Hinton Independent Clinton Ii

t**v*i A4»wUif n i« it itoiaw « ■*«n«0* rud DmU Swim* b«

CSWPT lUWfl VOL. XIV.—NO. 50 »T. .iuupio OIJi A I M'tl *««'«'• WHOLE NO. 727

—4'. r Wti Vc aril Kaoka. out oMim auRuria —©. P. IVIckos waula SOI* htmhel* of witxian cum im, WB. *H IRWiti, »tu tu MMlntts-l for the —Pratt i an. at rlualiig-oiit rale* at ■ •flier of county trruarrr, Mini who day, im iwa •», m —**■ . it Mm f.ar aar ; ikoaU >0(01 tualml im Mill; Prsvii'i. i«l i K>-yHoMa A malic a t !«*** run »g*ln*t Mr. liiiii, the II Cm ia, J«tr at Pi •>•<*(• fa ia» a»n»i u ! —A new Una of Imot white crockery preanti Incumbent, two year* ago, U tit. annu Ml Aba I IiiiTIUV Ibroel just received at K*ynoltl* A lenf'i, one of the aalld and sturdy farmer* of • Mata. Kir‘1, itnliM'Uui «r.4 Will i, Urlw tba county , hating reatdwl In lb " III ml* inJMiib. tor ttwr rtiwlMiMI .id UW. , ao>! la selling very cheap. |TMnv|L!7 iIm, Thai Tbs safer Ik- let. —I*o you need carpet* tala foil* A. township for many rear., anil wtier* he Ha* i>eeii rr|w.lc(ly elected to the fey afUrlotjr*, i«*a. *1 * «.*•-* tub fomi-**. L. Butler A ( a. can aril von aa cheat* I«MI(«*>I l'*'tr romlolk* am* ilbntoW aa la Iietmti and (Irwiwl lilt* «lHca of •up.-rvUoc hr flattering major- *a>* anmai *1 IM I'rM.b* life*, la lb. »ll the core, lamp*, fall and aee laical »ty ire at niJ when In' take* hi* nfB. lal aval next > H.IIM ..fit I * RHE UMA E ISM. RHEUM A TiC PAIfl* Hcynulda A leu* ’*. January the |w lump SPALDING’S LIGHTNING LIN inn ENT, and enjoyad the etrrnt arvontpllan tha groatrat good In the •iimmi s Pl.a.ar*. at ll.ee. Wm. II. Turner'* row*, making two hear a thundering noiaa lu the *outl< When the body ta bowed with ualn tliat he has lost l« the »aiwe manner I tart of the luoiii) mi rlcrtlon-day, d<> aa Inieaet! longing for relief bring* within a rrry abort time. not be alarmed, for It will only be on hope. Till, may brighten ih, offering Their Immense Stock of Goods. —We Inadvertently omitted to men* account of the groat majority rolled up but It dor* not cure. At a time like lion last week the fart that the produce for Wm. Collin*. Uili bow welcome U tucb a friend aa Our atiH-c in ao (danned and arranged that there it* dealer* at the railroad nave avtaprmled jussrn at. rtcitit, Warner'* *afe kl4«rv and lire? cure, bringing hope, health and h*|*plne** j DAT-LIGHT IN EVERY CORNER -OH at A. Trw+nnl '1 More and pro ­ •lecUtMi two yean ago hy only a few and tha joj * of » renew-d life. —The Utat dries la fall ekHhlog at TUlTVj inanriuuTwi i* cure a premium UM and than prepare rote*, OMflffiMMff Im too MHgUllie a Thr jienple need not fttVO ft rOC6£e. A. L. RnUor A Co'*. our stock and merehandlae for eahl- belief on the part of______1 .1 M>* M f,■—M *. MM. lie (mm.!*! Atrr arc (o »— el— ■—l ,l. then* to buy haphazard. f«»r by coming to oar well-lighted store, tHri war.ted to tfo h «rw.ri. In ­ tMwt. would be eicotad over bis jiresriit op ­ r-fen E—. ai rrawSrst n! V if— PrrnJm ' quire at tha Star Grocery. —A 4-years-old hone with buggy ponent and tort * al tb. I'aSo* !**«■*, k I 'MMMt, IWIIUMM >eere- they can have plenty of God's joyoua light to help them in their —A good covered a*wing machine aud harnraa, for sale at a bargain. Will a large_ majority._ Tht. brtier occa.ion- .*g —,. — —•*. — .4—, VaU Trt inu c. AuAitel l«ml, i\n»li* MM *f lb» Siam LaaS ofe- selections, and can buy with confidence and satiafaction. Our wagon for sale by Reynold* A long . lie *uld oti time If deaired. Call at thU e>l apathy among bU anient »upnorter«, Alton" j iitami. Hnj»rl«u«4fit af PaMK In- —OWOWO In organising a cornet land office noon . aud aa a i»nae<|U«itC« M- liwu tl.l atlp- *tw4l.» .uej a Kent,r ul tbr Mat. fear* <4 U» stock was selected by m-tunl inspection not of samples, but of W GOODS NEW GOOD! rmipoend whoUy of ladles —barlat the last throe year* our :nn>ujfh a ryuiek-aand hitir. Ur. raiie.ii U*u a Ucv-re— Mailt ■ lil'miwlu <<* Hat art; lUr, after aa, tag fram Mwarinetb. atilt atb )Cnag rcwi-nI rHMrVl at tab Mat*. M the goods purchased, and consist* of »erU-nlttiral Society Ha. nam over rrun r. wuuc uiwwaimiu uuuct vui — . if, kllUniiW,*, ft ' wii a icpulau---if ii in •""“■is! a:«} 4t**- jUs Srurtst's; •-»•»»•* Matt viio im mbbtfbSiTUaZ cock Huh* way he had hy railing at, or It annoonoed to apeak at a Haooack roatiect and confidence wf the tiowpie. 11.iti-H. et forlaaa. «-*aw4 ilnajl a baa.y laaa by laitn ain .Vrir-> —(bat at m>4 riartioe 1 Mwlch new place; his cicciica beyvr.d ) Sra, aba a«n«4 attb bar Sually to Mk-kigaa aboat Iba i-iiaaias M*aa4ut*sl> •* tb* l «**■»• | Momie Cloth* in all fabhionahlc shaile-, Lire** mid Trimraiii;?! ■«-u*i,, and |.>ic-i uaiiiy m Ssrcti j Tl atm n a«a. aud na tau. niiai W — *M “ ii« 4 if... u.1. a til Im Mil—lib. la iba 1—4. 'at 1— MW Ao. lb —4 r afeyatua at irAaetle* . to it.tr-* 1 —Jtww lot of crockery at Siar tiro* next Saturdat . *Sth In.taot I at every­ the uier»-»t .liauu« wf a uvuU. ui* bum —ui aud l.iaiM w a | li.anl boae. to fsitrt Silk?*, Black mid Colored Ca.-.hmere; and Al(tacam Perntan i r«ry —M piece. tsoM row tea Wt, owty one attend who can. I'e-iabte al way* run* heat «here he la Iba barfebie* aad prleat —>if. at pn ut lUb la iba aa sart'oa I* at Art it la It aa at—1 lot ay jaCtit ! ■U-1-.UU stfc. JS Of tb* at ictv Clothe and Novelty Goods in Intent style*. Suitings, Plaids*,! |IO. Ail crockery handaotu and cheap. —“Ren ” Barker, a printer, and for ­ beat known, which fart speak* volumes but. u T*1* L**irl*t«fV iball b*t» aaaar. uyur ;* 4mmbi* trail la < uuwam win Ike l.«R4<»;*T —The 1 tomcatk and WhlW *ewing In favor of lit* great popularity a* an merly of ti>i« village, i* a prominent Prints and Ginghnips A now and elegant line of Drc** But j TH tt TIVI bTcM K Ctr l.annit tu b< (mmmm ■■ I c.