Imposes Youth SEE STORY BELOW Warm, Humid THE DAILY FINAL Sunny, warm, quite.humid today and tonight Fair, hot Red Bank, Freehold 7" and humid tomorrow. L EDITION Long Branch / Moninouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 30 PAGES VQL.95 NO. 11 RED BANK, N.J. TUESDAY, JULY 11,1972 TEN CENTS JIcGovern Wins Vital California Vote Fight . MIAMI BEACH (AI*) — was near success and that vic- McGovern camp failed in an would run into the daylight McGovern within 25 votes of a' Sen. George McGovcrn, stag- tory in tomorrow0 night's nom- effort to engineer a com- hours. first-ballot nomination with ing a dramatic demonstration inating session is "within our : promise to seat both Chicago But the showdown votes on other uncommitted delegates of political power, swept to grasp." Mayor Richard J. Daley and a California and Illinois were expected to move his way. the brink of the Democratic Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey, "heavily pro-McGovern group, followed by a series of com- It took two votes, both de- presidential nomination today leader of the coalition of of Illinois challengers. promises that quickly brought cided by larger than expected in a marathon opening session McGovern rivals that lost the The convention then voted the opening session to a close margins, to settle the Califor- ,gf his party's national con- crucial California vote, de- to oust the powerful Chicago a few minutes before 5 a.m. nia credentials dispute. vention that ended just before clined to concede the nomi- mayor in a move expected to EDT. First, the McGovern forces dawn. nation. But he admitted that have far-reaching con- In terms of the party's pres- overturned by a vote of McGovern's display of orga- McGovern "had quite a sequences both throughout the idential fight, the California 1,618.28 to 1,238.22 the Creden- nizational muscle came when night" and promised to say party and in its fall campaign test was crucial, perhaps deci- tials Committee's decision — he recaptured 151 disputed more in the moring. for the White House in the po- sive. which had been engineered by California delegates at the Effort Fails litically crucial state of Il- Within 25 Votes backers of "Humphrey, Sen. peak of a tumultuous session. But with victory Within linois. According to an AssociatedU^fdmund S. Muskie arid Gov. The South Dakota senator reach in the convention's Party leaders had feared Press count, addition of the George C. Wallace — to deny claimed his long, uphill battle opening session, the Me opening night session 151 California votes brought, McGovern all the California votes. APWIrtphal* Then, by an even broader HATS IN THE RING — New Jersey McGovern supporters gather hats for margin of 1,689.52 to 1,162.23. their delegation on the floor of the Democratic National Convention in the McGovern forces de- Miami Beach last night. From the left are Michael Keating of Hl-Nella, feated an attempt by a Flor- Robert Raymar of Somerville and Eli Sagan of Englewood. ida backer of Wallace to chal- City Curfew Invoked lenge the parliamentary ground rules set by the pre- siding officer, Democratic Na- tional Chairman Lawrence F- McGovern Gets 85 O'Brien. In the Chicago ease, too, •there were two votes as the After More Unrest McGovern side sought at the By AL MORAY age or injuries to police or A firebomb tossed from a The Puerto Rican youths demonstrators was reported rooftop on S. Broadway nar- congregate near the Garfield last moment to compromise N J. Votes on Issue "LONG BRANCH - An 8 and no arrests were made last rowly missed a patrol car Memorial Park, S. Broadway — even though Daley's side p.m. curfew for city juveniles night. manned by Sgt. John Naylor said compromise was impos- MIAMI BEACH (AP) - In pected that a "McGovern was in marked contrast to de- and Ocean Ave., two blocks a dramatic opening session of snowball" may develop in velopments earlier Monday. will take effect here tonight Michael Fontano, manager and Patrolman Roland Math- from the Chelsea Ave. site. sible. as a result of the past two of the Piancone Pizza Palace, ew..The bomb burst into Former Gov. Frank Morris- the Democratic National Con- New Jersey that would place Stormy Debate nights of clashes between S. Broadway, reported that a flames in the street without While some whites and on of Nebraska, a McGovern vention, New Jersey cast 85'^ all but a handfull of die-hard A stormy, ahgry debate be- young Puerto Rican residents, group of Puerto Rican youths causing damage or injury. Puerto Ricans last night supporter, sought to suspend votes early today in favor of holdouts in McGovern's col- tween pro-and anti-MeGovern , a white youth group and po- broke three plate glass win- Second Firebomb claimed the feud was over the rules and bring the com- Sen. George McGovern on the umn when the nomination is delegates erupted at an after- lice. dows and a glass-paneled door territorial boundaries, others promise to the floor — a crucial issue of the California decided. noon meeting when Mayor A second firebomb was said it was due to "outside credentials challenge. The opening convention ses- Kenneth A. Gibson of Newark Despite a pall of tear gas in the restaurant. He said the thrown at a patrol car at about procedure requiring a two- disturbance caused him to agitators" creating friction thirds vote. But it failed to McGovern backers, jubliant sion, which saw jubilant appealed to the entire delega- hanging over lower Broadway 12:40 a.m. today, the final between the two grows. McGovern backers applaud- tion to support McGovern and two firebombs tossed at close the business for the event of the disturbance command -even, a majority, over-gaining unexpected sup- ' losing 1,483.08 to 1,411.05. port from uncommitted dele- ing wildly, stomping their over the issue of the Califor- pissing police cars, no dam-.night. '•.....K. ••••••_,-•. : which had otherwise been Police early last night broke feet, chanting and embracing, See McGovern Page 2 quelled before midnight. gates and votes originally up the roaming gang factions Then, heeding the plea of pledged to Sen. Hubert H. Mayor Henry R. Cioffi early on the city boardwalk. The fiery Rev. Jessie Jackson, Humphrey, said they hoped today imposed a curfew on "Brothers and Sisters," ac- who warned that "if one can- for ndar unanimity when the city residents under 17 years cording to a police officer, cer remains in the body, the delegation votes on the presi- of age. The edict goes into ef- disbanded after two warnings. rest of the body politic will dential nomination. fect at 8 o'clock tonight and Groups Dispersed ends at 6 a.m. tomorrow. die," the convention voted Leaders of the uncommitted The Puerto Rican groups 1,486.5 to 1,371.5 to reject and Humphrey forces con- The ruling followed a meet- went to the park and congre- Daley's bid to supplant the ceded that a snowball effect ing last night with Public gated along S. Broadway. group led by Jackson and Chi- was likely to develop which Safety Director John M. Buf- They were finally disbanded cago Alderman William Sing- might place most of the origi- fin; City Council President by three tear gas grenades er. nally anti-McGovern votes in George Hoffman; Vincent J. tossed into the street by police the South Dakotan's column. Mazza, city business ad- in riot gear and gas masks. Daley, who dominated the Anne Martindell, a minstrator; ranking city po- One gas grenade broke up a party's tumultuous 1968 con- lice officers, and a represen- McGovern delegate and the group which refused to move vention in his hometown of only woman chairman of a tative of the State Police, the from in front of the Port '0 Chicago, never came near the mayor said. state delegation at the 1972 Call tavern, S. Broadway. A hall, the first time in 20 years convention, said she had high Juvenile curfew violators grenade dispersed the group he had missed the start of a hopes for party unity in New will be detained, a city but its fumes were blown'into Democratic convention. spokesman said, and will be . Jersey. the bar by the wind and with- Then, speeding adjourn- ' Could Slip Away released only in the custody of in minutes the customers left ment of the first of four their parents or guardians. With tears welling in her the premises and the owner scheduled sessions, the con- eyes after the victory on the Local officials were unable closed for the night. vention agreed to drop cre- California issue, Mrs. Martin- to explain the reasons behind A late crowd of Puerto Ri- dentials cases affecting dele- dell, a wealthy matron from the unrest in the Puerto Rican cans gathered on Broadway gates from Michigan, Texas, Princeton, cautioned, "We community. The recent unrest near the Baronet Theatre and Rhode Island, Washington, just won't want to relax. It stems from a fight between a also refused to disband after Connecticut and Oklahoma. could slip away." young Puerto Riean and a police orders to "break it up." Earlier, it rejected a chal- white youth who is a,member But, she added with a broad A gas grenade disbanded lenge seeking more women in smile, "we're picking up of "The Brothers and Sis- that group also, as well as the South Carolina delegation ters," a group which congre- steam. The ball game •is roll- curious onlookers and the sec- and the bid of a racially mix- ing." In response to a news- gates at the beachfront near ond night of unrest ended ed group to supplant the pro- Chelsea'Ave. man's question, she said she without an arrest or injury. Wallace Alabama group. thought the nomination for McGovern was close at hand. Daniel W. Horgan, a Marine reserve officer who managed Church Gets Clarifying McGovern's primary victory in New Jersey, said the suc- cess over the California issue was "one of the most satis- Letter From McCarthy fying moments of my life." FOREIGN AID FOR MIDDLETOWN Horgan, who was dumped — Englishmen for ecology are Martin Davles, RegllUr Photo by Dm Urdl RECORDING THE ECLIPSE - Robin Kessler, by the regular Democratic or- left, and Brian Champness, Londoners shown 18, of Fair Haven, makes like she's doing what LINCROFT - As the result was part of an agreement fying letter reassuring the ganization in Middlesex Coun- across Thames from Houses of Parliament with shouldn't be done in observing yesterday's partial of an agreement reached be- reached in the judge's cham- church members. ty after a heart attack, said placards for Middletown's Poricy Park Citizens eclipse of the sun — viewing it directly in this fore U.S. District Court Judge bers June 30 by Peter P. Church members are to he expected McGovern's sup- Committee (PPCC). Mr. Champness, who became case through exposed film — as she and Ruth Gib- George H. Barlow between Frunzi, Middletown Township meet tonight to decide wheth- port in New Jersey now to acquainted with PPCC members on visit to Mon: son, 18, Fair Haven, record the event with cam- the First Unitarian Church of attorney and R. Webb Leon- er to seek punitive damages soar over 90 votes. mouth County, set up London branch of organiza- era. See Story, Photos, Page 3 Monmouth County and . Mid- ard, American Civil Liberties from the township for the al- "The people back home can tion as example of citizen pqrticlpation in local dletown, the church has re- Union lawyer representing the leged trespass. be proud of this delegation, all government — rare, he says, in England. ceived a letter from Chief of church. David Rossell, president of of them," he said. "They paid imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiinmiiiiiiiiii Police Joseph M. McCarthy. Unitarian Church officials, the church, explained that attention, they did their angry at the presence of po- work." In the letter, Chief when the decision was lice on church property June reached to seek an injunction Hopes Bolstered McCarthy says: "I am writ- 11, when officers entered the instantAdventure' The Inside Story ing this letter at the request forbidding the police from en- Horgan's optimistic esti- parking lot to take license tering church property except mates on the upcoming presi- Phillies split ander new manager Page 22 of the Honorable George Bar- numbers of out-of-state cars low ... at the request of church offi- dential nomination, were but- Cahlll helps open county course Page 23 owned by members of the cials, a committee was estab; tressed by leaders of the un-And a Lot More Games kids don't play anymore Page 24 "Please be advised that it People's Blockade, had sought lished to investigate the possi- committed forces which have Heroic size statues created in Leonardo Page 20 an injunction to prevent fu- Linda Ellis, one of our prize-winning reporters, has gone has never been, nor is it now, bility of seeking punitive dam- most of their strength in the on another of the trips — several, as a matter of fact — that finish Kabob for caloric budgetcers Page 21 ture similar police action ages. DAILY the policy of this department • populous urban counties of she has been writing about each month. Bridge Advice 25 REGISTER to enter upon private property against the peace demonstra- The committee is to report Essex and Hudson that could PHONE NUMBERS tors on Church property. be crucial In the November For tomorrow's editions, she has some advice we believe Cifid . 26-2* in the absence of lawful rea- tonight to the membership, will be appreciated by many mothers, particularly those :.. ::.::_£ sons to do so. You are assured Judge Barlow refused to who will then make their deci- general election. whose offspring think their fun schedule is getting stale. Linda Crossword Puzzle :. 25 Classified Ads 741-6900 that this department does not grant the injunction and in- sion. .'..... Stale.Sen. James P. Dugan Legal Adv 741-0010 giveisome excellent tips on how to meet demands for'Instant' editorials. 6 intend to change this policy stead requested that the "I understand that the com- of Hudson County, the leader adventure." r Entertainment 2» Display Adv.. 741-0010 church and the township come Circulation Dept 741-3330 now or in the future..." mittee will recommend that of the uncommitted delegates, Also ready tomorrow will be a letter .from a college presi- 18 19 The letter of reassurance to an amicable understanding we not seek further damages, said, "If McGovern is going to dent In which he comments about the illogical names given and instructed the police de- Z:::Z::Z« Women's News 741-0010 But I am ready to abide by be the nominee, I think Hud- students. M0Vies partment to write; the clari- the members' decision," Mr. son will be behind him." Accounts Payable 741-0010 Just received our quota of Also scheduled for tomorrow is Milton Bloch's "Brush i Accts. Receivable...... 7410010 1972 B & G Christmas Plates. Rossell explained. Essex County Clerk Nich- Work," in which he explains why he admires Jacques Llptch* Sports. ..2^4 *Ilddlctown Bureau.. Don't bo disappointed, re- Uniform Sale olas V. Caputo said he ex- 2J ..671-2250 serve llrs now itz. Judith Vlorst's humor piece is still another feature due In' ..462-2121' y° - The Candle Now in progress. Shirley Drapery Factory Outlet. • tomorrow's Daily Register, Northern Monmouth County's ..20,21 Shop. Broad St.. Red Bank. ioBg BranfBranh BnroaBnroauu ..222-0010 Light, 770 River Rd.. Fair Drapes, bedspread sale, 775- Enjoy a great lunch at Steak largest newspaper and Monmouth»County's most Interesting liuniOHnniniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiriiiiiiiiiiniiiiiini Haven. (Adv.) (Adv.; 1894. fAdv,) and Brew from |1.25. (Adv.) newspaper. < Boroughs Fight Forced Re •sJsJ-. Council Joins Shrewsbury Backs Bill Opposition In Requiring Local Vote SHREWSBURY ^ traffic bottlenecks around the vision system was approved, Board of Education has plan- school, the board has re- with the price to be reim- Little Silver ted its feet a little more firm- quested mayor and council to bursed from federal T4C ly against further regionaliza- limit parking on the south side Grant-funds. The system, LITTLE SILVER - The »gtonaliztttion after a prelimi- tion of its schools. of Obre Place to 15 minutes called a Video Rover, is com- Borough Council went on nary meeting of the three After lengthy discussion last during school hours. pletely portable, can be oper- record last night opposing the boards called by the county v night, the board unanimously Increased police patrols, ated by one person, and forced regionalization of schools superintendent, Kar| approved the- intent of a bill particulary during daylight maybe used to record picture neighboring school districts. B. Garrison •i now before the state Senate hours and on weekends, were and sound In the field or from, The councllmen voted unan- Mr. Garrison said he that would prohibit creation also requested to lialt a rising television programs. imously to write Monmouth wouldn't continue (he regional or enlargement of a regional incidence of vandalism on the Superintendent Curtis County's state .senators sup- study unless the three boards school district without a refer- school grounds. Bradley said the new equip- porting a proposed state con- were all in favor of the pro- endum in each affected mu- The board accepted with ex- ment would provide the school stitutional amendment that posal. nicipality. treme regret the resignation "with unlimited possiblllities would prohibit the mandating Councilman Anthony Bruno Last month, the Red Bank of Mrs. Marilyn Onderdonk, in this type of instruction." of regional school districts by last night called the proposed school board voted to petition who taught in the Shrewsbury The board also approved; the state commissioner of constitutional amendment "a state Commissioner of Educa- school for the past six years. the purchase of $1,300 wdnh education and limit the forma- matter of home rule" and GRATEFUL STUDENTS — The Children's Psychiatric Center, Eaton- tion Carl Marburger to man- Mrs. Lorene Loud was ap- of thermostats which will, al- „ tion of new regional systems Councilman Lawrence Minion town, has received a $260 gift because it arranged two Life Discussion date a K-12 regionalization pointed a learning disability low nighttime heating to; be to those that are approved by said the council is acting "in Groups for Marlboro High School. $200 was presented by Marlboro's Par-, with this borough and Little specialist. •••• : •••-•• liirited to rooms in use during' referendum. support of our local board of ent-Teacher Student Association and $60 by the Student Environmental Silver. Both boroughs' boards Purchase of a portable tele- the evening. "'..'.'.''. The Red Bank Board of education and their position." Action Committee. At presentation, left to right, were Nadla Dayem, com- of education bad gone on Education has petitioned state The K-12 district was rec- mittee chairman; Allen Berlin, principal; Yvette Van Hlse, physics teach- record against regionalizing Commissioner of Education ommended by a study team er and adviser, and Dr. Gerald Weinberger, chief psychologist at the cen- below the present 9-12 level. Carl A Marburgcr to mandate from Columbia University ter. A vote taken earlier last McGovern Given a Red Bank-Little Silver- called in to study the Red night on a resolution sent Shrewsbury regional K-12'sys- Bank school district and it has from a Middlesex County tem. The three communities had the backing of many Red community asking complete Support by N J, currently comprise a regional Bank westside community Freehold Twp. Adopts 'endorsement of the legislation •high school district. leaders. was defeated 5-to-3 when (Continued) Thursday. (Several board members Red Bank is basing its plea Council adopted an ordi- nia winner-take-all primary. New Jersey, the eighth larg-. on t&e Morristowh decision nance setting retail store asked for time to study the est state in the nation, has 116 hours and banning certain bill, S1078. Gibson contended where Dr. Marburger ordered McGovern deserved all 271 delegates with 109 votes. Ac- the expansion of the Morris- businesses from the borough. Anti-Litter Ordinance Questions Cited cording to the latest Associ- California delegates as a mat- town-Morris Township region- The ordinance specifically FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - down payment will be made new pumping station and the Board members pointed out ated Press tally, McGovern al high school district down prohibits movie theaters,., as- purchase of a pump. He said ter of fair play. has 78% votes on the nomi- The Township Committee last for the Improvements from that while the proposal would His remarks incensed some through kindergarten to end a sembly halls and drive-in res- night adopted an anti-litter or- the capital expense budget that the in excess of 1,200 gal- transplant Dr. Marburger's nation, Humphrey 11 and racial imbalance. taurants. lons of water per minute can Humphrey backers and un- there were 21% uncommitted. dinance Mayor Kenneth Clark Mr. Jahn said that the im- present powers to mandate committed delegates who said The Little Silver and Retail stores, the ordinance be pumped from the new well. regionalization to the involved says is designed to eliminate provements cover tie drilling they thought the meeting was New Support Shrewsbury boards of educa- states, can't operate between pollution of the environment. of a fourth well on Koenig Mayor Clark said that the districts, it could also involve tion opposed the expanded re- 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. new project will eliminate the problems if one district in a going to be limited to proce- But McGovern appeared The ordinance states that Lane and pipes to carry the dural questioAs and dis- likely to pick up substantial handbills and newspapers water from the well to the need of expansion of the treat- regional suddenly decided to ment plant for ten years. He pull out or if a receiving dis- tribution of delegates' creden- new support, based on his cannot be thrown, deposited treatment plant, on the same tials. showing on the California or otherwise placed on any street. said that the cost of the im- trict refused to receive any Cops Hunt Escaped provements will not be re- more students. The anger of the afternoon vote. sidewalk, street or other pub- The improvements also in- appeared to have largely dis- lic place here. flected in the tax rate. In an attempt to eliminate Essex County produced 5% clude the construction of a olved by the conclusion of the uncommitted votes for Robbery Suspect In addition, it provides that first convention session early McGovern, Hudson produced handbills cannot be placed on :HOLMDEL - Middlctown this morning., two uncommitted votes* and private property without the Jim Bouton, a McGovern McGovern picked up two police are searching for a bur- permission of the homeowner. Hazlef s School Bus Policy glary suspect who allegedly delegate from Bergen County votes from Camdeu County This section, however, ex- and vice chairman of the New assaulted a police officer be- empts mailed handbills. delegates in South Jersey who Jersey, delegation, said he were elected In the primary fore escaping from the Bay- All handbills and news- Is Ruled Discriminatory shore Community Hospital, thought the Gibson incident pledged to Humphrey. papers must be distributed so would not cause any per- here. that they will not be blown HAZLET —The 1970 "space dle Road, from 9:30 a.m. to will run through Aug. 11. His Caputo, the Essex County available policy" under which 12 noon. salary will be $750. Hired manent damage to clerk, said "a few of our The suspect,- James Ei- away by the wind. The ordi- McGovern'a presidential chele, was confined in the hos- nance also prohibits the children who live under the Fifteen students were hired along with him were 10 sum- people switched their votes. pital with injuries he suffered sweeping of litter into gutters: •two-mile busing limit may be to work through Aug. 25 under mer school teachers whose hopes. But we knew they would go People 'on Edge' for McGovern eventually." after being stabbed by a Haz- The penalty' for violating picked up by a school bus not the summer work study pro- salaries range between $350 filled to capacity, was ruled gram. A total of f2,938 of state and $700. Bouton, a former major One of the more dramatic let homeowner he is accused the ordinance is a fine of not league pitcher and now a of trying to rob. more than $500 and/or not discriminatory by state offi- funds is financing the project. moments of the convention Salary adjustments were sportscaster, said "In a situ- followed an impassioned ap- Middletown Patrolman John more than 90 days in jail. cials. 'The students were selected made for three teachers who W. Schoellner, who was Mrs. Iris P. Meyer of the on their vocational inclination ation like this, people arc on peal for McGovern support by in other action, the com- and financial need, Roman acquired additional degrees. edge. You have to be very Willy Brown, a black delegate guarding Eichele, suffered mittee authorized the $300,000 Board of Education said last They are John Poulos, n%h night Dr. Carl L. Marburger, CaSrera, acting superinten- careful." from California. arm and head cuts when he improvement to the Koenig school social studies, from Bouton, once a big winner tried to stop the suspect from state commissioner of educa- dent of schools, reported. He $14,290 to $14,650; Mrs. Mary "Give me back my delega- Lane Water Treatment Plant said the program has already with the New York Yankees tion," Brown shouted from escaping through a broken Township business adminis- tion, last week upheld an ear- Ketchow, elementary teacher, second-story window, Holmdel lier decision by Earl B. Garri-- offered gratifying results and from $14,650 to $15,050; and whose career faded when he the podium. trator Frederick Jabn said said it is a valuable program. lost his fast ball, warned other The McGovern delegates police said. „ that $285,000 in bonds will be son, county superintendent, in John Sherman, elementary Patrolman Schoellner, ac- which the board was directed Students are involved in teacher, from. $4,550 to $4,450. McGovern delegates after the from New Jersey erupted issued, and that a $15,000 California vote not to be over with enthusiasm while the on- cording to police, saw Eichele James Eichele to refrain from this policy. clerical, custodial and general breaking the window and After Mr. Garrison's ruling, maintenance work under the A contract for roof repairs confident. committed and Humphrey dele- tried to pull the suspect back against a police officer and the Board of Education ap- program. They earn $1.60 per at the West Keansburg School "It's a nice victory," Bou- gates sat silently in their into the hospital room. Ei- escape. Colonel Retires pealed to the state commis- hour each. was awarded to Independent ton said. "But this doesn't chairs. chele, who also suffered cuts Eichele, of 142 Hudson Ave., sioner to reverse the decision. Five new teachers were Roofing Co. of Middletown for mean the nomination. Let's After 30 Years $3,900, make sure no one leaves." Leads Chant from broken glass, fell to the East Keansburg, had been ar- The board adopted a resolu- hired for tue 1972-73 school Horgan leapt to bis feet, roof a/id jumped to an adja- rested last week by llazlct po- FT. MONMOUTH - Air tion two years ago whereby year. Horgan disclosed yesterday Force Col. John W. Oliver Jr. The board approved an that some of the poorer clapping his hands over his cent parking area, said police. lice in connection with an al- children in kindergarten The teachers, their subjects easement to the Township head and led the delegation In A general alarm was issued leged robbery attempt at the has been decorated with the through eighth grade who and salaries: Mrs. Ardeth Bo- McGovern delegates were in Legion of Merit marking his Sewerage Authority on the an economic pinch,, and it a chant of "Seat California." over the Monmouth County home of W. A. Cwalinski, 3 lived more than two miles riss of Holmdel, physical edu- north side of the Beers Street Mrs. Martindell waved a Police Radio,',at the time of Hemingway Drive, Hazlet. retirement after 30 years of from the school they attend cation and Mrs. Barbara might be necessary to conduct service. The presentation was School parallel to the Jersey emergency fund raising to straw hat over her bead as the escape, 11:20 p.m, Sunday. Police said Eichele had been would be bused. The limit for Psichos of Lincroft, math- Central Railroad Co. Sale made by Brigadier General ematics, both at a salary of pay for their room and board the convention floor ap- Several area police depart- stabbed by Mr. Cwalinski af- children in grades nine price was $1. plauded wildly. ments, including Holmdel, ter the homeowner discovered Louis S. Norman, Deputy Di- through 12 for busing is 2% $8,450; Miss .Fran Cnayt of if the convention went beyond Middletown, Hazlct, Keyport, the suspect in his home. rector for Programs, of the miles. Elizabeth, special education, and Matawan Township, re- While in the hospital, Ei- Defense Communications That same resolution stated Miss Jill Gunther of Hillside, sponded and searched the chele was in the protective Agency, Washington, D. C. if seats were available on any high school physical education custody of Middletown police Col. Oliver has served since bus after all.regular riders and Miss Sally Anne Maiuro fields surrounding the hospi- of Fairview, high school FAMOUS FACES CONTEST tal. who had originally lodged July, 1069 as chief of the do- were picked up, preference fense communications mathematics, all at salaries Middletown police have complaints against the sus- would be given to the young- of 58,150. filed a complaint in Holmdel pect before he was appre- agency, Ft. Monmouth field est children who lived farthest Municipal Court charging Ei- hended in Hazlet, Holmdel po- office at the Army Satellite away to be picked up by the Psychologist Hired Think You Know Their Identity? chele with assault and battery lice said. Communications (SATCOM) bus. .. , Miss Andrea Padlowski of Agency. To Advise Parents Bayonne, was hired as school anniimtiinnnniiiiin A letter will be'going out in psychologist at a $12,250 sala- Have you figured the Identity of all eight of the next week, Mrs. Meyer ry. the Famous Faces that have appeared in Middletown High said, to all parents of school Six teacher aides for the The Daily Register for the last eight weeks? FAMOUS FACES County Births children advising them of this summer Title I program were Magazine Cited hired at salaries of $112.50 a jBnumiBiHBiniinnHiimiiiiiuiiiiiniimniiiiiHi decision. You have? MIDDLETOWN - "View- However, she said the trans- week for six weeks. RIVERVIEW HOSPITAL Orio), 55 Waterman Ave., Andrew Provence was Then, here's what you do next Next to this ENTRY BLANK point," the literary magazine portation committee, which Print In Ink or type all names on Red Bank Rumson, a son, June 27. of Middletown Township High she chairs, will spend the. named director of the sum- story you'll find the official entry blank for mer school program which the contest. The blank will be run each this official entry blank. Penciled Mr. and Mrs. Leo Davis School, has been awarded the summer studying the policy day this week through Friday. names will not be accepted. Mr. and Mrs. John Doerflcin title of "Medalist" by the Co- and try to make some adjust- (nee Carl Ann Russo), 4 Rari- (nee Sylvia Spalding), 1236 Corlees Ave., Neptune, a lumbia Scholastic Press Asso- ments which would be within Copy the name of each Famous Face onto tan Ave., Leonardo, son, July daughter, July 9. ciation for "outstanding ex- legal limitations yet main- Fire Probe the entry blank. Each name must be typed 10. cellence." tain the "space available po- or printed In Ink by the corresponding Dr. and Mrs. Robert Acker- Mr. and Mrs. Woodraw According to school offi- licy" in some manner. In Marlboro number on the entry blank. No penciled man (nee Margo Kovalcik), 32 Scheldt (nee Ruth Gant), 127 cials, the competition was Advice will be sought from names will be accepted. Princeton St., Middletown, South Main St., Farmingtfale, based on two publications, one safety and traffic experts. Continues Names will be accepted In any one ol daughter, July 10. a daughter, July 10. published in 1970-71 and the "We are looking for other three ways: (1).given names, (2) title, other during the beginning of ways to comply with the deci- MARLBORO — Policemen and/or (3) stage name. No nickname or MONMOUTH MEDICAL this school year. sion and still serve the chil- and Fire Chief Russell Nei- character names will be accepted. CENTER Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Tay- The magazine is published dren," she said. berlien are continuing their Long Branch lor (nee Wanda Andrews), 3008 by high school students under The policy became an issue investigation of a fire which Cut out the official entry blank and attach Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shafto Road, Neptune, a the direction of Mrs. Victoria last year when several par- destroyed the home of Mrs. to the back side of an envelope. This may Yencarelll (nee Laurette daughter, July 10. Taylor, an English teacher. ents complained to school offi- Edna Smith, Wyncrest Road. be done with paste, glue, or tape. (Do not cials about it. When the fire began, police staple: the post olllce will not accept' Another board member, O. say, the house was occupied stapled envelopes.) John Reed, reported the cur- by Mrs. Smith, her three chil- riculum committee has dren, and a guest. Miss Grace Address the other side of the envelope to: Weather; Warm, Humid Famous Face Contest, The Dally Register, mailed out questionnaires to Iseman, 18, of Park Lane, Robertsville. All escaped sa- 105 Chestnut St., Red Bank, NJ. 07701. In Southerly winds spread Temperatures before' dawn parents of school children in the upper-lefthand corner, on the ad- Sunny, quite warm and hu- fely, but a fireman, Miss Ise- mid today, high near 90. warm and moist air from the ranged from 98 at Needles, which they are requested to dressed side of the envelope, print your re- ' Gulf of Mexico as far as Ilio Calif., to 49 at Cut Bank, say what they want and expect man, and Barbara Smith, 14, turn address. Also, number each entry Clear, warm and humid were treated at the Greater tonight, low 70 to 75. l'air, hot Oreat Lakes and southern Mont. from the local school system. blank you mall to The Dally Register. TIDES Robert G. Havens, board Freehold Area Hospital, Free- and humid tomorrow, high in Now England. hold Township, for smoke in- the low 90s. Thursday cloudy In contrast tn mounting Sandy Hook secretary, announced the All entries must be delivered to this news- TODAY - High 9:12 p.m. and school administrative offices halation. Other firemen were paper before S p.m. Friday, July 21st or and riot so warm. . luiiriidily In thn eastern half of reportedly treated at the postmarked not later than 5 p.m. In Long Branch, yes- the nation, intense dry heat low 3:01 p.m. will be officially relocated at TOMORROW - High 9:42 the Hazlet Avenue School, 82 scene. terday's high temperature continued in the arid South- If any of the Famous Faces or clues are was 79 and the low, fi3 d the pearly white grandeur of filled Hudson Bay in Canada's few minor problems, de- which will enable students to six letters of application. He cents per gallon and No. 4 Tuel the solar corona yesterday. Northwest Territories. lighted everyone. avoid losing their identi- expressed hope that more oil at 10.9 cents per gallon. v~ The corona Is the ring of hot As tbe shadow of the moon ' Tto Leaves for Paris gases that stream millions of passing in front of the sun TOKYO — North Vietnam's top man at the Paris peace miles out into space. Scien- streaked southeastward at talks, Politburo member Le Due Tho, left Hanoi today for the French capital, the official Vietnam News Agency reported. Tho has been Hanoi's representative in secret talks with U.S. presidential adviser Henry Kissinger. His return to Paris, Little Silver Selling coupled with the U.S. decision to resume the peace talks Thursday, raises the prospect that he and Kissinger will be meeting secretly again. Antique Fire Engine XuanThuy,th,e nominal bead of the North Vietnamese de- LITTLE SILVER"- Does what well do. The bids were legation'to the peace talks, returned to Paris from Hanoi yes- anybody need an almost an- held for study and well have terday. tique fire track in operating to think it over."' * Littman's is now offering huge savings on a large assortment commission and are they will- The 1935 pumper is being re- of discontinued items: famous brand watches, solid gold jewelry, ing to pay $500 or more for it? placed by a new truck.1 POWs Send Messages The Borough Council has cultured pearls, jewel boxes, flatware, silver holloware, all sorts NEW YORK — Four recently captured U.S. Air Force one for sale but no takers in Girl Struck of things we'll no longer carry when these are gone. captains, previously listed as missing, have delivered filmed the over-$50O range. messages to their families that they are being treated well by The high bid received for ByCarbFair Every Littman's store has a big selection, but most items are the North Vietnamese and are in good health. the truck last night was $113 MIDDLETOWN - Carolyn ones-or-twos-of-a-kind. Listed below are jusfa few examples. Also seen In the film were a fifth captain seriously from W. Hoffman and Co., Slott. 3. of 15 Blossom Core wounded, who was silent as be was shown In his hospital bed, Red Bank. The runner up bid Koad, was in fair condition and a sixth who gave only the minimal information outlined by was #00 from Edwin Burdge, this morning in Monmonth the rules governing war. owner of Burdge's Garage on Medical Center, Long Branch, The film was broadcast yesterday on the "CBS Evening; Birch Ave., here. , after being struck by a car News with Walter Cronkite," which obtained it from the Den- "We anticipated a minimum Thursday night on Blossom pa News Agency in Tokyo. of $500," Mayor Charles F. Cove Road. Seen on the film were Capt. Charles Allen Jackson of Lit- Rell said. "Now I don't know Police identified the driver tleton, Colo.; Capt. David Ryan Grant of Chattanooga, Term.; of the car as Channing P. Ir- Capt David Dingee of Homestead, Fla., and Capt. William win, 21, of 276 Harding-Road, David Beekman of Toledo, Ohio. Dredging, Red Bank, who was traveling Capt. John Cerak of New Jersey gave only his name, rank, north on Blossom Cove Road serial number and date of birth Nov. 22,1944. Pier Project when the accident occurred. The child was taken to Riv- Is Proposed erview Hospital, Red Bank, Chess Match to Begin and then to the medical cen- REYKJAVIK, Iceland - American chaHonger Bobby Fis- MIDDLETOWN — Com- ter by tho Fnirview First Aid cher and Russian defender Boris Spassky finally begin play ments or protests in writing Squad. this afternoon in the richest and most publicized world chess regarding dredging and pier championship of all time — unless some new snag develops. installation in the Navesink Last-minute adjustments were being made on the stage of River by Richard J. Lewis of Reykjavik's 2,500-seat sports hall. The playing table was short- 30 Crescent Drive must be re- ened, the green-and-white marble chessboard constructed for ceived by July 24, the U.S. the fourth tune, and the overhead lighting changed. Army Corps of Engineers an- But these were small details compared to the tanked ne- nounced. gotiations and war of nerves that preceded the encounter, Mr. Lewis has applied for a originally set to start July 2. Corps of Engineers permit to Spassky, 35, drew the white chessman and with them the maintain an existing pier and Diamonds W&tches Jewelry first move. Fisher, 29, of Brooklyn, had the black pieces. One to install piles and a float, as game, will be played each Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, well as to dredge a 15 by 25- starting at 5 ptm. (1 p.m. EDT.) foot area off the float to a Diamond rings and Famous makes (we A wide collection of depth of 3 feet below mean jewelry of every de- can't mention the charms, charm low water. scription. Choose from names) men's dress, bracelets, earrings, Tricked Into Confession The installation Is planned an exciting selection of waterproof and bangles and broaches : LOD, Israel — An Israeli general testified today that he at the foot of Mr. Lewis' prop- engagement rings, calendar watches, 1;inl4Kgold. tricked Japanese terrorist Kozo Okamoto into confessing his erty on the north bank of the dinner rings, men's chronographs, women's part in the Tel Aviv airport massacre by promising him "my Navesink River just west of rings, earrings, pen- watches jn a wide range Also sterling, gold- revolver and one bullet" to commit suicide. Cooper's Bridge. dants and bracelets. of styles, all in a wide filled and costume Maj. Gen. Rehevam Zeevi, chief of Israel's Central Army Comments and protests Many combined with range of prices. jewelrypiecesina should be mailed to the N. Y. other precious stones. wide collection. Command, was asked if he meant to keep his agreement with District, Corps of Engineers, Okamoto. 26 Federal Plaza, New York, "God forbid - it was only bait," the beefy, bespectacled N.Y, 10007. general replied. Zeevi testified on the second day of Okamoto's military trial for the machine-gun and grenade attack by himself and Mrs. Anna M. Rosko . two other Japanese working for the Popular Front for the Lib- TOMS RIVER - Mrs. Anna eration of Palestine. Twenty-eight persons including the other M. Rosko, 68, of 5 Venetian Rings Silver two Japanese were killed, and 67 were wounded. Court, mother of Robert W. "I made my offer after six or seven hours hi which he re- Rosko of Middletown, died fused to talk," Zeevi said. "When I made the proposal, his yesterday In Community Hos- Men's and women's Flatware & Themost wanted name rings set with semi- mouth opened in a smile and he talked." pital. , gifts (again, we can't Born in New York City. precious and synthetic lllllllliniinilinillllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiuillllUUUIIUIIlIIII Mrs. Rosko Uved 25 years in stones, including opals, Holloware mention the names) in amethyst, topaz, aqua- Flatware, sterling and pens, wallets, watch S marine, sapphires, etc. silvcrplate pieces, tea attachments, baby was the widow of Michael W. Many, many different sets, compotes, trays and gifts, jewelry and styles. assorted giftware r^T., RED BANK, N.J. OT0I Rosko, who died in May. many other silver items. BRANCH OFFICES: Besides her son, she is sur- • items. 31, MIDDLETOWN, H.J., 01741 JTMAIAINN ST.ST., FREEHOLD, N.J.,07m vived by two brothers, An- ROADWAYWAY , (.6N(. O BBUNCH, H.J.,IM thony La Greca of West New llWNlliM In U7»by J?hn H. Coek out HmryClay . York and William La Greca of £UBUiHSD IV THE RED BANK REOISTKK ., Corona, N.Y.; two sisters, Mptwrtf tht Auwlnted Prtss-Thc Aiiocloted Preii li entitled ex. Optn a Uttman'aRaxl ntwj dljpafchet. ,,,',, " Corona and Miss Ida La 32 Oman In Monfmuth Count/ • iKOrtd «lo» (wstopt paid ol Red Bank. N,J. 0770.1. and ol wJdlllonol mailing otllcei. Published dolly, Mondoy Ihrnigh FrlIdoyd . Moll iut»cr!p- Greca of New York City, a"hd ..SOWCM m union Count/ frail poyobli In odviwco. 1 Vfor four grandchildren. UJ.OO The John F. Pflegcr Funer- al Home, New Monmouth, is in charge of arrangements. uemrmsrt 'A. RED B County Obituaries"" Keyport Legion Apartments Get Time iintiiunintiuuiDDiimuiHi KEYPORT - Keyport Le- borough attorney," Mr. Wei- cleaned," Mr. Volpe said. we will find a law that will Copies of the resolution Mrs. Alma Warren gion Apartments was given a- gand said. "Picnic tables and benches stop this vandalism," the were sent to the state Senate and Assembly. NEPTUNE - Mrs. Alma two-week reprieve by Counciliman George Leone were brought in, litter baskets mayor added angrily. U.S. District Court Frances Warren, 69, of 6 Borough Council last night to dissented. provided and everything in Council introduced an ordi- Artnin J. Perseghin was Chadwell Court died Sunday adopt .concurring resolutions - If the legion fails to adopt top shape as of last Monday. nance appropriating $10,500 •granted a special use permit. in Jersey Shore Medical Cen- on off-site improvements and similar resolutions — and no "Then when the children re- for codification of borough or- to renovate'a non conforming ter. fees payable to the borough in further time extension is ported to the park on Wednes- dinances. The measure will be store at First St. and Green Judge Robert Shaw lieu of taxes. She was born in Baltimore, granted - the legion.must day it was a mess," he contin- aired publicly July 24. Grove Ave. MONTCLAIR (AP) - U.S. Shaw died of a heart attack Last month the legion was come before the governing An ordinance prohibiting A resolution approving late Sunday at age 65. The Md., and had lived in Long ued. "Glass was broken all District Court Judge Robert Branch prior to coming here a given 30 days to adopt resolu- body with a new proposal as a over the basketball court and parking on both sides of membership in the nine town Shaw, who in 10 years on the heart attack Mowed surgery tions agreeing to pay 15 -per resolution adopted in May will Amerjcan Legion Drive be- Bayshore Task Force — a co- in Mountainside Hospital here year ago. She was a member beach and the whole area in federal bench sent to jail po- of the Second Baptist Church, cent of the gross rentals of a be automatically rescinded such a mess that the commis- tween 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. was operative police agreement — litical as well as criminal fig- for a broken hip Shaw had proposed 10-story high rise without further council action. introduced. was adopted \ suffered in a fall Friday. The Long Branch, and president of sion conccllcd its plans to use ures, will be buried Thursday its Missionary Circle. apartment complex in lieu of The measure was referred Mrs. Stella Perseghin was in Caldwell. hospital said the judge had a Vandalism Scored the park." 1 taxes and agree to install a 14- to the state Department of reappointed temporary court history of "significant'' heart She was treasurer of the inch sewer line and a 12-inch Councilman Richard Volpe "I am disgusted to hear about this situation," Mayor Transportation for approval. clerk at a salary of $3.25. per Arthur W. Lorincie problems. church's Gospel Chorus! and a water line along Beers St. scored the actions of vandals hour. . V past president and member of at a borough maintained park William A. Ralph stated. "I Council adopted a resolution ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Lawyers who tried cases be- Local attorney J. Frank seeking an increase in state A bond anticipation no{e in fore Shaw called him a first- the Pastor's Aid Society. She Weigand appeared before off Cedar and Pine Sts. think the Recreation Commis- — Arthur W. Lorincie, 45, of was vice president of the Sil- sion should meet with the po- formula aid for reconstruction the amount of $35,000 for in- 41 Mount Ave. died yesterday class trial judge who cut council and requested the He said that the Recreation stallation of sewers was. au- through lawyers'idiverslonary ver Star Club and had been Commission had planned to lice committee immediately. and repair of borough roads. in Rlverview Hospital, Red president of the Seacoast As- time extension saying the le- In its resolution council re- thorized. The note Is payable tactics and thus seemed gion Isn't clear on whether it include the park and swim- Mayor Angered to the Monmouth County Na- Bank. sociation Choir, which later "If there is glass being bro- ferred to the present program. He was born in Linden and tougher than he was. Shaw should contribute the cost of ming facilities as part of a tional Bank at an annual in- was rarely reversed by higher became the Monmouth Choral pummer recreation program. ken because beer and whisky as predated and inadequate to lived in Hazlet before moving installing the utility lines or serve a growing town. terest rate of 4 per cent. , .' courts, the lawyers noted. Group. undertake the project itself. ' "The whole area was is being consumed down there here three years ago. Mr. Lo- Surviving are a daughter, rincie was a jeweler with Shaw, who sat on the dis- "I am sure if we are grant- trict court bench in Newark, Miss Audrey Warren, at Englehard Industries, Carte- home; two brothers, Edward ed a two-week extension of ret. was appointed as a federal time we will be able to work judge in 1962. Sen. Clifford P. H. Johnson of Long Branch He served in the U.S. Navy and Guy C. Johnson of Balti- the matter out with the during World War II and was Case, R-N.J., who nominated Shaw, said he was "a strong more; a nephew, Edward RED BANK SALE DAYS a member of Amvets and Dis- Johnson Jr., and a niece, Miss abled American Veterans. judge, fair, dedicated and Police Radio, courageous." Brenda Bouldin, both of Long Surviving are his widow, Branch. Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton Lo- "He was a warm human Bridge Hit rincie; five sons, John, Wil- being who was highly respect- The James H. Hunt Funeral liam, Christopher and Joseph ed by his colleagues on the Home, Asbury Park, is in Thornton, all at home, and court, by the bar and by the charge of arrangements. By Storm Thomas Thornton of Port public generally," Case said. Mrs. J. P. Hebendahl MARLBORO — Damage in Monmouth; three daughters, HIGHLANDS - Mrs. Jose- numerous locations caused by the Misses Mary, Virginia and Mrs. Arthur O'Neil phine P. Hebendahl, 75, of 225 weekend thunderstorms has Jacqueline Lorincie, all at ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Navesink Ave. died yesterday been reported. home; Ms mother, Mrs. Kath- - Mrs. Anna Mae O'Neil, 48, In Rlverview Hospital. Lightning struck the an- erine Lorincie of San Diego, of Serpentine Drive, died Sat- She was the widow of Wil- tenna of the police headquar- Calif.; two brothers, William urday at Rlverview Hospital, liam Hebendahl. ters here, damaging the police NEW URGE Jumbo Lorincie of Levittown, Pa. Red Bank. Mrs. Hebendahl was bom in radio, and forcing emergency 30 GALLON and Charles Lorincie of San Mrs. O'Neil was born in France and had lived in Eliza- equipment into use. PLASTIC Diego, Calif.; a sister, Mrs. Ohio and had lived in the beth before moving here 24 Police say some areas of Elizabeth Rodgers of Som- Shore area for the past 27 years ago. Wyncrest Road were under mervilie and two grandsons. years. She was a member of the four to five feet of water. The Wed., Thurs., TRASH CAN The John P. Condon Funer- Middletown Senior Citizens. bridge on Rt. 520, near Rt. 79, al Home is in charge of ar- Surviving are her husband, Surviving are a son, William was damaged by flooding and rangements. ^_ Arthur O'Neil; a daughter, Hebendahl of Leonardo; two township road department Mrs. SharofFDawkins of Long Fri., Sat. Death Notices daughters, Mrs. Eileen Lar- employes had to replace some Branch; a son, Roger O'Neil, sen of West Brighton, N.Y., of its planks and use heavy O'NEIL —Anna Moe, or Serpentine at n0D 8ri«Drive; AftmtiAtlantic H6HiaS*,"Nj.;oHighlands NJ oSn jiiyJuly it >e; a brother, Leon Dor- equipment to grade its ap- man of B and Mrs. Lois Mahler, here; a Come Early & Save" l&iS&SM&te'gNgg nwv ™Ung Green, Ohio; sister, Mrs. Anna Pflug of proach. ONall. vote' d \S$%VZg3&!$2&£sister of Leon. Funeral servi c ^pnegrandcruld. Elizabeth, and six grand- Rt. 79, north of Rt. 520, was Thursday rt 11 a.m. at the King ot Kln Lutheran Cnurch, MltMlelown.Tl 1, wiTS Arrangements are under the children. damaged by an overflowing the Rev. William Hanson otlldotlng. In- terment In Falrvlew Cemttery, Middle* direction of the Childs Funer- Arrangements are under the stream and state highway town. Friends may call at the chllds Fu- neral Home, Red Bank, N J., Wednesday .al Home, Red Bank. direction of Posten's Funeral crews were called in to make from6to9p.m. Home, Atlantic Highlands. repairs. Fairview Road re- - portedly buckled up six inches in one location and there were REG. 3.98-Colored ran wear noith numerous complaints of water in the basements of homes, FONDUE especially in the Gerard St. area. SET SERVICE FOR 8 Car Crashes ONEIDA Into Window; Melmac Ware

