VECTOR The Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Assocation No. 255 Spring 2008 £4.00 2007 IN REVIEW PLUS:books Laurie J Marks •& Kelly films Link, Stephen Baxter,• television Andy Sawyer and Graham Sleight NEW BOOKS REVIEWED: Aldiss, Asher, Banks, Baxter, Hamiltton Rucker, Simmons & much more VECTOR The Critical Journal of the British Science Fiction Association Spring 2008 No. 255 Contents The British Science Fiction Association Torque Control 3 President Sir Arthur C. Clarke, CBE Editorial by Niall Harrison Vice President Stephen Baxter Chair (acting) Tony Cullen Vector Reviewer’s Poll: 5
[email protected] The Best Books of 2007 Treasurer Martin Potts Compiled by Kari Sperring 61 Ivy Croft Road, Warton Near Tamworth Threes and 2007’s: the films of 2007 14 B79 0JJ
[email protected] By Colin Odell and Mitch Le Blanc Membership Peter Wilkinson Services 39 Glyn Avenue, New Barnet Transmission, Interrupted: 19 Herts., EN4 9 PJ TV of 2007
[email protected] by Saxon Bullock Membership fees UK £26p.a., or £18 p. a. (unwaged), or Logic and Loving Books: 24 £28 p.a. (joint/family memberships) Laurie J. Marks and Kelly Link Outside UK £32 in conversation The BSFA was founded in 1958 and is a non- First Impressions 29 profitmaking organisation entirely staffed by unpaid Reviews edited by Paul Billinger volunteers. Registered in England. Limited by guarantee. Company No. 921500 Foundation Favourites 42 by Andy Sawyer Registered address: 61 Ivy Croft Road, Warton, Near Tamworth, B79 0JJ Resonances 44 by Stephen Baxter Website