
Our Beloved Baba •••••••••••. ••••••••••• 1 - 6

National Office ••••••..••.•...••••..••• 7 - 10

Pracar ••••..••.•.•.•••••...... •••.••••• 11 - 14

Relief and Welfare •••..••.•.•. •.•••.••• 15 - 21

RAWA •.•.••.•••••.•. .••..•...... •.•.• 22 - 23

Education ••••..•.•••••.•.••.•.•.•...••• 24 - 25

Publication Highlites ••••...•..•••.•••• 26 - 27

Training Center - AMRIT •••....••. .••••• 28

Around the World - AMYS 29 - 30

A Few More Points •.. ..•...... •.••••• 30 - 31

Address Listings •.•••..•..•. ...•.....•• 32 - 39

DFTS-02794 THE TRIAL by Naciketa

On June 27, 1972 the commitment proceedings in the case against P.R.Sarkar (Anandamurt i) and four others charged in the conspiracy to murder six workers began before the special magistrate R.P. Srivastava in Patna. Indian law calls for commitment proceedings or a pre-trial hearing in serious offenses in order to give the prosecution a chance to present its evidence before a magistrate who then decides whether the evidence justifies that the case be commited to trial.

The first witness called to testify by the prosecution was Madhvananada, who had earlier stated in a confessional statement that he was a member of a July 28, 1970 meeting at which Anandamurt i had alledgedly ordered the killing of six Ananda Marga workers who had defected from the organization and started a school in Kawkdip, . Because he had turned "states evidence II in the case, Madhvananda was awarded pardon in the case and appeared in court as the chief prosecution witness.

In seven days of testimony before the magistrate answering to questions of the prosecution, Madhvananda described in lurid detail how he had deceived the six defectors and murdered them ruthlessly at several jungle sites near Ranchi. His testimony sounded like an anti-Ananda Marga murder novel written by a CBI agent. Since the prosecution case rests almost totally on Madhvananda ' s testimony it was not suprising that the CBI tutored their man carefully in advanc e. In fact, ono of tho defense lawyers and an old Margii named Hari vJallabh Thakur told me that he saw the notebook of one of the CBI at torneys in which were typed the questions that they were going to ask Madhvananda and underneath his coached replies.

Coming to the courtroom from his prison cell in a nearby city, Madhvananda, dressed in orange robes with beard and long hair, traditional for Indian Sanyassii, held his head up and tried to look cheerful, as though to salvage some of his lost -respect. Why Madhvananda had fallen into the eBI camp and given false testi­ mony incriminating himself, his friends and his may not be known to us for a long while, but workers that visited him in Patna jail reported to me that he had told them of henious tortures that the CBI agents had inflicted on him and had shown them bruises and wounds to verify it . It is also common among the work ers at Patna that two others of the accused persons were subjected to inhuman tortures in order to make them IIconfessll their guilt . Even, the story goes, they once thought to try their evil methods on BABA, but He instilled fear complex in their when they entered His cell and they immediately left and made no further designs to elicite a confession from Him .

Despite the best efforts of the eBI and the spending of millions of rupees, it is no easy job concocting completely fallacious stories of the murder of six men and making all the details fit the demonstratable facts. During cross­ examination by the defense lawyer, Nageshwar Prasad, Madvananda made several crutial mistakes which cast dark clouds of doubt over the prosecution's case.

DFTS-02795 Madhvananda admitted that he was originally arrested not for murder but in connection with another case involving his alleged manufacture of bombs and fire arms in Ranchi (so called Ranchi Bomb Case). When called to confess in that case before a magistrate he volunteered the information that he was involved also in the murder of 18 Ananda Margiis, but strangely his statement menioned details of only six of the 18--the same six for which Anandamurti and four others were charged. Contradicting his earlier confessional statement, Madhvananda in reply to defense counsel said that he had murdered one Amulya Kumar not on August 12, 1970 as he originally stated but August 15. In another contradiction between his original statement and his testimony before the special magistrate, Madhvananda changed the place of one of the murders apparently to make it coincide with the police report.

In reply to defense counsels questions Madhvananda admitted that he had brought one of his victims to a lonely jungle site, telling him they would perform midnight Kapalika (), but instead tied him to a tree, gagged him, and stabbed him to death, all of which he said occurred at midnight of the new moon night in a lonely jungle without the aid of any torch or flashlight! He also admitted that his victim offered him no resistance even though he was described by the witness as bigger and stronger than he. Also, the victim had reason to suspect foul play since two days earlier he was allegedly confined in a room, denounced as a traitor, disrobed and tortured.

On July 27, 1972 Vishokananda who was previously posted as BABA's personal secretary was called to testify in the hearing. The man that sat on the witness stand giving testimony against his Guru had little resemblance to the sadhak I had met 2 years previous. Gone was his long hair, beard, and sanyassi's robes. Gone was the glow from his face and eyes which were so striking two years back. He sat slouched over, eyes fixed on the magistrate, only occasionally glancing at the defense counsel, Mr. Nageshwar Prasad, behind whom stood many of his old friends and associates. He did not have the look of an evil person, he simply appeared a fallen man, e�tangled by his self-seeking past actions. Speaking in a monotone without any visible emotion, Vishokananda spun a story corroborating the testimony of Madhvananda, but carefully excluding himself from any complicity in the murders or conspiracy. Under cross-examination Vishokananda told lie aftar lie in an effort to bolster his credibility as a witness and to defame the Ananda Marga mission. He claimed that he was not removed from his post as personal secretary to BABA before his defection on October 1, 1971 (defense submitted documents to this very fact), that the office used to receive money from foreign countries which went into BABA's hands, that cruel punishments were given to Margiis and workers (directly contradicting a statement signed by him in 1970), that Ananda Marga had 8-10 thousand followers throughout the world (DMC at Panchi, in May 1971 had 40,000 Margiis), and that the aim of Ananda Marga's political wing was to establish sadvipra rajya or rule by moralist through armed force. When defense counsel questioned him about this point Vishokananda admitted that he was the secretary of the political wing of the Organization from 1962 to 1967 whose aim he said was to engage in armed revolution, and the testimony continued as follows:

Q: Do you know how to operate a machine gun A: NO

Q: Do you know how to fire a gun? A: NO

Q: Do you know bomb manufacturing? A: No.


DFTS-02796 Q: lJld the Harga l·oJ..J..owers ever attack any poJ..lce stations or police officers like the Naxalites in this country? fl.: No.

Q: Do you know that the Naxalite boys get training in parade drill and gun shooting? A: Yes.

Q: Is this type of training given to members of the VSS (Volunteer Social Service) wing of the Harga? A: No.

Q: Then how do you say that the aim of this Organization is violent overthrow of the government? A: (No reply.)

As Vishokananda gave his testimony there was a noticeable upturn in the spirits of the Ananda Hargiis who had packed into the little courtroom set along side the Gfu�ges near downtown Patna. They had come to see and hear the man who had turned into a vicious enemy to the Guru and Organization which he had revered for 8 years. The government case was not as strong as was feared by the Ananda Margiis. Already Madhvananda had contradicted himself on important facts about the murders, changing the time of one and the place of another. His testimony uncorroborated is worthless in court since he was a member of the alleged conspiracy and chief executioner. Rather than giving strong corroboration to Madhvananda's testimony, Vishokananda could only state that he had second-hand knohTledge of the alleged conspiracy at Tatanangar and murders in the jungles, and his viability as a witness had been called into question during the course of the cross-examination which brilliantly brought to light inconsistancies and lies in his testimony before the magistrate. Perhaps the GBI had already given the case up for lost and was trying to create as much negative propaganda about Ananda Harga as they could salvage. Whatever the case, the last shred of doubt about BABA's innocence that was in the Hargii's minds was erased after they listened to the obvious perjury of Vishokananda. In other testimony before the proceedings adjourned on August 5 for 3 weeks, was that of two doctors who did postmortems on the four bodies recovered. The inquest report on one body recovered from the jungle stated that the dead man had a beard with net attached (used by Sikhs in but never by Ananda Marga sanyassis), but the postmortem reported that the body had no beard. Under cross-examination the doctor who did the postmortem stated that at the time of preparing the postmortem report, which was 2 �r 3 days after the murder the hair was not present due to peeling of the skin and decomposition. Defense counsel questioned whether a body in such a state of decomposition could be only 2 or 3 days old and suggested that he may have examined a different body.

The other doctor questioned had pe rformed postmortem on one of the victims 3 days after Hadhvananda testified that he had murdered the man. From photographs and from the doctor's report at the time of postmortem it was clear that the body was in an advanced state of decomposition, the flesh having begun to be eaten by magots. Defense counsel suggested that the body was aged 15 to 20 days according to the data mentioned, but the doctor said that he did not agree, but that his estimate of 3-5 days was correct. Then defense read an excerpt from a medical textbook which stated that according to the conditions sited, the body should be aged 2-3 weeks. The study was made on bodies found in and around Calcutta which the doctor admitted has a warmer and more humid cli.mate than that found at the jungle site near Ranchi where the body was allegedly recovered. Lastly defense counsel pointed out that in a murder case, the time of death is an essential factor and charged the doctor with negligence for not mentioning the time of death in his postmortem report and called the doctors testimony "nothing but tissue of falsehood'!.


DFTS-02797 After the doctor had completed his testimony, the CBI attorneys left the court in a mood of defeat. Their whole case had come apart and the actual trial at which defense evidence will be submitted had not even begun. After the case is readjourned on August 21, 1972, a few minor witnesses will be called by the prosecution and the prosecution and defense closing arguments will be heard. After that the case will go to the magistrate for his decision whether to commit the case to trial or throw it out for lack of evidence. But although the magistrate has realized that the case is a prefabrication, he will surely commit the case to trial because he is a small judge whose job depends upon his following the vested interest line. If he dismisses the case he will surely loose his job and face a very uncertain future.

Once the case is commited, our lawyers will immediately move for BABA's bail. Because of the considerable merit in the case they expect that the High Court of will grant him bail. The bail hearing should reach the High Court by late September or early October and the non-stop Sessions Trial might begin by November.

I find it impossible at this state to analyize the whys and wherefores of His divine drama, but the one remarkable thing that has emerged from this whole ordeal that He put Himself into is that His name and that of Ananda Marga has become well known throughout India. Whether the trial it self draws international attention as the pre-trial hearing has drawn the attention of India remains to be seen; but despite the negative portrayal of Ananda Marga by the press coverage of the case, the common people of India have come to know that Ananda Marga stands for ffiJrality, , ending exploitation, and for political change aimed at rule by moralists. Most Indian intellectuals have adopted a wait and see attitude about Ananda Marga since they know well the history of the Indian Government which has stooped to similar activities in the past in attempts to squelch dissident political opposition. When Anandamurtijii is acquitted of these henious charged, there will be agreat upsurge in public support for the Mission and for the millions of sadhru�s who look to Anandamurti for both inspiration and guidance.



Dear Brothers & Sisters:

Here is a letter I just received from Ac. Santoshanandaji.


Madhur ii


New 16-8-72

Most beloved didi,

Pranam •

•••1 was overwhelmed to go through your letter. It filled my heart with tremendous joy to know about the tireless efforts of Americ an Brothers and Sisters to carry out the work of BABA's mission. All of you are really

greatly blessed •••


DFTS-02798 Conunittal proceedings is t5U.l.llt5 on nicely in the court. Nei ther Hadhavananda, the approver (witneqs for the prosecution) in the case, nor Vishokananda could stand the cross examination by our Advocate. Their statements show a number of contradictions of facts; and the case, therefore, has become much less serious - this is felt even by CBI. Previously CBI wa nted to prolong the court proceedings in order to give wider and wi der defamatorJ pUblicity to Ananda Harga. But since cross examination has exposed the culprits the CBI wants an early closure of the case to save her face. They are badly shaken. After Vishokananda's failure in cross examination, CBI scolded him severely. They told Vishokananda, "We tutored you for quite a long period. We spent so much on you and you failed us miserably in the court". But, ultimately what can these poor creatures do? They are puppets, dolls in Baba's hands and are dancing at His fingertips.

