Personal details Title, initials, name Dr. C.E.G. (Christian) Steglich Date of birth 10 June 1968 Nationality German e-mail [email protected] and [email protected] URL Web of Science ORCID Google Scholar Education 18 September 2003 PhD Social & Behavioural Sciences () Promotor: prof. dr. Siegwart Lindenberg Thesis: The Framing of Decision Situations 14 July 1994 MSc Mathematics & Informatics (TU Berlin) Main subjects: Differential Geometry, Stochastics, Algorithms Work experience 2016-present Associate professor University of Groningen; Department of Sociology 2016-present Senior lecturer Linköping University; Institute for Analytical Sociology 2011-2016 Assistant professor University of Groningen; Department of Sociology 2006-2009 Associate researcher University of Cardiff; Institute for Society, Health, & Ethics 2006-2010 Associate researcher University of Groningen; Department of Sociology 2002-2006 Postdoc University of Groningen; Department of Sociology Academic staff supervised Ongoing PhD projects with expected year of completion 2024 Yade Rotte: Predicting and preventing a spiral of mutually reinforcing negative outgroup attitudes in multi-ethnic classrooms. (with prof. dr. Andreas Flache & dr. Michael Mäs) 2023 Stepan Zaretckii: Subgroups in dynamic social networks. (with dr. Marijtje van Duijn & prof. dr. Tom Snijders) 2022 Xingna Qin: The Development of Academic Achievement and Social Adaptation in Peer Networks among Chinese Adolescents. (with prof. dr. René Veenstra) 2021 Natalia Garrido: Understanding inequalities among women’s social entrepreneurship: A perspective for assessing performance. (with prof. dr. Jörg Müller & dr. Milagros Sáinz)

PhD projects successfully completed 2019 Robert Krause: Missing data in network analyses. (with dr. Mark Huisman & prof. dr. Tom Snijders) Currently employed as postdoc at Free University Berlin. 2018 Mariola Gremmen: Social network processes in academic achievement. (with prof. dr. René Veenstra & dr. Jan Kornelis Dijkstra) Currently employed as researcher at Avans University of Applied Sciences. 2018 Loes van Rijsewijk: Antecedents and consequences of adolescents' prosocial relationships: Peer group dynamics at the individual, dyadic, network, and contextual level. (with prof. dr. René Veenstra, dr. Jan Kornelis Dijkstra, & prof. dr. Richard Fabes) Currently employed as researcher at Groningen municipality. 2016 Rozemarijn van der Ploeg: Be a buddy, not a bully? Four studies on emotional and social processes related to bullying, defending, and victimization. (with prof. dr. René Veenstra & prof. dr. Christina Salmivalli) Currently employed as assistant professor at University of Groningen. 2016 Kim Pattiselanno: At your own risk: The importance of group dynamics and peer processes in adolescent peer groups for adolescents’ involvement in risk behaviors. (with prof. dr. René Veenstra, dr. Jan Kornelis Dijkstra, & prof. dr. Wilma Vollebergh). Currently employed as lecturer at Stenden University of Applied Sciences. 2012 Alona Labun: Social networks and informal power in organizations. (with prof. dr. Rafael Wittek & dr. Rudi Wielers) Currently employed as program coordinator at youth care organisation Jeugdhulp Friesland. 2011 Lea Ellwardt: Gossip in organizations: A social network study. (with prof. dr. Rafael Wittek & dr. Rudi Wielers) Currently employed as assistant professor at University of Cologne. 2009 Liesbeth Mercken, PhD: Influence or selection: Dynamics of friendship networks and smoking behaviour in adolescence. (with prof. dr. Hein de Vries, prof. dr. Tom Snijders, & dr. Math Candel) Currently employed as assistant professor at Maastricht University. 2008 Andrea Knecht: Friendship selection and friend’s influence: Dynamics of networks and actor attributes in early adolescence. (with prof. dr. Werner Raub, prof. dr. Tom Snijders, & dr. Chris Baerveldt) Currently employed as researcher at Nuremberg municipality.

Postdocs 2011-2014 Christoph Stadtfeld, PhD Currently employed as associate professor at ETH Zurich.

