), 698 Taktaiya (15), 699 Posta LiJua (6), 909 Sher (6). 910 D.!ori (11), 911 Kamchar (25),912 Bodariyatola (3). 913 Barkadol (5), 914 Bagahia (29), 701 Chhironhi (5), 702 Chakrod (104), 705 Chhi· Toh(6) 915 Tenkar (24),916 Deori (8), 917 Badwahi (12), walaha (3), 707 Moracha (3), 708 Nebuha West Tola (2), 918 Siroli (2), 919 Siraula (9), 921 Nadaha (25), 709 Khoha (Gandhigram) (4). 711 Padkhuri (8). 712 Bi­ 922 Sonwarsa (35). 923 Nargi (7), 924 Mahkhor (40), shuni Tola (13). 716 Kharahana (15). 717 Khara (15), 925 Nidhpuri (3), 926 Khamchaura (7), 927 Nebuha (S), 718 Raiduariya kalan (22), 719 Raiduariya khurd (9), 928 Jamul (7), ,929 Thonga (15). 930 Jowa (5), 720 Bamha Tola (5). 721 Chohha Rajaikaransingh (2). 932 Chandohidol (4), 933 Amoharadol (2), 934 Ama­ 722 Chobha Rayinayaksingh (5), 723 Rakela (10). hiya (12), 935 Sondhiya (11), 936 Chamrohi (5~, 724 Satohari (9), 725 Chauphal (Kothar) (2), 7:!6 Lohara 937 Majhagawan (10), 939 Hinauta (2), 941 Dhanser (2), 727 Kathauli (4), 728 Pawa:/a West Tola (2), (20). 942 Dhuandol(20), 943 Bhadaura(30), 944 Shankar­ 731 Hadbaro (2). 733 Bhainsaraha (31), 734 Barhat (10), purharrai (25), 945 Gotara (7), 946 Majradim (I), 735 Gadahara kishorsingh (3), 736 Gadahara pratipalsingh 947 Pidaratal (2), 948 Saraiyadol (8). 952 Madwas (40), 266



1 GOPADBANAS TAHSlL-Concld. 2 DEOSAR TAHSIL-Contd. 953 Amha (10), 955 Samda (2), 956 Jhapari (8), Gadhor (2), 194 Kudenia (Serwa) (1), 200 Bairitola­ 957 Khajuriha -(12). 958 Katarwar (l5\, 965 Baherhawa kalan (I), 204 Berdeha (1), 205 Deori (I), 206 Kham­ (I), 967 Umariya (2), 971 Merhaki (I), 973 Barakadol hania (I), 207 Barbatola (Suda) (I), 214 Budhadol (I), (11), 976 Khokhara (4), 977 Rampur (4), 978 Dada­ 223 Karthua (I), 228 Patharkati (2), 229 Matehni (I), riha (4). 979 Guru~dhar (to), 980 Duari kalan (2). 230 Khokhwa (3), 234 Kapurdei (3), 236 Khamharia 983 Baherado! (I), 985 Biraura (6), 986 Dhupkhar (20), kalan (3), 239 Khamharia khurd (2), 242 Chandonia(I), 987 Tansar (10), 988 Tharipathar (5), 989 Chingawah 243 Jamtihwa (3), 244 Katarihar (3), 245 Sarodha (6), (4). 990 Bitkhuri (5), 991 Kanchanpur (I). 993 Bastus 248 Dodki (3). 249 Kursa (2), 251 Basinia (2), 252 Bar­ (2), 995 Sajado! (7), 999 Lawahi (1), 1002 Pondi (2), gar (I), 251 Sidhar (I). 255 Garmani (Geer) (1), 256 1004 Amgaon (I), 1019 Haiki (I), 1028 Gaibata (8), Rajsarai (2), 258 Bagaiya (2). 200 Duari (2), 261 Jia­ 1029 Bhuimand (25). 1030 Ghuriya (1), 1036 Baigma(2). wan (3), 265 Dudhmania (4), 267 Sarha (2), 268 Chand­ 1039 Butu (I), 1040 Khamgarh (3), 1041 MajhauJi (2), reh (2).269 Dhapsa (3), 270 Majhigawan (I). 271 Madwa 1043 Kathauliya (2), 1045 Machharkata (2). 1053 Majha­ (Sarodha) (3), 272 Dhonga (2), 277 Danadol (3), 278 Su­ gawan (I), 1054 Beldiha (4), 1055 Chitroli (3), 1056 pel a (3), 279 Godgawan (I). 281 .Tudwar (5). 282 Pach~ar Semara (5), 1067 Chokari (4). 1076 Saraidol (I), 1077 Runda(1), 1083 Tala(l), 1087 Bhadaura(2),-WS8 Bhains­ (6). 283 Nawanagar (5). 284 Barwa tola (5). 286 Parsohar wahl (I). (2). 287 Bahera (2). 288 Samda (3). 289 Dhanha (4), 290 Ihakhrawal (I). 292 Jrghat (3), 293 Khandholi (4), 2 DEOSAR TAHSIL 294 Chataniha (I), 296 Naudhia Abad (10). 297 Naudhia Biran (4), 298 Tatar (4). 299 Harrahirti (I), 302 Bargawan Url'an (Pondi) (5), 303 Dhorhwa (1), 304 Silfori (3). 305 Sunda Nil (2). 306 Chhiwa (I). 31t Parihasi (I). 312 Pokhra (4), Rural 313 Pondi (5),315 Tikat (1), 316 Sahuar (40). 317 Khobha Location code number and name of village :_ (I). 321 Bandha (2). 322 Mendh (I), 329 Birchhi (I), 331 Bagdari (6), 332 Gamardei (2) 333 Ajgura (I), 1 Bachhnar (1). 2 Gopla (2). 8 Khamardih (I), 10 Pondi (Gopla) (2), I!! Gourgawan (4). 19 Barbadih 334 Knmlwar ('\), 335 Rarra Chandel (15), 336 Katodi, (3), 340 Charkee (I), 342 Majhuna (6). 345 Bharuha (3). 23 Nodihawa (3), 24 Jharkata (4). 25 Padrikalan (3). 26 Kuldiha (1). 30 Padri khurd (4), 32 Khamaria (2), 34S Bairihwa (I), 349 Chakwar (3\, 3'i2 Kudaria (1), 353 Lohra (1), 354 Atarwa (2), 355 Bhakuar (1). (I). 36 Tamai (4), 37 Khedar (3\, 42 Bakiya (1), 45 Badram (2). 46 Deora ('i). 48 Garhwa (2). 49 Thathra 356 Barahpatia (2). 357 Gidher (1), 364 Ma;higawan(2). (5), 53 Lam~arai (2). 60 Dhodhri (I), 63 Panmar (I). 367 Kusedi (2), 368 Lutee (1). 369 Mukhudi (I). 370 64 Kekrai (2). 65 Rajabar (f). 66 Barllara '1\, 69 Kha­ Songarh (2). 373 Larwa (2). 374 Pateri (5). 375 Ch inllo marl~ (1), 71 Banjari (De ora) (I). 72 Kethani (I). 73 377 Karda (I), 380 Ghinhagaon (5). 381 Bhaundar (5). Pondl (3), 74 Bidand (I), 75 Ramdiha (4), 76 Narena 389 Chingee (3). 392 Pidra (2), 393 Betahadand ( Mathl­ (2),. :9 Bargari (2). 80 Deori (I). 81 Kuluhiya (1\. 82 dol) (2). 394 Sapha (5), 396 Karela (I). 397 Joba (8). MaJhlgawan (Lamsarai) (2). 83 Dighwar (2), 88 Gho-­ 398 Orgari (10), 399 Kharkata (5), 400 Bamhani ghra (3). 90 Akla (I). 91 Selwar (2), 94 Naogai(Kekrai) Madwa (3). 402 Dharsara (3). 403 Pali (2). 41)~ Gangee (2). 95 Sarseda (1). 96 Bardi (5), 98 Bora (I). 99 Chita­ (Khrakata) (3), 406 Mahuli (3). 407 Pinar khandi (4). wal khurd (I). 102 Moharia (2). 104 Duari (Lamsarai) 409 Barokhar (10), 413 Kolhua (1). 414 Dhaudar (I), (1), 105 Baghwa (Bordi) (I), 107 Pdrsona (Bardi) (I), 415 Baronia (10), 416 Semuar (10). 417 Aniani (ll. III Shivpurwa (2). 112 Misirgawan (I), 1t6 Doraj kalan 418 Tal (1), 420 Baheraha (3), 421 Baghadih (11), (II, 118 Rehda (2). 119 Chitawal kalan (Il. nl Dhup­ 423 Uksa (I). 424 Mahdeiya ('i). 428 Belmanee (3) khari (2). 122 Mudpeli kalan (11), 123 Barhat (5), 128 429 Pipri (3), 430 Khekhda (15). 431 Bhalugarh (39) Korsar (kothar) (I). 131 Fulke~h (I). 132 Khatai (6), 432 Bastali Abad (I), 433 Jamual (1), 435 Deosar (I). 133 Neodiya (Orni) (I), 134 Korsar (Pepkhar) (8), 135 436 Chhadna (1), 437 Barahwa tola (25), 440 Ramgarh Mudpeli khurd (I), 138 Takhatua (I), 140 Padri (2), (4), 442 Diadol (3), 443 Kachhinar (1).444 Nawa tola (4), 141 GujawaJ (I), 145 Man;kpur (3), 1~O Pinjreh (I), 446 Surga (1), 448 Deora (Tinguri) (2), 449 Bargawan 152 Udangi (I), 153 Naurhia (I), 156 Mahugarhi pawai (20), 450 Daga (47). 451 Kanai (37), 452 Dadar (4) (I). 159 Kushania (2). 160 Pipri Shubhai (I) 163 453 Rampurwa (4), 454 Harriya (2), 455 Belgaon (3) Barlcur (I), 165 Naugai (Parai) (I), 166 Dhani (I), 456 Ujjaini (8), 458 Madraich (6), 459 Purel (6), 461 Ku­ 170 Mahugarhi kothar (I), 171 Rehda (1), 173 Pipar­ chwahi (6), 462 Dhanwahi (6), 463 Barka (5), 465 Talwa mani (1), 178 Khurmucha (2), 180 Chitrengi (5), 188 (7), 466 Majhauli (7), 467 Nigri (120).468 Sarra tola (2), 267




