Itchingfield Parish

HDC SHELAA Housing Land Report by Parish, December 2018 Parish

The following sites have been considered as part of the December 2018 SHELAA Housing Land Assessment.

A map depicting the entire site area and summary of each site assessment is included on the following pages.

Please note that the classification of a site is based on the classification of the developable area within that site, therefore if part of a site is considered ‘developable’ 6‐10 years, the whole site would be coloured yellow, however in reality only part of that site may be considered suitable for development.

The outcome of the assessment for Itchingfield Parish is summarised as follows:

SHELAA Site Name Site Address Outcome of Assessment Total Reference Units SA006 Land adjacent to Smugglers Not Currently Developable 0 Lane SA130 Land south of the River Arun Christ’s Hospital, Itchingfield Not Currently Developable 0 and land west of the railway SA344 Land to rear of Two Mile Ash Barns Green Not Currently Developable 0 Road SA510 Land to the West of Chapel Barns Green Not Currently Developable 0 Road SA522 Itchingfield School Itchingfield School and Glebe, Not Currently Developable 0 Itchingfield Road SA613 Land at Slaughterford Farm Slaughterford Farm, Barns Green Not Currently Developable 0 (Sumners Pond) Greenfield/PDL PDL SA622 Land at Wellcross WellcrossSite Total 0 Farm Cottage, Wellcross Not Currently Developable 0 Lodge,Years 1 Five-5 Deliverable Oaks Road, Years 6-10 Developable SA649 Land at Plumtree Cross Lane YearsPlumtree 11+ Cross Lane, Bucks Green Not Currently Developable 0 Not Currently Developable Excluded Site Exclusion Reason Lapsed PP Date Suitable Available

HDC SHELAA Housing Land Report by Parish, December 2018 This page is intentionally blank Parish Itchingfield

SHLAA Reference SA006 Site Name Land south of Smugglers Lane

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Smugglers Lane, Barns Green Years 6-10 Developable Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 3.28 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL Greenfield Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification The landowner has expressed an interest in developing the site meaning it is 'available'. The site is in the countryside adjacent to the western edge of the built up area boundary of Barns Green, which is classified as a medium village in Policy 3 of the District Planning Framework(HDPF), having moderate level of services and facilities. Unless allocated for development through the review of the Planning Framework 2015 (HDPF) or via a made Neighbourhood Plan, it is considered development would be contrary to Policies 1 to 4 and 26 of the HDPF. In addition, this site, although located adjacent to the settlement edge, is not well related to the built form of the village. It is therefore assessed as 'Not Currently Developable'.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 006 : Land south of Smugglers Lane, Barns Green


41.0m Play Area ´ MUNTHAM DRIVE Pavilion

El Sub Sta 5


36.5m GP 1


Bennetts Works

Marney Elm 2


Garden House 32.5m

PO 8 The

Pond Herons Reach (PH) 6 TCB



48 1 SIX 34 36

Track 32.1m THE HORDENS 57

Drain 37 FBs 47 31.3m 49

House 10

11 2

Little 1 4 FARM CL 1 7 6 5 North

SMUGGLERS WAY South 12 14 13 1 11


16 3 12 El Sub Sta Built Up Area Boundary 28 60 FB 26 ROAD Excluded Land Designations 3 9 59 5 4 Sites of Special Scientific Interest The Old 55

5a 42 Special Protection Areas 54

5b FIELD FINIANS El Sub Sta Scheduled17 Monuments 5c 2 46 51 SMUGGLERS WAY Registered Parks and Gardens 52 29 50 The Barn RAMSAR sites Sumners 56 60 47 Path Pond 31 Site Assessment70 Ranking FB Deliverable 41 Cottage DevelopableGP Bungalow 32.9m

Scale : 1:2500 Not Currently DevelopableOwl House The Loft MP Level Crossing

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 West RH12 1RL. Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Itchingfield