Thesis committee memberships 2020 Thabo van Woudenberg (PhD, Nijmegen) 2018 Mark Bagley (PhD, Jönköping) 2017 Morten Fenger (PhD, Aarhus) 2016 Jürgen Lerner (habilitation, Konstanz) 2015 Matthew Hazledine (PhD, Melbourne) 2014 Jef Vlegels (PhD, Ghent) 2014 Per Block (PhD, Oxford) 2013 Peng Wang (PhD, Melbourne) Brief summary of research interests My work is focused on the formal modelling of social network structure and social network dynamics, with emphasis on social influence processes in the context of a changing network. I have applied these methods in a variety of domains, including public health, education, developmental psychology, and intra- as well as inter-organisational studies. I am currently working on applications to bigger data sets obtained from population registers, stock markets, and social media. My main research interest is currently the empirical study of emergent macro- and meso-level phenomena in social networks, e.g., segregation, hierarchies, or subgroups. In this work, I combine empirical calibration of models to data sets for purposes of statistical inference with empirically informed simulation studies. International research activities

Invited lectures 2020 ‘Micro-macro modelling with network models designed for empirical inference’, Social Simulation Week 2020, online event launched by the European Social Simulation Association, September 15.


2019 ‘Stochastic network modelling as Generative ’, University of Melbourne, December 22. 2019 ‘Social Network Mechanisms’, keynote lecture at 31st Dokkyo International Forum, Dokkyo University, Soka, November 16. 2018 ‘Why echo chambers form and network interventions fail: Selection outpaces influence in dynamic networks’, New York University Abu Dhabi, November 4. 2018 ‘Is generative sufficiency sufficient? Allocating macro outcomes to competing micro mechanisms’, featured speech at INAS conference, Stanford University, Palo Alto, June 7. 2018 ‘Applying a mechanism-based approach to the study of economic and societal phenomena’, with Karl Wennberg, Swedish Academy of Letters, Stockholm, February 8-9. 2017 ‘Big data analysis of Spotify- and Flashback data’, with Martin Arvidsson, Niclas Lovsjö & Marc Keuschnigg, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, November 17. 2017 ‘Stochastic actor-oriented network evolution models as simulation tools: the cases of echo chambers and peer-led interventions’, Workshop on Agent-based Modelling and Simulation of Social Behaviour, University of Bremen, October 13. 2017 ‘Social ties and the academic self. A multilevel network study’, Swedish Institute for Social Research, , March 28. 2016 ‘Studying network entry and exit in a dynamic communication network’, Creative Unit ‘Communicative Figurations’ conference, University of Bremen, December 8. 2016 ‘Gender differences in networks of adolescents’, International Workshop & Panel Discussion ‘Social Networks & Gender’, GenTIC research group, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, October 27. 2016 ‘Network Analysis’, meeting ‘Causal inference and network analyses in register-based research’ of the Swedish Initiative for Research on Microdata in the Social and Medical Sciences (SIMSAM), Linköping University, October 13. 2016 ‘Assessing peer influence with panel data: Models and designs’. Amsterdam School of Communications Research, University of Amsterdam, April 5. 2014 ‘Network dynamics as a mixture of n×(n-1) waiting times’, Columbia University, February 11. 2014 Keynote lecture ‘Endogenizing Network Nodes: The Bipartite Case’, SONAR Research Center, University of Italian Switzerland, Lugano, October 25. 2013 ‘The Network-Behaviour Co-Evolution Model and its Scientific Habitat’, Lorentz Center, Leiden, April 2-5. 2013 ‘Advances in Actor-based Modelling of Network & Behavior Dynamics.’ International workshop ‘Trends in Social Network Research’, Academia Sinica, Taipei, November 15-16. 2013 ‘Studious by association? Effects of teachers’ attunement to students’ peer relations’, FU Berlin, December 6. 2012 ‘Statistical models for network dynamics: last developments & applications’, , Department of Economic Geography, June 5. 2011 ‘Understanding Social Influence Processes’, Universität Tübingen, April 4. 2011 ‘Context Effects in Peer Influence Models’, ICS Lustrum Symposium ‘Social Networks, Solidarity and Inequality: The Next Frontier’, Groningen, May 13. 2011 ‘Peer Influence in Changing Social Networks’, Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung, September 20. 2011 ‘Recent developments in SIENA’, ESC-Toulouse, December 14. 2010 ‘Rational choice in classroom networks? An empirical study of desires, motives, and actual friendships.’ Nuffield College, , October 18. 2009 ‘Statistical inference for longitudinal social network data: The stochastic, actor-based approach.’ COST Action meeting “Physics of cooperation and conflict”, Madrid, January 27. 2009 ‘Modelling interdependent actors: Cross-sectional and longitudinal approaches in social network analysis.’ Jubilee Meeting of the Dutch/Flemish Classification Society (VOC), Wageningen, November 12.