-i f ■aacbtoel —UK heat in me wwri*i — candidate lOJ the imrwrvaui |iu.itiuu wf wfalcvl awe! iltiidd. U fltill 4mm 1*111-". S- —itMtlM fbr rtl. at ifatrott la m la la* raaRndfai «u3 =i*:H-r*r--- -' t*anal at pm> lb> iMuti atu at wflklft Houle an the Republican ticket. Who *ti nominatod at the conveniiwu mentcric Oruameuts. Ruches, Embroideries, Ribbons and 1 —G»: aniarprlstag young friend laat week to the office of judge of pro- on the Ihk Iwalant. Line* of .ill kindn. Siutrls, Skirld, IIoop Shirts and Imtlicfl1! STt?LE AMI P4MCY DRY JudGlbb*. not wishing to I-* be h laa Iwtte, hy Mvlamatiof! . with that degree MMa aa* at It. War— **■« i„ ui; grade: s! t!m* • bU neighbor*, lias added a nest deliv­ of feeling and gn.l cheer on the I fart .brta* IVaai l’nderwi-«r. Sh«*ppinif Bags and l>hskiTi», newest design'. jruuds ami IrltuHilug* at A. L. Butler ery wagon to hi* grocery bualuc**. — f. Luyally la of ttx valiant 2 c* 1*. Good Kooda sold t itrajt amt uvtiv uoriact —Another bountiful rain vleitod Utcac Jany part of the village. btlmlillvtnilion of tlii» the nwa| impor* —,.t W> DRESS GOODS ■,«vrfy ~m and mot. who bad jim j dm • —V i, .-. i rttir ami D taut office lu the gift wf Uw |mpwuf{ TtSB|pi: -ttak.tr i - oHUI. < aatMUas at ( VVUlf KEEi. MOHKX LV *T!!> ihaiwnMr la entire!v ffee frwtu lit* i ‘VT~~TT j r»»r i/htldren, nu munen-e stock ice* rattiring H t»» rictryta - vrrrr rlrr-rr Mb. of e>v wiii*l, t'intiis for men's ;;::d wrnmen ’t* i or rhlhl who ha* had buaineaa La per ­ ftbriod on tor da.* tkhr*m MmwC, Ik* WIwm« « form through this office can truthfully nmttly oSrfn, k-ftl * A J»>4» »f 1‘rvUlc ft rtfc#rtff, a f t«t. ft 1 pel at to a .lath liiatance in which he ('•nalT imwiMM, ft ibgt.-4r 9i ifowwU. ft rrw* el- [ baa erred; and why* First, because be ifof 4ttort> i. ft Cmbiv ^rrryer, feet inc*» 4 *m»i . U so conversant with the law. pertain 1? nel n —r~. »t.i lea Cwrwri luj-br^ *»4 tv ! pnerai lefm.iu f.-, v Imho tmb of iAv will a* { Headquartcrs for Fashionable MUlinerv, | »«g tie the —tt^-.'rl.-ol vf J«C6mum «! par- hire tha la* 4ai ml ihhahfV BVfti. - Un4w4 KL * ; son* ’ affairs Uiat he can make ne ntia- in • .iKi’kKATK UKrAimiKarr. etmaletlag of Res'* and Roys' « lolli:;.; jtake*. Veotid, he I* an conactenuou* Heaver.« ...... kUUiwii aaaimere ‘rrerc iai-. i lalet-, and I5ii-ine — miIVS IWW | and iion cat in hi- dealings w lUt lit* -wit-, min Tr.ai.tcd Sskl, good derabie M''*»k!t.g *4n»r f'mtt*. i'ai.U an \ m* of ail kind* wf mairii.)., -wbl in sulta ui sSiigiy; the tsrgrwt tine of uwM-vi U, h « u U,si S; - r ‘ ytti>* * fc-ltow gm | Is hi* private affair* aa ark 11— i (*r nn *rir t oirai.-i*. . aril a. iffitisl, that be could nut be 'ive ait aitt.itvruarv halt on Frida; ' iuti.M .'.l by anv means to do as usjuat We -ytaft to n Iffowoe that the nivi Nobby Suits for Young Men rvtaisg,______uctobur ____ 1st. Ir.k Frrm-k Uu. * a**t, i*eiyVr-r nil M—Ml > 1-1 fas— —no reliable Athamhrs Imii.r Mtan. i<» everything in gotui *1 >u |h - for solid cn- | utbUcr hen much he might lose by tbc been ro-A{u'ued at tlic oltl nuntlier. ■* i Ilo-iery and l :tdt rwe*r. Shsrt.. Mnsprndcrs, ( oltar -sceltetot >oyfticnt-—1. r„l»*ie aud_ ,1 in __another colrnwll j refn«ai. Third, be it prompt nnl care- Woodward An., I*etroit. A coniiai A large a-*ortm«'l)l of -The Tibnsiug KcpuUtcan fey*: — fnl lit the dlwharg* of hi* dvitlt* , never j invitatiot: h exU ‘ivie.1 *«• all in iiu.k “(ho. *■VauNttklt, r______t.ari,.-as-muter,_ «"__ allowing an atimiutstrwsnr, executor or • —1 nffln In want of nllliam will he Raton Hapltlv, loat hi* miiwl trying to rommlaatnncr tr run beyond a rmaon- j In Wedr l to know that Mi« k. L. an|re —mi — nf ik# a a r.lli.i sptrHoal able length nf time preecrthrd hr law- 1 rWiverrlg;. has returned and can he manifostatuwt* of Siadn, w hkh he wlt- without b'lking a ntatemeor lu him ..f! found si. bcl uki pliC£ a* Uieimet tot neesed. and w»» os Sept- ?th taken »« what has lieea done. j>erefore every | Men ’s and Boys ’ Clothing, Um Bttiihsery eetahUahmcnt of Hk*U ] the a«eitint at K il.m.u.i fveraviM w In# fed* any itilrra* in the i owne ^sHOMES to Me our ft t Cap, just the thing for fall wear —Se?»Rt*»r l*la«iw, alia ivhim I aot cat- ! nerert and honest atiatiniacrauon of I ft nsatttt* #sr «Ml*»»rr I MUrntt* ■ W H «a l»Wr 4 «*m Ladies’ Cloaks and Ooimsnft- ! *m «<*ft ftw* ia mrmmm iftr ah'otn arc zcqoceed te meet *t *Jrc rcstdewn- man Fry. are coming tntr the R»h i <«i-' y<4e for thl* worthy genorman. lie ft Nil foil *4 at Mr*. ». tb Walker to-awirrow Fri­ grem-leoal district to try *od coerce thr ; ha* bill few equals, aud no superior*, Evergreens, Moses. Shrubs, day) evening, for the purpose of tiana- noople Into voting for the nti|iopul*r ^ fwr thl* |iarth'ular (toalliou. awi* •*• eeivii*, m-iata g Hupi.rti.nt bud wen pertaining Hint, whose presence ssalated in cut- ' ;uas ». rti>**a, Fa* ImniiM aw* lavsir^w lavra, aa* ni »»t to the church. Full not * linr down the republican malorlty in who wa« rr-nominated for the office of Aa, aa all latiSiM at l.r.,r tiara at aiO —Kan. A. B. Morse of Ionia, ami Maine. ! nroaceuling attorney at the oonventiou fi'i k,.ai4r—I Small * tall. .4 tb- . s ..-—i tm44>i »a* at a; sea rawlac. ilnti -a Satsl A new auppljr of <*ar|»cl*. Oil tinn. lire A t o., located i eflicient, careful and economical officer, Hatnrday avenlng next. It I* expend in Montana, received an order on Mon- ! *,„j B thorough and honorable grntle- Wall and Window Paper. Certain Materials, new styles, endlsst variety. die hall will be crowded to iu utmost day last from hl» partner* to jwircliaac | man. to require any very extended no- aa hath of these gentlemen are forcible for their trade a ton of easily, in nd- tire in Id* favor at otir hand*. We Unbroll&s enough te scare up a drouth. d Begtater say* that by «c- f0*1 ud out that liw < ltnloe TRUNKS! TRUNKS! will br held hi !*. John*, A whole car-taed of Trunk*, delivered in tit. John* free nf fre Inc lu.lmg r on the f»th and ceding oe the cheajM r and the belt make*, price* ranging from 7"> eenti 10. Alto, Irtoter next. Ha* not the Rnhhrr, leatliet aud t'anva* Valtae*. all else* and price*, and flfnvl at r Nit btm R complimentary ------il ami C. M. jcver) UMtanv to defeat him, a* they aay trifling prnflt. HANCOCK. 4 ttd* t Hinge, w a* aUeeden, -ilf auch •connmr of the |teopie ’* uroo- cotint, hy HI repnbllewe*, 11 [ ay coiilinuo in tiiachAjjring the dclie* AT FOWLER. i, and 4 ladle*. Merrill l» re- j 0f «,fH«ie we lawyer* w ill he obliged THE BARGAIN COUNTERS being fair, bnt I »ahcH unfaii to look for greener fiv id*, or ahatiOon tmm. our profeasioii and become honest tll- M. M. MANSFIELD l*re#cnl »till greater attraction* than ever from the endleat variety of umfiil and |>optilar notion* found thereon, anti the untiringly low price* at w hlch ——------.iftrak Evewlng n«*t, j* If* ier* of the »oil.