Almost complex structures on S2 × S2 Dusa McDuff∗ State University of New York at Stony Brook (
[email protected]) Aug 1, 1998 Abstract In this note we investigate the structure of the space J of smooth almost complex structures on S2 × S2 that are compatible with some symplectic form. This space has a natural stratification that changes as the cohomology class of the form changes and whose properties are very closely connected to the topol- ogy of the group of symplectomorphisms of S2 × S2. By globalizing standard gluing constructions in the theory of stable maps, we show that the strata of J are Fr´echet manifolds of finite codimension, and that the normal link of each stratum is a finite dimensional stratified space. The topology of these links turns out to be surprisingly intricate, and we work out certain cases. Our arguments apply also to other ruled surfaces, though they give complete information only for bundles over S2 and T 2. 1 Introduction It is well known that every symplectic form on X = S2 × S2 is, after mul- tiplication by a suitable constant, symplectomorphic to a product form ωλ = (1 + λ)σ1 + σ2 for some λ ≥ 0, where the 2-form σi has total area 1 on the ith factor. We are interested in the structure of the space J λ of all C∞ ωλ- compatible almost complex structures on X. Observe that J λ itself is always arXiv:math/9808008v1 [math.SG] 3 Aug 1998 contractible. However it has a natural stratification that changes as λ passes each integer.