(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,861,728 B2 Holton, Jr

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,861,728 B2 Holton, Jr US007861728B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,861,728 B2 Holton, Jr. et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Jan. 4, 2011 (54) SMOKELESS TOBACCO COMPOSITION 4,607,479 A 8, 1986 Linden HAVING AN OUTER AND INNERPOUCH (75) Inventors: Darrell Eugene Holton, Jr., Clemmons, NC (US); Daniel Verdin Cantrell, (Continued) Lewisville, NC (US) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (73) Assignee: R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, NC (US) JP 1-108966 4f1989 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 343 days. (Continued) This patent is Subject to a terminal dis OTHER PUBLICATIONS claimer. U.S. Appl. No. 1 1/233,399, filed Sep. 2005, Holton et al.* (21) Appl. No.: 11/351.919 Primary Examiner Matthew J. Daniels Assistant Examiner Jodi Cohen (22) Filed: Feb. 10, 2006 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Brinks Hofer Gilson & Lione (65) Prior Publication Data (57) ABSTRACT US 2007/O186941 A1 Aug. 16, 2007 (51) Int. C. A Smokeless tobacco product includes a powdered or granu A24B IS/00 (2006.01) lar Smokeless tobacco formulation that is contained within a A 24B 3/14 (2006.01) moisture-permeable packet or pouch. The Smokeless tobacco A 24B 15/12 (2006.01) formulation may include finely ground particles of tobacco in (52) U.S. Cl. ........................ 131/352; 131/353; 131/356 powder-like form and other ingredients such as Sweeteners, (58) Field of Classification Search ................. 131/352: binders, colorants, pH adjusters, fillers, flavoring ingredients, 426/89, 98, 99, 102-103 disintegration aids, antioxidants and preservatives. The See application file for complete search history. tobacco formulation may have a dry or moist form. The container has the form of a pouch or bag. Such as is the type (56) References Cited commonly used for the manufacture of Snus products. The U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS container preferably contains at least one capsule. Such as a spherical breakable capsule. The container is intended to be 1,376,586 5, 1921 Schwartz placed in the mouth of the tobacco user, such that the tobacco 3,339,558 9, 1967 Waterbury formulation within the container may be enjoyed by the user. 3,390,686 T. 1968 Irby et al. After the tobacco user is finished using the Smokeless tobacco 3,550,598 12, 1970 McGlumphy et al. product, the container is removed from the user's mouth for 3,685,521 8, 1972 Dock disposal. Alternatively, the container is dissolvable or dis 3,916,914 11, 1975 Brooks et al. 4,148,325 4, 1979 Solomon et al. persible in the mouth of the user. 4.513,756 4, 1985 Pittman et al. 4,528,993 7, 1985 Sensabaugh, Jr. et al. 18 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets sey US 7,861.728 B2 Page 2 U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2004/01 18421 A1* 6/2004 Hodin et al. ................ 131,352 2004/01 18422 A1 6/2004 Lundin et al. 4,624,269 A 1 1/1986 Story et al. 2004/0224020 A1 11/2004 Schoenhard 4,631,899 A 12/1986 Nielsen 2004/0261807 A1 12/2004 Dube et al. 4,660,577 A 4, 1987 Sensabaugh et al. 2005/0061339 A1 3/2005 Hansson et al. 4,889,144. A 12/1989 Tateno et al. 2005, 0123601 A1 6/2005 Mane et al. 4,987.907 A * 1/1991 Townend .................... 131,352 2005/O196437 A1 9, 2005 Bednarz et al. 5,046,514 A * 9, 1991 Bolt .............. 131,359 2005/0244521 A1* 11/2005 Strickland et al. ........... 424,751 5,092.352 A * 3/1992 Sprinkle et al. 131,352 2005/0249676 A1 11/2005 Scott et al. 5,167.244. A * 12/1992 Kjerstad ..... 131,359 2006/019 1548 A1* 8, 2006 Strickland et al. ........... 131,347 5,223,185 A 6, 1993 Takei et al. 2008.002911.0 A1* 2, 2008 Dube et al. 131,275 5,346,734. A 9, 1994 Wydick, Jr. 2008.00291 16 A1 2/2008 Robinson et al. ............ 131,352 5,387,093 A 2, 1995 Takei 2008.00291 17 A1 2/2008 Mua et al. ................... 131,352 5,387.416 A 2, 1995 White et al. 2008/0173317 A1* 7/2008 Robinson et al. ............ 131 (112 5,882,680 A 3, 1999 Suzuki et al. 6,117.455 A 9, 2000 Takada et al. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 6,162,516 A 12/2000 Derr 6,325,859 B1* 12/2001 De Roos et al. ............. 131,276 WO WO 98.15.191 4f1998 6,510,855 B1 1/2003 Korte et al. WO WO O2/080707 A1 10, 2002 6,631,722 B2 10/2003 MacAdam et al. WO WO O2/O87365 * 11 2002 6,719,933 B2 4/2004 Nakamura et al. WO WO O2/O87365 A1 11, 2002 6,730,832 B1 5/2004 Dominguez et al. WO WOO3,OO9711 A1 2/2003 6,834,654 B2 * 12/2004 Williams .................... 