The Doctor's report, the police report, and the statement of Madhavananda and Vishokananda in tho court and before tho CBI about murders all vary and are full of numerous contradictions. This clearly shows that charges formed by them are utterly false and maligning.

CBI tried its best to bring Baba into the court room so as to further tarnish His image (of course apparently) in the eyes of general public. But they failed. They definitely succeeded in bringing Baba to court in an ambulance lying on a stretcher, but despite heated and very strong arguments by the CBI advocate, Baba couldn't be brought inside the court room. It happened thus: Right from jail to court Baba was escorted oy two police vans packed with 50 armed guards - one before and the other behind Baba's ambulance. All these three vehicles were further led by another policeman riding a motorcycle. I can say Baba went wi th royal dignity. A crowd of about 9000 (nine thousand) persons was eagerly waiting to have His darshan (sight). All the roads leading to court were jammed, traffic movement was stopped and to control this large number of people armed guards were patrolling throughout. An interesting incident! All the cases in High Court as we ll as lower courts were cancelled and advocates packed the court­ room to see Baba. They were so eager and anxious to see Him that before the begin­ ning of court proceeding they packed the room. There was not a hair's space - it was so jampacked.

After Baba's ambulance reached the court gate, CBI advocate started shouting and pressing the magistrate to issue an order to present Baba in the court. Our pleader, addressing the CBI advocate, sai.d !lyou are only three advocates and we are seven, therefore we can certainly shout more than you! "Shouting is no way of arguments, be reasonable. Let us ask the doctor wh ether Baba is eligible to come inside the court room or not since He is ailing," our advocate said. The Magistrate was convinced by the contention of our advocate and he called the doctor. As Baba's will would have it, the doctor declined to bring Baba inside the court room on health grounds. And very disappointingly and desperately Madhavananda had to go to the ambulance to identify Baba. One more thing! CBI advocate went to the extent of saying that Baba at any cost must be brought in the court room. "He is an accused and not God," he said. But Magistrate refused to oblige him.

All the advocates who had come to see Baba, leaving their own caoeo, became very restless. They were not finding any trace of Baoa coming in the room, nor were they allowed by the police guards to go out. They were very much frustrated. They started abusing CBI and CBI advocate. They said, "For the last one month you had been trying to bring Baba in the courtroom, today you tried your best - Baba came to the court gate but He didn't come inside the courtroom. He is cer­ tainly God."


DFTS-02799 Here, in India, also, now the events are taking a great turn. By Baba's grace, wind has gradually started blowing in our favor. History is certainly witnessing a great occurrence, a great event -- Baba's Liila of letting others move according to His program, His Supreme Will. His ways are always inscrutable. None can ever know how He gets His work done. He is Lillananda - the Supreme Sportsman, an endless mystery. In course of probing into His mystery one loses his own identity, becomes one with Him and forgets that he started investigation about His diving play. His devotees verily see Him in every phenomena of this mortal world and, therefore, they are not perturbed by external ups and downs. They always dwell in the world of infinite bliss coming from within. This is the singular and inevitable path of devotees.

I and others have experienced, that after the recent tirade of persecution of Baba and Marga, our devotion for Him has reached the highest point (of course by His grace alone). Our spiritual life is touching another height and we all feel, and quite explicitly,· the tremendous spiritual waves He is transmitting. We, in India, have become more mad for Baba than ever before.

Journalists and also advocates witnessing the whole scene were further moved to see the foreign margiis weeping as long as Baba's ambulance was there. They opined that a criminal cannot generate such pious, sentient and devotional feelings in the heart of a man as was evident from the tearful eyes of Baba's devotees there. It left a lasting imprint on their minds about the greatness and goodness of Baba's personality.

CBI was further disappointed to see that there were no shouts of shame or any act of insult and abuse from public when Baba's ambulance arrived at the court. They had expected it, presuming that serious charges against Baba must have brought His Image low in the eyes of Public. But the whole crowd was respectfully seeing Baba coming and going. Rather, they were restless not to see Baba clearly since He didn't come out of the ambu�ance. Thus, the halo of Baba's personality was appropriately maintained by the Prakriti. CBI once again tried to bring Baba in the court for His identification by Vishokananda but Magistrate rejected the petition. Our advocates are hopeful that Baba will be bailed out by the first week of September (but only if He wishes).

I am not receiving articles for'Education & Culture" from American Margiis. Do ask them for the same. Remember that "Education & Culture" will indirectly propagate Marga's ideology. It will work as a neutral magazine giving critical analysis of our ideology and . I had, also, sent some papers making an appeal for our magaznine's subscription. Please inspire margiis to subscribe to

it. At this critical hour, we very much need their help •••.

With affectionate love,

Yours sincerely


The subscription rate for "Education & Culture" is:

Air-Mail from India, $10.00 for 12 issues

Sea-Mail from India, $3.00 for 12 issues

Send your check(certified is best), name and address to:


D - 41, South Extension, Part 1 New Delhi - 49, India 6

DFTS-02800 This is a copy of a letter written by Pramiil and sent to the training center in California. The purpose of the letter was to provide inforrnatio:c for a discussion on the topic of "Ananda Marga Organization".

"Since time immemorial man has been developing. He has been e:h.""Panding Ilis aware­ ness in two directions, external from himt3elf and internal to himself. Man has covered a lot of territory in the vast frontiers of both approaches, and we in Ananda Marga want to take advantage of it all; we want a synthesis of the material and the spiritual so that we can call the "teritory covered", progress.

The purpose of this letter is not to expound on the ideology that is necessary to create such a synthesis, but to consider the organization through which that ideology can be implemented and maintained.

In this world there are no two human beings alike in physical, mental, or spirit­ ual stature. Even if all human beings were striving to attain one common goal, they would be approaching that goal from a multitude of different ways according to their own physical, spiritual, and mental development. It is therefore under­ stood that an organization is not really a melting pot so much as single pieces of straw being tied together to make a sturdy bundle. The bundle is tied tOKet her by a Universal Cosmic Ideology.

Ananda Marga Ideology always serves as our guideline in establishing the purpose and objectives of the Ananda Marga Organization. All adjustments within our Organization and interaction with other organizations (U.S. Government - IRS, Corp. laws, etc; other business and non-profit organizations) will be done within the scope of the Ideology_ This of course gives us a very broad field to work in -- DHARMA.

As for organizational structure Western man has developed quite an elaborate sys­ tem. We see its complexities when we compare starting a school or hospital in India with the starting of the same in the United States. It is mllc;h more diffi­ to do in the U.S •• Personally, I feel that a stronger base lS made when a group is "forced" to really get it together before being allowed to proceed with a public interest project.

At any rate for the time being 'ife want to utilize as mai'J.y facets of the !lU .S. Structure" as will lend a service to our structure. There are two points to as being helpful to Ananda Marga at the present time:

Ananda Marga formally organizing as a non-profit corporation in each state; and

Every unit of Ananda Marga participating in the Group Federal Tax Exemption.


DFTS-02801 Howard L. Oleck, author of Non-Profit Corporations and Associations, (second edi­ tion), has this to say about corporations: "The corporation now is by far the best and most popular form of organization for most group enterprises. It combines several advantages: freedom from personal liability, continuity of , and great range and scope by joinder of resources and efforts. Detailed and plentiful legislative, administrative, and executive studies during the past hundred years have produced a wealth of plans for effective orgaDization and operation. Barring some unexpected new form of joint enterprise, the corporate form probably will dominate for some time to come.

A corporation may be considered an 'artificial person. ' More precisely, it is a legal entity, organized to meet legal requirements, consisting qf a number of but considered by the law as an aggregate body distinct from its com­ ponent members, having a specific name or title and specific powers granted by the law, and having continuous existence though its membership changes.

In the absence of specific statutes, only a human being, or a group of humans recognized as a legal entity, can hold title to property. Early common law so provided, and it still applies. When title to property is conveyed to a group having an artificial name, the conveyance to that name is meaningless unless the group is a legal entity (such as a corporation)--except as special statutes may validate such a transfer.

Therefore, when property is conveyed to an informally associated group, the courts will view the conve:rCUlce as a transfer to the persons who comprise the group. What this means is that each person has become a part-owner. Title can now be conveyed only with his consent, and subject to the legal of his family, heirs, and creditors. A clumsier method of holding title to property is hard to imagine."

It seems that these are pretty good reasons for incorporating. Also, Oleck's book is a really great resource of information on "how to" incorporate, hold meetings, keep minutes, and generally organize a non-profit organization. There is even a section on taxes and exemptions. It would really be a helpful book. Maybe J�u should get one for the Training Center Library.

(And maybe your unit library, too)

As of now we do not have an accurate 1'eco1'o. of the states which have already in­ corporated. One of my near-future projects is to find out who has and to get copies of their charters and by-laws. For now you can refer to the enclosed list of state headquarters which have been designated as the responsible units for in­ corporating Ananda Marga within their states. (If you have incorporated, please send a copy of �ur Charter and By-Laws to Pramiil at the National Office, Wichita). For those states which are not yet incorporated, (again, we'll have to do some � checking to find out who is and who is not; if someone at the Training Center is particularly interested about a certain state's status, they should contact the State Headquarters) the State Headquarters should obtain the latest copy of the National Charter and By-1m,s from Wichita to use as guidelines. Actually, the corporate charter and the by-laws of each state will vary from the National Charter and By-laws only if specified by that particular state's non-profit cor­ poration laws. This can of course be determined by the lawyer who is preparing the certificate of incorporation (charter). It is really necessary to work with a lawyer on this and if you have not already, it presents a good opportunity to find a lawyer friend who will work on a minimum or no charge basis in sympathy with the overall purposes of Ananda Marga -- do some pracar.


DFTS-02802 The second point is that every unit should be participating in the Group Federal Tax Exemption. The enclosed letters on this subject should give you a good on what this exemption is about and what is necessary for each unit in order to be included. You should read those letters at this point for clarification of Ii Group Tax Exempt ion. � � NOTE:

The letters are not included, but here are thc stepc each unit must take in order to be included in the Federal Group Tax Exemption.

Part 1. A letter of affirmation stating a desire to be included in the group tax ruling and testifying to operate according to the National Charter and By-Laws of the Ananda Harga .

Part 2. The name, address, telephone No. of your unit and your units "employerVs identification number", obtained through your local IRS office.

If a person really wants to be of continuing help in organlzlng Ananda Harga, it is essential that he or she does some reading. Read our National Charter and By-laws (the By-laws are now being reconstructed to accomodate the creation of the National Board, but for now we will continue to use the existing form), read about non-profit corporations(purpose, creation, organization, laws, etc.) ie., DIeck's book, and put the you read about into practice---see if they are practical.

At this point I would like to interject that in doing everyday vJork one does not have to be so aware of a legal structure, but in order to benefit most from existing organizations, we must be prepared to present ourselves in an organized and legal fashion.

Later, as things evolve, we will deal more broadly with internal organization-­ coordination, work flow, priorities, finance, staff and training. The8e most important points will become morc lucid as our organization requires them to develop. The National Office is now working on the development of Program Heet­ ings for the coordination and direction of selected programs, evaluation of program progress, and for the fullest utilization of time and energy. Hopefully this will develop into a National Trainin'S Program for organizational coordi­ nation.