SHLAA Reference SA130 Site Name West of the Arun Valley Railway

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Christ’s Hospital, Itchingfield Years 6-10 Developable Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 73.1 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL Greenfield Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification This is a strategic scale site in the countryside west of Christ's Hospital, separated from the settlement by the Arun valley railway line near Christ’s Hospital Station. The site has severe access problems due to the rural nature of the surrounding road network and the poor access to the station from west of the railway line. The proximity of the sewage works to the east and the restored municipal waste landfill site (Baystone Pit) to the north are likely to be a constraint to development of the northern part of the site. A site of this scale would need to be considered through the local plan review as a potential new settlement and there are a number of infrastructure issues which would need to be addressed. Unless allocated for development within the revised Horsham District Planning Framework (HDPF) or a made Neighbourhood Plan, any development would be contrary to Policies 1 to 4 and 26 of the current HDPF. It is therefore assessed as 'Not Currently Developable'.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 130 : West of Arun Valley railway, Christ's Hospital, Itchingfield ´

Built Up Area Boundary

Excluded Land Designations Sites of Special Scientific Interest Special Protection Areas Scheduled Monuments Historic Parks and Gardens RAMSAR sites Site Assessment Ranking

Deliverable Developable Not Currently Developable Scale : 1:10000 Excluded

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 RH12 1RL. "NAME" =Date: Revision: Barbara Childs : Director of Place 'SA308' Parish Itchingfield

SHLAA Reference SA344 Site Name Land rear of Two Mile Ash Road Barns Green

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Land to rear of Two Mile Ash Road, South of Years 6-10 Developable Parson's Brook, Barns Green Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 3.2 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL Greenfield Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification A planning consultant on behalf of the land owner has expressed an interest to develop the site meaning it is ‘available’. The site is located in the countryside, outside the defined built-up area boundary of Barns Green, which is identified as a medium village in Policy 3 of the Horsham District Planning Framework, having moderate level of services and facilities. Ancient Woodland and Bat Sustenance Zone are present within the site boundary. Unless allocated for development through the review of the HDPF or via a made Neighbourhood Plan, it is considered development would be contrary to Policies 1-4 and 26 with some conflict to Policy 31 of the HDPF. The site is therefore considered ‘Not Currently Developable’.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 344: Land rear of Two Mile Ash Road, Barns Green, Itchingfield ´ Pond 41.3m Sandhills Downie Cottage

Drain Parson's Brook The Nook

Hele Farm



SillwoodPond House


1 New 2

38.0m Stonecote

The Crickets

1 2 Myrtle 2 1 Parkview


Motto Cottage JessamineTerrace Path (um) 1

Parson's Brook Lower Lodge Parkers Apelone Pond 2 6 Hope Villa 1 Rose 4 Holly Tree Cottage Villas 2 1 23 Henleys TWO MILE 13 Apple Trees 19 15 27 9 Barns Green 35.6m 22 Excluded Land Designations Primary Sunnycroft 10 School 7 18 Sites34 of Special Scientific Interest

7 10 27 5 2 Special Protection Area 1 BRAMBLE CLOSE 20 8 17 Scheduled Monuments

10 2 1 Registered Parks and Gardens


Barns Green 1 16 7 PLACE 2 1 3 RAMSAR site SYCAMORE RISE


6 ESS Built Up Area Boundary 12 14 10 4 1 2 4 Site Assessment Ranking 32.8m Deliverable 14 BOX CLOSE 1 Developable 20 7 13 26 6 Not Currently Developable

Scale : 1:2,50013 Pond Excluded

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 West Sussex RH12 1RL. Date: 08/09/2014 Revision: 25/10/2018 Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Itchingfield

SHLAA Reference SA510 Site Name Land South of Muntham Drive Barns Green

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Land to the West of Chapel Road, South of Years 6-10 Developable Muntham Drive, Barns Green Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 1.85 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL Greenfield Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification The planning consultant on behalf of the landowner has expressed an interest in developing the site meaning it is ‘available’. The site is located in the countryside and abuts the western edge of the Barns Green BUAB which is defined as a Medium Village by Policy 3 of the Horsham District Planning Framework 2015 (HDPF), having a moderate level of services and facilities. The site lies within a Bat Sustenance Zone and there are public rights of way running along the western and southern boundaries of the site. The Great Field Rue area of Ancient Woodland lies in close proximity to the south western corner of the site. Four Grade II listed buildings also lie in close proximity to the eastern edge of the site.

