Phi helps preserve Frank Lloyd Wright’s Price Tower page 66

Educational Foundation Annual Report page 11 Editor: Rob Pasquinucci (Ashland ‘93) Editor Emeritus: Bill Dean (Texas Tech ’60) Business Manager: Robert A. Biggs (Georgia Southern ’76) Editorial Assistant: Barbara Cotterman

Contributors: Jay Langhammer D.A. Fleischer Christi Sarge CG Marketing Communications


President: Michael G. Scarlatelli (Kettering ‘76) Treasurer: Spring, 2006 Volume CXXIX, Number 1 Rudy M. Porchivina (San Jose State ‘89) Reporter: Mark Ochsenbein (Eastern Kentucky ‘77) Member at Large: M. Scott Mietchen (Utah ‘84) Member at Large: COVER STORY Christopher A. Lapple (CA State-Northridge ‘80) 66 The Price Tower GENERAL HEADQUARTERS Frank Lloyd Wright’s masterpiece. 2 South Campus Avenue Oxford, Ohio 45056 (513) 523-6345 (513) 523-9200 fax [email protected]

Executive Vice President: Robert A. Biggs (Georgia Southern ’76) FEATURES Associate Executive Vice President: Marc S. Mores (Iowa State ’95) Director of Chapter Services: Jesse R. Moyer (South Dakota ‘03) Director of Expansion: Steven J. Good (Iowa State ‘04) 11 Educational Foundation Annual Report Director of Alumni Services: Sean S. Wagner Another banner year. Housing and Insurance Coordinator: Melanie Clayton Marketing Communications Coordinator: Sarah Hanna

61 Phi Sports Leadership Consultants: Running, catching, and throwing. Brendan J. Cunningham (Washington College ‘04) Mario A. Villa (Texas ‘03) Adam Cegavske (Nevada ‘04) TIm Bynum (West Texas A&M ‘05) Kerrie N. Herron (South Dakota ‘05) Tyler D. Wear (Oklahoma, ‘05) DEPARTMENTS EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION 2 South Campus Avenue 3 Letters Oxford, Ohio 45056 (513) 523-6966 (513) 523-9200 fax 4 Fraternity news [email protected]

President: William “Rusty” Richardson (Tampa ’76) 7 Club reports Vice President: Conrad Foster Thiede (Colgate ’90) Director of the Annual Fund: Eric M. Schimmoeller (Ashland ’00) 9 Phi Footnotes Director of Major Gifts: Stephen F. Carr (Cincinnati ’76) The Scroll (ISSN 0036-9799) is an educational journal published continuously by the Phi Delta Theta International Fraternity since 1876. It is 59 Phi Footnotes, continued published three times annually in Greenfi eld, Ohio. Third class postage paid at Greenfi eld, Ohio, and at additional offi ces. The Scroll is distributed free of charge to members of Phi Delta Theta. Subscription rates: $5 issue/$15 per year. Subscriptions 74 Chapter Grand must be sent to the editor at General Headquarters. Phi Delta Theta is not responsible for unsolicited material.

Postmaster: Please send form 3579 for undeliverable copies to Phi Delta Theta General Headquarters, 2 S. Campus Ave., Oxford, Ohio 45056.

Deadlines: Spring: Feb. 1; Fall: July 1; Winter: Oct. 1. Copyright © 2003 by Phi Delta Theta International Fraternity. Nothing herein may be reproduced without prior permission. Printed in the USA

Cover Design: Christi Sarge Cover Price Tower Photo: (c) 2003 Christian M. Korab/ Korab Photo 2 Letters

Brother Pistol Pete Upcoming Alumni Events As a true”Okie from Muskogee,” it was indeed a treat to see Frank Lloyd Wright’s Price Tower in Bartlesville gracing the front cover of the Spring 2006 issue of The Scroll. And it October is always nice to see the chapter updates, especially one’s IN L 20th Anniversary own. The brothers at Oklahoma Beta continue to set the October 14 standard for campus excellence while enjoying a rich and Contact: Andrew McGuire, [email protected] varied campus-life experience. However, I would like to correct one statement in the Oklahoma Beta chapter news November article. It mentioned that Brett Adkins is the fi rst Phi at OSU OH M 40th Anniversary in 82 years to serve as the offi cial school mascot, Pistol November 18 Pete. Actually, one of my pledge brothers in the fall of Contact: Anthony Magistro, [email protected] 1971, and fellow “Okie from Muskogee,” Will Beckman, ’75, had the privilege of “suiting up” in the Pistol Pete regalia during our 1973-74 school year.

For more information on an alumni club near you, please Thank you for keeping all of us old Phis up to date with view the following link: Fraternity and campus news. Robert Miller Oklahoma State ’75

Editor’s note: We also heard from Joseph Wells ’99, that James Robert (Catfi sh) Neville ’99, served as Pistol Pete in 1998 and 1999. And Will Beckman wrote that Bill Ransdall served before him in 1970-71.

Another Phi in Iraq I am currently serving in the U.S.Army in Iraq, separated by distance from my brothers at Kansas Zeta chapter. I was in my senior year when my National Guard unit got deployed. Contacting The Scroll I would like to hear from other Brothers serving over here with me. I can be reached at: [email protected] or We want to hear from you! [email protected].

We welcome and encourage: letters to the editor, Tallon Mitchell corrections, address updates, Chapter Grand notices, Southwestern College ’06 leads on future articles and other contributions. All items may be edited for space.

Deadlines: Putting the big in band Spring: Feb. 1; Fall: July 1; Winter: Oct. 1. As a big band buff , I was interested in reading in The Jazz State of Indiana, a reference to the piano at the Indiana Zeta chapter house in the 1930s. I recall the night in 1936 when Bob Crosby and the Bearcats jammed until the wee [email protected] General: hours after his band played a prom at DePauw. Legendary [email protected] jazz pianist Bob Zurke, accompanied by equally legendary 2 S. Campus Ave., big band drummer Ray Bauduc, sans drums, stroked his Oxford, OH 45056 Address corrections: wire brushes on a fl oor lamp. As a freshman, I had to give [email protected] up my bed to the 300 pound New Orleans clarinetist, (513) 523-6345 Irving Fazola. The mattress was never quite the same. FAX: (513) 523-9200 Letter to the editor: [email protected] I continue to feel honored that my membership card is signed, Arthur R. Priest, Executive Secretary. Obituaries: [email protected] William H. Smith DePauw/Washburn ’40 3 Fraternity News

GHQ staff ers participate in Relay for Life This summer, the General Headquarters Staff will be participating in its second Relay for Life in Oxford, Ohio. Last year we were able to raise over $6,000 for the American Cancer Society through the generosity of our families, friends, and a number of Phi Delta Theta volunteers. This year the 20-hour walk will be held Saturday, June 24th and 25th at Millett Hall on the Miami University campus. If you and your family would like to support or participate on Phi Delta Theta’s team, please contact Steve Good at General Headquarters. His email is [email protected]. We are also looking for any Phi cancer survivors and names of those who have passed away from the disease so that we can recognize these members. A highlight of the Relay for Life walk is the luminary ceremony, which honors the men and women that have survived cancer and honor those that we have lost. The luminaries line the track at dusk and continue to fl icker until dawn, lighting the track as a reminder to all the participants.

Expansion in California, Texas, Kentucky and Pennsylvania The Fraternity continues to grow as two new chapters and four new colonies joined the ranks of Phi Delta Theta during the fall of 2005 and winter of 2006. New colonies were formed at the University of Southern California, University of Texas, El Paso, University of Pittsburgh and University of Louisville. Meanwhile two colonies progressed from colony status to chapter status at the University of Hartford and Louisiana State University. The California Delta Colony at the University of Southern California is scheduled to be installed April 22. California Delta Colony Phi Delta Theta will be expanding to Miami University (Ohio), Indiana University, and Vanderbilt University during the 2006-2007 academic year. During this period the Fraternity will be recruiting founding fathers who are seeking a values-based fraternal experience based on leadership, service, and academics. If you know of any students who are currently attending or will be attending these universities and meet these criteria, please contact Steve Good at [email protected]. For more information about the expansion program please visit

Idaho Alpha Chapters need CAB Indiana Epsilon chairmen Indiana Theta Kentucky Iota Colonization Louisiana Beta Want to give back to Phi Delt Maryland Beta Theta? Why not help a local New York Beta chapter by becoming a Chapter North Carolina Alpha Advisory Board chairman or Ohio Kappa member? The chapters below Ohio Lambda need your help. Please contact Pennsylvania Beta Jesse Moyer (jesse@phideltatheta. Pennsylvania Epsilon org) if you can help. Pennsylvania Zeta Texas Lambda California Nu Texas Nu California Xi Texas Sigma Colorado Gamma Virginia Zeta Connecticut Alpha Washington Epsilon Louisiana Beta Installation 4 Fraternity News

Hero awards

Phi Delta Theta General Council President, Michael Scarlatelli, presented the Anti-Hazing Hero Award during the Fraternity’s General Offi cers Conference to David Westol in recognition of his anti-hazing eff orts.

Westol has long been a proponent of hazing abolishment in the Greek system. He is a nationally known speaker on the topic of hazing and spoke at numerous Phi Delta Theta events in support of his stance. He is the CEO of Theta Chi Fraternity, but is known throughout the Greek World for his “Hazing on Trial” presentation.

In 1980, Westol was an assistant prosecutor and discussed hazing from a legal point of view at a Pi Kappa Alpha event. In 1981, he scripted his talk and began excerpting it for Greek leadership presentations. He estimates that, since 1981, he has given his “Hazing on Trial” presentation at least 1,700 times on various campuses and events (including several Phi Delta Theta events).

Westol is not the fi rst individual to receive the Anti-Hazing Hero Award. Phi Delta Theta’s own, Thomas “Sparky” Reardon was the recipient of the award at the Fraternity’s Presidents Leadership Conference in early January.

Stay connected online

Are you graduating this spring? Did you graduate last December? If so, don’t lose touch with Phi Delta Theta. Visit www. to fi nd out how the Fraternity can help you after college. You’ll fi nd resources that will be helpful to you in the next phase of your life, and ways that you can stay involved with Brothers in the Bond, no matter where you’re headed.

JuneJun Sheard retires after 50 years!

She’sShe outlasted two executive vice presidents, 25 General CouncilCou presidents, and countless Leadership/Chapter/ TravelingTra consultants asking her about voucher checks. But now,no GHQ Bookkeeping Supervisor June Sheard has retired, anan event commemorated this past winter.

SheardS has worked at GHQ for 50 yearsy in various capacities, and has alwaysa been a dedicated employee. She’sSh one of the many “behind the scenes”sc folks who really run the Fraternity.

TheTh General Council issued a proclamation in June’s honor, thankingtha her for her years of service and wishing her a happy, healthyhea retirement. Happy Retirement! www.phideltatheta.orgorg 5 Manitoba Alpha celebrates 75 years

“Seventy- packed with such diverse elements as Stradbrooke in a giant white tent on fi ve years of presentation of scholarships, a house the property. Casual and relaxed, many unparalleled report, salute to members in the people brought photo albums and friendship” Chapter Grand and concluding with other memorabilia to share. – that was a Golden Legion ceremony honoring Concluding the weekend was a 70s the theme four Brothers: Don Jacks, Stan Shackell, style “Hootenanny” Sunday evening at of Phi Holman Olson and George Chapman. the Winnipeg Press Club. Time rolled Delta Theta During the course of the program, back as we all joined Larry Haff ner, – Manitoba humorous reminiscences from Phis Brock Mason, Len Vopnfj ord, Jeff Alpha’s of diff erent eras were met with Konchak and Jim Greville with their celebratory weekend to mark 75 thunderous applause as well as gales banjos and guitars as they tuned up years at the University of Manitoba. of laughter. such oldies as “Where Have All the The weekend of September 22 While the Brothers gathered, so Flowers Gone,” “Kum-baya” and hits to September 25 was fi lled with too did the Phi wives and ladies at of the Kingston Trio. The mood of the joy of reunion, the humor of an elegant soiree in the penthouse reminiscence was heavily charged undergraduate days re-lived and most apartment of Susan Glass and Arni throughout the evening but never of all, the comfort of brothers young Thorsteinson. This event was aptly more so than when people were and old meeting in a common place titled “Up Among the Stars” and bidding one another farewell – for all – in membership in the “grand old according to all reports was an were loathe to say goodbye. fraternity” Phi Delta Theta. outstanding event as well. Special This renewal of friendship will stay For the previous 18 months thanks to Susan – a gracious hostess with everyone who attended as we all the planning committee worked for this event. look forward to celebrating another 75 diligently to settle all the details for On Saturday September 24th, all years of unparalleled friendship. this momentous weekend. Kicking the Brothers were asked to assemble off the celebrations, a day of golf and at 5:30 pm on the front staircase of - Jim Pappas, Chair of the 75th fellowship planned by John Quinton the Fort Garry Hotel for this historic Anniversary Committee saw nearly eighty brothers whisked off photo. After the photo everyone to beautiful Grande Pines Golf Course adjourned to the beautiful Crystal A special note of thanks to all the near Victoria Beach. The afternoon Ballroom of the Hotel for a sumptuous 75th Anniversary Committee who did concluded in great fellowship with a four course dinner. David Hutton an outstanding job: man-sized barbecue of giant beef ribs chaired the program for “The Sword – a prairie treat. and Shield Ball” and brought his charm Chris Pollard On Friday September 23, “The to the short but lively program which Jesse Wilson Brothers Banquet” was organized by included both a toast to the Fraternity Sandy Snidal Jeremy Silcox and Bryce Kumka at the by Al Jacks and a toast to the ladies by Brian Ingram Winnipeg Squash Racquet Club for John Quinton, followed by a serenade Wes Emerson nearly 200 Brothers. After a stunning of “Tell Me Why” by the active chapter. Graeme MacDonald array of hot hors d’oeuvres, the After the conclusion of the program, John Quinton brothers enjoyed an immense buff et the merriment continued with Jeremy Silcox specially prepared by the Club for us. dancing until one a.m. Bryce Kumka John Zaplatynsky so deftly handled Sunday September 25th was Laird Rankin the microphone as chair over the very packed with activities from a noon Christopher Pappas enthusiastic response to a program time continental brunch held at 548

6 Club News

Coachella contact any of the above Phis for information on our next Coachella Valley event in Fall ’06. Allan Hurst (760) 568-2829; Kern Rodeberg Valley (760) 202-4966; Doug Phillips (760) 346-0902; Lothar Vasholz (Palm (760) 345-5052. Springs area) Emerald City Alumni Club Contact: Allan Contact: Michael Trotter (206) 652-4147 or Hurst (760) [email protected] 568-2829 or We have had a wonderful program of speakers this year allanhurst@ at our monthly meetings which has revitalized the interest and attendance in our club. Recent speakers included Booth Gardner, former state governor, Tom O’Keefe, chair of Tully’s Our club Coff ee, Bill Finkbeiner, Washington State Senate Minority held its Leader, Everett Trout, principal of Saltchuck Industries, and Founders Day Seattle photographer Joseph Scalyea. The club meets at Coachella Valley organizers Lothar Vasholz, on March Kern Rodeberg, Rusty Richardson, Chris noon on the second Friday of every month at the Rainier 24, at the Club, 4th and Columbia, in downtown Seattle. All Brothers in Lapple, Doug Phillips and Allan Hurst Thunderbird Washington State and those visiting Seattle are welcome to Country Club join us. For more information, contact Blair Mus, (206) 849- at Rancho Mirage, with invited guests, including wives and 0983 or [email protected]. friends. It was a successful and distinguished event. Member-at-Large of the General Council Chris Lapple, Cal State-Northridge ’80, Green Valley reported on the success of the Alcohol-Free Alumni Club Housing Program; results have included Fort Lauderdale Contact: Tom Williams larger pledge classes and higher grade (520) 918-8148 or point averages. He reported on aggressive tomwilliams1@earthlink. expansion plans including a colony net established at USC which expects to be re- installed soon. An interest group has been At our annual January formed at UC Irvine. business meeting Ed Educational Foundation President Roach, Akron ’51, Dean Rusty Richardson, Tampa ’80, shared Finkbeiner, Michigan with us the success of our current Fund ’58, and Tom Williams, drive and the benefi ts Phis receive from Wabash ’65 were the investment the Foundation makes reelected as offi cers. in education for academic studies, During our annual leadership, character, and moral values. He indicated that 2005 was a record year Christmas party at the Green Valley Country in the awarding of scholarships, and he Nathan Brainard, Florida State ’99, on the left, and thanked all contributors to the Educational DeWitt Casey, Knox, ’54, on the right, with FOSI Club, the Brothers Foundation. school students. Our club sponsors monthly speakers generously donated Past President of the General Council for students to bring them information on life skills to the Salvation Army Doug Phillips, New Mexico ’49, conducted and opportunities in various businesses. and the Green Valley the Golden Legion ceremony. Brothers Food Bank. We also installed were: Tim Cashin, UC Davis celebrated Valentine’s ’59, Ron Gaither, Valparaiso ’56, and Eddie Pendleton, New Mexico ’57. Silver Grand Rapids Day with a party at the Legionnaires and Palladian members were La Posada Recreation also recognized. Center. We are sorry We were pleased to host Ken Colby to lose Del Ryder, one (president) and Jess Rodriguez, active of our staunchest members of our chapter at La Verne members, who passed College. Brother Colby will assume away on August 23, duties as Leadership Consultant after his graduation this spring. 2005. He was an Chris Banta, UC Riverside ’92, reported on inaugural inductee into an initiative to recruit alumni assistance in the Nebraska Golf Hall an eff ort to re-install that chapter as soon of Fame. as possible. We thank Brothers Allan Hurst, Kansas ’57, Kern Rodeberg, Minnesota ’64, Doug Phillips and Past General Council President At a December 13, 2005 alumni luncheon, Phis Lothar Vasholz, Colorado ’52, for organizing from 12 chapters gathered to discuss with Nat Love, and conducting a very successful event. We province president, Rex Vaughn, Michigan Alpha regretted that Frank V. Marshall, Jr., UCLA chapter alumni president and Larry Schramm, ’47, our club founder, was unable to be Michigan Alpha chapter adviser, the very successful present. re-colonization at the University of Michigan and the We invite Coachella Valley visitors to possibilities for Michigan State. 7 Club News

Omnicron North Omicron contact with us, please email president Carl Wardenburg, North Missouri ’95, at [email protected]. We look forward to Province having you join us. Contact: Steve Scott St. Petersburg St. (916) 691- Petersburg 2912 or Alumni drscott@ Club drstevescott. Contact: Stan com Shaver (813) 896- On Saturday 5528 Omicron North Province President Steve Scott March 11, The St. local alumni and Leadership Consultant Mario Villa with Petersburg, in the Florida Alumni golden legionnaires Ray Osbourne and Lloyd Sacramento Club held Vierra area our annual gathered Our annual holiday get together at the St. holiday get for the Omicron North Province Founders Day Banquet. Petersburg Yacht Club on December 21, 2005. together at the Attendees included Happ & Ruthie Langstaff (Michigan Active Phis from the community attending St. Petersburg Alpha, ’40), Omicron West Province President Phil DeCarlo Florida universities were invited guests. Yacht Club on (California Zeta, ’74), General Council Member-At-Large December 21, Chris Lapple (California Zeta, ’78), David & Julie Tait 2005. Active (California Nu, ’92), Terry Dean (California Nu, ‘91), Jason Phis from the community attending Florida universities were Tillery (California Omicron, ’97), Troy Martinez (California invited guests. Pictured are members from Florida Alpha, Omicron, ’98), Lloyd Vierra (California Epsilon, ’56), Andrew and Florida Gamma. Vierra (California Epsilon,. ’95), Ray Osborne (California Epsilon, ’86), and Leadership Consultant Mario Villa. (Texas Valley of the Sun Beta, ’03) Wichita, Kansas Oxford Alumni Club Alumni Contact: Jesse Moyer (513) 523-6345 or Club [email protected] Contact: The General Headquarters staff held their Founders Day Grant luncheon on March 16 in the Paul Martin Building. Robert Glasgow, J. Miller, New Mexico ’50, served as the keynote speaker, grant. delivering an address on the history of Headquarters glasgow@ sites in Oxford since 1926. Special guests included Rusty grubb-ellis. Richardson, Tampa ’80, and Bob Biggs, Georgia Southern ’76. com Valley of the Sun Phis Jerry Barlow, Franklin The intrepid leadership consultants performed the Founders We have ’62, Lee Steers, Western Kentucky ’70, Ceremony for the enjoyment of all. If you are interested in had many participating in future Oxford alumni club events, please and Jack Young, West Virginia ’57, at the activities over December 2 Holiday Party contact Jesse Moyer. the last year including San Francisco Alumni Club a four-man Contact: Dennis Sidbury (415) 433-2149 or scramble golf tournament, our Founders Day WSU baseball [email protected] event, and a WSU basketball breakfast. Upcoming events The Phi Delta Theta Alumni Club of San Francisco are an April 15 would like to invite our Bay Area Brothers to attend our WSU baseball monthly meetings. Sharing Brotherhood, bratwurst and Wichita tailgate and our spaten, we meet at noon on the fi rst Friday of every June 24th alumni month at Schroeder’s. The restaurant, which is located golf tournament. at 240 Front Street in downtown San Francisco between If you are not the Embarcadero Center 2 parking garage and the receiving e-mail Embarcadero Bart Station, reserves tables next to the updates from us, front door for our group. If you cannot fi nd us, just ask please contact the hostess. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Grant Glasgow at Dennis Sidbury at (415) 433-2149. grant.glasgow@ St. Louis Alumni Club so that we may Contact: John Kennedy, [email protected] add you to our Our club became active again in November with a list for future spirited group of Phis from chapters all over the United communications. States. During meetings in November, December and Wichita Alumni Club offi cers Brandon January, we elected offi cers and planned our March 9 Ferguson, Jeff Englert, Grant Glasgow Founders Day banquet at the University Club in Clayton, Mo. For new and existing Phi alumni wishing to establish and Robby Jenkins

8 Footnotes

Arkansas: Ron Robinson, ’65, former chairman and CEO of the Little Rock-based advertising/ marketing agency Cranford Johnson Robinson Woods, has been appointed to chair the committee that recommends U.S. postage stamp subjects and designs to the Postmaster General. He was initially appointed to this committee in 1993.

Ashland: Eric Landon, ’99, was named Coach of the Year in high school boys’ swimming by the Cincinnati Hills League for the 2005-06 season. He is the head coach for boys’ and girls’ swimming at Wyoming High School in Cincinnati, Ohio. When not poolside, Landon is a teacher at the W.E.B. DuBois Academy, a charter school in the Over-the-Rhine neighborhood of downtown Cincinnati.

California – Davis: With a goal of raising $5,000, Matt Leonard, ’00, and his wife, Katie, are riding in the AIDS/LifeCycle, a 7-day, 585-mile bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles from June 4-10. Colorado The journey is intended to increase awareness and On a recent University alumni trip, Richard Brown, ’54, knowledge about HIV/AIDS and to address the Ronald McLaughlin, 52, Richard Spelts, ’61 and Thomas misperception that HIV disease and AIDS are no Brown, ’56, photographed on the Great Wall of China. longer a problem. Their website is www.aidslifecycle. org/103.

California State – Northridge: Just added to the Banta Colorado: Robert Everitt, ’50, was awarded the Doctor of Library is another book from Doug Thorburn, ’77, Humane Letters degree by Colorado State University. He Alcoholism Myths and Realities: Removing the Stigma of was recognized for his outstanding contributions in industry Society’s Most Destructive Disease. By discrediting the myths and community service and exceptional support of the that surround this disease, the stigma that instills emotion in University. the identifi cation of alcoholism can be eliminated. Only then can those aff ected, whether family, friends, co-workers or DePauw: Don Heatherly, CFP, ’87, is a private client wealth society, off er tough love with a clear conscience. Too many management advisor with the 5/3 Bank Private Client Group view alcoholism as a character fl aw rather than a disease. in Westmont, Ill. He has worked with 5/3 Bank for three years as a wealth management advisor, and has been in the Centre: Michael Hall, ’85, has been added to the advisory fi nancial services industry for eight years. board at Farmers National Bank in Danville, Ky. He is a pharmacist who operates Hall Pharmacy in Danville and is a Duke: Just released in November is the book The Eye for Kentucky Alpha-Delta chapter adviser. Innovation: Recognizing Possibilities and Managing the Creative Enterprise by Robert Price, ’52, retired chair Cincinnati: Retired Cincinnati lawyer Paul Naylor, ’46, and CEO of Control Data Corporation (now Ceridian has been mentioned 22 times in the various editions of Corporation). He is known for nurturing creativity and this Who’s Who. There have been fi ve references to him in the book off ers lessons for building and managing the creative American Law edition, one in the Midwest edition, eight in enterprise. As Price says, “Of all the managerial inanities, the America edition, one in Finance and Industry and seven none is more regrettable than to deprive people of the in the World edition. opportunity to learn and to exercise caring curiosity—the single most important skill to corporate health and renewal.” Colgate: Conrad Thiede, ’90, was elected to the Greater More can be learned about him and the book at www. Cincinnati Planning Giving Council Board of Trustees at their December annual meeting. He will serve a three-year term on the board of one of the nation’s largest and most active planned giving councils. As a part of his duties, he will coordinate the monthly educational program for members of the greater Cincinnati non-profi t community. 9 Footnotes

Emory: Dr. J. David Allen, ’67, president and CEO of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Associates, has accepted the position of 2007 chair of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce. Their Dr. J. David Allen mission is to keep the state economically prosperous, educationally competitive and environmentally responsible.

Iowa: After 11 years in publishing and marketing and management for Nebraska: companies such as Gannett, Times The 40th anniversary of the 1965 pledge class, “the Great 28”, was Publishing and CitySearch, Rob Kincaid, celebrated in Lincoln on September 3. Those attending were, rear row, l ’87, is now co-owner and co-founder of to r: Mike McNair, Mike McGowan, Tom Petsch, John Hurd, Dave Heiser, and Greater Bob Holmes, Jim Iverson, Bill Daiss, and George Knight. Front row, l to r: Palm Springs Realty Inc. Jim Campbell, Peter Bolay, Scott Stuart, Mark Backlund, Tom O’Hara, and Ed Buch. Kansas State: Martin Ruegsegger, ’72, was recently presented the Mary B. A. Howell Award by the Mecklenburg Arts and Science Council Manitoba: Not only is George Chapman, ’54, a 54-year (Charlotte, N.C.). The award is presented to the volunteer member of Phi Delta Theta, but he has been recognized by to the Arts and Science Council who has demonstrated The Law Society of Manitoba for his fi fty years of having commitment through personal fi nancial support, exhibited been called to the Bar. leadership, has been aggressive in Maryland: Marvin Perry, identifying funding ’53, has received the 2005 and new donors, Tyser Gottwals Award from shown excitement the University of Maryland about the cultural Alumni Association for his community, and unique and signifi cant service distinguishes to the university. He is a former themself as president of the Fastbreakers outstanding among and Terrapin Club and was also a other volunteers. building partner for the Comcast Center. Kettering: William Christen, ’70, has Michigan: As a tribute to written a biography Marv Perry (3rd from left) at the December 3 awards ceremony with the life of Charlie Ross of Pauline Cushman, other Maryland Alpha Phis. (dec.), ’41, the University of a nineteenth-century Vermont has established an actress and Civil War annual celebration and panel spy. Pauline Cushman: Spy of the Cumberland is published discussion on politics and the public trust. Ross was one by Edinborough Press. Cushman’s few weeks’ service as of the most infl uential and well respected Vermont public a Federal spy gained her notoriety, which lead from P. T. servants of his generation, serving under presidents Barnum’s stage to the Wild West of Arizona and California. Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford and Carter. He was a strong With Christen’s continued interest in the Civil War, he is advocate for consumers, environmental protection, and the looking for information about the experiences of Phi Delt public interest. members who fought in that war. He can be reached at [email protected].

Phi Footnotes continued on Page 59


Table of Contents

Table of Contents Board of Trustees

13 Th e President’s Message James P. Burra, Cal State Northridge ’67, Chairman Cecil J. Silas, Georgia Tech ’53 14 Gift s by Club Level Joseph D. Williams, Nebraska ’50 Stephen J. Kleberg, Texas Tech ’69 16 Matched Gift s A. Scott Ritchie, Kansas ’54 Donald E. Demkee, Akron’60 17 Gift s by Chapter Samuel J. Furrow, Tennessee ’65 C. W. Poore, Jr., South Dakota ’61 39 Frequent Donors William F. Poe, Florida ’53 George E. Grady, Arizona ’52 40 Foundation Friends W. L. Gray, Jr., TCU ’70 Michael G. Scarlatelli, Kettering’76 41 Knights of Pallas Donors 44 Trustees’ Roundtable Trustees Emeritus 46 Honorary Gift s T. William Estes, Jr., Vanderbilt ’55 48 1848 Society Marvin J. Perry, Maryland ’52 Roger H. Cerne, Case ’63 49 Courtyard Form F. Ross Johnson, Manitoba ’52 Paul E. Martin, Akron ’35 50 Memorial Gift s 52 Living Bond Society Foundation Staff 54 Consecutive Giving William R. “Rusty” Richardson, President [email protected] 56 Ways You Can Help Conrad Foster Th iede, Vice President of Development 57 Dollars by Chapter [email protected] 57 Dollars by Class Year Eric M. Schimmoeller, Director of the Annual Fund [email protected] 58 Donors by Chapter Stephen F. Carr, J.D., Director of Major Gift s 58 Dollars by State [email protected]

Carmalieta D. Jenkins, Assistant to the President [email protected]

Linda Brattain, Administrative Assistant [email protected]

12 THE SCROLL PRESIDENT’s LETTER • Th e Trustees’ Roundtable – Membership in Th e Trustees’ Roundtable topped the 150 mark for the The Faces of fi rst time. Th e Trustees’ Roundtable recognizes Philanthropy alumni who make annual gift s of $1,000 or more.

By: William R. Richardson • Leadership Consultant Grant - $120,000 was provided to support the Leadership Consultant program. Th is program provides critical on-site visits, Have you ever wondered what a evaluations and resources to every chapter. philanthropist looks like? • Th e Living Bond Society – Th e number of Phis who One of the most popular books within the fund rais- have included the Foundation in their wills or other ing world in the past ten years is titled Th e Seven Faces estate plans has continued to increase and now stands of Philanthropy. Th e book did not show actual faces but at 82. Based on past giving records, a conservative described seven characteristics or motivations of phil- estimate on the value of the known planned gift s is in anthropically inclined individuals. Th ose characteristics excess of $4.5 million dollars. and motivations are clearly evident in the thousands of Phi Delta Th eta alumni who contributed to the Founda- • Th e Presidents Leadership Conference – A $64,000 tion’s 2005 campaign. grant was provided to underwrite the educational cost of this conference attended by more than 150 To help truly put a face on some of these philanthropists chapter presidents. who helped make 2005 such a successful year for us, we are pleased to share some of their photographs • Electronic Solicitations and Communications – Th e throughout this report. Foundation continued to benefi t from the electronic solicitations conducted in 2004. Many of the alumni Ironically, if asked, many of these individuals would not who responded to this form of solicitation in the last consider themselves philanthropists. Like most people, half of 2004 made monthly pledges that continued they tend to think of a philanthropist as someone with well into 2005. a name like Rockefeller, Getty or Gates. But they are philanthropists in the truest sense. Th ey voluntarily Th e Foundation also received many favorable donate their support to a charitable cause in which they comments from Th e Inner Shield – a quarterly believe, and that support improves the lives of others. electronic newsletter and our fi rst electronic holiday Th at cause also has a face… and it includes the faces of greeting card. more than 6,000 current undergraduates. • Investment Performance – Th e Foundation’s investment portfolio achieved a 9.1% annual rate of Th e 2005 Campaign return for calendar year 2005. Because of our Phi philanthropists, 2005 was another • Th e Knights of Pallas – Th is program introduces very successful year for the Educational Foundation. undergraduate members to the Foundation and to Alumni, undergraduates, friends and parents contrib- the idea of charitable giving. A gift of $18.48 or uted more than 6,300 gift s totaling almost $1,300,000. more entitles the undergraduate to become a member Th is represents a healthy increase in the number of gift s of the Knights of Pallas. Hundreds of undergraduates (+5%) and total dollars (+34%) compared to 2004. have answered the call and participation rates during the Presidents Leadership Conference and Th e report that follows recognizes all donors who made the Emerging Leaders Institute are typically in the 65- gift s between January 1 and December 31, 2005. We are 75% range. truly grateful to each of these donors for their support that enables the Foundation to provide the crucial schol- Th ere are numerous other highlights that will be covered arships, fellowships and leadership programs for today’s throughout the report, and I hope you will enjoy reading young Phis. about them. Highlights from some of the Foundation’s activities over On behalf of all the members who benefi ted from the the past year include: programs made possible through the generosity of our philanthropists, I off er my most sincere thanks. • Scholarships and Fellowships – Th e Foundation now has more than 45 named scholarship and Yours in the Bond, fellowship funds. Th ese funds, when combined with the Foundation’s general funds, provided more than $190,000 for scholarships and fellowships in 2005. Since its creation the Foundation has given William R. Richardson, Tampa ’80 almost $2.5 million in scholarships and fellowships. President THE SCROLL 13 PaulP H. Broyhill NorthN Carolina ’46, three-year member ofo Trustees’ Roundtable; Ardivan Walker RodgersR Association Gifts by Club Level

Oxford Society Paul G. Palmer, Colorado State ’33* David D. Lynch Jr., Washington, ’62 ($500,000 - $999,999) Marvin J. Perry, Maryland ’53 John W. Manor, Auburn, ’61 Paul E. Martin, Akron ’35 Th omas E. Petry, Cincinnati ’62 P. Nicholas McDaniel, Westminster, ’43* Charles W. Poore, Jr. South Dakota ’61 Harbaugh Miller, Pittsburgh, ’23* Robert J. Miller Charles F. Reinhardt, Utah ’67 Arthur C. Musselman, Gettysburg, ’28* Association Ronald K. Richey, Washburn ’49 George S. Peters, Miami Univ., ’29* ($250,000 - $499,999) Th omas H. Roberts, Illinois ’45 Daniel A. Pfau, Cincinnati, ’59 F. Ross Johnson, Manitoba, ’52 Maurice E.* & Dorothea Shaff er, A. Scott Ritchie, Kansas, ’54 William and Madeline Welder Smith Dickinson ’30 William G. Robinson, California- Foundation Russell D. Shelden, Missouri ’42 Berkeley, ’46 Joseph D. Williams, Nebraska - Paul H. Smucker, Miami U. ’39* Priscilla & Roger Schultz Lincoln, ’50 Eric B. Yeiser, Cincinnati ’49 Garnett A. Smith, North Carolina, ’69 Lothar A. Vasholz, Colorado, ’52 Robert Morrison Arthur R. Priest Lloyd I. Volckening, Columbia, ’18* Ronald F. Walker, Cincinnati, ’61* Association Association Frank E. Zorniger Jr., Cincinnati, ’49 ($100,000 - $249,000) ($25,000 - $49,999) Otto M. Budig Jr., Cincinnati, ’55 Richard G. Alexander, Texas Tech, ’58 John W. Doolittle, Wisconsin, ’34* Beloco Foundation, Inc. John McMillan Mrs. David S. Jenkins* Ralph R. Bittner, Iowa State, ’50 Wilson Association Michael K. McKenzie, Texas Tech, ’66 Donald A. W. Blaney, Chicago, ’45* ($20,000 - $24,999) James D. Oatts, Akron, ’26* Mrs. G. S. Cavanaugh Robert B. Burns, Maryland, ’48 Willis H. S. O’Dell, Iowa, ’40* J. M. Anthony Danby, North Carolina Roger H. Cerne, Case Western Dean Bradley Peck, Ohio, ’42* State, ’50 Reserve, ’63 Marvin J. Perry, Maryland, ’53 Jack H. and Della Seras Deacon, William R. DeLong, Wisconsin, ’45 Charles W. Poore Jr., South Dakota, ’61 Dickinson, ’44 Th e Galtney Foundation Cecil J. Silas, Georgia Tech, ’53 Donald E. Demkee, Akron, ’60 Albert J. Gavlak, Case Western Charles E. Stuart Scholarship Fund Gus B. Denton, Mississippi, ’62 Reserve, ’22* Ralph O. Taylor Jr., Missouri, ’40 James P. Devere, California - Fleming L. Jolley Jr., Vanderbilt, ’74 D. K. Waybright, Richmond, ’63 Los Angeles, ’41* John A. MacLeod, Pittsburgh, ’38* O. Robert Eddy, Iowa State, ’40* Robert J. Miller, New Mexico, ’50 Paul C. Beam Mr. and Mrs. David R. Fesler, Joe A. Reynolds, Oregon State, ’21* Minnesota, ’50* Association Peyton M. B. Self III, Mississippi, ’77 Bradley J. Foster, Cincinnati, ’88 ($50,000 - $99,999) Stanley R. Wilemon, Texas Tech, ’71 Kenneth E. Glass, Cincinnati, ’63 James R. Ballard, Colorado State ’59 William A. Goodwin, Iowa State, ’59 James P. Burra, Cal. State - Northridge ’67 Ardivan Walker Lawrence W. Gougler, Illinois, ’41 Th omas C. Farnsworth, Mississippi ’60 Rodgers Association Jordan L. Haines, Kansas, ’49 George E. Grady, Arizona ’53 ($15,000 - $19,999) Lodge L. Hanlon, Kent State, ’53 Henry W. Harris, North Carolina ’60 Paul H. Broyhill, North Carolina, ’46 J. T. and G. L. Hightower Foundation Ruth R. Hoyt & Anne H. Jolley A. A. Burnand III, Arizona, ’40* James C. Holmes, Arizona, ’51 Foundation Robert B. Deloian, Arizona State, ’66 Harvey Hubbell Trust James C. Kautz, Cincinnati ’53 Benjamin J. Docherty, Puget Sound, ’39* L. P. Humann, Auburn, ’67 Frederick L. Leydorf, Michigan ’53 Michael J. Fimiani, South Florida, ’89 Moreland R. Irby, Richmond, ’43 Francis D. Lyon, U.C.L.A. ’28* James A. Gibbs, Oklahoma, ’57 William H. Jolley, Georgia Tech, ’78 Michael K. McKenzie, Texas Tech ’66 John C. Hoover, Northwestern, ’47* Jack S. Kitchen, Missouri, ’39* Donald H. Melchiorre, Cincinnati ’59 James E. A. Hopkins, Chicago, ’28* Stephen J. Kleberg, Texas Tech, ’69 Joseph W. Moore, Pittsburgh ’50* William R. Ireland Sr., Auburn, ’45 David W. Klinke, Iowa Weslyan, ’64* Malcolm W. & Anna Geary Myers, John G. Kapp, Pennsylvania, ’25* John G. Lingenfelter, Iowa State, ’52 Penn State ’21* Eugene H. Phipps, North Carolina, ’69 Herbert C. Lovejoy, Univ. of NBC Foundation Ralston Russell Jr., Ohio State, ’32* Washington, ’14* John N. Palmer, Mississippi ’54 George H. Scatterday, Idaho, ’31*

14 THE SCROLL RogerR J. Cerne CaseC ’63, three-year member of Trustees’ Roundtable;R John McMillan Wilson Association,A Trustee Emeritus Gifts by Club Level

Roger E. Schanzle, Cincinnati, ’55* Indiana Gamma House Jesse K. Pruitt, Texas Tech, ’67 John F. Schmidt, Washington Univ., ’49 Corporation Margaret J. Rowan Robert F. Schwindt, Cincinnati, ’51 Malcolm D. Jayred, California - Oliver J. and Mary Gayle Samuel, James S. & Shirley V. Shilson, Los Angeles, ’37* Kansas, ’48* Virginia, ’31* Elliott A. Johnson, Chicago, ’27* William F. Scharpf, Oregon, ’41* L. Keller Smith, Texas Tech, ’68 G. Paul Jones Jr., Georgia Tech, ’52* Otto W. Schatz, Indiana, ’39* Norvelle L. Smith, Auburn, ’59 William S. Kanaga, Kansas, ’46 David H. Segrest, Texas Tech, ’67 Tamblin C. Smith, Pennsylvania, ’49 William T. Kemper Foundation Ronald R. Seibert, Wabash, ’56* K. Chris Todd, Texas Tech, ’68 Harold W. Knapheide III, Kansas, ’67 Charles T. Stuart, Nebraska - Gary R. Wade, Tennessee, ’70 Victor W. Kramer, Arizona State, ’61 Lincoln, ’33* Donald E. Lampe, Cincinnati, ’51 James Stuart, Nebraska - Lincoln, ’39 Founders Club S. Stanley Learned, Kansas, ’24* Warren B. Swift , Dickinson, ’57 ($10,000 – $14,999) John F. Lucas III, Mississippi, ’77 John B. Swisher, Illinois, ’51 Howell E. Adams Jr., Vanderbilt, ’53 Kenneth G. Maikowski, Utah, ’86 Conrad Foster Th iede, Colgate, ’90 George F. Atwell, Maryland, ’55 C. Raymond Marvin, Bowling Mrs. J. T. Th omas III Charles W. Battey, Nebraska - Green, ’60 Christopher John Th ompson, Lincoln, ’53 George W. Mathews, Georgia Tech, ’47 McMaster, ’92 Robert J. Behnke, University of Kenneth W. McAllister, North Michael B. Twigg, Maryland, ’74 Washington, ’43* Carolina, ’71 William A. Vanderlinde Jr., Robert A. Biggs, Georgia Southern, ’76 William M. McDonald, Mississippi, ’72 Cincinnati, ’83 Stanley D. Brown, Nebraska, ’36* H. Laird McGregor, Denison, ’51* L. Dana Weaver Jr., Texas Tech, ’68 Mark A. Brueggeman, Cincinnati, ’81 Howard L. McMillan Jr., Mississippi, ’60 Alan B. White, Texas Tech, ’71 Robert E. Burkett, Iowa State, ’37* Fred L. Merrill, Washburn, ’45 Edward H. Williford, Mississippi, ’55 H. Frank Burkholder Jr., Kentucky, ’60 Donald L. Miller, Cincinnati, ’49* George S. Zoff el, University of Michael J. Carr, Cincinnati, ’60 Douglas B. Milne, Oregon, ’38* Washington, ’56 Milo E. Chelovitz, Akron, ’60 C. Gray Morgan, Georgia Tech, ’37* James M. Collins, Southern R. Scott Morris, Chicago, ’86 * Denotes deceased individual. Methodist, ’37* Robert B. Nance III, Mississippi, ’78 Th ornton Cooke II, Kansas, ’49 Gerard L. Novario, Ohio, ’43 Members of these top giving clubs John E. Davies, Alberta, ’58 James W. O’Mara, Mississippi, ’62 are listed regardless of whether a gift Ford A. Dickerhoff , Akron, ’44 Mark C. Pope III, North Carolina, ’47 was received in 2005. Devin C. Drambarean, Cincinnati, ’82 Charles J. Eisaman, Pittsburgh, ’21* Did You Know ? William R. Erwin, Kent State, ’59 Jerry J. Felmley, Illinois, ’54 Ralph E. Fisher, Akron, ’52 JosephJ D. Williams Jean Funch-Conrad NebraskaN ’50, current Foundation Trustee;T three-year member of Trustees Paul Leslie Garver, California - Roundtable;R ’04 and ’05 Gold Medallion Los Angeles, ’48* levell of Trustees’ Roundtable; Robert J. MillerM Association Harry M. Gerlach, Miami Univ., ’30* W. L. Gray, Jr. and Lynn C. Gray, Texas Christian, ’70 J. Fred Green, Toronto, ’30* The largest gift received Arthur F. Hoge III, Westminster, ’75 Shi Gray Holmes, Florida, ’37* from an individual was for Stephen W. Holmes, North Carolina, ’79 $150,018.93. Jack B. Humphries, Florida, ’50* Ray L. Hunt, Southern Methodist, ’65 Richard N. Hurd, Michigan, ’46

THE SCROLL 15 BBen F. Cheek III EmoryE ’58, new member of Trustees’ Roundtable;R John Wolfe Lindley AssociationA Matched Gifts

Matched Gifts Aegon Transamerica Chubb & Son MasterCard PepsiCo Foundation United Way Foundation Corporation International John F. Kelly Edward S. Lewis Joseph T. Cook Jr. Diane R. and David L. Charles A. Dill Jr. Haggard Pfi zer Foundation UPS Foundation AXA Foundation MFS Investment John M. H. Gregg Ronald W. Tilton Bruce T. Ringgenberg Th e Clorox Company Management Jeff erson D. Lamoree Andrew K. Th anos Jr. Foundation Kent L. Shalibo Verizon Bank of America Judson L. Depew David L. Beer Peter F. Cronin ExxonMobil Progressive Insurance David W. Hartz Foundation Microsoft Foundation Wellpoint Foundation Edson A. Elliott David B. Barton Brian C. Lake Christopher C. Donald T. Jackson Michael H. Smith Huelsman Bridgestone/Firestone Global Impact - UBS Wells Fargo Earl H. Feeney Jr. Foundation Mitretek Systems Snyder Foundation Foundation Michael S. Hyatt Jon L. Morris Dudley R. Snyder Allen E. Lewis Chestnut Hill Realty Richard T. Bechtel Robert M. Zuker Latter Day Saints Nike Unilever U.S. Randall A. Reichert Foundation Derek A. LaBar Foundation Ryan C. Rusin James B. Self Marshall S. Berdan

Giving Levels Legend

Th is annual report includes 2005 gift s and giving club levels. Gift s received aft er December 31, 2005 and giving club status obtained aft er that date will be recognized in the Foundation’s annual report next year.