A Word About Baba's Latest Vanii

We regret to you that due to a misunderstanding and a limited English vocabulary, 1,J8 have sent out a printing of Baba is Birthday Vanii with one incor­ rect word in it. The third word from the end, which was printed as "degeneration", should be "denigration". This correction will improve the flow of the Vanii and put it in proper perspective.


DFTS-02803 State Headquarters of the Ananda M�lrga Yoga Society ***************************

Alabama, Se 1ma Nebraska, Lincoln

Alaska, Anchorage Nevada, Reno

Arizona, Tucson New Hampshire, Hanover

Arkansas, Dover New Jersey, Jersey City

California, Los Altos Hills New Mexico, Albuquer que

Colorado, Denver New York, New York

Connecticut, Branford North Carolina, Raleigh

Florida, Opalocka North Dakota, Grand Forks

Georgia, Atlanta OhiO, Cleveland

Hawaii, Honolulu Oklahoma, Norman

Idaho, Boise Oregon , Port land

Illinois, Carbondale Pennsylvania, Philadelphia

Indiana, Indianapolis South Carolina, Charleston

Iowa, Cedar Falls South Dakota� Rapid City

Kansas, Wichita Tennessee, Memphis

Kentucky, Louisville Texas, Austin

Louisiana, New Orleans utah, Salt Lake City

Maryland, PikeSVille Vermont, Warren

Massachusetts, Cambridge Virginia, Alexandria

Minnesota, Minneapolis Washington, Seattle

MiSSiSSippi, Jackson West Virginia, Charleston

�l1ssouri, Kansas City WisconSin, Madison

Montana, Missoula Wyoming, Cheyenne

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DFTS-02804 State of the Units Report

"The object of the Qualified Supreme Entity (Saguna Brabma ) in bringing about the creation is to liberate every unit ••• " Ananda Marga - Elementary Philosophy


If dharmacakras seemed much smaller than usual this August, and donations were practically non-existant , then your unit is pretty much "normal" . For many reasons, the end of the summer is the slowe st time for Ananda Marga - students are returning to the ir college towns from summer vacations, others are ta�ing a last-chance ca�ping trip, pla�s are being made for fall classes and with sights directed forward the present time is overlooked , and the heat has everyone staying home with the air- conditioners.

Ananda Marga so far has basically been a youth organizat ion . Now things are changing - we've noticed that with the increase of older people in the Wichita unit comes an increased financ ial and community stab ility_ If the rest of the country is anything like Wichita, the fresh energy of the fall will bring growth never thought possible. This month's unit reports (wh ich should be here BY OCTOBER .:2) should reflect a more positive appearing situation.

Out of the 107 ?????? units hypothe sized in the UeS., 44 have sent unit reports

so far (Sept. 11) ••••• a better return than ever before , but still not very good . We are functionally defining a unit as a group of Margiis who regularly hold dharmacakra and file a monthly report. Please help... if you know of a "unit" wh ich has not, for any reason, been getting this newsletter, send them a report form and send us their correct address. Help us not to lose all our thumb tacks on the Nati onal Ananda Marga Map!

The average unit is small - about 8 active memb ers. (This is really no indication of anything negative ••• if there were 8 really active members in a city, think of the work they could do! ) Baba seems to be making small , strong nuclei all over the country. Out of the 44 re sponding units, fifteen (15!!!!!) sent donations, ranging from $1 to $27. With total donations amounting to $137, the postage bill is paid , but not much else. It's clear from the reports that most units are in a very poor financial condit ion, but so is your National Office .

Think about it ••• and then do something. As one unit secretary wr ote , (to the tune of "Where Have All the Flowers Gone"):

Where have all the Margiis gone? Baba Nam Kevalam Where has all the money gone?

Only Baba knows •.•• _._.�B�.mDml_I_D_.�D�ti_"_n_._8_8_D_8_._I_g_u_._._

DFTS-02805 UKK��'


As we complete a National UKK, it becomes more apparent each time that the potential of such a gathering is incredible. Through our sadhmla , service, and sacrifice, we find the direction is clearer, the programs of service and pracar more expanded, and the feeling of the Humanity as one , stronger . As our total broadens , we discover the need and desire to move together, share and cooperate with each other . It is in this way that we will move as a ynamic force for the upliftment and betterment of the Humanity . t

We cannot simply pay lip-service to our desire to be more aware and more helpful for our brothers and sisters needs. Everyday must be a day of striving in which we express our concern and ap preciation for each other through our actions. UKK's bring us together for a few days , and mirror the actions, awareness , and sensitivity of Ananda Margiis in our expression of concern and appreciation for each other as brothers and sisters following the same ideological path. It is in this situation that our growth in the physical , mental and spiritual spheres really gets projected and at the same time our def iciencies are completely exposed. Because of these fa ctors and the additional awareness of collectivity, the potentials of UKK's are unab ounding.

Our next National UXK wants to be a really together seminar . We all need to work together on making it happen with well planned purpose and direc tives . If a UKK was only and meditation, there would be very little problem in organlzlng a progrrun. The reality of a UKK is , however, more complex, and these more complex aspects affect us all a great deal in the way that they are organized and presented. Therefore, many responsible Margiis must contribute the ir ideas and suggestions for organizing this winter's UY�.

The following ideas and suggestions are being li.sted so as to create a flow of more ideas and suggestions from Margiis who have a desire to make the next UKK great in every respect.

1. As an effort to curb illness, the \vinters UKK location is planned for Texas or some warm, fairly centralized area. All South and Southwestern Units have been contacted to locate a site by the end of September .

2. Everyone is asked to offer suggestions for workshops that they would enjoy attending and/or presenting. This may be a good topic to discuss at your Dhama Cakra. One suggestion about workshops is to try smaller segregated groups. The segregation would be by order of in Ananda Marga. This idea would require many volunteers for group leaders . For appropriate activities any or all of the groups could be joined together.

3. 'Nhat can be done and what are you willing to do with these aspects of the UKK?

a. Daycare - child-care workshop which will include: diaper changing, feeding, nosewiping, storytelling, playing, et c.

b. Food & Menu Planning - Sources for purchase of low cost sentient food; menu organizers; meal organizers; kitchen organizers


DFTS-02806 c. Building & Grounds Care - Supplies and equipment organizer; organize crews.

d. Building Decoration - organizer; crew; plan for Kiirtan room, lecture room, halls, etc.

e. Infirmary Organizer

f. Sound and lighting Organizer - also coordination of recordings of speeches, talks, kiirtans, and so fortho

g. Snack shcE, Book Store, Communications Center 811d so forth Organizers

Even if you cannot organize any one of these projects, your ideas and suggestions about them and any other points not mentioned are greatly needed and appreciated.

4. Only those people who have paid in advance or upon arriving at the UKR Ivill be allowed to attend the UKR .

An Ad Hoc UKK Planning Committee will be meeting the first week in October in Wichita. The above points will be discussed at length.

Send your ideas, suggestions and commitments to the National Office, c/o Pracar Secretary,



National Pracar Secretary Amogha leaves for Norway this month to help Acarya Karunananda Avadhuta with pracar in Scandanavia. Sister Kamala and Brother Visvarup will jointly handle pracar duties until the National Board selects a permanent replacement.

A pracar handbook is being prepared in Wichita and will include helpful in­ formation on Acarya visits, , new units, unit officers, Dharma Cakra and other important pracar points. YOUR SUGGESTIONS ARE NEEDED. Send them to 1tJichita, c/o Pracar Handbook.

Please include in the next unit report a list of unit officers and/or strong workers in your unit. Please include their addresses.



Baba says that everything varies with regard to time, place and per50n. This also applies in the realm of pracar. It is for this reason that pracar for new people is usally most effectively performed on an interpersonal level rather than through pracar pamphlets and other pUblications. Nevertheless, there will be many times when printed matter is what a person needs, vlants or must receive. At these times, careful thought should go into what would be the best publication to give a particular individual. One should consider what ideas are expressed in a publication and how they are expressed, and whether or not the content and tone of the publication accurately reflects the flavor of one's own unit and that of the person to whom the publication is given.

After a more careful analysis of some of our publications, we would like to offer these sugge5tions:

On the Path - Spiritual Practices: This book is heavy,dry and philosophical. There are a few revisions needed. This book is best reserved for an older MargE.

Ananda Marga ( orange pamphlet ): This is a very forceful and devotional pamph­ let. It also needs revision. Avoid giving this pamphlet to people who know little about Ananda Mare;a. It is best used in a class situation so that the material in it can be expained thoroughly.

The Persecution of Ananda Marga: This book \vas written in a highly emotional tone and does not produce the objective quality that is necessary in reporting facts. We regret that this came out, but at this late date, we suggest that you take this book off of your bookshelf and use it with the utmost of discrimination, if at all.

Diseases: Their Causes and Treatment ( Radha & Kri5hna ): Thi5 pamphlet is based on a first-draft translation of one of Baba'5 books. Acarya Rao translated the text of Baba's and Radha and Krishna edited the translation, adding their com­ mentary. The problem is that it is impossible to tell which is the actual trans­ lation of Baba and where the commentary begins. Thus, it is possible to misquote Baba, attributing ideas to Him i.;Jhich He may not have actually intended.

If you have any pracar materials your unit has fmmd particularly useful or which you feel are particularly good, please mail them to the Pracar Secretary so that we can be more effective in producing higher quality and more generally acceptable pUblications. Thank you for Lhls help, and our apologies for any problems in misunderstanding which the above mentioned literature may have caus­ ed you.

Help Establish a Spiritual Library

The Gollstan Cafe, Denton Texas' only sattvic eating establishment, is trying to have a community spiritual library. They need books. All contributions are lovingly welcome and may be sent to: Ananda Marga Yoga SOCiety - Box 5411, N. T. Station, Denton, Texas 76203


DFTS-02808 A Report by Tapasvinl

Dear Sisters a�d Brothers:

As you are reading this, "Vistara House" is being born. "Times of growth are beset with difficulties. They resenble a first birth. But these difficulties arise from the very profusion of all that is struggling to attain form. In spite of existing danger, there is a prospect of great success! Furthering through perserverence, DIFFICULTY AT THE BEGI�rnING works supreme success."


Difficulties pile up, hinderances, conflicts and struggles arise, then suddenly, there is a turn of ",-ffairs a�d Lord! s Grace leads us a step yet clo,ser to our goal of opening a Sister's Home.

When first we set out to open a Sisters' Home in Wichita, "\pre were welcomed with open arms. 450 young girls per year were being handled in the courts. There wao and is no housing available for these girls except jail or back out on the streets ••. most girls are run-aways, not criminals - all (the courts, the welfare, the officials) agreed - Vistara House was desperately needed.

We were sent to the "Governor IS Committee on Criminal Adrninistration". We were told that their national director was really "pushing" group boarding homes, that not only were funds available, but in fact there was difficulty in distributing (llgetting rid of") the available funds because there were not enough local groups willing to start homes. Also, we were told that surely the money would be given us and in fact were encouraged to again and again to ask for MORE money on our proposal - higher salaries, more furnishings, ctc. This trend continued until two weeks ago when we discovered that we would be denied the funding; not because of our proeram (in fact ,\Ie(B aba) will offer the most comprehensive program and highest degree of professional, psychological services in Wichita); but we are being denied the funding simply because we have no political power - we discovered the truth of the statement "it doesn't matter what you have to offer, but merely who you know". All the governmental money is being "reserved" for another group even though it may take them years to use it. Meanwhile the girls go to jail or out on the streets.

At this point we all felt disheartened somewhat, but the Cosmic Magician quickly cheered us up. H8 sent us Cafter months of fruitless searching) a beautiful house. Up until then, the closest acceptable thing we could find was a $25,00 house in need of $4,000 to $5, 000 worth of renovations. Well, a lady in whose church we work with retarded children found us an unheard of bargain - a house (which has passed the Public Health Department inspection) which will hold 10 people, already has a fire escape and is located in a beautiful part of town. The cost - only $15,000 with $1,000 down payment and $150 monthly payments.