2007 ‘Statistical inference for jointly evolving networks and actor characteristics.’ DIMACS workshop on Spatio-temporal and Network Modelling of Diseases, International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh, UK, May 15-18. 2007 ‘SIENA. Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis.’ Software presentation at 4th Conference on Applications of Social Network Analysis (ASNA). Zürich, Switzerland, September 13-15. 2005 ‘Analyzing the Co-Evolution of Behaviour and Social Networks, with an Application to the Dynamics of Music Taste, Alcohol Consumption and Friendship among Adolescents.’ Psychology Colloquium at the University of Melbourne, Australia, March 2. 2005 ‘Analyzing the Co-Evolution of Behaviour and Social Networks with SIENA.’ 2nd Network Theory Working Group Meeting of the CSIRO Centre for Complex Systems Science and the ARC Complex Open Systems Research Network (COSNet), Canberra, Australia, March 9. 2004 ‘Categorisation of decision situations affecting induced preferences. Some empirical tests of a formal framing model.’ Sonderforschungsbereich Rationalitätskonzepte und Entscheidungsverhalten (SFB504), Mannheim, Germany, February 2. 2004 ‘Longitudinal Analysis of Networks and Behavior.’ Autumn meeting of the Social Science Section of the Dutch Statistics Society (VVS). Tilburg, the , October 1

Invited research visits 2019 Complex Human Data Hub, Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences, University of Melbourne (host: Johan Koskinen). 2018 Division of Social Sciences, NYU Abu Dhabi (host: Daniel Karell). 2014 Department of Sociology and Criminology, Penn State University, State College PA (host: Wayne Osgood). 2014 Department of Sociology, Columbia University, New York (host: Tom DiPrete). 2011 Department of Social Work, Ohio State University, Columbus OH (host: Keith Warren). 2011 Department of Sociology, State University - Higher School of Economics, St Petersburg (hosts: Daniel Alexandrov & Valeria Ivaniushina). 2007 Cardiff Institute of Society, Health and Ethics, Cardiff University (host: Laurence Moore). 2007 Faculty of Economics, University of Italian Switzerland, Lugano (host: Alessandro Lomi). 2005 Department of Psychology, University of Melbourne (hosts: Pip Pattison & Garry Robins). 2004 Sonderforschungsbereich Rationalitätskonzepte und Entscheidungsverhalten (SFB 504), Universität Mannheim (host: Hartmut Esser).

Other academic activities 2019-present Member of the editorial board of Social Networks 2018 Co-organiser of 2018 INSNA Sunbelt Social Network conference, Utrecht 2017 Co-organiser of 2017 International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Groningen 2016-present Senior Research Fellow at the Inst. for Analytical Sociology, Linköping University 2015-2016 Member of the Scientific Integrity Committee (Groningen, faculty level) 2016-2020 Member of COST action “Europ. Cooperation for Statistics of Network Data Science” 2014-present Member of the Social Network Analysis Research Center, University of Lugano 2014-2016 Member of the Research Master Examination Board (Groningen, faculty level) 2013-2016 Chairman of the ICT User Council (Groningen, faculty level) 2012-2014 Member of the Research Master Thesis Committee (Groningen, department level) 2012-2013 Guest editor Journal of Research on Adolescence 2010-2013 Member of Research Master Education Committee (Groningen, faculty level) 2005-present Organizer of Winter School Series on Longitudinal Social Network Analysis (10 times) 2002-present Ad hoc reviewer of academic journals, grant givers, publishers and conferences

Memberships in professional organisations International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA)


International Network of Analytical Sociology (INAS) Akademie für Soziologie James Coleman Association Research Committee RC33 (Logic and Methodology), International Sociological Association (ISA) Research Committee RC45 (Rational Choice), International Sociological Association (ISA) Grants

Involved as co-applicant 2015 NWO Research Talent grant 406-15-191 € 219.170 2013 NWO Research Talent grant 406-13-017 € 171.363 2012 NWO PROO grant 411-12-027 € 717.326

Involved as co-investigator 2019 NWO Open Competition grant 406-18-SW-038 € 376.700 2010 ESF EUROCORES ECRP grant 10-ECRP-044 € 287.197 2006 MRC Research grant G0501806 £ 395.788 2006 ESF EUROCORES ECRP grant 05_ECRP_FP026 € 278.000 2002 NWO Research area grant 401-01-550 € 403.928 Publications by category

