SPARTAN DAILY Serving San Jaw State University Since /934 VOLUME 124, NUMBER 55 MONDAY
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SPARTAN DAILY Serving San Jaw State University since /934 VOLUME 124, NUMBER 55 MONDAY. APRIL 25. 2005 NDI X OPINION SJSU to Pakistanis rock auditorium honor How Swede1 It Is former States should extend marriage rights to same-sex couples p. 2 mayor By Rachel Hill Movie Review Daily Stuff Writer 'Dear hankie' p.3 Movie Review Interim President Don Kassing 'A lot like lose p. 3 named former San Jose Mayor Susan Hammer as the recipient of Movie Review this year's Tower Award. Hammer 'The Interpreter' p. 3 will receive the coveted accolade at the 36th annual Tower Award Movie Review dinner on May 14. 'Winter Solstice' p. 3 The retired politician is be- ing rect)gni/ed for her sersi e Its San lose State NI WS University and the surrounding downtown area HAMMER during her ten- ure as both a city council member and the mayor. Jennifer Setaal Daily Stuff During Hammer's time in of- fice, she helped initiate plans to Singer Sir Punj, aka "TiKool," center, performs the last act of "Sham-e-Hangama 2005" sponsored by the Pakistani Students Association of SAO combine the city's main library on Saturday at the Morris Dailey Auditorium. with the unisersity 's and sought to close the portion of San Carlos Men, women show off Pakistani fashion, dance Street that ran through the campus. Hammer was mayor of San Jose By Vaishali Kirpekar president of the Pakistan Student Association and a graduate student from 1991-98. Spartan Daily's weekly recap of Daily Stuff Writer studying computer engineering. Robert Ashton, vice president campus crime p. 5 The Pakistani Students Association was established in 1997 and of university advancement. wrote works to establish a Pakistani community. in an e-mail that making a differ- outside Morris Dailey Auditorium. some students knelt down to pray "Our total number of members is 300, but on -campus members arc ence at SJSU was not a prerequi- before Saturdays sunset, whereas at the same time, some performed on about 70.- said Ali Warriach, past president of the association and a se- site for award consideration. but SP oil IS stage inside the auditorium. participating in the fourth annual Pakistani nior majoring in electrical engineering. Hammer's influence on campus Cultural show, a fashion and dance show organized by the Pakistani "We have always received a very- warm and encouraging response improvements makes her a pnme Students Assoc kit is in from other organizations. such as Sikh Students Association and Indian candidate for the honor. Traditional Pak Nam culture at American influence was a theme that Students Organization, apart from others.- Warriach said. "Students an Ashton wrote that as a civ il the Indian Students Organization are good friends, and some helped servant. Hammer has been an ex- Baseball resonated in the -Sham e I langama.- which means an evening of fun. show." ample of productive and positive Geis swept Some male students shim ed ill traditional Pakistani dresses, such as promote this engagement. improv ing many lo- by Rainbow "sherwanl and "Nihon is Inch made the men look robust. Some Sikhism is a religion practiced in the northeni state of India. called Warriors p. 6 female students wore colorful bangles with embedded mirrors. Punjab, a region know n as the wheat bowl of India. cal institutions, including the uni- "We want to bring people from different ohms:Hies and nationali- ties together to understand the culture of Pakistan,- said Asim Siddiqui. see SHOW, page 4 see AWARD, page 4 Luau takes SJSU to the Pacific islands By Joe Shreve the Pacific Islands club. and gi% en a traditional lei as well as a com- The ballroom was set up as a banquet hall The luau was intended as a way for club pact disc of island music. Some of the music with distinctive island flair. Hibiscus blos- Major League Soccer Daily Stuff Writer members to demonstrate the culture and on the disc was music that would be used soms were set out decoratively on each table liaohquakes nab first victory Islands. All proceeds is ith demonstrations of traditional island set out, and in the hack of the room the buf- of season against the Wizards, lifestyle of the Pacific the dances later in the e% ening. fet was set up with an entire table devoted to 3-2 p.6 It may have been gray and overcast out- from the event go toward the planning of side San Jose State University on Saturday, next year's event. Save for the ballroom's permanent disco island punch. but inside the Loma Prieta room of the "It's not so much of a fund-raiser than it hall and tapestry -like decorations. the Pride On stage, several hands, such as The Sparta Guide p. 2 Student it was a warm, breezy tropi- is a way to display the things that the club of the Pacific Islands club had set up its Mango king/. the Island Riddim Band, as cal afternoon. members have learned throughout the year decorations in such a way that felt like the well as a group of drummers, performed laid -hack, relaxing island music. Crossword p. 5 Hundreds of people, decked out in their in the hula classes." said Lindy Lacson. a guests were on an island sort of a much Shortly after the guests am vett. they were best Hawaiian print shirts and dresses, lined senior majoring in communications studies. larger version of the Enchanted 'filo Room Classifieds p. 5 up outside the ballroom for the fifth annual "It's more of a cultural awareness thing.