DFTS-02809 Suddenly, we realized that now it was within the realm of possib ility to do it ourselves without governmental fund ing . Ilnmediately, we felt the sha ckles were removed, the load lifted; and only at this point did we realize how intimidated we had been by trying to adj ust and fir our plans in ac c ordance with governmental requirements ( wri tten and unwritten) . We felt a new sense of freedom and respon­

sib ility. Our goal remains the same ••• to open Vistara House in November.

"Thus the well is the symbol of that so cial structure which evolved by mankind in meeting its most primitive ne eds is independent of all political forms. Political structures change, as do na tion s, but the life of man remains eternally the same - this cannot be changed ."


THE BLISSFTJL ORANGE ELEPHANT GARAGE SALE AND CARNIVAL - a colossal garage - sale . Fun Day and Bake Sale complete with clowns, decorations , games , balloons, fun booths, free coffee and day care will be the first of several duo-purpose projects of the AMURT team: (1) to raise funds (2) to entrust community support for Vistara House . Information sheets about Vistara House are being distributed by the thousands , and we are gett ing radio , T.V. and newspaper coverage. Soon , we hope "Vistara House" will become a house-hold word.

We hope that by getting the public sentiment behind the plight of the juvenile girls and Vistara House, the $10, 000 needed for opening will come to us by November . Needless to say, we desperately ne ed funds if we are to open Vistara House on our own . Most groups have governmental funding to get start ed ; we must rely on our own strength. The time has come to think in terms of raising thousands of dollars, not hundreds. We need the help of all Margiis if Vistara House is to open its doors in November. The AMURT Team is bravely working around the clock - persistent ,

undaunted by the skeptics. We are determined to make a home for our sisters • •. please join the struggle and together we will march ahead .

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The National AMURT team, now 12 members strong and expe cting more to arrive in September and October, is rapidly becoming a strong cohesive receptor for Baba's flow . Our wcrk seems limitless and our time limiting , even to the extent of going to daily individual scheduling to accomplish our tasks. Everything seems to be blossoming into flowers of Baba 's divine love, ( the soc ial service , training, and Vistara House , Inc . ( the sister 's home ) .

Last we ek while Dada was here we acquired the actual house for the sister 's home . Now we are left with the task of rai sing a mlnlmum of $10,000 in two months to open the home by the first part of November . It is easiest to innumerate our soc ial service and training aspects as they are so numerous . For soc ial service in the community Baba has pr ovided us with many golden opportunities to serve suffering human ity . Our present and proposed proj ects are :

1) Rainbows Inc . Day Care for trainable retarded children, where we work on a one-to-one basis with the children to train them in the basic self-help skills .

2) \v ichi ta Model Cities Day Care for 3-6 year olds , where we are using yoga-meditation to help the children learn to ut ilize their energies most construct ively , creatively and happily.

DFTS-02810 3) Kansas Elks Training Center , a rehabilitation center for retarde d, multipl e-handicapped and , emotionally distrubed, is having their staff learn yoga so they will be ab le to help us teach the patients.

4) Senior Services, Heals-on-Wheels program . Here AMURr helps get noon meals to elderly shut- ins .

5 ) Lovell and Rosegarden Nursing Homes are visited with music programs ill< d refresrunent s.

6) Give-a-Lift - AMURr is on call Tuesdays and Thursdays (and for any emergencies) to provide transportation to those in ne ed.

7) Department of Welfare - Family Services - AjIDRr is available to assist in special cases and is vi sit ing a young mother who has fwnily troubles�

Proposed Proj ects On The Horizon-

1) Sedglvick County Probation Services, Storefront - AMURr will be acting as volunteer probation counsellors in one to one !!big brother and sister!! re lat ionsh ips , tutoring and awareness groups .

2) The Bridge , Sedgwi ck County Department of Mental Health - A}IDRT will teach yoga classes for youths ne eding drug alternat ives.

3 ) Wichita-Sedgwick County Assoc iat ion for Retarded Children - Young E'1lployed Adults - AMUI?l' will provide transportat ion and companionship for the se retarded young adu lts.

4) Senior Services - AMURr will tal<:e aged, who are unable to get out by themselves , food shopping .

5 ) Sedgwick County Hospital has asked AMURr to aid in carine; for patients . The detail s for this project \ViII be \Vorke d out soon .

Training Completed by the A}IDRr team includes:

1) Class in learning massage techniques to be used in visits to nursing homes.

2) Five-day course on special education behaviour modifi cat i on techniques for teaching self-help skills to retarded children.

3 ) Spe c ial instructors training at Water Safety Center in Missouri by the American Red Cross.

4) The inst ru ctors on the A}IDRr team taught st andard first aid to the rest of the AMURT team.

5 ) Sensitivity training sessions \Vith psychologist from the County Health Department .

6) Cardiac Pulmonary Resusitati on , external heart massage , for heart attack victims . Heart Association Course .

Future Training P ossib il itie s Are :

1) Re d Cross training in advanced first aid and training to give instruction in standard and advanced courses.

r 7

DFTS-0281 1 2) Re d Cross training In disaster relief-shelter, mass feeding, case work .

3 ) AMURT members will train and work with Red Cross Emergency First Aid "dby Units , mobile first aid units and will eventually man a unit .

4) Sedgwick County Community Health Department would like to train us in assisting with the ir portable component hospital .

5) A numb er of the AMURT team members will in November take emergency medical training-paramedical training given to rescue , ambulance and other workers .

6) Plans to take training in writ ing funding Proposals and budgets .

7) Training in various aspects of social work and other service from professional social workers , psychologists, university instructors.

8) Civil Defense training in heavy equipment and disaster rescue .

9) Training in working with youngsters on probation.

What About Infi Itratjon ?

11Nothing can stop the movement of time . The past is al ready go ne. Today will soon be over. And, the future will soon be upon us. If at all you have some thine good

to do for the world do it today •• If you have to do some lesser ac tion put it off unt il tomorrow. 11 --the words of a great saint to his disciples at the time of his death

Effective utilization of time and energy , both individual and , is of prime importance to Ananda Harga's mission . Ananda Harga is not just selfless service-- it is selfless service aimed at having maximum impact on furthering the trifarous (i.e. physical , mental , and spiritual) evolut ion of humanity ; not just random good works , but ac t iv ity strategically focused on the earliest possible attainment of a new era in human history . So , preceeding any action , a discriminating penetrat ion int o the pertinent local factors--human and mat erial resources, real community needs , motivation of people to c arry out a pro­ gram , long and short range effects of actions , etc.--have to be undertaken.

There is a strong consensus among those active in the Bellingham Unit that , given our part icular conditions, chanelling service energy into ongoing progressive community organizations make s more sense at this point than establishing separate Ananda Marga ventures. There are people and groups in the local cormnunity who have a very aware social outlook and strong selfless desires to serve the people . There is a food coop , a free medical clinic , coop gardens , a good community newspaper , a drop in counseling center , housing coop , environmental projects , a progressive political group , and a free university to name a few. These are all based on a sentiment of creating a cooperative soc iety; they arc all deal ing with the very fundamental material and meta-physical needs of people; and they are effecting in positive ways many lives. People doing Ananda Marga sadhana play active roles in all of these institutions ; in some cases they are the leaders. In this way Ananda Marga is maximally integrated with the community ; people are in situat ions where they can best gain valuable ; and they are in a good position to communicate the spiritual sentiment to other people of social commitment .


DFTS-0281 2 So , In Bellingham, there is no strong felt need to funct ion only in the cont ext of Ananda Marga sponsored proj ects (though this happens too in some instances) . The measure of Ana�da Marga' s progress here in Bellingham is not RU Club programs , AMURT unit training , RAWA exhib its and conc erts, or ERAWS projects. For people here , now it is more meaningful in terms of their desires for human ity 's expansive growth , to channel their energies int o what ever relevant programs are being init iated in the community . In the spiritual realm , of course , there is Ananda Marga procar and yoga classes and there have been other unit undertakings . But individuals have felt free to work wherever initiat ive is apparent , even if it is not sponsored.

And we would suggest that , at this point in Ananda Marga's growth in many of the other units , this strategy would prove superior . At least this attitude should be recognized as being just as valid of a means to further the Cosmic Ideology . At the Nat ional level , unit report forms and Nat ional Retreat social service workshops instructions should be revised to give credit to all local service energy , and means of impl imenting Ananda Marga cooperation with other service proj ects should be given \"here this approach is appropriate. At the level of people 's heads , the re should be no need to feel organizat i onal pride from seeing Ananda Marga c onceive d programs. Sure the PR benefits can be useful , but this may not be the important factor. Just be clear in your heads that what really counts here is that selfless and effective work get done for humanity's upliftment .

Eventually it will happen here in America, as it has in India, that almost all vanguard energies serv ing the needs of the people will be initiated by

Ananda Marga . The depth and clearity of Ananda Marga 's soc ial philosophy make s this inevitable . Ananda Marga will have the ne cessary metaphysical tools and spiritual to make the most creative responses to people 's needs . And they will have the discipline , strength of character , and inspiration to attempt and carry out bold act ion. That this will emerge we have no doubt .

But right now in America this isn't the case . The init iative is being shared by many who feel the need for a worl d base d on cooperat ion and universal outlook . Many people outside of Ananda Marga (though not in sent iment ) have a deeper awarene ss of the soc ial recllity, and , jUdging from their actions , there are many with a greater commitment for seeing huma�ity's potent ial liberated. Unt il our actions have more roots in experience , until we have strong units of sadhakas who feel the commitment to do the Guru's work in every fibre of the ir being , unt il then it is equally vaJ_ id to c10vetail our efforts with those of like intent . Separate endeavors should only come out or a clear need to do the same . Wherever people have seized the initiative , we shoul d see the value of giving help however we are able .

In His service ,

Bell ingham Unit Bellingham , Washington

Most of us are involved in community - or social- servi c e work of one sort or another. Some of us hav e jobs as teache rs, nurses, counsellors , and so on. We wonder sometimes if other units and individuals feel that somehow it 's supposed to be "b etterf! to work in an "Ana..Ylda Marga" proj ect rather than be part of an already exist ing inst itut ion. The UKK 's and monthly reports make no notice of non- official - AMYS Karma Yoga , even though most of us feel the work we are doing is in harmony in the ideals of the philosophy , and there is no part icular reason or need to qu it what we 're doing and reform under a new name . We feel it is detrimental to consider ou rselves "Margiis" if that in anyway means we are


DFTS-0281 3 somehow special or seperate from other groups . Actually , there is a loose community of pe ople in the area all int erested, to one degre e or an other, in "growth" . This takes the form of alternative life- styles , political activitism, community service , , and more . And all of us are al l at least slightly involved in all these things . \ve feel somehow that the tone of newsletters from Wichita & UKK's is keeping us from being fully integrated in our community. A tacit impl ication, we feel that to dabble in nothern organizations is contrary to the aims of AM .

We certainly hope we are mistaken, and woul d ''.1elcome feedback from other individuals/ units!

Namascar Matthew Lyon Hanover, New Hampshire

The feedback from Wichita may be found in the Nat ional AHURT Team article in this issue of Crimson Dawn .

Or WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A MARGI? 0 It means being in the midst of a great uphe aval for the rest of your life . It means disciplining yourself more than you ever would have thought possible , and it means being more hone st with yourself tho.Xl you ever imagined was necessary .

As time slows down , and dayo become lil(e weeks, you find yourself growing ever more consc ious of the profound impl ications of every detail and movement of your life . You disc over yourself carrying a much heavier weight on your shoulders -- but your mind is getting stronger every minut e.