131,352 WO WO 03/0284.92 A1 4, 2003 6,887,307 B1 5, 2005 Scott et al. WO WOO3,053.175 A2 7, 2003 6,923,981 B2 8/2005 Leung et al. WO WO O3053175 * 7/2003 6,949,256 B2 9, 2005 Fonkwe et al. WO WO 2004/095959 A1 11, 2004 7.229,658 B1* 6/2007 Inoue et al. ................. 426,548 WO WO 2005/0.04480 A1 1, 2005 2002/0117180 A1* 8, 2002 Hersh et al. ... ... 131,359 WO WO 2005/041699 A2 5, 2005 2003/0070687 A1* 4/2003 Atchley et al. ... 131,352 WO WO 2005046363 5, 2005 2003. O1597O2 A1* 8, 2003 Lindell et al. .. ... 131,270 WO WO 2005046363 A2 * 5, 2005 2004/0020503 A1 2/2004 Williams .................... 131,352 WO WO 2005/063060 A1 T 2005 2004/0084.056 A1 5/2004 Lawson et al. 2004/0097.549 A1 5/2004 Keane et al. ................ 514,317 * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Jan. 4, 2011 Sheet 1 of 2 US 7,861,728 B2 16 121 RAYAA YaYaNS Nis?é (Ké & AES eX at 241 22 251 238 248 22 t 2 x (2\,SY), ZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAIA (7/AI W. W. 265 234 216 230 244 U.S. Patent Jan. 4, 2011 Sheet 2 of 2 US 7,861,728 B2 sey 334 US 7,861,728 B2 1. 2 SMOKELESS TOBACCO COMPOSITION form of a pouch or bag, such as is the type commonly used for HAVING AN OUTER AND INNERPOUCH the manufacture of snus types of products. The container is intended to be placed in the mouth of the FIELD OF THE INVENTION tobacco user, such that the tobacco formulation within the container may be enjoyed by the user. During use of the The present invention relates to tobacco, and in particular, product, the outer shell of the capsule within the container to the use of tobacco in a smokeless form. may be acted upon by moisture within the mouth of the user, broken, crushed, or otherwise acted upon to release its con BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION tents. After the tobacco user is finished using the smokeless 10 tobacco product, the container may be removed from the Cigarettes, cigars and pipes are popular smoking articles user's mouth for disposal. Alternatively, the container may be that employ tobacco in various forms. Such smoking articles manufactured from a water dissolvable or dispersible mate are used by heating or burning tobacco, and aerosol (e.g., rial, such that the tobacco formulation and the container may smoke) is inhaled by the smoker. Tobacco also may be be ingested by the user. Residual components of the outer enjoyed in a so-called "smokeless form. Particularly popular 15 shell of the capsule may be dispersed within the mouth of the Smokeless tobacco products are employed by inserting some user for ingestion, or remain within the used container for form of processed tobacco or tobacco-containing formulation disposal. into the mouth of the user. Various types of smokeless tobacco products are set forth BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS in U.S. Pat. No. 1,376,586 to Schwartz; U.S. Pat. No. 4,513, In order to provide an understanding of embodiments of the 756 to Pittman et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 4,528,993 to Sensabaugh, invention, reference is made to the appended drawings, in Jr. et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 4,624.269 to Story et al.; U.S. Pat. No. which reference numerals refer to components of described 4.987.907 to Townsend; U.S. Pat. No. 5,092.352 to Sprinkle, exemplary embodiments of the invention. The drawings are III et al.; and U.S. Pat. No. 5,387.416 to White et al.; U.S. Pat. 25 exemplary only, and should not be construed as limiting the App. Pub. No. 2005/0244521 to Strickland et al.: PCT Appli invention. cation Pub. No. WO 04/095959 to Arnarp et al.; PCT Appli FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional view of a first smokeless tobacco cation Pub. No. WO 05/063060 to Atchley et al. and PCT product embodiment, taken across the width of the product, Application Pub. No. WO 05/004480 to Engstrom; each of showing an outer mesh pouch, tobacco material contained which is incorporated herein by reference. One type of 30 within the pouch, and a spherical capsule (also shown in Smokeless tobacco product is referred to as 'snuff.” Repre cross-section) that is contained within the pouch. sentative types of moist snuff products, commonly referred to FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional view of a second smokeless as 'snus,” are manufactured in Europe, particularly in Swe tobacco product embodiment, taken across the length of the den, by or through companies such as Swedish Match AB, product, showing an outer mesh pouch and tobacco material, Fiedler & Lundgren AB, Gustavus AB, Skandinavisk Tobak 35 a flavor sheet, and two spherical capsules (also shown in skompagni A/S and Rocker Production AB.
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