Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, MAY 9, 2016 No. 72 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 10, 2016, at 12 p.m. Senate MONDAY, MAY 9, 2016 The Senate met at 3 p.m. and was RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY REMEMBERING BOB BENNETT called to order by the President pro LEADER Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, to- tempore (Mr. HATCH). The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The morrow the Democratic leader and I majority leader is recognized. will have the honor of celebrating Sen- f ator Bennett’s life at a memorial serv- f ice, but I also wish to say a few words PRAYER about this dear friend and colleague The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- THE APPROPRIATIONS PROCESS now. fered the following prayer: Bob Bennett said there are two kinds Let us pray. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, we of Senators in Washington—work- Eternal God, the giver of every good will return to the consideration of the horses and show horses. It is clear to and perfect gift, we thank You for the energy security and water infrastruc- anyone who knew him which path Sen- life and legacy of former Senator Bob ture funding bill today. As we do so, I ator Bennett followed. This former Bennett. Lord, we praise You for his wish to remind colleagues of the im- chaplain, entrepreneur, and CEO came diligence, integrity, intellect, and portance of returning to regular order to the Senate with a long resume and a courage, for he has left exemplary foot- and working through the appropria- formidable work effort. Over his 18 prints for us to follow. Be with his be- tions process. years of service, Bob typified the con- loved widow Joyce, comforting her, his A return to regular order means em- structive player with the steady hand, loved ones, and friends in their grief. powering Senators from both sides to the kind of Senator who preferred the Lord, we also remember Sergeant make more responsible judgments as to low-key work of legislating to the Christopher Eney, Officer Jacob Chest- how taxpayer dollars are spent. It bright lights of the media. nut, Detective John Gibson, and Ser- means allowing Senators to better rep- Bob worked hard to develop relation- geant Clinton Holtz of the U.S. Capitol resent the voices of their constituents ships in both parties, and he ap- Police, who gave the last full measure throughout the legislative process. Be- proached everything he did with cre- of devotion. Remind us that Earth has ginning the process early means giving ativity, with substance, and with no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal. Senators from both sides more oppor- honor. Today, give our lawmakers the sin- tunity to debate and offer ideas they Senator Bennett served as a member gularity of heart to seek, find, and fol- think might make these bills even bet- of our conference leadership team, sat low Your will so that their legacy will ter. on important committees, and pressed also be exemplary. This is the way the appropriations forward on a range of different issues. We pray in Your merciful Name. process is supposed to work, and with a He also shared my interest in the Amen. little cooperation, we can keep it mov- First Amendment. Bob would be the ing forward this week. first to tell you that he viewed his f The bill before us will support energy most important job as being a husband. innovation and waterway infrastruc- I think his wife Joyce felt the same PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ture. It will promote commerce and way. In more than 50 years of mar- The President pro tempore led the public safety. It will help maintain our riage, the Bennetts worked together to Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: nuclear deterrence posture. raise six children. They were blessed I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the These are priorities that should be with 20 grandchildren as well. United States of America, and to the Repub- important to all of us. So let’s con- Many of us remember the active role lic for which it stands, one nation under God, tinue to work today and move this bill Joyce played in the life of the Senate indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. forward. family over the years, and so we are ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S2605 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:38 May 10, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09MY6.000 S09MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S2606 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 9, 2016 thinking of her today. We are thinking It didn’t sit well with the tea party, nominee. Let’s think about that—the of the entire Bennett family too. which was very strong in Utah. They party of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore The Senate honors the memory of used the State’s Republican primary to Roosevelt, and many other Repub- Senator Bob Bennett. We will miss him remove Senator Bennett from office. It licans, such as Ronald Reagan and greatly. is a very unusual procedure there. If it Dwight Eisenhower. The party of these f had been any other State in the Union, great people nominated a misogynistic, Bob Bennett would still be in the Sen- anti-Latino, anti-Muslim, and anti-im- RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY ate. migrant xenophobe. The party of Teddy LEADER But in spite of all of that, Bob was Roosevelt nominated a billionaire con The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. BAR- blessed with an unshakeable moral man who scams working people. RASSO). The Democratic leader is rec- compass. He knew what he did was Donald Trump represents everything ognized. right, and he had no regrets. Time and that Americans detest about a system f a resurgent American economy had that is rigged for the super-rich. Here vindicated Senator Bennett’s vote on REMEMBERING BOB BENNETT is a person who was born into immense TARP and other things. wealth, but he uses his father’s fortune Mr. REID. Mr. President, last I count myself very fortunate to have to rip people off and intimidate those Wednesday, the Senate lost one of its served with this good man. I will for- who speak out against his shady busi- Members, our friend and colleague Bob ever be grateful for him—this honor- ness practices. Bennett. He passed away at his home able, decent person who was my friend. Here is a person who was gifted with in Arlington, VA. Today my thoughts are with his fam- the resources to make a difference in There is a whole lot I can say about ily, his wife Joyce, who is an accom- the world. He could be doing many Bob Bennett. He was my friend. Landra plished flutist. She is a professional things to improve the lives of working and I were close to him and his lovely flute player. Americans. Instead, he has only wife Joyce. As Senator MCCONNELL On codels I took with Senator Ben- worked to build his own celebrity, his said, he was a three-term Senator. He nett—I remember one where we left own brand. He uses that fame as a was a scholar, author, and celebrated here and went to Peru, Bolivia, and Ec- bully pulpit to sow hatred and intoler- businessman. He took over this com- uador—over the great lands that we ance. pany, Franklin Quest—those little passed and over the waters that we Yet, in spite of all of this, Donald books that were so popular a number of passed, often she would come and en- Trump is now the Republican Party’s years ago. It had four employees. With- tertain us with her flute. She is a mar- Presidential nominee. He is no acci- in 7 years, that company had 1,000 em- velous woman. I want her to know that dent. His nomination is not some mis- ployees, and its income was $100 mil- Senator Bennett will be missed by the take. Donald Trump is the natural evo- lion a year. Some of you will remember Senate, the people of Utah, our coun- lution of a party that spent 8 years the little Franklin day planner we all try, and me. honing a platform that is anti-immi- had because of Senator Bennett. f grant, anti-woman, anti-Obama, and When I think of Senator Bennett, MAYORAL ELECTION IN LONDON, anti-working people. courage comes to mind. He was one of ENGLAND It wasn’t all that long ago that Re- the most courageous Senators with publicans used to engage Democrats on Mr. REID. Mr. President, a notable whom I served. He was a conservative policy. There was a time when we could thing happened this weekend across Republican from a conservative State, work together on substantive legisla- the Atlantic. The people of London, Utah. A majority of the time he voted tion. I saw it. I felt it. It was wonder- England, elected Sadiq Khan as the that way. ful. But Bob also firmly believed neither first Muslim mayor of their city. The But all that ended when President mayor of the city of London is a Mus- political party nor their differing Obama was elected. Senator MCCON- lim, a proud Muslim. That election ideologies had a monopoly on good gov- NELL ordered a total blockade of any ernance, and he spoke about this open- speaks to the openness and tolerance policy proposed by President Obama ly.