Cumulative Giving Levels

SSS Sword and Shield Society $100 - $249 AA Argent Association $250 - $499 PP President’s Panel $500 - $999 CA Council Association $1,000 - $2,499 JWL John Wolfe Lindley Association $2,500 - $4,999 AWR Andrew Watts Rogers Association $5,000 - $7,499 RTD Robert Th ompson Drake Association $7,500 - $9,999 FC Founders Club $10,000 - $14,999 AR Ardivan Walker Rodgers Association $15,000 - $19,999 JMW John McMillan Wilson Association $20,000 - $24,999 ARP Arthur R. Priest Association $25,000 - $49,999 PCB Paul C. Beam Association $50,000 - $99,999 RM Robert Morrison Association $100,000 - $249,999 RJM Robert J. Miller Association $250,000 - $499,999 OS Oxford Society $500,000 - $999,999 BH Benjamin Harrison Association $1,000,000 or more

Annual Giving Level

TR Th e Trustees’ Roundtable $1,000 - $2,499 TR Th e Trustees’ Roundtable Silver Medallion level $2,500 - $4,999 TR Th e Trustees’ Roundtable Gold Medallion level $5,000 or more

16 THE SCROLL ThorntonT Cooke II KansasK ’49, three-year member of Trustees’T Roundtable; Founders Club Gifts by Chapter

Alabama Alpha JWL Calvin B. Mah RTD Robert D. Lewis Jr. JWL Park T. Dingwell University of Alabama Austin J. Ritchie PP Larry A. Nissen William Hayes Edmonson CA George F. Bailey Jr. CA Stuart G. Rogers James F. Ernst AA Eugene W. Brabston Arizona Alpha PP Th omas R. Ross PP Richard A. Forney AA Julian D. Bush University of Arizona AA Stuart L. Wright AWR Henry M. Giudice Christopher W. Hawk CA John H. Adams CA Frederick C. Hawkins CA Richard M. Hobbie III AA Michael K. Adamson Arizona Gamma CA Jack R. Heinz PP H. Todd Horton CA Peter J. Allen Northern Arizona University PP J. E. Holmes III CA George E. Jordan AWR Th omas E. Allen Jr. Kenneth D. Fox CA Scott S. Johnston PP James M. Kidd Jr. PP John B. Arnold Michael A. Guff y Brian Johsz AA L. Christopher Kyle AWR Peter A. Broms SSS Eric Michael Peterson PP John A. McWhirter CA Frank B. Morris CA Glenn G. Buchanan Jeremy D. Pritchett PP Kenneth Miller CA William E. Morrow PP Robert B. Buchanan SSS Jerry L. West PP Timothy L. Mossteller PP Frank A. Rhodes Jr. CA Richard S. Burke Mark W. Parrish SSS Lemuel M. Sanders CA Richard H. Creswell Arkansas Alpha JWL Sidney R. Petersen Dale A. Sitton SSS Oscar E. Davis University of Arkansas ARP William G. Robinson AA Stanley F. Slater Robert A. Dipesa JWL Philip R. Atterberry CA Dennis M. Scherzinger L. Clayton Smith CA David F. Elgart Harvey R. Brooks CA Steven H. Scott CA James F. Sulzby III CA Wm. Duncan Fulton SSS Adam B. Burney Christopher A. Steele SSS James A. Watkins JWL Don W. Grady SSS Joseph C. Cole SSS Eric G. Takaha William C. White PCB George E. Grady PP Clinton J. Fuller III SSS Robert F. Teddy Karl J. Granrath JWL Carl J. Gessler Jr. CA Th omas T. Trowbridge Alabama Beta SSS C. Tim Greve IV AA Gregory R. Giles CA Robert C. Weiss Auburn University SSS Hugo W. Jones CA Gerard L. Glenn CA Robert M. Wheeler III AA John M. Benton Jr. AWR Arthur F. Kerckhoff III JWL Randall W. Goins CA Edward F. Willi Donald H. Bravaldo Jr. AA Robert W. King Jr. Gregory J. Kerksieck AA O. James Woodward III SSS Reese H. Bricken CA Joseph W. Leakey CA William A. Martin CA Raymond J. Briscuso Jr. CA Anson Lisk Jr. AA Edward M. McClaran California Beta PP William G. Cole SSS Steven D. Million CA James G. Minmier Stanford University SSS Gregory R. Cox J. James Neff Carlton K. Netherton AA James W. Auble PP William M. Damerel PP James M. Nelson AA Donald L. Parker II CA Bradley M. Breyman CA Lawrence R. Heisler Charles A. Pinkerton SSS John C. Quinn Charles E. Cobb Jr. PP Joseph H. Hill II SSS Joseph M. Podzimek PP David L. Reding SSS S. Th omas Conlan Jr. AWR Henry L. Hilton-Green Jr. AA John H. Ragland William E. Rial AA James Farquharson AR William R. Ireland Sr. CA Jon R. Robson CA John A. Riggs III CA William R. Farrar PP Donald T. Jackson PP James A. Skirven CA Robert M. Saviers SSS Robert L. Forbes SSS Jex R. Luce Hugh V. Stewart CA Clayton H. Whitney JWL William S. Freeman CA Booth M. Malone JWL Philip Taber Jr. AA David P. Wilson CA John R. Grey Jr. AA Malcolm L. Marsh JWL Tracy R. Th omas CA Edward L. Johannessen PP Frederick Moore Jr. Harry S. Tichnor British Columbia Don J. McFarland PP Carl C. Morgan SSS Richard J. Vogelheim Alpha JWL Frank J. Parr Jr. Joseph R. Pearce SSS William D. Wade, Jr. University of British PP Philip H. Prince AA Stephen M. Pierce PP John C. Woods Columbia CA Edwin N. Procter PP Frank M. Powada James E. McFarlane PP Jerome R. Reinhart AA Frank L. Powell III Arizona Beta PP Ian H. Stewart PP Th eodore W. Seweloh CA Harvey Pride Jr. Arizona State University Nicholas J. Th ompson CA Th omas L. Shawver SSS James G. Rittenberry AA Allen B. Alexander, Jr. AA James F. Shepherd Jr. AA Harold W. Smith JWL William J. Dick III California CA Douglas M. Shumway CA Russell Th omas Jr. PP Guy P. Duhame Alpha PP Robert E. Skov AA Reginald I. Vachon AA William S. Gilbert University of California- PP Andrew K. Th anos Jr. PP Th omas A. Walthall IV PP Emmette V. Graham Jr. Berkeley CA Terence W. Th omas CA Richard J. Wood AA Richard E. Hawes JWL Johannes Albeck PP Mark M. Tucker PP Joseph V. Johnston CA James L. Anderson RTD Benjamin F. Vaughan III Alberta Alpha JWL Gene L. Jones Edwin M. Burr SSS Paul D. Wiggin University of Alberta AA Stewart W. Koch PP Edwin C. Callan AA Robert C. Wreisner SSS T. Michael Curry FC Victor W. Kramer CA Th omas J. Coakley PP Oliver B. Wyman Jr. FC John E. Davies PP David H. Lawrence SSS Earl T. Conrad Jr.

THE SCROLL 17 ChristopherC J. Craig MissouriM Western State ’96, new member ofo Trustees’ Roundtable Gifts by Chapter

California JWL Charles R. Lindberg AA Russell S. Waters California Xi Gamma SSS Michael W. McCann CA William B. Winston California State University- University of California-Los PP Diego Munoz-Flores Chico Angeles CA Frederic W. Orr California Eta Mark P. Cardella Jr. PP William J. Asbury PP Guy V. Pacurar University of California-San- Robert P. Felicano PP William T. Baird SSS Bradley P. Radichel ta Barbara PP Scott T. Huntington JWL Ronald R. Clark AA Peyton C. Reed CA John W. Brown Andrew P. Lewis PP John R. Coombs CA Douglas P. Simpson CA David B. Link Matthew A. Merritt CA John C. Cooper SSS Scott D. Wagenseller AA Th omas K. Stroud Dustin B. Struble JWL Richard R. Davidson SSS Richard P. Wagner AA James D. Demarest PP William J. Ward California California CA Edwin W. Desserich PP Brian H. Zenz Theta Omicron California State University- CA Hudson B. Drake University of California-Ir- Sacramento PP David C. Duff California vine Brett J. Everidge PP Richard C. Elliott Epsilon CA Jeff rey S. Byer Michael D. Frey CA Fred J. Forschler University of California- SSS Richard W. Gross AA Christopher T. Sanford AA J. Robert Gray Davis JWL James C. Harvey CA John F. Grgurina Jr. SSS Michael W. Abler JWL Curtis D. Parvin CA William U. Handy Jr. SSS Peter S. Adams CA Gregory R. Roche California Pi San Diego State University JWL Bob T. Hight SSS Th omas A. Bengard PP Charles J. Schuck PP Bradley R. Desser SSS Lawrence K. Keethe PP Barry D. Boatman AA George R. Torres PP Charles W. Kenney PP Ray F. Evert California Iota SSS Michael A. Zolkewitz SSS Paul M. Lewis AA L. Bruce Lanni San Jose State University PP Paul J. Marin Chris S. Larson PP Dan V. Callanta CA Ernest A. Mekjian PP Edwin S. Mathews AA Eric D. Jacobsen California Rho University of La Verne SSS Rene J. Miller JWL George P. Moynihan SSS Andrew S. J. Kim SSS Justin T. Assael PP Robert R. Morman JWL Lawrence J. Remmers SSS Ronald D. Lofano II SSS Jaymel M. Capinpin CA Bryce H. Neff CA Joseph T. Martini Jr. Manuel A. Escalante PP James A. Rexrode California AA John C. McDonough Brian L. Ortega AA Joseph M. Roush Jr. Zeta AWR Rudy M. Porchivina Jr. SSS Benjamin A. Paine PP T. Terry Rousselot California State University- AWR Dexter A. Tahara SSS Chris D. Perez PP Michael G. Smith Northridge CA Ryan G. Sierra JWL Norman V. Wagner II AA Chad E. Beck California Christopher M. Skraba AWR George J. Western PP Ronald W. Bell Lambda Ronald W. Zell PP Stephen M. Berg University of the Pacifi c AA Jeff rey P. Block Christopher M. McDermott California Sigma California Delta SSS Chad A. Brown Christopher J. Ortega Sonoma State University Ronald A. B. Davis University of Southern PCB James P. Burra Bennet A. Knight California JWL Philip M. De Carlo California Mu PP Terry S. Adams CA James M. Edens University of California- PP William J. Bedford CA Larry D. Fried Riverside California Tau California State University- PP Charles F. Beven CA Leonard H. Gelfand SSS Shea David Aiken Stanislaus RTD Warren L. Blanchard AWR Stanley W. Gilson SSS Christopher A. Banta Ryne M. Fagin JWL James J. Bohan SSS Steven M. Goddard AA Alan J. Bauman Jason E. Shaw CA William J. Bowers CA Daniel M. Goetz CA Patrick F. Billiter CA David W. Detrick SSS William E. Hartford AA Michael A. Garabed PP John R. Gange JWL Christopher M. Job PP James A. Malloy Jr. Colorado Alpha University of Colorado AA Dennis L. Geiler PP David L. Kleine AA Richard F. Priebe PP Stanley A. Black SSS Kenneth D. Gould PP Michael J. Landau PP Frank L. Boyce JWL Fredrick G. Hoeptner CA Edward M. Lapaz Jr. California Nu CA Th omas G. Brown CA Carl W. Howell JWL Christopher A. Lapple California Polytechnic State CA Th omas M. Broyles CA Parker F. Hubert Jr. PP Frank E. Lapple University PP Scott R. Brusseau PP Calvin H. Johnston Sean M. Mishlof PP Steven A. Hall Duane P. Carlson SSS Mark A. Jozwiak SSS Edward M. Petersen III Zachary Kweller CA Henry Carlson Jr. PP Peter J. Kaplanis JWL Robert J. Sherwin SSS Leonard A. Penzo II JWL J. William Crouch John H. King AA Todd M. Smith SSS Gerald S. Simonson PP Kipp R. Downing CA Richard L. Kirtland III Daniel G. Waldman Stuart N. Tomlinson JWL Frank A. Eastman 18 THE SCROLL WilliamW R. DeLong WisconsinW ’45, three-year member of Trustees’ Roundtable;R second year Silver Medallion Trustees’T Roundtable level; John McMillan WilsonW Association Gifts by Chapter

PP Robert P. Gaines PP Charles E. Warner Th is annual report includes 2005 SSS John T. Gibson CA Douglass F. Wiles gift s and giving club levels. PP James T. Godfrey PP Eugene L. Williams, Jr. AA M. C. Greear Jr. PP Warren R. Wynn II Giving level legends appear on pages 16 & 38. SSS Laurence W. Hall AA L. Edwin Hardman Florida Beta SSS Hayden B. Evans SSS Jeff rey C. Crown PP Hugh L. Harris Rollins College AA Michael R. Ferrell AA Gary R. Currie SSS Michael M. Harris James W. Coker AA James F. Garber III PP Kenneth R. Gillis CA Dale R. Hedrick PP Ralph H. Doering III SSS Dennis S. Guernsey JWL Jene P. Harper Jr. JWL N. Hadley Heindel Jr. SSS Benjamin B. Smith CA Richard W. Kincade CA John T. Harutun Darryl G. Hudnall CA Robert F. Stonerock Jr. CA Walter A. Koelbel Jr. AA Paul F. Holley William A. Hunter AA George M. Waddell AA Karl G. Larson JWL Albert R. Miller PP David R. Jackson Jeff rey W. Mark AA Jon L. Morris JWL Selden G. Kent Jr. Florida Gamma CA William J. Mark Jr. John R. Obenchain AA Ralph D. Klein Florida State University AA H. Leslie Moore II PP Richard J. Orr Jr. AA James H. Lanier JWL Stephen M. Bailey PP William P. Mytton PP Kenneth A. Robinson RTD George H. Lankow PP Howard M. Beckert Jr. AA James D. Orner PP Andrew R. Tofe CA Victor P. Leavengood SSS Paul W. Brandenburger SSS Oscar R. Pieper AWR Richard M. Leslie JWL John R. Douglas Jr. CA Lyal E. Quinby Jr. Connecticut CA Allen E. Lewis CA Derek D. Gill AA David M. Raeder Alpha Jeff rey K. Ligon CA Stephen G. Hall AA Robert B. Robertson Central Connecticut State SSS Christian R. Lipke AA Kevin J. Hallahan CA Keith A. Settles University SSS Hank W. Massey Jr. Stephen D. Harrell AA Donald E. Shafer Zane John Barber AA Th omas M. McClelland AA Jack C. Hunter II CA Leonard S. Siekmeier Jr. SSS Antonio A. Dionizio AA W. E. McCormick Jr. AA Adrian K. Lane AA William H. Snively Cody F. Kroeber PP George R. McElvy SSS Arthur D. Melson PP John E. Stark JWL Perry C. McGriff Jr. CA Angus C. Morrison PP Larry L. Stark Delaware Alpha SSS John D. McKaye AA Walton K. Nussbaum Jr. CA Robert B. Starke Jr. University of Delaware SSS Richard R. McLaughlin PP Jeff rey P. Rohr CA Richard D. Van Law Charles D. Miller SSS Ronald D. Mickler SSS Scott L. Ross ARP Lothar A. Vasholz CA John Milton SSS Hurley W. Rudd Jr. CA Kenneth A. Vernon Florida Alpha CA Terence J. Moran IV CA Joshua P. Stephens PP Mark B. Ward University of Florida AA Robert L. Olive PP Stephen E. Summers PP James W. Williams SSS Jason G. Albu AA Andrew K. Olson JWL H. L. Wiles CA Paul W. Williams CA John R. Alison SSS Herschel H. Parrish Jr. PP Th eodore P. Witte Gene M. Worden JWL Geoff rey G. Ammer SSS William B. Pharr Jr. SSS Harl Barlitt Jr. CA Charles Pinkoson Florida Delta Colorado Beta JWL Timothy M. Beck PP Glenn E. Plumb University of Miami Colorado College PP Robert L. Becton PCB William F. Poe CA John E. Aurelius JWL Charles C. Allen AA Geoff rey P. Bernard Dean S. Robinson CA Alan L. Bialkowski SSS Th omas H. Bauer AA Fred H. Beshears JWL Raymond A. Ross Jr. AA Armand E. Durrieu CA John H. Burns Jr. SSS Fred W. Bethea JWL Johnson S. Savary Richard P. Essick JWL J. Eddy G. Craig Jr. PP Ronald E. Birchall William R. Scott CA Jack C. Finks SSS Rich C. Dalsemer PP Terry R. Born PP Joseph A. Simonds Richard L. Goicz PP G. E. Kindred PP Louis E. Bradley PP Paul G. Singleton Jr. AA Bradley K. Hanafourde CA Allen W. Mathies Jr. AWR J. Hyatt Brown CA George H. Smith PP Joseph C. Harvey Edmund D. Mulford Jr. PP Ronald E. Canakaris AA Orren R. Smith Rishi Kapoor PP Clyde Eaton Smith CA Kenneth D. Carle SSS John D. Stevenson AA Leo D. Leonardi Jr. AA Charles F. Chehardy Harold N. Stringer AA Charles P. Mason Jr. Colorado JWL G. Russell Croft on Jr. Earl A. Taylor Jr. Gregory J. Meaney Gamma JWL Charles H. Denny III SSS Warren L. Tedder Jr. JWL Richard J. Mooney Colorado State University CA Harry S. Dewell CA Walter A. TeStrake Jr. William C. Murphy II PCB James R. Ballard PP Alan G. Divers CA William H. Told Jr. PP Elmer E. Rullman III Jeremy N. Campbell AWR Daniel D. Doyle CA L. Mills Tuttle Jr. AA Robert B. Trammell JWL Albert M. Carollo Jr. CA Herbert M. Dunlap Ralph E. Vodicka SSS Lee W. Chalfant PP James E. Eadens PP Harold J. Von Weller III AA Mark E. Craig SSS G. Leonard Emmel III JWL A. Ward Wagner Jr.

THE SCROLL 19 MichaelM J. Fimiani SouthS Florida ’89, two-year member of Trustees’T Roundtable Gold Medallion level; ArdivanA Walker Rodgers Association Gifts by Chapter

Florida Epsilon Florida Kappa AA Joshua M. Ammerman CA Robert G. Faircloth University of South Florida Florida International SSS Matthew D. Ammerman PP James L. Hannah CA Kenneth A. Bodley University PP Herbert L. Arnold James Monroe Hunt AA Herbert H. Boltin Jr. SSS Alvio Dominguez PP Robert W. Barnes AA Peter A. Jensen Jr. AWR C. Tal Bray Peter J. Ghaleb PP William W. Baxley Jr. PP George W. Johnson AA James J. Cianci Jr. CA Marshall S. Berdan CA Royce A. Johnson Jr. PP George W. Engler Jr. Florida Lambda CA Th omas J. Bixler II AWR Charles H. Keaton AR Michael J. Fimiani Ringling School of Art and CA Randall C. Brown AA G. Ryan Meyer von Bremen JWL William M. Golden Jr. Design SSS Th omas E. Bryant AA Michael S. Meyer von Bremen Jonathan Intravia SSS Kelly M. Moselle PP Arthur L. Burns Jr. SSS Neal H. Newsom AA David D. Lichtenfels CA Th omas M. Rodgers PP Robert P. Campbell Jr. CA Richard K. Pate PP Garrick J. Lynch PP John F. Th omas II AA Joseph E. Carruth CA Edward P. Pawley IV AA Albert J. Marshall James A. Ullrich Jr. AA Th omas S. Chambless CA Charles E. Roberts Jr. CA John D. Morrissette JWL Ben F. Cheek III CA Jeremy P. Sale PP Eric C. Neuman Florida Mu Charles J. Collins Jr. CA Robert L. Steed AA Joey Obordo Embry-Riddle Aeronautical SSS Warren N. Coppedge Jr. JWL Robert C. White PP Woodrow W. Owen Jr. University SSS David J. Cutler SSS David H. Wilbanks Edwin A. Pellerin Sean C. Carter SSS Tyler C. Cymet AA W. Matt Prather Jonathan C. Heaton AA William B. Dunn Georgia Delta Joshua A. Langlais PP Richard B. Fentin Georgia Institute of Florida Zeta Brandon Pollett SSS Michael E. Fisher Technology Jacksonville University CA Clyde E. Gibson SSS Jack M. Averett AA Dean M. Brubaker Georgia Alpha CA Robert F. Henry Jr. AA Richard A. Aycock Jr. PP Michael D. Bussey University of Georgia CA Irwin T. Hyatt Jr. PP Michael Balliet PP H. Martin Chomiak CA Richard G. Austin CA Allen N. Jelks CA John L. Barner Jr. PP Scott O. Meredith CA Charles A. Beckum CA J. Sherwood Jones Jr. AA John E. Bauknight III JWL Francis A. Moran SSS Conway C. Broun AA Turner A. McCord Jr. PP Carl M. Baumgardner CA Ronald K. Rogers CA M. Tyus Butler JWL Robert B. Morris AA Edward L. Beard AA Ronald W. Tilton CA Cliff ord S. Campbell Jr. PP Nick J. Pisaris CA William E. Beckham Jr. SSS Charles E. Collins Trevor D. Quinlan CA Mell K. Bell Florida Eta CA R. Carter Crittenden PP Frank M. Ridley III SSS Oscar L. Betts III University of West Florida Walton C. Davis Jr. SSS W. S. Smith Jr. AA J. Richard Cook AA Andy N. Dukes PP Wilmer M. Dickey Jr. AA Harold S. Star III JWL Daniel B. Curtis CA William H. Duckworth Jr. PP Robert D. Strauss Francis S. Dennis III Florida Theta AA John T. Fontaine CA Moody C. Summers Jr. PP Kinloch F. Dunlap University of Tampa AA Daniel M. Fry Jr. JWL Clement E. Sutton Jr. PP Robert H. English AWR R. Kyle Bailey SSS Louis L. Glascock PP Cactus Jack Th omas AA William J. Falconer JWL Larry G. Baratta PP John W. Griffi n RTD Russell D. Th omas CA Bruce A. Fischer SSS Peter M. Giansante CA William R. Harp Seniboye W. Tienabeso PP Timothy S. Floyd Jonathan E. Gormley CA Nathan E. Hill CA Jack Torbett JWL Michael P. Franke SSS Edward B. Hill CA Leon A. Marsha Jr. SSS Dean D. Tunno AA Henry D. Furniss Jr. SSS J. W. Loving Jr. AA Chandler W. McGilvray CA Th omas E. Van Houten Jr. CA Robert W. Goree CA Brian J. Malison SSS John B. Munson AA Robert G. Wellon JWL Frank C. Harrell SSS Shawn Marinello Walter H. New Jr. PP Jeff rey K. Whittle Russel C. Harris Jr. CA James C. McCarthy SSS Owen M. Roberts III CA John B. Wight III CA Roy D. Hiller SSS Scott W. Popham CA H. English Robinson Jr. CA W. Emory Williams PP Eric E. Hogan Jr. SSS Joseph F. Rich AA Francis W. Rushing Jarvis L. Wong AA Stanley N. Holditch RTD William R. Richardson AA William F. Sartain Jr. SSS Th omas W. Wright Jr. AA John C. Holman II PP Jeff rey D. Rubel CA Sidney O. Smith Jr. CA Robert M. Zuker CA J. Terry Honan AWR Fred N. Stribling SSS Gordon T. Strother CA Robert H. Horak JWL Benjamin H. Underwood Georgia Gamma JWL Frederick A. Hoyt Jr. Florida Iota PP John T. Wasdin Mercer University CA Donald M. Kennedy University of Central Florida CA Rentz Woodruff CA M. Felder Barfi eld John K. Kropa Aubrey H. Hunter Jr. PP George R. Boyd Jr. AA Th omas H. Lewis Jr. Matthew D. McCloud Georgia Beta AA Elliott E. Brack AA Charles F. Logan SSS Michael T. Mikovsky Emory University SSS William B. Daniel Jr. JWL Richard H. Maddux SSS John S. Mischuck CA John L. Adams AA Nathan W. Epling AA P. Lee Martin CA Gregory T. Rhodes 20 THE SCROLL BrianB F. Fralick Nevada-RenoN ’97, new member of Trustees’T Roundtable; John Wolfe Lindley AssociationA Gifts by Chapter

Illinois Beta CA Joseph W. Epkins Th is annual report includes 2005 University of Chicago FC Jerry J. Felmley gift s and giving club levels. JWL Charles F. Axelson Jr. AA William D. Gabbard AA Edward S. Chang CA Michael L. Gernant Giving level legends appear on pages 16 & 38. AA David S. Dennis ARP Lawrence W. Gougler CA John M. H. Gregg AWR William B. Grubb Jr. PP James W. McCook III Carl J. Ennen CA Joseph M. Kacena SSS Urban Hipp JWL Joel H. McCormick CA Wray W. Featherstone Jr. CA Paul R. Kaup SSS Robert G. Holmes PP William K. McKibbin AA Laurence D. Jansen SSS John C. Longstreet PP Albert S. Humphrey CA Jean A. Mori AA William R. Kelly AA Christopher W. Markgraf AA Alonzo L. Hunter Nathaniel A. Reddy David J. Leff el CA Frank C. Springer Jr. JWL Andrew J. Hurter II CA George G. Riles PP Patrick W. Muldoon SSS James E. Tlapak AA Mark D. Hurwitz AA Robert W. Saacke AA Ralph D. Myers JWL Jeff rey M. Trinklein CA Robert F. Ingels Jack C. Scarborough AWR Lawrence A. Nye CA Ross B. Whitney Jr. Jon J. Jenkins PP William H. Scarborough AA Arlin L. Olson AA Stuart O. Zimmerman AA Frank W. Jennings III CA David C. Schmidt PP John M. Oswald RTD Richard T. Leighton CA Brandon C. Sharrett PP Robert D. Payne Illinois CA Clark E. Lund RM Cecil J. Silas AWR Jeremiah A. Quane Delta-Zeta JWL David G. McGann CA John E. Smith II JWL Robert G. Syring Knox College CA James F. McTaggart PP Charles A. Smithgall III AA Quinton D. Baily PP James B. Meek CA Bill S. Swilley Illinois Alpha PP Robert D. Baldwin John C. Morscheiser AA Marvin Tabor Jr. Northwestern University AA Leonard F. Berg AA James W. Ostry PP Ralph M. Tanner III JWL Frederick G. Becker AA James L. Bjorkman CA John R. Palm CA William T. Towles AA Jay A. Behrens PP Glenn E. Burgeson SSS Gregg A. Rowe RTD William B. Turner CA William F. Bell AA Ronald K. Carpenter AA Kenneth C. Siegel PP William H. Vernon CA Edward B. Brandon AA DeWitt C. Casey AA Charles H. Smith SSS Bill C. Wainwright III AA Ronald K. Church CA Jeff rey C. Cooper SSS David J. Th ompson CA Jack V. Walz CA Fred Cowley PP Kenneth G. Craig CA L. Emmerson Ward PP Frank B. Williams Jr. PP Richard W. Daspit CA William K. Crawford Jr. AA Charles K. Waters SSS Gardner Wright Jr. CA Richard H. Dean AA Richard J. Dunsing JWL Robert W. Werner JWL Charles R. Yates JWL Edwin C. Gage III AA John E. Fellowes CA Presley D. Yates Jr. William F. Gustafson PP Joseph P. Glimco Jr. Illinois Theta PP George Herrmann III SSS Morton L. Hotchkiss Lake Forest College Georgia Epsilon AA Donald E. LaVigne SSS Richard R. Izzett CA Ronald J. Banas Georgia Southern University CA Donald A. Mallett CA James O. Johnson Jr. CA Th omas G. Bartels AA Lovett Bennett Jr. JWL George G. McDonald AA Allen Mann Jr. PP Norman E. Gardner FC Robert A. Biggs AWR Richard A. McMahon Jr. CA George J. McDowall PP James Hatzis SSS Rahn Hutcheson JWL John A. McQuown PP Philip R. Pearcy CA James L. Kenney AA Joe E. Mathews AA Lee R. Olson CA Michael S. Ruff olo SSS Jeff rey C. Kinney PP Michael R. Sanders SSS Gregg S. K. Orwoll AA Murray S. Smith Jr. CA David P. McElvain SSS John N. Sapp JWL John W. Popp PP S. Scott Smith AA William R. Rediske CA Francis C. Purtell CA Hugh A. Strickland Georgia Zeta JWL R. Fenn Putman AA Vernon C. Th omson Jr. Illinois Iota Georgia College PP Roger A. Ragland JWL James M. Trapp Eastern Illinois University SSS John C. Barnes Jr. CA John G. Reinke Jr. SSS Gary D. Ballinger II William R. Bowden SSS Charles L. Rogers Illinois Eta James F. Spinner CA Scott M. Clemens SSS Robert D. Rogers University of Illinois SSS Jeff rey T. Ferguson CA Ralph W. Rydholm AA Bruce A. Anderson Indiana Alpha AA J. Scott Lynn AA William S. Sawle John C. Andrle Indiana University AA Robert A. Nelson CA J. MacAlpine Smith CA Paul D. Bauer SSS Richard C. Andres PP Philip J. Stein CA John E. Stoneman JWL Steven R. Camferdam SSS Jon R. Bausback SSS William P. Sund PP Scott W. Cleave Jr. Jack C. Brown Idaho Alpha CA John G. Waterbury William G. Dady CA Kenneth S. Brown University of Idaho PP John W. Wise AA Lyle M. Dahlenburg II AA Garth J. Conley Jr. Jeff rey W. Brooks JWL Stephen J. Youlios AA Walter M. Downs CA W. Scott Cozad AA David L. Christensen AA David S. Druz PP Jeff ery W. Ehringer AA Robert E. Clyde CA George H. Dunn SSS Martin R. Finley

THE SCROLL 21 ArchA B. Gilbert OklahomaO ’55, new member of Trustees’ Roundtable;R Council Association Gifts by Chapter

Jacque E. Foust PP James C. Mallers CA Robert L. Burkart SSS Val Price Jr. SSS Sven C. Gartner CA C. Th omas McClintic CA William G. Combs PP Th omas A. Rohm SSS David J. Gruesser CA William S. Mortimer PP Burk C. Fleming SSS Heath C. Steele CA Jack A. Kenworthy CA W. S. Perry Michael R. Fox PP Gerald L. Ward CA Joseph E. Kenworthy II PP James R. Phillippe II Bryan J. Gabriel PP William F. Laut JWL James H. Ringer SSS Garth P. Goodlett Indiana Eta David A. Malson AA Philip J. Ruedig AA Th omas M. Jamison Indiana State University PP Jeff rey E. McClellan AA Jay S. Ruklic SSS Andrew J. Jankowski PP Kenneth A. Amos PP John D. Newhouse SSS John M. Schoonveld PP Edward H. Jeff ery SSS W. Tom Averitt PP W. Cromwell Palmer III AA Richard H. Schroeder AA Richard E. Kessler CA Ned H. Bade Richard G. Pfl anzer William R. Sennhauser AA Terryl R. Kron SSS Gary B. Boggs SSS Edward A. Reser PP Robert A. Senour SSS David E. Lawson AA Ron Culp PP Mark E. Rhodes CA Lonnie D. Showley PP James E. Massman SSS Gerry A. Dick Philip N. Rickert Jeff ery M. Stewart AA Charles A. McCorkle PP Kenneth E. Felt CA J. M. Schwentker Jr. PP Robert H. Strickland SSS James H. McCracken AA Anthony S. Freeman CA Anton P. Sohn CA Charles W. Th ompson PP Charles E. Montgomery PP R. Andrew Harper AA Frederick T. Spahr CA Don A. Th ompson JWL Gary B. Montgomery CA Samuel Hawkins CA Craig H. Stinebaugh SSS John T. Underhill PP Dwight E. Nelson SSS Robert H. Jones PP Joe A. Swope Jr. PP Stephen E. Wheeler SSS Robert W. Newman Jr. AA Raymond L. Kennedy AA Richard D. Voreis PP Kenneth R. Woolling SSS Brian James Rappe Ryan S. Manley AA Myron D. Richman JWL Carl B. Melby Indiana Beta Indiana Delta Michael P. Ripley SSS Robert E. Mulberry Wabash College Franklin College AA Michael S. Searcy Ryan W. Odle AA James K. Craft AA Robert Winters Ater SSS Th omas A. Shroyer PP Darren K. Peck SSS James M. Dill PP Lyman L. Benner Jr. CA John M. Srofe PP Kevin L. Schuessler CA Michael L. Eckerle AA Th omas L. Cook SSS August J. Sturm PP Walter K. Smith PP Stephen A. Ellis CA Richard A. Cox PP James R. Terhune AA Louis J. Fenoglio CA Forest D. Daugherty JWL Daniel M. Vaughan Indiana Theta Larry K. Hutchison AA Gordon V. Daugherty AA David N. Walters Purdue University JWL Earl L. Johnson Jr. PP John F. Davis JWL Edward G. Whipple Neil A. Armstrong AA James D. McKinley SSS Robert A. DeVoss AA Dennis A. Wilson Jr. SSS Jack M. Arnot PP Jay F. Moore PP Michael J. Fiorini CA William G. Baker AA Melvin J. Pulver PP Alvin G. Fisher Jr. Indiana Zeta CA Gary R. Batesole Joseph R. Seger CA Morris E. Foist DePauw University PP Mark C. Beatty AA Daniel F. Susie PP Robert I. Foist CA Frank B. Adney Jr. CA Larry L. Bennison CA Douglas D. Fulmer David J. Benson CA William T. Bourke Indiana Gamma JWL Robert J. Guerine AA Barry L. Boehm Robert L. Bowen Butler University CA Dennis D. Hicks AA Jonathan C. Calabrese CA Robert K. Butterfi eld PP Henry W. Abts Adam C. Isenburg Paul G. Crommelin Jr. CA J. Allan Campbell SSS Joseph A. Bari SSS Lawrence R. Kellogg SSS Robert L. Duncan SSS Keith A. Carlson Jesse C. Blackwell PP Jeff rey L. Kent CA Lawrence S. Dunham PP William H. Cassady Jr. CA John D. Cooke PP George E. Klinger AA John E. Edwards CA Jerald V. Dunlap SSS Wallace L. Cox PP Foster T. McCarty III AA Th omas C. Gibson PP Philip D. Edwards PP Stanley M. Cuppy AA Harold Mulholland PP Stephen W. Hadley SSS Joseph W. Elliott AA John E. Duffi n PP Richard D. Norman SSS Richard T. Hagerup AA Richard L. Freer SSS Dan W. Englehardt AA Paul M. Patmore Kyle A. Hawkins SSS Jacque G. Gaffi gan SSS Richard A. Florence SSS Herbert A. Pigman AA Donald G. Heatherly CA James A. Gage SSS Andrew Th omas Golomb PP L. Michael Ream PP Edward R. Hjorth CA A. John Geis CA R. Danner Graves Th omas M. Scheumann JWL Christopher L. Johnston AWR Gordon M. Graham CA David F. Hamp Douglas B. West AA Keith Kenter PP Scott J. Hinsch AA John W. Hauer CA Richard B. Kotila PP Gordon A. Hobbs CA Mark M. Holeman Indiana Epsilon CA Elroy F. Langill CA Robert L. Holloway SSS Charles B. Howard PP Dexter M. Means SSS Keith R. Huehls AA Merritt M. Jaggar PP Charles W. Barnett PP James R. Means JWL Jay V. Ihlenfeld PP Steven H. Johnson SSS C. W. Bechman AA Douglas E. Milliken CA Douglas A. Joyce PP Richard E. Lohss CA John F. Bruder JWL Mark Z. Orr CA Mark W. Kappes AWR Frederic B. Lowrie Jr. PP George D. Brutcher JWL William R. Powell AA Daniel E. Keyler