Driver Hurt PEPSI or BUDWBSER- insulated EATONTOWN - Elizabeth MNNERWARI E. Gaskins, 24, of 2 N. Bridge Ave., Red Bank, was the driv- PICNIC OR BEACH SET ... has put it all together far one of our greatest er of a car which crashed Summer Sales ever. Clothing by HART SCHAFF- through the front plate glass NER ft MARX, GRIFFON, CLUBMAN... window of Monmouth Meats, Sportswear by McGREQOR, JANTZEN... 13 Main St. Dress Shirts by VAN HEUSEN to name a few. Magla-Tellon Shop early, save lots. Police say she complained IRONING of a head injury and was tak- en to Monmouth Medical Cen- BOARD ter, Long Branch, where she COVER was treated and released. Her REG. 2.49 SUMMER SUITS daughter, Iris Gaskins, 2, who Reg. 80.00 to140.0 0 f%A^ 1 1 O5( was a passenger in the car, reportedly escaped injury. Mrs. Gaskins had report- edly made a right turn at 7:59 p.m. Saturday from Broad St. SUMMER SPORT COATS into the northbound lane of Main St., which is also known Reg. 50.00 to 95.00 3Q^ 7 V as Rt. 35. Police said she told them that another car had made a left turn from Broad St. into the northbound lane of SUMMER SLACKS Rt. 35 and caused her to crash Reg. 15.00 to 35.00 into the window. No summons was issued. Patrolman Joseph Pelelia is investigating. 11 PIECE SHORT SLEEVE DRESS SHIRTS REGULAR 6.00 to 9.00 Man, 23, Jailed GALAXY COOKWARE SET On Glue Charge 69 THROW PILLOWS Vl Price MIDDLETOWN - Russell Reg. 79° Rubbermaid Stainless Steel Camping and Now 4",. 6 Blank, 23, of North Bergen, C Picnic Ware. Removable has been arrested on charges ICE CUBE TRAY ....2 for 99 handles, slacks easily. of being under the influence of Reg. 98= each 166 vi.\ A glue, being in possession of a RReg. 19.98 SPORT & KNIT SHIRTS i \ ^ ^ car allegedly stolen from ASSORTED MUGS 2 tor 98° PLASTIC WHITE Reg. 4.00 to 15.00 NOW 3" Perth Amboy, and contrib- uting to the delinquency of All Steel-Yellow - Chrome Legs SWIM TRUNKS 98 two minors, age 11 and 13, IRONING BOARD 7 WINDOW SHADE who were with him. Reg. 5.00 to 14.00 NOW M100-White Wood ON ROLLER Patrolman John Estock ar- 37'/* TIP TO TIP rested Blank at 7:10 p.m. Sat- TOILET SEAT.. 398 urday on Apple Farm Road. 36" CLOTH MEASURE SPECIAL GROUP Reg. 2.98 He was taken to the local jail 1.88 II cut to size m MM CUTTINGC in lieu of $5,000 bail. The mi- PADS fOR MB CHAIRS..... 1" PATTERN FLARE SLACKS nors were released to their BUY FKT PAIR $ parents. Reg. 2.98 -34'/JX66" EST. 1925 AT REG. PRICE |ND PLASTIC RUGS...... 1" 7.00 to 14.00 GET Sentencing Set 3 CREDIT PLANS • PAIR FOR 1 #787-Telescope-Hag. 6.98 FREEHOLD - Monmouth 88 CHAROIIT! County Court Judge Patrick BEACH CHAIR 5 l^^ | OPINWED. J. McGann Jr. has set July 28 master charge. and for sentencing of Stanley Reg. 14.98-44x66 Platts, 3 Grant Court, Long INDIA RUGS .....1298 FRI. NIGHTS .Branch,, who pleaddd guilty here to .a break-in' in Long Crank-type Patio & Lawn 32 Broad St. 98 MEN'S SHOP UMBRELLAS 29 rou/tfs Platts admitted breaking Rod Bank BROAD & MECHANIC, RED BANK into Standard Roofings Inc., Green • Turquolta • Yellow DAILY & SATURDAY 8 b 5:30 29 Long Branch Ave., with In- WEDNESDAY* FRIDAY TIL9 tent to steal. ,Tuesday,July 11,\m I WED. thru SAT REDB Eatontown Suspends 4th Grade Teacher EATONTOWN - Mrs. Anna sheet; habitually leaving her to write to Dr. Marburger to Simmons, a tcaclier here for fourth grade class unattended determine if a number of stu- 15 years, last night was sus- during the day, without per- dents from families at Ft. pended on .charges ol conduct mission of her supervisor and Monmouth could be placed in unbecoming a teacher. without giving notice as to schools not in the Eatontown The charges, announced at where she could be reached system. last night's Board of Educa- and without allowing the of- The motion, which was tion meeting, were filed with fice to arrange for a substi- passed, resulted from infor- the office of Dr. Carl L. Mar- tute teacher; failing to follow mation' from Gen. Hugh Fos- burger, state commissioner of board rules regarding ab- ter that Ft. Monmouth i's 'con- education. sences; constantly requesting sidering construction of 500 Mrs. Simmons, a lourth extraordinary leaves, causing new living units for fort per- grade teacher at the Marga- hardship to the staff. Mrs, sonnel. ret L. Vetter School, has ten- Simmons requested 24 ab- The Eatontown school sys- ure and cannot be dismissed, sences from 1969, to 1972, the tem now accepts all school. without cause. The suspension board said.. children, and Dr. James Sous, is effective Sept l. Other charges are that Mrs. a board member, stated that RATED OUTSTANDING — Raymond Anderson, A hearing on the charges Simmons brought her daugh- the proposed new units could 24 Borden St., Shrewsbury, is congratulated by Lt: will be held by Dr. Marbur- ter to school functions and to increase the student popu- Col. James A. Harrison, deputy director, Depart- ger's office. If the charges are school, often without* the per- lation by as much as 750. ment of Specialist Training, Ft. Monmouth Signal upheld, Mrs. Simmons could mission oMhe administration; According to Dr. Soos, this Center and School, as he accepts outstanding per- be fired by the local board. occasionally used physical could result in either split ses- formance rating certificate. Mr. Anderson is as- Mrs. Simmons, West St., punishment in her dealings sions or the necessity of build- sistant chief of the Radio Division, DST. Red Bank, is represented by with her students; was in- ing a new school. at last... feel and look natural Stafford Thompson, a Red competent in performing cler- Board member James Ker- Keyport Man Held in Threat ical duties, keeping attend- Bank lawyer. She was not nan said the turnover which MARLBORO — George G. were patrolmen Ronald Mur- 'Feather-light' lets you breathe. It's cool and capless; ance records and in filing her available for comment last results from having a high per- Boswell, 45, of Keyport Ave., phy and George Landau, Lt. it's carefree Dynel® modacrylic; it's natural pre-styled .. night. lesson plans with the princi- centage of students from Ft. Keyport, is being held at the pal. Curt C. Krieger, and Sgt. Don- Specifically, Mrs. Simmons Monmouth presented the ad- Monmouth County Jail, Free- ald Cycak. and re-stylable in dozens of ways. Why settle for the is charged with repeated tar- In other board action, Wil- ministration with a severe hold, in lieu of $2,000 bail. ordinary, when you can have the newest wig diness and in signing in- liam Schlosser introduced a problem. He was arrested at 7 p.m. oorrect times on the sign-in motion calling for the board In addition to writing to the Saturday on charges of alle- NOW Meets Tomorrow around ... the one that takes you where you want to commissioner, the board also gedly threatening to take the LINCROFT - The Mon- go. Millinery Wig Salon & Hat Bar. All stores except decided to meet with Gen, life of Ronald Lee Howard, 24, mouth County Chapter of the Shrouded Figures Foster, to discuss the pro- of Greenwood Road, Morgan- National Organization for Plainfield. 22 00 posed construction. ville. Police say that Boswell Women (NOW) will meet to- Anthony Rocco, board sec- reportedly threatened Howard morrow at 8:30 p.m. in the Are War Protesters retary, informed the board, with a knife and then stated Unitarian Church of Mon- NEW SHREWSBURY - are "definitely not trying to that it would be receiving a that he would shoot him. mouth' County, 1475 W. Front total of $128,505 in state aid, St. The session, open to all in- Steinbach Commuters passing the Earle get onto military property." A complaint filed by How- as an adjustment to defray terested persons, will feature Naval Ammunition Depot rail- The ammunition depot here ard led to the arrest, which good things h store the cost of educating the stu- task force workshops and re- road tracks on Swimming was chosen for protest demon- was made by Patrolman dents from Ft. Monmouth. ports. •' asbury park r»d bank 10-5:30 daily, wed., Irl. to 9 p.m. brick town River Road yesterday morn- strations, Mr. Gross said, be- Thomas Hardy. Assisting 10-9 daily, ul. to 5:30, sun. noon-5:30 manalapan 10-9:30 daily ing may have wondered why cause of explosives allegedly _iwo black-shrouded figures shipped from here. with starkly painted white tHe said one of the demon- faces were stationed there. strators, a former medic who It was a specter of death had served in Vietnam, told of vigil being carried out by finding a mortar that had members of the People's Earle stamped on it. Blockade, a nonviolent anti- Focused Attention war group in Monmouth Coun- That one incident, he said, ty- helped focus attention on For one and a half hours, Monmouth County. Charles Gross of Rumsnn, son • People's Blockade members' of Mason W. Gross, former ;are' trying to prevent further president of Rutgers Univer- shipment of explosives. sity, and a girl identified only Anti-war action In this part as Christiana of Philadelphia of the country began in April stood at the tracks employing when war protesters main- a "guerilla theater method" tained the USS Nitro was to protest the Indochina war. being loaded witb ammunition Mr. Gross said, "Our intent at the depot and allegedly Is to remind people that the bound for Vietnam. Protests explosives shipped on these in the spring resulted in the wrap up savings tracks kill people in Southeast arrests of several members of Asia and that all people who the Philadelphia-based Move- oppose the War should protest ment for a New Society. 20.00-24.00 the shipment of these ex- Protesters in April at- plosives through our coun- tempted to halt the Nitro sail- sweater capes try." ing by blockading waters sur- The protest, which lasted rounding the pier with canoes. 11.75-14.75 from 7:15 to 8:45 a.m., was Mr. Gross said as, the num- staged in cooperation with the ber of people being killed in Washable Wintuk Orion acrylic in police here. More are Southeast Asia decreases, op- one size perfect for you! ftight: planned. position to the war will de- "We want as many people crease. 20.00 collared, buttoned and to see us as possible," said The protesters' purpose, he dringed in navy, red, camel, yellow, Mr. Gross. Future protests of said, is to "bring attention to. brown. 11.75 24.00 button • front, this nature, he continued, will the fact that the war is still be held at "different spots going on." mock Far right: turtle, fringe bot- where traffic crosses Earle tomed in exuberant tweed combi- railroad tracks." City Federal Reaches The advantage of such a nations of red/white or navy/white, protest, he said, is that it docs The $500,000,000 Mark solid navy. 14.75 not require many people. ELIZABETH - City Feder- French Girl Is Liaison al Savings and Loan Associ- There was a third person, ation has reached the phone 24 hrs. a day toll-free from: an unidentified girl from $500,000,000 mark in assets. It •asbury park 774-4747 • brick town France, who accompanied the is the first savings and loan •elizabeth 35U4747 • manalapan pair yesterday. She was not association in the state to at- •plainfield 757-5757 •• red bank dressed in the black shroud, tain this mark in assets, and it but "was there as liaison be- joins a top 10 group of savings tween the protesters and pub- and loans in the eastern part Steinbach lic. of the United States to reach Mr. Gross emphasized par- the half billion dollar mile- good things h store ticipants in this type of vigil stone. ENTIRE STOCK REDUCED UP TO 30% JUNIOR JUNIOR PETITE PRE-TEEN Junior Bazaar

Mailtr Charge Bonk American! Circlt Plain Shopping C«nl«r Monoiquon, U.i. »h«nw 747-5592 Mwnn H34VSI

< ubuy park • iMfetnk 10-5:50 dailr. w.d.; Irl. to |p,m. t brick lown 10-t d.lly. m. ,o i.V), ijjjl" A McOovcni*peiiiiedy - * . - . J ft f ~ ' i v * Ina* imfeiw cllfl Humphrey, of an people. lar voters, show signs of soft- Established in 187*-Publidial by The Red Bank Register By JACK ANDERSON Intimates say the erstwhile ening fbeir attitude. Alarmed over Wallace's MIAMI BEACH - George pied piper of Chicago resents '« ARTHUR Z.KAMIN WASHINGTON 1 popularity in blue-collar McGovern still stubbornly be- losing his following to George President and Editor McGovern. Back in 1988, neighborhoods, the unions lieves that Sen. Ted Kennedy : SCENE campaigned against him In mil accept second place on McCarthy used to tell his as- Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor sociates he was four years too 1968 and again in 1972 pri- his ticket. maries. , McGovern has told his top sense of family loyalty and early. The new political tide Tn> Alabama Labor Council aides that he doesn't think TedKennedy is now head of would crest, he predicted, in Tuesday, July 11, M72 took the lead in proclaiming 6 Kennedy would turn down a the clan. He feels keenly his 1972. But now McGovern is Wallace's antilabor record in niiiHBiiBttniHiBmMiiHiniiPiniiiiiiiiiininiliHiiiiiniiiiBiDiiiiiiiiiiinniimiiB strong personal appeal to responsibility to be a strong riding the tide and McCarthy Alabama. The council pointed serve. father figure to his own three has been stranded on the out that Alabama was one of "The Battle Is to Decide Who Gets to Ride children and his late brother shoals. Campaign treasurer Henry the only eight states with no Robert's 11 children. Shortly before the crucial The Appeals Court Judge Kimelitian, who encouraged minimum wage law, that Ala- Me in the Big Race.' California primary, McCarthy who ruled in favor of George McGovern to make the reace The senator noted that it bama allows a low maximum showed up at Hubert Hum- McGovern in the Democratic when others said he didn't was a difficult time for young payment of only $55 a week in phrey's apartment. The qui- credentials fight sold his for.* have a chance, is also con- people to sort out their values. workmen's compensation and xotic McCarthy was fairly mer home to McGovem for a vinced McGovem. can talk The children, he said, had unemployment benefits. reported $85,000. " : Kennedy Into taking the vice first call on his time. brislting with hostility toward But the council, apparently, Judge David Bazelon cast • presidential nomination. Ki- Footnote: Kennedy took off McGovern. McCarthy called has now received new signals. the deciding vote in a dramat- melman came to Miami for Masscbusetts where he McGovern a "newcomer" to Aides of Sen. Ed Mifskie were ic, 2-to-l reversal of the lower .'•-• Beach last Thursday soliciting will spend convention week. the antiwar movement, ex- among the first to detect the court. The presidential nomi- odds on a'McGovern-Kennedy Aides confide, however, that pressed distrust of change. They reported to nation, itself, was at state..' teket. he's keeping open the option McGovern's foreign policy and promised to back Hum- Muskie in a private memo! For Bazelon's ruling gave But Meyer Feldman, who of making a "surprise" ap- McGovern all of California's heads the McGovern for Pres- pearance at the convention. phrey m California. . "The Alabama Labor Coun- cil, which strongly criticized 271 delegates, whom he ident campaign organization, Some top aides' came to The only thing predictable ; Wallace's labor record in the? needed to wln a ffrst-balibt,',• Is more skeptical. As one of Miami Beach'where they have about McCarthy is his unpre- victory. '""•'•'.;'•' ' '"•'''•'.'•• the late President Kennedy's cautiously sounded out dele- dictability. But even Hum- past, believes that' in 1972, most trusted advisers and an gates about drafting Kennedy phrey was startled to read a Wallace 'went right down Hie '•'• Friends of the two men Say Intimate in good standing of as the standard bearer if a few days later that McCarthy line for labor.' the house sale was a/routine the last surviving brother, stalemate should develop be- had endorsed McGovern in "This comes from Baniey real estate transaction. Judge Feldman has already made a tween McGovern and the Stop California. Weeks, who is head of the Bazelon also has an lmpeif' state Labor Council. He feeels cable reputation: But even the < pitch to Kennedy to take the McGovern forces." This under- But on the eve of the con- ; second spot on a McGovern cover effort has been so loos- vention, McCarthy was back that Wallace was very import- • slightest appearance'' of ci>&' ' ticket. ely organized, however, that in touch with Humphrey's ant in a achieving gains in flirt has been enough for Judg- it obviously doesn't have Ken- aides. Again, McCarthy de- workmen's comp, unemploy- es to disqualify therhielves. Kennedy agreed to cam- ment comp artd occupational paign for McGovern and nedy's personal direction. clared he didn't want After selling his home In the • health and safety.; late 1960s, Judge Bazelon*' made specific suggestions Unpredktable McCarthy McGovern to become presi- "The Labor Council op- moved into an apartment in how he could best belp to Eugene McCarthy, the hero dent and faithfully promised posed Wallace on minimum the fashionable' Watergate ^elgcfHcGovent Bat the sena- of the young and the un- to speak out for Humphrey on wage and on the property tax West. A near neighbor and tor from Massachusetts firm- washed at the 1868 Democrat- the convention floor. - classification package in 1971, close friend, Sen. Abraham ly rejected any possibility of ic donnybrook, has switched The labor chieftains, who but in general W«eks says: Ribicoff, D-Conn., is one of accepting the vice presiden- sides at the 1972 convention. have bitterly fought Ala- 'You cannq| fault him this McGovern's stauchest suppor- tial nomination. He has promised to support bama's Gov. George Wallce year.'" ters. •..•••••. The Kennedys have a strong his 1918 adversary, Hubert for the loyalty of the blue-col- It Won't Be Humphrey By MILTON VIORST convention opens, there are mensurate with their remain- only pro-and anti-McGovern ing power. As the preliminaries of the THE NEW forces. George McGovern's only sin quadrennial Democratic slug- It is difficult to see what was to run against them. He fest draw to a close and the POLITICS candidate or program could was no Pied Piper, blowing main event begins, we can see unite a coalition of 391 dele- magnetic incantations. In his in some perspective what has gates for Humphrey, 373 for rather colorless way, he said happened to the party since they all believe that the George Wallace, 200 for Ed- what he believed — and his 1968 - and what is likely to Democratic party no longer mund Muskie, 93 for Henry constituency found him. happen on the convention can be just a little bit more Jackson, 30 for Wilbur Mills, McGovern did not set the floorinMiami. liberal than the Republicans. 30 for Terry Sanford and 25 stage for a Carthaginian It is possible, I think, that It .has to do more than add a for Shirley Chisholm. They'd peace at Miami. They did: VIORST 0111 George McGovern will still be few bucks to social security break apart long before a de- At this point, I continue to denied the party's nomination checks and 10 per cent to the cision. believe that McGovern will be having been untested in the — but it is certain, I am con- subsidies of the existing bu- What the old liberals must nominated. primaries, probably will be a Nixon and New Jersey vinced, thgt the nomination reaucracies. hold out for — if, indeed, they But if the anti-MgGovern weaker candidate. A state poll which showed that Presi- William J. Kohm, president of the will not go to Hubert Hum- Changes Wanted have a hope of an upset — is a coalition holds firm — and Furthermore, destroying They think it has to change candidate who will be suitable that may depend on Senator McGovern is not the same dent Nixon would easily capture New Jer- firm, is a legislative lobbyist who runs his phrey. I say that because the the direction of American so- to the McGovern forces, as Muskie and Congresswoman thing, by far, as destroying sey's 17 electoral votes over either Sen. own political public relations firm, and he forces which bave rallied ciety — maybe not by 180 de- well as to themselves. Kor Chisholm - it still will have the movement for social and George S. McGovern or Sen. Hubert H. .was a campaign aide to Republican Gov. around McGovern — the- line- grees, but by more than the 2 they just do not have the dele- to go back to the McGovern party change of which he (s, Humphrey was not particularly surprising. JIVilliam T. Cahill. Those who disagree ; al heirs of the McCarthy-Ken- or 3 degrees that the old liber- gate potential to run rough- camp for an alternative candi- the product. That movement, The President is enjoying an amount with pie poll's findings are suspicious that" nedy rebels of 1968 — have als want. Some of their ideas shod over McGovern and date. will not be stopped — nor will may be fuzzy, but they see nominate someone objectio- The bosses — and, specific- the old war-horses ever regain of popularity because of his successful dip- Mr. Kohm's personal affiliations may have come within a shade of estab- lishing themselves as the par- clearly that the American nable to him. ally, I mean George Meany their dominance. And a .Mon- lomatic visits to Moscow and Peking. In flavored the outcome. ty's majority. ' , government must begin doing Vicious vs. Gentle and Richard Daley - may b& dale or a Nelson probably addition, he is winding down our in- things differently. All this is rather ironic — able to salve their pride by would give the bosses a hard- Those possibilities aside, Mr. Kohm They did it by exacting, as volvement in the Vietnam war and he is their price for tolerating The old liberals have waged because, with incredible vi- dumping McGovern person- er time than McGovern. did have some interesting conclusions. He • trying m&infy to get a good domestic pro- Humphrey's nomination in an effective rear-guard action ciousness, they have focused ally, but it will not be much of So I think we're in for a said that Sen. McGovern led the President gram going, although the high cost of liv- 1968, the party reforms which against them. Though tbey on the one man from the other avictory. great TV contest — with as only among voters in the 18 to 29 age made their election as dele* have rallied around Hum- camp, with the gentleness, as They will wind up with much tension as the Super- ing presents a serious problem for him bracket, and then by only a 39 to 41 per gates possible. phrey, however, they have not well as the sense of organiza- someone like Senator Walter bowl but, I suspect, less good and his advisers. tion, to recognize that old cent margin. Among senior citizens, he These people are not all created a Humphrey move- Mondale of Minnesota or Sen- sportsmanship. And whoever, Mr. Nixon has shown himself to be a young, black or swinging. ment. All that holds their coa- •waP'horses merit not only a ator Gaylord Nelson of Wis- wins will be champ much said, the President enjoyed a four to one friend to Israel, and has acted with deeds, Many are bard-cat, square, lita'on together is common op- certain homage, but authority consin who will be acceptable longer than a year. So let's margin over Sen. McGovern. not just words. well-washed and uptight. But position to McGovern. As the within the party com- to the McGovern camp but, hope it's the best man! Democrats, of course, will find fault Mr. Kohm said: "It is Important to I with the poll, which was taken by a new keep all trial rums, including this one, in organization, Attitude Analysis and Re- the proper perspective. The conventions search Services Inc. of Paramus. The first have not been held, the campaign has not Taxpayers Win One ' effort by this group, it showed that, as of been conducted, and many influences will By JAMES J.KJLPATR1CK either for final plans or for stories proved, if not wholly last week. President Nixon would carry be at work on all voters between now and the initiation of construction false, at least vastly over- the state by landslide proportions. It gave November." It is not often in our town — "until.' specifically approved blown. The old wall indeed him 49 per cent of the vote to 28 per cent. As the Democrats convene in Miami perhaps especially in our town and appropriated therefor by has cracked, but competent for Sen. McGovern, with 23 per cent unde- Beach to nominate their candidate, we be- — that anybody beats City VIEW the Congress." The question engineers say it can be re- cided. The count was 52 per cent for Nixon lieve that many of them share our belief Hall. We are ordinarily cap- on the House side was wheth- stored and made permanently tives of custom and prece- er the Hollings ban would sur- secure for perhaps ?15 to $20 against 28 per cent for Sen. Humphrey, that Mr. Nixon will be a tough man to de- dent, and one such tradition is ect is suspended. Stratton, vive. million. with 21.5 per cent undecided. feat comes November. that on Capitol Hill, what the perhaps to his own amaze- The Big Team Threats, Warnings Big Mules Want, the Bigment, has licked City Hall: Pulling the other way, The Jericho threats and Mules get. . The upset victory would not against Hollings and Stratton, warnings provided a brassy Monmouth's Democrats But on June 28 a notable have been possible, of course, were all the top members of cover-up for elaborate plans KILPATRICK event, occurred. Under the ur- if South Carolina's able and the Big Team, on the Senate then hatched by the lead- they cannot take the place The Republican Party has, for many Rather than permitting the dissension ging of a little-known con- underestimated Ernest F. side, the extension project ership. In the name of serving over. They argued, with ten- years, found Monmouth County'to be a to continue, the McGovern organization gressman from upstate New Hollings had not already won . had the suppqrt of Vice Presi- the tourists, it was proposed ing effect, that a valid need tower of strength. For one thing, it has en- wisely scheduled a meeting to unify the York, Samuel S. Stratton, for- a key battle in the Senate. In ' dent Agnew, Majority Leader to create whole acres of addi- for meeting rooms could be joyed particularly good leadership. Anoth- Democrats. It was attended by Mr. Ge- mer mayor of Schenectady, an adroit maneuver, Hollings Mansfield, and Minority Lead- tional space — an auditorium, met simply by; a reallocatioft the House rebelled against its succeeded in nailing a block- er Scott. In the House, propo- a cafeteria, other restaurants, er factor, however, is that the Democrats rand and Mrs. Cecile F. Norton of Sea , pf-existing space.They '-couii leadership on the matter of a ing amendment to the legisla- nents included Speaker Al- galleries of bathrooms/tnKli?'" tended, perhaps with some ex- seem to help their opponents along by 1 Bright, state committeewoman, and Ma- major extension of the Capitol tive branch appropriations bert, Majority Leader Boggs, platforms, bus loading facil- aggeration, that usable new wasting their energy in intraparty scraps lachi Kenney, coordinator of Citizens for building. For the time being, bill. His amendment provided Minority Leader Ford, and ities! suites of, hideaway ,oN .space under the proponents' that too often result in scars that do not McGovern, said there was general agree- at least, this misguided proj- that no funds could be spent such barely less impressive fices and!me<3ting rooms. -Pret 1 plan would come to a stagger- potentates as Mahon, Poage, heal. ment among old and new factions to listen limiriary plans went forward. ing $388 a square foot. Finally, Patman, Holifleld, Hays, The idea was to confront both In the recent primary election, the to each other and to work together in the they urged! considerations of Staggers, Blatnick, Colmer, chambers with a fait accom- history and aesthetics. Monmouth County Citizens, for McGovern fan. apd Mills. These gentlemen pli. ! It worked. Firmness, good scored a convincing victory for their can- hold the power to bind and If the county Democratic organization Hollings and Stratton bad tempers, and a reasoned case didate, the result of which is that there are loose, and 99 times out of a nothing on theirsidf biit ftjht.' is to meet with success and elect candi- .'prevailed] Mi tig Mules a lot of new faces at the national Demo- hundred their wishes prevail. They made the point, reason- probably will haul up their dates, it must come up with a cooperative, But on the 28th, when they ably, that the Capitol ne^er cratic, convention in Miami Beach. The project ag4in ~-they didn't harmonious effort. Depending upon what called the roll up yonder, it was intended to serve as a 'get to be Big Mules by giving regulars, or the "old pros" if you prefer, happens in Miami Beach, the upcoming was 197 for Stratton-Hollings convention and tourist center. up — but for this much of a were far outdistanced by new comers to campaign may be vital to the health of the and only 181 for the Big It is a working; functional victory, lie taxpayers owe the political wars. Mules. The majestic west seat of our legislative branch. Democratic organization in Monmouth Hollings and Stratton their The exuberance of the victors and the front of the U.S. Capitol will Visitors are welcome, but thanks. County. be preserved. It will not be grumbling of dissatisfied party workers destroyed, transplanted, ex- led to demands for a change in the party The McGovern people have an en- panded and prettified with leadership. In the contest which followed, thusiasm and an appeal to young voters picture windows — not for a Today! D. Philip Gerand managed to retain the that could do much to bolster and increase while, anyhow. At least $30 million, and more likely $50 party chairmanship by the slim margin of the Democrats' influence in the county if On this date — ' In 1955, the new Air Force million, will not be spent. In 1767, the sixth American two votes. this spirit of unity is fostered. Where Hollings comes from, Academy was dedicated at president, John Quincy Lowry Air Base in Colorado. such a triumph is known as a Adams, was born in great day in the mawnin'. Ten years ago: The Ken- Braintree, Mass. nedy Administration an- The leadership richly de- In 1810, the Napoleonic em- nounced a revision of federal Waiter for New Shrewsbury served the rebuke. Its conduct pire annexed Holland. tax depreciation schedules was arrogant as Its case was The New Shrewsbury Borough has au- pects. Mr. Stashafc said • the water com- In 1814, a British fleet cap- with the aim of stimulating weak. thorized Monmouth Consolidated Water pany has installed a water main to tlie tured the town of Eastport, business growth. The controversy began Company to provide service to the Pine area and the people should be supplied the Maine. Five years ago: The Moroc- some seven or eight years In 1944, President Franklin can government said the lead- Brook section. Councilman Edward F. Sta- service. He Is so right. ago, when we first began to D. Roosevelt announced he ers of a coup, against King snak said there are about 75 families af- Most of us take our water supply for hear stories that the west was available for an unprece- Hassan had been slain or ar- front — the side that looks fected, along with still more on Wayside granted because we've never had to wor- dented fourth term. rested. Road. rry about a well going dry. That the prob- down the Mall toward the In 1952, a Republican Na- White House — was crum- Thought for today: Good It has been a long wait for those rcsi lem is being solved In New Shrewsbury is tional Convention In Chicago government cannot exist side bling and "in danger of toppl- nominated General Dwlght D. dents, who must be jubilant at the pros- pleasant news, indeed. Political Party ing." In the course of time the Eisenhower for president". Adlal Stevenson. WED. thru SAT

Day Care Bill Supported WERE CAUGHT WITH TOO MUCH MERCHANDISE I 60 Bellevue Ave. IIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIli not be the responsibility of to reconsider for a more liber- Rumson, N.J. 07760 any court, but for the people al abortion bill he replied by • To the Editor: a to decide. A nationwide demo- letter "it is obvious to me that • I am responding to the let- FROM OUR cratic referendum with no ob- you regard abortion of the un- ter of June 29 asking people to ligation on any one individual born child as something similar write to President Nixon to READERS could have solved the matter to clipping a toe nail." Such a veto the new bill on Child Day to the satisfaction of every- comparison from one of our Care Centers which has re- Miiuiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii body, and that is what demo- assemblymen who is represent- cently been passed by the bit stupid, naive, or just off cracy is all about. ing people in Monmouth Coun- "Senate. their nut! The United States has been ty to make the laws by which As board president of the Their notions of whal the so often quoted as a progres- we'll have to abide. It's A Bitter Pill To Swallow Monmouth Day Care Center, I public wants are apparently sive nation, but as things I assume that Assemblyman • 0 ! HIRf'S 1HE IOW DOWN would point out that the phi- strictly their own and because stand now, I am afraid this Kennedy would prefer the losophy or purpose of quality the faceless never protest we wording should be more ap- possible death of thousands of . ** 1 \J\ •tf.oi.itd >>«'*' •»• «. ttflPlUt tlOCI MUH II WIO daycare is to preserve the V/ \ • '" '*• ••>•"•" F" >•-*• Will t*UOMI WHK IOO MUCH get just what we deserve. propriately altered to regres- women to the removal of un- / VJ/ Y th. ,M, -»T -' •' t. CU1 KCll 10 (Ml VI«T iONI r. family unit by providing well- The idea of canceling regu- sive nation. born fetus who has no life |/ ^^ j, • kti com ••< Monti »I.*I. *••.». .-< i*cn»i£i -• . supervised, loving care for lar programs to show a "news Philip McGovern status — legally — even if children whose parent or par- special" of Governor Wallace there is a difference of opin- ents must work. arriving in Alabama is a ease ion when life begins. 15% TO 50% MORE At our center with classes in in point. So what? Dedicated Police Should our laws and our* Red Bank and Shrewsbury, Kor the next few days, we rights be controlled by the be- 1 Locust Ave. two-thirds of the 65 children will hear and see the Demo- liefs of a minority? For those Navesink, N. J. are from one-parent homes. cratic National Convention in who do not believe in abortion To the Editor: Here the parent has no choice Miami whether we like it or themselves should they con- — she or he must work to not. 1 can assure you that (ac- Because of all the criticism trol everyone?' This was cer- maintain a decent standard of cording to advance billing) the Middletwon Township po- tainly true for many years in living for the family. The pro- this will be "stupendous, colos- lice have been receiving la- regards to birth control. tely, maybe it's time for a posed Child Care bill would sal" and a completely crash- A more liberal abortion law little praise. )UEEN assure that children like these ing bore. does not mean that anyone MATTRESS- would not be left alone but Sincerely, We had the privilege to be would be forced to have an would receive care that offers (Jrandin W. Schenek observers in patrol cars driv- abortion — only that good me- BOX SPRING opportunities for growth and en by Ptl. Foulks and Ptl. Bea- dical care would be available, . ver on the night of July 3. It 8 enrichment. instead of butchering. The was a most rewarding ex- 99» Recently a national survey wealthy have always had Death Penalty perience and one we will re- focused on the six million chil- means availble to them. Apartment 2-B member. dren under six years old Now is the time to speak up Southbrook Gardens We came away knowing whose mothers are employed and let your Monmouth Coun- South St. that these men are dedicated. — an increase of 1 million ty representatives know how Eatontown, N.J. 07724 Maybe more kids should since 1965. Three million of you feel. The Right of Life To the Editor: take advantage of this opporu- these children were at or near group are well organized and After a long period of hesi- nity, they would find it every poverty levels. If daycare ser- well financed, but as long as tation and indecision, five jus- enlightening. BEDS vices had not been available, you can afford some stamps tices out of a complement of Sincerely yours, the survey indicated, these and a postal you, too, can •SIMMONS; nine in the United States Su- Ruth Sodan families would have been on preme Court have lowered the write to the six assemblyman welfare. Cathi Brokaw, • of Monmouth County. siuoio boom on the American public Sherry Rogers, age 16 • As pointed out by Congress- bv outlawing capital punish- Sincerely COUCH F.S. Besides all this, we had a man Howard, the "program is ment for any count of willful Mrs. Walter Ingram great time! in designed to be "completely premeditated murder. SOFALOVESEAT voluntary." A survey taken recently by the Monmouth The actual wording or judg- Point Road Grateful Parents and CHAIR Day Care Center within a ment given was: the death Little Siver, N. J. .REG. 399.95 penalty violates constitutional To the Editor: 5 East Wilson Cirlce' five-mile area of Red Bank, DELUXE confirmed the ever increasing guarantees against cruel and The discussions pro and con Middletown, N.J. demand for more day care unususal punishment. It on the "right" of women to To the Editor: 39.95 services. It was also inter- would indeed be difficult for have abortions will always be This letter is written to pub- esting to note from our survey any one of us to attempt to ra- with us. Assemblyman Ken- licly thank the kind person that those parents who were tionalize this verdict in favbr nedy's bill (also sponsored by who found our 214-year-old 8 DEUVER financially able to stay at of the criminal, with the brut- Mr. Bedell) would take away daughter who disappeared in »79 al, hideous and murderous many women's "rights" to the 4th of July crowd at Ma- home stated in most cases 1 fERYTHING IN that they would prefer to do crimes directed at law abid- good medical care and return rine Park, and brought her to this rather than seek employ- ing citizens. There is hardly a them to the dangerous means the bandstand. It was indeed ,...»••! IIIHIIIIIII ment. day passes that someone, ei- of illegal abortion. Once a harrowing experience for ther a policeman or civilian, again, the poor will be denied her parents, but Julie suffered Rather than degrading the OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9 AM-9 PM SAT 'TIL 6 is not cut down in cold blood, proper medical care and will no ill effects from her adven- family unit and ignoring the and left to die alone in some be subject to infection and ture. God bless you.. ,•,;• fcj A IM CD'C DISCOUNT opportunities it provides, the dark alley, suffering the even death. Gratefully, bill would seek to equalize agony of pain until death mer- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rounds NAULCK b FURNITURE these opportunities among all cifully overcomes them. At In requesting Mr/Kennedy 27 MONMOUTH ST. , RED BANK tDEtiH economic groups, so that mil- least the death penalty, in, lions more children could re- comparison, under law was alize the stability of family swift and sure. life. The hopes of all our citizens The paramount issue is an- who are petrified with fear to swering the need of people venture out on the streets of who must have day care now. our cities, because of lurking We cannot turn our backs on armed assassins who prey on these people when even the society with complete dis- limited number of day care regard for the law, has been centers have proven they can dashed into hopeless dismay . help to reenforce the family by this erroneous judgment. I slructure. do not believe this nation of I urge your readers to give over two hundred million positive consideration to this souls should be compelled to bill. accept an irresponsible deci- Sincerely, sion of a mere five justices on Mrs. Bertram Keinswog an important issue that af- President fects the safety of each indi- Monmouth Day Care Center vidual. Crime today in this country is on a rampage and RED BANK out of control, and petty thiev- T.V. Scheduling ing hoodlums are armed with guns and other lethal weapons 12 Point Road, that are carried and used to SALE DAYS SPECIALS, Little Silver, N.J. 07739 terrorize their victims, and To the Editor: regrettably our laws were Odd lots regrouped from our Westchester and Connecticut stores It seems that the powers never more weak. The matter and selected from our stocks. that mastermind the TV net- of capital punishment should works must be either a little Men's worsted and tropical suits, were 85.00 to 125.00 $59. Men's regular weight and tropical sportcoats, were 55.00 to 85.00 $39. Men's tropical and wool slacks, were 17.00 to 27.00 .$9. Haberdashery and sports furnishings: Your choice of long and short sleeve dress and knit shirts, ashionFair walk shorts and casual slacks, were 7.00 to 15.00 $4.85. 65 BROAD ST. RED BANK And a special deal for young singles and young marrieds from the Square, our shop upstairs: Four star group of suits, raincoats, sportcoats and outerwear that now is the time sold up to $100.00. No alterations at this price $19. to buy your Summer needs up to 5O°/co Off FOR RED BANK Natebons. SALE DAYS Broad and Front Streets, Red Bank Open Wednesday and Friday evenings. DRESSES* SPORTSWEAR • ACCESSORIES* °.7f, '•Sfci 1>«8| JUgrter, fed ttsk-MJtfelma, XJ. Tmtay, My 11,1*72 RED BlNK 37 County Boys to Make Trip to 'Scouting Paradise' RED BANK - A round trip mouth Council, Boy Scouts of Puth, David Rappoport, and ing as leaders will be Al As- insurance, the Philmont fee, the camp, the trails are steep trap animals, and improvise yourself."' to "Scouting Paradise" is in America, who will be making Mark Vannoy of Rumson; zman, Lincroft; Bud Wheeler meals, and training. and rocky and 1,000 foot adequate protection from the Each camper I the offing for 37 county boys. the trip, are Ron Bertrand, Paul Scoskie and John Regan of Colts Neck, and Mel Sum- From Eatontown, the scouts climbs aren't unusual. They elements. to himself for remaining They'll be leaving, bag and Chris Buzzell, Robert Fenton, of Matawan; Chris Becker of mer Sr. of Englishtown. will go by bus to Newark Air- are reminded, too, that there There will be time, too, for strong and healthy. And each backpack, from Monmouth Ken Ma.loon, and Michael Holmdel; Scott Prochnow and The scout ranch and explor- port, where they will board a is 20 to 35 per cent less oxygen tours of the Kit Carson mu- must cooperate to preserve Shopping Center, Eatontown, Maier, here, and Dave An- Steve Rodriguez of Freehold; er base is owned and operated plane bound far Chicago. Af- at that elevation than at sea seum, horseback riding, burro Philmont. Scouts who wish to on July 22. And by the time drews, Paul Aszman, Brian Mel Summer Jr. and David by the Boy Scouts of America. ter a bus tour of that city, level. racing, and learning to repel leave their "mark" are asked they return on Aug. 5, they Kelly, Robert DeGray, Ned Nolan of Englishtown; Step- It lies in the Sangre de Cristo they will go by train to Den- The weather ranges from off 200-foot cliffs, They will to do a conservation project will have hiked about 70 Powell, and Dan Verniero of hen Ciallella, Doug Linkhart, (Blood of Christ) range of the ver and then on to Philmont. drought to downpour and al- learn the mountain climbing - not carve their initials on a miles, lived on dehydrated Middletown Township. and Bob Trumpbour Jr. of Sea Rockies. And while there, "They want us to see the though the temperature may ABCs: "Always Be Careful." tree. and freeze-dried foods, done Also, Anthony Chevy and Girt; Gary Voorhees of Marl- boys share fellowship with country," Danny Wright com- be over 100 in the afternoon, And a motto printed on a Phil- their laundry' in streams, and James Nickels of Long boro, and Tim Woolley of scouts from throughout this ments. at night it may drop low mont brochure will become The stay at Philmont is an tried their hands at gold pan- Branch; David Roche, Step- Brielle; country and the world. Stress Conditioning enough lo put a coat of ice in more meaningful; "It's al- experience in cooperatioiti . . ning. • hen Wheeler, and Todd Ade-of Cox Is Leader To qualify for the ex- Even scouts who can pass a the water bucket. ways-nice to know that when it begins for the scouts before Danny Wright of 72 W. Sun- Colts Neck; Kevin Deary, Jeff John T. Cox, »1 Davis Lane, pedition, a boy must be either physical with "flying colors" Camping will be the major you help someone to the top of they arrive and It shouldn't set Ave., is handling public re- McMahon, and Frank Vigil- River Plaza, is leader of the a first class scout or a regis- are urged to "get into shape" activity and scouts will learn a hill, you get a.little closer end when they leave. "" lations for the local group. ante of Fair Haven; Steve Fit- expedition to Philmont, the tered explorer, in good physi- for. the Philmont expedition. to make use of "nature's sup- Other members of the Mon- zgerald, Peter Judge, Chuck 215 square miles in Cimarron, cal condition, and age 14 by Jogging, running uphill, and ply house." As techniques of final Reductions Stonwid* N. M., which are known as Sept. 1. The per person cost of hiking with a full backpack survival, they'll be taught to "Scouting Paradise." Assist- <319 includes transportation, are suggested, . . because at identify edible wild plants, SUMMER CLEARANCE OF REGULAR MERCHANDISE

Bill Signed Hiking Minimum Wage BOYS to % GUIS to TRENTON (AP) - New and real estate industry, laun- outside salesmen and auto Under the law, the min- SIZE 12 mu Jersey Gov, William T. Cahill dry, cleaning and dyeing in- salesmen, summer camp em- imum wage applies to the OFF signed into law yesterday a dustry, beauty culture and ployes and persons under 18 first 40 hours a week a person Sorry, H» bill increasing the state's min- other miscellaneous business- who do not have a special works. Work beyond 40 hours MSoks final MUMS imum wage from $1.50 to $1.75 es. vocational school graduate must be paid at time-and-a- BABY FAIR per hour. The new law takes The law exempts domestics. permit. half. ' 45 BROAD ST., RED BANK effect Oct. 8. The increase is the first in New Jersey since 1969, when the minimum wage went from $1.40 to |1.50 an hour. LOTS MORE The new minimum wage put New Jersey ahead of Pennsyl- vania, Delaware and Con- necticut, where the minimum is $1.60. The minimum in New York is $1.85. The federal minimum is $1.60. Cahill had urged the legisla- ture last year to increase the minimum wage but a bill to accomplish it was killed in the UJEHTHER Republican Senate caucus. The new minimum affects about 102,000 workers in nurs- ing homes and hospitals, PHILMONT BOUND — Al Aszman of Lincroft as- farms' the amusement in- sembles some of the things he will be taking with dustry including movie the- him as a leader of a local Boy Scout delegation aters> rctaiI establishments, bound for the Philmont reservation in New Mexl- hotels' motels and restau- AHEAD «co. rants< tte finance, insurance TAKE HOME A ROOMFUL OF COOL TODAY INSTALLS IN MINUTES . ... all you need is a screwdriver. Operates on 1.15 volts!! Model ACE-5LP, 5,000 BTU/hr.* (shown). Push-button selector. 2 Cooling speeds. Ther- mostat for climate control. Jel-Aire Vent whisks be some tjody stale, smoky air outside In minutes. Adjustable Air Control. 1.9 pints moisture removal per July bra & girdle sale hour, Expandable side panels for easy In- 6.00-16.50 VANITY FAIR 'double tulip' girdle or parity; 'tulipette' parity with stallation. 23Vt Inches wide. hose hold leg; 'Juliatte' decolette tricot bra; 'the petal braf with underwire lor fuller flnure. 4.95-13.50 6.00 -13.00 YOUTHCRAFT 'roll - away' or 'tidy tab' brief parity girdles; 'hi- dive1 parity with waist control; fashion bras in fine lace. 4.99-10.99

5.50-9.00 WARNERS 'love touch' double knit bras in nautral, contour or underwire; 'delilah' av-erage leg lightweight parity girdle. 4.49-6.99 3.00-13.00 MAIDENFORM 'chansqnette' stitched cup; 'dreamliner' padded; 'rated X' natural or contour cups; 'precious little' stretch; 'tricot confection' contour; 'sea dreams' contour; 'concertina' average or long leq nantv 95 2.49 -10.99 ' .

8.00-10.00 LILYETTE "fantasia' bras In bandeau, 3/4 or full length longline styles. 8.49-7.99 6.00-15.00 OLGA 'freedom front' natural shell cup bra; 'suddenly slim' panty girdle. 4,79-12.99 159 EASY TERMS 5.50-9.50 SURPRISE 'give n take' bras with exclusive undercup, fiborfill lined, AEC-8MS 8,000 BTU/hr." (not bandeau or longline styles included. 4.49-8.49 shown) have similar appear- WITH APPROVED 5.00-15.00 LILY OF FRANCE light luxurious Oiana bra; lace powernet boy leg ance and features. CREDIT panty; brief leg body suit. 3.99-10.99 4.50-5.00 PETER PAN top styles for the minus figure with full pad or contour. 3.49

&50 GOSSARD 'answer' brief panty girdle wilri added fingertip control. 6.99 Steinbach good things in store

wp pv* • rtfl bv* IM 30 daily *•<<.'" 'd • K lown 10-t (tei'y ul In S 10, tun rwn-fi M • manal»r*o lO-# 30 it > W» '«t«M 10-t M Mil), ,»«<. In 10 I n m "»10-1 toily, ill io|30,iun fxwn-5 30 min»liWi 10-9 30 flail e WED. thru

