sings with ED forms

Directions : (consigne)

1- Listen and complete the songs with an ED form (regular or irregular verbs) (écoute les chansons d'Ed sheeran puis complète par un verbe au prétérit (régulier et irrégulier) 2- match the image with a word or groups of words to describe it (sous chaque image, note un mot ou groupe de mot pour en traduire l'idée.) 3- write an introduction to the song, follow the example (écris une introduction à la chanson en suivant le modèle/l'exemple)

Example : When my hair's all but gone and my memory fades It is a song by Ed Sheeran. It came out on And the crowds don't remember my name September the 24th (twenty-fourth) When my hands don't play the strings the same way, mm (in) 2014. I know you will still love me the same It is entitled . Thinking Out Loud, Sep 24 th 2014

When I ______six years old I ______my leg …...... I was running from my brother and his friends …......

And ______the sweet perfume of the mountain grass I ______down …...... I ______younger then, take me back to when I ______my heart and ______it here …...... ______friends and ______them through the years …...... …...... , Jan 6 th 2017 She ______the fiddle in an Irish band But she ______in love with an English man …...... ______her on the neck and then I ______her by the hand …...... And baby, I just wanna dance I ______her on Grafton street right outside of the bar …...... She ______a cigarette with me while her brother ______the guitar …...... She ______me, "What does it mean, the Gaelic ink on your arm?" …...... (I) ______, "It ______one of my friend's songs …...... Galway Girl, Mar 17 th 2017

I ______a love for me Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead I ______a girl, beautiful and sweet I never ______you ______the someone waiting for me 'Cause we ______just kids when we ______in love Not knowing what it ______Perfect, Apr 12 th 2019 …...... …...... …...... …...... …...... …...... ______you walk inside a bar He ______something to make you laugh I ______that both your smiles ______twice as wide as ours …...... Yeah, you look happier, you do …...... …...... Happier, Mar 23 rd 2018 …...... …...... …......

I ______the supermarket flowers from the windowsill I ______the day old tea from the cup ______up the photo album Matthew had made Memories of a life that's been loved …...... ______the get well soon cards and stuffed animals ______the old ginger beer down the sink …...... Dad always ______me, "Don't you cry when you're down" …...... But mum, there's a tear every time that I blink …......

I ______the pillows, ______the beds, …...... ______the chairs up …...... ______your nightgowns neatly in a case John says he'd drive then ______his hand on my cheek And ______a tear from the side of my face

Supermarket Flowers, Mar 3 rd 2017 4- A L'aide de ces verbes d'appréciation (likes and dislikes) RAPPEL : donne ton opinion sur ces chansons et sur Ed Sheeran Verbes d'appréciations + Verbe en ING // nom commun Examples : I enjoy listening to Ed Sheeran I can' t stand his songs.

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