Breast Cancer: the Decision to Screen
FOURTH H.M. QUEEN ELIZABETH THE QUEEN MOTHER FELLOUTSHIP 1990 Breast cancer: the decision to screen SIR PATRICK FORREST MD, ChM, FRCS(Ed.Eng.Glasg), FRSE DSc.(hon), LLD(hon), FACS(hon) FRACS(hon), FRCSCan(hon), FRCR(hon) Professor Emeritus, University of Edznburgh Visitzng Scientist, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland THE NUFFIELD PROVINCIAL HOSPITALS TRUST Published by the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust 3 Prince Albert Road. London NW1 7SP ISBN 09 00574 74 7 O Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, 1990 Editorial Board Sir Edgar Williams, CB, CBE, DSO, DL John Ledingham, DM, FRCP Michael Ashley-Miller, FFCM, FRCPE, FRCP Designed by Bernard Crossland PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY BURGESS & SON (ABINGDON) LTD THAMES VIEW, ABINGDON OXFORDSHIRE HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH THE QUEEN MOTHER FELLOWSHIP Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, who is the Patron of the Trust and has always shown a keen interest in its work, approved the founding of the Fellowship by the Trust to commemorate her 80th birthday. The Trustees of the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust will select a Fellow who will be invited to undertake to review in a monograph a subject within the sphere of the Trust which is believed to be of particular interest to Her Majesty. The monograph will be launched by a lecture THE AUTHOR Professor Sir Patrick Forrest retired from the Regius Chair of Clinical Surgery in the University of Edinburgh in 1988. A student of the University of St. Andrews, he returned to Dundee following service with the Royal Navy for his surgical training, spending a year as a research fellow at the Mayo Clinic and then becoming lecturer and then senior lecturer to Sir Charles Illingworth in Glasgow.
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