Helen Meyner to Run for Congress PHILLIPSBURG (AP) - stretches' from suburban her husband still vote in Phil- idea and was contained in ev- "I'm running on my own, was born in Ireland. Helen Stevenson Meyner, wife North Jersey across the top of lipsburg. The home where she ery plan before the Legisla- but I don't want him to pull a Mrs. Meyner was selected of former two-term Gov. Rob- the state and down the Dela- held her news conference is ture. Martha Mitchell on me." to fill the vacancy by the ert B. Meyner, yesterday, for- ware River to just north of owned by her husband, she Princeton has been in the The Democratic nomination Democratic State Committee. mally announced she would Trenton. said, and his.cousin, Lester district the past four years became available when Jo- Her husband was governor run for Congress from the The district does not include Shay, lives there. but was included this year in seph O'Dougherty of Chester from 1954 to UR. They were 13th district. the Meyners' present resi- The newly aligned congres- the newly aligned Fifth Dis- Township, who won the June S married in January, 1957, the Mrs. Meyner, a Democrat, dence In Princeton. But Mey- sional district was actually trict. primary, discovered he had year he ran for his second will run against Republican ner has maintained a home in created by a federal court Mrs. Meyner conceded she been an American citizen only term. Slate Sen. Joseph J. Maraziti Phillipsburg since he left that when the Legislature dead- faced an "uphill fight in what five of the seven years re- Mrs. Meyner Is a cousin of of Morris County in a district Warren County city in 1954 to locked this spring over redist- is basically a Republican quired by the Constitution. He the late Adlal Stevenson. he designed specifically to en- assume the governorship. ricting. But the configuration area. But I hope the people hance his chances of winning Mrs. Meyner said she and of the district was Maraziti's will listen to what 1 have to final Rtducrfofis Storewld* a congressional seat. say." The alignment of that dis- She said she had not yet de- trict, Mrs. Meyner said, would veloped a program but said SUMMER CLEARANCE be an issue in her campaign. Service Salute she would announce one some OF REGULAR MERCHANDISE time before she begins her She said one reason she de; S. Sgt. Thomas R. Beyer, Lance Cpl. Lawrence K. cided to run was "indignation son of Mrs. Rosa B.-Beyer of Hennessy Jr., son of Mrs. campaign Sept. 1. BOYS to WUSIo over the gerrymandering pro- Belmar, has arrived for duty Frances Roche of Keypbrt, is She hinted that one issue SIZE 12 % SO 14 cess and the political ambi- at Minot Air Force Base, N. D. with the First Marine Wing at would be the age difference tions of one man." Bien Hoa Air Base, north of between her and Marziti. She OFF SUp J. Vlbert, son of Mr. 50 She said the district "was Saigon, Vietnam. said Congress "should be. and Mrs. Joseph Vibert of A! Sobs carved out for strictly" politi- Lt. Col. Jamei King, hus- more representative of young Final Middletown, graduated honor BABY FAIR 3&S ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY— Mrs. Helen Steven- cal reasons. It's unfair and band of Mrs. Mabel King of 11 people." man of his company at the 45 BROAD ST., RED BANK son Meyner, wife of former New Jersey Gov. confusing to the voters." Hillside Ave., Atlantic High- Says She's 44 Great Lakes Naval Training Robert B. AAeyner, announces at,their Phllllps- .The district includes Hunt- lands, has completed a de- And she admitted to being burfl home thai she will be the Democratic caridi- Center, 111. He will attend nu- fense procurement manage- 44, saying, "that's no spring erdon, Warren and Sussex clear propulsion school there. dqte for the U.S. House of Representatives from Counties, and parts of Morris ment course at the Army Lo- chicken but its young enough IT'S the 13th Congressional District. and Mercer Counties. It Spec. 4 Brace Cowden Kee- gistics- Management Center, to be able to expect to attain fer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Ft. Lee, Va. some seniority in Congress if ICE CREAM ward W. Keefer of Red Bank, Lt. Col. John F. Ryan, I'm elected." Maraziti is 60. has completed a tour of duty brother of Mrs. David Boyle Mrs. Meyner said she felt in Vietnam. He has been sta- of Belmar, earned an MS de- "more female voices ought to TIME AT RED BANK SALES DAYS tioned at Ft. Carson, Colo. gree at Boston University un- be heard in Congress," espe- Pvt Daniel Warren, son of der an Air Force program cially since 53 per cent of the Mrs. Florence Warrenjof which assists members to- nation's population are wom; SUMMER SALE Freehold, has reported for ward advanced degrees. He is en. duty with the Third Marine • assigned to Heidelberg, Ger- She said she was not run- Division, Okinawa. many, as chief of the Army ning on her husband's coat- Wednesday, July 12 Pvt. Lamont E. Williams, Flight Support Center, tails. 30M0NM0UTHSTRfET,REDBANK son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Williams of Freehold, has. Thru Saturday, July 15th completed individual combat training with the First In- fantry Training Reigment at FOR MEN the Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune, N.C. YOUTH CENTER'S MaJ. Jesse T, Randall, Ms- . REG. SALE band of the former Miss Pa- Dacron and Wool tricia Dorn of Shrewsbury, 70. to 115. was graduated from the Com- suits 56.. 92. mand and Staff College at the FABULOUS SUMMER Marine Corps Base, QUantico, Doubli Knit Daeron Va. SUITS 80. to 115. 64.o92. Dacron and Cotton Reprimand CLEARANCE SALE!. SUITS 70. and 80. Lawyer For, RED BANK SALE DAYS - WED. - THURS. - FRI. - SAT. Daeron and Wool SPORT COATS ' 55. to 75. 44. 60. t0 Office Act Better quality - famous brand - children's wear — at honest-to- Double Knit Dacron TRENTON (AP) - The goodness sayings at 20% and more. Everything is from our regular SPORT COATS 50. to 75. 40., 60. New Jersey Supreme Court stock and while you won't find every size and color - the selection yesterday reprimanded a is far-and-away the biggest and best in the county! Lakewood attorney for adver- Dacron Bland tising the opening of a new SPORT COATS 50. and 55.>d44. branch office in Brick Town- ship. Dacron and Wool 70 The attorney is Julius SLACKS 14. to 23. 11M8 Braun who mailed about 1,000 - BOYS' - cards announcing the opening 4.004.50 POLOS- Rob Roy/Donmoor/Health-Tox- 4 to 16 2J9 40 of the new office. About 108 other polos sale priced 99C to 4.99 GOLFSLACKS 13. to 25. 10 *20. went to clients. The rest went to persons in the general area 4.00-5.00 SWIM TRUNKS-Surfers/Knits/Lastex 2.99 where the branch office was other swimwear, 4 to 16,1.99 to 4.99 Double Knit 25 SLACKS JH6. to 37.50 1P.O26 to be located. 5.00-5.50 CASUAL SLAX and NOVELTY JEANS ..2.99 Braun admitted he did not others, all leading brands - 3.99 and 4.99 know the 900 persons.and said Short Slaava Sport he got their names from a di- 3.00 CARTERS SLIPPERS 1.99 and DRESS SHIRTS 6. to 12.50 rectory which lists persons by Terry - washable street address rather than by t All Knit name. SPORT SHIRTS 4. to 14. 2% 9" In a 7-0 unsigned opinion, the Supreme Court said such - GIRLS'- announcements may be sent SUMMER PAJAMAS -SWIMTRUNKS only to other lawyers, clients, 6.00 SWIM SUITS -Bikinis/ 2 pc. /1 pc 3J9 LIGHTWEIGHT OUTER JACKETS 20% OFF former clients, personal other swimwear 2.99 to 7.99 friends and relatives. "They 4.00 & up DANSKIN/YOUTH CREST brands, reduced 20% OR MORE may be sent to no one else." Shorts, shirts, tank lops, body suits, etc. STRAW HATS... Vll PRICE The court conceded that the Canon of Ethics as they per- 9.00 SIZZLER PANT-SHIFT 2 pc. Set S.99 tained to advertising was "not Adorable - zipper front. 7 to 14 as clear and explicit as it 5.00 SHORTALL-Scoop neck - 4 to 14 2.99 might have been and further- more Braun's transgression button front - seersucker. does not involve any moral 3.00 KNIT SHIRTS- Sleeveless/Short Sleeve 1.99 SALE shortcoming." other knit shirts, 4 to 14,1.77 to 4.99 - Summer Weight 60 "The rule that has been SPORT COATS 29.50 to135. 13 *28. transgressed is really a rule 10.00-12.00 JUMP SUIT for water, play or beach 4.99 & 5.99 of professional etiquette rath- Nylon panne velvet - 4 to 14 er than of ethics," the court Double Knit 4 DRESSES/SHORTS/SUNSETS/SLACKS/ said. BLAZERS/SKIRTS/SKANTS/atc./all reduced 20% OR MORE SLACKS 8 \ir° "Nevertheless such crass and insensitive conduct mer- SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS - SWIMWEAR its censure and respondent is - INFANTS' & TODDLERS' - 'N KNIT SHIRTS 20% OFF herewith reprimanded," the Supreme Court said. 2.75-3.25 POLOS Health-Tex/Carters/Donmoor ..1.99 All sale items from regular stock Infant and Toddler sizes normal alteration on clothing items. Elephants 2.50 SWIM TRUNKS handsome knits w 1.77 3.00-3.25 SHORT-ALLS-in light summer fabrics 1.99 Run Wild, 4.50-5.00 SUN & SUMMER SUITS for boys 2.99 toddler and infants' sizes Killing 24 7.00 SHORT SETS - better quality for 3.99 toddler girls, 2 to 4. NEW DELHI (AP) - !<>• Open Wednesday and Friday Eves. Till 9 P.M. phants have killed at least 24 4.50 CARTER TERRY PARKA 2.77 persons in five villages 4.50 CARTER KNIT SUN SETS 2.77 around Chandka Forest, 780 adorable 2 pc. sets miles southeast of New Delhi, the United News of India re- ported today. , The news agency said mnie Everything on sale is from our regular stock and almost all of our new famous brand summer children's wear (no sleep- than 20,000 villagers arc neg- wear) is now reduced - but sizes, colors, styles, etc. are not complete - but everything is an excellent bargain and car- ries our year-round Youth Center Quality Guarantee! v aytonS lecting their farming because of the killers. Villagers told newsmen ele- Men's and Boy's Outfitters since 1846 phants had destroyed huts in some areas, killing those in- Yesl side. II is not knpwn why the You can use your rYOUTHA in RED BANK elephants ran wild,' but au- YOUTH CENTER at 20 BROAD thorities think this summer's iBroad Street Red Bank premonsoon drought and heat CHARGE ICENTERJ wave may have crazed them. WED. thru RED BlNK Sojourners Win 3-Month-Old Freehold Tot Wins Smallest Baby Prize Another Trophy FREEHOLD - Three- Howell, most freckles; Kim- Zaleski and Patricia Nolan of Ehglishtown, and Debbie Ka- EL PASO, TEX. - At the awarded to the Ft. Monmouth month-old Debra Lieberman, berley Cook of Lqng Branch, Chapter for participation in here, was winner of the smal- most adorable outfit, and lan of Clarksburg. 52nd annual convention of Na- Winners of food and nutri- tional Sojourners held re- the Sojourner ROTC program, lest baby award presented at Dawn Martin of Oakhursj, and to Col. R.R. Touttillot of the annual Future 4-H'ers most original outfit. "tion awards were Ruth Fred- cently in El Paso, the Ft.' ericks, Erica Ratshin, Kathie Monmouth, N.J., chapter was Little Silver for his efforts as Baby Parade at the Great Winners of textile and cloth- nationaLvice-chaiqnan for pa- Monmoutli Fair, ing awards were 4-H mem- Bauer, Barbara Fredericks, again announced a winner of and Ellen Meyer, here;.:Step- the coveted Fries-Oliver triotic affairs. Other Freehold winners- bers Stephanie White and Ja- were Jennifer Toath, curliest net Bartlett of West Long hanie White, Rosanhe White, Trophy. This award goes each National Sojourners is a pa- and Kathleen Miller of West year to the chapter judged to triotic society of officers and hair; Jonathan Levy, cry Branch; Wendy Bancroft, baby; Marianne Conk, biggest Julie Bancroft, and Michelle Long Branch; Jeanette Za have accomplished the most warrant officers, past or leski'and Mary Malonc of in the field of Americanism., present, of the uniformed eyes, and Juliann Gleason, Schiffman of Matawan; Anne most charming child. Also VanDervecr and Barbara Englishtown, and Stephen This is the eleventh time the forces of the United States, Dev of Allentown. /" local chapter has received who belong to the Masonic winners were Russell Goss of Fredericks, here; Jeanette this recognition. This year fraternity. Its principle pur- first place was shared with pose is to develop patriotism Andrew Jackson Chapter of and Americanism. Nashville, Tenn. Certificates were awarded to Col. Charles F. Crone of Shrewsbury, for his out- ITT ^^^^1 standing efforts as a regional representative for New Jer- Buy 3 sey; to Cmdr. J.P. Eppinger If IIS OUALIly YOU RE LOOKING fOR of Bricktown for his efforts as chapter president, and to Cap- tin T.C. Von Gerichton of Mid- Yards dletown for his service as FABRIC Sale ( ANY ONE PRICE ) SPEECH THERAPY — Utilization of cutout puppets is one facet of a new chaptef secretary. speech therapy program at the Easter Seals Speech Center of Jersey Presidential Citations were AND GET Shore Medical Center, Neptune. Mrs. Gloria Sprung of Lincroft, speech pathologist. Is shown in a therapy session. The center practices individual and group therapy fbr problems including physical anomalies, language Judge Observes 4TH Yd. development, articulation disorders, stuttering and aphasia. 20 Years at Pru CHOOSE FROM NEWARK - Jeremy G. FREE Judge, 17 Rumson Road, • POLYESTERS Rumson, a vice president of Freehold OK's Apartments the Prudential Insurance Co., • COTTONS celebrated his 20th anniver- FREEHOLD - Borough Lanza and Scolt Builders, being denied a variance. Su- sary with the company June • ACRYLICS Council has approved the con- Inc., which provide for four perior Court Judge Merritt 30. He joined Prudential after Warren P. Lutz And Many More & Remember struction of 22 garden apart- additional separate buildings Lane Jr. referred the con- his graduation from Cornell Every 4th Yd. Is ments by a developer who to contain 18 one-bedroom troversy to the borough coun- University. wants to expand his Spring units and four two bedroom cil. Jersey an Mr. Judge served in a num- Garden Apartments complex units. Voting against the variance ber of positions before being FREE pn_Schank Street. The developer had filed suit were Councilmen Waller J. THAT'S RIGHT ! . n.airne.d,,,a.,s,e.n,i0£.,.a.dmi.nis:,. Council approved "plans" by "against "the" borougfi "after "Kdzloski Slid" George Evans trative* assistant in 1960. He Jr. The measure passed 4-2. was promoted to associate'di- Mr. Kozloski said he re- rector of accounting in 1963, Speech Test EVERY 4th YARD IS jected the idea that a closed assistant comptroller in 1966, ATLANTA, Ga. - Warren community had to bear the and was elected vice presi- P. Lutz of Somerville, N.J., ABSOLUTELY burden of garden apartments dent, accounting in 1970. has won the U.S. Jaycee Na- and Mr. Evans said that gar- tional Speak-Up contest. He is Mr. Judge is married to the den apartments would not be the first New Jerseyan lo win former Margot Perona of Bcr- SO... WHY NOT FREE! compatible with the surround- the event. ing area. nardsville. They have three 1 children. The program is conducted BRING A FRIEND Council also authorized the by local chapters to encour- NO SECONDS OR CLOSE renewal of a $50,000 bond anti- & REALLY Matawan Man Givi'ii age and help Jaycees gain OUT, EVERY YARD OF cipation note for construction public speaking skills. It is a CLEAN UP of a water well and a ?19,000 U.S. Customs Award part of the leadership train- MATERIAL IN STORE note for extension of a storm NEW YORK - George I-;. ing, which, together with com- BUY 3 GET! sewerage pipe to Veterans Hammond of Matawan, N. J., munity service, form the pur- IS ON SALE Park. a supervisory inspector with pose of the Jaycees. f 1FREE Council authorized advertis- U. .S. Customs, has received He is employed by Ortho.. ing for bids for reconstruction an award for outstanding per- Pharmaceutical Co. and AND SPLIT FREE YARD MUST BE of Lincoln Place. formance at a container ter-' teaches at Somerset County THE DIFFERENCE! SAME PRICED FABRIC! Community College. SAVED STAMPS minal station in the Newark KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - area. More than 15,000 Jaycees at- 'FREE YARDSTICK WITH PURCHACEl Knoxville's zoo has two new Mr. Hammond received a tended the convention. The black and white zebras — pur- certificate of award and a New Jersey delegation was led by Frank "Jeff" .Stanley, „ STORE HOURS chased with 2,500 books of trad- check for $150 from Fred R. BROAD STREET; master charge M0N(,n)B;/mHRS.JSAI._ ing stamps donated by local Boyott, regional commission- also of Somprville, state presi- _.. J3O-5:30 P.M. citizens. er of customs. , dent. RED BANK 6) WED.I, fRI.9:30.9:09

Starts Wednesday, July 12 through Saturday July 15 (open Wednesday & Friday evenings 'til 9) IWl


Nominal Charge for Alteration of Sal« MarchandlH 18 BROAD ST. RED BANK free parking at our door Marchandlii Sub|«ct to Prior Sala »IMlfftfrrt Ml 11 MMlctlM whiiivir wllh tui >nnrH»n MttHmlIHiCrili. pick your venter boat v^fi^fr*#h• ouf hi^e ^fe$ion before Aug. 12th ^ and save plenty of money! Yet you don't have to pay until the fall! •IT ' 1f you need a good reason to think about your winter coats in the middle of the ways. CHARGE IT and your account won't be billed until November 1st. y summer, think money! Between now and August 12th you can save a bundle and OUR LAY AWAY PLAN ... and if you make a small deposit on your selection get the pick of the fashion crop. Come see, come choose, come save on the now, layaway payments won't begin until October 1st. All coats return to original most beautiful winter coats you'll find anywhere. Buy in either of two convenient price Aug. 12th, hurry!

Misses Coat Collection: Will be 45.00 to 210.00 after Aug. 12th now 36.00 Jo 172.00 Junior Coat Colleqtion: will be 40.00 to 95^00 after Aug. 12th >. now 31.00 to 76.00 Your winter coat wardrobe starts at Steinbach—where the savings are, where all the beautiful new shapes are! We have all the looks, all the lengths, all the fabrics. Find coats to the floor, to the boot, to the knee, to the hip and in-between, Indulge your taste for the lavish with great fake furs that look better than the real thing, or slink into leather, suede, cashmere, velveteen. Flatter yourself with fur collars, flirtatious hoods, fur borders. Choose the perfect coat for pants, and one for dressy occasions, and another for whizzing around shopping. Close your eyes and dream your favorite coats and then find them all at Steinbach where they're waiting for you now!

Steinbach ^ good things in store • Mbury parK • 1*4 tank 10-6 30 dally, wed., Irl. to t p.m. • brick lawn 10-6 dally, sat. to 6:30, surJ. noon-5:3D • manalapan 10-9:30 dally

Y. REDB 4 Women in the Driving Colony at Atlantic City Raceway the grounds. But his name is a 'a hard time?" Heydt of Ohio, Jacwucline driving. The most was last Does Galante have an opin- horses is no life for one who into midnight." By The Associated Press Do you have any time to secret." Miss Hintze, who feels the Coard of England and Sandra year when she competed in 10 ion on Miss Hintze's driving likes to sleep. "I'm up at A keep steady company. "Oh . As the interview ended, she Women's Liberation Move- Fisher of Florida. races, finishing with a 1-1-1 and training ability? o'clock in the morning getting "Most men who run down yes," responded the 30-year- said, "I hope I can win a race ment has its good and bad Miss Hintze did feel slighted mark. Without the slightest pause, the horses ready for training. women are tunning down one old, 5-3, 135-potfnd blue eyed this week, it'll be a good birth- when the first story on women But for many years she has Galante answered, "I Then before noon some have woman only." points, is the fourth member blonde, day present." Her birthday is Diane Hintze used the of her sex to join the driving drivers from the track publi- trained horses on the breeding- wouldn't have anyone else to take part in qualifying "1 have a steady. He's on Thursday. Remy De Courmont quotation colony at Atlantic City Race- city department failed to list farm she owns in Johnson, train and drive my horses. I races. Then you have to get in answering the question, way. her name. "I wasn't really N.Y. A native of New York never saw anyone watch the back at 5 in the evening to "Do the male drivers give you Her predecessors are Hilda mad," she said, "But they City, Miss Hintze's farm cov- horses like her. She's around prepare a horse who is racing. should have included my ers 16'^ acres. them 24 hours a day, it By the time you get finished name in that story." "I have 15 baby horses on seems." brushing the horse down for RED On the women's lib bit, Miss the farm now," she said, "and Miss Hintze said training its sleep'period It can be well Hintze says, "I say girls are as soon as one is ready to entitled to be active in every- race I'll do the training and Vogels BANK thing in which they can com- driving." Her parents take SALE]™] pete with boys. I chose horses' care of the horses and farm because I've been around while she is on the road. them most of my life. I rode At the present time, Miss5 OFREOIANfc ALL MEN'S saddle horses when 1 was only ' Hintze has three horses under seven." her wing aj Atlantic City 24 BROAD STREET Miss Hintze started driving Raceway. One is Prudy's Pea- in regular races after the nut, which she owns. The oth- WINTHROP SHOES male pilots relaxed their anti- ers are Paroli and Hernall's women campaign several Lad, owned by Frank Galante RED BANK VALUES years ago. She didn't do much of Smithtown, L.I. TO SALE DAYS! NONE Memorialize Chertoff 26.95 HIGHER At Monmouth Beach DRESSES UP TO MONMOUTH BEACH - A Thirty children attended a MEN'S SANDALS display ease in the Monmouth pajama story hour with Mrs. SWIM SUITS . Beach Library, presented by Frances Smith. the Zoning Board of Adjust- Seventy young leaders have ment and the Library Associ- SPORTSWEAR VALUES enrolled in the Vacation Read- ation, was dedicated in memo- ing club, a reading program ry of George Chertoff. OFF TO sponsored by the Monmouth Mr. Chertoff served as County Library. 11.95 chairman of the zoning board continuing our tremendous and was the first trustee of Summer library hours are the library. from 9:30 a.m. to noon Mon- Mayor Sidney B. Johnson, day, Wednesday, Friday and BRA and GIRDLE IMPORTED Stanley Groggins and Everett Saturday and from 7 to 9 p.m. Macwithy spoke at the pre- Tuesday, Wednesday and CLOSE-OUT SALE! sentation. Thursday. COMPETES WITH MALE DRIVERS - Diane Hintze of'Johnson*,NX/ o,.breederrirainer-driver, , Hundradsof Famous Brand Styhs MEN'SBOOIS is among the 200-member driving colony at Atlan- tic City Raceway where a 52-night harness pro- gram is in progress. Miss Hintze is the fourth VALUES Municipal Association woman to drive horses at the South Jersey oval this season. She is shown with the horse she owns, Vl OFF! TO Headed by Krumm Prudy's Peanut. 32.95 SPRING LAKE - Officers member of Red Bank Beau- of the Monmouth County Mu- tification Committee, second nicipal association were in- vice president; Donald E. stalled at dinner-dance in the Schmidt, mayor of South Bel- Monmouth Hotel here. mar, third vice president; MR. ROBERT'S SHOES They are Arthur F. Krumm, • Holmes A. Adams, mayor of township committeeman of Neptune City, secretary; Har- RED BANK'S ONLY SHOE STORE Wall Township, president; old J. Rowland, municipal Herbert ,1, Buehler, member clerk of Neptune City, trea- EXCLUSIVELY FOR MEN of Ocean Township Sewage surer, and Peter Maclearie, Authority, firsl vice presi- commissioner of Belmar, 9 BROAD ST. RED BANK dent; Theodore J. Labrecque, chaplain. OPEN WED. & FRI. NIGHTS


ALL 1972 .NOWA I , NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BATHING SUITS SWIM WEAR 4 DAYS ONLY ALL REDUCED! 20% o SPORT & DRESS" LONG SHIRTS SKIRTS 3"* 4" ALL OTHER SUMMER TIEMS AT BIG REDUCTIONS SPECIAL RACKS ABBEY .. MEN'S SHOP ' 62 Broad St. Red Bank Open Wed. and Fri. Nights 'til 9 P.M. Guard's Whittling Delights Eatontown Children By MARYBETH ALLEN He took out his pocketknife being done in metal and ce- watch more closely and they home at 201 Knox Ave. hi May self one of his "souvenirs." and started to whittle — and ramics rather than wood. are easier to duplicate." 1967. Mr. Weaver retired Aug. She is a "war bride" who is a EATONTOWN - It might the children started to watch. "The idea behind, jackknife Sharp Knife Safer 1, 1971 after 28 years in the native of Ettlingen, Germany. never have happened if Ter- They got so interested in carving," he explains,' "is It is his belief that a sharp Army. He was a chief warrant Their two oldest children and rill M. Weaver didn't: progress of the donkey that he being able to use your hands knife is safer than a dull one, officer who has last worked at their youngest son were born - like children. (He has next started a dragon - and to achieve a certain purpose. With a razor edge, the wood the Military Ocean Terminal, in that country and the others ABettBuyai six.) let them guess what it would With this type of knife, you can be easily shaved away. Bayonne. wer« born in Virginia. —like animals. (His house- turn out to be. "Even the wild don't work for a smooth sur- But if the blade is dull, more At the insistence of his chil- Mrs, Weaver, who is an ac- hold includes a part mala- ones stopped to see," he com- face finish, but for the overall pressure must be used and the dren, one of the first things he tive worker for Congregation mute and part German shep- ments. "And I'd hate to .tell effect. You follow the grain of knife may slip. did after retiring was let his B'nai Israel, Rumson, visits herd dog, a deodorized skunk, you what some of their the wood — and after you look The'Weavers are the parents hair grow out of its military her parents in Germany once WiDmSDAYOHM salt water fish which have ^ guesses were." at it for a while, you start to of Mrs. Ingelore Karter, who cut. For about six months, he a year. This summer she is been converted to fresh water Shows Fairness see an outline of some sort. is employed at the University cared for his house and the going over to bring them back fish, and a baby bird which Next he did a brontosaurus. Whittling is improving on of Massachusetts; Albert- one next door to it, which he for a visit here. Making the U.S.D.A. CHOICE TENDER fell out of its nest.) And now, in fairness to anoth- what nature already started." Karl, 19, an art major at Ber- also owns. Then he began work- trip with her will be Terry- — and have a wife who has er school crossing guard — One. of, his earlier carvings kshire Community College, ing as the special policeman Lynn, who will attend a school worked for the Democratic who is a Republican — he is was of a lion — complete with Pittsfield, Mass.; Aleda-Lina, and as a security guard for session there, and Mark-Ke- party, working on an elephant. a curled tail which had taken 18, who was recipient of a .International Flavors and vin. pccause he likes children, "Whittling is becoming a hours to make. Unfortunately, scholarship from the Officers' Fragrances, Union Beach. Be- And by the time they re- tiff accepted a job as a cross- lost art," Mr. Weaver com- it made its home on a window Wives Club at Ft. Monmouth fore school was dismissed for turn, it should be time for Mr. j ing guard for the Meadow- ments. "People don't have the. sill — and one day when the and plans to enter the Fashion the summer, he was working Weaver to go back to his job brook School, Wyckoff Road. time or the patience. And they sash came down, it became Institute of Technology, New 12 hours a day. as a school crosssing guard ., Aid one day as he stood on figure, 'Why try to make what Mrs. Weaver terms "a York; Terry-Lynn, 16, who His wife, Thea,,terms her- and whittle while he works. thj corner, he noticed a piece something when we can go bobtail lion." was second runner-up in the ofjwood. He stared at it, and buy it?' 'f Mr. Weaver notes that he borough's recent Miss Liberty perhaps because of his love of Formerly, even the pegs prefers to do animal figures contest; Mark-Kevin, 13, a animals and his wife's Demo- used in windows and the forks because they are not static. student at Monmouth Region- cratic affiliation, a knot for- used in hay fields were wood. •"I'm not an artist," he adds, al High School, New Shrews- mation began to a But now, Mr. Weaver notes, "but I like animals. And bury, and Stuart-Kaye, 6, a donkey's head. even the work of artists is things you like are things you student at the Woodmero Ib. School FUEL OIL Mr. Weaver, who was raised in upstate New York, was WAREHOUSE PRICED taught how to whittle by his Quantity rights resert/ea. father, who believed that if a Not responsible tor typographical enots. boy was going to carry a knife, he should know how to Fred D. Wikoff Co. use it properly. His own chil- WE ALWAYS LOWER dren have also tried their' 236 MAPLE AVENUE hands at it-— arid Mrs. Weav- THE PRICE, BUT j er says there are nicks on NEVER THE QUALITY. I table legs and window sills which will prove it. Retired From Army RED BANK 741-0554 The family moved to its

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Register Staff Prioto WHITTLER AT WORK — Terrill M. Weaver, who whittled while he worked as a crossing guard at the Meadowbrook School, Eatontown, in- terested the younger generation in the dying art. Among his fans is his youngest son, Stuart-Kaye, 6. Chou En-lai Is Optimistic About International Scene TOKYO (AP) - As Chou and political interference in sia an opening in this area. En-lai sees it, "the inter-, the three Indochinese coun- "They are concerned about national situation is ex- tries and does not let the nations such as ourselves con- cellent" even though "the situ- three Indochinese peoples tributing to a stable Pacific, ation in the Far East is far settle then* own issues accord- and U. S. withdrawal would from relaxed." ing to their own will." lead to instability," was the ' In a. speech this week to a He concluded that this and way Ford put it. delegation from Yemen the U. S. refusal to withdraw its Chinese premier ticked off troops from the South Korea these points of optimism: left the Fair East unrelated. Clearwater I The North and South Ko- Peking broadcasts indicated reans have made a prelimi- that Chou did not refer to a Has New nary agreement on reunifica- critical area of tension in Asia tion; India and Pakistan have — on China's own borders, reached partial agreement on where Chinese troops confront PS Post troop withdrawal; the new a million Soviet soldiers in an NEWARK - Gerald W. Japanese government has uneasy truce. In the light of Clearwater of 45 Regina promised to speed up normali- this situation, Peking state- Road, Marlboro, has been ap- zation of relations with China. ments to the leaders of the U., pointed station performance, ,S. House of Representatives, engineer for the Keamy gen- ;Hjj went on to say: "How- erating station of Public Ser- eV9£ .the development of the Hale Boggs and Gerald R. Ford, may'be more signifi- (vlce Electric and Gas Co. iritipatlomil situation is com- Sea these beautiful place settings on display p(i|ated:anditortuous. Thesu- • cant than what Chou said to Mr. Clearwater received a at your nearest Monmouth County National office. the Yemenis. RS degree in engineering at permwejrs will not cease their Limit: one place setting to a family, pleuo 1 the Americans quote Chk Stevens Institute of Tech- control oVer. atid interference, nology. in olfier countries, and' the nese leaders' ;as expressing struggle betweeii control and 'concern the United' States will He joined Public Service in pull out of Asia and give Rus- 1666 as a cadet .engineer and What a wonderful way to collect a complete set of famous a^ticontrol.and between inter- has since served as an assis- ference and anti-Interference tant engineer, technical fore- Imperial china at a fraction of its retail cost—while you build will continue. This is the root Zeta Rays Paper man, performance supervisor a nest-egg of savings that earn interest from day of deposit, cause of the upheavals and and maintenance supervisor Special Offer for Golden unrest in th>:prc$ent inter- Cited by Army at Hudson Station. compounded quarterly. national situation..1' .'•• ,. Passbook Accounts FT. MONMOUTH - A-six- He is a member of the A case in poinbihe contin- man Army. electronics com- American Society of Mech- Exclusive new Seville pattern—hand r crafted, hand-decorated udd, is Indo'cninaMTtiore, he Get one place setting tree plus 3 mand team, headed by Dr. anical Engineers and is a with a soft blue floral design on pure translucent white china, said, "U. S. imperialism per- Stanley Kronenberg of the trustee of the New Jersey Mu- additional place settings for $9 sists in its military aggression electronics technology and de- seum of Transportation. exquisitely edged in gold. when you open a Golden Passbook vices laboratory, won a cer- Firms Increase tificate of outstanding Account with a deposit of $100 or achievement at the Army sci- Get your FREE Place Setting today—just by opening a savings more... or add $100 to your pres- Work Backlogs ence conference at the U.S. account with $25 or more at any Monmouth County National ent account. Each additional $100 'EATONTOWN-Louis J. Military Academy, West Office. Or add $25 to an existing account. deposit entitles you to 4 place set- Point. Winslow, Chairman of Win- tings for just $12. stow Technology, Inc. an- The award was given for a nounced that the Winslow paper, "Zeta Rays - A New Get additional Place Settings for just $3 each (including tax) Tple-Tronics, Inc., subsidiary Phenomenon in Gamma Dose with every additional $25 deposit you make. Accessory pieces lias been awarded a $572,500 Distribution," prepared by will also be available at comparable savings. ) defense contract for the pro- Dr. Kronenberg and his five duction of shock mounts. The associates. Dr. Kronenberg, subsidiary has booked addi- who presented the paper, was tional orders amounting to accompanied by Dr. Robert U5O,O0O bringing. Its backtoe A, Lux, Toms River, a co-au- to'more than $1 million. thor. ( Anothor subsidiary, Elec- Other members of the team MONMOUTH COUNTY NATIONAL RANK were Dr. Wolfgang J. Ramm, tronic Concepts, Inc., also df Thebmk that looks out lor you Eatontown, received ?30,00l) in Neptune; Krlstian I. Nilson, now orders in June bringing Monmouth Beach; Robert MEMBER reOWAl OIpOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION its backlog to $145,000. Elec- Pfeffer, Asbury Park, and tronic Concepts produces Harry L. Berkowicz, Toms i J , i," • Hxed capacitors, primarily for River. Dr. Kronenberg is a commercial accounts. resident of Skillman. Gerald W. Clearwater 14 TktDaily Raster, T»esrt*y,JiH>lUW? Howard Asks for Wider

WASHINGTON - Hep. miltees9*0o which he directed with him on the telephone. Howard said. turn my telephone calls but gram... ' " of the entire matter and loo sional District get the an- James J. Howard has asked a his request for the in- "But Mr. Sanchez, who I The Third District Demo- his feet will be put to the fire >'There will' be no white- netware whose toes I have to -SWOTS they are so justifiably House Congressional Com- vestigation is the House Com- have asked to resign from his crat pointed out that although when he comes before the wash of this matter; i plan to step on to see that the resi- 'demanding," Mr. Howard mittee to look into the ex- mittee on Education and La- post, will not even commu- Mr. Sanchez would not meet vCongress to justify his pro- undertake a full investigation dents of the Third Congres- concluded. penditure of some $1 million bor which writes the poverty nicate with the elected repre- with him, as the elected Con- in poverty funds, including program legislation. sentative of some half-million gressman, he did have a pii 160,000 to send 67 children Mr. Howard said he had residents of the Third Con- ture-taking session with Mr .from Monmouth County to personally discussed aspects gressional District of New Howard's opponent for a Europe and Asia for a two- of the problem with Rep. Carl Jersey. House seat (Republican Wil month vacation this summer. Perkins (D-Kentucky), Chair- "The only thing Mr. Sanchez liamDowd). Mr. Howard, who has de- man of the Committee. has done Is send me a bland "This, of course, is an insull Pinto Wagon: $2265 manded a probe of the 160,000 "Chairman Perkins ex- two-paragraph letter saying to the people 1 have the privl expenditure, today expanded pressed a keen interest and an investigation is under lege of representing," Mr, his demands and wants an in- asked that I pull together per- way," Mr. Howard added. Howard said. vestigation into some $1 mil- tinent materials to Send over WeputalotintoH. Mr. Howard said he will "Mr. Sanchez has to comi lion in poverty program to him," Mr. Howard said. confer further with Mr. Per- before the Congress to ask foi money which was left over "I have now sent Chairman kins after the present Con- money for his program am after the fiscal year. Perkins as much information gressional recess. when he does I personally You can put a lot in it. "Throughout the United as I could uncover," he said. "Mr. Sanchez is nothing plan to show him that it is un States, various local poverty Mr. Howard pointed Dut more than a political ap- wise for any member of th< What you can put int over 60 cubic .•agencies had a surplus of that he has written two. letters pointee who is niore inter- executive branch to ignore^thi feet. Put the rear seat down and there's some $1 million and, instead to Philip Sanchez, director of ested in politics than he is in Congress. 60.<5cubic feet of carrying space. For com- of returning the money, spent the Office of Economic.Op^ seeing that members of Con- "Mr. Sanchez can refuse tc parison. VW Squareback and Vega it on various projects for the portunfty. He said he has gress be kept informed," Mr. meet with me or refuse to r& Kammback both give you a birover sake of using up all the money asked for a personal appoint- ^. 50 cubic leet. allotted to them," Mr. How- ment and that he has tele- ard said. phoned Mr. Sanchez several Mr. Howard said the com- times, hoping to at least speak Better Bumpers May Lead To Insurance Cuts NEW YORK (AP) - The pany determines its own pre- Insurance Services Office has mium charges. recommended to its member "There may be companies companies a 10 per cent cut in who are affiliated with us, a collision insurance on 1973 weFas those who are not, who Th* basic $2263*1 cars because of improved won't go along with this,' • ' It's the ideal choice.forpebple who bumpers. Savage conceded. want an economy car that carries more Richard Savage, vice presi- A spokesman for the New -or a wagon that cogs less. The whit* dent of the advisory organiza- York State Department of In- sidewall tires (shown here) ore $28.00 tion, said yesterday hundreds .surance was cautious in as of insurance companies affil- sesang the potential impact iated with the office are ex- of the ISO recommendation. pected to put the lowered "Legally, all they can do i: , Front Disc Brakes. Standard. rates into effect, with a poten- make an advisory rate," h< And there's precise rack-and-pinion tial saving to consumers of said. "Not that many com' steering, which is normally found only in $20 million. panies use the advisory rate." some of the more expensive sports cars. "The intpact is on 1973 mod- Savage said ISO would fil els," Savage said. "If the im- 'the advisory rate with the de- proved bumpers show that partment. Any actual rat Some Details. losses are reduced by more changes proposed by auto in' 1. The lift gate swings than 10 per cent, even further surers, including several up and out of the way. savings will be passed on to jor companies who are not 2. The rear passenger the motorist." ISO affiliates, would rcquin windows flip open. 20O0cc Overhead Cam Engine. It's rugged; economical, He explained that ISO sets departmental approval. 3. The spare tire doesn't peppy-and standard equiptMnt rates for "our members and • New federal standards man- -take up-ony-load-room dating bumpers that preven ~"'A45peed"floor mounted all-" subscribers." "In the major because it has its own well number of states, we file in damage to headlights, doo synchronies!) transmission is obo> under the floor. And beneath their behalf," he said. latches, fuel and cooling sys- standard. it all, the rear suspension But in "competitive rating" tems, and other equipmen states such as New York and are credited with reducing Is specially designed, for Better idea for safety... buckle up! the cost of repairs. load carrying. / California, he said, each com- The Squire Option. That distinctive wood-sided * Slicker Price. Excludes dealer I wogon look, plus wheel covers, special trim, and more. FAWN REACHES FOR BOTTLE - A fawn deer 1 preparation charges, if any, V No other economy wagon offers anything like it. FORD PINTO shows Its best boarding, house reach in drink- destination chorget, title Price with the Squire Option: $2479.' The luggage rock Ing from a bottle of milk held by Sam Wiseman. Some Items Cullec and taxes. This fawn is one of 16 baby deer Wiseman Is car- is $45.53 extra. The white sidewall tires $28.00. FORD DIVISION Ing for at the Hoffman, North Carolina, state plant nursery he manages. The fawns have been taken from families which planned keeping them From the Mallbag DOREMUSFORD as pets. (AP Wlrephoto) By HAL BOYLE of 93 to 95 miles an hour over NEW YORK (AP) - Things an 80-mile course. The com a 90 Monmouth Street, Red Bank New School PlailS columnist might never know mon flea can leap 100 times if he didn't open his mail: its own height. Art Workshop If people really ate like ' wolves, a hungry 200-pound HOLMDEL - The third man would be able to con- summer program sponsored sume nearly one-fifth his own by The New School of Mon- weight in food at one meal. mouth County will be con- That's almost 40 pounds. Eor the modem home that has everything* ducted in the school's new Scientists are certain now building at 301 Middle Road, that the planet Mars cannot here. sustain human life because The art workshop offers z Aphone that has everything. of the lack of oxygen there. children from 3 to 11 such ac- The atmosphere of Mars tivities as candle making, ba- about nine-tenths carbon diox- tik dyeing, wood craft and ide, which makes it far wore sculpture, paper mache pup- for breathing even than the petry, pottery and collage air at a national political con- making. vention on this planet. Earth's Miss Andrea Puntis, teacher atmosphere is 10 thousand of the older children at The times richer in oxygen than New School, will teach the that on Mars. program two days a week. Does imprisonment in jail Mrs. Betsy Prouty, teacher at or prison have any real deter- The Temple Beth Ahm Nur- rent effect whatever on crimi- sery School will teach for nals? Some sociologists doubt three days. it, but the statistics say other- For further information call wise. Confinement may nol Judith Marquess at 566-8528 in affect the hardened profes- the evening. sional criminal, but the facts are that from a half to two- thirds of all persons who serve a first prison term nev- er have to serve another. The three most expensive cities to drive a car hi Amer- ica are now Boston, New York, and San Francisco, ac cording to An Ala Auto and WEDNESDAY ONLY! Travel Club study. The two where driving is cheapest are Portland, Ore., and Rich- mond, Va., where costs are nearly three cents per mile cheaper than the top cost of 14.93 cents a mile chalked up in Boston. Which city he lived in could make a difference of SUNKIST some J475 to a businessman driving 15,009 miles a year. Quotable notables: "I have learned a great truth Which I shall always cherish — that people are pretty much the same the world over when you get down to fundamen- tals, and that it does not much matter what is their race, creed or color." — Louis Bromfield. Our rising cost of govern- ment: The payrolls of U. S. WAREHOUSE PRICED state and local governments Quantity rights reserveo. went up 400 per cent between Not responsible lor typographical arrors. M53and 1971. The Trimline* Phone. Nature notes: Mountain lion Look at all the modem conveniences around kittens weigh only about a let you "dial" twice aS fast. Even a conve- To order your Trimline phone, just call pound each at birth. The your home. nient recall button that lets you make one your local Telephone Business Office, fawns of whitetail deer are Now look at out Trimlinef* phone. It fits call after another without reaching, to hang such homebodies they they ra- right in, doesn't it? And why not. It puts up in between. rely stray more than ten everything you need to make a, call right in The Trlmline phone. It costs Just pennies yards from their birth spot for the palm of your hand. Standard rotary dial, a day. With no charge for color. Or for a Mew Jersey Bel the first month of their lives. or optional Touch-Tone* pushbuttons that Racing pigeons have' been rod that's 18 inches longer than standard. clocked at an average speed i '^MMKMMMSBMMMM^IM -M

land in Florida

1. What do I want the land for? Daytona Beach, with its world- PalmCoastisplanned „.:. JMostpeoptaJhuy. Jipjnesjtgs inj^oridabecause they even- famous auto racing speedway, Jai Alai as a great living example for tually plan to build and live therefor active" retIrerneTitrto~worlr •-ancN!og-raeingrof fers-excitament.and _ America, a community which and raise a family or as a vacation home. • fun for any age. And it has the shopping can s'6rVe"a¥a*mMeTf6Ttlii~ However, you should also consider the long-term invest- facilities you'd expect in a city that many new cities that will be , mentpotential of any land you buy. serves a population of over 175,000. needed as our country's 1 Of the ten largest states in the nation, Florida shows the Within 90 miles of Palm Coast is population grows. highest population growth rate. The U.S. Bureau of Census pro- Florida's most spectacular new show- That is why Palm jects that Florida's popu- place, Walt Disney World. It's close Coast's development Is un- lation will increase about enough to be handy, but far enough so der the supervision of envi- 43% by 1985. And the your neighborhood won't be flooded ronmental engineering con- faster the rate of popula- with tourists. sultants. They're planning tion growth, the more de- ways to prevent residential sirable the land becomes. 6. How reliable is the company or industrial wastes from Palm Coast*, a new I'm buying from? polluting Palm Coast's pure planned community by ITT Land companies in Florida are air and water; and to help Community Development very carefully supervised, both by the preserve the natural habitat Corporation, is located on state and federal governments. Never- of the area's wild life. Florida's Atlantic Coast, should know and trust the company which is develop- And they're not working just to preserve what's already between St. Augustine ing the community in which your land is situated. there. They will be making new lakes, waterways and ponds; and Daytona Beach. This Palm Coast is planned and developed by ITT Community stocking many with fish; creating parks and mini-parks. area's climate.transporta- Development Corporation, a subsidiary of International Tele- tion facilities and natural phone and Telegraph Corporation, one of the world's largest beauty give it the qualities corporations. 9. What kind of people will live there? that usually lead to growth What will your neighbors be like? Will you find them In a new community. friendly and congenial? Will there be the variety of people who make life rich and interesting? 2. How will the Palm Coast will offer you that kind of variety. It is not being climate in the area planned as a haven for millionaires. Nor as a community for only suit me? the retired. It will welcome people from a wide income range, of Some people think all beliefs, from all walks of life, whether retired, working full or Florida is Florida, that the part-time or just seeking a second home. climate is the same any- 'h " • where you go. 10. What advantage would I get by buying now? *,' those who've spent some time in Florida know there are Why shouldn't you just wait until later? The answer is variations. While the south of Florida can be quite hot and humid, simple: later may be too late. Good Florida land is getting scarcer. especially in summer, the area further north on the Atlantic Coast That's why it is a good idea to find out how you can be- has a pleasant seasonal pattern. come a Charter Landowner at Palm Coast. i In the Palm Coast area there are in effect three seasons: As a Charter Landowner you get first choice of sites. That spring, summer and a fall which virtually spans the winter, slip- means you can pick from land ar.ound our golf club or other beau- ipjng right into spring. The average temperature in December is tiful locations, some on or near water. Because of its popularity, Smer 60 degrees; in July it is about 80 degrees. • waterfront property is not always.available—but ask. Swill my land be close to good transportation? 7. What on-site recreational facilities are available? In addition, you are assured of paying today's prices; an If you buy land in Florida, you should have access to the assurance that could be very important to you, considering the • Ti'a.n$p£rtatiQfl facilities are a vital point to check before ; year 'round activities that Florida is famous for. All Florida com- history of desirable Florida land. you choose'fend. Accessibility is not only important for your own munities are not created equal in this respect. "future life there; it also would be important when and if you want ; Palm Coast, because of its wealth of natural water, will For full information send coupon today. ©ITTCDCWS ^ielly0rj5rppertyy;0rj5rpperty; ., . '••" , • / / , offer some of Florida's finest •facilities for boating and fishing. ; PalrriJCoast is just 24 miles north of Daytona Beach, whiph Our spectacular new marina and yacht club, complete with swim- is Served by.both Eastern and National Airlines. In addition, the ••. ming pool, are under construction and will be finished by the end main north4buth railway and 3 major north-south highways (1-95, of this year. R0ute 1, A1A) go through Palm Coast, - You can play Palm Coast's challenging championship golf iPolmCOQ/T" 4Mhat kind of land am I buying? course and enjoy our beautiful new clubhouse.** And you can play tennis on Palm Coast's courts right now. What does your land and the surrounding land look like? i ITT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Is it on or near water? Is it wooded or barren? Butyoushduld look for more than just recreation facilities. These are important questions. There are n6t many large In its plans for Palm Coast, ITT Community Development Cor- 1179V2 Roosevelt Avenue poration has put aside parcels of land for schools, shopping areas in Florida that still preserve the native forests, beautiful Carteret, New Jersey 07008 centers, parks and other public and community needs. ocean and fresh water lakes and streams. Telephone: Call Collect (201) 541-9100 Palm Coast is probably the largest such area still existing in Florida. It has a potential size of 100,000 acres; more than 17 8. What environmental protection am I getting? miles along'the Intracoastal Waterway and over 5 miles of Atlantic If you're looking for Florida as an escape from your pres- Please send me full details on how I can become beach. And inland there are many fresh water streams, lakes and ent environmental and pollution problems, make sure you.'re not a Charter Landowner in Palm Coast. ponds. What's more, we are putting In more canals and water- heading right into the same problems in a new community. I understand that I will be under no obligation whatsoever. ways to extend the advantages of waterfront living to many more My strongest interest is in land for: future residents. • Long-Term Investment. QAplacetoliveinthe future. Information contained In this ad Is general to the Daytona Beach-St. Augustine area. Property offered lor sale In Palm Coast may or may not be altected by the events or 5.What cities and facilities are nearby? predictions described. Name In Florida,^°tf Pays yew ro°ney and takes your choice": *Palm Coast Is a registered service mark ot ITT Community Development Corporation. **Homeslto owner membership rates and guest lees availahlo on request. AD 5387 (a) Highly developed, urbanized places like the Miami area. Or the Street cities of the Gujf Coast, some of which tend to be identified with The Florida Division of Health requires a homesite to have either ' Apt. No. older, retired populations. a septic tank or central sewerage. At this time neither can be City Or you can choose an area which is close enough to both assured on all lots. See offering statement for further details. State/Zip the charm of old Florida and the excitement of a grbwing city. . | If neither is available at time of. home construction, tne company Telephone No. FTOJ15m-?l! I , Palm Coast is 27 miles south of St. Augustine, oldest city will refund your purchase price in full. In America, and 24 miles north of Daytona Beach, a dynamic city. A subsidiary of International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation I M Tie Difly Rosier, fed But-MMdtetewii, NA tmtaftiiOy U, W72 Bible Quoting Country Lawyer M Make Wallace Pitch m£HiF£JASPEER'£t, *mak?e ththV ^eecspeechh tto puputt WaUWall-- would makmakee ththe nominatinnominatingg man ooff ththe pro-Wallacpro-Wallacee AlaAla-- tto ddo i ftt witwith the.populathe.popularr votevote,, soson doesndoesntt havhavee tto bbe briefe briefedd tarnsturn s tto ththe BiblBiblee tto makmakee aa-' Ha".'Flal, and^Fhisdegreand got his degreee aatt th the Wwna n Bi aa BuMBible quotinquotingg councoun-- ace's name before the conran-- smwspeechh , I saisairtT'rd I'dt likHi™e i»t moirmm-Se harabama delegation, is welwell nott the delegate vote.',vote,"' hhe too mucmuchh iinn detai detaill oonn wha whatt th thee pointooint.. UniversitTinfaorsUyv o«ff AlabamAlabamaa T.»Law ' try lawyer who has been un- vention. than anything else in the aware it will be almost impos- says. governor stands for. As an ad- His brother, James, who School. A World War II veter- commonly successful in per- "Fm thrilled to death," he world.". sible to sell Wallace to the Wilson says he's writing his ministration leader in the Sen- works with him in his law an, he flew 65 combat mis- suading juries to accept bis said. "When I was asked if I Wilson, who is vice chair- convention. speech "but I might just shoot ate, the-two term legislator practice also is a delegate to sions as an aerial gunner. arguments in court. Audience of Millions from the hip,", a technique he knows it by heart. ' the Democratic onvention. At Miami Beach this Admits Forgery But there is still the chance acquired long ago in the As chairman of the budget "We're a close knit family," Students Get Emblems1 week, the 50-year-old Ala- that the governor, if unsec- courtroom. writing Senate Finance Com- Wilson says proudly.o bama state senator will make FREEHOLD — August ing stolen credit cards belong- cessful at Miami Beach, will "I'll put in a little biograph- mittee, he has the task of car- "We spend a lot of time to- ' FREEHOLD - The Rotary " "the biggest jury speech" of Maltz, 32 Sunset St., Keans- ing to Loretta Anderson, 931 try a third party campaign as ical matter about the gover- rying out Wallace's fiscal pol- gether. My wife, Ruth, and I Club of Freehold has awarded his career in support of burg, has pleaded guilty here Middletown-Lincroft Road,' he did in 1968. And television nor and talk about the issues icies when the legislature is in spend a lot of time with our ' shield and key emblems to 211 "probably the biggest case to charges of issuing a forged Middletown, June 30, 1971, in coverage of the convention he has discussed .. .law and session. And as a worker in four children. She'll be at the Freehold High School students • I've ever presented" check and obtaining $85.67 un- Middletown. will give Wilson an audience order, tax reform, the educa- the third party presidential convention with me." selected by teachers and' He'll try to persuade the der false pretenses from the of uncounted millions of vot- tion issue busing, national de- movement, he knows how the school principals for out- Grand Union, Rt. 36, Hazlet, A native of Dora, Ala., hi more than 3,000 delegates at Monmouth County Court ers. tense, the nation's economy. governor feels about national the coal mining hills ot Walk- standing performance in the Democratic National Con- Dec. 14,1970. Judge Patrick J. McGann Jr. "Whoever is elected presi- "I'm going to use a lot of affairs. scholarship add "good citizen- Maltz "also admitted receiv- er .County, "Wilson attended vention to give Alabama Gov. set July 21 for sentencing. dent this year is going to have the Wallace philosophy." Wil- A Methodist, he frequently Stetson Law School at Deland, ship." George C. Wallace the presi- dential nomination. The Jasper attorney, one of the most flamboyant orators in.the state legislature, will ITS THE GREAT SUMMER S4LE... Aim MWCT F«NITOI» G4KRIES

For the last word: decorate with DREXEL UPHOLSTERY. Florals, stripes, patterns, checks, plaids and solids...Drexel elegance, from velvet to vinyl. Dress up your home with Drexel.