Refereed articles Block, P., J. Koskinen, J. Hollway, Ch. Steglich, & Ch. Stadtfeld (2018). Change we can believe in: Comparing Longitudinal Network Models on Consistency, Interpretability and Predictive Power. Social Networks 52, 180-191. Brouwer, J., A. Flache, E. Jansen, A. Hofman, & Ch. Steglich (2018). ‘Emergent achievement segregation in freshmen learning community networks’, Higher Education 76, 483-500. Burk, W.J., Steglich, Ch., & Snijders, T.A.B. (2007). ‘Beyond dyadic interdependence: Actor- oriented models for co-evolving social networks and individual behaviors’, International Journal for Behavioral Development 31, 397-404. Checkley, M., & Steglich, Ch. (2007). ‘Partners in Power: Job Mobility and Dynamic Deal-Making’, European Management Review 4, 161-171. Checkley, M., Ch. Steglich, D. Angwin, & R. Endersby (2014). ‘Firm Performance and the Evolution of Cooperative Interfirm Networks: UK Venture Capital Syndication’, Strategic Change 23, 107-118. Contractor, N.S., R.C. Whitbred, F. Fonti & Ch. Steglich, (2012). ‘Understanding the Ties that Bind: A Longitudinal Investigation of the Evolution of a Communication Network’, Western Journal of Communication 76, 333-357. Dijkstra, J.K., S. Lindenberg, R. Veenstra, Ch. Steglich, J. Isaacs, N.A. Card, & E.V. Hodges (2010). ‘Influence and Selection Processes in Weapon Carrying during Adolescence: The Roles of Status, Aggression, and Victimization’, Criminology 48, 187-220. Ellwardt, L., Ch. Steglich, & R. Wittek (2012). ‘The co-evolution of gossip and friendship in workplace social networks’, Social Networks 34, 623-633. Franken, A., M. Prinstein, J.K. Dijkstra, Ch. Steglich, Z. Harakeh, & W.A.M. Vollebergh (2016). ‘Early Adolescent Friendship Selection Based on Externalizing Behavior: The Moderating Role of Pubertal Development. The SNARE study’, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 44, 1647-1657. Franken, A., T.E. Moffitt, Ch. Steglich, J.K. Dijkstra, Z. Harakeh, & W.A.M. Vollebergh (2016). ‘The role of self-control and early adolescents’ friendships in the development of externalizing behavior: The SNARE study’, Journal of Youth and Adolescence 45, 1800-1811. Gremmen, M.C., Ch. Berger, A.M. Ryan, Ch. Steglich, R. Veenstra, & J.K. Dijkstra (2019). ‘Adolescents’ Friendships, Academic Achievement, and Risk Behaviors: Same‐Behavior and Cross‐Behavior Selection and Influence Processes’, Child Development 90, 192-211. Gremmen, M.C., J.K. Dijkstra, Ch. Steglich, & R. Veenstra (2017). ‘First Selection, then Influence: Developmental Differences in Friendship Dynamics Regarding Academic Achievement’, Developmental Psychology 53, 1356-1370.


