5944 the London Gazette, November 25, 1881
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5944 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 25, 1881. Hull and Bridlington Branch, of the North- Ordnance map as the boundary line of Eastern Eailway, thence in a northerly the wapentake and county; thence direction along the centre of the said westward along such boundary line to a railway to the Cottingham Junction, -where point where the same meets a line shown it becomes the boundary between the Cot- on such map as the eastern boundary of tingham and Newland wards of the Cotting- the town and county of Kingston-upon- ham Local Board, thence along the boundary Hull; thence along the line shown on such between the Cottingham and Newland wards map as the southern boundary of the town of the Cottingham Local Board to the north and county of Kingston-upon-Hull to a side of the road leading from Newland to point where the same meets a line shown Gottingham, called the Cottingham-road, on such map as the western boundary of and thence in a northerly direction to a point the town and county of Kingston-upon- on the boundary between the Cottingham Hull, being the point firstly described as and Newland wards on the north side of the commencement of the extended boun- Endike-lane, where the 9-foot drain joins the dary, or some or one of such parishes, Cottingham drain, and thence along the said townships, districts, and places^ or some boundary between the Cottingham and New- part or parts thereof, included within the land wards to the point where such boundary said boundary line, all in the East Riding line adjoins the boundary between the parish of the county of York, and to extend the of Cottingham and that part of the parish boundaries of the county of the town of of [Skidby known as Skidby Carr, recently Kingston-upon-Hull, so as to include within added to and now forming part of the said such extended boundaries the before-men- Newland ward, thence along the boundary tioned districts, parishes, townships, and of the Newland ward, so as to include such places, or some of them, or some parts detached portion of the parish of Skidby, to thereof, and to make the said county of the River Hull, thence in a southerly direc- the town co-extensive with the municipal tion along the boundary of the Newland borough, as extended by the intended Act. ward and Eiver Hull, to a point opposite to 2. To detach and sever the added area from where the drain which flows from near the the districts and jurisdiction of the Local Board Beverley and Hull road, opposite Endike- of the district of Cottingham, and the Rural lane, enters the River Hull, between certain Sanitary authority of Sculcoates, and from any lands belonging respectively to William other authority or authorities now exercising any Henry Harrison Broadley, Esq., M.P., and jurisdiction or authority or authorities within Colonel Benjamin Blaydes Haworth Booth, the said parishes, townships, or other places or and from thence in a straight line in an parts thereof respectively, included within the easterly direction to the north-east corner of added area of the extended borough, and to the Leads Bridge, carrying the Stoneferry- exempt the added area from the payment of road over the Holderness drain, thence in a all county, highway, district, and other rates straight line in a south-easterly direction to whatsoever now levied or leviable within the a point on the present boundary line of the said parishes, townships, and places, and to borough, at the south-western corner of a provide for the repair and maintenance of the field in the parish of Sutton, belonging to roads, streets, and highways therein. John Edward Lee and others, on the 8. To extend and apply to and throughout the northern side of such boundary, and oppo- said borough and county as extended, in this notice site to a field in the parish of Drypool, on referred to as the extended borough, the powers, the southern side of such boundary, being rights, privileges, exemptions, jurisdictions, im- part of a farm called Summergangs, belong- munities, authorities, duties, liabilities arid obliga- ing to the Corporation, thence in an easterly tions of the Corporation in their several capacities direction along the present bound- of a municipal corporation, local board, burial ary of the borough to the north-eastern board, urban sanitary authority, and any other corner of the present borough^ at Bilton capacity, and of the Corporation acting in execu- drain, thence northward along the boundary tion of all charters, public and local Acts, in- between the parishes of Sutton and Marfleet cluding the Corporation Water Acts of 1843 to the point where the sam'e joins the and 1872, and of all orders confirmed by Parlia- boundary between the parish of Marfleet ment, and of their officers and servants, and of the and the parish of Bilton^ thence along the Cdurt 'of Quarter Sessions, the Court of Record, said boundary between the parishes of Mar- and any other local courts of the borough, and fle'et and Bilton to a point on the Old Meet of the reco'fder, judges^ sheriffs, magistrates, drain where such boundary joins the bound- borough, justices, tioroner, registrar, Clerk of the ary line between the parishes of Marfleet and Peace, co'nstables, and other officers of the Preston, thence along the centre of the Old existing borough, and county, and to abolish and Meet drain in a south-easterly direction to exclude all other justices, magistrates, sheriffs, the north-east corner of the did Fleet coroners, clerks of the peace, police constables, Bridge at the Marsh or North-road; thence and other officers, Local Boardj sanitary^ Of other along the north side of the Marsh or authorities from the exercise of any jurisdiction, North-road to the north-east corner of the povyers, rights, privileges, duties, or authorities new. drain bridge; thence in a southerly in the extended borough, and to make applicable direction across the road and along the to the extended borough all lawSj charters; enact- centre of the Preston new drain to the point ments, Acts of Parliament, deeds, orders, bye- where such drain empties itself into the laws, and regulations in force within or applicable Hedon Haven at Pollards Clough; and to the existing borough, with such additions, thence to the centre of the Hedon Haven, variations, modifications, and exceptions as may where it adjoins the boundary line between be provided by the intended .Act. the parish of Preston and the parish of 4. To extend to and confer upon the owners and Paull; and thence along such boundary occupiers of property and residents within the line to the foreshore of the Eumber; and extended borough all such rights of voting and from thence in a south-westerly direc- other franchises, rights, and privileges as are now tion to the boundary line shown on the vested in or enjoyed by the owners pf property.