CURRICULUM VITAE Christian Sommer, postdoc @ Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light Dr. Christian Sommer Personal Data Date of Birth: 22. 01. 1980 Place of Birth: Elmshorn, Germany Marital Status: Single Citizenship: Germany Contact details Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 10 91052 Erlangen +49 (0) 173 6817144
[email protected] [email protected] Google scholar link: google scholar ResearchGate profile: ResearchGate Competencies Laser Spectroscopy, Laser Technology (UV, VIS, IR Lase), Optics, Optical Detectors, and Optical Measurement Methods Microwave Technology, Microwave synthesizer and waveguides Designing Analog and Digital Electronics Data Acquisition and Data Analysis, Presentation of Data Computer Simulations, Machine learning and Software Skills Writing Scientific Publications and Reports Reviewing Scientific Publications Talks and Presentations Command of Languages Mass Spectrometry High- and Ultrahigh Vacuum Technology and Cryogenic Technology Application of High-voltage Devices Work Experience 01/2017 - present Postdoctoral Researcher (theoretical physics) Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light in the group of Dr. Claudiu Genes, Erlangen, Germany. Projects Analytic calculations in the field of open quantum systems with the focus on collective effects, Cavity QED with molecules and cooling of optomechanical systems Machine learning (Reinforcement learning) for controlling stochastic dynamical systems . Emphases and Professional Activities Performing computer simulations Writing scientific publications