*’ While Mr. Fedewa t* tb* i~Th ‘n«»' GARFIELD hire* graffWSSck candidate* to run so (tatr near* department aay* : **TV has a keen desire to punUh all ertmi- they are sold *hat SBefcpubfkwti* wUI a«foly win. ” Orion folk* annoueee a big repubUeao nal«, h* haa also a watchful eye over ri vivi*« rsixT*. T* vRft the St- Loula Herald, green- maaa meeting at Orton lAkr, Sept. *S annaeeaaarr ex|ien»e* for the already aa * rwrrbaaer ot S3 ward* af Srea* UaaSt I* railllr* fo n Star*- —Xew and attractive stork ol cloth- i Ur ra*rr Vaurta la rut tbr aam*. kacife., add i: * ‘There I* nothing truer It will be a mixture of John J. Ragley, bn nlened ux-payer* to meet. Througii ing. hat*, rap*, trunk* and valiae* at I than this. basket lunchoa, Ltarld II. Jsrome, roast bi* great regard for tlx people * we!- _ -ffieb iwiRrsoii most thluk tbat t.ar „f Goo. O. I.. Hpantding. liquid rw- fare, Mr. Fedewa ha* become doarrvU- Stephen aon*' . WEAVER —I'. I*. W icko* ha* eut down price* j No. 20 Clinton Avenue *^ ,.* w* l* clBI deeporate. (re«hmeats, Mark 8. Brewer, political |y poptilar with th- common people — on hi* large stock of rrorkeey and glass­ flw MtwtthMaadlng foe l-* ei*r a led. J. B. Moors and music by tbr U»eee who pay the bulk of tbc taxes. •*■■■■*•* ■*■'! r* fil'd, by amessmeut baud. | 111* eleetlew i- already no needed by the ware. Try him now . —fiplcndid aaaortmeat at lace* em­ Or any other man that desires to buy a much tweeff ••Ce-hotOer*, We —We hear It reported that 8. BouJ, independent voters of the count v. The Dry Coodi, Notions, Hats. broideries, dreaa irloninn, ImiUoii -. 1 hMWRNWl to b* one « a thoinanu to a brother Englishman and neighbor of ring men to keep up courage, ilon ’t Caps, Clothing, Soots uaatrlheli to a fund to h-lp iwoma* Gllltaon, knocked the old man ; Utink so, but than ----- . gievaa and ho*ic; y al Stephen-rm* . and Shoes, efoNfftW sWtloa of the repuUlca., ailttrr ^..i a lath upon the.Id* walk in UMr ucxl !*...« wo aball refer it — iHx. ’t nun: hare cot lor. aud woolen -1 flannel*. Indie* cloth* or cloaking*. | raodldate. _____ front of J. B. hheuard A Co ’a. ckffhitig the other gentlemen niton our count/ rnilkiMif I*, rat i i a ** — r« In ■ I La a a» ffaafeaa . —MS T*k»*v*i aJT this village atore on Saturday night laat for calling ticket. Suit of Seasonable wm pioy Mm “Moogry Mloc" of Blrm- bta. Bond'*, wife iiniocant aarno*. M — - ■ ------laghs m, a frleoffiy mttmm of bom bail, ^ ^vooer aeuied, Mr. Glllnmn will br Fat.u the Mturgla, Mt.h„ Weekly — W t have a uew two--rated aleigl. am thv folrgroand*, thl* TTiorsdar af caH«j tnto the dreutt court upon a Mr. John Itraat. living In Sherman which we wlQ trade fur stove wood hnum, hopa. sad. roe ;T*k*o«u»" i charge of *latider. j tew ..tbip. In fcriacd a* a frx Aayt agr We arc to have any quantity of win* wIS, upon lb I* one n rtnn , endeavor to i _Our friend Irr. O. t . Joaiiu ha» I that hi* feat bod here *e terribly froat this winter, and here is a bargain Call MKiu, arrange and «ecure. wQl b* cfloaaly uootefeod. hom, sxrtt- [,;n for a loeket of nice grape*, com- i !****» thereby —Ionite*' underwear, jacket*, trim­ Ing aod Inters* ttog. ... posed of CovtOord* and linyci't \n. It think of *v.J*cua* med kata, cloak* amt ahawH at ttc»- —Mrs. F. W. Laa ta plrnrnd *a he aide from bl* nevsr-falling vineyard They I Way* kaep* handy - phanaoa* . At a price which would, ordinarily, place a in annaaa rr to bee frloa-W and pouwiw ^ ^ dellclosa, and ws think of the 1 twlor with the mm —A handsome line of fall wliitio-r} man on the verge of bankruptcy •hat Aa baa haoa ■nnrvwiful la sneering m^rvin donor m we enjoy the fruit* : dlfeptrcarad entirely, at low prices at Mr*. F. W. !.«*'• •h* mrvlsn* at Mho Mar* K. dlfoH. M bu i*bur lu llrv l.i.guage of Kip ! «« 8t Jacob* Oil —Tea! Tua' Thv heM and cheap- and rum. o^ Gt»P*t,||Who VanWInkle, “May ha |Trs long and rwiflyifoe agwst ■ «*t at the n**r grmwiry. —A uew line af nov«4Ue* lit fall mil­ •or wbMo lu the employ of (Wt A -v* PridayrrtMHj of•» last wrek.—, 17tht . — lastini, , bat he aim amoru U linery at Mr*. V. W lar't. MS B l l ft omJ I VsLtafeaa A * 'aa. Ttia a aaMr*. aI.ann*b(iry a ofo no*fl*h*wv*», ft.______in I a. * — . a a a. ____ — Valencia raisin* 10r prr pouud al the Htar grocery the absence of her <10* 1*1 ml, guv* awI. Owing to the fact that we bought largely this ol her fwr ehlWren rartagroen ant — Hrneaded velvsta, -atiu* and silk* look a do** It. raclf, aud when Mr. L at Mr*. F. WT. lice * Spring in come In ftom bl* work be found thorn — Srw and beautiful atyhm of car­ In a erttttwl cmadltlon. I»r. Hyatt wa* . Wlolatartal appototmeol*. pet- and oil cloth* al nte;disnaon*'. summoned and succeeded In saving all I'b« following are (he a|tpoiuIntent* — If yon want • pump, inlfti —ft, but one. • child abotK two mouth* old. wwb- a* the gfol. I not.. W the Miehi- cupboard, or mcielarv fi«ni Ur* Riwn- What Indnoed the mother to earn mil gan ounfarenoe of the M. K. church for h«i*b pun. p work*, send la yonr order the rash act I* not generally know a. the l-neata. dialrlrt. T H. Jacokt-. I hare a delivery wagon on the rend to presiding cbcr ; aUeiul to nil orders. All rPeytonaihi* * baa R X hfei par tie* accomodated with reasonable Aaaactv Wrm lirrawT vo Mum - RwrOianm -v.» h fek bo* hoc* In amt I>v (b»iIIr»' vicinity for On Mundar, 14th Instant. Jama* Tal- ■Oh OnmW. time. A (hires* all orders to IjsaaaRn (he last Mat years, having Maid as mace. a man altntit W year* of age, and Bgrrltiw. II. l'nar, I aion Home. Clinton Co., long on each of hta laat three eharge* a rreklent nf Rath station, wa* shot In Mich 71JU a* tha Iowa of the conference would al­ *ha abdotnen hy Edwin Kemaga, a bar ­ low him - -three year* lie will aho ber residing In the same place. It ap ­ preach at G rang, hall, Green hunk, Son- pear* Taltnagv bod beea to Ulagdwx Way next, at J * r. *. that day and got d/nuk, and on Mi ar-

PIT! HF.K1U AilTOKIA UaM onvdk. (3dU??£ gTCtr fit* pan, Mother* like, and Pky*l- wMoh wa* readily Mini iUtillUIT lam rerewawn d ( AwTOMIA.

