Title Slide Sermon on the Mount – part 11


Slide 2 :17-20

Christ Fulfills the Law

17 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. 18 For assuredly, I say to you, till and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. 19 Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in 20 Slide 3 the kingdom of heaven. For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and , you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.

I. Introduction

Slide 4 There is always the danger of two extremes in the Christian .

1. First there is the danger of – “Against the law”

• We are not bound by the law any more since we are saved by grace. • I/we are only obliged to keep the law when moved by the spirit…when the Spirit tells me to obey. • Besides, there is always and grace which covers our sins.


• Further, we are free from the Laws, rules, regulations, traditions of the past. • We’re not legalistic – We don’t have to follow a lot of religious rules and prohibitions – We are free to follow the spirit. • We are against the law. The law is oppressive. The law does not give life. The Spirit gives life and freedom!

Click 2. The second danger is legalism..

• In a clarion call to holy living in heart and life we fall prey to the rule of law. We want to do what is right! • Right makes might! • There is only black and white; right and wrong! Liberal and conservative. For and against! Everything is clear in a gray world! • Which makes us demanding, judgemental, and oppressive…The Pharisees!

Slide 5 Today in our text is offering a Balanced YES!

YES – The law is good and to be upheld

Click YES – We are free from obeying the law in order to be saved!


Slide 6 Now, let’s clarify some ideas and concepts of Jesus:

1. What did Jesus mean by the “Law or the Prophets?”

Jesus used the “law or prophets in at least four ways.

a. The – The moral and ethical instructions of God given to Moses.

Click b. The first 5 books of the OT – The pentetuech

Click c. “The Law and the Prophets was a reference to the whole of the Scripture; a comprehensive description of what we now call the .

• The Law and the prophets was used much like we would say – “The is the authoritative, inspired, Word of God…it is reliable, It is inspired; It trains us; It corrects us; It sustains us: It speaks God’s words to us; It guides us; It is powerful and transforms us…. • This is the Law and the Prophets…A comprehensive term for the total divine revelation of the OT…none of it will pass away or be discarded…not a single letter until all is fulfilled.


Click d. Fourth way Jesus used “The Law and the Prophets” referred to the Oral and Scribal laws of the Jewish community of faith.

• The Scribes and Pharisees were fond of strictly and accurately defining broad principles, i.e. “Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy…” • The Scribes spent enormous energy to further define the law in it’s strictest application • What does it actually mean to keep the Sabbath? How should we keep the Sabbath? What constitutes work on the Sabbath? • They created laws and rules and regulations. These religious zealots and interpreters had a passion for definition so they could “do it right” • So, their form of Jewish religion was reduced to legalism and petty rules and regulations rather than a relationship with Holy God. • And any good Jew – Kosher Jew – Orthodox Jew KEPT THE LAWS AS CLOSELY AS POSSBILE.

Click According to John Stott, in his commentary on the Sermon on the Mount, there were:

248 Commandments and


365 Prohibitions =

613 Laws

Slide 7 And these rules, laws, regulations were generally put in 3 categories:

1. Doctrinal Law – Define the nature and character of God

2. Ceremonial Law – define the practices of worship

3. The Moral Law – which governs the ethical behavior of the community.

It is most generally understood and practiced that the Moral and Ethical law that governs human behavior is the law that remains for the Christian church…

Slide 8 And which summarized by Jesus when asked, “What is the greatest commandment….

“The greatest commandment is to love your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself.

So, at the very least we can say that Jesus was declaring…


The law of love – loving God and loving neighbor and all its nuances will never pass away!

We can never treat them lightly or dismiss them as irrelevant!

The law of love is interpreted by the NT – early church – Paul, Peter and James in long lists of behaviors for followers.

Slide 9 2. Now, what did Jesus mean when he said, “I have not come to abolish the law but to fulfill the law?”

• The law and the prophets – the commandments and precepts to be obeyed were meant to govern a relationship with God. • The axiom was: o Keep the Law strictly and you will be right with God o Break the law and your relationship with God was compromised at the very least. Click • The law was given to save God’s people and to maintain a right relationship with Holy God! o See Psalm 119: 1-8; 105-112

Click • However, here is the real problem with the Law – we can’t keep it 100%


• We are flawed, sinful, self-willed people who, but nature are rebellious toward God…Over and Over again, we turn away from God. • So keep the commandments is un – do – able and can never satisfy our soul.