Gremmen, M.C., Y. van den Berg, Ch. Steglich, R. Veenstra, & J.K. Dijkstra (2018). ‘The Importance of Near-Seated Peers for Elementary Students’ Academic Engagement and Achievement’, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 57, 42-52. Huisman, M., & Ch. Steglich (2008). ‘Treatment of Non-Response in Longitudinal Network Studies’, Social Networks 30, 297–308. Knecht, A., T.A.B. Snijders, C. Baerveldt, Ch. Steglich, & W. Raub (2010). ‘Friendship and Delinquency: Selection and Influence Processes in Early Adolescence’, Social Development 19, 494-514. Knecht, A., W.J. Burk, J. Weesie, & Ch. Steglich (2011). ‘Friendship and alcohol use in early adolescence: a social network approach’, Journal of Research on Adolescence 21, 475-487. Krause, R.W., M. Huisman, Ch. Steglich, & T.A.B. Sniiders (2018). ‘Missing network data a comparison of different imputation methods’, in IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM) (pp. 159-163). IEEE. Krause, R.W., M. Huisman, Ch. Steglich,& T.A.B. Snijders (2020). Missing data in cross-sectional networks–An extensive comparison of missing data treatment methods. Social Networks, 62, 99-112. Labun, A., R. Wittek, & Ch. Steglich (2016). ‘The Co-evolution of Power and Friendship Networks in an Organization’, Network Science 4, 364-384. Laninga, L., Z. Harakeh, Ch. Steglich, J.K. Dijkstra, R. Veenstra, & W.A.M. Vollebergh (2017). ‘The Norms of Popular Peers Moderate Friendship Dynamics of Adolescent Aggression’, Child Development 88, 1265-1283. Laninga, L., W.A.M. Vollebergh, J.K. Dijkstra, Z. Harakeh, Ch. Steglich, & R. Veenstra (2017). ‘Populaire jongeren zetten een norm voor vriendschappen en agressie in de klas’, Kind en Adolescent 38, 212-232. Laninga, L., W.A.M. Vollebergh, J.K. Dijkstra, Z. Harakeh, Ch. Steglich, & R. Veenstra (2020). ‘The Role of Prosocial and Aggressive Popularity Norm Combinations in Prosocial and Aggressive Friendship Processes’, Journal of Youth and Adolescence 49, 645-663. Lomi, A., T.A.B. Snijders, Ch. Steglich, & V.J. Torlò (2011). ‘Why Are Some More Peer Than Others? Class-level Evidence from a Longitudinal Study of Social Networks and Individual Academic Performance’, Social Science Research 40, 1506-1520. Martín Babarro, J., M.J. Díaz-Aguado, R.M. Arias, & Ch. Steglich (2017). ‘Power Structure in the Peer Group: The Role of Classroom Cohesion and Hierarchy in Peer Acceptance and Rejection of Victimized and Aggressive Students’, Journal of Early Adolescence 37, 1197- 1220. Mercken, L., Ch. Steglich, R. Knibbe, & H. de Vries (2012). ‘Dynamics of friendship networks and alcohol use in early and mid-adolescence’, Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 73, 99- 110. Mercken, L., E. Sleddens, H. de Vries, & Ch. Steglich, (2013). ‘Choosing adolescent smokers as friends: The role of parenting and parental smoking’, Journal of Adolescence 36, 383-392. Mercken, L., Ch. Steglich, P. Sinclair, J. Holliday, & L. Moore, (2012). ‘A longitudinal social network analysis of peer influence, peer selection and smoking behaviour among adolescents in British schools’, Health Psychology 31, 450-459. Mercken, L., T.A.B. Snijders, Ch. Steglich, & H. de Vries (2009). ‘Dynamics of adolescent friendship networks and smoking behavior: Social network analyses in six European countries’, Social Science & Medicine 69, 1506-1514. Mercken, L., T.A.B. Snijders, Ch. Steglich, E. Vartiainen, & H. de Vries (2010). ‘Dynamics of adolescent friendship networks and smoking behavior’, Social Networks 32, 72-81. Mercken, L., T.A.B. Snijders, Ch. Steglich, E. Vartiainen, & H. de Vries (2010). ‘Smoking-based selection and influence in gender-segregated friendship networks’, Addiction 105, 1280- 1289. Pattiselanno, K., J.K. Dijkstra, Ch. Steglich, W.A.M. Vollebergh, & R. Veenstra (2015). ‘Structure Matters: The Role of Clique Hierarchy in the Relationship Between Adolescent Social Status and Aggression and Prosociality’, Journal of Youth and Adolescence 44, 2257-2274. Pauksztat, B., Ch. Steglich, & R. Wittek, (2011). ‘Who speaks up to whom? A network analysis of employee voice’, Social Networks 33, 303-316. Pearson, M., Ch. Steglich & T.A.B.Snijders (2006). ‘Homophily and assimilation among sport-active adolescent substance users’, Connections 27, 47–63. Purwitasari, D., Ch. Fatichah, S. Sumpeno, Ch. Steglich, & M. H.Purnomo (2020). ‘Identifying collaboration dynamics of bipartite author‐topic networks with the influences of interest changes’, Scientometrics 122, 1407-1443. Rambaran, J.A., A. Hopmeyer, D. Schwartz, Ch. Steglich, D. Badaly, & R. Veenstra (2017). ‘Academic Functioning and Peer Influences: A Short-Term Longitudinal Study of Network- Behavior Dynamics in Middle Adolescence’, Child Development 88, 523-543.


Snijders, T.A.B., & Ch. Steglich (2015). ‘Representing Micro-Macro Linkages by Actor-Based Dynamic Network Models’, Sociological Methods and Research 44, 222-271. Snijders, T.A.B., G. van de Bunt, & Ch. Steglich (2010). ‘Introduction to stochastic actor-based models for network dynamics’, Social Networks 32, 44-60. Stadtfeld, Ch., T.A.B. Snijders, Ch. Steglich, & M.A.J. van Duijn (2020). ‘Statistical Power in Longitudinal Network Studies’, Sociological Methods and Research 49, 1103-1132. Steglich, Ch. (1995), ‘Invariants of Conformal and Projective Structures’, Results in Mathematics 27, 188-193. Steglich, Ch., & A. Knecht (2014). ‘Studious by association? Effects of teacher’s attunement to students’ peer relations’, Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 17, 153-170. Steglich, Ch., P. Sinclair, J. Holliday, & L. Moore, (2012). ‘Actor-based analysis of peer influence in A Stop Smoking in Schools Trial (ASSIST)’, Social Networks 34, 359-369. Steglich, Ch., T.A.B. Snijders & P. West (2006). ‘Applying SIENA: An illustrative analysis of the co- evolution of adolescents’ friendship networks, taste in music, and alcohol consumption’, Methodology 2, 48–56. Steglich, Ch., T.A.B. Snijders, & M. Pearson (2010). ‘Dynamic Networks and Behavior: Separating Selection from Influence’, Sociological Methodology 40, 329-393. van der Ploeg, R., Ch. Steglich, Ch. Salmivalli, & R. Veenstra (2015). ‘The Intensity of Victimization: Associations with Children's Psychosocial Well-Being and Social Standing in the Classroom’, PLoS ONE 10(10), e0141490. van der Ploeg, R., Ch. Steglich, & R. Veenstra (2016). ‘The Support Group Approach in the Dutch KiVa Anti-Bullying Programme: Effects on Victimisation, Defending and Well-Being at School’, Educational Research 58, 221-236. van der Ploeg, R., Ch. Steglich, & R. Veenstra (2020). ‘The way bullying works: How new ties facilitate the mutual reinforcement of status and bullying in elementary schools’, Social Networks 60, 71-82. van Rijsewijk, L.G.M., J.K. Dijkstra, K. Pattiselanno, Ch. Steglich, & R. Veenstra (2016) ‘Who helps whom? Investigating the development of adolescent prosocial relationships’, Developmental Psychology 52, 894-908. van Rijsewijk, L.G.M., T.A.B. Snijders, J.K. Dijkstra, Ch. Steglich, & R. Veenstra (2020). ‘The Interplay between Adolescents’ Friendships and the Exchange of Help: A Longitudinal Multiplex Social Network Study’, Journal of Research on Adolescence 30, 63-77. Veenstra, R., J.K. Dijkstra, Ch. Steglich, & M.H.W. van Zalk (2013). ‘Network-Behavior Dynamics’, Journal of Research on Adolescence 23, 399-412. Whitbred, R., F. Fonti, Ch. Steglich, & N. Contractor (2011). ‘From micro-actions to macro- structure: A structurational approach to the evolution of organizational networks’, Human Communication Research 37, 404-433.

