Barnoldswick with Bracewell Parish Magazine July 2018 30 Pence

The United Benefice of with Bracewell

Vicar: Revd Dr Sheena McMain 01282 812028 (after 16 July 2018) Assistant Curate: Revd. Julie Clarkson 01282 851724 Email: [email protected] Churchwardens: Holy Trinity Stuart Ballard Home: 816261 St Mary-le-Ghyll George McDowell: Home 813699 Ann Sainty: Home 813265

St Michael’s Bracewell Valerie Corbridge: Home 812344 Freda Pilkington: Home 01200 445370

July Services Sunday 1 July 2018 10.00 am Holy Communion and Sunday School at Holy Trinity 10.30 am Morning Prayer at St Michael’s, Bracewell 11.30 am Holy Communion at St Mary-le-Ghyll Sunday 8 July 2018 10.00 am Holy Communion at Holy Trinity 10.30 am Morning Prayer at St Mary-le-Ghyll 11.30 am Holy Communion at St Michael’s, Bracewell Sunday 15 July 2018 10.00 am Holy Communion at Holy Trinity 10.30 am Morning Prayer at St Michael’s, Bracewell 11.30 am Holy Communion at St Mary-le-Ghyll Monday 16 July 2018 7.00 pm Service of Collation, Induction and Installation for Revd Dr Sheena McMain at Holy Trinity Sunday 22 July 2018 10.00 am Holy Communion at Holy Trinity 11.30 am Morning Prayer at St Mary-le-Ghyll

11.30 am Holy Communion at St Michael’s, Bracewell 3.00 pm Café Church at Holy Trinity Sunday 29 July 2018 10.30 am United Service at St Mary-le-Ghyll Mid week Services at Holy Trinity 1st Tuesday in the month 9.30 am Healing Prayer Service Wednesdays, weekly 9.00 am Morning Prayer

Thursdays, weekly 10.00 am Holy Communion

Baptisms and Weddings by arrangement with the Curate

Organisations and other Meetings Sunday School 1st Sunday of the month at Holy Trinity, 10.00 am Café Church 4th Sunday of each month at Holy Trinity, 3.00 pm Sing Hymns Old & New Mondays at Holy Trinity, 7.00 pm Ghyll Bell Ringers Practice night Tuesday 7.30pm—9.00 pm Trinity Teatime 2nd Thursday of each month at Holy Trinity at 3.30 pm Alcoholics Anonymous Thursday 7.00pm & Saturday at 2.00 pm at Holy Trinity Contact : 07783 078 562 Church School Telephone: 01282 813014 Mothers’ Union For details telephone Joan Plum on 01282 814543

2 We are given gifts for a good reason

If we are not practical, it’s good to know we can call on plumbers and electricians to sort out our house problems. Some people are gifted with practical knowledge and skills, and we could not do without them.

Other people are more creative and artistic. Such folk may not be able to build a house, but they can fill it with beauty and meaning through their music, painting, sculpture and books.

The Bible mentions Bezalel and Oholiab, who lived in Moses’ time. Bezalel’s specialty was working with metals; cutting and setting jewels and carving wood. Oholiab was an engraver, a designer and a weaver. Together, these two men had great skill, understanding and creativity, and made the

Tabernacle the beautiful dwelling that it was.

Many years later, King Solomon commissioned Huram, a native of Tyre, to make objects for the Temple out of gold, silver, bronze, iron, stone and wood. He also made coloured cloths and linen. Without Huram’s expertise, the magnificence of the Temple in Jerusalem would not have been realised or remembered!

Such people should encourage us as we seek to discover God’s plan for our lives. We, too, are called to be faithful in serving God through using whatever particular gifts He has given us. Faithful obedience is what matters, not whether or not we end up in a position of responsibility, or in a quiet backwater. ‘Success’ for a Christian is not fame, but a deeper walk, and more fruitful walk, with God.

In fact, the majority of Christians are called to serve God without fame or recognition. Our aim should be to simply love God and to express this in the service of others, with whatever skill or gift we have been given.

If we give ourselves to God, He will prepare us and use us in the way that best suits our gifts and personalities. We might not have the special skills of Bezalel, Oholiab and Huram, but there is always something we can do for God.

