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The Corporation of the Township of Ignace Committee of the Whole Meeting of Council Held Tuesday November 8, 2016 At 6:00 pm. in the Multi Purpose Room

Attending: Mayor Lee Kennard Councillor Shaun Defeo John Taddeo Al Graver Chicki Pesola Administrator Treasurer Wayne Hanchard Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Chantelle Gascon Operations Supervisor Lynda Colby Members of the Public 1

1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm. by Deputy Mayor Chicki Pesola.

Approval of Agenda

Verbal Motion Moved by: Shaun Defeo Seconded by: Al Graver

That, We approve the agenda for this Committee of the Whole Meeting of the Council for the Corporation of the Township of Ignace this Smday of November 2016 with the following amendmentz. 8.2 Finance Department New Business 21) Accounts payable cheque register report dated Nov. 4, 2016 FOl.16


Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof Cbicki Pesola declared conflict with water and sewer investigations


Approval of Previous Minutes

21) Minutes of October 26, 2016

Verbal Motion Moved by: Shaun Defeo Seconded by: Al Grave

That, Council for the Corporation of the Township of Ignace does hereby approve the minutes of October 26, 2016 as circulated.


DJ 50 Committee of the Whole Minutes, November 8, 2016 Page 2.

6. Business Arising from Minutes None

7. Un?nished Business from Minutes None

8. Reports of Committees 8: Departments

8.1 Operations Department Old Business a) Ignace Water Conservation Project E08. l6 Council reviewed some of the issues related to the Water Metering Project in order to prepare for the public meeting on November I9, 20l6.

b) Snow Removal Policy T06. l 6 Council reviewed the proposed Snow Removal Policy, as presented by Operations Supervisor Lynda Colby.

Water and Sewer lnvcstigzitions E08. 16 Council reviewed a Copy of the letter sent to property owners in regard to the Water and Sewer Investigations. Clow Darling has commenced inspections on some properties and will continue to work with the Public Works Department on this initiative.

Verbal Motion Moved by: John Taddeo Seconded by: Shaun Defeo

That, Council for the Corporation of the Township of Ignace does hereby approve involving the Ministry of Municipal Affairs to assist with the water and sewer investigations.


(1) Office Telephone System A12. 16 Verbal Motion Moved by: Shaun Defeo Seconded by: John Taddeo

That, Council for the Corporation of the Township of Ignace does hereby approve the purchase and installation of an IP Phone System for the Municipal Office, the Ignace Arena, the Public Library, and the Public Works Garage, from Atwood Consulting Services at a cost ofSl0,4l8,60.

Carried Committee of the Whole Minutes, November 8, 2016 Page 3.

6) Global GPR Project «A Old Ignace Cemetery S09.l6 Deputy Clerk Treasurer, Chantelle Gascon reported to Council on the Ground Penetrating radar Survey completed by Global GPR Services Inc. Global GPR Services Inc. located a total of9O burial sites. The Ignace cemetery Committee will be marking the sites with memorial monuments, and the mapping will be amended to plot the revised sites locations.

0 Condenser Replacement Project R05. 16 The fabrication ofthe stand is scheduled to be completed by Tuesday November 8, 2016, at which time the galvanizing of the stand can commence. CIMCO is working diligently to complete the project as soon as possible.

New Business

a) Trans Canada Pipelines ~ Vehicle Donation V01.16 Trans Canada Pipelines has two vehicles that are coming out of circulation and being retired. Two pick-up trucks have been allocated for the Township of Ignace.

b) Public Town Hall Meeting ~ November I9, 2016 COO.16 Council reviewed slides developed for the presentation to the public at the Public Meeting scheduled for November 19.20l6.

NWMO Lunch & Learn ~« November 29, 2016 A02. 16 Council has asked Administration to determine staffing needs and arrange for staff to attend the NWMO Lunch & Learn.

8.2 Finance Department New Business a) Accounts payable cheque register report dated Nov. 4, 2016 FOl.l6

Verbal Motion Moved by: Lee Kennard Seconded by: AI Graver

That, Council for the Corporation of the Township of Ignace does hereby approve the accounts payable cheque register report dated November 4, 2016 in the amount of $67,049.00. Carried Committee of the Whole Minutes, November 8, 2016 Page 4.

b) Township Christmas Dinner and Staff Appreciation F00. l6

Verbal Motion Moved by: Al Graver Seconded by: Shaun Defeo

That, Council for the Corporation of the Township of Ignace does hereby approve hosting of a Christmas Party on Sunday December 18, 2016 at 5:30 pm at the Ignace Tavern, extending invitations to: Township of Ignace Municipal Staff Township of Ignace Public Works Township of Ignace Recreation Department and Arena Staff Ignace Library Staff and Library Board Members Ignace Cemetery Committee Members Ignace Police Services Board Members Northern Waterworks Inc, Ignace Staff Ignace Community Nuclear Liaison Committee Staff and Board Members and Council. Council will pay for the dinners of the staff, Council, Committee and Board members plus one additional guest per person at a cost ofSl9.95 each plus applicable taxes and gratuities.


c) 2015-2017 Municipal Policing and Arbitrators Award FOO.16 Administrator Treasurer, Wayne Hanchard provided further details to Council on the 2015, 2016 and 2017 Municipal Policing costs and the awarded salary increases.

d) Turning Lemons into Lemonade Workshop -— Nov 17, 2016 A04. 16 No one will be attending the workshop.

9. Reports of Other Committees and Departments CO6.16

21) Northwestern Health Unit - Minutes of September 30, 2016

Verbal Motion Moved by: Al Graver Seconded by: Shaun Defeo

That, Council for the Corporation of the Township of Ignace does hereby accept the minutes of the Regular Meeting ofthe Northwestern Health Unit dated September 30, 2016 as presented.

Carried Committee of the Whole Minutes, November 8, 2(l16 Page 5.

b) Ignace Nuclear Liaison Committee ~ Minutes of September 27, 2016

Verbal Motion Moved by: John Taddeo Seconded by: Lee Kennard

That, Council for the Corporation of the Township of Ignace does hereby accept the minutes of the Regular meeting of the Ignace Nuclear Liaison Committee dated September 27, 2016 as presented‘


9. Reports of Council Members

11. Notices of Motion

12. Questionsfrom the Public

13. Adjournment

Verbal Motion Moved by: Al Graver Seconded by: Shaun Defeo

That, We close this Committee of the Whole Meeting of Council of the Corporation of the Township of Ignace at 6:57 pm this 8”‘ day of November 2016.


Lee Kennard, Mayor Shaun Defeo, Councillor‘

John Taddeo, Councillor Chieki Pesola, Councillor

Al Graver, Councillor Chantelle Gascon, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Township of Ignace Committee of the Whole November 30, 2016

Custodial Services Contract

At the meeting ofOetober I2, 2016, Council approved advertising It request for Proposals for Custodial Services for the Township of Ignace. The current custodial contract expires on November 30, 2016.

An RFP was advertised which identified the scope of work, for custodial services for the Township Office, Tourist Information Centre, Public Works building and the Multi—Purpose Room. Proposals were accepted until Wednesday November 16, 2016.

There was one proposal, submitted by Shawn McLellan.

A by~law, entering into an agreement with Shawn McLellan for custodial services is included in the Regular Meeting for passing. ueové 8:23. 533 E3 :ooEE,.B 3:6 E c2582 EaE.5:..>/ WEma .>oZ .5._ ub?oi 9 >53.“ . E6 35: 2: :32 vuLE:mSE3 @0352 bom_>w<53>» zomomEui? :o:_5_:£o 2: E .32 Bsmmo?8.35 o._:y..;.2m .Ed 2359.. mm 35 ¢.o:2Es.... ._2§> E0 96 2: >53 .533 oouv .< :ooEu:m 23 E oEou was3830 ism mimmm_Lm.>oZ wu>_uo2 Em zs%:n...:coco 25%.a 98 9 some:2 cousioxm ma?? 25 E :_s::o:;> much: ;.o.so::< 2: mc?msucu;...._=: wasvols? 30.5 EEEBEB .8 83Es€ swsocu2:2 do: 83:03 mtnm w:Eo>u2:: E 2:03 wasx: E _.Eu:.E 5.5; as >5: So om.$_mm6 E§:.6:§> u:,;.:s.£. wEEcEE Emma 83>» E.:.: 5:55 ...:c >2uummEEu _ :c m.=:§uE 3 E V33 35.5.. :o::>muxm o.,§% _m_9 £..o:o.,,.o_u .52» :0 283 2 .43ca. 35 223:3 E_cumnuau2.: _ E3303 3 E :o_:..>_5xm c.::£u=n oomi 30E?» 3 2 cm2 uoEE.§uu :c:ouE. 2.: W 95 9 :c;..,. cs. 25 % m:_mw€ wc?moq M.>oZ 3:3: Eda 358 un? tdum?:m so % a £:uEw.E voduta c2213 2;» 9 b6 an 83: £50; 33 35% Eco x83 05 .6 :2 2: 8.. canto such: .533 :5 339 :5 So was535 UU>CE£:2:co ow??u _? W .8 so £:ouo._ on _3::E3uD :EES::> :25 B: 95:35 H as coax8:56 ESE Emmiwizumxii em..>cZ SE3 o>oEB 2 9. 5m 95: cacao anE vuzsugnu. .S:..>> W£3 .,..EoEn_o_o>oQ Sc?, M % 0:5 _.. £:uEm2o>om ,.c o:::E ,E_E mm>5_om e a 2?. 2: mE>5~7.9:: 5 canmzion 250: :2: Eo>u 2: $2.5 :uc:oU E E3. 350 v2: Es _.2_ua:< N.=~:.:\:D.Ux

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2.§§>..+s3 L 1 \NZ:> mom:m_“.0o_EmEso_. a ne Hanar From: Wayne Hanchard Sent: Friday, November 18, 2016 4:48 PM To: ‘AlanGraver ([email protected])'; 'Chicki Pesola‘; ‘John Taddeo‘; ‘Lee Kennard ([email protected])'; ‘Shaun Defed Cc: Chantelle Gascon; Lynda Colby Subject: 121 Willow water leak Attachments: excavation 17 nov 16.jpg

Council members,

Here is a short update on leak.

On Monday afternoon the owner of 121 Willow Place, Lyle Degerness, reported that water was bubbling up underneath his garage floor. Lyleexplained that an old well had been decommissioned there before he bought the house. Apparently the pump was taken out but the line from the well to the watermain on Balsam Street was not retired. Approximately 15 years ago the same problem occurred. At that time public works managed to patch the leak to stop it. A pump was set up to take water away.

On Tuesday the situation got worse since the leaking water was eroding the garage slab and ground, so public works turned off the water between Spruce and Pine. An old Camaro had to be towed out of the garage since the leak was under it. They looked for maps or diagrams but could not find anything on the well or the line. The pump continued to run when the water was turned on. Public works would turn the water on for a few hours in the morning and before

supper until late evening ~ this was done for the following days.

On Wednesday public works by hand digging exposed the pipe in the garage and tried to determine the path of the pipe to Balsam Street. They determined it ran into the neighbor's yard (119 Willow) and assumed it would take a direct path north to Balsam Street.

On Thursday the 17"‘public works excavated in the neighbor's property. The idea was to find the pipe, try to find its path to Balsam Street and then cap it to stop the leak. See the attached pictures. Unfortunately the pipe was found to be encased in concrete, and it was too close to the garage to continue working at it. The excavation did allow public works to determine the direction of the pipe.

On Friday the 18"‘public works began digging further back on the 119 Willow property away from the garage. They found the pipe in the morning. it is a 5" transite (asbestos concrete pipe). While uncovering it got damaged, so public works cut it off. See the attached picture (pipe end behind shovel with a sponge shoved inside). We have nothing in our garage to cap this pipe, so we had to order some parts from EMCO in Thunder Bay. It's a 6" pipe, so we cannot turn the

water back on without capping it — water will be all overrunning the area. The parts are supposed to be here @ 6:00 or 7:00 p.m. When they get here public works is going to cap the pipe and turn the water back on.


More pictures in another email.

Wayne Hanchard Administrator Treasurer Township of lgnace PO Box 2118 I“ WaneHanchardW

From: Wayne Hanchard Sent: Monday, November 21, 2016 6:38 PM To: ‘AlanGraver ([email protected])'; ‘ChickiPesola; ‘John Taddeo‘; ‘Lee Kennarcl ([email protected])’;‘Shaun Defeo' Cc: Chantelle Gascon; Lynda Colby Subject: FW:Water Main Repair

Council Members,

As noted by Lynda below EMCO sent the wrong parts on Friday. That night our crew had to use them to repair the line in orderthat water service be restored to the customers on Balsam from Spruce to Pine. The repair (a cap on the transite watermain) was being checked regularly was holding but @ approximately 4:15 p.m. today it failed. People called the office about a loss ofand even no water pressure. Barry Mantle was contacted and said the plant was unable to keep up with the demand. He said that due to the significant loss of pressure a community—wide BWA was required.

The water valves controlling Balsam from Spruce to Pine were shut off @ approximately 4:40 pm. PublicWorks and Jack McKay are sucking the water out of the excavation currently. The soil is too wet to try repairing the line tonight. The proper parts came in late this afternoon and public works is going to try capping the line again tomorrow.

Wayne Hanchard Administrator Treasurer Township of lgnace PO Box 248 34 Hwy 17 Ignace ON POT1T0 Ph: 807-934-2202 Fax: 807-934-2864

«-~-—Origina| Message—-»-- From: Lynda Colby Sent: Friday, November 18, 2016 11:09 PM To: Wayne Hanchard Cc: Lee Kennard; John Taddeo; Shaun Defeo; Chicki Pesola; Alan Graver; Chantelle Gascon Subject: Water Main Repair

Good Evening,

l would liketo notify you all that the water mainline has been repaired and water services have been resumed to all effected residents.

The crew working on the repair did a fabulousjob in getting the job done. Water was reinstated at 9:13 pm and all residents have been notified personally to ensure that every home in fact has water. They were all asked to run their waterfor a few minutes to pressurize their line, as well as they were reminded that they willremain under a BWA (Boil Water Advisory) until further notice.

There will be a minor repair that will be required mid week once we receive a saddle from Emco, as they sent the wrong size which will involve removing the current saddle that we have attached to the 6" water main pipe (Transite pipe) to the 6" blue brute pipe that has the end cap which is sealing the line. Allresidents have been notified and will be advised of the quick repair when the part is received.

This line will need to officially be retired from the mainline on Balsam Street in the spring.

Thank you foryourtime.

Lynda Colby Operation Supervisor Public Works Department

Sent from my iPhone

iél Wayne Hanchard

From: Wayne Hanchard Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 4:35 PM To: ‘AlanGraver ([email protected])';'Chicl

Council Members, M This afternoon @ approx. 1:30 p.m. public works repaired the leak on the 6" transite (asbestos concrete) line in the backyard of $Willow. On Friday the 18“EMCO sent the wrong parts that did not allow a strong connection for the repair completed @ approx. 9:00 p.m. The capped piece of blue PVC(blue brute) pipe has a slightly smaller diameter than the transite pipe, so the saddle used to join the two pipes together was not flush around the blue brute pipe. The water pressure blew the capped blue brute piece off yesterday @ approx. 4:00 p.m.

The repair today employs several clamps that are connected together with rods. (These parts came in yesterday afternoon from EMCO.) A railroad tie and block were placed behind the cap on the end of the blue brute. This repair should hold until we are able to permanently solve the problem. The permanent fix is finding where the transite line joins the watermain on Balsam,and then "retiring" the line. The watermain will be dug up and the portion that has the connection to the transite pipe will be cut out. A new piece will be installed and held in place with saddles. See the picture of the fixfrom the Humphrey watermain break ofluly 2015. in that job the portion of the watermain that was cracked and had two curb stop connections on it was cut out and replaced with a straight piece.

After being without water for over 20 hours, the properties from Spruce to Pine on Balsam have water. THE BWA remains in effect until we get two clear test result within 24 hours of each other. This afternoon NWI collected the first set of samples and will get the second set tomorrow. Even though Barry Mantle has put a rush on the testing, in all likelihood we won't be able to lift the BWA until Tuesday the 29"‘.

Apparently we have one more "decommissioned" well from decades ago that in the future could cause the same problem that this one did. Publicworks will be looking for it next season.

Wayne Hanchard Administrator Treasurer Township of lgnace PO Box 248 34 Hwy 17 lgnace ON POT1T0 Ph: 807-934-2202 Fax: 807-934-2864

l3 The Corporation Of The Township Of Ignace By-Law # /2016

Being A By-Law To Govern The Procedure Of Council Of The Corporation Of The Township Of Ignace And All Oflts Committees, The Calling Of Meetings And The Conduct Of Its Members.

Whereas Section 238 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S .0. 2001, Chapter 25, as amended, provides that every Council shall adopt a procedure for governing the calling, place and proceedings ofmeetings;

Now Therefore The Council Of The Corporation Of The Township Of Ignace Hereby Enacts As Follows:

Part 1: Definitions l.l Clerk?)eputy Clerk means the Clerk or his/her designate who shall have all the powers and duties of the Clerk on behalf of the Corporation of the Township of Ignace.

1.2 Closed Meeting means a meeting not open to the public in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001, S .O . 2001, as amended.

1.3 Committee means any advisory or other committee, subcommittee or similar entity established by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Ignace.

1.4 Committee-of-the-Whole means a Committee composed of all of the members of Council.

1.5 Conflict of Interest means a pecuniary interest as de?ned in the Municipal Conflict oflntcrest Act, 1990.

1.6 Con?rmatory By-Law means a By-Law enacted at the end of each Regular or Special Council Meeting to confirm recommendations and actions approved at that meeting.

1.7 Council means the elected or acclaimed and sworn members of the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Ignace, comprised ofone Mayor and four Councillors.

1.8 Deputy Mayor means the Member of Council appointed by way of resolution who may act in the Mayor’s absence and while so acting, such member has and may exercise all rights, powers and authority of the Head of Council. Procedural By—Law#17/2015 Page 2 of 19

1.9 Designate means a person present, appointed by the Council or Committee Members present.

1.10 Head of Council means the Mayor; except where otherwise provided, shall preside at all meetings of Council of the Corporation of the Township of Ignace.

1.11 Meeting means any regular, special, committee, Committee-of-tlio Vhole or other meeting established by Council.

1.12 Member means a member of the Council or of a Committee.

1.13 Motion means a question or a recommendation to be considered by the Council or a Committee which is presented, read and can be a subject for debate; then ?nally moved and seconded.

1.14 Motion of Direction means a member of council or of a Committee giving direction to administration to deal with a question or a recommendation.

1.15 Open Meeting means a meeting that the public may attend.

1.16 Point of Order may be called to bring attention to: 0 Breaches of the rules of order of Council - Difficulty in continuation ofthe meetings 0 Improper, offensive or abusive language - Discussion is outside the scope of the motion or the notice of motion 0 Irregularities in the proceedings

1.17 Public meeting means a legislated or discretionary open meeting at which public input is being sought.

1.18 Quorum means a majority of the whole number of Members required to constitute a Council or Committee.

1.19 Recorded Vote means the recording of the name and vote of every member voting on any matter or question during a meeting at the request of a member and must be recorded by the Clerk.

1.20 Resolution means a motion that has been resolved by Council or Committee.

1.21 Rules of Procedure mean the rules and regulations provided for in this By— Law.

Part 2: Role of the Mavor

2.1. It is the role of the Mayor as the Head of Council: Procedural By-Law #17/2015 Page 3 of 19

to Act as Chief Executive Officer of the municipality to preside over Council meetings so that its business can he carried out efficiently and effectively to provide leadership to Council to represent the municipality at of?cial functions to carry out the duties of the Head of Council under any Act to provide overall leadership to the Gernmanity Emergency Control Group in responding to an emergency as detailed in the Emergency Response Plan of the Township of Ignace uphold and promote the purposes of the municipality promote public involvement in the Township’s activities acts as the representative ofthe Township both within and outside the municipality and promote the Township locally, regionally, nationally and internationally participate in and foster activities that enhance the economic, social and environmental well—beingof the Township and its residents. call initial meetings of Township Committees or Boards where terms of reference or other governing documents of the Committees or Boards have no provisions.

Part 3: Role of the Deputv Mayor

3.1. It is the role of Deputy Mayor:

to act as Head of Council in the absence of the Mayor while acting in the absence of the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor has and may exercise all rights, powers and authority of the Head ofCounCil preside over all Committee of the Whole Meetings

Part 4: Role of Council

4.1. It is the role of Council

to represent the public and consider the well-being and interests of the Township to develop and evaluate the policies and programs of the Township to determine which services the Township provides to ensure that administrative policies, practices and procedures and controllership policies, practices and procedures are in place to implement the decisions of Council to ensure the accountability and transparency of the operations of the Township, including the activities of the senior management of the Township to maintain the financial integrity of the Township to establish Committees to deal with certain portfolios

as P on rnoP‘ ce p Procedural By—Law#17/2015 Page 4 of 19

h. to appoint individuals to Committees and Boards i. to approve the terms of reference of Committees it has established and ensure Boards have workable terms of reference or other governing documents j. to carry out the duties of Council under any Act.