22 THE SCROLL DavidD A. Green WidenerW ’91, new member of Trustees’ Roundtable;R Council Association Gifts by Chapter

Jeff rey D. Hemminger CA Harold E. Th eile Th is annual report includes 2005 SSS T. A. Hicklin SSS John R. Th eile gift s and giving club levels. AA Carl P. Hirschman PP Hayne A. Th ompson Jr. SSS John W. Josse JWL James C. Tilden Giving level legends appear on pages 16 & 38. PP C. Robert Kincaid PP John A. Vanden Brink CA John E. McTavish CA Gerald L. Walker SSS Richard T. Korteling AA Matthew W. Tucco AA James J. Michel PP J. Alec Wilder PP Donald R. Kussmaul AA John L. Velasquez PP Paul A. Parker Jr. PP Robert G. Wilson PP Ralph O. Lafuze AA Donald F. Pavlick CA Russell E. Winn PP James R. Love Indiana CA Charles L. Silliman PP Roger H. Wold CA Stephen W. Marmon Lambda AA Jack V. Synhorst Peter N. Wolf AA Edward E. McCallum University of Southern CA Robert F. Weis AA John M. McLellan Indiana AA Walter J. Willett Iowa Delta AA Stephen J. Melonides R. Matthew Anderson Drake University SSS Hugh B. Mickel Major D. Howe Iowa Gamma AA Christopher M. Abelt Ryan M. Moline Alexius R. Howell Iowa State University Scott R. Carlson CA Edward J. Mooney Jr. CA Morris D. Stephens II PP Joseph M. Affl erbaugh AWR Mark A. Dagitz Terry L. Moore SSS Nathanael A. Willis PP Tyson E. Aper PP Stephen W. Dawson PP Th omas P. Moore SSS William H. Attebury PP K. Richard Fiala Jr. AA William I. Ney Iowa Alpha PP Allen N. Bolte SSS Stephen C. Foster III CA John R. Patterson Jr. Iowa Wesleyan College PP Rex V. Bradley AA David G. Higgins CA Ronald C. Pierce AA William P. Aldridge AA Timothy A. Brainerd Marvin W. Hildreth PP James F. Ries PP Arvid H. Anderson Wayne Brown PP John F. Kelly Forrest A. Ritz II PP David L. Beer PP Bruce E. Byers AA Stephen G. Krochmal Jr. SSS G. Michael Sears Robert W. Callis SSS George R. Colthurst SSS Everett L. Lindgren Robert M. Smitson CA Alden L. Doud CA Gordon O. Dalsbo CA Rod A. Patterson CA Wesley H. Sowers CA Nairn B. Farnsworth SSS John C. Doolittle JWL Gary L. Rudin JWL Robert B. Taylor PP A. Kenneth Fry CA Harold W. Dotts Jr. AA Ryan C. Rusin AA Philip F. Trego Bruce E. Gingerich CA Jeff rey N. Downing CA I. Lee Schneider Jr. JWL James T. Whitehead Juan C. Izaguirre PP Bernard A. Everett CA Frederic N. Scripps CA J. Paul Williamson AA Don F. Lauer PP William R. Farr PP Brent W. Seiler CA Jeff rey S. Wohlford SSS Wilfredo Leza AA Stanley G. Frahm PP Stephen D. Turner JWL J. Richard Zapapas SSS Harold S. Livix AA John R. Furman PP David S. Ziegler CA Peter B. Mann AA Steven J. Good Indiana Iota JWL Charles R. McCuen PP Richard S. Hayes Kansas Alpha Valparaiso University James L. Melby PP Gilbert B. Hennenfent University of Kansas CA David W. Gitch AA Frederick W. Miller PP Gregg C. Hiatt CA Curtis H. Alloway AA Anthony J. Guetersloh CA Clarence D. Patterson AA Joseph B. Hill PP Bradley K. Anderson SSS J. David Hershfeld AA Th omas J. Peters RTD William R. Jackson Jr. PP Tom S. Anderson CA Robert B. Schuemann CA Harold E. Rose CA John R. Jamison JWL Frank J. Becker CA Harold K. Ulreich PP Allen R. Scott PP Steven N. Jensen Charles D. Bengtson PP Robert D. Spina PP Lawrence H. Jones JWL James A. Billings Indiana Kappa PP Merle C. Unkrich Daniel J. Jorgensen CA William W. Brown Ball State University SSS Michael J. Van Hamme SSS Gregory A. Libby CA David V. Burgett Denver H. Alexander AA Robert Wustrow ARP John G. Lingenfelter Greyson A. Clymer Jason T. Dillon JWL Marc S. Mores JWL Mack V. Colt SSS Dale E. Ernstes Iowa Beta PP Bradley H. Nelson AWR Allen T. Compton Andrew J. Gilmore University of Iowa CA Joseph C. Picken Jr. FC Th ornton Cooke II PP Richard P. Graves PP John H. Bradke CA James M. Pries PP Jerry E. Driscoll PP Th omas D. Harding PP Harlan W. Broberg CA Ronald G. Saff er JWL Charles W. Elliott Timothy A. Jorczak SSS Robert E. Buising Jr. PP George H. Schaller SSS Kent L. Floerke SSS Paul R. Kiger II CA Benjamin A. Corey JWL John B. Slater PP William J. French III CA Th omas J. Lazzara SSS John E. Diehl PP John R. Smith SSS William L. Gochis AA Harry F. McKillip CA James S. DuBois AA Robert R. Smith PP Dean W. Graves PP Raymond J. Ohlson AA James L. Falk JWL Raymond H. Steben Jr. AA Delmont C. Hadley Gary L. Rice PP Robert G. Fletcher CA Joseph S. Stoddard ARP Jordan L. Haines CA Patrick J. Roberts James C. Green PP Brian W. Sugden PP Steven A. Houlik

THE SCROLL 23 DennisD W. Harrington SouthS Carolina ’67, new Living Bond SocietyS member; Andrew Watts Rogers AssociationA Gifts by Chapter

CA Harry J. Jett PP Ralph D. Tennal PP Bryan W. Johnson SSS Justin W. Walker Th is annual report includes 2005 PP Ronald F. Jones PP J. John Wortman gift s and giving club levels. CA Harry E. Jordan Jr. AA James D. Wright CA Lynn H. Kindred PP Keith E. Zarker Giving level legends appear on pages 16 & 38. FC Harold W. Knapheide III PP Kenneth R. Kubitschek Kansas Gamma SSS Jerry L. McGinty JWL Anthony H. Ambrose AA Willard R. Lynch Kansas State University CA Darrell W. Moore John J. Balbach Jr. AA Th omas J. Manning PP R. Kent Adams AA Brenton D. Myers CA Jeff erson D. Brother Jr. SSS Gerald A. Mays Jr. PP Jon R. Barbee SSS Michael G. Schutte FC H. Frank Burkholder Jr. PP Allison C. McClure James L. Barrick IV SSS C. Brent Shumard Luther B. Caldwell Jr. Michael E. McGrade AA Richard E. Boyce Nathan C. TenClay Bruce J. Campbell Jr. CA Leslie G. McLaughlin PP Richard A. Brantingham Kris Alan Wessel JWL Cornelius D. Dosker III PP Mark M. McLiney CA William R. Bryson JWL Christopher Georgehead PP Th omas A. Miller AA Clark D. Danner Kansas Epsilon SSS John H. Harralson Brandon R. Myers SSS Richard J. Dickerson Emporia State University PP Harold N. Hicks Jr. PP Don B. Pfutzenreuter SSS Th omas J. Doran Matthew Lee Bricker Ernest B. Hillenmeyer Jr. AA John D. Ramsey Douglas A. Erickson Jeff ery J. Buehler AA Winthrop H. Hopson AA William T. Read Jr. PP Mark A. Galyardt Ryan D. Farley SSS Robert Z. Joseph ARP A. Scott Ritchie SSS Fred A. Garrett Christopher A. Franks SSS C. B. Nelson JWL A. Scott Ritchie III CA Larry E. Heasty Ryan Grinter AA Clark K. Orttenburger CA John W. Sayler Jr. PP H. Douglas Jones Shane P. Heiman CA William C. Penick CA James D. Snyder Michael J. Kelly PP Douglas A. Lees CA George D. Robinson PP Paul S. Staats Matthew D. Lindstaedt PP Robert T. Shadoin Th omas P. Smith PP Lawrence B. Th omas Kevin M. Macfee AA Harold E. Shigley Jr. Michael H. Stamper CA James M. Tinklepaugh SSS Th omas R. McIntire Mitchell J. Spencer AA Robert L. Steineker RTD Th omas W. Van Dyke Jason D. Miller CA Hugh M. Walker Jr. SSS Gary E. Nelson Kansas Zeta SSS Luke A. Williams Kansas Beta JWL Lowell D. New Southwestern College Washburn University AA Charles P. Olomon Jr. Brian G. Nickerson Kentucky Zeta CA John D. Armstrong II CA George A. O’Neal Jacob L. Tuttle Kentucky Wesleyan College Robert E. Bauer PP Donald C. Phinney AA Ulysses W. Wright PP James M. Raine III AA Terry E. Beck JWL Marc R. Ramsdale SSS Richard P. Th ompson AA J. Patrick Birkbeck Anthony C. Savastano Kansas Eta PP Donald A. Bobo AA Brian P. Shepard Kansas State University- Kentucky Eta RTD Steven A. Brown Chris A. Stackley Salina Western Kentucky University JWL Robert L. Chesnut James L. Stone Jason L. Braun CA Phillip W. Barnhouse Jr. JWL James G. Clarke CA John H. Sudduth Steven R. Goodman CA William R. Bartlett II PP Richard E. Davis AWR Christopher Williams Laurence J. Schreiber SSS Joe D. Beavers PP Ronald K. Ford AA Stanley E. Wingate SSS Bruce L. Bennett CA E. Charles Hageman VII SSS Harold D. Woodward Kentucky SSS Jeff rey L. Carver PP John M. Hart SSS Phil R. Worley Alpha-Delta Glenn David Fedor Jr. CA Christopher R. Hill Centre College Daniel Martin Gammon PP William L. Holloman Kansas Delta Ryan T. Blake CA Timothy S. Gilbert JWL Onis L. Lemon Wichita State University PP Henry H. Dickinson AA Andrew F. Janos III SSS Jan W. Leuenberger AWR James C. Allen SSS William C. Garriott Jr. AA Frank N. McElroy Marc Arthur Limon CA Kenneth C. Alley Richard S. Raymond PP Albert W. Norris SSS Paul J. Lovewell JWL Mark H. Armfi eld CA Joseph R. Rimstidt AWR Charles L. Pride PP George H. Mikesich JWL Stephen L. Clark PP Harold H. Smith PP W. Richard Young JWL Joseph W. Morris SSS Nicholas R. Cordt AA Mark G. Smith SSS Michael G. Zimmer AA Frank P. Pollner AA Ty M. Coup AA Charles W. Stewart Philip K. Sanders AA Norman E. Downing SSS Louis R. Straub Kentucky AA Th eron L. Sims CA Kevin R. Dreiling CA Robert H. Walkup Jr. Theta PP John L. Smith SSS Jerry R. Fink Eastern Kentucky University CA Bobby W. Storey AA Lonnie W. Glen III Kentucky PP Timothy L. Brown PP Damian L. Strohmeyer CA Paul E. Hampel Epsilon CA Bill J. Covington RTD Robert C. Taggart PP David W. Lee University of Kentucky JWL Logan K. Cox

24 THE SCROLL EdwardE C. Huffman NorthN Carolina ’39, new member of Trustees’ Roundtable;R John Wolfe Lindley Association Gifts by Chapter

SSS Matthew E. Davies Arthur J. Berens AA William E. Davis PP James E. Berg Did You Know ? PP Bruce L. Dickey AA Richard E. Birkmeyer JWL Ernest M. House JWL T. Marshall Brandt WilliamW F. Poe PP Richard C. Johnston SSS Jason T. Brant FloridaF ’53, current Foundation Trustee; CA Robert D. Kelly CA David K. Brobst fi rst year Gold Medallion Trustees’ SSS J. Todd Mason PP Gaylord Brooks RoundtableR level; Paul C. Beam AssociationA SSS Richard M. Moore JMW Robert B. Burns Joshua J. Murtaugh AWR Alfred J. Clark AWR Mark H. Ochsenbein AA John P. Corderman SSS Michael J. Pewther CA Harold C. Curtis Jr. AA Todd M. Yates SSS W. H. Dickson The Foundation received PP P. Douglas Dollenberg Louisiana Alpha SSS David R. Drager Jr. 6,367gifts from 3,944 donors Tulane University SSS Robert M. Dudley CA James C. Crosland PP Val D. Dulay that totaled $1,299,267.21. PP Charles E. Felger PP Th omas D. Fox PP M. Wayne McVadon AA Walter M. Gotsch Henry K. Miller CA Dean H. Griffi n PP Robert A. Murphy Jr. CA John J. Hannigan III PP Ronald C. Smith PP Donald R. Hardesty The average gift to the PP Lowell Westerman AA Th omas T. Hare CA Rickey A. Harvey Foundation in 2005 was Louisiana Beta SSS Stephen S. Hiltabidle Louisiana State University SSS Monte D. Hinkle $204.06. PP Jan Barlow Jr. PP Richard P. Horner SSS William S. Burns Jr. PP Preston E. Insley SSS William G. Clark SSS John E. Jacob Jr. CA Th orn C. Huff man PP Ray R. Kazmierski SSS Kirk G. Jones SSS John C. King SSS William L. Shea Jr. Maryland AA Huie A. Miller CA J. Paul Lawson AWR Joe Shearer Gamma AA R. James Montgomery SSS Stephen S. Leslie PP Paul M. Sibalik Washington College PP David F. Sellen SSS Richard D. Lodge AA Guy W. Silas PP Garry E. Clarke AA Steven J. Lombardo SSS Matthew B. Smith AA Brendan J. Cunningham Louisiana SSS Adam W. Luecking JWL Robert W. Smith CA Christopher J. Evans Gamma Roger W. MacWilliams PP Robert A. Suchy Frank E. Hudson III University of Louisiana- AA Phillip A. Minnick AA J. E. Swanson John E. Kelly Lafayette PP Joseph E. Moore PP John P. Th omas, Jr. PP Mark A. Bickham CA Th omas C. Morrison AA Frederick G. Thompson Jr. Massachusetts PP Richard F. Mortimer PP Joseph B. Townsend Jr. Alpha Maine Alpha RM Marvin J. Perry SSS Th omas H. Tucker Williams College Colby College JWL H. Russell Potts Jr. FC Michael B. Twigg PP H. Mercer Blanchard SSS Dwight L. Parsons II PP Richard M. Powell CA Christopher W. Washburn SSS Arthur A. Richmond III CA Robert E. Sanson PP Richard C. Reeser AA Robert J. Wilbert SSS Richard L. Seavey PP John G. Richardson Jr. Massachusetts AA Paul K. Richardson Maryland Beta Beta Manitoba Alpha PP Jeff rey A. Rivest McDaniel College Amherst College University of Manitoba James A. Roberts PP Robert C. Andrews JWL James W. Endriss RJM F. Ross Johnson PP R. Kevin Roberts AA William S. Kaplan PP George R. Jonelunas CA Jeremy Sibley SSS Robert C. Roberts AA Michael J. Lambert AA Harold S. Salzman SSS William S. Story CA Joseph W. Rogers Jr. PP William M. McCormick CA Sam H. Rogers Jr. PP Leon D. Salzman Massachusetts Maryland Alpha PP William L. Ruppersberger Robert J. Seabeck Gamma University of Maryland SSS Michael J. Savani SSS Wayne M. Winterling Massachusetts Institute of CA Christopher R. Aceto SSS Nicholas J. Schaus Technology CA William R. Ascherfeld PP William C. Schenke JWL Paul A. Erskine JWL Brian H. Bailey CA Robert E. Scott Jr. PP John H. Gusmer

THE SCROLL 25 MichaelM S. Hyatt OklahomaO State ’66, new member ofo Trustees’ Roundtable; Council AssociationA Gifts by Chapter

PP Albert M. Harlow Jr. CA Earl G. Keim SSS Gary C. Joy Brent R. Hudson CA John H. Howell PP Peter C. Kinyon SSS Joel A. Kelly JWL Gary L. Hugeback JWL L. Robert Johnson Joseph E. Kraus AA Todd J. Kingsbury PP A. Douglas Larson JWL William R. Kampe II SSS John H. Kunkle Jr. PP Carl R. Kipp Andres G. Marin CA Breene M. Kerr CA Banning G. Lary Eric L. Knapp Jordan M. Moore SSS Albert P. Kriek AA Marc D. Latman PP Th omas P. Mathues CA Daniel L. Mundahl PP W. S. Latimer Gregory William Lavigne AA Louis M. Millon CA Loras J. Neuroth SSS Jose E. Lopez Jr. PCB Frederick L. Leydorf JWL David G. Owens SSS Ryan G. Osborn SSS Mani S. Mahjouri SSS William J. Libby Jr. AA Donn D. Patterson PP Jay L. Peterson AA John V. Maxham AA John D. Lobb Jr. Brian A. Pfaehler CA Randall A. Reichert AA George W. Meckert Jr. CA Nathaniel J. Love Leonard Raminski Jr. RTD Frederick B. Schultz AA Joseph M. Morgan SSS Terry N. Nulf CA Robert F. Rudary PP Aves D. Th ompson AA Andrew M. Nisbet PP Bruce B. Purdy AWR Michael G. Scarlatelli PP J. D. Rogers PP John K. Stuart Jr. PP Todd A. Seiff erth Mississippi Alpha PP Charles D. Seniawski PP Daniel L. Tinkham PP Bruce E. Sing University of Mississippi JWL Douglas C. Spreng PP Joseph M. Valerio Jr. PP John Sosnowchik Jr. PP William H. Austin Jr. CA Robert M. O. Sutton Sr. CA Th omas R. Walsh CA William H. Underwood III PP Th omas S. Bass SSS Matthew P. Van Horne CA William D. Waterston CA Daniel L. Veres AWR David E. Brevard PP Ralph E. Williams III William T. Woodell PP Robert L. Walker CA Ernest A. Buford Jr. Drew P. Woodbury SSS Bruce C. Young CA Robert Burns Jr. PP Stanley A. Wulf AA Richard W. Young Michigan AA Robert D. Carney Epsilon PP Robert E. Crowe Massachusetts Michigan Beta Northwood University PP Warner S. Currie Delta Michigan State University Gregory M. Adamczyk CA Paul B. Eason Bentley College AA Ned S. Bearden CA Raymond D. Andrews III PCB Th omas C. Farnsworth Jr. PP Mark A. Rydzy SSS David J. Bricker SSS Travis M. Hartinger AA Samuel E. Field Jr. AA Damien M. Stile AA Kingsley M. Brown III Bradley L. Metzger CA Kenneth C. Foose AA Lawrence D. Burgund AA Gary L. Pareyt Henry A. Frazer Massachusetts CA George G. Gargett Grant A. VanSteenwyk PP John L. Grantham Epsilon Colony AA James M. Gibbons Frank J. Gusmus III Boston University CA Timothy P. Hicks Minnesota Alpha PP Robert P. Hughes Jr. Adam S. Kamhi CA Donald C. Johnson University of Minnesota SSS Robert B. Jordan CA Th omas L. Kirkpatrick Douglas W. Armantrout AA Robert S. Lapeyre Michigan Alpha PP Charles C. Krueger Jr. AA Denis O. Bakke AA Andrew L. Laws University of Michigan CA Richard T. Lewis James R. Bandelin CA Fred W. Lentjes AA Michael S. Adams Jere M. L’Heureux CA Louis S. Binder Ernest B. Lipscomb III CA Edward K. Aldworth AA David E. Lukens PP John L. Fesler AA Paul W. Lockett Jacob P. Bach Donald P. McCanless AA Gerald N. Furseth FC Robert B. Nance III AA James A. Baird Jr. SSS Joseph V. McCutchan CA William J. Gremp RTD Edward P. Peacock III PP Duane C. Bollert Michael E. Meyer AWR Kenneth W. Jacobson PP Marshall C. Ramsey Jr. CA M. Bliss Bowman CA Matthew W. Mills AWR Miles F. Kanne SSS James S. Reckling CA James R. Browne JWL Richard J. Shaw PP Lucius B. Lackore SSS Patrick H. Scanlon Jr. SSS Albert L. Catallo CA Charles A. Stoll JWL Duane A. Rasmussen AA William H. Sewell PP Mark P. Daiber PP Ed L. Williams Jr. PP Gordon L. Soltau CA Tilden M. Shanahan AA Peter C. Dendrinos AA Roland S. Young PP James S. Stubbs AA Yandell F. Shipley SSS Charles W. Fowler JWL Lowell T. Swenson CA John W. Stitt II PP Curtis J. Gano Michigan Delta JWL Robert D. Watson SSS William E. Stitt AA Philip A. Grashoff Kettering University PP Richard F. Zejdlik SSS Claude J. Woodward CA David O. Harbert Richard C. Bolczak CA Herbert F. Harrington Jr. CA Ronald F. Buck Minnesota Beta Mississippi Beta PP Henry C. Heil Jr. PP Frank J. Chunderlik Minnesota State University Mississippi State University CA David E. Hershey AWR Russell G. Gillard - Mankato AA William L. McInnis III JWL Mark S. Hopkins JWL Eric L. Grubb PP Jeff rey A. Bertelson SSS Herald H. Hughes Jr. Darien P. Hobbs AA James L. Brockberg Missouri Alpha FC Richard N. Hurd AA Jack L. Howe III AA Terry M. Davis University of Missouri Evan S. Isaacs PP Kevin A. Hyde PP John A. Dickerman PP James K. Akard SSS Robert H. Johns PP David A. Jedrzejczak Adam J. Hastings PP Tyler P. Alcorn Douglas A. Bambini 26 THE SCROLL MorelandM R. Irby RichmondR ’43, new Living Bond Society member;m Arthur R. Priest Association Gifts by Chapter

Missouri Gamma Missouri Zeta Th is annual report includes 2005 Washington University - Southeast Missouri State gift s and giving club levels. St. Louis University AA Herbert W. Booth Jr. AA Kurtis J. Clasby Giving level legends appear on pages 16 & 38. SSS William A. Bushdiecker PP John M. Cusick CA Jules D. Campbell Jr. JWL Jeff rey N. Davis William L. Bickley SSS Carl W. Wardenburg SSS James J. Crisanti PP John F. Friedel CA William D. Bird Jr. SSS Alan K. Webb CA John G. D. Dubuque SSS Th omas M. Herweck PP Robert W. Bitter PP Edwin J. Werner CA Tyrrell B. Eichler Jr. Daniel C. Raeber PP Gregory W. Boehne CA George H. Wood, Jr. AA Joseph P. Funk JWL Nathan P. Th omas SSS Th omas S. Byrd CA William H. Woodson PP William A. Grattendick SSS Edward J. Valek PP Gerald C. Case PP Jesse H. Wright PP Hord Hardin II PP Roy T. Van Brunt AA Gregory T. Clouse Robert R. Jones Joshua M. Weber PP Robert E. Dallmeyer Jr. Missouri Beta CA Louis Kilo PP Frank X. Dwyer Westminster College PP Donald C. Kirkpatrick Missouri Eta JWL Edward B. Eff rein AA F. Burck Bailey ARP David D. Lynch Jr. Missouri Western State PP Conrad C. Franey CA James K. Baker CA William B. Mill, Jr. College CA Lawrence R. Furrer AA Charles A. Barber III AA James L. Murdock Lutfee S. Atieh PP Robert P. Gondring PP John W. Barber SSS Samuel C. Oliver Jason P. Burstert PP Jeff rey N. Gutknecht PP Horace B. Barks CA Edson M. Outwin PP Christopher J. Craig Christopher C. Hackman SSS Jack E. Barnes AA Arthur W. Ronat Kellen D. Hatcher CA Geoff rey H. Halliday AA Daniel W. Beck Patrick J. Ryan Essa P. Khalil AWR John W. Hammond JWL Edward G. Behrens CA Don M. Schlueter SSS Jeff rey S. Moreno PP Robert H. Haubein Jr. Andrew W. Bradfi eld AR John F. Schmidt Phillip M. Sanders JWL Th omas R. Hayward PP Robert N. Brell Jerry D. Shepard AA Scott S. Widener CA Michael L. Holling PP V. Carter Broach Jr. CA Joseph C. Waldner PP Richard L. Horn JWL Richmond J. Brownson JWL William D. Waller Jr. Missouri Theta AA Alan E. Huffi ne PP Wallace M. Burger PP John S. Weyforth Northwest Missouri State PP Arthur G. Johnson CA Donald S. Buzard JWL Grant C. Woodard University PP John S. Kirby Moses E. Clapp David J. Eisenmenger Timothy W. Lanter JWL Edward H. Clayton Jr. Missouri Delta Samuel T. Hucke IV CA Sidney S. Lindley SSS Brian C. Dierberg Saint Louis University Matthew R. Moon JWL M. Bruce McClelland FC Arthur F. Hoge III Timothy S. Barrett CA John R. McGuire AA James B. Humphreys SSS Michael L. D’Addabbo Montana Alpha PP Charles D. Medelberg PP Perry Ives Mark A. Ebert University of Montana SSS Lynn Miller PP Robert D. Johnson PP Gary M. Gaertner Jr. John G. Bansch JWL Allen Moore III CA Edward S. Lewis AA Stephen J. Martin PP Joseph W. Clemow SSS Jack W. Moreland PP Warren M. Lonergan SSS Th omas M. Rogers PP Douglas C. DeAndre JWL Richard R. Nelson SSS Laurence W. Lucas Jr. SSS Alexander C. Ducich CA James B. Nutter Robert R. Lyle Missouri SSS William E. Houtonen AA William T. Nye CA Robert S. Maack Epsilon JWL Raymond B. Hunkins SSS Robert E. Power AA Richard W. Metz Missouri State University SSS Trevor L. Johnson CA William W. Regan SSS Robert H. Miller PP John A. Bogler Brandon Meyers SSS Ernest S. Robson Jr. SSS James W. Moore PP James M. Brandenburg PP Charles B. Nesbit PP Paul A. Schumacher JWL Robert C. Morrison SSS Matthew C. Chambers JWL Gib S. Nichols PP James M. Senter Jr. SSS Michael S. Peters SSS Jason M. Crockett AA Ernest W. Parker Jr. JWL Raymond D. Sewell SSS Stanley K. Rogers AA John Gerald Gillardi SSS Slaed B. Spiller JWL John H. Shackelford PP Enslie I. Schilb SSS Aaron A. Habben SSS Phillip L. Todd JWL Gilbert R. Shanley Jr. PP Harry G. Sharp III CA Jacob C. Heuser CA Frank B. Shelden SSS Dean R. Sippel Justin K. Jenkins Montana Beta PCB Russell D. Shelden Russell B. Stephens SSS Christopher D. Jones Montana State University CA Byron Spencer Jr. CA David M. Vaughan CA Joseph S. Passanise SSS Bruce W. Fisher CA Richard H. Spencer PP Harvey G. Weber Brett T. Pu AA Donald L. Spicer PP Justin A. Williamson III SSS Matthew S. Smith Nebraska Alpha RM Ralph O. Taylor Jr. CA Edgar B. Woodward PP C. Travis Webb University of Nebraska - SSS Zachary J. Th ompson Lincoln CA George P. Vogt CA Edmund C. Buch

THE SCROLL 27 F.F Ross Johnson ManitobaM ’52, former Foundation Trustee;T member of Trustees’ Roundtable;R Robert J. Miller Association Gifts by Chapter

Richard W. Chapin Nevada Beta PP Sylvester G. Chumley AA Phillip C. Collins PP James R. Coe University of Nevada - PP F. P. Pete Clements PP Michael J. Cuccurullo AA David L. Eberhart Las Vegas AA Th omas D. Coughlen AA Glenn P. Davis CA John A. Elliott CA Brian J. Amend AA Richard W. Czeiner Timothy A. Dressel Dan O. Farrington SSS John G. Church Jr. Chris Dahrling CA Douglas A. Hayward Michael P. Graff PP Anthony M. Deering CA J. K. Davis SSS Michael H. Horner Jeremy R. Grzywa SSS William E. Drebes Jr. PP James M. Dines RTD Wendel F. Kent AA James L. Harpstreith AA Sheridan M. Green AA Richard H. Dorn Patrick J. Kervin CA James L. Horner SSS Nick A. Heeg PP Robert T. Duff y PP E. Ronald Milner AA Luther P. Johnson Ryan J. Kelsheimer SSS C. S. Dunlap CA Ralph B. Moore Jr. AA Jaret E. Jones PP Brady T. Knapp AA Richard G. Ealy JWL Robert L. Nugent SSS Lane B. Kent SSS Andre M. Lagomarsino JWL Joseph Edward AA Sheldon J. Raiter AA Michael D. Lee AA Jeff rey B. Long JWL Robert C. Evans Peter J. Sepp Jr. SSS Donald L. Pakieser SSS Jonathan L. Marshall PP Douglas G. Gatchell AA Walter R. Taber Jr. SSS P. Th omas Pratt, Jr. CA Eric D. McLeod AWR William D. Grasse PP Richard L. Veith PP Del W. Ryder PP Jeff rey B. Rizzo JWL Donald Miller Halsey John E. Wilson Jr. SSS Bradley R. Shafer PP Robert C. Snyder SSS Charles E. Hancock SSS Chapman Young III Richard C. Strand PP Ryland G. Whitaker CA Kenneth D. Hansen FC James Stuart SSS John W. Harris New York Beta RJM Joseph D. Williams New Hampshire CA William S. Hays Union College SSS Charles S. Wilson Alpha SSS Ronald P. Heggem AA Gordon K. Garlick Keith A. Wysocki Dartmouth College CA John H. Holroyd SSS Justin John Haviland R. V. Dickerman SSS Robert C. Howard PP Richard W. Lent Nebraska Beta CA Neil E. Disque SSS Brant C. Jones AA Albert V. Nahmias University of Nebraska - PP Philip L. Kleinschmidt CA John L. Jones PP Derrick A. Sherman Kearney PP David W. Little JWL Jason C. Julian PP Donald C. Warner AA Douglas M. Demmel CA James W. Mytton PP R. F. Kleinschmidt Jr. AA Gates H. Whitaker CA Jeff rey A. Dillon CA William W. Pulley CA John G. Kuhn Michael E. York SSS George C. Grogan AA Roger H. Th iele AA Scott Leiter AA John R. Jatczak CA Stephen L. McKnight New York CA Scott A. Kiburz New Hampshire AA Kennedy W. Merritt Epsilon CA Bruce A. Rippen Beta CA Jerry A. Miller Syracuse University Southern New Hampshire JMW Robert J. Miller CA Kenneth L. Brown Nebraska University JWL Th omas E. Minton CA James P. Corcoran Gamma AA Timothy V. Barrett CA Frederick M. Mossman SSS Richard W. Cost Creighton University Aidan J. Gilligan Kenneth G. Owens PP Hamilton S. Dixon Joshua Th omas Fisher CA Stephen L. Petross CA Charles E. Ellenberger SSS W. Patrick Kelsey V New Jersey PP Joe Phillips PP Albert F. Goodwin PP Joseph D. Kohout Alpha Nicholas S. Pierce AA William J. Hohns Sean P. Phifer Rutgers State University of JWL Steven B. Rael CA Daniel M. Kaseman Jay P. Roby New Jersey SSS John T. Reilly Jr. CA David B. Luther Daniel V. Runco PP Gregory J. Heyt JWL John P. Ryan PP Edward A. Masek Jr. Brian M. Sadowski SSS Paul A. Mazur AA Fredrick C. Sandoval AA Russell B. Parker SSS James P. McCoy E. Russell Schwers Jr. AA Arthur E. Sibley Jr. Nevada Alpha AA Lewis B. Seward Jr. University of Nevada - Reno New Mexico AA Morris D. Stagner New York Zeta SSS Ronald J. Anderson Alpha PP James D. Strode Jr. Colgate University AA Rodolfo W. Calizo Jr. University of New Mexico CA Wallace L. Tate AA John D. Bertolozzi III PP Adam D. Cegavske SSS Charles K. Ables AA Kyle S. Turner SSS J. Kent Blair Jr. JWL Brian F. Fralick SSS Alan Paul Augustson CA Douglas F. Vaughan AA Brian L. Brockmann CA Glenn A. Goza PP David A. Baumheckel JWL Bruce C. Clayton Daniel Wesley Holman CA Ronald H. Bell New York Alpha Michael J. Coast Ryan M. Kenney Marc L. Benjamin, Jr. Cornell University AA R. Bruce Hunter SSS David W. Mustard John J. Binnert PP Ed S. Barclay Jr. SSS William A. Kern Jr. Nicholas A. Noel AA Robert D. Bohks CA Philip H. Bartels Matthew M. Kovalcik AA Todd A. Plimpton SSS Felix Briones Jr. PP Roland D. Carlson CA William J. Mays Birk R. Roseman PP J. Kirk Chalmers AA James A. Christ AA Douglas C. Reilly Steven J. Wick 28 THE SCROLL HaroldH W. KnapheideK III KansasK ’64, new member of Trustees’ Roundtable;R Founders Club Gifts by Chapter

PP Charles N. Hooper Sr. James L. Webb Th is annual report includes 2005 PP Th omas Jeff erson III JWL Allan J. Williamson gift s and giving club levels. PP Robert H. Jones JWL Robert A. Kimbrough Nova Scotia Giving level legends appear on pages 16 & 38. Auburn C. Lambeth Jr. Alpha PP Harry V. Lamon Jr. Dalhousie University Charles P. Reis PP Robert W. Steinbruegge PP John S. Poindexter III SSS Mark E. Dykstra PP William F. Roberts Jr. AA Richard G. Ulrich PP Mitchell M. Purvis SSS Donald R. Henley PP Drayton A. Saunders AA C. Douglas Wingate AA Mitchell W. Reaves Ryan J. Hurley FC Conrad Foster Th iede JWL William F. Womble SSS Jose Rodriguez III SSS Gerald B. Locke Dennis J. Wong AA Moreland T. Smith Adam R. Penny North Carolina CA Eugene M. Vereen Jr. CA Robert F. Wade New York Eta Beta Rochester Institute of University of North Carolina North Carolina Ohio Alpha Technology AR Paul H. Broyhill Delta Miami University PP Richard H. Brennan PP John W. Byers Jr. North Carolina State CA James B. Barnhart Timothy M. Johnson CA Robert A. Collier Jr. University CA Robert H. Blayney SSS John M. Mays JWL Charles G. Crawley AA Michael L. Batten AA Richard J. Braun PP Patrick A. Pipino SSS Ernest G. Crone ARP J. M. Anthony Danby PP Lawrence R. Corell PP Jerome K. Darden Jr. AA Michael S. Danner PP Robert S. Cromling North Carolina CA Robert W. Eaves Jr. PP Juri C. Groenland PP Robert R. Cummins Jr. Alpha CA Harper J. Elam III AA Robert C. Harmening JWL Willis F. Day Duke University SSS Amzi J. Ellington CA Jeff rey D. Havener JWL Kenneth W. Dorsch CA Welborn E. Alexander Jr. Ray S. Farris Jr. PP J. Rob Hickman PP Edward J. Dublin Rufus Ashby SSS David F. Ferguson AA Hilton M. Howard JWL John H. Ellis JWL Robert B. Berger CA F. Davis Finch Brian E. Jesinkey CA Jack A. Farnham CA Robert W. Briggs AA Marion W. Griffi n CA Brooks T. Raiford PP John V. Fels PP James R. Brigham CA Robert L. Grubb Jr. PP Jonathan C. Routh CA Walter D. Franklin PP J. Paschal Brooks III SSS E. Blanton Hamilton, Jr. AA Matthew B. Smith AA David G. Gaw AA Th omas B. Cookerly III SSS Donald L. Harley CA David L. Stout Jr. CA Edward J. Gill PP J. E. Ned Covington JWL Edward C. Huff man CA Kip A. Talhelm PP Richard J. Goettle IV PP Mark A. Dale David H. Mathews AA Roger A. Vaughn AA Charles A. Gorsuch AA W. Lee Davidson CA Alan M. Mayfi eld CA Bradley W. Hahn PP James D. Donley SSS Perry H. McCarty North Dakota PP Matthew W. Harper AA Robert L. Hatfi eld SSS William T. Downing JWL Donald W. Millen Alpha JWL John G. Hazlett Alexander J. Frank CA Pressly M. Millen Jr. University of North Dakota PP Ronald F. Henke AWR William O. Goodwin CA Robert J. Page PP Robert L. Alderman JWL Robert W. Hoaglund PP James H. Groome JWL John A. Poole PP Richard C. Berg SSS Kenneth F. Holzman AA Lafayette P. Grose PP Th omas A. Pritchard AA Jeff rey T. Boyum AA G. Roger King JWL George C. Hoopy JWL Sherrod Salsbury CA Robert M. Bush Jr. AA Timothy J. Klitch AA C. Sherfy Jones CA Edward W. Sutton CA Robert A. Cairney PP Terry G. Landis SSS Vern A. Ketchem AA Murphy F. Townsend III SSS John D. Graham CA Roger E. Luring Charles C. Levergood Jr. CA James A. Whitaker E. Bruce Hagen CA Alvin C. Marsh Jr. PP Luby R. Lynch Jr. SSS Clarence T. Williford Jr. CA Edward J. Harloff CA Douglas N. Matheson Douglas S. Lyons PP Charles L. Wilson Jr. SSS Ralph A. Heising JWL Charles L. Mendenhall CA Leslie L. Neumeister AA Jeff rey P. Johnson CA Leo A. Merzweiler Jr. T homas A. Newton Jr. North Carolina PP Don A. Lindbo SSS Glen Y. Miller JWL William Lee Noel Gamma Nathan R. Martindale Davidson College SSS Robert D. Murray Robert H. Parrish CA Oliver G. Nordmarken Alexander T. Arinsmier CA David L. Neer AA Seth J. Perkinson Jr. SSS Bruce T. Ringgenberg SSS Stephen G. Barnes CA Charles H. Nogle PP Michael K. Pickens Gerald E. Ryan PP Shelton P. Colson Jr. AA Dennis A. O’Brien PP Robert M. Price Jr. AA Timothy E. Shea PP Hugh R. Gaither AA James P. O’Neill CA George B. Skipworth AA Garvin L. Stevens Irvin P. Golden CA Bruce H. Owens JWL Gordon L. Smith Jr. PP Wayne M. Stokke PP David R. Hall CA Timothy C. Pyle Leonard J. Smith JWL Harris A. Th ompson W. Tom Harris Jr. CA Robert E. Reemelin AA Bayne A. Sparks Eric R. Trueblood Justin R. Hartanov SSS Douglas G. Vang PP Kyle Robeson PP Robert M. Sprotte PP Daniel B. Roe THE SCROLL 29 VictorV W. Kramer ArizonaA State ’61, three-year member of Trustees’T Roundtable; Founders Club; LivingL Bond Society Gifts by Chapter