Books Steglich, Ch. (2003). ‘The Framing of Decision Situations. Automatic Goal Selection and Rational Goal Pursuit’, PhD dissertation, University of Groningen. Amsterdam: Thela Thesis. ISBN- 13:978 90 5170 724 3.

Book chapters & conference proceedings Krause, R., M. Huisman, Ch. Steglich, & T.A.B. Snijders (2018). ‘Missing Network Data - A Comparison of Different Imputation Methods’, in ‘2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2018)’ (pp. 159-163). IEEE. Listyowardojo, T.A., Ch. Steglich, S. Peuchen, & A. Johnson (2009). ‘Using Social Network Analysis to Identify Sub-Groups in the Operating Room’, in D. de Waard, J. Godthelp, F.L. Kooi, & K.A. Brookhuis (Eds.), ‘Human Factors, Security and Safety’ (pp. 391-400). Maastricht, the Netherlands: Shaker Publishing. Snijders, T.A.B., Steglich, Ch., & Schweinberger, M. (2007). ‘Modeling the Co-Evolution of Networks and Behavior’, in K. van Montfort, H. Oud & A. Satorra (Eds.), ‘Longitudinal models in the behavioral and related sciences’ (pp. 41-71). Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Steglich, Ch., & A. Knecht (2010). ‘Die statistische Analyse dynamischer Netzwerke’, in Ch. Stegbauer & R. Häußling (Eds.), ‘Handbuch der Netzwerkforschung’ (pp. 427-440). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag. Steglich, Ch., & T.A.B. Snijders (accepted for publication). ‘Stochastic Network Modelling as Generative Social Science’, in K. Gërxhani, N.D. de Graaf & W. Raub (Eds.), ‘Handbook of Rigorous Theoretical and Empirical Sociology’. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Steglich, Ch., T.A.B. Snijders, & M. Pearson (2014). ‘Dynamic Networks and Behavior: Separating Selection from Influence’, in P.J. Carrington (Ed.), ‘Applications of Social Network Analysis’


(Volume 2, Part 1, Chapter 22). Series ‘Benchmarks in Social Research Methods’. Thousand Oaks CA: SAGE. This chapter is a reprint of Steglich, Snijders & Pearson (2010). Torlò, V.J., Steglich, Ch., Lomi, A., & Snijders, T.A.B. (2007). ‘Network structures, individual behavior and performance in organizations’, Academy of Management Proceedings 2007:1, 1-6, doi:10.5465/AMBPP.2007.26523663 Veenstra, R., & Ch. Steglich, (2012). ‘Actor-based model for network and behavior dynamics’, in B. Laursen, T.D. Little, & N.A. Card (Eds.), ‘Handbook of Developmental Research Methods’ (pp. 598-618). New York: Guilford. Zander, L., B. Hannover, Ch. Steglich, & J. Baumert (2017). ‘Soziale Eingebundenheit in immersiven und monolingualen Klassenzimmern. Ein Index zur Messung sprachbezogener Inklusion’, in: J. Möller, F. Hohenstein, J. Fleckenstein, O. Köller & J. Baumert (Eds.), ‘Erfolgreich integrieren - die Staatliche Europa-Schule Berlin’ (pp. 285-304). Münster: Waxmann.