While BABA is giving us all the difficulties we can tolerate and all the challenge s we can handle in order to ac celerat e our rate of growth, we must try to remember that our Path is a fant astic short-cut through the cosmos , a direct line to the all-loving center of reality.

The Guru is taking us to places we have neve r dreamed of . One day you awake and realize how much your mind has expanded , how much your perspect ive has broadened and how mu ch closer you are to God . You begin to feel as though everything were being cont rolled by an unseen benevolent power , and that the chaotic , discouraging world you perceived before is just a tiny fraction of the gl orious creation of the Supreme Consciousness.

The is rising and our eye s are being opened.

We cannot imagine how fortunat e we are to be in Ananda Marga , to have BABA gu iding our every step_ Every exalted state of consciousne ss , every spiritual realization is now within our reach.

Each of us has the capac ity to become a great . With BABA in the world we can do anything . Changing the course of hist ory and liberating the world is not too great a task for us . We are riding the crest of a great sp iritual wave that is swe eping the planet . The future is ours -- the future is ours .


DFTS-0281 4 "Sometimes I feel like a motherless child . . . A long way from home . . . " - Traditional

It is unfortunate that man y ehildren have never known the love , strength. and se curity th a t a h ome and parents

can provide. Life today can seem c omp l i c at ed and confusing for some adolescents . The fam il y structure s om et im e s breaks down, and the children become lost in the web of rebellion, crime , and de linquency. Th ey need our heJp. We

nwst them with the h ome , love, and understanding that the y've never known. VIS TARA HOUSE will offer adol e s c ent girls an opportunity to expand th eir mental horizens in a secure and positivo environn�ont. Re cently a large state-run institut ion ( dete nt i o n hOIne) for .J uve n i l e girls called I"<'r1 pndly Gahles ;,v as c lo s e d by the COUlt. At pr e s ent there is no ad"qust" fac ility to house th" (approximately) 450 adolescent girb wh o ar e handled by the Juvenile Court each year. The Court feels that 30% - 50% of them would benefit from a Group Boarding Home s n ch m, Vistara House. ThesB HG\V ar e OJ returned to a distressfu l famil y 81 tlJ at lon (frorn \v hi c h they usually run again) or (2) sent to j ai l ; or sent to a fost er home. But t her e are ne ver enough [oster p are nts who will take troubled teenagers; most want young ch ildren, and thos e wh o DO take th e girls are over 90% nnsuccessful. (The girl remains in the ho me usually no more t han a week or two and either ru ns again or the parents say "Come get her!� becclUse th e y cannot ' contra1 h�rJ

What to do with Wayward Teenagers?

Th e very latesL filldings of the Law Enforcement Assi stance Administration (LEAA) in dicate th e rather asto� n ish i n.,!; success of GROUP BOARDING HOMF:S . In addition , the Pres ident's Commission on Law Enforcement and the A�Ellinistration of stresses and encourages comm un ity base d corrections for "bringing efficiency and de c e n c y into our present squalid, over crowded and inade quately funded penal systems . " All OVCI' th e country resi" dential homes are springing up , apparently with much success. As a result, various state and federal age ncies have been advised to enc our age group boarding homes .

What will Vistara House Offe r'?

The rehabilitation strategy of Vistara House will be characterized by a high degree of profe ssi.onal psycho.. l.ogic31 services and invol.v8menL Two clinical psych ologi sts wi ll offer a s yste matic rehabilitation pro gram through continuing successive gro up and individual therapy. A comp rehens ive pro gr a m of art, dance, relaxation, sewing, health, dud IWfxition classes will provide amp le opportunity for creative expres sion and p er s ona l growth . Counsdling and ill ge ner al character deve lopm"nt and social skills will be provided by professional and v o lu n teer \\'orkers�

What is the Goal of Vist al' a House?

Om gmH 1:3 to hring about an all-around upHftment to adjudicated girls between the ages of 11 and 16; to make available to them the opportunity to become physically fit, mentally strong, and spiritually elevated; to provide a home"li.ke atmosphere 'm which love, security, and understanding will be coupled with fair amI consistent discipline, the gi.rls to overcome debilitating social and emotional problems ill order that they may actuali.ze their true


Barbara Po lefka� Director David Palefka, Consulting Psychologist H8rri f'J Graha1ll9 .K ansas Civil Rights Commission Richard & Kristine Du ffin, Houseparents Ermake Borrar Skillman, Counselor Lillian McLean, Probation Counse lor Jan YOC'11m; Executive D irec to r of Wh:hita Ch ild Day Care Assoc. Ill'. O lga Hom , Constzlting Psychologist Sister Agne. s Therese Csonka, Spiritual Counselor Paul Fahnestock, President of Ananda Marga Yoga Society

Floyd H ann on , Chief of Police , ....• Adviser to the Board Judge Michael Corrigan , Juvenile Court .. Adviser to the Board Elizab eth Albright, Dept. of Social Welfare Adviser to the Board

for more information cal l : Barbara Polefb / :1415 East 12th / Wichita, Kansas 67208 ,I (316) 685··9621

DFTS-02815 �RAWA �


Dear Brothers and Sisters ,

Namascar . Through Baba 's grace I was ab le to spend this summe r in His service both helping to create a strong nat ional RAWA organizat ion at the Hutchinson retreat and then travelling ab out the country observing RAWA ac tivities in various jagritis. This letter is an at tempt to share my experience of the directions in wh ich RAWA energ ie s are flowing , both ac tually and potent ially , so that we may all be better ab le to take part in using them to grow closer to Him . For some time many brothers and sisters felt that HAWA was an organization specifically for those Margiis who were seriously committed to some particular creative art form . Nothing coul d be further from the truth. RAWA is in the process of evolving into a truly sent ient path through which all pe ople involved in the art s can be exposed to the source of their and all brothers and sisters already involved in can be made aw� of art , crafts, mu sic , dance, and other related forms as a key to deepening the jr own spiritual awarene ss. The central apparatus for effecting this has already been set up . A Nat ional RAWA Board with three pe rmanent members and seven regional representatives is now in existence, and the first RAWA newsle tter as well as a new pamphlet (to replace the outdated blue one from India) stating the goals and purpose of RA\rJA have been completed and are in the pro cess of being printed up for distribution. Reading them will give you a very detailed and specific idea of what PA WA hope s to accomplish , but the purpose of this letter is to explain how you and your unit can tap the se RAWA energies today ..• The first step in this direction is to officially form a RAWA unit within your Ananda Marga unit . All this re quire s is the selection (or self-selection ) of a RAWA secretary who should first che ck out the various art ist ic-spiritual re sources of both the local Margii community and the community-at- large ,and then register the unit with the regional RAWA secretary (spe cific registration procedures will be outlined in the RAWA newsletter, and a list of regional secretaries appears at the end of this letter) . The nest step is to generate interest in RAWA through staging a concert , presentation , creative energy workshop , ect. , which is open to the general public . (If, no one in your area feels comp etent to do this, you can probably import someone from a nearby jagriti through your regional cecretary.) The se presentations , by the way , are not only good for gene rat ing RAWA enery but are also an excellent source of general pracar . Concerts before Dadaj ii's talks in Denver, Santa Fe , and Missoula this summer drew many people and created a very sentient atmosphere for Dada to speak in. Once general interest in RAWA has been kindled, the direction it takes will probably be determined by the number of people involved and the ir own part icular orientat ion. Some sugge stions from different part s of the country include : -the establishment of a'RAWA day" at the jagriti (weekly concert , exhib it ion , or workshop followed by a discussion and dharmachakra ) -working in conjunct ion with establishe d social service projects (fund-raising , teaching art and mu sic to children and teenagers , pe rforming in old folks home s, etc.)


DFTS-0281 6 -setting up spiritual-creative-energy workshops for the general public (through the local YMCA or Free University) -serving as the center for a national proj ect. This last suggest ion requires mu ch time and perserverence but some energy has already begun to manifest in this direction. A potters co-operat ive (with kiln and wheel ) is being set up on the land near Missoula; a spiritual artist commune ha been established in Berkeley; and RAWA musical bands are beginning to take form in no less than three locations : Crunbridge , Mass ., Columb ia, S.C. , and Austin , Texas ! After RAWA is flowing on the individual .unit level, the next ctep is to come together with RAWA people from other units in your region and , ultimately, across the country. The most ob vious place to do this , of course , is at retreats where the regional and national RAWA secretaries will be helping to co-ordinate such projects as craft s sales, sentient art exhibits , concert s and skits , and more mu sically sentient . One of our long-range goals is to hold an all-RAWA retreat , either on a regional or national level, for all artists interested in spiritualism as well as all sadhakas . · . Int eres t d e In the ar t s d tan crea lve· expreSSlon . Other national goals toward which we hope to channel energy include a regular RAWA magazine for the public (in addition to the newsletter wh ich is more of an interna, organ) , an Ananda Marga record album , spiritual children's books , and a beaut ifully illustrated book of Katha, Finally our most amb itious project is the creation of a permanent "HAWA jagriti" which will serve as a clearinghouse to co-ordinate all nat ional RAWA activity , a place for a full-time traveling troupe of musicians (and hopefully dancers and actors) to rehearse and : ultimately , an ac credited spiritual sc hool for the arts. I have only be en able to scrat ch the surface of what has be en happening and has been proj ected in this letter , and more is unfolding every day . But it is only through all our comb ined energies (and Baba' s Grace ) that these plans will continue to bear fruit . Please become a part of this growth by communicating your ideas , questions , or suggestions to myself, one of the other national secretaries, and/or your regional secretary .

Remember RAWA is you , and you know who YOU Are ••• In His loving service,

J ai de va RAWA Phamph le t 1s ava ilab le now from the Nat iona l Off ice 96 HUdson St . Somerville , HassQ

f:.ny Letters From INDIA I,ately?

Sister Jane Hysom is compiling articles and letters pertaining to the ex­ periences of Margiis in India. All Hargiis who wish to share India news are re­ quested to send a copy of the ir article or letter to Jane . Any interesting back­ ground material about the article or letter would also be valuable. You may edit and censor the material before sending it . Send your letters and art icles to :

Jane Hysorn L0320 Oak Kansas City , Ho . 64112




Renaissance School is being opene d and coordinated by members of the Ananda Marga Yoga Society. 'f he staff is comprised of Scott Osb orne , BA ( Rhe toric ) , Ex­ ecutive Administrat or ; Lawrence Rob inson (Loke shvar ) , BA ( Psycholinguistics) , Princ ipEJ� Teacher ; Jack Childers ( Krisna Kumara ) , BS ( ) , Teacher; and Peggy Childers ( Nirmegha) , BA ( Fine Arts ) , Teacher. Spe cial Consultants are Acarya Yatiishvarananda Avadhuta, Spiritual Consultant ; Vijay Kumar Singh , Spir­ itual Consultant ; and Michael Beeson , Ph .D. , and Math Consultant .

Renaissance School is an attempt to provide a new way of education: one wh ich vi ews from the outset , the child and the around him as manifes­ tations of the supreme cosm ic harmony, variously called God, Tao , , Real­ ity . Whereas traditional education has tende d to look upon the child as a body having a mind , or a mind possessing a body , we se e him as a spark from the divine flame expre ss ing itself through spiritual , mental and physical bodies. Each of these bodies is an indispensable part of our individuality and of our humanity . Each must be nurtured and developed ac c ording to its nature , and all must be brought into dynamic harmony with the true inner se lf . Each of the se bodies has its own rhythm , its own melody . If they are in ac cord , they become a chord. Yet each individual flow has its universal count erpart . We mu st le arn to re sonate , to match our own rhythm and song to the universal orchestrat ion . It is to this end ( or beginning , rather ) that Renaissan ce School will 6irect its flow .