470 Maniharee (15), 472 Khandi tola (6), 473 Rajnia 93 Waidhan (95), 94 Jamuwa (8), 95 Dhoti (35), (32), 474 Dhohni (20), 475 Matia (2), 476 Chhamrachh 96 Gahilgarh Pasehim tola (11),97 Gahilgarhpurwa tola (103), 477 Kachhra (30), 478 Gannai (22), 479 Makree (16), 98 Judi (3). 99 Atraila (6). 101 Amaratali (10), (7), 480 Katai (75), 481 Papal (38), 482 Geeda (4) 103 Churehuriya (5), 107 Dhummadol (6), 108 Jatha tola 4q3 Semariya tola (2), 484 Mahrail (4), 485 Paehor (9), (3), 109 Jamgari (9), I II Amiliya (9), 112 Suhira (8), 487 Niwas (80), 488 Pondi (2), 489 Katheri (10), 114 Gahilara (66), 116 Sahokhar (11), 118 Dheki (17), 490 Gadaigaon (42), 491 Kasaiya (2),492 Ataree (10) 493 119 Dhaturabarwa tola (13), 120 Bilaunjimatwa (21), Jhurhanar (5), 495 Fuljhar (Gajrabahra), (4), 496 Mahua­ 122 Paehur (16), 123 Deora (30), 125 Chandawal (14), gaon (120), 497 Sajapani (141, 498 Dudhia tola (3), 126 Rampur (3), 128 Nawadih (5), 130 Khanuwa Nawa 499 Bakhul (5), 500 Hardee (42), 501 Godbahra (10), tola (41), 131 Khamuakhas (4), 1'32 Chitarwaikhurd (8), 502 Pokhai tola (10), 503 Bharsedi (44), 504 Ghaghi tola 133 Amilwan (3), 134 Iaraundha (N A.), 136 Khutar (183), (2), 505 Jhundihwa (3), 506 Dahjhur (6), 507 Ghoghra (15), 137 Karkosa (35), 138 Hirrwah (45), 139 Ganiyari (44), 140 508 Diagadai (8), 512 Gajrabahra (13), 513 Jhara (90) Baliyari(7), 141 Semariya (9), 143 Shahpur (5),144 Pidkhuri 514 Naudiya (22), 515 Sarai (25), 516 Banjaree (47), (14), 145 Amara (3), 146 Churisani (32), 147 Kathura (I), 517 Parasi (4), 518 Shivgarh (16), 520 Kakarsiha (30), 149 Banauli (21), 151 Tusakhar (10), 153 Sigahi (5), 521 Hariharpur (I), 522 Bharseda (50), 523 Amhatola (11), 156 Jaraha (N A.), IS7 Katauli (5), 158 Khajuri (4), 524 Belg'lon (3), 525 [tma (3), 526 Koni (7), 528 Samud 159 Kam (13), 160 Patulkhi (8), 161 Karauti (28), (3), 530 Dudhmaniya (15); 531 Hatta (4), 162 llugher (1), 163 ~emuwa (ll, 164 Bandhaura (10), 166 Sakhauha (16), 167 Kubari (I), 16S Situlkhurd (1), 169 llilaspur (I), 170 Pandidol (3). 172 Bhalya tola (2), 3 SINGRAULI TAHSIL 173 Karsuwalal tola (7), 174 Raila (10), 175 Chaura (37), Urban 176 Rajmelan (131), 177 Pratappur (2), 178 Kulhui (3), Nil 179 Naurhiya (8), ISO Chanchar (4), lSI Majhauli (10), 183 Pipra (3), 184 Gadhara (2), 185 Shasan (12), Rural 186 Orgai (7), 187 Khatkharia (4), 188 Chargora (25), Location ('ode number and name of village- 189 Dhl1mmadand (4). 190 Suiedih (1), 191 Katpani (1), 193 K1->airhi (20). 194 Na!!awan (16), 195 Churwahi 1 Kushwai (28), 2 Dajreh (18), 3 Jhigurdah (51, 4 Padri (1). 1% Mill!la (6), 197 Kar,eri­ Iwh ('i31. 55 Dan~al1ti (37), 56 Pirralal (7), 57 Jaitpur kalan (3), 241 Baheri khurd 11), 242 Jhanjhi tola (2), (~7). 58 Chandl1li (76). 59 Matwai (22). 60 Bihara (I), 243 Saraiihar (I), 245 hlp~ni (11, 246 Surwari tola (2), 61 BlJrlhe'a (6), 'i2 Kaehani (208), 63 Majankalan (37), 247 Bhabhaura (I), 249 Dhorhi tola (1), 250 Chhat­ 64 1\,1IjhaIl1i(3). 'i5 Tlma (46). 67 Pipraraia tola (3),68 Kyoti karam (I), 251 Makrohar (5), 252 Langhadol Ill, (1). (11)), 69 Telg3Wan (17). 70 Padainiya (9), 71 Rajbandh (5), 2,4 Rauha1 (I), 257 Manda 258 Chhatauli (12), 72 Pus'luna (IS). 73 Maiankhurd (43), 74 Pachkhora(38), 260 Kumhiya (10), 261 Karami (4), 262 Semariya (4), 75 Oht'ki (~), 7fi Harraipa~ehim toia (~O), 77 Harraipurwa 26, Bha