Software manuals Boer, P., M. Huisman, T.A.B. Snijders, Ch. Steglich, L. Wichers, & E. Zeggelink (2006). ‘StOCNET User’s Manual, Version 1.7’, University of Groningen: ProGamma, Groningen, The Netherlands. Snijders, T.A.B., Ch. Steglich, M. Schweinberger, & M. Huisman, M. (2005-2008). ‘Manual for SIENA’ versions 2.x and 3.x, University of Groningen: ICS, Department of Sociology, Groningen, The Netherlands. Teaching history Prior to designing and teaching own courses, I was employed for teaching existing courses in the regular undergraduate education of TU Berlin (maths, 1990-1994) and University of Groningen (social science methods, 1996-2009). Since 2001, I have developed and taught the courses listed below. In 2012, I received the Dutch University Teaching Qualification (‘bko’) certificate.

Linköping University 2017-present Social Network Analysis (7.5 EC, Master Computational Social Science)

University of Groningen 2016-present Network Methods in Policy Research (5 EC, Master Sociology) 2010-present Statistical Analysis of Social Networks (5 EC, Research Master Behavioural and Social Sciences) 2010-present Social Networks (5 EC, Bachelor Sociology) 2004-2016 Statistical Inference (5 EC, Bachelor Sociology) 2004-2006 Model Building in the Social Sciences (with Andreas Flache; 5 EC, Bachelor Sociology) 2001-2003 Inferential Statistics (with Marcel van Assen; 5 EC, Bachelor Psychology)

Workshop series (own initiative) 2019-present Micro-Macro Modelling with stochastic network models (at INSNA conferences) 2011-present Advanced Siena Users’ meeting series (AdSUM, with Tom Snijders and local hosts) 2006-present Introductory (R)Siena software workshops (at INSNA conferences) 2005-present Winter School Series on Longitudinal Social Network Analysis (mainly in Groningen)

Invited workshops and master classes 2016 Workshop ‘Analysing Peer Influence in Social Networks’. Universität Bremen, December 7. 2016 Master class at ‘Advanced Siena Users Meeting 2016’, Zürich, February 19-20. With Tom Snijders & Nynke Niezink. 2015 Workshop ‘Analysing Peer Influence in Social Networks’. Universität Kassel, October 30. 2015 Workshop ‘RSiena’. Radboud University Nijmegen, February 9-11. 2014 Workshop ‘PROSPER Peers RSiena Week at Penn State’. Penn State University, June 16-20. 2014 Workshop ‘Analysing network dynamics and peer influence processes with RSiena’. Columbia University, February 14-15. 2013 Workshop ‘Actor-based Modelling of Network & Behavior Dynamics’, FU Berlin, December 6.


2013 Summer school ‘Longitudinal Network Analysis with RSiena’, Bertinoro Castle, University of Bologna, September 16-20. 2013 Summer school ‘Social Network Dynamics’, Kansas University Stats Camps, Lawrence KS, June 17-21. 2013 Workshop ‘Actor-based Analysis of Social Network Dynamics and Peer Effects’, University of Bremen, March 20-22. 2013 Workshop ‘Applied Network Analysis’, Mannheim Centre for European Social Research, March 14-16. With Christoph Stadtfeld & Per Block. 2013 Workshop ‘Akteursbasierte Analyse von Netzwerkdynamiken mit der RSiena-Software’, University of Hamburg. February 13-14. With Andrea Knecht. 2012 PhD Seminar ‘Analysing Social Network Dynamics & Peer Effects’, University of Zurich, October 1-5. 2012 Workshops ‘Analysing Network Dynamics with RSiena’ and ‘Analysing influence processes in dynamic networks with RSiena’ at the 5th Political Networks Conference, Boulder CO, University of Colorado, June 14. 2012 Summer school ‘Social Network Dynamics’, Kansas University Stats Camps, Lawrence KS, June 18-22. 2012 Master class at ‘Advanced Siena Users Meeting 2012’, Tempe AZ, March 11-12. With Tom Snijders & David Schaefer. 2011 Workshop ‘Atélier pratique sur l’analyse de la dynamique des réseaux complets avec RSiena’, ESC-Toulouse, December 15. 2011 Workshop ‘Sociometry’, Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung, November 17-18. 2011 Workshop ‘Social Network Dynamics’, 7th China Social Network and Guanxi Management Conference, Shanghai, East China University of Science and Technology, October 10-11. 2011 Summer school ‘Longitudinal Network Analysis with RSiena’, Bertinoro Castle, University of Bologna, July 11-15. 2011 Summer school ‘Social Network Dynamics’, Kansas University Stats Camps, Lawrence KS, June 20-24. 2011 Workshop ‘Social Network Dynamics’, Ohio State University, Columbus OH, June 16-17. 2011 Workshop ‘Statistical Network Analysis’, St. Petersburg, Russia, State University - Higher School of Economics, April 11-12. With Marijtje van Duijn. 2011 Master class at ‘Advanced Siena Users Meeting 2011’, Konstanz, April 6-8. With Tom Snijders, Johan Koskinen & Ulrik Brandes. 2010 Summer school ‘Social Network Dynamics’, Kansas University Stats Camps, Lawrence KS, June 21-25. 2010 Course modules ‘Social Network Statistics 101’ and ‘Dynamic Network Analysis with SIENA’, LINKS Center summer workshop at the University of Kentucky, Lexington KY, June 7-11. 2009 Master Class ‘Social Network Analysis’ in the Master Class series of the Scottish Social Survey Network, Stirling, September 17. With Michael Pearson. 2009 Summer school ‘Analysis of Longitudinal Network Data’, Bertinoro Castle, June 15-20. 2009 Three-day course ‘Stochastic Modelling of Networks with SIENA’, LINKS Center summer workshop at the University of Kentucky, Lexington KY, June 2-4. 2008 Workshop ‘Actor-based network models with SIENA’, 1st Political Networks Conference, Harvard University, Boston MA, June 12. With John Scholz. 2007 Course for PhD students ‘Introduction to the analysis of social networks. Part two: Network inference’, Faculty of Economics, University of Italian Switzerland, Lugano, Switzerland, July 2-4. 2007 Course for PhD students ‘Workshop zur Analyse sozialer Netzwerke’, Graduate Centre Social Sciences, University of Vienna. Vienna, Austria, April 10-12.