No formal curriculum has been set , since we believe that the course of laerning must be adapted to the needs of each child rather than vice versa. This is not to say that the program will be "whatever the child feels like doing" . Schools wh ich use this ph ilosophy more often than not leave the child frustrated from lack of guidance . Instruction will be as individualized as possible , with each teacher hewing re sponsib il ity for no more than eight children. In this way each child will receive the guidance and attention he deserves.

The course of study will be theme-orient ed rather than su bject-oriented. For instance, we may ( and probably will ) spend two or three weeks learning about the Spanish conquest of Cali fornia , including a week trave ling EI Camino Real , and visiting Spainish missions . We will learn some history , some ar chitecture , and some geometry from studying the missions themselve s; computing distances , time , and costs of the journey will teach us othe r mathemat ical skills; wr iting anac c ount of the trip will develop wri ting ab ilities; later we might wr ite a song or paint a picture of what we learne d. The academic and intelle ctual skills which enable the child to navigate in this age of will be developed care fully and purposefully , but in an organic way . To enab le him t o navigate in all realms of existence , techniques of concentration and meditat ion will be taught .


DFTS-0281 8 Everything that is taught must have meaning to the child. Moreover, it must be fun and it must be a challenge to the child' s spirit. Whenever a theme is treated intellectually, it will also be expressed through rhythmic and artistic motion. Ea ch day will inclUde instruction and practice in yoga postures and breathing , rhythmic exercises and dance, sports, drama , music , and some artistic medium such as pottery , lapidary, or painting . But throughout the program, what­ ever the theme , be it the growth cycle of plants, the law.s of motion, or a moral principle , the teaching will re flect the underlying unity in and of all things.

Renaissance School is scheduled to open October 1 witD 10-15 students, aged 8-1 2 years . If you are intere sted in your child attending Renaissance School, write or call : RENAISSAIlfCE SCHOOL 765 Oregon Ave. Palo Alto, Ca . 94303 41 5- 326- 1046

Renaissance School would apprec iate any and all contributions of money . It is incorporated as a non-profit organization and contribution8 will be tax deduct­ tible . For a unit looking for social service projects , it would be good Karma Yoga to run a bake sale, car wash, etc . to make money to send to the school . Do not forget to print some information she ets saying who you are and why you are doing the bake sale, etc . -- because handing th ese out at the same time is good pracar .

Also, any suggestions and ideas about the school are requested and would be appreciated.

Some Margiis in the Ozarks are putting together a book of God's poems. Any who has a God poem can send it to:

Dharma Ishta Route 2 Dover , Arkansas 72837

In order to support Ananda Marga Publi cations and of course to help you advance along the Path to Bliss and to help others come to kno'" the ideology, you may subscribe to the following pUblications : VISTARA , the Journal of Spiritual Education; SADVIPRA j the National Ananda Harga Newspaper; HAHAVISHVA , the Great Universe Spiritual Catalog; and CRIMSON DAWN, the National AnaDda Marga Newsletter magazine .

You may subscribe to any or al l of these by sending your money to:

ANANDA HARGA PUBLISHERS 3453 East 1 '2.f;h Wichita, Kansas 67208 (316 685-8667.)

See the enclosed subscription forms.


DFTS-0281 9 �ublic8tions Uilights

ANANDA PRINTING COMPk� � 401 N. Hillside Wichita, Kansas 67208

The Ananda Marga Yoga Society Has now established a printing company . The doors are due to open the first week in October with the most modern Xerox equip­ ment , one or two offset printing presses, automat ic collator , power cutters , drill and all other up-to-date equipment to be found in a modern print shop .

The personell will be the ingredient most likely to make Ananda Printing Co . a success. Steve King , a Margii formerly of Washington D.C. , has taken leave from IBM to come and help buy equipment and plan the immediate and long range future of the printing company . Steve 's work with IBM had been in the area of printing . National AMURT Team members will also work part-time in the shop as a means of earning money to enable them to cont inue the ir amazing work. All Margiis can sup­ port this Ananda Marga print shop by sending your print ing needs and your .c ommun­ ities printing needs to the Ananda Printing Company . Please do what you can.

When this print shop is healthy and running smoothly , people experienced in se tt ing up other such print shops can come to your area and help you start a permanent money-making , Margii-employing business. And best of all the pre sses will be rolling out millions of words ab out and by our Beloved Guru , and Ananda Marga Meditation and Social Service will spread all the more rapidly .


TYPEWRITER : IBM Selectric , must be in good working order. Can buy if the price is right but prefer to re ceive as a gift .

COMMERCIAL ART IST : Part-time position wh ich will work int o a full-t ime job. Must know lay-out , lettering , transfer type and press-on , and have had experience doing comme rc ial art . Low pay and good com­ pany .

WORKING CAPITAL : Can use any financ ial help to keep us away from borrowing commerc ially . Can use loans and/or gifts from $50 to $2, 000 . This can or will be a straight business arrangement with Ananda Printing .

DELIVERY VEHICLE : A van , closed truck , station wagon or bus in good condition and suitable for delivery function of print shop in weather foul or fair .



Books by Shrii Shrii Anandarnurti

A Guide to Human Conduct • $1.50 -----' ---�"--- 75 Anandah1arga Carya Carya . _____ ----- Ananda Sutrarn 1.25 -----' ---��- Ananda Vanii Sarngraha 75 ------____ _ -, t::n ..LOt./v ____ _ Subhasi ta Sarngraha , Part rv _ ----- (Other books by Shrii Shrii Anandarnurti are now out of print . Arrangements are being made for a reprinting . )

Monthly Publications

Crimson Dawn (National Newsletter) • $4.00/year___ _ -----,

______-'S advipra (Nation-wide Newspaper) • 4.00/year______

Quarterly Publications

______�ahavi shwa (The Great Universe Catalog) • $4.00/year___ _

Vistara (Journal of Spiritual Education ) •• 4.00/year______----- Other Publications

Ananda Marga (orange introduction booklet) • • • $ .25 ------

,_____ A nanda Marga (small red and white book) . . 75 ____

______Ananda Marga Relief Work for Bangladesh .50___ __

Ananda Marga in Social Service • • 1.00____ _

______Ananda Marga Yoga Cookbook • • 1.25 ------

Diseas es Their Causes and Treatment s • 25 : . ______

_____On the P ath -spiritual practices . • • • • • • • • •• 1.0o______

The Path of Bliss (Basic Ananda Marga Yoga •• 2.50 -----, ) RAWA (new Renaissance Artists and Writers .50 ------� Association Book) ------

Work (Why , How? ) 5 Service in America Where, . 1 ____ _

) 25 Renaissance Universal (An Introduction . _____ ----- Order From : Ananda Marga bliPu cations 3453 East 12 Street \,.richi ta, Kansas 67208 316.. 68 4-0001



AMRIT ; Ananda Marga Retreat-Intensive Training . Amrit is the divine nector secreted from the pineal gland whi ch , if the mind is in a pure state , showers one with Divine Bliss . Amrit is the divine wine that flows from the seat of consciousne ss and fills the jiva with the intoxication of God real ization.

The training cent er this August has been like Amrit, fl owing from its in­ finite sourc e, vibrating every cell in our bodies and flowing forth from us in ever expanding circles. The training center is like a rock thrown in the middle of a pond . It is a source of seeds from which many trees will grow .

From the first day , which was silent , we felt a deep and growing sense of unity and purpose . Between all events, penetrating all thought s and ac tions we felt Baba' s pr esence working through us, directing us .

We wat ched with amaz ement as Baba wove a beautiful cloth from disj ointed fragments of our different pen30nalities , showing us that beneath our individuality was the strength of unity . Unity not only of the group but of the cosmos. We each began to open and give freely of what we had , not fearing comp etition or failure . Each blended in the whole , being ab le to open himself up , knowing there is nowhere to fall but into His lap.

We wat che d as He wove into His work many practical threads , philosophy classe s, prachar workshops, classes in many related subjects, etc •• But through all the words we could see that infinite unity of His Masterpiece . The main subject of this month 's training became clear to be an exercise in understanding that whi ch lies beneath the knowledge of words , of the .

Prachar comes from the heart , if philosophy comes only from the mind it will have little meaning , it will be of no real use . But when we can teach from our heart , then only are \ve doing His real work. With our heart s we have expe rienced His training .

The Immigration and Natural ization Bureau has not yet contacted us about a docision concerning a "Permanent Re s ident Visaf1 for Dada . A favorable consideration will give all other Acaryas the opportunity to remain in the U.S. indefinitely also .



Ac . Rudranath , a Filipino by birth, is propagat ing the Ananda HargC\ ideology in Hexico. In a recent letter, Ac . Rudranath stated that Dharma Cakras were being held in Acapulco, Huitzuco, and Hexico City . In order to have more freedom to do pracar, Rudranath is proceeding with incorporating Ananda Harga in Hexico .

Another project being undertaken is the translation of Ananda Harga literature int o Spanish . Brother Vikrant , an American Hargii, is working with Rudranath in this endeavour . Ac . Cidrupananda , ,,,ho is in South America, will also benefit from this proj ect.


Ac . Cidrupananda Av. has recently wT itten from Argent ina . A few excerpts from his letter indicates the intensity of the work created in just a few short months .


"Baba I S wave is flowing very stronger now on this part of the world. I have appeared in television and newspapers several times. He has made his mission and himself popular among his children in Argentina. And everyday there is a flow of people coming for initiation and to know more ab out him . The official committee of Anando Hargo Yogi Society has been formed and they have taken all the works on themself releaving me for other du ties like travellipg to other cities and forming more units of society. We have contacted the lawyeis'l and they are preparing the things ne cessary for incorporat ing Ananda Marga in Argent ina ."

"We had room for 40 people to meditate in Dharma but since hundreds of people started coming to Dharma Charka we divided Lhem in to 3 groups in 3 different part s of the cosmopolitan of Buenos Aires" .

"We have started intensive philosophy classes for the period of 15 days . Sixt y persons are at tending regularly . Brotherly yours , Ac . Cidrupananda OKINAWA

Ac o Ramesha'1landa Avo has been touring Hongkong , Okinawa , Korea, and will be in Japan soon. He has been giving many lecture s and contacting many people through the use of newspaper and radio . In a recent letter sent from Okinawa , Ac o Rame shananda stated that the work was go ing on nicely and that he had been initiating many people , both American and Japanese .

As of August 26th, he arrived in Seoul , Korea and has begun initial pracar activities. In his travels Ac o Rame shananda has experienced some language problems , but it has been very little hindrance to the pracar wh ich is go ing on very well .



At the end of August , Ac. Sumitananda Av. had his visa extended to remain in Australia. If the visa had not been extended, he had planned to go to New Zealand . An Ananda Marga Meditation Center has been opened in Melbourne and small groups of pe ople are attending lectures and a few taking initiat ion . Ac . Sumitananda also has written that he has been giving lectures to different Yoga schools and at uni­ versities. He plans to start meditation groups in all the universities .


Ac o Karunananda Av. has been lecturing and initiating in Germany since June 28 . He has been improving his pracar capab ilities by stUdying French and German.

In the ne ar future Ac . Karunananda will be meeting Amogha Siddhi in Norway to begin pracar in the Scandanavian count ries. Amogha Siddhi is a nat ive of Norway and speaks fluent Norwegian.


Ac . Sandiipa , an American by birth , arrived in Singapore in the middle of August . Prior to this Sandiipa had just finished Acarya training and worked with the refugees in Bangladesh.

Ac . Sandiipa writes, "The Margiis here are amazing--since I came here in the middle of August , all I have seen is devotion. We are getting our own jagrti within a month , and right now we are planning a musical program in the Nati onal Theatre of Singapore . We expect to raise more than $5 , 000 for AMURT in the Phillipines."