Let’s seek out God’s gifts and use them for His glory.

The Service of Collation, Induction and Installation for the new vicar of The United Benefice of Barnoldswick with Bracewell

Revd Dr Sheena McMain

will take place on Monday 16 July 2018 at 7.00 pm at Holy Trinity Church


On 9 June Barbara and I were privileged to attend the Lay Conference for the Leeds Diocese at the Conference Centre in Harrogate. I was not entirely sure what to expect but for both of us - ‘what a treat!’

There were hundreds of people there from all over the Diocese, and it was easy to see that there had been many months of preparation for the event.

As well as the main auditorium events, there were 19 separate self-selection sessions; something for everyone. Added to this, lots of stalls on all aspects of church and Christian life. Let’s just say, Leeds Diocese is a huge resource of information and help for us all; just ask! There are people there who want to help.

The overriding theme for the whole conference was ‘we are all in this together’. In Bishop Nick’s address he said there is no one person in our church community who is more important than another. Not clergy, not those who are officials, but each of us has a part to play. As we wait in eager anticipation for our new vicar to arrive, let’s be ready with our ideas, our initiatives and our enthusiasm to work together to make our church grow. And next year— well just make sure you are there. Amen. Lois Green & Barbara McCartan ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈≈

Could you be a Waterways Chaplain? Britain has a network of over 70 volunteer chaplains who come from a range of different Christian denominations and are both ordained and lay. We would love to hear from you if this is something you would like to explore. We are holding an information event on: Tuesday 17 July at 11.00am, at Christ Church, Cross Street, Skipton BD23 2AH.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer waterways chaplain, then you would be most welcome, or for further information please contact:

Debbie M. Nouwen Deputy Senior National Waterways Chaplain (North of & Midlands) Mob: 07909 149664 [email protected]

4 What is a Christian?

What is a Christian? I’d like to be told And what is our role in a world so cold? I stand there still to hear the sound To see if my God is anywhere around.

He listens, he forgives, he knows when I’ve done wrong I don’t need to tell him, forgiveness I got. He knows my heart, my every breath My thoughts, my love, my family and friends.

He doesn’t judge me, he guides me through To who-knows-where, and when, too. I walk with him as he walks with me Through my ups and my downs and my cannot-get-through.

All my life he’s always been there by my side He doesn’t leave me and I’ll never leave him. My faith is stronger than I would have believed It’s grown over time and been there when in need.

I tell him my worries, the concerns of the day The things I’ve done wrong, the things I can’t say. He comforts me now and he tells me his way I know that he’s right, but I’m impatient today.

He understands me and forgives me my wrongs And guides me back on the true path I belong. I’ve done so much wrong and I don’t understand why My God keeps forgiving when I still carry on.

He talks to me, as he talks to you We’re Christians you see on the same journey through.

So I say to my God again and again Why do you love me, why do you care? He says ”You’re my child and I love you as everyone else Whatever you do, you’ll be forgiven as well”.

So just take a moment to realise we’re one We’re all forgiven by God, our Father in heav’n. Mere humans are we with no thought for another So much pain and sorrow with no hope for tomorrow.

But God doesn’t listen, to our feeble ways He’s forgiven our sins and he’ll do it again. So we give thanks in our prayers and in our hearts as well There is bright hope for tomorrow, for our hearts and our ways.

May we rejoice in a God who is ever forgiving and humble ourselves into our new beginning. Amen. Natalie Winstanley


St Michael’s Church, Bracewell SUMMER FAIR Saturday 28 July 2018 from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm At Skipton Town Hall

IN THE MAIN HALL Stalls selling a variety of goods IN THE ANNEX Homemade refreshments served all day Raffle - to be drawn at 3.30pm

6 Dates for your diary - July 2018

Tuesday 3 July Healing Prayer Service at Holy Trinity 9.30 am

Saturday 7 July Teddy Bears’ Picnic at Ghyll 11.00 am- 4.00 pm Saturday 7 July and Bishop Nick’s Open Garden at Hollin Hall, Leeds 12.00 pm- Sunday 8 July 5.00 pm Sunday 8 July Now Collective at the Baptist Church 4.00 pm - 6.00 pm Tuesday 10 July Mothers’ Union visit to Shekinah Christian Centre at Newchurch-in-Pendle