2005 Tutorial ‘Longitudinal Analysis of Networks and Behavior’, Department of Psychology, University of Melbourne, Australia, March 4. Overview lists

Scientific journals (author) Addiction, Child Development, Connections, Criminology, Developmental Psychology, Educational Research, European Management Review, Health Psychology, Higher Education, Human Communication Research, International Journal for Behavioral Development, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Journal of Adolescence, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, Journal of Early Adolescence, Journal of Research on Adolescence, Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, Kind en Adolescent, Methodology, Network Science, PLoS ONE, Results in Mathematics, Scientometrics, Social Development, Social Networks, Social Science & Medicine, Social Science Research, Sociological Methodology, Sociological Methods and Research, Strategic Change, Western Journal of Communication, Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft

Scientific journals (reviewer) Addiction, Advances in Complex Systems, American Journal of Public Health, American Journal of Sociology, BMC Medical Education, British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, Burnout Research, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, Criminology, European Journal of International Management, European Sociological Review, European Union Politics, Industry and Innovation, International Sociology, Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, Journal of Early Adolescence, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, Journal of Learning and Instruction, Journal of Mathematical Sociology, Journal of Research on Adolescence, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, Journal of Social Structure, Journal of Statistical Software, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Methodology, Network Science, Organization Science, PLoS ONE, Policy Studies Journal, Psychometrika, Quality & Quantity, Rationality and Society, Reading and Writing, School Effectiveness and School Improvement, Science Advances, Scientific Reports, Social Forces, Social Network Analysis and Mining, Social Networks, Social Science and Medicine, Social Science Research, Sociological Methodology, Sociology of Education, Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, Transactions on Computer-Human Interactions, Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft

Organisations (reviewer) Academic Press, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), European Research Council (ERC), European Science Foundation (ESF), Israel Science Foundation (ISF), Medical Research Council (MRC), National Science Foundation (NSF), Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), SAGE, Springer, Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF), The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), US Air Force Research Office, US Army Research Office

Special recognition 2019 Interviewed by Karin Moser for Neue Zürcher Zeitung as part of a feature on friendship (aired on Swiss television 3 March 2020). 2017 As part of the RSiena team with Tom Snijders, recipient of the William D. Richards Software Award of the International Network for Social Network Analysis. 2016 Interviewed by Janosch Schobin for ‘Die Augen der Soziologie. Was mathematische Modelle sichtbar machen.’


2015 Twice in the top-ten of most-cited sociology articles in the period 2010-2014 (#1 and #10). Footnotes (members’ journal of the American Sociological Association), December issue. 2011 Best conference paper, Sunbelt Social Networks Conference (with Lea Ellwardt & Rafael Wittek). 2008 Best conference paper, Annual Meeting of the National Communication Association (with Noshir Contractor, Rob Whitbred & Fabio Fonti). 2007 Best conference paper, Academy of Management Annual Meeting (with Vanina Torlò, Tom Snijders & Alessandro Lomi).