Part 5: Role of Committee

It is the role of Committee

to represent the public and consider the well—beingand interests ofthe Township to establish and review/revise annually Terms of Reference for itself identifying the mandate, authority and rules of the Committee to develop and evaluate the policies and programs of the Committee to ensure that administrative policies, practices and procedures and controllership policies, practices and procedures are in place to implement the decisions of Committee to ensure the accountability and transparency of its activities to maintain the integrity of the Committee to carry out the duties of a Committee under any Act.

Part 6: Council Appointments

6.1 Council is responsible to appoint individuals to various Committees and Boards; both those of the Township or other entities.

6.2 Established rules for appointments will be followed by Council. It”it has the authority, Council can change the rules. Usually individuals interested in serving on a Board or Committee need required to submit a letter.

6.3 Council appointments will last no longer than the end of the term of Council.

Part 7: General Rules

7.1. The rules contained in this By~Law shall be observed in all proceedings of the Council and its Committees and shall be the rules for the order and dispatch of business in the Council

The rules contained in this By—Lawshall be observed, with the necessary modi?cations, in every Committee.

7.3 Those proceedings of the Council, or the Committees thereof not specifically governed by the provisions of this By-Law and the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, as amended shall be regulated in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order.


032"” UI Procedural By~I.aw#17/2015 Page 5 of 19

7.4 When it is necessary to deal with an extraordinary item not provided for in routine business, a motion for the suspension ofa rule for a speci?c purpose shall not proceed without a vote with consent of two thirds majority of the members present, unless the part or parts is prescribed by statute or legislation.

7.5 In the absence of the Mayor from the Municipality, or if he/she is absent through illness or refuses to act, or if the Office is vacant. the Deputy Mayor for the purposes of this By-Law shall act in the place and stead of the Mayor and shall have all the rights, powers and authority of the Mayor, while so acting.

7.6 In the absence ofboth the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor, 21designate shall be appointed from the members present and the designate shall act in the place and stead of the Mayor or Deputy Mayor and shall have all the rights, powers and authority of the Mayor or Deputy Mayor while so acting.

7.7 Members of Council or Committee are requested to notify the Clerk when the member is aware that he/she will be absent front any meeting of Council or Committee.

7.8 Questionsfrom the public in an open meeting follow the procedures in 7.9. Questionsfrom the public in a public meeting follow procedures in Part 18.

7.9 In an open meeting the individual wanting to ask a question needs to be acknowledged by the meeting chair and given the floor. The individual needs to provide his/her name and contact information.

7.9.1 The individual will pose his/her question within two (2) minutes. The meeting recorder will write down the question and any key information given by the individual. If necessary by asking questions of the individual and repeating information provided by the individual the chair will confirm details with the individual. Only one question is allowed per individual. Council will entertain no more than three questions at a meeting, but can decide to allow more if a majority of the Council members agree. Questionsmust pertain to an item on the meeting agenda. Individuals who ask questions about some other topic will be told by the chair to make a deputation to Council or save his/her question until if and when the topic appears on a Council agenda. 7.9.4 The individual will pose the question. The chair will answer the question if he/she knows the answer. If not, the chair will ask other Council members or Township staff to answer. If no one has an answer, the chair will tell the individual that an answer, ifpossible, will be provided in due course. 7.9.5 The meeting recorder will write down the questions. answers and statements made at the meeting. Procedural By—Law#17/2015 Page 6 of 19

7.9.6 Questionsthat were not answered at the meeting when asked will be on the agenda at a subsequent meeting and a written report will have been prepared for each questions. 7.9.7 Abuse oftlie privilege to ask questions will not be tolerated. Abuse includes fabricating, exaggerating, misrepresenting, etc. facts. Abuse includes making false allegations. Abuse includes repeating questions for which answers have already been provided. For abusing the privilege Council can bar an individual from asking questions in meetings for a period up to the remainder of the Council term. Individuals will receive a letter saying why they have been barred and how long they will be barred.

710 The Mayor sets the agenda with the senior staff. The Mayor may also delegate the authority to set the agenda to the senior staff.

Any item or items being placed on the Agenda by Council or senior staff members must include a brief description that indicates the purpose of the item for discussion and any recommendations (if needed) by Friday at 4:00 pm prior to the regular scheduled meeting of Council.

7.11 Any Member ofCouncil may, with the approval of a majority of Members of Council present at the meeting, introduce any matter of an urgent nature for Council’s consideration as per the following table:


, . T0 pe of Meeting) T5 Agenda Possible Committee of the Whole Yes RegularMeeting Closed Session Meetin S ecial Council Meetio(48 hrs Notice) Urgent or Emergent S ecial Council Mtg (24 hrs Notice) Etnerenc Meeting Public Meetin

Part 8: Locations, Meeting Times and Notice For Council Meetings

8.1 Following a regular Municipal Election, the Inaugural Meeting shall be held on the first Monday in December at 6:00 pm. in Township of Ignace Council Chambers located in the Multi Purpose Room of the Ignace Public Library (36 Highway 17 W, Ignace, unless otherwise decided by Council).

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8.2 Following the Inaugural Meeting. regular Council meetings shall be held in the Council Chambers in the Multi Purpose Room of the Ignace Public Library (36 Highway 17 W, Ignace) on the seeond-ané—la5H5Jednesday second and last Monday of every month. The Council meetings commence immediately following the Committee of the Whole Meetings held the same day at 6:00 p.m. or as otherwise decided by Council.

Should the meeting fall on a Public Holiday, Council shall meet the following day that is not a Public Holiday.

Unless otherwise decided by a resolution, the Council shall hold only one regular meeting during each of the months ofluly, August and December in each year of the term ofthe Council on the third Wednesday ofthe said months immediately following the Committee of the Whole Meetings held the same day at 6:00 pm. or as otherwise decided by Council.

The Mayor or designate may at any time call a special meeting of the Council.

Upon the receipt of a petition signed by a majority of the members, the Clerk or Clerk’s designate shall call a special meeting for the purpose and at the time mentioned in the petition.

8.6 In the event of an emergency or a disaster as de?ned in the Emergency Plan, an emergency meeting maybe held without notice to deal with the emergency or extraordinary situation, provided that an attempt has been made by the AdministratorfI'rcastu'er and/or the Deputy Clerk or Clerk’s designate, to notify the members about the meeting as soon as possible and in the most expedient manner available.

8.7 Public notice shall be deemed to have been given by the posting of a notice of the Council on the Township Website, posting a notice on the Public Information Board outside the Municipal Office, posting notice at the Ignace Post Office, and the Ignace Public Library. The Agenda shall be available for public review on the Township Website and at the Office of the Clerk, no later than the Monday preceding the regularly scheduled meeting unless the Monday is a holiday then it shall be available the Tuesday preceding the regularly scheduled meeting.

88 A minimum of Forty Eight (48) hours public notice shall be given prior to the holding of the special meeting that is to be held in Council Chambers. The advance public notice is to be given to Council, the affected parties, and shall state the business to be considered at the special meeting. Public notice of the special meetingshall be posted on the Township Website at least Forty Eight (48) hours preceding the meeting, as well as publicly advertised on the Public Information Board outside the Municipal Office, at the Ignace Post Office and the Ignace Public Library.

Urgent or Emergent Special Council meeting can be called if the mayor or the designate deems it necessary and a minimum of Twenty Four (24) hours public notice shall be given prior to the holding of the special meeting that is to be held in Council Chambers. The advance public notice is to be given to Council, the affected parties, Procedural By-Law #17/2015 Page 8 of 19

and shall state the business to be considered at the special meeting. Public notice of the special meeting shall be posted on the Township Website at least Twenty Four (24) hours preceding the meeting, as well as publicly advertised on the Public Information Board outside the Municipal Office, at the Ignace Post Office and the Ignace Public Library.

No other business than that stated in the Notice shall be considered at Special, Urgent or Emergent Special Cottncil meeting.

89 At the hour appointed, when a quorum is present, the Mayor shall call Council to order and if it quorum is not present within ?fteen (15) minutes after the hour appointed, the meeting shall be cancelled.

8.10 Upon the postponement or cancellation of a meeting, the Clerk/Deputy Clerk or his/her designate shall attempt to notify the members and the general public of the postponement as soon as possible and in the most expedient manner available.

Part 9: Open and Closed Meetings 8: Minutes

9.1 All meetings of Council shall be open to the public, but a meeting or any part thereof may be closed to the public when the subject matter under consideration meets certain criteria in accordance with the Municipal Act, 200], as amended, to discuss one or more of the following matters:

1. Security of the property olthe municipality or local board

Personal matters about an identi?able individual, including municipal or local board employees

Proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board

4. Labour relations or employee negotiations

Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board

6. Advice that is subject to solicitor~clientprivilege, including communication necessary for that purpose

7. A matter in respect of which a council, board, committee or other body may hold a closed meeting under another Act

The subject matter relates to the consideration of a request under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, I ‘

9. A meeting of a council or local board or of a committee of either maybe closed to the public if the following conditions are both satis?ed:

a. The meeting is held for the purpose of educating or training the members, and


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b. At the meeting, no member discusses or otherwise deals with any matter in a way that materially advances the business or decision—makingof the council, local board or committee.

In the Council meeting package there will be a briefstatementjustifying why each item on the closed meeting agenda has been put in the closed session.

A meeting shall not be closed to the public during the taking of a vote except when the vote is for a procedural matter or for giving directions or instruction to officers, employees or agents of the municipality, local board or committee of either of them or persons retained by or under a contract with the municipalityor local board.

Recommendations may be made in a meeting closed to the public, following which they are to be reflected in the Minutes of the Open Session.

Before holding a meeting or part of a meeting that is to be closed to the public, Council shall state by resolution, the fact of the holding of the closed meeting and the general nature of the [nutter to be considered at the closed meeting.

9.4 Every meeting ofCouncil shall be deemed to be adjourned no later than four (4) hours after commencing except upon a resolution being passed by unanimous vote of Council.

Part 10: Proceedings of Regular Council Meetings

10.1 The Deputy Clerk or his/her designate shall prepare and circulate the agenda to each Council Member, the Administrator/Treasurer and all Department Heads as per Part 8.7 of the Procedural By-Law.

A Council meeting information package will be prepared and circulated to each Council Member.the Administrator/Treasurer and all Department Heads no later than the Moseley Friday preceding the regularly scheduled meeting unless the Monday Friday is a holiday in which case it shall be available theiktesday Thursday preceding the regularly scheduled meeting. Council meeting information packages are public information, and will be posted to the Township website. Printed copies will be available at the meeting itself and anyone wanting a package at the Township office can pick one up.

The “Closed Session Meeting" Agenda and InformationPackage shall be printed on coloured paper and be placed in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Con?dential” and shall be circulated to Council, the Administrator/Treasurer and Deputy Clerk only. The closed session meeting information package is not public information.

l0.2 Regular Order of Business: Procedural By—Law#17/2015 Page 10 of 19

Call to Order Approval of Agenda Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof Approval of Previous Minutes Business Arising from Minutes Unfinished Business from Minutes Correspondence

7.1 Correspondence — Action

7.2 Correspondence -— Information 8. Resolutions from Committee of the Whole 9. By—Laws 10. Notices of Motions ll. Adjournment To Closed Meeting Session (if required) 12. Reconvene to Regular Meeting of Council 13. Business Arising From Closed Meeting Session (if applicable) 14. Confirmatory By~Law 15. Adjournment.

Note: Items maybe added, deleted or revised for Special, Urgent or Emergent Special Council Meetings to fit circumstances. Questionsfrom the Public may be added to Regular, Special, Urgent or Emergent Meetings .

10.3 As soon after the hour fixed fora meeting as a quorum is present, the meeting shall be called to order by the Mayor.

10.4 If no quorum is present ?fteen (15) minutes after the time appointed for a meeting of Council, the Deputy Clerk or designate shall record the names of the Members present and the meeting shall stand adjourned until the date of the next regular meeting.

A quorum for the purpose of this Council shall be a majority ofthe total members. Should any Council Member in attendance make a Declaration of Pecuniary Interest and leave the meeting thereby reducing the number present to less than a quorum, the meeting may continue.

105 In accordance with the Municipal Can?ict r2fImcrc.rtAcI,1990 any Member shall disclose any direct or indirect pecuniary interest and state the general nature of such interest; and it shall be recorded by the Clerk accordingly. The Member shall not, at any time, take part in the discussion of, or vote on, any question in respect of the matter.

10.6 The Minutes of Council as taken by the Deputy Clerk or his/her designate shall consist of a record of all proceedings taken during a Council meeting pursuant to the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended. The Deputy Clerk or his/her designate shall record, without note or comment, the following information for the purpose of the official Minutes:

Date, place and time of meeting Name of the Presiding Officer Members both present and absent (regrets) Member who makes a Declaration of Pecuniary Interest Any Public Deputation and the name of the person/group


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The adoption and correction of minutes if necessary of the minutes of previous meeting Recorded Votes All other proceedings of the meeting \vithout note or comment Time of Adjournment

10.7 All letters, notices, etc. listed under “Correspondence ~ lnformation” will not be introduced individually by the Mayor. lnstead the Mayor will ask if anyone has any questions or comments about any piece of correspondence. After discussion.if any, the Council shall accept all ofthe correspondence together in one motion.

10.8 The Council shall adjourn no later than four (4) hours after commencing except upon a resolution being passed by a unanimous vote of members present.

Part 11: Rules of Conduct and Debate ll,l The Mayor shall preside over the conduct ofthe meeting, including the preservation of good order and decorum, ruling on points oforder and deciding all questions relating to the orderly procedureof the meeting, subject to an appeal to the Council.

ll.2 The Mayor may answer questions and comment in a general way without leaving the Chair, but if he/she wishes to make a motion or to speak on a motion taking a definite position and endeavouring to persuade the Council to support that position. then he/she shall first leave the chair.

ll.3 If the Mayor decides to leave the Chair for the purpose of taking pan in the debate or for any other reason, he/she shall designate another member to fill his/her place until he/she resumes the Chair. if he/she vacates the chair he/she should not return until the council has disposed ofthe motion at hand.

ll.4 Before a member may speak to any matter, he/she shall first be recognized by raising their hand to be addressed by the Mayor.

ll.5 When two or more members indicate simultaneously that they wish to speak, the Mayor shall name the member who is to speak first.

11.6 A member shall not use any disorderly deportment, profane or offensive words or insulting expressions in or against the Council, staff, guests or individuals.

11.7 A member shall not disobey the rules of the Council or a decision of the Mayor or of the Council on points of order or on the interpretation of the rules of procedure of the Council.

ll.8 A member shall not leave his/her seat or make any noise or disturbance while a vote is being taken or until the result is declared.

ll.9 A member shall not interrupt a member who is speaking.except to raise a point of order or question of privilege. Procedural By~Law#17/2015 Page 12 of 19

11.10 A member shall not leave the meeting when he/she does not intend to return thereto without first advising the Mayor.

11.11 In the event that a member persists in a breach of the rules prescribed in this bylaw, after having been called to order by the Mayor, the Mayor shall put the question: “Shall the member be ordered to leave his/her seat for the duration of the meeting?" and such question is not debatable. l 1.12 If the member apologizes, the Mayor with the approval of the Council, may permit him/her to resume his/her scat.

Part 12: Motions in Council

12.] Every motion in Council must be voted on and either carried, defeated or deferred before any other motion (other than a motion to amend) can be introduced; deferred; amended, etc.

A Motion to Defer enables the discussion ofa substantive issue to be put off to a more convenient time which may be later in the same meeting or at a subsequent meeting.

. Motion shall state the issue and the date and/or time of the postponement . ls debatable but debate is restricted to amendments . Must have a seconder . Amendments restricted to the stated date/and or time . Approval by majority of votes cast

12.3 A Motion to Postpone Temporarily (tabled) provides a mechanism whereby a motion can be set aside and taken up again at any time later in the meeting by moving a procedural motion to resume consideration of the matter.

. Motion is not dcbatettble . Is not amendable . Approval requires a two-thirds majority of votes cast . Cannot be moved by someone who has spoken in the debate on the substantive motion

12,4 A Motion to Postpone lndefinitely provides a mechanism whereby an issue can be fully discussed, although no decision is to be taken. . ls debatable . Since a substantive motion is likely not to be voted on, there is no point in moving amendments . After debate the motion to postpone inde?nitely is put to a vote, and if approved, then substantive motion is suspended.

12.5 A motion to amend shall:

Be presented in writing Receive disposition of Council before a previous amendment or the question; Not be further amended more than once, provided that further amendment may be made to the main question Procedural By—Law#17/2015 Page 13 of 19

Be relevant to the question to be received Not be received proposinga direct negative to the question May propose a separate and distinct disposition of a question Be put in the reverse order to that in which it is moved

12.6 A Motion to Withdraw shall only be by the Mover and Secondcr, and only with the unanimous consent of the whole Council.

12.7 A motion in respect of a matter which is ultra vires (beyond Council‘s authority), the Council shall not be in order unless it be a matter which, in the opinion ofa majority of the Council, (this question to be decided without debate), has to do with the welfare of the citizens generally.

12.8 A Motion to Reconsider a decided matter at the same meeting shall require the approval of two—thirdssupport of the whole Council.

A Motion to Reconsider a decided matter at a subsequent meeting shall require the approval ofa majorityof Council. A motion to reconsider:

. is not debatable . Is not amendable . Cannot be considered ifthe action approved in the motion cannot be reversed . Suspends action on the motion to which it applies until it has been decided.

No motion shall be reconsidered more titan once during a period oftwelvc (12) months following the date on which the question was decided.

A Motion to Refer, or to refer back to a Committee or a member of staff with instructions may be put forth and amended but shall be disposed of by Council before the original motion or any other motion pertaining to the original motion.

12.10 A Notice of Motion shall be given at one meeting that an issue will be introduced by motion at the next or subsequent meeting. The notice is merely a statement ofintcntion and can be made by a member at an appropriate time in the proceedings. The motion requires no seconder and is not debatable at that time.

12.] 1 When a member is speaking to a motion, he/she shall confine his/her remarks to the motion and in speaking shall be limited to a maximum of five (5) minutes, unless otherwise decided by the Mayor.

A member shall not speak more than once to any motion unless otherwise decided by the Mayor, but the member who has made a motion shall be allowed to speak fora maximum of 5 minutes to answer any questions.

l2.l3 A member may require the motion under debate to be read at any time during the debate, but shall not intermpt a member who is speaking.

l2.l4 When a motion is under debate, a member may ask a concisely worded question of another member, of the Administrator/Treasurer, Deputy Clerk or Department Head,

Q6 Procedural By—Law#17/2015 Page 14 of 19

through the Mayor, prior to the motion being put to a vote by the Mayor in accordance with this By—Law.

Part 13. Voting Bv Council l3.l All Members present are required to vote by a show of hands when a question is put forth, unless they have declared a Pecuniary Interest on a particular item. l3.2 A motion to amend an amendment to a motion shall be voted on first. l3.3 Voting on the main motion and amending motions shall be conducted in the following order:

a. A motion to amend a motion to amend the main motion; b. A motion (as amended or not) to amend the main motion; and c. the main motion (as amended or not)

13.4 A motion shall be put to a vote by the Mayor immediately after all members desiring to speak on the motion have spoken in accordance with the provisions of this By-Law.

13.5 After a motion is put to a vote by the Mayor, no member shall speak on that motion nor shall any other motion be made until after the result of the vote is announced by the Mayor.

13.6 Every member who is not disquali?ed from voting by reason of a Declaration of Pecuniary Interest shall be deemed to be voting against the motion if he/she declines or abstains from voting.

13.7 The manner of determining the decision ofthe Council on a motion shall not be by secret ballot or by any other method of secret voting.

13.8 The Mayor shall announce the result of every vote.

13.9 If a member disagrees with the number of votes for and against a motion as announced by the Mayor. he/she may object immediately to the Mayor‘s declaration and, with the consent of the Council, the vote shall be retaken. 13.10 When there is a tie vote on any motion, it shall be deemed to have been decided in the negative. l3.ll A recorded vote shall be taken when called for by any member present (or when required by law). All Members present must vote in alphabetical order, called for by the Deputy Clerk. The names of those who voted for and against shall be noted in the Minutes. The Deputy Clerk shall announce the results. If any Member does not vote, he/she shall be deemed as voting in the negative.

l3. 12 A member may call for a recorded vote immediately prior to, or immediately after, the taking of the vote,

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13.13 All members present shall vote when a recorded vote is called for, except when they have been disquali?ed from voting by reason of a Declaration of Pecuniary Interest.

13.14 In any vote required of the whole Council, the number of members constituting the Council shall be determined by excluding:

a. The number of members who are present at the meeting but who are excluded from voting by reason of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, and b. The number ofseats that are vacant on the Council by reason ofThe Municipal Act, 2001, as amended.

Part 14: Deputations In Council And Committee

14.1 Any person desiring to present information or speak to Council at a Council Meeting shall have an opportunity to do so at the commencement of the meeting as provided for under Deputations on the Agenda and will be announced by the Head of Council or Chair, as the case may be.