Miss Linda Tosten Linda Posten Wins Award Of Magazine ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS DECORATE — Linda Posten has received the Reader's Digest Associ- ation's'annual award for stu- dents who have demonstrated exceptional ability in school work and who show promise '" "vTSS^Sg leade^p'ffilfte community. Miss Posted, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Post- en. of 11 Fourth Ave., was valedictorian of this year's Henry Hudson Regional School graduating class. Rich- ard F. Fosko, school princi- pal, made the announcement. She was selected by Mr. SPECIAL Fosko and his teaching staff DREXEL CABERNET » designed to receive the award, present- with sophisticated French accents DREXEL DISCONTINUED ed in senior High schools to decorate your home. Magnificent throughout the country to the credenzas, chinas, curios and book- GROUPINGS AND highest hohor student in the cases brighten every room. For the graduating class. FLOOR SAMPLES Along with the citation, boudoir, Cabernet makes enticing night Miss Posten'will receive an stands, armoires, lingerie chests, ON SALE AT SAVINGS honorary one-year subscrip- dressers and more! Dine with splendor UP TO 40%. FIRST tion to the magazine and a ! in your Cabernet dining room. personal certificate from its editors relating to the award. COME — FIRSf SAVE! SlCMeet Scheduled For July 24 DISCOUNT MIDDLETOWN - The next meeting of the Student Informa- On current groupings of tion Committee of Middletown Township High School will be DREXEL, ESPERANTO/CABERNET AND UPHOLSTERY July 24 at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Laurie Eldridgc. All other Drexel groupings on sale at 10% savings: Bill Clark, internal publicity • Parfait •Touraine II • Verero • Sandia • Oporto • Marchesa • Francesca • Bench Crafl chairman, said the committee! • Siena • Vanessa • Fontanella • Trevi • San Martino • Et Cetera » Villa •Travis Court needs volunteers from thcf • Barbados* Compafica:«Escalante new high school sophomore • Oxford Square • New Generation class and also from the three • Wellington Park • First Cabin. ninth grade: junior high school classes at Thome, Bayshore Don't miss the "DECORATE and Thompson Junior High Schools. WITH DREXEL" sale! Hurry Students wishing to join are in today ^- see the largest asked to, cpntacfrthe Office of collection of Drexel furni- the Superintendent of Schools.' ture on display in New The group, which was Jersey — and save at The formed in May by the Student >'* Mart Furniture Galleries. Council, is formulating plans for the 1972-73 school year. The committee's basic goal I DREXEL ESPERANTO gutters with is to maintain a flow of infor-1 matton about student achieve I a 75-piece collection. The Mediter- ments, activities, programsH ranean motif is luxuriously styled. problems, and possible soluM Create this magical mood in your tion avenues sought, to the I home with Experanto Mediterranean student body and, in some| living room, dining room, bedroom cases, the general public. and occasional pieces. Haslet Tennis Passes Needed HAZLET — The Recreation Commission reminds resi- dents that passes are required for the year-round use of the | three township-owned tennis i courts atjtieocadia Court and for spring.and fall use of the four courts at the Hazlet | . Swim and Tennis Club. Individual game permits also are required at the swim club. -» Passes are sold at the recre- fRNI ation office, 1768 Union Av EGALLfelES daily between 9 a.m. and 4 ROUTE 22, UNION, N.J.-MU-8-5500 p.m. Proof of residency must be presented. ROUTE 35, MIDDLETOWN, N.J.-671-0400 Tennis courts are open daily | OFINBVEBY NUE 1B,»:»—8AI. 111,6 USE OIK CONVENIENT CH4S0E>t»NS from 7 a.m. to dusk. Players i must wear sneakers or tennis | shoes. ues KEDBANK,WJ, TUESDAY, JULY 11,1972 17 ByJONNIFALK facilities, the area could nev- KINGSTON, Pa. - Wyom- er recover. ing Valley's battle for surviv- Food and clothing are no al entered its third week here .problems. There are moun- Sunday with plenty of vesti- ges of Agnes still to be seen. uation points. Most of it is no Some people are just return- good. A man doesn't need a ing to their homes for the first sports jacket to haul mud and time since the catastrophic slop out of the basement. flood, which Agnes brought, The Red Cross has set up drove them from those homes food distribution points, ana June 23. . • one never has to pay for food. Hartnett Heads Democrats Others have still not re- The one we ate at was set up JERSEY CITY - Lawyer Bernard M. Hartnett Jr. was turned, and the boards of at a former hamburger stand, elected Jersey City Democratic Party chairman in an orderly health are going into the and the fare, of course, was meeting here yesterday that was a direct contrast to a June 12 , homes to empty spoiled food. hamburgers and coffee. election that was overturned by a Superior Court Judge. For those who have been The food is cooked on Army Hartnett and the entire slate of party candidates sup- there since the waters re- field stoves and seems to be ported by Mayor Paul Jordan were elected within 15 minutes. ceded, the cleanup battle goes plentiful although they limit Jordan's reform forces had also claimed Hartnett was elected on. you to two hamburgers at a at the June meeting, but the old-line Democratic Organization A massive effort has been time. I am not a coffee lover, claimed no nominations or vote was taken. mounted by the state and. lo- but I never thought a cup of : Judge Samuel Larner voided the earlier election because cal governments, and the ef- hot java could taste so good. 1 fects of it are apparent to a the vote was taken in "complete disorder and bedlam." He or- Other points will give you deredlast night's election be supervised by sheriff's officers. person who was not there for four days last week. everything from breakfast to Freeholder William Wolfe had opposed Hartnett but he dinner. You can have your withdrew after a meeting Friday with County Democratic Much of the debris has been cleared by countless pay- eggs as you want them. Chairman Francis Fitzpatriek, the mayor of Bayonne and a Some people are cooking at Jordan supporter, who reportedly assured him his supporters loaders and trucks hired by the various governments from home on 'camp stoves and hi- .would not lose their party and governmental posts should he ., bachis. Stores in areas not af- withdraw. all over. They took their sec- ond swipe down our street fected by the flood have run Saturday, and it took three out of the stoves and fuel. Ev- Neighbors Protest Gas Plant payloaders more than.six ery announcement over the hours to clear the one block. . radio thatmore have arrived SOUTH PLAINFIELD-: Much of the rabble taken . starts.a rush. boring Edison showed up at the borough conncil meeting here The main staple, if you ' RtgHhrSMl Mttfuky Jml Mfc out this time came from base- CLEANING UP — Gipnt payloaders are working virtually around the clock to clear debris caused by last night to protest the proposed corjg&uctioti of a $140 million ments, and, as we laughingly don't feel like going to one of gas conversion plant near South Plainfield's border with Edfr the "soup kitchens" «r out to the flood In Wilkes-Barre area. Working In teams of two or three, they can spend virtually an entire said to the father, "It's the day on the street. A shortage of trucks makes the job more tedious. One spokesman said more than son. •/ ;' first time, the basement has one of the diners still open, is James J. McDonnell, Edison Council president, objected peanut butter and jelly. Nei- 67,000 tons of debris, mostly home furnishings, were hauled away In three days last week. The normal been clean since the 1936 output of the city of Philadelphia Is 5,000 tons a day. . that the Tecon Corp. had not consulted with Edison officials on .flood." . ther will spoil and bread is available from the Red Cross its plans. He claimed the firm, a subsidiary of the Texas East- However, those who are just or Army. em Transmission Corp., had represented the site as isolated returning will provide plenty whtyi it was located near homes and schools. more debris for the pay- Army Bos Service "Is it equitable to the people of the 11th largest commu- loaders hi the weeks to come. Transportation is difficult. nity in the state' that a corporation did not see fit to see a Human interest stories are Many people lost their cars in single member of the governing body concerning this mon- a dime-a-dozen in this devas- the flood, and some streets strous plant on its border?" be asked. tated area. There's the old fel- are still not open. The Army "Is it equitable to the people of both communities to repre- low trying to dry out the fami- has promised free bus service sent the plant as Isolated and ignore the existence of 10,000 ly Bible, or the girl crying this week for people who must school children within two miles of the proposed plant?" ' over the: picture of her dead go back and forth between No action had been planned at the meeting, but a study mother. There's Agnes, the Wilkes-Barre and the west committee appointed by^he South Plainfield mayor and coun- kitten, who stumbled through side of the river. cil announced it had voted 4-3 against the plant. It will present the backyard one day last There are still traffic jams, its study report later. week completely covered with but most of them seem to be mud and was adopted by two caused by the state Police families. She's the didy pet to and National Guard stopping Say Jet Was Low in Collision be seen. every motorist to" ask him NEWARK — A federal agency investigating the collision But perhaps the best story where he is going. * between a jetliner and a private plane in which two persons is the youth of the area, and The two main routes into were killed has ruled that the jet was flying too low at the how they have pitched hi to this town are closed between 8 time of the accident. help. a.m. and 5 p.m. Only emer- .,,.,„. The.NationaLTranspoxtaiion Safety Board fried its report ^g gency trafficIsallowedon yesterday on the January 1971 collision between a Cessna 150 an emergency youth corps, them. That means that people ; and an American Airlines 707. . • ' and these youngsters head out still living out of town must It said the jet, while approaching Newark Airport for a every morning to help people get in by 8 a.m. or lose a day's landing, was flying at 2,700 feet and should have been at an al- clean up. They get paid $2.50 work at their homes. At 5 titude of 3,000 feet. anhour. > p.m., the exodus out of town Two men aboard the Cessna, Edmund Ascolese, 18, of Port They normally go in teams begins because there is a cur- Reading, and William Squires, 43, of Martinsville, were killed. of four with an adult super- few after 9 p.m. None of the 21 persons on the jet, including 14 passengers, was visor. Residents can sign up I saw one motorist come FOOD FOR THE HUNGRY— The Red Cross has set up food lines at various points throughput flood- injured. in borough hall for this hejp, down the street about 0:30 devastated Wyoming Valley. This one, at a former hamburger stand in Kingston, has lines of people but there is no guarantee that p.m. and get immediately nearly all day. The food is free and warm — enough to keep thejseople working. The National'Guard 12-Poiuters Must Pay a team will get there for days. pounced upon by a State Po- is dispensing clean water until the polluted reservoirs clear, the-massive clean up lob continues TRENTON —New Jersey motorists who have accumu- There just aren't enough to go lice car and an MP jeep, ''f throughout the Valley. lated 12 points because of moving violations will have to pay a around for the work that has Some of the hardier people to be done. $20 fee to attend the state's Driver Improvement School or are now staying on the second have their licenses suspended. 3,000 Guardsmen floors of their homes in our State Motor Vehicle Division Director Ray J. Marini said There are about 3,000 Na- neighborhood. In the areas the school will open in September and offer a three-week, six- tional Guardsmen in the area, where water was in the sec- hour course in driver safety. As far as the fee goes, "New Jer- and they will also help with ond floor —or even higher — sey Arfrpdyers whould no longer have to'bear the burden of the muscle work when they it is still lifeless. .supporting the division's driver reeducation program," Marini are available. The worst damage seems to said. Those of you from World. have been done in the new de- Motorists who pass the course are then put on probation War II will remember the out-' velopments — most of them for a year and may have their license revoked for up to six fits that are there: The 28th built on very low land. The re- months if they receive another summons during the probation (Keystone), 42nd (Rainbow) port is that those homes will period. Last year, 14,000 motorists attended the school..Ih the and 79th (Cross of Lorraine) be bulldozed under or out of first six months of 1972, more than 10,000 haw attended. Divisions all have units on the way. As many as 3,000 hand. Some of them, like the homes may be affected hi this 112th Infantry of the 42nd, are way. Flood Premiums Cut from the western part of the Furnishings Gone state. My best friend lost two NEWARK (AP) — Reduced flood insurance rates are now The engineers, particularly floors of furnishings in his re- available for residents and businessmen in New Jersey areas the 103rd of Philadelphia, are latively new house. He said, eligible for flood insurance protection. doing yeoman work. There is "We (he has five children) The announcement was made yesterday by the National already one Bailey bridge won't be able to live there for Flood Insurers Association. A spokesman for the agency said across the Susqueh'anna at at least a year because the the new rates were adopted to encourage wider purchase of Shickshinny, and another, house may settle or the foun- flood insurance by people living in flood prone areas. longer one, is promised for dation, may shift." The spokesman said the insurance is being sold under the. this week to replace the wash- Like thousands of others, he emergency provisions of a program established by the Nat-' ed-out North Street Bridge may wind up in a mobile home tional Flood Insurance Act of 1968. The program is adminis- which connected Wilkes-Barre which the federal government tered and funded in accordance with the requirements set by and Kingston. has promised in flood aid. But the U. S. Department of Housing and Development and in co- Communications are still like everybody, he asks, operation with the private insurance industry. virtually non-existent. Some "Where will I get tie money The spokesman said the new rates could substantially low- phones are working, but it is to completely refurnish my er the insurance costs for residents. As an example he cited almost impossible to get a call house?" the $44 residents can now pay for $17,500 worth of insurance on through" — even locally. Yet, Time stands still, here in a single family home whereas formerly the rate was f 70. Friday night we were shocked Wyoming Valley. One of the when the phone rang, and it first persons I met last Friday was a call from Paramus. It asked, "What day is it?" Plans Woman Judgeship was a thing of marvel in the People use "how many days HELPING HANDS — National Guardsmen of the 112th Infantry, 42nd Division, take a break from the TRENTON - Gov. William T. Cahill yesterday announced neighborhood. chores of cleaning up in Kingston. These Gl's are from Warren, Pa., in the western part of the state. since the flood" as their ca- Most said they would rather be helping the clean up job than be in summer camp as they felt they he, .would name another woman to the bench and would elevate Electricity is still but, most- lendar, and the only clock is another black man to higher judicial office. were doing something worthwhile. These men helped some of the old and infirm in the neighborhood ly because the homes would the growling of the stomach carry out heavy belongings. The actipn comes less than a week after Cahill was criti- burn down if it were restored. or the utter fatigue which tells cized by the National Organization of Women for not appoint- Virtually all receptacles and you it is time to get some or two' passes, most of the of rebuilding will begin. Paint will get in flood relief, every- lines at the "soup kitchen" • ing enough women to key posts in his administration. all B-X cable must be re-' people' who returned early must be applied, new floors body will be scratching for with, the poor. Cahill filed his formal notice that he intended to nominate placed. When that is done, the There isn't much else to do. will have cleaned up their laid, windows replaced and all ; money. And for weeks or months to Sonia Morgan of Livingston to the Essex County Court: electric company will send an Once It gets too dark to work homes fairly well. The 'mud the other little, time-con- The flood was a great level- come, the caravans will come She would fill a vacancy created by the governor's eleva- inspector to see if the power by candlelight or. lantern, will be gone, hardwood floors suming jobs that must be ing factor. People who have into town every morning and tion of Judge Van Y. Clinton of Orange, a black man, from the can be restored. There aren't boredom sets in. If you have a Will be torn up, dishes will be done before a house becomes been married 50 years are go out every evening until :,; county bench to Superior Court. enough inspectors to go neighbor staying over, you washed, and all salvageable a home will be tackled. now in the same boat as ncw- one-by-one, the lights go on in Cahill n^so announced he would nominate Passaic County around. can talk on the porch for items, will be clean. Even with the few thou- lyweds. They have virtually the houses of the Valley Court Judge Irving I. Rubin of Paterson to the Superior Court, Sewerage lines are collaps- awhile. The only other diver- Then, the interminable job sands of dollars home owners nothing. The rich stand in again. Passaic County District Court Judge Peter Ciolino of Clifton to ing all over the town, and sion is listening to a transistor succeed Judge Rubin, and Thomas R. Rumana of Wayne to backed-up lines to homes are radio. succeed Judge Ciolino. becoming more common. Sports, once the main topic Snakes are in heavy demand. of conversation here, are a Without minimal sanitation forgotten luxury. Nobody has Says Elks Issue 'Internal' heard any news from Viet- Holmdel Environment Unit ATLANTIC CITY - The new national leader of the Ben- Gen. Swenson Leaves nam, and even as a topic of evolent and Protective Order of Elks says the organization's conversation, it is forgotten. "all white" membership clause, being challenged at the Elks For New Assignment A Rose in February convention here, is "an internal matter for determination by FT. MONMOUTH - Brig. But, on the fringes of the Gets Education Act Grant the membership." Gen. Richard W. Swenson, area, there is life. You can HOLMDEL - The Com- schools. days and the program will be The project, which Dr. Francis M. Smith of Sioux Falls, S.D,, made the statement deputy commanding general look out the back windows of mittee for a Better Environ- The grant application was ready to go this fall. Tomlinson said has received in an interview after his address to the convention as he took of the Army Electronics Com- the house and see lights on ment, Inc., has been awarded sponsored by Brookdale Com- To Use Kit the only federal grant at the over yesterday as grand exalted toiler of the Elks. mand and Ft. Monmouth for a Pringle Hill. The lights look, a federal grant of ?8,2D0 under ' munity College, which will The master teacher will use elementary level in Mon- Smith told the convention delegates that the all-white or- year, has left for his new as- as much out of place as a rose the Environmental Education provide payroll and account- the CBE Environmental Edu- mouth County, began to devel- ganization asks "only the right to exist as a private organiza- signment in Heidelberg, Ger- In February. Act to fund an environmental ing services. CBE will be re- cation Kit in the workshops to op in spring of 1971. tion under our own legitimate rules and to serve in accordance many. The only noise at night is educational program for pri- sponsible for the operation of demonstrate how teachers A CBE Education Com- with the dictates of our own conscience." There he will^bc command- the purr of a prowl car pro- mary grade teachers. the project, which will be can work environmental 6du- mittee, formed then to see He said the Elks has become an American Institution by Ing general, European Strate- tecting against looters. About The grant will be used to available to those schools catlon into their classes. One what could be done to pro-' following its own direction. gic Communications Com- 6 a.m. the noise of people hire a master teacher to con- which request it. of the kits will be loaned to mote ecology in local schools, "It has become a force in the protection of the American mand, and deputy chief of working on their homes re- duct environmental education CBE Chairman W. John each group of participating found several programs at ju- way of life." he said. "To that militant minority which seeks staff, Communications-Elec- sumes and It is yme for anoth- workshops for first through Tomllnson said the final selec- teachers so, they can apply .the nior high and high school lev- only to destroy, we sny, 'Not one area of concession, not one tronics fpr the Army in Eu- er timeless day. workshop lessons immediat- els, but practically none in the. 1 third,grade teachers in the tion of a teacher for the proj- Inch of retreat. " rope. By the time another week county's 126 elementary ect will be made within a few primary grades.

•• I;'--,'' • - .•''• King Outlook Good are limited to 10 per cent ver- The Over-65 Voter sus 15 per cent to 20 per cent ••••••••••••••••• they own Is well up on the list pot calling the kettle black for other discounter*- How-' too ever, increasing competition, A But Buy d YOUR MONEY'S nOf course, the over-65 voter On increasing Social Secu- particularly from K-Mart is concerned with a gener- rity pensions as the cost of liv- (Kresges), and limited poten- WORTH ation of peace — be it the oft- ing climbs, Nixon can claim tial for widening profit mar- repeated goal of President that he has authored the law By ROGEBE. SPEAR that will make Social Security McGovern's state, for in- Nixon or the firm pledge of WEDNESDAY ONLY! •y SYLVIA POBTER benefit increases automatic. Q — About a year ago you stance, 18.9 per cent of the candidate McGovern. But the McGovern is for this, too, but advised against buying King's voters are (5 and over; they 65-year-old hasn't 33 years left Successful FACIAL MIAMI -* Here, in Florida, the law has just gone on the Dept. Stores (NYSE) as it will outnumber tbe 18 to 24- to live and so a generation of whore the Democrats this books during Nixon's term. was too high priced. It has ex- year-olds in November. peace can't mean as much to week are kicking off the 1972 this group as it does to the On insuring savings, an- perienced a correction to fit, Investing election campaign, are more In Iowa, in Nebraska and in should it now be considered' Kansas, tbe 65-year age group youngsters wondering what nuities, U.S. bonds against the than cue million eligible vot- their life will be like in the erosion of inflation, the Demo- for purchase? — W. G. similarly accounts for more gins may reduce King's ers (5 years of age and over year 2010. crats have grabbed the ball. A — Shares have long-term KLEENEX than IB per cent of Hie state's — a startling .21.1 per cent of recovery potential and are at-' growth rate in future years. voters. Of course, the over-65-year Their platform proposes that the state's voters and the the U.S. Treasury issue U.S. tractive, at current levels, for For the past decade com- In New York, the proportion voter is interested in trade pound annual earnings growth largest percentage of 65-pIus and cultural deals we make bonds with the guarantee that speculative accounts. Man- voters of any state in the na- of the 65-and-over group in agement looks rfor improved averaged 23 per cent, in the November will be 15.8 per with Russia and China. But the dollar value of the bonds tion. would rise with tbe cost of liv- operating results to the $1.05- last five years 14 per cent, TISSUE cent and the number, few of them will be directly Here, among this concentra- $1.10 level for the year to end and for the current year 10 1,872,000, will top that of any involved in the deals or will ing — and thereby give you tion of retired citizens, part- protection against the erosion. next January. In the April per cent growth is probable. state. ever visit either land. Q - Please explain bid, ask time workers, elderly couples, On the market value of quarter net gained 7.7 per 200 • ^ C In California, the proportion Prime Issues and previous bid in relation to widows and widowers is a stocks, Nixon has an in- cent on a 6.3 per cent rise in will be 13.5 per cent and the How, then, do the parties mutual fund snares. I am also bloc of voters who will wield disputable edge. So far, volume. Because of a larger Sheet number second only to New shape up on the prime issues? puzzled by the fact that in enormous power in Novem- McGovern is a negative rath- number of shares outstanding, York at 1,748,000. On curbing inflation, the some cases bid and ask are BOX __ _ ber. er than a favorable factor in per share results were flat What issues are Miami's 1965-1969 record of tbe Demo- identical. - R. S. Only a picayune few are the stock markets. year to year. Four of the sev- (While They Last) I older voters saying will be of crats is dreadful (the Vietnam A — The word bid, when as- wealthy: an overwhelming To me, the faces and the en new stores scheduled for the most vital concern to escalation inflation under sociated with the snares of a WAREHOUSE PRICED proportion are living on small, words of the elderly in Miami the current fiscal year have them when they g§ to the Johnson) and much of what natual fond, represents the Quantity rights reserved. •••• fixed pensions, primarily So- are flashing an Important already opened. Eight to 10 polls? McGovern has said scarcely net asset value per share. Net cial Security: a majority of pocketbook message. How it additional units are planned Not responsible tor typographical errors. - 'The cost of living and how inspires confidence. Nixon's asset value is the fund's total the married couples, though, will break down into the votes for the following year. to curb it towers above all record has been pretty awful assets divided by the number have some savings in cash or that count in November I King's is efficiently run, other issues. too — but on this one, I would of fund shares outstanding. securities. Against this back- leave to the politicians who profit margin is among the . A real assurance that the give a slight lead to the Re- The word ask refers to the WE ALWAYS LOWER ground, the issues that con- say they know bow to make highest in tbe industry and size of their Social Security publicans. NAV plus sales charge. For cern them are clear for all this transition. storage space requirements THE PRICE, BUT who will take the time to see. pensions will be increased as On a basic cause of infaltion those mutual funds where bid the cost of living climbs is — budgets floating in' red ink and ask are identical, there is NEVER THE QUALITY, The attention of the nation also of deepest importance. — Nixon's performance has Hallowell Elected VP of Consupak no sales charge. These funds is riveted on the 18 to 24-year- Preservation of the pur- been abysmal and the Demo- MORRISTOWN — Fulton velopment of Consupak, Inc. are referred to as no-load.' olds who, according to tbe chasing power of their cash crats can actually denounce W. "Bud" Hallowell of 16 Os- His appointment was made Tbe previous bid is self-ex- Census Bureau, will number savings or annuities ties in Nixon for encouraging dan- prey Lane, Rumson, hs been in line with Consupak's ac- planatory, being the NAV of around 25 million in Novem- ' with their first concern about gerous deficits (for military appointed vice president of quisition of Union Carbide's the previous trading session. Advertise in The Register ber, or 18 per cent of the po- . curbing the rise in the cost of spending particularly). The Engineering and Product De- plastic bottle business. tential electorate. living. Preservation of the market But there are also 20,800,000 value of the stocks and bonds in the 65-and-over age group, a fat 15 per cent of Novem- ber's potential electorate. And, as a Census Bureau spokesman emphasized to me, "A very, very high" per- centage of these potential vot- ers actually vote." qatamberYraiig . In South Dakota, Two Promoted You're a BfM€NBaiik RED BANK - George L. Bielite, president of the Mon- mouth County National Bank, If your BankAmericard begins with the numbers has announced the promotions of Misses Janjs R. Benjamino and Noreen M. O'Neill to ad- ministrative assistants. Miss Benjamino attended Glassboro State College and started her banking career PavM Ebertart with MCN in 1964. She had various assignments in the. 4239 ; bank's installment loan de- Red Bank Firm partment and is supervisor of . rift bank's Cash-O-Matic oper- Hires Designer aflon. She is a resident of BED BANK - David Eber- Long Branch. hart of Piscataway has joined Miss O'Neill is a graduate of Asian Sourcing and Procure' Red Bank Catholic High ment Inc. of Red Bank, pri- School and began her banking vate label manufacturers and career with MCN's in- overseas representatives of All 4239 BankAmericards are issued by stallment loan department in consumer electronics. He will New Jersey National Bank. If you're using 1953. She progressed through serve as chief industrial de- various positions and present- signer and account executive. FACT#1 our card, you could be saving as much as 25% ly supervises the bank's stu- Mr. Eberhart was employed dent loan section. Miss O'Neill with the Konson Corp. of monthly in finance charges. That's because... is a member of the Mid-Jer- Woodbrldge, N.J., for 16 sey Chapter of the American years, serving as assistant to Institute of Banking. She re- the vice president of design of sides in Little Silver. consumer products. Two New York banks recently converted mn UniCard and Community Charge Plan (CCP) Local Securities / FACT #2 to BankAmericard. Their customers were Representative inter-dealer quotations at approximately 3 p.m. mailed BankAmericards to use in place of the yesterday from NASD. Prices do not include retail mark-up, mark-down or commission. discontinued cards.

BANKS / Mr. •'' Hd faked Belmar-Wall National ,. 78 75 Central Jersey Bank (x) / 13% 14 New York banks are allowed by law to Franklin State Bank . / 29 31 charge a higher rate of interest on credit First Merchants Nat'l Bank (x) / 12 12'/ First Nat'l Bank Toms River (x) 25^ 27 FACT #3 card balances. First State Ocean County (x) 25>4 271* Bank of Manalapan 25 And they do! Middletown Banking Co. (10% SMT Div) 25 26 Monmouth County Nafl (x) «% New Jersey National Corp 29% Ocean County Nat'l (x) 75 People's Nat'l Bank, Lakewood (x) 125 If your BankAmericard begins with a number Shore National Bank : 18 19 Trust Co. of Ocean County (x) 46 other than 4239 and you would likeiis to United Counties Trust Co 22$ 24EXD transfer your unpaid balance to a less United Jersey Banks of N.J 46% (x) Plus Stock FACT #4 expensive 4239 BankAmericard account, call INDUSTRIAL Bid Asked us today at (201) 775-3800 and ask for Aerological Research lc 5c "4239 BankAmericard." Alkon Industries , 5% 6% Atlantic Appliance Co., Inc 1% 2% Brockway 26 26% Buck Engineering 1314 M% Electronic Associates 1014 10% Electronic Assistance..., 3.% 3% Foodarama 5 Gibson Romans , \y^ % Interdata 1114 11% ] International Components Corp /4 1% King James Extended Care 1% 2 Lair'-'-d 8 9% Metallurgical International 3% Midland Glass.,! 9% in Monmouth Airlines ".'.'!.','.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'".'.'.".'.".'."!! \ 1 Monmouth Capital ',',,., 7% Monmouth Industries u. % Monmouth Park [[[[[_[ ]";' ijuj 14 N.J. Natural Gas ....."..'...... 16% 11% Precision Optics ..1^...... % Rowan Controller 1lk H4 Servbmation 31% Southern Container Corp.. 2 2% Spiral Metal "" .. " ... 2% 3 . U.S.'* Homes 28% 28% United Telecontrol Electronics 3% 414 Walter Readc Organization, inc . 1% " 2 lMkAB»ri«t««nlo» Con Winslow Tel '...: % 9/18 I'Hi'iiNiHMiiiiiiimii.miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwirtuiiiiinitniiiiiiiHmiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinHiift The Datfy Raster, Red Bank-Middletown, N.J. Tuesday, My II, 1W2 19 Jfyime Lendirig Rate Is Overplayed As Economic Key, Economists Say NEW YORK (AP) - The infrequently and the changes term rates because a much dealing with banks for in- est rates, can be affected by prime lending rate, now going were direct decisions of bank- larger amount of credit is af- vestments and loans. Federal.Reserve System Up, is generally overblown as ers who presumably had test- fected there." One bank economist says moves to increase or decrease Rt. 36 at Patterson Aim.. Shrewsbury (100 Ft. North of Shop-Rfto) 741-5O18 an economic indicator or in- ed the economic winds. But "The prime rate is of course the prime provides a pretty the nation's supply of money. W WED.-THURS.-FRI.-10tH9-SAT.10tH6 fluence, bank economists say. changes have come more fre- a keyrate to business borro- good indicator of economic When the supply is increased, % The prime rate, they say, quently in recent years and wers, who have to consider activity if other short term pressure for interest hikes is A really only confirms the trend some banks have even the cost of borrowing money rates are themselves mirror- decreased. Some bankers ar- ^ "Where The Manufacturers Cut Out The labels of other rates involving much adopted "floating" rates into their financial planning," ing the economy. gue that Federal Reserve J and MR. LIQUIDATOR CUTS THE PRICES!" more money. And the current which'can adjust themselves says an economist at another "But sometimes, short "term movers earlier this year were W increase, they add, isn't likely . automatically every week major New York'bank. "But rates are affected by things holding interest rates below . to affect the economy or con- through formulas pegged to it is really only a reflection of that don't relate- to the domes- levels justified by economic sumers' pocketbooks. other interest rates. what has happened in the' tic economy, as they were last expansion. SALE STARTS WED. 10 A.M. "The drama tied to changes Adopted Floating Rate economy. It doesn't lead other year when uncertainty about Economists say short term in the prime rate has been First'National City was the, rates up or down, but merely the international monetary rates like the prime rate can "PRE IZ21I FALL ann TRANSITIONAL" really pverplayed," says Leif first to adopt a floating rate confirms a rate trend," situation prior to the adminis- have a direct effect on the H. Olsen, senior vice presi- last year arid its, rate has sig- , The short term rates .in- tration's Aug. 15 announce-' economy when they go so high LADIES-JUNIORS' Better Branded dent and economist at New naled ever more widespread volve such instruments as ment of its new economic po- that economic expansion is WOOL with LEATHER TRIM-WOOLS • REPRO-WOOL York's First National City change'in the rate since then. commercial paper. Treasury licy caused these rates to choked off by the cost of Bank, whose own prime rate It led banks in boosting the bills and federal funds. Com- rise," he says. loans. MIX EM MATCH" is now one of the highest in. rate to 514 per cent last month mercial paper is an IOU is- Economists add that slowly But economists say that is the country. "The prime rate and while other" banks were sued by a corporate borrower expanding credit demand in a unlikely to happen right now. by itself Is just not that sig- still catching up, moved on to and sold to another corpo- more rapidly expanding econ- Inflationary psychology is nificant." / 5% per cent,; boosted its rate ration, foundation or banks. omy can also keep the prime waning, not waxing, and the "• Thf prime rate is {he inter- to 5& per cent starting this Treasury bills are securities from being an accurate in- economy Js far from operating week. Bankers say other'big- Issued by the Treasury and dicator. Corporations do not at full capacity or full employ-- JACKETS* est banks charge on loans to their befst corporate custom*, , gejvlisnks will probably federal funds involve borrow- always need to borrow heavi- ment. That is not the kind of ers and it is always lower match that level before long. ' ing of funds among banks. ly from banks in an expanding environment in which interest Rate Is Competitive than the rate (or longer and The rate had bottomed out economy if they've already rates would rise in excess of smaller consumer loans. at many banks earlier this The prime rate changes to raised money other ways(ias the pickup in the economy, they explain. SWEATERS The prlmerate grew to be, year at,4% percent after remain competitive with these through stock and bond offer- . closely watched in years past generally declining from a other money market charges, ings. Nor do economists think because it was changed fairly record peak of 8ft per cent in to keep potential customers The prime, like other inter- that the rise in short term mid-1969.,' rates like the prime rate will . "It is normal for the prime have an impact on consumer 00 rate to rise in a healthy econo- loans this year. For one thing, Builders' my whin credit demand frorit' the savings rate is now almost NONE business, consumers and the 8 per cent which means banks government is strong, and have plenty of money to re- to HIGHER GolfTest that's what we're seeing loan. For another, consumer now," says Olsen. loan rates generally lag be- hind business loan rates be- Nationally advertised up to $38.00 If Perfect Is Thursday "But what is really more cause business loan rates are significant is the rise in rates POINT PLEASANT - Dan influenced by the seasonal de- in the open market or short Susser, Holmdel builder, will mands of business for money. JPRE "72" >RE "72" seek his third straight N. J. Shore Builders Association' OVER 200 ALL NEW IN FRESH Over 250 All New In Fnsh golf title when be tees off Agency Has 1 FIX BROKEN^ UNISEX Better Branded LADIES'-JUNIORS among a field of some 140 at Famous Makflr Battleground Country Club in New Site DENTURES^ the association's 13th annual, At home in minutes^ CUFFED-PLEATED FRONT SKINNY RIBBED golf tourney Thursday. Rain In Red Bank . Amazing'new Quilt-Fix fixefbrokca date is July 20. . i plates, fills in the cracks and replaces The annual event, which RED BANK - The Grossi- teeth like new. Fast! Ea3y to use! No , special tools needed. I also combines the N.J. Buil- nger and Heller Agency, which as operated its insur- 'Works every time or ' _ SWEATERS ders Association member ana your money back. Diatart Repair Klf ' ance business at the corner of associate member golf cham- AND Broad St. and Mechanic St. SLACKS pionship round, will be joined. SIZES 26 to 36 5 to 15 for 49 years, is moving to new TOP SALES PEOPLE — Lynn Good$peed, left; SWEATER-PULLOVER this year by Central Jersey •quarters at 15 WikoffSt; ••••»- • " TOltfers Association; ' dhajact|uellrtte'D:coming — real'estate sales- - The Shore golf chairman, Mrs. Harold Evans said the women at the Rumson office of the Applebrbok agency is purchasing a resi- William Steinfield of U. s! Agency, Inc. — took top honors in the company VESTS dence there and hopes to for.real estate sales. Mrs. Goodspeed, first place Homes Corporation, Freehold, move in before Sept. 1. said tees will be reserved Winner, recorded sales in excess of a million dol-. NAVESINK HOUSE She said, "The six-room, lars two years in a row. Mrs. Lansing, second from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.. 40 Riverside Avo., Red Bank 00 house will give added rpom On the NJSBA committee place winner, almost reached the million dollar 842-3400 NONE I None Higher which we need because of our are Jerry Schurgin, Joseph De- •sales record while, at the same time, managing growth." Mr. and Mrs. Evans HIGHER In Maria and Robert Karen, the Rumson office. purchased the business in Lakewood; Frank Sally, Free- : Nat. adv. up to 16.00 If Perfect Group 1967. hold and Joseph Majorie, Nat. adv. up to 16.00 If Pert. Mrs. Evans said they aren't 5 Brick Township.. planning major changes in the operation. Ad, PR Firm OPEN JULY CLEAN HOUSE Is Expanding LIQUIDATORS ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS ON ALL OUR 1972 SUMMER INVENTORY - Allen Warren Associates 4 DAYS TAKE AN ADDITIONAL Inc., 500 Rt. 36, public rela- ON OUR ENTIRE tions and advertising agency, WAREHOUSE Wed. Thurs. Fri. 69 E. Newman Springs Rd. has established a complete 10 to 9 production department, in- [Shrewsbury, N.J. 747-95 cluding typesetting equipment Sot. 10 to 6 SUMMER and a darkroom, and has ex- SALE STARTS WIDTIOAJM/ panded the scope of its art de- partment. OVER 30,000 ITEMS TO CHOOSE INVENTORY "One of the handicaps we, as well as other agencies in NOTHING HELD BACK the area, have been faced LADIES'-MEN'S-CHILDREN'S with in the past is the necessi- EXCEPT BROWN TAGS WHICH ARE EARLY FALL & TRANSI- ty of buying type and camera TIONAL THIS FANTASTIC REDUCTION MAKES ALL OF OUR work from outside suppliers. MARKING DOWN-MAKING ROOM MERCHANDISE UP TO 80% OFF REGULAR PRICE This is expensive for our clients and time consuming," ALL OUR OUR MERCHANDISE HAS ITS REGULAR LOW-LOW RE- Allen Warren, agency. presi- WIPE OUT SALE!!!! dent, said. TAIL PRICE MARKED ON IT, AND THE ADDITIONAL 30% OFF "We feel that the capital in- Mrs. Ann Meyer WILL BE TAKEN OFF WHEN YOU CHECK-OUT. vestment of establishing a Girdles • Bras complete and comprehensive OVER 80,000 ITEMS TO CHOOSE FROM production department in the Ann Meyer Joins agency will be repaid many Realty Agency . times over by. our increased • DRESSES • SHIRTS • MA-PA A*O THE KIDDIES ability to service our clients." MIDDLETOWN - The Al- Warren Associates was found- laire-Farrow Real Estate ed in 1970. Agency has announced the ad- • JACKETS • SLACKS • TOPS • • SMOCKS • SANDALS • VESTS • dition of Mrs. Ann Meyer to the sales force of its Middle- • BLAZERS • SLACKS • TOPS • 3 County Firms town office. • SWEATERS • SWIM SUITS • :She is a.graduate of the Win Contracts Professional School of Busi- • HOT PANT SETS • SKIRT SETS • FT. MONMOUTH - Con- ness and is a member of the • PAJAMAS • 2* SETS • tracts totaling $723,752 were northern Monmouth and Red awarded to New Jersey firms, Bank multiple ljsting services. • PANT-SUITS • DRESS SETS • the Army Electronics Com- She resides with her hus- mand announced. band, Robert, and their four • VESTS • HOT PANTS • children in Middletown. »HALTERS • SKINNY RIBS • SHIRTS Among the recipients were Keystone Laundries, Asbury • ROMPERS • SKIRTS • JEANS • Park, $130,629, for bulk laun- • BLOUSES • TUNICS • SCOOTERS « dry services at Patterson New Monmouth Army Hospital Medical De- Man Advances • SNEAKERS • SHOES • ETC • ETC • tachment and Dental Clinic, • SWEATERS • BELTS • NECKTIES < and B & W Construction NEW YORK - GAF Corp. Corp., Shrewsbury, $49,335 for has announced that Donald T. • JEANS • SWIM-SUITS • ROBES < repairs to doors in troop hous- Winski of New Monmouth, ing buildings. N.J., has been named assis- tant director of management The E & L Paving firm of information systems. • COVER-UPS • JACKETS • COATS« Long Branch was awarded Mr. Winski, who is based at NONE $19,000 for work in the recrea- .GAF's headquarters in New • HOT PANTS • DRESSES • SHIFTS < tion area. York City, will be responsible HIGHER for planning and coordinating ALL SALES ARE FINAL Insurance Society systems projects. • BODY-SUITS • EVENING GOWNS He joined GAF in May of Headed by Quinh last year as a project leader NEW Y9RK - William F. of the Chemical Division. In OVER 15,000 YARDS TO CHOOSE FROM • PAJAMAS • ROMPER SETS • Quirin Jr. of 6 Camelot Court, January 1972 he was pro- Middletown, director of Insur- moted to manager of corpo- yoma4OKE ance of City Investing Com- rate systems engineering. • SWEATSHIRTS • ROMPERS • pany, has been elected presi- He holds a bachelor's de- dent of the New York Chapter FABRIC gree in chemical- engineering ETC. - ETC. of the American Society of In- from City College of New surance Management, Inc. York and masters degrees in c OBVIOUSLY-.. with these reductions... a yard The chapter represents 200 chemical engineering and in none companies whose members operations research from the higher ALL SALES ARE FINAL POSITIVELY are responsible for the pre-' RIOT Polytechnical Institute of In group NO REFUNDS AND NO EXCHANGES scrvatlon of assets and earn- - Brooklyn. Nat adv. up to 6.98 a yard ing power of their respective He is married and has two CASH AND CARRY NO CHARGES ACCEPTED companies. children, v ' 40 ••••••••••••••••••••••••¥#•< > »tSy fti#sttrj&ed BarA-Mtfdlrtown, N.J. Tuesday, July U, »72

•M Mir SMH H»tt b» Larrr PKIM HEROES — Leonardo sculptor Donald H. DeLue is dwarfed by the 11-foot toll, Con- federate soldiers he has created for a new Mis- sissippi memorial stat- ue at Gettysburg battle- ground. The clay origi- nal weighs four tons, and will be cast in bronze for dedication at the battlefield In sum- mer of 1973.

MASTER CASTER - Cesar A. Contini, last of a family that worked on sculptures for the Vati- can five generations ago, layers plaster of Donald DeLue's com- missioned trfbute to Mississippi Civil War dead in the sculptor's Leonardo studio. A cast made from the plaster moid will be made In Mr. Contini's New York Studio, preparatory to shipping another mold to Italy for final casting in bronze.

By SHERRY FIGDORE ment at the park, the piece has been reDroduced on for the Mississippi tribute. Scrupulously research- a federal commemorative stamp. ed for authenticity in such details as gun stocks, LEONARDO — In a setting taken from some DeLue is the only artist ever to be coTnfhis- canteens, and even buttons, the Plasticene original Renaissance master sculptor's studio, transplated sioned for three separate works at Gettysburg. stands 11 feet high and weighs more than four tons. to the, somewhat unlikely setting here in New Jer- This newest statue, commissioned by the state of The soft clay itself, high in sulfur and olive oil sey, Donald H. DeLue has created a four-ton trib- Mississippi, will'be the national ceme- content, is used again and again. Some of the - ute to the men of Mississippi who fell in the Battle tery next summer. Plasticene used in the new Gettysburg statue of Gettysburg. : A life-sized Confederate soldier, atop a granite helped form a statue of General Sherman that Mr. . And a twinkly-eyed sprite of man named Ce- pedestal inscribed with names of the Confederate DeLue created in 1910. sare Augustus Contini is ladeling plaster all over it. States was unveiled by the Sons and Daughters of Over this clay original, which dominates Mr. Mr. DeLue, internationally known sculptor, the Confederacy at the Civil War battleground in DeLue's vast studio, Mr. Contini painted a thin lay- winner of most major sculpture prizes, and the 1966. er of blue-tinted plaster, colored to act as a warn- only artist ever to be commissioned for three statu- Five years later, Louisiana dedicatecT a 'DeLue- ing signal when chipping came too near the origi- es at the Gettysburg national battlefield, spent two created memorial to its soldiers, a delicately- nal. years creating the clay original ol a gray-clad Mis- poised female "Victory" draped in graceful folds Three-Month Process NOW Chapter Slates sissippi soldier defending his fallen comrade. of bronze. Now about midway through the three-month Mr. Contini, considered by Mr. DeLue the fi- In between, along with other commissions, the long process, the plaster expert is lathering an nest plaster caster in the country, is responsible sculptor created a heroic "Washington at Prayer" inch-thick layer of highly-retined plaster on the Political Workshop for the steps which lie between the clay original bronze at Valley Forge dedicated to all winners of original, strengthening the figure by a framework they will eventually seek pub- and the emergence of the final bronze casting., TOMS RIVER - The First believe that women, espe- the Medal of Honor. of pipes he bends to the precise curve needed. .„„,• Annual Women's Summer Po- • cially in Ocean County,"should lic office." - "" There's a lot of affection apparent between the Mr. DeLue chuckles when asked why a Yankee When the mold is complete, the tons of clay lltical Workshop sponsored by There also will be a panel two men, disparate in appearance, similar in their from Beantown has received three Confederate involve themselves in govern- will be drawn out, and a plaster cast of the statue the Ocean County Chapter of ment by coming out as a vot- on abortion with top profes- philosophies and training. commissions for Gettysburg. will be made at Mr. Contini's New York studio. the National Organization for sionals in the medical field Mr. DeLue is tall, spare, dignified, and literate Classic Form of Art ing bloc, and of course, by After Mr. DeLue checks it and makes any Women (NOW) in cooperation running for office. The first and New Jersey legislators on a vast variety of topics. Mr. Contini is a head He feels that the formal South is perhaps more needed corrections,, a new plaster mold and cast with other women's organiza- shorter, and wiry, a delightful man who spins love- step is to inform women of the participating. sympathetic to the classical forms' his art takes, a will be made and the final piece shipped to Italy tions in Ocean County, is set "Abortion is such a con- ly tales of his experiences with famous artists. tradition he notes sadly, that is seldom encoun- for final casting in bronze. workings of government and for Aug. 19 here at Ocean the issues, then hopefully, troversial issue in New Jer- Apprenticed at 13 tered today. With all the seemingly endless opportunities County College. Registration Both Mr. DeLue and Mr. Contini feel that pub- sey," Mrs. Jasin stated, Both men learned their arts through the long, for artistic catastrophe during this drawnout pro- for the event, directed to "therefore, we hope that hard trials of apprenticeship. The Boston-born lic taste has been eroded, and the cultural down cess, Messrs, DeLue-and Contini are remarkably women of all walks of life and Sisterhood Selling sculptor began his apprenticeship in his home town grading is being fed by "instant art" assemblages through the pane! we will unconcerned. Mr. Contini, who has cast all Mr. age brackets, will be 8:30 a.m. Tickets to Show present the facts to women. at 13, training for a long and successful career that of cubes and blocks or splashes of paint that pass DeLue's major sculptures, has said he's never had began with four granite panels created during the for art. a mishap in his 50-year career. Various topics of the work- MARLBORO - Sisterhood We are not attempting a de- shops to be conducted after of Congregation Ohav Shalom bate panel but an informative Depression for Philadelphia's Federal Court And, both mourn the fact' that young people Civil War Expert House. i today show no inclination to begin the long, slow the general assembly in the "is selling tickets for the Aug. one." The sculptor himself is now a Civil War expert, college's lecture hall, will in- 19 performance of Pearl Bail- In years since, he has created scores of reliefs and painful artistic educations in the tradition of . ADVERTISEMENT as the result of all the research he's done over the clude: How to run a campaign ey at the Garden State Arts and sculptures for public buildings here and Greek and Renaissance artists. years. Mr. DeLue looks back upon the War be- and plan strategy, women and Center, Holmdel. How To Hold abroad. Mr. DeLue began at 13. Mr. Contini began tween the States as a "great tragedy," and feels their civil rights, women and Mr, DeLue, always a prolific artist, is now working with his four brothers in his father's New his newest creation is a "tribute to the men on both In charge of reservations ; children, women and aging are Mrs. Herbert Rosen, FALSE TEETH reaching the golden years of age and the golden York studio at the age of 11. Fifty years later, he is sides." and the workings of govern-' years of his long career. The heroic sculptures for the only brother still casting, the last in a line of chairman, Mrs. Aaron Land- Securely "The story of Gettysburg is nothing but pure ment, local, state and county. fish, Mrs. Richard Bmm and Do false teeth embirrtn you by which he is. most famous have been appearing Contini artisans that were working in Rome more spirit and courage, on both sides." comlni looie when you ut, lauih, Speaker for the latter will be Mrs. Saul Hornik. Deadline or talk] A denture adnedv* can help. .regularly from his studio here at 82 Highland Ave. than five generations ago. - "There's a lot of action and power in this," he Freeholder Joseph Buckelew FA8TEETH* lives dentures t long- Rocket Thrower In N. Y. No one is learning his techniques passed down for. reservations, which also said, motioning toward the pair of soldiers which on county government. may be made by mail to the er, firmer, iteuler bold. Makes eat- Perhaps best known in this county, is the 45- from father to son. dwarf everything else in his vast studio. "But it ing more eujoj»ble. For more security foot tall. "Rocket Thrower" created in nickel- According to Pat Jasin, Marlboro Jewish Center, P.O. and comfort, urn FASTEETH Den- The caster's part in creating a finished bronze isn't militaristic. I feel it's a tribute," he added. chairman, "We are sponsor- Box 98, Marlboro, 07746, is ture Adhesive Powder. Denture! broiize as the theme sculpture for the 1964*1 New is almost as delicate an art as the sculptor's itself. The memories of both the Blue and the Gray thit fit are essential to health. Set ing the Workshop because we July 30. your dentist wgulmrly. York World's Fair. Now "a permanent embellish- Mr. DeLue spent two years on the clay original will be richer for the DeLue vision Summer Party Benefit Is Aug. 16 LONG BRANCH - Five As the first social service 1951 funds from the annual Among the committee chair- hundred invitations are being organization in Monmouth Summer Party have helped to men are Hire, George Schuetz, prepared for one of the Jersey County, Family and Chil- further the dramatic ex- Red Bank; invitations; Mrs. Shore's most elegant summer dren's Service has been as- pansion of these services. E. Melvin Goddard, Asbury traditions, the Su miner Party sisting families and caring for Park, reservations; Mrs. Mar- luncheon and fashion show children since 1910. Today the Mrs. James Harlow, ('oils shall Van Winkle 3rd, Ocean- DON'T BE FRIGHTENED sponsored by the board of di- agency operates with a budg- Neck, is chairman for the ben- port, gifts; Mrs. Joseph Pil- rectors of Family and Chil- et of more than $500,000 an- efit. Mrs. Charles C. Schock ling, Manasquan, patrons; dren's Service of Monmouth nually. A staff comprised of 17 Jr., Sea Girt; Mrs. Howard Mrs. Henry Weber, Fair BY OUR GOOD LOOKS! County. The annual event to professional and clerical per- Sadwith, Colts Neck, and Mrs. Haven, auxiliary coordinator, benefit the non-profit commu- sonnel and 150 field workers Alton V. Evans, Long' Branch and Mrs. Frank M. Sibley, nity service agency is planned operating from offices in Long are committee advisers. Red Bank, fashions. for Aug. 16 at noon at the Branch and Freehold provides Jumping Brook Country Club, adoption, foster home care, Neptune. Designer fashions family and individual coun- Our decor is elegant and our windows are attrac- and furs will be presented seling, homemaker service Museum Slates tive, but OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT! When through the courtesy of and other vital services to you're in the market for u diamond, it is worth Doop's of Short Hiils and support and sustain family 1 Spring Lake. life in our community. Since your while to shop at Reiissilles . You'll find a Art Classes wide selection of diamonds, in sizes, shapes and • M» LINCROFT - Due to the degree from Rutgers Univer- prices to fit any budget. You will get friendly as- popularity of the children's sity, Livingston College. He art classes Monmouth Mu- lived and studied in Paris and sistnuce, from qualified diumond experts. Just seum is scheduling additional had his first one-man show come, inland ask for a diamond salesman. His ad- classes for ages 5 to 7 and 8 to this year at the Guild of vice costs you nothing, and could save you a 12 beginning Thursday and Creative Art, Shrewsbury, "bundle". continuing July 20, 27 and where he is an exhibiting Aug. ,'). Reservations may be member. He formerly taught marie by calling the museum at the Red Bank Community here. Center. Sessions for both age groups will meet at the museum's Auxiliary to Man We suggest.* ', new location, here at 761 New- man Springs Road. Ages 8 to Booth at Fair Our popular 4 prong mill grained edge ring with a 12 will meet from 10 a.m. to COLTS NECK - Phalanx rpund diamond weighing .20 cts., 18K yellow gold noon,.and ages 5 to 7, 2 to .1 Auxiliary of Family and Chil- $175 p.m. dren's Service of Monmouth "How to be a Better Ob- County, will sponsor a booth An emerald cut diamond weight .34 cts, of fine color server Through Sketching" is at the Colts Neck Firemen's in UK white gold $325 the theme of ages 8 to 12. Fair set for July 17-22 on the Weather permitting the ses- grounds of Fire Company No. The simple cut contemporary all,18Kyellow gold act- sions will bo outdoors and the l.Rt. 537. >• ling with an excellent .28 el. round diamond $275 students will learn to sketch plants, flowers, and land- The auxiliary will sell wa- scapes in their natural set- termelon slices. Patch appli- tings. Children ages 5 to 7 will ques which may bo sewn on hiive a class in mixed media, clothing or other material will including collage, watcrcolor be another feature. The patch and silk screen printing. appliques will be in contempo- ! Geoffrey Scott of James- rary themes. Inirg will teach both classes, EUSS1LLES PARTY PLANNERS — Summer Party committee members address some The freelance artist and silk A little crumbled Blue cheese Menmouth't Uading Jtvthrt of the 500 special invitations being mailed this month to New Jersey resi- screen painter studied three may be added to the yolk mixture THIRTY SIX BROAD STREET / RED BANK, NEW JERSEY dents. They ore, left to right, Mrs. James Harlow, Mrs. Charles C. Schock years at I.afaycttn College when you are preparing stuffed and is n candidate for an arts eggs. D Jr., Mrs. E. Melvin Goddard and Mrs. George Schuetz. Tipping Is a Custom

