Agenda Paper- Action Taken Report
THE BHARAT SCOUTS & GUIDES Nafonal tletdquarbra Phone6 : 91-11-2337072, 2337867, 2337A702, Fax | +91 -11-23370128 Gram: FLEUROELIS, New Delhi-l'10 002 E+ait, Web6lto : : SSRI ASHOK GEHLqI, FORMER CHIEF I{INIIITER OI R,d'ASTHAN STATE Chief National Cornnksiorr'r : SHRI B,I. NACARALE, IAS (,) lT- R€ l- 3- 1'\ \Lrts"l:-tb' Dat d: 0a/7L/2076 To Allthe Members ofthe NationalCouncil the t'narat scours & GUtoes SU8.r Agenda Paper- Action Taken Report. REF.r This Offi.e Letter No. D-3-1/4160/2016, dated 26/09/2016 and letter No. o-3-rl 4s6o | 2016, dated 26 | 70 I 2076. Dear 5ir/Madam, In continuation to the above cited letters, I am enclosing herewith the following for your kind perusal and necessary action. 1, Agenda ltem No. 2- Action Taken Report. You are requested to bring this to the National Council Meeting for discussron. Kindly acknowledge the receipt atleast by email. Thanking you, *nara) Diredor aum Returni Encl.i As above. Copy submitted to the Hon'ble Chief National Commissioner, Bharat Scouts & cuides for his kind information. DIR/AS-l/08 Nov. 2016 \lr-ea Lakshmi Mazumdar Bhawan, 16, Mahatrna Gandhi Matg, l.P- Estate, POST BOX NO- 7X:], Ndi, Delhi-110 0O2 (tndia) THE BHARAT SCOUTS & GUIOES. NATIONAL HEADOUARTERS, I"AKSHMI MAZUMDAR BHAWAN. 16, M, G. MARG, I. P, ESTATE, NEW DELHI _ 110 OO2. Action Taken Report of the Minutes of the last Meeting of Sixty Fifth Ordinary Annual General Meeting of the National Council of the Bharat Scouts & Guides held at National Headquarters, New Delhi on 29,h November, 2015 at X1,00 A.
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