Such persons shall have no more than ten (10) minutes to address Council and no debate on any subject shall be engaged in by either Council or the person. Council shall however, be allowed to ask questions of the presenter for clarification purposes.

A Deputation shall be requested in writing on the approved form, attached as Schedule “A” hereto, and submitted prior to 4:00 pm on the Tuesday prior to the meeting to the Deputy Clerk or his/her designate. The Mayor approves deputation requests but can delegate that authority to Township staff. The Deputy Clerk or his/her designate shall notify the person requesting a Deputation that they will be allotted ten (10) minutes to address Council and that a written copy of the presentation must be submitted to the Deputy Clerk or his/her designate before, during or following the Deputation.

The Deputy Clerk or his/her designate shall record, without note or comment, the name of the person/group represented. The written deputation presentation shall be duly noted in the Minutes and filed with the Deputy Clerk for the public record.

14.3 Council may address the deputation during its presentation, Council shall not make any decisions or answer any requests during the presentation.

14.4 Persons appearing before the Council shall confine their remarks to the business stated in their request. Procedural By—Law#17/Z015 Page 16 of 19

14.5 In order to avoid repetition and to ensure an opportunity for the expression of different points of view but except as required by law, the Mayor in the case of Council or the Chairperson in the case of any Committee may decline to hear any person who has an identi?able common interest or concern with any other person who has already appeared and spoken at the meeting.

14.6 Except as required by law, any person appearing before the Council who has previously appeared before Council on the same subject matter, shall be limited to providing only new information in their second and subsequent appearances.

14.7 The Township Clerk may develop written guidelines for making deputations and provide them to persons interested in making deputations to Council.

Part 15 : lnvitations to Council & Committee

15.1 From time to time it may be necessary for the Council or a Committee to invite a person, group or organization to attend a meeting to discuss a specific matter or issue. Unless required by law and allowed under the provisions of the Municipal Act to be closed, these appearances shall be open to the public.

152 Presentations expected to take more than 10 minutes shall be done in a special meeting. The Mayor can make an exception to this rule if there is sufficient justification for it, e.g., the invitee is only available for a regular meeting and the information/advice to be provided is required promptly.

Part 16: Proceedings ~ Committee of the Whole

16.1 All Members of Council shall be Members of the Committee of the Whole.

l6.2 All Public Meetings of the Committee of the Whole of Council shall convene at 6:00 pm. in the Multi Purpose of the Ignace Public Library on the second (2nd) and last Wednesday of each month, immediately preceding the Regular Meetings of Council.

163 At the direction of the Council, a Committee of the Whole may meet apart from any regular meetings when matters are referred to it by the Council.

16.4 A Committee of the Whole, or any part thereof, may hold a Closed Meeting Session if so required by a majority vote of the members of the Committee present, provided such meeting does not contravene the provisions of the Municipal Act.

16.5 The Deputy Mayor shall be the Chair of all Committee of the Whole Meetings.

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16.6 The rules governing the procedure ofthe Council and the conduct ofits members shall be observed in Committee of the Whole meetings, with the necessary modi?cations.

16.7 The Deputy Clerk or his/her designate shall prepare and circulate the Agenda and Committee of the Whole Information Package to each Council Member, the AdministratorfI‘reasurer and all Department Heads no later than the Monday Friday preceding the regularly scheduled meeting unless the Monday Friday is a holiday, in which case it shall be available the Tuesday Thursday preceding the regularly scheduled meeting. Meeting information packages are public information and shall be posted to the Township website. Printed copies will be available at the meeting itself and anyone wanting a package at the Township office can pick one up.

' the+e=»ula‘g ee1~meeD. I 'ill—be

The “Closed Meeting Session” Agenda and Information Package shall be printed on coloured paper and be placed in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Con?dential” and shall be circulated to Council, the Administrator/Treasurer and Clerk only.

16.8 Regular Order of Business: Call to Order Approval of Agenda Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and General Nature Thereof Delegations/Deputations Approval of Previous Minutes Business Arising from Minutes Un?nished Business from Minutes Reports of Committees & Departments 8.1 Operations Department 8.2 Public Works Department 8.3 Economic Development Department 8.4 Finance Department 8.5 Recreation Department 8.6 Fire Services Department 8.7 Human Resources & Labour Relations 9. Reports of other Committees & Organizations 10. Reports of Council Members 11. Notices of Motion 12. Questionsfrom the Public 13. Adjournment To Closed Meeting Session (if required) 14. Reconvene to Committee of Whole Meeting of Council (if required)


°°\’°‘f-":‘\-.‘*’!"t“ Procedural By—Law#17/2015 Page 18 of 19

15. Business Arising From Closed Meeting Session (if applicable) 16. Adjournment.

Note: Items can be added, deleted or revised under ltem 8 to fit circumstances.

16.9 All recorded recommendations arising from a Committee of the Whole Meeting shall be brought forward to the Regular Council Meeting immediately following the Committee of the Whole Meeting, for consideration and/or approval by Council.

Part 17: Procedures - Legislated Public Meetings of Council

17.1 The Deputy Clerk, in accordance with the applicable Department, is to prepare the necessary agenda for the public meeting which could include but is not limited to a hearing for an Official Plan or Zoning By-Law Amendment, requirements under the Notice By~Law or Tariff of Fees & Charges By-Law.

17.2 Public meetings required to be held by Council in accordance with various legislation will be scheduled prior to regular Committee of the Whole Meetings at 2-2996:00 pm. in the Council Chambers located in the Multi—PurposeRoom of the Ignace Public Library, for a duration of not more than fifteen (15) minutes so as not to interfere with the holding of a Committee of the Whole Meeting.

17.3 The Deputy Clerk is to record the date, time, place, reason for meeting and persons in attendance, together with the following:

Mayor to advise why the public meeting is being held Deputy Clerk to read the Notice giving date that it appeared in the newspaper Mayor to ask if anyone wishes to receive written notice of the adoption of the By-Law (s) to leave name with Deputy Clerk; Mayor to ask if anyone wishes to express any view on the amendment(s) or matter; Report to be given describing amendment(s) or matter at hand; Mayor to ask ifanyone wishes to speak in favour or in opposition to the amendment(s) or matter Mayor to ask if there are any questions; Mayor to declare public meeting closed.

Part 18: Procedures - Discretionary Input Meetings of Council

18.1 Council can hold meetings to solicit public input of matters of interest to the community. At these meetings members of the public are encouraged to make comments and/or ask questions.

3! Procedural By—Law#17/2015 Page 19 of 19

18.2 Township staff usually will be presenting information at these meetings. The Township shall strive to have the information available to the public in advance ofthe meeting.

18.3 Due to time constraints, many participants and background noise, at these meetings it is not possible to have a formal process for completely and accurately recording public comments and questions, and the responses. The Clerk or his/her designate will strive to record the questions and responses as completely and accurately as possible.

18.4 Abuse of the privilege to ask questions or make comments will not be tolerated. Abuse includes fabricating, exaggerating, misrepresenting, etc. facts. Abuse includes making false allegations. Abuse includes repeating questions for which answers have already been provided. For abusing the privilege Council can bar an individual from asking questions in public meetings for a period up to the remainder of the Council term. Individuals will receive a letter saying why they have been barred and how long they will be barred.

Part 19: Repeal and Enactment

l9.l That By—Law#9é/-29%} l7/2015 is hereby repealed.

19.2 That in accordance with the Township of Ignace Notice By~Law, this By—Law shall take effect and come into force upon the third and final reading thereof.

Read A First And Second Time This 21“ Day of December, 2016.

Read A Third Time And Finally Passed This 21”‘Day of December, 2016.

Lee Kennard, Mayor

Chantelle Gascon, Deputy Clerk Treasurer Warren Paulson PO‘ Box ZIOG Atiltolian.Ontario POT ICU E-mail: \\ patil;~:on?isl1a\\.ea g till [ilo:te,m“z7:‘§G14+c.iriois’ fl/l"l”’i\“-Imll L519(‘3 lqiwli? /‘\ra‘T 20 November 2016 A1‘ 6lt9Ci{I'5‘c‘ci‘ by Wc‘~Vt’€N/ O “V Q1‘:3'2 MiaI~'}~’v€Jl?}‘-1‘}‘«I'{ Wayne Ilanchard, Administrator Treasurer The Township olilgnace Vi "i‘3/69 "/3 7’/"”°"‘7‘?_

PO. Box 248 \ It ’\ ' /74 G /,‘ ¢’ Ignace,ON POT no / ’ 3 ‘ ’ "’j’ Viv (L/11?/x/j’€J’(§2Q.ct?iuflmiiy Wayne:

There are changes in the Municipal Act that will obligate municipalities to develop a Code of Conduct and appoint an Integrity Commissioner. (You can review‘the draft changes by searching for Bill 68 on htt 7:/f\\\\\\ .ontla.mLca. At this time, the bill has received first reading.)

It is Iny intentionover the next year or so to phase~outofmy various municipalcontracts. Ilowever, I would like to leave Ignace in a solid position regarding the Closed Meeting Investigator and Integrity Commissioner appointments.

lfyou are interested, I would be happy to help Ignace develop a Code ofConduct, and terms for the appointment of an Integrity Commissioner over the next year. By this time next year, Ignace would be in a position to search fora new appointee for both positions. I will be able to assist by forwarding your proposals to the Municipal Integrity Commissioners of Ontario.

Please let me know ifyou would like to discussthis further. i/"l/)(,\,.r,"q(:/a4lill“(‘tj"Wllll Iv??tl Respectftilly, is haw Ct Codi Wad Cmiclttcii’0Q 0i I’”LQJ"’7} Comm{T5 i9N€’7 \/\/[xffEN say; he wauiti 55' .a;,:;%;:“Z::‘S::¢w “e W l'%~ri‘Kat’~‘i**’ _3_‘_V,/xiel/J5‘ MoclcriiizingOntzu'io’sMunicipal Legislation Act » wlmt‘s being proposed: Page 1 of?.

. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Ministry of Housing g)= Qntario


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Modernizing Ontario's Municipal Legislation Act — what's being proposed:

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Ontario is committed to helping local governments be more open, flexible and accountable to the people they serve.

Legislative amendments to three key pieces of municipal legislation have been proposed in the Modernizing Ontario's Municipal Legislation Act [insert link to Act].

e The Municipal Act 2001 sets out many of the roles, responsibilities and powers for Ontario's municipalities. - The _City of Toronto Act, 2006 sets a similar framework specifically for the City of Toronto, while reflecting Toronto's status as Ontario's largest municipality. - The _Munici al Conflict of interest Act sets out conflict of interest rules for municipal council members and members of local boards.

gggzaultation on these three pieces of legislation took place between June and October 2015. Accountability and transparency $ Ontario aims to make the rules clearer, more effective and responsive to local needs. If passed, these changes would:

Require municipalities to establish codes of conduct for members of municipal council and local boards, which could include rules that guide the ethical conduct of those members. This proposal would help ensure that every municipality in Ontario has a code of conduct for council members, and also for members of certain local boards. Provide the public and municipal councillors with access to an integrity commissioner with broadened powers to investigate complaints, provide advice to councillors and initiate investigations related to conflicts of interest and the municipality's code of conduct. Enhance justice by providing a broader range of penalties for contraventions to the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. Update the definition of “meeting" in certain cases within the legislation to help ensure that rules would be clearer for municipal officials, local board members and the public. - Provide more options to use modern technology to participate in meetings.

Municipal financial sustainability

37’ http://xnw/.mah.goy.on.c21/Page15155.aspx l l/21/2016 Modernizing Ontz1rio’sMunicipalLegislation Act ~ w11at"sbeing proposed: Page 2 of 2

Ontario is supporting strong and financially sustainable local governments by giving eligible municipalities the option to invest according to the prudent investor standard. This may enable them to earn better investment returns by building a more diverse portfolio of investments.

The proposed legislation would also shorten the length of time a municipality has to wait to initiate a tax sale of a property to two years.

Responsive and flexible service delivery

New measures that would, if passed, support local governments by providing the powers and the flexibility they need to be creative and responsive to their communities, include:

- Clarifying that municipalities may pass climate change by-laws, and participate in long—term planning for energy use, which could help to lessen and address the impacts of climate change in their communities. a Requiring reviews of regional council composition after every second municipal election, beginning in 2018, to strengthen democratic representation at the local level.

Pregnancy or Parental Leave

Ontario is increasing fairness and reducing barriers, by ensuring that women and parents are entitled to take time off for pregnancy or parental leave, without fear of being removed from elected office. While some municipalities have either formal or informal policies on this matter, the proposed legislation would require all municipalities to have a policy on pregnancy and parental leave for council members. The offices of members of council would be protected during an absence related to pregnancy, birth or the adoption of a member's child for up to 20 consecutive weeks.

There are a number of other changes being proposed as part of the Modernizing Ontario's Municipal Legislation Act. You can find all of the proposed changes under the Modernizing Ontario's Municigal Legislation Act.


35 hitp2//xwvw.mah.gov.on.ca/Page15155.aspx 11/21/2016 Il_\dra One Netiuirks lac. |’ubli¢'A|Taii's Tel I-877-3-lS«67‘)‘)

483 Bay Street Cumutuntty Relations _, ) LlwOnctom Smith Tmter 6"”floor TUIOKHKLON MSG3l’5

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l\Iaynr Lee Kennard and Members of Council Novernber 18, 2016 Tmvnshipof Ignace 34 lhghxrayi7 \\'lst, l’.O. Box 248 Ignace, ON PDT ITO Via e»mail: [email protected]

Re: Planned \V0nd Pole Replacement Program on the 115 kilovolt Transmission Structures (Circuit 29l\I1) in Y?llf Communig

Dear MayorKennard and Members of Council:

I am writingto pmvicleyou with information on a prcfyectthat Hydro One NC[\\'0l‘l{S Inc. (Ilydro One) is planningin your communiu A Class linvironmental Assessment (li;\) has been initiated to replace approxitttately16 structures (1 along kilometies of the e. sting 115 l{il0\“()lt (1-IV)transm )n line (Circuit 29311).The project area is shown on the attached map.

’l'liis project was determined through llydm ()ne'.~: annual \\‘()(lLl pole testingprograrn. Replacingdamaged and aging stru<.'tures would ensure the continued reltahilittantl integrityof this transn ion line and electricit}supply to the area. i\lnst work would be carried out within the existing: transinissitm COYt‘i(l(')t',with no new corridor being required.\V'here [7t>SSil)l(.',access would be accomplishedusing tug roads and trails. 'l‘l1ei'ewould he very little noticeable difference in this transmissionline after the project has hcen complctecl.

This type of project is c0nsiLlercLlroutine maintenance work with relati\'eh’ minor effects, and falls within the Class C:\ Screening Proces as tlesciihetl under the C/tm‘Ii/l_/tn‘i\I//to/‘[ill/lll.t‘I/i1i.t‘.t‘l-(IIIF} ‘J‘ (C)/;/tzrixzlbz/I11,I992), in :tCC(>t’cl1tnCCwith the provincialIixl Alt‘/.Tltv: Class li:\ was clevelupeclas a streamlined process to ensure that minor tr21u.sunssionprojects that have a predictable range of effects are planned and carried out in an en\'ir0nmentally acceptablemanner. No adverse envimmnenlal effects are anticipatedto result from this proiect.

Contingent on the nutcome of the Class l'i:\ Screening Process, the replacementofwood pales Could beginas early as ]:1in1aiy2()l7and be cmnpleterlby the end of 2017.

Ilydm One will be notifyingproperty owners acllacentto the work areas to advise them of the proiect and the Class l:i:\ ScreeningPmcess. \‘('e have also noti?ed First Nations and Métis Communities ofthe project.

lfyou ha\'e any questionsregardingthis work, pleaseContact me.

Sincerely, “gotvdxiwt Stephaniellndsnll CommunityRelations Hydro One Networks Inc.

linclnsed (2)

cc: Wayne Hanchard, Administrator/Treasurer, Township of Ignace Chantelle Gaston, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer, Township of Ignace

36 Township Of Ignace Trans Canada Pipelines Energy East Information & First Responders Training Session Wednesday November 9, 2016 At 12:30 pm in the Multi-Purpose Room


Barbara Woolner, Ignace Volunteer Fire Department, Fire Clerk Robert Berube, Ignace Volunteer Fire department, Fire Chief Chantelle Gascon, Township of Ignace, Deputy Clerk Sgt. Hubert Beauclair, D.P.P Ignace Detachment Sean DeTracey, Northwest EMS Janet Griffiths, Northwest EMS Barry Adamson, Trans Canada Pipelines (TCP) John Van Der Put, Energy East Project

Transcanada Pipelines are working with communities to obtain information that can be built into the TCP Energy East Emergency Response Plan.

John Van Der Put, member of the Leadership Team forthe Energy East Pipeline Project and Barry Adamson, Emergency Management Lead, provided a PowerPoint presentation on the Energy East Pipeline Emergency Preparedness and Response. The slides are attached for reference.

The Fire Chief and the O.P.P were provided with training packages and a DVDfor use with their own departments.

The presentation included emergency response techniques that are used when dealing with issues along the pipeline, including gas leaks, and the use of tabletop deployment exercises. TCP does engage communities in selective scenarios.

In preparation of the construction of the pipeline, municipalities will be requested to complete a community template in partnership with their first responders which willthen be returned to TCP to include in their Emergency Response Plan.

37 38

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Date: November 18, 2016

From: Chantelle Gascon

To: All Staff (Public Works, NW1 and Administration)

Subject: NWMO Lunch and Learn

Nuclear Waste Management Organization will be hosting a Lunch and Learn for all staff on Tuesday November 29, 2016.

All employees are required to participate in the session from 12:00 to 1:00 pm at the Learn More Centre. Lunch will he provided, courtesy of NWMO.

Public Works employees will be entitled to their one hour unpaid break from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm. The Municipal Office will be closed at 3:30 pm on this day to accommodate the Administration/Office employee's one hour break entitlement.

In order to confirm attendance with NWMO prior to the date, please advise me if you are unable to attend for a valid reason prior to November 23, 2016.

This is a great opportunity to learn about the site selection process and the bore hole drilling that will soon be commencing.

Thank you,

Chantelle Gaseon Deputy Clerk/Treasurer

68 Township of Ignace Committee of the Whole November 30, 2016

CP Holiday Train

The CP Holiday Train is back for its 18th year in an effort to raise money, food and awareness for local food banks and food shelves.

The CP Holiday Train will be in Ignace on Friday, December 2, 2016.

As the Mayor will be unavailable for the event, CP was advised that either Deputy Mayor Pesola or Councillor Graver will represent the Mayor and Town on stage for the presentation of the cheque. The Deputy Mayor or Councillor are asked to arrive onsite and be up at the front by the stage, by 9:00 am. They can approach any CP member or CF Police upon their arrival.

Station Address Arrival Event Time Performers

Ignace CP Train Station 9:00 AM 9:15 AM — 9:45 AM Dallas Smith and Odds

M . DntarioCoalitionofIndigenousPeoples

An invitation to Indigenous Peoplesin Ignace

To attend an Information Session of the Ontario Coalition of Indigenous Peoples

On Saturday, December 3, 2016, the Ontario There will also be a presentation concerning Coalition of Indigenous Peoples (OCIP) will be the Daniels decision by the Supreme Court hosting an information session at the NWMO of Canada, that Métis and non-status Indians Learn More Centre in Ignace. The event are all Indians under section 91(24) of the will be held to inform Indigenous peoples Constitution Act, 7867. concerning plans for the long—termcare of Canada's used nuclear fuel. Several years Who is sponsoring this event? of progressively more detailed studies are The Ontario Coalition of Indigenous Peoples required before any potential site would be is hosting this event with the support of the identified. Nuclear Waste Management Organization.

Staff from the Nuclear Waste Management Who is the Ontario Coalition of Indigenous Organization (NWMO) will provide Peoples? information on the potential social and OCIP is an affiliate member of the Congress of economic impacts associated with a deep Aboriginal Peoples, which has represented the geological repository project and the rights and interests of off-reserve status and transportation of used nuclear fuel. non—status Indians and Métis since 1971.