Dear Ann Landers: I just down. Any suggestions, Ann? came from the beauty shop - A Loser where I spent $13 for $14 worth of work. Will you please Ann Landers Dear Friend: It's obvious tell me why American women that you aren't getting much (me included) allow them- racket burns me to a cinder. fort to do his best for me, and out of life but what are you selves to be browbeaten and Why don't you wage a cam- I show my appreciation by giving? Yiiu need to become hornswoggled into tipping paign to put an end to tipping leaving a gratuity. involved in something outside people who are there to per- in beauty shops? Tell the of your own misery. A woman form a service for the shop? sentment by staying away Dear Ann Landers: There doesn't have to be sexy or My shampoo and set cost $8. from the shops for a month. are homes for old folks, It's not hard to twist your own homes for the mentally ill, good looking to do volunteer I had to have a few hairs work with the handicapped, clipped — this is called "shap- hair at home if you have to — homes for destitute children, the aged or the blind. The list ing" — and it came to another and when they start back ta, and even homes for unwanted $3. The manicure was $3. To- the shop — no tipping. — Mrs. animals. But where do un- of things you might do is end- tal bill $14, plus $2 tip for the American Chump wanted wives go? less. I'm suggesting that you give of yourself to someone operator, $1 for the manicur- Dear Mrs.: Most beauty op- We must live under the ist, 50 cents for tjie girl who erators, like most waitresses, same roof with husbands who who is less fortunate — it's HOLMES-HENDRICKSON HOUSE - Open to the public through October is the Holmes-Hendrlckson shampooed my head and 50 depend on tips to live on. Un- don't want us. Our children the best medicine for people House, Longstreed Road, Holmdel, owned by the Monmouth County Historical Association. It is open cents for the maid who un- fair? Maybe, but that's the have made it plain that they who are sick of themselves. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 to 5 p.m. Groups are asked to make an appointment by calling the as- zipped my dress and brought system and I see no hope of have no intention of risking Get going and good luck to sociation at 70 Court St., Freehold. Originally owned by Jonathan Holmes, for whom it was a marriage me a cup of cold coffee and changing it in the near future. their marriages by having a you. glftf the Dutch farmhouse, built about 1717, was sold In 1756 to Garret Hendrickson, whose family lived an old movie magazine. 1 know of few occupations mother-in-law around. So we in the house qr^d farmed the ad(acent land to 1873. The house, a gift of the Bell Laboratories, which ac- Confidential to What Are The prices these days are where lajent (or the lack of live with men we don't love or .qulred the property In 1929, has been restored and furnished In the mode of the 18th century. The Facts, Ma'am: The facts bad enough, but that tipping it) can make such a big differ- respect while they do their are that everything that ap- own thing, which means drink '"'itnrlMllHfflffl^^ ence. If you want to stay pears under my byline is writ- home and twist your hair for too much, have women on the ten by me and is copyrighted a month, be my guest, but my side and come home whenever by Publishers-Hall Syndicate. Leon makes a concerted' ef- they feel like it. Being less than saints, our But I can't police the news- blood pressure goes up and papers all over the country our tempers blow. We are la- and raise Cain with people Lamb for Your Next Cookout beled'shrews, nags, and hope- who steal from my column. lessly neurotic. People fee! Don't get burned by a sorry for our husbands — not "line" that's too hot to us. if your advice is "leave," handle. Play it cool with Ann then tell us where we could By BARBARA GIBBONS ered, basting occasionally with the sauce. go. We are too old to work Landers' guide to "Necking Skewered lamb and pineapple, lambur- and we have no special skills. and Petting - What Are the The Turkish' cook who first created SWsh gers, barbecued spareribs, liver and mush- We aren't sufficiently attrac- Limits?" Send your request to Kebab probably didn't .drink martinis, so he The Slim Gourmet rooms — for these and other low-calorie main tive or sexy to interest anoth- Ann Landers in care of your never knew what dry vermouth could do for course ideas send a stamped, self-addressed er man and we know it. We newspaper, enclosing 50c in this exotic outdoor lamb dish. Savory seasoned envelope and 25 cents to Slim Gourmet Lamb, are just ordinary, tired, bitter coin and a long, stamped, self- cubes of lamb soaked in white wine, roasted on Iamb is only 891 calories. Compare "that with Liver and Pork Recipes, in care of this news- women — worn out and beat addressed envelope. skewers... try this at your next cookout* these other lamb cuts (meat only): loin chops, paper, 50 West Shore Trail, Sparta, N.J: 07871. SHISH KEBAB 1,019; rib chops, 1,330; arm chops, 1,152, and GOURMET BOOKSHELF blade chops, 1,280. The difference between leg leg of lamb, boned and cut into two-inch cubes The Complete Book or Homemade Ice of lamb and rib of lamb Is more than 400 ca- 1 cup dry vermouth Cream Sherbet by Carolyn Anderson, 228 Summer Hours Set lories a pound! 2 teaspoons garlic salt pages, Saturday Review Press, $6.95. x % teaspoon pepper With that in mind, here's another, calorie- If vanilla, chocolate or strawberry-leave 2 teaspoons dried oregano saver, based on lamb. This time ... a whole you cold, how about avocado, or burgundy, cu- For Thrift Shop 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce leg of lamb, boned and tied, barbecued to ten- cumber, date, fig, grapefruit... or yogurt or ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS and a skirt and blouse room. der succulence in a tomato-spiked sauce: WOMAN OF THE water (if needed) . zabaglipneLHere's the ice cream lovers hand- — The Daemen House, Ave. Also featuxed&re linen and ••' "Hawyour butcher remove the bone from BARBECUED tEG OF LAMB YEAR — AArs; Paul B. book with every conceivable concoction from Glenn, 76 Leland Ter., D, home of the St. Agnes coat departments, a mater- a leg of lamb, trim all fat and cut the meat leg of lamb, boned and tied A to Z plus a goodly number of the inconceiv- Thrift Shop since 1968, is rich nity section, music and books, into cubes. Put the meat into a deep nonmetal- garlic salt New Shrewsbury, was able: brown bread ice cream, for example, named Woman of the in history- ladies' and children's wear, lic bowl. Combine all remaining ingredients coarse ground pepper and graham cracker or cornflake ice cream. bric-a-brac, furniture, kitchen and pour over meat (meat should be just cov- 1 cup plain tomato sauce Year by the Woman's The house was originally How about tea sherbet — or flower ice cream, Club of New Shrews- utensils and appliances, pat- ered ; add a little water to the marinade if nec- % cup catsup made with jonquil and jasmine petals? called Cherrywood by the terns, zippers and buttons, re- essary). Put the bowl in your refrigerator and x bury ot a luncheon In k cup chopped onion Oh, well, part of the fun of homemade ice Leonard Family, who built it ligious articles and toys. allow the meat to marinate at least five hours. 1 tablespoon brown sugar the Jumping Brook in the late 1800's, and then re- cream is coming up with a flavor you'd never Country Club. She has The shop's summer hours Remove the meat from the marinade and 1 tablespoon oil find in the corner drugstore or market. Caro- named Brucewood by a string on skewers. Grill over hot coals for 20 Sprinkle lamb with garlic salt and pepper. served as first vice troupe of Shakespearean ac- are Wednesdays and Fridays lyn Anderson covers the ABCs of ice cream president and member- from 10 a.m. to noon and the minutes, turning frequently. Baste occasion- Secure lamb on rotisserie. Combine remaining and sherbet-making with different types of tors who lived and rehearsed ally with reserved marinade. Each four-ounce ingredients and brush on lamb frequently as it ship chairman, chair- in the mansion during the first and third Fridays of the equipment, including today's automatic freez- man of the annual char- month from 7 to 9 p.m. serving is 230 calories. revolves on your rotisserie. Barbecue lamb ,25 er (it churns happily in your freezer, powered early 1900's. ABOUT LAMB CALORIES - Did you minutes per pound, or until a meat thermome- ity ball and chairman Proceeds from sales are by a super-flat electric cord so skinny you can of the American home Today's thrift shop contains know that many cuts of lamb are as calorific ter registers 160 to 170 degrees internal meat ' close the door over it.) Good summer reading used to purchase needed and literature depart- seven large sales rooms, in- as beef and pork? If you're a calorie-wise temperatures. Each serving is about 250 ca- for the cook who'll try everything.B.G. equipment for St. Agnes Cath- cook, you'll want to make this dish from the lories. . ments. cluding a men's apparel room olic School. leg of lamb, a lean and tender,dieter's delight. OVEN BARBECUED LAMB - place lamb One pound of cooked meat'from the leg of on a rack "in a roasting pan arid bake uhco\- Garden Club Installs 5 memo to advertisers FAIR HAVEN - Mrs. John Miss M. Adelade Robinson, were made to Mrs. Noel Lar- K. Mullarney, Hillcrest Road, horticulture; Mrs. N. William taud, Mrs. Herman Noweek was installed president of the Birkenmeir, library; Mrs. Ed- and Mrs. Fritz Elenbaas Garden Club of Fair Haven. ward H. Balevre, library gar- Awards for exhibiting were Mrs. Willard T. Somerville, den center; Mrs. Davis H. presented to Mrs. Mullarney Locust, president of the Gar- Corkran, program; Mrs. Ar- Mrs. Lartaud, and Mrs. Ly den Club of New Jersey, and thur G. Mikkelsen, publicity; man. a past president of the Fair Mrs. Harold B. Brian, tele- Haven club, officiated at the phone, and Mrs. Waldron F. installation in the Old Orchard Kennison, yearbook. Inn, Eatontown. Outgoing president, Mrs. Other officers include Mrs. Malcolm A. Speeht was given John M. Cain, vice president; the past president's pin. Year Mrs. Reginald P. Lyman Jr., end awards in horticulture recording secretary; Mrs. Da- vid Forss, corresponding sec- retary, and Mrs. Earl Har- Easter kless, treasurer. Committee chairmen for the Mrs. John K. Mullarncy coming season will include Seal Mrs. Harry J. Schultc, birds and conservation; Mrs. Clublnstalls Charles E. Jahnig, civic proj- HOLMDEL - Mrs. Joseph ects; Mrs. James F. Hum- Benefit B. Murray, 12 Winding Brook phreys, exhibitors; Mrs. Fritz SPRING LAKE -The Mon- Way. is the new president of KJenbaas, garden therapy; mouth'County Committee for the Hnlmdel Village Club. Mrs'. Henry W. Kragh and Crippled Children and Adults Mrs. Murray was installed (Easter Seals) will present its at a, dinner meeting in the annual fall fashion promenade Don Quixote Inn, Matawan. Wednesday, Aug. 2, at 3 p.m. here in the Essex and Sussex Mrs. Arnold Cohen Serving wilh Mrs. Murray Hotel, Ocean Ave. are Mrs. August Zitzman, vice Doop's of Spring Lake will president; Mrs. Charles Bail- , present the program provid- PAY YOUR JIPieY ey, recording secretary; Mrs. • ing models wearing the latest Heads George Marvel, correspond- in fashion. ing secretary, and Mrs. Lcroy Coehainiien of this year's Gutwcin, treasurer. event are' Mrs. Frederic M. ORT Unit CHANCES Darche and Mrs. Charles C. MIDDLETOWN - Mrs. Ar- Church Women Ilighley Jr., both of Spring nold Cohen was installed pres- That's pretty much the way it is with some advertising medla- Slate Bazaar Lake. They are in charge of ident of the Middletown Chap- not even the proprietor really knows for sure what he Is selling. tickets, which are donations ter of OR-T (Organization for HIGHLANDS - The Epis- for the benefit of agencies Rehabilitation through Train- Most times unknown, unmeasured, unaudited, and unnamed copal Women of St. Andrew's supported by the committee, ing). circulation audiences are wisely unwanted-the odds just Episcopal Church will con- and for the patronees' list. Serving with Mrs. Cohen don't favor the advertiser's dollar. duct its annual bazaar and Mrs, John F. Connelly of are Mrs. Gene Salkin, vice .smorgasbord Thursday from Spring Lake is publicity chair- president of membership; We believe you should have the facts before you buy. That's noon to 7 p.m. The smorgas- man. Mrs. Sylvan Cooper, honor why we have the Audit Bureau of Circulations verify our circu- bord will be served from 5 to 7 Other committee members roll vice president; Mrs. Ber- p.m. Chairman is Mrs. Esther lire, from Spring Lake, Mrs. tram Mostow, education vice lation regularly-find and report the actual figures according Mushman. (ienrge Aiidcrten, Mrs. Louis president; Mrs. Stuart Han- to their standards and based upon their auditors' inspections. dler, special projects vice Mrs. Joseph B. Murray Albright, Mrs. Robert Bcattie, Above board circulation-be ABC-sure with CLUB DELEGATE Mrs, Thomas P. Burrus, Mrs. president; Mrs. Howard Co- HAZLET - The Woman's •Benefit Sale Carvel Linden, Mrs. Robert hen, financial secretary; Mrs. Club of Hazlet delegate to Mnchric, Miss Patricia Rcar- Brian Taxman, recording sec- Citizenship Institute at Doug- •'• For Continentals don, Mrs. Paul Sidle and Mrs. retary; Mrs. Eugene Wang, lass College was Miss Dianne CLIFFWOOD - The Par- KrnduricJj, Tag; from treasurer; .Mrs. .Stanley Pe- THE DAILY REGISTER Wilkenloh, 20 Surrey Drive. ents Organization or the Conti- Fells, Mrs. Michael Desi- lerson, parliamentarian, and Now entering her senior year nental Drum and Bugle Corps dei'io; from Sea Girt, Mrs. Mrs. Barry Sin ins, corre- Monmouth County's most interesting newspaper at RarlUin High School, she will conduct a benefit garage Charles Grelsdie and Mrs. sponding secretary. has been elected treasurer of sale July 21,and 22 from 10 Pearcc Sherman; from Oak- Northern Monmouth County's largest newspaper am. to 4 p:ni. at the home of her class; and has been a hurst, Mrs. Kobcrt Harris; The ancient Greeks used Tha AudK Bureau of Circulation la a aalf-ragulatory association of ovar 4,000 advartlMn adMrifa member of the National Hon- Mr. and Mrs. Mulkcrin, 458 from New York City, Miss metal for nearly all their jewel- * agendas, and publlahara, and la rwagnlud aa a ofaiandarda tor ^mS^SSSS' or Society, the school band, Angel St., two doors from the Constance Nugent; from Wil- ry, carving delicate designs of Future Teachers and Latin firehouse. Chairmen are Mrs. mington, Mrs. Ralph Pcarce human and animal figures with clubs, band secretary and Walter Schcmbcr and Mrs. • Jr.; and from Wall Township, simple tools, but didn't add gem drum majorette. Mary Cray. Mrs. Robert Renehan. stones until about 200 B.C. p

sacrifice and infield out and scored on Fregosi's stagfe. NEW YORK (AP) — Chris Speier delivered a two-run 1 Helpsingle in the eighth inning lasst night Dum, rallying tbe San Fran- pKen McMulle Metn powered his fifth I""*s "*"**5-" *4£ cisco Giants to a 5-4 baseball victory over the New York Vets. while Ken Berty collected a ^"'JjfflS.'gf -^» . ... . - t-^—?JK—o back th—Ae etght-hi ;«t:«Mt mipitchini anilg epnrpf of Clydl Alet WrighPTB£OSt t SSUIBC********. It was the fifth loss in the last six games for the Mets and forinia Angels to a 4-3 baseball victory over the New York tumbled slumping New York 4% games back of idle Pitts- burgh in tbe National League's East Division. YMSSit. winning for the first time sinceJune H tan Us Jim Fregosi had tagged a two-run homer in tbe sixth in- ning and then snapped a 3-3 tie with an RBI-single in the sevi record to M. He permitted only one earned ran, Ron Swo- enth, giving the Mets the lead. bOQa-.pinch.htt ^^theKveVth.^ - But Gary Gentry surrendered a leadoff pinch single to Jim • New York starter Mike Kektch, touched ior «. mis in six Howarth in the eighth and Tug McGraw relieved for New York. Bobby Bonds singled Howarth to second and then Garry Art Kusnyer. added a"pair of Angles and an RBI for the Maddox'sacrifice bunt advanced the runners. winners while Leo Cardenas also M ^•^./^LSSS Speier followed with his decisive hit. Alomar added a run-preducing double as the Angels won their The Giants took the early lead on Willie McCovey's fifth thinl straight; • • homer of the year and Jim Barr made tbe run stand up until Rookie third 'baseman Celerino Sanchez was } triumph over the White Sox lastjuRht which Tann JVicldaus Reflects on Jones at Muirfield Ntw rwk (» ob r h ClorKe* SO th Bonos rl 4 1 I MUIRFIELD, Scotland title has to be next, and the In winning here in 1966 on most crucial holes with been cut back a little, but 2:51 a.m.-Frank Beard and Munsone MaMoxcl 1 i Sp* 4 * (AP) — "I knew Bobby Jones American PGA in August to' Nicklaus used his driver only thin fairways banked by Nicklaus may use the strategy Brian Huggett, Britain MCC«v«y-1fe3 heavy drought. that brought aim victory six Klflomon 3ts 4 well," said Jack Nicklaus, sweep the big jewels for the 17 times over the four days. 3:15 aim.—Arnold Palmer Redtrc ' 4 "and I like to think he would modern slam crown. He took a one-iron off the tee This time the rough has years ago. '< iSSTrT it ? Henttnn If 4 and Tommy Horton, Britain Mlclmlts 4 0 * be very happy if I won the "I'm not thinking about KeMchp 2 0 Barrp 2 Defending champion Lee Swobodoph I I Jomuonp 0 Orand Slam." bringing off all four," said 3:58 a.m.—Steven Cook and Imp 0 0 Howorthph 1 Treyino was second favorite Ellis ph 1 0 Williams pr 0 That remark from the Nicklaus, sporting tartan Peter Berry, Britain i McMahonp > 0 4-H Horse Judgers behind Nicklaus. Gary Player American favored to win the slacks. Total of South Africa was third 4:12 a.ra.-Lee Trevino and British Open championship "I'm playing the tourna- , Britain. this week bridged a whole era ments one at a time, and that's choice with the bookies for Ready for State Go the title worth $10,400 to the •: lft - Btrry. Alomar. HR - of golf. enough to think about." 4:26 a.m.— McMullmS, Swobsdai. 5Sftatsa*5l;-wro.-rY«f. winner. and Dave Thomas, Britain The late and much-loved Nicklaus, who won the first COLUMBUS - The Mon- Members of the senior judg- Jones achieved what then was of his two British crowns here mouth County senior 4-H ing team are: Carl Halpin, 19, Arnold Palmer, a 20-1 shot 5:05 a.m.—Jerry Heard and called the Grand Slam in 1930, in 1966, never has been beaten horse judging team is ready P.O. Box 53 Adelphia-Farm- but always a popular con- Kel Nagle, Australia when he won the amateur and over Muirfield's 6,892-yard, for stafe competition July 12. ingdale Road, Adelphia; Nan- tender, said after his first 5:37 a.m.—Doug Sanders Bow They Stand open championships of both par 36-35—71 layout. He came The contest will be held at cy Vierling, 17, 1064 Wayside practice round: "Muirfield is and , Brit- the United States and Britain. here first in 1959 as an ama- Rd., Asbury Park; Beth Wo- NATIOMAl LUOUE the Russ Mill Stables, lit. 543, playing fast and short. It's not ain AMERICAN LCAOUC •at Dlv»iM His feat stands as one of the teur with the U.S. Walker Cup lek, 18, 569 Green Grove Rd., Eltl DIVWM W L PePCIt . S* here, owned by Mr. and Mrs. as tough as it was when Jack 5:58 a.m.-Dave Marr and w L per. c» supreme acts of competitive Neptune; and Donna Bonn, 17, PittJdurot) 41 1"7 .MO- team and sealed his lovo af- Russell Miller, starting at 9 won. Jack Newton, Australia Dltrolt 41 34 .547 - New York 44 R.D. 4 Stonehill Rd., Free- Bonimort « u •>« i St. Loull 40 II :S I'" fair with Muirfield by captur- a.m. ant«t 35 3* .m 4 Chicago 41 go'f- > 6:37 a.m.-Billy Casper and 37 >u A'/, ing the open title seven years hold. ".My problem," Arnie NtwYerk. 35 MonlrtoMonlreol M 5! :£,!./, Nicklaus now faces an even Peter Oosterbuls, Britain PhltacMlpMo SI 44*13';, About 30 teams from 17 added, "is not that I'm hitting Wil more formidable challenge in later. The three highest scoring 7:05 a.m.-Bert Yancey and 2 $:* counties will be scored on the ball badly -1 cannot putt s«fc s Clnclnmtl.: 91 .Wi- an age when rivalry is more "It's nice to know I haven't members of the winning coun- Bob Charles, New Zealand Houston tt .577 I their ability to judge two hal- it." . . Los Anftln 17 JU 5 intense, when the rewards are been beaten on this course," ty team plus the highest scor- 7:51 ajn.-John Miller and Atlanta...... Nicklaus said. "But favorites ter classes of Arabians and jj Jon Francisco— great and when the golf ex- ing individual in the contest Pairings and starting times, Christy O'Connor, Ireland San Dligo... -. 4» plosion has brought the game can fall fast at Muirfield. I Quarter Horses arid one class will make up the state team ?&::: 3 2 iRMHttl EDT, for American players in 8:05 a.m.— Ken Harrelson Y«»rMy'> Rtralli Los Angtttl«. PbHoMlphlo 4,1st, 1! In- into every home via tele- only hope I will be standing in Western Pleasure. They that will compete in the north- Mlrmtioto », MllwaukM 1 Wednesday's opening, round of and David Huish, Britain Kouas City 1, Boltlmort 1 Phftattlpnlo ». Los AnodIti s I. ifM) vision. here in front of the clubhouse will also be asked to give MontrMTt, Son Dlsgo 3 east regional 4-H horse judg- the British Open Golf Cham- 8:12 a.m.—Dave Stockton Oimitl,T««osl He has won the U.S. Mas- next Saturday with my record three sets of oral reasons to ing contest in Harrisburg, BMt«4,OaMona)i pionship U.S. nanies first: and Tony Jacklin, Britain COllfBmio4,NtwY«k3 ters and Open. The British intact." defend their decisions. Fa., Nov. 4. aMassM** 8:44 a.m.-Tom Wciskopf Snten (POUID ft) ot Oakland (Horltn (Tor- and Gary Player, South Af- N«'YorTjP«tilrton 7-10) at California *J)otH»wYc.rll rica MlFwouMt "aickwocd 4-t) ot Mln- i'V*:) al PMolo- 7:JSpm. 9:12 a.m.—Jack Nicklaus mota IWaodsonM) l:Mp.m. It and Dale Hayes, South Africa Ttxss Orobtrg 5-7) at Dltrolt (Tlm- /fiSJS«SB?/fSSKWi1' Phillies Gain Split Atkirito (Nkkm 1-7) of SI. Uull (Salts- 2hk^(TMrgw(BaJini?nJI-« 54) 7:30p.m. ) at CUvtlond rim 44) > pjn. Komaas City (Drooo 1 PltttbvroMMMttS-4) at Clnclnnotl 9:26 a.m.-McGregor Hunt- (folmtr 11-4) 7:M p.m>-7. ) at Saltlmftrt (Bllllnghom4«)l:«Sp.m. er and Doug McClelland, Brit- For New Manager ain. Mnnmniiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiniiiiiiiiiiii PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Willie Montanez Willie Davis tied the opener with a ninth- drove in five runs to power the Philadelphia inning homer and then the Dodgers won it in Phillies to a 9-1 victory over the Los'Angeles the 11th when they loaded the bases with none Manalapdn Outscores Dodgers last night and a split of their National out on singles by Davis and Mota and a walk to League baseball doubleheadcr under new man- Frank Robinson. ager Paul Owens. Parker's sacrifice fly scored the tic-break- Pete Richert hurled two innings of score- ing run and Buckner's single added an insur- Colts Neck in Carleton less relief as the Dodgers won the opener, 6-4, ance run for the Dodgers. Manalapan stayed ahead of mouth Beach and up its pitcher. in the 11th inning on Wes Parker's tie-breaking Don Money had a three-run homer for the the pack in the American record to 6-1 in the National Rick Flynn pitched Union sacrifice fly and Bill BuCkner's run-scoring Phillies. West Division of the Ed Carle- North. Beach (5-2) to Its victory over single. The Phillies, worst team in tho majors, ton Memorial League last Ron Mishlcn fanned 19 bat- Red Bank. He permitted live . The Phils nicked second-game starter fired Frank Lucchesi early yesterday and' night by outlasting Colts ters on the way to the win. hits and four walks while Mike Strahler, 0-2, for a solo run in the first, handed the job to General Manager Owens. Neck, 15-12. Rich Ayres sparked the fifth striking out 11. two in the third and four in the fifth when they Owens will hold both jobs for the balance Frank Lucchesi Paul Owens inning rally with a two-run Union Beach collected 10 sent 10 men to the plate. of the 1972 season and until the Philies have Lincroft moved up a notch FIRST GAME SECOND GAME triple and had three hits for hits, off losing pitcher Pat LM Angtto «) PMIodtiptilo (4) Montanez capped the big inning with a had a chance to survey the field for a new field Lot Angtiti 0) pniiootipnio if) by blanking Neptune, 2-0, and ob r h ob 5 O 11 Bowa is two-run triple on reliever Jose Pena's first manager. LOCYJb 4 O " BcwOSS 2 3 0 Freehold nailed second-place Oavbcf t 3 4' Hm inon 2o Oovlscf 4 0 George Smith had a solo three singles and teammates 3 Money 3b pitch. Montanez scored on Oscar Gamble's Phillies President Bob Carpenter said he Crawtordrl 0 0 0 »Mutto3 n II Shrewsbury, 5-1. Molo II 5 1 homer for Monmouth Beach, Barry McQueen and Don Bie- RoUnsnrf i 0 1 Johnson 111 single. made the decision Sunday after his last place Mota II 4 I Parker 10 J O Mutton lb .Rototasnrt 3 O Rooranpr I 1 now 3-3, in the sixth. lak each had a double and Grbkwlll 3b 5 O O Montanez drove in two more the next in- club lost the third of four games to the San . . . Montanez ct s 5 Little Silver kept up the Bucknerprt 1 O 1 "USSR?4' 0 0 Gamble rt I o Pete Greene was the losing single. Lcld»re3b 0 0 ning on his seventh home run. Diego Padres. Cannluroc ISO gatemon c 4 0 winning pace in the National Dletic 4 1 Grbkwllzss t O 0 Doyle2b 3 0 North with a M victory over Crawford pr 0 O Wonlonei cl I O 0 Fryman Ends Famine "I guess it's the same in politics, war, and Wills n 1O0 Fryman p 4 0 Richer! p 1 O 8atemon c 2 O 1 Wllhtlmp 0 0 0 Monmouth Beach, and Union Wills SS 4 O Gamble pr Woody Fryman, 3-9, held the Dodgers to everything else, you can't change the army un- Dlehph 1 O 0 Downing p 2 0 Ryan c 1 O 0 Stranlerp 1 O 0 Beach defeated Red Bank, 6- THE MESSAGE Valentine ph 1 1 Reynlds p 2 0 1 four hits in winning his first game since May til you change the general," Carpenter said. Penap 0 0 0 Brewer p 0 0 Selmap 0 0 0 .15. The decision broke a seven-game losing Lucchesi, 45, was in his third season, his GarveySb 10 0 2, in an American East battle, Oraveyph 1 » 0 Llsph" 10 1 Manalapan Boars AAIkkelsnp 0 0 0 MScorctp 1 O 0 string for the veteran lefthander. first big league managing spot. Ownes, 48, di- Total M 1 6 Total 34 9 II COMES FROM Cannlzzro c 1 O O Koegel tb 0 0 0 Los Anodts... 000 000 010 —1 Manny Mota's homer, his third hit of the rector of the Phillies farm system until five Philadelphia. 102 042 OOx -» Manalapan jumped on Colts Total Til isl Total V 4 10 E-GrotrkmHtz 2. OP—Lw Angeles I. Neck losing pitcher Bob Ji Us Armeies 001 000 201 the game, ruined Fryman's shutout in the weeks ago, never managed or played in the LOB-Los Angilti I, Pttllodalpfila I. OVERSEAS 02—4 2B—Lacy. .38—Monfanez. mesi for seven runs in the Philadelphia 30O 000 010 eighth. majors. HR-Montanti (M. Mota IS). 0O-< SF-Gomble. first inning and coasted the From tho fields and markets of Europe and IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII^ rest of the way. , Asia our buyers seek out the choicest of Colts Neck stormed back rare botanicals to flavor Hiram Walker's with seven runs in the seventh inning, but fell short. Gin. Blended in our secret London dry for- John O'Rourke led the win- mula, they carry the subtle message of ab- ners with three hits including solute distinction. To get a real message a three-run homer in the first In your martinis, get Hiram Walker's Gin. Celtics on Meadowland List? inning. He had six RBI. Bob Tallett led the losers with three hits. He also had a three-run home run in the sev- enth frame. Ken Titus hung in there for By CHUCK TRIBLEHORN was a four-year crewman during his under- Him iiiwiniiiiMirirniiiiii seven innings to pick up his Register Sports Editor graduate days in the early 1940's. fourth win in as many deci- "I had never rowed before either," says the el- sions. Begged, borrowed or stolon... The Chuck Wagon der Cartmell, "but in those days we were required Dennis Lee chalked up his There's one word — mqgalopolis — absent iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiitiiiiitii to participate in some sort of intercollegiate sport. second victory in two verdicts from Phil Iselin's vocabulary, and it's not surpris- I had very little choice, and was one of the few to lead Lincroft over Neptune. ing. A month ago the governors rejected an offer who rowed on either side of the boat." Using the dictionary definition of a thickly-pop- from a Beverly Hills, Calif., group to purchase the Although World War II curtailed much of the Bob Little took the defeat. ulnted region surrounding a metropolis, David A. Bostonians, but since then, a new group, headed by post-season competition in his senior year, Pete Sr. Lee got things rolling for "Sonny" Werhlin, chairman of the N. .1. Sports and attorney Robert Schmertz of New Jersey, has sub- rowed in the Sugar Bowl Regatta in his junior sea- Lincroft's first run in the sec- Exposition Authority, envisions the Ilackensack mitted a new bid. son and was a member of the first Rutgers crew to ond frame. He opened with a Meadowlands sports complex as the hub of the me- compete in the four-mile Poughkeepsie Regatta on single and stole second before galopolis. Should the transfer be approved, it wouldn't be the Hudson River. Charlie Kurtz drove him in with a single. Track Is Key too surprising for Schmertz and Werblin to put Enter Knnkcl Junior George Rlchdale singled in The key to financing the ambitious project, of their heads together to work out a move to Ilack- While pop Bill continues to arbitrate in the the sixth, moved over on a course, is the stale operated race track, which is ensack. American League, 12-year-old Jeffrey Kunkel is sacrifice and scored on John being appealed all the way to the Supreme Court Beginners Luck? headed for a four-week baseball session starting Hilbert's single. by Iselin in his role as Monmouth Park president. How much experience docs a member of a cot- next week at Ted Williams' Lakeville Baseball .Unless the Supreme Court rules in favor of the legiatc rowing team have before turning to the Camp in Massachusetts. The Kunkels live in Leon- Lincroft is 4-2 in the league. opposition to the Meadowlands' plan, which scorns sport? ardo. Malko Stars Bill Malko pitched a strong unlikely, look for the complex to house more pro- Mostly, little or none. Back home after a week at the Pocono In- five-hitter in his first start to fessional sports teams than the New York Giants, It was a new venture for "By" Peter Carlinell vitational Sports Camp in Stroudsburg, Pa., are pace Freehold over Shrews- already committed for 1975. ' of Itumson, a four-year crewman ;it Rutgers before Bill Heard and Tom Ciano, young basketball pros- bury. Malko struck out 11 and The New York Yankees still aren't out of the earning his degree last month. Cnrtmcll look up pects at Mater Dei and Henry Hudson Regional walked 5. question, but more likely tenant is a transplanted the sport upon hitting "the Banks" as a freshman High Schools, respectively, and Rumson's John Boston Celtics' National Basketball Association lightweight in 1088, and this spring participated in Toomajan. Pro standout Calvin Murphy was one of Mike Brach led the Free- franchise. the Eastern Intercollegiate and national two-man the guest lecturers during their stay. hold hitters with 2 for 3 and NBA Commissioner Walter Kennedy has called boat competition. Holmdcl High School football,coach and athlet- an RBI. n meeting of the league's Board of Governors in ic director Jay Dcmarcst and Dwain Painter, for- Joe Goddard was the loser. \ew York today, to discus.s the transfer of own- By is the second CartnielJ to row at Rutgers; mer head grid coach at Wall Township, are co-di; Freehold Is now 3-M, and ership of the Celtics and the Chicago Hulls. dad Peter, a banker and former liunisnn mayor, recfors of tlie Pocono Camp's football program. Shrewsbury Is 5-2-1. i Little Silver used a five-run fifth Inning to down Mon-| TJie nmy Register, Vm& Bank-MI*netowa, HJ. tmtay, Jrty 11,1172 ?J Cahill Helps Dedicate County's Golf Course . HOWELL- With Gov. William T. Cahill cutting the rib- The course measures 6,305 yards for men in regular play bon, Howell Park Golf Course, Monmouth County's newest and 6,995 yards for championship play. Women will play to a public recreational facility, opened here yesterday. 5,750-yard layout. There is room for nine more holes to be The new 140-acre, 18-hole course will officially open to the added in the future. public tomorrow morning. Tees, greens and fairways are fully irrigated with an auto- Gov. Cahill flew in on his helicopter to be the main speak- matic system which draws its water from the existing lake er at brief ceremonies dedicating the 6,305-yard, par 72 layout within the park. located in Howell Park here. The greens average 6,000 square feet and are planted with. In his short talk, the governor said, "It's great to be on a Penncross creeping bent grass. The tees, with red, white and golf course. I'm sure Danskin (County Clerk Benjamin J.) will blue markers, average 6,900 square feet and are seeded with find a way to install a 19th hole." Exeter and Seaside bent grass. . Noting that he had been made an honorary member of Electric and hand carts are available at the temporary ' seven golf cluUs when he took office, Cahill said, "When I go pro shop by the first tee. out of office, 1 won't belong to those clubs anymore, and this County residents may purchase an identification card for looks like the kind of place I can afford." $5 annually. Rates for those with the cards are $3 on weekdays The governor'congratulated the Ceunty Board of Chosen and $4 on weekends and holidays. Freeholders for its concern for Green Acres and the environ- Resident senior citizens will pay $1.50 on weekdays, if they ment. possess an identification card. Foresight in County High school golf teams will also pay $1.50 on weekdays and "You have had great foresight in providing for the future scholastic tournaments will be free — as scheduled by the generations of Monmouth County residents," he said. park office. ' > Rigliltr stoff Phots by Jonnl Folk Freeholder Axel B. Carlson served as master of ceremo- Non-residents will pay $5 on weekdays and $8 on weekends WITH THIS SNIP - Gov. William T. Cahill, center, opened the new County Golf Course at Howell : nies for the program, Joseph C. Irwin, Freeholder director; and holidays. Price for nine-hole players after 5 p.m. will be $3 Park yesterday after a flight in on his helicopter. Holding the ribbon are Victor E. Grossinger, left, Victor E. Grossinger, chairman of the Park and Recreation during the week and $4 on weekends and holidays. chairman of the Board of Park and Recreation Commission, and Joseph C. Irwin, director of the Commission, and Raymond T. Barnes, mayur of Howell Town- County residents who wish to play nine after 5 p.m. will Board of Chosen Freeholders. The course will' be open to the public tomorrow. ship also spoke. pay $2 on weekdays and $3 on weekends or holidays, provided Irwin commented on the transition of the course from •they have identification cards...... farmland to recreational area, and Mayor Barnes said, "How- Electric carts will cost $8 for two people for 18 holes. Hand ell Township has been searching for an identity, and this will carts are 50 cents, and clubs may be rented for $2. TrevinoStores Cunning help us get it." Access is from Preventorium Road, which runs south out The course, which is designed to be self-supporting, is lo- of Farmingdale. - cated behind Howell High School off Squankum-Yellowbrook There are no plans to hire a pro. The course will be oper- Road. Signs erected by the county help guide motorists to it. ated by the Board of Recreation Commissioners, Monmouth The land was purchased by the county for $285,272, and the County Park System. Under Complex Surface course was designed by Francis J. Duane of Port Washington, Gov. Cahill drove two balls down the first fairway, drilling MUIRFIELD, Scotland L.I. one into a trap. But there's a shrewd, hard- things going for me, but most bets and didn't have two (AP) — He has the reputation Mariano Construction Co. of Iselin, which also built Battle- Freeholder Irwin wasn't as fortunate. A Republican, like headed businessman; a home- nf them are built on my play- — which he helps promote — bucks to cover the bet. ground Country Club,in Manalapan and Navesink Country vice president Agnew, his two drives sliced to the right,nar - spun, pragmatic philosopher; ing golf and winning. I stop as a scatter-brained, happy- Club in Middletown Township did the construction. rowly missing photographers and onlookers. a humanitarian and, of playing golf and stop winning, go-lucky, beer drinking guy, course, a natural humorist and they stop, too.. fast with a quip and living lurking in the complex make- only for the moment. "And this game has been up of Lee Trevino. good to me. It's a real easy "I'm like a duck," he's fond thing for me toremember just of saying, pushing his golf cap the swarthy 32-year-old, six years ago when I was a fat to a comical angle atop thick here to defend his British little Mexican trying to-hustle black hair. "Every day when Open crown against Jack I wake up it's a brand new Nicklaus' drive toward golfing day and a brand new world." immortality, took a long, hard look at his future. Club to Send "I'm going to play as much Esso Tennis Lead as I can, as hard as I can, win Four to Regions all I can by the time I'm 40," ••• WEST LONG BRANCH - Trevino said in a rare, in- The MiddJetown-Long Branch Maintained trospective moment. "Then Track Club will send three I'm going to go home to El boys to the Junior .Olympic ' By Red Bank Paso (Tex.) and Just sit and Regionals in Elizabeth next ~' ValueCenters count my money. Saturday. Red Bank maintained its "I'm going to have it Joe Malanconico will com- lead in the North Jersey stacked abound the house in pete in-'the 120-high hurdles, Shore Women's Tennis bales — not just bundles. I'm while Bill Snell will tackle the League (6-0) by defeating going to have it in bales and mile walk and Jon Gray will West End yesterday, 3-0. I'm just gonna sit there and see action in the high jump In other matches, Ft. Mon- count it and grin. and the mile walk. mouth nipped Monmouth "I ain't gonna be out here Beach, 2-1, and Countryside • The club picked up four New Belted Atlas Pacesetter. trying to hack it around with edged Hollywood, 2-1. medals in the Ocean Town- hungry kids. ship Recreation-sponsored RM Bank (3) West End (0) Dot Gorsuch and Ann Lee (R) d. Helen "And I sure as hell ain't event at Monmouth College Avchen and Normo Nosel, 2-4, 7-5, 6-'. gonna be a pro at some club Juanlta Axellng and Sue Beaton IR) d. over the weekend. Whitewalls only 99$ more than blackwalls. Tilda Husney and Roddy Llssner, A-l. 6- somewhere and stand around 4. ' ' Gray won the mile walk for Bobble Thomson and Anita Kalsln (R) sweating and saying 'Yes, Mr. d. Fto Engelhordt and Marilyn Schot- boys 14-15 in 8:43, while Snell 1OW, 4-6, 4-3, 6-3. Moneybags' and 'No, Mrs. placed second in the 16-17 Fl. Monmouln (2) Monmoutn Bench (t) Marilyn Wolton and Pot Murphy (Ft.) d. Kathing,' and listen to them group with a time of 9:37. Judy Sutthlm and Diane Mogulre, ;-9, 6-0, yell: 'I don't like my starting 9-7. Mark Pfefferle was fourth in Polly Rose and Ton I Ma I one (M > d. time,' or 'What's wrong with Joan Lltwln and Linda Lees, 7.-6, 6-3, 8- the 14-15 category. 8. this cart,' or 'Boy, I need Gray took a second in the Pat Blair and Eleanor Hartiell (Ft.) d. some help on my swing.' Lu Nelson ond Maureen Henderson, 6-), 14-15 discus competition with 7-5. Countrytlde (3) Hollywood O) "Not for me. That's why a toss of 70-10. Lindsay Morris Monette Llebllch and Sue Stearns IH) d. Connie Lindsay and Jean Boyhan, 6-2, 6- I'm piling it up while I can. was fourth and Wade Peter- That's why I play so many Jean Rose and Jane Pike (C) d. Joyce son, fifth. Lewis and Arlene Arisen, 6-2, 6-3. tournaments. Louise MacForland end Jean Roene (Cl Snell finished second in the d. Carol Lederman and Jane Grossman, "I've got a lot of other 0-2, 60. 16-17 group at 69.8.

Briefly Speaking

Morgan Kessingcr See it now at Esso ValueCenters. Modern belted-bias construction. Computer-designed tread contributes 1OO-1 Shot Wins to quiet riding, long wearing and sure NL Star Voting tracking on wat and dry pavement. NEW YORK (AP) -. Cincinnati second DELAWARE PARK (AP) - A 100-1 shot 28.90 29.89 Two fiberglass cord belts help hold baseman Joe Morgan and Chicago shortstop beat the 6-5 favorite in the seventh race for 30.60 31.59 the tread firmly on the road and Don Kessinger assumed the lead in their re- maiden 2-year-olds at Delaware Park Monday with trade-in, plus $2.34 Fed. Ex. TaxforE78-i4 33.15 34.14 reduce scuff and squirm that can spective positions yesterday as fan balloting when Mrs. Howard Y. Haffner's first time tubeless blackball. cause rapid tire wear. continued for the National League All-Star starter. Short Snort, scored by a neck over Pi; 36.55 37.54 Two polyester cord bodyplie* are team. ano Solo in a ,"% furlong'test. Whitewalls 99C more strong and resilient to help give a comfortable ride. Kessinger, who had been trailing Bud Har- The young gelding ridden by Barry Alberts than blackwalls. Offers expire July 31,1972. relson since the start of the balloting which returned $202, $34.60 and $18.60." concludes next week, moved past the Mets' star with 497,193 votes to 471,349. Morgan closed fust to lead Glenn Beckert Verga Stays Hot Of the Cubs 402,446 votes to 398,785. Bob Verga fired in 45 points to pace Third baseman .hie Torre of SI. Louis and league-leading Lynch's to a 108-95 win over Big Atlas Mile-Pak. Atlas Grip-Safe. Summer Radiator first baseman Leo May,of Cincinnati main- Bill's in Jersey Shore Summer Basketball tained lopsided leads in' their positions, May League action last night. Service. 1 ;led Willie McCovcy of the Giants 455,811 to Verga, the loop's top scorer, got help from In tfarie-m. with irado-in, plus J1.61 Fed. Ex. Tax siI.95Fod. Ex, Tax 287,757 while Torre had 812,18.r> votes to 295,477 Jake Jones, the league's third best scorer, who 10-13 tubclcss blackwall, 95 for 600-13 tubolsss blackwal got 23. - for runner-up Ron Santo. Low,modern silhoueite. Reds catcher Johnny Bench continued to Bill Sattewhite led Big Bill's with 27. An economy tire In the other game, Kislin's scored its first with four full plies Interlocking tread to >6 dominate balloting for his position, leading ol sturdy nylon cord grip the road. Drain radiator. Manny Sanguillen of Pittsburgh 836,084 to win by upending the Stock Association, 99-84. A qood "second 1 Put in up to 2 gallons 498,816. Henry Aaron of the Braves leads bal- Roger Alston hit 37 for Kislin's and Gary car" tire tor around- of Atlas Perma-Guard loting for the outfield, followed by Roberto Clc- Wallcn had the same total for the Stock Associ- town driving. year-round coolant. ation. Visually Inspoct radia- mentc and Willie Stargcll of the Pirates. tor, cooling system Verga, American Basketball League veter- hoses and all belts. Harris Satisfied an, paces the league in scoring through games . Prossure-tost cooling of July 8 with a 43.3 average. system. UNIONDALE, N. Y. (AP) - The New He is well ahead of Phoenix Suns draftee York Islanders of the National Hockey League Dennis Layton, who has a 35.3 mark. Jones is announced yesterday the signing of 20-year-old at .10.8. 24.39 Billy Harris, their No. 1 pick in this year's 27.71 Tire Rotation. amateur draft. Ellis Case Closed 30.29 Helps avoid uneven tire wear. Harris, a li-foot-2, 195-pound right wing, Regular rotation can help had 52 goals and 72 assists for the Toronto CINCINNATI (AP) - Disorderly conduct 149 increase tread life. Marlboros of the Ontario Hockey Association charges against Pittsburgh Pirate pitcher •fc(Allfivi (luring the 1971-72 regular season. In the play- Dock Ellis were dismissed yesterday by Mu- (All five wheels) offs, he had 13 goals and 1(1 assists in 10 games. nicipal Court Judge Paul George. The Islanders, who will, be making tneir The charges stemmed from an incident at debut In the NHL next season, said Harris' Riverfront Stadium May 5 when Ellis allegedly contract was a three-year agreement with the declined to provide proper identification and July values at Esso stations where you see these signs. Charge it and take third year open to negotiation based on his per- was niiiccd by a guard. The above prices on tires and services are available nationally formance in the first two years. Salary terms John Newlin, Cincinnati Krds' attorney were not disclosed. representing Ellis, told the court that Ellis and at stations operated by Humble Oil & Refining Company located in many metropolitan areas and communities. Prices and offers Harris snid hi? turned flown a five-year, guard David Hatter had solved their differ- may vary at participating independent Esso dealers. (incw; out of court and that Halter had asked Thli tlus ilgrt id«nmi«i naiioni $750,000 contract from the Philadelphia Blazers spirited by Humbl« Oil I of the World Hockey Association. that Hie charges be dropped. Rtlinlno Comoiny. 24 The Daily Register, Bed Bank-Mlddletown, N J. Tuesday, July If, 1172 That Kids Don't PlayAnymore was a righthanded batter normally. By JONNIFALK The pitcher threw the tennis ball as bard as he could on one bounce, putting as much spin as he could on it. The Idea During one of our rare breaks from the rains'; my sons for the batter was to bit it as hard as he could, preferably over were griping that there wasn't enough kids around to play a the fence in right field. Bases were used, but if the batter put game of baseball. I asked them if they had ever played it through the school window, he was out. "punch ball" or "up-against'' and found out that there are a This game really taught you how to play the field because, lot of games that kids don't play anymore. i man, did you ever run after those tennis balls! The art of entertaining oneself while still getting some ath- Variations of'Scrub' letic kicks has apparently gone the way of the Edsel and Hen- 'Anytime we could get as many as-five guys together, we ry J — at least in this area. would play "scrub." Like the other variations of baseball, the At the risk of sounding archaic — all we ever needed was number of bases we used depended upon the number of guys tin excuse to swing some kind of bat. Numbers and equipment playing. ' . ' were inconsequential. °- In "scrub" you batted until you made an out. Then you Lots of 'Punch' went to right field and started to work your way around as "Punch ball" is a simple game that can be played with each out was made. The final stop before getting in to bat any number of players and any kind of rubber ball. The bat is again was pitcher. However, if you were playing right field, or the, hand or fist. The ball, usually sponge, is tossed up on a any other position, and caught a fly, you exchanged places bounce, and the batter hits it with the fist. From there, the with the batter. rules of baseball take over. Any number of bases can be used depending upon the number playing. We played "scrub" in "punch ball," "tennis ball," base- M One thing about punch ball — if you use a tennis ball, be ball or softball. su/e to wrap your fist in a handkerchief. Boor Man's Football "Stocking ball" was a poor man's variation of football. We If you have a rubber ball, the only other thing you need for made the ball by wrapping rags tightly and then covering a game of "up-against" is' a wall or set of steps. them with a sock - the harder the better. The game followed The "batter" throws the ball against the wall, and the the rules of touch or tackle football (depending upon whether fielder catches the ball. If he muffs it, the batter gets a run. we were playing in the road or on a field) but was very fast The game helps develop infielders with quick hands. Steps a'.d rough. are preferable to walls because the "batter" can spice his hits with line drives and flies. It is a very fast game and contests On a good rainy day, the "stocking ball" would quadruple of over 100 innings are common. in weight. 'Pinning' Your Hopes "Kick-the-can" embodied rules from soccer and hockey "Clothespin ball" is a great game for developing a batting , and was usually played in the street — always, it seems, when eye. The equipment consists of hardwood, round clothespins one of the neighbors was iryingto get some sleep. and any kind of bat. Even a broomstick will do. It's a great game for reflexes. Not only does it teach you to a point on both ends. I think that the makers of iodine and bandages invented The pitcher throws the clothespin underhanded and can to swing at all kinds of breaking pitches, it also gets the pitch- This game was usually played in the street with the rest of the game because it guaranteed you cuts and bruises. put all kinds of "stuff" on it. "Uppers" and "downers" meant er to learn how to spear line drives aimed right between the 1 the broomstick used as the bat. A homer had to clear the high- I don't know if these great old American games are dead breaks on a clothespin long before they took on new, grimmer eyes. However, I don't recommend that you play the game est wire on the telephone pole. in all areas, but I haven't seen them played around here. meanings to this generation. where there are lots of windows unless you put screens over In regular "nip," the "nip" is laid on the ground, and you The advent of Little League and other organized activities The batter gets one strike or two fouls, and there is only them. knock it up in toe air by hitting it on one of the pointed ends. for kids took away, the ingenuity that came with poverty, bore- one out per inning. Hits are rated by distance. When we played How About'Nip' While it is in the air, you whack it again with the bat. dom and the desire to play. it as kids, we had to hit the pin over the house roof to get a A variation of the same game was played with a "nip." A "Lefthanded tennis ball" was a gem we saved for the Maybe that's why "upper" and "downer" have conte to homer. "nip" is about a three-inch length of broomstick' shaved down schoolyard. In this game, everybody batted lelthanded if he mean something different.

