26 April 2017


Good morning, goeie môre, molweni, as-salaamu alaikum, shalom.

Mr Speaker, I would like to call for a moment of silence for Pan-Africanist Congress stalwart, Philip Kgosana, the fire victims, and the people who died on our roads over the Easter holiday period. Thank you.

I would also like to use this opportunity to congratulate City FC on their win against Kaizer Chiefs at the last night in what was a gripping display of top quality football.

Mr Speaker, last week an unsung hero in the struggle against apartheid, Philip Kgosana, died.

As an unassuming, valiant fighter in the struggle, Kgosana dedicated his life to the political cause.

He earned his name in our country’s history books when he led 30 000 African demonstrators on a march from Langa to the Cape Town CBD on 30 March 1960 following the Sharpeville massacre.

In recognition of his contribution to our country, the City is currently processing a proposal to rename De Waal Drive after Philip Kgosana.

This proposal will serve before the City’s Naming and Nomination Committee in May and will be followed by a public participation process.

I was honoured to have known and stood alongside Kgosana during the darkest days of apartheid and drew from his determination as we fought together to realise freedom, justice, and equality for the people of our country.

Mr Speaker, in the coming months, we will also see the unfolding of a plan to honour the father of our nation, former President Nelson Mandela.

The public participation for proposed Madiba statue and exhibition at City Hall commenced earlier this month and comments, input and recommendations may be submitted until 21 May 2017.

The proposed project – the installation of a statue of the late President Mandela and a permanent exhibition at the City Hall – forms part of the National Liberation Heritage Route, an initiative of the National Heritage Council and the National Department of Tourism.

It is proposed that a statue be installed on the balcony at the City Hall where Madiba delivered his first public address following his release from the then Victor Verster Prison on 11 February 1990.

The proposed project will be a joint effort between the City and the Government’s Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs and the Sport Department.


Mr Speaker, the hot weather over the past two weeks has sent our dam levels into further decline due to the high rate of evaporation and people using more water on the hotter days.

I would like to thank the many residents and businesses who are making every effort to save water, but we have to do more to save more water consistently, regardless of weather patterns.

The drought situation is not going to be alleviated any time soon as the impacts of climate change, with reduced annual average rainfall, are harshly being felt.

As of this week our dams are at 23,3% storage levels, and with the last 10% of a dam’s water mostly not being useable, dam levels are effectively at 13,3%.

We have now lowered the collective usage weekly target to 600 million litres per week as the dams decline even further.

Stricter water restrictions could also be on the cards soon, subject to due process.

For now, the City asks residents to stop using municipal water for all outside use and that those who are able to do so invest in greywater and rainwater harvesting, among others, for all non-potable uses.

Similarly, the City is currently looking at ways to create a greater culture of water-harvesting in all of our operations.

The City continues to accelerate its emergency water schemes in accordance with the disaster declaration.

The exploratory phase of a pilot project for the extraction of water from the Group Aquifer (TMGA) is expected to begin near the end of June 2017.

At this stage, the foreseen yield is approximately two million litres per day.

This is because we are taking a precautionary approach to determine the sustainable yield of the TMGA and to prevent over-abstraction and environmental damage.

The City is also continuing with extensive pressure-reduction programmes to reduce the flow of water and water losses through leakage in the pipework of the distribution system.

The regulation of supply is under way in the central, southern and eastern suburbs and within the next week it will be expanded to the northern suburbs.

In the coming weeks, the City will also be hosting a number of water and resilience-related events, including a briefing with the businesses in the city on 9 May.

Mr Speaker, the drought has had an impact on all broad range of activities and in order to minimise the impact of the crisis on sport and sport development, the City and the South African Football Association (SAFA) are working together to tackle the soccer season under drought conditions.

The City and SAFA will work together to manage the various playing fields and ensure that they are used in a manner that mitigates further damage as a result of the drought.

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SAFA has been very positive about finding a solution with the City and we thank them for their willingness to proactively tackle the impending crisis we are experiencing at our grass fields.

Mr Speaker, on the point of sport facilities, on 31 March the North Gauteng High Court ruled in favour of the City against WBHO in stadium collusion case.

In the case against a number of construction companies that colluded in respect of the construction of the Cape Town Stadium, the City is claiming more than R500 million in damages from the construction companies.

The judgment relates to an objection by WBHO that the City could not rely on admissions made by other construction companies to prove its claim against WBHO.

The court dismissed WBHO’s objection and ordered it to pay the City’s legal costs.

This judgment paves the way for the City to recover the amount of damages that it has suffered as a result of the collusion by the construction companies.