Urban Rural Location code number and name of lown:- Nil I SIDHI Ward No.2. Ward No.3. Ward No.5. 3 SINGRAVU TAHSIL Rural Nil Urban 2 DEOSAR TAHSIL Nil

Urban Rural Nil NH



1 GOPADBANAS TAHSIL 2. DEOSAR TAHSIL-Concld. Urban Rural Location code rrumber and name oflown :- Nil I SIDHI Ward No.2, Ward No.3, Ward No.4, Ward No.5. 3 SINGRAVLI TAHS]T Rural Location code number and name of village:- Urban 415 Barigawan. Nil 2 DEOSAR TAHSIL Urban Rural Nil Nil 269



1 GOPADBANAS TAHSIL 2 DEOSAR TAHSIL-Conc/d. Urban Rural Location code number and name of town:- Location code number and name of vil/age:- I SIDHI 437 Barahwa Tola (Monday). 449 Bargawan (Monday). 487 Niwas (Monday), 516 Banjaree (Saturday). Ward No. 2 (Tuesday and Saturday). Rural 3 SINGRAULI TAHSIL Location code number and name of village :- Urban 97 Amiliya (Sunday), 293 Darhiya (Tuesday), Nil 486 Katauli (Tueiday l. 563 Jhagaraha (Monday & Thursday). 741 Shikarganj (Not stoted) 748 Chauphal Rural Pawai (Wednesday), 881 Pathraula (Tuesday). 893 Majhauli (Thursday). 952 Madwas (Sunday). 1065 Juri (Friday). Location code number and name of village :- 2 DEOSAR TAHSIL 93 Waidhan (Thursday & Friday), 136 Khutar (Wednesday & Saturday), 176 Rajmelan (Thursday). Urltan 197 Karsuwa Raja Tola (Sunday), 251 Makrohar (Thurs­ Nil day). 271 Bindool (Wednesday). 270



Note-Tn this appendix (i) C. C. S. stands for Co-operative Credit Society, (ii) M. P. S. for Multi-purpose Society. (iii) I. C. S. for Industrial Co-operative Society and (iv) '0' stands for 'Other Societies'.

1 GOPADBANAS TAHSIL 2 DEOSAR TAHSIL Urban Urban Location code number aud name of town:- Nil I SIDHI Rural Ward No.2 (C. C. S.). Location code number and name of village:- 17 Kulakwar (C.C.S.), 46 Deora (C.C.S.), 83 Digh­ Rural war (C.C.S.), 88 Ghoghra (C.C.S.), 115 Patehara (C.C.S.), Location code number and name ofvillage:- 118 Rehda (C.C.S,), 132 Khatai (C.C.S.), 143 Kekraon 13 Chit Bariya No. 5 (0), 27 Baghaudi (C. (.. S.), (CC.S.), 208 Kudenia (C.C.S.), 218 Darbari (C.C.S.), 235 Bhaisahun (C. C. S.), 242 Chandonia (C. C. S.), 66 Amirati (0), 92 Kariyar (C.C.S.), 97 AmiJiya (C,C.S.), 244 Katarihar (M.P.S.), 248 Dodki (C.C.S.), 260 Duari 139 Sahaji (0), 157 Ukaraha (C.C.S.), 188 Dihuli (C C.S,), (C. C. S.), 261 Jiawan (C. C. S.), 262 Akori (C. C. S.), 219 Baghaun Kbas (0), 246 Mawai (C.C.S.), 258 Ramdih 265 Dudhmania (M. P. S.), 268 Chandreh (C. C. S.), (C.C.S.), 268 Lakoda (C.C.S.), 271 Gaughat (C.C.S.). 270 Majhigawan (C.C.S.), 278 Supela (C.C.S.), 279 God­ 277 Hatwa (OJ, 281 Laua (0), 282 Badaila (C.C.S.), gawan (C.C.S.), 286 Parsohar (0), 287 Bahera (C.C.S.), 283 Patulkhi (0), 295 Tikatkalan (0). 306 Pujaunhi 288 Samda (C.C.S.), 289 Dhanha (C.C.S.), 292 Jaghat (C.C.S.), 307 Amarpur (0), 310 Godahi (0), 327 Har­ (M. P. S.), 296 Naudhia Abad (C. t:. S.). 297 Naudhia diha Pawai(O), 328 Hardiha Kothar(O). 341 Sareh (C.C.S.). Biran (C.C.S.), 298 Itar (C.C.S.), 305 Sunda (C.C.S.), 342 Khori (C.C.S.), 351 Karkachaha Gayaram (0), 312 Pokhra (C.C.S.), 315 Tikat (M.P.S.), 317 Khobha 356 Kachari (0). 357 Bhanwari (0). 358 Phulwari (0), (C.C.S.), 321 Bandha (M.P.S.), 334 Kundwar (M.P.S.) 382 Sanda (0), 393 Duara Kalan (0), 411 Churhat (C.C.S.), 346 Bargawan (C.C.S.), 352 Kudaria (C.C.S.), 368 Lutee 417 Amarwah (C. C. S.), 420 Jamodikhurd (c. C. S.), (C.C.S.), 396 Karela (M.P.S.), 430 Khekhda (C.C.S.), 446 Marha (C.C.S.), 475 Kubari (0), 512 Titirabaghelan 431 Bhalugarh (C C.S.). 440 Ramgarh (C.C.S.), 449 Bar­ (0), 518 Nau Gawan (C.C.S.), 519 Thakur Dewa(C.C.S.), gawan (C.C.S.), 451 Kanai (C.C.S.), 457 Jobgarh (C.C.S.), 523 Tendua (C.C.S.), 536 Sheopurwa (0), 558 Kandhwar 470 Maniharee (C.C.S.). (0), 562 Semariya (0), 565 Panwar Chauhanan Tola (0), 3 SINGRAULI TAHSIL 584 Godaha Tola (0), 600 Padkhuri (0), 604 Rojhaunba (0), 616 Dharahara Kalan (0), 617 Burhgauna (0), Urban 618 Baghwar (0), 635 Khirkhori (0), 636 Chhirounhi Nil (C.C.S.), 637 Baghwari (0), 639 Sukwari Majhari (CC.S.), 659 Pipraon (C. C. S.), 660 Dhaurahara Khurd (0), Rural 661 Chorgari (0), 677 Sukwari Southtola (0), 683 Kathas Location code number and name af village ;- (C.C.S.), 690 Kapuri Kothar (0), 709 Khoha (Gandhi­ gram) (0), 731 Harbaro (0), 748 Chauphal Pawai 54 Naugarh (0), 62 Kachani (0). 91 Telai (M.P.S.), (C.C.S.). 785 Kochila (C.C.S.), 952 Madwas (C.C.S.), 118 Dheki (0), 138 Hirrwah (0), 175 Chaura (0), 1005 Karonti (C.C.S.), 1006 Kamachh (0). 176 Rajmelan (0), 216 Koilkhunthtola (0), 218 Ukharawal (0), 237 Raundi (0), 238 Asani (0). PART II OTHER DISTRICT STATISTIC

This part contains some useful o."ficial statistics pertaining to the district collected and compiled from various agencies (the agency or source is indicated below each Table or Statement) and from official pUblications. These are presented under the following heads :-

I Rainfa.ll and Temperature

,2 Economic Statistics: (a) Agricultural

(b) Prices and Wages

( c) Live-stock and Tacca vi

(el) Co-operation, Rmking and Insurance

3 Admini:;tratilte.Statistics

• Progress of Community Deyelopment Programme

5 Educational Statistics

• Health, Medical and Vital Statistics-

(a) Health and Medical

(b) Vital Statistics

7 Communications

S Miscellaneous 272


SIDHI (a) Number of Rainy days. (b) Monthly Rainfall.