pmeas by calling upon n —ah hot

Stanwm Prepa re rr£^£0r tv of )Mhf | XBEPKS9KST , irttoton i* ?mA m* TH1 rf AT* FAIR ^br*ent»JE the Soltnn directed oao of tabu . TUB UOUBKUOLD. 49lHlftiMMi# ly 9Mt>ttlMMI Uw fftRl nr* ffOEk MplM ktvrlij beak*, rod horf ftamOMttMri ynto MS* 1 his is g‘»a an order uu the *4 to»|*artoa4 Mtona Orw Mm Wails I Tkot» f«—4 ■ahlbntoa to tba Mala The Blood i«:dw Ult. b» w'Jt ta aua**i b*i.ea. Me *N Mto »*ol ur^*to A4| liMM bto* at wKrt till per lei te'ku to rtg •JJwt •'arise out Improving Lip* 3u>ok. /tp.to.r**»Moi pooiaty. *toeA*»y. ■------_ Mmmo M BrMkfkH UIMira BLOOD l car |«*<«. um * «aa aw mrrwffmda nl mjrs: Chill toa mb wtu. derod thUxk fivecoMta. thirty-#vt >al»t- Throughout the great and growing Uwdas this heading Ute editor of iMKa^n* a , la,«Miiwi ,4*44oa. Jltcfomstoa. _»4Hla OrTSEWESK. is 1'r**~4 tofe^Kvdi *m *•« >Hffe nod article* indoor* and nut wore for vancus reasons, meet uf which are and cMmoUte. Tfel latter, he save, Fimruos. ifinn. woe* e»*a mi A srium whgnm iwMia m menu trow e&^ibticd to groat advoniag*. The sailed to Uu Fftt*to hw U gbitw insumetsMt. have hum U little or mu in- from its Isrg* proportion of alhumns. Ootod Head. TrtUr bait *«»« miMfra toal toe riaderym h#a ai> striking, bat mm sI these imitator* prore tutort la tiit grads uf tb«tr cattle. is the Boot uutrili vs beverage, but si ) bauas, Msmmrtto ,st ?V MICMJUdUf. Iia-. k. P. idm, of DmMrih A. T„ be* rtee* *ffi« wiuntaii i by an ucoaualiy .;> Kale Drsa**a« beta Aroused flow (be isiiihiry to «h» Irtrifl >to i» to th# a rig hburuff Mtowtoto. large crowd of apeetatofi and unve l.aa as yet easited tbe Sultan'* com- Oct aamoally sne will be heard to argue Mm srcgfte time, fro* its quantity of iai Pnbl M«i M>4 A. U I'M)* •»»-•' tortoii Llmrdl k) lb* hafefbn at toftk tor mire ration. j in* idle rt ephilusiSkta sad >'r» TW* ftntnh < ratal a Tan AroMbto. hm uto- enenil Mttifadtluk. Only 4 Vixrom* *®K '1 ai*-* ff» cw»d Wx* li>« targiw mature earlier, take .hi flesh quicker, excellent restorative and invigoiatiug ta-rtiltU taf tiHrvf JMTO Tv k

» . ' “* (brand Bav*n it StUwauk** TO .flJeZe

runJoi tboL of Um dead to Host C—pieig «-mw Si ■sncia their earthly Uku They

ADAPTED FOR BURtlRG AU KJHDS OF FOIL vroald rather r* without boats ikw U» now sta —ilng a few loose rocks nutrk bacoo. Taore ware U (Ms Utl£>ff* UfS Thoir KVCHV ITO¥« WAWWAWTgP A BVWWi wUh duties M when cuu|rui becam e away the am-lent forest that oa.-e cover ­ dfnm stir. and of the Julie* on Im­ < tia Ni.ce n.i hi i. Moo* Ukau Eqtutl — Actnow'.BdgBd FbtoHIbb- port* ute govern awn I JU1 not realise ed those fertile Melds, and vender while JoMa TU.IK A atrl-S-T dwelling stands a* a further evidence JOT HAM AVI HI U., Use “Uon ‘» •bare" while Arthur «u In A. A. WSfcSDUPrrT ALWAYS AWARDED FIRST PREMIUM. the New York cuikm house. Mr. of thoir Industry and their toll. Auul «k uf thrWni To- uaklp, I'Untura Brewer wm very careful not to neaUon Lucy was, sc far aa this uelglihoihood klcraa ‘.ttSv Is concerned, the grandmother cf the M^Buy the j^rtn wftwra ATTnwa tto* naan, uf UvSoX-cuafotn officer at Ml. klaas Wow Ue waves UH 1 uiuuuv ihitl" air ui Lhu Um.. aa A. a«u>- .a ul do rrs- Mr. i'reaideut, time will uot premtt For VmMsai, aeiln. and eaya : ‘ Are the fruits of the •rats l aart kw las —nUi .i,i isms. kstP. ii at *hs Sold by CHAS. McFARLAN. me to recall the trails of character of FINK DRY mm r-vlnl. Ma*. in Una. ilia** •( M Jakwa. u% TVs fa- war to be oreconred ' or, are the prin­ day, Ik* Mk die ofSahkttr la Ik* ;sar mm SCOTT IIMWI ciple* of Ute south to mm to the front the mints and herees who have passed Iksnfsail *t*kt kuafrae*a* sSstSy. Visual, Jor I mt HuBiyifiiNi. again by the election of Hancock. ” away. Ilut let ns go beck to 1-"• and mm, JaSs* at Cnfslr la Iks uallrr W r«ff waic-h the tide of Iminigratiou. We ... van* « AhSki.CHiJ'KAJf. **aaaanaai Mow, loptibUoMi, if this don't ecore Bt tWtf wit, w itn * a - a aus ivviiiu ip(tirowi w mivru Ok iswdlas aw* iiin* Iks yatkiuu 4aly onM, This space belongs to will not attempt to follow Individually yvu end uiat« you vote for the salary mJ Unat Trunk bllnp hr sU |slau But. *aS a # I saws A. iknfaw yray In* last k* at; ks a*- W&Lfcitf. 1, KfXUNS. the 1rM settlers of the various town ­ We inrlte attention to our MkkSHiMnl an* *>->hm Snmk ,* firafluay*. putsis* BpsusIsIrsS** H Ik* ssts*. ut mSS Si mm 4 *t IsAUkk grabber, what will t We answer, ooroe Thermwok H Is of*n#nl, Iks; Ttanhf. tka Ttk of the fruits of the war hava been well ships. The Mrsi town-meeting in this ruMDdrn ill IlnU S'Arn Sallvay Ult r»r magnltioent stock of Season ­ Is thl* t'ompmm y-* ri * SS a. ** tai IMS y at Say nf Oussksr, ISSS, at t Velort la Iks iu...... retwei rod. ( vrruptlou In office, ex* tonality was held In the township of be ana 14an* tut tb* bawls* uf sal* *>.111.*, V--(<- * * r.vLn— OS.4, in Iks r‘JL*s at St. Jkls, REYNOLDS & LONG, now knowu ea Kegle, Watertown, Biley Ak* U I* rurtbar oWsrad. tka: antics to (tree u dng the conquereo, Itaee been |>re- Iks esrssw IklswsUs* la an*S minis SC Ik- ysa eerved Intact fbr sixteen yeer», and and Weat|>halla t and the whole num­ lekey a < mid prtita>a. II* lk« kvsrlB* Her**, must tiebe preserved still,Mill, or the republl- ber of vote* east was eighteen. Mor ­ by rsunlaa s —ray of this •Sfia* to fcs yab- ris it. Allen wm elected supervisor by llnfco* Is Ik* niatsii lk**|«k*«Mt. iuna put Agents for the World-Renowned two party will die out. brtkiod no* eirmUla* In *M —my *r (lltilas WiKI SPOT ' the vote of tleorgts a majority of eighteen. These ••«♦# GREAT WESTERN kr Ibr** swrrurt-.* s.-Ks pntei (u Ml* day *r an.rat ap as t drino towns iuii-t now cast some twelve or bssetag i LI-I AM aa. MAKLU1 , republican (I 8 fleeu hundred votes. Mr. rrealdent, JUKI. II « OAHaoH. J,**saf Prakats. Mnfir (A Insuff ) rtwanrrsi. fi.fiM. la UlAslssippi the those were the ilajrs of ih>* early |*>il- Ivyal M uf Third anOialMM Miaakrfnat. Tta kr. ,015; tics of this county. Atnoog these oid I pniHITi; SBUIJI SSidSMIm Kallraal Ih-j-a * I. rooaly .nil itok, **. Al t nows <4 IU r.» AND damocrau, 31,H0i. In 1»78, r«|Hibli«aii, neers of those days tissue ballots. Train lava I—trull sa IMIowa, 1—4run llm* WHITE M. HoUA'WAr Mr I'ssll ki Ik* rsaaiy sf (llulsn baktoa silk* dcxccrst. !h 7*fi ” aud lavs thl* Slot-box stuffing. Credit Mobilterand ATI.AVTH M I* Ukree (SalIf). CiNliu 1‘rabatvlHOrs, la lit* rlfias* ol W J aka*, on Mna- lo dsoaocraU. Intimidation, tartly, salary grabbing wm new thought of. lr A V tll-atMiiiraalUiadiiil Nilt AM itj, tka tab Say of Hrfrl.