Ac . Jagaddeva is also in Singapore with Ac . Sandiipa. He is a nat ive of Holland. Just as soon as we get word from AMPS , Patna verifying the assignment , he may be

coming to work in the U.S •• Of course we all hope thi s is the case and that he will be here very soon .


By Baba's Grac e Ananda Marga is growing in leaps and bounds in the U.S •• September was a boon for pracar in the U.S. with the arrival of Acarya Jit endra Kumar and Acarya Shishir Kumar from the Phillipines. Together with Acarya Yat iish­ varananda Avadhuta and Acarya Sarit Kumar a total of 55 units were visited in the month of Sept ember . Arrangements are now being made for Ac . Sarit Kumar to go to Canada in the early part of October. But even as one of our Respected Brothers is leaving us , Baba is sending us another. Travel arrangement s and support letters have been sent to Manila in order to bring Acarya Jagade o, a native of Holland , to the U.S •• In a telegram from Patna it "ras stated that his assignment was Sectorial Office Assistant .


DFTS-02824 Namaskar Brothers and Sisters ,

Perfection Is . Light Is . Truth Is. God Is. We Are . Who is in jail? We hear of our Master being in jail. How is it so? Why is He there? Who has put Him there? DON'T YOU SEE? It is we who are in jail ; it is we who are in prision ; it is we who are chained to our own stone walls.

Baba does not exist in the sense that we think He does. How many lifetimes have we been involved with Yoga? How many lifetime s have we struggled ,-lith our­ ? Lifetime s of yearning for that perfection of self , for the light that is brighter than a million , for the truth that is, for the God that is, for we that are . THIS and only this int ensity of our desire has taken form in the cosm os. From the depths of our we have brought forth that most purest of pv-re'i that subtlest of subtle , that perfection of creat ion 'v/e are all moving to ; from those depths we have crystal ized all that in a form we call Baba. Of what Baba is, He has said so clearly : "I AM YOURS ." He is us. That perfection which

Re is is the perfection that we are ••••

Now don't you see who is in jail? Open up your hearts , open your iron door , break your heavy chains , release your self , and He will be free . The Love that He is, is the Love we are "safely" protecting with locks and. keys, underguard lest we "lose" it , lest it is "stolen" . There is nob ody to surrender and there is nobody to surrender to . Baba onc e said in Darshan , "I'll make a trade with you : YOU FOR ME.tt That which He is , is what we are . BABA NAM KEVALAM

This sounds as Wl intellsi ty of emotioll , and it is. I 11ave written tl1is for myself that I may see . I am telling this to myself , for I need to hear . If it helps you , good , if not , that 's okay , too. BABA NAM KEVALAM

- A Devotee -


Fifteen (15) fragranc e s available to Jagrit is at :

$.45 per individual package $ .40 per pack when order ing a gross or more

Available to Retail St ore s at :

$.50 per pack up to a gross $5.50 per dozen packs when order ing a gress or more

'r he unit soliciting orders from Retail Stores will re ceive 15% commission on sales.


$1 .50 @ when ordering 12 copies or le ss $1 .25 @ for an order of a dozen or more

Order from and make checks payab le to JAYA ENTERPRISES

\oJe st ern States orde r from : East of Colo. , Wyoming , New Mexico orde r from : Jaya Enterpr ises c/o Bob Horner Jaya Enterprises Baba Star Route c/o AMYS Whitehorn , Ca. 95489 Route 2 box 38 Skiatook , Ok . 74070

...... 31

DFTS-02825 Address Listings

ADDRESS LISTINGS : National and International Jagrities and Offices , Acaryas in the US , and Nat ional Board Members

CENTRAL OF'FICE SECTORIAL OFF ICE Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha Ac. Yatiishvarananda Avadhuta 160 Pat ili Putra Colony Road Sectorial Secretary Patna 13 , Bihar State 3453 East 12 Street Wichita, Kansas 67208 India 316-685-8667 NAT IONAL OFFICE Ananda Marga Yoga Society 3453 East 12th Street Wichita , Kansas 67208 31 6-685-8667

Nat ional Board

Spiritual Se c retary Se cre tary of the Board Acarya Yatiishvarananda Av . Pr&�iil (Paul Fahne stock ) 3453 E. 12 Street 3453 E. 1 2th Street Wichita, Kansas 67208 Wichita, Kansas 67208 316-685-8667 31 6-685-8667

JUdicial Secretary Education Secretary Acarya Raghaw Prasad c/o Devadatta 471 6 Springfield Ave . 258 West Chester Street Philadelphia, Pa. 19104 Long Beach, Long Island , NY 21 5-EU6-7909 Publications Secretary Pracar Secretary Uththaman (Dick Griffin ) (nominations being taken ) 3415 East 12 Street 3453 East 12th Wichita, Kansas 67208 Wichita, Kansas 67208

31 6-685-8667 Se cretary Re lief & Welfare Tapsvinii (Barb ara Polefka) Publications Secretary 3415 East 12 Street Uththaman (Dick Griffin) Wichita, Kansas 67208 3453 E. 12th Street 316- 684-0944 Wichita, Kansas 67208 316-685-8667 Off. 684-0001 Ombudsman Madhusudana (Mark Schi ffman ) c/o Maryland Psychiatric Res. Center Box 3235 Baltimore , Maryland 21 228

DFTS-02826 Pac ific Ho p. Midwe st Region Mid-Atlant ic Rep . Dharma Putra (Richard F. Hubbard ) c/o RELm JiiVf�sh (John Pascewitz ) 365 Grant Ave . 609 S. Poplar 17 Wellsford st . Pal o Al to , Cal . 94306 Carbondale , ILL . 62901 Pittsburgh , Pa . 15213 61 8- 549-6642 41 2- 681 -4736 Rocky Mountain Rep . c/o AMYS Southwe st Regional Re p. Northeast Re gional Rep . 1335 S. York Jayantha Kumar Jack Collins Denver, Colorado 80210 RR 2, Box 38 Box 211 -777-21 26 Skiatook . Oklahoma 74070 Windsor , Vt .

Southern Regional Rep . Bharath ( Gregory Schuck) 1321Y2 Colesiurn New Orleans , Louisiana 70130

Training Center BAWA Coordinators Madhuri 27160 Moody Road Drew Dobson 94022 2209 Street Los Altos Hills, Cal . Lincoln 415-948-9841 Columbia, South Carolina 29201

ANURT Team 3443 Michael Josefs (Jaideva) East 12th Street 67208 96 Hudson Street Wichita, Kansas 31 6-685-9621 Somerville , Massachusetts or 316-682-2257

Lesl ie Kenneth Price Ananda Printing Company 1 401 N. Hillside Box 579 67208 Arcata, California 95521 Wichita, Kansas 31 6-684-0001

Reg iona l Offices

Nid-Atlant ic Re gion Rocky Nountain Region 4513 Regent St . c/o Kumar Philadelphia , PA 19104 120 East 4th Ave . 215-222-1258 Denver , CO 80203 303-733-9417

Midwest Region Tushar Kant-Peter Shenkin 609 South Poplar Carb ondale , Ill. 62901 618":'549-6642 Pac ific Region Southern Region c/o Manoj it c/o A.M.Y.S. 1734 Allst on Way #1 1028 Williams Mill Rd. N.E. Berkeley, CA 94703 Atlanta, GA 30306 415-849-1997 404-524-6752

Southwe st Region Northeast Regional Hdqtrs c/o A.N.Y.S. c/o Devasvarupa 8910 East Dr. 91 Avon St . , Austin , Texas 78753 Somerville, Mass. 02143 617-625-0184

DFTS-02827 Acaryas

Acarya Jitendr� Kumar Acarya Shishir Kumar A carYa Sarit Kumar c/o Devaswarup c/o Manoj it c/o David Davie s 91 Avon St . 1734 Allst on Way #1 205 Sunview St . Apt.1 Somerville , M ass. 021 43 Berkeley , California 94703 Waterloo , Ontario , Canada 617-625-0 184 415-849- 1997 519-884-8064

Acarya Birendra Kumar Lal AC Raghaw Prasad 4542 n. Spaulding #1 A.M.Y.S. Chic ag o , Illinois 60625 4516 Springfield Ave . Home 31 2-267-7147 Philadelphia, PA 19104 Off. ME7-2000 Ext . 305-210 Home- EU 6-7909 Office 215-GL 7-7800 Ext 62


Crimson Dawn Sadvipra c/o Pramil c/o Visvarup 3453 East 12th St . 1401 N. Hillside Wichita, Kansas 67208 Wichita , Kansas 67211+ 316-685-8667 31 6-684-0001

Vistara Cosmic Society c/o Devadatta c/o Ac. Pranavananda Av . 258 West Chest er St . 160 Patili Putra Colony Rd . Long Beach , Long Island Patna-1 3, Bihar State, India New York

Education and Culture c/o Ac . Santoshananda Av. D-41 , South Ext ension , Part 1 New Delhi-49, India


A.M.Y.S. A.M.Y.S . J aya Kan I tham Shivam ( Larry Mitchell ) Rt . 2 Box 152 71 7 Selma Ave . P.O Box 1925 Selma , Ala. 36701 Auburn , Ala . 36830 205-872-2036 205-821-2045

Rhea Wood Durga Darshi (Dick Brough ) 1400 S. 13th St . 17 Elmira Dr. Birmingham , Ala. 35205 Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401 205-252-7997 Ph -553-7897

DFTS-02828 ALASKA A�MGYoSo A.M.Y.S. 365 GrWVJ.t J;fI�VG 0 Krishna Dev (Chris EltOll ) AMYS Palo Alto, CA 94306 88 Rose Drive Lakshamana & N ilama Security , Colorado 1403 W. 33rd #2 Rennaissance School for -392- 8345 Anchorage , Alaska 99503 Creative Unfoldment c/o Scott Osborne & Loke shvar A.H.Y.S. 765 Oregan Ave . CONNECTICUT Jim Jeffries Palo Alt o, Cal . 94303 PoOo Box 81 999 Dale & Connie Bartholomew Fairbanks , Alaska 99701 Roy Barnett Jayantha Kumar 16 Hickory Lane 126 Ge orge St. Branford , Conn . 06405 San Jose , California 95110 481-2844 AHIZONA 408·.. 292- 7124 Malcolm Porter 944 Asylum Avenue B2 Mark Durban Hartford , Connect icut 0611� 909 l'IcClint ock Aniishuarii 203-522-8094 Tempe , Arizona 85281 728 Vine St . Santa Barbara , California 93101 805-963-3l37 Bev Sloatman Brian l'IcCain 47 Ha.x\vell Drive 446 South 3rd Ave . Milford , Conn . 06460 Tucson , Ariz . 85701 A.M.Y.S. 878-11172 Leave me ssage at 1- 206-622-8640 P • 0 Box 1 2.5 8 . Santa Cruz , Cal . 95060 Robert Abt Mary Pat l'Iarshall c/o Paul & Sharon NeLson 7 Carriage Dr. "Bell , Book, & Candl e" 851 Happy Valley Rd . Norwalk Conn . 06850 395 Main Street Santa Cruz , Cal . Yuma , Arizona 85364 408-� 26-9644 FLORIDA 688-5949

A.M.Y.S. ARKANSAS AM 201 6 A S.E. 2nd Plac e A.M.Y.S. Ma.il : Box 14251 Duncan Campbell Danny Clawson Unive rsity Stat ion Rt . 2 1508 1 7th Street Gainesville, Florida. 32601 Dover, Arkansas 72837 Santa Monica, Cal . 90404 378- 2804 213-392- 1307