l••V«RI|llll•llll••l•••••••l••tl••••••l•l•*••••••••••••••#lt«••••l••^••••••lll•••••<•'>•••••••••••••*l•4l*>••P•l•••l•••*•J•••••••••••P••••>••••••Pl•Vt••IP••l•*•••^•• >••••••*""""-' _„ — -__-- Papania Turns Pitch to Thoroughbreds OCEANPORT - Robert Pa- half-milers. If other people shape and perform, you're all connection with the Camino which is also very impor- stant recall. pania, a former pitcher for had done good with my horses right. del Rio Stable. tant." "It was a spring training the Boston Braves, now after they got them, I would Papania broke out of his "These are real nice Papania loves horse racing, game against Cincinnati," he coaches an eight-member have quit." slump b^saddling six winners people," he said, "They never but he admits he still misses said. "Their top hitter was team at Monmouth Park. in two months at Liberty Bell, bother you, and Mr. Garcia is baseball. Ask him his best Hank Sauer. I struck him out Started at Bottom and he is very happy about his concerned about the horses, game, and Papania has in- three times in one game." The eight, of course, are Papania started at the bot- thoroughbreds and Papania is tom in horse racing after an their trainer, which he says is injury forced his early retire- very much akin to being a ment from baseball. He was coach. discovered at a high school Stage Set for Hennessy "You're kind of like a man- all-star game in Brooklyn and ager," he.said., "You have to signed immediately by a POINT PLEASANT - The that the offshore class boats let to one mile south of it and used 'for race commu- know when the horses are Braves scout. He pitched — stage is set on the Atlantic head out to sea. spectator boats will be re- nications. feeling good. You do the same Ocean for the greatest Hen- quired to stay behind those The Kings Grant Inn on he's a right-hander — for sev- In order to ease problems sort of things with them as eral farm teams in the early nessy Grand Prix in local his- buoys. The inlet itself will be Route 70 irf*Point Pleasant you do with baseball players tory. with the spectator boats at closed for the start of the will serve as nice headquar- 1950s before going to the ma- Manasquan Inlet, a line of — give them time in between, jor leagues. Next Wednesday, July 19, a race, from 9 to 10 a.m. ters. The Grand Prix is co- put them in a whirlpool. record number of powerboats temporary buoys will be run This year at the completion sponsored by the New York "And believe me, I know Pitching with the Braves in from one mile north of'the in- 1954, Bob won nine games be- will enter the race which has of the offshore legs, the boats Offshore Powerboat Racing how they feel when they're become New Jersey's out- will head south to Seaside Association and the Jas, Hen- not right." fore he hurt his arm in August of that year. When doctors at standing annual sports spec- French Pitches Heights, then swing north nessy Co. of Cognac, France. Originally from a Brooklyn Johns Hopkins told him surge- tacular. Sponsored by the again to the finish line at Ma- It is sanctioned by both the neighborhood near Ebbets ry would only have a 50-50 Greater Point Pleasant Area Ronan's to 8th nasquan. American Powerboat Racing Field, Papania now lives with charice of correcting the arm £hamber of Commerce, the With new FCC regulations Association and the Union In- HANDY MAN — Bob PapanlaWormer major his wife, twin boys, 11, and a LONG BRANCH - Steve ternationale Molonautique muscles, which had expanded regatta held over rolling French hurled a four-hitter to governing marine radio tele- league baseball player, shows off one of the third son, 19, in Clifton. Hd Ocean waters has a record phone traffic, both 2832 KHZ (the International Union of. horses he now trains at Monmouth Park. The commutes every day to Mon- by wouldn't contract, he lead Ronan's to a 12-0 victory turned to another sport. purse of $25,000 in cash prizes. over Topp's Colts in the Long and VHF Channel 9 will be Powerboating). horse's name is A Handful. mouth, where he trains the More than 250,000 spectators horses of the Camino del Rio Branch Sunday Morning Fire- "By that time we had are expected to be watching men's Softball League. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiii Stable of Manuel Garcia, Jr., moved to Ozone Park, near the 1972 running of the Hen- of Ft. Lee. Ronan's remained in first Aqueduct," he said. "I started nessy Grand Prix. Each year place with an 8-0 mark. Gran Kan Choice walking hots for Larry more spectators gather for Littler Limbers Up Garcia's business interests Ed Fiore got five hits and LA JOLLA, Calif. (AP) - Gene Littler include a trucking firm with Thompson for 50 cents a head. the offshore classie.and each Ray Cook chucked a five-hit- Then I became a groom, and I year the race provides more said yesterday after playing his first 18 holes In Hurdle Classic branches in Secaucus, Vir- ter to send V/agner's Express of golf since a bout with cancer that he plans OCEANPORT - The rescheduled ?15,000-added Midsum- ginia and Florida, cattle and worked for Buddy Raines of to see. This year's edition will over Oceanic's, 16-3, while Bradywine Stable and John offer more new drivers, more to compete in two 18-hole tournaments this mer Hurdle Handicap attracted a field of 10, including high- horses. His 5,000-acre ranch at Mickey Rosenberg and Andy month. weighted Gran Kan from the stable of Mrs. F. Ambrose Clark, Fellsmere is one of Florida's Nerud, trainer of the Tartan of the spectacular Cigarettes Carlstrom swatted Highland's Stable.I went from making and more emphasis on pro- "I can't go back to the tour yet," Littler for its 22nd running at Monmouth Park today. largest, and there he raises Marina to a 20-9 verdict over said, referring to the pro circuit, "My arm Carded as the fourth race, the steeplechase stakes will be 20,001) head of cattle, as well $1,5(10 a. month In baseball to duction boats. the Long Branch Elks. $275 as a groom." isn't strong enough. I played my first 18 holes worth $16,475 if all go to the post for the about two miles and a as thoroughbreds. On July 19 the course will bo Jim Keller homered in Ler- in four months yesterday at La Jolfa County sixteenth over hurdles, with the winner taking home $9,885. Papania's year-long associ- In 1960 Papania went to shortened by nearly 25 statute ner's K-9's 11-3 triumph over Club and shot a 79. Gran Kan, assigned 158 pounds, has won all three of his ation with Camino del Rio has New England and earned his miles for the offshore boats, Atlantic's,'and Doug'Fred- Littler, 41, underwent surgery earlier this races this year, including the Indian River Handicap at Dela- meant the "big break" for the trainer's license two years lat- and by some 85 statute miles cricks pitched Big Al's over year for cancer of the lymph glands. ware Park over jumps. He is trained by Sidney Watters Jr., trainer. . er. His first winner Mexacali for the Production and Atlan- Phil Daly's, 14-4. and will be ridden by Leo O'Brien. "Many a year it was only Miss at Narragansett in 1962. Long Branch Firemen's tic Class boats, mainly by de- loltbcll L«ogui Jets Sign Taylor Expected to give Gran Kan a rigorous run for the money one or two horses for me," he "I first came to New Jersey letion of the onshore legs of Standings NEW YORK (AP) - The New York Jets' is Mrs. James Wyeth's Ghost Charger, 145, winner of Dela- recalled. "For a big stretch I 'in 1966 but didn't do too the course. Production and TEAM Jim Ronon's Associates have signed Mike Taylor, an All-American ware's other jump stakes, the Tom Roby. Winner of all his didn't win a race, for three good," he said. "People don't Atlantic boats will start one Big Al's Sports Roundup Hlohland's Marina linebacker from the University of Michigan, jump starts this year, Ghost Charger demonstrated his fitness years. You know what a look at the trainer unless his hour after the offshore class, Wagner's Express Marl's Liquors for the 1972 National Football League season. since the Tom Roby on June 1 by winning on the flat at Dela- slump is? I had a long, long horses arc doing good. Horse which is expected to put them Lerner's K-9's slump. When I sold those Phil Duly Hose Co. The club announced yesterday that the 6- ware recently. Michael O'Brien rides the Jonathan Sheppard- business and baseball are on the offshore leg to Fire Is- Atlantic's trained entry. horses they ended up at the alike. As long as you stay in land at about the same time Oceonlc's foot-1, 230-pound defensive star, the second of The two runners-up to Gran Kan in the Indian River also the team's two first-round picks, would join are in the Midsummer line-up. They are, respectively, T. R. •iiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiititiritiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisififiiuitiiitiiffiiiirfiinifiiiJifiiiiiiiiiiiiTiiifiiHiifiiiiniiiiiriifcifiiii the club at the Hofstra University training Trout's Dualamar, 147, Gerry Goswell the rider, and Klrkwood camp after the July 28 College All-Star game. Farm's El Martirio, 144, Jerry Fishback. Fishback was lead- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini ing steeplechase jockey in the nation last year. Completing the Midsummer, field are Rokeby Stable's Monmouth Park Today Dream Magic, 144, William Moore; James J. Walsh Jr.'s Pre- Offer Frazier Countrysiders dorriinio, 143, Joe Aitcheson Jr.; Coventry Rock Stable's An- Entries Half-Million Win 1st Meet tigua Star, 140, Tom Skiffington; Powhatan's Shadow II, 139, 111 - M.300; Clmo; 2 vo mdns: SVil. Ret) Go Red 1117) Imparoto 4-1 Clay Brittle 3rd; Harry M. Rhett Jr.'s Faireddin, 136, David Nlo|or News (118) Barrero e-1 Bushel Basket (122) Blum 5-2 Selections UNIONDALE, N.Y. (AP) - MARLBORO — Countryside Proscenium (116) Brocclale 3-1 Trlcy Tracy (114) Imparato 12-1 Swimming and Diving team Washer, and Randolph D. Rouse's Candy Coated, 135, Larry Royalty Serenade (108) Arogon 11-1 «th — St,00O; Clmg; 3 yo fllllei; it. By Reggie Ster World heavyweight champion Bates. First to Fight (116) Andorson 10-1 My Dark Angel (113) Kallal 6-1 Joe Frazier was offered yes- evened its record at 1-1 here Reason to Honor (113) Kollal 12-1 The Great Ethel c. (116) Cuslmano..,.B-5 1—Proscenium, tlikahlll, Amaz- Tenacious Pol (109) Nell HI For From Blxcoyne (1M) Nelt 10-1 ing Native terday a guarantee of $500,000 over the weekend by defeat- Yesterday's Results Hlkohlll (1IB) Kallol «-l Debbeercb (1131 Mlcell 12-1 ing Stoneybrook, 152-133. Amazing Native (118) Fromln 4*1 Madam Scholar (113] Borrera B-l 2-Mr. Buttnell, Needless Mate, against a percentage to be de- W - 54.003; clmg; 3 1 4 yo mdm (NJ m - JJ.SOO; Alw; 3 yo & up; I « m; 11 Marks Nugget (118) Thornburg 7-2 Filiation (101) Miranda 8-1 t Acoppello (113) Mlcell 4-1 termined for a title defense Foals) At. xuri Jolly Motto (118) Blum 81 Whlpstocklng Silver Cross (111) No Boy Ill WssRedlona (1131 Arlstone 12-> The winners were sparked Awoke sue (Well) H.00 5.40 «.IO HajlyJude(Blum)... 3.40 3.00 2.40 against unbeaten George Tricky Leas (115) Adams 10 1 FloroNctt (111) Hlle 8-1 3—Pocket Pistol, Twenty Years, by six double victors. Linda 0 1 (Ko 58 U0 Foreman, former Olympic r " ™^ .",1" ° SlHliDonMllannrtll) 17.40 tM Tootleboy (118) Astorga 11-1 7th -; clmg; 3 yo 4 up; lm & Victorian Maid and Judy Groff, Greg and Commandment (Imporclo) '0.B0 Oc|,o Lady (Borrcro) 3.40 Snowsllde (lie) Hole I 1 1/K. champion. ma — »,ooo; Mdns; 2 yo; 5'/i1. Exacla (3-5) 111 40 Roaming Buddy (118) Cuslmano 4-1 Cloudy Alrc (114) Hole lo-l f-Gran Kan, Ghost Chargcf, Buzz Buzzell, Ron Borchers No Tme (or Gun Blum 41 Angle Right (115) No Boy 10-1 7—Acquitted, Atlantic City, said Yancey Durham, Fra- dominated the diving com- 4111 - >5,50O) Clmg; J yo & up; i i. ?th - M,5W; Clmo; 3 yo S up; I * m; 1 Whlpstocklng 1117) Brocclale 3-1 Table's Conquest (US) Imparato 20-1 Desert Fleet zier's manager, and Dick Sad- petitions for girls, while Ed I'm Slick (Ttirnbrg) 9.20 5.00X60 ' ml/14 Wendy WacKenile (114) Thornburg..101 Tlmniy Willie (112) Netf 6-1 Mr. Buttnell (117) Kallal 5-2 Btn - {7,000; Alw; Atttrmatti; 1 YO & ler, Foreman's manager, O'Neill won the 13-17 200-yard Slemprt Pronto (Nell) U.80 6.80 Crooked Answer (Blum)..6,*) 1.70 3.M 1 S-EiUtor's Notebook, Challeng- Truly Amotr (Hole) , 3.60 Flnmlng (Borrero) 6.80 4,40 Gobbler's Jewel (110 Oarrero 11-1 up;«!. were ready to negotiate. individual medley. Hh - I6.0W; Mam i yo; SVi I. Bono D"° (Cuslinano) 3.40 Attempt To Spin

1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 • 10 U 12 13 14 15 16 SPEAKING OF MILK, REMINDS •••AMD I WISH I COULD TRUfflRIU."/ MMMtt! I 1 WE.OFFO0D-ANDTHATIHAVEA CALL AND TELL HIM THAT X'M SOHR.V 17 18 19 BUT I HAVE OTHER PLANS FOR. THE _ rr DELIVERED TENTATIVE DINNER. DATE TONISHT I 1 EVENING! 23 VOUR WFE;V0UW0ULOM'T) |jA|LV EVE" WITH A &li WHO$ AS 5CUJARE 20 22 >GR0WL IF t BOUGHT A - zT 26 27 28 29 FP 32 33 34 ¥ mmtm 36 38 39 40 iT 42 U3 - • 1 45 47|48 49

51 52 - 1 111 57 The Wizard of Id 53 54 • 55 56 58 60 63 -7-H ^ BMP • 64 I65 66 ]—I—I 67 LLH&8 LI 69 Your Horoscope, Birthday TUESDAY, JULY 11- by some urban activity. Seek VIRGO (Aug. 24-Sept. 23) - AQUARIUS (Jan. 21-Feb. Born today, you are some- the best of both lives, if pos- Your sensitivity to your sur- 19) — Those who are in a posi- what inclined to withdraw sible. roundings may make this a tion to spend your money from society, especially dur- Because you possess the difficult day for you where co- should be let in on your budg- ing times of confusion. For it ability to get along with your- workers are concerned. Don't et requirements. Otherwise, is then that you find yourself self, you are quite able to get be surprised at a change in you stand to lose consid- not only longing for the peace erably. R6AP/TO I] I WANTIO LOOK AT along with others. You need mood, 60MB DR&6$ and quiet of your own isolated no lessons in human behavior^ LIBRA (Sept. 24-Oct. 23) — PISCES (Feb. 20-March 21) GO10TOWN/i] company but actually in need understanding yourself as^gn't limit your chances — Though another may ap- of such harmony and solitude. well as you do, and fully ca- irierlly because you are too pear weak, he can be counted You possess within you a well- pable of transferring self-, timia to take opportunity in on when the chips are down. spring of inspiration; you knowledge into a knowledge hand. Reconsider your stand Consideration of children pays need but a brief span of days of others, you grasp easily not on a number of issues, off late in the day. to drink deeply of this inner only appearances in the ac- SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) ARIES (March 22-April 20) source of spiritual delight to tions of others but also motives — Irritable tempers may set — Those in authority may dis- set you back on your feet, and realities. Nothing leads nerves on edge this morning. pute your right to your present mentally and physically, and more reaaily to sympathy and Afternoon hours present prob- position. Shrewd bargaining to see you fit for life on the friendship. lems unrelated to prepara- makes it possible for you to "outside" once again. 0 tions of recent days. persuade others of your Nature is for you not only a Wednesday, July 12 SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23- worth. source of beauty but a source CANCER (June 22-July 23) Dec. 22) — Your personal TAURUS (April 21-May 21) of vigor and vitality as well. — Self-control in combination fondness for a colleague in — Share another's problems Nothing does more to restore with sensitivity makes this an trouble must not persuade you and you should be able to 1 THAT1? THE SECONb TWE - R.IPPIN* NOUNSSTERS.' you to good health and good excellent day for you—if you into taking a position unfair to share his success when to- IN A MONTH 'E1* LET IT'S A PITY THE* CAN'T mood than a weekend in the employ these traits where an- others. Take the objective ap- gether you come up with a' EXPENSES- ME DOWN.... LEARNTO UV E WITHIN country, especially if circum- other's talents are concerned. proach. feasible solution. Meet anoth- stances require that you live LEO (July 24-Aug 23) — Mo- CAPRICORN (Dec. 23-Jan. er's genuine need. IOVNTLET THEIR MEANS.' or work in the city through YOU ments of joy alternate with 20) — Indulge in your whims GEMINI (May 22-June 21) the week. You will have to moments of sadness this if you must — but don't insist — A day of quarrels, whether U5ANTHIS take care, however, that your- morning. The Leo who can that others follow suit, you are at home or on the em- WEEK love of the country does not take the bad with the good Present activities are such ployment scene. State your cause you to ignore social ob- and make the best of both that adverse criticism could views simply tut completely. ligations that can only be met wins out at evening. follow. Evening brings peace. Sheinwold's Bridge Advice

Blondie By ALFREP SHEINWOLD trick with the ace of spades. paste in the back of your fa- If East failed to take the ace vorite bridge book: When East dealer 1 AKJ642 est card." Knst anything that looks inviting. cards. In this case you have South West North West had road all the books, I 4 2* :• 3

, The Phantom Beetle Bailey KE THAT HE'S TVlE HELLO, N6W COLONEL FIRST ONE TO MIZZ BLIP£ ME COOLP SEE USE THE I WAS A MS. LIBERATED WOMAN/ "M, Tfce »a»7 R*gbter, E«I B^-MMflrtowri, N.J. Tnesdav, July 11,1972

