Commentary: The Fallacy

We all believe in climate change as Earth’s climate has been constantly changing since its beginning 4.5 billion years ago. However, climate alarmists have substituted the euphemism “Climate Change” for Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) believing it to be a better stratagem to postulate AGW. Consequently, with a populace having little science knowledge, liberal politicians and media devoid of scientific veracity, the Climate Change ruse lives-on.

The three major falsehoods of Climate Change are: 1) global temperature increases are based on computer modeling (i.e. forecasts) and those models are considered accurate and sacrosanct; 2) 97% of scientists believe that global warming is human caused and; 3) increasing amounts of atmospheric CO2 causes a corresponding increase in global warming.

Computer Models: Computer modeling is used for forecasting short-term weather forecasts and longer-term global warming prophecies. We know 3 – 7-day weather forecasts can change daily and are often wrong. Then, you may ask, why are climate alarmist’s computer models that have been predicting distressing temperature increases for the last 35 years to be believed? They shouldn’t be believed as not one of the 102 IPCC CMIP-5 Climate Models has been correct when compared to balloon and satellite data sets.1 Compared to satellite data they typically run hot by a factor of 2; in the tropical mid- troposphere they run hot by a factor of 3.5.2 This is a fatal flaw for the paradigm of “Climate Change”…if your prediction is proven wrong, your theory is wrong.

97% Consensus: The foremost deceitful statement regarding Climate Change is that 97% of all scientists agree with AGW. Simply not true. There is no survey of all scientists that supports this falsehood. This fiction came about through the deceitful manipulation of survey data from two sources.

First: A University of Illinois Masters student and adviser surveyed 10,257 scientists in which 3,146 responded. They selected just 77 responses from “published grant-funded climate scientists” where 75 said humans were causing global warming; 75 out of 77 equals the 97.4% erroneous consensus claim. Excluding the other 3,069 responses makes this data statistically invalid and erroneous.

Second: From cognitive research scientist John Cook’s abstract: Of 11,944 papers reviewed… he stated “We find that 66.4% of abstracts expressed no position on AGW, 32.6% endorsed AGW, 0.7% rejected AGW and 0.3% were uncertain about the cause of global warming. Among abstracts expressing a position on AGW, 97.1% endorsed the consensus position that humans are causing global warming.” Had he included the abstracts that “expressed no position on AGW” the true result of that survey would be “32% endorsed the position that humans are causing global warming.”

These originating sources shows the basis and fallacy of the 97% consensus statement.3 As the saying goes, “tell a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.”

1 Source: New U.S. Climate Report a 'Scientific Embarrassment' scientific-embarrassment/ 2 Source: Gordon J. Fulks, PhD (Physics) rebuttal to Walla Walla Union-Bulletin: Time for a Nonpartisan Discussion of Climate Change 3 Reference:

CO2: Underpinning the Climate Change fallacy is that global warming is caused by increases in atmospheric CO2 due to human activity. There is no scientific evidence supporting this theory. Instead, 800,000 years of Antarctica ice core analytical data shows that CO2 increases lag that of temperature increases, not conversely. The Minoan, Egyptian, Roman and Medieval times were warmer than current times. Atmospheric CO2 concentrations have risen for the entire seven decades since the end of World War II, yet global temperatures went down for three decades, rose for two and have shown a near level trend for the last two decades.

Gas contributors to the are 95% water vapor (H2O), 4.2%, (CO2) with other minor gases and aerosols accounting for the remaining 0.8%. Human-caused CO2 emissions contribute only 5% to the present level of atmospheric CO2 with nature adding the other 95%.

CO2 is considered the gas of life! It is colorless, tasteless, and odorless. Without CO2 all life on our planet would cease to exist. CO2 helps produce oxygen through photosynthesis. With the current level of atmospheric CO2 at 410 ppmv the earth’s greenery and plants are abundant…it is plant food. Humans inhale 400 ppmv of CO2 and exhale 40,000 ppmv of CO2 with every breath. Farmers use greenhouses imbued with 1000-1200 ppmv of CO2 to accelerate vegetable and plant growth. CO2 is infused into our sodas to effect carbonation (bubbles). And, unquestionably, CO2 is not a pollutant.4

Summary: The “Climate Change” fallacy is steeped in liberal ideology and is all about money, political power and control; Al Gore aggrandizing AGW, liberal university researchers ravenous for research grant monies, politicians craving new carbon emission taxes. When science becomes political it is no longer science. When politicians fund research solely to support a desired result and ideology, that is corruption. Climate Change is a hoax.

4 Source:

General climate science references:

Climate4You - or click directly for overview The BIG picture CO2 Coalition - , PhD - Ed Berry, PhD - Roy Spencer, PhD - The Deplorable Climate Science Blog - Friends of Science - Popular - supporting.html

Dennis G Ortega Member, Global Warming Realists group Woodburn, OR

Education: Chapman University, Magna cum laude Stanford Graduate School of Business