Recently, the National Government entered into settlement agreements with the various construction companies in respect of damages that arose from the collusion.

This settlement agreement entered into does not come close to compensating the public for the damages that were suffered as a result of the collusion by the construction companies.

This is exactly why the decided to pursue the matter independently and refused to rely on national government for proper recourse.

We are committed to continuing to pursue the claim, in order to recover the monies owed to the people of Cape Town.

Mr Speaker, in line with our Organisational Development and Transformation Plan (ODTP), we are positioning Cape Town as a forward-thinking, globally competitive business destination.

The findings of latest State of the Central City report affirm growth in investor confidence in Cape Town.

Last week the latest State of the Central City Report by the Central City Improvement District (CCID) revealed that investor confidence has grown over the last five years, and Cape Town is the second biggest contributor to the National GDP.

About R16,2 billion of investment has been pumped into Cape Town since 2012, and just under R4,4 billion in property investment was completed.

While we are pleased with these findings, which reaffirm that our efforts in executing our Economic Growth Strategy are paying off, we will not rest on our laurels.

We remain committed to building an opportunity city that is open for business so that we can continue to attract investment and alleviate poverty by providing much-needed jobs for the people of our city.

As the Mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, said: ‘For cities to truly thrive, they need to think global and act global when it comes to growing the economy’.

This is the approach that I took to the local economy early on in my first term as the Executive Mayor of Cape Town.

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It was the basis of the City’s 2012 Economic Growth Strategy, which has several key intervention areas at the core of the City’s investment attraction efforts.

We have aggressively promoted Cape Town as a safe investment location, both nationally and internationally, underpinned by our clean governance record of receiving four clean audits consecutively.

We are now the tech start-up capital of Africa as well as the continent’s green energy hub.

Speaking of the clean audits, we have our clean audit awards for the City and the Cape Town International Convention Centre in the Chamber today.

Last week, the City also won an award for the Most Innovative Stand at the World Travel Market Africa.

Mr Speaker, while we are working hard on attracting major investment into the city, we are also stepping up our efforts to support the growth of small to medium local businesses.

Small emerging businesses will be given a boost with the City’s initiative to give them a chance to gain the necessary experience and to grow their financial standing.

The City of Cape Town’s community-based supplier programme, which applies to bids of less than R30 000, aims to establish less onerous requirements in the procurement process.

Strong oversight over the spending of public money on goods and services will still apply.

This initiative is set to make a positive contribution to job creation.

The City has established a central supplier database walk-in centre at its offices which helps potential suppliers who are interested in registering.

Vendors are welcome to visit the walk-in centre for more information.

The City will also be concentrating on driving education and awareness about this initiative over the coming weeks.

A community-based project refers to bids for goods and services which are allocated in a specific ward.

Subcouncil managers will identify and confirm the locality and domicile of all community- based suppliers within their jurisdiction and will invite them to submit their application to become vendors.

It is foreseen that procurement of general services, such as area cleaning, general maintenance, laundry services, waste removal, and the provision of hygienic services and other general services, will be especially suitable to these emerging micro-enterprises.

Examples of such bids already include a maintenance service provider which is being used in First Avenue Park in and a cleaning contract in parks in Nyanga.

We have been looking at how we can assist such small emerging businesses to develop and to gain experience so that they are equipped on all levels to one day tender for larger projects.

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This community-based supplier initiative is a tangible example of our new ODTP, which entails removing some of the operational silos and red tape that often characterise government operations and finding ways of igniting hope by enabling opportunities and services in a more localised, area-based manner.

Mr Speaker, we are bringing progress across the city as last month Council approved the sale of 29 City-owned properties in Atlantis.

The release of these large open tracts of commercial property to the market and the recent commercial investment of over R1 billion are catalysts for much-needed economic growth in the region.

Additionally, we are working to have Atlantis declared a Special Economic Zone (SEZ), with a particular focus on green technology manufacturing.

Once the area is declared a SEZ, it will further increase the attractiveness of Atlantis as a place to invest in green technology manufacturing as green technology investors will receive even more benefits, such as a 15% tax break.

Mr Speaker, as we take the city to greater heights, we cannot forget about our young people, who are not just our future, they also play an important role right now in shaping our city.

Next month, we will be hosting a competition where we want to hear from young people and get their ideas and input on how we can improve the city.

A call for essays from Grade 11 pupils will be done via social media (the City and the mayor’s accounts) and posters in libraries across Cape Town.

Pupils will submit essays via email using our SmartCape facilities at our libraries.