-r..Cw, U Ik* >.*» ,m H'WAhl. M Till lUmtM IrKTItlilT ASP ScrFAMI IXl'MSO-r, (ra.*p« kts- you gruv.haired volcran* were all llnraskk* risbl liwndr—I na* fSnl.lv. PrsasM, 3arl ' wpu-aatisTtAax» IPs democrats are iia* is* ssV-ai “less Itaaiam I SIIS | aa II. Craasoe. Ja*«* of Pr.*wl« to Ik* msii*s of I ifikt.Rnnnilf Wius" 1'ltarlo saw la hla dreaiu Thirty with one accord In ono place looking to ki w V• »hs urnuiiu.inirp riumtiyn), ■ :3s tk* nsasr of w iti.iaS a v>'TY, i asn hkkLt r. naoiOBuK ifigai ii,bnip £ tbouaand of them hare eaten sixty the future, full of pluck, full of cour ­ Ik iraHu •■* fils, Ik* yrllUi.a. duly ..rlliS age, and It aeeai* to use, honest, ho- I X kills Hu— 11. n.adla* «V *M a.lo* OVSVlOr thousand re [mi bi leans, and uo» thors Iks* a* toy b* Ikrad to aafl rnol ratal* Mar| - are only about twenty thotnand iNk* ■” V- UU. ak onnS Atlantic Kirua a aaauia ultk Irtla. ue all Tk*r*o|ora H b or**ra*. Ikat Tkoradny Ik* IS, fuafih Mona* eratt left. It mast b# Ui«>y a(« too much kranrh llaru Tl>M*fk ruurh fraa I—trull I.. Hat ­ r r* !*«* <“*- ■ ■toy of (sink* ?, I ant *1 * a'rlnl In tb* karaoooc. republican hath and K poisoned them. ful.. Aka ntli| tkf, Slaiaar l- IHIki* U> «oi,srJ fto lbs isnsrlag of ra>l |s4tllno. and iiHt* l. bavti. ti| l,—u« cicaKti sl'.h train on Ml hrsnrb SEWING MACHINES. hr Hrawer also say* that “during ibol Ik* o* . . ! o.-f. so* sU ofbcf prr- *. Vu'-Vu j—: •- t;.r Itn-1 Wieoc-r drnvtn* —m *nf to fi~*kl* gKl - 'T >.- 1 *• U I I ! Hayes' administration Isa# mousy has HIH IrurraS la •nblm.nl* ora (S^bIhtI Is ... In I..4I Krireaun. r—irail U- lluSUI- via luaylJtl o*sr sl s ■*** — ■ Of Ml* r-ran. lk*a lo is t— ki.. . k—a -4 Llarallan. and I — .lullaaul llraig- ruuanrla *1 Mark Math At UH TkAXX boon lost to the Utotteawd of the reve- lb* 1‘rabai* I Hie. la kr . til*** of or Mm. and miss... a* gokdg«ia*«ht than during »Uk X T. tv&lral trais tor Mrreh-*«r— •* —s-a. ,L. iaiiK, if *sx thexf be. sky 1h» f—T-- *f iL. Yu.k, Id . a*4 at Ruffhta fVt-kanr- at J own t'rl* CsagTsmleast a any other administration In many ^tttksrr aknuWf oaf b* miSaf aiama trmla bf M*u Turk Aa* II Is kilWi *r*#r•*, (Kni aoflt* ks flrao to aprraaciaura Ik ( lssiim. Milt h-i/b-t. years.'* This bo claims Is to be credit­ S-v Turk Kiymi iMMlUillS** ut hfala. The Celebrated PALACE Organs. kt/wiw lb* yersnaa lsf.-—Usd Is sol* —Sal* of Ik. o»o**o- ed to the republicans He seems here -a in Mar nlchi't train Suva —a raaawi fur fvnau ry of oM r—♦.*• —. no* ibn kronas tkorsaf, av MaSkto COL'NTV TICKKT to forget that both houses are doom by t "*• ul .kin order to he poK- go Umlararaa Mruar k lisas as Panda*. Ilab —I la Iks ninlok In*«o*a4 —it, s areraoyrr • P^arThtMa ere tie. *«» J as be aars. all the lni|>ori |»—!A. J iwr.anpnr.r. Ill lrgl rasn are- •rim.* •*! lin-M to mf rooaly of (y.oloo . ------Afr-SO, DEALER8 IN------JUU s. Cfiaks.aH. nnv, navnar adl.rkaa-kl Ural, vka* nrkaSa. alaup- Lr tkroo BOOT—of v* o — k. pm was to sor* day o ’ K he before sak! , "over fifty Investi- i-S-aa Hatha, l>— lal.l aa, or as* Infuirnalltra ran knotto*. JOfX If I RAltraiR, joaurn M. raisaix. —ii.i- ao «>miIil.-» have been made to I of i-a-i:. TlrfcH* .it Ltoifi potmlftl reutv, I Jud** uf l‘r«bsU. >ook into wh l«»log» and keep them rjcHaoiilioai tod si! iwfo rvg *i*«< ■ aUT MAPVta IKWiSSB. Kioiton 4 10., HSHUI SNIIIH . Okd. ,trsight. Lastly• 'he says "Oen. Oar- I —Maty uf I Hat.*, an. A: A a.n*l*S ul Iks ln> It A 3 Opar* Hanna BaiUiSf. P Choice Family Groceries* OUtua n. ruaaa. Mel-dls a bap**, s utotesnisn, and at hrls- bols luarl tor tb* — my of I Vinton, brddea of Ik* rosaaay in»*,i».. t*s»» gentleman. *' Ue showed ids hero- IVobol* i*Ur*. lo Lb* .(finer ofls J.*knn, uu Wsd- iiaoiay, lb* Irt day of tryuoki, la lb* ysor ..on tem in |.mit^ ttuauc — • —T — civil olfi-.C ------GOOD AND RELIABLE tbooMoo oisat oooomm no* ■■■p'o«y Ti.v—i, Jari r Vs»--uag *»—-ra*r. I when his country needed his service* son, Jude* of r.'.'wt* la Ik* talk r ul J.aHk M. tnUJEWa. la the Meld, lie showed bis staiesuian- sun J soil their friend- uu doubt • ui xi rzA - >^;v^s fW*« fkwam lMuBail regarded them as foolharrly. Thr de- Oft rrisltOM and llllif the lit ion, *iulf vrrlftf*', ~ joax o. rATraasox, I snip in procuring the lie Ciolyer (save- > Business Directory of Hate*)* ■ ld»r»e b MtTlkjf ikkt H#»rf I. When you want any Goods in our line, please i iov-ul nOUtract, cd his Chrl«tiA!>iiv In I fnmers of MlrMgan, while .vu.ie.llnir I imt i u w»waLt.. tlaelr mistake shorn this oountv, only I BOOTS SHOES) Itangar, swearing the $3TJ be bed of Oaks Ames was only a loan. Also, In putting back ) the more stoutly asserted that ihr rest II. K KN YON, OcmLt. .ffi.e In Tk-mapaa II la uMnad.lhst Tk.ralij ikaXM Ha* give us a call. BajahY R. JCXXISOX. of lb** ~'-r- »«■ nr* at for agrteitltur* 1 ■ ua* Hnnk Mark, id. Jakki, Mk H|in •I Hrpireabrr, I nan at s a'rknk Is iaa farraaua, ^'^LkVI W. XAlOWIX, hr anloal far Ik* Umnn* ul tani pdllM, at Their old rallylnir-cry was, 'Zcspaas-j th* portwlr ..#• * la Ihr > III*** at m John. trablc swamps! ” A* if a soil that 1 and li la fartkrr vrinid. (ant notka La (Irr* la I'tTTKlMlN AUoriswv at lb* prfaua* IsH ra t—I In anld nlil* sf Ik* yewd-o- could sustain such a wonderful fureat ; €J at aa*l (-•.«*-* an an —I.— tf—Jwf, -7 REYNOLDS & LONG, Jkltar In i'kst.rrrj, Jtia.tr* of Iks stow lit must be Incapable of growing; .avatar a *apa ul ihia **drr la k* ratlklwd In Ik* : anything bntbut woo*j.wood. As a9 cottsoj.rottse-juv.iv- j I Union Indrprndrnt, a n*aa*anrr .wlnir.1 sad Mcilvcrsd x? the CH»«se_f*a»«T ST. JOH!>S, MICH Plssvtr Ssrlsly, •« iheSrJUWSi ••* i of this rirundvua *up|«a~**liloii, men ot A aa « a at I Ml w »r. H«M»l othr-r states, w ben acckiiig new !nnd* •SI, Banlasaktr 8lhi • J*®' kr Sts- rp J. Fattereewi •* ‘ksl Flair. 1 to make new homes. Lave pusmed Mich- 1 ignii L) »oek In the far writ their M. It 1ST, M. U., rtt)TlcUo, 3cr New l-urnituro Rooms is •!)-, nsnousctng a r*-p«iH- U> Mr. PrftUicKt, taftC* nwW yrnf 1-wa lacr, amid the wild dl-onier, ;«b »w! I>r*jrjrM, w+*4 side nf Mail Mnet, aud waking sL in first «< | In behalf of the citiaen* and pioneer . SB, MBS. * >SH•• a< letwg SIwsv AU Utti I FALL CJUWJUM « .liuainiitur* uni Insecurity of bonier 9 >;d sound theoriea in ! of this township, I bid von welcome to Lull tllrktlH. (•yvwriid»ohs lars^fillv ruil Krakau* *41. Ik Ik* « Bra* of w J'Hins, «*o N%f4- ) nr^d*y . 