Recording Years 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 Station .----A._""" ,..--__....-~ ,.. __.A. --...... r--~-~ ,..._--A.._---, ,----"---""' Months (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (ll) (a) (b) (a) (b) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Sldhi January 35'6 9.1 3 33.0 8 120.4 February 2 9.7 127 (GopadbaDas} March 4 130.3 2 7.6 2.0 April 2 14.5 0.8 1 3.3 May 1.3 1 9.4 June 7 197.1 12 146.1 5 46.7 5 9),9 9 132.1 July 10 241.3 15 418.1 18_ 293.1 14 224.0 14 364.5 August 18 359.2 15 284.2 16 545.3 10 162.6 14 313.7 September 10 293.6 6 52.1 9 284.7 11 223.8 12 159.3 October 2 12.7 3 74.9 November December

Total 52 1,271.6 52 919.9 52 1,194.9 44 750.0 61 1.174.3

Jia".o January 5 17.3 2 25.4 6 113.0 February 2 22.1 4.3 0.8 7.6 2 6.3 fDeosar) March 3 83.6 3 14.5 4.1 April 4 25.7 May June 8 53.6 10 217.4 5 127.5 8 79.0 10 187.5 July 14 176.5 13 248.4 19 367.3 16 190.0 15 291.1 August 15 338.1 21 358.4 18 378.2 11 85.3 16 218.4 September 9 238.5 4 121.4 10 265.2 9 170.2 15 206.5 October 1 4.6 2 10.9 3 45.5 November December 1.0

Total 56 942.7 52 965.4 59 1.167.2 47 557.5 68 1,072.4

Slnrrauli January 1 11.7 7.1 3 5.6 7 241.3 February' 29.2 3 56.4 70.4 1.3 (DaidhaD) March 4 17.8 April 1 0.5 14.7 May 2 9.4 10.2 June 4 129.5 12 57.9 3 82.S 5 31.5 8 157.2 July 13 157.7 10 151.1 24 400.3 18 341.1 15 415.8 August 21 420.6 16 314.7 22 349.0 11 161.3 19 225.8 September 10 217.7 II 158.2 10 229.6 14 275.6 10 160.0 October 2 12.2 2 7.4 2 36.6 7 42.7 November December 1.5

, Totlll 52 978.6 62 774.9 62 J.093.4 54 92:z.t 67 1,244.1

District Average 53 1,(J64.3 55 886.7 58 l,l51.8 48 743.2 65 1,163.6 Source: Director of Land Records. M. P. 273

1.1 AND RAINY DAYS .( 1951 to 1960 )


(in millimetres) 1960 Recording 1956 1957 1958 1959 ,,-_ ___,.A. __-. .-_ ..... ---, r----A--. r--A ---, r---.A._--. Months ::'tation (a). (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) r-.A.--, 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2 t

1.0 1 11.9 3 21.9 2 35.6 January Sidhi 2 15.5 2 14.7 February 6.3 6.3 3 35.8 March (Gopadbanas) . April 3 43.9 2 9.6 May 11 559.3 6' 75.2 4 140.5 4 18.5 3 46.0 June 17 223.3 14 225,2 15 502.1 12 385.3 July 17 514.6 18 466.6 14 205.7 12 433.2 15 563.0 August 12 358.4 7 148.1 18 338.7 8 216.2 1 38.7 September 6 105.4 1 9.9 4 95.2 4 73.3 3 13.2 October 55.6 November December

70 1.883.3 31 699.8 58 1,038.1 48 1,274,8 39 1,117.6 Total

19.1 8.9 January Jiawao 12.7 19.1 February 7.6 March (Doosar) April 59.7 May 15 238.8 5 66.8 lOA 4 539 6 44.8 June 23 190.5 12 296.4 10 149.5 19 476.8 July 22 311.9 13 191.8 10 167.2 15 342.0 21 389.6 August 18 345.2 6 91.4 9 291.1 13 153.4 9 130.1 September 10 115.6 6 128.8 5 53.1 6 40.6 October November '10.9 December

92 1.304.4 24 3S0.0 41 929.5 47 751.9 61 1,081.9 Total

3.8 6.3 January Singraull

" I 44.2 February 2 139 March (Daldhao) April May 14 221.7 5 66.0 2 15.2 4 40.2 June 16 486.4 18 376.8 -July 13 252.0 15 231.1 19 390.1 August 17 286.8 5 101.6 7 85.4 September 5 97.3 5 68.5 October November 3 67.& December

69 1415,8 25 398.7 6 79.6 53 961.0 Total

77 1,534.5 27 482.& SO 983.9 48 1.013.4 51 1,053.5 District Average 274



~ ______MONTHSA ______~ Year January February March April May June July August September October November Decem- ber 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1l J958 A 32.3 31.4 31.1 29.4 26.3 B 33.9 34.4 32.7 32.2 28.1 C 24.8 23.8 20.3 11.9 8.3 D 22.2 22.1 14.1 8.8 3.3 1959 A 25.2 26.2 34.7 40.0 42.5 40.1 32.5 30.7 31.5 31.1 28.6 26.0 B 32.8 30.9 39.7 48.8 46.6 43.8 40.2 33.8 37.2 33.8 32.6 29.9 C 9.1 9.3 15.1 20.3 26.2 28.4 24.0 22.5 23.3 20.5 11.5 6.9 D 1.8 4.4 9.6 13.1 21.1 24.7 21.1 18.9 21.1 16.0 7.2 2.5 1960 A 23.3 30.0 31.7 38.3 41.9 40.7 32.3 30.9 32.3 32.2 28.8 27.0 B 26.4 33.4 37.9 42.4 44.9 44.7 37.9 33.8 35.4 34.9 31.2 31.2 C 8.2 10.0 15.2 20.1 24.7 28.5 25.4 24.8 24.3 18.6 9.4 7.6 D 2.5 4.5 6.1 16.3 17.0 24.1 23.1 22.0 21.0 . 12.2 5.6 4.5

A .• Mean Maximum, B. • Highest, C.. Mean Minimum, D.. Lowest.

Source:-Director, Regional M~teorological Centre, Nagpur. TABLE 2A.l LAND UTILISATION STATISTICS ( 1951-52 to 1960-61 ) SIDHI DISTRICT (In Acres) Area not available for cultivation Area cultivable Area cultivated ,--___J... ___ , r----~---~ ~------~------~Land under misc. Permanent tree pastures crops and Area Land put Barren Fallow land and groves not according to non- and other than other included to village agricul- uncultur- ClIlturable current grazing in net area Net Area Current Year papers Forest tural uses able land waste fallows lands sown sown fallows 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1951-52 2,518,776 1,081,448 462,099 157,465 386,870 430,894 ~ ______y-- ____----...J ~ ___-.- ___...J 1~52-5:; 2,518,776 1,053,818 463,485 341,419 505,041 155,013 1953-54 2,518,776 1,026,283 188,854 282,913 149,833 115,482 32,503 2,250 552,710 167.948 1954-55 2,518,776 1,031,428 163,268 267,479 197,516 97,480 36,712 2,439 567,569 154,885 1955-56 2,518,776 1,004,813 126.609 312,051 207.277 94,344 24.890 2,805 605,427 140,560 1956-57 2,518,776 1,003.827 74,566 394,298 190,884 160,096 25,835 1,863 613.986 53.421 1957-58 2,518,776 1,003,827 68,275 376,135 191,521 88,936 25,217 1,864 552,584 210,417 1958-59 2,523,398 1,003,838 69,071 367~21 196.924 172,842 28.127 2,287 612.591 70,697 1959-60 2.527,796 1,103,314 92,229 246,487 169,239 164.077 13,809 1,954 658,108 78,579