Unless allocated for development through the review of the HDPF or a made neighbourhood plan, it is considered development would be contrary to Policies 1 to 4 and 26 of the HDPF. The site is therefore assessed as ‘Not Currently Developable’.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA-510 : Land South of Muntham Drive Barns Green

´ Path (um)

Recreation Ground 38.0m


41.0m Play Area


1 El Sub Sta 5 Galliards


36.5m Cornerways 1 Limes GP 1



Bennetts Primary Works School Marney CottageElm 2 1

Blacksmiths Cottage

Garden House

32.5m Barns Green

PO 8 The Queens Herons Head (PH) 6 Reach TCB

Built Up 4Area Boundary 10 CLOSE

Excluded Land Designations12 ACRES 48 1 Sites of SpecialSIX Scientific Interest Special Protection34 Areas 26 36Scheduled Monuments 32.1m Track THERegistered HORDENS Parks and Gardens 57 RAMSAR sites 37 21 49 Site 47Assessment Ranking 29 31.3m Deliverable

House 10 Developable

11 2 Not Currently Developable 18

Scale : 1:2000 Little 1 4 Excluded Slaughterford 1

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham West Sussex RH12 1RL. Date: Revision: Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Itchingfield

SHLAA Reference SA522 Site Name Itchingfield School

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Itchingfield School and Glebe, Itchingfield Road Years 6-10 Developable Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 1.71 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL PDL Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification The landowner has expressed an interest to develop the site meaning it is ‘available’. The site is in the countryside in the centre of Itchingfield, which has been defined as an unclassified settlement in Policy 3 of the Horsham District Planning Framework (HDPF) due to its lack of services and facilities. The site is a former primary school and lies within a Bat Sustenance Zone. To the immediate south west lies the Grade II listed Itchingfield House and to the north, beyond a field, is the Itchingfield Conservation Area. Unless allocated for development or similar through the review of the HDPF or via a made neighbourhood plan, it is considered development would be contrary to Policies 1 to 4 and 26 of the HDPF and the site is therefore assessed as 'Not Currently Developable'.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA522 : Itchingfield School

Path (um)

´ Itchingfield



Itchingfield Primary School 66.0m

Pond Rose Cottage



House Hook Coach House

Dove Cottage


Built Up Area Boundary

Rectory Cottage Excluded Land Designations Sites of Special Scientific Interest The Granary Special Protection Areas Scheduled Monuments Registered Parks and Gardens RAMSAR sites

Site Assessment RankingPond Deliverable Developable Scale : 1:1500 Not Currently Developable

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham West Sussex RH12 1RL. Date: Revision: Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Itchingfield

SHLAA Reference SA613 Site Name Land at Slaughterford Farm (Sumners Pond)

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Slaughterford Farm, Barns Green Years 6-10 Developable Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 1.5 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL PDL Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification The landowner has expressed an interest in developing the site for mixed use meaning it is ‘available’. The site is in the countryside adjacent to the built up area boundary of Barns Green, which is classified as a medium village in Policy 3 of the Horsham District Planning Framework 2015 (HDPF), having moderate level of services and facilities. The HDPF Bat Sustenance Zone is present within the site boundary and Ancient Woodland adjoins the western boundary. The northern half of the site is open land and the southern part is an existing employment estate. Unless allocated for development through the review of the HDPF or via a made Neighbourhood Plan, it is considered development would be contrary to Policies 1 to 4 and 26 with some conflict with Policy 31 of the HDPF. The site is therefore considered ‘Not Currently Developable’.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA-613 : Land at Slaughterford Farm (Sumners Pond), Itchingfield


Bennetts Works

Marney Elm ´ 2



PO 8 Queens Pond Herons Reach (PH) 6 TCB


48 1 SIX 34 36

Track 32.1m THE HORDENS 57

Drain 37 FBs 47 31.3m 49

House 12

11 2

Little 1 4 FARM CL 1 7 5 8 North

South 12 14 13 1 11


16 3 El Sub Sta

28 60 FB 26


3 9 59

4 5 The Old 55




5b FIELD FINIANS 17 El Sub Sta 5c 2 46 51 SMUGGLERS WAY

52 29 50 The Barn Sumners 56 60 47 Path Pond 31 70 FB 41 Cottage Built UpGP Area Boundary Bungalow 32.9m Excluded Land DesignationsOwl House The Loft MP Level Crossing Sites of Special Scientific Interest 2 Pond Special Protection1 Areas

Scheduled Monuments 31.6m Hill View 1 Registered Parks and Gardens2

RAMSAR sitesMeadow View The Site Assessment Ranking Lower 32.6m Deliverable Developable Tennis Court Not Currently Developable Scale : 1: 2,500 Excluded