- at Disney land. hut without the mechanical I ( ;nests were greeted with a warm "aloha" birds. set LUAU, par 4 WWW.THESPARTANDMIN.COM Polynesian Lif au put on by SJSU's Pride of Convocation recognizes 2,000 honor students' achievements By Angela Forte Education. Engineering, humanities students are not aware of this event. Daily Staff Writer and the Arts, Science, Social Sciences. "Many don't know how hard some Social Work and Undergraduate of their classmates work and even Studies filled the seats as families those who are honored don't attend," More than 2010 San Jose State cheerfully and esen tearfully applaud- Simpson said. "However, obtaining University students, awarded (or their ed their efforts. such a high GPA for two continuous diligence, were recognized at the 43rd The ceremtiny opened with semesters is quite an achievement and Honors Convocation on Friday night "America the Beautiful." %Wig by as- is something to he proud of " at the Event Center. sociate professor in the school of mu- Interim Provost Carmen Sigler and According to the Ifonors sic and dance. Erie Mills. interim President Don Kassmg. along staff, reC- Convocation program, the event be- According hi the llonors with faculty members and gan in 19f2 by SJSI "s three honor Convocation program, the event in- ognitcd the president's scholars and societies Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma tended hi recognize students' outstand- dean's scholars. dean's Xi and Phi Beta Kappa Faculty Club ing achiewments in hopes that their Sigler first introduced the and was created is) encourage aca- successes will continue to inspire them scholars to the audience. demic achievement at the university. and aim i encourage sither students to at- "Those who have earned a (PA of the recoil- / rirrt/ ThOMUS / Daily Students divided among the uni- tain the saint' acatleilli. CU.:110We 3.63 for two semesters earn Staff versity's several colleges, including I Asinine Simpson. es On .ixii.1111:11411 San Jose State University interim President Don Kassing speaks to a largo crowd of deon's and Applied Sciences and Arts. Business, hit Ihe ( 'twits ix .111111). said Man), see CONVOCATION, pages president's scholars and their guests at the Honors Convocation tur4d Friday in the Event Center. PAGE 2 SPARTAN DAILY OPINION MONDAY APRIL 25. 2005 HOW SWEDE IT IS Discrimination couples unfair to same-sex Americans generally agree that religion and poli- 2004, as did New York in February. both states ruling lected few. as heterosexual love? Of course it is. tics do not match. Yet, when it comes to marriage their respective marriage laws unconstitutional. What's perhaps most astonishing about the reli- No valid arguments exist to counter this fact. equality, advocates of conservative values appear Then, in another momentous court decision, San gious right's attack on marriage equality is how that Instead of passing a federal amendment to consti- willing to bend these rules. Francisco Superior C'ourt Judge Richard Kramer message conflicts with most religions' emphases on tutionally ban same-sex marriage. U.S. courts need Organized religion has frequently infused religious parted %say s with his Republican, love, peace and understanding. to address whether churches that refuse to marry all taste into public policy, but the upsurge of religious Roman Catholic counterparts and ruled In Canada as well as in Sweden. nu- people should have the right to continue to wed. Or sentiments in state policy since President George W. California's ban on same-sex marriage merous of Christian. Catholic. Protestant, whether marriage should be conformed into a strictly Bush's inauguration is startling. By allowing reli- unconstitutional in April. Muslim and Buddhist churches have civil ceremony without the influence of the church. gion to seep into policies and laws, courts and voters Kramer cited California's ground- come out in support of same-sex mar- Then, those with religious faiths could work out a threaten the notion of the First Amendment separation breaking 194K Supreme Court decision. riage. arguing that a marriage doctrine separate agreement to obtain their church's blessing.