1960-61 2,530,144 1,046.940 237,754 86,725 25~,342 153.110 15,288 2,056 650,214 85,715 Source:-Director of Land Records. Madhya Pradesh. 275


AREA UNDER PRINCIPAL CROPS ( 1951 aSl to 1960·61 )


BASIC fOOD CROPS • r .. ___ -----'------_, FrUlts Condi- Total and ments Other ... ~-__L---A------, vege- Sugar- and Food Year Rice Wheat Maize Cereals All Pulses Food grains tables cane spices crops & Millets

1 II 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. Ii

1951-52 161,778 18,0.88 27,954 428,0.48 99,866 527,914 739 113 135 32 1952-53 164,292 18,678 28,620 434,573 97,350 531,923 507 93 98 167 1953-54 166,838, 25,428 27,474 472,661 120.,822 593,483 603 47 161 345 -1954-55 127,0.31 23,222 32,636 445,844 118,0.61 563,905 691 33 100 314 1:955-56 14r9.1~ 32,527 31,747 495,668 129,461 625,135 722 33 132 6 19~6-57 154,999 43,221 34,714 514,185 140.,225 654,410 885 39 199 1957-58 166,0.00 23,128 35,344 432,352 112,989 545,341 1,162 35 122 1958-59 168,9-25 44,787- 33,135 527,2~7 113,439 640,696 1,027 35 206 1959-60. 1'1,0.67 47,910. 35,461 548,937 143,0.15 691,952 1,814 44 3f-6 1%0-61 175,170 45,()7Q 33,903 535,0.86 157,950. 693,0.36 1,50.2 44 260

TAl8LE 2 A.2r-Ooncld.

( In Acres) Total Total area Area sown Net food Grounda Total Total sown under more than area crops nut Oil-seeds Cotton Fibres all crops once sown Year

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1

528,933 3 64.0.93, 1,799 2,000. 595,332 133,233 462,0.99 1951-52 532,788 2 54,226 1,653 1,862 589,217 84,176 50.5,0.41 1952-53 594,639 1 77,783 1,341 1,575 674,233 121,523 552,710. 1953-54 565.,,043 2 92,~89 1,494 1,824 659,953 92,384 567,569 195+-55 626,0.28 1 10.7,397 1.295 1,537 735,272 129,845 60.5,427 1955-56 655,533 18 116,65'7- 1,134 1,379 773,983 159,997 613,986 195~57 546;660 16 69,397' 800 1,012 617,278 64,694 552,584 J957-58 641,965 2 10.9,121' 744 1,0.42 752,538 139,947 612,591 1958-59 694.127 9 125,~18 583 864 820.,916 161,80.8 658,10.8 19~ 624,~2 16 123.~62 445 722 819,245 169,03J 650,214 I!ff0.:6J

Sourcc:-Director of Land RCllor®, Madbya J»radesh. 276


GROSS AREA OF CROPS IRRIGATED AND TOTAL AND NET AREA mRIGATED ( 1951-51 to 196O-(i1 ) (In Acres) SIDHI DISTRICT Total Total Irrigated Net Total Total Total Irrigated Sugar- Food NOD-food area under Cereals Total Food all crops area Year Rice Wheat & millets Pulses grains clllle crops Cotton crops 11 12 2 3 4 , 6 7 8 9 10 939 939 1951-52 24 193 40 233 113 697 242 1,103 1,000 1952-53 15 160 25 185 93 833 270 1,496 1,366 1953-54 240 27 651 29 680 43 1,291 205 1,350 1.255 ]954-55 285 36 562 23 585 24 1,164 186 1,535 925 1955-56 32 165 568 70 638 31 1,246 289 1,323 1,323 1956-57 335 3 357 358 35 965 358 1,860 1,193 1957-58 563 99 857 15 872 33 1,606 254 1,978 .,642 1958-59 237 84 602 111 713 31 1,530 448 2,116 2,105 1959-60 171 131 666 106 772 40 1,656 460 1,898 1.890 1960-61 35 169 545 39 584 34 1,464 434 Source:-Director of Land Records, Madhya Pradesh.

TABLE 2A.4 NET AREA IRRIGATED BY SOURCE OF IRRIGATION ( 19SI-S2 to 1960-61 ) SIDHI DISTRICT (In Acres) Total Year Canals Tanks Tube wells Other wells Other sources ~------~------~ Government Private Total 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1951-52 939 939 1952-53 200 800 1,000 1953-54 630 736 1.366 1954-55 620 635 1,2SS 1955-56 51 722 152 925 1956-57 SO 1,210 63 1,323 1957-58 90 1,039 64 1,193 1958-59 115 802 725 1,642 1959-60 203 203 1 1.866 35 2.105 1960-61 360 360 1.290 240 1.890

~ource:-Director of Land Records, Madbya Pradesh. 277



SIDHI DISTRICT Area under Principal Estimate of Gross area commercial Year of co- Costs invol- irrigated crops (the mmencement ved by upto the Future irriga­ area affected Name of Tahsil and or when likely Stage of stages latest year tion Potential by the project S. No. progress (Rs. in lakhs) (in acres) (in acres) (in acres) Project Village to start , __.A._-, ~ r--.A.--, r--.A.-""" ,----"---. r---"----. r--.A.--. ,-_-.A.--. ,...--"----, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Sidhi dam Gopadbanas 1955 Under execu­ 15.11 Under Cons- 3,000 Nominal Pr(\ject Guryara tion. Headworks truction. No 15%Completed area irrgated and Canal EfW sofar Completed 80% and mosonry Works to be started 2 Bamraha Gopadbanas 1959 NaJla Jamhunia Survey and In­ 11.55 2,100 Nominal Scheme Khurd vestigation 15.04 .. (Revised)

Note: -1 There is no major project in this district. 2 Major Projects cost more than Rs. 5 crores. Medium Projects are those costing between Rs. 10 lakhs and S crores. Source:-Sub-Divisional Officer, Irrigation, Sub-Division, Sidhi. 278


Year Rice 10war Bajra Maize Wheat Tur Gram

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1951-52 411 411 206 329 329 411 411 1952-53 494 .. 329 576 411 288 329 1953-54 823 494 329 .. ., 288 165 1954-55 329 576 329 411 411 411 165 1955-56 393 750 .. 473 679 648 487 1956-57 529 592 471 400 487 448 240 1957-58 219 360 334 324 233 167 237 1958-59 894 820 589 808 834 597 533 1959-60 87() 879 461 499 604 479 286 196()-61 940 677 390 1.229 480 351 381

TABLE FORTNIGHTLY WHOLESALE PRICE QUOTATIONS OF I (1958 (a) 1st Fortnight. (b) 2nd Fortnight. SIDHI ( .. ) Denotes that figures were Dot available,

Food- January February March April May June Year Market Grains Varieties r---"----. ,--..... ~ ,..--..A--. ~ ,---A.--, ,----"--. (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) 1 2 3 4 5 (i 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1958 Sidhi Rice Fine Medium Coarse ...... , 1959 Sidhi Rice Fine 17.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 21.00 20.00 19.75 19.75 18.50 18.50 19.00 18.50 Medium 15.50 23.25 17.50 18.00 19.00 18.00 17.75 17.75 17.50 17.50 18.00 18.00 Coarse 15.00 22.S() 17.00 17.00 16.50 16.25 16.00 16.50 16.50 17.00 17.00 1960 Sidhi Rice Fine Medium Coarse 279

2A.6 PER ACRE IN Lbs ( 1951-52 to 1960-61 ) DISTRICf

Potatoes Sugar- Castor Sesamum Raped Lin Cotton Year cane seed mustard seed

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1,234 1,234 329 206 247 247 150 1951-52 1,646 823 .. 165 165 206 206 1952-53 1,646 1,234 165 206 165 165 160 1953-54 1,646 2,057 165 165 247 247 1954-55 2.001 1,629 320 106 238 160 415 1955-56 2.004 224 160 21 130 295 1956-57 3,366 .. 249 122 134 129 262 1957-58 20,646 384 207 228 293 380 210 1958-59 12,660 1,593 .. 142 355 188 153 1959-60 28,490 1,935 1,618 126 292 340 274 1960-61

S(}urce:-Director of' Land Records, Madhya Pradesh.