Saturday, December 3, 2016 11:00 am to 3:00 pm

Learn More Centre — 304 Main Street, Ignace Town Plaza


Please email any inquiries to: [email protected]

Tel:807-933-1321 I1Wl”HO MJULMHASTE eccnlrt Li nitrnnn www.o-cap.ca mums-ear um nee»:-rs mnnamou wuemn 70 Township of Ignace Committee of the Whole November 30, 2016

Insurance RFP

Purpose: To obtain Council approval to award the Townsliipls insurance business to the successful proponent responding to the Township’s insurance RFP

Summarv On Oct. 26/16 Council approved issuing an Insurance RFP (In 2016 our insurance cost approx. $98,000) On Nov. 1“the RF? and associated documents after a telephone conversation were emailed to 4 insurance brokers operating in Northwestern Ontario providing municipal insurance (there are not a lot of brokers in this business) Responses are to be received by 4:00 p.m. on Friday , Nov. 25”‘ The result of the proposal evaluation will be brought to this meeting for Council approval

11/24/2016 8:43am The Township of Ignace Page 1 Accounts Payable Cheque Register Ftepon - Nexus Community Credit Union-8236077 For The Date Range From 11/05/2016 To 11/24/2016

FarAII Vendors And Far Outstanding, Cleared, Voided Cheques - Computer Generated, Hand Written, echeque

V Cheque #1 :’1”ype Date 7' Vendor §Name Amount Status =¢h%9ue'D T ; g r 1 49807 C 11/08/2016 445 Chantelle Gascun $402.91 0 glnvotceNbry- besctiption GL Account Amount;

A H 0 I 00635- whotesaieooliarame8. maywaliman do not $11.94 take Visa

8847 - Forum Nodh H & 8 Conference They G~100«O500-5300 $239.82 Oct.31~Nov.2,2016

8547 « Forum North H & 5 Conference They G»A11—8250-1510 826.96 Oct.31»Nov.2,2016

8647 - Forum North H & 8 Conference They G«100~0500-5300 $4.22 0:11.31-Nov.2,2O16 8636 - whoiesaledollarama& {bay watlmart do not G-L11-9000-2320 $8.47 take Visa

8636 v wholesaladoiiarama & tbay wattman do not GvL11~9000-2320 S3194 take Visa 8536 - wholesatedotlarama& they wallman do not G-A10-B000-1101 $2.12 take Visa

8636 « whotesalenollarama:1 maywalimart do not G-A11«B250-1510 51.34 take Visa 8635 - wholesale?oliarama & tbay wanmart do not G«420A050D«5121 $0.21 take Visa

8636 ~ wholesate?otlarama& tbay wallmart do not GA1O0«05OO-5121 $8.00 take Visa

B636 — wholesale?ollarama& tbay watiman do not G-A11-82504510 3090 take Visa E636 - wholesalenoharama& (bay wallmatt do not G—10U~O500-5121 5014 take Visa 8636 - whotesateooltarama& maywallmart do not G»260»0500-5802 $69150 take Visa 8636 - wholesaledoilarama& tbay waliman do not G—A11-8250-1510 $7.31 take Visa

8636 ~ wholesaladoliarama8. {bay wallmart do not G-260-0500-5802 51.23 take Visa

8636 ~ wholesaledollarama & maywatimart do not G-100-0500-5121 $16.31 take Visa 49808 C 11/06/2016 76 CUPS Local 87 561 7.19 O I V ‘V V ilnvoiceNbr- Description GL Account Amount: ‘ ’ ' sass.’uNto’nDues’MONTHLYnEMi?ANbE G-Lié»9osoL2ao'6' 5617.19 OCTOBER 2016 49809 C 11/08/2016 776 Great West Lite $8,409.88 0

I I Nb}- Description OLAecount Amount, »tn\'Ioice i ’ ’ ' " ' "6637- nannyEsénémPremaumsmnUnion G-L102’-79(’J50-20308 éa,i57jéb Nov.2016 B637 - Monthty Benefit Premiums»Non Union G-A11-8250-1510 $197.01 Novt2016

8537 ~ Monthly Bene?t Premiums~Non Union G-L12—90SO—2308 S5557 NoV.2016 49810 C 11/06/2016 392 Minister of Finance $1,205.01 0 _'I'nvoiI:N1: I I : Amount’ 8539' MOCTOBER'2o1's " $1,205.61 TOWNSHIP 49811 C 11/08/2016 262 OMERS 59,084.38 0 ylnvoioeyNbrQybescriptian V; VGLAccount Amount’

' 8640 - OMERSOCTOBER2015 G~L1é—9050-2304 54,542.19 EMPLOYEE/EMPLOYERPORT. E640 - OMERS OCTOBER 2016 G-L12-9050-2304 $4,542.19 EMPLOYEE/EMPLOYER PORT. 7&1 11/24/2016 8:43am The Township of Ignace Page 2 Accounts Payable Cheque Register Report - Nexus Community Credit Union-8236077 For The Date Range From 11/05/2016 To 11/24/2016

For All Vendors And For Outstanding, Cleared, voided Cheques — Computer Generated, Hand Written, echeque

Cheque #l Type Date Amount Status ID £ 1 I echeque l , , , , L V l . 49812 C 11/08/2016 299 Receiver General 5509.61 0

1 {Invoice Nlar- Description Gt. Account Amount‘ I 08543- October2016 Source Deductions Library <3-L12-9'o5o~23o2 $189.92

8643 - October 2016 Source Deductions Library G-L12-9050-2301 $308.81

8643 - October 2016 Source Deductions Library G~l.12~9050-2305 $110.88

49813 C 11/08/2016 299 Receiver General $7,901.86 0 Invoice Nbr - Description GL Account Amount;

- F'R741~1 — eayrollirom 10/01/2016 to 10/31i2016 G~L12-9050-2301 $351.29 10B132903FiPO0D2

PR741-1 - Payroll lrom 10/01/2016 to 10/31/2016 « G

- PR7402 « Payroll from 10/01/2016 to 10/14/2016 G-L12»90S0-2305 $254.94 108132903RP0002

PR740-2 - Payroll from 10/O1/201610 10/14/2016 — G-L12-9050-2302 $411.64 108132903RP0002

PR7402 - Payroll from 10/01/2016 to 10/14/2016 - G»L12~9050-2301 597320 l08132803RF’0002

PR740v1 ~ Payroll from 10/01/2016 to 10/14/2016 « G-L12-9050-2305 5599186 108132903FlP0001 PR740-1 - Payroll from 10/01/20161010/14/2016 - G-L12-9050-2302 $1,573.14 108132903RP0001

PR7404 - Payroll from 10/01/2015 to 10/14/2016 ~ G~L12-9050-2301 $3,685.83 108132903RP0001

49814 C 11/08/2016 968 Terry McVeigh $301.00 0

glnvoice Nbr — Description GL Account Amountl ’

8646 ~ Forum North,Tbay -OCt.31-Nov.2:’1£3 G-A1 1-82504510 529.94 mileage & meals

B646 - Forum Nonh,Tbay «Or:t.31-Nov.2/16 G~330-0500-5301 $4.69 mileage & meals B646 - Forum North,Tbay ~Oot.31~Nov.2.-"16 G~330-05006301 3266137 mileage 3: meals 49815 C 11/08/2016 373 WSIB $1,808.75 0

glnvoiceNbr - Description GL Account Amount! \ ' 8642 - WSIB MONTHLYPREMIUM OCTOBER G-L12«9050-2307 $1,808.75 2015

49816 C 11/22/2016 896 2349580 Ontario lnc $8,678.40 0

I ‘InvoiceNbr- Description 5' GL Account Amount

8520 ~ LandfillSiteServices/GarbageCollections G-420-0500-5231 $1,250.00 Dec.2016

B520 - LandfillSite Sen/ices/Garbage Collections G—420~0500«5232 $6,250.00 Dec.20t6

8520 « Landfill Site Services/Garbage Collections G-420-05005232 $110.00 Dec.2016

8520 ~ LandfillSite Services/Garbage Collections G~A1P8250-1510 $702.50 Deo2016

617 — Waste Disposal Site Labour Charges G‘420~O500~5209 5180100 Oct,15,2016

B520 - LandfillSite Services/Garbage Collections G—420-05005231 $22.00 Dec.2016

617 - Waste Disposal Site Labour Charges G-A20-05005209 $3.17 Oct,15,2016

617 - Waste Disposal Site Labour Charges GvA11-8250-1510 $20.23 Oct,15.2D18

8520 - Landfill Site Services/Garbage Collections G-A11«B250-1510 $140.50 Dec.2016 73 11/24/2015 8:43am The Tgwnship of[gnace Page 3 Accounts Payable Cheque Register Report - Nexus Community Credit Union-8236077 For The Date Flange From 11/05/2016 To 11/24/2016

For All Vendors And For Outstanding, Cleared, Voided Cheques ~ Computer Generated, Hand Written, echeque

’ Cheque # I Type [Date VenctorV:Name Amount Status ID ‘ etiheque y _ I V I 49817 C 11/22/2016 2 Acktands-Grainger Inc. $45.39 0 V-Description GL Account /{mount InvoiceNtnr 1 3 '

9274050781A wanuttnatnng G-Qaéoioado-5109 $43.71

9274050781 - Wand Marking G-A11v8250»151O 8491

9274050781 - Wand Marking G-330-0500-5109 50.77

49818 C 11/22/2016 766 Brisson Etectric 2106969 Ontario Inc. $885.92 0

’ M ’ Invoice'NNt:trbescrtptton : GLAccount H3 1 ' 55375-'He’p‘tac’ecommsensor on Generator G~‘aio-{>560-5400 §1“3ta'o

5375 - Replace Coolant sensor on Generator G~810»05D0-5400 8784.00

5375 « Replace Coolant sensor on Generator G-A11—B250~1510 58812

49815 C 11/22/2016 592 Brodart Co 5318.06 0

I : lnvotcettbr- Description Gt. Account Arnounti 977808 - Durasver Matte G-790-D500-5121 $281.46

977808 — Durasver Matte G—A11-8250-1510 531.64

977808 - Durasver Matte G-790-0500-5121 $4.96

49820 C 11/22/2016 987 Compugen Finance Inc. 5523.80 0 itnvoiceNbr- Descrintion : GL Account Amount 5

' 1's1Oa492- Contract G»A11-8,250-1510 5521

15108492 - Contract G-700~0500-5121 $0.82

15108492 - Contract GA800-05005121 8082

15108492 - Contract GAA11~B25O«1510 3521

15108492 - Contract G-80005006121 $46.35

15108492 - Contract G400-05006121 $6.53

15108492 - Contract G-A11-8250-1510 $41.68

15108492 - Contract G-100-05005121 $370.83

15108492 ~ Contract G-700-0500-5121 $46.35

49821 C 11/22/2016 69 Courtesy Freight Systems Ltd. $55.14 0

V :lnv0tceNbr - Descriotion E Gt.Account Amount;

’ ’ 7 3519388- ooutieéy Gvs'ao-o5oo-52'o1 $0.88

3519388 - Courtesy G-330-05005201 $49.68

3519388 - Courtesy G-A11-8250-1510 $5.58

49822 C 11/22/2016 1079 DCML Enviromental Heatth & Safety Services Inc. $1,875.17 0

I ‘ I tnvo1ce Cescrtption Gt. Account Amount:


Nov.2/201,0v endExercises to The G-100-05005301 Community Contra?Group

Nov.2/2016 ~ Training and Exercises to The G-100-0500-5301 $1,659.44 Community Control Group

Nov.2/2016 - Training and Exercises to The G-A11~B250-1510 $186.52 Community Control Group 49823 C 11/22/2016 107 Fawcett Broadcasting Limited $226.00 0 3Invoice Ntar-VDescrtption GL Account i "Amount

5 10224- mp‘ IVGN/'FtFtE'FtG‘H1‘ER <3»1su-050025204 5200.06 APPRECIATION 10224 - TWP IGNIFIREFIGHTER G-A11-82504510 $22.48 APPRECIATION 7‘! 11/24/2015 8:43am The Township of Ignace Page 4

Accounts Payable Cheque Register Report - Nexus Community Credit Union-8236077 For The Date Range From 11/05/2016 To 11/24/2016'

Far All Vendors And Far Outstanding, Cleared, voided Cheques - Computer Generated, Hand Written, echeque

Cheque #I c§Typ'ei Date Vendor Name Amount Status ID echeque 1 10222«1WP|Gi\;!/FIREFIGHTER G-15043500-5204 APPRECIATION 49824 c 11/22/2015 747 Fire & Security Centre $344.65

‘invoiceNbr - Description ‘_, en.Account Amount: 1 ' smug 135939- Locksmsm G-730«05OD-5400

36939 » LOCKSMITH G-~A11—8250~151O $34.28

36939 - LOCKSMITH G~730-D500-5400 55.37

49825 C 11/22/2016 119 Fort Garry industries 5825.20 ElnvoiceNb‘ Description GL Account Amount;

A A F5516f117‘-st2AT'-P‘V'o3 G~A11—8250-1510 $82} 8'

F5516017 - SEAT-PV03 G-330-PV03-5115 $12.87

P5516017 - SEAT—PV03 G<330»PVD3-5115 3731115

49826 C 11/22/2015 323 George Solomon & Sons $336.92

Nbr - Description GL Account Amount: iinvoice ’ 1 32280 ~ PV03-Spirals,12FJ G-A11-8250-1510 $33.51

32280 - PV03«Spirais,12FJ G-330-PVD35115 55.25

32280 ~ PVD3~SpiraIs,12FJ G~330-PV03-5115 5298.16

49827 C 11/22/2016 895 Giobaistar Canada 556.49 Nbr - Description GL Account Amount: Invoice 1 17783882. Giotnaistar 1' G-26005010-5203 $49.99

7783882 - Giobal Star G-A11-8250-1510 $5.62

7783882 ~ Global Star G-260-0500-5203 30,88

49828 C 11/22/2016 163 Ignace Driitwcod 5822164

invoice Nbr - bescription GLAccount Amou

A A ’ 15161 - Pw/OPERATORAD,ACCOUNTS CLERK G-A11-82504510 $6.74 AD

15181 — Winter Garbage Pickup/Public Meeting G-150-0500-5204 $229

15181 ~ Winter Garbage Pickup/Public Meeting G-A11-82504510 $14.61

15181 - Winter Garbage Pickup/Public Meeting G-150-0500-5204 $130.00

15181 v Winter Garbage Pickup/Public Meeting G-420-05006204 $1.55

15181 ~ Winter Garbage Pickup/Public Meeting G-A11-B250-1510 $9.89

15181 - Winter Garbage Pickup/Pubtic Meeting G—420-D500-5204 $88.00

15161 - PW/OPERATOR ADACCOUNT5 CLERK G-100-05006204 $2.29 AD

15161 - PW/OPERATOR AD,ACCOUNTS CLERK G-A11~8250-1510 $14.61 AD 15161 - PW/OPERATOR AD,/XCCOUNTS CLERK G-330-0500-5204 $1.06 AD

15161 A PW/OPERATOR AIIACCOUNTSCLERK G-330-0500-5204 $60.00 AD

15189 — Christmas Parade AdNendor Ad G-760-0500-5204 $5.63

15189 - Christmas Parade AdNendor Ad G-A11~8250-1510 $35.97

15161 — PW/OPERATOR AD,/XCCOUNTS CLERK G-1 U0-0500-5204 5130100 AD

15189 « Christmas Parade AdNendor Ad G~760-0500-5204 $320.00 75 11/24/2016 8:43am The Township of Ignace Page 5 Accounts Payable Cheque Register Report - Nexus Community Credit Union~8236077 For The Date Flange From 11/05/2016 TD 11/24/2016 For All Vendors And For Outstanding, Cleared, voided Cheques - Computer Generated, Hand Written, echeque

Cheque#1 Type Date Vendor ame Amount Status ecnegueID ’ 49529 c /11/22/2015' 175 Ignace Golf & countryClub 51,475.00

2 [InvoiceNbr - Description 5LAccount AmountE


' cason- 10 JR Golf 16;passes G«7oo

49830 C 11/22/2016 868 J. Charles Tarrant $26.00

1 I IlnvolceNbr-Desi: on GLAccount Amount?

' " " /8596- i‘ra”vellame Apriltravelzine G-A15Léé?b-1'51'o ('§4é§7':s)‘:

8588 — Travel Advance April travel 2016 G~800~D500-5300 ($7.79)

8588 « Travel Advance April travel 2016 G800-0500-5300 ($442.48)

8648 - November 2016 Expenses Mileage & G—790~0500-5121 88.19 Accom Nov.8,9,16CBO

8648 - November 2016 Expenses Mileage & G—A114325041510 $52.32 Accom Nov.B,9.16CBO

8648 ~ November 2016 Expenses Mileage & G-B00-05006300 5465.49 Accom Nov.t3,9,15CBO 45331 C 11/22/2016 200 K E:M Construction 52,542.50 lnvoiceNor- Desorilion GL Account Amounti L ‘L 2' ‘475?149V-7Z§0"l'ruclt s G-A11-8250’-1510 sésaeo

475449 - 30 Truck Loads C-740-7490-S990 $39.60

475449 — 30 Truck Loads C-740-7490-5890 $2,250.00

49832 C 11/22/2016 208 Kenora District Services Board 511,682.25

V '/InvoiceNbr- bescri n GL Account

“ ’ ' " ' ‘ ' HLY PAYMENTS»Dec. G-A11~B'250'-1510 $6100

DeC.2D16 - KDSB MONTHLY PAYMENTS-Dec. G-A11-82504510 $0.00

Dec.2016 - KDSB MONTHLYPAYMENTS-Dec. G«500-05006914 50.00

Dec.201? - KDSB MONTHLYPAYMENTS-Dec. G-A11-82504510 S0100

Dec.2016 ~ KDSB MONTHLYPAYMENTS-Dec) G-500-0500-5914 5427366

Dec.2016 - KDSB MONTHLYF'AYMENTS«Dec. G-610-05006915 80.00

DeC.2016 - KDSB MONTHLYPAYMENTS-Dec. G-610-0500-5915 $5,446.00

Dec:.2D16v KDSB MONTHLY PAYMENTS-Dec. G—610-0500-5922 $0.00

Det:.2015 - KDSB MONTHLY PAYMENTS~Dec. G-A11-8250-1510 $0.00

Dec.2016 ~ KDSB MONTHLY PAYMENTS»Dec. G~6U0-05005921 $1,263.84

Dec.201E - KDSB MONTHLY PAYMENTS-Dec. G-61043500-5922 $598.75

Dec:.2016 - KDSB MONTHLY PAYMENTSvDet:. G»600-0500-5921 50.00

49533 C 11/22/2016 979 KK Penner Tire Centre (Dryden) Inc. $1,213.85

I ilnvoiceNbr-[Description GL Aicounyt Amount ; 14594211-'P'v'15-T'IREs G-33 '15-51154 ' ' $1,074.20

1429441 » PV15-TIRES G~A11~8250~1510 512074

1429441 ~ PV15-TIRES G-330»FV15-5115 $18.91

49834 C 11/22/2016 517 Lawrence Fraser 550.00

I ‘In HolceNbr - Description GL Account Amount: 1

’ ' ‘afar - Cell PhoneReimbursementFles#248/2015 G-820-osoo-5203 $50.60 Dec.1,2016 49835 C 11/22/2016 743 Lee Kennard 5100.00

V 1 InvoiceNbr - Description GLAccount Amount 75 11/24/2016 8:43am The Township of Ignace Page 6 Accounts Payable Cheque Register Report - Nexus Community Credit Union-8236077 For The Date Range From 11/05/2016 To 11/24/2016

For All Vendors And For Outstanding, Cleared, Vaided Cheques - Computer Generated, Hand Written, echeque

Cheque ill Tvp Date Vendor Name Amount Status echeque ID l ! i . ‘ 8301 - Cell phone reimbursement Dec.2016 G-15,0-0500-5203 550.00

8310 - Cell Phone reimbursement Dec.2016 G-820-0500-5203 ssrmo Rest#248/2016 49336 c 11/22/2015 392 Minister of Finance $37,550.00 0

< ilnvoiceNbr - Description GL Account Amount: 2 17091116207~ MunicipalPolicing Contract Nov. G-240~OS00-5917 $37,550.00

49837 C 11/22/2015 1077 Nadin Contracting Ltd. s7o,41o.3o O ‘invoiceNbr - Description GVLAccount Amount‘,

' 11530 - Sanitary Manhole repairs C-330-7490-5991 $1,047.90

11530 - Sanitary Manhole repairs G-A11~82S0«151D s5,692,3o

11530 - Sanitary Manhole repairs G-500-0500-5802 539195

11530 - Sanitary Manhole repairs G-500-0500-5802 52,270.00

11569 - Survey Layout of drainage path for Skate C-7407490-5990 58.50 park design.