SSS James B. Ryan Jr. AA George A. Hooper CA Ronald F. Chapman Jack H. Landefeld PP John H. Sanders AA John W. Knaur CA Robert W. Coe CA George Leuca III PP Donald Schneider AA Gust J. Kookootsedes PP James W. Crum OS Paul E. Martin SSS Russell E. Schuster III CA James M. Long Jonathon D. Daniele PP Dan E. Moldea JWL Christopher J. Shrader CA Dean A. McCartney Jason J. Davis CA Robert L. Moore PP James R. Slagle PP Hayes A. Newby Robert D. Dickey PP John D. Morgan JWL John B. Srofe Charles J. Nider III AA Ralph D. Doubler SSS Robert R. Morrison SSS John W. Stern PP Raymond E. Overmire Jr. AWR Terry L. Eaton PP John W. Peterson David V. Th omas JWL William L. Polatsek JWL William H. Egan III CA George R. Porosky SSS Douglas R. Vandevelde AA David G. Puddington Branden L. Funderburg JWL Bruce W. Rogers Jr. SSS Walter R. Vlah CA Robert M. Stecher Jr. AA Ernest B. Helin CA George W. Rogers AA Robert P. Wagner Jr. PP Howard E. Strauch JWL D. Clark Higgins PP Robert C. Russell SSS John R. Ward Don A. Sultzbach CA Philip E. Hilton PP James Sanfi lippo CA Charles L. Th ompson SSS Christopher S. Jackson CA Charles C. Schellentrager Jr. Ohio Beta AA Walter A. Ullrich PP Leonard T. Lane AA Richard C. Schnorf Ohio Wesleyan University SSS Carl J. Vogt PP John M. Lusa PP Louis E. Seiler AA Haver E. Alspach CA David L. Williams AA William H. Mackin PP Stephen T. Sferra PP P. Th omas Beeghly PP Richard G. Wilson FC Gerard L. Novario AA John A. Simpson PP Paul H. Bennett PP Phillip M. Nye PP James E. Singer PP Glenn C. Blomquist Ohio Gamma PP Harry H. Osbun AA Dean E. Smith PP Stephen J. Copeland Ohio University CA Donald F. Potter Charles W. Snowden III JWL John T. Critchfi eld PP Robert L. Arold CA Maurice H. Ralston PP Karl F. Stevenson PP Th omas S. Delay PP Lauren J. Bainbridge CA Larry D. Reader JWL Alan A. Teran AA Judson L. Depew SSS Dennis H. Bender AA Gerald R. Ricks AA David L. Th eriault PP Evan H. Dockser SSS William A. Braster PP James E. Runyeon CA William B. Turanchik JWL Richard A. Donnenwirth CA Dennis J. Cannon SSS Kevin M. Sacket CA Robert J. Turning AA Dwight B. Easty AA Alfred S. Carpenter CA Th omas E. Shoemaker CA Marvin E. Walker AA Joseph A. Greve AA William R. Carroll CA William D. Van Nostran SSS John S. Wallace AWR James D. Warner Ohio Epsilon JWL George Womersley University of Akron Did You Know? CA Paul C. Albright Ohio Zeta SSS Richard H. Backderf Ohio State University CA George H. Bertsch PP Th eodore Ashton CharlesC W. “Chuck” Poore, Jr. PP Harold G. Boughton AWR Ned K. Barthelmas SouthS Dakota ’61, current Foundation PP Robert R. Broadbent PP Mark S. Bernsdorf Trustee;T second year member of the SSS David J. Campbell SSS Michael C. Butler Trustees’T Roundtable; Arthur R. Priest AAssociation AA Paul J. Campbell AA John T. Cochran PP Scott C. Carey PP John J. Collins PP James F. Claypool SSS Tim R. Cook The Foundation received 4,566 JWL John H. Costello III SSS Stephen A. Cotter SSS Th eodore E. Crosier CA Richard C. Crawford gifts of less than $100. Those AA Raymond Darrell PP Harreld De Munbrun ARP Donald E. Demkee AA A. Lovell Elliott Jr. gifts totaled $245,138.61 – AA Daniel C. Demko PP M. W. Feigert FC Ford A. Dickerhoff PP Gary C. Fulmer proving once again that gifts of PP Francis O. Enright JWL Richard J. Haayen PP Timothy J. Enright CA David H. Hebble every size are very important! CA Earl H. Feeney Jr. CA Richard T. Lasko FC Ralph E. Fisher CA Stanley E. McCormack Jack W. Halsey JWL Richard J. Moody 465 individuals stepped PP Russell W. Hilbish Jr. PP Th omas S. Mulbarger Matthew P. Holbert CA Jonathan R. Pavey forward with their fi rst gift AA James D. F. Kaminsky AA Charles W. Porterfi eld CA Fred D. Kidder CA David W. Priestley to the Foundation. CA Steve E. Kiltau CA Melvin H. Rice SSS James D. Kline CA Wellington F. Roemer II

30 THE SCROLL JeffreyJ B. Love VanderbiltV ’71, new member of Trustees’ Roundtable;R John Wolfe Lindley AssociationA Gifts by Chapter

JWL John C. Sifers CA Larry L. Miles Th is annual report includes 2005 CA Douglas J. Smith SSS David L. Miller gift s and giving club levels. PP Robert M. Spalding PP Edward A. Miller SSS Warren G. Stichtenoth AA John D. Miller Giving level legends appear on pages 16 & 38. CA Glenn A. Streibig PP Dennis M. Peck PP Hardy L. Th omas CA George E. Phillips Boyd H. Ross SSS Mike S. Chance PP Douglas E. Th ompson AA Donald S. Preston PP Robert G. Salisbury SSS Patrick D. Chiavaroli JWL Erwin J. Wolber SSS John D. Scott JWL John A. Schoedinger CA Joseph E. Conrad PP Jeff rey A. Wyatt AA William E. Sica AA Richard A. Secrist CA Robert L. Davis AA Glenn E. Smalley SSS Raymond E. Siferd Matthew L. Deger Ohio Iota PP Robert E. Snyder Benjamin J. Snyder PP James B. Denker Denison University SSS Th omas R. Temple AA John C. Spence AWR Th omas H. DeWees, Jr. PP Cliff ord M. Clemons AA Dennis J. Train PP Justus D. Sundermann PP Vincent B. Di Battista AA George H. Clippert JWL Ronald R. Whitehouse PP John G. Sweeney AA Richard S. Drake SSS Robert W. Cornell Jr. PP Charles E. Woodfi ll Silas W. Th immes RTD Amor C. Emmert Jr. PP Peter F. Cronin AA Phillip H. Zaks AA Robert A. Tulk CA Dennis P. Erickson PP Charles A. Dill Jr. JWL A. Graham Watts AWR Harry J. Finke III RTD Th omas C. Eakin Ohio Lambda CA Frederick H. Wilson AA J. Zachary Fisk PP Mark G. Fecher Kent State University SSS James E. Yavorcik CA David Foster III PP Charles H. Ingram AA Wade H. Baker SSS Donald C. Gaddis Kolin M. Knapp CA Roger D. Barone Ohio Eta Jack Gau JWL David H. Lewis CA Glen R. Bender Case Western Reserve ARP Kenneth E. Glass PP H. L. McCombs JWL J. R. Bennett University PP G. William Grabo JWL David P. Millett AA Robert W. Berry James E. Baldwin PP David L. Haggard CA Robert H. Pugsley SSS Collin M. Boetger AA Duane C. Basch SSS Raymond N. Hartke PP Benjamin W. Rader AWR Gary J. Brookins JMW Roger H. Cerne CA Robert H. Herman CA J. Sadler Ramsdell SSS Michael A. Cefaratti AA Elwood Chaney PP Robert I. Hossli Michael W. Robinson Andrew H. Cheney SSS Th omas A. Cleary Jr. RTD Christopher C. Huelsman SSS David W. Scott RTD Roger K. Derr PP Donald R. Dummermuth SSS Wesley J. Hunter AA Richard A. Skuce PP Richard E. Fabritius PP Harry L. Farmer Jr. AA Lloyd H. Johnson SSS Jack C. Swisher James A. Flores CA Archibald E. Fletcher AA Karl P. Kadon Jr. AA Richard Weaver PP Michael P. Haehn SSS Robert C. Garver PCB James C. Kautz AA William J. Wehr ARP Lodge L. Hanlon PP Edward J. Hodan JWL Larry E. Kissel AA Derrick S. Hefl in AA William G. Hulbert AA Ernest F. Kobbe Ohio Kappa SSS Paul T. Jacoby III SSS A. Pearson Leary III JWL Frederick G. Koehler Bowling Green State CA Paul C. Kitchin Jr. PP Raymond W. Marshall PP Roger E. Lang University CA Gerald F. Laakso PP Donald R. Norris PP John E. Leach SSS John D. Armstrong PP Scott C. Maloney CA John M. Oblak PP John K. Lovejoy SSS Damian A. Billak AA George R. Mayer PP William A. Schimming PP Michael S. Lykens AA John R. Dewan JWL M. Dale Olcott PP Robert L. Schroeder PP Harold E. Massie Jr. SSS Stanley C. Evans CA L. Arthur Olson Bryan M. Storch SSS Scott T. McDougal PP Roger W. Fischer AA Gus M. Pappas PP Charles S. Williams PCB Donald H. Melchiorre PP James W. Gillis Michael J. Schempp CA John F. Zeis PP David F. Merten AA Charles O. Griminger L. Th eodore Sidaway RTD Harold A. Merten Jr. Brett J. Hanna JWL Joseph E. Tirpak Ohio Theta CA Donald C. Miller AA William E. Hicks SSS Jerome C. Whisler University of Cincinnati JWL Donald L. Miner AA James E. Hof PP Jeff ery A. Zifchak PP James R. Askren CA William N. Mire AA Kenneth M. Hoover CA Alan N. Attaway AA John C. Mueller Jr. AA James R. Johnson Ohio Mu PP Steven E. Bakke PP Robert C. Mysonhimer SSS Lawrence A. Kaufman Ashland University JWL James D. Ball AWR Albert A. Nelson CA William R. Keller PP Jerrald T. Boroff CA Elmer L. Boehm SSS Trevor E. Owen SSS Alfred G. Kovacs J. Jay Fabian CA Donald C. Brandt Lewis K. Patton PP Michael J. Kunstmann PP David B. Gray RTD Hugh J. W. Brandt PCB Th omas E. Petry CA Kenneth E. Markley CA William A. Griffi th Chad J. Brown PP Marcus C. Scheumann FC C. Raymond Marvin PP Th omas R. Hoff man FC Michael J. Carr PP Milford M. Schlenker SSS Herbert C. Meeker AA Th omas S. Karth SSS James C. Cavalcante JWL Raleigh R. Sharrock PP Robert J. Messina CA Ralph E. Martin Jr.

THE SCROLL 31 DavidD D. Lynch Jr. WashingtonW University ’62, three-year member ofo Trustees’ Roundtable; second year Gold MedallionM Trustees’ Roundtable level; Arthur R.R Priest Association Gifts by Chapter

SSS Zachariah J. Meixner, Sr. CA William A. Pruitt Ontario Beta Ryan T. Orr Bruce A. Niehm Th omas T. Randall University of Western James P. Phillips CA Robert S. Pasquinucci SSS Justin T. Rausch Ontario AA Th omas T. Reid AA Jeff rey A. Radel AA Benny M. Ray George T. Henry PP Robert A. Schram PP Eric M. Schimmoeller RTD John C. Reiff SSS William D. Rajala AWR Delbert E. Scott CA Gary J. Scypta PP Albert G. Talbot Jr. AA Patrick W. Shannon Eric J. Spaulding CA E. Koehler Th omas Ontario Gamma CA Robert G. Swan AA Gary W. Starr SSS Timothy L. Vanderlick McMaster University PP Charles R. Urness AA Ralph V. Tomassi CA Charles W. Ward Robert Matthew Foster PP Larry N. Watson AA Tyler D. Wear CA Brent S. Herspiegel SSS Dale S. Yee Oklahoma SSS Louis W. Wilke AA James C. Hoppe Alpha PP John L. Williford FC Christopher J. Th ompson Oregon Gamma University of Oklahoma Christopher D. Wilson Hemant V. Torsekar Willamette University CA James K. Anderson Michael J. Wilson CA Ernest J. Anderes SSS Matthew B. Backus Oklahoma Beta Paul R. Andre AWR Colbert L. Baker Jr. Oklahoma State University Ontario Delta CA L. Duane Baird AA Walker W. Beavers PP John H. Berry York University AA Devon T. Berthiaume SSS Jack R. Birchum Adam T. Blanchard Parham Tavajohi-Fini SSS Ota D. Binegar Jr. CA Charles C. Bledsoe AA William B. Cooper PP Frederick M. Butler PP Curt G. Boecking SSS Ryan Michael Eaton Oregon Alpha Warren A. Campbell Donald C. Bowers CA Neil S. Ford University of Oregon Shain R. Corey PP Peter W. Cawthon Jr. PP Michael G. Grady CA John A. Backlund JWL Craig T. Danielson James R. Clark SSS Kyle D. Haines CA Bruce E. Beebe AWR Niels C. Follestad AA Donald T. Cleary CA Cecil W. Hollis PP Dennis J. Clark AA Lay J. Gibson SSS Th omas E. Cleary AA John W. Hudson CA James E. Coleman PP John W. Givens E. F. Collins CA Michael S. Hyatt CA Daniel E. Curtis Lucas A. Hernandez Bart A. Crowder SSS John D. Lamerton CA David G. Evans SSS H. Paul Johnson Jr. SSS Th omas S. Crowl AA Park W. Lamerton Jr. CA James H. Hilands AA Richard H. Jones AA Raymond C. Cunningham PP James B. McCandless PP Brian C. Lake Garrett H. Kuramoto CA William H. Davis Daniel S. Meyers JWL Gary H. Leaverton AA Derek A. LaBar SSS Randall C. Elliott AA William J. Otjen III CA Bill R. Ledford CA Jeff erson D. Lamoree CA Patrick G. Emery PP William H. Pittman Jr. AA Sidney Z. Moody PP Wendell H. McLin SSS Richard H. Foster Charles V. Ray Jr. PP William F. Perl Jr. CA William P. Merriam SSS Dirk A. Foxworthy PP Jack K. Richardson JWL Norman A. Peterson PP Stanton W. Nystrom AWR Barry J. Galt SSS Luis C. Rodriguez CA James E. Roberts Kei Otawa AR James A. Gibbs AA Rem J. Slattery PP R. Robert Smith Jr. PP Claris C. Poppert CA Arch B. Gilbert AA Henry C. Th ompson Jr. AA Roger C. Wiley AA William T. Reid CA Rufus C. Goodwin PP Richard R. Vermillion Graham R. Smith Jeff rey L. Gregston PP William J. Wilkin Oregon Beta SSS Woody J. Stark PP Joshua L. Hammers PP William C. Wilson Oregon State University PP Ronald R. Sticka PP Homer D. Hardy Jr. CA Brian J. Winterringer AA Brent Allen Atkinson JWL Frank B. Swayze AA James M. Hewgley III PP Neil W. Baker PP John R. Sweeney SSS Steven T. Hicks Oklahoma Steven A. Berkus Herbert F. Talabere CA Frank D. Hill Gamma JWL Donald L. Bower SSS Mark R. Th ibedeau Robert R. Hillis Southwestern Oklahoma AA Richard T. Brakke SSS Lee R. Weaver JWL W. R. Horkey State University AA Th omas B. Clark AWR Charles E. Wicks PP Fred G. Hudson SSS Jeff D. Gragg SSS Melvin C. Ediger CA Clarence R. Wicks SSS Brian W. Jackson SSS Raymond W. Jurgens Jr. Andrew L. Frahler SSS Michael E. Worden CA Mark W. Jennings PP James M. Galyen CA Charles H. Johnson Oklahoma Delta SSS David A. Hasle Oregon Delta AA Howard B. Keith Cameron University SSS Robert L. Kjome Oregon Institute of PP Frederick B. Koontz III SSS Ralph E. Blodgett Jr. AA Robert W. Maris Technology W.H. Kopczynski, III AA Jay R. Johnson SSS Jason C. Maycumber Brant John Hempel RTD Wilbur E. McMurtry CA Stephen T. Merchant CA Ken T. Morrison Ontario Alpha PP William J. Moore Oregon Epsilon CA James R. Perry University of Toronto PP Phillip N. Ogburn Portland State University Kelsey T. Pierce Patrick A. Balson SSS W. Wallace Ogdahl Trevin S. Butler

32 THE SCROLL PaulP E. Martin AkronA ’35, Foundation Trustee Emeritus; newn member of Golden Medallion level ofo Trustees’ Roundtable; Oxford Society Gifts by Chapter

AA Barry D. Brown Pennsylvania Th is annual report includes 2005 SSS Robert V. Chiarello Eta gift s and giving club levels. PP E. D. Hand Lehigh University PP Jacob J. Hays II CA Th omas R. Brew Giving level legends appear on pages 16 & 38. SSS H. Joseph Hepford Th omas E. Cuddeback AA F. D. Lorimer Jr. AA Robert E. Flaherty Jr. James R. Fox Pennsylvania Joseph L. Masciantonio III PP Norman L. Gasswint Robert A. Hattan Gamma AA William M. McCarty Jr. PP Robert V. Henning Jr. SSS Adam S. Johnson Washington & Jeff erson PP Alan J. Oram AA Daniel A. Lombardo Nathan A. Kersey College AA John H. Rhein CA V. Paul Murray Jr. Ryan W. Klute AA Donald W. Butts Jeff rey J. Runge CA Joseph L. Muscarelle Jr. SSS Chase M. LoGreco CA W. Roger D. Davidson AWR Alan Sackman PP James W. Niemeyer Joshua T. Rassi AA William F. Judt PP James E. Stoner PP Gregory P. Quintana Troy Donald Roberts Bryce W. Kiser SSS John B. Swift PP David C. Saunders Jonathan M. Warn AA Robert M. Kiskaddon FC Warren B. Swift CA James L. Sayre Steven E. Wasson Jerrold S. Layefsky AA James P. Wade Jr. PP E. Th omas Smith PP J. Barry Loughridge JWL Robert J. Weinstein SSS H. Carl Sturcke Pennsylvania AA Neal F. McBride JWL J. Howard Womsley CA Matthew F. Tallo Alpha JWL Hugh I. Miller AA Ned A. Voss Lafayette College AA Joseph P. Mock Pennsylvania CA William T. Washburn AA Dale G. Adams Paul E. Rathgeb Jr. Zeta CA Frederick W. Weston Jr. SSS John B. Cunningham AA Leonard J. Schussel University of Pennsylvania CA Alvin T. Wilson Jr. CA David E. DeLeeuw PP John R. Th omas AA Wayne W. Ackerman James N. Wilson SSS F. E. Dietrick JWL John W. Walther Jr. JWL Richard E. Bangert SSS Verne R. Wilson John E. Fitzgerald PP Michael H. Winiarski SSS Robert L. Betack PP Joseph P. Hafer CA John K. Boyce Jr. Pennsylvania SSS Howard W. Hanson III Pennsylvania CA Louis E. Braun Theta PP Hugh H. Jones Jr. Delta AA Robert A. Brennan Jr. Pennsylvania State University CA Edwin J. Phelps Jr. Allegheny College PP Robert J. Brown CA David B. Barton AWR Robert H. Steinberger Charles P. Albright AA David L. Buchanan Jr. John S. Bischoff William Vonroth Jr. JWL Chris W. Brussalis PP Randall L. Clark PP Ray F. Boedecker PP Burton E. Dearing PP Alan B. Clements AA Carson W. Culp Jr. Pennsylvania CA Richard B. Dines CA Raymond F. Dacek PP David Cwiertniewicz Beta PP James F. Feisley JWL Peter Day Adam D. Dahr Gettysburg College Th omas P. Gerseny CA Frank S. Deming CA Herbert C. Graves III SSS Wilbur K. Baker AA E. Alexander Hill CA Michael D. DiCandilo PP Daniel A. Grove SSS Don F. Christy CA W. C. Klingensmith Carl G. Gaumann PP Alan D. Jorczak AA Robert A. Herrold Jr. Harold L. Knappenberger Jr. CA Howard Gellis JWL John M. Kersh PP Richard L. Keiser Michael R. McCray PP Hershey Groff Jr. SSS Dean W. Kiess CA William P. Keiser PP J. L. McIntire CA John W. Harley AA Scott R. Longcor PP Gary D. Krapf CA Laurance A. Merriman Th omas H. Hayden III JWL David R. Mitchell Jr. AA Ernest J. Kruse AWR Forrest C. Mischler PP Robert G. Huntington Jr. PP J. Gilbert Mohr SSS Richard R. McLeary PP Robert H. Potter Jr. CA Robert C. Hutton SSS Galen D. Robbins AWR M. Eugene Mittel PP Mitchell J. Pulwer CA P. A. Keblish Jr. PP C. A. Stiles PP Austin Morris Dominic P. Randazzo PP Robert C. Koch Sr. CA Per H. Torgersen AA Harvey M. Mumma CA Eric J. Resker SSS Edward Kowalcyk SSS Michael M. Wells CA John C. Palmer PP Mathew J. Schon CA Jack P. Lawson AA Frank E. Williams Jr. Frederick D. Reimer CA Th omas M. St. Clair PP Ralph A. Leister John L. Renjilian PP Frank L. Todd CA Jorge S. Prats Pennsylvania Douglas P. Seale AA John W. Towns Jr. PP Michael J. Pushkarewicz Iota SSS Chas H. Sourber Jr. CA J. Robert Utberg PP W. Allen Rudderow Jr. University of Pittsburgh AA Bruce J. Stuckel PP Philip M. Young AWR James A. Sears PP Delwyn W. Anderson CA Gary W. Test SSS Stephen H. Smalley AA G. R. Benjamin Jr. Pennsylvania AR Tamblin C. Smith PP R. L. Bloom Epsilon PP Paul L. Wellener IV PP George P. Bucha Jr. Dickinson College Gregory E. Williams SSS Graham Courtney PP Ned Bosnick PP Robert B. Dannies

THE SCROLL 33 MichaelM K. McKenzie TexasT Tech ’66, new member of Gold MedallionM level of Trustees’ Roundtable; RobertR Morrison Association Gifts by Chapter

CA Timothy W. Ecton Pennsylvania AA R. Patrick Rushton PP Landis W. Hicks PP Milton G. Emery Jr. Omicron Morgan A. Schreiner JWL Sydney F. Keeble Jr. PP Th omas J. Leighner Jr. Shippensburg University PP Robert N. Tracy SSS William Brent Keeling AA Eldred M. Lyons SSS Andrew C. Gohde CA Orman L. Kimbrough Jr. PP Richard N. Maier Jason R. Holschwander South Dakota JWL Jeff rey B. Love SSS Kurt R. Prough SSS Mark D. McCarroll Alpha CA James B. Mason III SSS Daniel C. Ripley University of South Dakota PP Howard K. McCain Jr. SSS Lester C. Snyder II Pennsylvania Pi SSS Robert A. Anderson PP Carey F. McNeilly AA Andrew J. Soff el Robert Morris University Daniel R. Barth AA William H. Moore AA William M. Sonnett Brian W. Matthews SSS Rodger W. Burkart AA Henry R. Nichols JWL William B. Stockwell PP Dean O. Clark SSS Walter M. Noel Jr. RTD James E. Stopford Quebec Alpha CA Christopher A. Clem JWL Robert C. Schiff Jr. SSS Quentin L. Wingert McGill University AA Clayton D. Cudmore SSS L. Daniel Scott III Laurance H. Buskard AA Verle W. Duistermars AWR Kent L. Shalibo Pennsylvania JWL Frank R. Cordon SSS Vincent T. Frieden CA Arthur J. Simon Kappa AWR James W. McKee Jr. AA Carl W. Friedhoff PP Robert M. Tigert Jr. Swarthmore College PP Herbert J. Seagrim CA Charles J. Gaeckle PP Selwyn H. Turner Jr. PP L. Eldon Lindley Jr. SSS Carl A. Totzke JWL Lavern A. Gustafson PP Henry B. Tyler AA Stephen Mucha AA Richard L. Hansen PP David A. Walton AA Th omas G. Nichols Rhode Island JWL Richard M. Held AA A. Cline Young PP Arthur J. Prange Jr. Alpha SSS Kerrie Nathan Herren AA Arthur Richards Jr. Brown University Jeremy M. Hitt Tennessee Beta AWR Th omas F. Spencer AA Peter L. Conklin PP Robert D. Hofer University of the South AA David S. Way CA Charles A. Robinson SSS Ronald R. Jenkins AA Robert C. Brutkiewicz SSS Richard E. Williams SSS John A. Jordre Edward N. Clinard Pennsylvania AA William L. Kennedy SSS Robert W. Creveling Lambda South Carolina PP David E. Knutzen CA Richard Douglas III Indiana University of Beta Justin G. Lamberson PP Ben I. Jackson Jr. Pennsylvania University of South Carolina PP Jesse R. Moyer SSS Heyward B. Roberts Jr. AA Sean M. Rollman AA John W. Chappelear CA John J. Pappas PP Edgar O. Silver SSS Dale J. Williams PP James P. Coleman Jr. CA Eric W. Peterson PP Richard E. Simmons Jr. PP Jerome M. Davis RM Charles W. Poore Jr. PP J. Haskell Tidman Jr. Pennsylvania John A. Fischer AA Donald H. Schneckloth PP Th omas M. Trabue Jr. Mu AA George W. Fisher CA Donald J. Siekmeier Widener University AWR Dennis W. Harrington Johnathan T. Talcott Tennessee Gamma CA J. David Almacy AA Robert M. Harris Jr. PP Robert V. Wadden University of Tennessee CA David A. Green SSS John D. Huntley Jr. PP Lyle A. Wagner Th omas P. Bailey PP Robert J. Ketler PP F. Michael Parker PP William H. Brandon Jr. Jonathan H. Kulick CA Th omas N. Southard Tennessee Alpha Alfred L. Cowles III Patrick Everette Lambert CA Larry L. Stroman Vanderbilt University CA Norman D. Estep SSS Jeff rey C. McKenna FC Howell E. Adams Jr. PP Walter D. Fain SSS Justin Spigonardo South Carolina PP Th omas E. Adams PP Rowland S. Funk PP M. Craig Tabun Gamma James W. Allen Jr. JWL Samuel J. Furrow CA Sean Spencer Wagner Clemson University AA William H. Bessire Jeremy S. Hamilton CA William G. Baker Jr. SSS Robert S. Boswell AA David L. Kaminsky Pennsylvania Xi CA P. Scott Bowden SSS Chas B. Bray Jr. CA Lawrence V. Kaminsky Clarion University CA Stewart D. Brown III PP James R. Calvert SSS Dan J. Kirchberg Justin P. Dandoy SSS Douglas B. Combs PP Th omas R. Cate CA Martin L. Lindsey III AA George W. Flevares AA Joseph T. Cook Jr. PP Neely B. Coble III Jack McCracken Mayberry AA Richard J. Gangwish SSS David J. Diferdinando AA Ward DeWitt Jr. AR Gary R. Wade Joshua J. Marshall PP Allen G. Edwards AA Frank T. Donelson Jr. Jason T. Wilder AA William A. Marx III Casey R. Graham PP Charles A. Doty AA Andrew M. Wilburn AA Robert T. Hunt Jr. CA T. William Estes Jr. Tennessee Delta SSS Christopher W. Williams AA B. Scott Johnson PP Homer B. Gibbs Jr. Tennessee Technological Sean M. Williams JWL Joseph B. Johnson AA Frank A. Godchaux III University SSS Eugene F. Moyer Jr. SSS Herschel A. Graves Jr. CA John A. Grannis III CA Charles W. Pate CA Charles A. Greenfi eld Robert L. Harvey

34 THE SCROLL WilburW E. McMurtry OklahomaO ’41, new member of Trustees’ Roundtable;R Robert Th ompson Drake AssociationA Gifts by Chapter

PP Allan K. Dray Jr. RM Michael K. McKenzie Th is annual report includes 2005 CA James F. Gallivan Jr. SSS George D. McKim gift s and giving club levels. PP Charles O. Galvin AA Francis E. McNeely Jr. SSS Lee R. Gibson Jr. PP Robert E. Michie Jr. Giving level legends appear on pages 16 & 38. CA Lance C. Gilliam SSS Gregory L. Muhlinghause SSS Michael R. Haynes AA F. Conrad Neal III CA Gary H. McDonald SSS Charles P. Storey CA Robert E. Henderson AA Cecil A. Nettle Kyle H. Ochsenbein JWL Charles W. Tate Lindsey P. Hicks PP David M. Rand Robert W. Paxton PP Ned S. Th ompson SSS Frank B. Hinckley IV AA Andrew E. Reed Garrett W. Payne PP Mario A. Villa FC Ray L. Hunt SSS Jerry G. Ricker CA David W. Swindle Jr. AA Clinton E. Wells Jr. PP John G. Jones PP Stephen A. Roper SSS Walter T. White III CA John W. Worsham PP John L. Kiser CA G. Wilson Scaling II PP Joseph Irion Worsham SSS Charles S. Leyendecker AA Robert P. Schmid Tennessee Epsilon Richard Cody Yocom Bailey R. McGuire JWLTR John F. Scovell, Jr. University of Tennessee - CA Christopher E. Young PP William H. McRae FC David H. Segrest Chattanooga PP Edmund O. Noel PP Steven E. Senter SSS Kenneth J. Champlin Texas Gamma PP Foster M. Poole Jr. JWLTR Shane B. Shanafelt SSS Christopher S. Dyer Southwestern University CA Richard B. Prideaux PP Scott O. Shaver SSS William A. Hanson PP Lee F. Christie AA Bert V. Royal CA Bob L. Staff ord SSS Jason W. Kyzer Sanford D. Coon CA Robert F. Sanford Jr. Randy S. Steele Nathaniel D. Line SSS K. Scott Douglas JWL John B. Schulze AWR Charles H. Still AA Stuart K. Mabry AA Frank R. Douglass JWL Dan W. Stansbury JWL Larry A. Stockton Joseph D. Rector CA J. Paul Edwards AA Dan W. Stansbury Jr. CA Philip D. Swatzell, Jr. CA Edward H. Ellis Jr. SSS Adam M. Stiles JWL Fred A. Underwood Tennessee Zeta Brian P. Gingrich AWR Embry W. Williams Jr. SSS Geoff rey L. Wayne Belmont University JWL Lynn H. Greer RTD Jerry B. Williamson III FC L. Dana Weaver Jr. SSS Neal H. Lampley CA Th omas S. Jeter JWL Dan C. Woldert Jr. SSS Charles E. Whippo AA Robert W. Ligon SSS John P. Workman JMW Stanley R. Wilemon Texas Beta AA William R. Magee SSS Gerry D. York JWL Charles F. Winder University of Texas - Austin AA Gaylon D. Morris Kevin N. Andrew JWL Louis Pitcock Jr. Texas Epsilon Texas Zeta PP Jeff Austin Jr. JWLTR Th omas C. Pitcock Texas Tech University Texas Christian CA Oscar V. Bennett Jr. SSS David C. Rembert Jr. PP Pierce Abernethy University AA William A. Blackwell AA Frank A. Rodden SSS Troy W. Barron Vance K. Apple AA William A. Bonds Branson L. Th urston SSS Richard B. Berry PP Lon E. Byars AA Joseph L. Brown Jr. AA Walter P. Young Jr. Matthew G. Carthey AA Jerry D. Collins PP Richard H. Davis SSS Lance H. Cary Chester D. Cooper CA W. McComb Dunwoody Texas Delta JWL T. Glen Cary SSS Charles E. Erwin SSS Richard R. Fuhrmann Southern Methodist AWR Fred L. Chandler AA Randall J. Garrett JWL William L. Garwood University PP William Cody Elliott FC W. L. Gray, Jr. Douglas W. Inglish Jr. AA J. Quincy Adams Jr. CATR James D. Evans Th omas L. Hester SSS Ernest J. Lowrey CA Robert W. Anderson SSS Robert F. Fee Jr. PP Lonnie E. Holliday SSS Gibbs MacDaniel Jr. AA Don H. Baldwin CA H. Mark Fewin CA G. C. Jones Jr. Richard D. Maxson Jr. CA Robert A. Brooks III CA Edward J. Foster Jr. John A. Krugh IV SSS James L. Miller II AA Larry R. Burke CA Lawrence E. Gill AA Royal L. Moore AA Bernard W. Miner Jr. CA Gregory S. Cannon PP Robert W. Goff Jr. SSS Bales W. Nelson AA Gary P. Moss Neal D. Cannon Jr. CA Roy T. Grimes CA Frederick L. Streck III SSS C. Patrick Oles SSS John L. Carter SSS Bruce A. Hancock SSS S. Taylor White Jr. SSS Patrick C. Oxford AA Th omas E. Carter CA Winston H. Hermann Kent F. Whitten CA James I. Perkins SSS John C. Coff ee Blake C. Hoskins PP Tracy T. Zickuhr CA Roger H. Porter Jr. Jack W. Collier PP Bob C. Hunsucker SSS Michael P. Roche CA James W. Collins CA Joe K. King Texas Eta AA Jerry A. Rochelle SSS David Z. Conoly ARP Stephen J. Kleberg Stephen F. Austin State PP Jules E. Schneider Jr. PP T. Michael Conway CA David W. Kuykendall University JWL Charles E. Seay PP Michael W. Crain AA Kenneth L. Lyons Jr. Reeves B. Carter Allen C. Smith PP Clyde L. Davis Jr. SSS Joshua C. Mayer SSS H. Cooper Castleberry Jr. PP Dudley R. Snyder SSS Andrew S. Doughtie CA Mark H. McClellan PP Th omas R. Castleberry

THE SCROLL 35 RichardR R. Nelson MissouriM ’50, new member of Trustees’ Roundtable;R John Wolfe Lindley AssociationA Gifts by Chapter

E. Chris Chilton Texas SSS Samuel R. Craft Lambda Th is annual report includes 2005 PP James L. Cullinan Baylor University gift s and giving club levels. SSS Robert S. Guerre SSS Frank Birkhead Jr. JWL Mark L. Hobson SSS Blake K. Box Giving level legends appear on pages 16 & 38. CA L. Kelly Jones JWL James M. Glover Erich G. Landa PP Hal W. Hawthorne Utah Alpha Virginia Gamma PP Millard T. Moore PP Stephen T. Lueck University of Utah Randolph-Macon CA John R. Morrison PP Timothy S. Pfeiff er JWL Th omas N. Arnett Jr. College CA Christopher D. Scheetz SSS Larry W. Ridings SSS Jay T. Brown JWL Evan H. Ashby Jr. James B. Th omas III SSS David E. Woytek AA James J. Buley CA William M. Birdsong Jr. SSS Danny M. Vines JWL Mark S. Cianciolo CA Russell D. Evett SSS Gary B. Young Texas Mu SSS Nelson R. Clawson Jonathan G. Farmer Texas State University - PP Timothy J. Collins PP Albert F. Golding Texas Theta San Marcos West Texas A & M AA R. Eliot Dichter CA Michael F. Hall AA Jon T. Anstey CA Warren M. Emerson Jr. Joseph Paul Hanks University SSS Ronald Berdinsky AA Douglas M. Baker AA Richard E. Fine Joshua C. Johnston CA Ryan K. Lurich PP Clark L. Fuller AA John W. McManus SSS M. Keith Brown PP David W. Sweeten SSS Timothy N. Bynum JWL Derek S. Goldstein PP Claude B. Miller AA Christopher V. Gunderson CA William P. Schick AA Carl E. Cantrell Texas Nu PP Phillip K. Conatser CA Weston L. Harris PP Michael J. Wade Texas A & M University AWR Holmes G. Hendricksen Lee K. Howard David R. Barber AA Larry D. Lee FC Kenneth G. Maikowski Virginia Justin C. Evans PP Hal N. Mays Delta Tucker D. Lee AA Keith L. Krueger SSS Johnny G. Mars CA M. Scott Mietchen University of Richmond PP Stan R. Morris SSS David B. Millar Lewis T. Booker Texas Xi Douglas D. Moscrip AA Orin W. Booth Jr. Abram J. Oliver University of Texas - Paul A. Timmens PCB Charles F. Reinhardt Jr. CA Charles R. Burnett III San Antonio Joseph A. Rodgerson SSS Hill A. Carter III CA Joe A. Valdez AA Marco I. Cantu PP Garland M. Walls Jr. CA David E. Root CA Th urman S. Cash Jr. SSS D. Keith Workman AA Bradley J. Conner Texas Vermont PP Howard P. Estes Omicron Alpha CA Joseph E. Galloway Jr. Texas Iota University of North Texas Lamar University University of Vermont David C. Haas PP Jens E. Braun CA James C. Eskridge SSS Brian A. Botelho PP Phillip A. Hamilton Mark C. Connell AA Mel W. Shelander Miles M. Dougherty PP David W. Hartz SSS Marcus R. Ling CA Ralph C. Spence Jr. Andrew M. Kasprisin AA Jon-Jamison Hill AA Michael C. Waters William R. Marsland SSS George R. Hulcher Texas Pi PP Daniel R. Milloy JWL Joseph A. Jennings Sam Houston State University David H. Shepard PP Th omas O. Layman Texas Kappa Travis J. Bass University of Texas- PP Leonard J. Swinyer Benjamin R. Lloyd Adam P. Clymer Arlington PP Paul H. Watson PP David S. Miller III Joseph A. Reagey AA Roy L. Anderson Jr. Peter L. York AA James E. Padgett AA James B. Self CA David S. Assid Robert C. Parsons AA Jason F. Tarr AA Michael J. Bednarik, Jr. Virginia Beta SSS James A. Perdew University of Virginia JWL Philip H. Rowland CA William V. Dafcik Jr. Texas Rho CA John W. Feik JWL John W. Bicknell CA William T. Stubbs Texas A & M - PP Donald D. Halpenny PP Larry A. Cooper PP J. Wayne Traylor Corpus Christi SSS Brian R. Hankins PP Daniel S. Costello AA Walter D. Tucker Ryan C. Danaher AA James T. Harp PP A. C. Demos CA John R. Turner Samuel M. Gerstenberg RTD James S. Kennedy PP James W. Eyler Charles B. Upshaw III AA Clarence F. Hicks PP Gregory A. Williams Bernard E. Maduzia Texas Sigma SSS Patrick R. Montgomery Darius P. Nabors Schreiner University AA Steven D. Plamondon AWR Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Virginia Zeta Glendon D. Domingue Zachary C. Scott Washington & Lee University James S. Fluegel CA Louis A. Sommers Camillus L. Avent Dustin D. Hill AA C. Wayne Warren Jr. Th omas M. Carr III 36 THE SCROLL DavidD P. Millett DenisonD ’63, new member of Trustees’ Roundtable;R John Wolfe Lindley Association,A Living Bond Society Gifts by Chapter