A panel of judges will read all submissions and select the top six and later the two winning essays will be selected.

The two pupils who write the best essays will win an opportunity to job shadow me during the school holidays.

It is my hope that we will find great ideas from our young people so that they can play a greater role building a world-class city.

There are many positive things happening in Cape Town.

I want to especially highlight the Integrated Park where about 18 months ago with the Western Cape Government, we announced that we had a new vision for this area.

Manenberg was identified as one of the areas to be part of the Mayoral Urban Regeneration Programme because we felt the need for urgent redress there.

The Manenberg Integrated Park project is aimed at upgrading Marico Park and linking it to the Greens sports fields.

The City of Cape Town has set aside R15,7 million for this project and work is expected to be complete by July 2018.

This is part of a more than R73,9 million investment that has been made in Manenberg through the Mayoral Urban Regeneration Programme thus far.

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Some capital projects include:

 Floodlights on the Manenberg field for R4 million  Elsieskraal park upgrade at a cost of R3,4 million  Sport facilities worth R10 million  Reconstruction of concrete roads at a cost of R19 million  Non-motorised transport projects to the value of R18 million

Mr Speaker, we are making progress in rebuilding the lives and homes of the families who were affected by the devastating fire in last month.

While we are busy with this work, we are pleased that the Transport and Urban Development Authority is in the final month of a R40 million project to redesign, reconstruct and upgrade of up to 31 roads in Imizamo Yethu, Ocean View and in the far south.

The project commenced in June 2015 and should be completed by the end of May this year, if all goes as planned.

Furthermore, approximately 45 residents from Ocean View and Imizamo Yethu benefited from temporary work opportunities that were created as part of the Expanded Public Works Programme during the construction of these roads.

Elsewhere, we are also pleased to announce that community consultations for the upgrade of the Agste Laan informal settlement have been concluded and that the contractors have begun their site preparations.

The R50,8 million upgrade to transform the lives of these residents will go a long way towards creating a sense of place in the community, with its formalised layout and community- friendly design.

If construction is able to proceed as planned, the site should be completed by the end of 2018. Constant cooperation from the beneficiaries will be of paramount importance.

The formalised layout will allow the City to provide an enhanced level of basic services.

Each of the 580 residential plots will have access to its own toilet and metered water and electricity connections.

The redesign will also allow for the provision of public lighting. This could not be done previously due to the density of the structures.

As part of the upgrade, formal erven will be created, which can be transferred with title deeds to qualifying beneficiaries.

The progressive realisation of tenure is one of the key thrusts of the City’s new Organisational Development and Transformation Plan and our Integrated Human Settlements Framework.

Mr Speaker, unfortunately it is not all news in our work to deliver to residents as a housing project in Valhalla Park is currently being blocked where gangsters have gone on site, threatening the contractor demanding a security fee.

It is absolutely unacceptable that criminal elements are blocking service delivery to residents and using this as an opportunity to extort money from our service providers.

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We are working hard to address this as a matter of urgency to allow the contractor to continue with their work safely.

Mr Speaker, another very positive programme that was really a heart-warming experience for me is when I joined some of the ‘community mothers’ who are part of the City of Cape Town’s Women in Rental Stock Programme in Kewtown.

These women are rolling up their sleeves to help us build safe, caring communities.

As tenants in the rental stock, they have been employed to tackle social issues and make a difference in their communities.

Since the launch of the pilot project in July 2016, 787 women have been recruited, trained, and deployed in nine areas to help uplift City-owned rental stock areas through addressing environmental and socio-economic challenges.

So far Women in Rental Stock teams have been deployed to Athlone, Hanover Park, Lotus River, Lavender Hill, Manenberg, Uitsig, Ravensmead, Ocean View and Macassar.

The women are employed through the Expanded Public Works Programme and are tasked with:

 identifying and helping to address safety concerns in their environment  logging service requests related to the upkeep of their buildings and surrounding streets, including littering, dumping, and graffiti removal  providing home-based care services to the elderly

Mr Speaker in closing, I am pleased to end on this note of us having hosted another successful Cape Town Games for Older Persons.

I enjoyed my race and my time with our senior citizens, the mothers and fathers of our city.

We have a dedicated programme for older people so that we can encourage them to lead healthy and active lifestyles.

As part of this programme, we have more than 270 home-based carers who provide home- based companionship and non-medical care.

They are working very hard all over the city in areas like , Lavender Hill and Hanover Park.

In the next financial year we will be reintroducing this programme to continue getting on with building a caring city and making progress possible together.

Thank you, baie dankie, enkosi, shukran.


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