11530 ~ Sanitary Manhole repairs 04330-7490-5991 $59,540.00

11569 A Survey Layout 0! drainage path for Skate G=A11v8250-1510 $56.20 park design.

11569 ~ Survey Layout of drainage path lor Skate C-740-74906990 $500.00 park design‘ 11580 - Sanitary Manhole repairs G—A11~B250—1510 $255.15

119838 C 11/22/2016 869 NAPA Auto Parts $514.00 O

I Nbr - Description GL Account Amount Elnvoice E 205725010- 77 INCH RAMP G~330»0500<5101 $7.15

205724522 » Safety Spill G-33043500-5101 $5.54

205724522 « Safety Spill G-330-0500-5101 $314.35

205-725010 - 77 INCH RAMP G-A11

205725010 - 77 INCH RAMP G-330-0500-5101 $406.00

205724522 - Safety Spill G-A11~B250-1510 $35.33

45640 C 11/22/2016 507 Northern Waterworks Inc. $45,825.99 0

7 I llnvoiceNbr - Description GL Account Amount‘ :

I 14337 - Ignace Water Treatment Plant./WaterwaterG410-05o'0-5231 $407.34 Treatment Plant

141337 - Ignace Water Treatment PlanW\/aterwater G-A11-8250-1510 $2,601.43 Treatment Plant

14364 - Free Chlorine Residual C-i—410~O500~5400 $4,982.00 Ar1a[y2er,Thermorneter

14337 - Ignace Water Treatment Plant/Waterwater G-400-D500-5231 $265.45 Treatment Plant

14364 - Free Chlorine Residual G~A11~B250-1510 $559.98 AnaIyzer,Thermometer

14337 — lgnace Water Treatment Plant/Waterwater G«400-05005231 S15,082»44 Treatment Plant

14364 - Free Chlorine Residual G~410-0500-S400 $87.68 Analyzer,Tt1ermometer

14337 - Ignace Water Treatment Plant/Waterwater G-A1 18250-1510 $1,695.27 Treatment Plant 14337 - Ignace Water Treatment Plant/Waterwater G-410-0500-5231 $23,144.40 Treatment Plant 49841 C 11/22/2016 1080 Northern Window $3,719.67 O Jnvolce Nbr- bescription 1 GL Account Amount; 77 11/24/2015 8:43am The Township of Ignace Page 7 Accounts Payable Cheque Register Report - Nexus Community Credit Union-8236077 For The Date Range From 11/05/2016 To 11/24/2016

For All Vendors And For Outstanding, Cleared, voided Cheques - Computer Generated, Hand Written, echeque

3 Amount Cheque#/ », Type Date Vendor ‘Name Status ID echeque : iGmoo7- Windows ineayomae G-2504350046010 $57.93

IGN1007 « Windows in Bay Office G:A11-82504510 $369.99

iGN1007 » Windows in Bay Otiice G-250-0500-6010 83.29175

49842 C 11/22/2015 253 Northwestern Health Unit $5,116.76

- (31. ll!”troiceNlzrDescriction Account _ Amount?

' " ~ N0r1hern’t*ie’a'ltitLew, oec?eoie 50500-5902 355,}15.75

49843 C 11/22/2016 1078 1827562 ONTARIO INC. $9,718.00

V 1 ‘InvoiceNot} ?escription GI.Account Amoun ’ '1 ‘ 1560 - Water treetyntentPlantSnowGuardinst. G-A11-02504510 7529/5054’

1560 ~ Water treatment Plant Snow Guard inst‘ G~410~0500»5401 $3,500.00

1560 - Water treatment Plant Snow Guard Inst. G«410-05006401 $151.36

49844 0 11/22/2016 317 Sirius Benefit Plans $4,270.50 E Nbr - Description GLAccount Amoun

invoice A

8641 « SiriusBenefits October 2016-Union G~A11-B250-1510 824377 Premiums

B641 - Sirius Benefits October 2016~Union G—L12«9050-2308 $69.59 Premiums

B641 - Sirius Benefits October 2016-Union G~L12-9050-2308 $3,954.14 Premiums 49845 C 11/22/2016 326 Sportop $802.02 ‘Invoice Nbr- Description GL Account Amount: ‘1'29'ou'4'-épiralNoteoooks ’ G-150-0s”00-5204' s709[75 '

129004 ~ Spiral Notebooks G»/X1 143250-1510 $79.78

129004 « Spiral Notebooks G—15D»0500»5204 $12.49

49845 C 11/22/2016 572 Strongco Equipment $5,424.00

I . I 2, troiceit/br- Description GL Account /\|T|DLH'l1y‘ ‘V 190128910377- Spreader G-A11~02Sk0-1510 $539.52

902899377 » Spreader G-3300500-6010 $84.48

902899377 - Spreader G-3300500-6010 $4,800.00

49847 C 11/22/2016 167 T B:A Supermarket $79.03

I 1' Invoice tibr- Description VGLAccount Amount: ' 10355- ‘HalloweenFunDay G-A11«8250-1510 /$0.05

10357 ~ Lights torTAC G-B10-05005401 $42.79

10357 - Lights tor TAC G-8100500-5401 $075

10355 - Halloween Fun Day G-760—050C|»51 00 $27.15

10355 ~ Hailoween Fun Day G-760-05005100 $0.48

10357 - Lights for TAC G-A11-82504510 84.51

49848 C 11/22/2016 341 Andre Tarditi Agency LTD, $450.09

V -invoice Nbr - Description Gt. Account Amount,‘

' '

371504— DUFIATRAN G-330-05005114 $7.01

371504 - DURATRAN G~A11-82504510 $44.77

371504 - DUHATRAN G-13.'30»D500—51 14 339031

78 11/24/2016 8:43am The Tawn5hip o?gnace Page 8

Accounts Payable Cheque Register Report — Nexus Community Credit Union-8236077 Far The Date Range From 11/05/2016 To 11/24/2016

Far All Vendors And For Outstanding, Cleared, Vaided Cheques - Computer Generated, Hand Written, echeque

Cheque #1 EType Date Vendor Name Amount Status echeque ID f é 49849 C 11/22/2016 405 Tempteman Menninga LLP $1,745.17 0


Invoice Nbr— Description GL Account Amount

ACCOUNT-66998 - FlLE#5B866vACCOU NT-66993 G—100-05006211 $21.20

ACCOUNT«66El93 ~ FlLEt*58856»ACCOUNT-56993 G~A11~B250-1510 $135.37

69137 - File #58864-Account 69137 G~1000500-5211 $340.00

69137 - File il58864~ACCOunt69137 G-A11-82504510 $38.22

69137 - File l:58864«Account 69137 G-100~D500~5211 85.98

ACCOUNT-66993 - FlLE#5EIB66-ACCOUNT-66993 G~100-0500-5211 $1,204.40

49850 C 11/22/2016 611 Tuesday St. Amand $96.05 0

[invoice - Nbr Description (31. Account 5 Amount: : 435275 — CoverallerepairsHoles G-A11-aésonsio S9455

435276 — Coveralls repairs Holes G—330—0500-5130 $1.50

435276 - Coveralls repairs Holes G-330~0500~513D $85.00

49851 C 11/22/2016 1067 TULLOCH Engineering Inc. 54,746.00 0 ?lnvoiceNbr - Description G1.Account Amounti 169101-4 - OCH-Oct.30/1BFinal Complete C-300~7490«5990 873192 Preliminary design.

169101-4 ~ Oclr1

169101-4 - Oct.1~Oct.30.-"16FinalComplete C-330-7490-5990 $4,200.00 Preliminary design. 49552 C 11/22/2016 460 United Rental S2’6D241D D ‘InvoiceNbr - Description GL Account Amount; : 1 1 '1413549sa~o01- IMPACT c.74”o-74995990 32,302.74

141354986-001 - IMPACT G~A11-82504510 $258.83

1413549864301 - IMPACT C-7407490-5990 $40.53

49853 C 11/22/2016 453 US Bank Canada $3,757.90 0 Invoice Nbr - Description GL Account Amount: 1 1' N0vrU2D16 - Northwoods G-B20-0500-5302 $1.41

N0v.S2016 - T&A G-A11-8250-1510 $0.48

Nov.S2EJ16 - T&A G~820-05006302 $0.27

Nov.T2016 - Northwoods G-820-0500-5302 $80.00

NovrT2016 - Northwoods G-A11-B250-1510 $8.99

NOV.T2D16 - Northwoods G~820~05OD~5302 $1.41

Nov.W2016 — Canada Post G-A11-8250-1510 $0.53

N0v.U2Cl1B - Northwoods G»A11-8250-1510 $8.99

NOv4S2016 - T&A G

NovtV2016 ~ lgance Tavern G-820-05006208 $27.35

Nov.V20t6 ~ Igance Tavern G—B20-05006208 $0.48

Nov.V2016 - Igance Tavern G-A11~8250-1510 $2.69

N0v.W2016 ~ Canada Post G~B20-D500-5201 54.70

Nov.l12016 ~ Amazon G—790-0500-5123 579150

N0v.U2016 - Northwoods G-82043500-5302 $80.00 11/24/2016 8:43am The Township of Ignace Page 9 Accounts Payable Cheque Register Report - Nexus Community Credit Union-8236077 For The Date Range From 11/05/2016 To 11/24/2016

ForAII Vendors And Far Outstanding, Cleared, Volded Cheques - Computer Generated, Hand Written, echeque

Cheque #/ Type Date Vendor/Name Amnun! Status ID echeque ; Nov.62016- reaps G«A11-[B250-1510 $3.36

Nov.M2016 - Canadian Tire G400-0500-5403 $159.98

NovrM2016 ~ Canadian Tire G-A11~B250-1510 $17.93

Nov.M2016 — Canadian Tire G»400-05005403 $2.52

Nos/.N2016 ~ Wiisons G-330~050D»5121 511477

Nov.N2016 - Wiisons G—A11-B250-1510 $12.90

Nov.N2OT6 v Wilsons G330-0500-5121 52.02

Nov.O2016 - Tempo ease-0500-5101 5053

Nov./X12016 — Wailman G-820-05005121 $18.92

Nov,R2015 ~ T&A G-820-0500-5125 $0.00

Nov.W2D16 - Canada Post G~e20-0500-5201 sons

Nov.P2016 ~ T&A G820-O5G0«520B $4.23

Nov.Q2016 - T & A G-820-05005108 $5.29

Ndv.Q2016 - T E.A G-An-B250-1510 $0.71

NrJv.O2016 ~ T 8. A G-B20~O500-5108 $0.11

Nov.Fi2015 - T&A G-820~0500»5128 $35.15

Nov.Fi2016 - T&A G-A11v8250‘1510 $034

Nov.O2016 ~ Tempo G-330-05005101 $29.90

Nov.G12016 — Liberty G-A11~8250-1510 $5.06

Nav.D12016 ~ Grand & Toy G-790-0500-S108 so.a7

Nov.E12016 - Canada Post G-790-0500-5201 $19.01

Nov.E1201S — Canada Post G-A11~8250-1510 $2.14

Nov.E12016 - Canada Post G-790-0500-5201 soaa

Nov.F1201B ~ indigo G-790-05005123 s272.12

Nov.F12016 - Indigo G-A11-8250-1510 sass

Nov.Z2016 - T 8. A G-A11-8250-1510 35.71

Nov.G12016 « Libeny G-790-0500-5101 $44.98

Nov.C12016 — Canada Post G~100—0500»5201 $1.27

Nov.G12016 - Liberty G~790~O500»S101 $0.79

Nov.H12D16 - Walimart G790-0500-5802 $94.43

Nov.H12016 - Waiimart G-A11~8250»151D $2.52

Nov.H12016 — Waiirnan G~790-0500-5802 81.53

Nnv.A2016 - lgance Tavern Training Emergency G-250-0500-5131 $72.82 Management Nov.A2016 - igance Tavern Training Emergency GAA11v8250-1510 $8.19 Management Nov.A2016 - igance Tavern Training Emergency G-250-0500-S131 $1.28 Management

Nov.F12D16 — indigo G-790-0500-5123 $4.79

NoviA12016 — Vvaiimart G-A11-E250-1510 $2.13

Nov.X2m6 - T & A G~A11-8250-1510 $0.00

Nov.X2015 ~ T & A G-8200500-5302 $0.00

Nov.Y2016 ~ T & A G-B20-D500-5208 $17.27

Nov.Y2016 v T & A G~A11-B250-1510 $1.39

Nov.Y2016 — T 8. A G-820-0500-5208 $0.30 11/24/2015 8:43am The Township of Ignace Page 10 Accounts Payable Cheque Register Report - Nexus Community Credit Union-8236077 For The Date Range From 11/05/2016 To 11/24/2016

ForAII Vendors And For Outstanding, Cleared, Valded Cheques - Computer Generated, Hand Written, echeque

Cheque #/ §Type‘ Date Vendor Name Amount Status

echeque ID V > 2 1 ' Navizow-T &1\ G-B20«0S00«5208 $58.38

Nov,L2016 » Canadian Tire G~330—0500-5115 $0.95

Nov.D12D16 - Grand &Toy G-A11~8250~151O $5.56

Nov.H2016 « Valhala G<330-05005301 $3.84

Nov.D12016 - Grand & Toy G-790-0500-5108 $49.49

Nov./H2016 » Wallmart G—820~O500-5121 $0.33

NovB12016 - T & A G-B20-0500-5108 $10.98

N0vB1201G - T & A G-A11-B250-1510 31.24

NovB12016 - T & A G«B20~0500-5108 $0.19

Nov.C12016 ~ Canada Post G4 OD-0500-5201 $71.89

Now/.C12016 - Canada Post G—A11-8250-1510 $8.08

NDv.X2016 - T & A G320-0500-5302 $99.66

Nov.Z2016 - T & A (E-820-05006208 81.04

Nov,I12016 « Amazon G-79043500-5123 S1 140

NovtL2016 - Canadian Tire G~A11~B250~1510 $6.06

Nov.C2016 - Hydro One G‘/\11-B2504510 58525

Nov.C201? - Hydro One G43OO~0500~5825 $13.35

NovtD2016 - Legion G~150-U500-5204 $214.29

Nov.D2D16 - Legion G~A11~8250—151O $5.94

Nov.B201B - Subway-Training~Emergancy G«260-0500-5301 $4.77 Management Nov.|12016 - Amazon G~A1F8250-1510 $8.94

Nov.t32016 - Subway~Training-Emergency G~A11~8250r1510 $27.87 Management Nuv.E2016 - Lowe's G-420—D500«5401 $19.99

Nov.E2016 - Lowe‘s G-A11—8250~1510 $225

Nov.E2016 - Lowe‘s G-420-0500-S401 $0.35

Nov.F2016 - Canada Post G-100-05006201 $71.89

NOV4I2O16- Wallmart G

Nov.B2016 ~ Subway-Training-Emergency G-260-0500-5301 $271.10 Management

Nov.D2016 - Legion G-150-0500-S204 83.77

Nov.H2016 ~ Valhala G-A11-B250-1510 524.50

Nov.L2016 - Canadian Tire GA330-0500-5115 $58197

Nov.K2016 - Canadian Tire G-330-05005114 $0.55

Nov.K2016 - Canadian Tire G-A11-8250-1510 S350

Nov.K2016 — Canadian Tire G-330-05006114 831.14

Nov.J2016 - Wallman G630-0500-5126 813.88

Nov.C2016 ~ Hydra One G-300-05005825 $75350

Nc2v.|2D16 - Watlman G830-0500-5121 $49.80

Novt-12016 A Valhata G-33043500-5301 $218.00

Nov.G2016 - Valhala G—A11«8250~151O $24.50

Nov.G2016 - Valhala G-100-0500-5300 $218.00

Nov.G2016 - Valhala G-100-0500-5300 $3.84

Nov.F2016 - Canada Post (3-1 O0-0500-5201 3127 11/24/2016 6:43am The Township of Ignace Page 11

Accounts Payable Cheque Register Report — Nexus Community Credit Union-8236077 For The Dare Flange From 11/05/2016 To 11/24/2016

For All Vendors And For Outstanding, Cleared, Voided Cheques — Computer Generated, Hand Written, echeque

Cheque #1 ‘Type Date Vendor Name Amount Status eCheque|D 1 '

Nov.{=201s— CanadaPost G~A11-B250-15,10 $8.08

Nov.l2016 - Wa?marl G630-0500-5121 sores

49856 C 11/22/2016 352 USTI Canada Inc. $3,249.00

glnvoiceNbr - Description GL Account Arr1ount_

/16112133v Suppon G-100-0500'-5,121 $1228.30

162133 - Suppcm G-A11~8250-1510 $819.40

162148 ~ Managemem Support G«A11-8250-1510 31112

162133 ~ Suppon G-10041500-5121 s7,290.00

162148 v Management Support G-100~05DO~5216 $10.00

162148 - Management Support G«100»U5GD~5216 80118

49857 C 11/22/2016 499 Wayne Hanchard $564.37 Elnvoice1151-bescriplion GLArecount I Amouni ’ ' 5549- heasureksrommNov.9& 101112016Tbay G-A11»Bé5'0«151o $36.55

8650 - Grant Writing Workshop Oc1.17/16 Tbay. G-100«0500»530O $3.07

8650 - Grant Writing Workshop 0:21.17/16 Tbay. G-100—05€JO—5300 $174.30

B649 - Treasurer's Forum Nov.9 8. 10th 2016 Tbay G-100-0500-5300 $5.72

8650 - Grant Writing Workshop OCL17/16 Tbay. G-A11—8250-1510 319.59

E649 - Treasurer's Forum N0v.9 & 10th 2016 Tbay G-100-0500-5300 $325.14

49858 C 11/22/2015 364 Wilson's Stationery 51Office Supplies $2,050.47 Nrbr- Descriyption :31.AcEo'u'nx Amount: ilnvoice A / '

/v0e5a3» SuP¥=L1Eé G~A11¥1§'25”0-1s'10 S1088

V06BB1 - PAPER G-82041500-5121 $40.59

V05881 - PAPER G~A11-8250-1510 $4.55

VD6B81- PAPER G<820~U500-5121 $0.72

V05583 ~ SUPPLFES G-ZGOAOSOO-5802 $153.89

VO5583 - SUPPLIES G»/X11-82504510 $17.30

V065B3 - SUPPLIES G-100~O50D-5121 $1.70

V055B3 - SUPPLKES G-100»D50D~5121 $96.79

VUGBE1- PAPER G~810-0500-5121 $0.72

VOBSBS- SUPPLIES G»26D-0500-5802 $2.71

V06881 - PAPER G-260-05006802 50.71

X07539 - CALENDER/GLUE STICK G—820-0500-5121 $133.45

VOSBB1 « PAPER G~A11‘8250-1510 $4.56

VOSBB1- PAPER GA25O~050O—5121 $0.72

V068B1 - PAPER G-330-0500-5121 $81.18

V06881 - PAPER G~A11-82504510 $9.12

VDBBB1- PAPER G-330-0500-5121 $1.43

V06881 - PAPER G~25D-0500-5121 $40.59

VDSSB1 - PAPER G»A11—8250~151O $4.56

V06881 - PAPER G-A11~8250-1510 $4.56

VO6881 - PAPER G-760~U50D~5121 $121.77

VDEEB1- PAPER G-A11-82504510 $13.69

VOEBB1- PAPER G-760-D500-5121 $2.14 11/24/2015 8:43am The Township of Ignace Page 12 Accounts Payable Cheque Register Report - Nexus Community Credit Union-8236077 For The Date Range From 11/05/2016 To 11/24/2016

For All Vendors And For Outstanding, Cleared, Vaided Cheques - Computer Generated, Hand Written, echeque

Cheque ttl Type; Date Vendor §Name I Amdunt Siam 5 echeque ID I I V v0e§a1 - PAPER G-150.0500-5121 $40.59

v0ess1 — PAPER G-A11-8250-1510 $4.56

v0sas1 V PAPER G-150-0500-5121 50.72

v0Saa1 ~ PAPER G~810~0500~5I21 540.59

v0eea1 - PAPER G~260-05006802 $40.59

voaeoa- SUPPLIES G-150-0500-S121 $17.05

v0se04 — SUPPLIES G—100~0500-5121 $0.12

N35801 - PASTNERS I3-5200500-5121 $27.04

voes04 - SUPPLIES G-710-0500-5121 57.09

v0seo4 - SUPPLIES S330-0500-5101 $0.12

v0ee04 - SUPPLIES G-A11-B250-1510 $0.50

vossoa- SUPPLIES Gv330-0500-5101 $7.09

v0aa04 - SUPPLIES G3/'10-0500-5121 $0.75

v0ea04 - SUPPLIES G-A11-32501510 $4.78

v05004 - SUPPLIES G-1000500-5121 $42.54

vossoa ~ SUPPLIES G-A11—a25o-1510 53.20

v0e5o4 ~ SUPPLIES G—A11-8250-1510 S201

V06604 - SUPPLIES G-150-0500-5121 S2836

voasoxx- SUPPLIES G—100~CI500-5121 $2.00

voesoa- SUPPLIES G—A11-8250-1510 $17.87

voss04 - SUPPLIES G400-0500:5121 $153.97

VO6604 - SUPPLIES G-810-05005121 $1.07

voeeoa» SUPPLIES G—A11-3250-1510 sass

v05s04 » SUPPLIES G-8100500-5121 $60.98

Nssam - FASTNERS G-320-0500-5121 $048

N35801 - EASTNERS G-A11-32501510 $3.04

X07539 - CALENDER/GLUE STICK G-B20-0500-5121 S323

voeeoa— SUPPLIES G450-0500-5121 $031

V02187 . SUPPLIES Gv250»CI500-5121 $6.76

VO6604 - SUPPLIES G-AIL8250-1510 80.80

X07539 - CALENDER/GLUE STICK G-A11-B250-1510 $20.52

v0eso4 - SUPPLIES G«710-0500-5121 $0.50

v021a7 - SUPPLIES G~A11-B250-1510 $43.15

v021a7 I SUPPLIES G-250-05006121 $354.02

R2a302 - METER LIBRARY (3,790-0500-5121 $0.67

R23ao2 - METER LIBRARY G~A11~B250-1510 $4.27

088738 « ORGANIZER G-820-0500-5121 $1.17

03137313- ORGANIZER G~A11-8250-1510 57.49

oaavaa- ORGANIZER G-320-05005121 $66.65

v05eo1 I SUPPLIES G»S20«0500-51 21 $2.39

v05e01 - SUPPLIES G-A11-8250-1510 $15.28

v05s01 - SUPPLIES G-8200500-5121 $135.92

R23302 — METER LIBRARV G-790—0500~5121 $38.00 11/24/2015 8:43am The Township aflgnace Page 13