4*/ *1 Ma puqwrar tb UM iraf trgar 1 id the currency, aud tipwi- life. They r*n.-b*-l for aunsrt and [ these somewhat hisurri.- grooml*, ni.-l. grasped a shallow. Ho far a* soil i*j iiurtitgiM) rlgrlsl IismIHI and rifffciv Prrsmt, jor) j lr the ladies. InviUnl to attend/ ’ and ! indulge in Ihe hope that our procoed- H. % r>MHi,' Ji*4y* !*rotj»lr 1b Ihr matl^r »>f | AT FOWLER! com-erned, they have *•»» furti^rwud 1 ll. KF.HKWA. Attorney andt^ouu- ocii.g In f»T*r of S"**i o»'«. so.iuu iV•».* All Ira*- kfttiog MBsir ftMllUUfin M IlMI rlMUfUMSS ts4 j i count the conditions cf ciimni-, li- • .—-a .aUua il tu kla can sill be prvmpttr skd wMauki MU'ud the great rally. Arriv- us uutU we again Assemble. H*» Akkl ifwiioL you Til K ; wsut irf inarkrts. and above all the ah- j ..if lUASlaJ IA iWn *t (kr tuurt Hina*, Ttii rvu^ni II is orelrnyd. U*%1 Thti»w-l»jr, lt*f tXd j !*• st the bail we found it aoout two- It gives me pleasure to look upon the •H IMin- I Hnl^n • •-.*(;, »* a K Ilf third* full of the lnvr.it, Dearly half of arncr of (hit civiiined and imisrly aoct- j CHAS. BENGE1** care-worn face, of so many of you who . etv w Licit alone commands security for whom were Udiee and children. Hie have survived I lie storm* of a |doi»eer [ J . FATTKHMON, Attorney at U« at! and saf.'ty fur ercu the weakest, ve !• bmI NoUff pHbllr ( sHu -Uwm ai 4Cvs ««)* Mseatorf* —* u* IwUi la Grecnbush band was there iu all Um Iruir ullrla a( aankaaS*.. kallm aaJ taSlap life aud bate yet strength to come here soc how grave la their blunder which UTAH*|HJj illeiHlml to. UAtv 0*C t Um |*m( Early Fall Trade. gkuy -f a nsw ualfoms, re-;4eudent aud me<'t us "and mingle your vol.'e* j 11* fraritrt»i*f. I l- .lr.w-n-.-l as bra* a* poaktklr has led ihilii U* i«« bv Mulligan bi ct.ltferoatii, Mkk. C4J lf with brans button# and r}>aulets; and In with your children andyourchildren *p l* anal n I at* aa* f-nn-r l*w prank a —J f**J gkkS*. na-ek homes in Kansas. Nebraska and ILLIAM liKL'XSON, lawyer and Iran. * ..ana -*a » J^t every oee«f 0>a*n» looked very fine. children. Aye, -*«l w idle we have thus i ' Sk4 t* inn a - l* aadrr auat fHr*4lUkf, asny ss4 Ihtk-U. or to turn their weary feet to Jalr- «( •* — l*ra« riiOalu aiu.Uu awatr ut Clnla. ^^B Ibh **««»eral'’ 1’. lleujamln (their teacher) met tugrlbei . we would not forget tiiovr i W iirnii Oi IT=i1 Ej th* «unnv south, only to eu<\>unter III* i less «*ariks fires to ros'-jir'-l-j ■ -i ...;r—-* u.r, will »***- ran te all Ul ul .SJtXMDM. aim tel perfect men and wotu... ubo; dcadlr ferert ct that deerjni.. a . :sr:r Jwnir--1.. --ft* Is Itn r If AfUr.f a ( very j».i sjm«h-, after w Inch the liou. i tav-r tetr ;t» Yea, mmy .- your mam- ! hm. ia M Un H—C* i ;*.u krai diao- CM of stark t*. Srraci naa lotVoduCed to the j Yee, Mr. < Mins,*, *n*. radlswl) Tripp ‘I new* rone uu l oatcWrc. M Js9a*. iv* fallen, and the fruit of th*dr rvjai-tail Michigan as a home because Fictares and ttpdtence and began M* great rallying j y, economv and irhllAulh mpy j mammoth utin-k of Fall an*i Winter Good# that were purchased an eveb. He Wgiua by saying If any tire; Were In absolute ignorance of this ist is left us. They havo flnUhc.l regmn, of it* noil, production*. < *(-» jlast season La*fore tin* hivaiicu in Wootait Gnuiiff, whi. li we will a* you - i.=dr- -i Li employ a pcrVM: TVS Ml, and noaa ir— f•«ttaalr •• Picture Frames. •*. -a. 1.1 Inok Into hU antecedents or for , Ullllri for ruit'.ration, aud abu.p all i It* adapted iic -a * to make a (tesirabh jclofie out at ull(d hf • i|§g < - jfa* fir Mr I fig f,„ me *-• 04 i-aoc of kets, JShawis, ueaver Cioths, Laditra & Gen Vs mtt nail mn maw lire . * '.|*. » A It K. « Ai.BRfltflK •—-.ton ei*at — * (tm la Icvatal* Sn iSr aarlk, *f sad a; 11 lr sM •♦ally k*p|kk*as ■ laapnera ilel I Attorney* fee the tnalntainener of the govrnamrul Sl La anl taiarim, la (la as.; S** la. lw.t»t,-ali nit) fp*t iHrrit) ut tb* '.unrV-r Iia* ns- nl*s raaf an* ikrtra(k nsul a —ii-ra, runuib, j ffs.Th.s'i. iat. the irJiiiif** *f th* st« sad tn — >—•■*» » lairt. tad >el an* la l'kt Ik rnnlaal raara (ML. UNDERTAKING il—mv * —tk ntx ftj ro*r. I hr nr* ■* — >ta«*** (l*> I Our BMortment of ia*« ws «ra« a kkll«%l- :l=ct. ■« Jc-=S. country it ikcrwsiiiR, and it Is bard Zu&a . ui£S(" svep ri? —** t Lit* —* rvt ilil-xs J Is s>t lla irnsrkr.1 *i * — *i 1 ; at- | work after l«e great silrarsguicesol a (U> (ant. to to.- ptotr. of bcslBblES. j Ala* th* rtM half of to* —MilkVP— IJttrtrT of I an —-I. aa |— -Mat k« . m i. « kk t«r republican congress tc cut (Sown ex ­ ■ • I'k 1 — !.n D*t» mm Ma.c air —M. M •pm— —<1 HV 1* :h* toviu-'.'.p a/jrrn*i? — l—t.-( i HttfiSR. penses very fast. He tries lo scare the All paksSuaal ralta praaptl* lUmM lo. s!«, hardships Inctdeat U> iRoiHrar life bul , iU|rf||n m „,r ,,„1MS woo< ,, l>onir . ifhiJily oin *J. tftl Kf orator ul Um ln*i alt] 1 n-ala —**« *f l*i».. i I rebels will he pensioned and rebel mere compelled lo mlU*»leno ; jr |||ile cebhi emonget the ami ■* ir t»irj r.iok-g ,k# o irB Mout J—mm*. . .------.. _ . — ■ . WpOWI ^ un. AKY F. IIAVKNH, M. I». Office from their nrarost friends, who on- tr* iu wllkh served for I'!M Early Bird (iifkff Ibt wtnfc Prices Ghiaranteed ^ e.1 *UU* Iia* Mover Twb*l A Otoyta r — «r*. Mf. 3*ka* — doavorwd to ciMivlaos them l^»l'b'lr highways. If the young mn. can re- tml—ara —p—* In g *a. - rrj )**■.. iSairi —.ntf JL rotaiy «f Aim* Will nlways be* found tn be the most complete in St. Johns. rs to an-tain fr0,,Uft .ZL U Uroihcr throe thing., w h.t in.ist hr IMfra —ssf I'kIMrea. lit IsfiOr* i (Ml ft fvt ihr FtMtBlT of niltUrB, Ui4drn »t ihr niidinentt to wildest fancy, aod perilous in th* ex- u,e rnv„f(.tlon , Kr,y.i,oirMl I^UttrliAffi, io llM h. Mm, fn«ii*r- lilted States it. A .1. W I (Hr INS ’liyslclaa. bur- -^tb* ua*ny afMr|M*mk*r, talk* ynaroas Ikotr- treme; fur no stale In the union »affer- j 0i,| #)rn ,ruui)il us who entered tlicl rlfkl kmtomt nml *l*kiy. Prrarnt. Ju*l M for their m- h fru« and 4<«wk<'itr ^______ed more by reason of false statements I wl,darwas* and found It a* U«rd oswde W«h»rfi BOfl NfifiVfvrj. NlkH >«IU |rr*MM)4ly klUM- Crsn—>n, J»'lt-r l*r»lMt* In Ik* mlin of lk< LOWEST FIGURE. n rturn to *|>e- and Incorrect repcemsi.uiloi.s than j „ Krua<] full of *4 1 oMlNdlhNI IhlMfl ftfiltlB I. I Ittl 41 Mi ? ig the rr|»e»l Ml f m. ot«s* gtfr Dumb A l |4un ». H. Ji4ik«. Michigan at that Uom. ] the idurk which ovt-roomc*. (hey left it s«y» nwth- (lliil liiiiL’ i Gent’s Al Ihe Uu»e of the sctUcioiul by iheoe,^^ world In-biud (hem when ihey U ^THH K l*.