CALIF'ORNIA Mrs . Fern Gri swold A.M.YoS. 1600 NoW. 69 Terr . 473� Goodman Ave . A.M.Y .S" Hollywood , Florida 33020 P . O . Box 7211 P.O. Box 180 Santa Rosa . Cal. 95401 Bakersfield , California 93304 707-544- 9389 A.H.Y$S. 1-805-324-1924 Hark Edwards 1111 Wilmington A.M.YGS. Opalocka, Florida 33054 1738 Grove St . 305-681-9900 Berkeley, CA 94703 A.M.Y.S. 41.5-0845-9698 Sumita ----GEORGIA 1520 8th St. P.O.Box 1724 A.M.Y.S. Boulde r , Colorad o Surya Prakash Devi 803-449-9088 793 Hanc ock Ave . 4770 Wann Springs Rd. Athens , Georgia 30601 Glenn Ellen, Cal . 95442 A.M.Y.S. Kurt Ol sen 707-996-9028 �T T;' Jayashrii & Vishnu 1028 Williams Hill Rd . " '. 1335 S. York Atlanta, GA 30306 ADM.Y.S. Denver, Colo. 8021 0 404-524-6752 u.S. Narayana/Neil Roth 777-21 26 309 We st Main Street A.H.Y.S. Los Gatos, Calif. 95030 Michael & Donna Pappas 408-354-3619 27 Cedarwood Dr. Ft . Screven, GA 31311 786�5158


Allen Shellabarger A.M.Y.S. Guna 38 Summit Place Ted Matheny 703 W. 21st Minneopolis, Minn. 55403 2642 Lourey Ave. Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613 612-374-4943 Honolulu , Hawaii 96822 319-266-3473

A. M.Y.S. Shant i St evens Padmavasan (Steve Zmos) Jeff Ljiegler 1431 Akialoa 1242 4th Ave. S.E. 3308 1 0th Ave. S. Kailua, Hawaii Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52403 Minneap Jlis, Minn. 55407 319-362-5812 Steve Warsh Box 172 MISSJSSIPPI Alex Glassman Volcano , Hawaii c/o Palmer College A,M.Y.S. Box 625 IDAHO Diipak Kamar Davenport , Iowa 52803 P.O. Box 381 A.M.Y.S.- Mayo. Jackson , Missippi _39205 Bhagawan 1515 N. 10th St . Temp . J agrif i 3135 61st Boise , Idaho 9370? c/o Alan Tolchin Des Moines , Iowa 50322 - 343- 2448 1523 Peachtree St. 515-288-2934 A.M .Y. S . 601-353-0'7 24 P.O. Bor: 3363 KANSAS Moscow, Idaho 83843 MISSOURI 882-2229 A.M.Y.S. Duncan Harwood A.M.Y.S. ILLINOIS 1001 Rhode Island Gree; Poznik & Maitreyii Lawrence , Kansas 66044 5501 Forest A.M.Y.S. 913-843-4608 Kill1sas City , Mo. 64110 Ram (Raymond Lenzi ) 81 6-361-8050 609 S. Poplar St. A . M . Y . S . Carbondale, Ill. 6 2901 Arati (Linda Fahnestock) Larry Wareman 61 8-549-6642 3453 E. 1 2th St . 7248 Balson Ave. A.M.Y.S. Wichita , Kansas 67208 University City, Mo. 63130 4917 N. Sawyer 316-683-8747 31 4-725-1668 Chicago , IL 60625 478-7957 KENTUCKY MONTANA

John Colgan A . M.Y . S. Shiila and Vinay 323 Oakwood Vamana - Bob Barnes 413 South 2nd. West 6 6 6 East Peoria, IL 1 11 P. O.Box 1 039 Missoula, Montana 59801 4 309- 69 -1930 Louisville , Ky. 40215 406-728-9278 502-366-5658 John Fiore NEBRASKA General Delivery LOUISIANA Goreville , IL 62939 A.M.Y.S. Padma & Bharath Cathy O'neil Reggie St ill 1321% Colesium 1928 Prospect P.O.Box 1000 New Orleans , Louisiana Lincoln , Nebraska 68502 Marion, IL 62959 70130 402-475-2823


Sharada Chandra & A.M.Y.S (Divya Caksu) A.M.Y.S. Basant i 6 3 Wendell St. 52 Park St . Rt . 3 Box 189 8 Cambridge, Mass . 0213 Reno , Nevada 89502 Bloomington, Ind. 6 4 6 17- 91-3 91 702-322-6321 47401

David Larman 100 "Je llington Rd . Indianapolis , Indiana 46260 317-255-7486

DFTS-02830 NEW HAMPSHIRE A. M.Y.S. Raghav Ch; mdrFl De o 1400 S.E. Oak 4 A.M.Y. S. 334 E. 25th St . PortJEnd , Oregon 9721 4 48 Mathew Lyon New York, New Y ork 503-23 -2 2 Box 449 21 2- 685-8717 Hanover, New Hampshire 03755 Wayland Secrest Fred Wirth 1230 W. Broadway St . NEW JERSEY 1257 Rt 25A Eugene , Oregon 9'7402 Stoney Brook NY 11790 503-342- 4383 Ray Arlo 516-751-5998 Jersey City State College PENNS-nVANIA 2039 Kennedy Blvde NORTH CA ROLINA Jersey City, New Jersey 07305 Sat ish Kohli 201-547-3325 A.M.Y.S. 4513 Regent St. Bob & Jewel Seymoure Philadelphia, PA 19104 A . M.Y . S . c/o Harmony Food Store 215-222-1258 Bob Venezia \'J0 Fl'anklin St 0 4 46 R.F.D. Box 2 Chapel Hill, N. Car . John Paskiewiez/ Jiivesa No . Brunswick, NJ 08902 17 Wellsford St. 4 201-297-591 A.MoY.S. Pittsburgh, Penn . 15213 412-681-4736 NEW MEXICO Randy Mishoe Box 5608 6 A.M.Y.S. Raleigh, N. Car. 2'7 07 SOUTH CAROLINA Anandi & Karuna -834-1875 4 52 Amhearst S.E. A.MoY .S, Albuquerque , New Mex. Sundari (Heriot Chapman ) 66 505-2 -071 2 38-A Charlotte St. Charle i::)ton , S. Car. 29403 A.M.Y . S . Carl Woideck 2027 East 115th St. l2�h E. Water St. A.H.Y.S. Cleveland , Ohio 44106 Santa Fe, Mil 87501 Drew Dobson 216-791-3239 2209 Lincoln St. NEW YORK Co1urnbia, S. Car . 29205 A.M.Y.S. 803-254-7109 A .M.Y . S . Robert M. Johnson Marcos Martonrano 547 Old Tree Place SOUTH DA KOTA 4 8 882 Linstead Lane Columbus , Ohio 322 A.M.Y .S. N. Bellmore, L.le NY Steve Finger 11710 OKLAHOMA 109 E. North 516-221-0551 Rap id City, S. e A . M .Y . S o Dal 57'701 ( ) A o M .Y .S. Chiranjivi John Duggan Patty Blum 4 124 Sears St. 53 Buchanan RR 3 4 Ithaca, NY 14850 P.O.Box 30 1 Vermillion, S. Dak 57609 6 607-272- 20 28 Norman , Oklahoma 730 9 605-624-3671 329- 6510 A.H.Y.So TENNESSEE Howard Babus Sanjaya & Saroja 255 Edwards Blvd . Rich & Sharron Harris Bob Schmidt 8 Long Beach, NY 11561 RR 2 Box:. 3 Jinaheshuari (Janeese JackSOI Skiatook, Oklahoma 74070 1234 Tutwiler A.M.Y.S. 918-396-1679 Memphis , Tenn. 38114 c/o Iris Lundquist 901-275-9992 RFD #1 Box 57- D OREGON Hiddle Island, NY 11953 A.M.Y.S. Dayalu & Johnny Nel son A.M.Y.S. Rt. II Bat tlegrou nd Dr. Hark Albert Bhupath i Murfreesboro , Tenn. 37130 232 Rt 32 South Apt. 004 1 804 w. 2nd Ave . 615-893-Lf 360 New Paltz, NY 12561 Bend , Oregon 9770 1 1 91 1-255-8772 -382-0097


Kirana ( Karen Paquette ) A.M.Y.S. A.M.Y.S. 5413 Fillmore Ave . Carlos Rumbaut Rod Bush 8 Alexandria, VA 22311 910 East Dr . 1717 Evans #3 8 703-8 20-2638 Aust in, Texas 7 753 Cheyenne , Wyoming 8 2001 512-836- 6067 WASHINGTON

Dr . Ravi Batra 3228 Regent Dr. A.M.Y.S. Dallas , Texas 75229 Raj endra 6 214-357-4278 231 C. Street Bellingham , Wash. 98 225 Jayaviira (James Eubank ) 206-734-5835 NORTH DAKOTA 1307 Fannin St . 6 Denton, Texas 7 201 A.M.Y.S. A.M.Y.S. 817-387-8785 Chandra Deo c/o Jim Murphy Box 5 411 N.T.Station Rt . 11 Box 237B 925 N. 4th Street 8 Olympia , Wash . 9 505 Grand Forks , N. Dak . 58201 A,M.Y.S. 6 4 6 6 20 -9 3-9 5 701-772-9639 Gail Patton 10235 Oak Pt . A.M.Y.S. Houston, Texas 77043 Jerry Clark 1323 West Hopkins Apt . C Chris Nobes Pasco, Wash , 99302 Rt . 2 Box 139 509-942- 228 5 Pipe Creek , Texas 7 8063 1 3 Cind & John Robinson � o y � §� An �f 1614 E. Mercer Seattle , Wash . 9 8102 Randy Hutchins 206-323-1276 or 1602 Cockhi11 Rd. 323-6911 San Antonio , Texas 7 8213

WASHINGTON D.C. A.M.Y.S. Carl Hartzog c/o Ashok Maheshvari 200 N. 39th 2803 Cortland Place #10 8 Waco, Texas N.W. Washington D.C. 20008 752-8784 483-9367 UTAH WEs'r VIRGINIA Rame shvar ( ) Robert Labensart ) Akambar Enorris Conwell 6 644 Iverson St. 151 Second Ave . We st Charleston, W. Virginia 25312 Salt Lake City, Utah 304-344 355-3664 84111 -3359


Dave Healy A.M.Y.S. 76 Johnson St. Charlie Martin Burlingt on , Vt . 05401 3006 Gregory St . 802- 863-4989 Madison, Wisconsin 53715 -233-0988 Myra Nassau RFD 2 Putney, Vt . 05346

A.M.Y.S. Box 245 Warren, Vt . 0567 4 802-496-2093

DFTS-02832 International

Australia Mexico

A.M.Y.S8 Acarya Rudranath Acarya Sarit Kumar Sur; i. �ananda Avadhuta Ananda Marga Meditation Center c/o Ester Avelez (Vinala) 34 4 Moray St . Jose Ma. Marroqui No . 3 South Melbourne , Australia 3205 Departamento 1 (Centro) 69-4433 or 69-4174 Mexico City, Mexico

ranada Philippines

Mildred Davies Ananda Marga Pracraka Samgha 205 Sunview St . Apt . 1 1546 Passaj e \vaterloo , Ontario Rossario Canada Paco'1 MaYlila 519-884-8064 59-63�26

A.M.Y .S. Singapore Bevan Skerritt Mount AG . 5RN{);/PI7 409 Royal West Sally Kung Montreal , Canada 9, J alan Kelawar Singapore - 10

Germany South America Ac . Karunananda Avd. c/o Hans David Ac o Chidrupananda Av. 1 Berlin 26 A.M.YeS. Eichhorster (WEG- 20 ) Hipolito Irigoyen West G8rmany 135 Apt 11 E Mart inez , Buenos Aire s Argentina 798-7886