Accounts Payable Cheque Register Report » Nexus Community Credit Union-8236077 For The Date Range From 11/05/2016 To 11/24/2016

For All Vendors And Far Outstanding, Cleared, voided Cheques - Computer Generated, Hand Written, echeque

Cheque if I V:Typie Date Vendor ;Narne Amount $tatus e¢h?=I"e'° ‘ 1 1 1 V’ ; ! 1 49859 C 11/22/2016 573 Xerox Canada Ltd 58.36 D iinvoice Nbr - Description GI. Account Amount; ‘ 7 ’ 1 G49é2a128r xehcsxé>H‘AsE’Hiasaswp G-A11’-8/250-1510 $6.63

C-149926126 — XEROX PHASER 363:':MFP G-700~O50D-5121 $7,130

G49926128 — XEROXPHASEH (3635MFP G-700-05006121 $0.13

49860 C 11/23/2016 592 Brodart Co $19.83 0

I ‘ jlnvoice ; Description G1. Account Arnoun

: ' 3 7979147- bookguaird G-790-05005121 $11.55

979147 - bookguard G-790-0500-5121 $0.31

979147 - bookguard G—A11—B250—1510 $1.97

48861 C 11/23/2016 58 City of Dryden 515,017.85 0

I I TlnvoiceNbr - Description GL Account Amount;

7 ' 9119- omosmsot mmPOA-ano G-éaio-'o5oo!5s2o s15,o17]s's C.tUART.Ju|y-Sept.2016 49862 C 11/23/2016 1045 Gadd's Moving $40.68 0

V [1nvoicekN'br- Description GL Account ; ; Amount? A ' 12016-10-31- oeizveryService G-330-0500-5201 $0.66

2016-10-31 ~ Delivery Service G-A11-B250-1510 $4.05

20164 0-31 - Deiivery Service G-330-0500-5201 $36.00

49363 C 11/23/2016 843 Hoover Electric/Pellet Fire $665.67 0 tinvoioeNbr-byescription GLAccount 6 Amountf 2 6 4045- FireHan G-A11-8250-1510 666,21

4048 - Fire Hal! G~250~0500-5400 $10.87

4048 - Fire Haii G250-O500~54DO $589.09

49564 C 11/23/2016 575 Ketchum Manufacturing Inc. $108.07 0 ?lnvoiceii/br- Description ; Account Amount/1

7' ’ ' ‘saosé . tiedAluminiumbogTags G-200-05006124 s§5.5%i

63058 - Red Aluminium Dog Tags G~A11-B250-1510 810.75

63058 - Red Aluminium Dog Tags G-2000500-5124 81168

49865 C 11/23/2016 1077 Nadin Contracting Ltd, 58,865.48 0

‘ I ElnvoiceNtar- description GL Account

6 Amount‘: ' : 7 11567- Northwoodéivianhoies c-aao-749o~5991 §31.sa H568 - 32 Moduioes to Township G-400-050045403 81.46656

11565 - G2 Modutoes to Township G—A11-825041510 $164.64

11568 - 32 Moduloes to Township G—400-05005403 52581

11566 ~ 1 cotd patch G-300-0500-5406 $4.579./30 11566 -1 cold patch G-A11v8250-1510 S514168

11566 ~ 1 cold patch G-300-0500-5406 $60.59

11567 - Northwoods Manholes C-C330-7490-5991 $1,800.00

11567 - Northwoods Manholes G>A1F8250-1510 $202.32

49666 C 11/23/2016 252 North Woods Motor Inn Ltd. $155.09 0

i -,|nvo|ce Nbr- Description GL Account Amount: 6% 11/24/2016 8:43am The Township offgnaca Page 14 Accounts Payable Cheque Register Report - Nexus Community Credit Union-8236077 For The Date Range From 11/05/2016 To 11/24/2016

For All Vendors And For Outstanding, Cleared, Voided Cheques - Computer Generated, Hand Written, echeque

Cheque # I Typegr Date Vendor i_Name Amount Stetus echeque ID 1 E I 11/19/16 - Lobby Room Cupe B7 G~100«05OD-5208 52.42

11/19/16 - Lobby Room Cupe B7 G-A11—B250v151O 515.42

11/19/16 - Lobby Room Cupe 87 G~100<0500~5208 $137.25

49867 C 11/23/2015 1023 PARTS N MORE 512.37 0 glnvoiceNbr- Description GL Account Amount; ‘ ’ ' 12698. FlexCoupler G—4oo~osoov54o3 50.19

2698 — Flex Coup|er G~A11~82SO~1510 S123

2598 - Flex Coupler Gr400-05006403 $10.95

49358 C 11/23/2016 901 Pinchin Ltd. $22,035.00 0

gtnvoice Nbr - Description GL Account Amount:

’ ’ 1 2358857- Water Capicity Assessment G-420-0,500-5,811 519,500.00

353857 - Water Capicity Assessment G~420-05006811 $343.20

353857 - Water Capicity Assessment G-A11«8250«1510 82,191.80

49869 C 11/23/2016 914 Roxanne‘s North Woods Dining Room $29.99 0

‘ InvoiceNbr- Description GL Account Amount? ' 1 A 1 2729 -[Meal G»150-05005325 $26.55

2729 - Meal G./\11«8250-1510 52.98

2729 - Meal G=1S0-0500-5325 50146

49870 C 11/23/2016 871 SPI Health and Saiety Inc. 5143.35 0

{invoiceNbr - Description GL Account Amount;


1773355« glovestowells G-330»05U0«5101 $126.86

773356 - gIoves,towel1s G«A11—B250-1510 $14.26

773356 - g1oves.towe1Is G~330~0500~5101 52.23

49871 C 11/23/2016 663 Warren Paulson 5500.00 0 iimioiceNbr - Description GL Account Amount: 2ONov.2D16 c Closed Meeting investigator retainer G-150-0500-5219 $1500.00

49872 C 11/23/2016 356 Western Supplies $1,184.89 0 ilnvoiceNbr-‘Description GL Account Amount; 60636969-00 - 119/121 Water Main G«410-0500-5403 $714.18

6063704900 - Coupler for 6“ Water Main G-A11-82504510 $37.58 60636969430 -119/121 Water Main G-A11~82SO-1510 $80.27

606370419430 - Coupler for 6" Water Main G«41DvO5D0»5403 $5.89

60636969-00 - 119/121 Water Main G~410—O500r54C|3 $12.57

6063704900 « Coupler for 6“ Water Main G-410-0500-5403 $334.40

49673 C 11/23/2016 573 Xerox Canada Ltd $149.06 0 ZtnvoiceNbr- Description GL Account Amount


11112684519— MX4776460 G630-0500-S121 $131.91

L1112684519 - MX477E46O G-A11-8250-1510 $14.83

L11126B4519 < MX4776460 G630-0500-5121 $2.32

Bell Canada E 11/23/2016 21 Ben Canada $1,592.11 0 i flnvoiceNbr - Description GL Account Amount; Q ’ '083SNov.2/[O16- Recreation G-A11-825104510 $6.86 11/24/2016 8:43am The Township of Ignace Page 15 Accounts Payable Cheque Register Report - Nexus Community Credit Union-8236077 For The Dale Range From 11/05/2015 To 11/24/2015

FcrAIl Vendors And For Outstanding, Cleared, Voided Cheques - Campuler Generated, Hand Written, echeque

Cheque {fl ype Dale ‘Vendor 1N”ame Amount Status echeque ID W

7 003sNov.2016- Recreation G~710~0500-5203 $61.00

22020c1.2016 — TWP OF IGNACE G-81043500-5203 $0.54

29900912016 - TWN. Of Ignace G-7100500-5203 $1.42

0835Nov.2016 - Recreation G»710-05005203 $1.07

22110012016 - Fire Hall G»250A0500-5203 $107.22

2211OCt.2016 - Fire Hall G~A11vB250«151O $12.05

22110612016 ~ Fire Hall G-250—O500«5203 $1.89

23790612016 ~ ICNLC G~E20-05006203 51 11.27

23790012016 - ICNLC G-A11-B250-1510 $12.51

23790112016 — ICNLC G-820»0SO0»5203 $1.95

22020c1.2016 - TWP OF lGNACE G-A11~8250’1510 $11.65

29900512016 » TWN. Of Ignace G-A11-8250-1510 $9.00

22020012016 - TWP OF |GNACE G700-0500-S203 81.84

22020012016 - TWP OF lGNACE G-100~O500-5203 8445.16

22020c1.2016 - TWP OF IGNACE G-A11-B250-1510 $50.04

22020012016 » TWP OF IGNACE G~100-0500-5203 s7.aa

22020012016 — TWP OF EGNACE G»E0O~05D0-5203 $30.49

22020c1.201B - TWP OF IGNACE G-A11-82504510 $3.43

22020ct.2016 - TWP OF IGNACE G-8000500-5203 $0.53

22020c1.2016 « TWP OF EGNACE G«B10—0500~5203 $30.49

22020ct.21J16 - TWP OF IGNACE G«A11—B250~1510 $3.42

29900512016 - TWN. Of Ignace G-710-0500-5203 $80.78

292SNOv.2016 - Waste Disposal GA42O~Cl5O0-5203 80.67

2280NOV.2016 - Library G—790—D500-5203 $079

228ON0v.2016 - Library G-A11-82504510 $5.02

228ONov.2016 » Library G—790-0500-5203 $44.69

90540012016 — FIRE DEPARTMENT G-250-0500-5203 $2.73

90540ct.201B - FIREDEPARTMENT G»/X11-B250-1510 $17.42

90540012016 - FIREDEPARTMENT G-250-0500-5203 $155.01

39820012016 - Public Works G-330-0500-5203 $0.44

22020012016 - TWP OF IGNACE G~700~O500-S203 $103.55

39820c1.2016 - Public Works G-330»05DD~5203 $53.25

2925Ncv.2015 - Waste Disposal G-A11-82504510 $4.05

2925N0v.2016 ~ Waste Disposal G~420~D500»5203 $37.79

63240c1.2016 - Fire Dept. G~250~05UO-5203 $0.55

63240cl,2016 ~ Fire Dep1. G-A11<8250-1510 $4.12

63240c1.2016 « Fire Dept. G-250-0500-5203 $36.69

25700ct.2016 - PublicWorks G-330-0500-5203 $2.02

25700512018 - Public Works G-A11-8250-1510 $12.91

25700<:l.2016 - Public Works G-S30~O5OG~5203 8114.83

39820012016 « Public Works G~A11~8250-1510 $2.51

Bell Mobility E 11/23/2016 995 Ee|lMobill1y $474.60 0 Invoice Nbr - Description GI. Account Amount: ‘E119 11/24/2016 8:43am The Township of Ignace Page 16 Accounts Payable Cheque Register Report - Nexus Community Credit Union-8236077 For The Date Hangs From 11/05/2016 To 11/24/2016

For All Vendors And For Outstanding, Cleared, voided Cheques — Computer Generated, Hand Written, echeque

‘Z Cheque #1 Type Date Vendor EName Amdunt Status echeque ID

452ESNo\/.2016 « Twn. Of Ignace G~710<05DD-5203 $360.00

7201NDv.2016 — TWP G—25DvO500v5203 81.06

7201 Nov,201G - TWP G-A11-82504510 55.74

7201 Nov.2016 4 TWP G»250-05006203 $60.00

4526Nov.2016 - Twn. Of Ignace G-A11-82504510 $40.46

4526Novi2015 ~ Twn. Ot lgnace G-7100500-5203 $6.34

Hydro One E 11/23/2016 264 Hydro One $8,192.61 0 InvoiceNbr- Description GL Account Amount; 9319N0v.2016 - Street Lights G-30043500-5222 53,58

3S130ct.2016 » 121 LityPad G-A11«8250-1510 50.81

6175Nov.2016 ~ storage garage G~710-0500-S222 $32.58

4265Nev.2016 ~ Street Lights G~A11-82504510 5183,22

4265NOV.2016 v Street Lights G—330-05006222 $1,630.09

9356Nov,2016 - Airport Control G-320-0500-5222 $5.50

93S6N0v,2016 « Airpon Control G~A11<8250-1510 $35.08

0875N0v.2016 « 34 HWY 17 G«100<0500-5222 8400.84

38130ct.2D16 - 121 Lily Pad G-3300500-5222 $0.10

O875Nov.201B - 34 HWY 17 GrA11-B250-1510 $45.05

7 38130012016 » 121 Lily Pad G~330~O500~5222 $5.48

6571 Nov.2016 - Balsam St. Gr330~05DO-5222 $0.57

5B71N0v.2016 « Balsam St. G—/\11-8250-1510 83.68

6671Nov.2016 - Balsam St. G«330«0500-5222 $532.66

617SNov.2016 ~ storage garage G-710-05006222 50.58

6175Nov.2016 - storage garage G~A11-82504510 $3.66

9356N0v.2016 - Airport Control G-320405005222 $312.12

0875Nov.2016 - 34 HWY 17 G-80043500-5222 $0.88

9319Nov,2016 - Street Lights G-A11~B250-1510 $22186

0875N0v.2016 - 84 HWY 17 G-790-0500-5222 $5.30

O875N0v.2016 - 34 HWY 17 G-A11-8250-1510 S3379

9319NOV.2016 - Street Lights G-300—0500~5222 8203,41

0875Nov.2016 — 34 HWY 17 G-810-0500-5222 $3.52

4265NDv.2016 A Street Lights G-330-0500-5222 828,69

0B75N0v.2016 « 34 HWY 17 G-B10-05005222 $200.42

0B75Nov.2015 - 34 HWY 17 G~A11v8250-1510 522.53

0875Nov.2016 » 34 HWY 17 G-A11-8250-1510 $5.63

0875N0v.2016 - 34 HWY 17 G-BOO-0500-5222 550,11

0875No\/.2016 - 34 HWY 17 Gv700-D500-5222 50.88

DB75Nov.2016 v 34 HWY 17 GvA11-82504510 $5.83

0875N0v,2016 - 34 HWY 17 G«700~0S00-5222 $50.11

0875Nov.2016 - 34 HWY 17 G-1000500-5222 87.06

4265 ~ Street Lights G-300-05005222 81,555.49

83080ct.2016 ~ Light East Entrance G~750—05OD~5222 $52.16

OB75Nuv.2016 - 34 HWY 17 (E-790-0500-5222 S300.63 87 11/24/2016 8:43am The Township ofjgnace Page 17 Accaunts Payable Cheque Register Report - Nexus Community Credit Union-8236077 Far The Date Range From 11/05/2016 To 11/24/2015

For/JII Vendors And For Outstanding, Cleared, I/aided Cheques - Computer Generated, Hand Written, echeque

Cheque # I Type ‘V Etate Vendor Name Amount Status e°h=que!D I 1 1 . 1 1 . 1 a

4255 » Street Li hts G-A11-8250-1510 $174.84

4265 - Street Lights G-300-0500-S222 $27137

O55BOr:t.2016 — West Ent. Lights Sign G750-0500-5222 $52.18

0558002016 - West Entt Lights Sign G-A11-82504510 $5.87

055BOct.2016 - West Ent. Lights Sign G-750-05006222 $0.91

1433Nov.2016 - Toboggan Hili G—750~0500-5222 $36.31

1433Nov12016 - Toboggan Hit! G-A11~8250-1510 S4108

1433No\/.2016 - Toboggen HEII G-750»O500~5222 30.64

6905Nov.2016 - 115 Front Street G-250-0500-5222 $255.03

3964Nov.2016 - Twp of Ignace G~727-0500-5222 $0.32

6905Nov.2016 - 115 Front Street G-250~D500~5222 $4.48

B308OCt.2016 - Light East Entrance G-A11~82S0-1510 $5.87

830BOct.20‘I6 - Light East Entrance G-750-05005222 50.91

3964Nov12016 - Twp of Ignace G»720~0500-S222 89.31

aS64NDV42D16 - Twp of Ignace G~A11-82504510 SL98

3964Nov.2016 - Twp of Ignace G-727-0500-5222 $17.63

3964Nov.2D16 - Twp of Ignace G—725~D500~5222 $1.09

6BD5Nov.2016 v 115 Front Street G»A11—B25OA151O $28.67

3964Nov.2016 - Twp of Ignace G-72543500-5222 $61.72

7454Nov.2016 - 121 LilyPad GA33O~O500-S222 $317103

3964Nov.2016 — Twp of Ignace G-A11-8250-1510 859.46

3964Nnv<201B - Twp of Ignace G-720-05006222 5529.03

3964Nov.2016 - Twp of Ignace G~A11-B250-1510 $129.83

.'3964Nov.2016 A Twp of Ignace G-710-0500-5222 51,155.05

745-'tN0v.2D16 - 121 LilyPad G-G30-05005222 55.58

74S4Nov.2D16 - 121 LilyPad G-A11—8250-1510 835.63

3964Nov.2D16 « Twp of Ignace G«710-0500-5222 $20.33

3964Nov.2016 - Twp of Ignace G-A11-82504510 $6.94

Reliance Home E 11/23/2016 302 Reliance Home Comfort $132128 0 Cornfor‘ , 1 . 1 1 1 1 .1 1 V\ _ V . ‘Invoice Nbr - Description GL Account Amount:

' ' : ' :1s5sriov.'2o1'e— neeCentre G-710—05O0~5223 se7}br3

245ONov.2016 - Ignace Fire HaII G-250-G500-5223 $0.53

24SONov.2016 — Ignace Fire Hat! G-A11—B250~1510 $3137

245DNovt2016 - Ignace Fire HaII G»250~0S00-5223 $30.00

1B5BNO\/.2016 - Rec Centre G—A11-82504510 $9.79

1B58N0\/.2016 - Ftec Centre G—710-0500-5223 $1.53

TBAYIEI E 11/23/2016 398 TBAYtel 5205.48 0 Invoice Nbr - Description 1 GL Account E Amount: I ' 43uoNov12o15- rweortice G-ion-65005203 Si.40

4300Nov.2016 ~ TWP.OtIice G-A11-E250-1510 $8199

E1O0nOV12016 » Library G-A11~B250~151O $2.24

8100nOV.2D16 - Library G-790-0500-5203 $0.35

47000ct.2016 - ICNLC G-B20-0500-5203 $1.44 11/24/2015 -‘3-'43='"" The Township of Ignace Page 18 Accounts Payable Cheque Register Report - Nexus Community Credit Union-8236077 For The Date Range Fram 11/05/2016 To 11/24/2016

For All Vendors And Far Outstanding, Cleared, Vaided Cheques - Computer Generaled, Hand Written, echeque

I I 3 Cheque # I Type Date i Vendor Name Aimount Stains echeque ID 1 : § 2 47000Cl.2016 - ICNLC G~A11-8250-1510 $9.21

47000cI.2016 ~ iCNLC G-820-0500,5203 $81.95

43UONov‘2016 « TWP‘Oiiice G-100-D500-S203 $79.95

8100nOV2016 ~ Library G«790-05006203 519.95

Union Gas Limited E 11/23/2016 351 Union Gas Limited $1,129.70 0 lnvciceNbrfiiescription GL Account Amnunt; 236ONo\/.2016 - 36 Hwy.17 G—8ClO~0S00»5223 $5.18