PP Marcus A. Cook III PP Gregory G. Blume Washington Beta Washington AA G. Richard Day JWL Richard G. Bockemuehl Whitman College Delta PP George E. Gans III PP Charles B. Cadwell PP Dugald R. Campbell University of Puget Sound SSS John T. Lanier Jr. JWL James S. Calderhead James E. Dow SSS John M. Batacan SSS E. Wright Ledbetter Peter J. Cameron PP Gilbert E. Goodman CA Harold C. Broman PP A. Stevens Miles Jr. CA Arthur L. Chetlain Jr. PP Sigvard T. Hansen Jr. AA James J. Crews CA Philip A. Sellers AA Frank H. Countner SSS David E. Kelly CA Edson A. Elliott George C. Todd III CA Joe E. Crosson SSS Stanley C. Kozlowski Alexander M. Fardell JWL Richard H. Turrell JWL Robert E. Gill PP Herbert V. Ladley CA Harreld S. Fleisher AA Peter J. Glase James D. Ladley AA George R. Hoyer Virginia Eta PP Th omas C. Graham SSS Robert W. Lange CA Delwen B. Jones Virginia Polytechnic PP Arnold H. Groth Adam R. Maldonado PP Charles E. Jorgenson Institute & State CA Dale G. Hall AA Roger Keith Marion SSS Ronald N. Lange University CA Richard L. Hinton RTD R. Keith Martin AA C. L. McFarlane PP Gerard M. Burton CA William D. Hofi us SSS H. W. Maysent SSS Garrett P. Mock AA Guy W. Cumby Jr. Ryan W. Johnson SSS Justin D. Needham PP Steven M. Reinhart SSS Keith W. Hodson PP William M. Kerry CA Edward H. Newcombe Mark A. Scoccolo PP David A. Moxon CA David B. McCallum SSS David R. Norelius JWL Scott E. Silver PP Michael G. Yates AA Ned Nelson Jr. PP A. Talcott Ostrander PP Donald M. Snider AA Marcus A. Neubauer CA Robert R. Reid PP W. Ronald Stone Virginia SSS Samuel E. Peterson SSS Bob J. Rhay Jerome M. Th orpe Theta Joseph B. Pirtle PP David C. Slatton CA John A. Whalley Lynchburg College CA William E. Rabel PP Peter S. Werle Daniel C. Martin CA Jeff rey D. Scanlan PP Larry M. Wilson JWL Marcos P. Sivitanides JWL John E. Sells PP Richard C. Yancey Washington Kevin B. Woodling SSS Michael H. Smith CA Robert W. Young Epsilon SSS Wallace R. Soli Eastern Washington Washington University Gamma Corbin C. Anderson Washington State CA Michael P. Benvenuto Did You Know ? University Tyler A. Holand SSS Paul C. Alley SSS Shane F. Prutsman A.A Scott Ritchie AA David P. Bjork Evan J. Schalock KansasK ’54, current Foundation SSS Garold L. Burns Trustee;T three-year member of Trustees’ PP Robert D. Bush West Virginia Roundtable;R ’04 and ’05 Gold Medallion levell of Trustees’ Roundtable; Arthur R. SSS Herbert H. Cardle Alpha PriestP Association SSS Charles T. Chandler III West Virginia University AA Jesse D. Cochran CA John O. Bennett III JWL Gilbert T. Cormier Jr. PP Robert K. Bush 51 General Offi cers and Fraternity/ PP David D. De Meyer PP Lawrence P. Chambers Foundation staff members made gifts to the PP John R. Denzler PP Jesse C. Craver Jr. CA James P. Doyle JWL Roy H. Cunningham Foundation by earmarking a portion of their AA Donald C. Franklin Hadden P. Garvin Jr personal expense vouchers as gifts to the CA James M. Golden SSS John J. Gulino AA Th omas A. Golding CA John D. Heater Foundation. They made 233 separate gifts SSS William F. Greene AA Richard L. Hopkins Jr. Jeff rey D. Grim PP John Kent that totaled $21,526.51. Devin E. Jackson SSS Michael S. Keplinger CA Wayne A. Johnson AA William H. Looney Jr. Washington CA James H. Todd Walter H. Karlson PP Rodney K. Raines Alpha AA Douglas L. Trippel CA Dwight D. Proteau AWR David C. Rogerson University of CA Terry K. Underwood PP Th omas D. Proteau AA Robert D. Schellhaas Jr. Washington PP William G. Vandenburgh JWL Gary F. Ratzlaff RTD Mack H. Shumate CA William L. Asmundson SSS Clinton T. Willour PP R. Daniel Sloan Jr. AA Roger E. Th ibaudeau, Jr. PP Richard E. Bangert II AA Philip E. Yerkes CA A. Faruk Taysi AA John M. Ward CA J. Brewster Bede JWL Edwin R. Young CA Eugene M. Woodruff CA Elden H. Wright AA Mogens G. Bildsoe FC George S. Zoff el PP Michael A. Yambra SSS John W. Young

THE SCROLL 37 MarvinM J. Perry MarylandM ’53, three-year member of Trustees’ Roundtable;R fi rst year Gold Medallion Trustees’ RoundtableR level; Robert Morrison Association; TrusteeT Emeritus; Living Bond Society Gifts by Chapter

West Virginia Wisconsin Beta Kenneth J. Leising Wisconsin Beta Lawrence University CA Maurice G. Locklin Gamma Marshall University SSS Kenneth F. Anderson PP Raymond J. Miller Ripon College AA Larry A. Frum Jr. Joseph P. Austin William R. Miller CA William H. Descher AA Todd R. Balfanz PP William P. Montross Anthony D. Falk Wisconsin Alpha SSS James S. Bray CA Robert T. Morgan Jeff rey G. Grothman University of Wisconsin John P. Budi AWR S. George Notaras PP Bruce G. Haskin CA Richard T. Bechtel AA Richard D. Calder AA Christopher K. Page PP Richard D. Kuehl CA A. Roy Burks AA John R. Chandler PP Earl J. Patterson CA Th omas F. Kuehl CA Donald W. Campion AA Wallace W. Chandler PP Dwight D. Quinlan AA James M. Lukanich JMW William R. DeLong SSS William R. Cooper AWR Jeff rey T. Ramsey AA Jeff rey S. Szymczak CA David F. Doeller Louis S. Cornelius JWL Peter J. Rasey CA Kermit G. Weiske SSS Karl D. Feldhausen CA Harold H. Croghan AA Charles E. Ray PP Kenneth E. Goetschel Benjamin James Dictus PP Richard O. Sandow Wisconsin Delta AA Donald W. Johnson PP William B. Dresser CA Patrick M. Scannell Marquette University CA Stuart H. Koch AA Robert J. Dummert JWL Paul F. Schmidt PP Brian C. Christopher AWR W. Marshall Lee PP M. John Dyrud SSS Christopher J. Serra AWR M. John Lovaas PP Bert E. Elliott SSS Frederic G. Sherman Wisconsin PP Walter T. Meisner Jr. John A. Hackworthy James R. Strohm Epsilon CA Lee R. Miskowski David F. Hill CA Donald Strutz Saint Norbert College CA John T. Morrison Jr. AWR Donald F. Jabas CA William R. Th ompson Andrew D. Brainerd JWL Roger W. Rumble SSS Emery C. Jennings CA Bryan A. Torcivia John R. Greving SSS Tim D. Wasicek SSS Timothy P. Knabe Zachary Michael McGowan AA Raymond A. Zanarini RTD Donald S. Koskinen PP George S. Langer Wyoming Alpha Giving Levels Legend University of Wyoming PP Orrin E. Burwell Th is annual report includes 2005 gift s and giving club levels. Gift s AA J. Cale Case received aft er December 31, 2005 and giving club status obtained PP Arnold R. Cross aft er that date will be recognized in the Foundation’s annual report PP Glen L. Faulkner next year. CA Glenn M. Harvey PP Richard R. Ludwig Cumulative Giving Levels SSS Claude P. Mapes SSS Sword and Shield Society $100 - $249 JWL Tom L. Moore AA Argent Association $250 - $499 CA Richard G. Olmstead Jr. PP President’s Panel $500 - $999 PP Robert C. Peterson CA Council Association $1,000 - $2,499 SSS Dan R. Price II JWL John Wolfe Lindley Association $2,500 - $4,999 AWR Andrew Watts Rogers Association $5,000 - $7,499 RTD Robert Th ompson Drake Association $7,500 - $9,999 FC Founders Club $10,000 - $14,999 AR Ardivan Walker Rodgers Association $15,000 - $19,999 JMW John McMillan Wilson Association $20,000 - $24,999 ARP Arthur R. Priest Association $25,000 - $49,999 PCB Paul C. Beam Association $50,000 - $99,999 RM Robert Morrison Association $100,000 - $249,999 RJM Robert J. Miller Association $250,000 - $499,999 OS Oxford Society $500,000 - $999,999 BH Benjamin Harrison Association $1,000,000 or more

Annual Giving Level TR Th e Trustees’ Roundtable $1,000 - $2,499 TR Th e Trustees’ Roundtable Silver Medallion level $2,500 - $4,999 TR Th e Trustees’ Roundtable Gold Medallion level $5,000 or more

38 THE SCROLL KernK G. Rodeberg MinnesotaM ’64, new Living Bond Society member;m Council Association Frequent Donors

If the Phi Delta Th eta Educational Foundation had a “Giving Hall of Fame”, the following eighty-one men would be the inductees. Th ey are our most frequent donors. Each has made 50 or more gift s, of all sizes, to the Foundation. When added together, their gift s number 5,521.

# of gift s# of gift s 254 William R. Richardson, Tampa ’80 54 Jacob C. Heuser, Missouri State ’99 234 Th omas C. Eakin, Denison ’56 54 William R. Ireland, Sr., Auburn ’45 189 Robert J. Miller, New Mexico ’50 54 S. George Notaras, Lawrence ’53 189 Conrad Foster Th iede, Colgate ’90 54 James B. Robinson, Richmond ’48 161 Charles L. Pride, Western Kentucky ’87 54 Edward G. Whipple, Hanover ’74 116 Marc S. Mores, Iowa State ’95 53 David S. Assid, UT-Arlington ’87 98 Robert M. O. Sutton, Sr., MIT ’73 53 Louis E. Braun, Pennsylvania ’41 91 Arthur F. Hoge III, Westminster ’75 53 William A. Goodwin, Iowa State ’59 90 Don A. Th ompson, Butler ’66 53 Donald S. Koskinen, Lawrence ’50 87 Robert A. Biggs, Georgia Southern ’76 53 John F. Lucas III, Mississippi ’77 84 Christopher J. Shrader, Miami ’82 53 R. Keith Martin, Whitman ’55 83 Michael G. Scarlatelli, Kettering ’76 53 Marvin J. Perry, Maryland ’53 79 Gary R. Wade, Tennessee ’70 53 John W. Stitt II, Mississippi ’54 69 Robert B. Deloian, Arizona State ’66 53 Wallace L. Tate, New Mexico ’52 68 James L. Anderson, UC-Berkeley ’48 52 Harold W. Knapheide III, Kansas ’67 68 Jason C. Julian, New Mexico 2000 52 Forrest C. Mischler, Allegheny ’61 68 Wilbur E. McMurtry, Oklahoma ’41 51 Anthony H. Ambrose, Kentucky ’67 67 Lothar A. Vasholz, Colorado ’52 51 Frank J. Becker, Kansas ’58 65 Richmond J. Brownson, Westminster ’60 51 Bob T. Hight, UC - Los Angeles ’50 65 Joshua P. Stephens, Florida State ’98 51 Earl L. Johnson, Jr., Wabash ’38 62 Robert S. Pasquinucci, Ashland ’93 51 David H. Lewis, Denison ’57 61 William F. Dean, Texas Tech ’60 51 Donald H. Melchiorre, Cincinnati ’59 61 F. Ross Johnson, Manitoba ’52 51 William Lee Noel, Duke ’52 61 Charles W. Poore, Jr., South Dakota ’61 51 Edwin J. Phelps, Jr., Lafayette ’56 61 Jeff rey T. Ramsey, Lawrence 2000 51 Delbert E. Scott, Oregon State ’54 61 Robert C. Taggart, Washburn ’51 51 Martin M. Taylor, Marshall ’89 60 Charles G. Crawley, North Carolina ’48 50 Kenneth A. Bodley, South Florida ’67 60 Amor C. Emmert, Jr., Cincinnati ’47 50 A. Roy Burks, Wisconsin ’53 60 George C. Hoopy, Duke ’31 50 Frank R. Cordon, Manitoba ’46 60 Nathan P. Th omas, Southeast Missouri ’95 50 Benjamin A. Corey, Iowa ’45 58 James B. Mason III, Vanderbilt ’50 50 Willis F. Day, Miami ’46 58 Allen Moore III, Missouri ’48 50 M. Eugene Mittel, Gettysburg ’50 58 Th omas W. Van Dyke, Kansas ’60 50 William R. Powell, DePauw ’57 57 Henry M. Giudice, UC-Berkeley ’60 50 Gary F. Ratzlaff , Washington State ’60 57 Richard J. Shaw, Michigan State ’54 50 A. Scott Ritchie, Kansas ’54 57 Andrew K. Th anos, Jr., Stanford ’67 50 Joe Shearer, Maryland ’50 57 John W. Worsham, UT-Austin ’51 50 Russell D. Th omas, Emory ’48 56 William B. Grubb, Jr., Illinois ’57 50 Wade S. Weatherford, Jr., North Carolina ’44 56 William H. Told, Jr., Washburn ’51 50 Frederick W. Weston, Jr., Lehigh ’46 55 Frederic B. Lowrie, Jr., Butler ’71 55 Russell D. Shelden, Missouri ’42 54 Brian H. Bailey, Maryland ’54

THE SCROLL 39 WilliamW P. Schick Randolph-MaconR ’84, new member of Trustees’T Roundtable; John Wolfe Lindley AssociationA FOUNDATION FRIENDS

Th e following non-members generously made gift s to the Phi Delta Th eta Educational Foundation in 2005: Zachary Abel A. Kenneth Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John Almy Mr. and Mrs. Duke O. Kasprisin Zeta Iota Chapter of Alpha Gamma Delta Mr. and Mrs. Randall K. Kilian Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity Edward W. Kohler Anonymous William M. Laub Marjorie Babson Mrs. Robert O. Laverty Bailey Charitable Fund Carolyn Leeper Mr. and Mrs. Attison Barnes Susan L. Lindsay Beta Th eta Pi Fraternity Matthew Lopez Megan Bioletto Daniel R. Lyle Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Blitstein Sharon L. Mann George M. Bond Curtis W. Mann Estate Robert B. Borsum Jack Martin Insurance Group Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brollier Paulette McFarland Helene R. Brown Sharon Nielsen and Family Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Brown Mr. and Mrs. James P. Nolan Mrs. Marion J. Bruckner Ohio Th eta Chapter Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Callicutt Carol H. Parlett Teresa Hall Cascio Mr. and Mrs. C. Jeff rey Patch Mr. and Mrs. Fredric A. Christiansen Brian Paulson Coachella Valley Alumni Club Mrs. William P. Perkins Robert Curran Mr. and Mrs. Jack Persky N.K. David Constructors Karen S. Pouliot Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Davis Mr. and Mrs. David A. Rampson Mr. and Mrs. Clint W. Deacon Ray Rastelli Mr. and Mrs. Giuseppe Del Rivo Jennifer Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Dell Saint Michaels Business Association Eagle Rock Elementary Faculty Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sanders Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Edwards Roger E. Schanzle Estate Mr. and Mrs. Steve Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Randall B. Emeterio Priscilla and Roger Schultz Emporia State University Armida Sierra Fairfi eld Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John Sierra Wendy K. Fiala Leticia Sierra Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Fisher Leonard L. Silverstein Robert M. Foster William and Madeline Welder Smith Foundation Mrs. Edward L. Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Jon A. Stephens Mrs. William A. Gallucci Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Stevenson Ellen Garrity Mrs. Warren G. Stichtenoth Mr. and Mrs. Rayford D. Gilder Mr. and Mrs. John M. Strange Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Glenn Charles E. Stuart Scholarship Fund Sandra J. Gohde Student Venture - Oxford Jill Golden Phyllis A. Th ackery Mrs. Paul W. Guenzel Donald W. Th iede Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Hagenhoff J. Richard Th omas Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Hamada Valley of the Sun Alumni Association Hamon and Associates Mrs. Donald E. Van Pelt Mr. and Mrs. Dannie Hensley Mr. and Mrs. Mark V. Walker Susan Howard Mr. and Mrs. James M. Ward Harvey Hubbell Trust Andrew W. Wilson Mrs. Peter D. Humleker Mary Ann Witte Illinois Beta Chapter Harriette G. Woodring Integrated Wealth Advisory Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin R. Wurtzel Linda A. Jacobsen Mr. and Mrs. H. Lawrence Yancey

40 THE SCROLL FrederickF B. Schultz MinnesotaM State - Mankato ’74, new memberm of Trustees’ Roundtable; Robert Th ompson Drake Association Knights of Pallas

Knights of Pallas – Th e Knights of Pallas program exists Peter J. Cameron, Washington to introduce our undergraduate members to the Founda- Jeremy N. Campbell, Colorado State tion and the concept of philanthropy. A donation of $18.48 Mark P. Cardella Jr., Embry-Riddle grants a one-year membership to the Knights of Pallas for Sean C. Carter, Embry-Riddle an undergraduate member. All funds collected through this Frank A. Cascio III, Mississippi State program are dispersed within that year’s time in the form of Michael C. Cheatham, Central Florida undergraduate scholarships ($1,000 each). Moses E. Clapp, Westminster In 2005, 259 undergraduates contributed, allowing for four Edward N. Clinard, Univ. of the South Knights of Pallas scholarships to be awarded. Greyson A. Clymer, Kansas Michael J. Coast, Colgate Zachary Abel, Dickinson James W. Coker, Rollins Gregory M. Adamczyk, Northwood Shain R. Corey, Willamette Denver H. Alexander, Ball State Adam D. Dahr, Penn State Griffi th G. Allen, Cincinnati Ryan C. Danaher, Texas A & M-Corpus Christi Corbin C. Anderson, Eastern Washington Justin P. Dandoy, Clarion R. Matthew Anderson, Southern Indiana Jonathon D. Daniele, Ohio Paul R. Andre, Willamette Ronald A. B. Davis, Sonoma State Kevin N. Andrew, Texas-Austin Matthew L. Deger, Cincinnati Alexander T. Arinsmier, Davidson Rafael Alberto Del Castill, Central Florida Lutfee S. Atieh, Missouri Western Benjamin James Dictus, Lawrence Brent Allen Atkinson, Oregon State Jason T. Dillon, Ball State Joseph P. Austin, Lawrence Glendon D. Domingue, Schreiner Jacob P. Bach, Michigan Miles M. Dougherty, Vermont Th omas P. Bailey, Tennessee Timothy A. Dressel, Cornell John J. Balbach Jr., Kentucky Mark A. Ebert, Saint Louis Patrick A. Balson, Toronto David J. Eisenmenger, Northwest Missouri State David R. Barber, Texas A & M Justin C. Evans, Texas A & M Zane John Barber, Central Connecticut Ryne M. Fagin, Cal State-Stanislaus Timothy S. Barrett, Saint Louis Anthony D. Falk, Ripon James L. Barrick IV, Kansas State Alexander M. Fardell, Puget Sound Daniel R. Barth, South Dakota Jonathan G. Farmer, Randolph-Macon Travis J. Bass, Sam Houston Glenn David Fedor Jr., Western Kentucky Robert E. Bauer, Washburn Robert P. Felicano, Cal State-Chico Charles D. Bengtson, Kansas Joshua Th omas Fisher, Creighton Arthur J. Berens, Maryland James A. Flores, Kent State John J. Binnert, New Mexico James S. Fluegel, Schreiner Ryan T. Blake, Centre College Robert Matthew Foster, McMaster Adam T. Blanchard, Oklahoma State Michael R. Fox, Hanover Donald C. Bowers, Oklahoma James R. Fox, Portland State Andrew W. Bradfi eld, Westminster Alexander J. Frank, Duke Andrew D. Brainerd, St. Norbert Michael D. Frey, Cal State-Sacramento Jason L. Braun, Kansas State-Salina Branden L. Funderburg, Ohio Matthew Lee Bricker, Emporia State Bryan J. Gabriel, Hanover John P. Budi, Lawrence Daniel Martin Gammon, Western Kentucky Jeff ery J. Buehler, Emporia State Jack Gau, Cincinnati Jason P. Burstert, Missouri Western Samuel M. Gerstenberg, Texas A & M-Corpus Christi Trevin S. Butler, Portland State Aidan J. Gilligan, Southern New Hampshire THE SCROLL 41 JohnJ F. Scovell, Jr. TexasT Tech ’68, new member of Trustees’ Roundtable;R John Wolfe Lindley AssociationA Knights of Pallas

Brian P. Gingrich, Southwestern Adam S. Kamhi, Boston Andrew C. Gohde, Shippensburg Rishi Kapoor, Univ. of Miami Steven R. Goodman, Kansas State-Salina Andrew M. Kasprisin, Vermont Casey R. Graham, Clemson Michael J. Kelly, Kansas State Karl J. Granrath, Arizona Ryan M. Kenney, Nevada-Reno John R. Greving, St. Norbert Nathan A. Kersey, Portland State Ryan Grinter, Emporia State Patrick J. Kervin, Cornell Jeremy R. Grzywa, Nebraska-Lincoln Bryce W. Kiser, Washington & Jeff erson Michael A. Guff y, Northern Arizona Ryan W. Klute, Portland State David C. Haas, Richmond Kolin M. Knapp, Denison Robert D. Hall, Central Florida Bennet A. Knight, Sonoma State Joseph Paul Hanks, Randolph-Macon W.H. Kopczynski, III, Oklahoma Brett J. Hanna, Bowling Green Cody F. Kroeber, Central Connecticut Stephen D. Harrell, Florida State John K. Kropa, Georgia Tech Adam J. Hastings, Minnesota State-Mankato Jonathan H. Kulick, Widener Kellen D. Hatcher, Missouri Western Zachary Kweller, California Polytechnic Robert A. Hattan, Portland State Justin G. Lamberson, South Dakota Christopher W. Hawk, Alabama Patrick Everette Lambert, Widener Kyle A. Hawkins, DePauw Erich G. Landa, Stephen F. Austin State Jonathan C. Heaton, Embry-Riddle Joshua A. Langlais, California-Davis Shane P. Heiman, Emporia State Gregory William Lavigne, Michigan Brant John Hempel, Oregon Tech Tucker D. Lee, West Texas A & M George T. Henry, Western Ontario Jonathan L. Leeper, Southwestern Lucas A. Hernandez, Willamette Andrew P. Lewis, Cal State-Chico Th omas L. Hester, Texas Christian Marc Arthur Limon, Washburn Dustin D. Hill, Schreiner Matthew D. Lindstaedt, Kansas State Darien P. Hobbs, Kettering Nathaniel D. Line, Tennessee-Chattanooga Matthew P. Holbert, Akron Benjamin R. Lloyd, Richmond Daniel Wesley Holman, Nevada-Reno Matthew D. Lopez, Cal State-Stanislaus Woojoo Hoover, Central Florida Adam R. Maldonado, Whitman Blake C. Hoskins, Texas Tech Ryan S. Manley, Indiana State Lee K. Howard, West Texas A & M Andres G. Marin, Minnesota State-Mankato Robert C. Howard, New Mexico Nathan C. Marker, Cincinnati Samuel T. Hucke IV, Northwest Missouri State Joshua J. Marshall, Clarion Frank E. Hudson III, Washington College Daniel C. Martin, Lynchburg Brent R. Hudson, Minnesota State-Mankato Nathan R. Martindale, North Dakota James Monroe Hunt, Mercer Joseph L. Masciantonio III, Dickinson Aubrey H. Hunter Jr., Central Florida David H. Mathews, North Carolina Ryan J. Hurley, Dalhousie Brian W. Matthews, Robert Morris Jonathan Intravia, South Florida Jack McCracken Mayberry, Tennessee Evan S. Isaacs, Michigan Michael R. McCray, Allegheny Juan C. Izaguirre, Iowa Wesleyan Christopher M. McDermott, Univ. of the Pacifi c Devin E. Jackson, Washington State Scott T. McDougal, Cincinnati Justin K. Jenkins, Missouri State James E. McFarlane, British Columbia Timothy M. Johnson, R.I.T. Zachary Michael McGowan, St. Norbert Robert R. Jones, Washington Univ. Bailey R. McGuire, Southern Methodist Daniel J. Jorgensen, Iowa State Matthew A. Merritt, Cal State-Chico 42 THE SCROLL BenoitB Simoneau McGillM ’99, new Living Bond Society memberm Knights of Pallas

Bradley L. Metzger, Northwood John R. Runyan III, Denison Jason D. Miller, Kansas State Phillip M. Sanders, Missouri Western Sean M. Mishlof, Cal State-Northridge Philip K. Sanders, Washburn Ryan M. Moline, Purdue Anthony C. Savastano, Kansas State Matthew R. Moon, Northwest Missouri State Evan J. Schalock, Eastern Washington Jordan M. Moore, Minnesota State-Mankato Michael J. Schempp, Kent State Joshua J. Murtaugh, Eastern Kentucky Laurence J. Schreiber, Kansas State-Salina Darius P. Nabors, Virginia Morgan A. Schreiner, Clemson Jacob J. Neff , Arizona Robert J. Seabeck, McDaniel Walter H. New Jr., Georgia Douglas P. Seale, Gettysburg Brian G. Nickerson, Southwestern Joseph R. Seger, Wabash Charles J. Nider III, Ohio Wesleyan Jason E. Shaw, Cal State-Stanislaus Nicholas A. Noel, Nevada-Reno Christopher M. Skraba, La Verne Brady P. Nolan, Maryland Graham R. Smith, Willamette Kyle H. Ochsenbein, Eastern Kentucky Benjamin J. Snyder, Ohio State Ryan W. Odle, Indiana State Eric J. Spaulding, Ashland Abram J. Oliver, West Texas A & M Mitchell J. Spencer, Emporia State Ryan T. Orr, Oregon State Christopher A. Steele, California-Berkeley Brian L. Ortega, La Verne Bryan M. Storch, Case Western Reserve Christopher J. Ortega, Univ. of the Pacifi c Dustin B. Struble, Cal State-Chico Kei Otawa, Willamette Johnathan T. Talcott, South Dakota Benjamin A. Paine, La Verne Parham Tavajohi-Fini, York Brian Paulson, Virginia Nathan C. TenClay, Wichita State Garrett W. Payne, Tennessee Tech Nicholas J. Th ompson, British Columbia Edwin A. Pellerin, South Florida Seniboye W. Tienabeso, Emory Adam R. Penny, Dalhousie Paul A. Timmens, West Texas A & M Sean P. Phifer, Creighton George C. Todd III, Washington & Lee Kelsey T. Pierce, Oklahoma Stuart N. Tomlinson, California Polytechnic Nicholas S. Pierce, New Mexico Hemant V. Torsekar, McMaster Joseph B. Pirtle, Univ. of Washington Eric R. Trueblood, North Dakota Brandon Pollett, Embry-Riddle James A. Ullrich Jr., Ringling Jeremy D. Pritchett, Northern Arizona Grant A. VanSteenwyk, Northwood Brett T. Pu, Missouri State Jonathan M. Warn, Portland State Trevor D. Quinlan, Emory Steven E. Wasson, Portland State Daniel C. Raeber, Southeast Missouri William C. White, Alabama Joshua T. Rassi, Portland State Jason T. Wilder, Tennessee Joseph A. Reagey, Sam Houston Sean M. Williams, Clarion Joseph D. Rector, Tennessee-Chattanooga Michael J. Wilson, McMaster Nathaniel A. Reddy, Georgia Tech Peter N. Wolf, Iowa State Frederick D. Reimer, Gettysburg Jarvis L. Wong, Emory Michael P. Ripley, Hanover Dennis J. Wong, Colgate Austin J. Ritchie, Alberta Keith A. Wysocki, Nebraska-Lincoln Troy Donald Roberts, Portland State Peter L. York, Vermont Michael W. Robinson, Denison Joseph A. Rodgerson, Utah Birk R. Roseman, Nevada-Reno Daniel V. Runco, Creighton THE SCROLL 43 RalphR C. Spence Jr. LamarL ’82, new member of Trustees’ Roundtable;R Council Association Trustees’ Roundtable

Now in its third year, Th e Trustees’ Roundtable recognizes those distinguished Phis who support the Educational Foundation with annual gift s totaling $1000 or more. Annual contributors of $2,500 to $4,999 are acknowledged as Silver Medallion members and those who support the Foundation with annual gift s of $5,000 or more are recognized as Golden Medallion members. In 2005, a record 159 individuals joined Th e Trustees’ Roundtable. Th is is a 30% increase from 2004.

Howell E. Adams Jr. Anthony M. Deering Christopher M. Job William P. Aldridge William R. DeLong F. Ross Johnson James C. Allen Roger K. Derr Gene L. Jones R. Kyle Bailey Ford A. Dickerhoff James C. Kautz Stephen M. Bailey W. McComb Dunwoody Charles H. Keaton Colbert L. Baker Jr. Th omas C. Eakin William R. Keller Larry G. Baratta Joseph Edward Harold W. Knapheide III Timothy M. Beck Edward B. Eff rein Stephen J. Kleberg William D. Bird Jr. James D. Evans Victor W. Kramer Warren L. Blanchard Robert C. Evans Richard M. Leslie C. T. Bray Jerry J. Felmley Robert D. Lewis Jr. David K. Brobst Michael J. Fimiani Frederick L. Leydorf Peter A. Broms Ralph E. Fisher Charles R. Lindberg Steven A. Brown Niels C. Follestad Forrest S. Lindsay (Memorial) Paul H. Broyhill Brian F. Fralick M. John Lovaas Chris W. Brussalis Samuel J. Furrow Jeff rey B. Love David V. Burgett Carl J. Gessler Jr. Frederic B. Lowrie Jr. H. Frank Burkholder Jr. James A. Gibbs David D. Lynch Jr. Charles R. Burnett III Arch B. Gilbert Kenneth G. Maikowski Robert B. Burns Kenneth E. Glass Paul E. Martin James P. Burra Lawrence W. Gougler R. Keith Martin James S. Calderhead Don W. Grady C. Raymond Marvin Steven R. Camferdam George E. Grady Michael K. McKenzie Roger H. Cerne William D. Grasse Wilbur E. McMurtry Ben F. Cheek III W. L. Gray Donald H. Melchiorre Alfred J. Clark David A. Green Hugh I. Miller Stephen L. Clark Eric L. Grubb David P. Millett James G. Clarke Jordan L. Haines M. Eugene Mittel Th ornton Cooke II Arthur F. Hoge III Marc S. Mores Christopher J. Craig Christopher C. Huelsman Richard R. Nelson Roy H. Cunningham Edward C. Huff man Charles H. Nogle Mark A. Dagitz Ray L. Hunt James B. Nutter J. M. Anthony Danby Michael S. Hyatt Mark H. Ochsenbein Philip M. De Carlo William R. Jackson Jr. Joseph S. Passanise

44 THE SCROLL WarrenW B. Swift DickinsonD ’57, new member of Trustees’ RoundtableR Gold Medallion level; FoundersF Club Trustees’ Roundtable

James I. Perkins Harris A. Th ompson Th e following estates, trusts, and Marvin J. Perry Richard H. Turrell friends of Phi Delta Th eta joined Th omas C. Pitcock Michael B. Twigg Th e Trustees’ Roundtable in 2005: William F. Poe Th omas W. Van Dyke William L. Polatsek Eugene M. Vereen Jr. Mrs. Paul Guenzel Charles W. Poore Jr. William D. Waller Jr. Harvey Hubbell Trust Rudy M. Porchivina Jr. James D. Warner Curtis Mann Estate William R. Richardson Edward G. Whipple Roger Schanzle Estate A. Scott Ritchie Ronald R. Whitehouse Priscilla & Roger Schultz A. Scott Ritchie III Stanley R. Wilemon Wm. and Madeline Welder Smith William G. Robinson Douglass F. Wiles Foundation David C. Rogerson Embry W. Williams Jr. Charles E. Stuart Scholarship Fund Jeff rey P. Rohr Joseph D. Williams Jr. Alan Sackman Jerry B. Williamson III Michael G. Scarlatelli Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Th e Trustees’ Roundtable: William P. Schick Erwin J. Wolber $1,000 - $2,499 John F. Schmidt Grant C. Woodard Frederick B. Schultz George S. Zoff el Th e Trustees’ Roundtable – John F. Scovell, Jr. Silver Medallion: $2,500 - $4,999 James A. Sears Kent L. Shalibo Th e Trustees’ Roundtable – Shane B. Shanafelt Golden Medallion: $5,000 or more Russell D. Shelden Robert J. Sherwin Mack H. Shumate Did You Know ? Cecil J. Silas John B. Slater Tamblin C. Smith MichaelM G. Scarlatelli KetteringK ’76, current Foundation TTrustee; two-year member of Trustees’ Ralph C. Spence Jr. Roundtable;R Andrew Watts Rogers Th omas F. Spencer AssociationA Ian H. Stewart Charles H. Still 537 generous and loyal individuals gave more than one gift to the James Stuart Foundation during the year. 399 gave two gifts, 56 gave three, 33 Warren B. Swift gave four, and 49 gave fi ve or more gifts. Charles W. Tate Ralph O. Taylor Jr. The Foundation received 6 gifts of stock. Those gifts totaled Conrad Foster Th iede $179,295.91. The smallest of the stock gifts was valued at $664.60 Russell D. Th omas while the largest was valued at $150,018.93. Christopher J. Th ompson

THE SCROLL 45 ConradC Foster ThiedeT ColgateC ’90, three-year member of Trustees’ Roundtable;R fi rst year Gold Medallion Trustees’ RoundtableR level; Founders Club Honorary Gifts

Th ese gift s were made to the Phi Delta Th eta Robert G. Crowder, Jerry J. Felmley, Paul W. Jencks, Educational Foundation during the 2005 calendar Florida Illinois Colorado College year in honor of the following individuals. Th e William F. Poe Conrad Foster Th iede J. Eddy G. Craig Jr. honoree name and chapter is listed fi rst, followed by the name of the donor(s). William C. Crowder, Mark S. Fiala, Mrs. William D. Florida Randolph-Macon Jenkins Frank H. Abernathy Jr., Original brothers of William F. Poe College Conrad Foster Th iede Richmond CA Mu Wendy K. Fiala C. T. Bray Christopher A. Banta Larry D. Dawson, L. C. Jennings Jr., Butler U. Rev. William R. North Carolina J. Quincy Adams Jr., Christopher M. Don A. Th ompson Finklea, Russell D. Th omas SMU Callicutt, Florida Robert J. Miller Southwestern U. John T. Dell, William F. Poe H. Paul Johnson Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Richard RIT Willamette U. Griffi th G. Allen, L. Callicutt Mr. and Mrs. Edward Robert F. Fitzpatrick, Lucas A. Hernandez Cincinnati C. Dell Maryland Mark R. Th ibedeau Conrad Foster Th iede James D. Camp Jr., Robert J. Miller Florida Dr. Robert B. Deloian, T. Allan Jones IV, Anthony H. Ambrose, William F. Poe Arizona State U. Russell G. Gillard, Florida Kentucky C. T. Bray Kettering U. William A. Hunter C. T. Bray Stephen F. Carr Don A. Th ompson M.D. Conrad Foster Th iede Robert S. Dinkel, William F. Poe Arkansas Alpha Alberta Stanley W. Gilson, Chapter T. Glen Cary, C. T. Bray Cal State - Northridge Justin A. Kasprisin, Conrad Foster Th iede Texas Tech U. Christopher J. Shrader Vermont C. T. Bray Robert R. Downing, Mr. and Mrs. Duke O. Barry S. Balmuth, Colorado Andrew C. Gohde, Kasprisin Emory University Frank A. Cascio III, Robert J. Miller Shippensburg U. Russell D. Th omas Mississippi State U. Sandra J. Gohde Selden G. Kent Jr., Teresa Hall Cascio ELI Peer Mentors Florida Rev. Garland-Clift on Group Larry T. Golomb, William F. Poe Belsome, Renee Chapman Alexander T. Butler U. Louisiana State Nathan P. Th omas Arinsmier Don A. Th ompson Robert E. Klabzuba, C. T. Bray Donald C. Bowers Oklahoma Michael C. Cheatham, Benjamin J. Dictus Th omas H. Greene, Wilbur E. McMurtry Robert A. Biggs, Central Florida Robert P. Felicano Florida Georgia Southern U. Rafael A. Del Castillo Lee K. Howard William F. Poe Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. T. Bray Evan S. Isaacs P. Krieger, Jon F. Christiansen, Daniel J. Jorgensen James M. Harb, S. Dakota Adam M. Blitstein, Clemson U. Johnathan T. Talcott Tennessee Jesse R. Moyer Nevada - Reno Mr. and Mrs. Fredric Gary R. Wade Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Christiansen Henry G. Ennis Jr., Dr. James W. Lea Jr., S. Blitstein Florida Sean B. Hensley, Emory U. Richard S. Clarke, William F. Poe Cal State - Northridge Russell D. Th omas Linda R. Brattain Florida Mr. and Mrs. Dannie Conrad Foster Th iede William F. Poe Lee E. Epting, Hensley Jonathan L. Leeper, Emory U. Southwestern College C. T. Bray, Bruce C. Clayton, George M. Bond Harry R. Herrington Carolyn Leeper South Florida Colgate U. Jr., Florida William F. Poe Conrad Foster Th iede George M. Eubanks, William F. Poe John J. Maddux Jr., Emory U. Tennessee Clinton F. Brown, Barbara L. Cotterman Russell D. Th omas Arthur F. Hoge III, Gary R. Wade Texas - Austin Conrad Foster Th iede Westminster College Helene R. Brown Paul W. Evans, C. T. Bray Nathan C. Marker, Robert A. Crandall Jr., Maryland Cincinnati Robert L. Butterfi eld, Florida Russell D. Th omas Edward F. Hopper, Conrad Foster Th iede Florida William F. Poe Akron William F. Poe Richard E. Fabritius, C. T. Bray Spencer K Marquardt, Kent State U. Kansas C. T. Bray Gerald C. Case

46 THE SCROLL RichardR H. Turrell CornellC ’49, new member of Trustees’ Roundtable;R John Wolfe Lindley AssociationA Honorary Gifts

Brady P. Nolan, Jeff rey B. Rizzo, Robert L. Stender, Wade S. Weatherford Jr., Dr. Paul E. Martin, Maryland Nevada – Las Vegas Florida North Carolina Akron Mr. and Mrs. James P. Andre M. William F. Poe C. T. Bray Robert J. Miller Nolan Lagomarsino Dane E. Stevenson, John I. Welch, Derrill S. McAteer, Benjamin M. Nyberg, R. James Robbins, Whitman College Florida Florida Colorado College Florida Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. William F. Poe William F. Poe J. Eddy G. Craig Jr. William F. Poe Stevenson William P. Whelchel Jr., James C. McCarthy, PDT Leadership Robert P. Roberts Jr., Brandon M. Stewart, Emory U. Tampa Consultants Ball State U. Nevada - Reno Russell D. Th omas C. T. Bray Nathan P. Th omas Patrick J. Roberts A. Kenneth Johnson Dr. Earl B. Whipple, George R. McElvy, George Pennington Jr., Dean S. Robinson, John W. Stitt II, Emory U. Florida Florida Florida Mississippi Russell D. Th omas William F. Poe William F. Poe William F. Poe C. T. Bray Dr. Edward G. Whipple, Chad J. Melvin, William B. Pharr Jr., Doyle Rogers, Robert C. Taggart, Hanover College Oregon State U. Florida Florida Washburn U. C. T. Bray Megan Bioletto William F. Poe William F. Poe Robert E. Bauer Wendell K. Whipple Jr., Robert J. Miller, Douglas M. Phillips, Ernst M. Ruder, Benjamin J. Tarbutton III, Emory U. New Mexico New Mexico Emory U. Emory U. Russell D. Th omas Gary R. Wade C. T. Bray Russell D. Th omas Russell D. Th omas Charles E. Wicks, Russell J. Minardi, Charles W. Poore Jr., James L. Rutherford III, Conrad Foster Th iede, Willamette U. Florida South Dakota Arkansas Colgate U. C. T. Bray William F. Poe C. T. Bray Conrad Foster Th iede C. T. Bray James C. Kautz Oliver J. Williams Jr., S. Charles Minardi, R. Gale Porter, Eric M. Schimmoeller, Donald W. Th iede Florida Florida Florida State U. Ashland U. William F. Poe William F. Poe William F. Poe Conrad Foster Th iede James R. Th omas, North Carolina Randall F. Williams, Minnesota Beta Charles L. Pride, Blake A. Schmidt, J. Richard Th omas Florida Chapter Western Kentucky U. Schreiner U. William F. Poe Adam J. Hastings C. T. Bray Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cactus Jack Th omas, Schmidt Emory U. W. Emory Williams, Marc S. Mores, Fredrick T. Rainer, Russell D. Th omas Emory U. Iowa State U. Ringling - Art and Jerome L. Schmidt, Russell D. Th omas Beta Th eta Pi Design Colorado College Bruce F. Th ompson, Fraternity Russell D. Th omas J. Eddy G. Craig Jr. Minnesota George W. Wright, C. T. Bray C. T. Bray Emory U. Emporia State Benjamin E. Rampson, Brittain A. Simms, Russell D. Th omas University Cornell U. Florida Louis A. Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. David A. William F. Poe Richmond Andrew D. Yancey, Nicholas J. Morphew, Rampson Walter D. Tucker Davidson College Lawrence U. W. S. Smith Jr., Mr. and Mrs. H. Patrick M. Scannell Dr. Th omas J. Reardon, Emory U. Lothar A. Vasholz, Lawrence Yancey Mississippi Russell D. Th omas Colorado Jesse R. Moyer, C. T. Bray C. T. Bray South Dakota John N. Sneed, C. T. Bray William R. Richardson, Florida A. Ward Wagner Jr., Tampa William F. Poe Florida Geri L. Murray C. T. Bray William F. Poe Conrad Foster Th iede Fairfi eld Community Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Foundation Spaulding and Abby Josh R. Walker, Adam A. Nickel, Conrad Foster Th iede Conrad Foster Th iede U. of Puget Sound Lawrence U. Mr. and Mrs. Mark V. Patrick M. Scannell Walker