2 B.l STAPLE FOOD GRAINS ( In Rupees pet maund ) to 1960) DISTRICT

July August September October November December Market Year r-__.A..-~ r--"---"" r--Jo..--"",\ "..--.-A--...... , r--"---, r--'"'""----""'\ (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b) la) (b) (aj (b) (a) (b)

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 1 19.00 18.00 16.00 Sidhi 1958 n.50 17.00 15.50 .. 15.00 6.00 15.00 19.75 20.25 21.00 19·00 19.25 19.00 19.00 Sidhi 1959 18.50 29.25 19.25 18.00 17.75 18.00 18.00 17.50 17.75 17.64 .. 16.50 16.25 16.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 21.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 Sidhi 1960 19.00 19.00 18.00 18.00 19.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 17.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 Ib.OU 16.00 16.00

Source-Director of Land Rccords, Madhya Pradesh. 280 TABLE


A-Unskilled Labourers or Farm Servants Year Reporting ("""------______.A. ______---"\ and village Plough- Sowers and Transplanters ,.-_____Weeders.A. _____ '"" ,-_____Reapers A.& _____Harvesters--. month centre men ("""---"--...... ___---~ M F Non-adults M F Non-adults M F Non-adults

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


April Sidhi Kalan 0.56 0.37 0.37 May June " " 0.75 July 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.62 1.00 0.75 0.62 AuguM " " 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.62 1.00 0.75 0.62 September 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.62 1.00 0.75 0.62 October 0.62 " 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.62 1.00 0.75 November -, ],00 1.00 0.75 0.62 1.00 0.75 062 December 1.00 " 1958 January Skim Kalan ),00 February 1.00 1.00 0.75 062 March " 1.00 April " " 1.00 May •• 1.00 June .. 1.00 1.00 July 1.00 1.00 August " September ,. 1.00 1.00 October November " 1.00 0.75 0.50 " 1.00 1.00 0.75 December 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.50 " 1.00 0.75 1959

January Sklbi Kalan 1.00 1.25 0.75 0.50 Fbbruary 1.00 0.87 0.75 0.50 March .. 0.87 1.00 0.75 0.50 April 0.87 0.75 0.75 050 May .-" June 1.00 July 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.75 0.62 0.50 August " .. 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.75 0.62 0.50 September ,. ].00 1.00 October 1.00 " 1.00 0.75 0.50 November •• 1.00 1.00 0.75 1.00 0.75 0.50 December 281

2 B. 2


A-Unskilled Labourers or Farm Servants B-Skilled,,_.-__ Labourer-s...-A- _____ or Artisans -, ___------A------~~ Herdsmen Other Agricultural Labourers Reporting Year and -----~-----. r------A------'--, Carpenters Black-smiths village M F Non-adults M F Non-adults centre month

13 14 15' 16 17 18 19 20 2


0.62 . 0.50 0.50 0.37 0.37 2.00 2.00 Sidbi Kallin April 0.75 0.62 2.00 2.00 .. May 0.75 0.62 100 0.75 0.62 2.00 2.00 June 1.00 0.'62 1.00 0.75 0.62 2.00 2.00 .. July 1.00 0.62 1.00 0.75 0~62 2.00 2.00 .. August 1.00 0.62 1.00 0.75 0.62 2.00 2.00 .. September 1.00 0.6~ 1.00 0.75 0.62 2.00 2.00 .. October 1.00 0.62 1.00 0.75 0.62 2.00 2.00 .. November 1.00 0.6~ 2.00 2.00 .. December 1958

1.00 0.62 2.00 2.00 Sidbi Kallin January 1.00 0.62 2.00 2.00 .. February 1.00 0.62 2.00 2.00 March 1.00 0.62 2.00 2.00 ,. April 1.00 0.62 2.00 2.00 .. May 1.00 0.62 200 2.00 June 1.00 0.62 2.00 2.00 " July .. August ],00 0.62 2.00 2.00 .. September October 1.00 0.62 2.50 3.00 " November 1.00 0.62 2.50 3.00 .. December 1959

1.00 0.75 1.00 0.75 0.50 2.50 2.50 Sidhi Kalan January 0.75 0.50 1.00 0.75 0.75 2.50 2.25 February 1.00 0.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 2.50 2.00 March 0.75 0.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 2.50 1.75 " April 0.'75 0.87 0.75 0.50 3.00 2.75 ,f May 0.87 0.75 0.62 3.75 3.25 June 3.25 0.75 0.50 0.82 0.75 0.62 3.75 " July 0.75 0.50 0.87 0.75 0.62 3.75 2.75 August 0.75 0.50 3.00 2.50 " 0.50 0.37 1.00 " September 0.75 0.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 3.00 2.50 .. October 0.50 0.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 3.00 2.50 ., November 0.75 0.50 3.00 2.50 .. December 282 TABLE

DAILY WAGES (In Rupees) PAID TO MALES FEMALES AND PERSONS IN SPECIFIC AGRICULTURAL AND smHI A-Unskilled Labourers or Farm Servants Year Reporting r------_____ -A______..., and village Plough. Sowers and Transplanters Weeders Reapers & Harvesters month centre men r------"----__..., r----- .A._____ ~ r------"------..., M F Non-adul1s M F Non-adults M F Non-adults 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1960 January Sidhi Kalan February It 1.00 0.50 March .. 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.62 April .. 1.00 0.75 0.50 May .. 1.00 0.75 050 June ., July .. 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 August tt 1.00 0.75 0.62 0.50 September ,. 1.00 .. ' 1.00 0.75 0.50 October .. 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.50 November .. 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.50 December " 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.50 Source:-Director of Land Records, Madhya Pradesh. 283

2 B. 2-Concld.


A~ Unskilled Labourers or Farm Servants B-Skiiled Labourers or Artisans ~_-_ A ______~ ~------A------~ Herdsmen Other Agricultural Labourers Reporting Year ~-__---.A.-- __-""" ~-_-_-_.A.--_-__ ~ Carpenters Black-smith village and M F Non-ad\\lts M F Non-adults centre month

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 5 1960

0.75 0.50 3.00 2.50 Sidhi Kalan January 0.75 February 0.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 3.00 2.50 " 2.50 March 0.75 0.50 3.00 " 1.00 0.50 1.00 0.75 0.50 3.00 2.50 April 1.25 0.8S 0.63 4.00 3.00 May June 1,25 0.88 0.63 4.00 3.00 " July 1.00 MO 1.00 0.75 O.SO 3.00 2.50 " 0.75 0.50 4.00 3.00 .. August 0.75 0.50 4.00 3.00 ., September 1.00 0.50 2.50 2.00 .. October 1.00 0.50 2.50 2.00 November 1.00 o SJ 2.50 2.00 December " 284


TACCAVI LOANS DISTRIBUTED ( 1950-51 to 1960-61 ) SIDHI DISTRICT (In Rupees) Type of Taccavi 1950-51 1951-52 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55

2 3 4 5 6

Bullocks 10,000 3,000 14,000 20,000 Wells 4,500 2,500 5,000 6,000 Pumps 50,000 10,000 5,700 2,041 Field Implements 36,000 25,000 38,000 12,000 Rehat 1,000 1,000 1,500 Fertilizer Tractor 32,000 Horticulture Seeds B.H.C. Reclamation of land Bunding of Cropped area 14,000 ,10,000 59,711 21,200 Total 115,500 50,500 118,411 90,200 9,541

TABLE 2 C:2-0oncld.

