26Th Annual Report of the Securities and Exchange Commission Fiscal
26th Annual Report of the Securities and Exchange Commission Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1960 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Headquarters Office 425 Second Street NW. Washington 25, D.C. COMMISSIONERS January 3, 1961 EDWARD N. GADSBY, Chairman HAROLD C. PATTERSON [Deceased November 29,1960.] EARL F. HASTINGS BYRON D. WOODSIDE DANIEL J. McCAULY, JR. ORVAL L. DuBois, Secretary LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, Washington, D.C., January 3, 1961. SIR : On behalf of the Securities and Exchange Commission, I have the honor to transmit to you the Twenty-Sixth Annual Report of the Commission covering the fiscal year July 1,1959, to June 30, 1960, in accordance with the provisions of Section 23 (b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, approved June 6, 1934; Section 23 of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935, approved August 26, 1935; Section 46 (a) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, approved August 22, 1940; Section 216 of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, approved August 22, 1940; and Section 3 of the act of June 29, 1949, amending the Bretton Woods Agreement Act; and Section 11 (b) of the Inter-American Development Bank Act. Respectfully, EDWARD N. GADSBY, Chairman. THE PRESIDENT of THE SENATE, THE SPEAKER of THE HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES, Washington, D.C. Harold C. Patterson 1897-1960 Harold C. Patterson was serving his second term as a member of the Securities and Exchange Commission at the time of his death on November 29,1960. He brought to his high offices in the public service a broad experience and a vast fund of knowledge of the Nation's financial community.
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