THE SCROLL 47 MichaelM B. Twigg MarylandM ’74, three-year member of Trustees’T Roundtable; Founders Club Honorary Gifts

Thomas C. Eakin, Denison ’56 Richard F. Lombardi, Akron ’54 Michael L. Mackay, Case Western Res. ’64 Terrance J. Malish, Kent State U. ’62 In honor of: William C. Moor Jr., Indiana U. ’71 For the third consecutive year, Th omas C. Eakin, Denison ’56, Edward C. Morrison, Akron ’75 has honored one person each week with either an honorary or a memorial gift to the Educational Foundation. Geri L. Murray Dr. F. Story Musgrave, Syracuse U. ’58 Gift s in honor of: Donald C. Nelson, Akron ’50 Daniel B. Auker, Akron ’71 Samuel A. Nunn Jr., Georgia Tech. ’60 James A. Baker III, Texas – Austin ’57 Ohio Epsilon Chapter John G. Bansch, Montana ’57 Ohio Iota Chapter Glen R. Bender, Kent State U. ’67 Phi Delta Th eta Headquarters Staff Louis W. Bergesch, Washington U. ’46 Jack L. Prather, Denison U. ’51 Robert A. Biggs, Georgia Southern U. ’76 Roger T. Read, Akron ’63 James G. Bowden IV, Rollins College ’83 Robert J. Rice, Denison U. ’47 Linda R. Brattain William R. Richardson, Tampa ’80 David A. Burba, Ohio State U. ’88 Paul E. Runge, Arizona State U. ’66 Robert M. Campbell, Tennessee Tech. ’81 John R. Runyan III, Denison U. ’06 Lucien H. Case, Dartmouth College ’54 Bob L. Schieff er, Texas Christian U. ’59 Roger H. Cerne, Case Western Res. ’63 Dean E. Smith, Akron ’54 Ronald C. Cey, Washington State U. ’70 Walter T. Sorg Jr., Denison U. ’52 Ohio Lambda Chapter Eugene C. Stringer Jr., Ohio U. ’52 David J. Clinton, Akron ’53 Don A. Th ompson, Butler U. ’66 Alvin R. Dark, Louisiana State U. ’45 Robert E. Wise, Franklin College ’36 Noel C. Davis, Denison U. ’63 Dr. William F. Dean, Texas Tech ’60 Gifts in memory of: Delbert W. Donahoo, Iowa ’46 Roger A. Abberger, Denison U. ’53 Richard E. Guster, Denison U. ’50 George M. Dawson, Denison U. ’50 Charles H. Ingram, Denison U. ’79 Samuel H. Greenwood, Case Western Res. ’41 Harry N. Kalas, Iowa ’59 Donovan L. Taze, Illinois ’22 William B. King Jr., Denison U. ’49 Frank Wright, Florida ’26 Kolin M. Knapp, Denison U. ’06 Jon Lombardi

1848 Society Did You Know ? In honor of the year of the Fraternity’s founding, 1848, this CecilC J. Silas group of alumni donors made monthly gift s of $18.48 or more. GeorgiaG Tech ’53, current Foundation Trustee;T three-year member of Trustees’T Roundtable; Robert Morrison Lyle P. Agins Richard J. Gangwish Richard G. Olmstead Jr. AssociationA Brian J. Amend John G. Gillardi Jeff rey A. Radel Douglas M. Baker Juri C. Groenland Frank M. Ridley III James R. Ballard Brent Herspiegel Jeff rey B. Rizzo Marc L. Benjamin Ryan J. Kelsheimer Eric M. Schimmoeller The Foundation received distributions Lyman L. Benner Jr. Andre M. Lagomarsino Stephen T. Sferra Richard H. Brennan Michael J. Lambert Joshua P. Stephens from 3 estates that totaled $103,875.18 Jaymel M. Capinpin Andrew L. Laws Morris D. Stephens II John G. Church Jr. Brian J. Malison Robert J. Turning Ty M. Coup James P. McCoy Carl W. Wardenburg The combined gifts of the Foundation Mark E. Dykstra Robert J. Messina Scott S. Widener Trustees totaled $254,325.17. Jeff rey W. Ehringer G. Ryan Meyer von Richard Cody Yocom Bremen Stephen C. Foster III Gary B. Young Justin D. Needham Brian F. Fralick 48 THE SCROLL ThomasT W. Van Dyke KansasK ’60, new member of Trustees’ Roundtable;R Robert Th ompson Drake AssociationA Courtyard FORM

THE SCROLL 49 EugeneE M. Vereen Jr. DavidsonD ’41, new member of Trustees’ Roundtable;R Council Association Memorial Gifts

Th ese gift s were made to the Dorothy Creps Robert W. Glenn, J. T. Laird, Maryland Phi Delta Th eta Educational Russell D. Th omas Washington U. Robert B. Burns Foundation during the 2005 Robert B. Borsum calendar year in memory Richard H. Creps, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Robert O. Laverty, Duke of the following individu- Ohio U. Brown Mrs. Robert O. Laverty als. Th e honoree name and C. T. Bray Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. chapter is listed fi rst, fol- J. Howard Womsley Fisher William R. Lentz, lowed by the name of the Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Washburn U. donor(s). Sherod E. Dewell, Florida Glenn Robert C. Taggart C. T. Bray Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Robert G. Adair Hagenhoff Grant H. Lindell, Wyoming John W. Stitt II Louis F. Dougan Jr., Marvin W. Hildreth Robert J. Miller Washburn U. Integrated Wealth Advisory Stephen J. Anderson, Tampa Robert C. Taggart Services, Inc. Forrest S. Lindsay, R. Kyle Bailey Sharon Nielsen & Family Oregon State Anne Drake Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Sanders Jr. Susan L. Lindsay George W. Archer, Donald H. Melchiorre Jerry D. Shepard Tennessee Ohio Th eta Chapter Richard S. Loveland, Gary R. Wade William H. Goodloe Jr., Northwestern U. Donald M. DuShane IV, Southwestern U. Robert M. O. Sutton Sr. George Banta III, Oregon Dr. F. A. Rodden Lawrence U. J. David Almacy Th omas E. Lyons Jr., Kansas Robert J. Miller Anthony H. Ambrose Louis T. Griffi th, Georgia A. Scott Ritchie Conrad Foster Th iede Robert A. Biggs M. Tyus Butler T. Glen Cary Curtis W. Mann, Idaho William Lance Barnhouse, George E. Grady William M. Hall, Conrad Foster Th iede Western Kentucky M. Bruce McClelland Washburn U. Phillip W. Barnhouse Jr. S. George Notaras Robert C. Taggart David R. Mayne, Miami U. Christopher J. Shrader John G. Hazlett Jacqueline L. Beranek David C. Slatton Jerome R. Hansen Donald H. Melchiorre John W. Stitt II Robert A. Biggs Charles D. McAtee, Conrad Foster Th iede Michael G. Scarlatelli Washburn U. Harold A. Bowdoin, Lothar A. Vasholz Bobby W. Storey Alabama Robert L. Elortegui, Robert C. Taggart George E. Jordan Jacksonville U. Carl F. Harsch Derek D. Gill Donald H. Melchiorre Robert E. McCarthy, Stanley D. Brown, California-Berkeley Nebraska - Lincoln Michael T. Errecart, MIT Martin L. Hecht Jr., Ohio U. Edward F. Willi John A. Poole Robert M. O. Sutton Sr. Robert J. Miller Gerard L. Novario Robert G. McGeary, Jack L. Bruckner, Duke James W. Fee, Kansas Pittsburgh Marion J. Bruckner A. Scott Ritchie R. Frank Hefl in, G. R. Benjamin Jr. Franklin College Frank C. Bussey, John R. Fifi eld, Kansas Robert J. Miller Wilbert E. Miller, Ohio U. Georgia Tech A. Scott Ritchie Phillip M. Nye Richard G. Austin Dolly Frances Johnston Robert E. Fisher, Joseph V. Johnston Dr. Robert W. Milne, MIT David M. Clark, Oklahoma Washburn U. Robert M. O. Sutton Sr. J. Eddy G. Craig Jr. Robert C. Taggart G. Paul Jones Jr., Georgia Tech. Chapter Grand members of Helen Coen Edward L. Fuller, Iowa State Robert J. Miller MO Gamma Ohio Th eta Chapter Ruth V. Fuller Jules D. Campbell Jr. Th omas F. Kinder, Patti Conkwright Michael A. Gaetano, Cincinnati Richard H. Moore, Charles W. Poore Jr. Embry-Riddle Ohio Th eta Chapter Butler U. Joshua A. Langlais Donald H. Melchiorre Don A. Th ompson Tracy Coup William R. Richardson Ty M. Coup William A. Gallucci, Conrad Foster Th iede F. L. P. Moran, Kent State Maryland Francis G. Crane Jr., Mrs. William A. Gallucci Robert J. Kirk, William C. Schenke Washington State Dickinson College William F. Greene E. D. Hand Th eron H. Morgan, Ohio U. Phillip M. Nye 50 THE SCROLL EdwardE G. Whipple HanoverH ’74, new member of Trustees’ Roundtable;R John Wolfe Lindley AssociationA Memorial Gifts

Hubert D. Moseley Jr., Mr. and Mrs. John Almy John G. Stewart, William H. Wemyss Jr., Georgia Ronald W. Bell Washington & Jeff erson Vanderbilt U. M. Tyus Butler Judy Benson Wallace M. Burger Robert M. Tigert Jr. Robert A. Biggs Mr. and Mrs. James M. Frank G. Mullin Jr. Deana Conklin Warren G. Stichtenoth, Ward Auburn University NK David Constructors Cincinnati Lothar A. Vasholz Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Donald H. Melchiorre Charles L. Woodworth, Davis Mrs. Warren G. Stichtenoth Ohio U. Edward J. Neff , New Mexico Mr. and Mrs. Clint W. Phillip M. Nye Robert J. Miller Deacon A. G. Swan, Oregon State John P. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Giuseppe Robert G. Swan Howard E. Young, Del Rivo Southwestern U. Jack Nooney, Florida State Eagle Rock Elementary Joe A. Swope Sr., Indiana U. Anthony H. Ambrose Stephen M. Bailey Faculty Joe A. Swope Jr. Robert A. Biggs Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. C. T. Bray James C. Owen Jr., Georgia Edwards John S. Th ackery, Missouri Mr. and Mrs. Ben Brollier M. Tyus Butler Mr. and Mrs. Steve Elliott Phyllis A. Th ackery Neal D. Cannon Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Randall B. T. Glen Cary C. Carson Parks II, Emeterio Th omas A. Th arp, Lee F. Christie U. of Miami Larry D. Fried Miami U. Joseph Edward Conrad Foster Th iede Leonard H. Gelfand Mr. and Mrs. Attison Barnes Fred A. Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Rayford D. Saint Michaels Business Homer B. Gibbs Jr. William L. Patterson Jr., Gilder Association George E. Grady New Mexico Jill Golden Ellen Garrity W. L. Gray, Jr. Robert J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Edward W. Kohler Mark L. Hobson Hamada Jack Martin Insurance Arthur F. Hoge III Dr. Vernon Wolseley Paul Hamon & Associates Group Harry V. Lamon Jr. Anthony H. Ambrose Michael J. Landau Carol H. Parlett Robert W. Ligon Michael G. Scarlatelli Edward M. Lapaz Jr. Karen S. Pouliot Ernest J. Lowrey Christopher A. Lapple Jennifer Richardson Richard D. Maxson Jr. J. R. Pavey Frank E. Lapple Leonard L. Silverstein M. Scott Mietchen Robert A. Biggs Daniel R. Lyle Andrew W. Wilson Robert J. Miller Robert Curran Sharon L. Mann Patrick C. Oxford Frederic B. Lowrie Jr. Karen Martin Karen B. Th omas Louis Pitcock Jr. M. Bruce McClelland Paulette McFarland George E. Grady Charles L. Pride M. Scott Mietchen Robert J. Miller William R. Richardson Robert J. Miller Dana Parrino Joseph J. Th omas, Ohio U. Michael G. Scarlatelli Daniel B. Roe Mr. and Mrs. C. Jeff rey Patch Conrad Foster Th iede Christopher J. Shrader Christopher J. Shrader Mr. and Mrs. Jack Persky John W. Stitt II Edward M. Petersen III John F. Th omas, Emory U. Mr. and Mrs. John M. William P. Perkins Jr., William R. Richardson Cactus Jack Th omas Strange Mississippi Armida Sierra Walter R. Taber Jr. Frances P. Perkins James F. Sierra Family Donald E. Van Pelt, Conrad Foster Th iede Mr. and Mrs. John Sierra Iowa State Lothar A. Vasholz Lori Burns Reinhart Leticia Sierra Mrs. Donald E. Van Pelt L. Dana Weaver Jr. Robert B. Burns Jane Simone Charles E. Wicks Mr. and Mrs. Jon A. S. Ernest Vandiver, Georgia Clinton T. Willour James S. Rucker, Stephens M. Tyus Butler John W. Worsham West Virginia U. Conrad Foster Th iede A. C. Young Rodney K. Raines Russell S. Waters William J. Verst, Tampa Christopher E. Young Michael Weinrick C. T. Bray Th omas P. Ryan, Oklahoma William B. Winston Scott W. Popham D. Frances Johnston Wilbur E. McMurtry Harriette G. Woodring Valley of the Sun Alumni Mr. and Mrs. Franklin R. Dr. C. W. Voris, Association Robert W. Sandera, Virginia Wurtzel North Carolina Linda A. Jacobsen George E. Grady Keith J. Carey Stanley L. Spencer Jr., Scott C. Carey William M. Sicking Dickinson College Alvin O. Walterscheid, Donald H. Melchiorre J. Howard Womsley West Texas A & M Mrs. Wilbur E. McMurtry Anonymous John P. Ryan James F. Sierra, Charles E. Spring, Cal State Northridge Minnesota Jacquie Agaidi James S. Stubbs THE SCROLL 51 DouglassD F. Wiles FloridaF ’74, new member of Trustees’ Roundtable;R Council Association Living Bond Society

Creating a Phi Delt Legacy…

Th e Living Bond Society acknowledges those who have Living Bond Society gift s include, but are not limited to: informed the Phi Delta Th eta Educational Foundation of a planned gift or bequest in their will. Gift s to the • A bequest in a will or trust Phi Delta Th eta Educational Foundation are deductible • An insurance policy with the for estate tax purposes. Naming the Phi Delta Th eta Educational Foundation in your will or as a benefi ciary Foundation as benefi ciary or policy owner of your estate plans, or with a planned gift , is an eff ective • A charitable gift annuity and lasting way to provide for the future of Phi Delta • A charitable remainder trust Th eta. Currently, there are 82 members of the Living Bond Society. • An individual retirement account Members of the Living Bond Society are presented with • Gift s of personal property or securities a lapel pin and certifi cate recognizing their generosity. • Gift s of real estate

The Phi Delta Theta Living Bond Society

Howell E. Adams, Jr., Vanderbilt ’53 Michael D. Eikenberry, Butler ’94 Norman E. Allen, Pacifi c ’88 Charles W. Elliott, Kansas ’43 Th omas N. Arnett, Jr., Utah ’69 Donald N. Ewan, S.M.U. ’53 Hughes A. Bagley, Washington (St. Louis)’45 Rich and Heather Fabritius, Kent State ’94 Larry G. Baratta, Tampa ’81 Jerry J. Felmley, Illinois ’54 Paul H. Bennett, Ohio Wesleyan ’38 Michael Fimiani, South Florida ’89 Robert A. Biggs, Georgia Southern ’76 Robert F. Fitzpatrick, Maryland ’58 James P. Burra, CA State-Northridge ’67 Ronald J. Garon, Tampa ’80 Roland D. Carlson, Cornell ’54 Albert J. Geis, Purdue ’53 James V. Carlton, Jr., Cincinnati ’71 Russell G. Gillard, Kettering ’73 W. Timothy Cashin, Santa Barbara ’59 Lonnie W. Glen III, Wichita State ’81 Adam D. Cegavske, Nevada 2004 Dennis W. Harrington, South Carolina ’67 Roy H. Cunningham, West Virginia ’93 Geoff C. Hicks, Texas Tech ’93 J. M. Anthony Danby, Chattanooga ’70 Henry L. Hilton-Green, Jr., Auburn ’43 Jeff rey N. Davis, Southeast Mo. State ’94 Arthur F. Hoge, Westminster ’75 Leon R. DeLieto, Syracuse ’64 James E. Hoover, Purdue ’49 Ford A. Dickerhoff , Akron ’44 Moreland R. Irby, Richmond ’43 Kevin R. Dreiling, Wichita State ’90 Edward L. Jenkins, Missouri ’34 Joseph Edward, New Mexico ’91 Bryan Scott Johnson, Clemson ’81

52 THE SCROLL RalphR C. Wilson Jr. VirginiaV ’40, new member of Trustees’ Roundtable;R Andrew Watts Rogers AssociationA Living Bond Society

F. Ross Johnson, Manitoba ’52 Rudy Porchivina, San Jose State ’89 Stephen J. Kleberg, Texas Tech ’69 William R. Richardson, Tampa ’80 Joseph D. Kohout, Creighton ’98 Robert P. Roberts, Jr., Ball State ’74 Victor W. Kramer, Arizona State ’61 Kern G. Rodeberg, Minnesota ’64 Nelson Hall Layman, Illinois ’35 Herbert G. Rogers III, Mississippi ’64 Frederic B. Lowrie, Butler ’71 Ronald G. Saff er, Iowa State ’63 Luby R. Lynch, Jr., Duke ’49 Jeremy P. Sale, Mercer 2002 Paul J. Marin, UCLA ’51 Michael G. Scarlatelli, Kettering ’76 Rene J. Miller, UCLA ’55 Steven H. Scott, Berkeley ’88 David P. Millett, Denison ’63 Benoit Simoneau, McGill ’99 Forrest C. Mischler, Allegheny ’61 George W. Sugden, Iowa State ’46 William M. Moran, Tennessee Tech ’71 Warren B. and Dolores D. Swift , Dickinson ’57 Marc and Jennifer Mores, Iowa State ’95 Robert C. Taggart, Washburn ’51 Jesse R. Moyer, South Dakota 2003 Ralph O. Taylor, Missouri ’40 Stanford C. Nelson, Colorado ’34 Conrad Foster Th iede, Colgate ’90 S. George Notaras, Lawrence ’53 Nathan P. Th omas, Southeast Missouri ’95 Gerard L. Novario, Ohio U. ’43 Robert J. Turning, Akron ’96 Gerald M. Ober, Arizona ’52 Marc P. Ugo, Butler ’92 Eugene M. Olander, Kansas State ’60 Lothar A. Vasholz, Colorado ’52 Mario Osuna, San Jose State ’81 Marco A. Villa, Cal Riverside ’96 Robert S. Pasquinucci, Ashland ’93 Gary R. Wade, Tennessee ’70 Joseph & Jennifer Passanise, SW Mo. ’91 Ralph W. Williams Jr., Georgia ’55 Marvin J. Perry, Maryland ’53

For more information on the Living Bond Society or to receive complimentary brochures on estate planning or wills, please contact:

Th e Phi Delta Th eta Educational Foundation 2 South Campus Avenue, Oxford, Ohio 45056 Phone: 513.523.6966 ext. 238 Fax: 513.523.9200 e-mail: [email protected] Th e Phi Delta Th eta Educational Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization. THE SCROLL 53 JamesJ P. Burra CalC State Northridge ’67, current Foundation Trustee; three-year memberm of Trustees’ Roundtable; ’05 Silver Medallion level of Trustees’T Roundtable; Paul C. Beam Association; Living Bond Society Consecutive Giving

Persistence – To continue steadily and William M. Golden Jr., South Florida, ’71 John F. Scovell, Texas Tech, ’68 fi rmly; continuing without withering Lawrence W. Gougler, Illinois, ’41 Christopher J. Shrader, Miami Univ., ’82 or falling off … Th omas C. Graham, Washington, ’59 Douglas J. Smith, Cincinnati, ’65 William D. Grasse, New Mexico, ’62 J. MacAlpine Smith, Northwestern, ’63 Th e embodiment of that term in Roy T. Grimes, Texas Tech, ’53 Murray S. Smith Jr., Knox, ’51 Phi Delta Th eta can be found in the Robert J. Guerine, Franklin, ’41 Robert M. Sprotte, Duke, ’58 following lists. Th ese loyal alumni have Albert M. Harlow Jr., MIT, ’70 John M. Srofe, Hanover, ’79 established long records of consecutive Bruce G. Haskin, Ripon, ’73 Dan W. Stansbury, Southern Methodist, ’54 giving to the Educational Foundation. Larry E. Heasty, Kansas State, ’68 Robert L. Steed, Mercer, ’58 N. Hadley Heindel Jr., Florida, ’50 Philip J. Stein, Georgia, ’79 Robert E. Henderson, Southern Methodist, ’74 Robert V. Henning Jr., Lehigh, ’64 Th omas R. Hoff man, Ashland, ’72 25-29 Years 20-24 Years Arthur F. Hoge III, Westminster, ’75 James K. Akard, Missouri, ’71 Stanley N. Holditch, Georgia Tech, ’38 Brian W. Sugden, Iowa State, ’70 Ernest J. Anderes, Willamette, ’50 Robert l. Holloway, Purdue, ’59 Robert G. Syring, Idaho, ’61 Bradley K. Anderson, Kansas, ’76 Lawrence V. Kaminsky, Tennessee, ’81 Wallace L. Tate, New Mexico, ’52 James L. Anderson, California-Berkeley, ’48 Donald M. Kennedy, Georgia Tech, ’60 Ralph O. Taylor Jr., Missouri, ’40 Th eodore Ashton, Ohio State, ’47 Wendel F. Kent, Cornell, ’46 Joseph B. Townsend Jr., Maryland, ’52 Alan N. Attaway, Cincinnati, ’69 Th omas L. Kirkpatrick, Michigan State, ’76 J. Wayne Traylor, Richmond, ’60 Horace B. Barks, Westminster, ’42 Philip L. Kleinschmidt, Dartmouth, ’55 Michael J. Wade, Randolph-Macon, ’54 Robert W. Barnes, Emory, ’35 Harold W. Knapheide III, Kansas, ’67 William D. Waterson, Michigan, ’72 Larry L. Bennison, Purdue, ’63 Donald S. Koskinen, Lawrence, ’50 Robert D. Watson, Minnesota, ’39 Robert A. Biggs, Georgia Southern, ’76 Donald R. Kussmaul, Purdue, ’59 Michael A. Yambra, Washington State, ’58 Robert H. Blayney, Miami Univ., ’43 David W. Kuykendall, Texas Tech, ’77 Charles R. Yates, Georgia, ’35 Glenn C. Blomquist, Ohio Wesleyan, ’67 Wilbur S. Latimer, MIT, ’59 Frank B. Adney Jr., DePauw, ’42 Robert N. Brell, Westminster, ’62 George Leuca III, Akron, ’72 Curtis H. Alloway, Kansas, ’42 Kenneth S. Brown, Indiana, ’82 Richard E. Lohss, Butler, ’48 Robert C. Andrews, McDaniel, ’77 Robert J. Brown, Pennsylvania, ’49 Kenneth G. Maikowski, Utah, ’86 Th omas N. Arnett Jr., Utah, ’69 H. Frank Burkholder Jr., Kentucky, ’60 P. Lee Martin, Georgia Tech, ’38 George H. Bertsch, Akron, ’63 Jeff rey S. Byer, California-Irvine, ’78 James B. Mason III, Vanderbilt, ’50 Louis S. Binder, Minnesota, ’76 Donald W. Campion, Wisconsin, ’47 Joel H. McCormick, Georgia Tech, ’62 William M. Birdsong Jr., Randolph-Macon, ’56 J. Cale Case, Wyoming, ’80 W. E. McCormick Jr., Florida, ’38 Hugh J. W. Brandt, Cincinnati, ’61 Ben F. Cheek III, Emory, ’58 Perry C. McGriff Jr., Florida, ’60 David E. Brevard, Mississippi, ’78 Arthur L. Chetlain Jr., Washington, ’55 Wilbur E. McMurtry, Oklahoma, ’41 Harold C. Broman, Puget Sound, ’57 Ronald R. Clark, California-Los Angeles, ’50 Walter T. Meisner Jr., Wisconsin, ’58 Jeff erson D. Brother Jr., Kentucky, ’60 F.P. Pete Clements, New Mexico, ’52 Pressly M. Millen Jr., North Carolina, ’55 J. Hyatt Brown, Florida, ’59 Th omas J. Coakley, California-Berkeley, ’55 Donald L. Miner, Cincinnati, ’62 Stewart D. Brown III, Clemson, ’76 Neely B. Coble III, Vanderbilt, ’73 Th omas E. Minton, New Mexico, ’67 Th omas G. Brown, Colorado, ’56 Robert A. Collier Jr., North Carolina, ’53 Dan E. Moldea, Akron, ’72 Ronald F. Buck, Kettering, ’59 Gilbert T. Cormier Jr., Washington State, ’54 Allen Moore III, Missouri, ’48 John J. Collins, Ohio State, ’53 J. Eddy G. Craig Jr., Colorado, ’54 Francis A. Moran, Jacksonville, ’78 John H. Costello III, Akron, ’71 G. Russell Croft on Jr., Florida, ’63 Robert C. Morrison, Westminster, ’44 Peter Day, Pennsylvania, ’37 Robert B. Dannies, Pittsburgh, ’39 Patrick W. Muldoon, Idaho, ’64 William R. DeLong, Wisconsin, ’45 Richard R. Davidson, California-Los Angeles, ’51 Richard R. Nelson, Missouri, ’50 Daniel C. Demko, Akron, ’57 G. Richard Day, Washington & Lee, ’41 Hayes A. Newby, Ohio Wesleyan, ’35 Edwin W. Desserich, California-Los Angeles, ’46 Harold W. Dotts Jr., Iowa State, ’59 M. Dale Olcott, Kent State, ’57 Cornelius D. Dosker III, Kentucky, ’74 Charles A. Doty, Vanderbilt, ’51 John J. Pappas, South Dakota, ’54 Daniel D. Doyle, Florida, ’59 Kinloch F. Dunlap, Georgia, ’61 Rod A. Patterson, Drake, ’82 Robert W. Eaves Jr., North Carolina, ’58 M. John Dyrud, Lawrence, ’57 Robert D. Payne, Idaho, ’55 Tyrrell B. Eichler Jr., Washington, ’57 John E. Edwards, DePauw, ’32 George E. Phillips, Bowling Green, ’61 David F. Elgart, Arizona, ’48 Philip D. Edwards, Purdue, ’44 John A. Poole, North Carolina, ’65 John H. Ellis, Miami Univ., ’39 Howard P. Estes, Richmond, ’61 William A. Pruitt, Oklahoma, ’75 Francis O. Enright, Akron, ’42 T. William Estes Jr., Vanderbilt, ’55 Marc R. Ramsdale, Kansas State, ’79 Paul A. Erskine, MIT, ’47 James W. Eyler, Virginia, ’75 John C. Reiff , Oklahoma, ’43 Bernard A. Everett, Iowa State, ’50 Nairn B. Farnsworth, Iowa Wesleyan, ’57 James A. Rexrode, California-Los Angeles, ’56 Ronald K. Ford, Washburn, ’66 James F. Feisley, Allegheny, ’49 Patrick J. Roberts, Ball State, ’75 William J. French III, Kansas, ’77 Jack C. Finks, Univ. of Miami, ’66 Sam H. Rogers Jr., Maryland, ’45 Larry D. Fried, California State-Northridge, ’69 Morris E. Foist, Franklin, ’43 Gary L. Rudin, Drake, ’70 Gary C. Fulmer, Ohio State, ’55 Douglas G. Gatchell, New Mexico, ’68 Michael S. Ruff olo, Knox, ’58 Robert P. Gaines, Florida, ’50 Leonard H. Gelfand, California State-Northridge, ’67 Harold S. Salzman, Amherst, ’44 George G. Gargett, Michigan State, ’40 Richard J. Goettle IV, Miami Univ., ’67 Richard O. Sandow, Lawrence, ’48 William L. Garwood, Texas - Austin, ’55 James M. Golden, Washington State, ’50 James Sanfi lippo, Akron, ’51 James A. Gibbs, Oklahoma State, ’57 Michael G. Scarlatelli, Kettering, ’76 Robert E. Gill, Washington, ’48 54 THE SCROLL DonaldD E. Demkee AkronA ’60, current Foundation Trustee; ArthurA R. Priest Association Consecutive Giving

Kenneth E. Glass, Cincinnati, ’63 George M. Waddell, Rollins, ’38 George R. Jonelunas, Amherst, ’49 Randall W. Goins, Arkansas, ’75 Norman V. Wagner II, California-Los Angeles, ’51 Joseph M. Kacena, Chicago, ’36 Hershey Groff Jr., Pennsylvania, ’55 Donald C. Warner, Union, ’46 Sydney F. Keeble Jr., Vanderbilt, ’49 Richard J. Haayen, Ohio State, ’48 Harvey G. Weber, Westminster, ’63 Richard L. Keiser, Gettysburg, ’50 Geoff rey H. Halliday, Missouri, ’77 Kermit G. Weiske, Ripon, ’50 William P. Keiser, Gettysburg, ’52 R. Andrew Harper, Indiana State, ’73 Gates H. Whitaker, Union, ’69 Robert D. Kelly, Eastern Kentucky, ’72 Dennis W. Harrington, South Carolina, ’67 W. Emory Williams, Emory, ’32 R. F. Kleinschmidt Jr., New Mexico, ’53 Joseph C. Harvey, Univ. of Miami, ’64 Charles F. Winder, Texas Tech, ’79 Victor W. Kramer, Arizona State, ’61 William S. Hays, New Mexico, ’61 William F. Womble, Duke, ’37 Charles C. Krueger Jr., Michigan State, ’53 Th omas R. Hayward, Missouri, ’38 Richard T. Leighton, Illinois, ’49 Holmes G. Hendricksen, Utah, ’55 James M. Long, Ohio Wesleyan, ’73 Robert H. Herman, Cincinnati, ’76 M. John Lovaas, Wisconsin, ’58 D. Clark Higgins, Ohio, ’54 30 + Years Frederic B. Lowrie Jr., Butler, ’71 Russell W. Hilbish Jr., Akron, ’51 Charles R. McCuen, Iowa Wesleyan, ’49 Joseph H. Hill II, Auburn, ’75 Christopher R. Aceto, Maryland, ’74 David G. McGann, Illinois, ’62 Fredrick G. Hoeptner, Southern California, ’55 James K. Anderson, Oklahoma, ’49 James B. Meek, Illinois, ’43 Robert C. Hutton, Pennsylvania, ’50 Charles F. Axelson Jr., Chicago, ’37 Harold A. Merten Jr., Cincinnati, ’51 Irwin T. Hyatt Jr., Emory, ’57 Brian H. Bailey, Maryland, ’54 Robert J. Miller, New Mexico, ’50 Allen N. Jelks, Emory, ’52 L. Duane Baird, Willamette, ’57 Daniel R. Milloy, Vermont, ’56 Royce A. Johnson Jr., Mercer, ’56 James B. Barnhart, Miami Univ., ’70 M. Eugene Mittel, Gettysburg, ’50 James C. Kautz, Cincinnati, ’53 Ned K. Barthelmas, Ohio State, ’51 Gary B. Montgomery, Hanover, ’60 Selden G. Kent Jr., Florida, ’52 Frank J. Becker, Kansas, ’58 Richard J. Mooney, Univ. of Miami, ’64 David E. Knutzen, South Dakota, ’76 William E. Beckham Jr., Georgia Tech, ’58 William J. Moore, Oregon State, ’46 Stuart H. Koch, Wisconsin, ’40 Bruce E. Beebe, Oregon, ’66 Robert B. Morris, Emory, ’43 Elroy F. Langill, DePauw, ’42 William F. Bell, Northwestern, ’46 William Lee Noel, Duke, ’52 Ralph A. Leister, Pennsylvania, ’39 John O. Bennett III, West Virginia, ’70 Lawrence A. Nye, Idaho, ’65 Scott Leiter, New Mexico, ’74 Kenneth A. Bodley, South Florida, ’67 Edwin J. Phelps Jr., Lafayette, ’56 David H. Lewis, Denison, ’57 Allen N. Bolte, Iowa State, ’61 Donald F. Potter, Ohio, ’41 James C. Mallers, Butler, ’58 William J. Bowers, Southern California, ’50 William R. Powell, DePauw, ’57 David B. McCallum, Washington, ’50 John K. Boyce Jr., Pennsylvania, ’51 Philip H. Prince, Stanford, ’45 James W. McKee Jr., McGill, ’43 Th omas M. Broyles, Colorado, ’47 Robert H. Pugsley, Denison, ’45 William N. Mire, Cincinnati, ’42 A. Roy Burks, Wisconsin, ’53 Gary F. Ratzlaff , Washington State, ’60 David R. Mitchell Jr., Penn State, ’50 M. Tyus Butler, Georgia, ’40 Robert E. Reemelin, Miami Univ., ’48 William P. Mytton, Colorado, ’57 Edward H. Clayton Jr., Westminster, ’32 Robert R. Reid, Whitman, ’49 Robert L. Nugent, Cornell, ’45 Frank R. Cordon, McGill, ’46 John A. Riggs III, Arkansas, ’57 John M. Oblak, Case Western Reserve, ’62 Benjamin A. Corey, Iowa, ’45 Jon R. Robson, Arizona, ’53 James D. Orner, Colorado, ’56 Charles G. Crawley, North Carolina, ’48 Bruce W. Rogers Jr., Akron, ’56 Clarence D. Patterson, Iowa Wesleyan, ’49 Gordon O. Dalsbo, Iowa State, ’45 Ralph W. Rydholm, Northwestern, ’58 Earl J. Patterson, Lawrence, ’76 Forest D. Daugherty, Franklin, ’53 Robert E. Scott Jr., Maryland, ’67 Robert C. Peterson, Wyoming, ’42 W. Roger D. Davidson, Washington & Jeff erson, ’60 Richard J. Shaw, Michigan State, ’54 William H. Pittman Jr., Oklahoma State, ’55 John E. Davies, Alberta, ’58 Russell D. Shelden, Missouri, ’42 David G. Puddington, Ohio Wesleyan, ’50 Willis F. Day, Miami Univ., ’46 Sidney O. Smith Jr., Georgia, ’49 Steven B. Rael, New Mexico, ’76 David F. Doeller, Wisconsin, ’47 Raymond H. Steben Jr., Iowa State, ’60 Melvin H. Rice, Ohio State, ’56 Th omas C. Eakin, Denison, ’56 C. A. Stiles, Pennsylvania State, ’45 James E. Roberts, Oregon, ’55 Frank A. Eastman, Colorado, ’48 John W. Stitt II, Mississippi, ’54 Roger W. Rumble, Wisconsin, ’59 Amor C. Emmert Jr., Cincinnati, ’47 Joseph S. Stoddard, Iowa State, ’43 William L. Ruppersberger, Maryland, ’46 Dale E. Ernstes, Ball State, ’72 Donald Strutz, Lawrence, ’49 James L. Sayre, Lehigh, ’58 James C. Eskridge, Lamar, ’66 Clement E. Sutton Jr., Emory, ’34 William C. Schenke, Maryland, ’50 Hugh R. Gaither, Davidson, ’72 Don A. Th ompson, Butler, ’66 Robert C. Schiff Jr., Vanderbilt, ’77 Lay J. Gibson, Willamette, ’62 James M. Tinklepaugh, Kansas, ’40 Enslie I. Schilb, Westminster, ’46 Robert L. Grubb Jr., North Carolina, ’61 William H. Told Jr., Florida, ’51 Milford M. Schlenker, Cincinnati, ’62 William B. Grubb Jr., Illinois, ’57 Robert A. Tulk, Ohio State, ’48 David C. Schmidt, Georgia Tech, ’75 William U. Handy Jr., California - Los Angeles, ’45 John R. Turner, Richmond, ’72 Delbert E. Scott, Oregon State, ’54 Frank C. Harrell, Georgia Tech, ’57 William B. Turner, Georgia Tech, ’43 John E. Sells, Washington, ’59 Weston L. Harris, Utah, ’67 Harold K. Ulreich, Valparaiso, ’58 Joe Shearer, Maryland, ’50 David W. Hartz, Richmond, ’53 Th omas A. Walthall IV, Auburn, ’60 Donald M. Snider, Puget Sound, ’55 John G. Hazlett, Miami Univ., ’49 Jack V. Walz, Georgia Tech, ’60 Charles A. Stoll, Michigan State, ’63 Gilbert B. Hennenfent, Iowa State, ’59 Gerald L. Ward, DePauw, ’56 Robert H. Strickland, Butler, ’50 Henry L. Hilton-Green Jr., Auburn, ’43 Frederick W. Weston Jr., Lehigh, ’46 Robert G. Swan, Oregon State, ’50 J. E. Holmes III, California-Berkeley, ’68 H. L. Wiles, Florida State, ’52 Philip Taber Jr., Arizona, ’45 George C. Hoopy, Duke, ’31 Allan J. Williamson, North Dakota, ’53 Walter A. TeStrake Jr., Florida, ’59 Robert P. Hughes Jr., Mississippi, ’58 J. Paul Williamson, Purdue, ’70 Cactus Jack Th omas, Emory, ’43 Joseph A. Jennings, Richmond, ’50 William C. Wilson, Oklahoma State, ’69 Fred A. Underwood, Texas Tech, ’69 Donald C. Johnson, Michigan State, ’42 Edgar B. Woodward, Westminster, ’38 THE SCROLL 55 SamuelS J. Furrow TennesseeT ’65, current Foundation Trustee; newn member of Trustees’ Roundtable; John WolfeW Lindley Association Ways you can Help

Th ousands of Phi Delta Th eta members contribute each year to the Educational Foundation. It is their support that makes all of the programs provided by the Foundation possible.

Listed below are a few of the ways members choose to support the Foundation: Annual Support Sesquicentennial Th ese gift s typically arrive in the form of checks, credit card gift s or Courtyard gift s of stock. Most Educational Foundation donors do not restrict Alumni and undergraduates alike continue to support the Sesqui- the use of their annual gift s. Th is allows them to be allocated to the centennial Courtyard with bricks engraved with their names or areas of most critical need during the year. the names of other members and friends of Phi Delta Th eta. More than 2,000 engraved bricks have already been placed in the Court- Endowments yard, and that number continues to increase on a regular basis. (It Permanently endowed funds may be established and named in is not too late to buy your brick if you have not already done so.) accordance with a donor’s wishes through gift s of $50,000 or more. Th ese endowments typically create named scholarships or fellow- Restricted Gifts ships but other purposes are also available. Some alumni choose to restrict their gift s for specifi c programs or funds. For example, one alumnus may ask that his gift be used Endowments may also be created with smaller gift s that the donor solely for scholarships while another alumnus may direct his gift to pledges to increase, over a period to time, to the $50,000 level. the Leadership College Fund. Both of these gift s are acceptable and Endowment funds provide a constant source of income for the welcome. Th e Foundation does retain the right, however, to decline Educational Foundation and are spent with careful consideration of any gift that does not meet the approved purposes of the Founda- the donor’s intentions. tion or would be overly restrictive.