Type 01 Taccavi 1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1959-60 1960-61 1 7 8 9 10 11 12

Bullocks 52,710 66,000 48,720 5,950 Wells 21,000 500 5,500 11,550 5,500 3,000 Pumps 22,000 8,600 2,500 Fieid Implements 12,330 20,000 12,360 8,000 6,000 Rehat 1,000 400 1,000 1,000 4,000 Fertilizer 33,522 Tractor 20,000 41,000 8,SOO Horticultur 2,600 4.496 3,000 Seed 2,870 19,625 1,782 B.B.C. 3,000 Reclamation of land 8,600 Bunding 0 f Cropped area 4,000 19,500 4,350 11,340 9,570 Total 44,000 89,540 114,270 191,927 46,568 31,070 Source:-Collector Sidhi. 285




Type of Society Year No. of No. of Owned Funds Working Capital $,.Qans Advanced Societies members (in Rupees) (io RupeCl) (in Rupees)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Credit (8) Central Banle (b) Agricultural Societies (c) Non-Agricultural Societies 1958-59 37 2,048 29,014 144.831 i04.948 1959-60 80 2.865 65,516 347,141 302.982 1960-61 88 4,210 91,181 320,853 168.103

D Non-Credit (a) Agricultural 1951-52 other than Priltlltry 1952-53 2 1953~54 4 1954-55 5 1955-56 8 1956-57 JO 1957-58 10 1958-59 13 1959-60 22 449 19,244 34.079 10,256 1960-61 29 S14 30.S74 38,203 2,000

(b) Non-Agricultural Societies (b) Societies other than Primary Rural Areas (c) Urban Areas Source:--Assistaot Registrar, Co-operative Societies, Sidhi. 286

TABLE 3.1 STATISTICS OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE (1951 to 1966) SIDHI DISTRICT Number of Courts No. of original cases No. of persons put up Convicted ,.-_____J... ______.., decided involving for trial ,... ____.A ____ ,....____ ..A. ____ """\ ,.-----"------Magistrates Sessions Addl. Offences Offences Year Judges Sessions against against M F M F Judges persons property 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1951 2 ) ).307 630 2.305 122 412 10 1952 2 1 1,430 534 2.546 118 288 22 1953 2 1 1,626 472 2,486 112 363 15 1954 2 ) 1,496 605 2.680 121 320 17 1955 2 1 1.664 396 2.545 115 301 12 1956 2 1 1.504 349 2.435 JIg 261 20 1957 2 1 625 492 1.623 120 201 19 1958 2 1 1.155 324 1,856 132 214 13 1959 2 1 1,382 281 1,881 148 462 15 1960 2 1 1,803 142 2,294 115 607 16 SDUI'ce:-District &: Sessions Judse, Rewa. TABLE 3.2 STRENGTH OF POLICE AND JAILS (1951 to 1960) SIOHI DISTRICT Ye:u Number of Police Number of Police Number of Jails Daily average Dumber of Stations Constables convicts in tbe Jail 1 2 3 4 5 1951 9 240 )952 9 233 1953 9 233 1954 9 233 1955 9 256 1956 9 256 1957 9 256 1951l 9 256 1959 9 256 1960 9 260 Note-There is no jan in this district. Source:-Supdt. of Police, Sidhi. TABLE 3.3 ANNUAL RECEIPTS UNDER CERTAIN HEADS OF REVENUE smHI DISTRICT ,....---- ReceiPts..A. ______from _ ------"""\(In Rupees) Entertainment Excise Motor Sprit Forest T~ .....'! Yellr Sales Tax Tax Revenue Tax Sales of Stamps Revenue Tu 1 2 3 4 567 8 1953-54 621,753 1954-55 1,187,006 1955-56 972,292 ]956-57 1,258,942 J957-58 J,047,'790 1958-59 1,059.348 1959--60 994.210 1960-61 ),244,749 Note:-Information was furnished by the Divisional Forest Officer, Sidhi only. Sowce: Divisional Foreat Officer. Sidbi. 287

TABLE 3.4 LAND REVENUE FOR mE DECADE. (1951-52 to 1960-61) SIDHI DISTRICT DEMAND (In Rupees) r------...... ------~ Year Regular Arrears Collection 2 3 4 1951-52 501.833 16.667 405.032 1952-53 501.419 113.468 547.407 1953-54 825.945 67,480 J 821.150 1954-55 877.776 72,275 814.678 1955-56 892,602 135,373 940,865 1956-57 880,734 87.110 812.248 1957-58 881.382 155,596 468- 1958-59 901,428 1,036.510 1,391.288 \1959-60 920,212 546.650 1,080.458 1960-61 920.509 386,404 872.436 -Due to Scarcity conditions in the district land revenue was suspended in the year 1957-58. Source:-Collector. Sidbi. TABLE 3.5 STATISTICS OF REGIST.aATION (1958-59 to 1960-61) SIDHI DISTRICT Year No. of documents registered Value of property transferred (in Rupees) 2 3 1958-59 177 127,367 1959-60 212 94,199 1960-61 181 192,809

Source,'-Sub-Registrar, Sidhi. 288

TABLE 3.6 STATISTICS OF LOCAL BODIES SIDHI DISTRICT INCOME EXPENDITURE (In Rupees) _------A------~ r------.A.------""' Public Safety Non-Tax including Public Public Year Tax Revenue Revenue Other Income lighting Health Education Works Others 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (i) Income aDd Expenditure of Municipal CouncD, Sehore. <;1951-52 to 1960-61 )

1951-52 1,254 3,317 972 494 2,419 .. 1,600 9,449 1952-53 1,455 3,514 1,036 626 2,013 80 8,525 1953-54 1,844 3,733 923 761 6,050 413 8,629 1954-55 1,907 7,148 5,059 451 5,036 2,550 8.473 1955-56 2,656 7,782 11,929 551 6,038 5,521 7,498 1956-57 2,646 10,219 17,546 551 6,238 4,433 8,428 1957-58 4,326 11,375 40,917 650 7,938 9,361 2,127 1958-59 1,801 11,019 20,048 2,709 8,953 16.424 11,013 1959-60 2,661 16.646 16,861 3,923 10,476 34,491 13,803 1960-61 3,327 18,822 8.428 3,839 8,462 10,628 10,775 Source: Chief Municipal Officer. Municipal Council, Sidhi.

(Ii) Income aDd Expenditure of Paochayats, Sidhi (1952-53 to 1960-61)

1952-53 1,500 .. 1953-54 9,809 636 1954-55 15,311 199 1955-56 9,852 ...... J956-57 2,900 6,48i 5,395 43 463 3,157 21,393 1957-58 124,613 34.003 .. 154,633 1958-59 5,028 143,108 93.291 28.460 445 8,708 58,504 80,822 1959-60 14.823 224.061 35,740 722 10,539 49,643 63,432 1960-61 16,329 347,250 43.842 5,489 47,929 92,748 165,127

Source:-District Panchayats &; Social welfare Officer. Sidhi. 289

TABLE 4 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COVERAGE SIDHI DISTRICT Percentage Percentage Percentage to total of total area of villages population of the No. of of the Population of the SI. Name of Name of Date of Area in district villages district covered district No. Block Tahsil Inception Sq. miles covered covered covered (1961) covered Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Deosar Deosar 2-10-53 920 19.97 369 21.13 75,841 15.80 Started as N.E.S. Converted to C.D.on 1-4-55 and Reverted to stage II on 1-4-59. 2 Siawal Gopadbanas 1-4-56 309 6.71 269 15.41 65.596 13.67 Converted to stage II on 1--4--62.

