Welcome to one of Ireland’s most scenically beautiful, historically rich and culturally vibrant counties. There’s no better or healthier way to really get to know the Marble County than by cycling its quiet backroads and taking in its many wonders, ancient and modern, at your own pace and in your own sweet time. To savour the sights and sounds of the real , and truly feel its magic, saddle up and push away today. Windgap Windgap Lamogue Knockroe

Windgap Lamogue Loop Knockroe Passage Tomb, Ahenny High Crosses, Tullahought loop walk and viewing tower, Lamogue Kilamery . Ogham Stones. 16.3 km. 63 mins cycling. Up: 207m. Down: 212m via Butlerswood

Marvel at the skills of the Neolithic builders who Windgap Knockroe Ahenny Windgap created Knockroe’s world-famous passage tomb with such precision that the sun still illuminates the inner chamber on Winter Solstice.

Nestling on the slopes of Carrigadoon Hill and Windgap High Crosses Loop overlooking the Lingaun Valley, Ahenny is the Knockroe Passage Tomb, Ahenny High Crosses, celebrated site of the early Christian Kilclispeen Lingaun Valley, Killamery High Cross Monastery and home to two of the oldest and most 21.5 km. Approx 105 mins cycling. Rise and fall: 330m. celebrated Ossory High Crosses as well as a number of megalithic tombs. Explore the the Christian and pre-Christian occupancy of the the valley, the industrial heritage Then visit the picturesque Tullahought, frequently of the Slate Quarries and the architecture of Ahenny honoured in the annual Tidy Towns awards, and take village. in the panoramic views from its Viewing Visit Killamery Graveyard to view the spectacular 9th The Lamogue Ogham Stones, dated between 400- Century Killamery Cross, with its ornate carvings of 900 AD, can be discovered in a graveyard which is marigolds, snakes, dragons and Biblical figures and enclosed by a vey fine stone wall and sits in the its inscribed dedication to Máel Sechnaill, High King middle of a large field. of Ireland from 846-862.

1 km 1 Windgap Calvary Grotto 3 2 Lamogue Ogham Stone Windgap 3 Kilamery Church and High Cross 4 Knockroe Passage Tomb Butlerswood 11 5 Slate Quarry (disused) 6 Carrigadoon Hillfort 1 10 7 Ahenny High Crosses 8 Tullaghought Viewing Tower &Loop Walk 12 2 9 Kilkieran High Crosses 10 Aghaviller Medieval Church and Round Tower 11 Castlemorris Estate Walking Trail 12 Michael Hogan’s Grave 13 Kilmacoliver Hill Tomb 4 5 ---- High Crosses Loop 8 ---- Lamogue Loop ---- Major road (avoid) Shop / refreshments 6