\ N f», law «inl f’biui- Post-office Building, alenl w sy in ***** t* an tk* la — sill n*S i—ftmcaf *f asM 4*- piouerrs ihe irotnilar belief was lliat lit* nillr itli„ w,„l4 lU hlsd *»« • «rjr UmImb. r*rtk -Ur iltmtiot |lvra lo iscl, nor of This branch of our buffi lies a this fall will he iinii.tiudly Urge, then far-off Michigan was, and would lht,||| urrr g* ,.£,ltorU of pf.., |,.f„r, lli4«iKMiiulh»i fi«l rtUPflMill trftilHWlMi ultra Uf Tkcrpspoa It In act*rod, that THnrrday, lb* Sktk Fowler, Mich. >uOilcan* in forever remain the home of only the I tj„.ni wrrc ,u.)-er-. prlvaihu.*, *..d real fifiUlv < hNVCjTKlM lh| doll* • l*J» (JiapBLcn ~ day ml (bylrmlrar, ISBB. sl su rlra k In lh*f*r*ueua compriflinjr the latest utylcs in Mcu ’h . Youth ’s and Children ’h Afrnt fur aUr find [- hi low |u bu Uir rrit»,|ei,„j \ I- an L<»m»r- sky Ik* will nkratmd brat to »mn»nt. mtasiowary station la its wild, for the U|e |teer ,nto |ho ,, .,lSt,r fMr,,U(. And it is fur Ibr. ord*rnd. Utol aotlru to glrsn tra n.” Hnl Le purpose of ( hrUUauisIng ihe heathen, , >lrok< , |tr<, d , ,u, K. til LI AM Fhysiclan tb* pt-nt.ur iulerrutpd In Mid MtaU, of Ur* tundra - snd Defy Competition. * aud 4trr(*»a. <»a.« I* Hank Hto*h, ry raf Ikr bnsrlng Umtu, itf ■ock i» only k was stated that the project was lm- ^ ,uol( P,llrrtg tb<. forewt . Th.- S ate of M eat • p«t of Ki-1-.dbr* !V-aid. m rtutitr a cue, af Ikls uifct to to prabibitod is proctlcahle hecansr onlj a narrow strip clpar j|,j» grew . and hy and hy * Urr ’tokrtaktor fWms—*-f W (—a k*d CkiUrra Of- tk* Cltalrara Indnurbdrat, a arwafrararr prlatod Carriages in millurr along the border a as Inhabitable. Tb« bloxetl on lb* rude l.eartbstoo* .4 the St* ton I# to It a. a a* 4 S to* r a 4is arad (I pro toted la Mid ran aty ml (llnlrau. for i«, not qtiai- thr** rurrnulrn •*!■ pfribran tra Mid dray of lulsrior w here we or e Bow aaaembtod ) mUnt. which wo* church,* liool.fort. ______IOOK \ DABfll.L, \ ■ and b( irlfif CARPET AND OIL CLOTH esMeut of the ANI> w*. In those dsys eoartffe red s va-i itl(1 llo l t, lhc nlooeers w ho t It A to^=5 CJ I'ras —for a al Irav sad NfW iiorr la fkan- JOM. II CRAWniiX, •e argument iienetrahle swamp. KspecUlly fur th* ' (,h|n » Vr. yr f hsirmsn, bistort- ttmtj. Ut Jokn. Hit (A I run rosy) Jrafo* of Kratotra. DKFAI1TM KMT. <•>.k wan llM) beneftt of tb t jrouu^r our§ 9 ^ «ni luvr written anil «pm tort hiw on- AsvturaT »s. itW) a a nssnit cl (.rant in ORTI.U.I SAIF.. Isf.nlI barms We make a specialty of the celebrated Hertford and Isiwel read an extrafst froo. a report of the | Ull nPvrr . Imp a mad* tk Ik* rairadHiraun af a erttsia . ..o.i.teiu-) , more than V ts I \M|| KI.LK, M. !».. n.y»l-M surveyor-general of Ohio, lieariug date lh (nn sad Ha rspnw I (fto — at kta mtd**** oa ■unM> datrad Jura* nf, l*7« arad rtvtlrf kr Kx-tSupcrx, Carpets that arc admitted tn be the liest in the mar­ 15fXu.tr.fr,: hold ON, SENTLEHEN MrasaK —to aad klinaieth gooua to Jraka W Wagons November SO, lhlS: heen. Thr groan of the ngl) tear, tire Walk** atr*M, Irani af llinto Airaan, m. JAsi J*v*n. and ppr-mdra Jan* Jjd. ItTn, la lb* «•«* of uocraiic i’ou - l all. ar*rayfl? attea dxf to. ket. Also a full line of Tapestries, Itrusorls. Stair L'arp«U, Tk* (ffatry o* Ik* 1 Milan to*radar, Un* Irv screech of thr fierce panther more than , Ahoflur Ffsmiit f brlhl frnffa Ib4 kl |t*«Hlle4 Ik* toOrfv ■•( Imdi to* fWratrau nranty, la Mk ki­ iJOt'i iu mves- - mourn *f tk* rrenl An*U( — rlr*. tad ntonl ll- • SI of Mnnsurt, on turn li , au * kick Cotton Chain Carpetn, all pntde«. Do not purchase your Car­ i-d it away." ■* — tor u«rai mil— la, vuk tow »t(*v“<" once srouted these men w ho »*»« ut | FAIJIDINO A t'K WHOM. Altar- lorlMr Ikosp I* (Ini nod lo '* do* kl tb* data of Of prrry Urm-rifRUm om b«iai »mI id we nliall r Ifkt (Tovlh“ of* naSrr tlicnc hrnad sere*. TSo growl of the j 8 a*ya aad fraramb n at Ira* and MatlrOrar* la ibin trilrr lit koo drnd aad lv*Myraue doNraisabd pet before nn examination of our eicfntnt atnek. wHk very lud mank —, Hrt #*n- I knarrry. M iobaa. • Italar rrrauly. ■ ■ Sfw aa altora*, !to ml forty Mbit •e exposure* M*f ' hungry bear, necking human prey, was •rail; ..ry toary Utotor *1 wutk.oak.-Atom*-*1 moro than oner heard st the d irlim ikk a*Olyas* Sold Cheap, * I itMf roe«‘|ved lials-Mt m| >■•*« eople of the from Ik* lad buttn bt——aitoUrjimUry rant*pMlvsr*, tk* nwuln-r ! cithlno year* ago, now replaced hy the—- j And bra null or praror dla* II lav nr In wintiy ka>- and ntaui ut lb*W ■* ‘tr<3"* buildings. lunger was rvery- ta* Um Irarlltatod Ira rsturrr any |*M ml ihr d*id the highest ml la kru fnmi Iin-xy •—Hy ikn —rtiaa mm—am in trad wttk t ry, Hhunger _ often sat by Ihe health- j CORNER! and nf ihe nlaiot* la aarh case madr aad pro' kp-i ivcstSgsflug ' FALL PRINTS. ■* ,rl" *d to*" aafitM itoaajMk, ufetojtaru | sumr and mocked Its victims; slckn««s Inialrf vm IBS rMrmrr »f f’Hatsa 1 nratkv in hatvby (trra tknl .hi tb* Ilk May *1 tleeii worse | Orreankee, A I> tmn it <------—1*- “----r- ami .hwn. .topi«i h.* m..w. #r in * » A trim* awfl Sent WAltr r *!• We lutve in nt«ck a fu!! aonortmeni of celebrated * only Mack- us. iskat. I allow* to th* i wltk a.irr Tk* martian «< lb* tokm tr» amf tk* : and filled grave* under the whlnpri'- nely ylfmm "k—* asnmtonr* to**4. for lb*» »r*l* ' (| (reea lo offii-e Ain* A n.l n« -1rry to]r myn. II In n rryvlnr 'r-rlrkratl ” vTnii^J'rCrltird’^TZZZ Tm’IM^ fenow'rUlRe..*. when I .a, »ll..nor far Dtufo • bn kitr Id aril wf t#wjr ; ihd t»H, wkfi< J. E. WISES i l* the abili- hfirffilM rBM Isf |kffv«e*,treel Ml lllfil |«sl4»l. I I ffBft Tb* (airrmfiti. ram* toivrat tk* »* .m,.* uf Ul 11 Mite hold* pioneers ” I hut ectio lhc IL aajts “the crvrytklns lt*l la guud lot Ik* ln»*f mn" I *«•> •pstsht C’nrrlacr itml Wfigtn Firtoi), Isfca*. vfclrkk Rest sidy tas toll Iks wa stry, tm aentlmeilf* of the Whole g»eer»u«H«. nf •—1 rTwrytnin* - "a. —2, .