JLAF MEETING THURSDAY 23 July 2015 1330 - 1700

Venue: Allen Banks and Haydon Bridge Community Centre


The main topics for the afternoon will be liaison with the National Trust including a visit to Allen Banks and the Staward Gorge

1330 All meet at Allen Banks Car Park

near Ridley Hall, Bardon Mill, , Northumberland Telephone: 01434 321888 OS Grid Ref: 86:NY799640

Meet James Howard, Ranger, National Trust, Hadrian’s Wall County Group (Allen Banks and Staward Gorge)

 Site background, historical landscaping, flood damage repair, landslide control, site management, path erosion, and wildlife protection of the site.

 Focus on National Trust’s perspective of managing popular site at risk from flood damage/climate change; resource implications, value for money etc.

1545 Depart to return to Haydon Bridge Community Centre

1600 Feedback session

1700 Refreshments ay Haydon Bridge Community Centre

1745 Evening meeting

2045 Meeting ends

1 JLAF Agenda 23 July 2015


JLAF MEETING THURSDAY 23 July 2015 at 1745 - 2045 Haydon Bridge Community Centre, Haydon Bridge AGENDA FOR MAIN MEETING

1 Welcome and Apologies

2 Questions from Members of the Public To receive any questions previously submitted by members of the public.

3 Declarations of Interest In accordance with Paragraph 6:8 of Local Access Forums () Regulations 2002, revised February 2007, members are asked to declare any direct or indirect personal, prejudicial and/or financial interests in relation to items on the agenda for this meeting and shall disclose the nature of those interests to the meeting.

4 Approval of Minutes of previous meeting held on 16 April 2015

5 Matters Arising Matters arising from the previous Minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda

6 Chairman’s Introduction

7 JLAF Action Plan progress to include members’ input session

8 Updates from Appointing Authorities

a. Northumberland County Council b. Northumberland National Park Authority

9 Working Groups focus on role of Working Groups and debate need for a working group for each of the three JLAF Action Plan objectives and to report on progress

a. Working Group North b. Working Group South c. Strategic Development Working Group

10 General Updates

To note any general updates and information including:

a. Northumberland National Park Management Plan Review b. Northumberland Coast and AONBs c. Regional issues: North East LAF Chairs 2015 AGM d. Ramblers ‘The Big Pathwatch’ survey e. Local Nature Partnership f. Any member general updates

2 JLAF Agenda 23 July 2015


11 Closures and Consultations to note:

a. Winnows Hill Slaley TRO b. Bywell Woods Thinning c. Forestry Commission Consultations: Lady Hill Farm Tree Planting

12 Members’ Section

Any other items members wish to raise not already covered or on agenda:

a. JLAF Media, Publicity and Promotion – A Earnshaw. b. Police Liaison update: T Liddle c. Other items from members not already covered that are pertinent to progressing the JLAF Action Plan

13 Any Other Business

14 Dates of Joint Local Access Forum meetings.

Dates of next meetings: Thursday 15 October 2015, Thursday 28 January 2016, Thursday 21 April, Thursday 21 July.

Joint Local Access Forums in England. Under Sections 94 and Section 95 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000, and in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 7 of The Local Access Forums (England) Regulations 2002 (amended in February 2007) the meetings of the Northumberland National Park and County Joint Local Access Forum (JLAF) are open to the public. Para 4.4.1 of the ‘Guidance on Local Access Forums in England (March 2007) further states that ‘Subject to certain exceptions, Regulation 7 requires forum meetings to be open to the public. This means the meetings are held in public but does not mean that they are public meetings. A person who is not a forum member may be allowed to participate in discussions on specific agenda items at the discretion of the person chairing the meeting’. Questions can be submitted in writing to the Administrator, up to ten working days before the meeting. The agenda and minutes are available on the JLAF pages found at:

Joint Local Access Forum from 1 May 2015 – 30 April 2016 are: Alan Mitcham, Amanda Earnshaw (Chairman), Chris Foster, Donella Rozario, George Astbury (Vice Chairman), Gill Featonby, Ian Jackson (Vice Chairman), Jonathan Farries, Michael Macgregor, Mike Bell (NNPA representative), Moray Allan, Nick Rossiter, Susan Rogers, Michael Smith, Ted Liddle, Cllr Trevor Thorne (NCC representative), Victoria Brown.

For copies of available meeting papers or for any other enquiries please contact: Marion Hume, JLAF Administrator (01434 605 555) or please e-mail: [email protected]

3 JLAF Agenda 23 July 2015