Experience more than 200 historic buildings, living history sites, vessels, specialized museums and guide close to a million artifacts and specimens. Welcome to the Nova Scotia Museum. 1-800-632-1114
[email protected] 1747 Summer Street Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 3A6 museum.gov.ns.ca MARCH 2013/50,000 MARCH Your guide to the 27 provincial museums like the Firefi ghters’ Museum of Nova Scotia in Yarmouth. Cabot Trail Amherst Cape Breton Highlands National Park of Canada 104 Glooscap Trail 20 19 Sunrise 21 Trail Parrsboro Tatamagouche Ceilidh Cabot 23 Trail Trail 15 104 Granville Ferry Cabot Evangeline 14 Pictou Trail Trail 162 101 Starrs Point 22 Baddeck 105 Wolfville 18 106 25 104 24 101 Stellarton 16 Maitland Truro 102 Digby 17 104 Windsor Iona Sydney Antigonish Bras d’Or Lakes 105 Scenic Drive Marconi 4 Trail 101 Port Hastings 3 Kejimkujik 101 Scenic Drive New Ross Mount Halifax Stanfield Uniacke Bras d’Or Lakes Kejimkujik National International Airport Scenic Drive Fortress of Park & National Historic Louisbourg Site of Canada National Historic 1 Site of Canada 6 103 26 2 118 27 13 5 Dartmouth Sherbrooke Fleur-de-lis Bridgewater Trail 107 Halifax 111 Jeddore Yarmouth Lunenburg Oyster Pond 7 103 12 Peggy’s 8 Cove Marine Lower West 11 9 Liverpool Drive Pubnico Halifax Dartmouth Provincial Museums Locator Map 103 Shelburne Lighthouse 10 Seaside Adjunct Route Kejimkujik National Park of Canada Barrington Museum of Natural History Wile Carding Mill Museum Old Meeting House Museum Haliburton House Museum Sutherland Steam Mill Museum Sherbrooke Village 1 1747 Summer St, Halifax 6 242 Victoria Rd, Bridgewater 11 2408 Hwy 3, Barrington 16 414 Clifton Ave, Windsor 21 3169 Denmark Station Rd, Denmark 26 42 Main St, Sherbrooke Pg.