Git quick action and plenty of cash with a Ad in Classified! GARAKS Call741-6900 iiiiiiliiiiiiiiiliiiiiii'ijfiiliiii?jjij»»iiiiiti Boats and Accessories Business Notices Help Wanted ANNOUNCEMENTS Autos For Sale Autos For Sale Autos For Sale Trucks For Sale Male and Female !?&> CMC WRECKER — Molmf5 double TROJAN — F26, 1971. In the water. Very Lost and Found 1970 NOVA WANTED boom with dolly wheels fast. Almost new condition. Cabin sleeps ALTE RATIONS Two-door. Only H.OOQ original UNDER $500 Coll 56^3006 four. Two dinettes, qll covers, d«cor In LOST — Seatpoint Siamese male cot. Vlcl Party who needs 100% financing on a 197 Dormers, porches, stairs, additions, etc. INSURANCE miles. An economical six wilh PLYMOUTH WAGON. V8, power sleer red and'white. Fit for a king. Call 671- Free estimates. Insured. Reasonable. I do nlty Stars Middle town Please cat! 1941 INTERNATIONAL PICKUP 0372, outomatfc and power steering. In Ing, air conditioning. S23V5. For more in Transportation Specials th• lie jo|vub myselfrr<],Ami.. Cal^un l JimVIIIII . 776-8764r*v vw*.. "Ilkt new" condition. formation coll OASIS MOTORS ot 721 Two-ton. S12S or makt otter. RATER CHOOSE NOW AND SAVE! Call otter 6 p.m.2»-7M8. 35' TROJAN CABIN CRUISER - 185 h.p. HANbYM'ATT — ExptrienciSlifWtrlor, FOUND — Molt Pekingese, rusty color 7100. Interceptor engine, 220 hours. Sleeps four, 1958 INTERNATIONAL — Hall ton pick exterior paintina, UQrit construction' and RATE FILE ANALYST Rtd Bonk. enclosed head, galley. For fast sole, S700. various odd loss. RtmonoBH. Free esti- Phone 4S2-B187 RASSAS power steering, 6 cylinder. Aulornobili up. Automatic transmission. Needs work 566-8941. RASSAS Asking 5200. Call otter 4 p.m. 264-/?4». mates. M9-i6» or 711-1477. IF YOU ARE experienced In rat- LOST — Ont block wallet. Sea Bright. Re PONTIAC Wholesalers, the only wholesale outlet to 23' CHRIS CRAFT — Sleeps three, di- ing prluale passenger outomo- used cors In Monmouth County, Bonk fl PONTIAC 1951 GMC FLAT BED — Vh ton. CARPENTRY AND TILE WORK ward. No questions asked 395 Broad St. 741-5180 Red 6a: 395 Brood SI. >4i-5180 Red Bonk nette, 383 h.p. Chevrolet engine. Just Remodeling and alterations. blles, hire's your cnonct to work nanclng available. Marty more to choost V0O. Cat! between 6 ond ft p.m. rebuilt. Beit offer. 741-0413. Phone 7J1-2-157 Eves, until 9 trom. 264-9621. Eves, until 9 Reasonable r»les. 471-4766 with a computerized automobile 5421925 pollcywrltlng system. LOST — Beagle male, block, brawn 15' RUNABOUT — Wood. 30 h.p. Johnson white, vicinity Naveslnk, July 4. Reword. 1962 CHEVROLET - Nlne-possengerVa- OPEL' K"AD E TT^~i96ar "AiTcondl 11 one'J 1971~MuTfANG~~ NkTcor."Automobile 19S1 FORD — 5 yard dump truck. Body In motor, trailer ond accessories. Asking Asking S650. Call afler 6:30 p.m. perfect condition, newly painted. New LAWN CUTTING Good Stortlna Salary P.O. Box UAA, Naveslnk, N:J._O77S2._ lion wagon. Automatic, power steering. Wholesalers! the only wholesale outlet to $400,842-1934. Needs tune-up. 1350- Automobile Whole- "^ 542-3197 used cars In Monmouth County. Bonk fl tires. Two V-8 engines available. Must be Garden and trim. For tree tsttmate, coll And Comprehensive Benefits . FOUND — LargfTyoung, mole German salers, the only wholesale outlet tor used nanclng available. Many more to choosi rebuilt. !2M. 842-4718. 10' KIBERGLAS DIXIE — 75 h.p. Evln- 171-0550 between 5-1 p.m. I96B VOLKSWAGEN — White, automatic, Send resume w call Mr. Hodfl« Shepherd, mostly Ion, chain collar. Locus COTS In fAonmouth County, Bonk JlrandnV slick, convertible. Perfect condition. Un from. 244-9621. rude, trailer, extras. Reody to go. $1300. oreg. 291-2742. 1950 INTERNATIONAL — 2 yard dump available, Mony more to choose from. der 17,000 mites. 563-4937. 196TDODGE D^f"^s[3 truck. Low bed. New motor, 12-vott sys- 542-1402. RESTORATIONS' 3M-9621. matlc, J175or best offer. tem. J4M. call 84J-471!. 1965 SHOUP — 17Vj' clinker built skiff Additions. Exterior or interior oecoro 922-1000 196TGALAXIE 5O0~ Fastb^ckTAuTornoF 1 ting. Kitchen, bath remodeling. Mi-SMI. Public Notices 1959 CHEVROLET — VB, outomotlc. Ex- ic, power steering ond brakes. One owner 495-005? 1961 FORO ECONOLINE VAN with canvas and accessories. With 1970 70 cellent shape. S15D. Con be seen al Brook- Automobile Wholesalers, the only whole Good condition. S350. h.p. Mercury engine. A-l. After o p.m., AIR CONDITIONERS— Installed through The STARTING GIRLS ROCK BAND ~~ dale Community College, Receiving De- sale outlel for used cars in Monmouth »42«18 845-3456. wall and window. All Kinds wiring. Rea- rhyihm. organ, boss, need experienced WANTED portment. County. Bank financing available. Many Party who needs 100% financing on a 196 17* THUNDERBIRD — 85 h.p. Johnson sonable. Llcenu No. 1799. 591-1174. singers. Cofl SW-5J89, 4 p,m. and A more Io choose from. 264-9621. molor. Holsclaw trailer. Excellent condi- Ask for Ed. 6TD5MOBILE — 19W. ExcellentTnechon-' TEMPEST. S995. For mote Information HOUSE PAINTING ~- Interior, exterror. INSCO icol condition. Good transportation. (175 — Four-door call OASIS MOTORS at 721-7100. Motorcycles tion. $2400. Con be seen at River Plozo Quality work, reasonable rates. Free estl Marina, see Chris. STOCK G"R'0UP~-"We're "aVatlaDiTT? or best offer. 988-6315. sedan. Air conditioning, automatic trans- 196TCHEVROLET - SS CONVERTIBLE males. 741-3082 Systems Corporation teenage parties, donees, beddings. Ba BENELLI MOTORCYCLES tMINI mission, povvor steering, radio, Asking BUCKETS, CONSOLE, ETC. OVER S40O V963XO8EL S#A FOX — 24'. 2\5 h.p. V-«. Mttivari5. You haven't heard anythi'-y u" 57KA0BBUICK -OPEL. V300. 741-8766 evenings, CYCLES - SM ond rlo* 1I» pr»sllo« per- OEORGESUPINSK1 3501 Stole Highway No. M hit you've heard us. We'll help make you NINE ACRES ot New and Used Cars SPENT FOR REPAIRS LAST YEAR formance cycles of the Industry . . . the Runs good. Equipped. Must sell, moke of- Complete plumbing and heating. Tired of event a success. Call /47-0062 atler 6 p.rfi 36 2&4 "Art 0 5 TANG -~196>~ ~~~ K00. CALL 741-4243. • "Ferrari" of motorcycles. Who! low ler. 787-6858. waiting (or your.sewer Installation? Colt Beige. Excellent condition. WOO. ond ask for Blair. TRIUMPH lWoTSTJuv^- Rebuiirenglne prices!!! MORTENSEN'S REPAIR SER- 16' BOAT - Electric start, new throttle now before deadline I72-15M. 1966 MUUSTANGS - Automatic 6-cylinder" Coll 291-1657. - VICE, 110 Vi. Front St., Red Bonk. 747- gold with black interior. AUTOMOBILE New roof. AM/FM rodlo. Excellent condi cable. Good condition. 6 gal. gas tank, FLOOR WAXING — And polishing TYPISTS STENOS I will nor be responsible tor any debts oth- ld ith lion. 747-211*. _ 3991 er than those incurred by myself. John R WHOLESALERS LTD., the only whole- 196lf STATION WAGON ""tempest. Ai reinforced transom. 1200 or best otter. services. Reasonable.. - LEGAL MEDICAL Yorosh, 17 Lor! Rd., Mamuauth Beacli Sole outlet lor used cars In Monmoutlt conditioned! automailc. Automobile lV3y CHEVROLET — Rebuilt engine-., new HONDA 350 CB - 1971. 2,500 miles. Rack, 542-3030 alter 5:142-3030 doys. Coll 542-1083 or S32 3871 County, Bank financing available. Will ac- Wholesalers. The only wholesale outlet NJ. tires and brakes. Lacquer paint. S1600I . two bell helmets. Best offer. 1970 35' LUHRS FI8ERGLAS — M5 h.p. SMALL APPLIANCE REPAIRS — Table, DICTAPHONE cept trades. 2M-9621. (or used cars in Monrpoufh County. Bonk Call 717-7391. financing available. Mony mofe to choose 671-5670 afier 6 p.m. Chrysler engine, excellent condition. In floor lames. Pick-up ond delivery. Phone BOOKKEEPERS* I960 FORD MUSTANG — Must be seen iu trnm. 264-9621. .'" ""' ' F~&~H~MotDrs inc. 1970 «50cc YAMAHA — Excellent condi- water, reody to go. Coll 264-8910, 264-8751. 54J0779. Travel-Transportation appreciate. Best offer. Authorized Dealers, tion. KEYPUNCH Call 671-9343. 1968 GREEN VOLKSWAGEN BUG Dodge ond Dodge trucks SEARS — 12' seml-V-hull olumlnum boat, ODD JOBS — This Is the answer to the Very sood condition. S1000. Hwy 35 Eatontown, Call 842-7t31 or 741-8323. A-l shape, $65. Dial lobs oround your home thai never seem to N.J get done. For free estimate ask for Ken OFFICE MACHINES PONTIAC — Tempest hardtop 1967. Six Call 291-2936 542-1111 741-1942 cylinder, automatic, power steering. Must 194V~HABLEY~DAVT5SON — Chopper. Alter S p.m, 787-5448. ITALY sell, 1650. 842-9382. 1970 PONTIAC CATALINA 400 — Nine KITSON CHEVROLET"CO. Compelely rebuilt. Very good condition. STARCRAFT IB' ~ 160 Inboard/outboard, passenger station wagon. Air, full power. Asking H7O0. 741-8454. like new. Will sacrifice. $2700. CONCRETE WORK DOME Temporary work, For Hwy 36 Eotontown Patios, sidewalks. 1970"PLVWOUTH~C'UDA~^~Ai6',"S\}0 h~P. Low miles. 741-2315 after 5:30. 542-1000 TWO HARLEY DAVIDSON - 74's, J950V Call 291-9191 BARGAIN HUNTERS Factory tape deck. Never raced. Must 1949. selling parts. Catl for list ond price. Call 787-3731 hours to suit. Ex- sell. ilMO. Calt B72-1886, . 1971 OPEL — Four-door. Low mlteaoe. 16* CRUISER — Wllh trailer, 40 h.p. Evln- 1968 CHEVROLET WAGON — V-8, radio rude, like new, convos hood. Sacrifice. MAMMOTH ROOFING — No lob too big By car or train, two weeks, Excellent condition. Nine months old, neater, power brakes, power steering. Ex- perienced. Highest 19Mi "FORD"GALAX I E~500 X L~~ Maroon," SI495. Coll 741-2589. 842-2685. or too small. Free estimates. 495-3990 or white convertible top, 29,000 original cellent condition. Call 575-0490. 1971 triumph Trophy 650 hourly rates. Jobs from $404 including motel LIGHTNING SAILBOAT - 19'. With miles. Power steering, white bucket seats, ' RED BANK VOLVO ~"~ " CHEVROLET — 1969 Klnoswood station Coll 7^1-8420 ondolr fare from N.Y. aulomotic V-8, S85O. 7-11-1683. trailer and many extras. $600. Musi sell. ROOFING AND CARPENTRY in your area. Reg- Newman Springs Rd. Red Bonk; wagon. Factory air. Power steering Free estimates. Reasonable. S1.675. Call 495-1095. HARLEY DAVISON 1955 - Choaoer, ri- 583-1095. 19&9 ALPHA ROMEO — Italian Sport cor, gid frame, new motor and transmission, COII7B7-M6I,»1-33«J ister 9-5 Mon. thru KIRWAN CO. beautiful in and out. Must be seen to be 1966 FALCON — Future. 289 standard 1971 FIAT — 850 Spider convertible. Ex- springer front end, much chrome, all new. EVINRUDE - 1968. 55 h.p. Elecfrlc start WORLD WIDE TRAVEL opprecloted. 671-1652 oMcr 5 p.m. transmission. Steel wall radial tires. 5550. cellent condition. 7900 miles. $1,975. Coll No reasonable offer refused. 264-692). Controls Included. Runs great. $400. 264 842-3965 aflcr 6 p.m. 842-6434. 797», 787 0806. NO FEE CHARGED Airport Plaza Hazlet RENAULT 4 CV — Extra'motor ports. 1970 HONDA MINI TRAIL BOAT SACRIFICE — 19' Ideal Croft, EMPLOYMENT Good car for Dune Buggy. $100. .—'- MURPHY & DAVIDSON 1967 CORVAIR — Monza. Blue. 110 h.p. S150 842-3893. Four-speed. Excellent condition. $550. 899-. too h.p. Interceptor engine. Help Wanted 264-7200 Mercedes-Benz Sales and Service 741-5B12 I/O drive. $790,747-1911. Hwy9 Freehold 462-5300 3844. . 1969 FORD CORTINA — Red with black 1?«8 HARLEY — Sportster. 9f» cc. Blue, Male and Female MANPOWER, Inc. 1965 VOLKSWAGEN — NInepossenger 1986 MERCURY - ParKlone convertible white saddle bogs, windshield, oil chrome. 4 W Front Red Bank 842-4343 Interior, automatic, disc brakes, 23 MPO. 8' PRAM WITH OARS 776-5577 495-2591, after 6 p.m. -_^__ van. Engine fust rebuilt. Sanded, ready power windows and seats, automatic Has been kept In beautiful condition. $1800 $45. Call 842-5597 ARE YOU 312 Main Asbury Pork AUTOMOTIVE tor paint. Must sell. 4900. 842-2374. power steering, gold with white Interior. firm. 7!7 151?. 80 H.P. MERCURY - 1970. Two propel r 5595. AUTOMOBILE WHOLESALERS JOIN THE Autos For Sale 1968 PLYMOUTH SAT- .L 1972 7AG's IN STOCK — And more LTD., the only wholesale outlet for used 1971 HONDA 175 — With helmet. Good lers, control box and battery. Must be as- READY NOW comlno! Buy now at winter prices. A.R. cars in AAonmouth County. Bonk financing condition. Call after 5 p.m. CHEVROLET KINGSWOOD WAGON - sembled by a good nnechonlc. Book price MANAGEMENT ELLITE — AUTO- Pyle, Mar., A & G MOTORS, 82 S. Main available. Will accept trades. 264-9621. 741-7&4 $700, will occept best otter over $350. 671 TO MAKE 1949. Excellent condition. Low mileage. St.. Asbury Park, 775-HB3. TEAM 12200. 511-1867. MATIC, STICK OFF- 1965 MUSTANG — 2 + 2 yellow Fosiback. 1971 HONOA — CB 750 5917. THAT CHANGE? 1970 MAVERICK — Metallic 3-speed, excellent condition. S625. Call 671- Best offer with extras Do you enloy working with people? Are 26' OWENS — Sleeps lour, beautiful con- you omblllous lor early success? HFC s 196l"CHEVROLET — Impalo sedan/Good THE-FLOOR. BLACK mafic, radio, healer. $995. 4395. Ask for the lady. 741-0374 or 741-0318 dition, 725 h.p., rodlo, compass, spotlight, Then here's your OP- condition wllh three new tires. 1170. Call Intensive Management Training Program INTERIOR/ RED EX- 1966 VOLKSWAGEN — Sunroof, clean 1972 HONOA-450 CB. other extras. Located In Oceanport. Soil helps you become on executive quickly. between 12-2 p.m. tnont away for $4600. Call days 741-4900. Eve PORTUNITY to |oin PORSCHE ENGINE 1500 CC — In 1962 and runs good. $575. Call offer 6:30 p.m. S10CO Non-selling, Interviewing Is mo|or part of I9M VOLKSWAGEN — Rodlo, low mile TERIOR WITH 741-8755. 495-1964 nlngs, 229-8I02. Dictograph Security age. UKe new condition. $475 or olfers Volkswagen. Orlginq! engine too. Nev parls. 1400. 741-067?. 7f~iW OWENS CRUISER - Flybrldge", l?!gh School Graduate, Straight (alary. In- considered. 741-1538. BLACK VINYL ROOF. MUSTANG — 1967 convertible. 289. Pow- TRIUMPH - 1966. 690 cc rebuilt engine. Systems, one of the creoses based on performance. Advance- er steering. Excellent condition. Asking Rewired. S7S0 or make offer. 1971 225 h.p. Chrysler engine, low hours. 1964 CHEVY NOVA - Excellent appear CORVAIR — 1966 aulomotic. S150. Black Pressure woter, radio, sfeeps five. Days ment opportunity, security, employes ben- EXCELLENT CONDI- with red interior. Buckets. Fair condition. 5950. M2-453J between 5 9 p.m. 747-5426 946-4800. Nights ond weekends 747-4804. world's leaders in the ance and mechanical condition. Standard 264-3774. transmission. 1300. 471-9128 TION. $1275. 495-1206. 1969 PONTIAC — Tempest. Blue. Ex 1956 HARLEY DAVIDSON CHOPPER Crusade against crime Mlnorlty and female applicants will he cellent running condition. 4-speed, new FL74 — Sportster front end, Z-bors, foot IB' FIBERGLAS BOAT — 60 h.p. electric considered on some basis as other oppll- MGB — 1963. Yellow. Radial tires, radio, 1963 RAMBLER - As Is. Needs engine start motor, used one seoson. Cost S3400, IMS RENAULT RIO — 28,000 miles, ex work. Good body. J150. clutch, radial tires. $1550. 787-1519 after 5 shift, straight leg rigid frame, king and and fire in the boom- canls, without regard to race, sex, or na- cellent condition. Reasonable. heater, studded snows. Excellent body. sell $1900. 787-9164 alter 5 p.m. Call 787-4155 qjeen seats, plus chrome. $1375. Call 767- tional orfpln. ' 291-161/ 30,000-35,000 miles. After 7 p.m., coll 671- 1169. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORP. 196« FORD CORTINA — 4-speed, 5lon- 18' THOMPSON — 50 tip. Evlnrude. ing "total" security in im. 1967 PLYMOUTH VALIANT — Two-dool Best offer. "As is." 1107 Hwy 35 Mlddletown 1*47 CADILLAC — Coupe DeVllle. Block, 6-cyllnder standard. Runs good. Needs dord shift, 48,000 miles, $495. Phone 566- 1970 350cc HONDA - Low mileage. Good 1971 VOLKSWAGEN — Super SMIST 566-2634 or 671-4719 dustry. Sayrewood Shopping Center, Parlln block vinyl roof. Loaded. Excellent condi- lender. J17S. 747-5322. 3036. condition. Phone Sergeant Richards, B72- 141 smith St. Perth Amboy cellent condition. Must sell. S1795. Call 1975. j. T tion. Goad tires. S229J. 747-4761 or 842 471-3165 after 6 p.m. 1967 OLDSMOBILE — Delmonl 88, auto 23 ~HARDTOP~CRUISER —~lTor Wholesalers, the ontv wholesale outlet tor Main St., Molnwon. 5M-B99. Income or advancement. You must hove handle a special casualty account. Sorrie bucket seats, new clutch. , 575 late model car. Soles experience helpful used cars In Monmouth County. Bank fi- HE FINEST SELECTION — Of new ond typing rewired. Position otters executive Coll 787-9093 1964 CORVAIR Mobile Homes 787-9093 But not required nancing available. Many more to cnoose used cors in Wlonmouth County. Over 100 Great condition. Yellow responsibility. Salary commensurate with from. f64-9>21. air-conditioned new car$ In stock. VEGA — 197foutomotTcr Coll 842-3140 evenings BOAT TRAILER — Never used, $150. Wit experience. Call Howard Prevllle at 5JI Mobile Home & Trallerinsurance sacrifice. Group Orientation WS» PONTIAC CATALINA — Factory air, AcGLOIN BUICK-OPEL INC., Shrews- Low mileage. S1800. Reasonable Rates SIM. bury Ave., New Shrewsbury. 741-6200. Call 671-9341 9»0"AUSTIN HEALEY — Buaeye~Spri7e7 1201 Union Ave.. Union Beach. power steering, power seats, 389 engine. Good condition, $450. GROSSINGER S. HELLER AGENCY followed by personal MY EXPANDING BUSINESS - Requires Turbo hydramollc transmission. Good iEE A "RUSSELL MAN" — For the best 1965 PONTIAC — TWO-DOOR HARD- Ptione 671-3447 Broad & Mechanic Sts. 741-2100 Red Bank an ambitious person or couple who would tires. New brakes. Good condition. 3500. interview with top like o lorge Income. No Investment. Call cor buys. RUSSELL OldsmoblleCadillac TOP. NO DENTS. MOTOR AND TRANS 1v63""f?ICHARDSON — 10X55. Two bed 741-3144. Co., 100 Newman Springs Rd., Red Bank. MISSION JUST REBUILT. J385. CALL MGA 1957 — Convertible, wire wheels! BUSINESS NOTICES company executive. 221-1704. 741-W10. Needs work or use for ports. Best offer. room, wall-to-wall carpeting. Call 938. 1962 OLDSMOBILE 88 — S295. Power ""hone 291-4464. - •- ' HdUseCLEANING APPLY IN PERSON TO MEDICAL SECRETARY - Internists of- steering, brakes. Excellent running condl- SCENIC CAR SALES By Insured Trained Men with own equip- MR. ROBERT OSTROW fice. Part-lime, !» hours to start. Good tlon. Coll 741-3311 o»er 5 p.m. 196J VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK Quality cars bought and sold. Good condition. S550. 1966 YELLOW VOLKSWAGEN ment. Backed by Blue Chip Corporation. typing essential. References. Reply Box Hwy36 Highlands 872-0221 Coll 671-4087 _ Convertible. $400 Tractors Floors, Walls, Rugs, Windows, Furniture M-6 The Daily Register, Red Conk. 1971 CHRYSLER — Newport Custom Ex- Call 812-1723 otter 6 p.m. cleaned In your home. Free estimates. Wed., July 12 ower steering. Asking $745. Phone 787- ED. ioy. Holrodet oreo. Evenings 531-31B ' ' Autos For Sale Autos For Sale L ;AR5 WANTED — WE PAY TOP DOL- 739-0648 ecrlence. Send resume to Box K-3S, The JEEP SALES AND SERVICE AR FOR CLEAN USED CARS. iQlly Register, Red Bank. PBX OPERATORS -J-4 or 3-11 shifts. In Twin Boro Motors, Inc. 962 FORD FAIRLANE — Automatic. CALL MR. JOSEPH 542-5500 tludlng weekend openings. Full or part- Clean. Good running condition. PAINTING Lr>N OR RN — Partfime* Saturday~riml time. Long term work. 74T-47.0O. 131 E. Newman Springs Rd. Red Bonk 78M37O WINDOW VAN~WANTED~T968TeTc~ EXTERIOR, INTERIOR. Insured. Sunday 3 to IL.Sundoy 7 to 3:30. Full time CALL NOW 7470040 Buy "as Is" or trade 1945 Chevrolet 747-3202 or 842-3670 LNP or RN, 11 to 7, weekends off. AH WALL LINCOLN-MERCURY M6~MUSTANG — SixTyfindVr automatic wagon, plus cash. Wont borgaln. 787-6180. benefits. Coil or apply in person. Wick More Classified Shrewsbury Ave. ot Sycamore shift, 51.000 miles. Asking $850. Call 946 olunk Privale Nursing Home, Rt. 7? 8075 after 6 p.m. WANTED — Choice used cors, with certi- .Wickatunk, NJ.9«-8!?3. on Next Pace Shrewsbury, N.J. fied mlleoge. Contoct Ed Slgler. 747-5400 VOLKSWAGEN BUS— 1965. 1968 OPEL — Rnllye Sport, gold wilh $750 M. SCHWARTZ BUILDERS - Help Wanted Help Wanted black interior, 4695. AUTOMOBILE 566-9298 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH Experienced builders in Monmoutri Coun WHOLESALERS LTD., tilt only whole- 1*1 W. Front St., Red Bonk 747 0717 ty loi uvei 15 years. We do additions, dor- Male and Female Male and Female sale outlet for used cars in Monmouth V52 CADILLAC — Original condition. See mers, siding, rooting, masonry. Kitchens, County. Bank linoncing available. Will ac it 2S1 Broodway, Long Branch, JUNK CARS bathrooms and new construction on your cept trades. 564 9*21 itcFADDIN CADILLAC-OLD5, 222-1234. PICKED UP KROLL MOTORS, INC. DATSUN TWINBROOK 787-0816 2/9 Broadway Long Brancti WASHINGTON'S AUTO SERVICE LIGHT ~HAUUN'6—CLEAN CELLARS* 222-3600 370 Brood St. 264-1323 Keyport AUTO WRECKING YARDS, GARAGES — Free estimates, Eatoritown 542-2235 "all after 3 p.m. 7JH-?MP. Autos For Sale Autos For Sale LARPEN It W-BUILDER — Complete Auto Parts — Repair home remodeling. Room additions and ga- KEYPUNCH rage. KARL SCHLOEDER, 6715114. IMS AUSTIN HEALEY 3000 transmission, HOUSEPAINTTNCT^— inteTToT. ExteTtor clutch (never used), pressure plate, throw Reasonable rotei. Free estimates. Coil IF YOU LIKE TO out bearing. Top condition. After five, 291- 787-6598 LAWN MAINTENANCR OPERATORS SAVE MONEY! Fertilising, raking, sod. Free estimates. Auto Rentals Phone 842-4193. If you want Io drive a bolter car. .. and save money at R EM6DEI 1NG~~ Pa 1 nTingTpone11na, Ihn sane Inns ... you won't want to miss the tremendous TOM'S FORD sheetrock ond taping, concrete block and EXPERIENCED opportunity available Io you at Shrewsbury Motors. We've *"c work. Free estimates, 767-3721. yot the kind ol cats you'll like .. . and Ihey'.o being oi- RENTACAR DISAPPEARING ATTIC STAIRS~— Fyr-. How you go about 300 Hwy 35 264JOM Kc|porl p fered at money-savinc) prices. ilsned nna Installed tor only $49.95. To •order, call 340-0863. 1965 VOLKSWAGEN $995 BOATS AND "HOUS E~PAI ~NTTNG~~ your life is our Interior. Exterior, Spray or brush. Senior Sedan, beige, radio, healer ACCESSORIES Citizen dlscounls. Call afler 5 p.m. 717- 1965 KARMANN GHIA $1095 BOSTON WHALER BROWNING LOCAL-LONG DISTANCE MOVING business. ConveMibfn, yellow, radio, Imalfjr ROBALO Estimates rjiven, Reasonable. SEACRAFT Phone 342-4193 L.J. GONZER 1966 VOLKSWAGEN $1095 VIELLCRAFT Sedan, tujquoiso radio, heater JOHNSON NTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTING ASSOCIATES, INC. BEARCAT — Roofing. P and H Pointing. MERCRUISEU Free estimates. Call 291-7420 565 Route 35 Red Bank 1969 VOLKSWAGEN $1795 Used Boots ond '71 Lefl-Owrs AiR cooFAWIJAT-KHTSERVICE Marine, Accessories and Supplies rs f Squarohfick Wrfrjon, hoiqe, radio, hentnr,'automatic Air conditioning, washers., drYe < ft- 842-3900 Buy where the service Is pairs, Phone 671-9176. An tqual opportunity employtr MGB. 1970 VOLKSWAGEN $1695 from 8 to 5 -7 days a week Fastback, hluo, radio, hoator FLAGSHIP MARINE Municipal Marine Bosin 1971 VOLKSWAGEN $2895 Atlantic Highlands, N.J. 9-p.iMiiiniini hus. radio, tioatiu, yellow/white (201) 291-2638 __ CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1967 CHEVROLET $1495 ALL YOUR'SPRING Inipala slntinii watinn, radio, IHMIOI, V-fi, automatic, FITTING OUT NEEDS A HANDY GUIDE Or BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR f)rnvnr stfioring, air conditioning The Boatman's Shop 4WtlarfAve. 741-5790 Red Bn;-, MANY NEEDS' 1968 PONTIAC $1795 Open weekdays, 9 o.m-6 p.m. Sundays & Holidays, 9 a.m. 1 p.m. 'f-irobifd, ;j-rloor fi,iirttop, r;n|[n. hn,'i|pi, .lulnfridi'C. [jrnvoi skuMing !W. , Antique clocks, watches, fine lewelry ex- CASH PAID pertly done, Don PODS. Jewelers, 799 Rlv PAINTING- Bruin ond »TJW92 b & w ROOFING . ll\>uti> M er Rd., Fair Haven. I42-6257. papering. Call lor fret estimolt 5°™«|r. county'! Lly. Wire »oof«fv' WE NEED USED CARS Rod Scho»Hrter 847-4)41 ^Specialists-- repairs; ititool* work. Buhler & Bitter PAPER HANGING" SHREWSBURY MOTORS, INC. WE WILL PAY Concrete Work 264-0198 VWK t, WHITING «1|9;4 Aulhorued Volhswaqen Dealer TOP PRICES TILE, CERAMICS, MOSAICS - Pointing, CARL B. JONES — Pnlnllno and wo lino-' plastering, masonry, concrete, stucco. perlng. Fully Iniured. For IIH iitimo/ai, HWY 35 HAZLET Shrewsbur/Ave. 741-8500 New Shrewsbury TOMS FORD Cory Oulirt. Fully Insured. 719-2471. colt nr-jiji. H«!pWant«d Heijp. Wonted Molt w fU Manor Ftmqle NOTICE ;ITTENS - Ff» »o flood tiomM. ir HELP WANTED READERS . emaimalesl , out male. 394 Church It., I lord. lANIESE"— AndHlitmh kittens. Blue AND ADVERTISERS' , . from club jln.c6mplionce with the New Jersey Law Against Ols- JVRGE GREAT OANE - MOW. Me )rwr *UNSH Icrlm nation, till Help Wanted Advertising now appears un- Ytor > le der the combined "Help Wanted Male or Female'7 column,: Reference to aoe, sex or marital status may not be ex- SACRIFICE - AKC English bull dog, f«- WIDDLgTOWN AR8A - Modern" two- pressed, unless a bona fide occupation requirement exists..'. Kill, spoyed, 11 months. Adorn children. bedroom duplex, SIM a month plus mill- Fenced-tn area. 264-3397. »les ond tecvrlty, 717-J4B1I . information regarding positions with possible bona tide oc-' TOY POODLES OCtAfiPORT TENNIS COURT, two 545 ond up year old Bl-level. three bedrooms up, pan- cupational requirement's or clarification of the New Jersey Call after t p.m. 591-9711 eled recreation room, office and den low- Ldw Against Discrimination may be obtained by calling the; "CIRMAN SHEPHIRBTU^P New Jersey Division on Civil Rights, (201) 648-2700, or by. AKC registered, SIM. )per Call 142-6190 writing to 1100 Raymond Blvd., Newark, N.J. 07102 LABRADOR RETRIEVER — Registered, femo!,, 8 months. Wanted to Rent Help Wanted Help Wanted ERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES — 11WfcncET? — rive or six. I-J oeoroom Male and Female Male and Female Help Wanted Help Wanted For Sale For Sail! veeks. AKC registered. Large boned, Rental Homes, fcirnlihm or unJurmtKied namplon lines. Short- wormed. 591-1161. ft US ta $350 per month for Incoming Male and Female Male and Female ITEMS YOU NO LONGER PREjSSERS STIGrrJNLY SIAMESE KITTENS . THE BTRG AOENCY, Rt. l£ Miooo Work on ladles' coats. Union shop. 35 SECRETARY COUNTER-HELP — Experienced In cof- REGISfER"ED NUHStf- For nursing NEED OR USE WILL. .. for 1105 INSTALLED-while aluminum SEALPOINT, >1S • Ft ITS^WIVI !FW ••* w • ••'•' ~~ fc—— hours per week. Shore Coat Co.. Inc., 26 fMshco.From(7g.mj«p,m. home. It p.m. to 7 a.m. shift. Excellent :omblnotlon windows. CALL 542-2289 SMALL' HOUSE" - Garage" aportment or Bridge Ave., Red Bonk. To President salary•ry. . FFor appointment coll 291-0600 T. Bt'SNAfttS - AKC qualify puppies'. two-bedroom apartment Auaust occu- Career opportunity with growing com- Moni. thru Frl.' PROWN'S Champion line bred. Ready lo go. pancy. Winter or onnuol. Moture worklno parry, Salary open. Coll 7474500. HOUSEKEEPER - From Mon. 10 Frl SELL PERSONNEL CLERK 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Salary open. Call froi FULL TIME TAXI DRIVER - Must have 12 Bread St., Dad Bonk 741-7500 531-2022 couple. References, write Box R-29, The PERMANENT POSITION FOR CAREER expert driving record. Inquire at Yellow WROUGHT IRON FURNIf ilftlf Dolly Register, Bed Bonk. MINDED PERSON. ABLE TOTVPE, AVON Cab, 101 Oakland St., Red Bonk. Good Condition. TEMPORARY HOUSING - (Prefer un- SUMMERTIME — IT'S THE PERFECT 'CHRISTMAS IN JULY FAST Phone 741-1749 K RECO DS D THE RETAIL SELLING — Full time, per- REAL ESTATE furnished) In Fair Haven, Rumson, LltMe I1 ? ^ °S time to begin your spare time money- WEDDING GOWN — Headpiece ond slip, Silver, or Red Bank for several months, Start now to ewn lots of money plus glfti manent position. Stock maintenance, WITH A QUICK ACTION making career with Avon! Your neigh- some, deliveries. Mature outlook toward ilie ID, $130. Admiral stereo, walnut, S17S FOR RENT storting In August, while my own .borne s bors are outdoors, easy to meet, re- for. your fomlly as a part time) Besfline LOW-COST 164-6370. being Built.-Tor 3 WW'JSPiWiS laxed and ready to talk wltH you about Cameo Representative. Choose your own work, not temporary. Must be accurate, Apartments ond two school we Srrls. (No pets.) Good MANPOWER, INC. hours. Call 838-6980 aHer 5 p.m. honest, alert, and have good references. DAILY REGISTER !5% DISCOUNT — On women's and chll T Da our exciting products. Start earning ex- Good worklna conditions. If you have core guarantees: Bo« *-{?:, Mi «X" 4 WEST FRONT ST., RED BAN K tro cash during the warm weather dren's swim suit!. Sam Sllberblatt, 120 THREE-ROOM APARTMENT - Near Register, Red Bonk, wllh details ond months! Call: Mrs. Ward, 741-4343, 462 SALESPERSON — Long hours, low pav wnat It lakes, we will leocti you — (Wall Bay Ave., Highlands. transportation. Private home, References no chance, of advancement. Sounds rlc paint coverings and artists' materials) required. Business couple preferred. 495- phone number. RECEIVING 3377or774-lm culeus? It Is. We con otf« you o toumJ' Apply Colorest Co., 17 Brood St., Red FAMILY AD IAOVIHO SALE IN HOUSE. Storktlne ly Colorest 0416. HOUSE With two pedrocmi. Mull be DEPARTMENT nanclal future In real estate, we iel 3 LINES-5 DAYS crib ond chltferobe, $S0. Gas stove, 36", HaVt POCKET MAKER homes. MELMED REALTY, 671-5650. FOR (white), perfect working order, $25. Train ED BANK' ' __ .. . gSfl" °"' "" "' On Coats ASSISTANT — Our (tore manager needs set, $10. Child's tools and chair, (10. Red- • MANAGER CREDIT INTERVIEWER - Notional osilstant. Some slock work, some selling, JUST wood table ond bench*!. $15. Book!, etc. lnwKdrote>openlng tor responsible person UNION SHOP RIVERVIEW TOWERS lewelry chain looking for ambitious per- some office work. Apply In person only, 5 Spruce Drive, aft Patterson Ave. 28 Riverside Ave. to head up busy receiving-shipping depart- Apply VMfstreefFasWons sanvrio previous credit experience re- Youth Center, 20 Broad St.. Red Bank. $2.00 Shrewsbury. 91o 5 Frl. onfl Sot. Overlooking the beautiful Navestnk River' ment.-Excellent starting solory and lull n 37 Wall St., Red Bonk quired, for porMttne work in our Eoton- Available for Merchandise For Sale only. Spacious 1-2-3 bedroom apartments. Ce -> YOU' HAVE APARTMENTS OR HOUSES line of benefits. A great opportunity to run town, N.J.. store. Hours vary. Trans MOVING — Gas stove $30, ping pong your own department. Apply In person lo Article must originate trom p household itraily air conditioned. 24 hr. doorman, irq EXPERIENCED PORTER M/W — For able $15, large window fan $10. denumldt door parking, swim pool, marina, Ty Store Manager. nursing home work, hours 7-3, three days Situations Wanted and may not.exceed a sale price of 550.M tier Sis, sectional sofos, ISO pair, maple >rlce MUST be advertised, Each addition- iecurily, terraces. THRU FRI. , _, a week. °-6 two days a week. Coll for In- 8 p.m. Female al line Si.00. No copy changes may De ofa $35. used lumber 2x6, 1x8, ana as- terview 291-0440. iorted, $30. Yard swing $20, Air condl- efficiencies and p/olesslonal suite dvall- No commission Involvd iCHANNELCO. CLERK-TYPISCLERKTYPIST — Full-timFulimee days. Per CHILD CARE — In my home for worklna made and no discounts or returns will be loner vs. 7«-7J»7.74 Highland Ave., Folr CHEF WANTED NWW— Full-time, six monent position for Individual with gqoc mode It ad Is canceled before expiration mothers. S20 weekly includes snocks. Haven. ""' Contact rMr, Link (201) 741.1737 INC 7 days a week. Calf far appointment, 291- typinping skills and clerical backgrounbackgroundd. A App . Plenty of lender, loving care. Call 291-4135 Furnlthed Roomi RF. 35 and Heck Ave. • Nqptune, N.J. 3400. Knia-lames Nursing Home. ply weekdayweekdayss , 9939-33,, Personnel Sept.Sept,, JEJER mornings or evenings. TWO CHESTS OF DRAWERS CHARMING TWO-BEDROOM APART- SEY SHORE MEDICAMECA L CENTERCENTER , 9411949 ! ! MENT — Oceonport waterfront. Shog car- COOK — For 40-bed nunfng home, hours Cll Av Ntune An equal opport MATURE WOMAN — Will Stay with chll- ffiNlSrieb ROOMS CIVIL DESIGN POSITIONS 7-3. Cook's helper* hours 10*6. Call for in- Corlles Ave., Neptune. An equal opportu- beted throughout. One year tease re- Eolontown area. nity employer. dren, your home, while parents vacation. 741-6900 quired. Coll days 741-4900, eves. 2298102. Sr. OeslQn Eno'neer terview. 291-0440. 787-3W3. CRIB — And plcnilc matirni, $30. Cord Phone y22-Ull . STAY WITH — Your family days, add ti 24-Hour Service table, tS. Call alter 4:30 p.m. RED BANK - Unlurntshed Greentree : ' Design Engineer MEN OR WOMEN — MOO a month -No- your Income evenings showing Bcelin< t)RNISHEO - Jingle and djfdble raomi Senior Designer tlonol Corporation needs candidates for WILL BABYSIT - In my home tor work- 741-2832. apartments, 239 Spring St. One-bedroom Fashions. Free wardrobe. No investment ing mother. Call m Beachwoy, Keansburg, Weekly ana Designer management training. SBOO salary If you . LUMB£R~CUrTO'Sl2E DINING ROOM SET — Formica lop, 'our apartments available. Call for appoint- nonthly. 7(7-9887. delivery or canvassing. Call anytime 229 291-4323 mint, 741-3953. • Senior Draftsman qualify. Far Interview, call 741-1968 be- 2643,531-1002 or 2294251. For home and Industry chairs, leaf lor table. Blue and whllt. Colt Draftsman tween 9 and 12. Equal Opportunity Em. SK0, sell for 1100. 739-2304. •MIODLETOWN — One-bed"room town! KEANSBURG — Nice furnished room on Junior Draftsman player. • AUTO BODYV WORKERS - Fully etx- the shore by reservation RED BANK LUMBE741-550R0 .House for rent. Spacious living room, din- erlenced. Foorr furthefrtherr informatioinftion call Situations Wanted Male Red Bank FREEZER - Train table, dehumldlller, Ing area, science kitchen including all op-l Call 7I7-98I7 BOOKKEEPER — Permanent position ', 853 Broadway, west Long Wall Street - ••- - picnic table — bench, stereo, antique Permanent positions.' Immediate employ- Ee«'s Garage, 8 t)ISt»l-A'Y'lfNiTSF(5R'SALE-Onefre^ r illances, central air conditionincondiio g ondi ment, Minimum experience of 1 to 5with long established company. Ex- Branch, 222-3644. stool, king headboard, end tables, work SENIOR CITIZENS — Room and board perienced In double entry thru general standing, custom made, self-Illuminated tench — vise, lawn mower. Reasonable. mll-to-woll carpeting. Terroce. In^had; •directly on the ocean, ot the inure. Nice years Is required. unit, 12' long. 7'A' Hoh, 41 wide, with plate aw Lake. Aault community for those 52 ledger. Excellent salary, fringe benefits. SHEET METAL MECHANIC— Ex (42-5166 1 room. Three home cooked meals dally. 24 glass shelves and storage spaces. ALSO ind over. Country Club living with tennis Coir22»-0M2. perienced heating and. air condltlonlnc : in. attention. Coll Kn-77M0i1. ... Public Works experience Desirable. Un- other won units and gloss shelving. F" OUR-PIECE SECTIONAL COUCH — :ourl», swimming pool, golf course and usually Extensive Benefits. Salary De- duct work. Yeor round employment, mani REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON company benefits. Call 741-7745. more Information, please call 566-7726. Cldney-shaped cotlee table, two modern club house are only some ol the facilities ROOTS — ?36se fo water, with house and pends an Qualifications. An Equal Op- Male - female, full time, part-time, licens- exclusively for residents. 54-hour Hcurlty HUTCH — Lovely Colonial oak, S100. Call lamps. Beit oiler. Antique bar cabinet. studio privileges. Suitable for art student. portunity Employer. ed or willing to learn. Now that you've CLERK-TYPIST - Full time, for sales FINANCIAL n quiet and beautiful environment. Can Coll before llToo a.m., 291-1328. talked to the rest, come in and talk to the department. Good typing skills. Per- after 6:30p.m. ^^ ^6-5168 between 4-8 p.m. or weekends. Send Resume or write for application to best. We seek competent and ambitious- manent. Call 264-3580. Business Opportunities ANTIQUE FURNITURE — Brlca-brac, NICE COMFORTABLE •* Room for many other Hems. 244 Cremery Rd., Colls T & M ASSOCIATES, INC. people Interested In earning a minimum ot TIRES — G60X14 Fiberglos TWOTKTOMS — And bath, furnished. U1II- mtddl*-oge man or woman. Private home. 213 Highway 35 S20,000 a year and In turn we offer com- SUPERVISORS AND DRIVERS ' "LONG ESTABLISHED Neck. .Itles Included. No pels. Suitable for busi- N cor bus. 842-3943 after t p.m. Full time. Work with young bays In new. BEAUTY SALON belted. $100 far two. Red Bank, N.J. 07701 pany paid In depth training program, lib- Coll 864-7709 WO DINING ROOM TABLES - Double ness gentleman. Inquire ot 218 Monmoulh or call eral drawing account, 60% commission, paper publication fields. SSOO base salary For rent or sale In Red Bonk area. For In- St., Red Bank. U6D BANK -Oft BroodSJ/JIngla per week. $50 expenses plus commissions, formation write Box H-63, The Dally Reg. jed, other furniture. Excellent condlllon. rooms, no kitchen privileges. 741-5392 be- Mrs. Scott at (201) 747-411! participating spec arrangements and SEARS — 100 PSI twin cylinder air com- Reasonable. 5J2-37M. more. Plus the opportunity for manage- must hove station wagon or van. Call 67B- Istcr, Red Bank. pressor, 3 h.p. 3 gal, point tank, and hoi rHREC — Five-room apartments for sea tween IM, 5-7 p.m. ______Men ' Women ment through a planned program of ex- 1444, fwo spray guns. $300.767-6094. FOUR NEW TIRES — G7Sxl5,5110 son or summer. S750. Call between 6-9, hED BANK — Furnished rooms with pri- fansion. Why not coll for a confidential MEAT MARKET AND OEL1 - for sole. FOUR used W7lxlS, JIM. 1»7-4493. Complete RESUME Service SALESPERSON WANTED — Permanent All year business. Union Beach. vate entrance, slltlna room and kitchen ntervlew and talk to the company that 7" CIRCULAR — Blufrgreen shag rug. se- Coll 741-3636 otter 6 p.m. BRIELLE — • Inquire at 4J Peters PI., Red sells a house every day. THE KIRWAN position, full-time, for general selling. Ex- 244-9822 rlvce lor 13, white Norltake china. Co' Prepare, Revise, Advise, or Print perience preferred but not necesscry. Ap- CAMERA - Miranda Seniorex with Fl.: Fast Service, reasonable prices CO., Realtors, 160 Hwy 36, West Keans- 471-2081. ' byrg, N.J. 787^oOO. ply In person to Mrs. Plnsley at KIS- lens. Less than two months old. Must sel BERKELEY SQUARE RETI RED WOMAN — All ftomt privi- Work performed by a man who has UN'S, Front St., RedBank. TONY'S SUB SHOP DARK PINE — Early American trestle Call evening 872-0773. reviewed, revised and written lege*. Furnished room next to bath, coll SUMMER VACANCIES CALL 787-9028 table, corner table, step table, lamps, five 566-37V0 thousands of resumes over the years. ,DRIVERS WANTED - Sell Ice cream pictures, $200. 40' aluminum ladder $18. SURFBOARD AND WET SUITS — Webei Superb apartment unit, two bedrooms, Vh J70 P/T -1147 F/T BEAUTY SALON FOR SALE — Lease, S'9" Feather, excellent condition. Call 78" barns, full basement ond oartge, beautiful from now until Labor Day on will estab- manage, or will consider partner. Free- CAREER MARKETING lished routes now earning $200 a week. Scholarships available to business mo|ors, 3722. wooded area. Prestige address. S440 per 1 Car necessary. Coll for appointment 7417- hold. Call 442-8141. !TYP. -EWRITERSE , ADDING machines. Al month Includes oil utilities. Coll 449-3340, 14 West Front St., Red Bank 747-2040 !Apply now for pleasant summer work, INSTALLING SEWER LINE? We have Call 495-0151 froVn 6-9 p.m. Or any time; 4030, makes new or used. Guaranteed Low ai Mon. thru Jot., 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. REAL ESTATE jr DRY CLEANING ROUTE FOR SALE J25. Serolco's, 101 Monmouth St. Next to trenchers, pipe lolners, cutters, vises, SECRETARY Saturday or Sunday., Good for second Income $25 S PART-TIME SCHOOL SECRETARY r lheater.^47-0485. wrenches, lead melters, everything you Coll 671-0264 need. All Purpose Rentals, 1B1 Newman WATERFRONT APARTMENTS - New FOR SALE •Corporate executive seeks experienced PARTAND/OR FULL TIME Experience preferred. Apply Box 278, Sea Bright, N.J. 07760 YELLOW FORMICA KITCHEN SET Springs Rd., Shrewsbury- 741-0040. one-bedroom furnished apartments. Sum- Houses For Sale secretary with excellent shorthand and STENOGRAPHER mer rentals. Free TV. Move In today. 'typing skills. Ability to assume additional Insurance background preferable, but not DRIVER-WAREHOUSE — Apply In pe S15.Youlh bed, SI5 GARAGE SALE - July 14, 15, 16, IO-< 1 INSTRUCTION Coll 471-9045. NAUTILUS APARTMENTS, Sea Bright. RED BANK-RUMSQN AND MILES responsibility mandatory for top salary. necessary. Call otter 5 p.m. 741-9166. son, Central Marine Supply, Hwy IS, Lai p.m. 2 Gordon Court, Port Monmoulh. An- Call 142-0505. AROUND — MultlVlelistings. Send for -'Excellent working conditions. Please rence Harbor. tiques, household items, clothing, mis- free catalog ot modept hotneSt forms, pa- write or call Howard Prevllle, 50 State REAL ESTATE SALES — Licensed pre- CLASSES — In the preparation and deco- cellaneous. LONG'BRANCH - Summer rental 1b Ln- CLERK-TYPIST - Good with tlgurei 'rotton ot special occasion food. (Parties, BACKYARD latial Rumson estates, waterfronts, acre- Agency, Mayfalr House, Deal Rd., Ook- ferred. Aggressive growing oHIce re- bor Day. Furnished four rooms and bath, age, lots, business opportunities. quires a large staff due to expansion pro- pleasant telephone voice, light typing holidays) Call before 11:00 a.m.. 291-1328. of Brown's, you'll see dozens Of porch an WEBER SURFBOARD — One month ol ticean Front, Private beach. Coll eve- gram. Only Interested In salespeople, de- Busy office. Good salary. Excellent ben- beach chain on display .. . quality . . Best offer. 541-7029, ask for Brian, or se nings. 329-1553. , * sirous of earning over S20,00u per year. efits. Red Bank-Eatontown area. low price. Kternan's Surf Shop, North Long Branch, RAY STILLMAN NURSING Cfflce leads, extensive advertising nation- CAREER MARKETING KEYPORT al referral service. Member of two MLS', MERCHANDISE PROWN'S TWO GREG KNOLL SURFBOARDS IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Realtor .DIRECTOR . 14 W. Front St. 747-2040 Red Ban MJHwyJS M1-UM training, program. All replies held In stric- For Sale 32 Broad St., Red Bank 741.7500 tor nurslna hwne. Excellent poyjind ben- test confidence. Send resume to Box G-77, PART-TIME RECEPTIONIST —"AAedlcc REMODELING KITCHEN? 6x9 L-shopec Phone 842-1850 One-bedroom From S170 efits. Write to Box H-64, The Dally Regis- The Dally Register, Rec sank. ofllce, evenings, 4:30 to approximate!' FILL DIRT, GRAVEL — And top soil kitchen, used only 1 year. Cabinets with AIR CONDITIONERS - One 11.000 Two-bedroom $220 ter, Red Bonk." 7:30, three nights a week. In the Red Ban Scotto and Sons, Trucking and Ex sink, eye level oven, range and hooi BTU Phllco. 110V, S145. One 5,000 Private entrances! Eat-In kllchensi Walk SCHOOLBUSORIVSRS— No ex- area. Experience necessary. Send resum< (gas). $500 or best offer. Call 842-3847. ent area adj perience necessary. Starting salary 12.50 to BoxM-5, The Dally Register, Rei cavatlng. 222-8453. .6TUp(l(lco,«B5. 544-1530. to shopping, buses, school I per hour. Apply in person to Mr. Michael Bonk. HAMMOND B3 ORGAN — WithLeslle FISH TANK — 55 gal. complete, all oc-8'x28' TRAVEL TRAILER - Good condl PRIVATE SWIM CLUB bedroomt, < CARPENTER tormley. Administrative Assistant, not- speaker, excellent condition. $1700. Call cessorles. Must sell. Phone 542-6317 be- lion. Fully equipped. 51200. 741-0773, 10- piortpjofle. ; Trim—paneling—alternations, Excellenl let Township Board ot Education, 1719A BABYSITTER WANTED 531-8006 tween 5 & 6 p.m. p.m. 964-84(2,5:M p.m.-10 p.m. KEYPORT GARDENS ;,opportunity. Coll 741-1144 offer 7 p.m. Union Ave., Hailet, N.J. •Call after 6 251 Atlantic Si. Of! Rt. 36 «3ww OLIVETTI COPIER TECHNICIAN 7S7-31B2 SS SQ. YARDS - Gold carpeting, SSO. .. GAS OVEN AND RANGE - Built Ins, SINGLE BED - 515, mattress, like new, S45. Nufone range fan, $10. Aouarlum, two Superintendent on premises. Apt, 6 'Must hove electro-mechanical capabl- black ond white RCA TV, J35. 6 prs. drop- $33. Dresser, $25, chlfferobe, $35, oil goat Phone (201) 264-t3»(9a.m.- ALLAIRE-FARROW :'lltles. Complete training provided. S16S RN PART-TIME - Light bookkeeping c es, like new, $20. Student desk. $10. Ex- fWe-gollon, equipped with fish, SIS both. condition. 787-2238. Magnus organ 415. Child's telescope 58. Realtor week for experienced to stort. 244-2224... 11 TO 7, MONDAY, TUESDAY AND typing at your home. pandable, baby gate, $5. Lawn mower, for ONE-BEDROOM 294 Broad St., Red, Bank WEDNESDAY. STEADY. GOOD PAY. Please call 7<7-1921 ports, 35. Coll 671-4087. Two boy's 3-speed Stingray bikes, S3( SMALL GARDEN TOOLS - Plus spreo SALESWOMAN M/W - Year-round em- CALL 747-4316. ' each. Bumper pool table. $40. Baby furnl der, seeder, antique cultivators, grader immediate and'August 1st occupancy. 741-3450 ployment. Apply mornings at The Little INFANT — Clothing 50c, blankets 52, ture, each Item under S6. Mahogany buf- blade ond 5' side mower for cub fractal Two people, no pels preferred. Heat, gas, LICENSED REAL ESTATE SALESMAN CAREER OPPORTUNITY Sliver Cake Box, Markhom PI., Little Sli- EXPANDING MONMOUTH COUNT1 dressing table S15, feeding table S15, wind fet, chlfferobe, 57 ea. Bookcases U, 2?1- 54A. Cement mixer, house moving lacks hot water, swim club Included. 1170 per Call Anytime.. ver. M/W — Full time. For progressive office. J!EAL ESTATE FIRM — Seeks full tlmi swing $5, car bed S3, outdoor swing S3, 3345. chain, heavy duty winch. Many othei month, one year lease. > Two days floor time per week guaranteed.' real estate sales people for our new of child's car screen 52.741-4475. things. 671-0585. CHEE5EQUAKE PARK APTS. WOODWORKERS — A rapidly growing Call PAUL'P. BOVA, Broker-Realtor, 4lces. Licenses or unlicensed. It unl SNARE DRUM Matawon Between 9 ond 5.5»6-02S3 company has openings for experlencec Mlddletown, 671-2544. STEREO TURNTABLE — Eight tree, Cose and sticks, $25. TWO DECORATED DEACON BENCHES $89,900 •censed, we will train and prepare thrai'gp — 40", maple. One round 42" table, open! TWO — One-bedroom apartments, fur- woodworkers. Must be dependable. Ex- :our special school. Unlimited potential. tape player,-stereo multl-plex unit, good Phone 787-2792 cellent company benefits and working HOUSEKEEPER — Five-day-week. Two to excellent condition. 747-3783, call be- to 60", with two chairs, good condition nished or unfurnished, available imme- CONTEMPORARY 115,000-520,000 first year, possible man- 21" BOY'S BICYCLE — Skyway 3-speed, S!OO. Tennent Rd. across from Cobooi diately or end of month. Applications now conditions, Apply EBSCO Building, In family. Live-In. Nice room, TV. Stale agement In near future. Draw available, tween 4-6 p.m. - Shrewsbury Ave., Shrewsbury. 74H389. references and write to Box M-4, The never used, M0. Call Morganvllle. 591-1519. being taken. Call 229-4907 between 5 and 7 RIVERFRONT iDally Register, Red Bank. tall Palace Realty Associates, 988-4400 or REFRIGERATOR - For bar or boa 842-0546 p.m. Dock your cruiser. In front ol this four- TRAINEE — For lawn technician, valid -264-5300. Ask for Mr. Steam. uses, 19VJ" wide x 33" high x 22" deep STRETCHER TABLE - Cherry, 1811 bedroom, two-oalh home at the «nd of pri- N.J. driver's license. Must be reliable, SECRETARY — Three-man sales office. only used two weeks, perfect condition GIRL'S THREE-SPEED — Spyder bike, Century, American mohogany slant fro APARTMENT FOR RENT - ti Shrews- vate read. Attractive living room with - and en toy outdoor work. Coll Auto-Lcwn, Steno, typing, light clerical. Many ben- FULL OR PART-TIME - Decorator fypi S75.787-2865. needs new sect, 325. 26" Columbia glrr: desk. BEHIND THE TIMES ANTIQUE bury Aye., Highlands, N.J. cathedral celling and free standing fire- efits. 842-66B!. showroom sales. pink bike, $20. 222-2847 after 5 p.m. 77 Shrewsbury Ave., Red Bank. 747-5039. Call 872-9738 place, dining room, den, tot-In kitchen, Mr. Cotemon, 591-1700. WORKBENCH — 6 ft. with vise. $25 Call 741.6400; Mr. Leonard. POINT COMFORT GARDENS - Creek Therrnopane window walls, 190' ol bulk- STATION ATTENDANTS Electric 6" saw, rotary Sander, sabre TWO BOX SPRINGS - Two mattresses, GARAGE SALE —Child's chlfferobe, fu heading, an an* acre). ACT NOW - Join the oldest Toy end Gift Full and part-time. REGISTERED NURSE saw, 120 ea. >/«•' drill 512. Bern: let log- two bed frames, all $25. 8' Danish moder mattress and spring, Poster bed, clottilnc Road, Keonsburg. One-bedroom apart- .Party Plan in the Country -our 25th year! Coll S66-41OS FULL TIME 3 TO It SHIFT. PLEAS: ger, like new, 520. S42-CM54. sofa, $20.671-3065. toys, and lots more. Thurs., Frl., Sot., 1 ments. $165 month plus one month secu- The Commissions up 1o 30%. Fantastic Host- CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 671-OW. 4, 17 Branch Ave., Red Bonk. rity. For Aug. 1st. For Information phone ess/Hosi Awards. Call or write SANTA'S FLOOR WAXER AND WINDOW CLEA FURNITURE FROM EIGHT ROOMS OF WOLLENSAK - Stereo, reel-to-reel tape 787-4409. PARTIES, Avon, Conn. 04001. Telephone NER — Experienced. Driver's license. RN •— For busy doctor's office, starting MODEL HOME FOR IMMEDIATE SALE recorder, two dual speakers, mlcrophon FOUR 9x9 HEAVY DUTY TENTS — Sll (203) 673-3455. ALSO BOOKING PAR- 566-7018 July 31st. Write Box R-30, The Dally Reg- AT PEIDMONT FARMS, COLTS NECK and tapes. $225. Coll 741-3616 alter 7:3 for the lot. RCA electric clothes dryei RUMSON — Two bedrooms, both, goroge. Applebrook ister, Red Bonk. (TULIP LANE, OFF RTE 34, Vi Ml. p.m. MO. Call 741-7344. All utilities except electric. One ninth's EXPERIENCED MANAGER security. No pets. J2J5. EXPERIENCED MECHANIC BEAUTY OPERATOR SOUTH OF RTE 520). OPEN DAILY 900 2" CONCRETE BLOCKS — 1x16, ol Agency-Realtors SHdRT ORDER COOK"WANTED FROM 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M. CALL 946-4560. BRAVO TRAILER 1972 - Sleeps five. McCue Inc. 842-27M Rumson Apply In person^ Werner's Dodge, Hwy 36, Call 741-0321 after 6 p.m. Apply Keyport Fishery Electric ond gas lights. Also electric and or part, 13c each. 112 AveLITTL. ofTwo RiverE SILVEs 142-1900 RumsoR n . Belford. gas refrigerator ana stove. 842-0175. Coll 671.2816 SEA BRIGHT — Furnished, modern, two MECHANICS— Experienced. ' • ISO W. Front St. YOUNGSTOWN SINK — Double drain .WELDING FOREMAN M/W - Night Good pay and benefits. 53" long 24" wide. S30. Coll after 6 p.m. MOVING — French Provincial bedroom 21" RIDING LAWN MOWER rooms. All utilities. J185. Cy & Art's, 842- WATERFRONT shift. Permanent. Benefits. Lyco-Z F, NURSE'S AI0ES — Day shift. Call Hill- 787-4542. Brick ranch, approximately 2,400 u. ft. of Call 566-4105 top Nursing Home for appointment. set, (double bed). Dining room, patio set, Please call after 5 p,m. flflM. Englishtown. 444-7055. kitchen, set, family roam furniture, sofa, 222-M23 •KEYPORT — Waterfront. Three-bedroom Hying orea. Four bedrooms, Vh baths. COUPLES — 1 can show you how to corn . 671-0177 •TENT TRAILER — 1964 Nlmrod Riviera. Living, dining, recreation and laundry With zlp-an side room, S450. Please call three-piece sectional, lounge chair, appli- SWIMMING POOL — Above groun furnished apartment. room, two-car garoge. Fully air condi- ACCOUNTANT $1000 per month part-time. Arc you open- ances, etc. 671-0584. 741-1238,842-4782 minded enough to Invest 1 hour of your SALES MANAGEMENIFTRAINIES -* 671-2559. 15'x4', with ladder, skimmer, fitter, pumi tioned. Built-in vacuum system. Heated Earn $12,000 per year If qualified. Call' outdoor pool, beautiful grounds. H» acres. Registered Municipal time to listen? 542-1307, 5-7 p.m. Miss Strand; 244-9127. ENGLISH BABY CARRIAGE - Dressing COPPERTONE - Refrigerator J75, Cop- and fence. 1125 842-7323 RUMSON — Three roams furnished. Pri- table, good condition. HO. pertone range $100, eight-piece living vate bath. Couple preferred. No dogs. 842- Situated on lovely lagoon. Bulkhead or 25D Complete charge. Salary $15,000 per year. MOVING — GARAGE SALE ft. Loads of extras. Just listed at »I1IJXB. Reply to Box H-62. The Dally Register, DELIVERY — Part-time, Apply In person Phone 787-8469 room set $100, convertible carriage strol- 20S4. after 4 p.m. Luigl's Famous Pizza, 477 WAITRESSES M/W - Cashier. Refer ler $20. 671-57B5. Wednesday, July 12, from 9 a.m. Har Red Bank. Middle Rd., Hazlet. onces,MARTINI'S DINER, Hwy 36 KITCHEN SET $25 shorne Road, Locust (follow sign fro GARDEN APARTMENTS - West End, PAUL NASTASIO, JR. SCHOOL TAXI DRIVERS — Keansburg. Call SEARS — Electric dryer, two yeors Stone Church)' Long Branch. One ond two bedroom. Air REAL ESTATE BASS, ORGAN, LEAD SINGER — Far a perlence necessary. Starting Salary 52.50 COUPLE — To manage garden apartmen: 787-9517 old. Good condition. $50. • WROUGHT IRON — Dining and Llvln conditioned. Oceantront. Immediate occu- 229-4068 per hour. Apply In person to Mr. Michael rock croup that has lobs. Must have very In Keyport. Must be sober and reliable, Call 291-9480 room, 10 pieces. Call pancy. Heat, gas supplied. 229-7826. , Cormley, Administrative Assistant, Hoz- good equipment. 7B7-657I before 3 p.m. SINGLE BED - Vinyl headboard, box experienced In minor plumbing, electric, PHILCO REFRIGERATOR — Old, but in 741-3372 CAREER GIRL — Desires same or col- let Township Boord ol Education, 1719A heating, carpentry and general mainte- spring ond coll mattress. $20 complete. TARGECOLONIAL. CLERK TYPIST — Port-time days, good Call 264-9033. running order. Never been repaired. $35, DRESSER — S12, Ian, 15, china close lege student, preferably 21 or older, to union Ave., Hoilet, N.J. typing skills, medical terminology helpful. nance repair. Wife to handle rental o 747-470B. share two-bedroom apartment Sept. I In apartments. Good salary plus opartmen 0d 5 t5 . MIDDLETOWN COUNTER HELP — For dry cleaning Apply Personnel Dept., weekdays, 9-2, •RTBTNG'TORO MOWER"-"5'FI;P., With" Red Bank $92.50 your share. 899-494o, Call 775-4131 or 214-1946 for appolntmenl ALWAYS GOOD VALUES — Small size »' 7Wi! store. Port-time. Call Vogue Cleaners. JERSEY SHORE MEDICAL CENTER, catcher, 2 years old, $250. Call 767-9717 10 p.m.-4 p.rn. Thurs. Frl. only. Elegant five-bedroom home, on 2Vi acres, 747-9819. Neptune. An equal opportunity employer. Or write to Green Grove Gardens, 551 787-4167 chest S29.50, walnut vanity wllh 3-way FURNISHED — Three-room apartment, eafurlna three full baths olus two nowder Cookmon Ave., Asbury Park. mirror S22.50, Duncan Phyfe style card FOR SALE — Two scots A section. Go conveniently located. S175 inquire Phil's RN FULL OR PART-TIME HELP- For FURNITURE-ANTIQUES-Stripping table $19.50, round mahogany drum table dsn State Arts Center for five remaining Market, 229 Newman Springs Rd.! New 7-3 Sundays modem automatic car wash. Must rave BOOKKEEPER —.General ledger. Some "finishing * , restoring'" . N" o water used', No$22.50, TV set $49.50, large green carpet Shrewsbury. driver's license. Apply In person, Scrub-A- typing and telephone. Interesting small S39, floor lomps $4.75, cedar chest J29.50, shows; Fabulous Thirties. Llbtrace, Hum Emery Manor, 566-6400 Matawan sanding needed. Sate for veneers, Inli 1 perdlnck, Lisa Mlnelll. Olonne Worlich Dub Car Wash/Cambridge Dr. and Rt. 34, business. Salary commensurato with ex aluo lolnts. SNYDER CHEM-CLEAN, round coffee table S16.50, mahogany ches RED BANK — Furnished apartment with PART-TIME BARMAID WANTED Matawon. perlence and ability. Apply at propani of drawers $12.50, maple arm chairs All Friday nights. Call 747-467] Dlter all utilities. No pets. Adults preferred. (M/Wl Call 717-0311 Equipment Corp., 11 Apple St., Nev SIS.SO, like new red shag rug $49. Also p.m. One month security. 747-2242. for bppointmenl. SERVICE STATION ATTENDANTS — Shrewsbury (next to Red Dank Alrpor China, glassware, bric-a-brac of every de- Shrewsbury (nex PIANOS-ORGANS ONE-BEDROOM - Garden Apartment. Two, part-time, 12 midnight to 8 a.m. and McDonald's). WHITE CHICKERINO GRAND PIANO. scription. RUSCIL'S, 25 E. From St., Red iEH.' LAD.£'£*5TTJtJERTB —T^lI has Two, part-time, 4 p.m. to 12 mtdnlght. Bank. 741-1193. Merchandise Wanted TotoTotal electric., su$170o. O- n th" e hil• l In High' - .art-time'. Cor necessary. Call today, start Must be experienced minor mechanical .Lots of trade-Ins from $75. Used organs lands. Call 872-1646. LANDSCAPED LPN — II lo 7, Full and part-time. from $)95. Unlimited rentals from $7.50 fomorrow9 , cam S3 per hour. 462-1074 be-: repairs. One full time mechanic, must LPN— 3 to 11, port-time. 4x9 ROCK MAPLE DRAFTING TABLE WANTED — Reloxaclzor to rent, for tw< taween n 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. know front-end alignment. Apply Colonial LPN —»to 4, Sat. and Sun. per month, warehouse.forKlmbqll.-Conn, weeks. Will pay $20. RED BANK — Loroe bedroom, kitchen, •Chlckerlng -Wulltier . Yamaha. Over — Assorted drafting equipment and tools, shower, oil utilities. $125 monthly. Write PRIVACY Cltgo, 110 E. Front St., Red Bank. Interviews between 9and 3, S20D or best offer. Four 26" 3-speed bi- Call (42-0963 PAINTER — Experienced. Permanent, 150 uhfts InstockVFREEHOLD MUSIC to Box H-65, The Dally Register, Red l» but one feature of this four-bedroom, Bayvlew Nursing Home, Atlantic cycles, one hian's, three ladles', $35 each. 2Vi-ba!h Colonial. Slate foyer, natural lull-time position. Apply Engineer, SHORT ORDER COOK WANTED- Highlands. No phone colls please. CENTER. 12 Throckmorton St., Freehold. 244-9227. NAN JOHNSON Bank. Molly Pitcher inn, Red Bank. Nlohts. For private Interview, coll Mike, ,(42-4730. BUYS AND BUYS rim and doors, park-like flood-fit setting 842-5137. MASON ; THREE ROOMS — nicely furnished, very n rear yard. Many other extroi at on oik- COURIER - Mobile Citizen band radio, rom on entire household to a slngl convenient location. Security required. GENERAL OFFICE WORK — Interesffng EXPERIENCED HAND HEWN BARN ffEAMS —lAntt complete with battery pack and charger. tem. Antique furniture, lewelry, silver, Ing price c,fl58,5i». and'divcrslfled. Must be hlflfi school grad- BARTENDER —(M/W) CALL 264-1587 weathered barn siding. Premium condi- Excellent condlllon. call Bruce, 717-3875. Call 741-12(1. Three nights a week. mmedlote cash. Top dollar. 741-5331. The uate, accurate, neat. Typing essential. We tion. Call Fuhrmon (212) 848-3330 or (212) MIDDLE AGE WORKING WOMAN - . offer a 40-hour week, paid vacation, haspi- Phone 787-83(6 PLUMBERS — And experienced helpers, 288-1849. COMPLETE 8mm MOVIE OUTFIT - RIVATE COLLECTOR - Will pay to for new construction, commercial and Would like to shore two-bedroom apart- " taliiallon and many.other trlnoe benefits. TUTORS — College experience, to tutor $40. TV-radio stereo console $70. Antique dollar for Lionel Trains "O" gauge. An] ment with some. Red Bonk-Mlddlefown Apply in person, do not telephone. Lit- residential. Steady work, full benefits, ! FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES hand-carved hexagon table $100. Drafting g»^ °?yCpnd!t[qnJI4jjM<4j ; tman's Jewelers, 65 Broad St., Red Bank. reading end math. Car necessary. Year Call otter 5:30 p.m. at 787-7861 or 721-1613. Welfare ond people with credit problems. table $15. More. 741-7742 after 5 p.m. area. Call 842-6173 alter 6 p.m. for ap- Applebroopp k round, part-time. 842-0121. . Instant credit. Immediate delivery. Col ANTIQUE JEWELRY — Top cosh poll pointment. rs EXPERIENCED WAITRESS (M/W) - BICYCLE — Olrl's 5-speed, 21" frame, 23A Roul '•' MACHINE PRESSER — Experienced."" WAITRESSES - M/W. 6:30 a.m. lo 2 Mr. Grand, 373-6611. -ES DEUX5& DON PONS, 7« River Rd. AgencyRltoAgency- r Motawon JonaihtW Logan, 1 Johnson ; Colonial Bite Shop, Freehold. Call befor like new. Fair Haven. 842-6257 or 741-4117. M p.m. Experience preferable. Must be over 5 p.m. 462-9803. Closed Sat. ond Sun. EAST KEANSBURle 31 5&G - Two house!, five Ave., Mofawon. 5669303. . LITTLE SILVER REPAIR CENTER Call 872-0295 rooms and lour rooms with on enclosed ,21..HOWARD JOHNSON RESTAURANT, Sales & Service CASH FOR OLU lor IKAINS—An Commercial Rentals GO GO DANCERS - Call for appoint- Rt. 35, Mlddletown. BABYSITTER FOR TWO GIRLS — In nv PHILCO AIR CONDITIONER - Used noke or condition or will trade HO, 027, P°rch. Sewers In. Good condlllon. J2J.0O0 New & Used Traciors. Mowers. Bicycles. OLDE FAIR HAVEN lor both 787-OSoo or 871-1614. ment and further Information at Fort home, Leonardo area. Call 872-1708 after i 747-0573 ' 741-3888 four months. Original price 3300. Asking >r wide gauge. 774-3710. \ Monmouth Officers Club* 542-7330. An •' SSWINS MACHINE OPERATORS' ~» p.m. 5150. Call 291-4887. =lve rooms now available for shops. LES On coats. Union shop. Starting salary S3 DESKS, FILES, tables, chairs,adding ma- WANTED DEUX, 7S9 River Rd. 741-4337. I equal opportunity employer. EXPERIENCED BARTENDER M/W MANY SAVE — By looking over our con- on hour. Apply Wall Street Fashions, 37 chines, typewriters, office equipment, etc. Used Oriental Rugs OFFICE SP~SCE"FOR R6NT - Modern More Classified 'EXPERIENCED WAITRESS M/W,.— Wgll St., RedBank. Full time. at bargain prl-ces. New or used. AAC tinual purchases of new -used -antique fur- Chinese and Persian Coll 264-1164 otter 6 p.m. niture. Come In -browse. Cnino closet S29, 'Red Bank location. All utilities ond lonlto- on Next Page Please coil In person belween 3-5 p.m. DESK OUTLET, 1709 Rt. 35, OakhurJt. Also Wall Tapestries rlal duties Included. Ample parking. Short /Good income. Happy Apple Inn, Rl. 34, OFFICEWORKER - Heavy'teTe'pKb'n'cl COOK 531-3990. Floor lamp In brass S7.50, gas range S69, RIEDMAN GALLERIES 774-314: light typing. Hours v-5. Good salary. Ap- bed, spring and mattress $39, small refrig- term lease available. Contdct Mrs. Mul- 'Colts Neck. For loo-bed Nursing Home. Year round, -oy, 842-1000. ply In person, HOWLAND & CO.. 30 Lind- ARrBEFORE YOU 8UY —Solk erator. A-l, SB9. Also kneehole desk BOOKS, BOOKS — CASH FOR BOOKS' Excellent pay and benefits. Call 264-5800. S29.50, ook typewriter desk $29.50, wringer Commercial Rentals SECOND INCOME; en PI., Red Bonk. vinyl siding doesn't dent like obsolete estate libraries, book collections, atlose rOR RENT — Sfore"6r 'dlflce, 430"so: ft." If you have the desire and the Initiative, I BARMAID M/W — Attractive. For Inter- metal siding. Call for free estlmalc, O. w. type washer $39.50, utility coblnels UJS. AHo anything on N.J. history. S42-95B3. RECEPTIONIST-DOCTOR'S AIDE — RUSCIL'S, 25 E. Front St., Red Bank. -" Itn Part Monmouth. $130 per month. Call have the opportunity to give you on extra view call between 1-5 p.m. 787-9827. Barr Home Improvements. 842-2053. 787-0816. ; Full time, for medical otllce. Experience 1693. BEFORE OR AFTER - You have youi SI000 plus a month Income. No In- preferred. Car essential, lo cover offices BARMAID (M/W) - Must be over 21. N< goroge sale, give me a call. I may buy ev •vestment. Call M2-6350. In Red Bank-Hazlet area. Good salary. experience nocessory, will train. Can carr PRIME TOP SOIL' ' SEARS KENMORE SEWING MACHINE eryttilng you have. 7B7-9717 or 455-1076. WANTED Mall resume to Box C-136, The Dally Reg- 5100 to SI25 per week, five days. Call 747- and till'dirt for sale. Call Farrell Truck- — Like new, never used. Paid over $300, TO RENT OR LEASE : OFFICE SPACE Help Wanted- ister, Red Bank. 4922 between 7-9:30 p.m. only. ing, 872-0534, sell (or $125. New 3-speed man's Columbia Garage with 1 or 2~ovcrheod coors for rig- btke, with child's scat and new basket, ging-company, storage ot equipment. Pre- Male and Female WANTED FOR FUTURE EMPLOY- MATERIALS MANAGER .-.. Leather top step table S2D, $55. 495-1817. PETS Approximately 2,200 sq. It. In MENT — Experienced welders lor heavy Inventory control, materials. In charge ol er 40' deep wllh sufficient parking space. choir S2O,- couch and chair S35, bookcase Call James C. Eaton & Co, between 8 a.m. sprinkled building with float, air steel fabrications. Submit resume to P.O. warehouse. Supervise shipping and receiv- and cabinet SS each, maple dresser and GUITAR — Frnmus, six string, flat fop. AND LIVESTOCK Box 84, Morgonvlllc, N.J. ing. Must hove knowledge of traffic, Senc Spruce ond Rosewood. Wllh cose, SS5. 747- ond 5 p.m. 264-0480. conditioning, janitorial service. mirror J25.74f-«67 offer 4. MINIATURE SCHNAUZERS — AKC resumes or letter staling qualifications t< 0377. 1 FACTORY COFFEE SHOP WAITRESS — M/W. Ex- Box H-67, The Dally Register, Red Bflnk. Champion bred. Ready for a loving home E-ThreTrwnVfRTvcf Excellent parking provided on PANELING Vula e perienced. Over IB. s p.m. to 2 a.m. shift. 1 90" SOFA — Brown and bluo slipcover Bclmac Breeders. 787-139S. 9 °™° «». 741 paved parking lot. Convenient to Apply In person, Shore Point Inn, 336D SUFFICIENT INCOME? — But get tha Good condlllon. Best offer. JOBS Hwy 35, Hozle). security, you can have It, and more, bv .... DISCOUNTS Phono 671-1B71 FREEI FREEI all'public Iran5porlalion. Will al- sharing our growing business. No capital Pxotic plywood pane'llngs for your den,' PUPPIES 'OFFTci'SPACi ter according lo tenant's specifi- PERSON FOR DRIVING - And general FURNITURE — Dining room set, kitchen Black and white, with temporary shots. Excellent location, suitable for profes- Openings In several investment, call for personal Interview. Uvjng room or basement, etc. Over 50 cations. Allraclive price. Brokers of our production work. Full time. Permanent position. Ap- 741-4298. kinds In stockl See our full sue displays. set, bedroom set wllh box spring, mat- Coll 842-V03O between 2-9 p.m. jlonol use, on main floor luxury nl-rlse. ply Norwood Distributors, Inc., 244 tress; single bed with box spring and mal- Approximately 530 sq. It. Centrally air departments. Will Prices trom $3.35 to S9.V0 and up. No gim- HORSE STALLS FOR RENT protected. Broadway, Lono Branch. See Frank. BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR micks ot: 'ress; block and white TV-rotflo-record conditioned. Contort: Mr. Link, phoni 741- be required to work Must be accurate and able to accept re- Sleepy Hollow Horse Form MOTHER'S HELPER — Two children. )layer; Formica hutch. Coll attcr 6 p.m tlve days, Mon. to sponslblllly. Coll 842-1303 for appointment. !9l-377fl. Mlddletown. 7412382 Sun. 8 a.m. A p.m. Sleep In. Must have references. OFFICE SUITE — Choice Red Bank orea, Call 842-1136 SUPERINTENDENT — Positions avail FIVE FAMILY GARAGE SALE — Baby JUNNING SLACK MARE — sT» yeai -i prestige bulldtng. Approximately 934'. CALL 747-1100 Good Incentive pay, Id. Rides Western ond English. Tock in after short iraininn. able. Some experience preferred, For fur- equipment, antiques, loads of othor leslroble for ony profession. Call 747-3730 PAYROLL CLERK — Permanent position thEr details call 276-5419 otter 6 p.m. tARGE BREAKFRONT - Six-plBce bed- goodies. Wed,, Thurs., July 12, 13, 9-'eluded. $675. Call 671-2597. _ a.m. to 5:30 p.m, period. H ospf -' lull time, experienced. Apply Molly Pitch- room set, queen size bed. p,m. 2)0 Parkview Terrace, Lincrofl. AIXfRABLE, FTTjF*FYT"WHTfTTOY laliiatlon, paid ho- er Inn, Red Bank. MEDICAL LABdRATORV TECHNICIAN Coll 870-10B7 (Monmoulh Beach) RED BANK - Shops available In new! lidays and other — Port-time, malnty Sols. Experienced, WOODEN LADDERS — Good condition poodle puppies, $75. Call attcr 6:30 p.m. MAN OR WOMAN — Needed as used car ""HAMMOND ,M3 ORGAN~7 Consolci Victorian villoge to be constructed odla-f Apartments benefits available, internist's office. Call 741-3600. 2B'. 24', 16', 16' step-ladder, 13' wood cenl to THE HOUSE ON MONMOUTH salesperson. Full-time. Good salary. Able Best offer over 5400. plank, spruce, 590. .192-18)8, Must sacrifice DELIVERY — IB years or over. Pan 1 STREET. Occupancy November, 1972.1 to start Immediately. No experience nec- Call 739-07W lo Ilinevs. . . . JY POODLES - Deposits now essary. AUTOMOBILE WHOLESALERS time or lull lime. S1.75 per hour. Coll 542 being accepted tor week old puppies. AKC Days 747-1148. Alter t, B42-4B35. ' 7111 otter 6 p.m. TWO BEAUTtFUL ROOM DIVIDERS — registered, shots. Excellent dispositions. LTD, 264-9621. Asu tor Mr. Klng: GARAGE SALE — Juiy~14, 4 North AveT BA K Hwy 35 264-8000 Keyport Excellent condlllon. (1) Folding wolnul Atlantic Highlands, 10 to 2. Loads o Ready Aug. 2. Coll 747-24)3. "Jr,° H "" Jhree-room professional spindle raised panel divider, US or best books, olc. olllce, 600 sq. It., oil utilities. Ground Business Opportunities Business Opportunities offer. (2) Bratllla design bookcase type, POODLE PUPPIES — Three Itmoles, si: floor. $150 monthly. Write to Box H-44, GREEN GROVE JIOO or best offer. Round Formica kltcnen BIKES - One Raleigh Grond Prix To- weeks old, black, AKC reqlstertd, tall am The Dolly Register, Red Bonk, . table, 17. 988-1029. speed, ridden only 20 nillei. Four older daws clipped and shots. Mother can alsi bikes. 741-0627 be seen. lil-hllt. HA"MAAOND ORGAN' ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNIC/T— 1972 FRE¥~PuPPIE'S~^~To lovlno'hpntes Houses For Rent APARTMENTS of Asbury Park edition, UOO. Call after 6 p.m. Part Scollles, 5 weeks old. Brand new organ with Rhythm 741-4720 Call 495 2193 WIDE SELECTION OF RENTALS - Fur- WATCHMAN M/W FOR LEASE nished ond unfurnished. Immediate occu- $695 . J — Twin size, ond dresserTExceTienT FOR STUD - uTyeoTold CFA Blue Per- pancy. SAMUEL TEICHER AOENCY, Efficiency Immediate delivery* Bench, music ond' condlllon. Reasonable. sian. Oceonporl Ave., Ocwnport. M2-33W -on* included. . 3 pt M3 _ ^liH' i?L S125 to »3» Per Month One-bedroom 2-BAY SERVICE STATION 775-9300 ADORABLE PUPPIES — Frei~to gooi THfe BERERO AOENCAOENCY Port tlmff open- GARAGE SALE — Friday ond SotTTtO home. Open dally'til 9 Sat.'til si a.m. • 4 p.m. 33 Warren PI., East Keans two-bedroom Inrj for pprson RT. 33 & Asbury Ave., Freehold Phone 67H642 67...00O M" ni'f'tfliitj supple- " IT'S1 TRUE mental earn- HREE TO GOOO HOfAE — GetmL Paid training Doiens of types of window shades rtght In ff>2 TRAVEL TRAILER 14' - Com UHN15HED HOME - Near Locust. 99 Greengrove Ave., Key- Ingi. AnplV ptelety self contained, sleeps five. Call herd, mate, six months old. Also mini- stock, fringe, colors, florals, stripes. loodle, mole, nine months. Four parrots, iultahle for couple, Two bedrooms, two port. Managers Office. Many up to 72" wide, S1.4J and up. " helghL_Coll_29|.4l03_ofler 7 p,m. laths, large living room, dining room, GIGANTIC GARAGE SALE — July 10-12, 'early basis. 1250 month. Available now. Apartment 34. Call 264- Call CHEVRON OIL CO. PROWN'PROW S 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Baby turnilure, clothes, -JTVERTMTUTPb6oLGs"—' Akc reoiv Io46. '32 Brood St., Red Bank folding bed, fun, qus lights, cameras, bric- tercd. Excellent disposition. Seven weeki 687-1550, Ext. 46 a-brac. 51 Carpenter if., River Plota. ttl- old. 165. l«<288. UNPURMISHED - Immediate pecu- 2966. Evenings S to 8 p.m. 324-1128 •TBAA'TYPEWRITERS Two blocks east Rt. 36' .factory r«n*wtd. Rant, option to buy, «15 SOFA — Colonial, prim. Excellent condl. r\ «>• >• ••» •« ^* i »J • 4* •« h_ •*• •••• .T-'" -— --•, Hwy 35 264-8000 Ktypart mo. All rnochlnea ouargntMd, Portabla -tlon. Asking $50. POODLE — Chocolate color. Would Ilk. s»jscieereast lond Middle Rd. CnlI.7B7-51V9. to mote. (41-7M7 28 The Daily Regfster, Reel Baok-MlAJJetown, SJ. Tuesday, July H, M72 O'Rourke i. HOUM* For Sflle House* For Sflie Horn** for Scto sm home, ance THE BERG AGENCY e !r> Fair Haven, neled living room with Fair Haven Post «r REALTORS' 6 ttemenooui itonefire- kitchen wlfh real brick ratories in Holmdel, is taking A Division of Berg Enterprises Inc. ew central air ondltlonlna and FAIR HAVEN - Coun- jverslie two-catwocarr garage, on half ocre of a position with the Pacific beautifulllly treed endd private broperbroperty.t . cilman John J. O'Rourke has $2700 Down Near pond andd riveri . S3S.DX. Principals Telephone • Co. in San Fran- only, ia-tag--—. resigned again — this time Big Split Level "for sure." cisco. , • You won't find many splits as nice and priced right as this STARTER RANCH Mr. O'Rourke, this He said he will be leaving one. call today, It won't last. Three master sized bed- $26,500 rooms, many extras. $185 monthly payment ot 25 years, In Mlddletawn, with two master-size bed- borough's first Democratic Fair Haven at the end of this rooms, full bath, (.-shaped kitchen, forme I 7Vi%. $25,200 financed. dining room, large living room, full bose- .councilman in 35 years, said month. • ALL BUYERS EASY TERMS ment, set on a large treed lot. The Interior Is In excellent condition. Exterior needs last night he is definitely leav- Mr. O'Rourke has suggested paint. VA no down, 10% conventional that the cduncil appoint Mrs. $3600 Down ' mortgage available to Qualified buyer. ing on July 24. Brand New Ranch Realtor. Mr. O'Rourke first an- Florence Amos, a Democrat, THE KIRWAN CO. nounced his intention of leav- as his replacement. Sunken Living Room Springs Rd. Red Bonk ing the post he's held since Mrs. Amos, a school teach- !lf you are a realist, call today for an appointment. Three HAZLE842-435T BEAUT0 Y Jan. 1, during the first week er is running for council this huge bedrooms, formal dining room, tiled bath, eat-in IMMACULATE three-bedroom ranch with kitchen, full bosement, garage. Many extras. $238.59 month- full, dry basement, family room ond of May. year. She was Mr O'Rourke's workshop. BIG kitchen, dining area and ly payment at 25 years, vh%. $32,300 financed. 17' living room. Backyard jondscoped like At that time he said his res- unsuccessful running mate ALL BUYERS EASY TERMS a lovely Japanese garden, stockade fenc- ignation would be effective last year. Dolly 9-9 » Saturday and Sunday 10-7 ing. MUST SEEI You'll want this proper- Middletown 471-1000. ty, so bring a deposit. Only $35,900. June 1.. However, Mr. Mayor Robert Matthews, a Walker & Walker, Realtors 0',Rourke said, a change of Republican, safd the council Hwy. 35 671-3311 Middletown Houses For Sale Houses For Sale plans would enable him to would consider Mrs. Amos, UNBELIEVABLE! stay on indefinitely. but that he would not appoint RUMSON Charming three-bedroom home, enclosed porch, basement, pantry, attic, garage. Last night he resubiriitted a replacement until after Mr. $43,500 One acre. Residential, professional or OAK HILL commercial. Only $26,000. his resignation, effective im- O'Rourke leaves. Extra loroe rooms ore an outstanding fea- WOULD YOU BELIEVE JosephG, ture o< this four-bedroom, tl>r«e-both mediately. He said this time home In exclusive and, convenient Oak Four bedrooms, 2 baths McCUE Hill. Entertainment >ljfetntronce foyer In Rumson at this price? Realtors "I'm resigning for sure." leads to iorge livlno room with (Ireplace. 30 Ridge Rd. Rumson Symphony dining room and eat-In kitchen. Down a Also a fireplace In 842-2760 The Republican-dominated tew steps to ttie 2<'xl8' party room. Por- living room, formal ches ot course, both front and reor, plus a dining room and a A FOREST OF TREES council refused to accept Mr.. M' potlo. Landscaped % ocre. Ths mony Best Fair Haven location. Four bedrooms, paneled den 2'/i baths, cory den, two-car garage. Early O'Rourke's resignation effec- Concerts Set extras Include carpeting and central air. Well priced ats»,M0. New copper plumbing occupancy. Sound value. 554,v00. tive immediately because the The Wall-to-wall carpeting RUSSELL M. BORUS councilman still has some un- throughout REALTORS In County 600 River Rd., Fair Haven finished business to attend to. Applebrook Call today, It won't last 747-4532 WATERFRONT -M8,»t> 25 YEARS SERVICE — jack Vatler, right, of Matawan, receives gold Specifically, Mr. O'Rourke, NEWARK - Monrtiouth Agency-Realtors . REDDEN AGENCY Two-year old specious Colonial In move-In County has been included in HO Hwy 35 671-2300 Middletown Realtor condition. Llvlna room with fireplace, ele- watch for his 25 years of service with The Gibson-Homans Company, 32 as chairman of the sanitation SUPERIOR RANCH - 301 Maple Ave., Red Bank gant dining room, deluxe eat-In kitchen, and health committee, has re- the New Jersey Symphony Or- 741-9100 27' den, tour large bedrooms, 2Vi baths. Main Street, Matawan. Making the presentation is William A. Wright, di- $37,500 Call today. chestra's yearly schedule of Huge ranch with three master size bed- Evenings 747-4167 vision manager. Mr. Valler joined the company in 1947 and is now produc- sponsibility for helping draft rooms, two boths. Lorae recently remo- Walker 8< Walker, Realtors public concerts for the first deled eat-In kitchen and {lining area. A tion manager. specifications for a new gar- 1 1 Hwy. 35 741-5212 Shrewsbury 21'xH living room and sunken 15'xll rec- ENGLISH TUDOR PRIVATE. WOODED, SPECIAL! bage and utility truck which time. reation room with built-in bar. Some ol Do you like an old English setting? Call us Three-bedroom Middletown home on one Ihe extras ore central air, parquet floors, today to see this three-bedroom home In half acre. Excellent condition. Large fam the borough plans to buy. There will be concerts Ui refrigerator, washer, dryer and gas arm. Rumson. Features den, balcony otf master lly room, super eat-In kitchen. S39.900. Set en o beautiful Irxd lot within walking bedroom. Near schools, shore*nnd trans- The council last night Red Bank Wednesday, Dec. 6, portation. Asking S6S,000. ELLEN S. HAZELTON Realtor adopted an ordinance appro- featuring pianist Andre Watts, conventional mortgage ilable to quali 13 W. River Rd., Rumson (42-3200 Eatontown Council Get priating $34,000 to buy the gar- and Thursday, March 29. fied buyery . Reoltor. LITTLE SILVER Member Inter-City Relocation Service COLONIAL FAIR HAVEN — Overlooklnrj river, an bage truck, and $2,500 for pur- A third concert will be Just came on the market, will nor last 1830 showplace tastefully updated. Coun- KIRWAKIRW N CO. lona. Three bedrooms, two baths, den, try kitchen with fireplace, original beams chase of the utility truck. Bids scheduled in February. tool shed. Excellent condition. Quiet and paneling. 2'/i baths, 3 or 4 bedrooms. 842-4350 street, near schools and shopping. M2.PO0. Perfect condition. $59,900. B42-4231. are to be received Aug. 14. The orchestra will also per- FAIR HAVEN — New cedar shingle. Four Motel Bid Mr. O'Rourke, an engineer form at Monmputh College, COMMUTER'S DEClGHT bedrooms, new kitchen, living room with Adorabtt ranch In line area. Three bed- ARMSTRONG fireplace, den. Stockade fence. In-ground v for the Bell Telephone Labo West Long Branch. *.„,' zooms, dining room. garage, "32* paneled AGENCY-REALTORS swimming pool. Principals only. «?,50Q. EATONTOWN - The ques- •family roam with extra kitchen. Full base- Superior Court decision favor- dents, it should have said so." ment. A "goodie11 for U2.500. S55 Prospect Ave. 7tl-4XX> t-Htle Silver SHREWSBURY — Six rooms. Two-car tion of permitting a motel — ing construction of the motel. Residents questioned wheth- LITTLESILVER iarage with workshop. Large, beautifully along with its own windmill — They protested, as they have MIDDLETOWN RANCH fandstaped property•rty. OOwnew r leaving state. er the judge had in fact seen a SWIAAMlklG POOL For appointment call 741M724. in a residential zone comes in the past, that the com- petition opposing the motel Four1 larglargie bedrooms* 20' livinvlng roroom< , ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE 10 YEAR OLD RANCH — 3 bedroomsdr.oorr . large» eat-Ieai-ln kitchen* full bas*iemeif. l * Large four-bedroom Colonial with two around again to Borough mercial project would ad- entered as evidence in the outside entrance. A spacious lot and two- baths and a large 32x16* In-ground pool Mortg o can be assumed. 524,500I. 341 L car garage. All this tor$36,Wh that's only one year old. This name Is Im- Ave., Union Beach, Council while the law looks versely affect value of their public record when testimony maculate, with large rooms. Living room, formal dining room, eat-In country kitch- Immediate Possession on. properties. was taken on the motel vari- en, comfortable den and large aameroom. Over strong objections from R|Ao^ Economical hot water heat, lull basement, LITTLESILVER Michael J. CernigliarOj As- ance by the zoning board. 5 Corners. Hwy. J5. ftUcdletown 071-2590 tlng and drapes remain. The present -ovely Cape Cod. Four large bedrooms. local residents, the Zoning oe Is assumoble wllh monthly pay- Excellent condition. Separate dining bury Park, zoning board at- Mr. Cernigliaro requested room, V/2 baths, large recreation room, Board of Adjustment last torney, told the residents: "If CUSTOM RANCH W pool In pork like Mttlna- convenient to that the meeting be adjourned Located In one of the finest areas ot Mid- fer. Realtor. schools, shopping, train station. 539,900. night followed a court order the mayor and council makes dlelown, -feoturho four large bedrooms, Principals only. »2-5«l. in order to send out for the comfortable brmzeway, full basement, and, reversing its own posi- an adverse decision lo the ap- two-car attached garage, hot water THE KIRWAN CO. BELFORD — Colonlol on 124«179 land- case file. He reported, after ' • I htat. Aluminum storms and 75 Newman Springs Rd. Red Bo scaped lot. Features four bedrooms, for- tion, approved a height vari- plicant (Eaton Manor), then ~ r financing terms available. maldlnlng room, eat-In kitchen,full base- the file was produced, that the 1 842-4350 ment, storage ottlc, baseboard heat, two- ance lor a five-story motel at the plaintiffs (zoning board) ca; ReolTorsf SSrOTisTlvwStonT^I - LITTLE SILVER BUY car detached garage. 528,900. MELMEO petition had been included. REALTY. Reoflors, 47I-M50. Wall St. and Parker Road can appeal." ford. 717-5S0O. CENTER HALL COLONIAL — Great John J. Mangini, Asbury family home In convenient location. Four RUMSON — Five-room home, two bed- near the Eatontown traffic The attorney said that, once bedrooms, two baths, den, two-car ga- rooms. Alt appliances, Including air condi- Park, represented the Eaton- RUMSON rage. Don't miss this. Asking ut.soo. circle. Charming center hall Colonial, % acre tioning. 7 Lakeside Ave. Owner. 842-1B76. the issue is aired before coun- town zoning board in the court wlfti large trees, on quiet street ntor WEST KEANSBURG — Three-bedroom However, it's up to^ council cil, the "objectors' case can schools. Living room with fireplace, din- home, aluminum sided, In great condition. fight before Judge fcane. ning room, eor-ln kitchen, den, tnree bed- VAN HORN Features IVS-cor garage and quick occu- to rule on a use variance ap- only get stronger, not wea- rooms, 1'A baths, two-car garage, full cel- AGENCY - REALTORS ancy. Only 522,500. MELMED REALTY, lar. Air conditioned. Many extras. !W,500. leoltora. 671-5650. plication for the motel pro- ker.", He also told the resi- Principals onh/..a4MW. Open 7 days. Call 24 hours a day. The lawsuit was filed by 747-4100 MINI ESTATE — Three-bedroom, two- posed within a residential dents that the zoning board is Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Cre- 804 River Rd. Fair Have bath, brick and shake all electric ranch. Central air. Fireplaces In den and In huge zone. And it's apparently up "with you 100 per cent." medas of Mountainside and TOBEACH — Schools, sound proof recreation room. 60' long cel- churches. Dutch Colonial. Excellent con- lar. Onnee half acre, landscaped for prprll- to the governing body whether "After all," Mr. Cernigliaro Mr. and Mrs. George Gia- dition. Large rooms. Entry, living room, SpacSacee^ fof r foufufouirr cars and/or boaboatt. the issue will be pursued in fireplace-. . :e, dinindtn» l g room, tamll—--roomv roonr , bath. Also tool ho•usei . Upippe* r iVs. Owner 542- declared, "the zoning board noudis of Union, owners of the Eat-i__. n kitchen, laundry, full basbasementi . 2827 court. Four bedrooms, bath, attic. Early occu- originally denied the appli- property. Mr. Cremedas and Sew and Knit! pancy. Reduced to MJ.90O. M2-19M. RARE OPPORTUNITY Zoners, who initially re- Mr. Gianoudis are sole stock- For the family looking for a large Colo- cation." CALL KROL — For your real estate nial style home, only 12 years olai featur- jected the 50-foot height of the During the last regular ses- holders of Eaton Manor Inc. i ing four spacious bedrooms. 1^2 bo.thsr large living room, modern kitchen, dining motel, also had recommended sion of Borough Council, the which has an option to lease room, attached garage. Basement and HELP FOR HOSPITALS - Robert Clays of Wall hot-water boseboard heat. ADDllanccs that council deny a use vari- same residents were told that or buy the property. They tes- Township, assistant administrator of Jersey Shore 582 stay. Easy terms available. Priced at only ance. But, before the govern- 531,900/ THE KIRWAN CO., Realtors' the council could not appeal tified before the zoning board Medical Center, Neptune, sells a book of mer- Sleek Sensation! Campbells Junction. Bellprd. 787-5500, ing body had ruled, the princi- the case because the zoning that their plans call for con- chandise coupons to Joseph E. Bennett, president TO SETTLE pals — Eaton Manor Inc. of board was named party in the struction and operation of a of the Neptune Rotary Club< as part of the Stein- RUMSON ESTATE Mountainside — filed suit in suit. They were told that a 128-unit motel in the Dutch bach-hospital coupon program to aid hospitals. Colonial home of frame and stohe In love- Superior Court against the Inns of America chain. It Printed Pattern ly Pine Ridge section. Large, heavily complete record of the case The program has been extended through July. landscaped plot, roses, azaleas and gor- zoning board. The court ruled would have to be reviewed be- would include a lofty, revolv- geous trees. Fireplace In living room, Coupons — with all monies going to the hospital family dining room, three bedrooms, bath in favor of the Mountainside fore the zoning board. ing "windmill' housing a luxu- plus lavatory, sunrocm wllh awning win- of your choice — can be redeemed at any Stein- dows. Full dry basement. Asking $50,000. firm, ordering approval of the ry suite. Call Executor, 741-9272 after 6 p.m. Protests Lane's Decision bach store this month. height as well as recommen- A resident, James Nutt of COLONIAL SPLIT dation of the proposed use. Wall St., protested the zoning r A prestigious Oak Hill home, on over a Council Expected to Act 200' beautifully landscaped lot, featuring decision of Superior Court four huge bedrooms, three full baths, fire- places In both family and living room. Council is expected to act Judge Merritt Lane Jr. "I'm 2 No' Votes Mar Council Modern private den. Large science kitch- on the question at tomorrow en ond formal dining room. Man/ added not trying to be disrespectful. features ot a price of only 557/500. THE night's regular meeting. ( KIRWAN CO., Realtors, Campbells Junc- .. But I would like lo see liow tion, Belford. 787-5500. At last night's zoning ses-i close the nearest motel is to RIVERFRONT sion, Wall St. residents urged his house," he said. Harmony At Fair Haven HOME the zoning board to appeal the In his ruling, on June 1, Deep water. Two bedrooms, 2Vz baths, FAIR HAVKN - In an un- er connection at the home of hospitable to out-of-towners. fireplace In living room, den, dinette, Judge Lane considered irrele- usual lack of harmony among Mrs. Clarence A. Johnston, Maybe it is something of an laundry rooimm, cenlrIra, !• air• . Go- s ho•t water Commercial Property vant the zoning board's find- base heot. fntercoIntercoim system, two-car ga- the six-member Borough 332 River Road. inconvenience to Fair Haven rage1.. Rights to ooceac n beach. Partly fur- AfL'ANTIt HIGHLANDS ings for denial that the build- nisiied. M5,000. Owner. 842-19M. Hotel-Restaurant-Bor S12S.MO1 Council, there were two "no" Borough Property residents, but I don't think the RED BANK ing height exceeds the 40-foot RUMSON COLONIAL — 10 years old. Five-family house J28.00OJ votes recorded at last night's The council felt that while situation is something we can't Living room with fireplace, formal dining SEA BRIGHT | limit as set forth in the local room, three bedrooms, tomily room, ga- Duplex (two family) :..524,000 meeting. the basic dispute was between bear." rage, Vh boths. Recently decorated. Wall- tremendou•-—s oppor---irtunltyt , owner' liqulda- code and that there are resi- to-wall carpeting, patio. Close to schools. Ilng,j;q!l.7,fl-l2l,qfter The first was cast by Re- the property owner and Corri- The question was referred 138,000. Principals only. B«-4«7. dential lands south and cast of MULTI PURPOSE BUILDING — Two publican Councilman William gan's, the problem, caused by to the public affairs and plan- SEA BRIGHT — Four year old four-bed- story with tirwement. Suitable for offices the site, He said that, after room ranch. IY2 baths, all appliances. apartments, etc. Owner will take back C. Rue, who opposed efforts an allegedly improperly filled ning committee headed by Walk to school, N.Y. bus and beach. mortgage. «5 000. 75 Main St., Keyport personal inspection of the Docking privileges. 130.000. Principals m rtgag (( by the governing body to help trench, was threatening to 676711271-1279 orr 583-44995834499. property, he found it to be Councilman Tyra M. Boyd. only. 842-2245. a homeowner in a dispute damage bor.ough property — NSTRTfgb OR JUST 0 U T- "overwhelmed" by a Path- G ROWING YOUR HOME?-Call or Real Estate Wanted with a sewer contractor. namely the sidewalk and write for your complimentary copy ol Ap- mark store nearby. Financing pleBrook s monthly Homes for Living The second negative vote road. maganinez . Offers pictures, prices, de In any condition, The judge said: "If the . Phone 257-7S2B came at the end of the meet- scrlptl...r Ionsi . APPLEBROOK 'AGENCY, The council majority urged Realtors, 950 Hwy. 35, Middletown. 671- LISTINGS OF BETTER HOMES -In board concluded that this use ing when Democrat John J. the Board of Health to with- Plan Changed Keansburg-Mlddletown-Hazlet-Holmde was detrimental to those rcsi- hAIODLETOWN — Split level. Three bed- THE SMOLISO AGENCY. 787-0123. O'Rourke voted against a hold further permits for the roomsi V/t baths/ attached one-car garage We Have Buyers! ' ~" council study into ways of re- plumbing contractor until the — finished and heated. Extras Include all ^Listings urgently needed In the oreos ol By Sears ma[or appliances, air conditioner* built-in 'Hailet, Middletown, Belforri, Leonardo, Silbernagel stricting the borough's only work is corrected. bar with color TV, and more. City sewers elc, Call George A. DeLorme, Realtor, and sidewalks. Upper 30's, Call 767*7922 i Quality Realty Associates public boat launching ramp to . Mr. Rue opposed the idea MIDDLETOWN - Sears, Watch her eyes when she for oppolntment. Principals only. ! Member Multiple Listing Services ' WI-323? Heads Seniors use by residents only. saying, "1 think we are tread- Roebuck and Co. has an- sees this 9 pc. wardrobe. COLTS NECK — Lovely mini eslole Grond. custom built, immoculofe three- OCEANPORT - Val Sil- In the sowgr dispute, the ing into a dangerous area. We nounced plans to adopt a new NEW for 11%" doll! Sew bedroom, two-bath home In setting of ma- LEGALTNOTICE* ture expensive trees ond flowering land- bernagel has been elected council majority voted to send can't hold the hand of resi- method of computing finance scaping. Five acres cf fertile pasture and NOTICE TO BIDDERS swingy dress, top, skirt, boots. 1 charges on Its revolving barn tor horses or hobby. Beautiful 4& In- Separate sealed bids will be received b\ vice president of the Senior strongly worded letters to dents when they sign con- Knit ski sweater, pants, pull- round pool with cabana. A rare package, the Hailet Township Board of Education tracts for work done on their charge accounts (in New Jer- R •rold Llndemann, Broker, Eafontown. at the office of he Secretary, 1719A Union Citizens hero. both the Board of Health and over, hat, potholder vest. Pat- Avenue at Middle Road, Hozlct, New Jer Corrigan's. Plumbing and property. As far as I can see, sey. tern 582: pattern pieces, di- sey until 2:00 p.m. on July 24, 1972 for fur Members have formed a KEYPORT - Hwv 3S. Two bedrooms, nlshlng: Heating Co., Red Bank, com- it's their (the property own- Sears will exclude pur- rections. full cellar, attic, large garage. Lot 75K'"" Milk Supplies 1972-1973 committee to help the Mental /39-I233. Fuel Oil, 1975 1973 plaining of the work done by ers') problem." chases made in the current Gasoline, 19721973 Health Association with its RUMSON — New home of distinction. Fine Arts {Musk Equipment) High Corrigan's in installing a sew- In a related matter; the billing period from the aver- Send 75 cents for each pat- Five bedrooms, four bolhs, maid's room, School monthly mailing. age daily balance on which family room with wet bar, all appliances. Bids will be opened by the Secretary of council unanimously voted to tern — add 25 cents for each Situated on qquieu t lane surrsurroundeo d by large the Board who wltl ptibflcfy announce the the finance charge is based. pattern for first-class mailing' sycamoressycamores. PPhone 741-30197413019. bid total. * The club will attend a picnic send a letter to the Northeast Start with a sleek and The conditions, terms and specifications The change will be reflected and special handling. Send to ftUMSON — Close to ocean, river. for the above may be obtained from the for cnunty senior citizens in Police Seek Monmouth County Regional' churches. Riparian rights, Newly alumu Secretory of I he Board of Education at the in customers' September fil- simple shape, then add a wide num sided. Three-bedroom, m-both Holmdel Park Sunday from 11 Sewerage Authority asking Laura Wheeler, 61 The Red Dutch Colonial. Three-car detached ga- address shown below. lings, according to Harry collar and you have summer rage. S47.V0O; Principals only. Call 741- The Board of Education reserves the a.m. to 4 p.m. for replacement of curbs and Bank Register, Ncedlecraft '72's favorite shirt look! right to reject any or all bids and lo wulve Hit-and-Run Ploeger, manager of the store Dept., Box 161, Old Chelsea any Immaterial formcilllles. sidewalks broken during sew- Have it one or two colors. MIDDLETOWN — Prime location. Large ROBERT G. HAVENS, Arrangements arc being here. •, Station, New York, N.Y. ondscaped corner lot. Two story balcony Secretary, Hoilet Township made for a trip to Smithville er installation at the home of Printed Pattern 9349: NEW Hvln'g room, tour bedrooms, l'/i baths, Board of Education Car Driver Mr. and Mrs. Jules Tqpfer of Under the system in use In 10011, Print PATTERN NUM- eal-ln kitchen, family room, dining room, 1719A Union Avonui and a winery. Mrs. Jean With- Half Sizes 10%, 12%, 14%,paneled den, Iwo-cor Borage, Wair-to-wo): ot Middle Rood HOLMDEL - Police are 25 Lake Ave. New Jersey, purchases jire BER, NAME, ADDRESS, carpeting, custom drupes, central air. P.O. Box !57 erell is in charge. - 1<% 18%, 20%. Size 14% (bust I56.SOO. Call owner. 671-HJO or 747-?384. Hailet, New Jersey 07730 searching for a small blue being included in the average ZIP. Dated: Julv 7. 1973 Residents Only 37) takes 1% yards 60-inch. BELFORD — Huge Colonial, 126x178 lot. July 11 S7.75 The group will meet foreign car allegedly involved daily balance calculation NEW 1972 Needlecraft Cata- Four bedrooms, formal dining room, eat- At the suggestion of Robert 1 In kitchen, storage ottlc. Full basement. PUBLIC NOTICE Wednesday, July 19, at 1 p.m. in a hit-and-run accident yes- from the day on. which (hey . log crammed with the most SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS Boseboard heat. Two-car detached ga- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhal an Drake, Dartmouth Ave., pres- raae. Assume VA mortgage. 123.900. offer has been received by the Mayor ond in the Community Center. terday morning on Holland ident of the Fair Haven Tax- occur. fabulous fashions, acces- •for each pattern — add 25 MELMED REALTY, Realtors, 471-5650. Council of Inc-Qorough of Keansburg for the purchase of property located In the Road. payer's Association, the coun- Under the modified system, sories, gifts. Knit, crochet, t cents for each pattern for Air BoroliDUa' h of Kennsburg OS follows • H BEDROOM RANCH -Wail-fo-woil Mr. Ploeger said, the average embroider. Free patterns. Mail and Special Handling. carpeting. Llvlna room, dlnlna room,* two LoH4'y In Block 125 located on Moral Slachow to Compete Ted Block, 14, of 2 Devon cil agreed to study ways to re- bedrooms woll-fo-wail carpeted. Freshly Ploce daily balance will be deter- Send 50c. Send to Marian Martin,.420' lalnted, central air. Completely fenced, located on the Official Tax Map of the Court, suffered bruises and strict to residents only use of 14x107. Principals only. 134,900. Between Borough of Keansburg. Counly of Mon- In Truck Roadeo the Battin Road boat launch- mined as follows: the sumof New Instant Crochet Book The Red Bank Register, Pat- 10-4 p.m. 787-2100. Weekends 787-7540. , moulh and Slate Df New Jersey, upon the was treated by his family phy- following terms: One Hundred Dollars, ALLENTOWN, Pa. - Peter ing ramp. the balance for each day of — step-by-step pictures, pat- tern Dept., 232 West 18th St., plus legal fees and costs. sician after he was struck The Borough does not represent. In re- Stachow of Middle Road, Haz- Mr. O'Rourke opposed the the monthly billing period terns teach today's way. $1.00. .New York, N.Y. 11)1)11. Print Lots ond Acreage aord to the properly hereby offered tor while on his bicycle by a car sole, that tlfle to said property fs market- let, N.J., a driver for Consoli- which police say was occu- idea saying, "We ought to be will be divided by the number Complete Instant Gift Book NAME, ADDRESS with ZIP, MYSTIC ISLANDS able or thnt It hos tine to sold properly, IOO'XIM' property, SBOOO and reserves the right lo rescind Iho sole dated Freightways, will par- of days in that period. -more than 100 gifts. $1.00 SIZE AND STYLE NUM- 7B7-5W5 pied by four white males. of Ihls properly, nr any lime belore ac- ticipate in the 18th annual Vacation in Ireland He said the balance but- Complete Afghan Book — BER. (JUMSOfJ — Bin/ness orogerfy, (our g» HW» Btaru «affl t&ftl 10:45 0 KINER'S KORNER (C) A character is, first of all, a that an actor contributed as O NfcWd ) 11:00 BOO NEWS. WEATHER, SPORTS (D eiLUSAN'S ISLAND (C) .. @ ONE STEP BEYOND human being without a label, much to a part as the writer, "Hair Tata)/, Gone itononoW "The Avengers" Television good or bad. This-is also true and that a writer could make IB SESAME STREET (C) 0 NEWS DIGEST (C) IM OSPORTSCLUB(C) 0 CHANNEL 11 FILM FESTIVAL in real life. People play roles or break an acto£ Now it's a 4:30 0 CBS NSWS WITH WALTER CRONKITE (C) "Dram Beat" (1054) starring Alan Ladd, Andrey Comment there too, the only difference whole new bag for me, and M I UIB (v Dalton. An Indian fighter, appointed as a peace 0 N8C NI6HUY NEWS (C) * ™ " commissioner, acts out to negotiate without the use. iniinnmMiffltinimnnro»niBuiiiitmHii being they aren't professional I'm considerably more toler- 0 DICKON DYKE ofr irunsB with a renegade Indian leader. each of whom was asked to actors. The real problem is ant of writers. In fact, an ac- "0>» Hundred ttrpiMe HCTOT" 11:30 O THE TONIGHT SHOW (C) respond tn specific questions some people don't know when tor can make or break the 0 BEAT Tjftf CLOCK (C) Guest: Leonard Barr they are acting and when they 7:00 O0 DEMOCRATIC NATL'CONVENTION 0 SECRET AGENT about his work in television. writer by failing to give the "Tlie Mirror1 s KeW Here is report of a character are being real. character what the writer in- O THE OICK CAVEn SHOW (C) tended. O THE LATE MOVIE actor who, starting with the The actor's approach to "The Gamma People" (1956) starring Paul DOUR- part of an ulcer-prone photo- comedy is much the same as las, Eva Bartok. While traveling in middle Europe,. grapher in a short-lived come- a reporter ^tumbles onto a small country that is it is to drama. It's a matter of using gamma rays to create a race of robot people., dy series, changed his public attitude. I enjoy doing both 12:00 0D WORLD CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP (C) image from bad guy to good. 12:30 0 SIRL FROM U.N.C.LE. (C) and in both my main objective "Carapathian Caper" Now he plays the high is to create a believable char- WE MOD SOUAD (C) 1:00 O NEWS (C) school principal we all wish U to tti|i umiapkting tar** of » killer's vt> O THE ONE O'CLOClC MOVIE (C) acter. deCU. in) i: "Honeyraooaa WUI Kin You" (1865) starring Tony. we had had in this three going JlBNANN\( AND THE PROFESSOR (C) • RuracJl. ' on four seasons of ABC's I recall a devastating ex- •Sltf HmMh Element" 1:15 O THE GREAT, GREAT SHOW "Room 222." perience I had while playing ID CONVENTION C0VERA6E (C) "Secret Fury" <195O) atarrtae CIsdiAtB Colbert, «sOO B TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES (C) Robert Ryan. Q. Until recently you were in "Hey, Landlord!" The au- A hard act to .;. O MET* IASEBALL S) 09 NIGHT FINAL (C) one of television's most fe- dience included Sheldon Leon- - - - -'-Sita Tii Clams • • . • • 1:20'.' O THE JOE FRANKLIN SHOW (C) ard and Carl Reiner, experts FATHER KNOWS BEST 1:30 0 THE LATE SHOW Meredith WJllson rocious villains. Now' you are' • Chance" in comedy in my book. While 1 lilAI? "You're In Uie Navy Now" (1951) starring Gary loveable. Aside from the fact I sJctWI WIUMM _ ,'IECE THEATRE Cooper, Jack Webb. - was working, they never even "T» gwlU Of Poynton: Pride Of Possession." Hn. @ REEL CAMP that good guys live longer in OmOx takts an immediate dislike to her aon'e fl- 2:20 Q NEWS AND WEATHER (C) . series than heavies — which cracked a smile. But after- ailOM, Moris, and tells him that onry Fled* Vetch mona mold Pleaio her as big wife. (R) 2.30 S CALL TO PRAYER Meredith Willson makes for steadier work — • wards Leonard said quietly, 2:35 0 EVENING PRAYER "That's very funny, kid." Tht picture with THE MfRV GRIFFIN SHOW (C) 3:00 O SERMONETTE what are the career pluses of MARCUS WEUr, M.D. (C) That was as good as the ttWORD OF MOUTH S"ilWt A IMN* Courage." Dr. WoBijr chows a college 3:20 0 THE LATE, LATE SHOW a change in image? '® INCOLOU Instructor ho must not use hts younger other's "Slim Carter" (1957) starring Jock Matumty, Julio A. Before I became Mr. laughter I had expected: he iweda as aii excuse to prevent Ids rcturnlnR to his . ' Adams. B Conducts Tonight knows comedy. Unt love. «TittaR. ut it lacks the a "classical" program. known for his "Music Man" each other and drew from zgerald, almost got there. Al- That wasn't what the writer author's intended zip and at- and "The Unsinkable Molly Town West each other, creating an ex- though his performance got "I hold in very low regard of the script expected. His mosphere. Brown" musical play scores, High II t Pl A cellent rapport on the stage better as the play proceeded. any one who does not have he has also written several material was a challenge to which at times held the whole what it takes to appreciate a The plot catts for a number Janet Bickel as Irene Liv- other numbers that have be- the actor to do much more. WIHlCtt" WON. THRU THUHS. thing firmly together. , Sousa march, or an (Harold) of strong characters — all ex- ingston the leading lady also come perennial favorites. 2-»!l5 PJW.'•" seemed to lean towards a ca- Arlen melody," Mr. Willson -AIR CONDITIONED perienced show people, a pro- Perhaps Mrs. Zizos could They include "It's Beginning FH. 2-7 410 P.M. ricature of the temperamental asserted. "Sousa marches are To Look Like Christmas" and ducer, director, leading lady, have been a bit more "brain- classics. There is also a great ATLANTIC SAT.-12:45-3:50-7-10 and others — on the opening star and there were many mo- "May the Good Lord Bless less" and flippant, as the foil ments when she was too de- deal to be said for the in- CINEMA 291-0148 SUNDAYS -2-5:15 «ts30 night of a new;play by an un- to ber husband's brashness and Keep You," the latter ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS tached and unreal. spirational music of a Duke which was inspired by his MUSIC known playwright. They have and business like manner. The Ellington. all been there uncr know what couple had put up $300,000 to The play will be repeated mother's good-bye to her Ma- LAST TIMES TONUE MAKERS it's all about. : finance the play. Thursday, Friday and Satur- " "Life is certainly in- son City Sunday school class. STEVE MCQUEEN THEATRES day. complete if you don't know of' ROBERT VAUGHN Kay Stanbury as Stella Liv- Norman Hart as the un- the great classics written by SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT ingstone, the leading lady's known idealistic author, Peter Just as Mr. Willson says he peopie like Beethoven, but I favors no specific genre of FOR MONMOUTH COUNTY mother, shone all the way. A Sloan, nearly stole the show Bicycle Club have a great sympathy for "BULMT" professional, that she is, she with his humorous portrayal music, the longtime composer Either those who build a fence was into her part emotionally of the very shy young man in Meets Friday said he has no favorite com- PLUS-IN COLOR CINEMA 34 MaUwan around their musical tastes," position either. He mentioned WARREN BEATTY IT.M.HUHO as well as physically right completely unfamiliar sur- MIDDLETOWN - The Bi- he said. "You should decide from her first appearance on roundings, as well as his more "San Juan Capistrano," "The FAYEDUNAWAY Mayfair cycle Club will have a special first if you like the melody. Unsinkable Molly Brown," PLAZA Hizlet stage* serious portrayals later in the activities planning meeting The heck with those snobs 'BONNIE AND CLYDE" nmoDiE» » UPrt775 8BBI show. and "76 Trombones" and "Till Her portrayal of the cynical Friday at 8 p.m. in the Com- who have to know who wrote There Was You" from "Music 2-7410 P.M. and experienced "gr.ande Bob Hinely as Mr. Black, munity Center, Kings Hwy. MAIL 1, Freehold a melody before they know Man" when citing his com- STARTS WEDNESDAY Hwy. 9-482-0800 dame" of show biz who knows seemed rather miscast. He A series of trips for the re- whether they should like it." positions but declined to all the tricks and has seen it was not at all convincing as The (ireatcst Concert uf (he Decade! mainder of July and August, Mr. Willson, himself a com- choose a favorite. September, October and No- NOW YOU CAN SEE IT poser of throe symphonies, The musician's engagement vember will be planned, Mar- AND HEAR IT... said he has "great respect" here will Include a special tin Welt, Middletown, is act- AS IF YOU WERE THERE! CHEAT PRE-SEASON PRICES ON 18U TOUts for composers such as George treat for Mr. Willson, for it ing chairman and treasurer. Gershwin, Irving Berlin, Har- will also give him the opportu- Interested persons may at- Plus-2nd Big Hit old Arlen, and Victor Herbert. nity to visit with his sister, tend. His Arts Center program will Miss Dixie Willson, who lives IHEfiANGIHIT include selections from Her- in Fair Haven. "NICHOLAS & Senior Group Meets bert's "Mile. Modiste," Ar- "Those long distance calls COtlDNTlHOOf ALEXANDRA" len's "American Minuet," and UNION BEACH - The we make nearly every day to TOWN EAST-2» 8 P.M. his own "San Juan Capist- Union Beach Senior Citizens each other are just like a good COMMUNITY-2* 8:30 PJl will meet today at 1:30 p.m. in rano" and "Music Man." talk over the back fence," he METROCOLOR MOM the Colony Inn, Florence Ave. The modern-day music commented. "But we don't Plans will be made for the man, who is 70 years old, has get much of a chance to ac- group's annual dance, set for a musical background that tually see each other any- Circle COLONIAL "I W U «tt>u'> Ft C'Clt Saturday, Oct. 14, in the inn. has spanned.several genres more, so we're looking for- Octir. To-mk.j. J75 MlO KEANSBURG 787-0300 apple presents Chairman is Edward Eise- and generations of entertain- ward to having a little family mann. ment. reunion." mt SMOKING SCC1I0N GEORGE HARRISON "WHAT'S UP DOC" LAST TIMES TOMTE andfrlinds i n THE rs~ At the Movies Starring Lyric RED BANK FARMINGDALE EAST BRUNSWICK PAT BOONE as CONCERT FOR Atbury'Paifc 77910S8 CARLTON- SHORE DRIVE IN- TURNPIKE- Frenzy ;:lo; 9:20 Skylacked 9:00; 12:30 The Gang that IND0OR- David BANGLADESH WINNER OF 3 $585 CouloWt Shoot Straight II :00 Frltz, the Cot 7:30; 10:20; Fanny Hill ACADEMY AWARDS CINEMA III- 8:50 Wilkerson Completely installed Frogs 7:00; 9:45; Freaks 8:30; 11:15 NORTH OF RED BANK In cose of rain continuous from 2 p.m. OUTDOOR- USTimiOHIlt "FIDDLER ON BUDOET TERMS ARRANGED EATONTOWN ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Tho Concert for Bangladesh 8:45; 1 DAY INSTALLATION COMMUNITY- 11:55; Yellow Submarine 10:25 Nicholas and Alexandra (Call theater ATLANTIC CINEMA— THE ROOF" for time) Bullltt 7:00; 10:45; Bonnie and Clyde MENLO PARK Nw Brunswick, NJ. DRIVE-IN- 8*55 "FROGS" Frogs and Conqueror Worm (Call IhB- MIDDLETOWN CINEMA- ater for time) Tlm WOndcrj of Aladdin 11 a.m.; The TOWN EAST- Godfather 12:45: 3:50; 7:00; 10:15 FREEHOLD Nlcholos and Alexandra 2:00; 8:00 AND MALL 1- SOUTH OF ASBURY I'ARK Paramount The Concert tor Bangladesh 7:30; 9:20 TOWN WEST- Asbury Plfk 755 6880 The Godfather 2:00; 8:15 MALL 2— 'FREAKS' KEANSBURG BRICK TOWN LISA MINELLI Duck You Sucker 7:15: t:ia COLONIAL— BRICK PLAZA- me* noss > ASSOCIATES OCEAN TOWNSHIP . The Cross and the Switchblade; 7:00; S1AR1S TOMORROW 10:4O Eighty Steps to Jonah 8:45 Rainy The Godfather 7:00; 10:00 Plus - Wayne Newton CIRCLE- doy matinee Idally) 2 p.m. MALI, 1- G R A N T' S "CABARET" Whal's Up Doc? 2:00; 7:30; 9:40 "80 STEPS TO JONAH" HAZLET Coborsl7:10;9:30 •••••••••••• ASBURY PARK PLAZA— &MALL 2— LYRIC- The Concert for Bangladesh 7:15; 9:15- ST What's Up Doc? 7:20; 9:3D Flddler on the Roof 2:00; 8:30 RT. 35 DRIVE-IN- Frogs 8:45; 12:00; The Conqueror LAKEWOOD BARONET- Worm 10:30 COUNTRY- ClockworkOronoe7:15; 9:40 KEVPORT Frogs 7:35; 9:35 MAYFAIR- STRAND- TOWN- The Godfalher 2:00; 7:00; 10:00 The Champagne Party 7:00; 9:31; The Duck You Sucker 7:D0; 9:?5 ST. JAMES- Naked Hunter 6:05; 10:Ss STANLEY KUBRICK'S Portney's Complaint 3:00! 7:30; 9:30 MATAWAN Counly Pharmacists "CLOCKWORK ras PARAMOUNT- CINEMA 34— THE CONCERT m MCfjITHLY PAYMENT CHART CoDoret 2:oo; /: 15; »:40 The Concert lor Bangladesh 7:20; 9:10 Join Association ORANGE" Amount Monthly SAVOY- v PERTH AMBOY LEAVE TRENTON - VicLor M. FOR of Loir) Payments YOUB Mena 7:30; 9:05 AMBOYS DRIVE-IN- Swlis Family Robinson 8:45; 12:30; Musto of Ealontnvvn and Mrs. $4000.00 ' $ 95.16 CREDIT NEPTUNE CITV 101 Datmatlans 11:06 PROBLEMS | • Barbara .1. Wortham of Eng- BANGLADESH $5000.(k> $118.95 NEPTUNE CITY- TO US! Freray 7:30; 9:30 lishtown havo been elected to $6000.qb $142.74 membership in the New Jer- plus Anniial Pcreenlagt Rate la 16.00 . TUISDAY sey Pharmaceutical Associ- "PORTNaV'S Credit Lltaj and Disability Insuranca Optional NITISfKIAl ation. COMPLAINT" PAY Off ALL YOUR BILLS! LAST DAY FRESH FRUIT CUP, Soup Ju Jour, Ont low Monthly Poym»jrt PAYS AU Salotf, Smiled Bcfced Pololo, On- Picnic Set Sunday ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S Mfi A Codas • N»w Car» Furniture • Horns Improvenmnt • PORT MONMOUTH - The "FRENZY" Eatontown Vacation • Taxt)s • Medical Expenses • Or For Democratic Club will sponsor DRIVE m M2 42OO Th» Things Yoiijva Alwaiyt Wanted its annual "Meet the Candi- plus l*u *how tvwy IMTI TONES dates" picnic Sunday at Chnn- CAPITAL RESOURCES CORP. Rte. 35'- Middletown One mile north of Red Bank ADMISSION ONLY cevillo Park from 1 to 6 p.m, "FROGS" Roulo let Broadway 741-8344 TOUTS SHOW West Long Branch, N.J. Secondary Mortgage Loans •a"CONQUERO*WQtt •#••••#01) I urge you to now to protect your fa with this $60000 a month extra cash plan"