236UNov.2016 - 36 Hwy.17 G-100-05006223 $41.41

2350NOV.2016 - 36 Hwy.17 G400-0500-5223 $0.73

2360NDV.2015 - 36 Hwy.17 G-810-0500-5223 $51.77

2360Nov.201B - 36 Hwy.17 G-A11—8250<1S10 55.82

236ONov.2016 - 36 Hv/y.17 G-810-D500-5223 $091

2360N(Jv.2016 - 36 Hwyr17 G-700-0500-5223 85.18

2360NOV.2016 « 36 Hwy.17 G-700-05005223 $0.09

238BNov.2016 - 20OBeaver Si. B G-A11-B250-1510 $60.58

2360Nov.2016 - 36 Hwy.17 G-A11—8250-1510 50.58

2350N0\l,2016 - 36 Hwy.17 G~800<0SOD-5223 50.09

2361Nov.2016 A Library G~790~0500~5223 5215.35

2361NDV42mB- Library G~/\11-8250,1510 S2421

2361NOV.2016 < Library G«790~05OD-5223 $3.79

236ON0v.2016 - 36 Hwy.17 G~A11r8250~151O 50.58

2387NO\/.2016 - 200 Beaver Si. G-710-0500-5223 $336.40

22B9NoV.2016 - 115 Front G~250«0500-5223 $76.73

2360N0v.2016 - 36 Hwy.17 G-A11~B250-1510 $4.65

2299Nov.2016 - 115 Front G250-0500-5223 $1.35

2388No\/.2016 - 200Beaver 51. B G<727-0500-S223 $0.51

2387Nov.2016 - 200 Beaver St. G-A11~825D~1510 537.81

23B7NOV.2016 - 200 Beaver St. G~710-0500-5223 $5.93

23B8NOV.2016 ~ 200Beaver St. E G«720«O500—S223 $149.87

2388Nov.2016 v 20OBea\/er St. E G-720-0500-5223 82.64

2388NOV.2016 - 200Beaver 51. B G-72541500-5223 $35.33

2388NOV.2016 - 2008eaver St. B G»A11—8250~1510 53.97

23BBNOv.2D16 - 2DOBeaver St. B G-725-0500-5223 $0.62

2388Nov.2016 - 20OBeaver St, E G«727<0500-5223 $28.90

238BNOV.201S - 200Beaver 81. B G—A11-825031510 S325

238HNov.2016 » 2OOBeaver St. 8 G—A11-82504510 $16.85

2299NoV.2016 - 115 From G«A11«8250-1510 $8.52

49839 C 11/22/2015 252 North Woods Motor Inn Ltd. $185.08 V

’lnvaIceNbr - Description : GL Account Amount‘

1 ‘ in/9'/as-Union~LobbyRoom.Reg Room e.—1oo-osooszoa $137.25

2729 - Meals‘C.PesoIa G-1500500-5325 $0.46

11/9/16 ~ Unioniobby Room?eg Room G-A11-B250-1510 815,42

11/9/15 — Union-Labby Room,Fleg Room G-100~050D~5208 $2.42 89 11/24/2016 8:43am The Township of Ignace Page 15 Accounts Payable Cheque Register Report - Nexus Community Credit Union-8236077 For The Dale Range From 11/05/2015 To 11/24/2016

For All Vendors And For Outstanding, Cleared, Voided Cheques — Computer Generated, Hand Writfen, echeque

: Cheque #I Type Date Vendor fName Amount Status echeque ID :

L V '

2729 » I‘./Ieais-C.PesoIa G-150-05006325 $26455

2729 - Meals-C.F‘e5oIa G—A11-3250-1510 $2.95

49854 C 11/22/2016 453 VOID FDR OVERFLOW 50.00 V

V lnvoioeNbr - Description (BLAccount Amoun

49855 C 11/22/2016 453 VOID FOR DVEFIFLDW 50.00 V 1 Invoice I\Ibr- Descrlpiion AGLAccouni Amount’:

Cleared $0.00

Outstanding $329,083.85

Void $185.08 Township of Ignace Committee of the Whole November 30, 2016

MPAC 2016 Assessment

Purpose: To update Council on the current information from MPAC on the 2016 Assessment and project the tax revenue impact of the assessment changes

Assessment MPAC’s work is more or less complete and the results are getting issued 0 In summary tables MPAC has given the changes for 2017 and 2020, but not the years in between Owners can appeal assessments and revisions by MPAC can still happen Two mnjor changes are not reflected in the current numbers are (l) Sawmill renovations and (2) NWMO/ICNLC of?ee

Changes and Financial Impact The attached schedule gives the details Using 20l6 tax rates in 2017 the Township will get an aclclitional$52,020 in tax revenue or 2.82% over 2016 Using 2016 tax rates in 2020 the Township will get an additional $310,743 in tax revenue or 16.85% over 2016

W1 x 33:... 3.5.3 5:. xmm? §m.m« §m.~ gm...“ _ _ _ _ _ .22. _ 2.a...§.— _ _ 8~.~E.S _ auqum SSS.» ammim $32.5 ? w 4 m§.=:.. m$.%_.~ L 2K.8...m. Sm.n:.nm M . _ % __~mn.S _.:..$ ?_u_e.m EMS R32: o8.:H.F 858.2 32.33 %oma.$m.: % c2.m:\.~l W % Tm?_ Swmm > .a5§3_s.Eu _ Sm; Sm .\.Em8m.~ 5. cm. :K ea? 83$ on as T§..§ W H _ _ z 5 ..a:>..E.E .228 _ . $Sm8m.~ 8...: _ Sm Sm: mum . an ?n ?com; 893 g m mmw w H ._ _E._£;a .528 _ _ .xS~§m.m Sm.m9} 2 8 mama. E35 Smsmm oooén; and 73.8 Beam ?ommmmi Tatom z 3 .é;a .228 oaogma Smm...§ _amw.mvm Rmém .§:~?m.m ooN.o:.. * Tam Mtuna Mcoma. m .52 Amwmmm aaea _ _ mmm.§...m ao..mma.m 2 m oE.m§_E a o . w o oaommm H :mt.E£ M ?cmmnm Swan 2 E 4: E. 9: SE: So? 9: 33 $3. mm..% A Tam » M a _ m, an 3.5% .2. _ . §om~mm.~ Scam z 8: roomy eomsm a: N3 room. SW8 mam z _§§o;aS_ am: A833 coo? .$3 53 zocadm. 80.3 NEn... ?ommmu 33.5. w u _ an _ 2 am 2m “ W # H # _ _s§a,..a mi _ Sm xommm?a comm z 9; _o%_m . ? :5 88.: 3:3 ?e :3 E3: _ w_..2§m c8.~...K,— «Rem? aS.wm~.$ . 25.Sa.~ 835.: ?8~.8n.2 team %mE.::..— ? aE.mma.E &% _§..2_.§_ T.nm.e..n » E .xommm§.~ aom.6m$ _ mt_o§.mm 5.39; 3R.mE $m.$u.m.. 333.. $...Rm._ mS.mmm.w mmm?. 53:: M M W » _ , 3%.: _ §3$o.~ 8o.amm.E E Ems: 35$ oaoemi o8.m%._= Sm: $33, .oowmmw oom.RE: mmmaa. ? H E5 .5 .3. neg: : mE_m . cam». 33 gooommma comma > 5 $3.: Ema €85: Em... 5°39 __ oett > 2 .2338... .3. xooommma em to _ooa.m .oovmm S in .83 omwa. wmmw ..\.mom~am.~ Swim > .: Eééo 3.3: m:._.,: 83.3 5%.». Tumt? 8&3 oomaov Mmama W Tamsmm _ > S .5 9.2;... 5: com. 83 ._.mmV can 302 Sea Ru .x.§:om.~ 83 :83 ” M amqmwm iq?oma oom.nE > 5 S S. w cot?m :32 .83 Emma: Emma TEE _ » 8 E5 385 .55 _ Scat Ema. .xSmSm.~ . :8. 5 3.5 88.3: conm? :85 mmmd 58.3 SEE w Sana? _, 5 .a__E5 .58 Same ma?a mmmda; ..a$mm.m $02 n..m.x= Sumac Em...t.m WKama. xom?wm H # > :3 .e._.§$%....2 Emé. madam Em? fmagoe o8.m§ :3.» E3“ 898. HoonmmmW :3 WE3. M A m_m_..Euc_ Eon ummm~uE 52 ES £3 £8 mE.mm._uc_ Emu mmmmwBESaw V. m >CmnD._n_ .:uEmmmmm< m::m>mm.8... 25. x5. Em.:mmmmm< £5 UUGU mm?u m::m>uzxv.» m::m>u: xmvEmEmwmmmm:x5. EwEmmmmm< Q3...

?maE_ o::m>$.. .8» «Em EEEU ~:mEmmmmm..z.e.. W51 Township of Ignace Committee of the Whole November 30, 2016

on:at~1oi\TtTniciga1PartnershipFunding (OMPF) — 2017 Allocation

Purpose:_ To inform Council about our 2017 OMPF allocation

Background OMPF is the largest unconditional grant municipalities receive from the Provincial Government In recent years as a result the Provincial—Municipal Fiscal and Service Delivery Review, the Provincial Government has been uploading social services from local agencies to the Province In recent years the Provincial Government has increased its funding for public health delivered by local agencies Because of the uploading of social services and increased public health funding, the Provincial Government in 2010 started to cut its funding to municipalities under the OMPF In 2009 our OMPF grant was $1,002,000, but it has been cut by $105,900 since then:

T 9 Lbio 20 if 13 2014 2015’ Bsroozlggo s9§§_LQgQM§g;§,§00 s9p3,8i)

2017 Allocation ~ $914300 (up_§l8.7OO from 2015) Attached are our 2017 OMPF notice and cover letter (later the Provincial Government will release details on allocation calculations) After 4 years of being frozen at $896,100, our grant has gone up by $18,700 Most municipalities over this period have seen steady declines in OMPF grants The reason why we are not being cut is because we suffer from poor economic and ?nancial circumstances The Ministry of Finance uses a number of formulas in setting each municipalities grant We rank poorly compared to other municipalities, so our municipality is not being cut

Future Years The Provincial Government intends to keep reducing the OMPF If we continue to rank poorly amongst ()ntario’s municipalities, our grant may not be affected

93 Oniario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) 2017 Allocation Notice Township of lgnace sum

2017 Highightsfor the Twnship f Ignace

- The Township of Ignace's combined bene?t alike 2017 OMPF and provincial uploads totals $971,000, which is the equivalent of 44% of the Township's municipal property tax revenue.

- The Township‘: combined beneiiiincludes: - $914,800 through meOMPF - $55,200 bene?t resulting from the provincial uploads

- This exceeds the Township's 2016 combined bene?t by $24,300.

A Total 2017 OMPF $914,800

"°"““3'” 3”” R”"3”:‘5°a' C”5””‘5‘3..'3°.F-?§‘.G'3“I.». ..f‘!v .. . . ,7

B 2017 Combined Bene?t afOMPF and Provincial Uploads (Line 81 + Line B2) $971,000

Tolal OMPF Line _ ml. (iENgg§lV»io A $914500” pleads (see 556.200

C Other Ongoing Provincial Support 530,700

Pub‘ Health 2, Land Ambulance

D Key OMPF Data lnputs

.. it .l .. 2‘Tola‘ .,

' ' 7. 2016 OMPF (Line Afrom 2015 Ailocalian Notice) $696100

Nate see line item dsscnprisns on the la Issued‘ November 2016 D . Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) F’ 2017 Allocation Notice

Township of Ignace 500i

2017 OMPF Allocation Notice - Line item Descriptions

The Oi/lF‘F grants are described in detail in the 20l7 OMPF Technical Guide - this document can be found on the Ministry of A Finance's website at http,l/w»w1.l'rn.gov.on ca/en/budget/ornpf/2017

ll applicable, reflects the amount of transitional support provided to assist the municipality in adjusting to the redesigned OMPF A5 program See the enclosed Transitional Assistance Calculation lnsert for furtherdetails

B1 Sum of 2017 OMPF grants (Equal to Line A)

Estimated 2017 bene?t oi the Provinces upload of social assistance benefit program as well as court security and prisoner 82 transportation costs. For further details see the 2017 Upload Benefit Report


The estimated 201? municipal benefit resulting from the upload of public health costs from a provincial share of 50 per cent in 2004 to 75 per cent in 2007. In twovtier systems, this benefit is identified at the upper~tier level. Actual municipal savings may not C1 correspond with the AllocationNotice due to budget approvals made by the local Board of Health Municipalities may provide additional funding beyond their obligated cost share or receive additional savings through other provincial grants for public health programs and initiatives Any additional municipal funding or savings are not included in the calculation ol the public health figure

The estimated 2017 municipal bene?t of the Province‘: so per cent share of land ambulance funding relative to its share in 2005 This incremental increase in land amtiulance lundmg rl Vi ; rm the Provinces commitment to strengthen. land ambulance C2 services and maintain the 50 50 sharing of land ambi osls tn two~tiersystems, this benefit is idenlllied at the upper-tier

Refers to the total assessment for a municipality weighted by the tax ratio tor each class ol property (including payments in lieu of property taxes retained by the municipality) divided by the total number of households

Represents the proportion of a municipality's population residing in rural areas or small cornmunities For additional information D3 see the 2017 OMPF Technical Guide

Represents the percentage of a municipality‘s land area comprised ol farm land‘ Additional details regarding the calculation of the D4 Farm Area Measure are provided in the 2017 OMPF Technical Guide

The northern and rural Municipal Fiscal Circumstances index (MFCI) measures a municipality's liscal circumstances relative to other northern and rural municipalities in the province, and ranges from 0 to 10. A lower Ml-‘Clcorresponds to relatively positive D5 ?scal circumstances‘whereas a higher MFCl corresponds to more challenging liscal circumstances For additional information: see the 2017 OMPF Technical Guide.

Represents the guaranteed level ofsupport the municipality willreceive from the Province through the 2017 OMPF. For additional D6 information.see the 2017 OMPF Technical Guide

07 2016 OMPF allocation

Note Provincial funding and other ongoing provincial support in/t/atrves rounded to multiples of 5100

Ontario Ministry at Finance Provincialtocal Finance Division Issued November 2015

“IS Ministry of Finance Ministry of Municipal Affairs meMWSM $1»-mFC,::,f Officeofthe Mznister Frost BuildingSouth 1Z7g‘§f”s; 7 Queens Park Cr “«' OLRe“£1_C ‘T’ 2:5~ Toronto on t.l7A1Y7 °’“”‘E. ‘V9; Tel (416) 325l.o4r3o T5‘ (4,‘°).5B5,“7°f_° Fax (415) 325-037‘: Ff{"_i"‘_°’533’5*’9_ \.././ mah.gov.cn ca w‘,_w_m gov on Ca

November 10, 2016

Dear Head of Council:

We are writing to announce the release of the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) municipal allocations for 2017.

in 2017, the province willmaintain OMPF funding at $505 million,which willprovide unconditional support to 388 municipalities across the province. The province will continue to provide unconditional funding in 2017 and beyond.

When the OMPF is combined with the provincial uploads, the municipal benefit willtotal more than $2.4 billionin 2017. This is nearly four times the level of funding provided in 2004, and is the equivalent of 13 per cent of municipal property tax revenue.

As you know, the OMPF was redesigned in 2014 following consultations with municipalities from across the province. Consultations with municipalities and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) have continued over the past year and have focused on refining the program to ensure it meets the long—termpriorities of municipalities.

The 2017 OMPF reflects the core objectives of the redesigned program, while balancing the range of views expressed by municipalities through this year’s consultations.

The 2017 program willfurther target support to municipalities with more challenging fiscal circumstances by increasing the Northern and Rural Fiscal Circumstances Grant to $82 millionfrom $67 millionin 2016. This is an increase of over 20 per cent to this grant component and means that municipalities with more challenging fiscal circumstances willsee their funding through this grant component increase in 2017.

Through the consultation process, we heard positive feedback on the funding enhancement introduced last year that is targeted to municipalities with the highest levels of farm land, in recognition of their unique challenges. In 2017, the Rural Communities Grant willbe increased to $148 millionfrom $143 millionin 2016 to further target funding to municipalities across the province with the highest levels of farm land.


Otto Finally, in order to help municipalities as they adjust to the redesigned program, municipalities willcontinue to receive a guaranteed minimum level of funding. The 2017 minimum funding guarantee for municipalities in southern Ontario will be at least 85 per cent of their 2016 OMPF allocations and for municipalities in northern Ontario will be at least 90 per cent of their 2015 OMPF allocations.

Municipalities in all regions of the province with the most challenging fiscal circumstances willcontinue to have their funding maintained at 100 per cent of the prior years allocation.

The Ministry of Finance’s (MOF) Provincial-Local Finance Division willbe providing your municipal Treasurers and Clerk-Treasurers with further details on the 2017 OMPF. This information and other supporting materials will be posted in both English and French on the MOF website: http://www.fin,gov.on.ca/en/budget/ompf/2017

Our government has a very strong record of supporting and working with municipalities. As outlined in the 2016 Ontario Budget, we are pleased to fulfil our commitment to the upload of social assistance benefit programs, as well as court security and prisoner transportation costs, off the local property tax base. These uploads willbe fully implemented by 2018. As a result of the uploads, municipalities willbenefit from more than $1.9 billionin reduced costs in 2017 alone.

Our commitment to the provincial uploads means that overall support to municipalities willcontinue to increase. In 2017, municipalities will benefit from more than $4 billionin ongoing support through the OMPF, provincial uploads, and other provincial initiatives — an increase of $2.9 billionfrom the level provided in 2003.

Going fonzvard,the governments focus will be on investing in the infrastructure that is vital to the health, prosperity and quality of life of Ontarians. In partnership with communities, Ontario is making significant infrastructure investments to create jobs and help the province grow and prosper.

The province’s infrastructure commitments include transit, transportation and other priority infrastructure through Moving Ontario Forward that is supported by $31.5 billion in dedicated funds. As part of Moving Ontario Forward, the Ontario Community infrastructure Fund (OClF) is being expanded to $300 million per year by 2018-19, which willprovide ongoing support for critical local infrastructure priorities. The expanded fund was launched in July of 2016.

.../cont'd 517 in addition, the 2016 Budget announced that the government is introducing a new Connecting Links program that willprovide 820 millionin 2016-17 to help municipalities pay for construction and repair costs for municipal roads that connect two ends of a provincial highway through a community or to a border crossing. Funding for this program willincrease to $30 millionper year by 2018-19. in September, the province signed a bilateral agreement with the federal government to make funding available under the federal Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (CWWF). The Province willcontribute about $270 million in funding through the program to support immediate improvements to water distribution and treatment infrastructure, starting in 2016-17. This is in addition to a federal contribution of about $570 million.

We remain committed to consulting with our municipal partners to ensure the design of the OMPF reflects municipal priorities. We look fonivard to continuing the strong partnership we have with communities across Ontario. Sincerely,

Information Copy Information Copy Original Signed By Original Signed By

Charles Sousa BillMauro Minister of Finance Minister of Municipal Affairs

“I8 QUOTE Atwood Consulting Services Quote No. Tet: 1.866.531,2654 Fax» 1,888,350 6615

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Merchandise for return or repair accepted only in original packing, goods returned must be within 7 days after purchased and a minimum of 20% restocking charge willapply. Warranty on systems 1 years parts 1 year labor.

. ,. MM; September 2016

Welcome to the Beautiful Town of The Blue Mountains,

On behalf of Town ofThe BlueMountains, I am pleased to extend an invitation to join us at the 64"’ Annual Ontario Small Urban Municipalities Conference, taking place May 3” to 5"‘,2017 at Blue Mountain Resort in Town ofThe BlueMountains.

The conference theme this year is "Rural Meets Urban”, recognizing the challenge many of us face as our areas become increasingly urbanized through growth and the migration of people from larger cities to our municipalities. Whether it is coping with increasing development pressures, managing the expectations of our more urban residents or handling the challenge of new homes being built near working farms, we all face this pressure in some form.

While those of us in the middle of this type of “urbanization” have one set of issues, many other communities are looking to attract new residents and business from the urban core. For them, the challenge is attracting urban attention and selling the many benefits of living in a more rural setting.

Whatever category you are in, this conference will have something for you. The organizing committee is working hard to bring you an interesting and diverse set of topics designed to help us all manage our municipalities more effectively.

With each OSUM conference, we learn more from each other to grow our communities. I know that you will each take away new learning, new experience and new partners.

We are all waiting to welcome you to our beautiful Town. I hope you have the chance to experience the Village and beyond in your time here with us during that first taste of spring. Whether it's following the Apple Pie Trail and tasting its culinary delights or experiencing craft beer, wine and cider on the Saints and Sinners: Bootlegger's Run, we hope you will have a chance to experience The Blue Mountains beyond the ski season we are so well known for. Spring offers that first chance for a paddle, a walk or hike on trails empty of snow, a game of golf, a ride on the open road, new adventures to experience, unique shops stocked with new merchandise and friendly faces everywhere you gol

Yours truly, 4""7é“’\ Mayor John McKean



Full Delegate Package

Cost: $499.00 + HST = $563.87

Each delegate will receive a registration kit, access to all workshops, Wednesday evening Welcome Reception/Opening Ceremonies & Trade Show including hot and cold hors d’oeuvres and cash bar, Thursday evening's Mayor's reception including hot and cold hors d’oeuvres and cash bar, breakfast and lunch on Thursday and Friday.

Early Bird Golf Outing

Cost: $125.00 (HSTincluded)

Wednesday May 3rd, 2017 ~The Golf Club at Lora Bay located at 109 East Ridge Drive, Thornbury, ON, NOH2P0 Phone: (519) 5997500

Shotgun start at 11:00 am 18 holes of golf, cart and box lunch. Prizes

Mayor's Recegtion and Dine Around

The Town of Blue Mountains is excited to invite all OSUM delegates and companions to take part in the "Dine Around” in either Blue Mountain Village or explore the quaint village of Thornbury. There willbe a Mayor's Reception Thursday May 4"’from 6:00 — 7:30 pm to be held on the patio of the Georgian Ballroom of the Village Conference Centre, weather permitting. From there you are free to choose where you would like to have dinner in one of the variety of restaurants available in the Blue Mountain Village or the Town of Thornbury only 15 minutes’ drive from the Blue Mountain Resort. it is advised that you make a reservation at the restaurant of your choosing. A list of dining establishments will be provided in your welcome package.