Matching Gifts Anniversary Class Gifts Your employer may have a matching gift program that can multiply Members of classes celebrating special reunions are invited to your support. Please ask your personnel offi ce for the necessary establish a class gift to the Educational Foundation as part of their forms to send with your gift . reunion activities. Planned Gifts Long-range estate and fi nancial planning can enable you to make a substantial contribution to a program or project of your choice For more information about the in a manner consistent with your overall charitable and personal Educational Foundation commitments. Some examples of planned gift s include bequests, please contact: appreciated securities, real estate, insurance policies, charitable remainder trusts and charitable gift annuities. Th e Foundation staff can provide additional information on each of these types of gift s. William R. “Rusty” Richardson, Th e Foundation also recognizes alumni who have made such gift s as members of the Living Bond Society. President Phi Delta Th eta Educational Foundation Memorial & Honorary 2 South Campus Avenue Gifts Oxford, OH 45056 A memorial or honorary gift is an appropriate way to recognize (513) 523-6966 someone’s life and accomplishments. Th e Educational Founda- FAX: (513) 523-9200 tion off ers opportunities for those who wish to associate the name [email protected] of a family or an individual with a project or program of enduring worth. Memorial gift s are acknowledged to the family while hon- orary gift s are acknowledged to the individual. Gift s of this type to the Sesquicentennial Courtyard have been very popular.

56 THE SCROLL GeorgeG E. Grady ArizonaA ’53, current Foundation Trustee; three- yeary member of Trustees’ Roundtable; ’05 Gold MedallionM level of Trustees’ Roundtable; Paul C. BeamB Association Top 25 Lists

Top 25 Dollars By Chapter 1. Nebraska Alpha - University of Nebraska - Lincoln $153,748.73 2. Texas Epsilon - Texas Tech University $123,078.96 Did You Know ? 3. Ohio Epsilon - University of Akron $118,725.19 4. Florida Alpha - University of Florida $62,235.99 StephenS J. “Tio” Kleberg TexasT Tech ’69, current Foundation 5. Maryland Alpha - University of Maryland $42,571.50 Trustee;T three-year member of Trustees’ Roundtable;R ’04 and ’05 Gold Medallion 6. Kansas Alpha - University of Kansas $23,346.84 levell of Trustees’ Roundtable; Arthur R. PriestP Association 7. Ohio Th eta - University of Cincinnati $18,507.40 8. Arizona Alpha - University of Arizona $17,893.96 9. Michigan Alpha - University of Michigan $14,845.50 1,462 donors made a gift to the 10. Pennsylvania Epsilon - Dickinson College $12,730.00 Foundation this year who had not 11. Missouri Alpha - University of Missouri $12,357.62 made a gift last year. 12. Oklahoma Alpha - University of Oklahoma $12,012.31 13. Texas Zeta - Texas Christian University $10,949.62 14. California Zeta - California State University Northridge $10,928.04 The Foundation received 778 15. Missouri Gamma - Washington University $10,590.00 credit card gifts that totaled 16. Florida Epsilon - University of South Florida $9,841.32 $107,883.02. 17. New Mexico Alpha - University of New Mexico $9,304.46 18. Iowa Gamma - Iowa State University $8,638.42 19. Texas Delta - Southern Methodist University $8,383.48 The Foundation received 20. Kansas Beta - Washburn University $8,146.54 $6,960.58 from 258 21. Ohio Alpha - Miami University $7,677.52 undergraduate members. 22. Georgia Beta - Emory University $7,519.44 23. Georgia Delta - Georgia Institute of Technology $7,251.88 24. Ohio Kappa - Bowling Green State University $7,243.68 25. Texas Beta - University of Texas - Austin $7,225.98

Top 25 Dollars by Class Year 1. 1950 $172,405.93 10. 1970 $17,939.97 19. 1955 $12,287.48 2. 1953 $112,190.78 11. 1958 $16,869.80 20. 1963 $11,950.71 3. 1966 $106,318.64 12. 1962 $14,947.00 21. 1965 $11,789.16 4. 1935 $101,280.00 13. 1960 $14,841.00 22. 1976 $11,788.59 5. 1957 $24,148.00 14. 1961 $14,813.28 23. 1987 $11,510.55 6. 1954 $21,992.20 15. 1956 $14,212.49 24. 1948 $10,549.84 7. 1967 $21,680.52 16. 1944 $14,122.00 25. 1945 $10,400.00 8. 1949 $21,354.00 17. 1959 $14,085.60 9. 1969 $19,815.32 18. 1952 $12,541.00

THE SCROLL 57 W.W L. Gray, Jr. TCUT ’70, current Foundation Trustee; new memberm of Gold Medallion level of Trustees’ Roundtable;R Founders Club Top 25 Lists

Top 25 Number of Donors by Chapter Top 25 Dollars by State Rank Chapter No. of Donors Rank Chapter Rank in ’04

1. Florida Alpha – University of Florida 85 1. Ohio (1) $239,710.48

2. Maryland Alpha – University of Maryland 75 2. Texas (3) $199,805.48

3. Ohio Th eta – University of Cincinnati 70 3. New Jersey (2) $156,566.77

4. Georgia Delta – Georgia Institute of Technology 62 4. Arizona (13) $124,299.85

5. Missouri Alpha – University of Missouri 60 5. Florida (5) $102,649.27

6. New Mexico Alpha – University of New Mexico 59 6. California (4) $87,261.73

7. Oklahoma Alpha – University of Oklahoma 57 7. Maryland (18) $40,858.87

8. Ohio Alpha – Miami University 56 8. Kansas (10) $33,286.76

9. Ohio Epsilon – University of Akron 56 9. Georgia (9) $29,026.97

10. Indiana Th eta – Purdue University 55 10. Illinois (11) $24,919.02

11. Texas Epsilon – Texas Tech University 54 11. Virginia (6) $21,384.44

12. Iowa Gamma – Iowa State University 52 12. Washington (14) $15,369.28

13. Georgia Beta – Emory University 50 13. Pennsylvania (12) $15,079.09

14. Kansas Alpha – University of Kansas 48 14. North Carolina (17) $13,838.26

15. Texas Delta – Southern Methodist University 46 15. Indiana (8) $13,701.44

16. Wisconsin Beta – Lawrence University 45 16. Nevada (19) $12,828.43

17. Michigan Alpha – University of Michigan 43 17. Arkansas $12,441.72

18. Colorado Alpha – University of Colorado 40 18. Colorado (23) $12,128.88

19. Illinois Eta – University of Illinois 40 19. Tennessee (22) $11,920.41

20. Missouri Beta – Westminster College 40 20. New York (20) $11,773.18

21. Indiana Gamma – Butler University 39 21. Oklahoma (7) $11,532.18

22. Washington Alpha – University of Washington 39 22. Missouri (15) $11,523.59

23. Arizona Alpha – University of Arizona 38 23. Michigan (25) $9,691.29

24. North Carolina Alpha – Duke University 38 24. Oregon (24) $8,524.16

25. Ohio Zeta – Ohio State University 38 25. Minnesota (16) $7,345.43 58 THE SCROLL Footnotes

continued from Page 10

Mississippi: Ray McNamara, ’69, has been elected up in the NY Times, USA Today and Journal News. managing shareholder of the Copeland, Cook, Taylor and Bush, P.A., a fi fty plus attorney law fi rm in the metro Jackson, Pittsburgh: David Maron, Miss. area. He practices in the areas of product liability and ’93, has been appointed medical malpractice defense. assistant professor of surgery at the University of North Carolina: G. Denman Hammond, ’44, has received Pennsylvania School Child Magazine’s Children’s Champion of Medicine. He graduated f Award for 2005, which honors graduated from Georgetow people who have truly made a Georgetown University diff erence in children’s lives. He is University School of Medicin an internationally known specialist of Medicine in 1997 an in childhood blood disorders and in 1997 and then purs cancer and is the founding president then pursued a residen of CureSearch National Childhood a residency in general s Cancer Foundation. general surgery atat ThomThomas Jeff erso Ohio State: A. Lovell Elliott, ’45, has Jeff erson Univers been recognized by The Greater Bostonn University Hospita David Maron Food Bank as a long-time generous Hospitals in Philad supporter. For every dollar The Food Philadelphia. He als Bank receives, approximately fi ve dollarsrs He also has completed research fellowships in su of food is distributed to those who needd in surgical oncology and colon and rectal su it most. The Greater Boston Food Bank surgery. is part of the national Second Harvest Rutgers:Ru Scott Di Lalla, ’98 Network for hunger relief. and his fi lm company,com One World Studios Ltd., recently wo Ohio University: On October 14, Robertrt D.D. won fi rst prize for Best Documentary at the Tem “Bob” Dickey, ’49, was inducted into thehe Temecula Valley International Film Festival. “Cho Lancaster, Ohio High School Distinguishedhed “Choppertown: the Sinners” is about a grou Alumni Hall of Fame. He played four yearsars group of custom chopper builders in South Califo on the Ohio University basketball team and California. It can be previewed at www. chopp was elected junior prom king in 1949 as the chapter entry. He is a nationally SouthSouth Carolina: recognized leader and authority in Recently released is the mot the waste water pumping and water motivational, self-help book, The Daily Si pollution fi elds and serves in many Six: Six Simple Steps to Find the Perfect B community leadership positions for bothth Balance of Prosperity and Purpose by Jo governmental agencies and minor leaguegue John Chappelear, ’72. After his divorce, e baseball. estrangement from his children and the lossl of his business, he changed the Oklahoma State: The Northern Leaguee priorities in his own life and developed of Professional Baseball announced the six practices that provide a bridge the appointment of Jim Weigel, ’68, ass between career success and personal Commissioner of the League. He is a 25-year-year well-being. These Texas Christian veteran of Major League and Minor Leaguegue South Florida: C. Talmadge Bray, Baseball management. While a Major Leagueeague ’65, marketing director, he is credited with thethe has been named as Chairman discovery and introduction to baseball of the of the Board for the Florida chapter “Famous Chicken” in San Diego. of the ALS Board of Trustees. He has been on the board for several Pennsylvania: Trevor Price, ’91, has beeneen years and had previously served brought in to be president and CEO of the as treasurer. The Florida Chapter of startup company Nature Technologies. Through ALS raised over $1,000,000 in 2005 the Penn Zeta listserv, Andrew Bleiman, ’02, then including $500,000 for ALS research. He has also been joined him as the marketing director. The business is built elected as treasurer of the Greater Tampa Association of around a breakthrough patented technology to keep deer Realtors and is a board member for the Florida Association off of homeowners’ estates. The company has been written of Realtors. 59 Footnotes

Southern Methodist: Following a career in professional Texas Christian: Ten years ago Mick Ashworth, ’62, football, Ed Bernet, ’55, returned to Dallas where he founded the Charles Coody Classic Golf Tournament hooked up with some SMU friends to reform Cell Block to honor Charles Coody, ’60, a nationally recognized 7, a Dixieland jazz band. Since that time he has almost professional golfer, fraternity brother and lifelong friend. continuously been involved in some group and has had In 1971 Coody won the world-renowned Master’s Golf his own club, The Levee. Currently the Levee Singers are Tournament. He has also won the World Series of Golf performing in the Dallas area and have released a new CD Championship and was a member of the Ryder Cup team. which can be previewed at The proceeds generated from the tournament are given to worthy charities in the Fort Worth area. Texas Zeta chapter Stanford: Jack Bowen, ’95, has just written his fi rst receives 15% of the proceeds for scholarships. The Coody book, The Dream Weaver: One Boy’s Journey through the Classic is scheduled around Coody’s tour involvement in the Landscape of Reality. It is a philosophy book that presents Super Senior Tour; this year is the 10th anniversary and will the subject as a suspenseful and entertaining novel to help be on September 18. us learn the teachings of ancient and modern philosophers. Topics such as morality, religion, logic and determining Toronto: Arnold Ceballos, ’92, is a founding partner of what is right or wrong are presented through a boy named Pain & Ceballos LLP, an intellectual property law fi rm in Ian who is being challenged to think about his actions and Vaughan, Ontario. The new fi rm provides services in all areas their consequences. You can learn more about the book at of intellectual property law, including trademarks, patents, and copyrights. Prior to forming the new fi rm in February, Po Bronson, ’86, author of the best seller, What Should I Do he had previously practiced as a sole practitioner and with a with My Life?, has just released another book, Why Do I Love leading Canadian intellectual property law fi rm in Toronto. These People? Honest and Amazing Stories of Real Families. In each of the 20 stories, he narrates the relationship of two Washburn: Jonathan Schmucker, ’03, has been accepted people as they endure tremendous hardship. Not every into the United States Secret Service and Phil Kaberline, relationship is saved, but redemption, sacrifi ce and learning ’03, is soon to become an offi cer in the U.S. Army. to accept the unexpected are constant themes. These are stories of actual people and their struggles to fi nd love, Whitman: The US Department of Health and Human meaning and balance in their lives. Services has included the story of the recovery of Ross Fortner, ’53, in their booklet Mentally Healthy Aging: A Texas – Austin: Between 1948 and 2002, there was no Report on Overcoming Stigma for Older Americans. In his Olympic US Skeleton Team. Robie Vaughn, ’78, was late 20s, he encountered some memory loss following instrumental in spearheading the campaign to reinstate electroconvulsive treatment for an anxiety disorder and had skeleton, and has written Headfi rst: The Olympic Success to struggle to maintain jobs. He eventually found success Story of Skeleton on how he applied business savvy to and was accepted in the community. Then after losing he create, build, and man an organization spearheading the job for budget cuts, he founded he own executive recruiting campaign to bring it back to the 2002 Salt Lake Olympics. fi rm, fi nding success again in self-employment. Vaughn is an oil and gas entrepreneur from Dallas and has recently been named interim executive director of the Widener: Robert Klause, ’91, has joined the Offi ce of US Bobsled and Skeleton Federation. To order the book, the Chief Information Offi cer at The White House as an visit www.headfi; a portion of all sales will Information Technology Specialist. Prior to joining the go into a National Endowment Foundation for Olympic Executive Offi ce of the President, he worked at Consul Risk Athletes. Management where he was a senior software developer.

Texas Christian

From l to r Mick Ashworth, tournament founder, Charles Coody, Lynnette Coody, Charles’s wife and Tom Hill, ’69, tournament board member and chapter adviser.

60 Sports Phi Delta Theta squad, led by Division I-AA Mid-Major Leading NCAA Division I-A with 29.42 All-American fi rst team SPORTS completions per game was Alex Arinsmier. His 108 tackles led the Cody Hodges of the 9-3 Texas Tech Pioneer Football League and ranked Cotton Bowl squad. He ranked second 14th in Division I-AA. Alex was PFL in total off ense with 369.1 yards per South Division Defensive Player of the game; second in passing yardage with Year and recovered three fumbles. REVIEW Named to the Mid-Major All-American 4,238; and third with 31 touchdown passes. Tech’s Off ensive MVP and a Hula second team was defensive back Pat By: Jay Langhammer, Sports Editor Bowl performer, he had the sixth-best Fitzgerald, who had fi ve interceptions passing game in NCAA history with 44 (three against Greensboro) and ranked of 65 for 602 yards and fi ve TDs against third with 71 tackles. Also on the Mid- Kansas State. Other big games for Major A-A second team was safety Zach Cody were 29 of 37 for 454 yards, four Long, who was second with 79 stops; TDs versus Florida International and picked off four passes; and defl ected 29 of 44 for 408 yards, two TDs versus eight. Texas A&M. Also seeing action for Davidson Kyle Kinsell Texas Tech were Slade was on the Academic All-American Hodges, linebacker Ty Linder and fi rst team and gained Mid-Major All- quarterback Ray Rowland. American honorable mention after Handling punting duties for posting 55 tackles, a team high 10 Mississippi was Rob Park, who had 43 for losses and four sacks. Back Yeatts boots for a 38.2 Anderson won Academic All-PFL fi rst average and a team honors, posted 30 tackles and best of 62 yards. had a co-high eight defl ections. Named Playing in fi ve to the Academic All-PFL second team contests for was linebacker Bud Crawford (50 North Carolina tackles). Other good defenders were was linebacker Niel Andrews (34 tackles), Mark Paschal, Preston Moore (25 tackles), Chris who was joined Castillo and Chris Hampton. Cody Elder on the team by had 42 kickoff s for a 46.3 average. punter John Anchoring Davidson’s off ense was Choate and end center Mike Iafrate, an All-PFL South Bowen Chapman. fi rst teamer who gained Mid-Major Seeing action for All-American mention. Also on the the Kansas Fort All-PFL South fi rst team was wide Worth Bowl team receiver Brett Dioguardi, who caught was defensive 36 passes for 485 yards (including an end Jack Larson. 88-yarder) and returned 12 kickoff s for Also on the a 22.6 average. Other wide receivers Jayhawks’ squad were Jake Rice, who caught 16 passes was wide receiver for 332 yards, four TDs and returned 11 Jack Swab. punts for a 6.8 average; Brian Purcell Wide receiver (13 for 123 yards); Zach Schrandt (11 William Cage kickoff returns for an 18.1 average) and was a member Robert Manire. Playing in the backfi eld Tim Miller, Hanover of the 11-1 TCU were quarterback Beaux Jones; fullback Houston Bowl Jordan Sundheim (16 catches for 116 team. Members yards); and backs Duane Gragg and of the SMU Mike Chapman. Key linemen were team were wide Elliott Cutler, Ryan Arnold and Zach receiver Rob Jacob. Pritchard and Tight end Randy Moshier was a defensive backs Division I-AA Academic All-Star for the James Klein and 11-3 Texas State squad, which won the Benson Sloan. Southland Conference crown and went Thirty-one to the Division I-AA semi-fi nals. He also Phi Delts were received All-SLC honorable mention members of and was on the SLC All-Academic fi rst Jack Martin, Washington and Lee the Davidson team. Playing a key role for the 9-2 61 Ashland team on the 6-4 Washington-St. Louis team. He became the was Trevor second player in NCAA history to exceed 1,000 receiving Wood who yards in four straight seasons and was University Athletic had 51 punts Association Off ensive Player of the Year after setting school for a 37.5 records with 75 receptions for 1,136 yards and 10 TDs. Brad average. His now ranks in the top 12 in four NCAA DIII career categories: longest was third in receptions (287); sixth in receiving yardage (4,249); 71 yards and 11th in yards per game (113.6); and 12th in receptions per 13 punts were game (7.5). downed inside Other Washington-St. Louis off ensive standouts included the 20 yard All-UAA second team quarterback Nick Henry (145 of 268 line. for 1,706 yards, 13 TDs); All-UAA second team linemen A Draddy Ryan Kennon and Scott Reigle; All-UAA second team wide Trophy fi nalist receiver Joe Lubelski (14 receptions for 166 yards); as top Division All-UAA honorable mention lineman Kevin Brooks; lineman III player, Chris Cody Reading, who started seven games; quarterback Pat Edwards of 9-2 McCarthy (23 of 43 Washington for 309 yards); tight & Jeff erson ends George Abel, was ECAC who had three starts, Division III and Ryan Demien; Southwest Mark Paschal, North Carolina halfbacks Ian English and Presidents and Cody Ortmayer; Athletic lineman Noah Barboza; Conference Player of the Year. He was also and wide receiver Rob named to the DIII All-South Region team McCarthy. and broke a DIII record with 21 straight Leading the completions against Allegheny (in a 33 of Washington-St. 37, 419 yard performance). For the season, Louis defense was Chris hit 236 of 382 for 3,450 yards and 36 tri-captain/linebacker touchdowns. Other W&J standouts were Randy Moshier, Texas State Joe Rizzo, who was on guard Chris Hickey, who was named to the Football Gazette the DIII All-American third team, All-PAC and All-ECAC fi rst All-American team and the Little All-American second team. teams; guard Eric Sibenak (eight starts) and lineman Russ A three-time All-UAA fi rst team choice, he had a team high Chase. six interceptions, 13 defl ections (fourth in Division III) and The Washington & Jeff erson defense featured six Phi 37 stops. Tri-captain/linebacker Ben Schaub was an All- Delts. The top tackler (with 77) was back Gabe McKee, UAA fi rst teamer; led with 64 tackles; and kicked 20 extra who had four interceptions and gained All-PAC honorable points. Also on the All-UAA fi rst team was linebacker Tyler mention. He was PAC Defensive Player of the Week against McSpadden (45 tackles). Named All-UAA second team were Westminster after making 12 tackles and picking off a back John Grit (50 stops); back Joe Shaughnessy (35 tackles); pass. Also gaining All-PAC honorable mention was lineman linebacker Nick Mengel; and linemen Aaron Albritton, Tim Dan Brodland (32 tackles). Other key W&J defenders Bluth, Charlie Machan, Aaron Powers and Bob Pine. were lineman Rick Notarianni (32 tackles), lineman Julian All-Heartland Collegiate Athletic Conference fi rst team Muganda, back Ryan Mullen (two interceptions) and quarterback Rick Webster led 16 Phis on the Hanover team. linebacker Joe Garcia. He ranked 10th in NCAA Division III total off ense (319.8 Defensive back Will Holiday, who had 29 tackles and yards per game) and completed 268 of 456 for 3,078 yards three interceptions, was a key player for the 11-1 Union and 28 TDs. Among his top games were 41 of 63 for 440 Division III playoff team. Two All-North Coast Athletic yards, six TDs versus Bridgewater and 42 of 66 for 440 Conference fi rst teamers, defensive back Josh Foster (54 yards, two scores against Washington & Jeff erson. Earning tackles) and defensive lineman Jared Lange (55 tackles, All-HCAC second team honors was wide receiver Todd 14 for losses), helped lead Wabash to an 11-1 season and Miller, who caught 44 passes for 477 yards and seven scores the Division III playoff s. Other teammates were All-NCAC while 21 punts for a 7.3 average. second team off ensive lineman Brandon Barkley; linebacker Running back Cory Fogle was voted Hanover’s top Wes Anderson, H-Back Austin Faulkner and linemen John off ensive back and gained All-HCAC mention. He ran for 407 Maddox and Steve Smitka. Chris Wiesehan, ’94, was named yards, six TDs; caught 43 passes for 464 yards, four TDs; and receivers coach at James Madison in early April. He spent scored 64 points. Off ensive linemen were Michael Ripley, the 2005 season as an off ensive assistant with the NFL Alex Hunter, Christian Beuschel, Clark Hall and Jeremy Tampa Bay Buccaneers and had previous coaching stints at Schultz. Kenny Miller gained All-HCAC second team honors, fi ve colleges, including Notre Dame and Purdue. made 38 tackles and was Hanover’s top defensive lineman Named to the Football Gazette All-American fi rst team once again. Back Keith Pavey made 49 stops and led with was tri-captain/wide receiver Brad Duesing, who led 31 Phis fi ve defl ections. Other defenders were end David Blount (51

62 Jack Martin, Washington and Lee Brad Duesing, Washington-St. Louis Mark Paschal, North Carolina

Gunnar Crowell (20 tackles). yards, seven scores; and ran for 361 yards, 10 TDs. Other key Twelve Phi Delts led Washington & Lee to a 7-3 season. Centre standouts were runner Nick Warren (68 attempts Wide receiver Jack Martin received All-American mention for 336 yards); back Joe Conley, who ran for six TDs; receiver and was named to the Virginia All-State fi rst team, the Old Jordan Tinnell (12 catches for 147 yards); and lineman Dominion Athletic Conference second team and the All- Michael Beehan. South Region second team. He was also runner up for the The Dickinson defense featured fi ve starters, led by Dudley Award as Virginia College Division Player of the Year. All-Centennial fi rst team back Andrew Ackley, who led Jack caught 70 passes for a school record 1,353 yards and with seven interceptions and 12 breakups while ranking 15 touchdowns. His top games were 12 receptions for 219 second with 73 tackles. Other defenders were linebacker yards versus Hampden-Sydney and nine catches for 217 Tyler Anderson (57 stops); linebacker Tim Clinton (42 yards against Catholic University. Jack was third in Division tackles); tackle Zac Reading (30 stops); and lineman Michael III with 135.3 receiving yards per game and 19th with 7.0 Fairchild. Starters at off ensive tackle for Dickinson were All- receptions per game. ECAC and All-Centennial fi rst teamer Kevin Mentrikoski and W&L quarterback Greg Tweardy was named to the Virginia Joe McCarthy. All-Centennial second team linebacker Harold College Division All-State second team after hitting 223 of Barton led Gettysburg with 103 tackles (including 17 versus 340 for 2,570 yards and 22 scores. His top games were 30 Rochester), 12.5 tackles for losses and 6.5 sacks. Teammate of 47 for 294 yards versus Guilford and 29 of 38 for 397 Eric Ondik saw action at . yards against Hampden-Sydney. Co-captain/running back The Randolph-Macon squad, which had eight Phi Delts, Michael Lackey, who rushed for a team high 359 yards, featured All-Old Dominion Athletic Conference fi rst team also caught 18 passes for 127 yards. Seeing starting duty kicker Reggie Moore, who scored 45 points (nine fi eld goals, were wide receiver Clark Kensington and lineman Robert 18 extra points). Defensive back Jonathon Farmer posted Hetherington. Coleman Lyons played six games at tight end 45 tackles and lineman Joseph Hanks played well. Starting for W&L. on the off ensive line were Phillip Smith and Eric Crawford. Earning All-ODAC fi rst team honors on defense for Also playing were linebacker Logan Boggs and off ensive Washington & Lee was back Mark Snoddy, who led with lineman Tyler Ray. Standouts on the Case Western Reserve fi ve interceptions for 50 yards; had 31 tackles; and broke up defensive line were Jason Fronczak, who had 22 tackles and fi ve passes. Co-captain/defensive back Stuart Swann posted gained All-UAA honorable mention, and Dawud Wilson, 41tackles and two interceptions. Linebacker Kyle Harvey who posted 47 tackles and three sacks. Also seeing action was in on 22 stops and back Aaron Fulk had 20 stops. for CWRU was linebacker Corey Rinkes, Defensive back Jimmy Gift played in fi ve contests. Kicker The Puget Sound squad had 11 Phi Delt players, led by Ben Long scored 56 points (nine fi eld goals, 29 extra points) All-Northwest Conference second team defensive lineman and averaged 53.6 yards on 42 kickoff s. Beau Jackson, who had 31 tackles and a team high fi ve Thirty-fi ve Phis led 7-3 Centre to its best season in years. sacks. Also playing on defense were back Adam Kerns and Leading the defense was All-Southern Collegiate Athletic linebacker Jake Parks. Playing in the backfi eld were Silas Conference fi rst team linebacker Matt Johnson, who led Paul (280 rushing yards, seven TDs) and James Olcott (192 the SCAC with 112 tackles; picked off three passes; broke rushing yards). Starting seven games each on the off ensive up six passes; and forced two fumbles. Matt was also on line were Mike Jones and Matt Reese. Also seeing action the All-South Region third team. Chosen for the All-SCAC for Puget Sound were punter Brian Ames (37 punts for a second team was safety Tyler Moody, who picked off 35.9 average) and off ensive lineman Curtis MacDuff . Seeing three passes and was fourth with 61 stops. Lineman Brian playing time for Denison was wide receiver Jake Beaudoin. Dougherty had 52 tackles and gained All-SCAC mention. Leading the 6-4 Ripon team were 17 Phis. Earning All- Other key defenders were back John Perin (30 tackles, Midwest Conference mention were linemen Joe Leistikow seven defl ections); back Tyler Boron (27 tackles, 12 kickoff (30 tackles) and Mark DeDina (24 stops). Other defenders returns for a 15.1 average); lineman Tyler Smith (26 stops); were linebacker Jake Van Daalwyk (29 tackles), linebacker back Taylor Holland; lineman John Penn; linebacker Sean Stuart Russ (29 tackles) and back Tony Falk (27 tackles). McCormick; and linemen Clark Norris and John Hast. On off ense, Matt Birschbach (141 rushing yards) and Josh Centre’s off ense featured All-SCAC fi rst team lineman Tyler Peterson were running backs. Seeing off ensive line duty Davidson and second team running back Adam Blandford, for Ripon were Mike Strelow, Brett Golding, Mitchell Winn who ran for 978 yards on 163 attempts and caught 26 and Dan Heatley. Playing nine games for McDaniel was passes for 239 yards. Co-captain/lineman Justin Roe was on linebacker Joe Barndt. the All-South Region and All-SCAC second teams. Gaining The Lawrence squad featured seven Phi Delt players, All-SCAC mention was lineman Brian Martinko. Quarterback led by defensive lineman Jack Peters, who had 39 tackles, Kevin Phelps led with 60 points; hit 105 of 198 for 1,279 including team highs of 13.5 for losses and 5.5 sacks. 63 Other key defenders were back Joe Austin (45 tackles, a best 8K time of 27:10 at the UC-Irvine two interceptions) and lineman Robert Patla (22 stops). meet. Co-captain Jimmy McNamara Starting on the Lawrence off ensive line were Chris Guay, of Gettysburg ran an 8K time of 29:12 Chris Kliethermes and Rory Quinn while lineman Tim at the Centennial Conference meet Golemgeski also saw action. Wide receiver John Hinner and was joined on the squad by Chris was a member of the 8-2 St. Norbert squad. Other players DePaul and Mark Ulbrich. during 2005 included off ensive tackle Chuck Nider of 7- Chris Henry was a key runner for 3 Ohio Wesleyan, off ensive lineman Dom DeFilippo of Embry-Riddle, posting the Robert Morris and Iowa Wesleyan off ensive linemen Dan squad’s second-best time Ledesma, Troy Lynch, Andrew Irvin, Bill Roemer and Clint (26:20.50) at the NAIA Hunold. meet and placing third (27:07) at the FSC/NAIA Pro Football Region IV meet. Other Helping lead the Seattle Seahawks to the Super Bowl was runners last fall were John Marshall, Oregon ’69, who became the team’s defensive Heath Thompson coordinator in early November. He had been the Seahawks’ of Southwestern linebackers coach since 2003 until being promoted. The top University and the Phi player in the NFL was Miami Dolphins wide receiver M.I.T. duo of Sam Wes Welker, Texas Tech ’04, who caught 29 passes for 434 Berberian and Brian yards. As a return specialist, he returned 61 kickoff s for a Jacokes. 22.6 average and ran back 43 punts for a 9.1 average. Nick Novak, Maryland ’05 was the Arizona Cardinals’ Soccer kicker over the last 10 games of the season. He connected Leading LaVerne on eight of 10 fi eld goals attempts and was perfect on 15 to an 11-5-3 season extra point attempts. Nick also averaged 57.2 yards on (best record in 18 years) were 49 kickoff s. Off ensive guard Jacob Bell, Miami ’04, played seven Phi Delts. Four year starting nine contests for the Tennessee Titans and J.T. O’Sullivan, defenseman Eddy Geenen was Cal-Davis ’02, was the Minnesota Vikings number three named to the All-Southern quarterback the last two months of the season. California Intercollegiate Athletic After being cut by the Vikings in training camp, kicker Conference fi rst team, as was Jonathan Nichols, Mississippi ’05, was re-signed by the team forward Daniel Aguirre, the co- for the 2006 season. Quarterback Brett Dietz, Hanover ’04, leader with 13 points (six goals, spent the early part of the 2006 one assist). Other teammates season on the practice squad of the . In were midfi elders Brandon Emilio, 2005, he played for the Cincinnati Marshals of the National Ben DeAyora, Joseph Valencia and Indoor Football League, completing 198 of 345 for 2,226 defensemen Guillermo Garcia and yards and 41 touchdowns. Jesse Rodriguez. Starting 11 contests for Northwood was defenseman Pat Cross Country Nelson while defenseman Samuel Justin Jernigan was a leading runner for Mississippi Morris-Rosenfeld played in eight again and had a season-best 8K time of 25:27.42 at the games for Whitman. Southeastern Conference meet. He also placed 55th at The 9-6-2 Washington & Lee the 10K NCAA South Regional with a time of 32:40.08. He squad featured defenseman J.D. had eighth place fi nishes in two 8K events: the Arkansas McDermott, who started 10 games, State and Saluki Invitationals and was 13th at the Memphis and midfi elder Anderson Fariss. Twilight Classic 4K event (20:53.54). Dylan Rose-Coss of New Tying for third in scoring (10 points) Mexico had a best 8K time of 27:49 at the Lobo Invitational. for 10-7-2 Schreiner was forward Earning All-American status at the NCAA Division III meet Scott Huckaby, who started 17 was Chad Bennett of DePauw, who placed 24th with a time contests. Teammate Nick Johnson of 26:15.1. He placed second at the SCAC meet and was 10th played 19 games at the DIII Great Lakes regional meet. Chad’s best 8K time as a midfi elder and contributed was 25:56 at the Wisconsin-Parkside Invitational. Teammate four points. Starting every game Grant Smith had a best 8K time of 28:17.38 at the Great for 9-7-3 Southwestern University Lakes Pre-Regional meet. Doug Simpson of Ohio Wesleyan was midfi elder John Martinez, ran a best 8K time of 27:32 at the DIII Great Lakes Regional; who scored four points. Midfi elder placed 22nd (27:56) at the GLAC meet; and was 34th (28:16) Sean Breitzman had seven starts at the North Coast Athletic Conference meet. for the 9-7-1 Lawrence team. Among top fi nishers at the Kansas Collegiate Athletic Midfi elders Carlos Guevara Conference 8K meet were Southwestern College’s Andrae and Dan Storey saw Harper, who placed second (26:54.54) and Brandon Smith, action for the Wabash who was 11th (28:17.02). Matt Cordova of LaVerne clocked squad. Justin Jernigan, Mississippi

64 2006 , ' % . ! ) ' $ 2 & % % 2 - 3 % $

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To register for this conference or for more information, contact General Headquarters at 513-523-6345 or visit and click the ELI link.

ehind everything that makes you proud • eager to learn and grow; of Phi Delta Theta is strong leadership— leadership based upon our Cardinal • committed to transferring the Fraternity Principles. The Fraternity and the Phi not only, not less, but greater than it was Delta Theta Educational Foundation transmitted to you; are committed to developing strong leadership skills from the beginning of • willing to model leadership in your activities your membership. The Emerging Leaders as a Phi Delt. Modeling leadership includes Institute was created to meet that goal. refraining from the use of alcohol and drugs By bringing together the up and coming during the Institute. freshman and sophomore leaders from our chapters across the United States and Canada, a Phi Delt learning We want to deliver value to your chapter through the laboratory will be created where you will be able to learn individuals who attend the Emerging Leaders Institute. The leadership skills from your peers and distinguished alumni. Planning Committee is asking your chapter to send two young emerging leaders. An emerging leader is a freshman The Emerging Leaders Institute is the equivalent of or sophomore brother or recent initiate with the future seminars costing in excess of $1,000. Like all worthwhile potential to hold a leadership position in the chapter or on colleges, we have admission requirements. To attend the campus. Institute you must be: 65 Remember back to your Phikeia Manual and the section on famous Phis? Remember the gray-haired man with the fl at, wide-brimmed hat, nattily dressed in a three-piece suit? That would be Frank Lloyd Wright, probably the most notable famous Phi in the fi eld of architecture. And, if you were to look on the opposite page, you would see C.J. Silas, another famous Phi who was CEO and chairman of Phillips Petroleum and served on the Educational Foundation board of trustees. These two Phis’ lives intersect on the corner of South Dewey Ave. and Sixth Street in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, where you’ll fi nd a copper-clad, angular building towering over the rolling hills of the area. We’ll explain how this building connects these Phis later. Older Phis will remember Wright, who attended Wisconsin and was an engineering student there, as a fl amboyant and daring architect, whose designs have inspired generations of buildings. He was even known to visit a Founders Day or two in his time. And, although this may be an “urban legend,” the Arizona Beta chapter house was designed by his students or others associated with his fi rm. When the General Headquarters was built in 1948, some in the Fraternity wanted to approach Wright for a design, but eventually A Tree that escaped the crowded forest forest the crowded escaped that A Tree decided to build a structure that would complement the Georgian architecture of the Miami campus. Wright’s architecture embodies his concept of “the total work of art” and used a rich organic geometric language that results in a cohesive, unifi ed design that looks contemporary to this day. “I don’t think it’s unfair to say there is no American architect who has done as much to touch the world, who has done as much to realize his vision of what a perfect architecture might be than Frank Lloyd Wright,” says William Cronon, a historian quoted in a recent PBS documentary on Wright’s life. One building form that Wright generally isn’t known for is the skyscraper. Although fascinated by this uniquely American building type, it confl icted with his belief that architecture must be close to nature. He solved this dilemma by using a tall form found in nature: the tree. “A tree is a vertical beam cantilevered out of the ground and to Wright, the cantilever is “the most romantic, most free, of all the principles of construction,” writes Peter Blake in his book about Wright. The architect stewed on this concept for years, initially applying it to a design in 1929 for an apartment tower for lower Manhattan. Plans called for a vertical service core (elevators and utilities) in the “trunk” of the building with fl oors cantilevered out from it. With the building’s strength coming from the “trunk,” exterior

(c) 2003Christian M. Korab/ Korab Photo Another walls could be open with expansive glass and metal. The tower was never built, perspective but Wright went back to the design when Harold C. Price and his two sons, Joe Executive Vice President Emeritus Robert J. Miller’s son, Robert Miller, and Harold C., Jr., owners Clemson, ’76, is an architect, professor and director of the Clemson of an oil pipeline company, Architecture Center in Charleston. We asked him for his thoughts on the visited him at Taliesin (his Price Tower from the perspective of a Phi and architect. headquarters in Wisconsin) to explore designing a When I was in junior high and fi rst fi red by the prospects of corporate headquarters. architecture, my father checked out for me (from the Banta Library!) several books on Frank Lloyd Wright. To this day I remember unfolding The H.C. Price Company an oversize drawing of Wright’s design for a Mile-High (528-storey) originally wanted a smaller skyscraper, a romantic and radical vision of 1956 that is linked building, with three or four fl oors of offi ce space, chronologically to the Price Tower in Bartlesville, completed that according Prairie Skyscraper, same year. a book about the tower. Wright convinced them The culmination of twenty fi ve years of rumination (starting with to build a taller building proposals for the St. Mark’s Tower in New York), the Price Tower that would incorporate brought Wright’s organic philosophy of design to the vertical building: the Price headquarters, a deep central foundation (analogous to a taproot) anchored a offi ces for the Public Service central structural and service core (the trunk) from which fl oors Company of Oklahoma were cantilevered (the branches). A light-weight and multifarious and luxury apartments skin, diff erent on every side yet synthetic as a whole, recalled the – a radical concept for the macroscopic harmony yet microscopic diversity of foliage. area at the time. Wright told the Prices the building Some time later my parents took me to visit Wright’s only realized could be completed for skyscraper on the fl at plains of Oklahoma and, I confess, the building- nearly the same cost of in-person was much less arousing than had been the Mile-High the smaller headquarters (less than $1 million). The fold-out! It was Wright’s genius for composition, perhaps, that compels building construction would us still to refer to this mere nineteen-storey mirage on the sweltering eventually total more than plains a “skyscraper”! Like many great works of architecture, the Price $2 million, very steep in 1953 Tower was better as an idea than a building. dollars. Although the building never won Wright more infl uential Wright’s design for the commissions, the Price Tower was important. You didn’t have to tower was dazzling and subscribe Wright’s organic philosophy to appreciate the logic and revolutionary. Originally merit of treating the various sides of a tall building as distinct design 16-stories, the architect opportunities. The fi rst two generations of tall buildings from the told the Prices it “really nineteenth and early twentieth centuries had featured (when they did) needs to be higher” and unique elevations for purely formal reasons; the third generation, cast eventually it grew to 19 in the International Style, were mostly uniform; but the Price Tower stories, with a “television” showed that environmental sensitivity, customary in low-rise buildings spire tapering into the sky up to that point, could be applied with grace to their high-rise (the structure was never used for TV broadcasting, counterparts. Confronting diff ering solar conditions and wind loads as but a radio antenna was later a function of orientation, Price Tower taught us that the four (or more) added). From the outside, sides of a tall building should all be diff erent! the building was a dazzling array of geometric shapes, Kevin Roche would adopt Wright’s environmental sensitivity ten years windows and copper. On later in his Knights of Columbus building (1965), though in a diff erent the inside, Wright’s touch stylistic tradition (and with far less elegance). It was Roche’s precedent extended to every square that inspired me, during my junior-year mandatory high-rise project foot. He designed light (1974), to think critically for the fi rst time about the design of tall fi xtures, furniture, picked buildings and that returned me to my earlier pilgrimage to Oklahoma. colors, even specifi ed Only after having tried (without much success) to balance the triangular posts in the complexity of an environmentally responsive tall building did I realize parking area. that the Price Tower was a masterpiece of artifi ce: it made a squatty building look tall, wrapped four very diff erent facades into a single cohesive needle, and transformed a small offi ce building on the plain that was Bartlesville into a manifesto of organic architecture.

