October 2020 Culver City Democratic Club Activewww.CulverCityDemocraticClub.com Democat Email:
[email protected] • Find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/culvercitydems General Meeting on Zoom — 7p.m. Wednesday, October 14, 2020 ___________________________________________ Special Meeting for New Members at 6:30p.m. President’s Message by Pete Rockwel At 6:30 p.m., October 14, we will have a KEEP Culver City THIS special meeting to greetDEMOCRATIC new members CLUB LIST! On Wednesday, October 14, at 6:30p.m., we’re go- ing to have a special meeting for people who joined ENDORSEMENTS the Club for the frst time his year. Long-time mem- President of the United States Joe Biden bers are encouraged to atend this meeting, as well as Vice President of the United States Kamala Harris those who have joined recently. We can all introduce U.S. House of Representatives – 37th District Karen Bass ourselves. Afer the half-hour new members meet- CA State Assembly – 54th District Sydney Kamlager ing, our regular general meeting will start at 7 p.m. L.A. County Supervisor – 2nd District Holly Mitchell The program for our general meeting in October L.A. County District Attorney George Gascón will be an opportunity for our endorsed candidates to let our members know what they can do to help STATE BALLOT MEASURE ENDORSEMENTS them get elected (phone- or text-banking, etc.). Proposition 14 Support Proposition 20 Oppose We’ve also invited people advocating for the propo- Proposition 15 Support Proposition 21 Support sitions we endorsed (and against the ballot measures Proposition 16 Support Proposition 22 Oppose we are urging a no vote on) to tell Club members Proposition 17 Support Proposition 23 Support what they can do to help those causes.