Accommodations: Please visit www.0SUM.ca for a full listing of accommodations available for the conference. Please mention that you are attending OSUM and use the group number GRP113961 to ensure you are given the conference group rate.

lbl Chantelle Gascon

From: Thunder BayChamber of Commerce Sent: November 22, 2016 11:03 AM To: Chantelle Gascon Subject: RBCBusiness Solutions Event | Central Canada Industries Automotive 8LIndustrial Show

Having trouble viewing this email? if,-uj;<

N ERSi%ARKETPLACE '§‘hur:£3er 85:}; ‘.3, w. W1‘; < premaotéons Chamber er’Commerce ,,,°m,,’i;:;r rzacRu;:zI1Bank

11 um: rrr IEAKIT

Iwouldliketo personallyinviteyouto anexclusive event hostedby Moneris° to learnabout their newest business solutions

Ifee!youcouldbene?t by experiencingEve demonstrationson: - how easyand simple payment processing can be on an iPad - how to Improvecustomer experienceand operationalef?céencies using the newest payment solutions

Youcanaisaconnect one-on-onewith experts and businessownersinyour area.

Please email sh [email protected] with thefo?owing informationby November23rdas spaceisfrom-dz

- Firstand fastname .Comparryname - Phonenumber - Numberorguaestts}you're bringing

Ilook forward to seeing you there,


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notmoutcili)'q~w~v: ~'HI‘f*‘3§ generational investment in infrastructure. Phase1 of Investing in Canada willprovide $11.9billion In investments to support public transit systems, green infrastructure projects, and social infrastructure protects. This will be an opportunity for delegates to hear details about Phase 2 of Investing in Canada.

James Howard Kunstler - Kunstler is a critic of suburbia and urban development trends throughout the United States, as shown in his book “The Geography of Nowhere". A proponent of the New Urbanism movement. Kunstler is also a public speaker, giving lectures at the TEDConference, the American Institute of Architects, and various colleges and universities.

Mikael Colville-Andersen - Colvillenltndersen is one of the world's most influential voices on the ideas of community design. Compared to the legendary Jane Jacobs, ColviIle- Andersen passionately believes that lifeasizeclcommunities make our communities better places to live and increase quality of life. in his very first Ontario address he will show us how.

Hon. Steven Del Duca - Ontario is making its largest ever investment in public infrastructure. Over the next twelve years, the Government of Ontario willinvest about $160 billion in projects such as roads, bridges and transit systems. The Hon. Steven Del Duca is the leader responsible for ensuring that people and goods continue to move, connect communities and enrich Ontarians. OGRA is pleased to announce that Ontario's Minister of Transportation, Steven Del Duca will be giving a keynote address at the 2017 conference. I

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HOUSING IS NOW OPEN As in the past, blocks of rooms have been reserved at a number of hotels in downtown Toronto. Delegates must contact the hotels directly to book a room.

- Municipal Class EA Reform - After the Mine Closes - Economic - TheNext Generation of Active Development in a Resource Economy Transportation - From Local Food to Local Dollars - - Human Resources Update Agri-food as Economic Development - Modern Water Services - Ontario's New Municipal Asset - Maximizingthe Efficacy of Municipal Management Planning Regulation Revenues - Building Levels of Service into Your game- Renewing Affordable Housing Asset Management Plan pf-:e:.,°- Waste Management - Creating Buy-in for Your Asset E-:2:- Municipal Shared Services Management Plan 1°:-fa- TheSharing Economy - MediaTraining - Meaningful Public Engagement - Community Energy Initiatives .“.°.° - Economic Development Strategies for .1.. post-industrial communities

I-'.'.'. - Btl?liHERETBREGISTERWEE lb‘)

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MEISTERSFGHU The always popular "bear pit" session willbe held on Monday afternoon where delegates willbe able to pose tough questions to members of the Government of Ontario cabinet. DELEGATIDNS OGRA willbe sharing information about the Government of Ontario's delegation process for the 2017 OGRA Conference once details have been finalized. Stay tuned! THELASTWBRE Formerly the "Question Box" join Fred Dean and his panel of municipal experts who willgive straight answers to your questions on


Ontario Good Roads Association is always proud to recognize employees who have given long years of service in the cause of good roads. For eligibility requirements and form, please visit the Long Service Awards & Other Awards page located under the Events tab on ograconferenceca Deadline for receipt of nominations is Friday, January 27, 2017 Awards willbe presented at the Awards Luncheon on Tuesday, February 28 during the 2017 OGRAConference. For information, please Contact Carmen Sousa: [email protected] 289-291-6472. Please find the Long Service Awards Form on page 9. @PEfi!NEREEENEQN

Whether it's meeting up with old friends or making new ones, please join us in the Canadian Room on Sunday. February 26th for the 2017 Ontario Good Roads Conference Opening Reception. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Allregistered delegates willreceive two complimentary refreshment tickets and light food willbe served.

-BLI£K|-IEHETBHEBISTERDHLWE -UHFRHTHEREBISTHRMNFDBHFIWDDNPRBEH - EM ll\Cl TESDAV,FEBRUARY28,2017CANADIANR0DM,RIJYAI.YORK DDDRSOPENAT7:00PM THISISATISKETEDEIIENT.PLEASESEEIFAIRNIDNTPRICINGBELOW OGRA is proud to announce that Meghan Patrick will Her debut album, Grace and Grit was released in the be performing at the OGRA Roadhouse Pub at the spring of 2016. To make this album, Meghan travelled 2017 OGRA Conference. to a number of studios in Canada and America, including the capital city of , Nashville. Born and raised in Bowmanville, Ontario, Meghan On the way, she worked with producers Justin Patrick has dedicated her entire life to music, Niebank, LeAnn Rimes, Vince Gill,Chris Baseford, wanting it to be more than just a passion. "I was Niclielback, and Carly McKillip.To add drawn to playing guitar so I could start writing music even more star power to her debut Meghan brought to go along with the words I was writing. I wanted in a few more big names, including multiple Grammy to be self-sufficient as a creative artist.” it wasn't nominee who duets with her on "Still long until Meghan had mastered both electric and Loving You," and fellow Canadian Chad Kroeger, acoustic guitar as well as the banjo. who co-wrote and produced her debut single "Bow Chicka Wow Wow" along with several other cuts on Prior to setting out as a solo artist, Meghan was the album. the lead singer of the popular roots act The Stone Sparrows. A newgrass/bluegrass band, The Stone Sparrows released an EP and a full-length album REGISTRATIDNTYFE before the members parted ways amicably in 2013 after playing their second Boots and Hearts Festival. Meghan has quickly made a name for herself since A Ful\'3fIF’l.i:i‘iy‘tTr)caI signing to Warner MusicCanada. She has recently signed a publishing deal with Olé Nashville. PORTERAIRLINESANDVIARAILCANADABFFERSPECIAL DISBIIUNTTD2017OER!-IBIJNFEBENGEDELEGATE

' I g S VIARailCanad'éi Porter Airlines Is proud to offer a 10% VALID: discount on available base fares (with the February 24th 2017 to March 3rd 2017 exception of the lowest class fare during a public seat sale) for travel to and from the TERRITORY: 2017 OGRA Conference. From all stations throughout the VIAsystem to Toronto, Ontario and return. The discounted fares are available for booking from October 06, 2016 to March RESTRICTIONS: 05, 2017 and available for travel: Fare applies to a maximum of two passengers per booking. Dates of Travel: One complimentary stopover is allowed at no From: Anywhere in Canada or US additional charge. To: Toronto For travel on all fare plans in Business class, From: 22/02/2017 To: 02/03/2017 the first stopover is allowed at no additional From: Toronto charge, provided that this stopover takes To: Anywhere in Canada or US place in Toronto, Montréal or Ottawa only. From: 25/02/2017 T0105/03/2017 DISCOUNT: 10% off the best available fare in Economy, Economy Plus, Business, Business Please book online at https://fIyporter.com/ Plus, Sleeper class. "Subject to the conditions Flight?culture=en~CA&promocode=OGRAi7 or and restrictions of the fare plan to which the through your travel agent using promo code additional discount is being applied." "OGRAl7”. EXCEPTION: Porter offers complimentary in-flight snacks Discount does not apply in any Escape fares and beverages, GatePorter service for carry- and Prestige Class. on and access to the Porter Lounge in Toronto and Ottawa, where free Wi-Fiand comfortable, IDENTIFICATION: leather seating is available. Participants must reference the event's VIA The promo code is intended for use by conference discount code: 13415. conference attendees and organizers and is not meant for distribution outside of Online booking tips authorized channels. Porter's fare rules and You have to log in to your profile, or create conditions apply. For any questions regarding one prior to booking. On the Passenger Porter's services or any pre-travel concerns. information screen, select “Convention contact us at 1-888-6198622. fare" from the "Discount Type" drop-down menu, and enter the discount code for your convention or event in the “Discount code" field. The conference fare will be shown on the next page. -DLIBKIBIEIOIIEEISTEHBIAJHE -IIRHTIHTTIEIEEISTHEIIWIFBHHFMNDDNFABEB ' III EIUHICPALWV NAME: ORGAHEATION.


EMAIL: TMMEBFIiL;-::cA'Té gloappparanbardge-nolrli


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MGREFS 5 AFTERFEBMEAR rmtrgs. /«Gag:?rA’ue,a...4z¢‘;.-

T0: OGHA Membership RE: Long Service Awards

As in the past, the Ontario Good Roads Associationwillrecognize employees who have given long years of service in the cause oi good roads.

Itwould be appreciated ifyou would complete and return the enclosed questionnaire advising us of any employee who is eligibleunder the conditionsnoted below to receive an award.

The following are the eligibilityrequirements:

a Minimumof 30 years in the road industryemployed in the municipal, provincialand/or private sectors.

o Retiredfrom their employment or willbe retiringwithinone year ol the Annual Conierence at which the award willbe given.

9 Immediately previous or current employer is a member in good standing of Ontario Good Roads Association.

To nominate an e?gible employee: Complete the attached form or download the Long Service Award Questionnaire from the OGFIAwebsite. Fax, email or mail the completed form to OGRA.

Deadline for receipt of Nominations: January 27, 2017.

Presentations ol the awards willbe made at the Awards Luncheon on Tuesday, February 28, 2017 during the OGRA Conference.

For more informationcontact Carmen Sousa: [email protected]

Yours truly,

Joseph W. Tiernay Executive Director

H3 OGRA Long Service Award Nomination cont’d

Qniarie Good Roads Association 2017 Long Service Award gig 1:-a,«‘»2r';-s3‘:4'; Nomination Form

Deadline for nominations: January 27, 2017 Please print clearly. Name to appear on plaque

Retirement date

Al-Jositionheld im”m~e~clia’t~e“lV;’3%rErw to retirement r?$a ?:?£“T """"""""""" ‘h"””“WM““W”~_~”” industry

- Employer _

Business address

Home address of nominee

Postal Code’

Nominated by

,,,,,,-, ._,_,,.,, ., ,4

Please complete nominee's personal background information on page 2. 2 M

!'""”"' M ””""""M OGRALong Service Award Nomination l:ont'd Nominees Personal Background Name of Nominee Part One: Employment History Please print clearly. l . 4 E Years POS1t|Ol1 Employer €L__(from—to) l l

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Part Two: Personal Background (Please highlight significant career achievements, hobbies, interests, and/orfamily information we can include in their introduction at the Awards Luncheon.)

Return completed form to: Carmen Sousa Tel. 289-291-6472 ext 21 Ontario Good Reads Assoc. Fax: 289-291-6477 1525 Cornwall Road, Unit 22 Email: [email protected] Oakville, ON L610B2 November 24, 2016

Mayor and Council Township of Ignace P.O. Box 248 34 Highway 17 Ignace ON POT ITO

Dear Mayor and Council,

Re: Letter of Resignation

I write to notify you that I am resigning from the position of Administrator‘ Treasurer at the Township of Ignace. I have accepted the position of Chief Administrative Officer at the Municipality of Oliver Paipoonge. My last day of work will be December 30, 20l6.

Working for the Township of Ignace over the last 10 years has been very rewarding. I have undergone signi?cant personal growth that has prepared me for future challenges. I have developed a solid understanding of what it means to serve the public, and leave feeling satis?ed that I have made a positive difference for the Township of Ignace.

I wish the best for you and the employees in the future.

Yours truly, 39’Ivw?-a(

Wayne Hanchard

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Rome wili sfar? caPub!icSchoc! Free Skcr?ng Foliowalong Pine Si‘. 1"‘oHwy 17 Ho? Bags AlongHwy 17', ‘ium @ Wes? Si‘. & Ho? Chccoiwte & proceed ‘to Arena. A? Arena affer Parade! Office of the Mayor Craig A. Nuttall

November7, 2016

Penny Lucas, Project Coordinator Ignace Community Nuclear Liaison Committee 102 Main Street, POBox 897 Ignace, ON PDT1T0

Dear Ms. Lucas,

On behalf of the City of Dryden, thank—youfor the continuing invitation to assign a representative to the Ignace Community Nuclear Liaison Committee for the 2015-2018 term of service.

In additionto our appointed representative NicoleGale, the City of Dryden would like to request that the Council of the Township of Ignace appoint Mayor Greg Wilson and CAOErnie Remillardas alternate representatives.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself, or CAOErnie Remillardat 807-223-1194 or [email protected].

I wish you every success moving forward.

Sincerely, 7%..MA May r Greg Wilson City of Dryden


$ City of Dryden www.dryden.ca \ 30 Van Horne Avenue, Dryden, ON PBN 2A7 Phone: (807) 223-6119 - Fax: (807) 223-3999 The Ignace Cemetery Committee Regular Meeting Minutes Wednestlay October 5, 2016 At 9:00 am in the Multi Purpose Room.

Attending: t\Iemi)ers Cheryl Manchulenko John Etherington Beth Kasaboski Elaine Roy Regrets Chicki Pesola Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Chantelle Gascon

1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 9:03 tun. byChtti1', Cheryl Mzmchulenko.

2. Approval of Agenda. Verbal Motion Moved by: Beth Kasalioski Seconded by: Elaine Roy

zt rovc the agenda ' That, We PP for this revulzu‘c mcetinv5 of the IvnztceCemeter T 1: 3 Committee this 5" day of October 2016 as circulztted.


3. Disclosure Of Conflict/Pecuniary Interest. There were no disclosures ot‘cont'1ict/pecttniuryinterest or nature thereof.

4. Approval of Minutes

:1) Minutes of August 10, 2016

Verbal Motion Moved by: Beth Kasaboski Seconded by: Elaine Roy

That, we approve the special minutes of the Ignace Cemetery Committee dated August 10, 2016 as circulated.


5. Business Arising From Minutes None Ignace Cemetery Committee Meeting Minutes, October 5, 2016 Page 2

6. Old Business a) Pebblestone Planters The two additional pebblestone planters were ordered and received. The planters will be stored at the Public Works Garage for the winter to avoid damage due to snow removal.

b) Cemetery Mapping ~ Global GPR Services Inc. A report has not yet been received from Global GPR Services Inc. They had advised the Township that there were a number of boulder sites in the cemetery and further examination of the data was required. A Special Meeting of the ICC can be scheduled once the information is received.

7. New Business 21) Statement of Revenue and Expenditures for the period ending September 30, 2016 The ICC reviewed the Statement of Revenue and Expenditttres for the period ending September 30, 2016. The remaining funds will be utilized for the purchase of benches, then apportioned to grass seed, wood, and painting supplies for the markers.

b) Cemetery Committee Appointments and Terms of Reference

Recommendation to Council Moved by: Beth Kasaboski Seconded by: John Etherington

That, the members of the ICC do hereby recommend that Council approve the Terms of Reference of the Ignace Cemetery Committee, as amended, to provide for six members of the community and one appointed representative of Council‘

Carried. Recommendation to Council Moved by: Beth Kasaboski Seconded by: John Etherington

That, the members of the ICC do hereby recommend that Council appoint Ed Johnson to the Ignace Cemetery Committee for a term ending December 31, 2018.

Carried. Recommendation to Council Moved by: Beth Kasaboski Seconded by: John Etherington

That, the members of the ICC do hereby recommend that Council appoint Gloria Gannon to the Ignace Cemetery Committee for a term ending December 31, 2018.

Carried. Web Ignace Cemetery Committee Meeting Minutes, October 5, 2016 Page 3

c) Bench Acquisition The granite stones located in lrlearsey Park are not being utilized. Cheryl has questioned why they cannot be removed from the Park and relocated as seating in the Cemetery. The park was funded by a government re\'itali'/,ation grant, and it is not likely that the park will be disassembled for the purposes of providing seating in the Cemetery. The request can be brought forth to Council.

The Ignace Cemetery Committee reviewed options from Barkman Concrete for Benches. Quoteswill be obtained for the curved Brandon Bench and the Weston Bench. The ICC would like to obtain 6 curved and 2 benches depending on cost.

There was also discussion regarding memorial plaques and there purchase of benches by families. Our cemetery does not allow for room for a number of benches, and it is unfair to provide the opportunity to only some families to purchase memorial plaques for the cemetery ?xtures. The Ignace Cemetery Committee will look at other options such as a heritage marker (old pillar) or Memorial monument at the entrance of the Cemeteries.

cl) Tree and Shrub Removal — Conformation to By«Law and ICC Rights to Act Tabled. Chantellc is still waiting to hear back from the Bereavement Authority of Ontario.

(5) Approved By~l..aws,as amended, Bcrenveinent Authority of Ontario The by-laws, as amended. for the Ignace Cemetery have been approved and received by the Bereavement Authority of Ontario. Amended copies were provided to all committee members.

0 Ignace School — Request to Construct Markets The Ignace Cemetery Committee id interested in having the Ignace School woodworking class construct and paint the markers required for the Old Ignace Cemetery. The Committee will purchase and supply all the required material. The markers would then have a plaque affixed “in memory of‘. If the school is unable to accommodate the request, a request will be distributed through local media to assist with the project.

8. Reports of Committee Members Vice Chair, Beth Kasaboslci, requested that the Township oflgnace website be updated and that Linda Gouliquer's name be removed as Chair. The ICC would like I.inda’s name to still appear, in memoriam.

9. Correspondence None Ignace Cemetery Committee Meeting Minutes, October 5, 2016 Page 4

10. Adjournment

Verbal Motion Moved by: Beth Kasaboski Seconded by: John Etherington

That, We adjourn this 1‘egL11a.rmeeting of the Ignace Cemetery Committee this Smd:1y0fOctober, 2016 at 10:30 am.


e Ll./§)L-_/oY.3_____ ...... -.C _- Cheryl Manchulenko, Chair Chantelle Ga. )1’)

Deputy Cler ' l'C1lSUF€I‘ Township of Ignace Committee ofthe Whole November 30, 2016

Appointments to the Ignace Recreation Committee

Purpose: To request Council appoint members to the Ignace Recreation Committee.


The Township of Ignace advertised for Board Vacancies for the Ignace Recreation Committee.

One letter of interest was received from Lyndsay Hyatt of Ignace, Ontario.

As per the current proposedTerms of Reference, the IRC will be composed of a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of nine (9) voting members including up to two (2) representatives of Council. Members must be residents of Ignace or property owners in Ignace. Non-voting members will include the Township of Ignace Administrator Treasurer or his/her designate and the Recreation Programmer.

Recommendation to Council

That Council appoint Lyndsay Hyatt to the Ignace Recreation Committee for a term ending December 2018.

cg 05.11.16 M/ 223 Ignace Emergency Management Meeting Wednesday, November 2, 2016 II/Iulti-PurposeRoom—LibraryComplex 10:30 am - 2:30 pm

Consultant: Dale Smyk

Attendance: 17

Fire Chief Robert Berube - Ignace Fire Department Fire Clerk Barbara Woolner - Ignace Fire Department

Constable Hubert Beauclair — Ignace Detachment OPP Deputy Mayor Chicki Pesola, Township of Ignace Janet Griffths, Ignace Ambulance Coordinator

Sean DeTracey — Ignace Ambulance

Charlie Mackey -— Ignace Ambulance Wayne Hanchard, Administratorfl'reasurer—Township of Ignace

Lynda Colby, Operations Supervisor — Ignace Public Works

Barry Mantle — Northern Waterworks

Nathan Naumann — Northern Watenzvorks Gloria Pronger, Executive Director - Mary Berglund CHC Hub Paul ChandIer- Dryden (OMNRF)

Joe MacQuarrie —— Dryden (OMNRF) Twyla Berube - Northwestern Health Unit Kyle Bembeneck~NorthwesternHealth Unit


Chantelle Gascon, Deputy Clerk — Township of Ignace Chantal Moore, Principal - Ignace School

Glen Moore — Ministryof Transportation

Sharon Bak, Field Officer — Amethyst Sector (MCSCS)

John Taddeo — Canadian Paci?c Railway

Sara Stevenson — KDSB Director of Social Services


Morning Session - Emergency Plan Review

Lunch Break

Afternoon Session — Forest Fire (Table Top Exercise)