For first month's protection, mail Enrollment Form with 25$ to get up to $600 a month tax free cash -$20.00 a day-when you go toth e hospital You collect benefits at the rate of f $600.00 a month cash $360.00 a month cash UP TO $2,000.00 cash —that's $20.00 a day—when you require hos- —that's $12.00 a day—when your child goes pital care... for each accident starting the to the hospital for any accident or illness, first day in the hospital, and for each illness, when you have Coverage for Children—no matter how long the confinement may be. the accident, you collect $1,000.00 — and after the titth day—continuing for life, if $2,000.00 for the loss of two limbs or the sight necessary. Coverage for accidents begins the very first day In the hospital; sickness coverage be- ofbolheyes. • $300.00 a month cash gins after the fifth day. $2,400.00a month cash —that's $10.00 a day—if you're 65 or over, for $1,200.00 a month for you—and $1,200.00 a the first 3 months of hospltalizalion. Cover- $600.00 a month cash month for your spouse... when an accident age for accidents begins the very first day in -that's $20.00 a day-for maternity benefits hospitalizes covered husband and wife at the hospital; sickness coverage begins after when Coverage for Children and Maternity the same time. Yes, you collect $2,400.00 A the fflth day. After 3 months, if you are still in Benefits have been added to the basic plan. MONTH in all (when under 65) while both are the hospital, you then receive... in the hospital—even for life. $400.00 a month cash We pay all premiums $600.00 a month cash —that's $13.33 a day-for a registered nurse that come due for you and all covered mem- —that's $20.00a day—thereafter,even for life at home if your doctor has you hire one with- bers of your family should you — the policy- if necessary. This money is paid directly to in five days following a covered hospital con- owner-be hospitalized for eight consecutive you In addition to Medicare or any other cov- finement of five days or more for as long as weeks or more. And you don't have to pay us erage you may already have. you were hospitalized-up to one year. back.

We guarantee not to cancel your protec- We guarantee not to raise your low rates tion no matter how many claims you have because of how old you become... or how ^° forget. • ... or how old you become... or for any many claims you have... but only If there is SiucereW. reason whatsoever. Only you can cancel. a general rate adjustment on all policies of this class in your entire state.


/Yi/ER 30 million people will be admitted to a Pays you Up to $600.00 a month tax-free cash Pays you $360.00 a month cash when \J hospitalthisyear!Kcouldbeyou-orsome when you are hospitalized. any unmarried dependent child 65 or over? Age at Monlhly Premium beloved member of your family-tomorrow ... Now you can have $600.00 cash coming in every is hospitalized. You collect benefits In addition to Medicare) Enrollment per Adult We have designed this plan as a Valuable addi- 16-44 only $3.45 next, week... next month. Sad to say, very few month—$20.00 a day—beginning the very first When you choose Coverage for Children, this tion to whatever-is paid by Medlcare-or health families have anywhere near enough coverage to day you enter the hospital due to an accident, and National Home plan pays you at the rate of 45-49 only $4.00 insurance you may have with other companies. meet today's soaring hospital costs. These costs after five days for confinements due to sickness. $360.00 a month cash, $12.00 a day, when one 50-54 only $4.40 Regardless of the coverage .you already have, have more than doubled in just a few short years. You collect $600.00 a month, even for life, if of your children is hospitalized. Pays for as long 55-74 only $5.10 National Home pays you at the rate of $300.00 Stop for a moment. Think how much a long necessary. as necessary! Children are covered for accidents 75-79 only $5.85 a month ($10.00 a day) for the first 3 months, stay in tbo hospital will cost you or a loved one. • The cash is paid directly to you in addition to from the first day and for sickness after five days. 80-84 .....only $6.50 and $600.00 a month ($20.00 a day) while hos- How would you eve/pay for costly, but neces- whatever you may receive from your insurance 85 and over only $7.75 pitalized thereafter. Coverage for accidents be- sary, X-rays, doctor bills, drugs and medicines? with any other companies. Use the money as you Pays you cash benefits for Maternity caret gins the very first day in the hospital. Sickness Only $1.80 more per month covers all your un- What would you do if your pay check stopped, see fit—for hospital or doctors' bills. To replace married dependent children... from the age of savings or cover household expenses. Every dollar coverage begins after five days. Both coverages but living expenses kept going on the same as If both husband and wife are insured for the en- 1 month through 18 years. Newborn children is tax-free. continue for life, if necessary. ever? The same rent, phone, food, all the day-to- tire period of pregnancy (and have added Cov- are covered automatically at the age of one erage for Children and Maternity Benefits), you These aretheonly exclusions! day expenses that never stop. How much does $600.00 a month protection month-at no additional cost! And then; if you cost you? Only 254 covers you and your entire get tax-free cash to use any way you want. Yes, Your National Home policy covers every kind of " What is the average breadwinner to do? We wish,' just add $1.35 monthly to that, and you're family for the first month. After that you may if a pregnancy, childbirth or even miscarriage sickness or accident except conditions caused by: believe we have an answer in this National covered for Maternity Benefits, too! continue at our regular low rates. puts you in the hospital for one day, five days, 1. any sickness or injury which existed before Homo plan. the policy went into effect (all pre-existing con- ten days—as long as necessary—you get cash ben- NOTE: The regular monthly premium shown efits of $20.00 a day for every day of your con- ditions are covered after policy has been in finement force for 2 years); (for age at time of enrollment) will not automati- LICENSED BY THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY 2. war oi auy act of war; cally increase as you pass from one age bracket Pays you cash benefits for a to the next. Once you have enrolled in this 3. any mental disease or disorder; Registered Nurse at Home. v National Home plan, your rate can not be _ 4. pregnancy, except as provided under the Ma- How comforting it is to know that-after your changed because of haw much or how often you HOW TO GET YOUR POLICY stay in the hospital, if you've been there five days ternity Benefit provision. Yon will be covered for care in any hospital, ex- collect from us-or because of advanced age- or more for which you received benefits—you cept a US. Government hospital or a nursing or but only if there is a general rate adjustment, on !• Complete this brief Enrollment Form. 3. Enclose Form with 250 In envelope and can return home to recuperate and yet not be a « , . ,. . „ mail to NATIONAL HOME, Valley Forge, convalescent facility. all policies of this class in your entire state. 2. Cut out along dotted line. Pa. 19481. burden to your loved ones. If your doctor has You collect from your first day in the hospital you employ a full-time registered nurse within for accidents and after five days for sickness. Act now-"later" may be loo latel ••••f OFFICIAL ENROLLMENT FORM ' •••• 5 days after you come home, we'll pay you bene- Send just 250 for first month's coverage. fits at the rate of $400.00 a month, $13.33 a Nationally known and respected.. Official Enrollment Form for the Hospitalization Indemnity Plan day. And your benefits continue for the same This is the kind of outstanding protection you TIME IS PRECIOUS! Act quickly. (No Sales- may have seen advertised in Reader's Digest, NATIONAL HOME ipE ASSURANCE COMPANY number of covered days that you were in the man will call.) Get your Enrollment Form into Better Homes & Gardens, TV Guide and other An Old Line Legal Reserve Company of St. Louis, Missouri hospital—even up to 12 full months. the mail today—because once you suffer an acci- ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES; VALLEY FORGE, PENNSYLVANIA leading publications. The company that stands dent or sickness, it's TOO LATE to get tne cov- Double Cash Accident Benefit behind your policy is National Home, established erage you need. That's why we urge you to act (Please Print) 3-2388-0-50 When you and your insured spouse are hospital- in 1920 and a member of the National Liberty MR. today—before the unexpected happens, f ized at the, same time for an accidental injury, Corporation, One of America's financially strong Name MRS._ _ — institutions, we are licensed in 46 states and we MWdlo Initial E5 this National Home plan pays each of you pay benefits at the rate of $20,000,000 a year to Address. DOUBLE CASH. $1,200.00 a month apiece. Street or RD# policyowners. That's $2,400.00 in cash payments every month