Thursday 12 July Trinity TeaTime at Holy Trinity 3.30 pm

Monday 16 July Collation, Induction and Installation Service for 7.00 pm Revd Dr Sheena McMain at Holy Trinity Church Sunday 22 July Café Church at Holy Trinity 3.00 pm

Sunday 29 July United Service at St Mary-le-Ghyll 10.30 am

Coffee Morning Holy Trinity Church Saturday 4 August 2018 10.00 am to 12 noon

 Stalls  Refreshments  Barlick Brass Band


Skipton Fair Due to a cancellation we have now been offered Saturday 28 July for our usual fundraiser at the Skipton Town Hall . We shall been running the Café in the annex, with a Tombola Stall and the usual Raffles.

Raffle tickets available from Valerie Corbridge and other members of the PCC. Tombola prizes to Irene Smith or members of church. Tray bakes for café catering—contact Valerie or Freda.

Wall The wall has now been completed at a cost of £12,000. Although we had plenty of regulations on what we could and couldn’t do from Pendle Council and Highways Authority, we have received no financial support from Pendle Council or Lancashire County Council, although vehicles still race through the village, with heavy lorries particularly causing damage to the road, pavement and surrounding walls and buildings.

We are very disappointed also that we have had little support from the authorities in the Diocese.

100 club May winning numbers: 93, 41 & 18 New members needed. Contact Keith or Rita Garrett - Tel: 01282 850624



Church Rota for Holy Trinity Thank you very much to the wonderful team of 26 people who regularly contribute to the smooth running of Holy Trinity Church. However, we would welcome any extra help, so if you could offer any of the following, please speak to Juliet: reading, welcoming, making coffee or cleaning.

If you feel called to prepare and lead intercessions, then please have a word with Julie. We hope to have another meeting for intercessors and would-be intercessors before too long.

8 Can you help?

At the Barnoldswick PCC meeting on Wednesday 30 May 2018, the following vacancies were discussed:

Church Warden for Holy Trinity Safeguarding Officer Fabric Committee team members needed Fund-raising Committee members First Aid Officer for Ghyll

If anyone is interested in being involved with any of the above, please speak with Julie, Juliet or Stuart at Holy Trinity or Bob at Ghyll for further details.

Please note that there is very good online training regarding Safeguarding on the Leeds Diocesan website which is available to all lay people who wish to undertake the training.



18 May Sandra Hird Holy Trinity

18 May John Jack Alton Ghyll


27 May James Micky Haines Holy Trinity


Three coffees are good for you

Three cups of coffee a day can do you good. At least, scientists at the University of San Paulo have found that people who drink 3 cups of coffee a day have fewer calcium deposits in their arteries, which means you have a better blood flow, and hence less heart disease.

On the other hand, the European Food Safety Agency advises that no more than 4 cups of coffee should be drunk in a day. Too much caffeine may increase heart problems and overall anxiety.

9 Mothers’ Union Report

On Tuesday 12 June we were very pleased to welcome about 38 Mothers’ Union members from other Branches in the Skipton area of Ripon and a small group of the Branches we used to be with in Bradford. They were delighted with their welcome from the Bell Ringers. We were also pleased to welcome Josie Birley, the Area President of the Ripon Episcopal Area who was very interested to see our special church at Ghyll.

Revd Julie very kindly put together the hymns, prayers and welcome for our Skipton Deanery Festival Service, a very thoughtful and special service. During the service Revd Julie gave us a presentation of her time in Sri Lanka, at the House of Joy. All our visitors found her talk very interesting, and there were many appreciative responses to the talk and the whole service. Afterwards our visitors enjoyed refreshments in the Coach House and the weather was kind for the whole evening.

A wonderful collection of £111.64 was left in the collection plate, which will be sent to the special Mothers’ Union project for the ‘Summer of Hope’.

My special thanks go to Revd Julie, Alison who played the organ, and to all those who helped in any way with refreshments.