3 Waidhan Singrauli 1-4-57 733 15.91 229 13.12 84.535 17.62 Converted to stage II on 1-4-63.

4 Sidhi Gobadbanas 1-4-59 378 19.06 278 15.93 67,902 14.16 Started as P.E. converted to stage I 00 1-4-60.

5 Majhuli Gopadbanas 1-4-60 758 16.45 264 15.12 55,691 11.60 Stage 1

6 Rampur Gopadbanas .2·10-61 330 7.17 219 12.54 90,921 18.95 Stage 1

7 Chitrangi Deosar 2-10-62 679 14.73 118 6.75 39,365 8.20 P. E.

Source:-Planning and Development Department, M. P.

TABLE 5.1 STATISTICS ABOUT COLLEGES (1956 to 1960) SlDHI DISTRICT Whether Inter. No. of No..Qf Scholars Hostel S. Degree or Government Teachers facilities No. Name of Institution Post Graduate or Private Year r---.A.--, ~--, ,..--__,____,. M F M F M F 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 A-ARTS AND SCIENCE COLLEGES: 1 Government Ioter College. Sidhi Inter Government 56-57 13 234 6 4S 57-58 13 322 S 40 58-59 14 383 3 40 59-60 12 405 1 4S Go vernment Degree College, Sidhi Degree Government 60-61 5 102

Source:-District Educational officer, Sidhi. 2{)O


Weekly and Fortnightly Monthly ,-____Daily___.A.------. Papers ,.... ____-.A. _____-. ,....------"------, Total - Total Total No. Circulation Year No. Circulation No. Circulation 7 2 3 4 4 6

1958 500 1959 500 1960 2 800 Source:-District Publicity Officer, Sidhi.

TABLE 6 A.I HEALTH STATISTICS (1951 to 1960) SlDHI DISTRICT Description r------'------.Year 1951 1954 1955 1956 1957 1959 1960 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Primary Health Centres (a) Number (b) No. of beds 6 6 Hospitals including Nursing Homes (al Number 1 1 1 1 1 (b) No. of beds 30 10 6 6 6 Dispensaries Number, M.C.W.S. (a) Number 2 3 (b) No. of beds Special Medical Institutions (I) V. Do Clinics 1 No. of Registered Medical Practitioners (a) Allopathic 13 (b) Ayurvedic 16

No. of Registered Nurses 5-/ No. of Registered Midwives 2 No. of Registered Vaccinators 12 List of Family Planning Clinics 1 (a) Government 1

Source:-Civil Surgeon, Sidhi. 291



( 1957-1960 ) SIDH} DISTRICT

SIDHI DISTRICf Year No. of No. of Remark. Vaccinations Revaccinations Number of Number to whom r----.A.------.. contraceptives t 2 3 4 Year Vasectomies Tube-tying have been issued 1953 24,522 16,723 1954 26,528 17.647 2 3 4 1955 29,852 17,944 1956 31,836 19,533 1957 1957 38.523 16,622 1958 45 29,324 15,764 1959 85 1958 17,876 1960 125 1959 31,956 1960 30,658 16,531 Source:-Civil Surgeon, Sidhi. Source:-Civil Surgeon, Sidhi. TABLE 6A.4 B. C. G. CAMPAIGN ( 1954--1960 ) SIDHI DISTRICT

S.No. Year Tested Vaccinated Remarks 2 3 4 5 J 1954 9,824 4,135 The work was 2 1957 5,832 1,501 not done every 3 1959 55,704 18,864 year. The teams 4 1960 14,154 7,673 moved from district to dis- trict. Source:- D.C.G. Supervising Medical Officer, Ilc D.C.G. Teams, M. P., Indore.

TABLE 6 B BIRTHS AND DEATHS CLASSIFIED BY SEX, in Rural and Urban Areas Separately ( 1959 to 1960 ) SIDHI DISTRICf Births Deaths , Infant'Deaths___.A. ___ ..... Infant Total/Rurall r-__.A-----. r---.A.--..... Birth Death Death Year Urban Males Females Males Females Males Females Rate Rate Rate

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1959 T 654 550 264 226 1 I R 321 302 150 141 I I U 333 248 114 85 ~ NOT AVAILABLB 1960 T 630 517 230 238 I I R 388 316 150 135 I U 80 I 242 201 103 J SOlU'ce:-Civil Surgeon, Sidhi. 292


Duration of the Place where ~ ______WhenA ______held -.. Local religious or Mela or S. Melaor other occasion of Fair (in A verage total Who manages No. Fair is held Hindi Months Engl;sh Months the Mela or Fair days) attendance the Fair/Mela 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 GOPADBANAS fAHSIL

1 Laua Chaitra Sudi 9 March/April Ramnavmi 15 300 Gram Panchayat 2 Batauli Chaitra Sudi 9 March/April Ramn'avmi 1 5.000 Gram Panchayat 3 Kamarji PausalMagha January Sankrant ~ 20J Gram P'ancbayat 4 Kharbara Pausa/Magha January Sankrant 15 200 Gram Panch.yat 5 Bhawaisen Pausa/Magha January Sankrant 9 8.000 Gram Panchayat, Shikarganj 6 Tikari Pausa/Magha January Sankrant 15 2.000 Gram Panchayat 7 Rajghat (Ma- Pausa/Magha January Sank rant 7 100 Gram Panchayat han River) II Vijayghat Pausa/Magha January Sankrant 2 3,000 Gram Panchayat Panewar 9 Bhelki Pausa/Magha January Sankrant 2 6.000 Gram Panchayat Panewar 10 Sidhi Magha Sudi 5 January/February Basant Panchmi 1 4.000 Municipal Committee II Badhaura Magha Sudi 5 January/Febrllary Basant Pancbmi 5 3,000 Gram Panchayat 12 Badhaura Phalguna Badi-13 February/March Shivratri 5 4,000 Gram Panchayat 13 Mahuar Phalguna Badi-13 February/March Shivratri 15 500 Gram Panchayat )4 Bagbwar Phalguna Badi-13 February/March Shivratri S 5,000 Gram Pam:ha),at 2 DEOSAR TAHSIL 15 Ghoghara Chaitra Sudi 9 March/April Ramnavmi 15 500 Gram Panchayat 16 Laua Chaitra Sudi 9 March/April Ramnavmi 15 300 Gram Panchayat 17 Kharbada pausa/Magha January Sankrant 15 500 Gram Panchayat 18 Bardl pausa/Magha January Sank rant 10 1,000 Gram Panchayat 19 Bardi (Police pausalMagha January Sankrant 10 1,000 Gram Panchayat Station Gar- hwa 20 Mohnar Magba Sudi S January/February Basant Panchmi 15 300 Gram Panchayat 21 Khatai Magba Sudi5 January/February sasant Panchmi 15 400 Gram Panchayat 22 Bakiya Magha Sudi 5 January/Februray BasaDt Panchmi 3 N.A. Gram Panchayat 23 Naudhiya Magha Sud! 5 January /February Basant Panchmi 7 2,000 Gram PaDehayat 24 Kbobwa Phalguna Badi-13 February/March Shivratri 2 1.500 Gram Panchayat Gondwali 2S Kukraon Phalguua Bad!-13 February/March Shivratri 1 100 Gram Panchayat 26 Khatai Phalguna Badi-13 February/March Shivratri 3 1,000 Gram Panchayat 27 Majaula Phalguna Badi-13 February/March Shivratri 1 SOO Gram Panchayat 28 Sonwarsa Phalguna Badi-13 February/March Shivratri 3 500 Gram Panchayat 29 Karur Phalguoa Badi-13 February/March Shivratri 1 N.A. Gram PaDchayat 3 SJNGRAULI TAHSIL ' 30 Telzowan Chaitra Sudi 9 March/April Ramnavmi 5 300 Gram Panchayat SOU,":-Superintendent of Police, Sidhi.