—I*, a 1*1 aaitnYrr Mlrblsara, nsinutla* STARK BOOTS, tingle s-1 u. ettfc rary to. rt-pyttora . k-» torrau. —•? rhr Inc|| who ^ u. our r.lmrty as a t—4 tk* «—tontpv l*v *rf*** (raw arum, la ****** form uni ra is* uonkvmt rat- Jaal Worth at sb< ssuiiruud, yet he shows arar of —id laud Oatd nato nrtn kr a. a d* aubpvl to rktor* Mk Tm tor W Hand tnatle, for monV and boy ’s wear. itf) !• pros- republic gave na I cm than these men lb* |* ’ —"i of tra* ppmairaf rr af rani ainpp era lit# nsase Uuud, I tk of A ( nfk* to.(nr nl Prt.ili tor , not yrt dor. Hatud 4*y1prg( —r n»k ISM K demo, rals who nn pared Ute earth for our dally talk* A < nOto toftu 4*1 wka ltMlri (I J(, (Mto* Krraarv* lift I* m I snltor. to* Ur ItottjHuMias la Ik* < Irertoll I oort for lb* rurrli IloFHF - SIlfM'Illir ml ni.laa Ta < ktwrrr. f.rknn on Ik* Tlh be sold at Cost. their laltor w os yet green. Other* have I Mark 4 nP Ikoraof Ibnl Urn mid kin to Irakou an untmd by age, and nxk a continuance of their trade, a* we will hope the ail from 173.- A Happy Muaiuralien. (4b— pnfa — I ns ■ ImUrrry was- — isst tk* ------ok Tnc— Ik* tuU drS-sOaat. Aad M In fort tor ordorud I bnt nr* aa 4t*n to All aM. b—*bl M tkto forum vltkla lurraly top lbs Mid " rapt* aonl Itara n tIs par anum. I can truly aay that 1 owe my pres­ ruuy of tkto ator to bs puklhknd la Tb* Olmraa coining fall Ut make our *tore and stock unumutlly attractive, ent rai«ta(tor and hupp) rcntufftlhlti to win to ante (kray ad kkirnf y—imytly rat to* i to republl- uf par ra* * tm will amt** UmI by (.Jlttwll, ! ad fyvndr aL. a sryrmre peklubcd tr. laid aoua- and make prices on oil good* to auit the times. era, it is not tire hope* ami Joys of life, U» the use of •atoll man I HI— rn* pm ikrm rhrmyrr. > rraai i It In ly. aud that raid puldtrattou to ruuUauod lo mid Si. Job lfarUo Works. murk warm to y—i lk—a ty LATEST STYLES, l« M MKHUll.I. eon tries, but w ti HAXPlW* Warfier's Hale, (Irrnlt Churl I —totorarr sons who (mm that day down to the ( Ylatos rraunty, MftsMtese A. L. Butler & Co ’s MraMy . «. T. F»b to. ISSS ;rmt rvpubit- tSMt Hour have rwuisnei Ur deer f MOST 1PPR0VEDIIRNEI Mr tan A ■ ana. (toitdtocn tor ( mipltlua uf l their salary Blehtgaa, la whole or In part, we must AI Iron a trwa eray rrai* —u la mr I — MA3 M1IICII UDIIIIUI ST, JOHNS: HICH- r must, and cams is the roacioslow that the survey- IT.JOHNI MARKET! Kidfiey k Liver ----- AMD A------; ftesla. Pi*. —-pn.-l ml t >iita> had a large (ktnil v . ('.'——d •••II t-T C. r Wirkr Aral*i la t**- MARBIfK. foot iAres ksn- Krrn If aotnc fertile tract* could be rartot aad ' Ktokn. to ai m la rtgi s. fie to the found amid this extreme sterility end AWI3CS—(rrara, par to Hr 8T JOHNS MUM -Craramnu. p*r k. TV CUREj Fit Guaranteed. s, for 11 you barren owes, according i® I heir gloomy ■••••a bnadaod frarauls tbnlnppntl aad star TO OUR PATRONS IN THE 8TATL III MM pro ­ prophecy the iWlft-firotetl Indian, or ______I’urad pr-t-4 arato.ll k* ta mp to n Murk of Marble era tora.kl lata (bo S1TTT.B Firkin, put lb, $1.26 PER BOTTLE! nouauy , arad on pmimmm tbai fnfy -n—potl itora 's think the sure-footed disease, would toon exter ­ Rprrak p—I par A Psslllvt fieairdy far AM- BIM- year sround minate______the______Intruders. As thew _____pioneers____rmix- rntny^i m We wif«h to announce to thoite who anticipate rusting aey. Liver aud f rlaar, TrneMea cumnniiNSic sing disaatls- turned their foeve toward the srttlng 'ZZmfZSTZ 'to, >e* •f fourk Sal, ttf Frasalt. the State Fair that our *toek of KINK CLOTHS AND nMtraoa with tan, their fHeads looked upon it as the i imi p-n i:y LESSON S Monuments, •unset of hope and IMe, ami Wd far*-j t-Afclv-- Vrsak pnuMrrsd, p*r Ik., s#ira WOOLRNS for FALL ami WINTKR WKAR hag b^ n “Ws repubH- GEO. N. JUDD, well, »n ever last, nf (hveweil ; pdiLnr’-i'kkira an ’■■r»f ^ •KAO TNC ReCORD : In PUno, OrgAB, and Voca I Mode. Hetd Stones, received ami ig now ready for your ing|>eeUoQ, and that m, nwa the Mnwsw, sn ihe ilutuii------— ■ * *" — 1 V-.U r*f — J iiimmim.. =£.mm*. it did Mf ZSm.‘ S. A are— tk. rr».” Thiats Us.cUon tn Ihe wilds of MMtigoa. - tfnrt.ts Itoset “H h tb* rural ly (krat vM rmm tb* awes Bra : for ST\ LK anti DURA RI LITl, it it. uot excelle<1 hy any W If CAY to to «raa* auruifnr to viurt Ifato'i Wfarbr Aoatrre roa Tablets, ihl lean trutm- os settlers f-Htred into our Mew terrtira- a, ra tk ^ Merchant Tailor. *lt ban ,*• — m»trn Iratn and m rad —* —*" in the West. Wo xholl endeavor to maintain oar preaent I show wfsetii- rv they were both ai.-urital tal de- I (ti«* -ruto frsm ssr ml (tor biMtoM randlral trakrat la Ik* i RM Mtelnway, Oraaytbtasta m, lira* f.ruiuktd at lit frasee Ihe gallant lighted to fiud Instuad of sterile rand ' 9! *»-*▼ ton rat fiMSi to rmarry — JV— yard SVM (rhltikertaifi it. Imp out**. | bun* uirkto in vkn rntorrtaa reputation for 8QUAKE and liONORAHLK DEALING Ut Mt n to all who mav favor t* with their at, tn stump id IMtilil Km Mi. A S. StotodM. A C. IMPORTANT TO PURCHASERS 0? llAld«'a H S-0*M Mr fovtol , rt okra* nurnnd noma nisnraoa rusvurS 1'IANOM. Ibotrud*. aed ranrrt nnrorad tra am* ran fiasnar* patronage. Wo will be plmsetl to * Arc our frientht who rh*r county after another was '»k«* j seats tracmc xmcnri TUfi treat Rgtara! B«foHy la fi#M fbfbra Km part ysf hhitey, us rat totonsi Tari —• ski ralak naylbluga wind weald l the supposed hwlalM af fUssrs* • ‘ M P m M K f mm , IbnStaf vt« pla nt p>. mn a null tofai a purukss bf Bngglvu tn all pan* dfo VarM. B^^geS l*Stl«r"*n, may visit our city, fooling confident that an in»|i#r«an« of A o uto red .Ur, , sad pr-Hi.'iuiceri to he Use hesfij / ara I freed fire ik*j SOL. S. BATESON A BRO„ He ssyt 'bC'flH If miIUmI ^> 9 kw the j H. H. WARNER A CO., If ortUn end Ui(3 daww l!tdr»fllv whWu rslttfii- <4 sr.rTPRt awd#%«l kMsrbelhH 1 Roohatfor, N. V. H AKfil.\ SMITH We Offering Great ..^ -#uV.r . t twifole Hfoe they «* — ptoeok of Clinton cnamy. Its settle- i are 'tbs LiAppyg wmMAm tailorinq noun niosxqax * * aram af trarw A Iratn torn rln. of •**na yes tb.* the orenl fto the whtts et*« dafisu hasrh la j Intfucem# M sues. ATRIUl, near knifed*! Bova*. DBTRS!F. mur u kh assttsr SS* ”* **. —*^ L te tha fait af ttaB yem a p Isst ea r j MRS. HT. tfOllNM, rnico. rmrfi, M**rt we of Jesses Born* rwnrrtv i; I eto’i" t kiiff KITX Ttomfi uf udd, frate snm nf tise New -ijft. m ' 7**raf /, aorvtof. (tosfi. a ;*M. to- tit ra unma a ■ ■Ji ^r?’fjTrr.; TATXITS k r.r»*iH, UfoB A m JittM Bmiu 4 Carriua, outraioj r- to lb* ’>#«» PfWNTIKG CHEAP »ir*«ti na