Our annual Mothers’ Union trip is planned for Tuesday 10 July to the Shekinah Centre in Newchurch-in-Pendle. Please contact me as soon as possible if you

wish to come along.

Joan Plum


70 years of the National Health Service

The National Health Service began operating 70 years ago, on 5 July 1948. It was the climax of a hugely ambitious plan by Labour Health Secretary, Aneurin Bevan, to bring good health care, free to all at the point of delivery. The health service would be available to everyone and financed entirely from taxation, which meant that people paid into it according to their means.

It was based on a report by William Beveridge in 1942. The problem with it remains the huge increase in costs resulting from, among other things, advances in medical science, drugs and machinery. As Andy McSmith wrote in The Independent 10 years ago: “It seems no amount of money will satisfy the infinite demand for better NHS care”. Within a few years prescription charges were introduced, as well as a charge for dental treatment.

Saving the NHS seems to be a national preoccupation in the 21st century. The Christian Medical Fellowship is campaigning to emphasise the vital and radical need for Christians within it.


July 2018 Prayer Diary

1. The Sunday School, Natalie, children and parents 2. The Churchwardens during the interregnum period 3. Prayers for wholeness and healing 4. Canon Robin Gamble leading the church growth companions 5. Church members training for lay readers in the Diocese 6. Local shopkeepers and tradespeople 7. Teddy Bears’ Picnic Fundraiser at Ghyll Church 8. Families having children baptised this month in the Parish 9. Alison leading the Monday Night Singers 10. Mothers’ Union visit to the Shekinah Christian Centre 11. Pat, Editor of the Parish magazine and those who contribute 12. Trinity TeaTime, Julie, children, parents and helpers 13. Young people and their use of leisure time 14. Flower arrangers and cleaners in our churches 15. Readers and intercessors in our 3 churches 16. Licensing service for our new vicar, Revd Dr Sheena McMain 17. Ghyll band of bell ringers 18. Members of the PCC at Holy Trinity 19. Revd Dr Sheena and Revd Julie sharing work in the Parish 20. Bishop Helen-Ann Hartley working with people in the Ripon area 21. Parents and children during the school holidays 22. Café Church at Holy Trinity, Julie and those people attending 23. The churches’ secretaries and treasurers 24. Those people looking after the sick at home and in hospital 25. Morning prayer at Holy Trinity 26. Those people attending the midweek communion service 27. Our organists, Alison, Louise, Adam and Joly. 28. Bracewell Fundraiser at Skipton Town Hall 29. United Service at Ghyll for our 3 churches 30. Barlick Beach on the Town Square, organisers and children 31. People whose lives are affected by drugs and alcohol

If anyone would like flowers arranging in memory of a loved one, please contact Barbara on 01282 812837

11 Gazetteer of Supportive Local Businesses

Electrical & Electronics Garry’s TV Service & Repairs 29 Rainhall Road, Barnoldswick 01282 816077

Financial Advice Peter Pickup 37 Road, Barnoldswick 01282 812520

Florists House of Flowers 2 Frank Street, Barnoldswick 01282 812052

Funeral Services Briggs & Duxbury The Butts, Barnoldswick 01282 812384 Helliwells 30 Church Street, Barnoldswick 01282 851937 Windles Sherbrooke, Skipton Road, Barnoldswick 01282 813345

Hairdressers Marjorie’s Hairdressers 7 Albert Road, Barnoldswick . 01282 813255

Monumental Masons T Rayson 401 King Causeway, Brierfield 01282 616459

Heating, Plumbing and Electrical Installations Alex Leaver [email protected] (Mob: 07754712518) 01282 816648

Opticians Vision Express 45 Albert Road, Barnoldswick 01282 813322 James Bontoft 23-25 Rainhall Road, Barnoldswick 01282 853223

Schools Church School Road, Barnoldswick 01282 813014

Solicitors Walker Foster Craven House, Newtown, Barnoldswick 01282 812340

Please support the businesses that are supporting us To advertise your trade or business please contact:

Acting Editor: Pat Sagar: Phone: 07399408978

Printed by : CMYK Design & Print: Phone: 01282 421000

July 2018