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham West Sussex RH12 1RL. Date: Revision: Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Itchingfield

SHLAA Reference SA622 Site Name Land at Wellcross

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Wellcross Farm Cottage, Wellcross Lodge, Five Years 6-10 Developable Oaks Road, Slinfold Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 8.13 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL Both Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification A planning consultant has expressed an interest in developing the site meaning it is ‘available’. The site is located in the countryside south west of the built up area boundary of , which is classified as Small Town/Larger Village in Policy 3 of the Horsham District Planning Framework 2015 (HDPF) with a good range of services and facilities. The HDPF Bat Sustenance Zone is present and an area of land is at risk of flooding (Flood Zone 2 & 3). Unless allocated for development through the review of the HDPF or via a made Neighbourhood Plan, it is considered development would be contrary to Policies 1-4 and 26 with some conflict to Policy 31 and 38 of the HDPF. The site is therefore considered ‘Not Currently Developable’.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 622 : Land at Wellcross, Road, Itchingfield

Millmead Pond 40

32 1

Cattle Grid to 2

8 7 GG ´ A 281


20 The Paddocks 32

Pond 1 Arun House EDWARDS4 CLOSE Pond 27 10

A281 13 63 21 46 55

16 43 39 13 37 FB 15


CR 11 9 49 Ward Bdy 7 1 FB FB Ward Bdy A 264 6 1 New Bridge 4 Path Balancing ED & Ward DrainBdy 2 Def 12 9 FARLEY CLOSE Nurseries 1 Lyons Farm Green Acres 7 Pond CR 9 1 15 Green Acres Wellcross Farm Cottage 28.5m 31.0m Lyons Brookside 0.91m FF 6 2

3 6 Lyons Farm Estate LB 2 30 19 Pond 0.91m FF 9 14

13 21 Bungalow 18 HouseNew Lyons Corner 2 Kerwin Court 31 20 Acorns 30.9m 1 9 43 22 33 Garage 51 Wellcross Lodge TULLET WAY 2 1 24 Drain ESS Lower Barn El Sub Sta 5 36 30 Wellcross Grange Home Barn Cottage 42 Home Cottage Track

Pond Bdy 32.9m CR

Three Barn Cottage

River Arun Woodlands Built Up Area Boundary Cob House Pond Excluded Land Designations Nutwood Sites of Special Scientific Interest Path (um) Copeside Rough Special ProtectionMill Bridge Areas 38.0m Scheduled Monuments Dingle Pond Registered Parks and Gardens 0.91mDef RH Landing Strip RAMSAR sites 32.7m Site Assessment RankingTrack

0.91m RH 36.7m 39.2m Deliverable Developable Def Not Currently Developable Scale : 1:5,000 Excluded

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham West Sussex RH12 1RL. Date: Revision: Barbara Childs : Director of Place Parish Itchingfield

SHLAA Reference SA649 Site Name Land at Plumtree Cross Lane, Bucks Green

Years 1-5 Deliverable Site Address Land at Plumtree Cross Lane, Bucks Green Years 6-10 Developable Years 11+ Site Area (ha) 0.639 Suitable Not Currently Developable Greenfield/PDL Greenfield Available Site Total 0 Achievable

Justification The landowner has expressed an interest to develop the site meaning it is 'available'. The site is in a relatively isolated location, unrelated to a settlement edge. Development in this location is assessed to be unsustainable. It is considered development would be contrary to Policies 1 to 4 and 26 of the HDPF and the site is therefore assessed as ‘Not Currently Developable’.

Excluded Site Exclusion Reason

Lapsed PP Date

HDC SHELAA Report, December 2018 SA - 649 : Land at Plumtree Cross Lane, Bucks Green, Itchingfield

´ Plumtree Cross Hill




1 Middle Lodge







2 Ark Cottage


Built Up Area Boundary Warrenhurst Excluded Land Designations Sites of Special Scientific Interest Special Protection Areas Scheduled Monuments Registered Parks and Gardens RAMSAR sites

Waylan Site Assessment Ranking Deliverable Developable Not Currently Developable Scale : 1: 2,500 Excluded Pond 41.3m

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey map on behalf Horsham District Council of HMSO. © Crown copyright and database rights (2018). Ordnance Survey Licence.100023865 Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham West Sussex RH12 1RL. Date: Revision: Barbara Childs : Director of Place