67 Chairs, desks, even wastepaper cans also were specially designed to fi t the angular shape of the offi ce spaces in the building. At the center point of each fl oor was placed a medallion with a special Price Tower logo on it. Wright sought to “mediate” the interior and exterior with open walls and windows that allowed plenty of natural light and views of the Bartlesville countryside. The H.C. Price Company and other tenants moved into the building with much fanfare in 1956. BusinessWeek called the building a bad investment and accused the Prices of victimizing their employees with an impractical building. Wright threatened to sue the publication. But, to the magazine’s point, the building’s elevators were slow, offi ces tended to be noisy, heating and cooling were challenging and windows leaked. But Joe Price and other executives later said the building provided a signifi cant psychological boost to company employees, who felt a sense of pride walking into such a novel building each morning. As for the apartments, while providing unique two- fl oor living quarters, relatively few were rented. Potential tenants balked at the high price ($285 a month for rent in1956), small closets and unusual shape. And, when they did move in, they found furniture wouldn’t fi t on the hexagonally-shaped elevators (the fi rst automatic elevators in Bartlesville) and had to be hauled up the exterior of the building. The kitchens, while well-appointed with modern appliances, were very small. Architect Bruce Goff (who introduced Wright to the Prices) lived and ran his studio in an apartment on fl oors 9 and 10. Another couple used an apartment as a radio studio for several years. On April 9, 1959, just three years after the building opened, Wright died. The architect never lived to see his dream in use for many years, as the Price Company continued to use the building until the company was dissolved and the tower sold to the Phillips Petroleum Company in 1981. The Price Tower went on to win the American Institute of Architects Twenty-Five Year Award in 1983. This is where C.J. “Pete” Silas, and his wife, Theo come in. As CEO of Phillips, he helped direct the company to give the Price Tower to the Price Tower Arts Center, which was formed In 1998 after the Bartlesville

The photos above show the Price Tower today, including “Copper”, a restaurant and bar in the building and a guest room at the Inn at Price Tower. The photo at left is how H.C. Price’s offi ce looked when the building opened.

(c) 2003 Christian M. Korab/ Korab Photo Museum & Sculpture Garden was reorganized as the Price Tower Arts Center. The Center’s fi rst exhibition, appropriately enough, was called “The Tree that Escaped the Crowded Forest” and focused on Wright’s work. Phillips paid to refurbish the exterior of the building in 2000. Price Tower Arts Center has restored the interiors and expanded the building’s use to include the Inn at Price Tower and Copper Restaurant + Bar, designed by Wendy Evans Joseph. “Without Pete and his wife, the Arts Center could not have developed as it has,” wrote Richard P. Townsend, executive director and CEO, in the forward of Prairie Skyscraper. Incidentally, Silas’s philanthropy has (c) 2003 Don Wheeler extended to Phi Delta Theta. He has served on the Educational Foundation board of trustees and has long supported the organization’s eff orts. He was chairman of the Foundation’s $5 million “Living Bond” campaign and also was chairman of Georgia Tech’s $700 million capital (c) 2003 Christian M. Korab/ Korab Photo campaign. In recent years, the Price Tower has found a new use as a luxury hotel and bar. New-York-based architect Wendy Evans Joseph updated Wright’s work to make apartments into hotel rooms. The building continues to be a destination for students of architecture and those interested in (c) 2003 Christian M. Korab/ Korab Photo Wright’s work. The presence of the Tower helped Bartlesville be named a “Distinctive Destination” for 2006 by the National Trust for Historic “Toward all I raise high the perpendicular Preservation. hand, I make the signal to remain after As the building celebrates its 50th year this me in sight forever, for all the haunts year, its patrons are looking to expand. Award- and homes of men. Where the city of winning and internationally-renowned architect the faithfullest friends stands, where Zaha Hadid has been selected to expand thrift is in its place but prudence is in the Price Tower Arts Center’s museum space. its place, where behavior is the fi nest Undoubtedly, new generations will be attracted to the Tower, which still looks contemporary at of the fi ne arts, where outside authority 50. For this, we can thank two famous Phis. enters always after the precedence of inside authority, where the city that Special thanks to the staff of the Price Tower Arts has produced the greatest man stands, Center for assistance in researching this article. For there the greatest city stands.” more information, visit --Walt Whitman. Quote was painted in gold in the lobby when the Price Tower opened.

69 Chapter News

Arizona which are 501(c)(3) Gamma –Tax Deductible. Northern Arizona Monies should be University marked for the For Arizona support of this AZ Gamma, the Gamma Academic weekend of Grant Fund. November 5, To emphasize the 2005 was not level of commitment simply this year’s to get these Homecoming academic grants celebration funded, the newly at Northern formed Arizona Arizona Gamma Alumni Club University. It also will be donating brought 50 plus to the Educational brothers and Foundation on an alumni together annual basis. For to celebrate AZ more information Gamma chapter’s 10 year anniversary. about the AZ Gamma Founded October 14, 2005, and thriving among today’s Alumni club and images from this year’s homecoming, Greek community at NAU, the Arizona Gamma chapter had please visit: a few festivities to commemorate the milestone. Prior to Saturday’s football game, the undergraduate California Delta Colony chapter held a tail-gate to welcome the alumni and University of Southern California build spirit for the game. The grills were fi red up, and On February 12 Kappa Alpha Theta members joined us to the undergraduates went all out to make the alumni feel visit the Belmont Village retirement home in Hollywood to comfortable; live music, horse shoe toss, and bounce house treat residents to an evening of hors d’oeuvres, conversation boxing were among the activities available to entertain all and dancing. To prepare, the USC swing dancing team who were in attendance. came to a chapter meeting to teach us some senior friendly AZ Gamma’s alumni traveled in from Ohio, Northern & moves (cha cha, fox trot, waltz). Resident Morty Jacobs, Southern California, Nevada, New Mexico and many from accompanist for George Burns and friend of Frank Sinatra, Phoenix, to join the undergraduate chapter in the festivities. played requests on the piano for the admiring audience Later that Saturday night a formal dinner was held in honor of young people. He and the other residents enjoyed the of the chapter’s tenth year on the NAU campus. Twelve spice that the evening brought to Belmont Village, and the of the original initiated members were among those in chapter had a wonderful time and we were worn out by the attendance at the dinner. Mixing those AZG brothers who energy and stamina of the residents. had single digit Bond numbers among those current active —Kevin Potgieter members in the triple digits was a great experience for all. Much of the chapter’s colorful history was exchanged and Colorado Gamma passed on to the younger actives. Colorado State University Guests of honorable mention present for the festivities We are well on our way to being the top fraternity on included; campus. Thanks to contributing eff orts from every member, John Jones - Current Omega Province President, the house has raised its cumulative GPA above the all- Russ Gillard –President of Valley of the Sun Alumni Club, Jerry Barlow – Valley of the Sun Alumni Club, Veronica Hipolito – Coordinator of Greek Life at N.A.U., Summer Burke – Assist. Hall Director of Greek Life, Dick Ambler – Flagstaff Resident and Phi Delta Theta Alumni from Colorado Gamma Chapter. During that night’s dinner, four undergraduates were awarded academic grants for their excellent scholastic performance. Presentation of the grants to these undergrads was performed by Russ Gillard and John Jones. Under the AZ Gamma Chapter Grant established by previous Province President George Grady, the four undergraduates who received them were: Justin Anderson, Michael Guff y, Mark Holden and Johnathan Newman-Goncha. A call to action was made to all AZ Gamma alumni to step forward and support this Academic Scholarship by making their personal donations to the Educational Foundation, Colorado Gamma Phis after the ALS walk

70 Chapter News campus and all-Greek average to retired after a 3.02. We also received the seal 41 years of approval from Colorado State of service University and are one of the lead to our contenders for Chapter of the Year chapter. award. We are one of only three houses Originally on campus that are participating in the hired in live-in adviser program. Keith Lopez, 1965 as a graduate student from New Mexico the cook, currently attending CSI, has been an Winnie’s amazing asset to the house. role The actives recently participated in expanded the annual ALS Cancer Walk held by over the the University every year. 28 actives decades helped set up, run, and take down the to become event which raised over $20,000 for the house cancer research. mother, Thanks to donations from alumni, Winnie MacKay with stewards Matthew Hespos, ’03, Kenneth Pacioni, property the house was recently re-carpeted, a ’67, David Kaufman, ’99, William Gay, ’81, Charles Bruder, ’01, manager, new deck was constructed and new Michael Coast, ’07, John Illingworth, ’00, David Hosford, ’05, and Paul friend and chairs purchased for the chapter room Birnesser, ’90 mentor and dining room. Thanks alumni! to the If all continues along its current track, Phi Delt should brotherhood. Her picture has appeared in 41 composites come out at the top of Greek life here at CSU. and she is a common link between generations of alumni —Kevin Haworth and more than 900 New York Zeta Phis. In appreciation of her long-standing service to the Indiana Kappa Fraternity, Winnie was honored in front of her family Ball State University and friends with a retirement banquet and an awards We would like to extend our thanks to Brother Jon Ely, ’91, presentation. Bruce Clayton, ’89, treasurer of the New for his generous donation of drywall and other furnishings York Zeta of Phi Delta Theta Corporation, presented a to restore the basement of the house. Your contribution is rendering of a brick bearing her name to be placed in the greatly appreciated. Phi Delta Theta Sesquicentennial Courtyard in Oxford, Ohio. Conrad Thiede, ’90, vice president of development for the Phi Delta Theta Educational Foundation, delivered Maryland Alpha a proclamation honoring her legacy on behalf of the University of Maryland Educational Foundation and the General Fraternity. Dozens of members provided their own testimonials about Winnie. These personal, humorous and sometimes tearful commentaries spanned four decades, ranging from members who were in the chapter when Winnie fi rst arrived to current undergraduate members. In addition to the retirement celebration, the undergraduate chapter, led by president Kyle Levenick, ‘07, hosted the Founding and Silver Legion ceremonies.

Missouri Gamma Washington – St. Louis We are honored to have so many outstanding athletes as part of our chapter, and they also are leaders off the fi eld, with Joe Rizzo as our chapter president and Brad Duesing as vice president. Duesing was only the second player in NCAA history to exceed 1,000 receiving yards in four straight seasons and was University Athletic Association Maryland Alpha celebrating their 75th anniversary, October (UAA) Off ensive Player of the Year. He is also recognized 21-21, 2005. for his work ethic and strong value system. Joe Rizzo was a three-time All-UAA fi rst team choice. Along with Brother Ben Schaub (also All-UAA fi rst team), they are the tri- captains of the football team. New York Zeta Colgate University On March 4, over 100 New York Zeta undergraduate and alumni brothers gathered to honor Winnie MacKay, who 71 Chapter News

Missouri serving as the offi cial school mascot, Pistol Pete. This Theta prestigious honor is the fi rst time a Phi Delt has served as Northwest the mascot in Pete’s 82 year life. Brett wears the white towel Missouri State in his back pocket to diff erentiate him from the other Pete. We are proud —Clint Spaulding to welcome into our Ontario Alpha brotherhood University of Toronto country music Ontario Alpha celebrated its 100th anniversary on February singer Chris 4th in grand style in the Great Hall at the university’s Cagle who graduated from the Ontario Alpha University of University of Toronto Texas-Austin and decided to become part of our chapter in October. Chris was impressed with our brotherhood within our chapter and everything that we have accomplished at Northwest Missouri State. He will continue to help out however he can, and be there for us whenever we need him. —Cody Gray

Ohio Theta Recognized as golden legionnaires were Barry Wilson University of Cincinnati (Nova Scotia Alpha), Walter Wells, Michael Armstrong, New members, actives and alumni mentors celebrate Olen Tucker, Robert Berlette, Robert Ballantyne, Bruce Gray, initiation at the University of Cincinnati. The chapter had a Malcolm Archibald, Laurence Buskard (Quebec Alpha) and banner year in recruiting in their new facility this year. Donald Mortin

beautiful and historic Hart House. Over 170 Phis from many chapters joined in the largest Founders Day banquet the chapter has seen in generations. The chapter was installed on May 28, 1906 and over the years has initiated more than 900 men. Attendees were treated to reminiscences throughout the evening from Brothers spanning the many years of the chapter’s existence, from Bruce Gray to Paul Kirkconnell to Ken Mayhew. More than 40 members received their Silver Legion pins, and ten Golden Legionnaire pins were awarded. The highlight of the night was when George Brigden was inducted into the Fraternity’s Legion of Merit for his outstanding lifetime contribution to the Fraternity. The Legion of Merit was presented to George by Executive Vice President Emeritus Bob Miller, who attended the festivities along with Mark Ochsenbein of the General Council. Oklahoma Beta George is only the second Canadian Phi bestowed with Oklahoma State University this honor, the fi rst being Fred Green. In addition to a long Ty Peck has been named as the 2006 Homecoming and distinguished legal career, Brother Brigden has served Executive Director for Oklahoma State which boasts the the Fraternity and his chapter consistently over the years, nation’s largest homecoming celebration. He is responsible including acting as Ontario Alpha’s chapter adviser, as well for nine other executive members, 25 cabinet members, as being the driving force behind the establishment of the and over 250 student volunteers. He is also a member of The Canadian Scholarship Foundation. President’s Leadership Council. Energized by the weekend, a number of alumni pledged Clint Spaulding and Matthew Carver served as two of money to put toward improving the chapter house, and the seven executives for the 10th Annual Orange Peel, a this has served as the impetus for the launching of a major student led Pep Rally and Benefi t Concert. Michael Hubert fundraising campaign. Alumni interested in contributing and Scott Eagle served as two of the four executives for should contact Grant Loree at [email protected]. Camp Cowboy, a summer camp of fi ve sessions introducing —Arnold Ceballos incoming freshmen to the traditions and lifestyle of the university. And Brett Adkins is one of two students currently

72 Chapter News

Texas Zeta reputation as a new kind of fraternity at U.Va. This was in Texas Christian University part due to the successes of individual Phis, some of whom We sponsored a presentation to our Greek community have become leaders at every level of University life over by University of Mississippi Dean of Students, Sparky the past fi ve years. From traditional forms of involvement Reardon, Mississippi ’72. He spoke about hazing elimination, such as Student Council and the Class Councils to less leadership and brotherhood to a group of 150 students. institutional avenues of leadership like working for the The presentation also featured humorous skits by chapter enormous Pancakes for Parkinson’s annual fundraiser or members demonstrating actions that qualify as hazing. leading Alternative Spring Break trips to Ecuador, Phis have Thank you Brother Reardon for coming to TCU! dedicated themselves to the U.Va. community and the larger world, demonstrating enormous abilities to lead, Virginia Beta organize and execute. University of Virginia Virginia Beta is focused now on its future. The fi rst aspect The University of of that future, of course, is membership, as the chapter Virginia is a community remains determined to maintain the standards it applies defi ned by tradition. during recruitment and to fi nd men who are searching for Since its founding the unique experience that Phi Delta Theta off ers. Equally in 1819, U.Va. has important is the chapter’s continuing commitment to developed a complex the brotherhood and the power of the bond that drew of traditions ranging its constituent members together in the fi rst place. This from formal attire commitment is amply demonstrated by the continued at football games involvement of the Virginia Beta alumni in chapter life, to a unique style of such as the recent establishment by the alumni of a House language which labels Corporation. Perhaps the most pressing goal of the chapter freshmen “fi rst years” is housing. Though still renting a house in the aftermath of and refers to the campus as “Grounds.” Directly across from its re-chartering, Virginia Beta hopes to be able to purchase the historical Lawn, built by Thomas Jeff erson, lies Rugby a chapter house in the near future, believing that owning Road, a center of such traditions. Here, the vibrancy of its house would allow the chapter greater freedom to do Virginia’s longstanding Greek community springs to life, simple things like house maintenance, while at the same mixing the traditional Jeff ersonian architecture of the red- time powerfully communicating that the chapter has truly brick houses with the ceaseless activity of the student body. reestablished itself. Most importantly, though, each brother The Greek community, however, is far from perfect. In 2000, of Virginia Beta is intent on holding fast to the principles of the revocation of the charter of Phi Delta Theta, looking always Phi Delta Theta’s Virginia Beta to tomorrow with the hope of chapter amply demonstrated the continued success, and always problems inherent in Greek life. proud to be a Phi. The revocation also demonstrated that the University community was ready for an example of Washington Delta what a fraternity could aspire to University of Puget Sound become. General Headquarters, To make this Christmas special, in conjunction with University we decorated our entire house for administrators, conducted an the holidays. On December 9 we extensive recruitment campaign, went on our annual brotherhood culminating in 2001 with the tree hunt and later that day we initiation of thirty-one men into exchanged gifts and watched The Bond of Phi Delta Theta with the movie “Home Alone.” On the explicit purpose of creating a December 10 we organized perfect fraternity. an open house for alumni and Over the past four years, the parents to see our handiwork. We Virginia Beta Phis have come also collected money and went a long way towards that goal. shopping for Toys for Tots and had The fi rst problems of the re- a very successful clothing drive chartered chapter were naturally for Goodwill. We wish everyone a logistical, as Brothers worked to Happy New Year. fi nd some sort of housing and —Pete Marcek to reestablish the Fraternity’s prominence on Grounds. This problem was complicated by the absence of a supportive alumni network. It was very shortly after the re-chartering, though, that Virginia Beta began to gain a Washington Delta members buying Toys 73 Chapter Grand

Jordan Haines Kansas ’49

Jordan Haines, a great Phi and longtime supporter of the Fraternity, died January 20.

Haines was a member of the Phi Delta Theta Educational Foundation board of trustees from 1998-2000. He also remained a loyal supporter of the chapter at KU and of the Fraternity’s eff orts in the region. In coelo He was also devoted to his alma mater, University of Kansas, serving as chair and member of the board of regents, quies a member of the executive committee of the KU Endowment est Association and as an interested Kansan. He served as director of the Campaign for Kansas fund drive for KU, which far surpassed its goal of $120 million by raising $285 million. In heaven In business, Haines was a successful banker in the region as leader of the former Bank IV. Local newspaper articles heralded there is his ability to take the bank to the next level in deposits, loans rest and earnings.

Dolph C. Simons, Jr., a writer for the Lawrence Journal-World newspaper said Haines was a colorful fi gure, often letting university offi cials, politicians and newspaper writers know his opinions “in rather colorful language,” Simmons wrote in an obituary. “He was unique in many ways and will be missed by many. Wichita, the state of Kansas, and Kansas University all are better today because of the interest, devotion and commitment of Haines.” Phi Delta Theta is, as well.

artifacts from his journeys. But, no matter how far he went, Robert Manley he continued to be an advocate for his hometown. He Cincinnati ’70 considered himself a “Cincinnati nationalist” and promoted the area at every opportunity. For many years, when universities tried to shut down chapters illegally or when chapters were in legal trouble, Known for his satirical wit and charm, he often it was Bob Manley, the fraternity’s lawyer, who came to commented on local issues in letters and newspaper their aid. Brother Manley died March 24 of a heart attack. columns. He was a defender of local property rights, He was 70. crusading against eminent domain private property seizures. Despite building a signifi cant portion of his practice on defending Greek letter organizations, Manley was not “He was a giant,” Cincinnati City Councilman Jim Tarbell a member of a fraternity until fairly recently, when he was said in the Cincinnati Enquirer. “He was in a class by himself.” initiated at University of Cincinnati (Ohio Theta) chapter during a Leadership College in Oxford. Brother Manley’s “Brother Manley’s contributions in defending Greek fi rm represented a number of fraternities and sororities, organizations are innumerable. His loss will be felt in Phi and he was frequently called in as special counsel to advise Delta Theta and throughout the Greek world,” said Robert and represent clients on the many issues that face fraternal A. Biggs, Phi Delta Theta executive vice president. Biggs’ organizations. He advised organizations on issues of policy, comments were echoed in a statement from Chi Omega risk management, rights and, when necessary, litigation. sorority. “Bob was a loyal friend and advisor. He cared Chapter offi cers and general offi cers of Phi Delta Theta are deeply about Chi Omega. His wisdom and guidance will familiar with Fraternal Law, a publication that provided continue to resonate with our leaders. He will be missed by guidance on legal matters for Greeks. all,” said Jean Mermoud Mrasek, national president.

Outside of the courtroom and offi ce, Manley was a world traveler, hiking the Amazon rain forest, climbing mountains, exploring ruins or traveling to tiny islands near Africa. His downtown Cincinnati townhouse was fi lled with

74 Chapter Grand

Alabama Cornell ’39, Daniel J. Inthout, Jr. of Palm City, Fla., 1/06 ’48, N. Harry Carpenter of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., 3/06 ’07, Will C. Demeranville of Mobile, Ala., 2/06 Davidson Amherst ’33, Edward O. Guerrant of Pasadena, Calif., 3/05 ’55, William W. Crook of Watertown, Mass., 9/05 ’55, Robert H. Jones of Macon, Ga., 11/05

Arizona Denison ’60, James B. McCleary of Phoenix, Ariz., 1/06 ’27, William S. Guthery of Fort Pierce, Fla., 6/05 ’36, David S. Ferguson of Ligonier, Pa., 5/05 Arizona State ’39, Albert J. Kull of Naples, Fla., 6/05 ’68, Robert F. Grabenkort of San Jose, Calif., 8/05 ’46, Richard W. Hansen of Fargo, N.D., 8/05 ’69, Michael M. Obletz of Campbellsport, Wisc., 8/05 Arkansas ’68, Michael A. Metcalf of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., 1/06 DePauw ’40, Luther M. Barrett of Escanaba, Mich., 1/06 Auburn ’94, James F. Sulzby IV of Birmingham, Ala., 2/06 Dickinson ’36, Robert J. Trace of Camp Hill, Pa., 2/06 Austin State ’57, Stanley L. Spencer, Jr. of Carlisle, Pa., 8/05 ’65, Frank B. Wooster of New London, Texas, 11/05 ’58, J. R. Dougherty of Carlisle, Pa., 2/06

Belmont Duke ’07, Dustin J. Wells of Brentwood, Tenn., 12/05 ’49, Luby R. Lynch, Jr. of Atlanta, Ga., 11/05 ’58, Ronald H. Keating of Minneapolis, Minn., 11/05 Bowling Green State ’60, Ronald W. King of Fort Frances, Ont., 11/05 ’57, Laurence M. Trask of Dublin, Ohio, 2/06 Florida Butler ’51, Joseph Nesbitt of Banner Elk, N.C., 3/06 ’44, George C. Griffi th of Indianapolis, Ind., 11/02 ’52, Robert F. Singleton of Miami, Fla., 1/06

California – Berkeley Franklin ’42, Jacques D. Lafi tte III of Medford, Ore., 1/05 ’41, John F. Davis of Winnetka, Ill., 11/05 ’47, E. Paul White of Napa, Calif., 12/05 ’50, Donald V. Lee of San Luis Obispo, Calif., 9/05 Georgia Tech ’32, Matthew T. Barnhill of Fairhope, Ala., 10/05 California – Irvine ’32, Howard L. Strong, Jr. of Hernando, Miss., 10/05 ’88, Douglas Van Patten of Temecula, Calif., 9/05 Illinois California – Los Angeles ’35, Nelson Hall Layman of Burr Ridge, Ill., 3/06 ’46, Edwin W. Desserich of San Diego, Calif., 1/06 ’51, James R. Fleury of Mission Viejo, Calif., 11/05 Indiana ’57, Robert W. Goeke, Sr. of Indianapolis, Ind., 1/06 Chicago ’79, Dennis J. Heathcott of Evansville, Ind., 2/06 ’48, William N. Flory of Chicago, Ill., 11/05 Iowa State Cincinnati ’34, Walter Rosene, Jr. of Daphne, Ala., 12/05 ’46, Paul J. Schneider of Aurora, Ohio, 10/05 ’40, Edward L. Fuller of Wayzata, Minn., 4/05 ’50, Warren G. Stichtenoth of Cincinnati, Ohio, 11/05 ’42, James B. Hoff man of Lawrence, Kan., 12/05 ’57, Thomas E. Betscher of Vero Beach, Fla., 11/05 ’43, Reece Stuart III of Des Moines, Iowa, 8/05 ’58, Jerry R. Jung of Cincinnati, Ohio, 10/05 ’49, Keith D. Berry of Huntington Beach, Calif., 12/05 ’70, Robert E. Manley of Cincinnati, Ohio, 3/06 Iowa Wesleyan Colgate ’43, George W. Alexander of Burlington, Iowa, 3/06 ’36, Frederick A. Johnson of Afton, N.Y., 8/05 ’45, Warren W. Vandagriff of Ft. Dodge, Iowa., 2/06 ’38, Robert H. Prior of Buff alo, N.Y., 10/05 ’50, Frank W. Mountain of Pittsburgh, Pa., 11/05 ’51, Francis W. Chaphe of Hamilton, N.Y., 10/05

Colorado College ’49, Wayne L. Adamson of Scottsdale, Ariz., 12/05 75 Chapter Grand

Kansas Montana ’42, Clinton W. Kanaga, Jr. of Kansas City, Mo., 2/06 ’33, Russell B. Watson of Dana Point, Calif., 1/05 ’46, Richard R. Potter of Fredericksburg, Va., 9/05 ’48, William L. Mitchell of Hutchinson, Kan., 3/06 Nebraska ’49, Jordan L. Haines of Wichita, Kan., 1/06 ’49, Del W. Ryder of Green Valley, Ariz., 8/05 ’71, James A. McClure of Topeka, Kan., 2/06 New Mexico Kansas State ’50, John H. Madden II of Las Cruces, N.M., 6/04 ’65, Jerry V. Brewster of Marianna, Fla., 12/05 North Carolina Kentucky ’36, Sherrod Salsbury of Morganton, N.C., 2/06 ’44, Charles Nuckols, Jr. of Midway, Ky., 10/05 ’39, Isaac D. Ham, Jr. of Greensboro, N.C., 12/05 ’44, John L. Armistead, Jr. of Charlotte, N.C., 10/05 Lafayette ’58, Frederick Nagle, Jr. of Coral Gables, Fla., 11/05 North Dakota ’53, A. E. Arnason of Homestead, Fla., 12/05 Lehigh ’37, Frank M. Howells of Atlanta, Ga., 1/05 North Texas ’57, Robert L. Stromberg of Keller, Texas, 3/06 Lynchburg ’95, John W. Boyd III of Northfi eld, N.J., 2/05 Northwestern ’61, Frederick G. Becker of Los Gatos, Calif., 3/06 Maryland ’52, Bernard A. Twigg of College Park, Md., 2/06 Ohio State ’40, J. A. Pierce of Sun City West, Ariz., 12/05 McDaniel ’46, Thomas S. Mulbarger of Columbus, Ohio, 1/06 ’76, Robert D. Friedman of Baltimore, Md., 10/05 ’66, James B. Meier of Simpsonville, S.C., 12/05

McGill Ohio University ’45, John P. Ofremchuck of Niagara Falls, Ont., 5/05 ’44, Robert F. Schenz of Rancho Santa Fe, Calif., 10/05 ’54, George S. Petty of Montreal, Quebec, 3/06 ’49, Robert H. Bartlett of Signal Mountain, Tenn., 1/06 ’50, Daniel L. O’Brien of Dublin, Ohio, 11/05 Mercer ’54, Frank E. Reynolds of Sugar Grove, Ohio, 11/05 ’35, Charles E. Roberts, Jr. of Macon, Ga., 3/06 ’61, Richard H. Wertz of Miami, Fla., 1/06 ’56, Bennett R. Whitaker, Jr. of Abilene, Texas, 12/05 Ohio Wesleyan Miami – Florida ’37, Abram R. Wells of Acme, Pa., 12/05 ’57, Edwin P. Drescher of Franklin, N.C. 3/06 ’44, Julian R. Brondes, Jr.of Findlay, Ohio, 1/06 ’52, Chris J. Christy of Indianapolis, Ind., 1/06 Miami – Ohio ’59, Charles L. Thompson of Knoxville, Tenn., 12/05 ’50, Austin E. Palmer of Lancaster, Ohio, 5/05 ’54, Allen A. Hiestand of Eaton, Ohio, 11/05 Oklahoma ’77, Peter H. Deatherage of Maineville, Ohio, 11/05 ’50, Henry E. Boecking, Jr. of Oklahoma City, Okla., 11/05 ’56, Richard M. Crawford of Fort Washington, Md., 12/04 Michigan ’57, Nathan S. Scarritt, Jr. of Garden Grove, Calif., 2/06 ’44, Andrew H. Marsch of Glen Ellyn, Ill., 3/05 ’59, Joseph S. Cotner III of Tucson, Ariz., 12/05

Michigan State Oklahoma State ’37, Cecil L. R. Hunter of Ashland, Ky., 3/05 ’53, Lucian N. Price of Urbandale, Iowa, 8/05 ’52, John D. Ringle of Fairfax Station, Va., 12/05 ’61, James A. Butts of Huntington Beach, Calif., 7/05

Mississippi Oregon ’43, John D. Guyton of Kosciusko, Miss., 11/05 ’37, Frank E. Nash of Portland, Ore., 11/05 ’45, Joseph S. Terry of Vicksburg, Miss., 11/05 ’40, Robert E. Vadnais of Redmond, Wash., 5/05 ’53, Ernest O. Spencer, Jr. of Jackson, Miss., 1/06 ’56, Henry S. Spragins III of Saratoga, Fla., 1/06 Oregon State ’45, Cromwell S. Norene of West Haven, Conn., 5/05 Missouri ’56, Robert F. Nolte, Jr. of Burlington, Iowa, 11/05 Pennsylvania ’57, John W. Dunham of Fulton, Mo., 4/05 ’45, Ronald M. Carey of Salem, Ore., 3/06

76 Chapter Grand

Pennsylvania State Virginia ’49, Martin V. Slager, Jr. of Grand Rapids, Mich., 12/05 ’56, Kermit Lowry, Jr. of Bristol, Tenn., 3/06

Puget Sound Wabash ’50, Edward M. Lane of Puyallup, Wash., 2/06 ’44, Joseph F. Meehan, Jr. of Albany, N.Y., 1/05 ’51, Harreld S. Fleisher of Carlsborg, Wash., 4/05 ’58, Donald J. Findlay of Fair Oaks, Calif., 12/05 Washburn ’46, Jules V. Doty, Jr. of Ottawa, Kan., 2/06 Purdue ’59, James B. Fleming of Scottsdale, Ariz., 11/05 ’52, Gaylord J. Gano of Fort Myers Beach, Fla., 1/06 Washington Randolph Macon ’55, Edwin R. Young of Seattle, Wash., 3/06 ’69, Svein J. Lassen of Newport News, Va., 1/06 Washington – St. Louis Richmond ’59, Robert W. Glenn of Overland Park, Kan., 11/05 ’42, Ellis P. George of Richmond, Va., 1/06 Washington and Lee Sonoma State ’43, Philip A. Sellers of Montgomery, Ala., 10/05 ’08, Vincent Lattanzio of Fresno, Calif., 6/05 ’45, Floyd W. McRae, Jr. of Atlanta, Ga., 10/05 ’45, Thomas Moore, Jr. of Lookout Mountain, Tenn., 1/06 South Dakota ’50, J.P.G. Muhlenberg of Wyomissing, Pa., 10/05 ’’53, Howard A. Anderson of Vermillion, S.D., 2/06 ’54, Ernest F. Carlisle III of Aiken, S.C., 11/05 ’54, George B. Post, Jr. of Quogue, N.Y., 7/05 Southern Methodist ’65, William N. Wilkinson, Jr. of Memphis, Tenn., 11/05 ’42, Philip O. Montgomery of Dallas, Texas, 12/05 ’44, Thomas M. Jarmon, Jr. of Dallas, Texas, 10/05 Washington State ’46, Herbert D. Hadley of Longview, Wash., 3/06 Southwestern – Texas ’58, Richard C. Spinn, Jr. of Waco, Texas, 9/05 Whitman ’42, Tod D. Burnam of Everett, Wash., 2/06 Stanford ’56, Noel D. Aronson of Kalispell, Mont., 11/05 ’39, William R. Kirsch of Concord, Calif., 2/06 ’39, Charles L. Prince of Alta, Calif., 11/05 Wisconsin ’37, Charles E. Nelson, Jr. of Livingston, Texas, 5/05 Tennessee Tech ’49, Thomas M. Ryan of Bonita Springs, Fla., 8/05 ’77, Daniel C. Bowden of Lebanon, Tenn., 1/06

Texas – Austin ’45, Duncan C. Howard of Waco, Texas, 12/05 ’67, Francis P. Hadlock of Houston, Texas, 12/05

Texas A&M ’88, Kevin J. Casey of Houston, TX, 2/06

Texas Christian ’68, Donald R. Gibbs of Huntingdon, Pa., 2/06

Toronto ’38, Thomas F. C. Cole of Toronto, Ont., 1/06 ’91, Craig B. Jones of Oshawa, Ont., 12/05

Valparaiso ’58, Thomas L. Pinkstaff of Atascadero, Calif., 10/05

Vanderbilt ’40, Frank W. Williams II of Birmingham, Ala., 8/04 ’43, Gilbert S. Blake of Sanford, Fla., 10/05 ’47, Charles J. Sanders, Jr. of Naples, Fla., 12/05 ’48, Hewitt P. Tomlin, Jr. of Jackson, Tenn., 2/06 ’54, George M. Clark, Jr. of Chattanooga, Tenn., 3/06 77 Undergraduate Phis from across North America ultimately; also being able to exchange ideas and learn descended upon St. Louis in early January for two from each other’s mistakes and triumphs.” leadership events. The 7th annual Presidents Leadership • “Getting feedback from all of the other presidents and Conference welcomed over 150 chapter presidents for an seeing this organization as a whole. It is a lot diff erent intensive three-day training period built around the theme to see it than read about it or hear about it.” “The Courage to Change.” In a nearby hotel, Phi Delta Theta’s • “Interacting with other presidents, and networking with fi rst “Recruitment Boot Camp” with nearly 100 chapter men to continue discussing matters away from PLC. recruitment chairmen was held. The fact that I can continue growing, and gain skills Chapter presidents discussed and debated the to help my chapter, is the most meaningful part of the importance of building relationships with their stakeholders PLC experience.” such as the campus administration, the local community • “Our chapter operates on quite a bit of tradition, and leaders, their alumni, and the General Headquarters. Large I was never taught that some of these traditions group sessions were also held on important issues such violate the order of the way things are to be done at as risk management and how to run an eff ective chapter this Fraternity. PLC was invaluable to me because it meeting. Several fellow undergraduate “peer mentors” showed me where we were erring in our ways as a provided brief talks about their own leadership experiences. chapter and where I can improve the chapter itself to Brothers were assigned to small groups according to bring it back to the standards of Phi Delta Theta.” their chapter’s demographics, and topics included: ritual, leadership, the chapter success model, minimum standards, During Recruitment Boot Camp (RBC), chapter hazing, goal setting and action plans. recruitment chairmen were asked to complete a self- Brother Sparky Reardon ensured the Brothers evaluation on their recruitment program including their understood their role as chapter presidents when he chapter’s organizational abilities, recruitment skills, and spoke about having the courage to step-up and address motivation. The program provided discussions on how to their chapter’s challenges head-on in his talk entitled, align the Fraternity’s values during recruitment activities “Leadership – Presidents Can’t Punt.” The closing session and how to appropriately brand their home chapter during came from the dynamic speaker, Will Keim. His topic was recruitment, both visually and thematically. “Promoting the Development of Leadership through the After three intense days, each attendee left RBC with a Education of Character.” Keim has spoken to more students full-scale action plan on how to improve recruitment back on more campuses about actualizing peak performance at their home chapter. The action plans contained goals for and leadership than anyone in our nation. His wit, the chapter to accomplish with the help of Chapter Advisory humor, and engaging stories about leadership received a Boards, Province Presidents, Greek Offi cials, and the General standing ovation and closed out the Presidents Leadership Headquarters staff . Conference. In order to assist the recruitment chairmen in taking The undergraduate Brothers left St. Louis armed with these ideas home, they met with their respective chapter new ideas and a renewed spirit to tackle the challenges president on the last day of both conferences to share they face on their individual campuses and within their the plans and ideas that they gathered from the various own chapters. When asked what the most rewarding speakers and breakout sessions. David Stollman, co-founder aspect of the Presidents Leadership Conference was, the of CAMPUSPEAK and creator of the RBC program, presided undergraduate delegates provided these comments in the over this joint session after heading up Recruitment Boot conference evaluations: Camp. • “Revisiting the core values that make us who we are was The Phi Delta Theta General Council and General extremely rewarding.” Headquarters staff would like to thank the twenty-fi ve • “Meeting other Brothers from diff erent schools volunteers who helped facilitate these two conferences. and having the opportunity to speak to every General They took time away from family, friends, and work to help Council member in person.” shape and guide the undergraduate members who are the • “Meeting presidents from chapters all over North future leaders of Phi Delta Theta. America and knowing that we’re all in the same boat

78 A Profi le in Giving ~ A Lifetime Commitment Today, Jerry Felmley, Illinois ’54, serves as Now that he has the fi nancial means to chairman for a committee of Air Force Reservists comfortably give to the Foundation, Jerry does that meets annually to select scholarship so by shifting his equity shares, which allows him recipients from among the ranks of young men in to meet the giving level he desires to reach each the Air Force Reserves. He attributes his lifetime year. He sees his fi nancial gifts as an extension interest in scholarship to his involvement with of his commitment to the organization—a this group and as a donor to the Phi Delta Theta demonstration of his love for the Fraternity. He Educational Foundation. explains that, “off ering a helping hand to younger Phis through my donations to our Educational Jerry explains that his undergraduate fraternity Foundation is the essence of the Phikeia Oath: experience had a “very positive infl uence in his ‘I will strive in all ways to transmit to those who life,” and he emphasizes the long-term benefi ts may follow after, not only not less, but greater of being a member of Phi Delta Theta. He than it was transmitted to me.’” And that, declares clarifi es, “it’s not just a 4-year experience; it is an Jerry, “is my commitment—to continue to make opportunity to be involved for life.” the fraternity better than it was in 1950, 1995 and 2005, for those who will follow my path.” When Jerry was initiated in 1951 he was pinned by his cousin, Jim Meek, one of 12 Phi Delts on that side of his family. Jerry Jerry says his greatest satisfaction from contributing to the describes this as one of his fondest Phi Delt memories. The pin Educational Foundation comes in meeting undergraduates and was signifi cant because it had belonged to Jim’s father in the early alumni who have received Educational Foundation grants towards 1900s, and Jerry was honored to wear it until he purchased one of their academic goals. “I feel a direct relation to their success.” his own. He’s now “99% retired.” After 27 years on active duty with the Air What makes him most proud to be a Phi? For Jerry it’s the Force and then working in acquisition management and business relationships that remain even today with about two dozen of the consulting, Jerry now spends his time with the University of 88 men who were in the chapter with him. He recalls the close Arizona Phi Delta Theta chapter, the Tucson Alumni Club, and with relationships they built while in the chapter and they still get his three daughters that reside across the U.S. together for football weekends. Members from Jerry’s pledge class keep in close contact and every winter there are about 14 of them As a member committed to our cause, Jerry Felmley has been who get together for a mini-reunion in Tucson where Jerry resides. a donor to the Foundation for over 35 years. He is a member of the Living Bond Society and the Founders Club, and has been Jerry credits the fraternity experience as being a place where a member of the Trustees’ Roundtable since its inaugural year. young men can build relationships and learn discipline as they Because of his lifelong interest in scholarship and Phi Delta Theta, progress through their undergraduate years. He explains, “I there is a direct connection that Jerry has to many of our members attribute my success with interpersonal relationships to both my – some he has met over the years in his travels and some he will membership in Phi Delta Theta and my active duty in the Air Force. never meet but only assist them in achieving their academic goals. I was able to use the skills I learned in a very competitive business Either way, Jerry’s contributions to Phi Delta Theta will continue to environment. You learn to easily recognize diff erences in others, touch the lives of our members in years to come. how to approach negotiation, interview new employees, build cohesive and eff ective teams and still maintain good friendships.” 79 Summer 2006 Plans?

We hope to see you in June at the 76th Biennial Convention in Kansas City, MO. Visit www.phideltatheta. org for more information or call 513.523..6345 for more information.

Undergraduates: Read about an importance conference on page 65 76th Biennial Convention Hyatt Regency Crown Center Kansas City, MO June 29- July 2, 2006

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